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1. Do people read more nowadays?

Answer 1:- Yes people read more nowadays as they consider reading is the best activity to relieve
stress and to entertain as well as to enhance their knowledge. They like to read novels or plays.

Answer 2:- yes. These days, ebooks are in trend so people can read wherever they want without
carrying books with them. Moreover, individuals these days love to stay updated, so to gain more
knowledge, they read more.

2. Do you read before going to bed?

Answer 1:- Well, I read sometimes but not regularly; I love watching comedy shows before bed. I
feel more relaxed watching melodramas also. I consider reading before bed a tedious activity
because it will make me sleepy quickly.

Answer 2:- I used to read before bed when I was in school, but now I work full time and have a
lot of other household work, so I can’t read before bed. I mostly read on weekends.

3. In your opinion, how will e-books affect paper books?

Answer 1:- Well, ebooks significantly affect paper books. People can read ebooks anytime while
carrying a paper book, and they feel hesitant to pick a book which might be heavy for them.
Moreover, they can switch from one book to another instantly, while this is not possible to read a
paper book.

Answer 2:- Ebooks will definitely reduce the demand for paper books a little, as one can read
ebooks anytime and anywhere. However, ebooks can only replace paper books partially because
many individuals still love the feeling of reading hardcover books. Also, in libraries, paperbacks
are preferred over ebooks.

4. What's the difference between films and books?

Answer 1:- Well films are for entertainment as well as some life lessons are also learnt by the
people who watch them while books are more informative. Basically, one book is written on a
single subject while films have movements as well as special effects shown to the people to keep
their interest from beginning till end.

Answer 2:- Films are more interesting as they are audio-visual representations. Books are
sometimes boring to read. One can finish films within 3 hours, but book one requires more time.
Also, films can only represent anything in brief as there is a time limit, while in books, everything
is in more detail.

5. Let’s move on to the topic of traditional literature in your country. What is one example of
traditional literature in your country?
Answer 1:- Well, four Vedas, as well as Indus Civilization, and Harappa Civilization, are some
traditional literature of my country, and these contain valuable information about past history that
people like to know more about.

Answer 2:- India is diverse, and there is a lot of literature in India. The most common book in
Hinduism which people read is the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. It is a book about spiritual knowledge
which is given to Arjun by lord Shree Krishna.

6. Do you like reading the traditional literature of your country?

Answer 1:- Yes, of course, because the literature has a lot of information about past history, such
as nomadic ways of people as well as how people survived during harsh climates. Therefore, their
survival skills also make people confident and enthusiastic about bringing changes to their lives
to lead happy lives.

Answer 2:- I have read Ramayan, which is the story of lord ram and the site. Unfortunately, I
have yet to read any other traditional literature. I am unsure whether I will read anything in future
because everything is available in the form of films, so no one prefers to read.

Part 2

1. Absolutely! People are reading more than ever nowadays, thanks to the easy accessibility of
books through e-readers, smartphones, and tablets. It's a wonderful trend that promotes
knowledge, imagination, and a love for storytelling.
2. Definitely! Reading before bed is a fantastic way to unwind and relax. It helps transport your
mind to different worlds, characters, and ideas, allowing you to have exciting dreams or a
peaceful night's sleep.
3. E-books are revolutionizing the way we read, but they won't completely replace paper books.
They offer convenience, portability, and the ability to carry a whole library in one device.
However, the charm of paper books, their physical presence, and the joy of flipping through
pages will always have a special place in our hearts.
4. Films and books are both amazing mediums of storytelling, but they have distinct differences.
Films rely on visuals, audio, and motion to convey the narrative, while books engage the reader's
imagination, allowing them to create their own mental pictures and dive deeper into the
characters' thoughts and emotions. Each medium offers a unique experience, and both are equally
captivating in their own ways.
5. Traditional literature in my country is filled with rich cultural heritage and stories passed down
through generations. One example is [insert example from your country's traditional literature,
e.g., "folktales about wise trickster characters who teach valuable life lessons"].
6. Absolutely! I have a deep appreciation for the traditional literature of my country. It allows me to
connect with my roots, understand the wisdom and traditions of previous generations, and
appreciate the unique storytelling styles that have shaped our culture. Reading traditional
literature is a delightful way to immerse oneself in the essence of our country's heritage.

