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International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

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International Journal of Sustainable Development and

Vol. 17, No. 6, October, 2022, pp. 1797-1808
Journal homepage:

Principles for the Sustainable Design of Hospital Buildings

Ebtisam S. Alsawaf*, Amjad M. Albadry

Department of Architecture Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad 10071, Iraq

Corresponding Author Email: ABSTRACT

Received: 18 July 2022 Technological progress has had negative effects as well as positive effects if it affects the life
Accepted: 16 September 2022 industry and the entire ecosystem significantly through the great consumption of natural
resources, and here the construction sector in general and the health sector, in particular, have
Keywords: a role in this. From the perspective of keeping pace with technological development,
sustainability, sustainable design, responding to environmental changes, and paying attention to hospital environments
sustainable hospitals, sustainable health (especially since the emergence of modern epidemics), and because the construction sector is
care, greener hospitals, intelligent the largest consumer of energy in the world, which made international organizations move
hospitals towards creating a sustainable environment in the construction of hospital buildings by
reducing energy consumption. This research focused on studying the components and
principles of sustainable design for hospital buildings and the environmental, economic,
health, and social benefits of sustainable development in the healthcare industry. In addition
to the research objective, which is to build a model as a guide to guide health care officials
interested in applying sustainable design principles in hospital design, to achieve an ideal
sustainable hospital environment. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive theoretical
framework was built by adopting a descriptive and analytical approach and extracting the most
important vocabulary and effective indicators for sustainable design in hospitals.

1. INTRODUCTION recognition of three interrelated dimensions: environmental,

economic, and social. The planet faces many associated
Hospital buildings are of particular importance in any problems including poverty, ill health, overpopulation,
society, as how this type of building was designed, built, and resource depletion, food and water scarcity, political
operated has a profound impact on human health and the instability, and destruction of the life support systems on
environment. Increasing interest in this sector, which is which we all depend [3]. We cannot solve one problem in
concerned with the health aspect, and building it sustainably, isolation. Because they are all related to each other As it is
to be compatible with human health and the surrounding known that the concept of sustainable development, in which
natural environmental systems [1]. all dimensions are balanced: environmental, economic, and
Increasing global environmental problems such as climate social, in addition to the fourth dimension of health [4]. This
change and the energy crisis, along with a lack of material is confirmed by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
resources, will lead to stricter environmental guidelines, Development adopted by the United Nations Summit on
regulatory measures, and an increase in prices. The Sustainable Development in September 2015 Agenda 2030,
repercussions of environmental problems have adverse health which sets out the so-called 17 Sustainable Development
effects, but it is still difficult to determine the extent of it. Goals (SDGs) and 169 goals. It develops a global action plan
Hospitals will face both aspects [2], and the World Health to support people, the planet, prosperity, peace, and
Organization has called on hospitals to play an active role in partnership, which aims to make international efforts for
combating climate change. By applying sustainability criteria sustainable development, by balancing three dimensions of
for the comprehensive design and development of hospital sustainable development: economic growth, social inclusion,
buildings and achieving general objectives related to and environmental protection. Moreover, sustainable
preserving resources, increasing the effectiveness of health development requires that we balance our needs with the
services, and minimizing and reducing negative impacts ability of future generations to meet their own needs [5].
resulting from hospitals (waste, for example) or affecting these In general, sustainable design is one of the most important
buildings (noise, for example). And taking into account areas of sustainable development that must been considered.
reducing the movement of people and supplies to and from the Sustainable design is an integrated concept that has
hospital, paying attention to the social and economic philosophical dimensions rather than just the exterior of a
integration of the hospital within the urban fabric, and building or a particular model [6]. Sustainably designed
achieving health needs without negatively compromising the buildings reduce their impact on the environment through
nature of the site. energy and resource efficiency and the reduction of
Studying hospital sustainability goes beyond just protecting greenhouse gases. It is necessary to understand the principles
the environment. The main characteristic of this field is the governing sustainable design. The research aims to achieve the

