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A Review On Slip Models For Gas Microflows: Wen-Ming Zhang, Guang Meng & Xueyong Wei

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A review on slip models for gas microflows

Wen-Ming Zhang, Guang Meng &

Xueyong Wei

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics

ISSN 1613-4982

Microfluid Nanofluid
DOI 10.1007/s10404-012-1012-9

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DOI 10.1007/s10404-012-1012-9


A review on slip models for gas microflows

Wen-Ming Zhang • Guang Meng • Xueyong Wei

Received: 15 April 2012 / Accepted: 30 May 2012

Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Accurate modeling of gas microflow is crucial reached on the correct and generalized form of higher-order
for the microfluidic devices in MEMS. Gas microflows slip expression. The influences of specific effects, such as
through these devices are often in the slip and transition effective mean free path of the gas molecules and viscosity,
flow regimes, characterized by the Knudsen number of the surface roughness, gas composition and tangential
order of 10-2*100. An increasing number of researchers momentum accommodation coefficient, on the hybrid slip
now dedicate great attention to the developments in the models for gas microflows are analyzed and discussed. It
modeling of non-equilibrium boundary conditions in the gas shows that although the various hybrid slip models are
microflows, concentrating on the slip model. In this review, proposed from different viewpoints, they can contribute to
we present various slip models obtained from different N–S equations for capturing the high Knudsen number
theoretical, computational and experimental studies for gas effects in the slip and transition flow regimes. Future studies
microflows. Correct descriptions of the Knudsen layer are also discussed for improving the understanding of gas
effect are of critical importance in modeling and designing microflows and enabling us to exactly predict and actively
of gas microflow systems and in predicting their perfor- control gas slip.
mances. Theoretical descriptions of the gas-surface inter-
action and gas-surface molecular interaction models are Keywords MEMS  Microfluidic device 
introduced to describe the boundary conditions. Various Gas microflow  Slip coefficient  Slip model
methods and techniques for determination of the slip coef-
ficients are reviewed. The review presents the considerable Abbreviations
success in the implementation of various slip boundary AB Augmented Burnett
conditions to extend the Navier–Stokes (N–S) equations MD Molecular dynamics
into the slip and transition flow regimes. Comparisons of BE Boltzmann equation
different values and formulations of the first- and second- MEMS Microelectromechanical systems
order slip coefficients and models reveal the discrepancies CL Cercignani–Lampis
arising from different definitions in the first-order slip MFP Mean free path
coefficient and various approaches to determine the second- HS Hard sphere
order slip coefficient. In addition, no consensus has been N–S Navier–Stokes
LBE Linearized Boltzmann equation
N–S–F Navier–Stokes–Fourier
W.-M. Zhang (&)  G. Meng
LBM Lattice Boltzmann method
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration,
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong QGD Quasi-gas dynamic
University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240, China BGK Bhatnagar Gross Krook
e-mail: TMAC Tangential momentum accommodation
X. Wei
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, DSMC Direct Simulation Monte Carlo
Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK VHS Variable hard sphere

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IP Information preservation uN1 , uN2 Velocity components

VSS Variable soft sphere KnO Knudsen number outlet
KL Knudsen layer us Slip velocity
W–M Weierstrass–Mandelbrot ks1–ks4 Constants
us Tangential slip velocity
List of symbols
ku Velocity gradient
aD , C D Constant with positive values
uw Wall velocity
nn Exponent constant
lc Knudsen layer thickness
aR1 , aR2 Various coefficients
uk Tangential velocity component
Na Total number of gas atoms
L Channel length
AR , DR , ER Curve-fitting coefficients
Ug Gas flow velocity
NK Index of the fluid lattices
L0 Characteristic length
b Channel thickness
Us Non-dimensional slip velocity
p Pressure
Lc Local characteristic length
bBK Generalized slip coefficient
Uw Non-dimensional wall velocity
Pm Average pressure
Lr Inner cylinder length
cm Most probable speed
v0 Mixture velocity
PO Outlet pressure
Ls Slip length
c Thermal speed of the gas
vg Kinematic viscosity
Pr Prandtl number
Lx Width of the cell
C0 Molar concentration
Vg1 , Vg2 Fraction of components
q Heat flux
C1 , C2 First and second order slip coefficients m Molecular mass
QN Non-dimensional flow rate Vt Particle information velocity
CF Correction factor m1 , m2 Molecular mass of species
Qv Volumetric flow rate w Channel width
CL Variable parameter Ma Mach number
r Traveling distance xt Coordinate tangential to the wall
Cp, rq Constants n Coordinate normal to the wall
rK Fraction of gas particles y Distance normal to the wall
Cy~ Variable parameter n01 , n02 Equilibrium number densities
y~ Relative variable y~ ¼ y=k
R1 , R2 Inner and outer radius
ng Number density of the gas
CZ Variable ns =k(CZ 2 ½0; 1)
Ra Average roughness Greek symbols
d Mean molecular diameter aAC1, aAC2 Ratio coefficients
Re Reynolds number rv Tangential momentum accommodation
dc Collision molecular diameter coefficient
RP Specific gas constant aK Adjustable coefficient
f Roughness height function x m, x G Constants
S Slip coefficient function aM Fraction parameter
fB Distribution function xM Interaction parameter
Suy , Syy Relative position and velocity parameters ap Applied parameter
hB Small perturbation; xr Angle velocity
T Absolute temperature as Controversial coefficient
H Film thickness #m Variable coefficient
Tr Torque bM Interaction parameter
I Velocity defect function l Gas viscosity (12)
u Velocity bT Difference constant
kB Boltzmann constant lf First-order approximation
u~ Velocity ratio u~ ¼ u=ap k hP , b P Random variables
KM Variable parameter vM Parameter vM ¼ n02 m2 =ðn01 m1 Þ
un Velocity normal to the wall d Mean molecular spacing
Kn Knudsen number ns Distance

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dy~ Variable parameter 1 Introduction

t Collision frequency
q Gas density With the rapid development of microelectromechanical
sg Relaxation time systems (MEMS), microscale rarefied gas flows have
k Mean free path attracted considerable attention and become a new and
sN Shear stress important research field (Ho and Tai 1998; Gad-el-Hak
k1, k 2 MFP of the binary gas mixtures 1999; Karniadakis and Beskok 2002). Gas microflows in
sw Wall shear stress microfluidic devices have the potential and broad range of
ks , k b MFP from molecular and boundary applications, such as extracting biological samples, cooling
scatterings integrated circuits and actively controlling aerodynamic
~ Tangential shear stress flows (Barber and Emerson 2006; Tang et al. 2008). How-
c Ratio of specific heats ever, the flows at the microscale are quite different from
U0 Quantity (gas density, pressure or those at the macroscale (Cao et al. 2006). For understanding
temperature) fundamental flow physics, it is essential to predict the per-
cT Molecular acceleration formances and provide optimal designs and fabrications for
U Function of Knudsen number microfluidic devices in MEMS, including microchannel,
r Standard deviation microduct, microtube, microbearing, and micropipe.
H Probability density Gas microflows are usually in the slip flow and transi-
r22, r25, r55 TMAC Coefficients tion regimes and experience a range of non-equilibrium
w Probability distribution function phenomena (Pan et al. 1999). In these flows, the mean free
rL0, rL1, rL2 Variable parameters path (MFP) of the gas molecules becomes significant rel-
P Pressure ratio ative to the characteristic dimension of the device, and the
rn Energy accommodation coefficient continuum hypothesis for the Navier–Stokes (N–S) equa-
DP Pressure drop tions breaks down (Lilley and Sader 2008; Dongari et al.
rp Slip coefficient 2009). An important feature in these flows is that velocity
DU Velocity drop slip appears at the solid boundary. The original Maxwell’s
rT Thermal accommodation coefficient slip model and its derived forms have been widely pre-
sented and used during the past 130 years. In practice, most
gas flows in microfluidic devices experience a wide range
Superscripts of Knudsen numbers and this makes it even more difficult
1st First-order to develop a generalized slip model (Tang et al. 2008;
M Maxwell model Dongari et al. 2011a). One important inference from the
2nd Second-order slip models is that the applicability of the N–S slip
S Sharipov model boundary conditions should be extended into the transition
L Loyalka model regime (Dongari et al. 2010; Badur et al. 2011). Sharipov
and Seleznev (1998) presented an excellent critical review
Subscripts and recommended data on rarefied gas flows. Some
c DSMC cell researchers subsequently presented unified slip models to
NS Navier–Stokes extend the conventional N–S equations and Maxwell’s slip
eff Effective relations model to investigate the gas flows through microfluidic
r Reflected gas molecule devices in MEMS (Beskok and Karniadakis 1999; Dongari
i Incident gas molecules et al. 2007; Lockerby and Reese 2008). The slip models
ref Reference conditions become more complex when the influences of rarefication
in, fin Initial and final values and compressibility effect, KL effect, surface condition and
s Slip boundary condition gaseous mixture are considered for gas microflows. A brief
IP Information preservation introduction and review of the available slip models can be
sm Smooth surface found in the literature (Karniadakis and Beskok 2002;
j The order of the polynomial Karniadakis et al. 2005; Barber and Emerson 2006;
S Solid wall Dongari et al. 2007; Colin 2005; Cao et al. 2009).
l Lower plate The objective of this paper is to present a review of
u Upper plate investigations on slip models for gas microflows. In this
Loc Local value review, Sect. 2 describes a brief introduction of the general

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properties of the gas microflows. The KL effect on the gas thermodynamic equilibrium assumption in the N–S equa-
microflows and the capturing approaches are presented in tions can be related to the Knudsen number (Barber and
Sect. 3. Section 4 focuses on the theoretical descriptions of Emerson 2006). Gad-el-Hak (2003) also discussed that the
the gas-surface interaction and gas-surface molecular N–S equations remain to be valid when the three funda-
interaction models. Section 5 summarizes and reviews the mental assumptions (Newtonian framework, continuum
main theoretical, numerical, and experimental slip coeffi- approximation, and thermodynamic equilibrium) are sat-
cients and relative various slip models, including first- isfied. Typically, rarefaction effect can be characterized by
order, second-order, higher-order and hybrid types, which the Knudsen number, which is the key parameter to indi-
are widely used to extend the N–S equations in the slip cate the degree of rarefaction or state of non-equilibrium of
flow and transition regimes. The effects of effective MFP gas flows and defined as:
and viscosity, gaseous mixture, surface roughness and  
k k dU0 
TMAC on the slip coefficients and slip models are ana- Kn ¼  ð2Þ
L0 U  dL 
0 0
lyzed and discussed in detail. Finally, Sect. 6 provides final
remarks and conclusions. Throughout the review, we where L0 is the characteristic length of the microflow
emphasized the discrepancies among the various slip system and U0 is a quantity of interest, such as the gas
models in order to focus on future research efforts into density, pressure or temperature (Tang et al. 2008). Prac-
providing an understanding of the velocity slip boundary tically, a local Knudsen number can be used as a global
conditions for gas microflows through the microfluidic measure to avoid the ambiguity of selecting L0 in large or
devices in MEMS. complex systems (Oran et al. 1998). The ratio of L0/d
satisfies to be larger than 100 in order to obtain a statisti-
cally stable estimation of the macroscopic properties (Bird
2 General physics of gas microflows 1994).

The analysis and modeling of gas microflow depend on 2.2 Compressibility effect
some important characteristic length scales and parameters
(Barber and Emerson 2006; Colin 2005). Gad-el-Hak In general for gas microflows in MEMS, the effects of
(2001, 2006) reported the general flow physics in MEMS rarefaction and compressibility are coupled and tend to
and broadly reviewed available methodologies to model conflict with each other (Morini et al. 2004, 2005). The
the transport phenomena in microdevices. Colin (2005) and compressibility is significant when the Mach number
Barber and Emerson (2006) discussed and reviewed the approaches unity. From the classical kinetic theory, the
rarefaction and compressibility effects on gas microflows Knudsen number is related to the Reynolds number Re and
and provided several characteristic length scales. Mach number Ma by:
At the level of molecules, the relationship between the rffiffiffiffiffi
k pc Ma
mean molecular spacing d and mean molecular diameter d Kn ¼ ð3Þ
L0 2 Re
is an important parameter. For the dilute gases, gases sat-
isfy d/d [ 7 (Bird 1994; Gad-el-Hak 2003; Barber and where c is the ratio of specific heats of the gas. Li et al.
Emerson 2006) or d/d  1(Colin 2005). In these cases, (2000) demonstrated experimentally that the effect of
most of the intermolecular interactions are binary colli- compressibility can be neglected only for an average Mach
sions. Conversely, the gas can be regarded as a dense one. number lower than 0.3, while Colin (2005) recommended
The dilute gas approximations lead to the classical kinetic that the compressibility effect should be taken into account
theory of gases and the Boltzmann transport equation. when Ma [ 0.2.
For a gas of hard sphere (HS) molecules in thermody- For the rarefaction degree of the gas, it can calculate the
namic equilibrium, Bird (1994) gave the definition of the Reynolds number for which the Mach number is less than
MFP as: 0.2. For the Knudsen numbers in the slip flow and early
1 transition regimes, Fig. 1 illustrates the range of Reynolds
k ¼ pffiffiffi ð1Þ numbers for which the flow can be divided into two zones,
2png d2
i.e., incompressible and compressible flows. The dividing
where ng is the number density of the gas and ng = d-3. line is different for monatomic and diatomic gases. It is
evident that the compressibility effects can be neglected for
2.1 Rarefaction effect high Knudsen numbers only when the Reynolds number is
very low. However, the gas flow at lower Knudsen numbers
The rarefaction effect in microsystems is attributed to the can be considered incompressible within a larger range of
MFP of the gas microflow. In practice, the validity of the Reynolds numbers. Therefore, the coupled effects of

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Continuum Slip Transition molecular

Boltzmann equation Boltzmann
model equation

Continuum Euler Navier-Stokes Burnett

model equation equations equations

0.0 0.01 0.1 10.0 Kn

Local Knudsen number

Fig. 2 Classification of the gas flow regimes and governing equations

over the range of Knudsen numbers

Fig. 1 Validity of the assumption of incompressibility in terms of the

Reynolds numbers as a function of the Knudsen number for
analyzing the transition regime from a continuum
monatomic and diatomic gases (Colin 2005) assumption arises from the fact that the stress-strain
relationship for the gas flow becomes nonlinear near
the KL (Barber and Emerson 2006). The slip models
rarefaction and compressibility on the gas flow in micro- become more complex, and the alternative methods,
fluidic devices should be considered simultaneously and such as direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
systematically for predicting the microflow characteristics. method (Bird 1994) or a solving approach derived
from BE (Lilley and Sader 2008), should be taken into
2.3 Classification of the flow regime account.
4. For Kn [ 10 (the free molecular regime), the inter-
The classification of rarefied gas flow was originally pro- molecular collisions are negligible as compared with
posed by Schaaf and Chambre (1961), and the gas flow is the collisions between the gas molecules and wall
generally divided into four regimes according to the surfaces (Beskok and Karniadakis 1999; Karniadakis
Knudsen number as follows: and Beskok 2002).
1. For Kn \ 10-2 (the continuum regime), the continuum This division of the flow regimes is very important in
and thermodynamic equilibrium assumptions are order to choose the methods used for the modeling and
appropriate, and the flow can be described by the prediction of the gas microflows. Figure 2 describes dif-
N–S equations with conventional no-slip boundary ferent regimes and governing equations of the gas micro-
conditions, although Gad-el-Hak (1999) suggested that flow depending on the Knudsen number. As the Knudsen
the regime should be changed as Kn \ 10-3 because number increases, the rarefaction effects become more
of the breakdown in the thermodynamic equilibrium obvious and eventually the continuum assumption breaks
assumption that was discernible in this range. down. The exploration of the Knudsen paradox and its full
2. For 10-2 \ Kn \ 10-1 (the slip flow regime), the non- understanding requires consideration of the entire transport
equilibrium effects dominate near the walls. The no- regimes from a small to a large Knudsen number (Dongari
slip boundary condition fails to provide agreement et al. 2010).
between theoretical predictions and experimental The local Knudsen numbers in the above classification
results, although continuum conservation equations are somewhat empirical and the boundary conditions
can still be used to describe the bulk flow (Karniadakis among the various gas flow regimes often depend on the
et al. 2005; Dongari et al. 2009). However, the gas particular microfluidic devices (Barber and Emerson 2006).
microflow can still be analyzed by solving the N–S Figure 3 shows a graphical representation of the flow
equations with slip velocity and temperature jump regimes experienced by a range of gas microfluidic devices
boundary conditions. reported by Beskok (2001), Karniadakis and Beskok
3. For 10-1 \ Kn \ 10 (the transition regime), the (2002), and Karniadakis et al. (2005). It can be found that
rarefaction effects dominate and the continuum and most microfluidic devices currently operate in the slip flow
thermodynamic equilibrium assumptions of the N–S or early transition regimes. The simple flow can be pre-
equations begin to break down. The difficulty in dicted analytically or semi-analytically. However, the rapid

