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The Land Mollusca of Nissan Solomon Islands: Paludinella Solomonensis N. SP

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Nissan Island Mollusca - DELL 325

TABLE 1 forest Roor on Nissan. It appears to be dis-

SHELL DATA OF Paludinella solomonensis n. sp. tributed throughout most of the Solomon
(Measurements in Millimeters)
Islands. It has also been recorded from the
Bismarck Archipelago by Rensch (1937: 620).

Height ............... . 2.36 2.77 Paludinella solomonensis n. sp.

Diameter ............. . 1.36 1.91
Height of Body Whorl . .
Fig. Id
1.91 2.08
Height of Aperture ..... 1.36 1.41
Shell small, 2.3 to 2.7 mm. long, globose,
light brown in colour, smooth and semi-
The Land Mollusca of Nissan IsI~nd, Solomon Islands
translucent. Protoconch of one and a . half
very well with P. keraudreni Vignard, the type smooth shining whorls. Post nuclear whorls
R. K. DELLI species of the genus. This species occurs also with very fine microscopic spirals on early
in New Guinea (type locality), New Britain, whorls, becoming obsolete over adult whorl
considers that Lesson's name was preoccupied and throughout the Solomons to Santl Anna surfaces. Number of whorls five and a half.
by that of Draparnaud. He therefore uses in the southeast. Clench (1949: 33) notes that Outline of whorls rather broadly rounded.
mon Islands the writer spent several months
nitidum of Sowerby for this series. Jutting P. solomonensis Smith is very close to P. kerau- Body whorl slightly subangled below the
in 1944 on Nissan Island (Green, or Sir .
has apparently considered that the two names dreni. The differences given by Clench, larger middle. Sculpture consistin,g of irregular axial
Charles Hardy, Island) in the northern Solo-
apply to the same species and that there is size and dark coloration, do not appear very growth lines with traces offine spirals on the
mons. A large collection of Mollusca was
therefore no need to alter the name. The valid differences and probably only one form base. Suture slightly impressed. Aperture ob-
made and the present work is based on the
writer has been unable to see Draparnaud's is represented. liquely ovate, constricted above. Outer lip
land Mollusca obtained. The geographical
position of Nissan on the island arc between work, therefore, Jutting's usage will be thin, sharp. Parietal wall gently concave.
followed. Sturanya modesta (Pfeiffer, 1853) Columella short, rounded. There is a well-
the Solomons and New Ireland makes the
fauna of some interest in a consideration of The group of forms around vitreum and This was the only. member of the Heli- marked constriction of the aperture edge at
the origin of the Solomon Island fauna. nitidum are widely distributed in the Austro- cinidae collected on Nissan. It was common junction of parietal wall and columella. Um-
Malayan area. Bartsch (1918) differentiated throughout the island on low vegetation. bilicus completely obscured by thickened
LIST OF THE SPECIES , columella. Shell measurements are given in
sixteen subspecies from the Philippines and Rensch and Rensch (1936: 683) record it
Leptopoma vitreum (Draparnaud, 1801) . Iredale (1941) indicates two subspecies from from Shortland Island, New Georgia, Gua- Table 1.
Pupina keraudreni Vignard, 1829. New Guinea. Populations from various local- dalcanal in the Solomons, the New Hebrides Locality: Near lagoon shore, Tangalan Planta-
Sturanya modesta (Pfeiffer, 1853). ities in New Britain and the Solomons do (type locality), and Samoa. tion, Nissan Island. R. K. Dell, 1944.
Pseudocyclotus levis levis (Pfeiffer, 1853). show proportional differences but insufficient Holotype (M. F. 2509) and paratype (M. F.
Omphalotropis nebulosa Pease, 1872. material is available to determine whether . Pseudocyclotus levis levis (Pfeiffer, 1855) 2510) in Dominion Museum, Wellington,
Paludinella solomonensis n. sp. these apparent geographical differences are New Zealand.