most important indicators and effective vocabulary for considerations of the surrounding environment are also not
sustainable design in hospitals to guide health care officials isolated from the individual building, which requires
interested in applying the principles of sustainable design in formulation that suits the requirements of sustainability [7].
hospital design. To achieve an optimal and sustainable hospital There are five main aspects to providing human comfort and
environment that promotes health and well-being reduces achieving well-being within buildings, and they represent
operating costs and saves energy. basic principles of a sustainable building, as shown in Figure
1. These aspects are created through which design patterns
address using scientifically studied methods to produce a
2. METHODOLOGY localized climate inside the building that matches the scale of
human comfort. Any building in which these five elements are
The research will adopt an analytical descriptive achieved is considered environmentally sustainable [7].
methodology to study the components and principles of Paola Sassi, in her book: Strategies for sustainable
sustainable design for hospital buildings and the architecture indicated that there are two goals for sustainable
environmental, economic, health, and social benefits of architectural design as follows [8]:
sustainable development in the healthcare industry. The First: sustainable buildings must be metaphorical (stepping
research aims to build a model as a guideline for health care gently on the ground) by minimizing the environmental
officials interested in applying the principles of sustainable impacts associated with their construction, their life in use and
design in hospital design, to reach an ideal and sustainable their end-of-life. Sustainable buildings should have small
hospital environment, and the research goal will be achieved environmental impacts.
by extracting the most important vocabulary and effective Second: Buildings must make a positive and appropriate
indicators of sustainable design in hospitals through the contribution to the social environment in which they live, by
following steps: satisfying the practical needs of people while enhancing their
1. Reviewing the literature that deals with the importance surroundings and their psychological and physical well-being.
of sustainable design and sustainable design principles in The Organization for Economic Co-operation and
general. Development (OECD) project set five goals for sustainable
2. Reviewing the literature that deals with sustainability in buildings [9], as shown in Figure 2.
hospitals and its applications.
3. Extract the most important vocabulary and effective Comfort In Terms
indicators of sustainable design in hospitals. Of Indoor Air
4. The practical study represented a review of the Quality
distinguished international hospitals in their design for
the principles of sustainability. The study cases were
subjected to systematic comparative analysis to show the Functional Thermal
Convenience Comfort
most important vocabulary and effective indicators of
sustainable design.

Visual Acoustic
The main objective of the previous literature review is to Comfort Comfort
study the components and principles of sustainable design for
Source: [7]
hospital buildings and the environmental, economic, health,
and social benefits of sustainable development in the Figure 1. Basic principles of sustainable building
healthcare industry. And to extract the most important
vocabulary and effective indicators of sustainable design in
hospitals to guide healthcare administrators interested in Resource
applying the principles of sustainable design in hospital efficiency
design. Achieving an optimal and sustainable hospital
environment that promotes health and well-being reduces Integral and
operating costs and saves energy. Systemic
3.1 Sustainable building design

Sustainable design is one of the most important areas of

sustainable development that must be taken into account.
Sustainable design is an integrated concept with philosophical Environmental Pollution
dimensions rather than just the exterior of a building or a compatibility prevention
specific model. Sustainable design is in keeping with the
surroundings while introducing sustainable concepts, Source: [9]
durability, longevity, and appropriate building materials with
a sense of place [6]. A sustainable building was described as a Figure 2. Sustainable building goals
healthy building because it not only meets the physiological
requirements of humans but is also directly related to the Based on the above, sustainable building can be defined as
psychological factor in evaluating the success of the building holistic thinking related to the construction and management
by the principles of sustainability. The ecological of the built environment, taking a life-cycle perspective. To