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Ο (λ )



Fig. 4 Schematic of the Knudsen layer with gas microflow near a
solid wall. Actual velocity profile (continuous line) and velocity
profile (dash lines) predicted by N–S equations with a slip boundary
condition within the KL (Lockerby et al. 2005a; Watari 2010)

Fig. 3 Characteristic length scales of typical microfluidic devices

and the corresponding Knudsen number at standard atmospheric
and outside the KL is poor (Lockerby et al. 2005a; Hare
conditions reported by Beskok (2001), Karniadakis and Beskok
(2002) and Karniadakis et al. (2005) et al. 2007). The molecules collide in the surface more
frequently than they impact with each other within the KL
(Gallis et al. 2006). The main drawback of the macro slip
approach is that some part of the gas microflow is defined
developments of microfabricated techniques can enable the fictitiously.
microfluidic devices to be constructed at sub-micro scale Correct descriptions of the KL are of critical importance
and thus make the flow enter the transition regime (Barber in modeling and designing of gas microflows and in pre-
and Emerson 2006). dicting their performances (Lockerby et al. 2005a, b).
Although lacking a universal description of the KL, it
shows from Fig. 4 that the velocity profile decreases rap-
3 Knudsen layer idly away from the solid wall and is virtually zero outside
the KL. Hare et al. (2007) described two possible approa-
The Knudsen layer (KL) is an important rarefaction phe- ches, phenomenological model and physical approach, to
nomenon and the region of local non-equilibrium extends a simulate the KL effect.
thickness of a few MFPs from the wall in gas microflows
(Zhang et al. 2006a, b). Although the classical kinetic 3.1 Description approaches
theory has been extensively used to characterize the KL,
either by solving the linearized Boltzmann equation (LBE) 3.1.1 Wall-function method
(Ohwada et al. 1989; Loyalka et al. 1975) or by DSMC
(Bird 1994), the N–S constitutive equations cannot capture The wall-function approach is a phenomenological one,
the nonlinear stress/strain-rate behavior within the KL which can capture the characteristics of the gas microflows
(Lockerby et al. 2005a; Hare et al. 2007). Approximately with the KL (Hare et al. 2007). For diffuse scattering of the
70 % of the mass flow rate increase results from the gas molecules, Cercignani (2000) provided the velocity
velocity slip at the wall, and 30 % of this increase is profile in the KL for Kramer’s problem as:
attributed to the non-Newtonian structure of the KL h  y i
(Lockerby et al. 2005b). Therefore, it is essential to capture uðyÞ ¼ ku y þ 1:1466k  kI ð4Þ
the KL characteristics for modeling rarefied flows at
microscale and nanoscale systems (Lilley and Sader 2008). where ku is the velocity gradient in the bulk flow, y is the
Figure 4 shows a typical velocity slip profile within the distance normal to the wall, and I is a function which
KL near a solid wall (Lockerby et al. 2005a; Watari 2010). represents the velocity defect in the KL.
In the quasi-equilibrium state (B–C), the flow can be Lockerby et al. (2005a) presented a wall-function model
governed by N–S equations and the KL is employed with to study the velocity profile within the KL with a curve-
macro slip boundary conditions (Watari 2010). If the actual fitting approximation from the kinetic theory data. With the
velocity slip us (B–D) is taken into account at the boundary wall function Iðy=kÞ  7=20ð1 þ y=kÞ2 , the velocity
in the KL, the prediction of the velocity profile both inside profile can be written as:

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7  y2 questionable (Cercignani 1988). Moreover, these higher-
uðyÞ ¼ ku y þ 1:1466k  1þ ð5Þ order models cannot even capture the KL for the simple
20 k
Kramer’s problem (Lockerby et al. 2005b). Lilley and
The wall function shows the velocity gradient equals to Sader (2008) discussed that the wall function, various
1.7 at the wall. However, this model does not consider the hydrodynamic models, and Fichman and Hetsroni models
accommodation coefficient and is limited at a relatively (Fichman and Hetsroni 2005) do not capture the asymptotic
low Knudsen number up to 0.1 for planar surfaces (Hare form of the velocity profile in the KL near the wall.
et al. 2007). Zheng et al. (2006) addressed a formulation of
the wall function incorporating the accommodation 3.1.3 Power-law model
coefficient to explain this problem.
The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) can be used to
3.1.2 Higher-order continuum model resolve the KL; in this method the wall-function approach
can alter the dynamics near the wall by adjusting the
Higher-order continuum model can be regarded as an relaxation time or applying the mean-field theory (Zheng
appealing strategy to capture the KL effect (Guo et al. et al. 2006; Guo et al. 2006), and the higher-order con-
2007a, b). Some models beyond the N–S equations, such as tinuum models can be included in the LBM, such as the
the Burnett, BGK–Burnett, and super-Burnett models, had Burnett, super-Burnett, Grad 13-moment, or beyond
been proposed (Zhong et al. 1993; Jin and Slemrod 2001; (Aidun and Clausen 2010). However, the higher-order
Struchtrup and Torrilhon 2003; Balakrishnan 2004). These continuum model cannot provide a proper treatment of the
models are usually derived from LBE using the Chapman– boundary conditions at the wall (Gu and Emerson 2007;
Enskog expansion and truncating at certain orders (Cer- Struchtrup and Torrilhon 2008), and is formally valid
cignani 1988). Lockerby et al. (2005b) explained as to why outside the KL (Hadjiconstantinou 2006). The power-law
there are so many different higher-order models with three description is obtained from the LBE and DSMC solu-
basic reasons: (1) constitutive relations of higher-order tions of the BE (Lilley and Sader 2008), and it indicates
than the N–S equations have indicated potential in mod- that the velocity gradient singularity comes naturally from
eling rarefied flows; (2) all these models depend on the the BE.
numerical and physical instability; and (3) no single Lilley and Sader (2007) used the solutions from LBE
equation has the ability to predict the important non- and DSMC calculations to examine the KL, and discovered
equilibrium effects in the rarefied gas microflows. that the bulk gas velocity can be accurately described by
The velocity profile predicted by the super-Burnett the remarkably simple power-law behavior as:
equations can be given by (Lockerby et al. 2005b):
uðyÞ  uð0Þ / yap ð8Þ
uðyÞ ¼ ks1 þ ku y þ ks2 cosðks3 yÞ þ ks4 sinðks3 yÞ ð6Þ where ap & 0.8 applies for HS molecules near a diffusely
where ks1*ks4 are constants. reflecting wall. The expression establishes the existence of
Lockerby et al. (2005b) considered the velocity gradient a velocity gradient singularity at the wall, which cannot be
from the wall and developed an expression to approximate captured by the higher-order continuum model (Lockerby
the KL as: et al. 2005b) and wall-function model (Lockerby et al.
" rffiffiffi # 2005a).
2 7  CL y=k
 Lilley and Sader (2008) also presented the entire
uðyÞ ¼ ku y þ k þ k 1e ð7Þ
p 10CL velocity profile including the KL as:
 apðr Þ

where CL depends on the hydrodynamic model, and CL ¼ u~ð~ y v ð~

y; rv Þ ¼ u~~ð0; rv Þ þ CL ðrv Þ~ y\1Þ ð9Þ
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi nðrv Þ þ y~ ð~
y [ 1Þ
p=2 for the BGK–Burnett equation; CL ¼ 5p=54 for
the regularized Burnett equation; CL ¼ 3p for Zhong’s where rv is the tangential momentum accommodation
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi coefficient (TMAC), u~ ¼ u=ap k and y~ ¼ y=k. The func-
augmented Burnett equation; and CL ¼ 5p=18 for the
R13 equation (Lockerby et al. 2005b). CL = 1 represents tional dependencies of u~ð0; rv Þ, CL ðrv Þ, ap ðrv Þ, and ~
nðrv Þ
that the velocity profile is very close to the results obtained on rv were determined empirically as: u~ð0; rv Þ ¼ 2:01=rv
from both the LBE and DSMC simulations for Kramer’s 1:39 þ 0:19rv , CL ðrv Þ ¼ 1:58  0:33rv , ap ðrv Þ ¼ 0:69þ
problem (Zheng et al. 2006). However, these extended 0:13rv , and ~nðrv Þ ¼ 2:01=rv  0:73  0:16rv , respec-
continuum models are exposed to some criticisms and the tively. Lilley and Sader (2008) suggested that the power-
validity of the Chapman–Enskog expansion in the KL is law description is a general physical phenomenon.

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3.2 Knudsen layer thickness mechanics of the slip boundary conditions based on the con-
cepts of Navier, Stokes, Reynolds, and Maxwell. The history
The KL thickness can be approximated by lc and given by and formulation of the slip boundary condition is listed in
(Gusarov and Smurov 2002): Table 2, in which the symbols refer to Badur et al. (2011).
kB T
lc ¼ ð10Þ 4.1 Gas-surface interaction: kinetic theory
pd2 p
where kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute In the kinetic theory, the gas-surface interaction forms a
temperature, and p is the gas pressure. boundary condition between the gas molecules and the
The thickness of KL is of the order of a few MFPs and solid wall. It is important to investigate the gas-surface
can be predicted with the kinetic theory and DSMC sim- interaction for understanding the gas microflows. The
ulation quantitatively. A comparison of the KL thickness microflow near a wall is strongly influenced by the gas-
obtained with various approaches is listed in Table 1. It can surface interaction, which can be governed by the typical
be seen that the solution obtained from the kinetic theory models, such as the Maxwell (elastic-diffuse) model or the
distinguishes from the DSMC data and MD simulation. Cercignani–Lampis (CL) model (McCormick 2005).
The thickness calculated by kinetic theory is about 1.4 k Although various gas-surface interaction models have been
and those obtained by various higher-order continuum proposed since Maxwell in 1879, the validity of these
models are in the range from 0.9 k to 4.9 k (Lockerby et al. models remains under question for rarefied flow conditions.
2005b), and that simulated by molecular dynamics (MD) The slip effect should be considered to make a correction
method is 2.5 k (Galvin et al. 2007). based on the degree of non-equilibrium near the wall.

4.1.1 Maxwell model

4 Theory description
Maxwell (1879) proposed the first and most fundamental
In this section, we review and discuss theoretical descrip- description of the gas-surface interaction with two pro-
tions focusing on the physics of problems of engineering cesses, i.e., incidence and reflection. When combining
interest in the velocity slip at the wall. these two processes, the classical description of the
The concept of the slip boundary condition was first velocity slip in rarefied gases in vector form is given by
presented by Navier and shown schematically in Fig. 5. In (Lockerby et al. 2004):
Navier’s model, the magnitude of the slip velocity us is
ð2  rv Þ k 3 ðc  1Þ Pr
proportional to the magnitude of the flow shear rate at the us ¼ 
~   ~
s  ~q ð12Þ
rv l 4 c p

where ~ s is the
us is the tangential slip velocity of the gas, ~
us ¼ Ls ð11Þ tangential shear stress, l is the gas viscosity, Pr is the
on S
Prandtl number, and ~ q is the heat flux. The molecular MFP
where Ls is the slip length. Maxwell first quantified the slip k is defined as:
length of gas flowing over a solid wall. Badur et al. (2011) for rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
the time analyzed and compared the formulations and k¼l ð13Þ
where q is the gas density.
Table 1 Knudsen layer thickness predicted by the kinetic theory, However, the Maxwell’s gas-surface interaction model
various higher-order continuum models, MD and DSMC data from
(Lockerby et al. 2005b)
describes the momentum and energy transport together and
considered just one parameter rv, which is widely used to
References Solution method Thickness calculate tangential momentum transport and varies from
Cercignani (1990) LBE 1.4k zero (specular reflection) to unity (diffuse scattering) (Wu
Zhong et al. (1993) Augmented Burnett 0.9k and Bogy 2001; Lockerby et al. 2004; Lockerby and Reese
Jin and Slemrod (2001) Regularized Burnett 4.9k 2008). However, the Maxwell model is only applicable for
Struchtrup and Torrilhon (2003) R13 equation 2.8k the gas flows where the rarefaction and roughness effects
Balakrishnan (2004) BGK–Burnett 2.1k are not evident (Cao et al. 2009). For rarefied flows
Hadjiconstantinou (2006) LBE 1.5k involving a significant amount of intermolecular collisions,
Galvin et al. (2007) MD simulation 2.5k it is necessary to obtain the re-emitted molecular property
Lockerby and Reese (2008) R13 equation 2.0k
distributions. Maxwell presented a one-dimensional
expression for the shear stress as:

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Microfluid Nanofluid

(a) No-slip (b) Partial slip second term is the order of OðKn2 Þ, which were often
modified as ou=oxt or neglected, or improved by adding a
correction term in theoretical analyses (Khadem et al.
2009; Hossainpour and Khadem 2010; Colin 2012).
To et al. (2010) derived a slip model for gas microflows
induced by external body forces based on Maxwell’s col-
lision theory between gas molecules and the wall. The slip
Gas boundary condition yields:
Solid Ls us

c oun
us  uw ¼ rp k bT T þ ð17Þ
c on S
Fig. 5 Schematic diagram of slip at a gas–solid interface where cT is the molecular acceleration, c is the thermal

speed of the gas, bT denotes a constant, which denotes the
ous 3 l oT difference between the idealized condition used to derive
us  uw ¼ rp k þ ð14Þ
on S 4 qT on S the slip model and the realistic one and is expected to be
close to unity.
where n is the coordinate normal to the wall, us is the slip
Second-order boundary conditions have been proposed
velocity, uw is the wall velocity, and rp ¼ as ð2  rv Þ=rv is
in the literature (Karniadakis et al. 2005; Barber and
the slip coefficient, in which as is a controversial coeffi-
Emerson 2006; Dongari et al. 2007; Weng and Chen 2008)
cient and will be discussed in Sect. 5. Maxwell (1879) first
and the general form can be expressed as:
estimated the coefficient and assumed that the incident
molecules have the same distributions as those in the midst

pffiffiffi ous o us
of the gas, and obtained as ¼ p=2. This slip boundary us  uw ¼ C1 k þC2 k2 ð18Þ
on S on2 S
condition can provide useful prediction for certain gas
microflows (Hare et al. 2007). where C1 and C2 are the first- and second-order slip coef-
When the thermal creep effects due to the axial tem- ficients, respectively.
perature gradient are neglected, the first-order slip bound- From the tangential momentum flux analyses, Beskok
ary condition can be written as: and Karniadakis (1996) and Beskok and Karniadakis

(1999) derived a high-order slip boundary condition for an
us  uw ¼ rp k ð15Þ isothermal surface in the following form:
on S
In the case of wall with curvature, the slip boundary us ¼ ½uk þ ð1  rv Þuk þ rv uw  ð19Þ
condition at the wall in two dimensions becomes
(Lockerby et al. 2004): where uk is the tangential component of gas velocity one