This species occurred not uncommonly on
Syncera nitida guamensis Abbott, 1945. constant. This appears to be the first record of the
This species occurred rather commonly on Nissan on leaves of living vegetation. It oc-
Orpiella (Owaraha) nissani n. sp. genus from the Solomons. The outline char-
Nissan Island, living on the leaves of low curs through the Solomons from the north to
Eustomopsis eustoma (Pfeiffer, 1856). acterizes the species.
shrubs. The shell dimensions of three spec- Santa Anna in the southeast; Rensch (1937:
Papuina (Pinnadena) periwonensis n. sp.
616) also records it from New Ireland.
Gyropena nissani n. sp. imens are:
Syncera nitida guamensis Abbott, 1949
Partula c.f. carteriensis (Q. and G., 1832). Height Diameter
Omphalotropis nebulosa Pease, 1872 Fig. Ih
Opeas gracile (Hutton, 1834). (mm.) (mm.)
12.3 12.1 Smith (1855: 597) has shown that nebulosa A series of shells from near the lagoon
Leptopoma vitreum (Draparnaud, 1801) 10.6 10.0 Pease should be used for the Solomon Island shore, Tangalan Plantation, Nissan Island,
10.0 10.4 shells instead of bulimoides H. & ]., which cannot be separated from the above sub-
Jutting (1948: 566) cites vitreum as of Dra-
parnaud, 1801, (Tab!. Moll. France). Iredale refers to a species from the Caroline Islands. species from the Marianas. The umbilicus is
(1941) cites vitreum as of Lesson, 1830, and Pupina keraudreni Vignard, 1829 Rensch and Rensch (1931: 684) have fol- totally closed in all the specimens seen. Half-
A series from rotten logs near the lowed this usage. This species was commonly grown specimens have a low spiral carina on
Dominion Museum, Wellington, New Zealand.
at Tangalan Plantation, Nissan Island, distributed under · logs and leaves on the the base. Abbott's figure (1949, fig. 8) of
Manuscript received November 9, 1954.

PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. IX, ]Ply, 1955 Nissan Island Mollusca ~ DELL 327
weaker strength. This sculpture persists across from fine growth wrinkles. Upper whorls with
the spire whorls, with irregular axial growth fine irregular incised spirals which are re-
wrinkles becoming more apparent. On the tained on lower whorls on a narrow band
base the fine spirals become somewhat irregu- below the suture. Penultimate and body whorl
lar but are stronger, and the microscopic above the peripheral keel sculptured with
axials become obsolete. Spire somewhat ele- irregular closely spaced oblique wrinkles.
vated. Suture rather impressed. Aperture sub- Base of body whorl with raised wrinkles, with
b lunate, slightly oblique. Outer lip simple. irregular raised spirals running through them.
e Columella obliquely descending, slightly Body whorl divided about the middle with a
thickened and reflexed, ah1;1ost covering the strong raised keel. Aperture oblique, ex-
umbilicus. Umbilicus very narrow, deep, al- panded, thickened. Outer lip angled slightly
most covered by the reflected columella. by the keel, bearing up to' three low broad
Maximum diameter, 3.04mm.; height, 2.32 teeth above the angulation. Outer lip ad-
mm.; height of spire 1.0 mm. (Holotype). vanced, columella retracted. No sign of per-
Dimensions of three paratypes, maximum foration. Colour yellowish cream with broad
diameter 2.64, 3.0, 2.64 mm.; height, 1.91, irregular, brown, axially disposed, zigzag
2.36, 1.86 mm.; height of spire 0.73, 1.19, markings on the spire whorls, becoming
0.82 mm., respectively. rather oblique on the body whorl. Outer lip,
Holotype (M. F. 2511) and two paratypes columella and edge of ~el white. See Table
g (M. F. 2512) in Dominion Museum, Welling- 2 for shell measurements. Locality: On veg-
ron, New Zealand. Another paratype in Ber- etation near Periwon Village, Nissan Island,
FIG. 1. a-c, Frontal, basal, and apic;tl aspects of the shell of Orpiella (Owaraha) nissani n. sp. (holotype, 3.04 nice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. northern Solomons, R. K. Dell, May, 1944;
X 2.32 mm.). d, The shell of Paludinella solomonensis n. sp. (holotype, 2.36 X 1.36 mm.). e-g, Apical, basal, and
frontal aspects of the shell of Gyropena nissani n. sp. (holotype, 2.04 X 0.92 mm.). h, The shell of Syncera nitida Locality: Tangalan Plantation, Nissan Is- generally distributed in the area near Tan-
guamensis Abbott (Nissan Island, 3.18 X 1.86 mm.). land, Solomon Islands, under logs. R. K. galan Plantation.