mean not only new environmentally oriented building designs hospital consists of a wide range of services and functional
but operation and maintenance, environmentally friendly, and units, including diagnostic, treatment functions (such as
not only sustainably producing building materials and clinical laboratories, imaging, emergency rooms, and surgery),
components but responsive use requirements derived from the and hospitality functions (such as food service and
overall environmental requirements derived from the overall housekeeping, basic inpatient care or bed-related functions).
environmental requirements. This diversity is reflected in the breadth and specificity of the
regulations, laws, and oversight that govern the construction
3.2 Principles of sustainable design and operation of hospitals. Ideally, the basic form of a hospital
depends on its functions [12], and each of the hospital's
Sustainable design is the harmonious integration of extensive and ever-evolving functions requires including it
architecture, landscape, and interior design together with mechanical, electrical and highly complex communication
components of electrical, mechanical, and structural systems, specialized knowledge and experience.
engineering. The role of the hospital evolves as medicine advances
Jong-Jin Kim, proposed a framework for sustainable scientifically and organizationally, from being a treatment
architectural design, in which he presented three principles of center to being a health center. The new reality is that the
sustainable architectural design as follows [10]: hospital organization has a unique responsibility to meet the
• The economy of resources (by reducing the natural challenges of sustainability to the extent that the hospital is
resources that are introduced into the building, reusing, and responsible for the health of the community. Hospitals must
recycling). come up with a new definition of community health, a
• Life Cycle Design (provides a methodology for analyzing definition that goes beyond traditional measures to benefit the
the building process and its impact on the environment). community. The hospital is the only institution that has the
• Humane Design (focuses on the interactions between mission, intellectual resources, and access to centers of
humans and the natural world). influence, attentional capacity, and leadership potential to help
The framework here aims to help designers looking for guide the community toward sustainability. This is the full
sustainable design find “a solution rather than giving them a meaning of hospital sustainability and the basis of a new social
set of solutions.” These principles provide a broad awareness compact [13].
of the environmental impact, local and global, as shown in The principles of hospital design and planning have rapidly
Table 1. developed and passed through several stages during the past
Sustainably designed buildings reduce their impact on the few decades, and they are as follows [14]:
environment through energy and resource efficiency. It is First: "Functions Follow Design", where the services had
essential to understand the principles governing sustainable to be adapted to the available structures. For example, the
design before analyzing their relevance and recognition in establishment of hospital facilities in any existing building
different parts of the world [9]. The design of the sustainable such as an old barracks or a prison [14].
building is based on three dimensions: 1) environmental, 2) Second: "Design Follows Functions", the different
social, and 3) economic. The environmental dimension can be occupational groups determine their requirements in terms of
achieved by reducing the use of non-renewable resources, floor space, planning, and design of new facilities according
reducing the use of toxic materials, using recycled materials, to the needs of hospital jobs and staff. Fixed assets, such as
and reducing energy. The economic dimension can be operating rooms, imaging equipment, and laboratories, have
achieved by analyzing the cost of the project life cycle. The been arranged to maximize capacity utilization. Patients have
social dimension can be achieved by optimizing the user to adapt to job requirements.
aspects of the building. Recently: The concept of "Design Follows First Patients,
Then Functions" was adopted. The focus is now on integrating
Table 1. Conceptual framework for sustainable design the needs of patients, hospital functions, and staff into the
hospital design.
Principles of sustainable design
Life Cycle The economy of 4.1 The concept of sustainability for hospitals
Humane Design
Design resources
strategies 4.1.1 Why are hospitals important to sustainable
Preserve natural Pre-construction development?
energy conservation
conditions phase Gro Harlem Brundtland, Director-General of the World
Urban design site construction Health Organization in 2002, stated that sustainable
water conservation
planning phase development and health are interconnected; healthy living is
Designed for Post-construction material
the result of sustainable development, as well as a powerful
human comfort phase preservation
and inestimable means to achieve this. We need to view health
Source: [10]
as a precious asset and a means to motivate Economic growth
and poverty reduction [15], Health has been presented as
inextricably linked to sustainable development in all
politically important documents since the sustainability debate
first began. Sustainable development in the hospital
environment is one area in which services are improved in
Hospital buildings are the most complex types of buildings, relation to the status of at least one of the dimensions without
including complex applications in the areas of climate control, negatively affecting the others. In the ideal situation, solutions
air conditioning and energy needs. These buildings are that optimize all dimensions are sought. By making the
characterized by the need for a strict climate and indoor air
problem output to different settings or stakeholders more
quality, in addition to high functional complexity [11]. Each

visible, this approach allows for the mitigation of unintended hospital buildings is the importance of patient well-being,
side effects [16]. which is more important in the spatial and volumetric
organization of the interior and exterior spaces [22].
4.1.2 Sustainable hospitals Environmental sustainability can be incorporated into health
Sustainable design is seen as “best practice” because it facilities by incorporating green building principles into
reduces the life cycle and maintenance costs of a building, and design and construction. Green building design increases
reduces the negative impact of building on the natural natural light and ventilation, preserves open spaces, includes
environment, when sustainable solutions are not implemented features such as a rainwater reclamation system, and promotes
in healthcare spaces, it will produce health problems related to a healthy indoor environment [2].
unsustainable building practice. Problems include carbon
emissions that can lead to cancer or other illnesses, sick
building syndrome, respiratory illness, anxiety, mood swings,
depression, and allergies. In addition, it creates a bit of irony
because the only place people go to heal is where it slowly kills
them through emissions and toxic substances [17].
Unsustainable and inefficient hospitals are buildings with
unsafe disposal of waste and untreated sewage, reliance on
processed foods, and a fleet of fuel-intensive vehicles, making
the environment sick. Today's healthcare organizations are
finding new ways to incorporate sustainable design strategies
into new construction to accelerate recovery, not only for
patients but also for the planet.
The first challenge involves finding ways to identify
appropriate strategies and measure their effectiveness more
than just optimizing any one component, Sustainable design
and construction represent the integration of materials and
methods that together create the physical appearance of a
building. The entire life cycle of building materials and
products, as well as the building as a whole, must therefore be Source: [16]
evaluated concerning its physical, ecological, and human
contexts at the local, regional and global levels, for Figure 3. The sustainability triangle for hospitals
environmental and health considerations [18]. Since the World
Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 Following the hospital's business strategic plan and
identified health as one of five big priorities for the future [19], achieving the hospital's balanced performance energy, the
Healthcare has measurable goals and objectives that support concept of sustainability is essential in the development of the
sustainability and the ability of the healthcare system to thrive hospital, which consists of aspects of human resources,
in its social, economic and environmental environment [20]. financial management, and the physical environment. The
Hospital-wide sustainable development is an improvement concept of sustainability in the hospital: the implementation of
activity in which the achievement of its core business, along the cultural environmental concept, the appearance of modern
with standards of medical quality and health promotion, is and local identity, the concept of green gate access for the
investigated concerning economic, social, and environmental elderly and people with disabilities, the concept of low
sustainability [16]. In other words, we interpret considerablet maintenance, the reduction of energy resources, and the use of
sustainability in hospitals as an extension of quality standards alternative energy. in addition, the reduction of negative
to include social, environmental, and economic aspects. Thus, environmental impact, the integrated design process, the
this approach applies to the concepts of quality and strategies concept of a parking area Environmentally friendly cars,
used by modern hospital institutions. The Sustainability anticipation efforts for the heat island effect, and the
Triangle places health care and health promotion (as essential application of pedestrian facilities in cities to reduce carbon
services) at the center of the system and provides additional dioxide (CO2) [23].
quality criteria (sustainability criteria) for decision-making We conclude that hospital buildings must become
regarding essential services as illustrated in Figure 3. sustainable, healthy, and technologically aware, meet the
Therefore, the application of the "Sustainability Triangle for needs of their occupants, and must be flexible and adaptable
Hospitals" provides many benefits at the same time, which are to deal with change. This leads to the realization of a building
as follows [21]. that has the best blend of environmental, social, and economic
1. The ability to create interest and understanding between the values.
actors on the issue of sustainable development (global).
2. Health benefits (through patient care and health promotion) 4.1.3 Sustainability in health care and the health system
and linked to savings in the use of material resources Whereas the Sustainable Development Unit (SDU),
(material and energy) and financial benefits, and thus to an established in 2008 by NHS England Public, Health England,
increase in quality of life. defines sustainable healthcare as “the provision of high-quality
3. Environmental considerations in key decision-making healthcare and the improvement of public health without
(decisions regarding patient care and health promotion) in depleting natural resources or causing serious environmental
hospitals, such as decisions about conditions of service. damage”. Sustainable healthcare consists of healthcare
products, services, and processes with superior environmental
The social dimension of sustainable development in performance – without compromising the quality of care itself