MFP away from the surface. The boundary condition
ous oun predicts accurate wall slip velocity when Kn \ 0.5,
us  uw ¼ rp k þ ð16Þ
on oxt S although resulting in poor mass flow rate prediction
where un is the gas velocity normal to the wall and xt is the (Karniadakis et al. 2005). Using a Taylor series expansion
coordinate tangential to the wall. The additional derivative of uk about us (Beskok and Karniadakis 1999), yields:
q un/q xt should also be considered for microfluidic devices 

ous k2 o2 us k3 o3 us
with significant roughness inducing two components of the us  uw ¼ rp k þ þ þ   
on S 2 on2 S 3! on3 S
velocity close to the wall (Colin 2012). However, the first
term at the right hand side is the order of OðKnÞ, while the ð20Þ

Table 2 The history and

Author Formulation
formulation of the slip boundary
condition (Badur et al. 2011) Navier (1823) vv ¼ 2ldn
Stokes (1845)   p  ctrPs Þn þ vðv  vwall Þ þ 2ldn  2ldn þ 3jdn ¼ 0
Reynolds (1879) vðv  vwall  cvx grads x
  cvh grads h  cvN grads NÞ þ ðp  xÞn
  2ldn þ 2bdð2Þ n ¼ 0
Maxwell (1879) 3ld h
v  Gðddvx  2qh 3ldh
dxdyÞ  4qhdy ¼ 0
Badur et al. p 2 b b
ðv  vwall  cvh grads h þ n  2ls dn þ ls Id n þ 1 ðgradg þ gradT gÞn þ 2 ðdivgÞn ¼ 0
(2011) v 3 2v v

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Attempts to implement the above slip boundary where . The combination of rv = 0 and rn = 0 corre-
condition using numerical simulation methods are rather sponds to the specular reflection and the combination of
difficult. Second-order and higher derivatives of velocity rv = 1 and rn = 1 refers to the diffuse scattering.
cannot be computed and simulated accurately near the wall In addition, Lord (1991, 1995) presented a transforma-
(Gad-el-Hak 1999). tion of the CL model with the DSMC method and extended
Zhang et al. (2010a, b) considered the effect of relative it widely to rarefied gas microflows. The Maxwell model
position of the slip surface in the KL on the slip boundary and the Cercignani, Lampis and Lord (CLL) model are the
condition and developed a new slip model in the form: most common gas-surface interaction models used with the

 DSMC method.
1  ð1  CZ Þrv ous k2 o us
us  uw ¼ k þ ð1  CZ Þ
rv on S 2 on2 S
4.2 Gas-surface molecular interaction: surface
adsorption theory
Compared with the classical second-order slip boundary
condition proposed by Beskok and Karniadakis (1999), the A physical approach can be developed to describe the slip
coefficient CZ ¼ ns =k (CZ 2 ½0; 1), in which ns is the effect by considering the interfacial interaction between the
distance between the wall and the slip surface, is proposed gas molecules and surface (Langmuir 1933; Myong et al.
in the corrected second-order boundary condition. The 2005). In this approach, the gas molecules are assumed to
corrected second-order slip boundary condition was used to interact with the surface of the solid via a long range force,
solve the N–S equations for confined fluids at the and consequently the gas molecules can be adsorbed onto
microscale and nanoscale (Zhang et al. 2012a, b). the surface (Langmuir 1933). The Langmuir slip model
based on the surface chemistry theory can be explained by
4.1.2 Cercignani–Lampis (CL) model surface adsorption isotherm.
Using the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, the Langmuir
To provide a more physical description of the gas-surface slip model had been developed by Eu et al. (1987) and
interaction, the CL model was presented to satisfy the Myong (2001, 2004a, 2005), for the gas-surface molecular
fundamental scattering kernel principles and distinguish interaction and the velocity slip can be expressed as:
the momentum and energy accommodation coefficients us ¼ aM uw þ ð1  aM Þuloc ð24Þ
(Albertoni et al.1963; Cercignani and Lampis 1971; Loy-
alka et al. 1975; Ohwada et al. 1989; Garcia and Siewert where the subscript loc denotes the local value adjacent to
2010). the wall. aM is the fraction of the surface covered by
Klinc and Kuscer (1972) presented the variation result adsorbed atoms at thermal equilibrium and aM ¼ bM p=ð1þ
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
for the slip coefficient rp for the CL gas-surface model as: bM pÞ and aM ¼ bM p=ð1 þ bM pÞ for monatomic and

2 pffiffiffi   diatomic gas molecules, respectively (Myong 2004b). The
lf p 2  r25 2r22 ð2  r55 Þ r25
rp;K ¼ 1þ  parameter bMis a function of the interfacial interaction
l 2 r22 pð2  r25 Þ 2
parameters KM and the wall temperature T and can be
ð22Þ expressed as bM = KM/kBT. bM plays a crucial role on the
where r22 = r25 = rv and r55 is the coefficient depending reaction constant for gas-surface molecule interaction
on the energy accommodation coefficient rn , lf is defined (Choi and Lee 2008) and it has the simplest expression as:
to be the first-order approximation to the viscosity l as 1
computed by Chapman and Cowling (1970), and lf/l = 1 bM ¼ ð25Þ
4xM Kn
for Maxwellian molecules and lf/l = 0.984219 for rigid-
sphere gas interactions (McCormick 2005). This expres- where xM is a function of the interaction parameters and
sion agrees identically with the analytic equation for the shows very similar to the slip coefficient rp in Maxwell
velocity slip coefficient derived from a different variational model (Myong 2004a). Myong et al. (2005) pointed out that
approach by Cercignani and Lampis (1989). the slip coefficient xM in the Langmuir model is a physical
McCormick (2005) deduced the relationship between parameter of heat adsorption while the accommodation
r55 and rn, and gave the CL gas-surface interaction model coefficient rv in the Maxwell model is a free parameter from
and rigid-sphere gas interaction including rv and rnas: the concept of diffusive reflection. Comparisons of the slip
pffiffiffi   flows between the Maxwell model and Langmuir model
p 2  rv KM ð1  rv Þð1  rn Þ using the LBM were reported by Kim et al. (2007) and Chen
rp;M ¼ 0:9687 1 þ 0:1366rv
2 rv 2  rv and Tian (2010). Zhang (2011) reviewed that the slip
ð23Þ models were specified in the boundary treatments as the

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Microfluid Nanofluid

input to match empirical or analytical descriptions. The (1975) considered the KL effect and calculated the slip
boundary slip observed from LBM simulations is more coefficient using the Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook (BGK)
phenomenal than physical as those from other methods, kinetic model and a Maxwell diffuse-specular scattering
such as numerical results from the BE and DSMC method kernel. A simple modified expression of the slip coefficient
(Guo and Zheng 2008; Zhang 2011). S with the accommodation coefficients rv was proposed by:
2  rv
Sðrv Þ ¼ ðSð1Þ  0:1211ð1  rv ÞÞ ð26Þ
5 Slip coefficient and model
where S(1) is the slip coefficient for rv = 1 and equals to
The no-slip boundary condition is assumed to apply at the 1.016, i.e., the value obtained theoretically by Albertoni
solid–fluid interface under normal conditions. However, it et al. (1963). Porodnov et al. (1974) provided the experi-
is well known that at higher Knudsen number this condi- mental data of the slip coefficient and the corresponding
tion is violated and the gas slips at the wall (Dongari et al. values of rv for some gases and showed that the slip
2007). Maxwell (1879) first proposed a first-order slip coefficient is higher than unity for light gases, such as
model to calculate the slip velocity at the wall for atomi- helium and neon.
cally smooth walls. Later many other heuristic extended Gabis et al. (1996) presented a spinning rotor gauge
slip models have been proposed even for atomically rough model to describe the torque that an unbounded gas of rigid
walls and are comprehensively summarized by Karniadakis sphere molecules inducing on a macroscopic sphere and
et al. (2005). Slip models have been proposed to improve introduced an estimation of the slip coefficient by:

the predictions of continuum methods for the non-equi- 5p 2  rv rv ð4xG  pÞ

librium regions near solid boundaries. The idea is to relax Sðrv Þ ¼ 1þ ð27Þ
16 rv 2p
the traditional no-slip boundary condition to allow the
rarefied gas to slip at the wall (Mcnenly et al. 2005). where xG is a constant and xG = 0.94146.
Brenner (2011) offered a simple macroscopic approach to Siewert and Sharipov (2002) and Sharipov (2003) used
the question of the slip boundary condition to be imposed the Sharipov’s kinetic model to determine the slip coeffi-
upon the tangential component of the slip velocity at a cient with the CL boundary condition, and obtained that the
solid boundary. slip coefficient weakly depends on the energy accommo-
The slip coefficient provides simple conditions for gas dation coefficient rn (rn = 1) and can be expressed as:
dynamic problems (McCormick 2005). However, experi- 1
Sðrv Þ ¼ ½ð2  rv ÞSð1Þ  2ð1  rv ÞSð2Þ ð28Þ
mental studies revealed that large discrepancies between rv
the experimental results of the slip coefficients and the
The experimental data from Porodnov et al. (1974) can
theoretical values proposed in the literature (Maurer et al.
also be used to verify the perfect accommodation coefficients.
2003; Barber and Emerson 2006; Ewart et al. 2007a;
Equation (28) provides more reliable relation of the slip
Agrawal and Prabhu 2008a, b). Lacking of well-founded
coefficient with the momentum accommodation coefficient,
and rigorously derived value of the slip coefficient makes it
which can be measured by the mass flow rate easily in the free
difficult to investigate the real capabilities of the N–S
molecular range (Siewert and Sharipov 2002).
equations and to extend slip flow predictions into the
To compare the dependence of slip coefficient on the
transition regime (Cercignani and Lorenzani 2010).
different gas-surface interactions, McCormick (2005)
Robust slip-flow models are always preferred as alter-
deduced the approximate analytical expressions of the slip
natives since the difficulty in solving the N–S equation is
coefficient with three boundary conditions. For the Max-
negligible compared with the cost of these alternative
well gas-surface model and CL gas-surface interaction
methods (Hadjiconstantinou 2006). The detailed methods
model, the slip coefficients can be written as:
and techniques to obtain the slip coefficients can be found pffiffiffi
in the literature. The various values of the slip coefficients p 2  rv
SM ¼ 0:9687 ð1 þ 0:1366rv Þ ð29aÞ
and the determination methods are reviewed and discussed 2 rv
in this section.
pffiffiffi " !#
5.1 Determination methods and techniques p 2  rv 1 þ KM ð1  rv Þ2
SCL ¼ 0:9687 ð1 þ 0:1366rv Þ
2 rv 2  rv
5.1.1 Kinetic-model based method ð29bÞ

Various kinetic models have been reported to calculate the where KM = 1 refers to the rigid-sphere gas interaction.
slip coefficient at the gas–solid interaction. Loyalka et al. When rv = 1, the slip coefficient SM = SRS = 0.97576

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and SCL = 0.97577 for the Maxwell model, rigid-sphere nonlinear least-squares method (Maurer et al. 2003), that
model and CL model, respectively, while SS = 0.98733 yields:
obtained by Siewert (2003).
S ¼ 1 þ Aexp exp
j Kn þ Bj Kn
Sharipov (2011) compared the results corresponding to
the CL scattering law with the data obtained by applying where Aexp
j and Bexp
are the coefficients obtained by the
the BE and presented the following expression: nonlinear least-squares Marquard–Levenberg algorithm, in
1:772 which j denotes the order of the polynomial (Ewart et al.
SS ¼  0:754 ð30Þ 2007b).
Aubert and Colin (2001) considered a pressure-driven
For a single gas under the assumption of diffuse flow in the rectangular microducts and calculated the sec-
scattering, Sharipov and Seleznev (1998) and Sharipov ond-order model for slip flow between parallel plates using
(2011) summarized that the values of the slip coefficient the boundary conditions from Deissler (1964), the poly-
based on all kinds of models vary in the range of nomial expression is given by:
0:968  rp  1:03. Sharipov and Seleznev (1998), Siewert
and Sharipov (2002), and Sharipov (2011) also presented KnO Kn2
S ¼ 1 þ aAC1 þ aAC2 2 O InðPÞ ð32Þ
and reviewed the data on the slip coefficient based on Pþ1 P 1
diffuse-specular scattering kernel for the Maxwell boundary where aAC1 and aAC2 are the coefficients depending on the
condition. Table 3 presents the numerical results based on ratio of the cross-section of the microchannel and
various models, including the BGK model (Loyalka et al. momentum accommodation coefficient.
1975; Sharipov 2011), the LBE (Wakabayashi et al. 1996; Roohi and Darbandi (2009) presented an IP (information
Siewert 2003), the S-model (Siewert and Sharipov 2002) preservation)-based slip coefficient model as:
and the MC-model (McCormick 2005). It can be seen that
KnO Kn2O
the values of the slip coefficient obtained from the LBE S ¼ 1 þ aR1 þ ð51InðPÞ þ 34:07InðaR1 ÞÞ
P þ 1 1  P2
(Wakabayashi et al. 1996; Siewert 2003) are slightly
smaller than unity. The BGK models (Loyalka et al. ð33Þ
1975; Sharipov 2011) provide the value slightly larger where aR1 and aR2 are defined as aR1 ¼ 11:72 þ
than unity. Therefore, the analytical solutions (26) and 1þ0:89Kn þ4:7Kn2
(29a, 29b) provide values close to those numerical results 1þð0:21þ0:47=KnO Þð0:21þ0:47P=KnO Þ and aR2 ¼ P2 þ0:89KnOPþ4:7Kn
and can be successfully used in practical predictions and For the general form of the second-order boundary
calculations. condition, the coefficient is deduced using the IP scheme as:
KnO Kn2
5.1.2 Polynomial expansion approach S ¼ 1 þ 12C1 þ 12C2 2 O InðPÞ ð34Þ
Pþ1 P 1
In slip flow and near transition regimes, the experimental where KnO is the Knudsen number outlet, P is the ratio of
mass flow rate data can be fitted with first- and second- the inlet and outlet pressures, and C1 = (2 - rv)/rv and
power polynomial forms of the Knudsen number using a C2 = 9/8 (Aubert and Colin 2001). Arkilic et al. (1997)

Table 3 Comparison of the slip coefficient for the Maxwell boundary condition
Sðrv Þ
rv BGK LBE (Wakabayashi S-model (Siewert and LBE MC-model BGK
(Loyalka et al. 1975) et al. 1996) Sharipov 2002) (Siewert 2003) (McCormick 2005) (Sharipov 2011)

0.1 17.1031 17.0058 17.1129 17.0478 16.5341 17.0683

0.2 8.2249 8.1524 8.2334 8.1725 7.9375 8.1939
0.3 5.2551 5.1928 5.2625 5.2056 5.0641 5.2278
0.4 3.7626 3.7069 3.7690 3.7161 3.6216 3.7386
0.5 2.8612 2.8107 2.8667 2.8176 2.7514 2.8403
0.6 2.2554 2.2093 2.2601 2.2148 2.1673 2.2373
0.7 1.8187 1.7766 1.8226 1.7810 1.7468 1.8032
0.8 1.4877 1.4494 1.4909 1.4529 1.4285 1.4746
0.9 1.2272 1.1925 1.2299 1.1954 1.1783 1.2163
1.0 1.0162 0.9849 1.0184 0.9873 0.9758 1.0073

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proposed an experimental investigation on the gaseous slip improved slip model, called the stress-density ratio model,
flow in long microchannels for accurately measuring the applicable especially to transition regime by the DSMC
mass flow and obtained the first-order slip coefficient method for the ultra-thin film gas lubrication. The shear
KnO stress on the wall is produced by the definition in DSMC
S ¼ 1 þ 12C1 Pþ1 .
5.1.3 DSMC method sN ¼ ng ðmuN1 uN2 Þjwall ð40Þ

