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Handwritten digit classification using MNIST


Suryaveer (150002037)

Ankit Gaur (150002007)



May 2019
Handwritten digit classification using MNIST

The goal of this project is to take an image of a handwritten single digit, and
determine what that digit is.

Recently Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) becomes one of the most
appealing approaches and has been a crucial factor in the variety of recent success and
challenging machine learning applications such as object detection, and face
recognition. Therefore, CNNs is considered our main model for our challenging tasks of
image classification. Specifically, it is used for is one of high research and business
transactions. Handwriting digit recognition application is used in different tasks of our
real-life time purposes. Precisely, it is used in vehicle number plate detection, banks for
reading checks, post offices for sorting letter, and many other related tasks.

The data files train.csv and test.csv contain gray-scale images of hand-drawn digits,
from zero through nine.Each image is 28 pixels in height and 28 pixels in width, for a
total of 784 pixels in total. Each pixel has a single pixel-value associated with it,
indicating the lightness or darkness of that pixel, with higher numbers meaning darker.
This pixel-value is an integer between 0 and 255, Inclusive. The training data set,
(train.csv), has 784 columns. The first column, called "label", is the digit that was drawn
by the user. The rest of the columns contain the pixel-values of the associated image.
Each pixel column in the training set has a name like pixelx, where x is an integer
between 0 and 783, inclusive. To locate this pixel on the image, suppose that we have
decomposed x as x = i 28 + j, where i and j are integers between 0 and 27, inclusive.
Then pixelx is located on row i and column j of a 28 x 28 matrix, (indexing by zero).
For example, pixel-31 indicates the pixel that is in the fourth column from the left, and
the second row from the top, as in the ascii-diagram below.
Visually, if we omit the "pixel" prefix, the pixels make up the image like this:

Convolutional Neural Networks:

Work done by Hubel and Wiesel laid foundation to the invention of convolutional neural
networks (CNNs). They have studied the visual cortex responses of cat and monkey.
They observed that these neurons respond individually to small regions of visual fields.
Provided the eyes are not moving, the region of visual space within which visual stimuli
affect the firing of a single neuron is known as its ​receptive field. Neighboring cells have
similar and overlapping receptive fields.

Broadly, architecture of CNN consist of an input layer, an output layer, and variable
number of hidden layers. These hidden layers contain convolutional layers, activation
function (non-linearity layer), pooling layers, fully connected layers and normalization

Convolutional networks (CNN) are a special type of neural network that are especially
well adapted to computer vision applications because of their ability to hierarchically
abstract representations with local operations. There are two key design ideas driving
the success of convolutional architectures in computer vision. First, CNN take
advantage of the 2D structure of images and the fact that pixels within a neighborhood
are usually highly correlated. Therefore, CNN eschew the use of one-to-one
connections between all pixel units ( i.e. as is the case of most neural networks) in favor
of using grouped local connections. Further, ConvNet architectures rely on feature
sharing and each channel (or output feature map) is thereby generated from convolution
with the same filter at all locations. This important characteristic of CNN leads to an
architecture that relies on far fewer parameters compared to standard Neural Networks.
Second, CNN also introduce a pooling step that provides a degree of translation
invariance making the architecture less affected by small variations in position. Notably,
pooling also allows the network to gradually see larger portions of the input thanks to an
increased size of the network’s receptive field. The increase in receptive field size
(coupled with a decrease in the input’s resolution) allows the network to represent more
abstract characteristics of the input as the network’s depth increase. For example, for
the task of object recognition, it is advocated that CNN layers start by focusing on edges
to parts of the object to finally cover the entire object at higher layers in the hierarchy.
CNN is now the go-to model on every image related problem. In terms of accuracy they
blow competition out of the water. It is also successfully applied to recommender
systems, natural language processing and more. The main advantage of CNN
compared to its predecessors is that it automatically detects the important features
without any human supervision. For example, given many pictures of cats and dogs it
learns distinctive features for each class by itself.
CNN is also computationally efficient. It uses special convolution and pooling operations
and performs parameter sharing as mentioned above. This enables CNN models to run
on any device, making them universally attractive.


Convolutional Layers

Convolution is a mathematical operation to merge two sets of information. The

convolution is applied on the input data using a ​convolution filter to produce a ​feature

Activation Function
This layer contains blocks which apply different activation functions also called Transfer
functions. Activation functions are of two types, namely: 1. Linear activation function and
2. Nonlinear activation function. It is used to determine the output of neural network like
yes or no. It maps the resulting values in between 0 to 1 or -1 to 1 etc. (depending upon
the function). Nonlinear activation functions can be, Sigmoid or Logistic, tanh, ReLU
(Rectified Linear Units) etc[​cite:Applications of CNN ijcsit journal​].

