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Alliance Error Codes 2017

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Bulletin No. FB10-25R2

Date February 2016
Product Type All
Purpose Announcement
Interchangeable Yes
Subject Error Codes Master List

The following is a list of possible error codes. Click on the product below to go to the error codes.
Frontload Washer
Topload Washer
Tumble Dryer
Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)
Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)
Washer-Extractor (Czech made)


Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Alrn, ALrn Break-in Alarm Error Service the service door or coin vault switches.
or ALArn
door Door Open Indicator Door is not closed during an active cycle. If door is
closed, check for improper wiring or inoperative door
E rr or Err Coin Error Invalid coin pulse or inoperative coin sensor. Check
coin drop area and remove obstructions. If error
persists, tampering may have occurred. Evaluate
security procedures.
E:00 General Error Re-aim external device and try again.
E:01 Proximity Error External device is improperly aimed at infrared
communicator (angle or distance). Re-aim external
device and try again.
E:02 IR Communication External device removed before communication
Disconnection complete. Re-aim external device and try again.

Error Codes Master List

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E:05 Invalid Value Communication Invalid code downloaded from external device to
Electronic Control. Before downloading, ensure data is
for current machine type.
E:07 Inoperative Control Replace control.
E:08 Inoperative Control Replace control.
E:09 Proximity Error External device is improperly aimed at infrared
communicator (angle or distance). Re-aim external
device and try again.
E:0A Proximity Error External device is improperly aimed at infrared
communicator (angle or distance). Re-aim external
device and try again.
E:0B IR Communication External device removed before communication
Disconnection complete. Re-aim external device and try again.
E:0C IR Communication External device removed before communication
Disconnection complete. Re-aim external device and try again.
E:0F IR Communicator Programmed Reprogram infrared communicator on. Manually enable
Off IR on control/Re-aim external device and try again.
E:OP Open Temperature Sensor Error Open temperature sensor circuit wiring. Change sensor.
E:SH Shorted Temperature Sensor Short in temperature sensor circuit wiring. Change
Error sensor.
EC:00 General Communication Error Communication failure. Try card again.
EC:02 or Timeout Error Communication failure. Try card again.
EC:03 or Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not
EC03 valid for this machine type, or the control could not
perform the command in its current mode of operation.
Before downloading, ensure data is for current machine
type and control is in correct mode.
EC:05 or Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
EC05 programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type
and recheck the programming option's value and try
EC:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EC:09 Corrupted Data Error Communication error. Try card again.

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Error Codes Master List

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EC:0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EC:19 or No Card Reader Communication Communication failure. Check card reader, control and
EC19 harness. Power down, power up and try again. If error
persists, replace control or card reader.
EC:20 Unreadable Card Inoperative card/ dirty contact. Clean chip on card or
card reader contacts. Try card again. If error persists,
card may be inoperative.
EC:21 Security ID Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct security code.
EC:22 Site Code Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct site code.
EC:23 Card Maximum Value Exceeded Value on card over max. Use a card which does not
exceed maximum value.
EC:24 Insufficient Memory on Card Card memory is full. Download card contents to PC and
clear card for re-use.
EC:25 Card Reader Malfunction Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
EC:26 Card Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be
EC:27 Diagnostic Test Card Write Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:28 Diagnostic Test Card Read Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:29 Diagnostic Test Memory Test Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:2A Diagnostic Test Card Interface Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:2b Diagnostic Test Flash Checksum Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:2C Biberon or Non-biberon Device Faulty card reader. Replace card reader.
EC:2d Firmware Update Failed, S/W Firmware load failed. Replace card reader.
(Software) Intact
EC:2E Firmware Update Failed, S/W Faulty firmware in reader. Replace card reader
Not Intact
EC:2F Firmware Updated, S/W Not Faulty firmware in reader. Replace card reader.

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Error Codes Master List

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EC:30 Timeout Error Card Reader may need to be replaced
EC:31 Hotlisted Card Inserted Into Card hotlisted. Control will destroy card.
EC:50 Loyalty Purse Read Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be
EC:56 Loyalty Purse Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be
EC11 No Card Reader Initialization Communication is valid, but there is no card reader
initialization. Power down, power up and try again.
EC18 No Communication Card reader initialized, communication lost. Power
down, power up and try again. If error persists, replace
control or card reader.
EC36 Audit Card Removed Re-insert audit card and wait until machine prompts for
Prematurely card removal.
EI:00 General Communications Errors Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:01 or Transmission Failure Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI01 again.
EI:02 or Device Timeout/Timeout Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI02 again.
EI:03 or Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not
EI03 valid for this machine type, or the control could not
perform the command in its current mode of operation.
Ensure data is for current machine type and control is in
correct mode.
EI:04 or Expecting Upload Request or Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI04 Command Packet Time Out again.
EI:05 or Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
EI05 programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type,
values entered are within the minimum and maximum
limits and recheck the programming option's value and
try again.
EI:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EI:07 Error Writing to RTC Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.
EI:08 Error Writing to EPROM Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.

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Error Codes Master List

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EI:09 or CRC-16 Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI09 again.
EI:0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EI:0F or Invalid Wakeup or IR Disabled Communication failure or IR is disabled. Manually
EI0F enable IR on control/Re-aim external device and try
EI0A Framing Error Communication error. Re-aim external device and try
EI0C Time-out Exceeded Communication error. Re-aim external device and try
EI0E Encryption Error Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type and check security code
and retry.
EoP or Open Thermistor Error Remove any lint build-up around thermistor. If problem
E oP persists, replace control or thermistor.
ESH or Shorted Thermistor Error Remove any lint build-up around thermistor. If problem
E SH persists, replace control or thermistor.
E id Board ID Incorrect replacement control. Replace user control or
output board with correct part.
E dS Brownout/Voltage Configuration Unexpected supply voltage. Check the harness
connections between the user control and the output
board. If the user control was replaced, set dipswitch #1
to the same setting as the previous control. If reworking
the machine to use a different supply voltage, the dip
switch #1 setting may need to be changed. If the dip
switch #1 setting is changed, power down, power up
and try again.
E nr Output Board Not Ready Hardware failure. Replace output board.
E bS Output Board Communication Hardware failure. Replace output board.
EnXX Machine ID Communication failure. Power down, power up and try
again. If error persists, check connection between user
control and Machine ID chip, or try replacing the user
control or the Machine ID chip.

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Error Codes Master List

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E Co Output Board Communication Communication failure. Power down, power up and try
again. If error persists, check connection between user
control and output board, or try replacing the user
control or the output board.
E 59 Door Input Acquisition Hardware failure. Replace output board.
E 60 Centrifugal Switch Input Hardware failure. Replace output board.
E 61 High Limit Thermostat Input Hardware failure. Replace output board.
E ro Locked Rotor The motor is not sensed as rotating when it should be.
Check that nothing is obstructing motor rotation, check
connection between user control and output board, or
try replacing the user control or the output board.
E nS Motor Output Shorted Hardware failure. Replace output board.
IN USE Shorted Thermistor Error If the control sense a temperature greater than 210±4°F
LED during an active cycle it will set a Shorted Thermistor
blinks error. The control will flash the IN USE LED three
three times times separated by a one and a half second pause. This
+ 1.5 sequence is repeated as long as the Shorted thermistor
second error is sensed.
IN USE Open Thermistor Error If the control sense a temperature less than 0°F when the
LED heat has been on for at least three minutes it will set an
blinks open thermistor error. The control will flash the IN USE
twice + 1.5 LED twice separated by a one and a half second pause.
second This sequence is repeated as long as the Open
pause Thermistor error is sensed.
OFF or Break-in Alarm Shutdown Error Service the service door or coin vault switches.
OP Open Thermistor Error Physical open in the thermistor circuit. Replace
thermistor. Possible causes are: 1) thermistor, 2) wiring
between control and thermistor or 3) control.
Right most Network Communication Error Communication failure. Wait for 1.5 minutes for error to
DP clear. If it doesn’t, power-down and power-up the
(decimal machine. If error persists, control or Network Board
point) Lit may need to be replaced.
SH Shorted Thermistor Error Dead short int he thermistor circuit. Replace thermistor.
Possible causes are: 1) shorted thermistor, 2) a short in
the wiring between control and thermistor or 3) control.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Alrn, ALrn or Break-in Alarm Error Check the service the door or coin vault switches.
door or dor Door Open Indicator Door is not closed during an active cycle. If door is
closed, check for improper wiring or inoperative door
DOOR and FINAL Motor Failure Error If the control receives the motor failure signal from the
SPIN LEDs motor control, the control will enter Error Mode. The
control will turn off all outputs and flash the DOOR and
FINAL SPIN LEDS one second on/one second off to
indicate a motor failure error. This is a fatal error. The
machine must be unpowered to clear this error.
DOOR LED Door Lock/Unlock Error If the door doesn’t lock in 15 seconds in Door Locking
Mode or the door doesn’t unlock in 3 minutes in Door
Unlocking Mode, the control will enter Door Lock Error
Mode. The control will turn off all outputs and flash the
DOOR LED one second on/one second off to indicate a
door lock/unlock error. To clear this error in Door
Locked Mode the door must either open or lock. If the
door locks, the cycle will start normally. If the door
opens, the control will revert back to Start Mode. To
clear this error in Door Unlocking Mode the door must
unlock or open. If the door unlocks or opens, the control
will enter End of Cycle Mode.
DOOR LOCKED Door Lock/Unlock Error If the door doesn’t lock in 15 seconds in Door Locking
and CLOSE DOOR Mode or the door doesn’t unlock in 3 minutes in Door
LEDs flashing Unlocking Mode, the control will enter Door Lock Error
Mode. The control will turn off all outputs and flash the
on/one second off to indicate a door lock/unlock
error.To clear this error in Door Locked Mode the door
must either open or lock. If the door locks, the cycle will
start normally. If the door opens, the control will revert
back to Start Mode.To clear this error in Door
Unlocking Mode the door must unlock or open. If the
door unlocks or opens, the control will enter End of
Cycle Mode.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
DOOR LOCKED Motor Failure Error If the control receives the motor failure signal from the
and FINAL SPIN motor control, the control will enter Error Mode. The
AND TUMBLE control will turn off all outputs and flash the DOOR
second on/one second off to indicate a motor failure
error. This is a fatal error. The machine must be
unpowered to clear this error.
E dF or E:dF Drive Failure Motor unplugged, motor failure, tachometer circuit open
or drum locked up. Unpower machine to reset.
E dL or E:dL Door Lock Error Door does not lock within 15 seconds of closing or
doesn’t unlock 3 minutes after cycle completion. Open
and reclose door.
E dL or Er, dL Door Lock Fatal Error Door is unlocked during a running cycle. To clear this
error, cycle power to the machine. Check door lock and
door latch for damage and replace if error continues.
Also check door lock wire harness for damage or for
E dL1 or Er, dl Door Lock Non-Fatal Error If the door fails to lock in 20 seconds in Door Locking
Mode after the drive has been enabled, the control will
turn off all outputs and show the error E dL1. To clear
this error the door must either open or lock. Overloading
the machine or broken shocks may keep door from
properly closing. First check that door is fully closed. If
door still fails to lock, check door lock and latch for
damage. Check door lock wire harness for damage or
E dL2 or Er, dU Door Unlock Non-Fatal Error If the door fails to unlock 20 seconds after the drum has
stopped spinning with a solenoid type door lock and all
other outputs have been turned off, the control will show
error. To clear this error the door must unlock or open.
Removing power for 3 minutes will automatically allow
door lock to unlock. Make sure to press on door and
then pull to unlock the door as pressure on door lock/
latch will prevent door from unlocking. Possible causes
of this issue are broken shocks or clothes load causing
pressure on door and door latch/lock preventing it from
unlocking. If it still fails to unlock, check door lock and
latch for damage. Also check door lock wire harness for
damage or disconnection.
E door or Er, do Door Opened During A Running Control detects door open during a cycle. This can be
Cycle caused by pulling on door while locked or about to lock.
Correct inoperative door locking system. Check door
switch and harness for damage or disconnection.
Unpower machine to clear error.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E do, E:do or E:dO Door Opened During a Running Control detects door open and door locked inputs high.
Cycle Caused by pulling on door while locked or about to
lock. Correct inoperative door locking system.
E dr Drain Alarm Error Machine did not drain. Power down machine.
E FL, E:FL or Er, FL Fill Error Pressure switch fails to open in 30 minutes (or other
programmed length of time) in any fill agitate cycle or
maximum fill time exceeded. Check for water pressure
at inlets, water valves for operation, clog in water line,
plugged filter screen on water hose, and the pressure
sensor hose for air leak to determine cause of error. May
also be caused by programming too short of a
programmed Fill Time for the water level and water
pressure of the machine.
E Ht, E:HT or E:Ht Heater Error Programmed temperature hasn’t been reached in more
(models equipped than two hours. Cycle will continue with heater off.
with heater) Replace inoperative heater circuit components.
E oP Open Thermistor Error Thermistor circuit opens while heating. Heater will turn
off and cycle will continue.
E rr Coin Error Invalid coin pulse or inoperative coin sensor. Check
coin drop area and remove obstructions. If error persists,
tampering may have occurred. Evaluate security
E SH Shorted Thermistor Error Thermistor circuit is shorted while heating. Heater will
turn off and cycle will continue.
E SP SPI Communications Error Master control cannot communicate with motor control.
Caused by transformer unplugged or wiring to motor
control incorrect. Power down the machine, power up
and try again.
E Ub or E:Ub Unbalance Error Unable to balance load. Redistribute load and retry.
E Ub1 or Er, ub Non-Fatal Unbalance Error Washer is unable to balance load. Redistribute load and
run cycle. If running a small load or one large item, add
more items to help machine balance the load better. If
items are rubber or other water resistant type material,
load may never reach full spin speed. Ensure machine is
properly leveled and check for broken shocks. Increase
"Number of Balance Attempts" parameter to allow more
retries if error occurs often. Refer to programming
E Ub2 or Er, Ub Fatal Unbalance Error Wires to unbalance switch are broken or not connected,
unbalance switch may be stuck closed or a shock may
be broken. Unpower to clear error.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
CLoSE door or do Door Open Indicator Door is not closed during an active cycle. If door is
closed, check for improper wiring or faulty door switch.
Coin Error Coin Error Invalid coin pulse or inoperative coin sensor. Check
coin drop area and remove obstructions. If error persists,
tampering may have occurred. Evaluate security
E id Board ID Incorrect replacement control. Replace user control or
drive board with the correct part.
E dS or Er, dS Brownout/Voltage Configuration Unexpected supply voltage. Check the harness
connections between the front end control and the drive
board. If the front end control was replaced, set dip
switch #1 to the same setting as the previous control. If
reworking the machine to use a different voltage supply,
the dip switch #1 setting may need to be changed. If the
dip switch #1 setting is changed, power down, power up
and try again. Also check Pin H2-7 on the front end
control to ensure good connection between front end
control and drive board.
E nr or Er, nr Drive Board Not Ready Hardware failure. Try cycling power to machine before
replacing drive board.
E bS or Er, bS Drive Board Shorted Hardware failure. Try cycling power to machine before
replacing drive board.
EnXX Machine ID Communication failure. Power down, power up and try
again. If error persists, check connection between front
end control and Machine ID Chip, or try replacing the
front end control or the Machine ID Chip.
En 31 Product Byte #1 Mis-Match Product family does not match between the Machine ID
Control and Front End Control. Replace Machine ID
Control with one meant for current Front End Control
En 32 Product Byte #2 Mis-Match Machine type does not match between the Machine ID
Control and Front End Control (frontload washer vs.
dryer). Replace Machine ID Control and/or front end
control with one meant for current machine type.
En 33 Product Byte #3 Mis-Match Control level does not match between the Machine ID
Control and Front End Control (A4 vs. A2). Replace
Machine ID Control with a properly configured A level
for the control being attached. Use Factory Test
Procedure to determine front end control’s control level.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
En 39 Corrupted Data on Machine ID Try cycling power to machine. If error continues, check
Control for damage to Machine ID Control and harness and/or
replace Machine ID Control with a correctly configured
Machine ID Control.
En 3E Machine control cannot be con- Try cycling power to machine. If error continues, check
figured with the Machine ID for damage to Machine ID Control and harness and/or
Control in the machine replace Machine ID Control with a correctly configured
Machine ID Control.
En 3F Cannot communicate with the Try cycling power to machine. If error continues, check
Machine ID Control for damage to Machine ID Control and harness and/or
replace Machine ID Control with a correctly configured
Machine ID Control.
E Co or Er, Co Drive Board Communication Communication failure. This error is caused by certain
Error cycle counters that need to be reset by restarting the
control. Unplug the washer, wait 30 seconds and then
re-apply power to clear the error.
If error persists, check connection between front end
control and drive board, or try replacing the front end
control or the drive board. Many times a loose pin or
wire is at fault for this error.
E dr or Er, dr Drain Error If the control has the drain error enabled, the control will
enter Machine Error Mode when the water height is not
below the empty level, after attempting to drain for the
programmable time (default 5 minutes). In the event of a
drain error, the control will turn off all outputs and turn
on the Machine Error Tone for 15 seconds. Check
wiring to drain and that power is present at drain. Check
for objects stuck in drain hose or in pump on electric
pump units. Ensure that drain hose meets drain height
restrictions. Increase programmable drain error time if
pump is working but not able to pump out quickly
enough. Unpower to clear error.
E Sd or Er, Sd Slow Drain Error Water is not draining as quickly as expected in any cycle
step that drains water during the cycle. The machine
control will light the right-most decimal point even after
the drain error display has cleared. The decimal point
will remain illuminated after the slow drain error display
has expired to draw the attention of the owner or
attendant. The decimal point can be cleared by pressing
the START keypad 3 times in a period of 5 seconds or
by cycling the power to the machine.
ESd Slow Drain Error Control shows error after door is open (when cycle is
completed) for one minute, the error information will be
logged in audit data.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E Ht or Er, Ht Heater Error If the heater is enabled and the water temperature has
not reached the desired temperature selection within the
programmable time, the control will indicate a heater
error. If this error occurs, the heater output will be
turned off and the cycle will continue. This error will be
cleared when the door is opened or any key is pressed.
Possible causes include wire harness to heater elements
are damaged, heater elements are damaged, corrosion of
wires/connectors, or programmable heater error time is
too short for the programmed heat temperature and
amount of water in machine.
E tE or Er, tE Max Temperature Exceeded The control will continuously monitor the Machine
Error Status for an indication that the maximum water
temperature is exceeded. When the cycle has been
completed and if the control has saved a Max
Temperature Exceeded Error, the control shows the
error for one minute after the door is opened or a key is
pressed. Check for stuck heater relay/contactor.
E oP or Er, oP Open Temperature/Thermistor The drive board will flag an Open Thermistor Error any
Sensor Error time it senses a temperature less than 0°C (32°F). The
heater output is turned off for the remainder of the cycle.
At the end of the cycle, error code will be shown. It
clears after one minute or with any key press. Check
wiring to heater elements and thermistor for damage.
E SH or Er, SH Shorted Temperature/Thermistor The drive board will flag a Shorted Thermistor any time
Sensor Error it senses a temperature greater than 100°C (212°F).The
heater output is turned off for the remainder of the cycle.
At the end of the cycle, error code will be shown. It
clears after one minute or with any key press. Check
wiring to heat elements and thermistor for damage.
E SudS or Er, SL Suds Lock Error In the spin steps, if the control determines that there are
suds in the machine after running all Suds Removal
Routines programmed to run, it will display a Suds Lock
Error at the end of the cycle after the door is opened.
The control will continue showing E SudS for one
minute or until any key has been pressed. To prevent
error, reduce detergent used, increase Suds Removal
Routines allowed, check for draining issues, check that
drum spins freely, and make sure no small items are
lodged between drum and outer tub.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E Hd or Er, Hd Too Hot To Drain Error If water is detected to be too hot to drain safely, this
error will occur. It is advised to add a cool down step to
the cycle after every heating step to avoid this error.
Another possible cause of this error is that the heater
contactor/relay is stuck on. Error will display after door
is opened in End of Cycle Mode. It will clear after 1
E Ld or Er, LE Water Leak Drain Error If there is a leak during the water leak detection of the
cycle when programmed on, an error will display after
the door is opened at the end of cycle for 1 minute. It
will clear after 1 minute or until a key is pressed. If the
water level has dropped more than an acceptable amount
during a water leak drain check, the control will save a
water leak drain error status and will continue the
machine cycle. Immediately upon detecting the error the
rightmost decimal point will be lit. This lit decimal point
can be cleared by pressing the START keypad 3 times in
a period of 5 seconds or by cycling the power to the
machine. The cause of this error may be the drain hose
leaking or a stuck gravity drain valve on gravity drain
E StHt Slow To Heat Error Non-Fatal Error that will appear during the running
cycle without affecting the cycle. Machine error code is
turned on for 15 seconds. It will clear after a key is
pressed. Possible cause of error is one of the heater
elements may be broken/disconnected, heater elements
may need to be cleaned of lint, or programmable slow to
heat error time needs to be increased for the load size
and water amount being heated. Refer to Heater Error
for other possible causes.
Ed Drive Board Errors
E d 10 or Ed, 10 Voltage Select Error Wrong Input Voltage seen at drive board 120V vs 240V.
Dip switch 1 on FEC set wrong, or possibly water on
drive board (let drive dry out and determine cause of
water). Unpower to clear error. Replace drive board if
error persists.
E d 12 or Ed, 12 Over Voltage AC-Main Input Machine voltage is too high, check supply voltage to the
Error machine and verify that it is within machine
specifications. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
board if error persists.
E d 21 or Ed, 21 Over Voltage DC Bus Error Unpower to clear error. Check voltage input to machine.
If it happens only at start of spin, replace motor. Replace
drive board if error persists.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E d 22 or Ed, 22 Over Motor Temperature Error Motor temperature is detected to be too high. Check that
drum spins freely when empty. Check for overloading of
machine. Check motor harness for damage. Reduce
agitation time and duty cycle if
rotate/pause times are very short and programmable.
Unpower to clear error. Replace drive board if error
E d 23 or Ed, 23 Fatal IPM Over Current Shunt Check that drum and motor spins freely. Unpower to
Error clear error. Check the motor phase windings. Continuity
should be uniform between phases L1 and L2, L2 and
L3, L1 and L3. Replace motor if not uniform. Replace
drive board if error persists.
E d 24 or Ed, 24 Fatal I2T Hardware Over Current Check that drum and motor spins freely. Rotor may be
Error locked up. Check the motor phase windings. Continuity
should be uniform between phases L1 and L2, L2 and
L3, L1 and L3. Replace motor if not uniform. Unpower
to clear error. Replace drive board if error persists.
E d 25 or Ed, 25 IPM Over Temperature Error IPM temperature is detected to be too high. Check that
drum spins freely when empty, check for overloading of
machine, reduce agitation time, and duty cycle if rotate/
pause times are very short and programmable. Unpower
to clear error. Check for lint build-up on heat sink on
drive board. Replace drive board if error persists.
E d 29 or Ed, 29 Motor Not Connected Error The motor or one of its electrical phases is not
connected. Check that the harness from the motor to the
drive board is fully plugged in on both ends and that
there is no damage to the motor harness. Make sure to
push in the motor harness on both ends just in case it is a
little loose and not fully inserted.
If the harness looks fine and the error still occurs, look
for something that is binding the inner wash basket and
keeping it from rotating properly such as a garment/
foreign object caught between the inner and outer tubs
or a clothes deflector rubbing the inner basket. Remove
object or reposition clothes deflector by removing
deflector and re-drilling screw holes to provide more
clearance between tub lip and deflector.
If the error still occurs, try replacing the drive board or
harness. Unpower to clear error.
E d 44 or Ed, 44 Overcurrent Shunt Detection Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
Circuit Fail Error board if error persists.
E d 45 or Ed, 45 Door Lock Pin HW On/Off Fail Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
Error board if error persists.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E d 46 or Ed, 46 Heater Pin HW On/Off Fail Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
board if error persists.
E d 47 or Ed, 47 Hot Valve Pin HW On/Off Fail Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
board if error persists.
E d 48 or Ed, 48 Cold Valve Pin HW On/Off Fail Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
board if error persists.
E d 49 or Ed, 49 Detergent Valve Pin HW On/Off Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
Fail board if error persists.
E d 50 or Ed, 50 Softener Valve Pin HW On/Off Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
Fail board if error persists.
E d 51 or Ed, 51 Inrush Pin HW On/Off Fail Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
board if error persists.
E d 52 or Ed, 52 Voltage Doubler Pin HW On/Off Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
Fail board if error persists.
E d 53 or Ed, 53 Door Lock Select Voltage Pin Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
HW On/Off Fail board if error persists.
E d 54 or Ed, 54 Pump Pin HW On/Off Fail Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
board if error persists.
E d 55 or Ed, 55 Fatal NTC Short Error Check heater thermistor and thermistor wiring for
damage. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive board if
error persists.
E d 56 or Ed, 56 Fatal NTC Open Error Check heater thermistor and thermistor wiring for
damage. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive board if
error persists.
E d 63 or Ed, 63 Fatal IPM Temperature Short Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
Error board if error persists.
E d 64 or Ed, 64 Fatal IPM Temperature Open Hardware failure. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
Error board if error persists.
Er,id Drive Board ID Error This error will be displayed if after checking for drive
board/front end control compatibility it is found not to
match. Unpower machine to clear code. Change front
end control to one for a frontload washer.
PF Power Fail Error If control was in Delayed Start mode during a power
failure, this error will be displayed and the delayed start
will be canceled. Press Power/Cancel to clear the error.