From the definition of slip flow, the slip coefficient should where uN1 and uN2 are the components of molecular
be affected not only by the macro-parameters (temperature velocity. The slip coefficient can be obtained from DSMC
and speed of solid wall), but also the micro-parameters (the results as:
mass, diameter and number density of gas molecules) (Pan us q
S¼ ð41Þ
et al. 1999). During the past decades, a series of test cases sN
were performed using the DSMC method to study the slip
coefficient. 5.1.4 Linearized Boltzmann method
Pan et al. (1999) synthesized Bird’s conclusion (Bird
1994) and discussion from Beskok and Karniadakis (1994) There are considerable successes in extending the N–S
and expressed a general slip coefficient in the form: equations with high-order slip boundary condition into the
transition regime. In order to provide analytical expressions
S ¼ SðUW ; kB T; m; d; n; Lc Þ ð35Þ for the first- and second-order velocity slip coefficients,
where Lc is the local characteristic length, and kBT is the Cercignani and Lorenzani (2010) and Lorenzani (2011)
average kinetic energy parameter. The slip coefficient is considered the LBE for HS molecules and used the CL
easy to determine from the numerical calculations using the scattering kernel to describe the gas-wall interaction. The
DSMC method (Bird 1994) by: BE can be linearized about a Maxwellian fM0 by:

Ugl Uw  Ugu fB ¼ fM0 ð1 þ hB Þ ð42Þ

Sl ¼ Lc ; Su ¼ Lc ð36Þ
Ugu  Ugl Ugu  Ugl where fB is the distribution function for the molecular
velocity and hB is the small perturbation on the basic
where Sl and Ugl are the slip coefficient and the gas flow
equilibrium state. The LBE had been solved by considering
velocity at the lower plate, respectively; and Su and Ugu are
the BGK model of the collisional Boltzmann operator
the slip coefficient and the gas flow velocity at the upper (Cercignani and Lorenzani 2010; Lorenzani 2011).
plate, respectively. The slip factor in terms of deviations from asymptotic
Pan et al. (1999) finally obtained the functional rela- near-continuum solutions of the BE can be given by:
tionship between the slip coefficient and the MFP    
2 4
S ¼ CP k ð37Þ S¼1þ p ffiffiffi ðrL0 rL1 Þ Kn þ ðrL0 rL2 Þ Kn2 ð43Þ
p p
where the coefficient CP is determined to CP = 1.1254 pffiffiffi 1 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
using the least squares approach, and concluded that the where rL0 ¼ ð4 pÞ 96 p JL1 þ 48 p , rL1 ¼ ð4 pat
 pffiffiffi 1
slip coefficient is only a function of the MFP excluding any AL Þ1 DL  16 9 pat CL , rL2 ¼ ð4 pat AL Þ eL þ 16
9 pat CL

16 2
experiential parameter.  9 pat BL  CL DL , in which the relative parameter was
Mcnenly et al. (2005) selected the N–S solution from the reported by Lorenzani (2011). The first-order and second-
family that best fits the DSMC data by performing a linear order coefficients can be written as C1 ¼ rL0 rL1 =ð3 pÞ and
least-squares fit of the DSMC velocity profile with: C2 ¼ rL0 rL2 =ð3pÞ according to the solution of the N–S

Suy equations obtained by S ¼ 1 þ 6C1 Kn þ 12C2 Kn2 . To check
G c ¼ c ð38Þ the reliability of the analysis approach, Lorenzani (2011)
Syy c
compared the first-order slip coefficient with the highly
where Suy and Syy are the relative position and velocity accurate numerical results from Siewert (2003), and found that
parameters in the DSMC cell. The slip coefficient can be the BGK first-order slip coefficients are similar to those
determined to best capture the non-equilibrium flow as: determined by the solution of the BE for HS molecules. The
second-order slip coefficients were found to be significantly
DU  Gc
S¼ ð39Þ dependent on the interaction models, such as the Maxwell
2ðð2  rV Þ=rV ÞGc Kn
kernel and the CL model. In the case of a fully diffusive
where DU is the velocity drop between the lower and upper boundary rv = 1, Cercignani and Lorenzani (2010) predicted
wall velocities. Ng and Liu (2002) devoted to develop an the model performs well even further into the transition

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regime, while Hadjiconstantinou’s second-order slip model where NK is the index of the fluid lattices. The problem of
(Hadjiconstantinou 2003) and Lockerby’s Maxwell–Burnett discrete effects in the kinetic boundary condition was also
slip model (Lockerby et al. 2004) only capture the flow addressed by Guo et al. (2007a, b). Watari (2009) con-
accurately up to Kn \ 0.4 and Kn B 1.60, respectively. ducted the velocity slip simulations in the slip flow regime
using a multispeed finite-difference lattice Boltzmann
5.1.5 Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) method (FDLBM).

Modeling of microscale and nanoscale flows has been an 5.1.6 Experimental measurement
active application area for the research of LBM (Zheng
et al. 2006; Li and Kwok 2003). Cornubert et al. (1991) Kuhlthau (1949) presented the experimental setup con-
presented the first analysis of the slip velocity using the sisting of a rotating inner cylinder with radius R1 and sta-
LBM, in which the slip velocity was demonstrated ana- tionary outer cylinder with radius R2 with a low pressure
lytically and numerically for the bounce-back and specular gas in the gap. Agrawal and Prabhu (2008a) examined the
reflection boundary conditions. This method has proved to experimental data of Kuhlthau (1949) and deduced the slip
be effective when dealing with microflow of moderate coefficient in the form:
Knudsen number and has some success at predicting the 

KL (Aidun and Clausen 2010). When the gas microflows dTr 1 dTr 1
S¼ þ 4plLr CF ð2kÞ 3
beyond the slip flow regime, a higher-order LBM needs to dxr R22  R21 dxr R1 þ R32
provide a quantitative prediction as well as to reproduce the ð46Þ
presence of the KL (Shan et al. 2006; Ansumali et al.
2007). Recently, Zhang (2011) reviewed and discussed the where Tr is the torque, xr is the angle velocity, Lr is the
models and applications of the LBM for microfluidics. length of the inner cylinder, and CF is the correction factor
Kim et al. (2008) presented an analytic solution of the and CF = 1.91. Agrawal and Prabhu (2008a) suggested
D2Q9 LBE for Poiseuille flow. To obtain a correct value of from the analysis on Kuhlthau’s data that S = 0.13 for
the slip coefficient, the effective diffuse scattering condi- Kn \ 0.1 and S = 1.70 for 0.1 \ Kn \ 8.3.
tion was introduced by combining the diffuse scattering Maurer et al. (2003) performed gas flow experiments in
boundary condition and the bounce-back scheme. The slip a shallow microchannel and presented new sets of accurate
coefficient in the general form of the second-order measurements for a well-resolved range of Knudsen
boundary condition can be given by: number. The slip factor was defined as:
rffiffiffi 12Qv lPO L
6 1  rK 4 S¼ ð47Þ
S¼1þ Kn þ  f ðrq Þ  Kn2 ð44Þ DPPm wb3
p 1 þ rK p
where Qv is the volumetric flow rate, PO is the outlet
where rK is the fraction of gas particles reflected with the pressure, DP is the pressure drop, Pm is the average pres-
bounce-back rule and it influences only the first-order slip sure, w, b, and L are the width, thickness and length of the
coefficient when f ðrq Þ ¼ 1. Sbragaglia and Succi (2005) channel, respectively.
suggested that the construction of the body force in the A development of slip factor was proposed in the form
LBM should be modified to adjust the second-order slip
coefficient. When the energy flux term is taken into S  1 þ 6C1 Kn þ 12C2 Kn2 ð48Þ
account, f ðrq Þ satisfies f ðrq Þ ¼ 1=rq , in which rq is set to Agrawal and Prabhu (2008b) summarized the
0.9 for matching the mass flow rate of the LBE to the experimental measurements of the values of slip
second-order of Knudsen number. A general lack of coefficients as reported by Sreekanth (1969), Ewart et al.
agreement exists in the definition of Kn and k in the LBMs, (2007a, b), Maurer et al. (2003), and Yamaguchi et al.
which should be considered to allow comparison with (2011), as listed in Table 4. The principle of measurement
existing experimental and analytical results (Guo et al. applied by Ewart et al. (2007b) is similar to that of Maurer
2006; Aidun and Clausen 2010). et al. (2003). Since the experimental measurements had
For the modified LBE with the effective diffuse scat- been proposed to certain geometric microdevice or
tering boundary condition (Kim et al. 2008), the normal- material, the differences among them are unavoidable.
ized slip velocity with discrete lattice effects can be written For instance, Ewart et al. (2007a) performed experimental
as: measurements in silica microtube with diameter of
6 1  rK 41 2 1 25.2 lm, which is different from Yamaguchi et al. (2011)
S¼1þ Kn þ Kn  ð45Þ with diameter of 320 lm.
p 1 þ rK p rq NK

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Table 4 Experimental measurements of the values of slip coefficients

References Gas C1 C2 Knudsen range

Sreekanth (1969) Nitrogen 1.0 0 0.007–0.03

1.1466 0 0.03–0.13
1.1466 0.14 0.13–0.237
Porodnov et al. (1974) Helium 1.099 ± 0.02 0 0.03–0.3
Colin et al. (2004) Helium 1.02 0 0.03–0.25
Ewart et al. (2007a) Nitrogen 1.066 ± 0.088 0.231 ± 0.057 0.003–0.291
Helium 1.052 ± 0.02 0.148 ± 0.014 0.009–0.309
Argon 1.147 ± 0.042 0.294 ± 0.029 0.003–0.302
Maurer et al. (2003) Nitrogen 1.3 ± 0.05 0.26 ± 0.1 0.002–0.59
Helium 1.2 ± 0.05 0.23 ± 0.1 0.06–0.8
Ewart et al. (2007b) Helium 1.26 ± 0.022 0.17 ± 0.02 0.03–0.3
Yamaguchi et al. (2011) Argon 1.3 ± 0.09 0.063 ± 0.018 0.05–0.3
Nitrogen 1.35 ± 0.06 0.031 ± 0.005
Oxygen 1.35 ± 0.06 0.028 ± 0.004

5.2 First-order slip model Lilley and Sader (2008) had presented the modifications of
Maxwell’s argument. Then, the second-order or higher-
Velocity field in the slip flow regime can be determined order slip coefficient is believed to play an important role
from the N–S equations subject to the velocity slip in simulating rarefied gas microflows at larger Knudsen
boundary condition. Neglecting the thermal creep effects, numbers. Solutions of the BE for the slip coefficients were
the first-order slip velocity boundary condition is given by originally obtained for the significantly simpler BGK
(Maxwell 1879): model. Early work by Cercignani (1988) and recent results

for the HS gas show that the first-order coefficients are
Us  Uw ¼ C1 Kn ð49Þ fairly insensitive to the gas models (e.g., HS, BGK)
on S
(Hadjiconstantinou 2006).
where the value of slip coefficient, originally derived by Figure 6 shows the comparison of experimental data of
Maxwell, is C1 = 1. Maurer et al. (2003) with those derived from other slip
Bird (1994) used the DSMC method to simulate the models in the literature. It can be seen that Ewart’s model
Couette flow using the VHS molecular model and con- (Ewart et al. 2007b) and Maurer’s model (Maurer et al.
cluded that the slip velocity is very close to koU=on. The 2003) agree well with the scattered experimental data
conclusion has a very strong attraction for researchers who (Maurer et al. 2003) in the entire range of investigated
prefer to use the N–S equations with velocity slip boundary Knudsen numbers. Porodnov’s model (Porodnov et al.
conditions to investigate the slip flow characteristics (Pan 1974), Colin’s model (Colin et al. 2004) and Pan’s model
et al. 1999). More accurate values for the slip coefficient (Pan et al. 1999) underestimate the slip coefficients due to
have been determined using BE, DSMC, MD simulations, their lacking of the second-order term compared to the
and experimental measurements (Maurer et al. 2003; experimental data (Maurer et al. 2003). Colin’s model
Bahukudumbi et al. 2003; Bahukudumbi and Beskok 2003; (Colin et al. 2004) with the smallest first-order coefficient
Agrawal and Prabhu 2008a). Table 5 provides the values (C1 = 1.02) performs the worst prediction. Aubert and
and modified formulations for the slip coefficient in the Colin’s model (Aubert and Colin 2001) underestimates the
literature. The above research represents only a fraction of slip coefficient at smaller Knudsen number and performs
the proposed models, yet almost all of them can be con- well when Kn [ 0.8. The theoretical analyses proposed by
sidered an extension of Maxwell’s original model. Fichman and Hetsroni (2005) agree very well with the
Lockerby et al. (2005a) pointed out that the kinetic experiments in the range of low Knudsen numbers
theory and molecular simulations indicate Maxwell’s first- (Kn \ 0.2). The reason might be, for higher Knudsen
order slip coefficient C1 = 1 is sometimes not quite numbers, the interaction of molecules with the opposite
accurate and overestimates the amount of microscopic wall should be taken into account as well. Figure 6 also
actual slip velocity (Li et al. 2011). By using an approxi- illustrates that the experimental and analytical slip coeffi-
mate method in the kinetic theory, Loyalka (1971), cients increase much faster than the prediction obtained by
Loyalka et al. (1975), Bahukudumbi et al. (2003) and the first-order slip theory (Porodnov et al. 1974; Pan et al.

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Table 5 Some values and modified formulations for the first-order slip coefficients
References Value/formulation Approach Limited range

Maxwell (1879) 1 MD theory Kn  0:1

Ohwada et al. (1989) 1.114 LBE Kn  0:1
Marques et al. (2000) 1.111 Theoretical analysis Kn  0:25
Albertoni et al. (1963) 1.1466 BGK kinetic model Kn\0:1
Siewert (2003) 1.1487 LBE and C–L boundary condition Kn\0:1
Wakabayashi et al. (1996) 1.1114 LBE Kn\0:1
Loyalka (1971) 0.7252 BGK kinetic model Kn\0:1
2rv BGK kinetic model Kn\0:1
rv ð1  0:1871rv Þ
Loyalka et al. (1975) 1.0299 BGK kinetic model Kn\0:1
2rv BGK kinetic model Kn\0:1
rv ð1 þ 0:1621rv Þ
Lockerby et al. (2005a) p=2 Wall-function approach Kn\0:1
Lilley and Sader (2008) 1 1
 1 DSMC calculations (cL is a normalized midplane Kn\0:1
2Kn c L
velocity gradient)
Fichman and Hetsroni (2005) 1 þ 6Kn þ 18Kn2  4Kn3 Consideration of the gas viscosity in the KL Kn\0:3
Bahukudumbi et al. (2003) 1:2977 þ 0:71851 tan1 Least square fit to the linearized Boltzmann Kn  12
solutions (Sone et al. 1990)
ð1:17488Kn0:58642 Þ
Karniadakis et al. (2005) 2rv Kn N–S and DSMC method EntireKn range
rv 1bBK Kn
Agrawal and Prabhu (2008a) 1.13 Analysis on Kuhlthau’s data (Kuhlthau 1949) Kn\0:1
1.70 0:1\Kn\8:3
Pan et al. (1999) 1.1254 DSMC simulations Kn\0:1
Maurer et al. (2003) 1þ 6 2r
Kn Theoretical analysis and experimental measurement Kn 0:3
1þ 6 2r
v 2
Kn þ 12C2 Kn Kn\0:8

1999; Colin et al. 2004) in the transition regime, which They often validated their second-order slip models by
indicates that the contribution of second-order slip should demonstrating the capability of predicting an accurate flow
be taken into account. rate (Li et al. 2011).
So far, there is no general agreement on the values of the
slip coefficients. Slip coefficient in the slip models usually
5.3 Second-order slip model
is investigated in two different means taking rv into
account. One way is to fix the value of rv. For the case of
Various slip models have been proposed to calculate the
rv = 1, Table 6 presents a comparison of the values of the
slip velocity at higher Knudsen number in the literature. A
second-order slip coefficients that have been proposed in
simple extension of Maxwell’s model with the second-
the literature. In Hadjiconstantinou’s model (Hadjicon-
order term can be written as:

 stantinou 2003), C2 = 0.61 is used for local velocity dis-
2  rv oU Kn2 o2 U tribution and C2 = 0.31 for mean velocity and friction
Us  Uw ¼ Kn þ ð50Þ
rv on s 2 on2 s factor. For the case of the lubrication microbearings, the
slip model and coefficient are chosen differently according
For isothermal flows, the slip velocity of all the second-
to their configurations, gas film characteristic length and
order slip models can be expressed in a general form when
surface effect (Ng and Liu 2002; Zhang et al. 2009, 2010a,
rv = 1, yields
b, 2011; Chen and Bogy 2010).