Sigmoid function​: The range of ​sigmoid function(1) is 0 to 1 inclusive of both

numbers (Fig. 3.2). This function comes in handy when we have to predict
probability as output. In such cases, since probability also has the same range,
sigmoid can be a better pick.
ϕ(z) = (1+e1 −z ) (1)

Fig. 3.2 : Sigmoid Function graph

Tanh or Hyperbolic tangent: ​The range of ​tanh function is -1 to 1 inclusive of

both numbers. Tanh (Fig. 3.3) is also like sigmoid function but a little better than
sigmoid. The advantage is, the negative inputs will be mapped strongly negative
and zero inputs will be mapped near zero in tanh graph. This function is used
mainly for binary classification.

Fig. 3.3 : Sigmoid versus Tanh function graphs.

Rectified Linear Units(ReLU): ​It is the most widely used activation function. It is
the used in almost all the convolutional neural networks and deep learning tasks.
The range of this function is from 0 to ∞ . The function graph is shown in Fig. 3.4.

Fig. 3.4 : Sigmoid versus ReLU function graphs.

After a convolution operation we usually perform ​pooling to reduce the dimensionality.
This enables us to reduce the number of parameters, which both shortens the training
time and combats overfitting. Pooling layers downsample each feature map
independently, reducing the height and width, keeping the depth intact. The most
common type of pooling is ​max pooling which just takes the max value in the pooling
window. Contrary to the convolution operation, pooling has no parameters. It slides a
window over its input, and simply takes the max value in the window.

Fully connected
Fully connected layers connect every neuron in one layer to every neuron in another
layer. It is in principle the same as the traditional multi-layer perceptron neural network

Receptive field
In neural networks, each neuron receives input from some number of locations in the
previous layer. In a fully connected layer, each neuron receives input from ​every
element of the previous layer. In a convolutional layer, neurons receive input from only a
restricted subarea of the previous layer. Typically the subarea is of a square shape
(e.g., size 5 by 5). The input area of a neuron is called its ​receptive field.​ So, in a fully
connected layer, the receptive field is the entire previous layer. In a convolutional layer,
the receptive area is smaller than the entire previous layer.

Each neuron in a neural network computes an output value by applying some function
to the input values coming from the receptive field in the previous layer. The function
that is applied to the input values is specified by a vector of weights and a bias (typically
real numbers). Learning in a neural network progresses by making incremental
adjustments to the biases and weights. The vector of weights and the bias are called a
filter and represents some feature of the input (e.g., a particular shape). A distinguishing
feature of CNNs is that many neurons share the same filter. This reduces the amount of
memory a program uses or references while running called as memory footprint
because a single bias and a single vector of weights is used across all receptive fields
sharing that filter, rather than each receptive field having its own bias and vector of

Applications of CNNs
A. Computer Vision:
Convolutional neural networks are employed to identify the hierarchy or
conceptual structure of an image. Instead of feeding each image into the
neural network as one grid of numbers, the image is broken down into
overlapping image tiles that are each fed into a small neural network.
Convolutional neural networks are trainable multi-stage architectures, with
the inputs and outputs of each stage consisting of sets of arrays called
feature maps. If the input is a colour image, each feature map is a 2D
array containing a colour channel of the input image, for a video or a
volumetric image it would be a 3D array. Each feature extracted at all
locations on the input is represented by a feature map at the output. Each
stage is composed of a filter bank layer, a non-linearity layer and a feature
pooling layer. A typical CNN is composed of one, two or three such 3-layer
stages, followed by a classification module.

a. Face recognition: Face recognition constitutes a series of related

● Identifying all the faces in the picture
● Focussing on each face despite bad lighting or different pose
● Identifying unique features
● Comparing identified features to existing database and determining
the person's name
Faces represent a complex, multi-dimensional, visual
stimulus which was earlier presented using a hybrid neural network
combining local image sampling, a self-organizing map neural network
and a convolutional neural network. The results were presented using
Karhunen-Loe`ve transform in place of the self-organizing map which
performed almost as well (5.3% error versus 3.8%) and a multi-layer
perceptron which performed poorly (40% error versus 3.8%).

b. Scene Labelling: Each pixel is labelled with the category of the object it
belongs to in scene labelling. Clement Farabet et al proposed a method
using a multiscale convolutional network that yielded record accuracies on
the Sift Flow Dataset (33 classes) and the Barcelona Dataset (170
classes) and near-record accuracy on Stanford Background Dataset (8
classes). Their method produced 320 X 240 image labelling in under a
second including feature extraction.
c. Image Classification: Compared with other methods CNNs achieve better
classification accuracy on large scale datasets due to their capability of
joint feature and classifier learning. Krizhevsky et al. develop the AlexNet
and achieve the best performance in ILSVRC 2012. Following the success
of the AlexNet, several works made significant improvements in
classification accuracy by reducing filter size or expanding the network
depth. A fast, fully parameterizable GPU implementation of CNN
published benchmark results for object classification (NORB, CIFAR10)
with error rates of 2.53%, 19.51%. GPU code for image classification is
upto two magnitudes faster than its CPU counterpart. Multi-column deep
neural networks(MCDNN) can outperform all previous methods of image
classification and demonstrate that pre-training is not necessary(though
sometimes beneficial for small datasets) while decreasing the error rate by
30-40%. Non-saturating neurons and efficient GPU implementation of the
convolution operation resulted in a winning top-5 test error rate of 15.3%,
compared to 26.2% achieved by the second-best entry in the
ILSVRC-2012 competition for classification of 1.2 million high-resolution
images in the ImageNet LSVRC-2010 contest into the 1000 different
classes. Hierarchical Deep Convolutional neural Networks (HD-CNN) are
based on the intuition that some classes in image classification are more
confusing than other classes. It builds on the conventional CNNs which
are N-way classifiers and follows the coarse-to-fine classification strategy
and design module. HD-CNN with CIFAR100-NIN building block is seen to
show a testing accuracy of 65.33% which is higher than the accuracy for
other standard deep models and HD-CNN models on CIFAR100 dataset.

