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ME: A very good evening, ladies and gentlemen, lend us your ears please. We are about to begin
the program. We would like to request everyone to find your seats or tables, settle down, and make
yourselves comfortable as we may enjoy the rest of the evening.

DAN: Every person is going to have to go through a metamorphosis, like a caterpillar transforming
into a butterfly.
ME: Tonight, we are going to witness a young girl who has metamorphosed beautifully into a fine

B0TH: Once again, a wonderful evening ladies and gentlemen!
ME: I am Prestine Salinas...
DAN: And I am Dan Tan....
BOTH: Honored to be your hosts for tonight!

DAN: As we all know, an 18th birthday marks the transition of the life stage of a person from youth
to young adult. Let us all celebrate as our debutant becomes a full-bloomed lady as she turns 18.
ME: You see her grow up. You see her smile. You see her laugh. You see her in everything. And
now you are about to see her as a grown-up lady. A lady of good heart, character, and ambition.

ADLIB if necesssary


DAN: This girl grew up with so much love and kindness. She is loved by everybody for her beauty
inside and out. Her voice is an angel. Her smile bears no limit. Her heart is unafraid. Her mind is
ready to try. She's ready for any adventure for the sake of fun and friendship.
ME: Tonight, is a celebration of adulthood and a thanksgiving of the life God has given to our
lovely celebrant. Indeed, she has grown up and what a sight! Ladies and gentlemen, let us all stand
and put our hands together, as we welcome the main highlight of this celebration, as she stepped
into a higher level of life, our debutant, Kc Alapoop!! A round of applause, please.

ADLIB about kc appearance eme eme...

DAN: To spiritually open the program, may I ask everybody to please remain standing for the
Lord’s Moment for our guidance and blessings

ME: flowers often symbolize degrees of love and affection, but they can also send a variety of
messages. Messages of forgiveness, purity, modesty, hope, beauty and love. We have now come
to the part of our program that the guys have been waiting for. A chance to hold the hand of our
lovely debutant for a short dance. The 18 roses signify 18 special gentlemen in the life of the
debutant, like her friends, relatives, boyfriend and of course the most important man in her life,
her father.
To begin with, let us call all our handsome gentlemen to gather on the side for the smooth flow of
the program. As your name is called, it is your chance to offer a flower and to dance with her for
about 1 minute with the background music dedicated by each guy to the debutant. Let's not keep
them waiting, ladies and gentlemen, the 18 roses with our beautiful debutant. Starting off

DAN: “When there is great love, there are always wishes.” Because birthdays are always new
beginnings, new endeavors with new set of goals, sending birthday messages and wishes
has been a tradition ever since, especially in our country, where we give high value to family ties
and relationships.
ME: Candles often reveal a sense of mystery and supernatural guidance. It symbolizes security as
it may illuminate circumstances. The 18 lights are the people close to the heart of our celebrant,
whom she listens and confides to for inspiring words and friendly advices. Who will guide and
light up her way to the right path. And of course, these people are the ones who will give her hope
and light in the darkness of life.
DAN: As you hear your name, please be on the stage, lit your candles and give a short but
meaningful message or birthday wish for Kc. Let's start with ____________.

ME: There you have it! The circle of important people in the life of our debutant. Let's give them
a round of applause.

ADLIB. Joke timee

DAN: I know that you are all starving, but before we proceed with the dinner, we would like to
ask everyone to please stand up and sing a happy birthday to our celebrant as she blows her cake
and makes a wish. (DAN leads the singing of happy birthday song)

DAN: As we are nearing to the most awaited part of the evening, an pangaon hahaha, let’s be
entertained muna by a short special number which is given to us by her friends and cousins who
took their time and effort to make this celebration more meaningful and colorful. Ladies and
gentlemen, the brethina’s squad, a round of applause please.
(After the performance ig gaslight an ira sayaw hahaha. Like “wow what a wonderful and mind-
blowing performance. Pinagpawisan ako dun ha sa hirap ng steps HAHAHA”)

ME: I guess the food is now ready and the dinner will commence shortly. May I call Nanay Lucing
for the blessing of the food. So, there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Dinner is served. You are
all hereby invited to partake dinner. You may now get your food at the buffet area. Please enjoy
your meal.

DAN: May I have your attention please, I guess by now everyone had their fill of our sumptuous
food prepared by _________. We would like to thank ____________ for the wonderful
accommodation and service that they are providing us here.
At this point we would like to request to everyone to please settle down as we are going to the next
part of our program.
It doesn’t matter how expensive, how elegant or how precious the gift is, what matters the most is
the thought, the value, and the essence that the gift contains. The 18 treasure gifts signify the 18
persons that she will treasure, and these gifts will be her inspiration and armor in her journey
towards fulfilling her dreams. Ladies and gentlemen, the 18 treasures: to start let us have


ME: It is now time to cut the cake. As she has reached maturity, she will now cut the cake and
give a portion to her parents as a symbol of her love and gratefulness to them. But before that, let
us all sing a happy birthday again to our lovely celebrant. Music maestro!


DAN: All of you who are here tonight are closest people to Kc’s heart. Sabi nga nila, friendship is
a million little things. This time, I’d like to ask her family members and dear friends to give a
heartfelt message to the debutant. (gives message….)


ME: Thank you for that inspiring message. Before we end our program, this celebration won’t be
complete without hearing any message for our debutant... so let us give the microphone to Kc as
she expresses her gratitude for all of us.
DAN: thank you so much Kc, for your meaningful message. Na iyak ako dun partner!
ME: Di ka nag iisa partner, grabe parang yung feeling na pinagalitan ako ng mama ko kaya ganon
yung iyak ko hahahha joke! (eme eme nla)
So, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, let us once again give Kc a warm round of applause.

DAN: As we end this program, the Alapoop family would like to thank all the people who made
this celebration a success, from the planning to the execution, for the foods, the details of the party
and to all the suppliers. Thank you so much. Without you, this event would not be made possible.
ME: It is indeed ou pleasure to be part of this significant celebration. Today is not the end but the
beginning of a longer road to walk. We wish for our debutant nothing but the best that life can
offer. Happy birthday again, and for the guests, enjoy the rest of the evening. Again, I am prestine
Dan: and I am Dan Tan...
Both: your hosts for tonight! Thank you so much!!
: For those who are going home, may God bless you and be safe everyone. Have a blessed night!

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