In Table 6, Lockerby et al. (2004) proposed that the
oU o U
Us  Uw ¼ C1 Kn C2 Kn2 ð51Þ value of the second-order slip coefficient should be in the
on s on2 s
range of 0.145–0.19, which depends on the Prandtl number
Inclusive reviews of the slip boundary condition choices of the gas flow but irrespective of the values of the
were also provided by Colin (2005), Barber and Emerson accommodation coefficient. The estimation approach pro-
(2006), Dongari et al. (2007), Tang et al. (2007a, b), Weng posed by Lorenzani (2011) and Cercignani and Lorenzani
and Chen (2008), Cao et al. (2009), Chen and Bogy (2010). (2010) to obtain the second-order slip coefficients seems

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order slip coefficient plays a more important role for higher

Knudsen numbers.
The other way is to treat the expression as a function of
rv. Table 7 summarizes the comparison of the expressions
of the second-order slip coefficients reported in the avail-
able literature. It is difficult to obtain the expression of slip
coefficients, and most of them are derived from the simu-
lation results of using N–S, quasi-gas dynamic (QGD) and
BEs. The first-order slip coefficients relate to rv, while the
second-order slip coefficients are quite different.
Figure 8 illustrates the variation of inverse slip coefficient
with Knudsen number at the outlet of microchannel con-
sidering P ¼ 1:8 and rv = 0.93. It is observed that Li’s
model (Li et al. 2011) shows the closest agreement with the
experimental data (Colin et al. 2004). Aubert and Colin’s
Fig. 6 Comparison of experimental data for the slip coefficient S for model (Aubert and Colin 2001) departs from the given data
helium (Maurer et al. 2003) with theoretical expressions in the when Kn [ 0.25. Karniadakis and Beskok’s model (Karni-
literature adakis and Beskok 2002) and Beskok and Karniadakis’
model (Beskok and Karniadakis 1999) do not match the
inconsistent with most of the available theoretical models, experimental data due to their second-order coefficients
but the estimated values are very close to those obtained by C2 \ 0 in the expressions. It can be clearly seen that the first-
experimental measurements (Maurer et al. 2003; Ewart order slip model (Arkilic et al. 1997) cannot give an accurate
et al. 2007b). The results gave a better match to direct prediction when Kn \ 0.2. IP-based model (Roohi and
solutions of the BEs than the reduced equations without Darbandi 2009) and Wu’s model (Wu 2008) yield well
considering KL effect (Struchtrup and Torrilhon 2008). agreement in the range of the Knudsen number Kn [ 0.2, but
Moreover, Li et al. (2011) found that the flow rate obtained depart from the experimental data for the rest of the Knudsen
with C2 = 0.8 best fit the solution of the LBE. Kim et al. number range. These more complicated boundary conditions
(2008) concluded their analysis of the slip coefficients produce more accurate velocity profiles than the usual first-
based on the second-order equilibrium and forcing terms order slip models for slightly larger Knudsen numbers.
for the D2Q9 LBE are higher than those for the LBE,
which results from the discretization in the velocity space. 5.4 High-order slip model
Figure 7 compares the non-dimensional flow rate QN ¼
pð1 þ 6C1 Kn þ 126C2 Kn2 Þ=ð12KnÞ (Hadjiconstantinou Most of the first-order and second-order slip models can be
and Simek 2002) as a function of the Knudsen number Kn simplified from the high-order slip ones. Bahukudumbi
for various slip models. The predictions from all the slip et al. (2003) derived an empirical shear model using a
models have small discrepancies when Kn \ 0.1. The modified slip boundary condition for steady and quasi-
higher the first-order coefficient is, the larger the flow rate steady oscillatory Couette flows
prediction occurs. Kim’s model (Kim et al. 2008) performs 2  rv
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Us  Uw ¼
the largest prediction with C1 ¼ 6=p, while Wu and rv

Bogy’s model (Wu and Bogy 2003) presents the smallest 1 0:58642
1:2977 þ 0:71851 tan ð1:17488Kn Þ
one with C1 = 2/3. However, the predictions have signif- on s
icant discrepancies and the second-order coefficient dom- ð52Þ
inates the flow rate when Kn [ 0.1. The slip models with
positive second-order coefficients (C2 [ 0) overestimates Hwang et al. (1995) determined the slip coefficients
the flow rate while the slip models with C2 \ 0 underes- from the LBE with considering the molecules reflecting at
timates the rate flow compared to the Maxwell’s model. the boundaries diffusively, and presented the high-order
The prediction of Shen’s model (Shen et al. 2007), which slip boundary conditions for uniform microchannels as:

p 0:58734 o2 U

has the largest second-order coefficient C2 = 2, performs oU

the largest deviation to higher side while Karniadakis and Us  Uw ¼ 0:01807Kn 0:6768 Kn2
on s 4 on2 s
Beskok’s model (Beskok and Karniadakis 1999) gives the
largest deviation to the lower side with C2 = -0.5. It
indicated that the first-order slip coefficient dominates the Try to investigate the gaseous flow in microtubes at
slip flow rate for lower Knudsen numbers while the second- arbitrary Knudsen numbers, Weng et al. (1999) presented a

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Table 6 Values of the second-order slip coefficients

References C1 C2 Remark

Schamberg (1947) 1 5p=12 Second-order model

Karniadakis and Beskok (2002) 1 -0.5 Second-order model
Cercignani (1990) 1.1466 0.9756 or 0.647 Linearized Boltzmann–BGK model
Chapman and Cowling (1970) 1 0.5 Linearized Boltzmann model
Hadjiconstantinou (2003) 1.11 0.61 (0.31) HS model
Deissler (1964) 1 9/8 Second-order model
Cercignani (1975) 0.8297 0.5108 Boltzmann–BGK model
Hsia and Domoto (1983) 1 0.5 Second-order model
Mitsuya (1993) 1 2/9 1.5-order model
Lockerby et al. (2004) 1 0.145–0.19 Maxwell–Burnett model
Wu and Bogy (2001) 1 1 Pressure gradient model
Wu and Bogy (2003) 2/3 0.25 New second-order model
Sun et al. (2002) 0.62228 0.3872 VHS model
0.63875 0.408 VSS model
Shen et al. (2007) 1 2 BGK model
Yudistiawan et al. (2008) 1 2/3 D2Q9 LB model
Loyalka and Hickey (1989a, b) 1.1019 0.0449 BGK-based kinetic model
Lockerby and Reese (2008) 0.798 -0.278 BGK-based kinetic model
Kim et al. (2008) 6=p 4=p D2Q9 LB model
Kim and Pitsch (2008) 1.073 0.514 D2Q16 LB model
Cercignani and Lorenzani (2010); Lorenzani (2011) 1.1209 0.2347 HS model
1.1366 0.69261 BGK-based model
Struchtrup and Torrilhon (2008) 1 0.531 R13-based model
1.0462 0.5485 R13-based model with KL effect
Li et al. (2011) 1 0.8 LB model
Gibeli (2012) 1.1144 0.4952 HS model with KL effect


p oU
Us  Uw ¼ 0:49 Kn
2 on s
p 0:5335 o2 U

 0:64 Kn2 ð54Þ

4 on2 s
Ng and Liu (2005) investigated and analyzed the
performance of conventional slip models among various
regimes of Knudsen number, and developed a new multi-
coefficient velocity slip model, by using Taguchi quality
control techniques, given by:


oU 0:65 2 o U
Us  Uw ¼ 1:15Kn 0:25Kn Kn ð55Þ
on s on2 s
Fig. 7 Comparison of the non-dimensional flow rate QN as a function Beskok and Karniadakis (1996) and Beskok and
of the Knudsen number Kn for various slip models Karniadakis (1999) also provided the non-dimensional
boundary condition from Eq. (20) in the form
new model to describe the gas flow behavior in microtubes 

2  rv oU Kn2 o2 U
avoiding time-consuming calculations and compared with Us  Uw ¼ Kn þ þ
rv on s 2 on2 s
the results obtained by Loyalka (1969). The high-order slip
flow boundary condition can be written as: ð56Þ

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Table 7 Expressions of the second-order slip coefficients

References C1 C2 Equation and parameter

Beskok and Karniadakis (1999) 2rv -0.5 N–S equation

Aubert and Colin (2001) 2rv 9/8 N–S equation
Karniadakis and Beskok (2002) rv  2r
v N–S equation
Jie et al. (2000) rv  2r v Re
rv Kn
N–S equation, Re is the Reynolds number
Roohi and Darbandi (2009) rv  2r
v Extending N–S equation
pffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi
Graur et al. 2006 1:012 kk2 2=kk2 QGD equation, kk ¼ 2ð7  2xG Þð5  2xG Þ=ð15 2pÞ
(Bird 1994) and kk ¼ p=2 in (Cercignani 1990)
2rv 2 1

Cercignani (1988) rv ð1 þ 0:1621rv Þ p 2 þ c2C BE, cC is parameter
Lockerby et al. (2004) 2rv 9 Prðc1Þ BE
rv 4p c
2 3 3 
Wu (2008) 3  rv fW 1
fW þ Kn2 2 ð1  fW
Þ Kinetic-based theory, fW ¼ min½1=Kn; 1
26 rv 7
34 2 5
3 3ð1  fW Þ

2 Kn

Fig. 8 Variation of the inverse

slip coefficient expressions with
Knudsen number for different
analytical slip models and the
experimental data (Colin et al.
2004) with P ¼ 1:8 and
rv ¼ 0:93

where ðo=onÞrepresents the gradients normal to the wall meaning is the velocity flux into the surface divided by the
surface. velocity of flow field on the surface. Beskok and Karni-
Based on the asymptotic analysis, Beskok and Karni- adakis (1999) determined the value bBK and provided some
adakis (1999) and Karniadakis and Beskok (2002) devel- results for transition and free-molecular regimes.
oped a physics-based empirical flow model and proposed Xue and Fan (2000) put a step forward and presented a
the following general velocity slip boundary condition for high-order slip expression with replacing Kn by tanhðKnÞ
the compressible flow: as:

2  rv Kn oU 2  rv oU
Us  Uw ¼ ð57Þ Us  Uw ¼ tanhðKnÞ ð58Þ
rv 1  bBK Kn on s rv on s
where bBK is a generalized slip coefficient, which is an This statement involves only the first derivation of the
empirical parameter to be determined either experimentally velocity, which leads to results close to those calculated by
or from LBE or DSMC data. Moreover, its physical DSMC method even in relatively high Knudsen number.

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5.5 Hybrid slip model 1 8Cð4:5  xm Þlref ðkB Tref =pÞxm 0:5
kðVHSÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2ng p 15ðmg =pÞ1=2 ðkB Tref Þxm
5.5.1 Effective mean free path (MFP)
xm 0:5
(1) Various definitions The MFP k of gas molecules is an T
average distance traveled by a molecule before colliding
where lref and Tref are the reference conditions, xm is a
with another one in the equilibrium state and also can be
constant which determined by the type of the gas and can
defined as:
be obtained from experimental data.
c To describe the actual transport properties, Koura and
k¼ ð59Þ
t Matsumoto (1992) introduced the variable soft sphere
where t is the collision frequency. (VSS) model as:
Peng et al. (2004) incorporated Bird’s definition (Bird 1 16Cð4:5  xm Þlref ðkB Tref =pÞxm 0:5
1994) and the approximation result from Chapmann and kðVHSÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2ng p 5ð#m þ 1Þð#m þ 2Þðmg =pÞ1=2 ðkB Tref Þxm
Enskog (Chapman and Cowling 1970) by taking the spe-
xm 0:5
cific gas constant RP ¼ kB =m and obtained the following Tref
formulation: T
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where #m is also a value which can be determined by the
2pRP T
k¼l ð60Þ same method for xm . For air, in the VSS model #m ¼ 1:5775
and xm ¼ 0:7, while in the VHS model #m ¼ 1:0 and
Using the Chapman and Enskog method, the MFP k can xm ¼ 0:7. When #m ¼ 1:0 and xm ¼ 0:5, the expression of
be rewritten regarding of the viscosity as: the VSS model reduces to the HS model (Sun et al. 2002).
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Bird (1994) and Koura and Matsumoto (1992) compared
16 p
k¼ vg ð61Þ the VHS model and VSS model with the HS model and
p 2RP T
derived the expressions for the effective MFP as:
where vg is the kinematic viscosity. Cð4:5  xm Þ
When collisions due to the intermolecular interaction kVHS ¼ ð66Þ
6pxm 0:5
are not well defined, Cercignani (1988) proposed to use the
viscosity-based MFP and
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi #m Cð4:5  xm Þ
p kVSS ¼ ð67Þ
k¼ vg ð62Þ ð#m þ 1Þð#m þ 2Þpxm 0:5
Sun et al. (2002) presented new analytical slip models
The viscosity-based MFP is very close to the exact result
incorporating the VHS and VSS molecular effects and
for HS molecules (Kim et al. 2008). The MFP for the BGK
obtained the slip coefficients for the VHS model with
molecules can be defined as:
C1 = 0.62228 and C2 = 0.3872 and VSS model with
pRP T C1 = 0.63875 and C2 = 0.408, respectively.
k¼ sg ð63Þ (3) Wall-function approach For an isothermal, incom-
pressible flow, Zheng et al. (2006) incorporated the wall-
where sg is the relaxation time in the Boltzmann–BGK function approach into a D2Q9 LBE model and presented
equation. the effective MFP expression as:
In the description of experimental results, the viscosity-
based MFP is widely used to define the Knudsen number. keffðZÞ ¼ ð68Þ
However, considering the nature of MFP, the definition of 1 þ 0:7eCL y=k
MFP can be different for various studies, except for HS This approach can be applied to more complex
molecules (Shan et al. 2006). geometries by assuming that the influence of overlapping
(2) Molecular model Although the HS model is widely KLs is additive. Outside the KL, the effective MPF
used for its simplicity, the rate of effective cross-section approaches the MFP in the bulk flow, while, at the wall
decreases directly related to the change of the coefficient of (y = 0), the effective mean free path is 1.7 times smaller
viscosity with temperature. Bird (1994) proposed the than in the bulk flow (Zheng et al. 2006).
modified MFP for the variable hard sphere (VHS) (4) Matthiessen rule The Matthiessen rule had been
model as: widely used to consider the boundary scattering effects on

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electron and phonon transport (Ascroft and Mermin 1976). keffðGÞ ¼ kUðKnÞ
To explain the boundary scattering, the MFP can be eval- 
uated using this rule as: ¼ k 1 þ ða  1Þea þ ðb  1Þeb
1 1 1 
¼ þ ð69Þ a2 Ei ðaÞ  b2 Ei ðbÞ ð72Þ
keffðMÞ ks kb

where ks is the MFP from molecular scattering and can be where a ¼ y=k, b ¼ ðH  yÞ=k, Ei ðxÞ denotes the expo-
pffiffiffi R1
simply calculated as ks ¼ k= 3, and kb is the MFP due to nential integral function defined by Ei ðxÞ ¼ 1 t1 ext dt,
boundary scattering. in which H is the distance between the two parallel plates,
Shen et al. (2007) took the film thickness H/2 for kb to and U is a monotonous function of Kn and satisfying
account for the fact that there are two overlapping KLs and lim UðKnÞ ¼ 1. Guo et al. (2006) mentioned that the
calculated the effective MFP using the Matthiessen rule Kn !0

