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Figure 1 Response rate for the study online survey

Are you a student at Taif University and 18 years of age or older

?and do you agree to participate in this study

)%2.7( 98

%)8.29( 5511
Table 1 Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Study Participants

Variables )%( N

Gender Female )68.2( 788

Male )31.8( 367
Age 20 – 18 )39.7( 458
24 – 21 )54.2( 626
Nationality 25 ≥ )6.1( 71
Saudi )96.9( 1119
Faculty Non-Saudi )3.1( 36
Medical Colleges (Medicine, )42.1( 486
Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Applied
Medical Sciences) )27.7( 320
Science and Engineering Colleges
(Science, Engineering, Computer
Science and Information Technology,
Design and Applied Arts) )30.2( 349
Humanities, Education, Sharia and
Administrative colleges (Sharia and
Educational level regulations, Business Administration,
Literature, Education, and Applied 199 (17.2)
college) 245 (21.2)
First year 216 (18.7)
Second year 261 (22.6)
Third year 107 (9.3)
Social status
Fourth year 47 (4.1)
Fifth year 80 (6.9)
Smoking Sixth year 1091 (94.5)
Internship year 60 (5.2)
Single 4 (3)
Do you know people Married 110 (9.5)
who have/had Divorced / Widow 1011 (87.5)
Tuberculosis (TB)? Yes 34 (2.9)
No 60 (5.2)
Have you heard about Ex-smoker 1095 (94.8)
Tuberculosis (TB)? Yes
849 (73.5)
306 (26.5)
A total of 1155 participating TU students filled out the online
questionnaire and the responses were saved on a Google Drive in a
password-protected manner. Among the 1155 participants, all of them
completed the questionnaire and their ages ranged from 18 years to older
than 25 years old, as shown in Table 1. Students at other universities were
excluded from the study. A total of 788 (68.2%) were females, and 367
(31.8%) were males. Also, most of the participants were Saudi Arabia
citizens represented by 1119 students (96.9%). The social status of most
participants was unmarried (n= 1091;94.5%). More than half were
nonsmokers (87.5%). Most of the students were in the medical colleges,
represented by 486 students (42.1%) compared to the other colleges. The
education level with the highest percentage was a fourth year (22.6%),
while the lowest was a sixth year (4.1%). About 94.8% did not know
people who have/ had tuberculosis. Most of the students who heard about
tuberculosis represented 849 students (73.5%).

Characteristic Overall Have you heard about Tuberculosis (TB)?

Yes No p
1- Gender, n (%) 0.912
Male 367 (31.8%) 269 (31.7%) 98 (32%)
Female 788 (68.2%) 580 (68.3%) 208 (68%)

2- Age, n (%) 0.001

18-20 458 (39.7%) 311 (36.6%) 147 (48%)
21-24 626 (54.2%) 489 (57.6%) 137 (44.8%)
≥ 25 71 (6.1%) 49 (5.8%) 22 (7.2%)

3- Nationality, n (%) 0.345

Saudi 1119 (96.9%) 825 (97.2%) 294 (96.1%)
Non-Saudi 36 (3.1%) 24 (2.8%) 12 (3.9%)

4- Faculty, n (%) 0.000

Medical Colleges 486 (42.1%) 429 (50.5%) 57 (18.6%)
(Medicine, Dentistry,
Pharmacy, and
Applied Medical

Science and 320 (27.7%) 213 (25.1%) 107 (35%)

Engineering Colleges
Computer Science
and Information
Technology, Design
and Applied Arts)

Humanities, 349 (30.2%) 207 (24.4%) 142 (46.4%)

Education, Sharia,
and Administrative
colleges (Sharia and
regulations, Business
Literature, Education,
and Applied college)
5- Educational level, 0.000
n (%)
First year 199 (17.2%) 122 (14.4%) 77 (25.2%)
Second year 245 (21.2%) 173 (20.4%) 72 (23.5%)
Third year 216 (18.7%) 170 (20%) 46 (15%)
Fourth year 261 (22.6%) 198 (23.3%) 63 (20.6%)
Fifth year 107 (9.3%) 91 (10.7%) 16 (5.2%)
Sixth year 47 (4.1%) 30 (3.5%) 30 (3.5%)
Internship year 80 (6.9%) 65 (7.7%) 65 (7.7%)