FB10-25R2 Page 15 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E nFLo or Er, nF No Water Flow Error If the control does not reach a water level of 4 inches
within the programmed time it may mean the hose to the
pressure sensor has a leak, is disconnected or clogged,
the water inlet hose is clogged, the water inlet screens
are clogged, or no water is flowing into the machine.
The programmed error time may also need to be
increased if there is low water pressure to the machine.
The control will enter Machine Error mode when the
error is set. The control will first drain for 90 seconds
and then turn off all outputs and turn on the Machine
Error Tone for 15 seconds. Unpower to clear error.
E oF or Er, OF Overflow Error This error is triggered when an unsafe high water level
is detected in the machine and water is unable to drain.
The water valve may be stuck open, pump may be stuck,
or the drain may be clogged. Typically a small item is
lodged in the propeller of the pump on pump machines.
The door may be open/unlocked with water sitting in the
machine to cause this error. Unpower to clear error.
E PS or Er, PS Pressure Sensor Error If the control does not detect a valid water level sensor
input for 30 seconds, or if the Max (Overflow) Fill
Level in the control is set to 0 while in Run Mode,
Factory Test Mode, or Overflow Mode, the control will
enter Machine Error Mode. Check harness from user
control to pressure sensor for damage and replace if
necessary. Replace pressure sensor or user control if
error persists. The control will first drain for 30 seconds
to get out any water and then unlock the door. Unpower
to clear error.
E bELt or Er, bb Broken Belt Error If a broken belt is detected by the control, the control
will show error. Unpower the machine and check the
belt and pulleys for issues.
E LF or Er, LF Water Leak Fill Error If there is a leak during the water leak detection of the
cycle when programmed on, an error will display after
the door is opened at the end of cycle for 1 minute. It
will clear after 1 minute or when a keypad is pressed. If
the water level has increased more than an acceptable
amount during a water leak drain check, the control will
save a water leak drain error status and will continue the
machine cycle. Immediately upon detecting the error the
rightmost decimal point will be lit. This lit decimal point
can be cleared by pressing the START keypad 3 times in
a period of 5 seconds or by cycling the power to the
machine. There may be a water valve stuck open due to
debris or a failed water valve.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Display is dim Look for loose pins and damaged wires on harness from
user control to drive board.
E:SP Serial Communication Error Master control cannot communicate with motor control.
Master control will try to reset the motor control by
powering it down. The error will display after three reset
attempt failures. Caused by transformer unplugged or
inoperative, fuse blow on motor control board or wiring
to motor control incorrect.
EC:00 General Communication Error Communication failure. Try card again.
EC:02 or EC02 Timeout Error Communication failure. Try card again.
EC:03 or EC03 Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not
valid for this machine type, or the control could not
perform the command in its current mode of operation.
Before downloading, ensure data is for current machine
type and control is in correct mode.
EC:05 or EC05 Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type
and recheck the programming option's value and try
EC:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EC:09 Corrupted Data Error Communication error. Try card again.
EC:0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EC:19 or EC19 No Card Reader Communication Communication failure. Check card reader, control and
harness. Power down, power up and try again. If error
persists, control or reader is inoperative.
EC:20 Unreadable Card Inoperative card/ dirty contact. Clean chip on card or
card reader contacts. Try card again. If error persists,
card may be inoperative.
EC:21 Security ID Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct security code.
EC:22 Site Code Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct site code.
EC:23 Card Maximum Value Exceeded Value on card over max. Use a card which does not
exceed maximum value.
EC:24 Insufficient Memory on Card Card memory is full. Download card contents to PC and
clear card for re-use.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EC:25 Card Reader Malfunction Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
EC:26 Card Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be
EC:27 Diagnostic Test Card Write Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:28 Diagnostic Test Card Read Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:29 Diagnostic Test Memory Test Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:2A Diagnostic Test Card Interface Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:2b Diagnostic Test Flash Checksum Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:30 Timeout Error Card Reader may need to be replaced
EC:31 Hotlisted Card Inserted Into Card hotlisted. Control will destroy card.
EC:50 Loyalty Purse Read Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be
EC:56 Loyalty Purse Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be
EC11 No Card Reader Initialization Communication is valid, but there is no card reader
initialization. Power down, power up and try again.
EC18 No Communication Card reader initialized, communication lost. Power
down, power up and try again. If error persists, replace
control or card reader.
EC36 Audit Card Removed Re-insert audit card and wait until machine prompts for
Prematurely card removal.
EI:00 General Communications Errors Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:01 or EI01 Transmission Failure Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:02 or EI02 Device Timeout/Timeout Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EI:03 or EI03 Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not
valid for this machine type, or the control could not
perform the command in its current mode of operation.
Ensure data is for current machine type and control is in
correct mode.
EI:04 or EI01 Expecting Upload Request or Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
Command Packet Time Out again.
EI:05 or EI05 Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type,
values entered are within the minimum and maximum
limits and recheck the programming option's value and
try again.
EI:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EI:07 Error Writing to RTC Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.
EI:08 Error Writing to EPROM Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.
EI:09 or EI09 CRC-16 Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EI:0F or EI0F Invalid Wakeup or IR Disabled Communication failure or IR is disabled. Manually
enable IR on control/Re-aim external device and try
EI0A Framing Error Communication error. Re-aim external device and try
EI0C Time-out Exceeded Communication error. Re-aim external device and try
EI0E Encryption Error Communication error. Re-aim external device and try
again. If the problem persists, check that the security
code is correct.
Err Coin Error Invalid coin pulse or inoperative coin sensor. Check
coin drop area and remove obstructions. If error persists,
tampering may have occurred. Evaluate security

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
FINAL SPIN and SPI Communications Error This error occurs when there is a problem with
RINSE LEDs communications between the front-end control and the
motor control. The control will turn off all outputs and
flash the FINAL SPIN and RINSE LEDs one second on/
one second off to indicate an SPI communications error.
This is a fatal error. The machine must be powered
down at this point.
FINAL SPIN AND SPI Communications Error This error occurs when there is a problem with
TUMBLE and communications between the front-end
CLOSE DOOR control and the motor control. The control will turn off
LEDs flashing all outputs and flash the FINAL
second on/one second off to indicate an SPI
communications error. This is a fatal error. The machine
must be powered down at this point.
HEATING LED Open/Shorted Temperature Any time the control senses a temperature less than
(Models equipped Sensor Error 32°F (0°C) or greater than 212°F (100°C) while heating,
with heater) the control will turn off the heater output and not
attempt to heat. The control will continue and finish the
cycle normally. At the end of the cycle, the control will
flash the HEATING LED one-second on/one second off
to indicate an open/shorted temperature sensor error.
This error will be cleared when the door is opened at the
end of the cycle.
IN USE and CLOSE Door Open Error If the control senses the door open during Run Mode,
DOOR LEDs the control will enter Error Mode. The control will turn
flashing off all outputs and flash the IN USE and CLOSE DOOR
LEDs one second on/one second off to indicate a door
open error. This is a fatal error. The machine must be
unpowered to clear this error.
IN USE and DOOR Fill Error If the control receives no full input from the pressure
LOCKED LEDs switch indicating the cylinder is full within 30 minutes
flashing of starting the fill, the control will enter Error Mode.
The control will turn off all outputs and flash the IN
USE and DOOR LOCKED LEDs one second on/one
second off to indicate a fill error. This is a fatal error.
The machine must be unpowered to clear this error.

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Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
IN USE LED blinks Shorted Thermistor Error If the control sense a temperature greater than 210±4°F
three times + 1.5 during an active cycle it will set a Shorted Thermistor
second pause error. The control will flash the IN USE LED three
times separated by a one and a half second pause. This
sequence is repeated as long as the Shorted thermistor
error is sensed.
IN USE LED blinks Open Thermistor Error If the control sense a temperature less than 0°F when the
twice + 1.5 second heat has been on for at least three minutes it will set an
pause open thermistor error. The control will flash the IN USE
LED twice separated by a one and a half second pause.
This sequence is repeated as long as the Open
Thermistor error is sensed.
OFF or oFF Break-in Alarm Shutdown Error Check the service door or coin vault switches.
OP (models Open Thermistor Error This error code occurs if the thermistor circuit opens
equipped with while heating.
Right most DP Network Communication Error Communication failure. Wait for 1.5 minutes for error to
(decimal point) Lit clear. If it doesn’t, power-down and power-up the
machine. If error persists, control or Network Board
may need to be replaced.
Right most decimal Water Leak Detection Error or Water leak test has detected a water leak during a cycle.
point Lit Slow Drain Detection Error May be a water fill or drain leak where either the water
valves are stuck open or water is leaking from the
machine in some way. On gravity drain machines it is
usually a stuck gravity drain valve. If it's a slow drain,
water is not draining as quickly as expected in any cycle
step that drains water during the cycle. The decimal
point will remain lit after the error display has expired.
Clear the decimal point by pressing the START keypad
three times within five seconds or by cycling the power
to the machine.
Right most decimal Machine ID Error Machine ID is no longer communicating with the
point blinking control. Check Machine ID connection.
Left most decimal Control is in Bootloader Mode Control is waiting for firmware update. (Firmware
point Lit updates only done by Alliance Laundry Systems Service
Technicians.) If firmware is not being updated, cycle
power to machine. If error still occurs, replace control.
Right most decimal Control is in Low Power/Idle While control is in Low Power/Idle Mode, right most
point blinking Mode decimal on display will blink once per minute. This is
normal. Press the Power/Cancel keypad to turn control
back on.

FB10-25R2 Page 21 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
SH (models Shorted Thermistor Error This error occurs if the thermistor circuit is shorted
equipped with while heating.
WASH and DOOR Fill Error If the control receives no full input from the pressure
LEDs switch indicating the cylinder is full within 30 minutes
of starting the fill, the control will enter Error Mode.
The control will turn off all outputs and flash the WASH
and DOOR LEDs one second on/one second off to
indicate a fill error. This is a fatal error. The machine
must be unpowered to clear this error.
WASH and RINSE Door Open Error If the control senses the door open during Run Mode,
LEDs the control will enter Error Mode. The control will turn
off all outputs and flash the WASH and RINSE LEDs
one second on/one second off to indicate a door open
error. This is a fatal error. The machine must be
unpowered to clear this error.
IN USE, CLOSE Fill Error Fill level is not reached within 30 minutes in any fill
DOOR LEDs step. Check for water pressure at inlets, water valves for
operation, clog in water line, plugged filter screen on
water hose, and the pressure sensor hose for air leak to
determine cause of error. Power down to clear error.
DOOR LOCKED, Door Lock Fatal Error Door is unlocked during a running cycle. To clear this
CLOSE DOOR error, cycle power to the machine. Check door lock and
LEDs door latch for damage and replace if error continues.
Also check door lock wire harness for damage or for
DOOR LOCKED, Door Lock Non-Fatal Error If the door fails to lock in 20 seconds in Door Locking
CLOSE DOOR Mode after the drive has been enabled, the control will
LEDs turn off all outputs and display error code. To clear this
error the door must either open or lock. Overloading the
machine or broken shocks may keep door from properly
closing. First check that door is fully closed. If door still
fails to lock, check door lock and latch for damage.
Check door lock wire harness for damage or

Page 22 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
DOOR LOCKED, Door Unlock Non-Fatal Error If the door fails to unlock 20 seconds after the drum has
CLOSE DOOR stopped spinning with a solenoid type door lock and all
LEDs other outputs have been turned off, the control will
display error code. To clear this error the door must
unlock or open. Removing power for 3 minutes will
automatically allow door lock to unlock. Make sure to
press on door and then pull to unlock the door as
pressure on door lock/latch will prevent door from
unlocking. Possible causes of this issue are broken
shocks or clothes load causing pressure on door and
door latch/lock preventing it from unlocking. If it still
fails to unlock, check door lock and latch for damage.
Also check door lock wire harness for damage or
DOOR LOCKED, Door Opened Error Control detects door open during a cycle. This can be
CLOSE DOOR caused by pulling on door while locked or about to lock.
LEDs Correct inoperative door locking system. Check door
switch and harness for damage or disconnection.
Unpower machine to clear error.
IN USE, FINAL Non-Fatal Unbalance Error Washer is unable to balance load. Redistribute load and
SPIN AND run cycle. If running a small load or one large item, add
TUMBLE LEDs more items to help machine balance the load better. If
items are rubber or other water resistant type material,
load may never reach full spin speed. Ensure machine is
properly leveled and check for broken shocks. Open
door or press Power/Cancel keypad to clear error.
IN USE, FINAL Fatal Unbalance Error Wires to unbalance switch are broken or not connected,
SPIN AND unbalance switch may be stuck closed or a shock may
TUMBLE LEDs be broken. Unpower to clear error.
IN USE, CLOSE Drain Error The control will enter Machine Error Mode when the
DOOR LEDs water height is not below the empty level, after
attempting to drain for 2 minutes. In the event of a drain
error, the control will turn off all outputs and turn on the
Machine Error Tone for 15 seconds. Check wiring to
drain and that power is present at drain. Check for
objects stuck in drain hose or in pump on electric pump
units. Ensure that drain hose meets drain height
restrictions. Unpower to clear error.