(Ascroft and Mermin 1976) as: function UðKnÞ derived by Stops is very complicated and is
difficult for practical applications. The reason may be that
1 1
keffðSÞ ¼ pffiffiffi þ ð70Þ it contains an exponential integral function Ei ðxÞ, which
k= 3 H=2 needs a numerical integration and leads to considerable
The effective MFP should be modified with different computations (Li et al. 2011). Moreover, heuristic
geometries. Chen and Bogy (2010) remarked that Shen’s expressions of effective viscosity should be proposed to
slip model (Shen et al. 2007) is also a second-order type enable the computation efficient and the implementation
without considering the effective MFP and the rule is ease.
seldom used for rarefied gas dynamics. The application of Guo et al. (2006) presented the expression of the
the Matthiessen rule to rarefied gases is not supported by effective MFP with an approximation to replace Stops’
the BE (Chen and Bogy 2010). expression as follows:
(5) Probability distribution function approach The 2 3=4
influence of a solid wall on the MFP of the gas molecules keffðGZÞ ¼ kUðKnÞ ¼ arc tan 2Kn k ð73Þ
can be analyzed by considering the probability of the free
path of a gas molecule. The idea of using transport Integrating the density function wðrÞ, Arlemark et al.
parameters that are influenced by an effective MFP was (2010) applied a probability function UðrÞ ¼ wðrÞdr and
presented by Stops (1970). Many researchers (Stops 1970; developed a three-dimensional probability function-based
Peng et al. 2004; Guo et al. 2007a, b, 2008; Arlemark et al. effective MFP keffðAÞ as:
2010; Dongari et al. 2011b) had paid more attention on ( "
deducing the effective MFP for various gas flows in 1 a X7
keffðAÞ ¼k 1 e þ eb þ 4 ecos½ð2i1Þp=28
MEMS/NEMS. 82 i¼1
Figure 9 shows the distribution of the molecule free path
7 b X
in terms of the molecule traveling a distance r. Stops þ4 ecos½ð2i1Þp=28 þ 2 ecosðpi=14Þ
(1970) presented the free path of a molecule following a i¼1 i¼1
probability distribution function X
6 b

1  r þ2 ecosðpi=14Þ ð74Þ
wðrÞ ¼ exp  ð71Þ i¼1
k k
Using this probability distribution function, Guo et al. Comparison of both effective MFP models (Stops 1970;
(2007a, b) and Guo et al. (2008) derived a geometry- Arlemark et al. 2010) with MD simulation data (Dongari
dependent effective MFP for the two parallel plates, i.e., et al. 2011a) shows that both models are useful only up to
Knudsen numbers of about 0.2 (Dongari et al. 2011b).
y Moreover, the Stops’ probability distribution is only valid
under equilibrium conditions (Dongari et al. 2011a, b).
To extend the N–S–Fourier (N–S–F) equations used for
θ+ the gas flows at microscales and nanoscales in the transi-
tion regime, Dongari et al. (2011b) proposed a power-law-
θ r H
r− based effective MFP model. For non-equilibrium gas, a
θ− power-law form of the distribution function with diverging
O higher-order moments was hypothesized and expressed as:
wðrÞ ¼ CD ðaD þ r Þnn ð75Þ
Fig. 9 A molecule confined between two planar walls with spacing H

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where aD and CD are constants with positive values, which MFP and viscosity are two interactive parameters and
are determined through the zero and first moments, and many research works pay more attention on their combina-
exponent nn can be obtained by making one of the higher- tions for gas microflows with different boundary conditions.
order moments divergent. Their relationship can be expressed as (Dongari et al. 2010)
The effective MFP based on the power-law distribution l
keff ¼ eff k ð79Þ
function can be given by (Dongari et al. 2011b): l

8 2

1n 39
> y 1n H  y 1n X y >
> 6 1þ þ 1þ þ4 1þ 7>>
> 6 a a a cos½ð2i  1Þp=32 7 >
> 6 i¼1 7>>
< 6

7 >
1 6 X8
Hy 1n X7
y 1n 7
keffðAÞ ¼ k 1  6 þ4 1þ þ2 1þ 7 ð76Þ
> 96 6 a cos½ð2i  1Þp=32 a cosðpi=16Þ 7>
> i¼1 i¼1 7>>
> 6
1n 7 >
> 6 X7 7 >
> 4 H  y 5 >
: þ2 1þ >
a cosðpi=16Þ

The power-law-based effective MFP (Dongari et al. To distinguish the differences between some heuristic
2011b) was validated against MD simulation data (Dongari effective MFP and viscosity models for gas microflows
et al. 2011a) up to Kn = 1, and also compared with the from different viewpoints, the effective viscosity models
theoretical models from Stops (1970) and Arlemark et al. are reviewed in this section.
(2010). (1) Various definitions For HS molecules, the coefficient
To study the unidirectional flow of the rarefied gas near of viscosity l can be obtained by using the Chapman and
the boundary region, Peng et al. (2004) presented a nano- Enskog method (Chapman and Cowling 1970) as:
scale effect function keffðPÞ =k to describe the gas behavior pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
5 pmkB T
between two parallel plates based on the kinetic theory. l¼ ð80Þ
16 pdg2
The probability density of the direction distribution of
molecule velocity is: The bulk viscosity of dilute gases for the HS model can
HðhP ; bP Þ ¼ sin hP =4p ð77Þ also be derived from the Chapman–Enskog theory and
given by:
where hP, bP are random variables uniformly distributed in
the whole space, and the integration of HðhP ; bP Þ in the l¼ cqk ð81Þ
whole integration space is clearly equal to 1. The effective pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
MFP considering the nanoscale boundary effects can be Where c ¼ 8kB T=pmg and q ¼ p=ðRp TÞ.
expressed as (Peng et al. 2004): A simple kinetic theory based result proposed by Max-
well for the bulk viscosity is (Pollard and Present 1948):
k 1  4h ; ðh kÞ
keffðPÞ ¼ ð78Þ
k 3h  h
In h
k ; ðh kÞ
4k 2k l ¼ cqk ð82Þ
Chen and Bogy (2010) argued that the modified MFP is
not necessary for Fukui and Kaneko’s (FK) model (Fukui Alexander et al. (1998) used the Green–Kubo theory to
and Kaneko 1988) in which the MFP is characterized by evaluate the transport coefficients in DSMC and derived
the BGK gas molecules in the equilibrium state. from the dilute gas Enskog values for the viscosity as:

5 mkB T 16 L2x
5.5.2 Effective viscosity l¼ 1 þ ð83Þ
16dc2 p 45p k2

Gas viscosity is an important property to account for the where dc is the collision diameter, Lx is the width of the
momentum exchange between gas molecules. The effective cell.
viscosity is a mathematical construct with no connection to Hadjiconstantinou (2000) considered the convergence
real gas properties, and its value will change with flow with respect to a finite time step when the cell size is
geometry (Lilley and Sader 2008). negligible and examined the effects of the discretization

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Microfluid Nanofluid

error in DSMC calculations of the viscosity using the almost independent of the surface accommodation aR, and
Green–Kubo theory. The resulting expression of the vis- DR = -0.293 and ER = 0.531 for HS model, and DR =
cosity becomes: -0.328 and ER = 0.612 for the BGK model, respectively
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi" # (Reese et al. 2007). Moreover, the effective viscosity does
5 mkB T 16 ðcm DtÞ2
l¼ 1þ ð84Þ not generate artificial stresses in the KL.
16 p 75p k2 (3) Karniadakis-style model Some heuristic effective
viscosity models had been proposed in previous studies for
where cm is the most probable speed of the gas molecules.
gas microflows from different viewpoints (Beskok and
(2) KL-based model Considering the effect of KL, Lilley
Karniadakis 1999; Sun and Chan 2004; Roohi and Dar-
and Sader (2008) investigated gas flow for small Knudsen
bandi 2009; Michalis et al. 2010), which can also be
numbers and suggested a power-law dependence of vis-
expressed in the form:
cosity on the dimensionless distance from the solid surface
as: leff ¼ lWðKnÞ ð89Þ
y~1dy~ where WðKnÞ has different form. The researchers (Zheng
leffðLSÞ ¼ l ð85Þ
Cy~dy~ et al. 2006; Guo et al. 2006) found that the viscosity cor-
rections can improve the numerical accuracy to some
where Cy~ and dy~ can be obtained from the LBE and the extent, but still cannot give satisfactory results for the gas
empirical determinations of the functional dependencies of flows at a higher Knudsen number (Li et al. 2011).
Cy~ and dy~ on the thermal accommodation coefficient rT are Karniadakis et al. (2005) considered the rarefaction
Cy~ðrT Þ ¼ 1:58  0:33rT and dy~ðrT Þ ¼ 0:69 þ 0:13rT effects and proposed a hybrid formula for the viscosity
(Lilley and Sader 2008). The DSMC calculations showed coefficient as follows:
that the KL for VSS molecules is very similar to that for

the HS ones and the power-law description is weakly leffðKÞ ¼ l ð90Þ
dependent on the molecular model (Lilley and Sader 2007). 1 þ aK Kn
To evaluate the isothermal microflows, Lockerby et al. where aK is a coefficient and should be adjusted with a
(2005a) proposed a wall-function type of viscosity in the complicated inverse hyperbolic-tangent function. Beskok
KL derived from a curve fit to the KL velocity profile and Karniadakis (1999) first suggested an expression for
originally derived by Cercignani (1990) as: the viscosity in the transition regime and conducted
h i1 numerical computations of flow in cylinders and channels
leffðLÞ  l 1 þ 0:7ð1 þ y~Þ3 ð86Þ
using the N–S formulation complemented with a slip
boundary condition at aK ¼ 2:2. Sun and Chan (2004)
When a part of the molecules is reflected diffusively and
reported that they found good agreement of their model
another one is reflected specularly, Fichman and Hetsroni
with DSMC and with the LBE results at aK ¼ 2.
(2005) presented the effective viscosity as:
 r  Michalis et al. (2010) investigated the rarefaction effect
l 2v þ ð1  rv Þ~
y ð~ y\1Þ on gas viscosity via DSMC modeling of rarefied channel
leffðFHÞ ¼ ð87Þ
l ð~
y [ 1Þ flows and also found such an expression with a Bosanquet-
Reese et al. (2007) reviewed the Fichman and Hetsroni type approximation:
model (Fichman and Hetsroni 2005) that it cannot capture 1 1 1
¼ þ ð91Þ
the asymptotic form of the velocity profile in the KL near leffðMÞ l l1
the surface and provided the expression for the effective
viscosity required to reproduce the KL structure within an They confirmed this expression through a direct
N–S–F model as: calculation of the gas viscosity from its shear-stress-
h i1 based definition and the rarefaction factor was found to be
leffðRÞ ¼ l 1  AR ðDR aR þ ER Þð1 þ y~ÞAR 1 ð88Þ aK  2 in the transition flow regime. The result is same as
that presented by Sun and Chan (2004).
where AR , DR and ER are the curve-fitting coefficients. If y~ It can be seen from Stops’ expression that the local
becomes large outside the KL, the effective viscosity tends effective MFP is a function of the distance from the wall.
to be of the actual viscosity and the scaling effect does not However, the Bosanquet-type effective viscosity is inde-
work on it. Reese et al. (2007) obtained the coefficients for pendent of the distance due to its value averaging over the
two different gas molecular models, AR = - 2.719 (HS) cross section. The overall rarefaction effect on the gas
and AR = - 2.025 (BGK), with aR = 1 from the data in the viscosity should be taken into account with the Bosanquet-
literature (Loyalka and Hickey 1989a, b; Wakabayashi type effective viscosity (Guo et al. 2006; Li et al. 2011).
et al. 1996). They also found that the coefficient AR is Michalis et al. (2010) also confirmed that a Bosanquet-type

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expression of effective viscosity describes satisfactorily the the normalized viscosity coefficient decreases as the
dependence of gas viscosity on the Knudsen number in the Knudsen number increases. Differences among the varia-
transition regime. tional solution (Cercignani 1969), empirical model (Veijola
(4) Shear stress model Bahukudumbi et al. (2003) and Turowski 2001), the DSMC results (Bahukudumbi
derived an empirical shear model, which is uniformly valid et al. 2003) and linearized Boltzmann solution (Sone et al.
in the entire Knudsen regime for steady and quasi-steady 1990) are almost invisible and the maximum deviation is
oscillatory Couette flows with an effective viscosity, which less than 1 %. The NS-based viscosity coefficient is close
is given by: to the IP-based model at a lower Knudsen number. NS-

based and IP-based models are similar to the DSMC pre-
leff ¼ l þ C1 Kn  f ðKnÞ ð92Þ dictions for Kn\0:1, and gradually underestimate the
viscosity at higher Knudsen number ranges. The Karni-
where f ðKnÞ can be regarded as a generalized formulation adakis model (Karniadakis et al. 2005) with aK ¼ 2:2
as a function of the Knudsen number from shear-stress agrees with the Sun and Chan model and is close to the IP-
models (Cercignani 1969; Sone et al. 1990; Veijola and based model when Kn [ 0:2. The viscosity coefficient is
Turowski 2001; Bahukudumbi et al. 2003). Table 8 gives not the sole parameter in determining the mass flow and
several expresses of the generalized formulation of f ðKnÞ. should be combined with the slip boundary condition
Considering the IP wall shear stress, Roohi and Dar- (Roohi and Darbandi 2009). Although the various heuristic
bandi (2009) derived an expression for the viscosity coef- effective viscosity models are proposed from different
ficient as a function of Knudsen number in the form: viewpoints, they can contribute to N–S equations for cap-
sw;IP ðxÞ turing the high Knudsen number effects in the transition
leffðRDÞ ¼ ð93Þ regime (Guo et al. 2006).
oVt =on
where Vt is the particle information velocity, sw,IP is the 5.5.3 Gaseous mixture
wall shear stress and sw;IP ¼ sw þ sw þ sw þ   , in
which the superscripts NS, B, and AB denote the N–S, the Though in practice one meets mixtures more often than a
Burnett, and the augmented Burnett equations, respectively. single gas, there are very few investigations on the slip
The NS-based and IP-based viscosity coefficient coefficient for gaseous mixtures (Sharipov and Kalempa
expressions are expressed as (Roohi and Darbandi 2009): 2003). The slip boundary condition for a gaseous mixture is
h i more complicated due to the slip coefficient for a gaseous
rv þ 6Kn  6Kn2 mixture differing from that for a single gas. The concen-
leffðRDÞ ¼l ð94Þ
NS rv þ 6Kn þ 13:5Kn2 tration gradient near a solid surface causes a slip of the
h i rv þ 0:89Kn þ 4:70Kn2 mixture along the surface. Some slip coefficients were
leffðRDÞ ¼l ð95Þ provided for a mixture obtained by the moment method
IP rv þ 0:75Kn þ 19:98Kn2
applied to BE (Ivchenko et al. 1997; Sharipov and Kal-
where the subscript NS and IP refer to the fact that there empa 2003; Garcia and Siewert 2007). Naris et al. (2004)
have been derived from the NS-based mass flow rate provided an efficient methodology to solve internal flows
relation and the IP simulation data, respectively.Moreover, of binary gaseous mixtures through microchannels over the
Bahukudumbi et al. (2003) pointed that it is not possible to whole range of the Knudsen number. Pitakarnnop et al.
construct a shear stress model from N–S-level constitutive (2010) also verified that the implementation of the linear-
equations that are uniformly valid in the entire Knudsen ized BGK and McCormack models for solving rarefied
number regime (Park et al. 2004). Therefore, in a rarefied flows through microchannels is valid for the gaseous
gas flow system confined by solid walls, the path of gas mixture.
molecule colliding with the walls will be shorter than the The definition of the slip coefficient for a mixture is very
MFP defined in unbounded systems (Tang et al. 2008; Guo similar to that for a single gas. Equation (15) can be
et al. 2006, 2008; Li et al. 2011). As mentioned in the rewritten as (Sharipov and Kalempa 2003)
above two sections, some modifications or corrections on

lv0 ous
the MFP and the viscosity have been developed to reflect us  uw ¼ rp ð96Þ
the effect of gas molecule/wall interactions. p on S
Figure 10 shows comparison of the normalized viscosity where v0 is the characteristic molecular velocity of the
coefficients predicted by various methods, such as the HS
mixture and v0 ¼ ð2kB T=mÞ1=2 , in which the mean
DSMC results (Bahukudumbi et al. 2003), linearized
molecular mass of the mixture is defined as:
Boltzmann solution of Sone et al. (1990), and IP simula-
tions by Roohi and Darbandi (2009). It can be found that m ¼ C0 m1 þ ð1  C0 Þm2 ð97Þ