[24]. The Forum for the Future and the NHS Sustainable environmental, economic, and social sustainability in the
Development Unit explored ways to move toward more construction industry. The concept of sustainability is essential
sustainable health care in their document: Fit for the Future - in responding to green hospital issues that relate to several
Low Carbon Health Care Scenarios for 2030 [25]. Key aspects, such as the use of natural resources, the development
recommendations in this document include the following of alternative energy, the use of an energy-saving system, as
steps: well as efforts to reduce carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in
1. Support for patient empowerment and appropriate both the planning, implementation, and rehabilitation process.
participatory self-care. [23]. The green hospital movement began a few years ago after
2. Increase the use of information technology. the US Green Building Council (USGBC) released the
3. Find the sweet spot for low carbon/high-quality life. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
4. Promote health rather than cure disease. standards for building construction. Despite the high initial
5. Take a leading role in health care in the change. construction costs, green hospitals have been shown to reduce
energy costs in the end. The hospital's green design has also
The World Health Organization defines an environmentally been linked to improving patient outcomes and employee
sustainable health system as one that “improves, maintains or retention. Newly constructed and renovated hospital buildings
restores health, while minimizing negative impacts on the have been LEED certified [14].
environment and taking advantage of opportunities to restore
and improve it, to the benefit of the health and well-being of 5.1.1 Principles of sustainable design for green hospitals and
present and future generations” [26]. their benefits
The health, system refers to all the components that The design of green hospitals is based on many principles,
contribute to supporting health and social care including the as follows [29]:
NHS, social services, and public health [27]. a sustainable - Lighting design for buildings: increase the use of natural
health system is described by the Sustainable Development light and reduce the use of artificial light. This can be
Unit (SDU) as “Works within the available environmental and achieved by using operable, transparent openings in
social resources to protect and improve health now and for greener yards, installing translucent skylights, or using
future generations” This means working to reduce carbon low-power LED lighting. Daylighting has positive effects
emissions, reduce waste and pollution, make optimum use of on patients' well-being and is a very good source of
scarce resources, build resilience to climate change, and Vitamin D as well.
enhance community strengths and assets [28]. The health - Indoor Air Quality: Improve indoor air quality by using
system also refers to all the components that contribute to indoor plants that emit oxygen and reduce pollutants. As
supporting health and social care, including the NHS, social well as using a minimum amount of VOCs in construction.
services, and public health [27]. A sustainable health system is - Pure and green interior building materials: The walls and
described by the Sustainable Development Unit as, “working surfaces of hospitals resist the growth of pathogenic
within the available environmental and social resources to bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
protect and improve health now and for future generations” - Gardens and landscaping: It is one of the most aesthetic
[28]. tools of the green hospital concept. Plants are considered
Since hospitals provide care to patients within the to infuse positivity and reduce negativity.
community, it can be described as an inherent relationship While the Indian Green Building Council indicated a set
with social responsibility and sustainability dimensions related of benefits for green hospitals, as follows [30]:
to people. Patient care has always been one of the core - Can reduce patient recovery time.
businesses of hospital buildings, which perfectly fits with the - Eliminates Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) for both patients
social dimensions of the definition of sustainability. and staff.
- Reduces stress levels of hospital staff, thereby improving
the quality of care.
5. SUSTAINABILITY APPLICATIONS IN HOSPITAL - Low consumption of energy and water.
BUILDINGS - Green buildings can embody the concepts of the industrial
environment that encourage us to emulate nature in using
Hospital buildings have now become buildings with and reusing resources efficiently.
complexities related to completely different areas from each
other. There is what is healthy and psychological, there is what 5.2 Intelligent hospital
is technical and informational, and there is what is
environmental, social, economic and cultural … etc. The urgent need has recently emerged to transform hospitals
What is more important than that is the necessity of from buildings that meet functional requirements to hospitals
providing buildings with an innovative, beautiful, that are also compatible with modern technologies. The ability
comfortable, and sustainable architectural design that to self-adapt to external conditions and change behavior
accommodates all these complexities through sustainable and according to users. The interest in establishing intelligent
smart architectural solutions. To design healthy and hospitals is due to the diverse and intense requirements of
sustainable buildings, there is a need to adopt an integrated patients, staff and, visitors, and this requires achieving
system that combines energy, environment, health, and response and self-interaction with the internal environment, in
welfare schemes [4]. addition to achieving adaptation and compatibility with
external conditions, without direct intervention [31].
5.1 Green hospitals The Pan American Health Organization defines a smart
hospital as “a facility that is safe in the face of natural hazards,
Green buildings are seen as an effective way to implement adapts to the phenomena of climate change, and contributes to