Dell, -6-1944 .. Holotype (M. F. 2507) and four paratypes
Smith from the Solomon Islands, and this (M. F. 2508) in the Dominion Museum.
guamensis shows a wider shell than the Nissan There is some variation in regard to height-
specimens but his measurements'indicate that name probably is available for all the Solomon Eustomopsis eustoma Pfeiffer 1856
width ratios and the brown colour markings
both forms have almost identical proportions. Isla.nd species, previously assigned to Fretum, A single shell was obtained from Nissan. are less obvious in some examples. Pilsbry
Since later work may show that the Solomon Kalendyma, and Nanina. Rensch and Rensch It has the raised spire of erinaceus Pfr. but
Island form is separable, a specimen from (1936) has used Orpiella for compluviata (Cox), the whole question of the subspecific status TABLE 2
concava (Clapp), malaitaensis (Clapp), treasur- SHELL MEASUREMENTS OF Papuina (Pinnadera)
Nissan is figured and the dimensions of five of the Solomon Island forms needs review. periwonensis N. SP.
specimens are given below. yensis (Tryon),pamuaensis (Clapp), keppelli Present indications are that Eustomopsis eustoma (Measurements in Millimeters)
(Pfeiffer) and solidiuscula (Smith). erinaceus Pfr. may be a northern form extend-
HEIGHT OF HEIGHT OF A small species was obtained on Nissan
(mm.) (mm.) (mm.) (mm.) which does not agree with any other species eustoma Pfr. replacing it in the southern Solo- SPIRE
3.18 1.86 2.0 1.27 recorded from the Solomons. It is here de- mons. Only extensive series from numerous
2.73 1.59 1.77 1.13 scribed as new. In the absence of the animal Holotype .... 28.0 19.1 9.5
2.59 1.73 1.73 1.13 localities can decide the matter. It may well Paratype .... . 27.8 19.5 10.2
2.95 1.68 1.77 1.13 it may be tentatively assigned to Orpiella be a case of variability with no geographical Paratype ..... 26.3 19.5 10.7
2.95 1.73 1.86 1.13 (Owaraha). basis. Paratype ..... 27.4 18.5 10.1
Paratype .... . 25.2 19.0 9.2
Orpiella (Owaraha) nissani n. sp.
Genus ORPIELLA Gray, 1855 Papuina (Pinnadena) periwonensis n. sp.
Fig. la-c (1891) gave Marten's genus Papuina sub-
1855 Orpiella Gray, Pulm. Brit. Mus., p. 147. . Fig.2b-d
Shell small globose-turbinate, perforate, generic rank and used some 15 groups, for
Haplotype: Helix scorpio Gould. translucent, shiny brown. Whorls five and a Shell trochiform, periphery sharply angled, each of which he gave a short diagnosis. Later
Baker (1941: 239) gives a full synonymy half, narrowly increasing, periphery evenly imperforate. Whorls four and a half. Proto- workers have restored Papuina ro full generic
for this genus. He also proposes (p. 240) a rounded. Embryonic whorls sculptured with conch not clearly marked off from subsequent rank. Iredale (1941: 84) has proposed new
new section, Owaraha for Helix solidiuscula microscopic spirals crossed by axials of whorls. Apex domed, smooth at first apart generic names for 14 of these groups and has
328 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. IX, July, 1955 Nissan Island Mollusca - DELL 329
used Pilsbry's group diagnoses as generic are Endodonta (Charopa) solomonensis Clapp
diagnoses/without any very critical re"examin- from U gi, and Foxidonta stevensoni Clench from
ation of/specimens. Evaluation of these names Malaita. Foxidonta is a peculiarly turrete.d shell,
must await a complete revision of the species large for the family, and doubtfully bekmging
of Papuina. In the meantime, they may be to it. Charopa solomonensis Clapp seems very
used subgenerically. P. periwonensis seems best similar to the New Zealand species around
:ncluded in Pinnadena (Type Helix lombei C. anguiculus (Reeve). It has a smooth proto-
Pfeiffer). From the lombei series it may be conch.Jutting (1951: 28) has described Char-
distinguished by the very sharp keel on the opa (Discachoropa) microdiscus from Java and
periphery. South Celebes, with fine radial riblets on the
protoconch. The type of Discocharopa (D.