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Table 8 Several expressions of the generalized formulation f ðKnÞ

References Formulation Determination approach

Veijola and Turowski (2001) 2 Curve fitting to linearized Boltzmann solutions

1þ2Knþ0:2Kn0:788 eKn=10
Cercignani (1969) 1:3056Knþ2p Using different molecular interaction models
1:3056Kn2 þ7:5939Knþp
Sone et al. (1990) 1:270042p Using perturbation expansions

Bahukudumbi et al. (2003) 0:52969Knþ1:20597 Least-square fitting to the linearized Boltzmann solution of Sone et al. (1990)
0:52969Kn2 þ1:627666Knþ0:602985

gas, which can be applied to optimize the design of the slip

boundary conditions in microflows.
For the adsorption of a gas mixture within the formu-
lation (24), the fraction of the surface at thermal equilib-
rium may be expressed as (Myong 2004a):
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
b p b p
aM ¼ Vg1 pM1 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ Vg2 pM2 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð98Þ
1 þ bM1 p 1 þ bM2 p
where Vg1 and Vg2 denote the fraction of components in
volume and Vg1 þ Vg2 ¼ 1.
For the rarefied flow of binary gas mixture in the vicinity
of an isothermal surface, Zahmatkesh et al. (2011) pre-
sented a second-order slip model for the whole mixtures
using the generalized form derived by Karniadakis et al.
Fig. 10 Comparison of the various viscosity coefficient models (2005) as:

k1 þ vM k2 ous k21 þ vM k22 o2 us
where m1 and m2 are the molecular mass of species and the us  uw ¼ rp þ
1 þ vM on S 2ð1 þ vM Þ on2 S
molar concentration C0 ¼ n01 =ðn01 þ n02 Þ, in which n01
and n02 are the equilibrium number densities of the species.
Comparisons of the slip coefficients rp of the mixtures where vM ¼ n02 m2 =ðn01 m1 Þ, k1 and k2 are the MFPs of the
(He–Xe and He–Ar) as a function of molar concentration binary gas mixtures, respectively.
C0 for various models are listed in Table 9. Figure 11 also
shows the comparisons of the slip coefficients rp of the 5.5.4 Effect of surface roughness
binary mixtures as a function of the molar concentration C0
for various models. It can be seen that the four different Due to limitations in current micromachining technologies,
methods, including McCormack model (Siewert and Val- the microfabricated microfluidic devices typically exhibit
ougeorgis 2004; Garcia and Siewert 2007), Lennard–Jones some degree of roughness (Duan and Muzychka 2008).
model (Sharipov and Kalempa 2003), rigid spheres model The average roughness of the silicon surface created by the
(Ivchenko et al. 1997) and the moment method applied to DRIE process is 6.43 nm, and the root mean square
the LBE (Garcia and Siewert 2007), are in a good agree- roughness of the sidewall is reported to be about 30 nm
ment with each other. The slip coefficient is very weakly (Chabloz et al. 2000). Maurer et al. (2003) measured a
sensitive to the intermolecular interaction potential. At the shallow microchannel and estimated the roughness to be
limits corresponding to a single gas (C0 = 0 and C0 = 1), 20 nm with the channel deep 1.14 lm. Tang et al. (2007a,
the slip coefficient rp = 1.018 for McCormack model b) found that the increase of the pressure drop for the
(Garcia and Siewert 2007) is exactly the same as that stainless steel tube with relative roughness 3.2 % with
obtained from the Lennard–Jones potential model (Shari- respect to smooth one is about 28 %. Surface roughness
pov and Kalempa 2003), and the moment model (Siewert plays an increasingly important role in gas flow in micro-
and Valougeorgis 2004) under the assumption of diffuse fluidic devices, but it is difficult to quantify its effects
reflection. The largest deviation of the slip coefficient for a theoretically and numerically. In practice, the surface
mixture from that for a single gas occurs at C0 = 0.75 roughness can be characterized by atomic force microscope
approximately. The results indicate that the value of the (AFM), scanning tunneling microscope (STM), and scan-
slip coefficient for a mixture is larger than that for a single ning electron microscope (SEM) (Fukui and Kaneko 1993).

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Table 9 Slip coefficients rp of the mixtures (He–Xe and He–Ar) as a function of molar concentration C0 for various models
C0 rp

He–Xe He–Ar
Rigid spheres McCormack model Lennard–Jones (Sharipov LBE (Garcia and McCormack model (Siewert
(Ivchenko et al. 1997) (Garcia and Siewert 2007) and Kalempa 2003) Siewert 2007) and Valougeorgis 2004)

0.0 1.007 1.018 1.018 1.003 1.018

0.01 1.011 – 1.022 – –
0.1 1.045 1.057 1.059 1.043 1.044
0.2 – 1.099 – – 1.070
0.25 1.110 – 1.127 1.087 –
0.3 – 1.145 – 1.135 1.097
0.4 – 1.197 – 1.187 1.124
0.5 1.240 1.253 1.259 1.245 1.150
0.6 – 1.313 – 1.306 1.174
0.7 – 1.375 – 1.368 1.190
0.75 1.389 – 1.401 – –
0.8 – 1.424 – 1.417 1.190
0.9 1.400 1.413 1.412 1.404 1.154
0.99 1.104 – 1.119 – –
1.0 1.007 1.018 1.018 1.003 1.018

where L0;sm denotes the characteristic length of smooth

surface, f ðRa ; rÞ is the roughness height, in which Ra and r
are the average roughness and standard deviation, respec-
tively, and both of them are the major concerning param-
eters. The ratio of the roughness to the MFP is a good
criterion to determine the slip boundary condition in the
N–S equations (Cao et al. 2009). Two main approaches had
been proposed to treat the roughness effect, including
averaging method and homogenization method (Buscaglia
and Jai 2004; Almqvist et al. 2007).
Surface topographies are critical in momentum transport
of the gas microflows in microfluidic devices. The effect of
the surface roughness is apparent not only at the slip length
and velocities but also at the overall flow characteristics
(Einzel et al. 1990; Asproulis and Drikakis 2010). The idea
Fig. 11 Slip coefficient rp of the mixtures (He–Xe and He–Ar) as a is to replace the constitutive boundary condition at the
function of molar concentration C0 for four different methods,
including McCormack model (Siewert and Valougeorgis 2004;
rough surface by a homogenized or effective one at the
Garcia and Siewert 2007), Lennard–Jones model (Sharipov and smooth surface (Dalibrard and Varet 2011). In this way,
Kalempa 2003), rigid spheres model (Ivchenko et al. 1997), and the the rough micromachined surfaces can be described as
moment method applied to the LBE (Garcia and Siewert 2007) periodic and random types, as listed in Table 10.
Various models have been proposed to account for the
effects of roughness on gas microflows. Many reported
Therefore, understanding the effect of surface roughness on
computational and experimental investigations (Li et al.
gas flow is highly desirable for microfluidic devices.
2002; Chen and Cheng 2003; Kleinstreuer and Koo 2004;
From the definition of the Knudsen number Kn ¼ k=L0 ,
Lilly et al. 2007; Zhang and Meng 2009) have drawn a
it can be found that the characteristic length L0 should be
conclusion that surface roughness has a significant influ-
modified to take the surface roughness effect into account
ence on the gas flow in microfluidic devices, such as
and can be expressed as a general form:
microchannel, microtube, micropipe, microbearing, and
L0 ¼ L0;sm þ f ðRa ; rÞ ð100Þ microduct. To simply model the roughness effect on gas

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microflows, some researchers represented the surface multiscale self-affine roughness in a rectangular micro-
roughness as periodic distributions, including sinusoidal, channel. Several probabilistic models, such as the mixed
rectangular, triangular, elliptical and trapezoidal surface model (Fukui and Kaneko 1993), the model with flow
roughness, for two-dimensional simulation (Sun and Faghri factor (Chen et al. 2004) and the striated rough surface
2003; Wang et al. 2005; Ji et al. 2006; Cao et al. 2006; (White 2010) had also been proposed to describe the
Duan and Muzychka 2008; Zhang and Meng 2009; Xiong roughness effects.
and Chung 2010). Sun and Faghri (2003) modeled the In addition, some studies have attempted to extend the
roughness by an array of rectangular modules using DSMC slip models to flows over the curved or rough surfaces
method. Zhang and Meng (2009) analyzed the flow char- (Myong et al. 2005). Table 11 presented a simple overview
acteristics of the microbearing considering the coupled of the roughness model and slip model for several typical
rarefaction and roughness effects with a new second-order microfluidic devices reported in the literature. Although
slip model (Wu 2008). The roughness was described by the some researchers have paid more attention to the roughness
simple sinusoidal waves. For three-dimensional simula- effect on gas flows in different microfluidic devices, the
tions, rectangular prism elements or conical elements were slip boundary condition has been described with a simple
used to express the roughness effect on the gas microflow form (Cao et al. 2006; Duan and Muzychka 2008; Khadem
depending on the roughness element geometry (Hu et al. et al. 2009) or even without consideration (Lilly et al. 2007;
2003; Rawool et al. 2006; Baviere et al. 2006; Lilly et al. Xiong and Chung 2010; Ozalp 2011). Very few experi-
2007; Kunert and Harting 2007). Hu et al. (2003) devel- mental investigations have concentrated on the effect of
oped a three-dimensional finite volume based numerical surface roughness on boundary slip. Neto et al. (2005)
model to simulate the flow in microchannels with rectan- summarized some challenges, including difficult to pro-
gular prism rough elements on the surface. Kunert and duce suitable surfaces of controlled roughness, additional
Harting (2007) used a three-dimensional LB model to undesired changes at the interface, uncertainly associated
simulate the flow in rough microchannels with periodic with roughness and lack of appropriate theoretical
surfaces, including cosines, squares, and triangles. description of the realistic surface roughness, in predicting
However, the rough surface topography is a non- the roughness effect. Therefore, it is necessary to get a
stationary random process (Chen et al. 2009; Xiong and better understanding of the coupled effects of surface
Chung 2010). Some researchers carried out more efforts to roughness and velocity slip on gas microflows. The suitable
model the random roughness even if there are many diffi- and efficient models must be developed and applied to
culties. Croce and Agaro (2004) explicitly modeled the estimate the roughness and velocity slip effects in the
surface roughness through a set of random generated peaks practical engineering design of microfluidic devices in
along an ideal smooth surface in the microchannels. Li MEMS.
et al. (2002) investigated the effects of surface roughness
on the slip flow in long microtubes. The rough surface was 5.6 Tangential momentum accommodation coefficient
represented as a porous film based on the Brinkman- (TMAC)
extended Darcy model. However, Blanchard and Ligrani
(2007) mentioned that slip is independent of the surface As one of the most important parameters for determining
roughness magnitude and mostly due to rarefaction. Bah- the degree of the slip in all of the slip models, the TMAC
rami et al. (2006) developed a model to predict the flow in can be used to characterize the tangential momentum
rough microtubes with a Gaussian isotropic distribution. transport between the gas and wall (Cao et al. 2009) and
Xiong and Chung (2010) combined a bi-cubic Coons patch should be predicted in slip and transition flow regimes for
with Gaussian distributed roughness heights and presented microflows and nanoflows (Agrawal and Prabhu 2008b;
a three-dimensional random surface roughness model to Veltzke and Thoming 2012). Most of the analytical,
investigate the laminar flow in microtubes. Cao et al. numerical, and experimental investigations concerning
(2006) investigated the effect of surface roughness on slip rarefaction effects on gas microflows relate to the TMAC.
flow in microchannels using non-equilibrium MD simula- The TMAC rv is defined as the fraction of gas mole-
tion method. The surface roughness can be modeled by cules reflected diffusively from a solid surface in rarefied
triangular, rectangular, sinusoidal, and randomly triangular gas microflows (Pitakarnnop et al. 2010), and can be
waves. The roughness effect is indicated to be significant expressed as:
for gas microflows at the small Knudsen number. The
si  sr
power-law behavior obtained from AFM images for rv ¼ ð101Þ
MEMS surfaces was similar to fractal Weierstrass–Man-
delbrot (W–M) surface results (Bora et al. 2005). Chen where si and sr are the average incident and reflected gas
et al. (2009) used W–M function to characterize the molecules, respectively. Since the incident and reflected

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Table 10 Overview of the descriptions of periodic and random rough surfaces

Rough surface Construct type Schematic diagram References

Periodic Sinusoidal Cao et al. (2006); Kunert and Harting (2007)

Rectangular Cao et al. (2006); Kunert and Harting (2007);

Lilly et al. (2007)

Triangular Cao et al. (2006); Kunert and Harting (2007);

Lilly et al. (2007)

Trapezoidal Papadopoulos et al. (2011)

Random Gaussian distribution Bahrami et al. (2006); Cao et al. (2006)

Random peak Croce and Agaro (2004)

Porous medium Kleinstreuer and Koo (2004)

Fractal geometry Chen et al. (2009)


Random triangular wave Cao et al. (2006)

Coons patch Xiong and Chung (2010)

Fractal geometry Zhang et al. (2012a, b)


molecules cannot be confirmed generally, the TMAC is 2  rv

usually estimated from experimental measurements and rp ¼ a s ð102Þ
simulations, nor predicted from theoretical solutions
(Agrawal and Prabhu 2008b; Cao et al. 2009). Although Empirically, the TMAC is often taken to be unity for
many investigations have demonstrated that the TMAC is most of the practical engineering conditions. However,
sensitive to gas–solid interface conditions, the significant some studies have demonstrated that the TMAC is
effects of the gas species, surface materials, surface tem- sensitive to gas and surface conditions (Ho and Tai
perature, and other surface conditions on the TMAC are not 1998). The TMAC plays an important role in
well understood. determining the slip velocity at the solid boundary. As in
The slip velocity coefficient rp is a function of the Maxwell scattering model, the value of the coefficient as is
TMAC and can be expressed for the Maxwell scattering unity. However, Barber and Emerson (2002) reviewed
model as: some rigorous kinetic analyses of the BE for the planar

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Table 11 Overview of roughness model and slip model for different microfluidic devices
Component Roughness model Slip model References