mitigating climate change. It is an accessible and fully improve the ambiance for building users. The importance of
functional health facility in the same infrastructure, during and access to natural light and the impact this has on building users,
immediately after the impact of natural hazard” [12]. including how behaviors can be significantly altered, have
To achieve “Intelligent” hospitals, one has to make been identified. For example, the use of natural lighting
buildings and operations more resilient, to mitigate their improves sales volumes in retail outlets as opposed to artificial
impact on the environment and reduce pollution, there is a set light [34].
of principles designed to achieve this, which also saves costs, The health sector can play a leading role in helping societies
reduces greenhouse gas emissions, achieves adaptation adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change and the
benefits, reduces risks and development [21]. risks it poses to human health. In its 2009 report, the World
Health Organization identified seven sustainable principles for
5.2.1 Principles of sustainable design for intelligent hospital an environmentally friendly hospital [35].
and their benefits
- The design of intelligent hospitals depends on many 5.3.1 Principles of sustainable design for eco-friendly
principles, represented by the following: hospitals and their benefits
- Improve the structural integrity of healthcare facilities. - Energy efficiency: Reduce hospital energy consumption
- Reduce energy and water use. and costs through efficiency and conservation measures.
- Enhance energy security using low carbon and renewable - Green building design: Building hospitals that respond to
sources. local climatic conditions and are optimized to reduce
- Improving air quality and reducing harmful emissions. energy and resource requirements.
- Strengthen disease surveillance and control. - Alternative energy generation: The production and/or
- Equip structures with efficient and environmentally consumption of clean, renewable energy on-site to ensure
friendly devices and fixtures. reliable and flexible operation.
- Other measures, such as the use of environmentally - Transportation: Using alternative fuels for hospital
friendly flooring, paints, and furniture and furnishings, will vehicle fleets, encouraging walking and cycling to the
contribute to increasing sustainability and reducing risks. facility, promoting staff, patient, and community use of
A group of studies revealed an interrelationship between public transportation, and health care buildings on the
five main structures considered essential for intelligent site to reduce the need for staff and patient transportation.
hospitals, which are as follows: Internet of Things (IoT), - Food: Provide local food that is sustainably grown for
cyber-physical systems (CPS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and staff and patients.
management information systems (MIS) and technology - Waste: reduce, reuse, and recycle, compost, use
service innovation, which are as follows [32]. alternatives to incineration of waste.
The main objective and benefit of intelligent hospitals is to - Water: Conserve water. Avoid bottled water when safe
provide optimum patient care by making the most of advanced alternatives exist.
information and communication technology. The type and
extent of ICT use greatly affects the hospital’s goals, as well 5.4 Virtual hospital
as the related challenges and opportunities, which are as
follows [33], as shown in Figure 4. A virtual Hospital is a means to provide remote hospital-
wide care and monitoring for patients with infectious (eg,
COVID-19) and non-communicable (eg, diabetes) diseases
using telehealth-based communications, Internet of Things
devices IoT, and artificial intelligence AI for disease patterns
and identification [36]. Another view of the concept is a
freestanding centralized facility staffed by healthcare
professionals. Perhaps the most famous example of this is the
Mercy Virtual Care Center, which opened in 2015 and is
considered the world's first virtual hospital described as "the
world's first dedicated telehealth facility" providing the four-
story, 125,000-square-foot building. It is located in
Chesterfield, Missouri, and is the center of Mercy's Virtual
Care Program [37]. Accommodates 330 workers but no
patients, medical teams in the care center treat patients located
Source: [33]
remotely in Mercy hospitals, doctors' offices, and even in their
homes, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 4. The goals of the intelligent hospital

