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Ocarina of Time DND

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Ocarina of time is a homebrew campaign based around the Legend of Zelda campaign. Over
the course of the adventure you will start at 1st level and end at 10th level. Leveling up at the
end of a dungeon. There are a few stretches in between dungeons that if you feel inclined to
reward the player's I had given player's Boons or Feats to make them feel like they
accomplished something and that their player's felt like they were getting stronger. Ocarina of
Time is set in the fictional kingdom of Hyrule, the setting of most Legend of Zelda games, and
takes place before most other games in the series. Hyrule Field serves as the central hub
connected to several outlying areas with diverse topography and the races of Hyrule. You do
not need to be an expert on Zelda lore a detailed explanation of the settlements and areas will
be there to aid you and we will also be following along with the game Ocarina of Time and
converting the world into a playable DnD campaign. Although this campaign is based on OoT it
is a good idea to pull out tricks to keep the game fresh so that player's who are familiar with
OoT don’t get complacent or assume they know what's coming next. You are the DM, think of
this as more of a love letter to OoT and not a mirror image. If you want some key lines of
Dialogue throughout the story i found this wonderful wiki

In addition, there have been countless rules, creatures and puzzles that I have snagged from
other games. I will be sure to link the sources I found and convert them into the game as best I
can. But please note that not all ideas are my original content and I thank all those who have
made them available.

About Me
I have been a LoZ fan since the SNES played and beaten nearly every LoZ Game. I love the
lore and the world. I have been DMing for about 3 years at the writing of this guide. I decided to
build this campaign after finding a Legend of Zelda monster manual by /u/gowronatemybaby7
on Reddit. Attached will be links to DnD Beyond and other wikis and sources I found. I want to
special thank all those who laid out the groundwork to make this campaign work, I am simply
just putting it in an easy to read document and modifying things accordingly.

I am by no means a professional writer. There will be lots of grammar mistakes but I will revise
things as much as I can to limit this. I have several notes about how I ran the encounters and
what worked for me. This is to be used as a guideline and I encourage others to tell me how
things worked for them. I would love to hear any feedback and you can reach me at

Rules to play by
As the Dungeon Master, you are the final authority when it comes to rules questions or disputes
during the game. Here are some guidelines to help you arbitrate issues as they come up.
When in doubt, make it up! It’s better to keep the game moving than to get bogged down in the
Be consistent. If you decide that a rule works a certain way in one session, make sure it works
that way the next time it comes into play.
Make sure everyone is involved. Ensure every character has a chance to shine. If some players
are reluctant to speak up, remember to ask them what their characters are doing.
Be fair. Use your powers as Dungeon Master only for good. Treat the rules and the players in a
fair and impartial manner.
Pay attention. Make sure you look around the table occasionally to see if the game is going
well. If everyone seems to be having fun, relax and keep going. If the fun is waning, it might be
time for a break, or you can try to liven things up.
Flying. Discuss the option of flying before the game starts. Flying will make the puzzles in a
dungeon significantly easier. Combat also becomes a breeze. I implemented a rule that flying
races couldn't fly inside of Dungeons due to dark magic. It is something to note that flying does
change the tone and difficulty of the game quite a bit.

Loot Rules
DM Discretion but attached is a document with all the items that will be found across the game.
There will be several puzzles that will require items but they are not necessary to advance with
creative problem solving from the player's. My first personal playthrough I used a scarce gold
system that was later changed. Player's want to feel rewarded. It's your job as the DM to
balance the economy.

Death Rules
An optional rule, but In the event of a player dying their body can be brought to a Great Fairy,
located around the world. In the event of a TPK the game is over and new heroes summoned by
the Gods will have to pick up where the quest left off. Those previous adventurers are dead but
the group can make their way to find the player's Corpses and loot again. However any buffs
that were granted to specific player's will have been lost. Only items can be found and
recovered again. If a player dies and the body is unrecoverable, then that player will have to roll
a new character and treat it as being summoned by the Gods to find and aid the party again. A
player may only be dead for no more than 24 hours. Or their soul is forever lost.

Navi - Navi acts as a follower NPC for the party, she is to keep the party on track with their
goals, and can even be used in combat to exploit a weakness of creatures.
Character Sheet:
Homebrew Vs Player's Handbook
Attached is a document found and tested thanks to another Zelda fan Amethyst Valkyrie and
Toloran. This Companion guide really set up the footwork to run the campaign and I feel like
each race/class is very balanced and fits the Legend of Zelda lore. However there are simple
changes if you are more of a Play by the book player. See the below link for the Companion

The Monsters Stat blocks will also be listed here.

Play by the book

Some player's might really like this campaign design but aren't crazy about all the homebrew.
That's ok just follow this simple guide and replace things as needed in your game.

Kokiri = Halfling
Goron = Dwarf
Zora = Triton
Hylian = Human (If you want to make them elves or half-elves your call but they don't have
darkvision in games so i’m saying human)
Rito = Aracockra
Twili = Drow

Story Overview
Ocarina of time will star chosen Heroes of the Goddess brought to each other by fate. Possibly
Strangers are summoned to the Kokiri Forest by the Goddesses, taken from their beds.
Overtime they will meet the Great Deku Tree who sets them out on this adventure. His dying
wish is to take the Kokiri Emerald and slay the evil that is coming to the land of Hyrule, his dying
breath he calls out the party telling them to seek out other Heroes and the young princess of
Hyrule Zelda. For she has seen visions of what is to come. After the meeting and collecting 3
precious gems of Hyrule only then will the party have the means to destroy the evil in Hyrule…
or so they think.

Adventure Hook

The sky is dark and foggy, rain pouring all around you… and only you. You are grabbed by
strange creatures but you manage to fight them off. Soon after, You see a cloaked man, walking
in the desert with only flames and destruction following in his wake. You see 6 gems floating
around him all glowing different colors. His hand glowing from a triangle the top part glows while
the other 2 parts are faint. You close your eyes briefly like it's some bad dream and when you
open them eyes you see him staring directly in front of your face. You reach for your blade but
it's too late. The man reaches out and grabs you by the throat lifts you up “Your power will soon
be mine”

You awake from the nightmare near the entrance of a Kokiri Forest, a golden symbol glowing
beneath your feet, you look around and in front of you are others just awakening from what it
seems like a dream. As you stand up you notice that the symbol beneath you stops glowing and
slowly fades away. A uniformed female voice echoes in your head. “Chosen Champions, your
world needs you. Seek out the gems you’ve seen.” You see a fairy being chased towards you
by two large creatures. Not knowing who the others around you are but you witness “X” Savage
Wolfos chasing the fairy you roll for initiative.