1. Is family important in your country?
2. Who should be responsible to care for the elderly? Should it be the family or the government?
3. How has the size of the average family changed in your country in the last few decades?
4. How do you think families will change in the future?
5. Let’s move on to the roles of different family members. Should husbands and wives have
different roles within the family?
6. What role do grandparents play in the family in your country?

1. Absolutely! Family is incredibly important in our country. It forms the foundation of our
society and is the source of love, support, and togetherness. We cherish our family bonds
and prioritize spending time with our loved ones.
2. In our country, it's generally believed that both the family and the government have a role
to play in caring for the elderly. Families often take the primary responsibility, providing
love, care, and support to their elderly members. However, the government also has a role
in providing social welfare programs and healthcare services to ensure the well-being of
the elderly population.
3. The size of the average family in our country has undergone significant changes in the
last few decades. With changing societal norms, urbanization, and economic factors,
families have become smaller. Nuclear families are more common now, consisting of
parents and their children, compared to larger extended families that were more prevalent
in the past.
4. Families will continue to evolve in the future, adapting to the changing dynamics of
society. We might see more diverse family structures, increased gender equality, and a
shift towards shared responsibilities within the family. Technology and globalization
might also influence how families communicate and connect with each other.
5. The roles within a family can vary and should be based on individual preferences and
circumstances. While traditional gender roles have been prevalent in the past, modern
society encourages equal opportunities and shared responsibilities between husbands and
wives. It's important for couples to communicate, support each other's aspirations, and
find a balance that works best for their unique relationship.
6. Grandparents hold a special place in our country's family dynamics. They often play an
important role in providing wisdom, guidance, and a sense of cultural heritage to the
younger generations. They act as a bridge between the past and the present, nurturing
family bonds and passing down traditions and values. Grandparents are greatly respected
and cherished for their love and wisdom.


1. What is the importance of friends?

2. How do you have friends?
3. Would you like to have a few very good friends or a lot of just friends?
4. If you had a problem, would you go to your friends or family? Why?
5. Do you think it is always better to talk to your friends about such a problem?
6. Is it important to have friends from other countries?
1. Friends are incredibly important! They bring joy, laughter, and companionship into our
lives. They offer support during tough times, celebrate our successes, and provide a sense
of belonging. Having friends enhances our overall well-being and enriches our
2. Making friends can happen in various ways! It could be through shared interests, hobbies,
school, work, or even chance encounters. Building friendships involves being open,
genuine, and taking the initiative to connect with others. It's about finding common
ground and nurturing those connections over time.
3. Quality over quantity! Having a few very good friends can be incredibly fulfilling. These
friends are like a chosen family, who truly understand and support us through thick and
thin. While it's wonderful to have many friends, having a few close bonds can provide
deeper connections and a sense of intimacy.
4. It depends on the situation and the relationships we have. Both friends and family can be
valuable sources of support. However, friends may offer a different perspective or
provide a level of understanding that comes from shared experiences. Sometimes, turning
to friends can offer a fresh outlook and unbiased advice.
5. Talking to friends about a problem can be immensely helpful! Friends often offer
empathy, a listening ear, and valuable insights. They can provide emotional support and
help us gain new perspectives. However, it's essential to choose friends whom we trust
and feel comfortable confiding in.
6. Absolutely! Having friends from other countries is incredibly valuable. It broadens our
horizons, exposes us to diverse cultures, and promotes cross-cultural understanding.
These friendships bring new perspectives, exciting experiences, and opportunities for
personal growth. Connecting with friends from different countries can enrich our lives in
countless ways.


