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Guide To Create Appendix 3

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Participants Guide Question Appendix F Answer Themes

Maria What is your own definition of Categories

Many cut a tree that is why we have warmer MM
climate change? environment. There are no more trees. The
sky layers are becoming thin. They say not to
burn plastic, the ozone layer is becoming
thinner, but people cannot stop burning
rubbers and everything, that is why many got
sick. It is their fault but we who did not do it
will also feel the effect. Anyway we do burn
but seldom, we burn for twice a month, that
is the maximum.
Petra What is your own definition of They throw their garbage wastes in the river. MM
climate change?
Pedro What is your own definition of We that were not the one who used to do MM
climate change? such things were added to be affected, if only
those who has the greater contribution on
climate change be more affected, but not,
because we all live in one planet
Pedro What natural disaster have you This is related to power current, radio, MT
encountered due to Climate television, cellphone, even those vehicles
Change? that release smoke, (pause) a lot of vehicles.
Those invented tools for farming and
factories. It is good to have these kinds
because it makes work easier but it also
make people lazy. Unlike before, people
were very industrious, all of the kids were
very helpful, (sigh), these destroy our

Petro How does climate change affect People were becoming weaker and weaker, H
your lifestyle and practices? they are not healthy anymore. They even

Are you having difficulty in easily

Panchito How does climate change affect Yes, it affects the health of the people, we H
your lifestyle and practices? as member of the tribe feel it too. The
strengths that we have now is not enough
for hard jobs, sometimes we need
companion to work now, unlike before, we
can work manually alone.”

Pedro How does climate change affect For me, I am experiencing breathing EAD
your lifestyle and practices? problems due to climate change.
Pedro How does climate change affect “For me, a simple colds and flu is normal, EAD
your lifestyle and practices? but now it’s different, if you have flu you
need a very strong medicine, so frightened
How do you compare your that nowadays we don’t even know where
experiences before and now? these diseases came from”,(frowned).
Pedro How does climate change affect There are a lot of people who have heart EAD
your lifestyle and practices? disease now. Some also died on this kind of
disease. And this is because of the climate
change and the foods we eat that have a lot
of preservatives.
Panchito How does climate change affect And the sun shines like it hurts and burns EAD
your lifestyle and practices? our skin and a lot of people got sick.”
Panchito What is your own definition of Yes, the climate is changing as they say, our TC
climate change? climate sometimes becomes hot or cold,
when it rains it is still warm and the sun
shines like it hurts and burns our skin and a
lot of people got sick.
Maria I know all of us feel the change, during dry TC
season, it is so hot and until rainy season, it
feels the same even when it rains it is still

Petra What do you do if there are There’s one jetmatic water pump here that WS
disasters? was made. It reaches us. It is where everyone
gets water, there in the field.
So, where is your source of It is hard for us, we were tired of fetching
water? water. Before, we have a lot of jetmatic
pump, we also have one in our house before
How does climate change affect where I grow. But there is no water coming
your lifestyle and practices? out on it.

How about before ma’am, Are

you having trouble in the supply
of water?

Maria How does climate change affect Yes there is water,it is not like today that is WS
your lifestyle and practices? summer,there is water before but not like
what we are experiencing now,it is really
This summer, do you have dry, imagine this water pump, from dawn to
enough water supply? midnight there are people fetching water,
and I fetch at noon.
Alma How does climate change affect Water is scarce now, unlike before. WS
your daily life? That is why the water level is now
Panchito How does climate change affect Not only is our work affected. If FS
your lifestyle and practices? climate change does not occur. We
can plant corn twice. We have enough
water from deep well. We no longer
have to wait for the rainy season.
Now, we wait for the rain to come and
sometimes, it rains even if we are not
yet prepared, you cannot plant
without rain, when its planting time

there’s no more rain.”

Panchito How many cropping seasons do No more 2nd crop here. Before we had FS
you have? 2nd cropping. Now, there’s no more
Petra How does climate change affect Now it is not advisable anymore to FS
your lifestyle and practices? harvest for our food because it is not
safe anymore and the water in the
river is already polluted because of
human activities.
Petra How does climate change affect Ever since, the river was still on the RL
your lifestyle and practices? second site. We were far from that
river, but because of human activities,
the path of water passing through the
river has changed
Maria What natural disaster have you People dig up the part of the river and RL
encountered due to Climate the flow and water current has
Change? changed
What do you think is the reason
for this why is the river is moving
forward in you?
Petra Are your Practices helpful to Even we are in the modern times, we are H
lessen the effects of Climate also been affected. But as a member of bago,
Change? we do not want that these modern times and
technology will conquer us. Yes, we use
those things but not too often, we know how
to balance it. And for us, it is better that we
do what we used to do and on how we
brought up with our culture because people
before were apparently more industrious
than nowadays. We seldom use electric
current, gasoline and those things that
people use now. Plastic bags before, anyway

until now (smile) we wash and use it again.