Part 1: Ambush
● After the dream the party awakens all next to each other. Not really knowing each other
or how they awoken in this field. They will see a panicked fairy being pursued by the
Wolfos. The Fairy will hide behind a player and beg them to save her, as the Wolfos
begin to approach, assuming confusion hits the Pcs before they get a chance to really
introduce themselves, throw them into combat and have them roll initiative. For this
encounter I had 3 Wolfos against 6 lvl 1 Pcs. When the first Wolfos is slain describe A
black ooze leaking from its spine like some kind of tumor.
● The party dispatches the Wolfos and Navi is impressed by their strength. “You must be
the ones” Navi will do what she can to answer the player's questions. But she is unsure,
“I have been sent here by the Deku Tree to greet our new champions, follow me and all
your questions can be answered” it will take some time for the party to get to the tree so
you can use this time to have the Pcs introduce themselves as Navi blindly trusts them.

Kokiri Forest
● You can describe the green luscious forests and tree houses that the Kokiri have made
their home, describe the Kokiri as small children running around while others are
working hard doing tasks such as fetching water and working at a forge. (But only
daggers and wooden shields) The Small village is hard at work.

Places of Note:

Kokiri Shop
The Shop is run by two kokiri children, Baird and Nobyle. Baird loves to negotiate and Nobyle
has no time for that kind of shenanigans. I like to alternate who is in the shop at different times.
But it's important to have them both in the shop the first time to give players a hint on them.
Item Cost Amount

Deku Nut 20gp 5 Nuts

Wooden Shield 10gp

Potion of Healing (Common) 20gp 1

Basic Gear (Weapons) PHB

+1 Ammo Slingshot 30gp 20 bullets.

Lost Lost Woods

The Lost Woods is a maze-like area of a confusing forest. Its layout is usually designed to make
anyone who enters to become irreversibly lost, and the only way to exit the forest is by
navigating it in specific directions. It is said that if people wander in the forest for too long, they
can turn into a monster such as a Skull Kid, a Stalfos , or a Deku Scrub. Villagers will warn the
party about venturing into the woods. And only a few people such as Sariah and Mido know the
way through to an Ancient Temple.

Part 2: The Tree

● Navi will bring the adventurers towards the Deku Grotto and a Kokiri named Mido has
rudely blocked off the entrance towards the sanctuary Refusing to let any “Wannabees''
pass. He will ask for proof that they are chosen in feats of Speed, Strength and
Intelligence. Or the player can simply bully him out of the picture. He's not very strong
using standard townsfolk stats. But if the players decide to prove themselves he will offer
them a satchel of Gold (50gp) as a good startup. If playing on the tabletop you may also
give a Map which is a full visual of the dungeon if you are using a combat grid. Be
creative, this is your game!
○ Creating your own puzzles. Creating a puzzle can be challenging but also very
fun.This guide is very loose and some things will work better online or at the
table. The puzzles I will be using in this guide have been tested online using but feel free to Design your own. Player's may use things such as
bardic inspiration or guidance to aid the player's although this may be considered
cheating in Midos eyes.
■ Test of Strength. Mido sees himself as a tough guy who will challenge
the party to a rock throwing test. Seeing how far you can throw a rock
across a field in a best ⅔ match. Mido Strength Mod is 0. So roll a straight
D20 and let the contest begin.
■ Test of Speed. Mido may be small but he is Nimble. A +4 to his athletics
and Acrobatics and a running speed of 25. He will attempt to race one of
the players while jumping over obstacles. The course is set up as 150 ft
with a jump every 50ft. DC10 to clear it otherwise fall Prone. The player
must make it to the end before Mido.
■ Test of Knowledge. Riddles are either fun or frustrating for the player's.
One tip that i like to do is that if a PC has a base INT score of 16+ i will
give them and only them a hint on the answer for the riddle. The essence
is that even knowing the Player doesn't know the answer the PC may be
smart enough to know the answer. A simple riddle below is found but feel
free to make up your own.Plenty of good easy riddles in this link.

I have rivers without water,

Forests without trees,
Mountains without rocks
Towns without houses.
Answer: A Map

● Now that the heroes have bullied/proven themselves to Mido they can reach out to the
Sanctuary of the Great Deku Tree.
● They will notice a green haired Kokiri girl. She will introduce herself as Saria. And that
she has been tending to the tree while it's been sick. She will guide the player's to the
Deku Tree.

Roleplaying The Great Deku Tree

● The Great Deku Tree is a wise leader of the Koroks. He speaks slowly and chooses his
words carefully. He will tell the party that he prayed to the Goddesses for a Divine
intervention after a cloaked Wizard came to him. He demanded that he offer the
Spiritual Stone of the Forest. An artifact that allows the Forest to flourish. Once he
refused. The man cursed the tree and since then the forest and its creatures started to
become ill. “There is no hope for me, I will die but can be reborn. Bring me a Seed deep
inside of my roots, so that I can be reborn.” Once the PCs accept his request the tree will
open his mouth and grant access to his Hollow interior for the group to recover a Seed.
● Saria will have to stay back and get things prepared for the ritual so that the Deku tree
will be replanted and reborn.
The Dungeon
Estimated completion: 3 hours
The Pcs walk into the tree amazed by the interior and hollowness of this tree. The player's will
instantly see countless webbings of spiders inside the tree. The floors in the center are sticky.
And heavily webbed but player's may be able to see the dark pit that the webbing is covering.
The rest of the floor is made of wood. The area will be dark so those without darkvision will be at
a disadvantage.
Find out the Parties passive Perception scores before the walk in. It is important for the first
1. Main Chambers
As the player's enter the room, have a number of Skulltulas roll for Stealth if any roll
below a player's passive perception lets them know about the creature spotted. The
Skulltulas will look for players who are straying from the group or once the player's
come close to a heavy webbed area leading towards a more open part of the dungeon.
The creatures will begin to emerge attempting to corner the players against the web.
Skulltulas will emerge from the walls above the player's X will crawl from the webbing in
the center.

