Battery Update - GREET2017
Battery Update - GREET2017
Battery Update - GREET2017
Q. Dai, J. Dunn, J. C. Kelly, and A. Elgowainy
Systems Assessment Group
Energy Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory
September 2017
ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................. iv
1 LIB manufacturing .................................................................................................................. 6
2 NMC cathode material production........................................................................................ 12
References ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 1. Process Schematic for LIB Pack Manufacturing (Source: ANL 2017) .......................... 7
Figure 2 Process flow diagram for NCM production from hydrometallurgical recycling of spent
LIB ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Table 1. Energy demand for LIB manufacturing (MJ/kWh battery produced) .............................. 9
Table 2. Changes to LIB manufacturing LCI in GREET ............................................................. 10
Table 3. LCIs for NMC precursors production ............................................................................. 15
Table 4. LCIs for NMC production .............................................................................................. 16
NMP N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone
NMC lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide
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Update of Life Cycle Analysis of Lithium-ion
Batteries in the GREET ® Model
Qiang Dai, Jennifer Dunn, Jarod C. Kelly, and Amgad Elgowainy
September 2017
This memo documents updates for life cycle analysis of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) in the
GREET model. These updates were obtained through 1) our site visits to two LIB
manufacturing facilities and one LIB recycling facility in China; 2) Argonne’s latest modeling
effort by Ahmed et al to support efficient simulation, analysis, and design of advanced LIB
technologies. These updates therefore reflect the current status of lithium nickel manganese
cobalt oxide (NMC) cathode material production and LIB manufacturing, and will be
incorporated into GREET 2017.
Process energy demand for LIB manufacturing has been identified as an environmental
hotspot in previous battery life cycle analysis (LCA) studies (Kim et al 2016, Dunn et al 2015a,
and Ellingsen et al 2014). However, reported energy consumption for LIB manufacturing is
based on engineering calculations (Wood III et al 2015, Dunn et al 2014) or pilot-scale battery
manufacturing facilities (Ellingsen et al 2014), and therefore does not necessarily represent the
actual energy consumption of the LIB industry. Kim et al are the first to report the environmental
impacts of battery manufacturing at a commercial-scale facility. However, for proprietary
reasons, life cycle inventory (LCI) data for LIB manufacturing and assembly is not disclosed
(Kim et al 2016). Since greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria air pollutant emissions are very
sensitive to the assumed electricity mix and upstream processes of fuels used for LIB production,
the results of Kim et al, which are based on national average electricity mix and natural gas
processing in South Korea, may not be representative of LIB manufacturing elsewhere in the
Figure 1. Process Schematic for LIB Pack Manufacturing (Source: ANL 2017)
Due to its stringent requirement for moisture control, which is typically accompanied by
rigorous temperature control, the dry room has been singled out as a significant contributor to the
total energy requirement for LIB manufacturing in previous LIB LCA studies (Dunn et al 2015a,
Ellingsen et al 2014). Meanwhile, Wood III et al contends that cathode drying and NMP
recovery, together with cell wetting and formation, are the most energy-intensive processes for
LIB manufacturing (Wood III et al 2015). Ahmed et al adopts a chemical process modeling
approach, and finds that, for a full-scale LIB manufacturing plant with a production capacity of
100,000 automotive battery packs per year, cathode drying and NMP recovery, and dry room
operation, are two determinants of the energy demand and cost of LIB manufacturing (Ahmed et
al 2016a, Ahmed et al 2016b). While these studies improve the understanding of LIB
manufacturing processes and their energy demand an LCI representative of commercial-scale
LIB manufacturing is still lacking in literature to date.
The collected energy consumption data is for NMC cells production. According to the
engineer in charge of equipment, the NMC production line consumes electricity and steam.
Electricity is primarily used to power 11 dehumidifiers and 4 industrial water chillers for process
cooling, and the electricity consumption by the rest of the equipment is negligible. The 11
dehumidifiers run year-round. They have a collective rated power of 500kW, while the actual
power is typically 300kW. The water chillers each has a rated power of 380kW, and the actual
power ranges between 150 kW and 350 kW. Depending on the outdoor temperature, 1~4 chillers
may run at the same time. Steam is exclusively used for electrode drying and dehumidification.
Each process consumes 4~5 metric tons of steam per hour. Dry room operation (i.e.
dehumidification and cooling) and electrode drying are therefore confirmed as the biggest
contributors to energy consumption for LIB manufacturing. Water consumption for the entire
facility is estimated to be 200~300 m3 per day, of which LIB production (both LFP and NMC
cells) accounts for 80%.
