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Git - Github

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Git - Github
Source Code Management (SCM)

01 02
Overview Learning
topics Objectives

03 04
Quiz hands on lab
questions practice
What is source code management
What is Git
What is GitHub
What is the difference between Git
and GitHub
How to create a repository
Git What is a README
How to write good READMEs
GitHub How to commit
How to write helpful commit
Topics messages
How to push code
How to pull updates
How to create a branch
How to merge branches
How to work as collaborators on a
Bonus * How to delete branch project
Which files should and which files
should not appear in your repo
Learning Objectives
What is source code management
Source code management (SCM) is the practice of tracking and managing changes to
source code over time. It is a way for developers to collaborate on code, track changes,
and maintain versions of their codebase. SCM tools provide a central repository where
developers can store and manage code, and enable them to track changes, collaborate
with others, and revert to previous versions if needed.

Git: Git is one of the most popular SCM tools and is used by millions of developers

SVN (Subversion) - Mercurial - Perforce - TFS (Team Foundation Server)

What is Git

Git is a distributed version control system

used for source code management. It was
created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 and has
become one of the most popular SCM tools in
use today.

Git allows multiple developers to work on the

same codebase simultaneously and provides a
way to track changes, collaborate on code, and
maintain different versions of the code.
What is GitHub

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for Git

repositories. It provides a platform for
developers to collaborate on code, track
changes, and manage versions of their

GitHub also provides additional features such

as issue tracking, wikis, and project
management tools.
What is the difference between Git and GitHub

Git is a distributed version control system

used for source code management,
while GitHub is a web-based hosting service
for Git repositories.

Git provides the underlying functionality for

version control,
while GitHub provides a platform for
collaboration and additional features such as
issue tracking, project management, and
How to create a repository

Log in to your GitHub account.

Click the "New repository" button.

Enter a name for your repository, and add a

description if desired.

Choose whether the repository will be public

or private.

Select the option to initialize the repository

with a README file.

Click the "Create repository" button.

What is a README

A README is a file in a code repository that

contains information about the codebase. It
typically includes a description of the project,
instructions on how to use the code, and any
other relevant information.
What is a README

To write a good README, follow these tips:

-Use clear, concise language.

-Include a description of the project.

-Provide instructions on how to install and

use the code.
-Include any relevant screenshots or images.

-Explain any dependencies or requirements.

-Provide information on how to contribute to
the project.

-Include a license if appropriate.

-Keep the README up to date as the project

How to commit

To commit changes to your Git repository,

follow these steps:

Make changes to your code.

Use the git add . command to stage the

changes you want to commit.

Use the git commit –m “” command to create a

commit with a message that describes the
changes you made.
How to write helpful commit messages

When writing commit messages, it's important

to be clear and descriptive about the changes
you made. Here are some tips for writing
helpful commit messages:

Start with a short summary of the changes you

made, for example:

Fix bug in login form validation

Add new feature to search results page

Refactor authentication middleware for

improved performance

Update README with instructions for running

How to push code

To push code to a remote Git repository,

follow these steps:

Use the `git add . ` command to stage the

changes you want to push.

Use the `git commit –m “message” ` command

to create a commit with a message describing
the changes.

Use the `git push origin branch_name`

command to push the changes to the remote
How to pull updates

git pull is a Git command that retrieves and

merges the changes from a remote repository
into the local repository.

When you run git pull, Git fetches the changes

from the remote repository and incorporates
them into your current branch. This is a
combination of two Git commands: git fetch
and git merge. The git fetch command
downloads the changes from the remote
repository into your local repository, while
the git merge command combines those
When you run git remote update, Git fetches changes into your current branch.
any changes that have been made to the
remote repository since the last time you Prefered to
updated your local references. This includes git remote update
new branches or tags that have been created, git pull origin “branch_name”
or updates to existing branches or tags.
How to create a branch

To create a new branch in Git, follow these


Use the git branch “branch name” command to

create a new branch.

Use the git checkout “branch name” command

to switch to the new branch.

Alternatively, you can create and switch to a

new branch with a single command:

git checkout -b “branch name”

How to merge branches

Use the git checkout “branch name” command

to switch to the branch you want to merge
changes into.

Use the git merge command to merge changes

from the other branch into the current branch.
How to work as collaborators on a project

To work as collaborators on a project in Git,

follow these steps:

Create a shared Git repository that all

collaborators can access.

Assign roles and permissions to each


Create branches for each feature or issue.

Have each collaborator work on their assigned


Use pull requests to review and merge

changes into the main branch.
Which files should and which files should not appear in your repo

The .gitignore file is a configuration file that

specifies which files and directories Git
should ignore when tracking changes in a

You can create a .gitignore file in the root

directory of your repository and add file
patterns to it to exclude certain files and
directories from being tracked by Git.
Which files should and which files should not appear in your repo

Here are some general guidelines on which

files should and should not be included in a
Git repository:

Include all source code files that are

necessary to build and run your project.

Exclude generated files, such as compiled

binaries or build artifacts.

Exclude files that contain sensitive

information, such as passwords, API keys, or
other credentials.

Exclude configuration files that contain

machine-specific settings or environment
Which files should and which files should not appear in your repo

Sure, here is an example of how to create a .gitignore file

for a Node.js project:

Open a text editor and create a new file in the root

directory of your project.
Save the file as .gitignore (note the leading dot).
In the file, add patterns for the files and directories that
you want Git to ignore. Here's an example:

# Ignore node_modules directory


# Ignore log files


# Ignore environment configuration files

How to delete branches

Make sure you are on a different branch than

the one you want to delete. You cannot delete
the branch you are currently on.

git checkout <another-branch>

Delete the branch using the
git branch –d ‘branch name’ command.

git branch -d my-branch
How to delete branches

Note that if the branch has not been fully

merged, you will get an error message. In that
case, you can use the -D option to force the
deletion of the branch, even if it has not been
fully merged:

git branch -D my-branch

This will delete the branch, including all of
its commits and changes.

Verify that the branch has been deleted by

listing all of the branches in your repository.
By git branch

The branch you just deleted should no longer

appear in the list.
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