Describe the area that you see Skulltulas coming from the center with the webbing and
have them roll initiative.
a. After defeating them, the PCs can explore the area and in a flower patch they will
find 2 Fairies.
b. There is an unlit torch that can be used to burn away the webbing on the sides. If
the player's burn the webbing in the center They will empty spider eggs along
with a small cache of goodies. I don't recommend giving any items just yet but
gold and trinkets can be a nice reward.
2. Deku Room
The player's will walk into a heavily forested room and hear rustling in the bushes. a
Deku Scrub will shoot out large seeds towards the player closest to it in the center.
(Missing, but roll the dice behind the screen so that player's get scared)
The PCs can engage in combat and try to kill the scrub or attempt to capture it
and get information from it. When the scrub hits 0 hp it will run in a circle and
attempt to hide from the Pcs. if a player can find it in the brush within a few
moments they can try and grapple it to interrogate it
a. What the Scrub knows.
i. He is protecting the queen Gohma who threatens to eat him if he does
not obey her commands. The scrub alive in the tree must knock out
intruders and bring them to her spiderlings so they may eat.
ii. He will play along with the party if they try to switch him to their side, but
he is a fanatic and will betray them at his first chance.
iii. His brothers are very loyal to the queen and have a unique fighting
technique that allows them to only be beaten in a special order.
iv. The Special order is 2,3,1. 23 is #1!
b. Shield Ricochet - The player's set up a shield and try to provoke the Scrub to
attack so they can bounce the nut off the shield. (much like in the original OoT) I
loved this and encouraged it.
i. The PCs AC had to beat the attack and then I had them roll a DEX check.
DC10 for a random direction 1d4 DC 15+ to bounce it back at him for an
Instant KO.
3. River Room:
Describing the Room:
The room is about 15ft wide 60 ft long, with about 30ft dipping down into a waterway.
The pool is about 30ft deep and filled when the party enters the room. The large walls
reach towards the ceiling. The walls have spikes on the side of them and are connected
by two swinging spiked logs colliding back and forth between the walls with some vines.
A platform with a chest lies across the way about 5ft above the water level.
a. Goals
i. Explore the water, inside they will find a switch that will raise/lower the
water level to the above platform. A wooden raft will be placed in the
room that a player can stand on in order to claim the chest. The lever will
drop the water level about 20ft allowing them to move a raft across the
water without skidding across spiked logs.
ii. Once a member has brought the raft across the room and passed the
spiked logs, another party member will have to raise the water level again
so someone can claim the chess.
b. Player's can use their own creative solutions. It is impossible to know what
players will come up with on their own using their character sheets.

Once the player's have conquered the room they will be rewarded with a Bag of Holding.

4. Egg Hatchery
The player's will start heading down a stairwell encarved in the Great Deku tree and find
themselves in a large wet and muggy room, 10x10 log platforms interlocked with thin slippery
roots tangled at the far end of the room lies another Treasure chest player's can see the water
flowing downwards leading to a large waterfall dropping down into the roots of the Deku Tree.
encountering the first Mini Boss, a Giant Spider (or maybe two). To make this fight a bit more
intense the spider will start on the wall and shoot a Web at its closest target first to engage.
Start the encounter with an even starting at 0 initiative Where eggs will drop every round filled
with 2d4 Gohma Larva. The Large spider will attempt to keep its distance using the platforms
and ceiling to its advantage. Webbing all around the chambers so it can easily climb the ceiling.
Across the room is a Treasure Chest holding the Fairies Slingshot. If the Party grabs the
slingshot, keep the battle a Range fight allowing the Giant Spider to consistently use its web
(ignoring recharge) allowing the Gohma Larva to attack the intruders.
Once defeated the only way left to go is down the waterfall into a giant pool below.
5. Deku Brothers
Once the player's make their way down they will find a large open area with much shrubbery
behind the brush that leads into a large webbed cavern. Guarding that path is 3 Deku Scrub
If the player's successfully intimidated the Deku Scrub in section 1, to give up his brother's
strategy the player's know that the scrubs must be defeated in a special order. The order is
2/3/1 Place them positioned in an order and have them run around the room to try and confuse
the party then roll for initiative. If the scrubs are attacked out of the given order when they hit 0
they immediately burrow themselves and won't come out until their next turn then regaining 1
HP. Try to keep track of which scrub is which number

Once the Scrubs are defeated the bushes leading deeper inside of the tree will start to open.
The player's will have to move across sticky webbed terrain (Or burn it like my player's did) to
get down to the hall. Describe the area littered with bodies allowing players to loot some for their
hard work. Describe the bodies and the abandoned crates of goods. Have a Fairy or 2 hiding
among the bodies and crates. They are about to fight their first real boss Monster.

6. Boss Fight: Queen Gohma

DM Notes: This creature can be brutal towards a 1st level party so you will need to adjust things
accordingly. I have done a few different encounters where she brought a couple party members
down and they barely beat her. I have since modified the Gohma Larva to make their damage
much more manageable. The last party of 5 level 1s managed to beat her down at a good rate
while feeling the pressure on the boss.

Battle Field:
The whole field is covered in webbing making it rough terrain. The party can attempt to burn
through the webbing to allow them to move much more freely. I have several pillars that Queen
Gohma can run up and climb on. Or hide behind.

Playing the Queen:

This boss fight is a mix of managing small weak “Minion” creatures with 1 hp. While focusing on
the boss. When hit with a melee attack she will use one of her two reactions to spawn Larva into
the room. 2d4 is recommended with bigger groups of 4+ otherwise 1d4 is enough for 3. If struck
again she will disengage and let her babies do the work for her. Getting the room filled with
Larva can escalate a snowball effect and the party has to manage this.

Navi Hey Listen!

If the player's have not utilized Navi now is a good time for her to chime in for the player's. Allow
the player to use her ability so they know this isn't just, tank and spank.
Information to give can be things such as.
“The Boss will lay eggs when struck with melee attacks.”
“She is very responsive to her surroundings” (Has two Reactions per turn)
“Don't get caught in the webs, if only we could do something about them”
“Her children are weak but don’t let them swarm you”

Gohma Defeat
Now that the boss is defeated the roots start to reveal an area in the chamber leading to a small
grotto, several seeds being protected by the vines and thorns open to the player's. They only
need one and once it is recovered a blue portal opens out. On the other side the player's can
see The Great Deku Tree Sanctuary. The party will emerge as 2nd level characters.

GoodBye Tree
Upon arriving back in front of the tree the Great Deku Tree will be explaining everything to the
“A man named Ganondorf has threatened the peace of Hyrule for long enough. He was
responsible for the Hyrulian Civil war not long ago. And even though he swears fealty to the
King of Hyrule now, it is clear he has dark intentions. Ganondorf was responsible for this attack
on the forest. He wants to control Hyrule and claim the power of the triforce for himself.” The
Spiritual stones were given to us by the Goddesses and once they are brought together it will
allow anyone to access the sacred realm and gain power of the Triforce. This will grant the user
anything they desire. If that happens, the world is in danger. Seek out Princess Zelda, she is
the key to unlocking the sacred realm. Ganon has not yet shown his hand to the world and so
no action can be taken against him. Doing so may start another war against the Gerudo.
Sariah would have completed the ritual. She will recover the seed from the party and plant it
casting a small incantation. I do not have much longer. Sariah, please watch over the forest in
my absence. Help these Chosen Champions in any way possible.” The tree leaves will begin
the brown trunk turning Gray and he will pass away.

Saria gift.
Sariah will go over any lingering questions that the party may have. But the ultimate goal is to
get to Princess Zelda and recover the remaining two Spiritual Stones. I don’t have much but I
do have this. She will offer the player a Fairy Ocarina. “I have much to do, head to Hyrule
Castle, I will begin some preparations here. Meet back here once you have spoken with
Princess Zelda and we can form a plan together. More importantly, I can help teach you a few
songs but we will worry about that later.