6- Social status, n 0.319

(%) 804 (94.7%) 287 (93.8%)
Single 1091 (94.5%) 41 (4.8%) 19 (6.2%)
Married 60 (5.2%) 4 (0.5%) 0 (0%)
Divorced/Widow 4 (0.3%)

7- Smoking, n (%) 0.319

Yes 110 (9.5%) 75 (8.8%) 35 (11.4%)
No 1011 (87.5%) 747 88%) 264 (86.3%)
Ex-smoker 34 (2.9%) 27 (3.2%) 7 (2.3%)
8- Do you know 0.000
people who have/had
Tuberculosis (TB)?, n
Yes 60 (5.2%) 59 (6.9%) 1 (0.3%)
No 1095 (94.8%) 790 (93.1%) 305 (99.7%)
Table 2. Sociodemographic characteristics of the participants.

A total of 1155 patients responded to the survey. Table 2 shows the patients’
sociodemographic characteristics. More than half were female (68.2%), and most
participants (54.2%) were aged 21–24. The participants who heard about TB
represented more than half of the participants, with 849, while those who had not
heard about TB were 306. Most of the participants (96.9%) were Saudi. Four hundred
and eighty six of the participants (42.1%) belonged to medical colleges, while 349
participants (30.2%) belonged to humanities, education, Sharia, and administrative
colleges. Only 320 participants (27.7%) were from science and engineering colleges.
Approximately 216 of the participants (18.7%) were at fourth year, 245 participants
(21.2%) were at their second year, while 199 participants (17.2%) at their first
year.Most of the students 1091 (94.5%) were not married, while 60 of them were
married (5.2%), and a low number 4 (0.3%) were divorced or widow. Most of the
participants 1011 (87.5%) were non-smokers, while 110 (9.5%) were smokers. Only
34 (2.9%) of them were ex-smokers. A high percentage of students 1095 (94.8%)
didn’t know people had TB.

Students who either heard about TB or not were similar in all characteristics except
for age (p = 0.001), faculty, educational level, and knowing people had TB or not (p =
0.000) (Table 2). According to Table 2, most of the participants aged 21–24 years
(57.6%) heard about TB, compared to other age groups who heard less. Participants
from the first academic year were less likely to have heard about TB. The highest
percentage of the participants (50.5%) who heard about TB were from medical
colleges. Students who did not know people had TB were more likely to hear about it.

Table 2 Knowledge of study participants (total of 849 of whom have heard of TB) toward TB:

Frequency for all variables of the 849 respondents who know T.B..pdf
N %

Newspapers, Radio, TV show, or social media

Family, friends, neighbours, healthcare workers, or colleagues

Brochures, posters, lectures, and other printed

2- TB is caused by: 

Variable N %

Bacterium 376 44.3

Parasite 12 1.4

Fungus 3 0.4

Virus 251 29.6

I don't know 207 24.4

Total 849 100

3-The organ most affected by TB is: 

Variable N %

skin 5 6

GIT 10 1.2

lung 648 76.3

Heart 6 0.7
Liver 54 6.4

Kidney 15 1.8

I don't know 111 13.1

Total 849 100

4- answer with the nearest answer to your Knowledge: 

Variable Yes N(%) No N(%) I don't Total N(%)

know N(%)

Is there a vaccine for TB? 484 (57) 84 (9.9) 281 (33.1) 849 (100)

TB can be cured 599 (70.6) 74 (7.8) 176 (20.7) 849 (100)

Drug resistance develops in the patient on 407 (47.9) 84 (9.9) 358 (42.2) 849 (100)
discontinuation of treatment

599 (70.6) 77 (9.1) 173 (20.4) 849 (100)

If a person has a TB patient among his family
or friends, he should be tested for the disease

The TB microorganism circulates in the air 416 (49) 188 (22.1) 245 (28.9) 849 (100)

A single dose of the BCG vaccine can 195 (23) 182 (21.4) 472 (55.6) 849 (100)
provide lifetime protection against
tuberculosis infection

Is TB a contagious disease? 567 (66.8) 109 (12.8) 173 (20.4) 849 (100)

TB vaccination is taken at the age of 6 345 (40.6) 66 (7.8) 438 (51.6) 849 (100)

Variable Yes N (%) No N (%) I don't know N Total

N (%)
5- Which of the following are TB
 Fever

675 (79.5) 32 (3.8) 142 (16.7) 849 (100)

 Consitbation

 Weight loss

 Cough or cough with blood 133 (15.7) 270 (31.8) 446 (52.5) 849 (100)