Microchannel Triangular, rectangular, sinusoidal and random Maxwell’s first-order model (Maxwell 1879) Cao et al. (2006)
triangular wave models
Triangular and random triangular wave models Maxwell’s first-order model (Maxwell 1879) Khadem et al. (2009)
Two-dimensional W–M function-based model No-slip model Chen et al. (2009)
Conical model No-slip model Lilly et al. (2007)
Fractal geometry model Hadjiconstantinou’s second-order model Liu and Ni (2008)
(Hadjiconstantinou 2003)
Microtube Coons surface model No-slip model Xiong and Chung
Sinusoidal corrugation model First-order model (Barber and Emerson 2006) Duan and Muzychka
(2008, 2010)
Porous flow model High-order model (Weng et al. 1999) Li et al. (2002)
Microbearing Sinusoidal wave model Wu’s second-order model (Wu and Bogy 2003) Zhang and Meng (2009)
Striated rough surface model No-slip model White (2010)
Three-dimensional W–M function-based model Wu model (Wu 2008) Zhang et al. (2012a, b)
Micropipe Triangular wave model No-slip model Ozalp (2008, 2011)

flows (Albertoni et al. 1963; Loyalka et al. 1975; 5.6.1 Experimental measurement
Wakabayashi et al. 1996), and explained that:
2 The experimental measurement of the TMAC is very
as ¼ 1:016191  pffiffiffi  1:1466 ð103Þ important and valuable. Agrawal and Prabhu (2008b)
reviewed different measurement approaches to determine
The value 1.016191 was obtained numerically by the TMAC with various gas–surface combinations and
Loyalka et al. (1975) from the kinetic equation BGK conditions and clearly described the mechanisms of accu-
model under the assumption of a full accommodation of the rate experimental measurements. Finger et al. (2007)
molecules at the wall, whereas Wakabayashi et al. (1996) summarized that the TMACs obtained from most of the
obtained a value of 0.98737 by solving the LBE. Young experimental measurements are in the range of 0.85–1.06,
(2011) obtained the values for the linearized Grad 13- while some researchers had experimentally observed
moment (LG13) and linearized Regularized 13-moment TMACs to be between 0.2 and 1.0 (Gad-el-Hak 1999;
(LR13) BGK models are 0.886 and 0.919, respectively. Karniadakis and Beskok 2002).
Ewart et al. (2007b) obtained the value of as ¼ 0:933
Generally, the determination of the TMAC depends on
0:003 for helium using the first-order fitting, while Graur the mass flow measurement. Table 13 provides several
et al. (2009) obtained the most pertinent values of a1st s ¼ typical experimental measurement methods to obtain the
2nd TMACs for helium from the literature. Even for the same
0004 and as ¼ 0:956
0005 for the first-order
and second-order treatments, respectively, for nitrogen gas of helium, the TMAC values have differences for dif-
using the same criteria as those performed by Ewart et al. ferent measurement methods and at various Knudsen ran-
(2007b). Table 7 also provides various values and ges. Although many experiments are performed to
formulations of slip coefficients concerning as obtained determine the TMAC, there has no methodology, which
from different approaches. Barber and Emerson (2002) can predict the TMAC for a given set of conditions. The
concluded that the different solutions between the BE and difference and uncertainty in the measurements unavoid-
Maxwell estimation of as lead to considerable confusion ably lead to widely varying TMACs. Therefore, the results
and prevent the clear understanding of gas microflows. of these previous works on the measurements of the
As listed in Table 12, it can be observed that the obvious TMACs cannot be directly used in a quantitative way for
differences among the various experimental and data-fit- micro- and nanoflows.
ting approaches. For the first- and second-order polynomial To verify the differences from several methods, Yam-
fitting approaches, the TMAC of second order is closer to aguchi et al. (2011) employed the constant-volume method
unity than that of first order. The different values of rp and presented by Arkilic et al. (2001) and Ewart et al. (2007b)
rv obtained for various gases indicate that nature of the gas to measure the mass flow rate through a single microtube
plays a significant role on the slip characteristics in the gas and deduced the TMAC from the slip coefficients using the
microflows. Maxwell model, Loyalka model (Loyalka et al. 1975) and

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Table 12 Experimental coefficients obtained from the first-order and second-order polynomial fitting reported by Maurer et al. (2003), Ewart
et al. (2007a, b) and Graur et al. (2009)
Gas r1st
p r2nd
p r1st
v r2nd
Knudsen range References

Helium 1.060 ± 0.070 – 0.977 ± 0.030 0.06–0.8 Maurer et al. (2003)

1.216 ± 0.007 – 0.905 ± 0.004 – 0.03–0.7 Ewart et al. (2007b)
1.153 ± 0.008 1.140 ± 0.022 0.919 ± 0.009 0.083 ± 0.012 0.03–25.7 Graur et al. (2009)
1.252 ± 0.009 1.052 ± 0.020 0.829 ± 0.004 0.914 ± 0.009 0.009–0.31 Ewart et al. (2007a)
Nitrogen 1.253 ± 0.011 1.104 ± 0.010 0.889 ± 0.004 0.956 ± 0.005 0.008–30.5 Graur et al. (2009)
1.415 ± 0.028 1.066 ± 0.088 0.770 ± 0.010 0.908 ± 0.041 0.003–0.29 Ewart et al. (2007a)
Argon 1.355 ± 0.022 1.205 ± 0.064 0.848 ± 0.008 0.910 ± 0.028 0.01–3.76 Graur et al. (2009)
1.588 ± 0.021 1.147 ± 0.042 0.725 ± 0.007 0.871 ± 0.017 0.003–0.30 Ewart et al. (2007a)

Sharipov model (Sharipov 2004). As listed in Table 14, the 5.6.2 Analytical model
TMACs are smaller than unity, and rLv and rSv are more
accurate than rM v from the viewpoint of the kinetic theory.
Since it is currently impossible to make a direct measure-
The results show that the differences in gas species are ment of the TMAC, the TMAC value should be inferred by
small and a little difference in two geometry conditions other methods. Barber and Emerson (2002) suggested that
(Yamaguchi et al. 2011). the TMAC varies with the Knudsen number based on an
Barber and Emerson (2002) verified that the TMAC is analytical model from the experimental observations
substantially a function of molecular weight of the gas, (Arkilic et al. 2001; Maurer et al. 2003). The analytical
energy of the incoming molecules, wall material, and sur- model to calculate TMAC should consider the consistent
face roughness. The surface roughness plays a significant relationship between the slip coefficients and slip models
effect on the TMAC. The TMAC values can vary about (Agrawal and Prabhu 2008b; Cao et al. 2009).
15 % with the surface roughness effect even for the same From the determination of the first-order slip coefficient
surface material (Thomas and Lord 1974; Jang and C1 reviewed in Sect. 4, one can deduce the TMAC using
Wereley 2006). However, there are two kinds of contro- the following formulation:
vertible results. On the one hand, Blanchard and Ligrani 2
rv ¼ ð104Þ
(2007) designed and performed experiments to measure the C1 þ 1
TMAC on the walls with different rough surfaces, and
found that a smaller value of TMAC is obtained for the Maurer et al. (2003) presented a formulation of the
rougher surface. A strong dependence of the TMAC on the TMAC based on the regression analysis method (Arkilic
surface roughness can be seen from Table 15 for both air et al. 2001) and gave the determination expression as:
and helium. Turner et al. (2004) also obtained that the 12Kn
rv ¼ ð105Þ
effects of surface roughness on friction factors, accom- S þ 6Kn  1
modation coefficients, and slip velocity are generally where the slip coefficient S can be referred to the mass flow
insignificant. On the other hand, Chew (2009) summarized rate. Maurer et al. (2003) suggested that it allows reducing
the comparison of TMAC measurements from the litera- the uncertainty on the determination of the TMAC by
ture, as listed in Table 16. In the comment, it can be taking the second-order term into account. Moreover,
observed obviously that most of the TMACs are signifi- Eq. (30) is also an appropriate expression for calculating
cantly below unity, but the TMAC increases above the TMAC from the slip coefficient definition (Sharipov
unity for rough surfaces. Sun and Li (2008) verified that 2011). However, the validity of the existing models should
the surface roughness often causes the gas molecules col- be verified with further works.
liding with the wall more frequently so that the TMAC Agrawal and Prabhu (2008b) presented the correlation
increases with the increase of the roughness. Neither the between the TMAC and Knudsen number based on the
diffusive proportion nor the mass flow rate is influenced available data by the following expression:
by the surface topology (Veltzke and Thoming 2012).
Therefore, it is necessary to find a universal measurement rv ¼ 1  logð1 þ Kn0:7 Þ ð106Þ
method to determine the TMAC with surface roughness The equation was chosen to be rv ! 1 as Kn ! 0 and
effects. the explanation of the decrease of the TMAC with the

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Table 13 The values of TMAC for helium from various experimental measurement methods
Measurement method rv Knudsen range References

Oil drop method 0.874 \0.5 Millikan (1923)

Rotating cylinder method 0.94 0.04–0.1 Kuhlthau (1949); Agrawal and Prabhu (2008a)
0.74 0.1–8.3
Spinning rotor gauge method 0.941 0.005–0.583 Tekasakul et al. (1996)
Molecular beam method 0.67–0.96 – Seidl and Steinheil (1974)
Unsteady flow method 0.895 ± 0.004 0.001–2 Suetin et al. (1973)
Flow through microchannel 0.93 0.029–0.22 Colin et al. (2004)
Constant-volume method 0.91 ± 0.004 0.003–0.3 Ewart et al. (2007b)

Table 14 Comparison of the TMACs using the Maxwell model, ðrv ÞM ¼ 3:6603ð0:7268
2 3
Loyalka model (Loyalka et al. 1975) and Sharipov model (Sharipov !1=2
2004) adapted from Yamaguchi et al. (2011) 1:0928
þ 1:648SÞ4 1 þ 15
Gas rM rLv rSv ð0:7268 þ 1:648SÞ2

Argon 0.812 ± 0.034 0.877 ± 0.038 0.872 ± 0.037 ð107Þ

Nitrogen 0.794 ± 0.022 0.857 ± 0.024 0.851 ± 0.024 and
Oxygen 0.794 ± 0.021 0.857 ± 0.024 0.851 ± 0.023
ðrv ÞCL  4:8804ð0:761
2 3
þ 1:1648SÞ4 1 þ 15
Table 15 Average values of the average roughness Ra and TMAC ð0:761 þ 1:1648SÞ2
for different surfaces with average channel height 6.85–29.2 lm
reported by Blanchard and Ligrani (2007) ð108Þ

Gas Smooth disk Medium rough Rough disk To explain the effect of Knudsen number on the TMAC,
disk Fig. 12 shows variation of the TMAC as a function of
Ra (nm) TMAC Ra (nm) TMAC Ra (nm) TMAC Knudsen number from different experiment data and
analytical results. It can be found that the TMAC varies
Air 10 0.885 404 0.346 770 0.145 irregularly and fluctuates near the unity with the change of
Helium 10 0.915 404 0.357 1,100 0.253 Knudsen number in the slip and transition flow regimes.
Most of the TMAC values are less than unity in the transition
flow regime, especially for the analytical results. The TMAC
value decreases monotonically with the increasing of
Table 16 Summary of TMAC measurements between smooth and
rough silicon reported by Chew (2009) Knudsen number from the analytical models presented by
Maurer et al. (2003) and Agrawal and Prabhu (2008a, b).
Gas Smooth silicon Rough silicon
(10–100 nm) (10 lm) However, the TMAC has larger difference between these
two methods in the slip flow regime. From the experimental
Air 0.95 1.04 measurements, Gabis et al. (1996) and Maurer et al. (2003)
Helium 0.99 1.00 predicted that the TMAC decreases generally with the
Hydrogen 1.02 1.04 increase of Knudsen number for helium. Yamamoto et al.
Water vapor 0.99 1.02 (2006) also found the same result for nitrogen. However, the
Nitrogen 0.99 1.01 TMAC does not decrease monotonically with increasing
Knudsen number for argon (Gabis et al. 1996). Even for the
same gas such as air, the TMAC displays different varying
increase of Knudsen number was not reported (Agrawal trends in the slip and transition flow regimes. Whatever the
and Prabhu 2008b). Knudsen number range and whatever the analytical
McCormick (2005) estimated the accommodation approach, it can be found that the values of TMAC
coefficient as an inverse problem from the experimental decrease with the increase of molecular weights of the gas
data (Siewert 2003) with an iterative method. The (Graur et al. 2009). The effect of Knudsen number on the
accommodation coefficients for the Maxwell one-parame- TMAC is still not clarified from the literature and should be
ter model and CL two-parameter model are estimated as: predicted from the experimental measurements.

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cause the TMAC increasing and reaching the maximum

value when an explicit gas layer is formed. MD and DSMC
methods can be used to predict the TMAC and model
micro- and nanoflows for a wide range of the Knudsen
number (Cao et al. 2009). However, the computational cost
of these molecular based methods is prohibitively high such
that they cannot be widely used for practical fluid flow
simulations at the micro- and nanoscales. Although the LB
method can be used to simulate gas flows in all regimes
upon appropriate adjustments (Sbragaglia and Succi 2005;
Homayoon et al. 2011), it needs to be improved and
extended to accurately predict the value of TMAC.
It is evident from the above review and discussion that
the TMACs are regularly assumed or approximated using
different definitions. The reason is that there has no
Fig. 12 Variation of the TMAC as a function of Knudsen number universal methodology which can estimate or predict
with different experiment data and analytical results
the TMAC based on the mechanisms involved in the
momentum transport for the gas-surface interactions at the
5.6.3 Simulation and numerical model
wall (Agrawal and Prabhu 2008b; Cao et al. 2009). All of
these will prevent the development of reliable modeling of
Experimental measurements are specific to some given
the gas microflows.
conditions and not easily applied or extended to new sit-
uations in micro- and nanoflows. Some researchers sug-
gested that it has become common practice in numerical
6 Conclusions
modeling and simulation of gas microflows to predict the
TMAC (Finger et al. 2007). Various numerical and simu-
The slip models have experienced tremendous develop-
lation approaches, such as the MD method (Cao et al. 2005;
ments from the original Maxwell’s model and have been
Kovalev et al. 2011; Barisik and Beskok 2011), DSMC
widely used to simulate various gas microflow behaviors in
method(Bird 1994; Gallis and Torczynski 2011), LB
the slip flow regime, and even extending the N–S equations
method (Sbragaglia and Succi 2005; Homayoon et al.
into the transition regime.
2011), are widely used to model the gas-surface interac-
In this review, we have summarized currently available
tions at the wall.
slip models for modeling isothermal gas microflows
For a given set of gas atoms colliding in a surface, Finger
through the microfluidic devices in MEMS. Although
et al. (2007) used the MD simulation model to estimate the
lacking a universal description of the KL effect on the slip
TMAC of rarefied gas, and defined the TMAC as:
boundary condition, it is essential to capture the KL
muin  mufin characteristics using the phenomenological model and
N Na physical approach. The slip effect should be considered to
rvðFÞ ¼ a P ð109Þ
muin make a correction based on the degree of non-equilibrium
near the surface. The use of higher-order slip conditions
where Na is the total number of gas atoms, in and fin denote with the N–S constitutive equations can be justified
the initial and final values before and after the gas atom because rarefied flows are dominated by gas-surface
collides with a solid surface. interactions at the wall (Barber et al. 2004). Not only gas-
Using the MD simulation model, Cao et al. (2005) and surface interaction model but also gas-surface molecular
Kovalev et al. (2011) investigated the effect of temperature interaction one can be used to describe the boundary con-
on the TMAC and found that the TMAC decreases with the dition. It shows that there are significant differences on the
increase of temperature following an exponential decay values of first-order slip coefficients obtained from what-
law, and is more sensitive to lower temperatures than to ever theoretical analyses or experimental measurements. In
higher ones. Moreover, the adsorbed materials may be in addition, various methods and techniques have been pre-
multiple layers and their surface effects should be taken into sented to determine the value of the second-order slip
account (Gad-el-Hak 1999; Finger et al. 2007). Sun and Li coefficient. However, there is no agreement among them
(2008) studied the effect of gas adsorption on the TMAC in and it is very difficult to compare them and to indicate the
gas microflows using MD simulations. The gas adsorption reliable ones. The large variation in the second-order slip
can lead to a longer gas-wall interaction time, which will coefficient and the lack of exact expression for the second-

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