Part 3: Hyrule
The party must head north towards Hyrule Castle. You can start rolling for random encounters if
you choose. Use Goblins and Hobgoblins (reflavor them as Moblins) for a daytime random
encounter. Set Up an ambush encounter during the day. Or Deal with Skeletons and Minotaur
Skeletons at night (Reflavor them as Stalfos or Stalchildren) Ideally i try to get one random
encounter out of this. Just to get the Pcs a bit extra Treasure before entering the Bazaar. Roll
on random loot tables but just be cautious not to go overboard.
Hyrule Bazaar
Surviving the night the player's will see a closing draw bridge in the distance signaling that
Hyrule is welcoming travelers. Inside the market the player's will see a lively bunch of NPCs
dancing, bargaining. Music is played throughout the city. The main market is separated from the

Point of Interest
Things of note in the bazaar
● A little girl named Malon is lost looking for her father Talon who was delivering milk to
the castle. The delivery is usually by the castle moat. Where the servants deliver goods.
The Guards will notice Malon if brought to the castle.
○ Malon is about 8, small with red hair and blue eyes. A pretty happy girl overall
who is standing over near the city center watching the entertainment. She is very
friendly and bit over trusting to strangers
■ My Pcs loved her and went out of their way to try and get her to the castle
to see her father.
○ Talon - Chubby man with a large Milk belly. Can be found sleeping near the
castle. He was delivering Milk to the castle and the guards knew him well.
● Bazaar

Item Cost Amount

Deku Nut 20gp 5

Hylian Shield 500gp

Potion of Healing 25gp 1

Potion of Greater Healing 100gp 1

+1 Armor 500gp+ Base price (PHB)

Masterwork Weapons 100gp + Base price (PHB)

Bombs 10gp 1
(only available after
recovering the bomb bag)

● Shooting Range for 5gp the player can test their skill. The player will roll 4d20 (one at a
time) then roll a 1d4, AC is 10 for the first 3 rounds. The final round is a jumping target
with AC15. I had members able to use anything they wanted. Bow/Sling/ even throwing
rocks and giving them an appropriate modifier for either. We had 2 Pcs come close to
passing. 1 failed miserably and another player won. If the Pcs win, the crowd gathered
around the range will be shocked and praise the Pcs.
○ Prizes
■ A Mod that Increases the damage dice from D4 to a D6 on a sling. Must
succeed on all 4d20 rolls (3) AC 10 (1) AC15. Each target has a total of
4hp to be destroyed.
■ Nat 20 will count as hitting two targets

● General Store Vendor

Check PHB for Adventuring Gear and costs.

● Happy Mask Store - Player's will learn about the Happy Mask Salesman and offer the
player's to earn extra income by delivering Masks to buyers. Will Reward each player
with gold, and will allow each player to keep a mask of their choice once all the masks
have been delivered. The masks may not be attuned by the party until each has been
The party can have the same mask but can only wear 1 mask at a time. Only Mask of
Truth is a unique mask. Each Mask delivered will reward 50gp
○ Keaton Mask - A Guard near Goron Trail in Kakariko Village - If borrowed a
player may attune to this mask and gain the following: Increase your AC by 1 but
have disadvantage on all Perception Checks.
○ Spooky Mask:- a young boy playing in the graveyard of kakiriko Village.If
borrowed a player may attune to this mask and gain the following: Have
advantage on all Intimidation Checks however disadvantage on all Perception
○ Bunny Hood - A Mail carrier that can be found on a random event in Hyrule
Village. If borrowed a player may attune to this mask and gain the following:
Increase your movement speed by 10. But have disadvantage on all Perception
○ Mask of Truth (unique): This mask is rewarded once all 3 masks have been
delivered. Reward: Requires Attunement: a creature that is wearing this mask
has advantage on all Wisdom saving Throws and has the ability to communicate
with Animals.
○ Mask of Race Change: A player may change from their current race into
another. When they do so their face falls off converting it to a mask and they
become a race of their choice. Each race mask is 200gp
■ Mask of Zora
■ Mask of Goron
■ Mask of Gerudo
■ Mask of Sheikah
■ Mask of the Deku scrub
■ (Any other Mask you may want)

Hyrule Castle
The Pcs will walk up the pathway to the castle and see a large stone wall with a gate blocking
their pass. It is funneled as a choke point with Mountain on both sides. Behind the gate lies a
lush green field with lots of shrubbery and trees scattered throughout the field. A beautiful
garden towards the west part of the castle courtyard. (This Garden holds a Great Fairy which
gives the player's Din’s Fire)
There are two guards posted at the gate. One on the ground floor and the other standing above
the gate.

Don’t Kill the Guards!

Obviously killing Guards can lead to some major consequences. Make sure that the player's
know the real risks involved in killing innocent people. They can be punished by the Goddesses,
and thrown in Jail if captured. If a player is attacking be sure to ask against lethal vs non lethal

Roleplaying the Guards

The Guards are understaffed and underpaid. However they are quite loyal to the Royal Family.
They also have been given strict orders to not allow anyone in while The Gerudo King Ganon is
in meeting with the King. He is not to be disturbed and is under strict orders to detain any who
attempt to enter. The Guards will subtly acknowledge that he is underpaid and hints towards
being bribed. Both him and his partner might look the other way for 10gp each if the party
doesn't seem like a threat. Although this won't stop the other Guards inside from doing their

Through the Field

1. Skill Challenge - 4-5 easy challenges. Player's need to make it to Point A (Gate) - Point
B (the Moat). The other Guards will still attempt to keep the player's from the court.
Luckily they aren't too good at their jobs. The player must make their way to the castle
moat. It is up to the player's to figure out a way to get to the castle.
Success moves on naturally - Fail means they can be pursued by 2 Guards . If a player
is captured they will be thrown into the dungeon and eventually have to await a meeting
from the captain of the Guards Impa. on success they will find themselves in a Maze
2. For Roll20 I used Dynamic lighting effects to have player's navigate through a maze
while Guards would patrol the area. On a tabletop this can be done using a grid or have
the player's describe themselves making their way through this hedge maze. I had
several treasure chests located throughout the garden. Filled with special herbs, potions
and gold. If the Pcs spoke with Malon, they would also be able to find Talon, Malons
father. When discovered he will quickly perk up and tell the party to meet him at Lon
Lon Ranch and he will reward them.

3. Once the player's have successfully made it through the maze or been thrown into jail.
On success the player's will stumble onto Princess Zelda who has been spying on the
meeting with Ganondorf and the King of Hyrule.

a. Meeting with Zelda

Princess Zelda tells Link of her prophetic dreams, explaining that she had seen
him come from the forest and break through a veil of darkness, accompanied by
a Fairy guide and bearing the Kokiri's Emerald. She also warns him about
Ganondorf, the man clad in black whom Zelda believes is symbolized by the dark
clouds of her dreams,and his evil intention to steal the Triforce of legend from the
Sacred Realm. With the power of the goddesses, his desire to subjugate the
world would be realized. In order to do this, Ganondorf would require not only the
three Spiritual Stones of Hyrule, but also the mystical Ocarina of Time (that she
possesses). Zelda insists that Link track down the other two Spiritual Stones, so
that they might beat Ganondorf to the Triforce and put an end to his plot.The
King fears open war and refuses to take action against Ganondorf without any
evidence. She gestures over towards her caretaker Impa, who has been
watching over the conversation. My caretaker Impa has been working on
retrieving evidence on this matter.
b. Jail, Meeting with Impa.
Impa will be responsible for interrogating the party. She has all the knowledge
that the Deku tree has sent out a party to recover the stones. One of the stones
is the only proof she requires to trust the party. Afterwards she will lead them to
Princess Zelda.

c. Leaving the Castle.

