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Arts 8 East Asian Art

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas

Instructional Plan in MAPEH 8

Name of Teacher Hygeia E. Bercero Grade/Year Level: 8 October 20, 2021

Learning Area: Arts Quarter: First Grading Module: 1

Analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of Southeast
Asia A8EL-IIb-1

Lesson No.: Q1-1 Duration 60 mins.



to be developed
-Art appreciation and evaluation involves evaluating works based on the use of the
different art elements and principles.

Learning Objectives Knowledge Recognize the different art elements and principles by means of
evaluating the different crafts found in the different countries of
Southeast Asia.

Skills Demonstrate skills in creating a product-design utilizing materials that

are common based on their geographic location.

Attitudes Grasp the essence of patriotism and its importance in supporting and
preserving one’s culture.

Resources Needed PowerPoint presentation, TV or projector, Laptop, Internet, Google Meet App, Images

Elements of the Plan Methodology

Preparations Motivation/ Preparatory activity:

1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Classroom Rules
4. Checking of assignment
Presentation Activity The teacher will present pictures of crafts from the countries of
Southeast Asia.

Vietnam Malaysia Thailand

Note: The pictures are provided with their corresponding countries so
that the learners will have an idea on the following questions that would
be given.

Analysis Process questions:

1. What are the pictures all about?
2. From which part of Asia do you think these countries belong?
3. Do you have any ideas about the topic for today?
Abstraction The pictures will be presented again for the next activity. Learners will
be asked the following questions:
1) What is the first thing that you notice in a craft?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas

Expected answer: Color, form, shape, if it’s shiny, if it's

durable, etc.
2) When can you say that the craft is beautiful?
Expected answer: When it’s pleasing to the eye,
when it is an eye-catcher, when it uses vibrant colors, when it
designed uniquely, etc.
3) When can you say that the craft is not?
Expected answer: When it is poorly crafted, when the design
not good, when colors are dull to look at, when colors are
mismatched, etc.
4) Is there a guide to make sure that the craft that we will create
will have its better outcome?
Expected answer: no, yes, maybe, etc.
5) Do you still remember the elements and principles of art and
its function?
Expected answer: Elements and principles of arts are tools
that artists used to create a craft or any work of art.
6) Can we also use it to give critique or evaluate art?
Expected answer: Yes
7) What are the different elements of art?
Expected answer: Color, line, shape, form, Texture, Space
8) What are the different principles of art?
Expected answer: Proportion, balance, emphasis, variety,
harmony, rhythm

The teacher will present pictures 1 to 3 respectively. The learners will

answer the following questions:
1. What are the evident elements of art?
Expected answer: Color, space, shape
2. How about the evident principle?
Expected answer: Balance, proportion, variety

Silk Painting Wau Bulan Loi Krathong

Note: In every picture, the teacher will provide a short background and
history about the craft:
✔ Silk Painting - a traditional Vietnamese art of silk painting
which is literally painting on silk. Common themes are
countryside, landscape, historical landmarks and everyday
✔ Wau Bulan - is the name given to the ornate Malaysian
Moon Kite technically because of its body shape.
✔ Loi Krathong - literally means floating banana trunk is a
festival which happens in Thailand every November where
people will gather in any bodies of water and lit their loi
krathongs to celebrate the festival.

Note: Applying knowledge across curriculum, current events.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas

There is an arising concern in the Thai community about

environmental concerns and viability of the old age custom.This regards
to the trash accumulated during Loi Krathong festival. Styrofoam and
other plastic waste are prohibited in the event.

“Over the years , the beautiful tradition has been known to have
caused water pollution since many krathong and non-biodegradable
components get stuck in waterways and sewers.”

This issue has been a threat to this important tradition. Despite

people’s creativity to use more eco-friendly materials, like the use of
bread, in the end it turns out that the edible floats are too much for the
fish and end up rotten river garbage. A campaign is even made to halt
the festival on October 20, 2020.

Tradition vs trash on Loy Krathong


Note: ICT is used (PPT and presented pictures for analysis)

throughout discussion as a tool for teaching and learning.

1. How do elements of arts differ from principles of arts?

Expected answer: Elements of arts are visual tools to create
an art while principle of arts deals with how artist use this
elements effectively to create the desired effect.
2. How do elements and principles help in creating works of art?
Expected answer: Art elements and principles is a tool to
guide artists on how to achieve the best outcome.
3. How do we prevent such traditions and passed-down crafts to
Expected answer: We need to patronize our own product and
pass the knowledge to the next generation.
Practice Application The teacher will present the activity to the class.
✔ Craft Design Making
a) Create a sketch design of any chosen craft
applying the elements and principles of arts
b) Use materials which are abundant in your place
based on the geographic location you are in
1) Near the beach - utilize shells or any raw
materials that can be found in the sea.
2) Place are surrounded by bamboo/coconut
trees- you can create crafts made out of
3) Place near a garbage dump site - create
craft from plastics.
c) The sketch design must have an essential function
and can be used for day to day living.
d) The design must also have its proper labels in terms
of the materials used.
e) For learners with no available software devices,
utilize paper for your works while learners who
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas

have and can manipulate software you are allowed

to do it as well.
Assessment The learner’s activity will be assessed through the following rubric:


Extraordinary Above average Below average

Criteria Average 3
5 4 2
Incorporates Local materials Materials used Materials used
materials from were were not from were not from
materials used
their locality incorporated the locality but their locality
and used it but not that were used and was not
effectively effective. effectively. used
The artwork The artwork The artwork The artwork is
Creativity and
includes unique includes some includes an idea finished but
ideas and unique ideas but lacks provides no
creative use of and creative use originality and evidence of
materials. of materials. may have creativity or
imitated originality.
another art.

The artwork The artwork The artwork is The artwork

shows the somehow not that related shows no
landmark/the shows the with the connection to
artist’s style in landmark/the landmark/the the
making a craft. artist’s style in artist’s style in landmark/the
making a craft. making a craft artist’s style in
making a craft
The artwork The artwork The artwork is The artwork is
displays a captures the finished but unfinished.
creative use of viewer’s lacks visual
colors that adds attention but appeal and
to the overall has limited use organization.
quality of the of color.
Assignment Let the learners prepare the following materials for the next meeting:
✔ Used illustration or any hard paper materials.
✔ Coffee or any plant pigment
✔ Brush or any painting applicator.

Prepared by: Corrected by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Secondary School Principal VII

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