Gyropena nissani n. sp. exquisita Iredale) from the Kermadecs, has a
Fig. le-g smooth protoconch. It is not unusual for the
Shell small, discoidal, umbilicate. Whorls fine radials on the protoconch to be worn off
three and a half including a spirally striate leaving an apparently smooth protoconch and
protoconch of one and a half whorls. Sculp- solomonensis and microdiscus may both for the
ture on postembryonic whorls col;lsisting of present be classed under Discocharopa. The
fine raised radial riblets, about 85 on body formeris somewhat larger than the other spe-
whorl. Interstices with fine growth lines and cies ascribed to this genu~ and close exam-
fine spirals. Spire very slightly elevated. Peri- ination of actual specimens may well show
phery rounded. Suture impressed. Aperture other points of difference. Gyropena nissani n.
rather wide, sub-lunate, unarmed. Umbilicus sp. has a protoconch with well-marked spirals, FIG. 2. a, Shell of Partula (Melanesica) cf. carteriensis (Q. and G.) (Nissan Island, 17.8 X 9.8 mm.). b-d, Apical
deep, perspective, about one third the great- a very flattened spire, and an impressed su- basal, and frontal aspects of the shell of Papuina (Pinnadena) periwonensis n. sp. (holotype, 28.0 X 19.1 mm.).

est diameter. ture. In some respects it recalls the New Zea-

land charopid genus Mocella·. However, the Partula (Melanesica) d. carteriensis galan Plantation. This species is a tropical
Major diameter 2.04 mm.; height .92 mm.; general facies and the impressed suture agree (Q. and G., 1832) cosmopolite and has been recorded from
diameter of umbilicus 0.6 mm. ' with the description and figure of Iredale's Fig.2a many of the islands of the Solomon group.
Holotype (M. F. 2513) in Dominion Mu- Gyropenafrom Lord Howe Island.
A species of Partula was comparatively
The importance of these scattered charopids DISCUSSION
seum, New Zealand. common on the island living on vegetation.
from the Solomons and the Greater .Sunda The collection contains three specimens. Thirteen species of land snails are herein
Locality: Near Tangalan Plantation, Nissan
Islands is that they probably represent relics They are close to P. carteriensis (Q. and G.) recorded from this small island and it is
Island, northern Solomons, in forest litter,
on the migration route through which the as described and figured by Pilsbry (1909: highly probable that other forms will be col-