5.3 Eco-friendly hospitals

An eco-friendly building or ecological building is a building

that is eco-friendly and resource-efficient. This type of
building is characterized by its efficiency in its use of local and
renewable materials, in the energy needed to build it, and in Source: [37]
the energy generated while it is in it [4]. Reducing energy use
is one of the focus areas for eco-friendly designers, especially Figure 5. Mercy center for virtual care
when considering ventilation and lighting. Maximizing the use
of natural light during the day can reduce energy costs and The basic sustainable principle of virtual hospitals is

efficiency. Rather than wasting valuable resources, for Through what has been presented, previous literature will
example, patients can stay home and reach a doctor at the same be relied on to identify the most important vocabulary and
time. It also provides the effective indicators for sustainable design in hospitals and
Virtual hospitals save costs and remove geographic barriers, achieve guidelines to reach a guideline for health care officials
in addition to the services they provide, and thus achieve the interested in applying the principles of sustainable
economic dimension of sustainability. construction in hospital design, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Guidelines for indicators of sustainable design for hospital buildings

Categories Indications
Sustainable Site Planning
Gardens and landscapes
Create suitable parking lots and bike paths
Natural ventilation in public places
The form of the building to take advantage of the natural elements of the site (daylight, path
of the sun, wind)
The shape and orientation
Building location for linking to other buildings on the site
of the building
Planning spaces within the building to respond (direct sunlight, external pollution sources)
Integrating green elements into the design concept (green roofs, green walls)
Reducing pollutants, such as SO2, NOx, PM, CO.
Indoor environment Use of indoor plants, indoor skylights
quality Minimum VOC
Use of anti-bacterial and anti-bacterial finish materials
Use of low-carbon and renewable sources
Use natural lighting during the day
Environmental Energy
Monitoring the energy used for each demand by intelligent systems
Monitoring the energy used in the user's area by intelligent systems
Reducing the use of raw materials
Reducing hazardous waste
Waste Reducing construction waste
Using alternatives to burning waste
Waste Recycling
Use of sustainable materials
Materials Use of recycled materials
Use of local materials
Water saving systems in the building
Collect rainwater and/or gray water and reuse it for irrigation and reduce drinking water
Water saving systems in the building
Reducing CO2 Emissions
Reduce emissions of dangerous pollutants
Efficiency of natural ventilation in interior spaces
Reducing the toxicity of finish materials using sustainable materials
Thermal comfort
Visual Comfort
Acoustic Comfort
Health and well-being of
Indoor environmental quality
occupants and patients
Design Quality
Flexibility and adaptability and expansion of spaces
Spatial and volumetric organization of indoor and outdoor spaces
Social Sustainability
Equipment and Furniture
Evidence-based design that integrates architecture, landscape and health planning
Easy access to public transportation
Easy access to amenities
Space distribution
Encouraging walking and cycling
Awareness & education
Educating the building occupants about the concepts of sustainability
for sustainability
Innovation Innovation in the design of the project
The initial cost
Life cycle costs Operation and maintenance costs
Increase the life of the building
Get the energy Generating clean and renewable energy
Reducing and treating pollutants of all kinds
Sustainability Financial savings
Application of automation to the building management system
Sustainable transport measures (the route of effective presence near public transportation
Reduce transportation cost infrastructure) in hospitals, use of alternative fuels, electric vehicles, use of bicycles and
walking), virtual clinics and telemedicine

6. CASE STUDIES providing specialized pediatric health services. The design
presents an opportunity to challenge the prevailing functional
The practical study is a presentation of the distinguished and clinician paradigms and to radically rethink the model of
modern international hospitals in their designs for the care, considering issues of social, economic, and
principles of sustainability, and by adopting the descriptive environmental sustainability [41].
analytical approach, and subjecting the study cases
represented by hospital buildings to a comparative systematic Case 3: Bendigo hospital, Australia, 2017.
analysis. And access to the most important vocabulary and The New Bendigo Hospital is Victoria's largest regional
effective indicators for the sustainable design of the study hospital. The project aims to provide world-class healthcare
cases, as shown in Table 3. To provide guidance to healthcare facilities and aims to provide a welcoming and positive
administrators interested in applying sustainable building environment that enhances well-being. It includes community
principles in hospital design. To create better hospitals that facilities such as the Aboriginal Park and Child Care Center,
enhance health and well-being, reduce operating costs and with a total of 734 beds and 128 apartments. The hospital
save energy. As shown in Table 4. provides a calm and caring environment for staff, patients, and
visitors by integrating architecture, landscape, health planning,
Case 1: National heart center, Singapore, 2014. and evidence-based design [42].
The National Heart Center in Singapore is setting the
standard as an excellent facility that sets a global precedent for Case 4: Perth-childrens-hospital, Australia, 2018.
the sustainable development of heart-related healthcare Built as part of the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Center and
through environmental, social, and economic design [38]. The adjacent to the existing Sir Charles Gardner Hospital, Perth
35,299-square-meter, 12-story hospital the building is a green Children's Hospital combines innovation in medical
mark with a unique design that puts people first. Recognizing technology with high-value aesthetic appeal and design
that the medical world is advancing so rapidly, the design features to aid in the recovery of patients. The hospital has a
incorporates modular building methods to ensure the building capacity of 298 beds and 12 operating theatres. The 120,000
structure remains flexible and adaptable both internally and square meter building consists of four interconnected blocks
externally, allowing for future growth and development [39]. spanning up to ten floors and a spacious basement that covers
the area of the hospital [43]. Digital engineering is
Case 2: Lady Cilento Children's Hospital, Australia, 2014. instrumental in providing a structural solution that balances
A teaching hospital specializing in pediatrics. The 95,000- engineering requirements and potential future uses of a
m2 hospital is an important new urban addition to the Brisbane hospital, all in an economically sustainable way. A hospital
area [40]. The hospital's innovative and colorful design that can serve future generations to receive the care they need
includes pioneering diagnostic and treatment facilities and the training they need [44].

