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5/20/23, 2:20 PM tokenizer NLP

Tokenization: Splitting the text into individual words or tokens.

Lowercasing: Converting all text to lowercase to ensure consistent word representation.
Stop word removal: Removing common words that do not carry much meaning (e.g.,
"a," "the," "is") to reduce noise.
Punctuation removal: Removing punctuation marks to focus on the essential words.
Lemmatization or stemming: Reducing words to their base or root form to normalize
variations (e.g., "running" to "run").
Removing numbers: Eliminating numerical values that may not be relevant for the
Removing special characters: Eliminating symbols or special characters that do not
contribute to the meaning.
Handling contractions: Expanding contractions (e.g., "can't" to "cannot") for consistent
word representation.
Removing HTML tags (if applicable): Removing HTML tags if dealing with web data.
Handling encoding issues: Addressing encoding problems to ensure proper text
Handling missing data: Dealing with missing values in the text, if any, through
imputation or removal.
Removing irrelevant information: Eliminating non-textual content, such as URLs or email
Spell checking/correction: Correcting common spelling errors to improve the quality of
the text.
Removing excess white spaces: Eliminating extra spaces or tabs between words.
Normalizing whitespace: Ensuring consistent spacing between words.
Sentence segmentation: Splitting the text into individual sentences, if required.
Feature engineering: Extracting additional features from the text, such as n-grams or
part-of-speech tags, for more advanced analyses.


Word Tokenization
In [5]: text = """There are multiple ways we can perform tokenization on given text data.
We can choose any method based on langauge, library and purpose of mode
tokens = text.split()

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5/20/23, 2:20 PM tokenizer NLP

['There', 'are', 'multiple', 'ways', 'we', 'can', 'perform', 'tokenization', 'on',

'given', 'text', 'data.', 'We', 'can', 'choose', 'any', 'method', 'based', 'on',
'langauge,', 'library', 'and', 'purpose', 'of', 'modeling.']

Sentence Tokenization
In [12]: text = """Characters like periods, exclamation point and newline char are used to s

line = text.split(". ")


['Characters like periods, exclamation point and newline char are used to separate
the sentences',
'But one drawback with split() method, that we can only use one separator at a ti
me! So sentence tonenization wont be foolproof with split() method.']

Tokenization Using RegEx

In [14]: import re
text = """There are multiple ways we can perform tokenization on given text data.
We can choose any method based on langauge, library and purpose of modeling."""
tokens = re.findall("[\w]+", text)

['There', 'are', 'multiple', 'ways', 'we', 'can', 'perform', 'tokenization', 'on',

'given', 'text', 'data', 'We', 'can', 'choose', 'any', 'method', 'based', 'on', 'l
angauge', 'library', 'and', 'purpose', 'of', 'modeling']

Sentence Tokenization
In [17]: text = """Characters like periods, exclamation point and newline char are used to s
tokens_sent = re.compile('[.!?] ').split(text)

['Characters like periods, exclamation point and newline char are used to separate
the sentences.But one drawback with split() method, that we can only use one separ
ator at a time',
'So sentence tonenization wont be foolproof with split() method.']

Tokenization Using NLTK

word Tokenization

In [18]: from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

text = """There are multiple ways we can perform tokenization on given text data. W
tokens = word_tokenize(text)

['There', 'are', 'multiple', 'ways', 'we', 'can', 'perform', 'tokenization', 'on',

'given', 'text', 'data', '.', 'We', 'can', 'choose', 'any', 'method', 'based', 'o
n', 'langauge', ',', 'library', 'and', 'purpose', 'of', 'modeling', '.']

sentence Tokenization

In [20]: from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize

text = """There are multiple ways we can perform tokenization on given text data. W
tokens = sent_tokenize(text)

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5/20/23, 2:20 PM tokenizer NLP

['There are multiple ways we can perform tokenization on given text data.', 'We ca
n choose any method based on langauge, library and purpose of modeling.']

Tokenization Using spaCy

word Tokenization

In [23]: from spacy.lang.en import English

nlp = English()
text = """There are multiple ways we can perform tokenization on given text data. W
doc = nlp(text)
token = []
for tok in doc:

[There, are, multiple, ways, we, can, perform, tokenization, on, given, text, dat
a, ., We, can, choose, any, method, based, on, langauge, ,, library, and, purpose,
of, modeling, .]

sentence Tokenization

In [32]: nlp = English()

text = """Characters like periods, exclamation point and newline char are used to s
doc = nlp(text)
sentence_list =[]
for sentence in doc.sents:

['Characters like periods, exclamation point and newline char are used to separate
the sentences.', 'But one drawback with split() method, that we can only use one s
eparator at a time!', 'So sentence tonenization wont be foolproof with split() met

Tokenization using Keras

word Tokenization

In [33]: from keras.preprocessing.text import text_to_word_sequence

text = """There are multiple ways we can perform tokenization on given text data. W

tokens = text_to_word_sequence(text)

['there', 'are', 'multiple', 'ways', 'we', 'can', 'perform', 'tokenization', 'on',

'given', 'text', 'data', 'we', 'can', 'choose', 'any', 'method', 'based', 'on', 'l
angauge', 'library', 'and', 'purpose', 'of', 'modeling']

sentence Tokenization

In [34]: from keras.preprocessing.text import text_to_word_sequence

text = """Characters like periods, exclamation point and newline char are used to s

text_to_word_sequence(text, split= ".", filters="!.\n")

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['characters like periods, exclamation point and newline char are used to separate
the sentences',
' but one drawback with split() method, that we can only use one separator at a t
' so sentence tonenization wont be foolproof with split() method']

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