Globalization: 2. Liberalism
Globalization: 2. Liberalism
Globalization: 2. Liberalism
- Increased movement of people, - Malayang pakikipagkalakalan
knowledge & ideas, and goods & money - No government is regulating
across national borders that led to - Individuals decide what to produce,
increased interconnectedness; how goods shall be distributed,
- Interaction, integration, interconnected and by what means production &
- Started after WW1 distribution shall be carried on
- One of the critical steps in the path of 2.1 : Neoliberalism
Globalization is the North American Free - Liberating individual entrepreneurial
Trade Agreement signed on 1993 freedoms and skills through Privatization
- Privatization : transferring of a property
FACETS (Theories): from public sector to a private sector;
1. Economic (World System) increases capitalism.
- Wallerstein Theory
- Expansion of capitalist system 3. Marxism
- Core Country - Semi-periphery - Karl Marx
Country - Periphery Country - Communism
2. Political (World Polity) - Communism : government runs
- Norms and culture everything and makes all decisions
- Facilitates through international - Bourgeoisie : the upper class;
standards and policies Proletariat : working for daily
- The interactions happening inside income
the world system theory
3. Socio-cultural (World Culture) INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM:
- Compresses the world into a single - aka International Monetary and Financial
entity System & International Financial System
- Set of internationally agreed rules,
Possible Questions: conventions, and supporting institutions
a. Listening and Subscribing to Spotify that facilitate international trade, cross
- E & SC border investment, and allocation of
b. European Union capital between nations.
- P
- P a. Exchange arrangements and exchange
d. Watching K-dramas rates
- SC b. International payments and transfers
e. Putting tariffs c. International capital movements
- E d. International reserves
GLOBAL ECONOMY: 1. Bimetallism (before 1875)
- Gold and silver
World Economy - economic activity within each 2. Classical Gold Standard (1875-1914)
country between countries around the world - Gold is the medium of exchange
3. Interwar Period (1915-1944)
4. Breton Wood’s System (1945-1972)
1. Mercantilism - Gold = 35 USD
- To pay for military power and state - USD is the global currency
security - Renminbi is the reserve Currency
- Protectionism: paglalagay ng (china’s currency)
taripa/taxes on imports 5. Flexible Exchange Rate System (1973 -
- Growth Domestic Product : tracks - Lends money to members having financial
the health of a nation’s economy. obligations; for emergency crisis
- International Trade : exchange of
goods & services between MARKET INTEGRATION:
countries. - Markets of goods and services are
- Global Debt : government somehow related to one another
borrowings, hence interest rates - Attempts to combine separate national
are being put up so high to economies into large economic regions
discourage too much loans.
- Deficit Spending : intentional FORMS OF INTEGRATION:
excess spending to stimulate 1. Preferential Agreement
economy - Lower trade barriers among
- Foreign Direct Investment : countries w/c signed the
investment made by a firm or agreement; first & smallest step on
individual in one country into further integration.
business interests located in 2. Free Trade Agreement
another country - Reduces trade barriers to zero, but
each member country still has the
FINANCING: autonomy in deciding the external
A. Concessional Financing rate or tariff
- Grants or subsidized loans 3. Custom Union
B. Non-concessional Financing - Agree to a common external tariff.
- Loans that carry market or 4. Common Market
near-market terms - Free movement of labor and
4 KINDS OF ASSISTANCE: 5. Economic Union
1. Official - Highest form of economic
2. Private Voluntary integration
3. Bilateral
4. Multilateral
- Markets aggregate demand and supply
TYPES OF MONEY: across actors distributed in space
2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) GLOBAL NORTH: The G8 (US, Japan, Russia,
- 1949 Italy, UK, Germany, France, Canada), Western
- To provide collective defense Europe, Developed parts of Asia, Australia, and
against Soviet Union threat. New Zealand; Rich, industrialized, wealthy
nations; democratic; capitalist
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
Partnership for Peace GLOBAL SOUTH: Africa, Latin America, &
- Designed to prepare states for joint Developing Asia including Middle East;
peacekeeping operations in the developing nations; non-democratic
- State is a territory w/ its own institutions &
population; Nation is a group of people MEMBERS OF ASEAN:
sharing the same history; Country is the 1. Brunei
same with them 2. Thailand
WORLD WAR 1 (1914-1918) 3. Myanmar
4. Laos
1. Central Powers: 5. Indonesia
a. Germany 6. Malaysia
b. Austro-Hungarian Empire 7. Philippines
c. Ottoman Empire 8. Cambodia
d. Bulgaria 9. Singapore
10. Vietnam
2. Allied Powers:
a. Great Britain MEMBERS OF EU:
b. France 1. Austria
c. Russian Empire 2. Belgium
3. Bulgaria
Treaty of Versailles 4. Croatia
- Was signed on June 28, 1919 5. Cyprus
- Sinabi na Germany ang magdadala ng 6. Czech Republic
lahat ng burden and magbabayad sa lahat 7. Denmark
ng damages ng digmaang naganap 8. Estonia
9. Finland
11. Germany
WORLD WAR 2 (1939-1945) 12. Greece
13. Hungary
1. Axis Powers: 14. Ireland
a. Nazi Germany (Hitler) 15. Italy
b. Fascist Italy 16. Latvia
c. Imperial Japan 17. Lithuania
18. Luxembourg
2. Allied Powers: 19. Malta
a. France 20. Netherlands
b. US (sumali officially matapos 21. Poland
bombahin ng Japan ang pearl 22. Portugal
harbor) 23. Romania
c. Soviet Union 24. Slovakia
d. UK 25. Slovenia
e. China (sumali dahil malaki ang 26. Spain
galit sa Japan) 27. Sweden
28. UK (umalis din subsequently dahil neutral
Nagsimula because of Hitler, dahil hindi sila lang daw)
sang-ayon sa naging kasunduan sa pinirmahang
Treaty if Versailles.
- US vs Soviet Union (1955-1977) ; against communism
- Labanan ng innovations 1. Australia
2. France 23. Portugal
3. New Zealand 24. Romania
4. Pakistan 25. Slovakia
5. Philippines 26. Slovenia
6. Thailand 27. Spain
7. UK 28. Turkey
8. US 29. UK
30. US
1. Canada
2. France
3. Germany
4. Italy
5. Japan
6. UK
7. US
8. Russia (2013 when the other members
imposed removal for russia after they
invaded Crimea; 2017 when Russia
announced permanent withdrawal; hence,
they are only G7 now)