FB10-25R2 Page 23 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
IN USE, CLOSE Slow Drain Error This error occurs only if enabled by setting dip switch
DOOR LEDs #4 to ON. Water is not draining as quickly as expected
in any cycle step that drains water during the cycle.
Clear this error by pressing the Power/Cancel keypad.
IN USE, CLOSE Suds Lock Error In the spin steps, if the control determines that there are
DOOR LEDs suds in the machine after running all Suds Removal
Routines programmed to run, it will display a Suds Lock
Error at the end of the cycle after the door is opened.
The control will continue showing the error for one
minute or until the Power/Cancel keypad has been
pressed. To prevent error, reduce detergent used. Check
for draining issues, check that drum spins freely, and
make sure no small items are lodged between drum and
outer tub.
IN USE, CLOSE Water Leak Drain Error This error occurs only if enabled by setting dip switch
DOOR LEDs #4 to ON. If there is a leak during the water leak
detection of the cycle an error will display after the door
is opened at the end of cycle for 1 minute. It will clear
after 1 minute or until the Power/Cancel keypad is
pressed. If the water level has dropped more than an
acceptable amount during a water leak drain check, the
control will save a water leak drain error status and will
continue the machine cycle. The cause of this error may
be the drain hose, pump, or fill valve leaking or a stuck
gravity drain valve on gravity drain machines.
IN USE, CLOSE No Water Flow Error If the control does not reach a water level of 4 inches
DOOR LEDs within the first 5 miutes of starting the fill it may mean
the hose to the pressure sensor has a leak, is
disconnected or clogged, the water inlet hose is clogged,
the water inlet screens are clogged, or no water is
flowing into the machine. The control will enter
Machine Error mode when the error is set. The control
will first drain for 90 seconds and then turn off all
outputs and turn on the Machine Error Tone for 15
seconds. Unpower to clear error.

Page 24 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
IN USE, CLOSE Overflow Error This error is triggered when an unsafe high water level
DOOR LEDs is detected in the machine and water is unable to drain.
The water valve may be stuck open, pump may be stuck,
or the drain may be clogged. Typically a small item is
lodged in the propeller of the pump on pump machines.
The door may be open/unlocked with water sitting in the
machine to cause this error. Unpower to clear error.
IN USE, CLOSE Pressure Sensor Error If the control does not detect a valid water level sensor
DOOR LEDs input for 30 seconds, or if the Max (Overflow) Fill
Level in the control is set to 0 while in Run Mode,
Factory Test Mode, or Overflow Mode, the control will
enter Machine Error Mode. Check harness from user
control to pressure sensor for damage and replace if
necessary. Replace pressure sensor or user control if
error persists. The control will first drain for 30 seconds
to get out any water and then unlock the door. Unpower
to clear error.
IN USE, DOOR Over Voltage AC-Main Input Machine voltage is too high, check supply voltage to the
LOCKED, FINAL Error machine and verify that it is within machine
SPIN AND specifications. Unpower to clear error. Replace drive
TUMBLE, CLOSE board if error persists.
IN USE, DOOR Over Voltage DC Bus Error Unpower to clear error. Check voltage input to machine.
LOCKED, FINAL If it happens only at start of spin, replace motor. Replace
SPIN AND drive board if error persists.
IN USE, DOOR Fatal IPM Over Current Shunt Check that drum and motor spins freely. Unpower to
LOCKED, FINAL Error clear error. Check the motor phase windings. Continuity
SPIN AND should be uniform between phases L1 and L2, L2 and
TUMBLE, CLOSE L3, L1 and L3. Replace motor if not uniform. Replace
DOOR LEDs drive board if error persists.
IN USE, DOOR Fatal I2T Hardware Over Current Check that drum and motor spins freely. Rotor may be
LOCKED, FINAL Error -Main Input Error locked up. Check the motor phase windings. Continuity
SPIN AND should be uniform between phases L1 and L2, L2 and
TUMBLE, CLOSE L3, L1 and L3. Replace motor if not uniform. Unpower
DOOR LEDs to clear error. Replace drive board if error persists.

FB10-25R2 Page 25 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Frontload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
IN USE, DOOR Motor Not Connected Error The motor or one of its electrical phases is not
LOCKED, FINAL connected. Check that the harness from the motor to the
SPIN AND drive board is fully plugged in on both ends and that
TUMBLE, CLOSE there is no damage to the motor harness. Make sure to
DOOR LEDs push in the motor harness on both ends just in case it is a
little loose and not fully inserted. If the harness looks
fine and the error still occurs, try replacing the drive
board or harness. Unpower to clear error.
IN USE, DOOR Broken Belt Error If a broken belt is detected by the control, the control
LOCKED, FINAL will display this error. Unpower the machine and check
SPIN AND the belt and pulleys for issues.
IN USE, DOOR Drive Board ID Error This error will be displayed if after checking for drive
LOCKED, FINAL board/front end control compatibility it is found not to
SPIN AND match. Unpower machine to clear code. Change front
TUMBLE LEDs end control to one for a frontload washer.
IN USE, DOOR Drive Board Not Ready Hardware failure. Try cycling power to machine before
LOCKED, FINAL replacing drive board.
IN USE, DOOR Drive Board Shorted Hardware failure. Try cycling power to machine before
LOCKED, FINAL replacing drive board.
DOOR LOCKED, Drive Board Communication Communication failure. Power down, power up and try
FINAL SPIN AND Error again. If error persists, check connection between front
TUMBLE LEDs end control and drive board, or try replacing the front
end control or the drive board. Many times a loose pin
or wire is at fault for this error.

Page 26 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Topload Washer

Topload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Alrn, ALrn or Break-in Alarm Error Service the door or coin vault switches.
E dr, Edr or E:dr Drain Alarm Error Machine did not drain or maximum drain time exceeded
or water sensed at end of spin step. Power down
machine. Check pump for blockage and clear as needed.
E FL, EFL or Fill Error Pressure switch fails to open in 30 minutes (or other
E:FL programmed length of time) in any fill/agitate cycle or
maximum fill time exceeded. Check incoming water
pressure. Clean the screens in the mixing valve and fill
E rr or Err Coin Error Invalid coin pulse or inoperative coin sensor. Check coin
drop area and remove obstructions. If error persists,
tampering may have occurred. Evaluate security
E:00 General Error Re-aim external device and try again.
E:01 Proximity Error External device is improperly aimed at infrared
communicator (angle or distance). Re-aim external
device and try again.
E:02 IR Communication Disconnection External device removed before communication
complete. Re-aim external device and try again.
E:05 Invalid Value Communication Invalid code downloaded from external device to
Electronic Control. Before downloading, ensure data is
for current machine type.
E:07 or E:08 Inoperative Control Replace control.
E:09 or E:0A Proximity Error External device is improperly aimed at infrared
communicator (angle or distance). Re-aim external
device and try again.
E:0B or E:0C IR Communication Disconnection External device removed before communication
complete. Re-aim external device and try again.
E:0d Pressure Switch Error Check fill and drain hoses for improper installation and
kinks. Check fill electrical circuit. Replace inoperative
switches or wires.
E:0F IR Communicator Programmed Off Reprogram infrared communicator on. Manually enable
IR on control/Re-aim external device and try again.
EC:00 General Communication Error Communication failure. Try card again.

FB10-25R2 Page 27 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Topload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EC:02 or EC02 Timeout Error Communication failure. Try card again.
EC:03 or EC03 Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not
valid for this machine type, or the control could not
perform the command in its current mode of operation.
Before downloading, ensure data is for current machine
type and control is in correct mode.
EC:05 or EC05 Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type
and recheck the programming option's value and try
EC:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EC:09 Corrupted Data Error Communication error. Try card again.
EC:0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EC:19 or EC19 No Card Reader Communication Communication failure. Check card reader, control and
harness. Power down, power up and try again. If error
persists, control or reader is inoperative.
EC:20 Unreadable Card Inoperative card/ dirty contact. Clean chip on card or
card reader contacts. Try card again. If error persists,
card may be inoperative.
EC:21 Security ID Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct security code.
EC:22 Site Code Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct site code.
EC:23 Card Maximum Value Exceeded Value on card over max. Use a card which does not
exceed maximum value.
EC:24 Insufficient Memory on Card Card memory is full. Download card contents to PC and
clear card for re-use.
EC:25 Card Reader Malfunction Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
EC:26 Card Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be inoperative.
EC:27 Diagnostic Test Card Write Failure Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
EC:28 Diagnostic Test Card Read Failure Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
EC:29 Diagnostic Test Memory Test Failure Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be

Page 28 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Topload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EC:2A Diagnostic Test Card Interface Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:2b Diagnostic Test Flash Checksum Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:30 Timeout Error Card Reader may need to be replaced
EC:31 Hotlisted Card Inserted Into Reader Card hotlisted. Control will destroy card.
EC:50 Loyalty Purse Read Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be inoperative.
EC:56 Loyalty Purse Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be inoperative.
EC11 No Card Reader Initialization Communication is valid, but there is no card reader
initialization. Power down, power up and try again.
EC18 No Communication Card reader initialized, communication lost. Power
down, power up and try again. If error persists, replace
control or card reader.
EC36 Audit Card Removed Prematurely Re-insert audit card and wait until machine prompts for
card removal.
EI:00 General Communications Errors Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:01 or EI01 Transmission Failure Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:02 or EI02 Device Timeout/Timeout Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:03 or EI03 Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not
valid for this machine type, or the control could not
perform the command in its current mode of operation.
Ensure data is for current machine type and control is in
correct mode.
EI:04 or EI04 Expecting Upload Request or Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
Command Packet Time Out again.
EI:05 or EI05 Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type,
values entered are within the minimum and maximum
limits and recheck the programming option's value and
try again.
EI:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EI:07 Error Writing to RTC Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.

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Error Codes Master List

Topload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EI:08 Error Writing to EPROM Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.
EI:09 or EI09 CRC-16 Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:0A or EI0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type.
EI:0A Proximity Error External device is improperly aimed at infrared
communicator (angle or distance). Re-aim external
device and try again.
EI:0F or EI0F Invalid Wakeup or IR Disabled Communication failure or IR is disabled. Manually
enable IR on control/Re-aim external device and try
EI0C Time-out Exceeded Communication error. Re-aim external device and try
EI0E Encryption Error Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type and check security code
and retry.
EnF No Water Flow Error Control did not detect a water level of 0.5 inch within the
programmed amount of time. If machine is filling with
water, Check the pressure sensor hose for cracks or
leaks. Replace if needed. If machine is not filling with
water, refer to Fill Error troubleshooting.
E oF Overflow Error Water filled too high and tripped the overflow level of
E nFLo the machine for more than 5 minutes. If water is dripping
into the tub, unplug the machine. If water is still dripping
into the tub, replace the mixing valve.
E PS Pressure Sensor Error Control is not getting a valid reading from the pressure
sensor. Check the pressure sensor wire harness and
connectors to make sure there is a solid connection. If
wiring is correct, replace the sensor if needed.
E II Lid Unlock Error On machines with a lid lock, this error occurs when the
lid doesn’t unlock after three attempts. This may happen
if the lid is obstructed and can’t be unlatched or the
control is not detecting a correct state for the lock. Check
the wire harness from the lock to the output board. In
rare cases the lock may have failed and is unable to
unlock. If wiring is correct, replace the lock.
E Co SCI Comm Error Front end control and output board cannot communicate
due to a break or disconnect of the main harness to the
two controls. Check for any loss pins in the connectors
or any disconnections in the harness. With a multi-meter,
test the harness for continuity, and check the plugs for
damage. Inspect the board connections for pushed over

Page 30 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Topload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E nr Drive Not Ready Error Output board not operating properly. Replace output
E Sd Slow Drain Detection Error The control detected that it took longer than 185 seconds
to drain the water. Check the pump for obstructions and
replace if needed. Check the drain hose for restrictions
and clear if needed
E Ld Water Leak Drain Error The control detected that the water level dropped more
than the acceptable level. Check the hose connections at
the pump for leaks. Check for leaks from the outer tub,
and tub seal.
E LF Water Leak Fill Error The control detected that the water level has risen more
than the acceptable amount. Check the water valve to
ensure that water is not leaking past the valve seats.
E tp Thermal Protect Error The motor is failing or the motor has been overloaded.
Check the pump and transmission for proper function.
Check if the machine had been over-loaded. If the
control displays “Push Start” then push start to continue
the cycle.
E dS Dip Switch Error The front end control reads that the supply power to the
unit is incorrect. This could be because dip switch #1 is
set incorrectly or there is a disconnect power fail signal
on connector H2.
Ed, XX Output Board Error Output board not operating properly. Inspect wire
harnesses. If wiring is ok, replace output board.
E bS Board Shorted Error Output board not operating properly. Inspect wire
harnesses. If wiring is ok, replace output board.
Er, dS Voltage Configuration Error The control has the incorrect voltage dipswitch setting.
There is a disconnect power fail signal at H2 connection
on output control board.The dipswitch setting must be
corrected. To clear this error the machine must be
powered down. Reset dipswitch to the correct voltage.
Correct wiring issues.
Er, dr Drain Error (control sensed water in Restriction in the tub to pump hose, drain hose blockage
the tub at the end of the cycle) in the pump. Clear restriction from hoses. Replace the
pump. To clear this error the machine must be powered

FB10-25R2 Page 31 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Topload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Er, FL Fill Error (desired fill level was not Water supply faucet closed, kinked or twisted fill hoses,
reached within 30 minutes) filter screens plugged, no voltage from output board to
the water valve (refer to appropriate schematic) or low
water pressure. Open faucet, straighten fill hoses, clean
or replace filter screens, check for voltage (refer to serial
plate) from the output board to the water valves, and if
voltage is present at output board, then check for voltage
(refer to serial plate) at the water valve. If there is
voltage (refer to serial plate) at the water valve, then
replace the mixing valve. Correct water pressure to 20-
120 psi (138-827 kPa). To clear this error the machine
must be powered down.
Er, oF Overflow Error (control was not able Leaky water valve, possible blockage in the pressure
to lower the water level within 5 hose, possible air leak in the pressure hose. Check the
minutes) inlet valve, clear blockage in pressure hose, replace hose
if leak is found. To clear this error the machine must be
powered down.
Er, PS Control did not detect a valid water The sensor harness is not connected to the front end
level input from the pressure sensor control, the sensor harness is damaged or has a break in
for 30 seconds the wire or the pressure tube or hose has a blockage.
Ensure sensor harness is plugged into the front end
control, replace the sensor if the harness is damaged,
clear any blockage to the pressure tube or bulb. To clear
this error the machine must be powered down.
tP Thermal protection on motor is open Machine is possibly overloaded, the brakes not
functioning properly or transmission not functioning
properly. Properly load the machine, check the function
of the brakes or check the function of the transmission.
To clear this error wait for “tP” to clear. The control will
then prompt user to press Start.
Er and Co SCI Comm Error Error in the communication between the front end
control and the output board. There is a break or
disconnect in the main harness to the two controls.
Check for any burnt pins in the connectors or any
disconnections in the harness. To clear this error the
machine must be powered down.
Er and LE Water Leak Detection Error Water level is dropping during the leak detection step, if
enabled. Check mixing valve for leaks.
Er and Sd Slow Drain Detection Error The machine is taking longer to drain than a preset time,
if enabled. Check the tub and drain for leaks.

Page 32 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Topload Washer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Er and nr Drive Not Ready Error Output board is not ready within one minute. Replace
the output board. To clear this error the machine must be
powered down.
Ed and XX Output Board Error Error received from the output board. Inspecting wire
harnesses to output board. Replace output board if
wiring is not damaged. To clear this error the machine
must be powered down.
Er and bS Board Shorted Error Output board enable relay is shorted. Replace the output
board. To clear this error the machine must be powered
PF Delay Start Power Fail Error Machine experienced a long power fail or has been
unplugged during Delay Start Mode. No service should
be needed. Press Power/cancel to continue normal
IN USE LED Fill Error A Fill Error will occur if the tub does not fill within 62
blinks twice + minutes of the start of the cycle. A Fill Error is indicated
1.5 second pause by the control repeatedly flashing the IN USE LED
twice separated by a one and a half second pause until
the control is powered down. If Error Mode is turned off,
the fill error will not occur and the control will continue
to wait for the fill level to be reached.
IN USE LED Drain Error A Drain error will occur if the tub is not empty after a
blinks three spin cycle. A Drain Error is indicated by the control
times + 1.5 repeatedly flashing the IN USE LED three times
second pause separated by a one and a half second pause until the
control is powered down. If Error Mode is turned off, the
drain error will not occur and the machine cycle will
advance to the next cycle step as though the water had
been pumped out.
OFF or oFF Break-in Alarm Shutdown Error Service door or coin vault switches.
Right most DP Network Communication Error Communication failure. Wait for 1.5 minutes for error to
(decimal point) clear. If it doesn’t, power-down and power-up the
Lit machine. If error persists, control or Network Board may
need to be replaced.

FB10-25R2 Page 33 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Tumble Dryer

Tumble Dryer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
AF (flashing) Bouncing Airflow Switch Airflow switch opened/closed 5 or more times during
cycle. Check airflow switch. Replace if inoperative.
AF (solid) Airflow Switch Closed When Allow up to 20 seconds for this condition to clear. Check
Resuming Cycle if airflow switch opens at end of cycle. Replace if
AF-1 Airflow Switch Closed When Switch fails to open at end of cycle. Check airflow
Cycle Started switch. Replace if inoperative.
AF-2 Airflow Switch Failed to Close Airflow switch failed to close after cycle started. Check
After Cycle Started airflow switch. Replace if inoperative.
Airflow Switch Airflow Switch Bounces During If airflow switch is open for at least one second, heat will
Bounces During A A Running Cycle be turned off and will remain off until switch is observed
Running Cycle closed for at least 5 seconds. If there are 5 airflow switch
bounces within 5 minutes control will go to Cool Down
portion of cycle, display error message and sound audio
signal. When Cool Down portion of cycle ends, control
will continue displaying error message until power is
cycled or BACK keypad is pressed.
Airflow Switch Does Airflow Switch Does Not Close If airflow switch does not close within 5 seconds of start/
Not Close After After Cycle Started re-start of a cycle, control will go to Cool Down portion
Cycle Started of cycle, display error message and sound audio alarm.
Once Cool Down portion of cycle ends, control will
continue to display error message until power is cycled to
machine or BACK keypad is pressed.
Airflow Switch Airflow Switch Sensed Closed If airflow switch is sensed closed 30 seconds after
Sensed Closed While Not In Run Mode entering Idle Mode, or End of Cycle Mode, control will
While Not In Run display error message until power is cycled or error
Mode clears. Cycle will not start and all user inputs will be
ignored. If error does clear, control will go back to
previous mode of operation.
Alrn Break-in Alarm Error Service door or coin vault switches.

Page 34 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Tumble Dryer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Auto Ignition Retry Auto Ignition Retry If Ignition Control Module (ICM) fails to ignite gas valve
(Gas Models Only) ICM will send an ICM Lockout Alarm to the control.If
ICM needs to be manually reset, when control receives
ICM Lockout Alarm it will display Cycle Stopped Menu
with text prompting user to press START/ENTER
keypad. If ICM fails to ignite gas on last attempt of auto
retry, control will start Cool Down portion of cycle,
display heat error message and sound audio signal. When
Cool Down portion of cycle ends control will continue to
display error message until power is cycled to machine or
a user presses BACK keypad.
DIP Switch/Harness DIP Switch/Harness Index On power up control reads Temperature Index Harness
Index Mismatch Mismatch Error value and compares that with the value of switch 1,
Error switch 2 and switch 3 on DIP switch configuration. If the
result is an invalid setup control will not enter Idle mode
and instead enter Error Mode. Control will ignore all user
inputs and display error message. Machine must be
powered down and correct temperature index harness
must be installed and/or DIP switch configuration must
be corrected.
door Door Open Indicator Door is not closed during an active cycle. If door is
closed, check for improper wiring or inoperative door
E Cab Cabinet Limit Error Remove any lint build-up around thermostat. If problem
persists, replace control or thermostat.
E FCOn Fan Motor Contactor Error Inspect wires to the fan motor contactors. Check signal to
the output control. If problem persists, replace fan motor
E FnCS Fan Motor Centrifugal Switch Clean vents on the fan motor. Inspect wires to the fan
Error motor centrifugal switch. If problem persists, replace fan
E Heat Machine Did Not Reach The ignition control has power, but a flame was not
Expected Temperature sensed after the programmed amount of retries. Be sure
that gas is turned on. If problem persists, troubleshoot the
ignition circuit. (Igniter, Cable, Ignition Control
E Ht Machine Did Not Reach Check heating connections, cycle power to machine.
Expected Temperature NOTE: To avoid error code "E Ht" on steam-heated
tumblers, the Auto Ignite Retry (AIg) must be reset from
the factory default of 3 to disabled (0).