Table 3. The analysis of the case studies for the vocabulary and indicators of sustainable design

Project Indicators for sustainable design of hospitals

• A design philosophy based on the principle of putting patients, employees, and visitors first
• The design concept was inspired by Medieval Courtyard Gardens and is based on the relationship between
the healing properties of natural light and agriculture [38].
• The structure of the building is flexible and adaptable both internally and externally, allowing for effective
and potential future growth.
• Reducing walking distances and creating efficient circulation around the building [39].
• Great floating green gardens provide social connection and speed up the healing process by providing healthy
Source:[45] doses of natural light, ventilation, and views for patients [45].
Case 1: National heart center, • The building achieves a 30% reduction in energy consumption due to the lack of direct west-facing facades,
Singapore, 2014. natural ventilation in the corridors, and use of renewable elevators.
• Evidence-Based Design Philosophy [40].
• Hospital design in response to the urban environment
• feature facade a vibrant design inspired by the idea of a living tree with cladding inspired by plants [41].
• green and purple fin shading systems on the glazing block out
Direct sunlight
• Green roofs provide comfort and reduce the effects of the heat sink.
• The colors used on the exterior and interior of the building are derived from the landscape colors.
• Access to green spaces is a key element of design.
• Rooftop gardens, green walls, enclosed courtyard gardens, and views of the surrounding gardens are part of
the hospital treatment environment [41].
• Use of 2D and 3D art on a large scale throughout the building to enhance patient well-being and provide
attractive distractions for young patients [40].
• Natural ventilation in the public places
• Environmental and mechanical systems energy-saving
Source: [41] • Collecting water for use in irrigation
Case 2: Lady Cilento • Finishing materials comply with the safety Green Building Council's [41].
Children's Hospital,
Australia, 2014.

• Evidence - based design philosophy [42].
• The design is inspired by the size and proportion of Bendigo's heritage buildings, as well as the colors.
• All interior corridors feature a floor-to-ceiling view of the landscape, while rooms have uninterrupted,
expansive views and access to natural light.
• Landscaped courtyards provide amenities for staff and patients, while secluded gardens provide a space for
quiet reflection for cancer patients. The expansive green roof in the mental health area provides patients on
the upper levels with a green appearance.
• The use of wood and the quality of light provide a feeling of warmth and help to increase well-being.
• Public spaces include large-scale works of art that provide vibrant energy and enhance the well-being of
patients [42].
• The hospital's green roofs reduce glare and the heat island effect while improving thermal and acoustic
• The roof of the building contains a wide range of solar panels to generate clean energy and reduce greenhouse
gases annually.
• The hospital roof works to harvest and store rainwater.
• Use recycled water systems as the primary source of water for landscape irrigation, toilet flushing systems,
Source: [42] and heat rejection.
Case 3: Bendigo hospital, • The cogeneration and Tripartite plant operates to allow simultaneous generation of electricity, heating, and
Australia, 2017. cooling from fuel combustion or a solar heat collector [42].
• Evidence - based design philosophy [43].
• Follow the flexible approach in design and the ability to change the interior spaces to suit different health
career planning in the future (growth and renewal).
• The design is characterized by creating a welcoming and family-friendly environment, enhancing human
connection, and having links with nature [43].
• Design inspiration from adjacent Kings Park, including colors and views.
• Simulation of nature. The building is in the form of a flower, with wings like petals.
• Plenty of natural light, with large windows in each inpatient room [46].
• Access to 3,500 square meters of green space, including gardens and outdoor areas on the upper floors and
rooftop gardens.
• The double skin facade on the east and west facades (which houses most of the clinics, laboratories, and
teaching spaces) with open views of Kings Park [46].
• The glass used in the facades is of the smart type, which controls glare and heat.
• The facade changes throughout the day, as the motorized vents open and close within the path of tracking the
sun [43].
• Emphasis on the green color, that is, like growth and renewal [47],
Source:[46] • A special strong building structure that operates after a disaster
Case 4: Perth-childrens- • Widespread use of sculptures and drawings throughout the building to enhance patient well-being and provide
hospital, Australia, 2018. distractions to decision points and destinations [47].
• Generation of energy from solar cells on the roof of the building [43].