Upon leaving Impa will escort the party out of the Castle and set them on the
path towards Death Mountain. She will let the party know that their current gear
won't last in Death Mountain, and instructs them to find the Great Fairy that lives
on top of the mountain. She will hand the party a bag of gold about 50gp each
and tell them that the Kokiri has reached out using a Magical Song. Which
reminds her to teach the player's the Zelda’s Lullaby. (See song details)

Part 4: Choose your Path.

At this point the party has several side quests and it’s up to them to figure out how they want to
handle the information. It should be getting closer to evening at this point in the day and shops
will begin closing down. The following is a recap on Quests
● Happy Mask Salespeople.
● Lon lon ranch
● Meet with Sariah
● Great Fairy of the mountain.
● Main Quest: Spiritual Stones

Lon Lon Ranch

1. PCs can arrive at the ranch at any time after they meet up with Talon at the castle.
When they see him at the Ranch he will reward them with a Bottle of Lon Lon Milk
(each bottle will contain 2 charges.)

2. The Pcs can also meet up with Malon again. Who is out training horses. The player can
opt in for horse training which will make them proficient in riding horses. But it will take a
few days of proper training. And cost 10gp each day required. The length determined by
the groups combined Animal handling check Average
a. DC10 = 50gp (5 days) DC15 = 30gp (3 days) DC20 = 10gp (1 day) a player
proficient in Animal Handling can give the group advantage on their rolls.
b. At the end of the training she will teach the player's Epona’s Song which will
summon their mount as long as they are on the same plane of existence.
c. Traveling on Horseback will avoid random encounters while in Hyrule field.
Lost Woods, Meeting with Saria
Navi will insist on meeting with Saria as she too mentioned the magical songs. The party can
choose to ignore this entirely but if they dont they will need to head back to Kokiri Forest. Upon
entering the forest Saria will not be found. With some simple investigation the player's will be
able to find out that Saria Went into the Lost Woods and has been gone for some time. A
strange song can be heard throughout the Lost Woods. But all the villagers are too scared to
venture into the woods.

Entering the lost woods I made a puzzle in itself. I had a player's roll perception checks and
tried sensing where the music is coming from. If they rolled above a 15 I had them go the
correct direction any lower they rolled a d4 and went into a random direction that would either
lead them into an encounter or towards their goal. It takes 4 successes to get to Saria. Use the
following table to help build encounters for the woods. Failures lead to increasingly difficult
combat and eventually the heroes will succumb to the Lost Woods becoming Stalfos .
Whereas success leads to rewards.

Success Failure

1st Deku Scrub Business. Medium Random Encounter

He Sells Deku nuts at a discount of 10gp for 5. 4-5 Deku Scrubs
50% off!

2nd Target practice. The party will see some Kokiri Hard Random Encounter
shooting at a target. If the player's can hit a The DC to exit is increased to
bullseye 3x in a row they earn a prize. Set the 16. The Forest becomes
targets AC at 15. more foggy, the music
Prize: (30) +1 Sling Bullets. starting to fade.
Awakened Trees begin to
come alive along with a few
Skeleton Warriors rising
from the ground covered in
moss. Resembling stalfos

3rd Rock Contest! Two Skull kids are playing and Deadly Random Encounter
challenging the Pcs to a battle of the bands. At The DC to exit is increased to
least two players will have to step up and 18. Starting to hear voices,
perform. The Skull kids will be so into their own laughter. It is the Skull
music they won't notice if the party is casting Children crying out to fall.
spells to improve their teammates. The player must overcome a
Take the average performance roll of the two Shambling Mound. This
player's and have them face off against the Skull should be a sufficient
Kids. This is treated as a Roll off adding challenge to a level 2 party of
performance checks. The Skull Kids have a +6 4 player's. If more players
in Performance. than that include a few
Prize: The skull kids are so amazed they want to Skeleton Warriors or Deku
bless the party. I gave my party 1d4 Permanent Scrubs
HP but other rewards are welcome also.
4th Meeting with Saria Death itself comes for the
player's. The player's turn
into Revenants Shambles of
themselves. This can be
cured at a Great Fairy but
make it a quest for them to
acquire the materials needed
for the ceremony. The
player's will be lost for weeks
and eventually Saria will find
them and try to aid them.

Upon meeting, depending on if the Pcs were officially lost to the Woods or not. Saria will give
them a few pieces of information and teach them the Saria Song. She will tell the player's about
the Maestro Brothers who created the first Magical Songs legendary Bards that could infuse
magic into their music. They are currently buried in Kakariko Village.

Kakariko Village
Places of Interest
● Well, it's a wishing well filled with water.
● Windmill - An odd music man working the windmill
○ My Pcs went to him first. He would teach the Pcs how to play the Song of
Storms but it does not give them the magical enchantment yet. (For later)
○ There is a large stairwell that will take the Pcs to the top of the windmill, at the
very top lies a Cucco that is needed for the minigame.
● Goron Trail - Leads to death Mountain
● Cucco Mini Game!
■ Player's must find 6 Cucco’s and bring them to a Pen. Their owner is
allergic to them so she can't actually touch them. Find all 6 and earn a
Bottle. Once the PCs find the Cuccos They must attempt to grapple it
then succeed on an animal handling check DC10 for every 30ft of
movement. Otherwise the Cuoco flies in a random direction 10ft.
■ If the Cuoco's are attacked… they will have revenge… start rolling d4s at
PCs until they run away or get inside.

● Cemetery - During the day a small boy will be playing in the cemetery he will tell you
about the graves the boy will tell the group about the Maestro brothers. The boy
idealizes Dampe the gravekeeper and wants to be a gravekeeper just like him when he
gets bigger.
○ Perception/investigation check
■ DC10 - finds Maestro Brothers tomb
● Inside the tomb the PCs will see an altar with 6 tombs. Inside the
tombs laid ReDeads, as the Pcs approached the Altar the tombs
slid open slamming the door behind them closed. A Swarm of
Bats begins to funnel into the chamber. The Altar will have sheet
music that a player can study and learn to play. Granting them the
Sun Song.
■ DC15 - Spirit of the Warrior, a hollow hole will allow players to fall down
the hole and speak with a dead guard. Granting one player the Hyrule
Players who speak with Dampei will learn that he likes to Bury treasure and his Prized
Possessions he will take to his grave.
● If the player's attempt to steal anything from Dampe I made a chain of effects that made
Dampe into a minor BBEG of the story leading into his tomb to retrieve the hookshot,
and inside the well down the road. It was fun to have a recurring villain and I really liked
playing a character that spiraled down into insanity because a few of his trinkets went

Part 5: Goron’s Ruby

Climbing up the Death Mountain Trail the player's will move along a thin pathway, Tektites
hanging from the wall but will be non hostile (for now) the player's can actively engage them if
need be but they will attempt to keep their distance.
Further up in the path are two large dragons like creatures called Dodongos.