FB10-25R2 Page 35 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Tumble Dryer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E iCn ICM lockout Alarm Active Check that the gas is turned on and that the ignition
circuit functions. Also check that the gas valve is
E rot Rotation Sensor Error Check for broken or worn belts. Make sure machine is
not over loaded and check if rotation sensor is working.
If problem persists, replace rotation sensor or control.
E rr Coin Error Invalid coin pulse or inoperative coin sensor. Check coin
drop area and remove obstructions. If error persists,
tampering may have occurred. Evaluate security
E SL Stove Limit 1 Error Inspect tumble dryers venting/ventwork to ensure that
the ventwork is adequate and that there are no blockages.
Be sure to clean and inspect lint screen. Remove any lint
build-up around the thermostat. If problem persists,
replace thermostat.
E SL2 Stove Limit 2 Error Inspect tumble dryers venting/ventwork to ensure that
the ventwork is adequate and that there are no blockages.
Be sure to clean and inspect lint screen. Remove any lint
build-up around the thermostat. If problem persists,
replace thermostat.
E:OP Open Temperature Sensor Error Open temperature sensor circuit wiring. Change sensor.
E:SH Shorted Temperature Sensor Short in temperature sensor circuit wiring. Change
Error sensor.
EAF Airflow Switch Error Switch bounces during cycle. Once error is cleared,
control will go back to previous mode of operation.
EAF1 Airflow Switch Error Switch fails to open at end of cycle. Inspect lint screen
and ductwork. Cycle power to machine (power down,
then power up). Once error is cleared, control will go
back to previous mode of operation.
EAF2 Airflow Switch Error Switch does not close after cycle starts. Inspect lint
screen and ductwork. Cycle power to machine (power
down, then power up). Once error is cleared, control will
go back to previous mode of operation.
EC:00 General Communication Error Communication failure. Try card again.
EC:02 or EC02 Timeout Error Communication failure. Try card again.

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Error Codes Master List

Tumble Dryer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EC:03 or EC03 Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not
valid for this machine type, or the control could not
perform the command in its current mode of operation.
Before downloading, ensure data is for current machine
type and control is in correct mode.
EC:05 or EC05 Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type and
recheck the programming option's value and try again.
EC:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data
is for current machine type.
EC:09 Corrupted Data Error Communication error. Try card again.
EC:0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data
is for current machine type.
EC:19 or EC19 No Card Reader Communication Communication failure. Check card reader, control and
harness. Power down, power up and try again. If error
persists, replace control or card reader.
EC:20 Unreadable Card Inoperative card/ dirty contact. Clean chip on card or
card reader contacts. Try card again. If error persists,
card may be inoperative.
EC:21 Security ID Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct security code.
EC:22 Site Code Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct site code.
EC:23 Card Maximum Value Exceeded Value on card over max. Use a card which does not
exceed maximum value.
EC:24 Insufficient Memory on Card Card memory is full. Download card contents to PC and
clear card for re-use.
EC:25 Card Reader Malfunction Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
EC:26 Card Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be inoperative.
EC:27 Diagnostic Test Card Write Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:28 Diagnostic Test Card Read Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:29 Diagnostic Test Memory Test Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:2A Diagnostic Test Card Interface Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.

FB10-25R2 Page 37 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Tumble Dryer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EC:2b Diagnostic Test Flash Checksum Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be
Failure replaced.
EC:30 Timeout Error Card Reader may need to be replaced
EC:31 Hotlisted Card Inserted Into Card hotlisted. Control will destroy card.
EC:50 Loyalty Purse Read Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be inoperative.
EC:56 Loyalty Purse Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be inoperative.
EC11 No Card Reader Initialization Communication is valid, but there is no card reader
initialization. Power down, power up and try again.
EC18 No Communication Card reader initialized, communication lost. Power
down, power up and try again. If error persists, replace
control or card reader.
EC36 Audit Card Removed Re-insert audit card and wait until machine prompts for
Prematurely card removal.
EI:00 General Communications Errors Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:01 or EI01 Transmission Failure Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:02 or EI02 Device Timeout/Timeout Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:03 or EI03 Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not
valid for this machine type, or the control could not
perform the command in its current mode of operation.
Before downloading, ensure data is for current machine
type and control is in correct mode.
EI:04 or EI04 Expecting Upload Request or Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
Command Packet Time Out again.
EI:05 or EI05 Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type,
values entered are within the minimum and maximum
limits and recheck the programming option's value and
try again.
EI:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data
is for current machine type.
EI:07 Error Writing to RTC Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.
EI:08 Error Writing to EPROM Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.

Page 38 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Tumble Dryer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EI:09 or EI09 CRC-16 Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try
EI:0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data
is for current machine type.
EI:0F or EI0F Invalid Wakeup or IR Disabled Communication failure or IR is disabled. Manually
enable IR on control/Re-aim external device and try
EI0A Framing Error Communication error. Re-aim external device and try
EI0C Time-out Exceeded Communication error. Re-aim external device and try
EI0E Encryption Error Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data
is for current machine type and check security code and
EnoiSt Moisture Sensor Error Push Back keypad to clear the error.
EoP Open Termistor Error Remove any lint build-up around thermistor. If problem
persists, replace control or thermistor.
Err Coin Error Invalid coin pulse or inoperative coin sensor. Check coin
drop area and remove obstructions. If error persists,
tampering may have occurred. Evaluate security
ESEtUP DIP Switch Configuration Size Check temperature index harness and dipswitch settings.
Mismatch Error If problem persists, replace temperature index harness or
ESH Shorted Thermistor Error Remove any lint build-up around thermistor. If problem
persists, replace control or thermistor.
Fan Motor Fan Motor Centrifugal Switch If control attempts to turn on fan motor and fan motor
Centrifugal Switch Error contactor is sensed closed but Fan Motor Centrifugal
Error Switch fails to close, control will go into Cool Down
portion of cycle, display error message and turn on audio
signal. Once Cool Down portion of cycle ends, control
will continue displaying error message until power is
cycled or BACK keypad is pressed.

FB10-25R2 Page 39 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Tumble Dryer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Fan Motor Contactor Fan Motor Contactor Error If control attempts to turn on heater relay and control
Error does not sense Fan Motor Contactor is closed, control
will go to Cool Down portion of cycle, display error
message and turn on audio signal. Once Cool Down
portion of cycle ends, control will continue displaying
error message until power is cycled or BACK keypad is
Moisture Sensor Moisture Sensor Error While in Idle Mode and on Cycle Menu, control will
Error begin to monitor moisture sensor input after one minute
without user input. If moisture sensor circuitry detects a
load present signal read consistently (every second) for a
ten minute period without user input, control will
declare, a load sensed.
Network Network Communications Error Error may occur during communication with a network.
Communications When error occurs, it has no affect on an active machine
Error cycle.
OFF or oFF Break-in Alarm Shutdown Error Service door or coin vault switches.
OP Open Thermistor Error Check wiring diagram between control and thermistor.
Check thermistor and replace if inoperative. Check
control and replace if inoperative.
Open Thermistor Open Thermistor Error When control senses temperature less than 0
Error °F after first three minutes of active cycle, will go to
Cool Down, display error message, and turn on audio
signal. Error message will continue until any keypads are
pressed, Cool Down cycle has ended, and temperature
reading is greater than 0°F. Once all three occur, control
will return to Idle Mode.
PDA PDA Communications Error Error may occur during communications. When error
Communications occurs, the display indicates error message on control for
Error a few seconds. An active machine cycle is not affected
Right most DP Network Communication Error Communication failure. Wait for 1.5 minutes for error to
(decimal point) Lit clear. If it doesn’t, power-down and power-up the
machine. If error persists, control or Network Board may
need to be replaced.
rot Rotation Sensor No cylinder rotation detected.

Page 40 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Tumble Dryer
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Rotation Sensor Rotation Sensor Error If machine is equipped, control will constantly monitor
Error input and calculate cylinder’s rpm. If rpm drops to zero
while cylinder is supposed to be spinning, control will go
to Cool Down portion of cycle. Once Cool Down portion
ends, control will continue to display error message until
power is cycled to machine or correct keypad is pressed.
SH Shorted Thermistor Error Check wiring diagram between control and thermistor.
Check thermistor and replace if inoperative. Check
control and replace if inoperative.
Shorted Thermistor Shorted Thermistor Error When control senses temperature greater than 210 + 4 °F
Error during an active cycle, control will enter Cool Down
portion of cycle, display error message, and turn on audio
signal. Error message will continue until any keypads are
pressed, Cool Down cycle has ended, and temperature
reading is less than 210 °F. Once all three occur, control
will return to Idle Mode.
Stove and Cabinet Stove and Cabinet Limit Errors While heat relay is on, if stove temperature or cabinet
Limit Errors temperature reaches high temperature for particular limit
thermostat, heater will turn off automatically and control
will continue cycle with no heat until limit thermostat
resets. Once control reaches End of Cycle it will display
appropriate error message, and sound audio
signal. Control will continue displaying error message
until it returns to Idle mode. On models where stove and
cabinet limit thermostats need to be manually reset,
thermostat(s) must be reset prior to cycling power or
control will return back to Error Mode.
UEn Airflow Switch Airflow switch is in open position or is faulty.

FB10-25R2 Page 41 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
00 Programming Key Error Programming key in wrong place. Correct position of program
01 General Error Not used. No action required.
02 Program Error Program selected does not exist. Select another program.
03 General Error Appears when processor is energized the first time. No action
03 Memory Error Failure of RAM memory. Replace RAM memory.
04 Water Level Error Water level not reached after 15 minutes. Check inlet water
supply, water valves, drain valve and water level switch.
06 Temperature Error Programmed temperature was not reached after 60 minutes.
Check auxillary heating system, inspect drain valve and check
water level switch.
07 Level Switch Error Level switch detects water remaining in the drum at the end of
the cycle. Inspect drain valve and check drain outlet.
08 Temperature Sensor Error The temperature sensor or temperature sensor circuit is defective.
Replace temperature sensor. Repair sensor wiring.
09 Motor Thermal Error Motor thermal protector was activated. Check the following:
motor, motor connections, contactors, input voltage, inverter,
motor and machine bearings and print board (if applicable).
10 Out of Balance Error Out of balance switch was activated at the start of a cycle. Check
for an unbalanced load.
11 Level Switch Error Level switch detects water in the drum at the start of a cycle.
Inspect inlet water valves and inspect drain valve.
12 Drain Error Water was not drained after three minutes. Inspect drain valve
and check drain output.
A0 Program Error Program key in wrong position when trying to access Program
Mode. Correct position of program key.
A2 Program Error Program selected does not exist. Select another program.
A3 Program Error Program was not pre-programmed or memory has been lost.
Replace E Prom.
A4 Water Level Program Error Programmed water level was not reached after 15 minutes.
Check inlet water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and
water level switch.

Page 42 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
A5 Temperature Program Error Programmed temperature was not reached after 60 minutes.
Check auxillary heating systems, inspect temperature sensor and
check water safety level switch.
A6 Temperature Error Temperature in the cylinder is unsafe at the end of the cycle.
Allow laundry to cool down before removing.
A7 Drain Error Level switch detects water remaining in the drum at the end of
the cycle. Inspect drain valve and drain outlet.
A8 Temperature Sensor Error Temperature sensor or temperature sensor circuit is defective.
Replace temperature sensor. Repair sensor wiring.
A9 Motor Thermal Error Motor thermal protector was activated. Check the following:
motor, motor connections, contactors, input voltage, inverter,
motor and machine bearings.
Ab Drain Error Level switch detects water remaining in the drum at the end of
the cycle. Inspect inlet water valves and drain valve.
Ac Drain Error Water was not drained after three minutes. Inspect drain valve
and drain outlet.
Ad Speed Sensor Error The machines is not running at correct RPM or speed sensor is
defective (if Ad is blinking it will take 4-5 minutes to unlock
door). Check door lock circuit. Inspect door lock mechanism.
AE Position Error Cylinder cannot find the correct position (Hygienic machines
only). Press "NO" to position tub at load or unload side, press "1"
to open load door and press "2" to open unload door.
AG Speed Sensor Error The final spin was at a lower RPM (Smart Spin) than
programmed. Check for an unbalanced load.
AH Tilt Switch Error Maximum number of tilts was exceeded, skipping the final spin.
Check load size and type. Check for an unbalanced load.
Alrn or ALrn Break-in Alarm Error Access panel or coin vault switches. Power down machine to
clear if Auto-Shutdown is on.
Current Current Sensor Error When error occurs during a cycle, control records error. Cycle is
Sensor Error aborted and Cycle aborted Error Menu is displayed until user
clears error.
DC Bus Error DC Bus Error When error occurs during a cycle, control records error. Cycle is
aborted and Cycle aborted Error Menu is displayed until user
clears error.
door Door Open Indicator Door is not closed during an active cycle. If door is closed, check
for improper wiring or inoperative door switches.