R. K. Dell, June, 1944.
charopid faunas of southern Australia, New 298, pI. 36, figs. 15, 16) and the geographical lected in the future. It is, however, unlikely
The only two members of the family Charo- Caledonia, Lord Howe, Norfolk, the Kerma- position of Nissan in relation to New Ireland that any large species were missed. The re-
pidae hitherto recorded from the Solomons decs, and New Zealand were derived. makes it very probable that they are closely lationships of th's fauna are, as might be
related if not identical. The spiral sculpture expected, with both the Bismarck Archipelago
TABLE 3 is very fine as described for P. carteriensis (Q. and with the other Solomon Islands. Four of
SHELL MEASUREMENTS OF Partula (Melanesica) carteriensis (Q. AND G.) and G.). Table 3 gives shell measurements of the species appear to be endemic to the island
(Measurements in Millimeters)
Pilsbry's specimens and three from Nissan. but for three of these (Orpiella nissani, Gyropena
The systematics of the group in the Solomon nissani and Paludin,ella solomonensis) this is
NUMBER HEIGHT OF WIDTH OF probably an. apparent, rather than a true en-
Islands is so uncertain that a figure is given
of a Nissan Island specimen. The tooth on the demism. So little is known of the molluscan
Nissan ........ ... .. . .. . .......... . 4Y2 17.8 9.8 9.0 5.6 par:etal lip is absent in the other specimens. fauna of the northern Solomons, especially
Nissan ......................... .. . 4Y2 17.5 8.9 9.0 6.2 the smaller forms, that little value can as yet
Nissan . .......... .......... . .. . ... 4Y2 17.3 9.3 9.2 6.2 . Opeas gracilis Hutton, 1854
P. carteriensis (fide Pilsbry) .. .. ... . .. .. 5 17.5 8 .5 9.0 6.0 come from such comparisons. It is more
P. carteriensis (fide Pilsbry) . . .......... 4Y2 16.0 8.7 8.7 6.0 A number of specimens were collected likely that Papuina periwonensis is truly en-
under rotten wood near the lagoon at Tan- demic although again it could quite easily
330 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. IX, July, 1955 Nissan Island Mollusca - DELL 331

occur also in northern Bougainville or Buka. coral atoll, some 15 miles in diameter. Most When the fauna of Nissan is considered in VISIOn of the Javanese operculate land-
of the surface of the island is covered by relationship to the zoogeography of the Solo- shells of the families Hydrocenidae, Heli-
Of the~ine non-endemic forms, one, Opeas dense forest apart from two quite considerable mon group, some very distinctive elements cinidae, Cyclophoridae, Pupinidae, and
gracile, is a cosmopolitan tropical form which patches of coconut plantations. Situated be- are seen to be missing. No species of Placo- Cochlostomatidae. Treubia 19: 539-604.
has probably attained its present wide distribu- tween Buka in the northern Solomons and stylus extends as far north, and such character- - -- 1951. On a new Charopa from Celebes
tion through the assistance of man. Five spe- New Ireland it is about 30 miles from Buka istic genera as Trochomorpha and Dendrotrochus (Charopa (Discocharopa) micro discus nov.
cies, Omphalotropis nebulosa, Leptopoma vitreum, and 70 miles from New Ireland. However, it are not represented. spec.). Basteria 15: 28-29.
Pseudocyclotus levis, Eustomopsis eustoma, and is more closely connected with New Ireland - -- 1952. Systematic studies on the non-
Pupina keraudreni, occur both in the Bismarck by the small island group of Feni, which is marine Mollusca of .the Indo-Australian
Archipelago and throughout the Solomons. about halfway between. Ocean depths be- REFERENCES
Archipelago III. Critical revision of the
Partula carteriensis is known elsewhere only tween Nissan and New Ireland are at least Javanese pulmonate land snails of the fam-
ABBOTT, R. T. 1949. New syncerid mollusks
from New Ireland. Syncera nitida guamensis over 2,000 fathoms, and it is most unlikely ilies Ellobiidae to Limacidae, with an ap-
from the Mariana Islands (Gastropoda,
occurs in the Carolines and Sturanya modesta that the two areas have been joined in the pendix on Helicarionidae. Treubia 21:
Prosobranchiata, Synceridae). Bernice P.
has a fairly wide distribution throughout the recent past by a fall in sea level. The land 291-435.
Bishop Mus., Occas. Papers 19 (15): 261-274.
Solomons and New Hebrides and has been Mollusca of Nissan (apart from the endemic PILSBRY, H. A. 1891. [Tryon, G. W., and H.