DM WARNING: (At this point the PCs should be level two and the Dodongo creatures are very
formidable foes. I personally warned the player's of the difficulty before they attempted to climb
the mountain. They ended up fighting both the Dodongos and Tektites barely making it out
alive. Leaving one of the Dodongos alive right before its breath weapon could be used again. I
personally believe that there are some dangers in the world that the player shouldn't be capable
of beating and I used this encounter to showcase that, if you do not agree with that feel free to
fudge some rolls or reduce the damage dealt to the player's. ) An alternative to the dodongo
encounter is having boulders flying down the path attempting to crush player's as the mountain
becomes more and more restless.

Once the player's get past the Dodongos on the path they will find their way into Goron City.

Goron City
Once inside the city the Pcs will notice a lot of angry Gorons. If confronted they will explain that
the caves down below have been blocked because their lord Darunia refused to help an Evil
Wizard. Now us Gorons are running low on food! Darunia has locked himself away in the keep
and there's a magical barrier that we cannot open.
When the player's make their way to the keep they must open the door with Zelda’s Lullaby
this will dispel the enchantment and allow the player to overhear King Darunia who is working
with 2 of his Goron Generals. “Their goal is to separate forces and have one team enter the
core of the Volcano to draw out the Dodongos infestation whilst freeing the trapped Gorons
while another team takes out the King Dodongo.” The Generals will warn Darunia that its hide
is too strong for normal weapons. Darunia just sits back and says “Well we better find a way to
get creative then” he will then glance over seeing the rest of the party in the doorway.

Navi or the player's will have to tell Darunia that they are looking for the Goron Ruby. Darunia
does not trust the player's and will need some convincing. The player’s can charm Darunia and
with 3 successful Persuasion checks he can be coached into having the player's help him. Or
they can play the Saria Song to cause him to start dancing. In which he will automatically trust
the player's and aid them as he was put in a very good mood. On one condition...

The Goron’s mine has become overrun by Dodongos. Darunia will agree to help the player's if
they agree to go into the mines and flush out the beast. This will allow Darunia and his men to
move to the deeper depths and rescue some of the Gorons that would be trapped in there. If the
player's help Darunia he will give one player Goron’s Bracers allowing them to pick up Bomb
Flowers (Bombs that explode after 5 seconds of being grabbed) . The group will now be able to
enter the Dodongo caves.

Dodongo Cave
1. Upon entering the cave player's will take note of the heat. The air is dry, lava pools
around a circular island. Behind the pools of lava stands a large skull A player that
makes a perception check can see a faint flicker coming from the creature's eye. On the
island below a large totem stands guard over the platform, currently immune to any
damage dealt. As the group approaches the Beamos will come online and attack
player's. They can avoid the beam as it will only attack the player's standing at the
platform. Defeating the beamos the player's can harvest a smell crystal from its eye
worth 100gp.
2. On the left path will be a platform that looks rubbled and broken, like it was caved in. If
the players manage to remove the rubble they will find a treasure chest with two Potions
of Fire Resistance. Nearby Bomb Flowers can help remove the rubble.
3. Right of the center platform leads down a long and twisty hallway, when the player's start
moving down it they will feel the ground shake and Baby Dodongos will begin to burrow
underneath them and attempt to attack them. The Babies explode on death and die in 1
hit. The babies are never ending and the player must reach a high platform before they
get overrun with the dodongos. In the hallway a Beamos will attack any targets that rise.
It cannot hit the player's that have made it to the upper platform.
4. As the player's climb up they will see a room filled with lava to the north and a stairwell
sitting 40 ft straight up. The player's will be unable to reach the stairs but will see several
bomb flowers surrounding the large vertical platform. A set of explosions is needed to
blow up the stairwell to cause it to fall. The player's should move onto the lava room for
5. Mini Boss - Lizalfos.
The feeling I was looking for in this battle is that not only did the PCs have to deal with
Skilled opponent's but they had to worry about positioning and the terrain as well. I
described moving platforms and Stalactites falling from the ceiling. It's not just the
creatures that's your foe, it's the terrain.
How I ran the encounter:
● The arena has several platforms ranging from 10x10 to 20x20. Separating the
platforms lies a pit of Lava. (A very good article about the realism of lava)
basically falls off the platform when your PC is dead. Too extreme? There's
alternatives but I enjoy a battlefield like that where a bad roll could cost my life.
But don’t worry, there was a safety net, I had a player roll a DEX save to grab
edge DC10 or a CON save if they were a sturdy character. I knew my player's
but wanted that fear in them.
● Or… Magma not Lava. Maybe it's not a lava pit, maybe it's burning rocks and
smut. Deal 1d4 fire damage when you enter and when you start your turn in the
fire. But you are able to climb out to safety.
6. Defeating the Lizalfos, and climbing up the path the PCs will find a sleeping Dodongo.
Behind it a large pool of water and inside that pool is a Treasure chest loaded with
goodies. (consult a random loot table) the party can sneak by or attack it.
7. If the player's head north from the sleeping Dodongo lies a room with 4 large statues, 2
of which are blocking the path forward In the center is a large platform containing a
Treasure chest holding a Bomb Bag with 10 Bombs inside. This bag is specially made
to protect the Bombs from outside damage. As player's approach their eyes will glow
fiendish yellow, their mouths will widen and lunge forward. The Armos will begin to
attack. Be sure to have the player's notice the hard thick outer shell and it will be difficult
to deal damage to them physically as they are immune to non-magical attacks. Describe
the creature's mouth widening and chomping down every few seconds. A player can
use their action to place a bomb inside of the creature's mouth to instantly defeat it.
8. Pass the Armos lies the miners foreman's office behind a bookshelf leading to a fairy
fountain. The room looks relatively untouched and the players can find a note giving
some instructions to the player's.
The Dodongos have broken through, we managed to seal it behind the skull and as long
as the forge inside remains unlit it cannot break through. It does roam the inner sanctum
of the mine. We will have to close the entrance to stop the smaller ones from reaching
the city below the mountain. I have been wounded but thanks to Tatyl’s sacrifice I will
be ok. Those fairies are true angels to give their lives to aid the mortals.
9. Leaving the Foreman's office will lead to the bridge where the Dodongo head lays. The
faint glimmer inside the eyes is more visible now and player's can see the flame dimming
inside. A powerful fire blast can set the forge a flame again gaining access to the inner
10. The other side of the bridge lies a door leading to a room guarded by 2 Large sleeping
Dodongos Guarding two separate chests. One containing 4 potions of fire resistance
and 3 potions of healing. The player can grab the chest and flee as the door is too
small for the dodongos to get through.