FB10-25R2 Page 43 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Door Lock Door Lock Error Control senses unlocked loading door during cycle and records
Error error. Cycle is aborted and Cycle Aborted Error Menu is
displayed. Clear error to return to Cycle Menu.
Door Open Door Open Error Control senses open loading door during cycle and records error.
Error Cycle is aborted and Cycle Aborted Error Menu is displayed.
Clear error to return to Cycle Menu.
Drain Alarm Drain Alarm Error When drain alarm time is exceeded, control records error. Cycle
Error is stopped and Stopped Error Menu is displayed. Continue or
abort cycle.
Drive Drive Balance Switch Error Control detects variable frequency drive (VFD) balance switch
Balance input is closed at start of drain steep and records error. Cycle is
Switch Error aborted an d Cycle Aborted Error Menu is displayed. Clear error
to return to Cycle Menu.
Drive Fault Drive Fault Error Control detects VFD fault switch is open and records error.
E General Error Check keypad.
E db Drive Balance Switch Error VFD balance switch closed at start of drain step. Power down
E dF Drive Failure Motor unplugged, motor failure, tachometer circuit open or drum
locked up. Unpower machine to reset.
E dl or E dL Door Lock Error Door does not lock immediately upon closing (open and reclose
door) or doesn’t unlock 5 seconds after cycle completion. Power
down machine and retry.
E do, E:dO or Door Open Error Control detects door open. Caused by pulling on door while
E:do locked or about to lock. Correct inoperative door locking system.
End cycle. Power down machine to clear.
E dr or E:dr Drain Alarm Error Machine did not drain, maximum drain time exceeded or water
sensed at end of spin. Power down machine.
E FL Fill Error Programmed water level not reached within 5-90 minutes in any
fill agitate cycle. End cycle. Power down machine to clear.
E FS Frame Balance Switch Error Frame balance switch is open. End cycle.
E Ht Heat Alarm Error Programmed heat alarm time of 120 minutes or other
programmed length of time is exceeded. Turns off heater output
for remainder of cycle.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E Ld or E LF Water Leak Detection Error Control senses a drop or increase in water level during diagnostic
testing. Power down machine to clear. Control shows error after
door is open (when cycle is completed) for one minute or after
test has been completed, the right-most decimal point on display
lights and the error information will be logged in audit data.
E oP Open Temperature Sensor Error Control senses temperature less than 0ºF (-18ºC). Heater and
thermistor operations are disabled for cycle.
E Pr Low Level Pressure Switch If control senses that low level pressure switch is in incorrect
Error position at any point after first fill step in production test cycle.
Cycle will terminate. Power down machine to clear.
E ro Rotation Sensor Error Invalid signal from rotation sensor. Control will activate coast
times to complete cycle.
E rr Coin Error Invalid coin pulse or inoperative coin sensor. Check coin drop
area and remove obstructions. If error persists, tampering may
have occurred. Evaluate security procedures.
E Sd Slow Drain Error Control senses the time required to drain the water is too long,
the control shows error after door is open (when cycle is
completed) for one minute, the right-most decimal point on
display lights and the error information will be logged in audit
E SH Shorted Temperature Sensor Control sense temperature greater than 220ºF (104ºC). Heater
Error and thermistor operations are disabled for cycle.
E SP SPI Communications Error Front End control cannot communicate with output board. Power
down the machine, power up and try again.
E Ub or E:Ub Unbalance Error Unable to balance load. Redistribute load and retry.
E:dL Door Lock Error Door does not lock within 15 seconds of closing it or 3 minutes
after cycle completion. Open and reclose door.
E:FL Fill Error Pressure switch fails to open in 30 minutes in any fill/agitate
cycle or maximum fill time exceeded.
E:HT or E:Ht Heater Error Takes more than two hours to reach programmed heat
temperature. Replace inoperative heater circuit components.
E:OP Open Temperature Sensor Error Open temperature sensor circuit wiring. Change sensor.
E:Pr Pressure Switch Sequence Error Pressure switches out of sequence. Change pressure switch.
E:SH Shorted Temperature Sensor Short in temperature sensor circuit wiring. Change sensor.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E:SP Serial Communication Error Master control cannot communicate with motor control. Master
control will try to reset the motor control by powering it down.
The error will display after three reset attempt failures. Caused
by transformer unplugged or wiring to motor control incorrect.
E3 Faulty Value or Damaged E Re-program faulty value or replace the E Prom.
E3 1 - E3 9 Probable Vend Price Error This indicates an incorrect price adjustment for the program (i.e.,
a coin value of "0" or larger than "1000" was programmed).
Correct coin value adjustment.
E4 Water Level Error The cycle's programmed water level was not reached within 15
minutes. Inspect the water inlet supply, water inlet valves, drain
valve and water level switch.
E5 Heating Error The cycle's programmed temperature was not reached within 80
minutes. Inspect the auxiliary heating system, temperature sensor
and water safety switch.
E5 Water Level Error The programmed water level was not reached after 80 minutes.
Check inlet water supply, inspect inlet water valves, inspect drain
valve and check water level switch.
E6 Door Lock Error The door lock was released during the cycle. Inspect the door
lock and door lock circuit.
E7 Drain Error The water did not drain and the machine did not go into spin.
Inspect the drain valve and drain outlet.
E8 Temperature Sensor Error The temperature sensor's wiring or the temperature sensor is
damaged. Inspect the temperature sensor's wiring. Replace the
temperature sensor as needed.
E9 Motor Protection Error The thermo-magnetic protection was activated 5 times,
indicating a high motor current. Inspect the motor wiring
connections, motor, contactors, input voltage, inverter, motor/
machine bearings and for excessive soap left in the basket at the
end of the cycle.
EA Tilt Switch Error The tilt switch was activated 15 times and the final spin was
skipped, indicating an unbalanced load. Inspect the load size/type
and the machine's drain valve.
Eb Tilt Switch Error The tilt switch is activated at the start of a cycle or permanently
interrupted. Adjust the tilt switch as needed and check load size
and type. Inspect drain valves.
EC:00 General Communication Error Communication failure. Try card again.
EC:02 or Timeout Error Communication failure. Try card again.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EC:03 or Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not valid for
EC03 this machine type, or the control could not perform the command
in its current mode of operation. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type and control is in correct mode.
EC:05 or Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
EC05 programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type and
recheck the programming option's value and try again.
EC:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data is for
current machine type.
EC:09 Corrupted Data Error Communication error. Try card again.
EC:0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data is for
current machine type.
EC:19 or No Card Reader Communication Communication failure. Check card reader, control and harness.
EC19 Power down, power up and try again. If error persists, control or
reader is inoperative.
EC:20 Unreadable Card Inoperative card/ dirty contact. Clean chip on card or card reader
contacts. Try card again. If error persists, card may be
EC:21 Security ID Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct security code.
EC:22 Site Code Mismatch Wrong card. Use card with correct site code.
EC:23 Card Maximum Value Exceeded Value on card over max. Use a card which does not exceed
maximum value.
EC:24 Insufficient Memory on Card Card memory is full. Download card contents to PC and clear
card for re-use.
EC:25 Card Reader Malfunction Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be replaced.
EC:26 Card Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be inoperative.
EC:27 Diagnostic Test Card Write Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be replaced.
EC:28 Diagnostic Test Card Read Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be replaced.
EC:29 Diagnostic Test Memory Test Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be replaced.
EC:2A Diagnostic Test Card Interface Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be replaced.
EC:2b Diagnostic Test Flash Checksum Inoperative Card Reader. Card Reader may need to be replaced.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
EC:30 Timeout Error Card Reader may need to be replaced
EC:31 Hotlisted Card Inserted Into Card hotlisted. Control will destroy card.
EC:50 Loyalty Purse Read Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be inoperative.
EC:56 Loyalty Purse Write Error Try card again. If error persists, card may be inoperative.
EC11 No Card Reader Initialization Communication is valid, but there is no card reader initialization.
Power down, power up and try again.
EC18 No Communication Card reader initialized, communication lost. Power down, power
up and try again. If error persists, replace control or card reader.
EC36 Audit Card Removed Re-insert audit card and wait until machine prompts for card
Prematurely removal.
Ed01 SPI Communication Error Front End control cannot communicate with motor drive. Power
down, verify input power and 6-pin communication connection
on drive and Front End control, power up and tray again.
Ed02 DC Bus Error The control detects the DC bus is too high. Power down, verify
line voltage is within specification, power up and try again.
Ed03 Tachometer Error The drive detects the tachometer input is damaged during power
up or no tachometer signal is detected after initiating motor
output. Power down, verify H3 on drive and tachometer
connections on motor, power up and try again.
Ed04 Locked Rotor Error Motor does not reach speed at startup. Power down, verify motor
mounting and look for obstructions, power up and tray again.
Ed05 IGBT Overcurrent Error The drive detects an overcurrent shunt condition. Power down
machine for a minimum of two minutes, verify the motor is not
shorted phase to phase or phase to ground. Power up and tray
again. If problem persists, replace drive.
Ed06 Thermal Error The control detects a high IPM temperature. Power down, verify
convection around drive heat sink, power up and try again.
Ed07 No Setup Error The drive receives movement commands without receiving a
setup packet. Power down, power up and try again.
Ed08 Max Over Current Error The drive detects motor output overcurrent condition. Power
down, power up and try again.
Ed09 Current Sensor Error The drive detects a current sensor is not operating properly at
startup. Power down, power up and try again. If problem persists,
replace drive.
Ed10 Low DC Bus Error The drive detects a low DC Bus voltage. Cycle will continue, no
user input required.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Ed11 Invalid Command Error The drive received an invalid motor movement command. Cycle
will continue, no user input required.
EI:00 General Communications Errors Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try again.
EI:01 or EI01 Transmission Failure Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try again.
EI:02 or EI02 Device Timeout/Timeout Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try again.
EI:03 or EI03 Invalid Command Code Communication successful, but the command was not valid for
this machine type, or the control could not perform the command
in its current mode of operation. Before downloading, ensure
data is for current machine type and control is in correct mode.
EI:04 or EI04 Expecting Upload Request or Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try again.
Command Packet Time Out
EI:05 or EI05 Invalid or Out-of-Range Data Incorrect machine type or the value in at least one of the
programming options is invalid or out of range. Before
downloading, ensure data is for current machine type, values
entered are within the minimum and maximum limits and
recheck the programming option's value and try again.
EI:06 Invalid Data Code Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data is for
current machine type.
EI:07 Error Writing to RTC Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.
EI:08 Error Writing to EPROM Control failure. Control may need to be replaced.
EI:09 or EI09 CRC-16 Error Communication failure. Re-aim external device and try again.
EI:0A Invalid Machine Type Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data is for
current machine type.
EI:0F or EI0F Invalid Wakeup or IR Disabled Communication failure or IR is disabled. Manually enable IR on
control/Re-aim external device and try again.
EI0A Framing Error Communication error. Re-aim external device and try again.
EI0C Time-out Exceeded Communication error. Re-aim external device and try again.
EI0E Encryption Error Incorrect machine type. Before downloading, ensure data is for
current machine type and check security code and retry.
EOP Temperature Sensor Error The temperature sensor has detected a temperature below 4 C.
Check sensor wiring. Replace temperature sensor.
Err Coin Error Invalid coin pulse or inoperative coin sensor. Check coin drop
area and remove obstructions. If error persists, tampering may
have occurred. Evaluate security procedures.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
ERROR 1 Program Title Error After installation of new display board, the titles were not copied
from mainboard to the display board. Copy titles to new display
ERROR 2 Component Unknown A wash component is unknown in the wash program. Program
new component.
ERROR 3 Component Error Incorrect wash data - a wash component is created with incorrect
length. Program correct wash data and correct length.
ERROR 4 Subroutine Not Found Refers to unknown component. Program new component.
ERROR 5 Wrong Password Incorrect password is used for entering test menu or editing
menu. Enter correct password.
ERROR 6 Wash Data Error Incorrect or incomplete wash data. Program correct or complete
wash data.
ERROR 7 Inverter Communication Error No communication or incomplete communication between
inverter and mainboard. Inspect wiring between inverter and
ERROR 8 Inverter Autotuning Error Incorrect status during autotuning. Check status during auto
ERROR 9 Inverter Parameter Error Writing of parameter is refused or error during writing of
parameters to the inverter. Inspect wiring at inverter. Check
parameter and reprogram.
ERROR 10 Inverter Status Error Error message on the inverter. Check inverter.
ERROR 11 Real Time Clock Error Read-out error on the clock. Inspect wiring at clock. Check clock
and reprogram.
ERROR 12 Tilt Switch Error Incorrect functioning or connection of the tilt switch when you
start a cycle. Check tilt switch. Inspect wiring to the tilt switch.
Using test program, check tilt switch’s input signal.
ERROR 13 Temperature Error At startup, the temperature is higher than 95 C or after 6 minutes
the temperature is still lower than 6 C or higher than 95 C.
Inspect temperature sensor. Check water temperature. Check
programmed temperature.
ERROR 14 Temperature Error Inspect temperature sensor. Inspect heating resistances/relays
and wiring. Check input/output voltage of temperature sensor on
main board. Using test program, test temperature sensor.
ERROR 15 Level Sensor Error At startup, the water level is lower than 4 cm, higher than 2 cm
(positive offset) or higher than 10cm (negative offset). Check
inlet water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and water level

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
ERROR 16 Can Communication Error No communication between the mainboard and the display
board. Inspect the wiring between mainboard and display board.
ERROR 17 Wrong Machine Type Incorrect machine type programmed with the wash data.
Program correct machine type.
ERROR 18 Wrong Wash Data Error Wash data on main board does not correspond with machine
ERROR 19 ID Chip Read Error Error reading identification chip. Verify correct chip is in
machine. Check wiring.
ERROR 20 ID Chip Write Error Error by a writing action to the identification chip. Program
correct action to the ID Chip. Check wiring.
ERROR 21 MMC Transfer Error Error during the transfer of data to MMC Card. Check wiring.
ERROR 22 Door Lock Error Door will not lock after 5 failed attempts in 10 seconds. Check
door lock circuit. Inspect door lock mechanism. Using test
program, check input signals S1 and S2.
ERROR 23 Wash Data Version Error The wash data is not corresponding with the type of display.
Reprogram was data.
ERROR 24 Wrong Display Type Error Wrong display type programmed. Check display type.
ERROR 25 Wash Data Backup Error Wash data will not backup. Check wiring. Check for sufficient
space to save backup data.
ERROR 26 New ID Chip Error Error when inserting new ID Chip. Verify correct chip is received
for machine type.
ERROR 27 Invalid File Size Error Incorrect file size. Check correct file size is programmed.
ERROR 28 RTC Read Error Error when reading RTC. Verify correct RTC is in machine.
Check wiring.
ERROR 29 RTC Write Error Error by a writing action to the RTC. Program correct action to
the RTC. Check wiring.
ERROR 30 EProm Read Error Error when reading EProm. Verify correct EProm is in machine.
Check wiring.
ERROR 31 EProm Write Error Error by a writing action to the EProm. Program correct action to
the EProm. Check wiring.
ERROR 32 Water Level Too Low The water level was too low during the heating cycle. Check inlet
water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and water level
ERROR 33 Software Version Error When the main board or display board is replaced, the cards have
different software versions.
ERROR 34 MCU Failure Error The processor isn’t functioning properly

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
ERROR 50 Level Stop Error The programmed water level is not reached in a certain time.
Check inlet water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and
water level switch. Using test program, test water inlet valves,
water level sensor and drain valves.
ERROR 51 Heat Stop Error The programmed temperature is not reached in a certain time.
Check auxillary heating system, temperature sensor and water
safety level switch. Using test program, test heating resistances
and water level switch.
ERROR 52 Drain Error Water level is not lowered within 2m after 2 minutes upon
completion of a wash cycle (Machines with a drain valve, water
level must be "0" after 8 minutes upon completion of a wash
cycle and machines with a pump drain, water level must be "0"
after 4 minutes). Inspect drain valve and drain outlet.Using test
program, test function of drain valve.
ERROR 53 Heating Error The programmed temperature is not reached after 20 minutes.
Check auxillary heating system, drain valve and water level
switch. Using test program, test heating resistances and water
level switch.
ERROR 54 Fill Error The programmed water level is not reached after 6 minutes.
Check inlet water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and
water level switch. Using test program, test water inlet valves,
water level sensor and drain valve
ERROR 55 Rotation Sensor Error The rotation signal is missing for 30 seconds. Check rotation
ERROR 56 Spin Retry Error Programmed number of imbalances is reached. Check load size
and type. Check for an unbalanced load.
ERROR 57 Extraction Error Error occurred during extraction. Check load size and type.
Check for an unbalanced load.
ERROR 58 Dry Error
ERROR 59 Door Open While Washing The door is opened or unlocked during the operation of the
Error machine. Check door lock circuit. Inspect door lock mechanism.
Using test program, test function of door lock.
ESH Temperature Sensor Error The temperature sensor has detected a temperature above 100 C.
Check sensor wiring. Replace temperature sensor.
F1 Control Error There is an invalid control configuration, wrong configuration
file or corrupted PS40 firmware. Load a new configuration file.
Replace PS40 E Prom.
F5 Door Error The door open switch was tripped during the wash cycle. Check
door lock circuit and inspect door lock mechanism.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
F6 Door Error The door lock switch was tripped during the wash cycle. Check
door lock circuit and inspect door lock mechanism.
FA Out of Balance Error Out of balance switch was activated at start of cycle. Check load
size and type. Check for an unbalanced load.
FH Hardware Error There is a hardware problem or fault on printed circuit board.
Replace print board.
Fill Alarm Fill Alarm Error When fill alarm time is exceeded, control records error. Cycle is
Error stopped and Stopped Error Menu is displayed. Continue or stop
Frame Frame Balance Switch Error Control detects frame balance switch error during cycle and
Balance records error. Cycle is aborted. Power down machine and service
Switch Error frame balance switch error condition.
Heat Alarm Heat Alarm Error When heat alarm time is exceeded control records error. Cycle is
Error stopped and Stopped Error Menu is displayed. Clear error to
return to Cycle Menu.
Invalid Invalid Command Error When error occurs during a cycle, control aborts motor
Command movement, control records error.
Invalid Invalid Parameter Set Error Front End control cannot verify drive parameter set during a
Parameter Set cycle, control records error. Cycle is aborted and Cycle Aborted
Error Error Menu is displayed until user cleans error. If error occurs in
any other mode, cycle power to clear error.
IPM Over IPM Over Temperature Error When error occurs during a cycle, control records error. Cycle is
Temperature aborted and Cycle aborted Error Menu is displayed until user
Error clears error.
IR IR Communications Error When error occurs during IR communication, control records
Communicati error. Display shows Communication Error Menu for 3 seconds.
ons Error
Last Drive Last Drive Error When error occurs during a cycle, control records error.
LeU Drain Error Water is still in the tub at the end of a cycle.
Locked Rotor Locked Rotor Error When error occurs during a cycle, control records error. Cycle is
Error aborted and Cycle aborted Error Menu is displayed until user
clears error.
Low DC Bus Low DC Bus Error When error occurs during a cycle, control aborts motor
Error movement, control records error.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Max Current Max Current Exceeded Error When error occurs during a cycle, control records error. Cycle is
Exceeded aborted and Cycle aborted Error Menu is displayed until user
Error clears error.
MOT Motor Current Error No current supplied to the motor. Verify flat cable is connected.
Check that the cycle contact MICRO 9 closes. Replace 16 amp
fuse. Tighten motor plug. Replace motor print board.
Mot 2 Rotation Sensor Error The rotation sensor's wiring or the rotation sensor is damaged.
Inspect the rotation sensor's wiring. Replace the rotation sensor
as needed.
Mot 3 Operating Hours Error The machine has operated for 5,000 hours. Replace the motor
brush blocks.
Network Network Communications Error When error occurs during network communications, control
Communicati records error.
ons Error
No No Tachometer Error When error occurs during a cycle, control records error. Cycle is
Tachometer aborted and Cycle Aborted Error Menu is displayed.
Not Motor Overload Protector Error Motor overload protector has tripped.
not 1 Motor Current Error No current supplied to the motor. Verify flat cable is connected.
Check that the cycle contact MICRO 9 closes. Replace 16 amp
fuse. Tighten motor plug. Replace motor print board.
Not 2 Speed Sensor Output Error The speed sensor's output does not match programmed speeds
(variable-speed models only).
not 2 Tach Pulse Error Motor print board is not receiving tach pulse from MICRO 9
control. Check wiring, replace tach generator and check contacts
A, B, C or D of MICRO 9 control.
not 3 Operating Hours Error The machine has operated for 5,000 hours. Replace the motor
brush blocks.
OFF or oFF Break-in Alarm Shutdown Error Access panel or coin vault switches. Opened with Break-In
Alarm enabled.
Open Open Temperature Sensor Error In machines equipped with temperature sensor, control senses
Temperature temperature less than 5°F and records error. Cycle is aborted and
Sensor Error Cycle Aborted Error Menu is displayed. Clear error to return to
Cycle Menu.
PDA PDA Communications Error When error occurs during communication, control records error.
Communicati Display shows Communication Error Menu for 3 seconds.
ons Error

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Right most Network Communication Error Communication failure. Wait for 1.5 minutes for error to clear. If
DP (decimal it doesn’t, power-down and power-up the machine. If error
point) Lit persists, control or Network Board may need to be replaced.
Right most Slow Drain Error Check for water leak.
DP (decimal
point) Lit
rot Cylinder Error The cylinder is not turning. Check drive belt. Check rotation
Rotation Rotation Sensor Error Control senses invalid signal from rotation sensor and records
Sensor Error error. Cycle will continue with coast times loaded where rotation
detection is required. Machine will operate this way until power
is reset.
Shorted Shorted IGBT Error When error occurs during a cycle, control records error. Cycle is
IGBT Error aborted and Cycle aborted Error Menu is displayed until user
clears error.
Shorted Shorted Temperature Sensor In machine equipped with temperature sensor, control senses
Temperature Error temperature less than 220°F and records error. Cycle is aborted
Sensor Error and Cycle Aborted Error Menu is displayed. Clear error to return
to Cycle Menu.
SLE Drain Error Water is still in the tub at the end of a cycle.
Slow Drain Slow Drain Detected During a If slow drain error occurs during cycle, control records error and
Detected Machine Cycle Error displays “Slow Drain Detected”.
During a
Cycle Error
SPI Error SPI Error Control is unable to communicate with output board. Cycle is
aborted and Cycle Aborted Error Menu is displayed. Clear error
to return to Cycle Menu.
Unbalance Unbalance Error When machine detects unbalanced load during cycle, control will
Error run subsequent Spray Rinse Extract and Extract steps but only at
reduced speed. Cycle will continue. When cycle is completed,
control records error.
VEn Exhaust Error The exhaust air is restricted. Clean lint screen and inspect
exhaust venting.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Ripon made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Water Leak Water Leak Detection Error If control detects water leak or related problem during cycle,
Detection control will record error and display “Water Leak
Error Detected”:Drain Valve or :Fill Valve at end of cycle. If control
detects water leak or related problem during diagnostic test,
control will record error and display “FAIL”:Drain Valve or
:FillValve. If control detects water leak or related problemd uring
auto-water leak detection, control will records error and display
“FAIL”:Drain Valve or :Fill Valve until any keypad is pressed to
return to Cycle Menu.
Water Level Water Level Sensor Control senses high water level from water level sensor during
Sensor Error extract cycle step and records error. Cycle is aborted and Cycle
Aborted Error Menu is displayed. Clear error to return to Cycle

