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2) Importance of Deen in Human Life

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Importance of Deen in Human Life

(Importance of Religion questions as well)

• Introduction
• Deen plays vital role in human life and society
• What Deen teaches you to do is real and practical
o Why? Because it comprehends all human actions
▪ Because it is sent by God as guidance
▪ God is the creator
• It tells us how to
o Conduct ourselves in public or at home
o How to treat
▪ parents
▪ relations
▪ friends
▪ strangers
▪ the poor
▪ the orphans
o It teaches about
▪ Economics
▪ Social system
▪ Educational system
▪ Political system
• Deals with internal and foreign affairs
o Peacetime
o And war
o It gives advice concerning
▪ Marriage
▪ Divorce
▪ Birth and death
▪ Property
▪ Inheritance
▪ Buying and selling
▪ Trade and commerce
▪ Civil and criminal law
• In short, it is a complete code of life which provides guidance in all human situations
• It addresses all people, of all ages, irrespective of race and color through the Quran:
o “We have explained in detail in this Quran for the benefit of mankind, every kind of
similitude” (18:54) Surah Al-Kahf
o “We have put forth for men, in this Quran, every kind of parable in order that they may
receive admonition “ (39:27) Surah Az-Zumar

• Religion vs. Divine Religion

• Deen deals both with man’s relations with God and his fellow beings
o Covers all aspects of life; individual and collective
o Deen is an all-embracing term
▪ It includes religio-socio-politico-economic systems
▪ The revolution that the Prophet brought was one that changed ALL of these
o Deen touches upon the material as well as the spiritual dimensions of human existence
o Deen insists that all our deeds should be performed with God consciousness
o Islam is a Deen, which means it is a complete code of life

• What is Religion then?

• Religion deals with man’s relations with God
o It covers private affairs of life
o It deals only with individual life
• Religion is a word used in a narrow sense
o Limited to
▪ A set of dogmas
▪ Rituals for worship
▪ Social customs to celebrate important life-events

Sir E.B. Taylor’s idea of Religion

• “Religion means belief in spiritual things”

Muhammad Mazharuddin Siddiqui’s idea of Religion:

• “Religion affects every step of life. It has great impact on political life, economic domain,
philosophy and other spheres of life. It glorifies the concept of the universe.”

Ibn e Khaldun (1332 – 1406)

• “(Divine) Religions are introduced by Allah in order to lead mankind to eternal blessings. Their
objective is to worship Allah as well as management of worldly affairs”.
• What is the Necessity of Religion? Or why is Religion needed?
Look up Spirit of Islam by Muhammad Asad as well

1. Man is naturally a religious being

a. Man requires a Metaphysical being to fall upon in his quest for unresolved mysteries of
the universe
i. These mysteries are
ii. Of life
iii. Death, etc
2. Religion creates mental satisfaction
a. How?
i. It gives meaning to life
3. Religion also plays a very significant role in the moral and ethical development of society
4. Religion teaches man how to seek support of God and how to please him
5. Teaches equality and dignity of humankind
6. Concept of brotherhood of mankind
7. Concepts of tolerance, coexistence, mutual cooperation – things that are essential for world
8. Leads to purification of soul
9. Motivation for research
10. Teaches us to care for
a. The needy
b. The crippled
c. The minorities
d. The women
e. The weak

From Preface of Meaning and Message: Man’s essential need for religion:
Quoting Khurshid Ahmed
• Man has progressed and improved in realms of material progress
• Man has reflected upon his position in the universe
• He has begun to interpret reality with the sole use of his reason and the knowledge yielded by
his senses.
• With a new-found confidence in his own reasoning power and in the powers of science and
technology, he has jettisoned his link with tradition with revealed truth indee with every form of
guidance from beyond himself.
• In spite of unprecedented technological adcancement and overeall material development the
condition of man remainds highly unsettled.
• He sees the powerful subjugating the weak, the rich dominating the poor, the havenots arryed
against the haves; he sees the injustice and exploitation at national and international levels, he
sees disintegration of the family, alienation of indicudal from sociert and its institutions even
from himself and he sees the abiuse if trust and authority in all spheres.
• He has failed to show his ability to live on the earth as a good human being.
• His failure here brings into doubt his capability to conduct his affairs in society wihtoutn clearcut
huidelines for human acton.
• He believe she has reqched the apex of civilization. But on reaching the apex he faces a new and
greater void.
• He finds that his world view lacks definitive criteria to help him judge between right and wrong
• Man becomes aware of a choice – either he relinquishes all pretences to be anything other than
an animal and sadlt pronounce himself as the ‘naked ape’ or strive further to regain and retain
his sanity.
• At this stage man needs to discover the Word of God. It informshim of his Creator, informs him
of the purpose of his creation, informs him of his place as the best of creaton , provides him
with guidance to lead a fulfilling and rewarding life , tells him of the hereafter, teaches him the
value of his fellow beings, makes everthing else subservient to the criterion of truth – In short
enables him to be atpeace with himself with the whole of creation and with the Creator.

Now where does Islam come in?

• The religion of Islam embodies the final and most complete Word of God. It is the embodiment
of the code of life which God , the creator and the Lord of the Universe has revealed for the
guidance of mankind. Islam integrates man with God and His creation in such a way that man
moves in co-operation with all that exists. Neglecy of this dimension has impoverished human
life and has made most of man’s material conquests meaningless. Over-secularization has
deprived human life of its spiritual significance.

From Islam: Basic Principles and Characteristics by Khurshid Ahmad

• For the proper development of human life man needs two kinds of things
o A) resources to maintain life and fulfill the material needs of the individual and society
o B) knowledge of the principles of individual and social behavior to enable man to have
self-fulfillment and to maintain justice and tranquility in human life
• The Lord of the universe has provided for both
o A) To cater for the material needs of man
▪ He has provided nature with all kinds of resources
o B) To provide for his spiritual, social and cultural needs He raised His prophets from
among men and revealed to them the code of life which can guide man’s steps to the
Right Path

Concept of Deen
• Complete code of life
• It’s different from religion as discussed above
What is the necessity of Deen then? Why is Deen required?
• Gives meaning to our life
o Because of the inability of our intellect to give meaning to our lives
• Describes the purpose of mankind on earth and its relation with the Almighty
• Principles of revelation provide a strong, sound basis to build a civilization or culture
• Deen provides answers to questions as yet unanswered by science and philosophy
• Caters to man’s spiritual needs
o Man has both matter and spirit

Importance of Deen in human life:

1. Deen provides guidance to Mankind:
• To guide people to the right path

2. Deen provides a clear path

• Truth from falsehood
• “Surely this Quran guides to that which is the most right” (17:9) Surah Al-Isra

3. Deen leads Mankind from Darkness to Light

• “A Book which we have revealed unto you; in order that you might lead mankind out of the
depths of darkness into light by the leave of their Lord” (14:1) Surah Ibrahim

4. Deen is a source of Wisdom and Knowledge

• Muhammad (pbuh) was taught wisdom of the Quran so that he could in turn divulge it to the
rest of mankind

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