We seldom burn.
Petra In your opinion ma’am, how does Yes, the use of rake, fetching of water, H
your practices help to lessen use of a stone grinder, used of clay pot
Climate Change? and soup bowl made from coconut
fruit, and ladle and spoon.” made from
mature bamboo that is what we used in
our day to day living.

Felita How does climate change affect That is why we have to schedule H
your daily life? fetching water even in the evening. I
even go to Garcia , Sta. Ceclia and
ride a tricycle to fetch water for
Petra As a member of the Bago Tribe, Farming is already modernized F
what practices do you contribute nowadays with regards to infra, we
to lessen the effects of Climate have lots of that already. Those
change? practices before, even though not
forgotten but being set aside, because
For you maam is farming helps to of easy ways of working nowadays.
have climate change? These must be preserved. Those
practices must be applied. Those
simple living, can this simple living
can still be applied? (smiles).
Pedro As a member of the Bago Tribe, A simple life is better (pause), we did F
what practices do you contribute not use machines before. The
to lessen the effects of Climate carabao’s were big help in our
change? farming. Men used to work efficiently
despite their old age.
Are your lives better before due
to its simplicity or today which
depends to technology for easier

operation like the machines you

use in the field and cars that use
Panchito How does climate change affect I hate eating vegetables with a commercial HM
your lifestyle and practices? fertilizer.”

Marlito How does climate change affect I wear light cotton clothes. Almost all of HM
your lifestyle and practices? us here who are old man and even
those who are middle aged man and
even women wear light cotton clothes
because it is comfortable to use and
you can’t feel the warm weather.
Maria How does climate change affect Eating vegetables and fruits are the best to HM
your lifestyle and practices? make our body healthy and strong.”

Alma As a member of the Bago Tribe, We practice re- use, reduce and recycle. M
what practices do you contribute
to lessen the effects of Climate

Marlito As a member of the Bago Tribe, We seldom do burning of garbage but M

what practices do you contribute recycle and re- use them instead.
to lessen the effects of Climate

Florentina As a member of the Bago Tribe, A simple way of living is the best way of M
what practices do you contribute making the environment stay good.
to lessen the effects of Climate

Petra What is your own definition of There are a lot of differences. For example, M
Climate change? during our childhood days, we just

harvested something for us to eat. During

crop period, we used rake, we slapped the
palay to the bamboo (smile), that’s what
we used to remove the palay, we are very
industrious and strong then. We used this
old steel for plowing with the carabao. We
rode to carabao or in the caritella oh so
happy before (clasp hand and laughs).We
used what God has given, like soup bowl
made from coconut shell, ladle and cups
made from matured bamboo, we eat
vegetables fertilized with the organic or
natural fertilizers, our snack when we were
kids were fruits, native fruits like guava,
star apple, tamarind, banana, mangoes and
everything we see here in our backyard
(pointing their backyard). Those vacant
places (pointing the field and their
backyard) were planted with different kinds
of vegetables. We are very rich in terms of
foods (smile). We also go to the river to
take a bath. That’s our life before, simple
but happy and contented.

Participants Guide Question Appendix G Answer Themes

Alma Organization
What is your own definition of of Selected
Many cut a treeTranscripts
that is why we have warmer “Indigenous
climate change? environment. There are no more trees. The Knowledge of Bago
sky layers are becoming thin. They say not to Tribe in Climate
burn plastic, the ozone layer is becoming Change”
thinner, but people cannot stop burning
rubbers and everything, that is why many got
sick. It is their fault but we who did not do it
will also feel the effect. Anyway we do burn
but seldom, we burn for twice a month, that
is the maximum.
Petra What is your own definition of They throw their garbage wastes in the river. “Indigenous
climate change? Knowledge of Bago
Tribe in Climate
Pedro What is your own definition of We that were not the one who used to do “Indigenous
climate change? such things were added to be affected, if only Knowledge of Bago
those who has the greater contribution on Tribe in Climate
climate change be more affected, but not, Change”
because we all live in one planet
Pedro What natural disaster have you This is related to power current, radio, “Indigenous
encountered due to Climate television, cellphone, even those vehicles Knowledge of Bago
Change? that release smoke, (pause) a lot of vehicles. Tribe in Climate
Those invented tools for farming and Change”
factories. It is good to have these kinds
because it makes work easier but it also
make people lazy. Unlike before, people
were very industrious, all of the kids were