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
A0 Program Error Program key in wrong position when trying to access Program
Mode. Correct position of program key.
A2 Program Error Program selected does not exist. Select another program.
A3 Program Error Program was not pre-programmed or memory has been lost.
Replace E Prom.
A4 Water Level Program Error Programmed water level was not reached after 15 minutes.
Check inlet water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and
water level switch.
A5 Temperature Program Error Programmed temperature was not reached after 60 minutes.
Check auxiliary heating systems, inspect temperature sensor and
check water safety level switch.
A6 Temperature Error Temperature in the cylinder is unsafe at the end of the cycle.
Allow laundry to cool down before removing.
A7 Drain Error Level switch detects water remaining in the drum at the end of
the cycle. Inspect drain valve and drain outlet.
A8 Temperature Sensor Error Temperature sensor or temperature sensor circuit is defective.
Replace temperature sensor. Repair sensor wiring.
A9 Motor Thermal Error Motor thermal protector was activated. Check the following:
motor, motor connections, contactors, input voltage, inverter,
motor and machine bearings.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
Ab Drain Error Level switch detects water remaining in the drum at the end of
the cycle. Inspect inlet water valves and drain valve.
Ac Drain Error Water was not drained after three minutes. Inspect drain valve
and drain outlet.
Ad Speed Sensor Error The machines is not running at correct RPM or speed sensor is
defective (if Ad is blinking it will take 4-5 minutes to unlock
door). Check door lock circuit. Inspect door lock mechanism.
AE Position Error Cylinder cannot find the correct position (Hygienic machines
only). Press "NO" to position tub at load or unload side, press "1"
to open load door and press "2" to open unload door.
AG Speed Sensor Error The final spin was at a lower RPM (Smart Spin) than
programmed. Check for an unbalanced load.
AH Tilt Switch Error Maximum number of tilts was exceeded, skipping the final spin.
Check load size and type. Check for an unbalanced load.
E3 Damaged E Prom Replace the E Prom.
E4 The cycle's programmed water Inspect the water inlet supply, water inlet valves, drain valve and
level was not reached within 15 water level switch.
E5 The cycle's programmed water Inspect the water inlet supply, water inlet valves, drain valve and
level was not reached within 80 water level switch.
E6 The door lock was released Inspect the door lock and door lock circuit.
during the cycle
E7 The water did not drain and the Inspect the drain valve and drain outlet.
machine did not go into spin
E8 The temperature sensor's wiring Inspect the temperature sensor's wiring. Replace the temperature
or the temperature sensor is sensor as needed.
E9 The thermo-magnetic protection Inspect the motor wiring connections, motor, contactors, input
was activated 5 times, indicating voltage, inverter, motor/machine bearings and for excessive
a high motor current soap left in the basket at the end of the cycle.
E1 Drain failure cooldown Error occurs when the electronic timer detects water is not
drained after 3 minutes in a cooldown sequence. Check drain
tube and repair if necessary. Check wiring to valve and repair.
Check drain valve and replace if necessary.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E2 Drain failure Occurs when electronic timer detects water is not drained after 3
minutes in a drain or spin sequence. Check drain tube and repair
if necessary. Check wiring to valve and repair. Check drain valve
and replace if necessary.
E3 Out of balance before spin Error will occur before spin sequence is started and machine will
not spin. Make sure out of balance switch is correctly mounted.
Check wiring to switch and make sure there are no loose
connections or repair wiring if no continuity. Check if out of
balance switch is broken and replace.
E4 Out of balance normal spin Error will occur when machine is badly loaded. Machine will try
up to 10 times to redistribute laundry in drum before error
occurs. Make sure out of balance switch is correctly mounted.
Check wiring to switch and make sure there are no loose
connections or repair wiring if no continuity. Check if out of
balance switch is broken and replace.
E5 Out of balance high spin Occurs when out of balance sensor is activated during high spin.
Check position of out of balance switch and make sure is
correctly mounted. Check springs and other mechanical parts
that fix the drum and replace as necessary. Check wiring to
switch and repair. Make sure machine is installed correctly and
E6 Door switch failure If during the wash cycle the washer computer detects the door
switch is not closed, the machine will immediately stop all
functions and the door will stay locked. Check the door switch
and replace if it is broken or malfunctions. Check the continuity
of the wiring and repair if necessary. Check the door switch at the
inputs menu and if not functional, replace wash computer.
E7 Door lock solenoid switch If during the wash cycle the washer computer detects the door
failure lock solenoid switch is not closed, the machine will immediately
stop all functions and the door will stay locked. Check the door
lock solenoid switch and replace if it is broken or malfunctions.
Check the door lock coil and if it’s not functioning properly,
replace it. Check the mechanical functionality of the door lock
and if it’s not functioning properly, replace the door lock system.
Check the continuity of the wiring and repair if necessary. Check
the door switch at the inputs menu and if not functional, replace
wash computer.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E8 Door lock check at start failure This error will occur each time the door lock sequence cannot be
finished once started. Make sure door handle is centered against
door lock and replace handle if damaged. Make sure input
connector DL is connected. Repair ore replace door lock
solenoid switch and door lock coils if not working properly.
Replace door lock system if not functioning mechanically. Make
sure there is continuity in the wiring. Check the output relay that
powers the door lock coil and replace computer if relay is
broken. Make sure door lock solenoid switch is functioning
properly at the inputs menu; if not, replace computer. If the door
switch is broken or does not function correctly, replace door
E9 Door lock solenoid switch If within 30 seconds of the end of the cycle the door lock
closed failure at cycle end solenoid switch does not open, this error will occur. Check the
door lock solenoid switch and repair or replace. Make sure door
lock coil is functioning properly and replace if necessary. Make
sure mechanical functionality of door lock is good and replace
door lock system if there is a problem. Make sure there is
continuity of the wiring. If out put relay that power door lock
coils is broken, replace the wash computer.
E10 Bimetal/Spring The bimetal/spring is checked each cycle to make sure door
cannot be opened immediately when power is switched off. Error
will occur if bimetal/spring is defective. Check bimetal/spring
and replace if defective. Make sure mechanical functionality of
door lock is good and replace door lock system if there is a
problem. Make sure there is continuity of the wiring. Check door
unlock coil and make sure it’s working properly. If out put relay
that power door lock coils is broken, replace the wash computer.
E11 Fill failure This error occurs when the water level has not reached its target
level in the maximum fill time. If water flow is very slow,
increase the value for the max fill time. Check that the external
water valves are open and free of dirt. Make sure the coil of the
water inlet valve is working properly. Replace drain valve if
defective. Make sure rubber hose is mounted properly. Make sure
air hose on electronic sensor is air tight and doesn’t contain any
water. Check continuity of wiring and repair as necessary. Check
output relay that powers inlet valves and drain valve and replace
wash computer if relays not working properly.
E12 Overfill failure This error occurs if the water level exceeds the maximum water
level. Make sure water inlet valves are not broken and clean or
replace as needed. Make sure water pressure is not too high.
Check output relay that powers inlet valve and replace wash
computer if relay is not working properly.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E13 Heating failure This error occurs if the temperature is not raised 3°C (37°F) in 10
minutes. Make sure the heating contactor is activated and repair
the wiring or replace the contactor. Check the heating elements
and if they are not heating, repair the wiring or replace thee
heater elements. Make sure the temperature sensor is functioning
and replace as necessary. Check output relay that powers the
heating contactor and replace wash computer if relay is not
working properly.
E14 Heating time failure Error will occur after the programmed maximum heating time
has passed and the target temperature is not reached. If the
machine has a small hating capacity, increase the value of the
max heating time. Check if the heating resistors are heating and
repair the wiring or replace the defective heater elements. Make
sure water temperature is not too low. Make sure the temperature
sensor is functioning and replace if defective.
E15 Too hot Error will occur if water temperature is 15°C (59°F) above target
temperature. Check if the correct water inlet valves have been
programmed. Choose the correct water inlet valves for the wash
sequence or adjust the parameters of the wash program. Make
sure water inlet valves are functioning properly. Make sure
supplied water temperature is not too hot. Make sure temperature
sensor is functioning and replace if faulty. Replace heating
contactor if it stays closed. Check the output relay that power the
heating contactor. If the relay stays closed and the relay is
broken, replace the power board. If the relay is not broken but
receives a not allowed signal from the wash computer, replace
wash computer.
E21 Overflow failure This error occurs when the water level raises above the hole of
the overflow tube. Make sure overflow hole and tube are not
blocked. Make sure drain tube is not blocked. Make sure water
inlet valves are working properly. Make sure output relay that
powers the water inlet valve is working properly. If relay stays
closed and is broken, replace wash computer.
E22 Flush failure When the flush valve is active and the machine is losing 7 cm
(2.75 in.) of water, the drain will be opened. Check drain valve
and replace if it’s losing water. If machine is losing water, replace
defective parts.
E24 Defective level sensor Error occurs during wash cycle. Check level sensor visually and
replace wash computer if you see damage.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E25 Defective temperature sensor Error occurs during wash cycle. Make sure temperature sensor is
connected on the PCB board. Check temperature sensor and
replace if damaged. Make sure the resistance is correct on the
sensor and replace as needed. Make sure earth wire is at the
middle of the connector. Check PCB board and replace if
E26 Undefined frequency inverter This error occurs if inverter gives an error message that is not
error code recognized by the wash computer. Updating the software might
help discover which error code occurred. Contact manufacturer if
problem persists.
E27 Communication fault inverter Error occurs when there is no communication between wash
computer and inverter. If the inverter or washer computer is new,
make sure the right machine type and washing machine power
supply have been selected. Make sure door is closed and locked.
Make sure inverter is energized. If power is not getting to the
inverter, repair power supply. If supply voltage is OK, replace
inverter. Make sure fuses are operational. Make sure safety
inverter contactor is working properly. Make sure connectors on
both sides of communication cable are still connected. Make sure
wiring is OK. If output relay is broken, replace wash computer
E28 THT (Mitsubishi) / E. OL Error occurs when the wash computer cannot handle the fault of
(KEB) Timeout the inverter. Make sure correct machine type is selected. Make
sure the correcter inverter parameters are loaded into the wash
computer. Make sure power supply is sufficient and stable during
extraction load. Check that drum rotates normally by hand and
repair or clean as necessary. If fault is persistent, contact
E29 OV3 (Mitsubishi) / E. OP (KEB) Error occurs when the wash computer cannot handle the fault of
Timeout the inverter. Make sure correct machine type is selected. Make
sure the correcter inverter parameters are loaded into the wash
computer. Check if there was unbalance during extraction -
always put a full load in the machine. If fault is persistent,
contact manufacturer.
E31 Initialization fault inverter Error occurs when there is a problem while wash computer
writes the dedicated inverter parameters into the inverter
EPROM memory. Error means not all dedicated inverter
parameters have been loaded and as a result the inverter will not
work correctly. Make sure door is closed and locked. Make sure
inverter is energized. Try to write parameters to the inverter
again. If fault is persistent, contact manufacturer.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E32 Verification fault inverter Error occurs if wrong parameter is detected at the verification of
the inverter parameters. Make sure correct machine type is
selected, door is closed and locked and that inverter is energized.
Write parameters to inverter again. If fault is persistent, contact
E33 Stall prevention function This error indicates that the stall prevention of the frequency
inverter is sometimes functioning. Make sure drum is not
overloaded. Check to see if the correct machine type is selected.
Make sure dedicated inverter parameters have been loaded by the
wash computer. Make sure there are no mechanical parts broken
and replace as necessary.
E35 Wrong software version When a new software that isn’t backward compatible with
previous software versions is loaded, the software will detect that
the old and new software is not compatible. The wash computer
must be reconfigured.
E37 Drain failure at the spray Error occurs when electronic timer detects that the water is not
sequence drained after 3 minutes at the spray sequence. Check drain tube
and make sure it is not blocked. Make sure drain valve is
working properly. Check wiring (when drain valve is switched
off, drain valve should be open) and repair as needed.
E38 Tank with recycle water is Error occurs when electronic timer detects water recycle tank is
empty empty. Machine will switch over to soft cold water. Check water
level in water recycle tank and add water as needed.
E39 Soap supplies are running out of Occurs when electronic timer detects soap reservoir is empty.
soap Check liquid soap supply and add soap as needed.
E40 Fill failure due to an empty Error occurs when the electronic timer gets a signal that the
water recycle tank water recycling tank is empty. At the same time, the water level
will not raise anymore and an error will be generated if the
programmed water level is not reached in the max fill time.
Check water level in recycle tank and add water as needed. If
water flow is slow, increase value of max fill time. Make sure
external water valves are open. Make sure water inlet valves are
not blocked by dirt. If coil on water inlet valve is open, replace
the coil or the whole inlet valve. Make sure drain valve is
working properly. Make sure rubber hose for measuring water
level is mounted well on the water level sensor and on the drain
valve. Make sure air tube on electronic sensor is air tight and
does not contain water. Check continuity of wiring and repair as
needed. Check output relay that powers inlet valves and drain

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E41 Service due warning This error occurs when the cycle counter of the electronic timer
has reached the programmed value for service due. Error
message will be erased by opening the door. If cycle counter has
not been reset the message will appear again at the end of the
next wash cycle. Reset cycle counter in the service menu.
E42 No network connection Error appears when no network connection is available. Check
the network cable and replace if broken. Check the RS232-
RS485 converter. If converter is out of order, replace it.
E43 Wrong voltage range selection Error occurs when the wrong voltage range has been selected in
the configuration menu. Depending on the machine type and
inverter type, certain voltage ranges are not allowed. Check
machine identification plate at the back of the machine. Select
the same voltage range in the configuration menu as on the
identification plate of your machine.
E44 Wrong inverter model type Error occurs when wrong inverter model type has been detected
by wash computer software. Make sure correct machine type is
selected in configuration menu. Check machine identification
plate and select the same voltage range in the configuration menu
as on the identification plate.
E52 PCB-EPROM CRC failure At power-up, wash computer checks if factory settings in
EPROM are OK. Error occurs when there is a wrong CRC
reading of the data from the EPROM. The wash computer needs
to be reset by manufacturer.
E53 PCB-EPROM data out of range At power-up, wash computer checks if factory settings in
EPROM are OK. Error occurs by reading out of range data from
the EPROM. The wash computer needs to be reset by
E60 No detection motor speed signal Error occurs when there is no feedback speed signal from the
at wash motor drive at the wash sequence. The wash computer will try
three times to reset the drive motor. After three times, this error
becomes active. Check the communication cable, motor drive,
motor and power cable. Repair or replace if any are defective.
Check output relay that powers the motor drive and replace wash
computer if relay is broken. Check contactor power supply motor
drive and replace contactor if it is broken.
E61 Motor doesn’t stop spinning Error occurs when there is a feedback speed signal from the
motor drive when the motor is not turning and the motor drive is
not expected to return a speed signal. Will try to reset one time.
Check the wire bridge on the mobile connector motor drive and
close the motor bridge if it is open. Check communication cable
and motor drive. Repair or replace if either are defective.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E62 Motor spins too fast Error occurs when speed exceeds more than 50 RPM above
target speed. Will try to reset one time. Check the
communication cable, motor drive, motor and belt. Repair or
replace if any are defective.
E63-E67 Reset Motor Drive for E60, E61 After error 60 tries one time to reset, failure 63 appears. After
and E62 error 60 tries to reset the second time, failure 64 appears. After
error 60 tries to reset the third and final time, failure 65 appears.
Error 61 will try to reset one time and if it fails, error 66 will
appear. Error 62 will try to reset one time and if it fails, error 67
will appear.
E68 No detection motor speed signal Error occurs when there is no feedback speed signal from motor
at spin drive at spin sequence. Check the communication cable, motor
drive, motor and power cable. Repair or replace if any are
defective. Check output relay that powers the motor drive and
replace wash computer if relay is broken. Check contactor power
supply motor drive and replace contactor if it is broken.
E69 Unbalance input should not be Occurs when input for unbalance detection for F machines is
high on R machines high. Make sure correct machine type is selected. Make sure
wiring is correct. Check F machine input unbalance detection.
There must not be a wire bridge at the input unbalance detection.
If input is broken, replace wash computer.
E70 RS7 selected in case of RS10 Error occurs when wrong machine type is selected. Make sure
correct machine type is selected.
E71 RS10 selected in case of RS7 Error occurs when wrong machine type is selected. Make sure
correct machine type is selected. Make sure wire bridge on
mobile connector F pins 1 and 3 is available.
E72 No wire bridge terminals 16-20 Occurs when wire bridge at KEB terminals 16-20 is missing.
Make sure there is a wire bridge at terminals 16-20. If fault is
persistent, contact manufacturer.
E73 No KEB parameters loaded in Occurs when the dedicated parameters have not been loaded in
inverter the KEB inverter. Make sure correct inverter parameters have
been loaded in wash computer. If fault is persistent, contact
E74 Inverter not switched off at end Occurs when inverter contactor does not open at end of wash
of cycle cycle. Check if contacts on contactor stay closed after cycle has
finished and replace if they open. Check output relay that powers
inverter contactor and replace wash computer if relay is broken.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E75 Undefined frequency inverter Error occurs if inverter gives an error message which is not
error code recognized by wash computer. Updating wash computer software
might help discover what inverter error code really occurred.
Inform manufacturer.
E78 At standby door lock is locked Error occurs when at standby mode (machine is on but no wash
while door is open cycle is running) the door lock switch is in locked state while the
door is open. Close door slowly with limited force. If error
message disappears, machine goes into standby mode and can be
further used. If error does not disappear, repair or replace door
E79 After pressing start, door lock is Occurs when during door locking sequence the door lock switch
locked while door is open is in locked state and door (door switch) is open. Make sure door
lock system is functioning properly and repair or replace if
E80 Timeout input 16/Soap Timeout Error occurs when on hold signal of liquid supply central
dispensing system stays high for more than 1 hour. Make sure
central soap dispensing system operates correctly and repair if
faulty. Make sure wiring of on hold input signal is not damaged
and repair as necessary. Check inputs on wash computer and if
faulty, replace wash computer.
E300-E353 Mitsubishi inverter alarm Always make sure the correct inverter parameter settings are in
the inverter. Go to configuration menu and select inverter menu,
set correct machine type and supply voltage and load parameters
from wash computer to inverter again. Refer to Programming
Manual if you continue to get errors.
E400-E441 KEB inverter alarm Always make sure the correct inverter parameter settings are in
the inverter. Go to configuration menu and select inverter menu,
set correct machine type and supply voltage and load parameters
from wash computer to inverter again. Refer to Programming
Manual if you continue to get errors.
E500-E520 Memory error If memory errors occur, there is a problem with the EPROM. Try
to reload the washing program. Check for source of electrical
E550 Wrong DAQ memory version Error occurs when after installing new wash computer software
the DAQ memory structure is not compatible anymore. There are
two ways to reset the DAQ memory: automatically by loading
the wash computer default settings at the configuration menu or
by the trace-tech PC software for which the DAQ memory is of