d. Document Analysis: ​Many traditional handwriting recognizers use the

sequential nature of the pen trajectory by representing the input in the time
domain. However, these representations tend to be sensitive to stroke
order, writing speed and other irrelevant parameters. This system AMAP
preserves the pictorial nature of the handwriting images. This model uses
a combination of CNNS, Markov models, EM algorithm and encoding of
words into low resolution images to recognize handwriting. Using this
system error rates dropped to 4.6% and 2.0% from 5% for word and
character errors respectively. This model was implemented using two
different practices: a database was expanded by adding a new generic
collection of elastic distortions. Convolutional neural networks were used.
The highest performance was achieved on the MNSIT data set using
elastic distortion and convolutional neural networks. As compared to the 2
layer Multi-layer perceptron models error rate of 1.6% this model achieves
an error rate of 0.4% , thus significantly improving the performance. This is
because MCP suffered from the problem of inverse problem or
transformation invariance. Though OCR and other systems have already
reached high recognition rates for printed documents recognition of
characters in natural scene images is a challenging task for the system
because of complex background, low resolution, non-uniform light etc.
Thus this model proposes complex colour scene text image recognition,
based on specific convolution neural network architecture. Using this
system the average recognition rate is found to be an improved 84.53%
ranging from 93.47% for clearer images and 67.86% for seriously distorted
images using the ICDAR 2003 dataset.
MNIST is a widely used dataset for the hand-written digit classification task. It consists
of 70,000 labelled 28x28 pixel grayscale images of hand-written digits. The dataset is
split into 60,000 training images and 10,000 test images. There are 10 classes (one for
each of the 10 digits). The task at hand is to train a model using the 60,000 training
images and subsequently test its classification accuracy on the 10,000 test images.

We converted raw format data to grayscale image to be used in 2d Convolutional

Neural Network. After that we created a cnn model as explained below:

Python Application for Real Time Digit Recognition using Pygame and
OpenCV libraries

We developed an application in python using pygame library which facilitates user to

write numbers on the screen. Working of the application is given below:
1. User is given a pygame window in which he/she can use mouse cursor to write
numbers on the screen.
2. On regular interval window image is taken and using opencv library and contour
detection method areas of interest are selected.
3. Selected areas of interest then are converted into the format which is compatible
with the cnn based model.
4. Output from the cnn based model is displayed on the pygame window.

PyGame Window

PyGame Window User Input and Output from Model


Validation accuracy: 0.992

Confusion matrix

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 975 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1

1 0 1132 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0

2 1 1 1022 0 1 0 0 5 2 0

3 0 0 0 1006 0 3 0 0 0 1

4 0 0 0 0 980 0 0 0 1 1

5 0 0 0 2 0 889 1 0 0 0

6 2 2 0 0 1 1 952 0 0 0

7 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1021 1 2

8 3 0 2 1 0 2 1 2 962 1

9 1 2 0 0 10 5 0 7 3 981

Result Statistics for Different Digits

In a confusion matrix for a class x:
● True positive: diagonal position, cm(x, x).
● False positive: sum of column x (without main diagonal)
● False negative: sum of row x (without main diagonal)
Precision = TP/(TP+FP)
Recall = TP/(TP+FN)
Accuracy = TP/TP+FP+FN

F1 Score = 2*Precision*Recall/(Precision + Recall)

Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

TP 975 1132 1022 1006 980 889 952 1021 962 981

FP 7 7 5 4 12 11 4 16 8 6

FN 5 3 10 4 2 3 6 7 12 28

Precision 0.9928 0.9938 0.9951 0.9960 0.9879 0.9878 0.9958 0.9845 0.9917 0.9939

Recall 0.9948 0.9973 0.9903 0.9960 0.9800 0.9966 0.9937 0.9932 0.9876 0.9722

F1 Score 0.9937 0.9955 0.9926 0.9960 0.9839 0.9921 0.9947 0.9888 0.9896 0.9829

Testing Accuracy = 9920/10000 = 0.9920

Training Curves:

Loss with epoch:

Accuracy with epoch:

Testing window:

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