very helpful, (sigh), these destroy our


Pedro How does climate change affect People were becoming weaker and weaker, “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? they are not healthy anymore. They even Knowledge of Bago
easily Tribe in Climate
Are you having difficulty in Change”
Panchito How does climate change affect Yes, it affects the health of the people, we “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? as member of the tribe feel it too. The Knowledge of Bago
strengths that we have now is not enough Tribe in Climate
for hard jobs, sometimes we need Change”
companion to work now, unlike before, we
can work manually alone.”

Pedro How does climate change affect For me, I am experiencing breathing “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? problems due to climate change. Knowledge of Bago
Tribe in Climate
Pedro How does climate change affect “For me, a simple colds and flu is normal, “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? but now it’s different, if you have flu you Knowledge of Bago
need a very strong medicine, so frightened Tribe in Climate
How do you compare your that nowadays we don’t even know where Change”
experiences before and now? these diseases came from”,(frowned).
Pedro How does climate change affect There are a lot of people who have heart “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? disease now. Some also died on this kind of Knowledge of Bago
disease. And this is because of the climate Tribe in Climate
change and the foods we eat that have a lot Change”
of preservatives.
Panchito How does climate change affect And the sun shines like it hurts and burns “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? our skin and a lot of people got sick.” Knowledge of Bago

Tribe in Climate
Panchito What is your own definition of Yes, the climate is changing as they say, our “Indigenous
climate change? climate sometimes becomes hot or cold, Knowledge of Bago
when it rains it is still warm and the sun Tribe in Climate
shines like it hurts and burns our skin and a Change”
lot of people got sick.
Maria What is your own definition of I know all of us feel the change, during dry “Indigenous
climate change? season, it is so hot and until rainy season, it Knowledge of Bago
feels the same even when it rains it is still Tribe in Climate
warm. Change”
Petra What do you do if there are There’s one jetmatic water pump here that “Indigenous
disasters? was made. It reaches us. It is where Knowledge of Bago
everyone gets water, there in the field. Tribe in Climate
So, where is your source of It is hard for us, we were tired of fetching Change”
water? water. Before, we have a lot of jetmatic
pump, we also have one in our house before
How does climate change affect where I grow. But there is no water coming
your lifestyle and practices? out on it.

How about before ma’am, Are

you having trouble in the supply
of water?

Maria How does climate change affect Yes there is water,it is not like today that is “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? summer,there is water before but not like Knowledge of Bago
what we are experiencing now,it is really Tribe in Climate
This summer, do you have dry, imagine this water pump, from dawn to Change”
enough water supply? midnight there are people fetching water,
and I fetch at noon.
Maria How does climate change affect “Yes there is water, it is not like “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? today that is summer, there is water Knowledge of Bago

before but not like what we are Tribe in Climate

This summer, do you have experiencing now, it is really dry, Change”
enough water supply? imagine this water pump, from dawn
to midnight there are people fetching
water, and I fetch at noon.”

Alma How does climate change affect Water is scarce now, unlike before. “Indigenous
your daily life? That is why the water level is now Knowledge of Bago
deep Tribe in Climate
Panchito How does climate change affect Not only is our work affected. If “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? climate change does not occur. We Knowledge of Bago
can plant corn twice. We have enough Tribe in Climate
water from deep well. We no longer Change”
have to wait for the rainy season.
Now, we wait for the rain to come and
sometimes, it rains even if we are not
yet prepared, you cannot plant
without rain, when its planting time
there’s no more rain.”
Panchito How many cropping seasons do No more 2nd crop here. Before we had “Indigenous
you have? 2nd cropping. Now, there’s no more Knowledge of Bago
water. Tribe in Climate
Petra How does climate change affect Now it is not advisable anymore to “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? harvest for our food because it is not Knowledge of Bago
safe anymore and the water in the Tribe in Climate
river is already polluted because of Change”
human activities.
Petra How does climate change affect Ever since, the river was still on the “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? second site. We were far from that Knowledge of Bago
river, but because of human activities, Tribe in Climate