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E551 Problem writing DAQ memory Occurs when wash computer fails to write data in the DAQ
traceability memory segment. Reset DAQ traceability memory
segment. If problem persists, replace wash computer
E552 DAQ traceability memory is full Occurs when wash computer DAQ memory is completely filled
with traceability data. Data should be removed by traceability PC
E553 DAQ traceability memory is Error occurs when 85% of DAQ traceability memory segment
almost full contains wash cycle data. Data should be unloaded by the
traceability PC software before the memory is completely filled
E600-E628 Software error If a software error occurs, contact manufacturer.
EA The tilt switch was activated 15 Inspect the load size/type and the machine's drain valve.
times and the final spin was
skipped, indicating an
unbalanced load
Eb The tilt switch is activated at the Adjust the tilt switch as needed.
start of a cycle
ERROR 1 Program Title Error After installation of new display board, the titles were not copied
from mainboard to the display board. Copy titles to new display
ERROR 2 Component Unknown A wash component is unknown in the wash program. Program
new component.
ERROR 3 Component Error Incorrect wash data - a wash component is created with incorrect
length. Program correct wash data and correct length.
ERROR 4 Subroutine Not Found Refers to unknown component. Program new component.
ERROR 5 Wrong Password Incorrect password is used for entering test menu or editing
menu. Enter correct password.
ERROR 6 Wash Data Error Incorrect or incomplete wash data. Program correct or complete
wash data.
ERROR 7 Inverter Communication Error No communication or incomplete communication between
inverter and mainboard. Inspect wiring between inverter and
ERROR 8 Inverter Autotuning Error Incorrect status during autotuning. Check status during auto
ERROR 9 Inverter Parameter Error Writing of parameter is refused or error during writing of
parameters to the inverter. Inspect wiring at inverter. Check
parameter and reprogram.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
ERROR 10 Inverter Status Error Error message on the inverter. Check inverter.
ERROR 11 Real Time Clock Error Read-out error on the clock. Inspect wiring at clock. Check clock
and reprogram.
ERROR 12 Tilt Switch Error Incorrect functioning or connection of the tilt switch when you
start a cycle. Check tilt switch. Inspect wiring to the tilt switch.
Using test program, check tilt switch’s input signal.
ERROR 13 Temperature Error At startup, the temperature is higher than 95 C or after 6 minutes
the temperature is still lower than 6 C or higher than 95 C.
Inspect temperature sensor. Check water temperature. Check
programmed temperature.
ERROR 14 Temperature Error Inspect temperature sensor. Inspect heating resistances/relays
and wiring. Check input/output voltage of temperature sensor on
main board. Using test program, test temperature sensor.
ERROR 15 Level Sensor Error At startup, the water level is lower than 4 cm, higher than 2 cm
(positive offset) or higher than 10cm (negative offset). Check
inlet water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and water level
ERROR 16 Can Communication Error No communication between the mainboard and the display
board. Inspect the wiring between mainboard and display board.
ERROR 17 Wrong Machine Type Incorrect machine type programmed with the wash data.
Program correct machine type.
ERROR 18 Wrong Wash Data Error Wash data on main board does not correspond with machine
ERROR 19 ID Chip Read Error Error reading identification chip. Verify correct chip is in
machine. Check wiring.
ERROR 20 ID Chip Write Error Error by a writing action to the identification chip. Program
correct action to the ID Chip. Check wiring.
ERROR 21 MMC Transfer Error Error during the transfer of data to MMC Card. Check wiring.
ERROR 22 Door Lock Error Door will not lock after 5 failed attempts in 10 seconds. Check
door lock circuit. Inspect door lock mechanism. Using test
program, check input signals S1 and S2.
ERROR 23 Wash Data Version Error The wash data is not corresponding with the type of display.
Reprogram was data.
ERROR 24 Wrong Display Type Error Wrong display type programmed. Check display type.
ERROR 25 Wash Data Backup Error Wash data will not backup. Check wiring. Check for sufficient
space to save backup data.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
ERROR 26 New ID Chip Error Error when inserting new ID Chip. Verify correct chip is received
for machine type.
ERROR 27 Invalid File Size Error Incorrect file size. Check correct file size is programmed.
ERROR 28 RTC Read Error Error when reading RTC. Verify correct RTC is in machine.
Check wiring.
ERROR 29 RTC Write Error Error by a writing action to the RTC. Program correct action to
the RTC. Check wiring.
ERROR 30 EProm Read Error Error when reading EProm. Verify correct EProm is in machine.
Check wiring.
ERROR 31 EProm Write Error Error by a writing action to the EProm. Program correct action to
the EProm. Check wiring.
ERROR 32 Water Level Too Low The water level was too low during the heating cycle. Check inlet
water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and water level
ERROR 33 Software Version Error When the main board or display board is replaced, the cards have
different software versions.
ERROR 34 MCU Failure Error The processor isn’t functioning properly
ERROR 50 Level Stop Error The programmed water level is not reached in a certain time.
Check inlet water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and
water level switch. Using test program, test water inlet valves,
water level sensor and drain valves.
ERROR 51 Heat Stop Error The programmed temperature is not reached in a certain time.
Check auxillary heating system, temperature sensor and water
safety level switch. Using test program, test heating resistances
and water level switch.
ERROR 52 Drain Error Water level is not lowered within 2m after 2 minutes upon
completion of a wash cycle (Machines with a drain valve, water
level must be "0" after 8 minutes upon completion of a wash
cycle and machines with a pump drain, water level must be "0"
after 4 minutes). Inspect drain valve and drain outlet.Using test
program, test function of drain valve.
ERROR 53 Heating Error The programmed temperature is not reached after 20 minutes.
Check auxillary heating system, drain valve and water level
switch. Using test program, test heating resistances and water
level switch.
ERROR 54 Fill Error The programmed water level is not reached after 6 minutes.
Check inlet water supply, inlet water valves, drain valve and
water level switch. Using test program, test water inlet valves,
water level sensor and drain valve

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Belgium made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
ERROR 55 Rotation Sensor Error The rotation signal is missing for 30 seconds. Check rotation
ERROR 56 Spin Retry Error Programmed number of imbalances is reached. Check load size
and type. Check for an unbalanced load.
ERROR 57 Extraction Error Error occurred during extraction. Check load size and type.
Check for an unbalanced load.
ERROR 58 Dry Error
ERROR 59 Door Open While Washing The door is opened or unlocked during the operation of the
Error machine. Check door lock circuit. Inspect door lock mechanism.
Using test program, test function of door lock.
F1 Control Error There is an invalid control configuration, wrong configuration
file or corrupted PS40 firmware. Load a new configuration file.
Replace PS40 E Prom.
F5 Door Error The door open switch was tripped during the wash cycle. Check
door lock circuit and inspect door lock mechanism.
F6 Door Error The door lock switch was tripped during the wash cycle. Check
door lock circuit and inspect door lock mechanism.
FA Out of Balance Error Out of balance switch was activated at start of cycle. Check load
size and type. Check for an unbalanced load.
FH Hardware Error There is a hardware problem or fault on printed circuit board.
Replace print board.
Mot 2 The rotation sensor's wiring or Inspect the rotation sensor's wiring. Replace the rotation sensor
the rotation sensor is damaged. as needed.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)
Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E1 Drain failure cooldown Error occurs when the electronic timer detects water is not
drained after 3 minutes in a cooldown sequence. Check drain
tube and repair if necessary. Check wiring to valve and repair.
Check drain valve and replace if necessary.
E2 Drain failure Occurs when electronic timer detects water is not drained after 3
minutes in a drain or spin sequence. Check drain tube and repair
if necessary. Check wiring to valve and repair. Check drain valve
and replace if necessary.
E3 Out of balance before spin Error will occur before spin sequence is started and machine will
not spin. Make sure out of balance switch is correctly mounted.
Check wiring to switch and make sure there are no loose
connections or repair wiring if no continuity. Check if out of
balance switch is broken and replace.
E4 Out of balance normal spin Error will occur when machine is badly loaded. Machine will try
up to 10 times to redistribute laundry in drum before error
occurs. Make sure out of balance switch is correctly mounted.
Check wiring to switch and make sure there are no loose
connections or repair wiring if no continuity. Check if out of
balance switch is broken and replace.
E5 Out of balance high spin Occurs when out of balance sensor is activated during high spin.
Check position of out of balance switch and make sure is
correctly mounted. Check springs and other mechanical parts
that fix the drum and replace as necessary. Check wiring to
switch and repair. Make sure machine is installed correctly and
E6 Door switch failure If during the wash cycle the washer computer detects the door
switch is not closed, the machine will immediately stop all
functions and the door will stay locked. Check the door switch
and replace if it is broken or malfunctions. Check the continuity
of the wiring and repair if necessary. Check the door switch at the
inputs menu and if not functional, replace wash computer.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E7 Door lock solenoid switch If during the wash cycle the washer computer detects the door
failure lock solenoid switch is not closed, the machine will immediately
stop all functions and the door will stay locked. Check the door
lock solenoid switch and replace if it is broken or malfunctions.
Check the door lock coil and if it’s not functioning properly,
replace it. Check the mechanical functionality of the door lock
and if it’s not functioning properly, replace the door lock system.
Check the continuity of the wiring and repair if necessary. Check
the door switch at the inputs menu and if not functional, replace
wash computer.
E8 Door lock check at start failure This error will occur each time the door lock sequence cannot be
finished once started. Make sure door handle is centered against
door lock and replace handle if damaged. Make sure input
connector DL is connected. Repair ore replace door lock
solenoid switch and door lock coils if not working properly.
Replace door lock system if not functioning mechanically. Make
sure there is continuity in the wiring. Check the output relay that
powers the door lock coil and replace computer if relay is
broken. Make sure door lock solenoid switch is functioning
properly at the inputs menu; if not, replace computer. If the door
switch is broken or does not function correctly, replace door
E9 Door lock solenoid switch If within 30 seconds of the end of the cycle the door lock
closed failure at cycle end solenoid switch does not open, this error will occur. Check the
door lock solenoid switch and repair or replace. Make sure door
lock coil is functioning properly and replace if necessary. Make
sure mechanical functionality of door lock is good and replace
door lock system if there is a problem. Make sure there is
continuity of the wiring. If out put relay that power door lock
coils is broken, replace the wash computer.
E10 Bimetal/Spring The bimetal/spring is checked each cycle to make sure door
cannot be opened immediately when power is switched off. Error
will occur if bimetal/spring is defective. Check bimetal/spring
and replace if defective. Make sure mechanical functionality of
door lock is good and replace door lock system if there is a
problem. Make sure there is continuity of the wiring. Check door
unlock coil and make sure it’s working properly. If out put relay
that power door lock coils is broken, replace the wash computer.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E11 Fill failure This error occurs when the water level has not reached its target
level in the maximum fill time. If water flow is very slow,
increase the value for the max fill time. Check that the external
water valves are open and free of dirt. Make sure the coil of the
water inlet valve is working properly. Replace drain valve if
defective. Make sure rubber hose is mounted properly. Make sure
air hose on electronic sensor is air tight and doesn’t contain any
water. Check continuity of wiring and repair as necessary. Check
output relay that powers inlet valves and drain valve and replace
wash computer if relays not working properly.
E12 Overfill failure This error occurs if the water level exceeds the maximum water
level. Make sure water inlet valves are not broken and clean or
replace as needed. Make sure water pressure is not too high.
Check output relay that powers inlet valve and replace wash
computer if relay is not working properly.
E13 Heating failure This error occurs if the temperature is not raised 3°C (37°F) in 10
minutes. Make sure the heating contactor is activated and repair
the wiring or replace the contactor. Check the heating elements
and if they are not heating, repair the wiring or replace thee
heater elements. Make sure the temperature sensor is functioning
and replace as necessary. Check output relay that powers the
heating contactor and replace wash computer if relay is not
working properly.
E14 Heating time failure Error will occur after the programmed maximum heating time
has passed and the target temperature is not reached. If the
machine has a small hating capacity, increase the value of the
max heating time. Check if the heating resistors are heating and
repair the wiring or replace the defective heater elements. Make
sure water temperature is not too low. Make sure the temperature
sensor is functioning and replace if defective.
E15 Too hot Error will occur if water temperature is 15°C (59°F) above target
temperature. Check if the correct water inlet valves have been
programmed. Choose the correct water inlet valves for the wash
sequence or adjust the parameters of the wash program. Make
sure water inlet valves are functioning properly. Make sure
supplied water temperature is not too hot. Make sure temperature
sensor is functioning and replace if faulty. Replace heating
contactor if it stays closed. Check the output relay that power the
heating contactor. If the relay stays closed and the relay is
broken, replace the power board. If the relay is not broken but
receives a not allowed signal from the wash computer, replace
wash computer.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E16 Coin blocking 1 When the input for coin drop 1 is blocked for more than 5
seconds this error will occur. Make sure coin drop is functioning
and replace if necessary. Check wiring and repair if there is no
E17 Coin blocking 2 When the input for coin drop 2 is blocked for more than 5
seconds this error will occur. Make sure coin drop is functioning
and replace if necessary. Check wiring and repair if there is no
E18 TH overcurrent security When the motor overcurrent security has tripped, the motors are
switched off. Check if the overcurrent security is open. If the
overcurrent security is open, within 15 minutes it will close
automatically (if motor is defective the security will open again
when you restart the machine). If overcurrent security is not
closed after 15 minutes, it is defective and should be replaced. If
overcurrent security is not open, check if both motor securities
are open. If both motor securities are open, there is a motor
problem. Make sure there is continuity in the wiring and repair as
E19 M1 wash + low spin motor When the motor overcurrent security has tripped, the motors are
security switched off. Check if thermal security of the wash and low spin
motor is open. If thermal security is open, it should close within
15 minutes. If motor is defective, security will open when
machine is restarted. Check if temperature in cabinet is too hot
and adjust program as necessary. If thermal motor security does
not close after 15 minutes it is defective. Make sure there is
continuity in the wiring and repair as needed.
E20 M2 distribution + high spin When the motor overcurrent security has tripped, the motors are
motor security switched off. Check if thermal security of the wash and low spin
motor is open. If thermal security is open, it should close within
15 minutes. If motor is defective, security will open when
machine is restarted. Check if temperature in cabinet is too hot
and adjust program as necessary. Make sure there is continuity in
the wiring and repair as needed.
E21 Overflow failure This error occurs when the water level raises above the hole of
the overflow tube. Make sure overflow hole and tube are not
blocked. Make sure drain tube is not blocked. Make sure water
inlet valves are working properly. Make sure output relay that
powers the water inlet valve is working properly. If relay stays
closed and is broken, replace wash computer.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E22 Flush failure When the flush valve is active and the machine is losing 7 cm
(2.75 in.) of water, the drain will be opened. Check drain valve
and replace if it’s losing water. If machine is losing water, replace
defective parts.
E24 Defective level sensor Error occurs during wash cycle. Check level sensor visually and
replace wash computer if you see damage.
E25 Defective temperature sensor Error occurs during wash cycle. Make sure temperature sensor is
connected on the PCB board. Check temperature sensor and
replace if damaged. Make sure the resistance is correct on the
sensor and replace as needed. Make sure earth wire is at the
middle of the connector. Check PCB board and replace if
E26 Undefined frequency inverter This error occurs if inverter gives an error message that is not
error code recognized by the wash computer. Updating the software might
help discover which error code occurred. Contact manufacturer if
problem persists.
E27 Communication fault inverter Error occurs when there is no communication between wash
computer and inverter. If the inverter or washer computer is new,
make sure the right machine type and washing machine power
supply have been selected. Make sure door is closed and locked.
Make sure inverter is energized. If power is not getting to the
inverter, repair power supply. If supply voltage is OK, replace
inverter. Make sure fuses are operational. Make sure safety
inverter contactor is working properly. Make sure connectors on
both sides of communication cable are still connected. Make sure
wiring is OK. If output relay is broken, replace wash computer
E28 THT (Mitsubishi) / E. OL Error occurs when the wash computer cannot handle the fault of
(KEB) Timeout the inverter. Make sure correct machine type is selected. Make
sure the correcter inverter parameters are loaded into the wash
computer. Make sure power supply is sufficient and stable during
extraction load. Check that drum rotates normally by hand and
repair or clean as necessary. If fault is persistent, contact
E29 OV3 (Mitsubishi) / E. OP (KEB) Error occurs when the wash computer cannot handle the fault of
Timeout the inverter. Make sure correct machine type is selected. Make
sure the correcter inverter parameters are loaded into the wash
computer. Check if there was unbalance during extraction -
always put a full load in the machine. If fault is persistent,
contact manufacturer.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E30 Alarm frequency inverter Error occurs when frequency inverter goes into alarm. Make sure
correct machine type is selected. If fault is persistent, contact
E31 Initialization fault inverter Error occurs when there is a problem while wash computer
writes the dedicated inverter parameters into the inverter
EPROM memory. Error means not all dedicated inverter
parameters have been loaded and as a result the inverter will not
work correctly. Make sure door is closed and locked. Make sure
inverter is energized. Try to write parameters to the inverter
again. If fault is persistent, contact manufacturer.
E32 Verification fault inverter Error occurs if wrong parameter is detected at the verification of
the inverter parameters. Make sure correct machine type is
selected, door is closed and locked and that inverter is energized.
Write parameters to inverter again. If fault is persistent, contact
E33 Stall prevention function This error indicates that the stall prevention of the frequency
inverter is sometimes functioning. Make sure drum is not
overloaded. Check to see if the correct machine type is selected.
Make sure dedicated inverter parameters have been loaded by the
wash computer. Make sure there are no mechanical parts broken
and replace as necessary.
E34 All programs blocked If all programs are blocked, a program cannot be started and this
error occurs. Check if all the program’s are blocked in the n-
submenu. Select program = on in the n-submenu.
E35 Wrong software version When a new software that isn’t backward compatible with
previous software versions is loaded, the software will detect that
the old and new software is not compatible. The wash computer
must be reconfigured.
E36 Unbalance detection system Error occurs when the linen is incorrectly distributed in the
activated machine during the distribution stage, before going into high
spin. The machine will attempt to redistribute the weight. If still
unbalanced, machine will lower the revolutions of the spinning
sequence. Always be sure to fill the machine with a full load.
E37 Drain failure at the spray Error occurs when electronic timer detects that the water is not
sequence drained after 3 minutes at the spray sequence. Check drain tube
and make sure it is not blocked. Make sure drain valve is
working properly. Check wiring (when drain valve is switched
off, drain valve should be open) and repair as needed.
E38 Tank with recycle water is Error occurs when electronic timer detects water recycle tank is
empty empty. Machine will switch over to soft cold water. Check water
level in water recycle tank and add water as needed.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E39 Soap supplies are running out of Occurs when electronic timer detects soap reservoir is empty.
soap Check liquid soap supply and add soap as needed.
E40 Fill failure due to an empty Error occurs when the electronic timer gets a signal that the
water recycle tank water recycling tank is empty. At the same time, the water level
will not raise anymore and an error will be generated if the
programmed water level is not reached in the max fill time.
Check water level in recycle tank and add water as needed. If
water flow is slow, increase value of max fill time. Make sure
external water valves are open. Make sure water inlet valves are
not blocked by dirt. If coil on water inlet valve is open, replace
the coil or the whole inlet valve. Make sure drain valve is
working properly. Make sure rubber hose for measuring water
level is mounted well on the water level sensor and on the drain
valve. Make sure air tube on electronic sensor is air tight and
does not contain water. Check continuity of wiring and repair as
needed. Check output relay that powers inlet valves and drain
E41 Service due warning This error occurs when the cycle counter of the electronic timer
has reached the programmed value for service due. Error
message will be erased by opening the door. If cycle counter has
not been reset the message will appear again at the end of the
next wash cycle. Reset cycle counter in the service menu.
E42 No network connection Error appears when no network connection is available. Check
the network cable and replace if broken. Check the RS232-
RS485 converter. If converter is out of order, replace it.
E43 Wrong voltage range selection Error occurs when the wrong voltage range has been selected in
the configuration menu. Depending on the machine type and
inverter type, certain voltage ranges are not allowed. Check
machine identification plate at the back of the machine. Select
the same voltage range in the configuration menu as on the
identification plate of your machine.
E44 Wrong inverter model type Error occurs when wrong inverter model type has been detected
by wash computer software. Make sure correct machine type is
selected in configuration menu. Check machine identification
plate and select the same voltage range in the configuration menu
as on the identification plate.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E45 No speed pulses when drum Occurs when speed sensor is not sending pulses to wash
turns computer while drum turns. Check if head of speed sensor is
mounted at a correct distance from reference points on drum
pulley. Check wiring and repair any that is damaged. Make sure
speed sensor is functioning properly and replace if damaged. If
input of wash computer is not functional, replace wash computer
E46 Brake stays closed Error occurs when mechanical brake stays closed. Check main
air pressure and correct as necessary. Check air pressure valves
that control the brake and repair or replace. Check the brake
control signal wiring that commands the brake air pressure valve
and repair if faulty. Check output relay that powers the control
signal for brake air pressure valve and replace wash computer if
anything is faulty.
E47 Friction blocks on brake are Error occurs when friction block of the brake are worn out.
worn out Check if friction blocks are almost worn out and replace. Check
if the wiring of the input signal brake wear out is damaged and
pair if it is. If the inputs on the wash computer board are not
functional, replace wash computer.
E48 Brake stays open Error occurs when brake stays open. Check main air pressure and
correct as necessary. Check air pressure valves that control the
brake and repair or replace. Check the brake control signal
wiring that commands the brake air pressure valve and repair if
faulty. Check output relay that powers the control signal for
brake air pressure valve and replace wash computer if anything is
E49 Air suspension without Error occurs at the wash action when the air suspension, due to
compressed air some problem, is without compressed air. Check if the machine
is supplied with compressed air and supply if necessary. Make
sure air pressure valves are functional; repair or replace. Check if
air suspension is damaged and replace. Make sure out of balance
switch is mounted correctly. Check wiring and make sure contact
on the out of balance switch is normally closed and connector
pins are tight. If input of wash computer is not functional, replace
wash computer.
E50 No second acceleration ramp This error occurs when the washing machine is not accelerating
E51 No third acceleration ramp to he programmed extraction speed with the standard spin ramp
but with the wash speed ramp. Check if the wire bridges at the
terminals of the inverter are present and are making electrical
contact. Make sure the correct inverter parameters are loaded. If
problem persists, replace inverter.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E52 PCB-EPROM CRC failure At power-up, wash computer checks if factory settings in
EPROM are OK. Error occurs when there is a wrong CRC
reading of the data from the EPROM. The wash computer needs
to be reset by manufacturer.
E53 PCB-EPROM data out of range At power-up, wash computer checks if factory settings in
EPROM are OK. Error occurs by reading out of range data from
the EPROM. The wash computer needs to be reset by
E57 Lock system Error occurs when door lock switch stays locked when outer
door has been unlocked pneumatically and opened by hand.
Make sure the door lock witch if functioning properly and
replace if it is not fully functional. Make sure door lock is
mechanically functioning properly. Check continuity of wiring
and repair as needed. Check functionality of pneumatic lock
system and repair or replace anything defective. Check input
signal from door lock switch and if input does not correspond
with the state of the signal of the switch, replace wash computer.
E58 No free run Error occurs when machine is decelerating at the end of the wash
cycle with closed brake. This failure is just for diagnostic
purposes. If problem is repetitive, inform manufacturer.
E59 Run free run Occurs when brake is closed while run status inverter is still 1.
This failure is just for diagnostic purposes. If problem is
repetitive, inform manufacturer.
E60 No detection motor speed signal Error occurs when there is no feedback speed signal from the
at wash motor drive at the wash sequence. The wash computer will try
three times to reset the drive motor. After three times, this error
becomes active. Check the communication cable, motor drive,
motor and power cable. Repair or replace if any are defective.
Check output relay that powers the motor drive and replace wash
computer if relay is broken. Check contactor power supply motor
drive and replace contactor if it is broken.
E61 Motor doesn’t stop spinning Error occurs when there is a feedback speed signal from the
motor drive when the motor is not turning and the motor drive is
not expected to return a speed signal. Will try to reset one time.
Check the wire bridge on the mobile connector motor drive and
close the motor bridge if it is open. Check communication cable
and motor drive. Repair or replace if either are defective.
E62 Motor spins too fast Error occurs when speed exceeds more than 50 RPM above
target speed. Will try to reset one time. Check the
communication cable, motor drive, motor and belt. Repair or
replace if any are defective.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E63-E67 Reset Motor Drive for E60, E61 After error 60 tries one time to reset, failure 63 appears. After
and E62 error 60 tries to reset the second time, failure 64 appears. After
error 60 tries to reset the third and final time, failure 65 appears.
Error 61 will try to reset one time and if it fails, error 66 will
appear. Error 62 will try to reset one time and if it fails, error 67
will appear.
E68 No detection motor speed signal Error occurs when there is no feedback speed signal from motor
at spin drive at spin sequence. Check the communication cable, motor
drive, motor and power cable. Repair or replace if any are
defective. Check output relay that powers the motor drive and
replace wash computer if relay is broken. Check contactor power
supply motor drive and replace contactor if it is broken.
E69 Unbalance input should not be Occurs when input for unbalance detection for F machines is
high on R machines high. Make sure correct machine type is selected. Make sure
wiring is correct. Check F machine input unbalance detection.
There must not be a wire bridge at the input unbalance detection.
If input is broken, replace wash computer.
E70 RS7 selected in case of RS10 Error occurs when wrong machine type is selected. Make sure
correct machine type is selected.
E71 RS10 selected in case of RS7 Error occurs when wrong machine type is selected. Make sure
correct machine type is selected. Make sure wire bridge on
mobile connector F pins 1 and 3 is available.
E72 No wire bridge terminals 16-20 Occurs when wire bridge at KEB terminals 16-20 is missing.
Make sure there is a wire bridge at terminals 16-20. If fault is
persistent, contact manufacturer.
E73 No KEB parameters loaded in Occurs when the dedicated parameters have not been loaded in
inverter the KEB inverter. Make sure correct inverter parameters have
been loaded in wash computer. If fault is persistent, contact
E74 Inverter not switched off at end Occurs when inverter contactor does not open at end of wash
of cycle cycle. Check if contacts on contactor stay closed after cycle has
finished and replace if they open. Check output relay that powers
inverter contactor and replace wash computer if relay is broken.
E75 Undefined frequency inverter Error occurs if inverter gives an error message which is not
error code recognized by wash computer. Updating wash computer software
might help discover what inverter error code really occurred.
Inform manufacturer.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E78 At standby door lock is locked Error occurs when at standby mode (machine is on but no wash
while door is open cycle is running) the door lock switch is in locked state while the
door is open. Close door slowly with limited force. If error
message disappears, machine goes into standby mode and can be
further used. If error does not disappear, repair or replace door
E79 After pressing start, door lock is Occurs when during door locking sequence the door lock switch
locked while door is open is in locked state and door (door switch) is open. Make sure door
lock system is functioning properly and repair or replace if
E80 Timeout input 16/Soap Timeout Error occurs when on hold signal of liquid supply central
dispensing system stays high for more than 1 hour. Make sure
central soap dispensing system operates correctly and repair if
faulty. Make sure wiring of on hold input signal is not damaged
and repair as necessary. Check inputs on wash computer and if
faulty, replace wash computer.
E81 Heating failure Error occurs when heating is not restarted at wash sequence
when water temperature of bath is below its normal programmed
value. Refer to errors 13 and 14.
E82 Refill failure Occurs when water filling is not restarted at wash sequence when
water level of bath is below its normal programmed value. Refer
to error 11.
E83 No successful wash cycle Occurs when wash cycle cannot be validated for hygienic
termination reasons as the wash process has not followed standards of the
wash program. Refer to extra error message that shows the cause
of the failure.
E84 Communication failure with PC Error occurs when the function to store all wash process data for
a hygienic wash cycle on a PC has failed. Refer to Programming
Manual for more information.
E85 Real time clock, no battery or Error occurs when there is no battery available at the real time
battery low power clock or if the power of the battery is too small to make the real
time clock run correctly. Make sure there is a battery in place and
that it has power.
E86 Real time clock is not available Error occurs when real time clock is not connected to wash
computer. If real time clock is available, connect it. Make sure it
is functional. Make sure wash computer is functional and replace
if it is faulty
E95 Watch dog If the watch dog has been activated, error 95 is logged in the
error log register. Consult technician if error occurs frequently.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E100 Communication fault weighing Error occurs when communication between wash computer and
system signal conditioner weighing system is interrupted. Make sure
there is 24VDC power supplied to the signal conditioner
weighing system. Make sure connectors on communication cable
are connected to wash computer and signal conditioner. Make
sure connectors at RS232-TTL converter are connected. Make
sure wiring has continuity.
E101 Weigh low Error occurs when measured weight is much smaller than in
normal operation. Check load cell wiring and repair if faulty.
Check values for each individual load cell and adjust the
mounting of the load cell as needed. Check if the signal
conditioner module is still operational and replace if defective.
E102 Weigh high Error occurs when measured weight is much higher than in
normal operation. Check load cell wiring and repair if faulty.
Check values for each individual load cell and adjust the
mounting of the load cell as needed. Check if the signal
conditioner module is still operational and replace if defective.
E103 Weigh balance Occurs when measured weight is not equally divided over the 4
load cells. Check load cell wiring and repair if faulty. Check
values for each individual load cell and adjust the mounting of
the load cell so there is equal distribution. Check if the signal
conditioner module is still operational and replace if defective.
E104 Weight on individual load cell Error occurs when during wash cycle the load on one load cell is
exceeds max over 1000 kg (2205 lbs). Check for mechanical problems and
repair as needed. Check load cell wiring and repair if faulty.
Check values for each individual load cell and adjust the
mounting of the load cell as needed. Check if the signal
conditioner module is still operational and replace if defective.
E105 No functional air pressure Occurs when the air stays in the air bags at the door unlock
system sequence while in normal operation and they should be empty.
Check for mechanical problems and repair as needed. Check air
pressure system and repair as needed. Check the wiring to the air
absorber pressure switch.
E106 Calibration error Error occurs when the calibration result does not correspond to
the preset intervals. Make sure correct machine type is selected.
Make sure the machine is empty during the calibration process.
Do not carry out calibration immediately after a wash cycle has
finished. Wait at least 2 hours after the end of the last wash cycle.