 Night sweat
483 (56.9) 76 (9) 290 (34.2) 849 (100)

 Muscle pain
748 (88.1) 13 (1.5) 88 (10.4) 849 (100)

510 (60.1) 38 (4.5) 301 (35.5) 849 (100)

6- Risk Factors of TB infection including

the following :

 Smocking
618 (72.8) 49 (5.8) 182 (21.4) 849 (100)

 Heart disease

 Malnutrition 321 (37.8) 173 (20.4) 355 (41.8) 849 (100)

 Physical inactivity 
394 (46.4) 142 (16.7) 313 (36.9) 849 (100)
 Human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) infection
246 (29) 208 (24.5) 395 (46.5) 849 (100)

 Diabetes mellitus
596 (70.2) 40 (4.7) 213 (25.1) 849 (100)

279 (32.9) 154 (18.1) 416 (49) 849 (100)

7- TB could be transmitted through:

 Handshakes with TB patients 291 (34.3) 301 (35.5) 257 (30.3) 849 (100)

 The air when a person with TB

coughs or sneezes 635 (74.8) 73 (8.6) 141 (16.6) 849 (100)

 Touching items in public places

that have been touched or used by
TB patients
403 (47.5) 188 (22.1) 258 (30.4) 849 (100)

 Sexual transmission of an infection

from an infected individual to their

 Consuming uncooked milk 

 Contaminated blood transfusions 363 (42.8) 180 (21.2) 306 (36) 849 (100)

182 (21.4) 216 (25.4) 451 (53.1) 849 (100)

524 (61.7) 79 (9.3) 246 (29) 849 (100)

8- Which of the following treatments is

most effective for treating TB?

 Herbal medicine/traditional healers

 Specific medicine 118 (13.9) 424 (49.9) 307 (36.2) 849 (100)

 Buy OTC drug

705 (83) 23 (2.7) 121 (14.3) 849 (100)

61 (7.2) 614 (72.3) 174 (20.5) 849 (100)

9- The treatment duration of TB is:

 1-2 weeks 80 (9.4) 365 (43) 404 (47.6) 849 (100)

 1–2 months

141 (16.6) 302 (35.6) 406 (47.8) 849 (100)

 6–9 months

398 (46.9) 64 (7.5) 387 (45.6) 849 (100)

10- Which of the following are TB

prevention methods?

 Avoiding TB patients
 By maintaining a healthy diet 580 ( 68.3 ) 105 (12.4 ) 164 (19.3 )
and engaging in a lot of
515 ( 60.7 ) 135 (15.9 ) 199 (23.4 ) 849 ( 100 )
physical activity
 Maintaining a normal blood
pressure 396 (46.6 ) 181 (21.3 ) 272 (32.0 )
849 ( 100 )
 By wearing a mask while
interacting with someone who 694 (81.7 ) 37 (4.4 ) 118 (13.9 )
849 ( 100 )
has an Infection
 By residing in ventilated 666 (78.4) 41 (4.8 ) 142 (16.7 )
849 ( 100 )
849 ( 100 )


 According to Table 2, among the 849 participants, the majority of respondents had a
high level of knowledge toward the cause of TB representing 44.3% of the total
participants, About 76.3% correctly answered that The organ most affected by TB.
most participants had answered Yes to “TB can be cured” (70.6%) while only 20.7%
answered No. 74.8% have known that Tb can be transmitted The air when a person
with TB coughs or sneezes, and only 21.4% choosed Consuming uncooked milk.
Most of participant don’t know about the correct duration of treatment.

III. Attitudes of the respondents toward TB:

-The following section measures students’ attitudes toward tuberculosis. It's a series of
sentences, and you can choose whether you strongly agree, (SA) agree (A), neutral (N),
disagree (D), or strongly disagree (SD) with each sentence.

Variable (A) N(%) (SA) N(%) (D) N(%) (SD) (N) N (%) Total N (%)

If I develop tuberculosis, I 63(7.4 ) 728(85.7) 8(0.9) 11(1.3 ) 39 (4.6 ) 849(100)

must immediately notify my
family and/or


If I had TB, it might not 144 (17.0 140 (16.5 ) 241 (28.4 94 (11.1 ) 230 (27.1 ) 849(100)
decrease the quality of my ) )
life and daily tasks.

Tuberculosis screening is 138(16.3) 150(17.7 ) 188(22.1 123(14.5 250(29.4 ) 849(100)

difficult to access at health ) )
facilities such as community
health centers.