Boss Fight: King Dodongo

DM Notes: Describe when the dodongo opens its mouth wide either for a bite attack or flame
breath. Player's can use their reactions to throw bombs into its mouth damaging the creature
and lowering it’s AC. Player's will hopefully have experience doing this from the Armos earlier. It
is important to allow the player to react to this motion and not just roll to bite right away.

Battle Field:
The field is a stretch of land with a large Lava/Magma pool in the center. The land is about 15ft
wide before hitting a wall/lava pool.

Playing the King:

This boss fight is a mix of using the player's reactions appropriately and understanding the
bosses attack timing. Several Bomb Flowers are scattered around the battlefield. The dodongo
will run over them immune to the damage. Player's within 5ft of the explosions not only take
damage from being run over King Dodongo but from the Bomb Flower as well. I made the map
45 long 15 ft wide for playable terrain and King Dodongo will continue to march along the same

Navi Hey Listen!

Information to give can be things such as.
“When it opens wide, give it a present.”
“He’s doing so many things!” (Has three initiative trackers)
“His exterior is way too tough, nothing is getting through that. (Resistance to non magical
weapons) ”
“Don’t let her push you into the fire pit”

King Dodongo Defeat

Upon defeating King Dodongo, its final roar is vicious and loud; this causes the cave to collapse
and the players must attempt to escape from the cave. If you are familiar with Skill Challenges
this is a good section for player's to utilize this. Player's will have to flee and get around the cave
chambers avoiding lava and falling rocks. We want the players to succeed setting a low DC of
12 for the encounter would be a good start. Setting up 3-5 Success before 3 failures would be
optimal. If you are unfamiliar with them, Matt Colville, does a very good job on explaining how
to utilize Skill Challenges. Visit the following link.
It is important for the player to use their skills and come up with solutions.

My Challenges were straight forward. Player's had to find their way out of the maze. Here are
my situations and examples on how a player may get through them. I don't always use pure
skills, sometimes an ability can get the job done as well.
1.) Debris blocking the previous path they came down.
a.) Strength - Move debris
b.) Perception - Look for another way out or a crack in the debris to get through
c.) Nature - The bomb rocks surrounding the area can be used to blow up the
2.) The Ground underneath you begins to shake and erupt, lava bursts from the ground.
a.) Acrobatics - Dodge the lava
b.) Survival - Locate the cracks and avoid them
c.) Cast Water walking - walking on the lava (Player wanted to do it i felt it was cool
and allowed it)
3.) You find yourself turned around not quite knowing which way to go, the area feels
familiar but the disruption of the floor and burst of lava in the cave have you mixed up.
a.) Investigation/Nature/Survival - Find traces of where we have been and follow
our previous footsteps.
b.) Perception seeing the glow or feeling the fresh air from outside.
Those are the challenges I used. And it got the player's thinking creatively on how to escape.
Failures resulted in player's taking damage while attempting to escape. If a player went down it
could have meant the death of a player. Success meant no damage.

Once the player's leave the dungeon the mine will start crumbling behind them blocking the
entrance once again. The gorons will be rushing down to find out what's going on. Among them
Darunia will be there with them demanding to know what happened.

Darunia will offer the player's with the Goron Ruby as payment for their deeds and offer his
assistance when the fight against Ganon arises. He also tells the PCs that on top of the hill they
can find a Great Fairy to help boost their defences. If they are willing to climb the mountain.
I granted my party the level after meeting the Great Fairy but you can grant them the next level
at their next long rest.
The Party by the end of this will be 3rd level.

Climbing The Mountain

DM Notes: It is here where I felt like I made a grave error giving my player's a huge power
spike… I gave my player's +1 Armor for reaching the fairy. I do not recommend doing this as it
was at this point where my difficulty greatly decreased and my already very powerful paladin got
even stronger. Perhaps offering them a feat from an approved list, instead would be a better
option. Or granting each player a Luck Dice, Once per long rest. (You are the DM decide on
what you want for your player, but i don't recommend the +1 Armor)

Navi will remind the party that only one stone remains and to head towards the Zoras Domain
for the last one.
Zora’s Sapphire
1. Upon approaching the river the group will meet a Magic Beans Vendor. He will sell
magic beans to player's starting at 10,20,30gp ect. These magic beans will have random
effects in combat (Mostly beneficial)
a. Roleplaying Bean Man
i. Some will make you strong! Some will make you wise, some make you
vomit regularly. But I assure you… they are magic.
I RPd him a bit cookey. He is a chubby pale man with many tribal tattoos doesnt look hylian but
he will just blame the fact that he has a poor diet.
The Bean man will warn the player's that a larger than normal infestation of Octorocks is in the
river to the north. He will tell the player's about a shortcut to bypass them if they bought a bean
from him.
ii. Magic Beans - roll a 1d4
1. Stunned for 1 min, or till success on a DC12 Con save.
2. Intel/Wisdom increased by 2 for 1 hour
3. Str/Dex increase by 2 for 1 hour.
4. Temp HP 4d4 for 1 hour.
2. Going through the river there are many Octorocks in the area. At this point the player's
should be level 3 and this could be treated as an easy encounter. I gave my player's If
players were going up I just had a few Octorocks shoot at random player's in an
attempt to knock them out. (They do little damage so it was more of an annoyance) If the
player's choose to look for the Nest i had a horde of Octorocks (5 per player) a player
who would explore the nest I rolled on a random loot table for them for gold, trinkets and
non combat items.
3. Reaching the tip of the river will be a waterfall. The symbol of the royal family engraved
into a stone platform before the waterfall. *Only a Zora (Triton) can enter the
waterfall* or those with special ties to the Royal Family. If you have a Zora/Triton in your
party they would know this as general knowledge. A player can play Zelda’s Lullaby to
gain entrance as the waterfall will part away allowing players to pass through it for a
short time.

Zora’s Domain
Once inside describe the Zora's domain as a beautiful grotto, the people swimming inside the
grotto, Zoras are leaping off a large waterfall and the general population looks at peace. This
will be interrupted as a group of Zora guards rush the player's.

Roleplaying Guards:
These guards have been on high alert since Princess Ruto has gone missing a few days past.
She is believed to have been kidnapped. They are extremely weary to strangers as since The
Gerudo King last visited Lord Jabu Jabu has been acting strange. Their goal is to bring any
intruder to the king and will attempt to not act too rashley.
“Who are you and what is your business here?” These must be the ones who have captured
Princess Ruto!” What have you done with her!
The guard captain Ziden (my version of the prince from Breath of the Wild) Will approach the
party with a cool head over his guard counterparts. He also holds a +1 Trident that he is willing
to bet in an upcoming mini game.