BAKER, H. B. 1941. Zonitid snails from Pac-
recorded from Samoa. The two best repre- species which may be older in origin) must, A. Pilsbry] Manual of conchology. Ser. 2,
ific Islands. [Parts 3 and 4.] Bernice P.
sented elements in the fauna therefore are therefore, have been derived by transoceanic vol. 7, 225 pp., 61 pIs. Academy of Natural
Bishop Mus., Bul. 166: 1-370, 23 pIs.
(a) the four endemic forms, and (b) the five migration. Very little is known of the methods Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia.
BARTSCH, P. 1918. A key to the subspecies
species that range from the Bismarck Archi- used for such transoceanic dispersal by land - - 1909-10. [Tryod'; G. W., and H. A.
of Leptopoma nitidum Sowerby of the Philip-
pelago to the southern Solomons. The latter snails although there has been a great deal Pilsbry] Manual ofconchology. Ser. 2, vol. 20,
pine Islands. Wash. A cad. Sci., Jour. 8:
group must consist of species that either have of conjecture, especially in the literature of
532-535. v + 336 pp., 43 pIs. Academy of Natural
been in the area for a long period of time or the latter part of the nineteenth century. What
CLENCH, W. J. 1941. The land Mollusca of Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia.
have efficient met40ds of dispersal. Since such does seem very apparent is that some land
the Solomon Islands (Succineidae, Buli- RENSCH, I. 1937. Systematische und tiergeo-
geographical variation as has been observed snails do cross ocean barriers. At least it is
mulidae and Partulidae). Amer. Mus. Novi- graphische Untersuchungen tiber die Land-
in members of the group in this area is very as logical to assume that they do, as to pos-
tates 1129: 1-21. schnecken-Fauna des Bismarck Archipel-
slight or incipient, it seems, most unlikely tulate a land bridge in the face of strong
- - - 1949. Cyclophoridae and Pupinidae ago. II. Arch. f Naturgesch. (N.F.) 6: 525-
that these forms have been long' established biological and geological evidence to the
of Caroline, Fijian and Samoan Islands. 644.
on Nissan or the other islands of the Solo- contrary. In an attempt to derive some ele-
Bernice P. Bishop Mus., Bul. 196: 1-52, RENSCH, I., and B. RENSCH. 1936. System-
mons. We have, then, the situation that the ments of the Solomon Island land snail fauna
28 figs. atische und tiergeogra,phische Studien tiber
two groups of species best represented on from the Bismarck Archipelago, the strait be-
IREDALE, T. 1941. A basic list of the land die Landschnecken der Solomonen II. Rev.
Nissan consist of one that has been present tween New Ireland and Nissan presents the Mollusca of Papua. Austral. Zool. 10: Suisse de Zool.43: 653-695.
for a sufficiently long period to acquire strong first and probably the widest oceanic barrier.
51-94. SMITH, E. A. 1885. On a collection of shells
differentiating characters and another that has The land snails present on Nissan show that
JUTTING, W. G. S. VAN B. 1948. Systematic (chiefly land and freshwater) from the
become widely spread in the Solomons and some species have crossed this gap compar- studies on the non-marine Mollusca of the Solomon Islands. Zool. Soc. London, Proc.
colonized Nissan en route. That this move- atively recently and that presumably they
Indo-Australian Archipelago I. Critical re- 1885: 588-609.
ment has probably been mainly from the could also spread further south.
northwest to the southeast is shown by the
wide distribution of such forms as Leptopoma, These remarks would apply to the Eusto-
Pseudocyclotus and chloritid mollusks in the mopsis, Omphalotropis, Leptopoma, Pseudocyclotus
Austro-Malayan region. and Pupina. Partula carteriensis has apparently
The waifs and strays of the Nissan fauna crossed the strait but has not, so far as is
are such as one would expect in an oceanic known, extended its range further south.
island, and three of these, Paludinella, Syncera Three of these forms, Leptopoma, Pseudocy-
and Opeas, are forms that appear to be con- clotus and Partula are arboreal in habit while
fined to coastal areas. the other three are terrestrial, so there' is ap-
parently no advantage in motility as regards
Nissan is an elevated and probably tilted type of habitat.

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