Table 4. Explain the analysis of the case studies and the statement of indicators and vocabulary of sustainability used in each case

Case Case Case Case

Categories Indicators for sustainable
1 2 3 4
Sustainable Site Planning * * *
Site Gardens and landscapes * * * *
Create suitable parking lots and bike paths * * * *
The form of the building to take advantage of the natural elements of the site (daylight,
* * * *
path of the sun, wind)
The shape and orientation
Building location for linking to other buildings on the site * * * *
of the building
Planning spaces within the building to respond (direct sunlight, external pollution sources) * * * *
Integrating green elements into the design concept (green roofs, green walls) * * * *
Reducing pollutants, such as SO2, NOx, PM, CO. * * * *
Indoor environment Use of indoor plants, indoor skylights * * *
quality Minimum VOC
Use of anti-bacterial and anti-bacterial finish materials *
Use of low-carbon and renewable sources * * * *
Use natural lighting during the day * * * *
Monitoring the energy used for each demand by intelligent systems * *
Monitoring the energy used in the user's area by intelligent systems * *
Use of sustainable materials * * * *
Materials Use of recycled materials * * * *
Use of local materials * * *
Water saving systems in the building * *
Water Collect rainwater and/or gray water and reuse it for irrigation and reduce drinking water
* *
Reducing CO2 Emissions * * * *
Reduce emissions of dangerous pollutants *

Efficiency of natural ventilation in interior spaces * * * *
Reducing the toxicity of finish materials using sustainable materials * * *
Thermal comfort * * * *
Visual Comfort * * * *
Acoustic Comfort * * * *
Health and well-being of
Indoor environmental quality * * * *
occupants and patients
Design Quality * * * *
Flexibility and adaptability and expansion of spaces * *
Spatial and volumetric organization of indoor and outdoor spaces * * * *
Equipment and Furniture * * * *
Evidence-Based Design * * *
Easy access to public transportation * * *
Easy access to amenities * * * *
Space distribution * * * *
Encouraging walking and cycling * *
Awareness & Education
Educating the building occupants about the concepts of sustainability *
for Sustainability
Innovation Innovation in the design of the project * * * *
The initial cost *
Life cycle costs Operation and maintenance costs
Increase the life of the building * * * *
Get the energy Generating clean and renewable energy * * *
Reducing and treating pollutants of all kinds *
Financial savings
Application of automation to the building management system * *
Sustainable transport measures (the route of effective presence near public transportation
Reduce transportation cost infrastructure) in hospitals, use of alternative fuels, electric vehicles, use of bicycles and * * * *
walking), virtual clinics and telemedicine

7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION designing sustainable hospitals in the world through

increasing awareness, importance, and application depends
After a careful presentation and analysis of case studies of largely on the dimensions of sustainability and the vocabulary
sustainable global hospitals based on a descriptive analytical and indicators of sustainable design. We conclude from this
approach, in addition to referring to the previous literature, and that hospital buildings must become sustainable, healthy, and
subjecting the case studies to a systematic comparative technologically conscious, meet the needs of their occupants,
analysis of the indicators and vocabulary that were obtained and must be flexible and adaptable to deal with change. Thus,
from the previous literature. It was concluded that the hospitals reaching a building that achieves the best combination of
selected for the study, which were classified as sustainable, environmental, social, and economic values.
achieved high rates for using the principles of sustainability in
their vocabulary and indicators. Thus, Table 2 can be proposed
as a model guide to guide healthcare administrators interested ABBREVIATIONS
in applying sustainable building principles in hospital design.
To create optimal and sustainable hospitals that improve SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals, OECD:
health and well-being, reduce operating costs, and save energy. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development,
CO2: carbon dioxide, SDU: Sustainable Development Unit,
NHS: National Health Service, USGBC: US Green Building
8. CONCLUSIONS Council, LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design, LED: Light-Emitting Diode, VOCs: Volatile.
Through the previous presentation, it was founded that the Organic Compounds, SBS: Sick Building Syndrome, IoT:
concept of sustainability has a comprehensive meaning and is Internet of Things, CPS: cyber-physical systems, AI: Artificial
not limited to the narrow concept of reducing the consumption Intelligence, MIS: management information systems, ICT:
of natural resources necessary for life. Rather, it is an Information and Communications Technology.
expression of achieving a suitable and healthy environment for
humans that does not continue without the integration between
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