1. Can clothing tell you much about a person in your country?

2. Do people still wear traditional clothing in your country?
3. How has clothing fashion changed in your country over the last few decades?
4. Let’s move on from clothing to uniforms. Why do some companies ask their staff to wear
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having uniforms at work?
6. Do you think people are treated differently when they are in uniform?
1. Absolutely! Clothing can tell you a lot about a person in our country. It reflects personal
style, cultural influences, and sometimes even one's profession or social status. It's
fascinating how clothing choices can convey a person's identity and make a statement.
2. Yes, traditional clothing still holds significance in our country. While modern fashion
trends have gained popularity, many people proudly embrace and wear traditional attire
on special occasions, cultural events, or as a way to connect with their heritage.
3. Clothing fashion in our country has witnessed remarkable changes over the last few
decades. With globalization and the influence of international fashion trends, we've seen
a fusion of traditional and contemporary styles. People now experiment with diverse
fashion choices, expressing their individuality and embracing a more cosmopolitan look.
4. Companies ask their staff to wear uniforms for various reasons. Uniforms can create a
sense of unity, professionalism, and brand identity. They help distinguish employees
from customers and promote a cohesive team image. Additionally, uniforms can enhance
customer service, instill a sense of pride, and create a positive perception of the company.
5. The advantages of having uniforms at work include a sense of belonging, equality among
employees, and the elimination of the need to decide what to wear. Uniforms can also
enhance security and easily identify staff members. However, some disadvantages may
include limited self-expression and personal style, discomfort, or the potential for a lack
of individuality.
6. Yes, people often perceive individuals differently when they are in uniform. Uniforms
can command respect, authority, or trust depending on the context. People tend to
associate uniforms with specific roles or professions, which can influence how they
interact with individuals in uniform. It highlights the impact of clothing on perception
and the power of visual cues in our society.


1. Do many people eat in restaurants in your country?

2. Why do some people enjoy eating out?
3. Is it expensive to eat out in your country?
4. Let’s move on from eating in restaurants to cooking at home. Do you like to cook at home?
5. Nowadays, more and more people are unwilling to cook. Why is this happening?
6. What’s the difference between restaurant food and home-cooked food?
1. Absolutely! Many people in our country love eating in restaurants. It's a vibrant part of
our culture, and dining out has become increasingly popular, offering a wide range of
culinary experiences.
2. Eating out is a delightful experience for several reasons! It offers a break from daily
routines, an opportunity to try new flavors and cuisines, and a chance to socialize with
friends, family, or colleagues. Restaurants provide a welcoming ambiance, professional
service, and the joy of being served delicious meals without the hassle of cooking or
3. The cost of eating out in our country can vary depending on the restaurant and the type of
cuisine. While some restaurants offer affordable options, others may be more upscale and
expensive. However, there are usually dining choices available to suit different budgets
and preferences.
4. Absolutely! I love cooking at home. It's a creative and rewarding activity that allows me
to experiment with flavors, control the ingredients, and personalize dishes to my taste.
Plus, cooking at home often brings a sense of accomplishment and the joy of sharing
homemade meals with loved ones.
5. Nowadays, some people are becoming more unwilling to cook due to various reasons.
Factors like busy lifestyles, time constraints, convenience, and the availability of ready-
made meals or food delivery services have contributed to this shift. Additionally, some
individuals may lack confidence or culinary skills, making cooking seem like a daunting
6. Restaurant food and home-cooked food offer different experiences. Restaurant food often
boasts professional techniques, sophisticated presentations, and diverse flavors that cater
to various tastes. On the other hand, home-cooked food has a personal touch, warmth,
and the potential to reflect cultural traditions. It's prepared with love and care, and can be
customized to individual preferences. Both options have their unique charm and are
delightful in their own ways.

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