The consumed steam is from the municipal steam network of the city where the facility is
located. Although municipal steam in that city is produced in a combined heat and power plant
fueled by coal, to make the LCI more universally applicable, the steam requirement in metric
tons is converted into heat requirement in MJ based on the temperature (250°C) of the municipal
steam, assuming a boiler efficiency of 80%, which is the default in GREET. The estimated
energy consumption for per kWh of cell produced, together with literature values normalized per
kWh battery, is summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Energy demand for LIB manufacturing (MJ/kWh battery produced)
Ellingsen 2014 Wood 2015 Kim 2016 Ahmed 20164 This study
Cell information 20Ah 3.65V 52Ah 3.5V 15Ah 3.7V N/A 43Ah 3.7V
Pack information 26.6 kWh N/A 24 kWh 10 kWh N/A
Total energy demand (MJ/kWh) 586~2318 1941 9903 175 119~168
Total energy demand by source (MJ/kWh)
Electricity demand 586~2318 1941 3403 59 7~26
Heat demand --- --- 6503 116 112~142
Total energy by use (MJ/kWh)
63~96 (7~26 elec.,
Dry room N/A N/A N/A 10 (2 NG, 8 elec.)a
56~71 steam)
Electrode drying 152 (114 NG, 38
N/A 1129 N/A 56~71 (steam)
(and NMP recovery) elec.)b
Cell formation and cycling N/A 812 N/A 13 (Elec.)c N/A
Pack assembly 0.01 N/A 103 (Elec.) N/A N/A
Battery Battery Battery
Data source manufacturer Model manufacturer Model manufacturing
(Miljøbil Grenland) (LG Chem) facility visit
1. The capacity of the Miljøbil Grenland plant was not disclosed in the paper. However, Electrovaya, which acquired Miljøbil Grenland in 2012,
reported an annual revenue of $2.8 million US dollars for 2013 (Electrovaya 2013, Electrovaya 2012). The Miljøbil Grenland plant is therefore
estimated to be pilot-scale.
2. Estimated based on a rated capacity of 40,000 cells per day. The plant operates 300 days per year.
3. Estimated based on reported primary energy consumptions and GHG emissions, with GREET GHG emission factors.
NG is short for natural gas. Elec. is short for electricity.
4. Includes Ahmed et al 2016a, Ahmed et al 2016b, and Ahmed et al 2016c. Superscripts a, b, and c represent separate Ahmed publications.
Specific energy consumption was not available for cell formation and charging, nor for
pack assembly from the site visits. For cell formation and cycling, although the battery
manufacturers were not willing to disclose the temperature and duration for their cell formation
process, they provided us the number of charge-discharge cycles they used. One manufacturer
uses 1.5 cycles (charge-discharge-charge), and the other uses 2.5 cycles. Both manufacturers
claim that they reuse electricity from discharge, which makes sense considering their scale of
production, rated at 2 GWh/year for both of them. Therefore, the energy consumption for cell
formation and cycling can be estimated as the amount of electricity needed to charge the battery
once, plus the amount of electricity to make up for discharge loss. Assuming a charging
efficiency of 90%, and a discharge loss of 10%, the energy consumption for cell formation and
cycling is estimated to be 1.2kWh electricity/kWh cell produced. For pack assembly, we noticed
during our visits that it was done manually. Even if the process is automated in the future, to our
knowledge, there are no energy-intensive steps, such as cooling or drying, involved in pack
assembly. Therefore, it can be assumed that the energy consumption for pack assembly is
negligible compared with that for cell production. In other words, the same energy consumption
will be assumed for 1 kWh of battery cell produced and 1kWh of battery pack produced.
It should be pointed out that process energy intensity decreases with increasing
production capacity, as shown in Table 1, probably due to economy-of-scale and more efficient
process design. With a few Gigafactories (e.g., Tesla, Northvolt, each has a capacity over 30
GWh/year) planned worldwide, the process energy demand for LIB manufacturing may decrease
in the future. It should be also pointed out that the electrode drying process is energy-intensive
because of the use of NMP as the solvent for cathode slurry preparation. Due to NMP’s low
flammability limit in air, the concentration of NMP vapor needs to be carefully controlled during
the drying process, which requires massive amounts of heated air (Ahmed et al 2016b).
Electrode processing technologies using water-based solvents are being developed for LIB
production, as water is cheaper, and doesn’t pose environmental and health hazard (Wood III et
al 2015). Should water replace NMP as the solvent for cathode materials, the energy requirement
for electrode drying will be reduced significantly. These issues should be examined in future
GREET updates.
There are two primary pathways for NMC synthesis via co-precipitation: carbonate and
hydroxide (Ahmed et al 2017). Ahmed et al modeled the carbonate pathway for NMC(111),
while we use the hydroxide pathway in GREET. Therefore, the material consumption reported
by Ahmed et al is not directly applicable to NMC production in GREET. However, the overall
process flow for the two synthesis pathways are similar, and the same nickel, manganese, and
cobalt starting materials (sulfates) are used in both pathways. Therefore, an 85% material yield
for nickel, manganese, and cobalt, which is the lower end of reported Ni/Mn/Co yields by
Ahmed et al, is applied to existing Ni/Mn/Co salts consumption for NMC synthesis in GREET,
which was based on stoichiometry. In addition, their reported process water consumption, 26,200
gallons per day (4 gallon/kg NMC produced), is added to GREET, since water consumption for
the carbonate pathway and the hydroxide pathway can be similar (Ahmed et al 2017).
Furthermore, the lithium salt used in GREET will be changed from lithium hydroxide to lithium
carbonate, because both Ahmed et al and the battery recycler reported consistent lithium
carbonate consumption, which suggests better data quality.