FB10-25R2 Page 81 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
E107 Not calibrated Error occurs when the machine is not calibrated. Wait up to 2
hours after a cycle has ended to calibrate. Make sure drum is
completely empty. Calibration process can take up to 10 minutes.
If machine is not calibrated, weighing function is disabled.
E300-E353 Mitsubishi inverter alarm Always make sure the correct inverter parameter settings are in
the inverter. Go to configuration menu and select inverter menu,
set correct machine type and supply voltage and load parameters
from wash computer to inverter again. Refer to Programming
Manual if you continue to get errors.
E400-E441 KEB inverter alarm Always make sure the correct inverter parameter settings are in
the inverter. Go to configuration menu and select inverter menu,
set correct machine type and supply voltage and load parameters
from wash computer to inverter again. Refer to Programming
Manual if you continue to get errors.
E500-E525 Memory error If memory errors occur, there is a problem with the EPROM. Try
to reload the washing program. Check for source of electrical
E550 Wrong DAQ memory version Error occurs when after installing new wash computer software
the DAQ memory structure is not compatible anymore. There are
two ways to reset the DAQ memory: automatically by loading
the wash computer default settings at the configuration menu or
by the trace-tech PC software for which the DAQ memory is of
E551 Problem writing DAQ memory Occurs when wash computer fails to write data in the DAQ
traceability memory segment. Reset DAQ traceability memory
segment. If problem persists, replace wash computer
E552 DAQ traceability memory is full Occurs when wash computer DAQ memory is completely filled
with traceability data. Data should be removed by traceability PC
E553 DAQ traceability memory is Error occurs when 85% of DAQ traceability memory segment
almost full contains wash cycle data. Data should be unloaded by the
traceability PC software before the memory is completely filled
E560-E563 USB errors These errors occur if the USB is not found, if a file is not found
during an attempt to read from a USB, if an export failed when
attempting to write onto a USB or if an import failed when
attempting to read from a USB.
E600-E628 Software error If a software error occurs, contact manufacturer.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
36 Defective motor contactor Error occurs when the overcurrent thermal protection on both
motor thermal protections are opened during spin sequence.
Check if spin contactor is broken and replace if defective. Check
if output relay for spin motor stays closed. If relay is broken,
replace board. If relay is not broken but receives a not allowed
signal from board, replace board. Make sure wiring does not
have a short circuit and repair if necessary.
37 Door unlock fault This error occurs when the door is not unlocked by pressing the
door unlock button on the keypad. Make sure connector K on the
keypad is connected on the timer. Check LED of door unlock
button. If LED is on, the microswitch which controls locking of
door lock is closed. The door unlock coil is not functional or door
lock mechanism is broken. If LED is off, check if connector S of
keypad is connected on timer. The micro contact door lock is
open but the mechanical door lock mechanism is blocked, check
door lock mechanism. Check relay for unlocking the door on the
electronic board and replace if faulty. Replace board if faulty.
Make sure there is no short circuit in wiring.
38 No feedback speed signal Error occurs when the tacho is not sending a feedback signal to
the SR-drive. Check communication cable, SR-drive, motor and
power cord and repair or replace if broken. Check output relay
that powers SR-motor drive and if relay is broken or does not
receive a signal, replace board.
39 Defective SR-drive Error occurs when tacho is sending a feedback signal to SR-drive
when tacho is not expected to do so. Check communication
cable, SR-drive, motor and belt and repair or replace if broken.
40-49 Memory errors If memory errors occur, there is a problem with the EPROM. Try
to reload the washing program. If fault is persistent, contact
50 No network connection Occurs when there is no network connection available anymore.
Check network cable and replace if faulty. Check RS232-RS485
converter and replace if faulty.
51 Heating failure 2 Error occurs if the heating system is functioning partially but not
sufficiently to heat the machine correctly. Check the heating
resistors and make sure they are heating. Repair wiring or replace
defective resistors. Check water temperature and if hot water is
too low, increase temperature of hot water. Make sure
temperature sensor is functioning properly.
54 Lock active Error occurs when at standby the door lock is locked with door
open. Make sure door lock system is functioning correctly and
repair anything faulty.

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Error Codes Master List

Washer-Extractor (Czech made)

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
55 Lock start Error occurs when at startup door lock is locked locked with door
open. Make sure door lock system is functioning correctly and
repair anything faulty.
60 No reset drive -
61 Extended speed -
62 Continue spin -
68 No signal spin Error will occur when there is no feedback signal from motor
drive at spin sequence. Check communication cable, SR-drive,
motor and power cable. Repair or replace anything faulty.
70-88 Software errors If a software error occurs, contact manufacturer.
90 Watch dog If the watch dog has been activated, error 90 is logged in the
error log register. Consult technician if error occurs frequently.
99 Safety error When this error occurs, this is a main error message to prevent
the door from opening. Check for errors 2, 6, 7 and 25.
100-140 Mitsubishi inverter errors Always make sure the correct inverter parameter settings are in
the inverter. Refer to Programming Manual if you continue to get

Page 84 of 87 FB10-25R2

Error Codes Master List

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
001 Temperature of ironing roller is Wait until machine cools down or cool it down by ironing wet
higher than 200°C (392°F) linen. Check the connection of the temperature sensor. If faulty,
replace temperature sensor.
002 Temperature of ironing roller is If roller stops due to any cause (pressing button for reverse
higher than 80°C (176°F) and operation, pushing crank for manual rotation, pressing the safety
roller does not rotate bar, drive failure), after 5 seconds the alarm sounds to warn of
burning ironing belts. Switch machine off and on again. if the
machine will not start, cool it down by wet linen and rotating
handle. After cooling machine down below 80°C (176°C), repair
the drive.
003 Overloading of motor(s) of Check and clean exhaust pipeline. If motors still overloading,
ventilator(s) check ventilators.
004 Short circuit of temperature Cool machine and replace sensor.
005 Disconnection of temperature Cool machine and replace sensor.
006 Failure of drive Switch machine off and on again or let inverter cool down. If it
doesn’t help, look for error according to individual instruction
for inverter.
007 Under pressure switches are off One or two under pressure sensors detect correct function of
(gas heating only) combustion gases exhaust. if combustion gases exhaust is weak
and there is danger of spreading combustion gases to the space
around ironer, under pressure switches will open and by this the
gas valve gets closed and the burner will turn off. Check and
clean whole route of combustion gases exhaust. Check motor of
ventilator and electrical installation.
008 Failure of burner ignition (gas If flame ignition is not successful, the system will bring cause
heating only) this error. Open the valve installed on the gas pipeline to ironer.
Check the gas valve and make sure it is working properly.
Remove sieve of mixer and check whether the jet is not clogged
and whether the sleeve above jet is in correct height. Check
whether ignition electrode is covered with flame when burner is
burning. Check whether ignition electrode glows.
009 Crank for manual rotation of Release crank and start machine with start button or start revers
ironing cylinder is pushed operation. Check the microswitch on the crank.
010 Lifting up the trough (only Close the trough and check the microswitch.
machines with ironer with front/
rear delivery)

FB10-25R2 Page 85 of 87

Error Codes Master List

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
011 Failure of under pressure Make sure under pressure switches are wired correctly. Be sure
switches the switch is functioning. Replace if faulty.
012 Wrong function of safety bar In case of jammed bar or switch, release it. Check the switch for
correct operation. Make sure the switch connection is not faulty.
Make sure the correct version of software and programming is
being used.
013 Defective speed sensor (IF Make sure sensor is not damaged. Adjust distance between
machines only) sensor and rotating screen with teeth so that the light indicator on
sensor is blinking when screen rotates. If indicator is constantly
on, increase the distance. If it is constantly off, reduce the
distance. If adjustment of diameter does not help, it is necessary
to change the sensor.
1 Safety thermostat error Replace thermostat.
(temperature exceeds 210°C
2 Exceeding the cylinder The error will be accompanied by a symbol to indicated which
temperature over 200°C (392°F) sensor is causing the error. Replace sensor.
3 Exceeding the cylinder The error will be accompanied by a symbol to indicated which
temperature over 80°C (176°F) sensor is causing the error. Replace sensor.
when machine is stopped
4 Fan motors overloaded Indicates the fan motor is overheating/overloaded. Error can be
canceled by the STOP key after the fan motor has cooled down.
5 Temperature sensor short- The error will be accompanied by a symbol to indicated which
circuited sensor is causing the error. Check wiring to sensor and replace
sensor as needed.
6 Temperature sensor The error will be accompanied by a symbol to indicated which
disconnected sensor is causing the error. Check wiring to sensor and replace
sensor as needed.
7 Drive (frequency inverter) error This error indicates when a frequency inverter fault is detected or
a fault of function or configuration parameter related to the
frequency inverter. Refer to Programming Manual for list of
error codes related to this drive error.
8 Faulty function of under This error is displayed when an incorrect function of the airflow
pressure sensors/value of the sensors and switches is detected. Refer to Programming Manual
exhaust system resistance for list of error codes that indicate airflow sensor and switch
exceeds the limit value failures.
9 Error of the burner ignition unit For gas heating only, cancel the error by pressing STOP key and
(gas heating only) or fault of the the automatic sequence of ignition unit reset is started and new
electric heating contactors ignition is initiated. Refer to Programming Manual for list of
(electric heating only) electric heating contactor errors.

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Error Codes Master List

Display Description Cause/Corrective Action
10 Faulty function of the finger Repair finger protection safety bar. Turn machine off and on
protection safety bar at the again after repair has been made.
machine start up
11 Faulty function of the speed Check wiring and replace sensor as needed.
12 Number of steam heating cycles When this error occurs, a technical inspection of the machine
is reaching the limit value or the must be made. After the inspection, the number of cycles should
value has already been exceeded be reset to zero.
13 Memory error A range of codes from 500-533 will be shown. If 504 is
indicated, load default program by the LStPrg command from the
configuration menu. If a different code is shown, reset default
values using ResDef command from configuration menu. If error
appears repeatedly, contact the manufacturer.
14 Flash memory error A range of codes from 550-553 will be shown. Reset default
values using ResDef command from configuration menu. If error
appears repeatedly, contact the manufacturer.
15 Software error A range of codes from 600-636 will be shown. If this error
appears, contact the manufacturer.
20 Motors of the vacuum table fans Indicates the insert table fan motor is overheating/overloaded.
overloaded Cancel the error by pressing the STOP button and allow motor to
21 Automatic feeder error Indicates feeder motor is overheating/overloaded. Cancel the
error by pressing the STOP button and allow motor to cool.
22 Crosswise folding device or Refer to Programming Manual for list of error codes and how
stacking device error they effect the machine.
35 Incorrect software version This error occurs after a machine software update or when the
machine is started for the first time or also after the control board
has been replaced. Press STOP button and the screen for entering
the configuration menus password is automatically displayed.
Reset the default values by the ResDef command.

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