the path of water passing through the Change”

river has changed
Maria What natural disaster have you People dig up the part of the river and “Indigenous
encountered due to Climate the flow and water current has Knowledge of Bago
Change? changed Tribe in Climate
What do you think is the reason Change”
for this why is the river is moving
forward in you?
Petra Are your Practices helpful to Even we are in the modern times, we are “Indigenous
lessen the effects of Climate also been affected. But as a member of bago, Practices of Bago
Change? we do not want that these modern times and tribe in Climate
technology will conquer us. Yes, we use Change”
those things but not too often, we know how
to balance it. And for us, it is better that we
do what we used to do and on how we
brought up with our culture because people
before were apparently more industrious
than nowadays. We seldom use electric
current, gasoline and those things that
people use now. Plastic bags before, anyway
until now (smile) we wash and use it again.
We seldom burn.
Petra In your opinion ma’am, how does Yes, the use of rake, fetching of water, “Indigenous
your practices help to lessen use of a stone grinder, used of clay pot Practices of Bago
Climate Change? and soup bowl made from coconut tribe in Climate
fruit, and ladle and spoon.” made from Change”
mature bamboo that is what we used in
our day to day living.

Alma How does climate change affect That is why we have to schedule “Indigenous
your daily life? fetching water even in the evening. I Practices of Bago
even go to Garcia , Sta. Ceclia and tribe in Climate

ride a tricycle to fetch water for Change”

Petra As a member of the Bago Tribe, Farming is already modernized “Indigenous
what practices do you contribute nowadays with regards to infra, we Practices of Bago
to lessen the effects of Climate have lots of that already. Those tribe in Climate
change? practices before, even though not Change”
forgotten but being set aside, because
For you maam is farming helps to of easy ways of working nowadays.
have climate change? These must be preserved. Those
practices must be applied. Those
simple living, can this simple living
can still be applied? (smiles).
Pedro As a member of the Bago Tribe, A simple life is better (pause), we did “Indigenous
what practices do you contribute not use machines before. The Practices of Bago
to lessen the effects of Climate carabao’s were big help in our tribe in Climate
change? farming. Men used to work efficiently Change”
despite their old age.
Are your lives better before due
to its simplicity or today which
depends to technology for easier
operation like the machines you
use in the field and cars that use
Panchito How does climate change affect I hate eating vegetables with a commercial “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? fertilizer.” Practices of Bago
tribe in Climate

Marlito How does climate change affect I wear light cotton clothes. Almost all of “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? us here who are old man and even Practices of Bago
those who are middle aged man and tribe in Climate
even women wear light cotton clothes Change”

because it is comfortable to use and

you can’t feel the warm weather.
Maria How does climate change affect Eating vegetables and fruits are the best to “Indigenous
your lifestyle and practices? make our body healthy and strong.” Practices of Bago
tribe in Climate

Alma As a member of the Bago Tribe, We practice re- use, reduce and recycle. “Indigenous
what practices do you contribute Practices of Bago
to lessen the effects of Climate tribe in Climate
change? Change”

Marlito As a member of the Bago Tribe, We seldom do burning of garbage but “Indigenous
what practices do you contribute recycle and re- use them instead. Practices of Bago
to lessen the effects of Climate tribe in Climate
change? Change”

Florentina As a member of the Bago Tribe, A simple way of living is the best way of “Indigenous
what practices do you contribute making the environment stay good. Practices of Bago
to lessen the effects of Climate tribe in Climate
change? Change”

Petra What is your own definition of There are a lot of differences. For example, “Indigenous
Climate change? during our childhood days, we just Practices of Bago
harvested something for us to eat. During tribe in Climate
crop period, we used rake, we slapped the Change”
palay to the bamboo (smile), that’s what
we used to remove the palay, we are very
industrious and strong then. We used this
old steel for plowing with the carabao. We
rode to carabao or in the caritella oh so
happy before (clasp hand and laughs).We

used what God has given, like soup bowl

made from coconut shell, ladle and cups
made from matured bamboo, we eat
vegetables fertilized with the organic or
natural fertilizers, our snack when we were
kids were fruits, native fruits like guava,
star apple, tamarind, banana, mangoes and
everything we see here in our backyard
(pointing their backyard). Those vacant
places (pointing the field and their
backyard) were planted with different kinds
of vegetables. We are very rich in terms of
foods (smile). We also go to the river to
take a bath. That’s our life before, simple
but happy and contented.

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