For process energy consumption, Ahmed et al stated that switching to the hydroxide
pathway would only result in small changes to the energy consumption of the process. Their
energy demand estimates, 1019kW electric power load and 33kW thermal load for a plant
producing 6,500 kg of NMC(111) per day, will therefore be incorporated into GREET (Ahmed et
al 2017). The NMC synthesis process consists of two stages: 1) mixing nickel, cobalt, and
manganese sulfates to produce the precursor, an Ni-Mn-Co carbonate or hydroxide co-
precipitates, depending on the synthesis pathway; 2) mixing the dried precursor with lithium
carbonate or lithium hydroxide, and then calcine the mixture to produce NMC. Ahmed et al
identified the calcining kiln to be the largest contributor to the energy consumption at the plant,
accounting for 800kW of the total electric load (Ahmed et al 2017). It is therefore estimated that
the precursor production stage consumes 0.81kWh electricity and 0.12kWh heat (provided by
natural gas, assuming an 80% boiler efficiency) per kg of NMC produced, and the calcination
stage consumes 2.95kWh electricity per kg of NMC produced.
For other NMC variants, material consumptions are estimated based on stoichiometry,
adjusted by the 85% material yield for Ni/Mn/Co salts. Since our preliminary calculations
showed that changes in Ni/Mn/Co composition in NMC would not lead to significant changes in
process energy demand or water use, the same energy consumption will be used for all NMC
variants, so is the same water consumption.
The Chinese battery recycler we visited recovers Ni, Mn, and Co from spent LIB
batteries, and produces NMC precursor from these recovered materials. For the produced NMC
precursor, they either supply it to other battery material manufacturers, or ship it to another
facility of theirs to produce NMC cathode material. The overall process for NMC production
from hydrometallurgical recycling of spent LIB is depicted in Figure 2. No specific material and
energy consumption data were provided by the recycler during our site visit. However, they
referred us to a paper they published, which contains LCI information for their process (Xie et al
2015). In their paper, they point out that calcination is the most energy-intensive process,
because it takes place in a pusher furnace, which consumes substantial amounts of electricity.
Overall, for 1 kg of NMC produced, processes starting from LIB disassembly up to solvent
extraction consume 0.12kWh electricity, co-precipitation consumes 0.07kWh electricity, and
calcination consumes 7.6kWh electricity. All processes collectively consume 0.93m3 natural
gas/kg NMC produced (Xie et al 2015).
The LCIs for NMC precursors production are summarized in Table 3, and the LCIs for
NMC production are summarized in Table 4. Note that the LCIs for precursors production are
normalized to per ton of precursor produced. Also note that process water consumption is all
attributed to precursor production, since the calcination process does not use water. In addition,
natural gas use is also attributed to precursor production, since the calcination process is powered
by electricity.
Spent LIB
Battery recycling
Calcining @
ca 500°C
Physical separation
Solid waste
Li2CO3 Calcining
Gas (CO2)
Figure 2 Process flow diagram for NCM production from hydrometallurgical recycling of
spent LIB
Table 3. LCIs for NMC precursors production
NMC(424) NMC(424) NMC(111) NMC(622) NMC(811) Recycled NMC*
Material inputs (ton/ton NMC precursor
NiSO4 0.678 0.798 0.663 1.187 1.577 ---
MnSO4 0.34 0.4 0.664 0.396 0.197 ---
CoSO4 0.662 0.779 0.647 0.386 0.192 ---
NaOH 0.877 0.877 0.874 0.869 0.866 1.971
NH4OH 0.081 0.081 0.081 0.081 0.081 0.110
H2SO4 --- --- --- --- --- 3.787
HCl --- --- --- --- --- 0.042
H2O2 --- --- --- --- --- 1.286
Na2CO3 --- --- --- --- --- 0.074
Process water use (gallon/ton NMC precursor)
--- 3,853 3,853 3,853 3,853 3,367
Energy inputs (mmbtu/ton NMC precursor)
Electricity 0.137 0.497 0.497 0.497 0.497 0.621
Natural gas 8.637 2.638 2.638 2.638 2.638 30.974
Total 8.774 3.135 3.135 3.135 3.135 31.595
*Kerosene and P507 use for solvent extraction is minimal and therefore not included.
Table 4. LCIs for NMC production
NMC(424) NMC(424) NMC(111) NMC(622) NMC(811) Recycled NMC
Material inputs (ton/ton NMC)
Precursor 0.949 0.949 0.949 0.949 0.949 0.949
LiOH 0.249 --- --- --- --- ---
Li2CO3 --- 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.403
O2 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083 ---
Energy inputs (mmbtu/ton NMC)
Electricity 1.88 9.144 9.144 9.144 9.144 23.454
Total 1.88 9.144 9.144 9.144 9.144 23.454
Non-combustion process emissions (g/ton NMC precursor)
CO2 N/A 294,227* 294,227* 294,227* 294,227* 202,608
*Estimated based on stoichiometry of Li2CO3 thermal decomposition.
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