77 (9.1 ) 686(80.8 ) 17(2.0 ) 10(1.2 ) 59(6.9 ) 849(100)

I would encourage those
around me who have
tuberculosis to seek

TB is regarded as a serious 227(26.7 421(49.6 ) 26(3.1 ) 15(1.8 ) 160(18.8 ) 849(100)

disease. )

Annual medical examinations 70 (8.2 ) 94(11.1 ) 250(29.4 228(26.9 207(24.4 ) 849(100)

can't help prevent ) )

Education regarding TB is 44 (5.2 ) 91(10.7 ) 218(25.7 404(47.6 92(10.8 ) 849(100)

desperately needed. ) )

Quarantine of tuberculosis 157(18.5 406(47.8 ) 45(5.3 ) 22(2.6 ) 219(25.8 ) 849(100)

patients may reduce the risk )
of TB spread.

The public has significant 179(21.1 505(59.5 ) 17 (2.0 ) 11(1.3 ) 137(16.1 ) 849 (100)
role in controlling TB. )

If I had TB, the inability to 140(16.5 142(16.7 ) 146(17.2 117(13.8 304(35.8 ) 849 (100)
leave work or lack of ) ) )
knowledge where to go is the
reason of not visiting a
healthcare facility.

If I had TB, I would take anti- 80(9.4 ) 676(79.6 ) 11(1.3 ) 11(1.3 ) 71(8.4 ) 849 (100)
TB medications on regular
bases, as prescribed by my


 According to Table 3, among the 849 participants, the majority of respondents had a
high level of awareness toward TB. About 85.7% strongly agreed that If they
develop tuberculosis, they must immediately notify their family and/or Physician.
Also 80.8% of the participants strongly agreed that they would encourage those
around them who have tuberculosis to seek treatment. 79.6% strongly
agreed that If they had TB, they would take anti-TB medications on regular
bases, as prescribed by their doctor.

Results in the attitude sections reflect a proper attitude among students with an
attitude score of (68.5%)

VI. Practice of the respondents towards TB:

-This is the last section that measures students' practices towards tuberculosis. It consists of 8
sentences, and each item corresponds to 5 answers (A = Always, U = Usually, S =
Sometimes, R = Rarely, and N = Never). Please choose one of these answers that is most
appropriate to your practice.

Variable (N) N(%) (S) N(%) (A) N(%) (U) N(%) (R) N (%) Total N (%)
I cover my mouth when I 4(0.5) 56(6.6 ) 672(79.2 109(12.8 8(0.9) 849(100)
sneeze or cough for fear of ) )
spreading infections.

I open the window to let 8(0.9) 88(10.4 ) 608(71.6 123(14.5 22(2.6 ) 849(100)
fresh air enter to avoid ) )

I eat a well-balanced and 17(2) 188(22.1 ) 446(52.5 149(17.6 49(5.8 ) 849(100)

nutritious diet to stay healthy ) )
to avoid infections.

13 (1.5 ) 93(11.0 ) 579(68.2 133(15.7 31(3.7 ) 849(100)

I wash my hands or use a ) )
hand sanitizer after going to
the hospital.

I exercise on regular bases to 33(3.9 ) 186(21.9 ) 398(46.9 156(18.4 76(9) 849(100)

maintain my health. ) )

I wear facemasks when 27(3.2 ) 145(17.1 ) 475(55.9 137(16.1 65(7.7 ) 849(100)

visiting a hospital. ) )

I would visit a health facility, 16(1.9 ) 120(14.1 ) 541(63.7 144(17.0 28(3.3 ) 849(100)
if my cough persisted for ) )
longer than two weeks to get

I read materials intended to 48(5.7 ) 167(19.7 ) 419(49.4 127(15) 88(10.4 ) 849(100)

raise awareness about TB. )

 According to Table 4, among the 849 participants, the participants have a good TB-
related practice level. About 79.2% answered that they always cover their mouths
when they sneeze or cough for fear of spreading infections. Also 71.6% of
the participants answered that they always open the window to let fresh air
enter to avoid infections. 68.2% answered that they always wash their hands
or use a hand sanitizer after going to the hospital. Most of the participant
answered that they always followed the healthiest practices, such as wearing a face
mask in infective environments, maintaining a healthy diet, and doing regular
exercise and the total Practice score was (61.2%) calculated from the average

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