Meeting with Zora King

An extremely large Zora sits upon a throne, underneath him sits a waterfall flowing into a small
grotto below him. A large pedestal stands for the player's to greet him. The Zora King attempts
to remain calm but will start to break down a bit if the player's press him for more information
regarding his daughter. He is more of a scared father figure than a king at this point but will try
to maintain his appearance to the guards and player's unless really pressed. He will plead with
the player's to find Princess Ruto and will offer a reward for their help whatever it may be in his

Points of Interest
● Waterfall mini game - each player can sign up for the waterfall game to earn Silver
Scale, which will give the player's 20ft of swim speed. (Zoras do not need this as they
have a base speed of 40) It does require attunement.
○ Cost to enter is 5gp.
■ To win the minigame a player must Succeed on some athletic checks.
Then collect more swimming rings than their competitors.
■ Athletics DC = 10, roll 1d4
■ DC15 roll 2d4
■ DC20 4d4
○ The first player to 20 wins.
○ A zora commoner has a 10 STR (+0) in Athletics so no bonuses for them just
straight rolls.
○ If the player's would like to challenge one of the guards who will mock them if a
player loses they can do so. And if they win they player's will now get a Zora's
Trident - . However, Zora Warriors Str is 18 (+4) to Athletics
Bait the player's with things such as “Your a joke landlubber” “I’d bet my Trident
you couldn't beat me”
The Trident can be very helpful in the upcoming investigation.

Zora Domain Shop

The Shop is run by a Zora named Jaler, he mistrusts Humans/Hylians and will actually charge
them more.

Item Cost Amount

Zora’s Tunic 200-
Can be worn as clothing underneath

Wooden Shield 10gp

Potion of Healing (Common) 20gp 1

Basic Gear (Weapons) PHB

+1 Ammo Slingshot 30gp 20 bullets.

Investigation for Ruto
Lake Hylia
Lake Hylia is located in southern Hyrule. There is also an underwater tunnel in Zora's Domain
that leads to Lake Hylia, and it is possible to float downriver from Gerudo Valley.

Lake Hylia's water is provided by the ever-rushing streams of Zora's River. There are numerous
small islands in the lake, which are linked by bridges. The largest islet, which is marked by a tall,
barren tree, is rumored that below the islet lies the Water Temple. At the shores of Lake Hylia,
there is a Lakeside Laboratory and a Fishing Pond, where the Lake Scientist and the Pond
Owner can be found, respectively.

Finding the Clues

Goal: To find Princess Ruto's whereabouts, finding clues and gathering information from
sources in the area are key to finding a Message in a bottle. Inside the bottle will be a note.
“Lord Jabu Jabu has eaten me! I’m looking for my mothers precious Sapphire” To find the bottle
the player's must succeed at a DC22 Investigation check, each time they speak or find a clue in
the lake area decrease the DC by 3 (Narrowing down the location)
● Clues
○ Talk to the Fisherman (-3 DC)
■ What they know
● They saw a young Zora playing closer to the center island. A
strange creature was over there.
● Geysers have been spouting deeper out in the lake
● The Scientist on the hill is studying the lake and how its changing
○ Note* The Scientist has a Big tank and is impressed with
non Zoras who can make it to the bottom, will reward
1d6+Con to permanent health if you are able to touch the
bottom (Requires Zora’s Tunic)
○ Talk to the Scientist (-3 DC)
■ What he knows
● Lord Jabu Jabu has been particularly aggressive lately, he leaves
the Zoras grotto rarely and only to feed
● The large water spouts are not his doing something else.
● The Island is where these waterspouts have come from
○ Explore the middle Island. (-3 DC)
■ Exploring the island and watching the geysers if the player's choose to
interact with it in some way they will summon a Water Elemental.
● DM Notes* At this point my part was strong and I threw multiple
Elementals at them. Judge what your party enjoys and figure out
how difficult you want this encounter to be. A good option is at the
end of each player's turn makes them roll a save. If they fail the
water elemental grabs and drags the Pc into the water.
■ The end of the battle they will make one more Investigation check and if
successful, they will find the bottle. If not, describe that the trail has gone
cold and we might want to confront the king.
Zora’s Fountain
If the player manages to find the note, King Zora will reward them with 200gp and then plead for
the group to confront lord jabu and see if they can rescue Princess Ruto. Additionally, he will tell
the group of a Fairy in the Zora's Fountain who may help the player's. The item Farore's Wind.

If the player's failed The Guards will approach and show the king the Note (If the guards have
been bested before they will make a big deal about it) Either result the king will plead for the
adventurers to go find Ruto. If failed the player's will have to wait for Princess Ruto to tell them
of the items Farore's Wind

The King finding out that Lord Jabu Jabu has eaten him will blame Ganondorf. Lord Jabu-Jabu
is apparently very benevolent, and Zora encourages all visitors to see him. After Ganondorf
encountered him, however, Lord Jabu-Jabu began displaying outward symptoms of the curse
cast on him; as King Zora cites Ganondorf's interference as a reason the whale may have
swallowed Ruto, these possibly include changes in his behavior.

Farore's Wind
Inside the Zora’s Fountain the player's can find a Great Fairy. Her cave at the north of the lake
is located behind shrubs and rocks in a small cave. The Fairies will heal the party to the effects
of a Long Rest and allow players to take a few Fairies if they have a Bottle to place on it. (They
should now)
Granting the party Farore's Wind; The Teleport spell but you must first set the beacon on
where to return. The beacon lasts 8 hours and can only be used once per day.

Inside Lord Jabu Jabu

Little is known about Lord Jabu-Jabu. In Ocarina of Time, he resides upon an altar in Zora's
Fountain, a sacred lake behind Zora's Domain, where he is worshiped by the Zoras and acts as
a guardian deity, similar to the Great Deku Tree. The royal family are tasked with Jabu-Jabu's

*A character with Proficiency in History or Religion would know that Jabu Jabu loves Fish and
offering him a fish is to bring happiness.* Offering him a fish will allow the Pcs access to Lord
Jabu Jabu, as he attempts to eat the fish he will too inhale the party. The player's awake inside
of LJJ stomach, looking around the ground is fleshy and gross, the group can approach the
other end of the room and find Princess Ruto
1. Main Stomach
a. Princess Ruto - The Pcs will find Princess Ruto on the main stomach, she is a
sassy uptight princess who is very stubborn. She refuses to leave Lord Jabu
Jabu till she finds her mother's precious stone. She will attempt to flee tripping
deeper into the stomach below.
b. *DM Notes* The Princess isn't totally helpless, I made her a lvl 3 Storm
Sorceress I felt like it fit her character pretty well. If you are ok with playing an
extra NPC feel free to dungeon crawl this a bit with her.
2. The Fall
a. Assuming the player's chased after the princess and went deeper into the
stomach they will land on a pile of bones, several Bari will be floating around the
area They are non hostile unless provoked. In addition two Like Likes will be
hiding in the area, one awaiting to strike at Ruto with a surprise round of combat.
Swallow up Ruto and have the player's roll for initiative.
b. Freeing The princess from the Like Like she will be more willing to have the side
of the heroes, She will allow the player to Carry her across the dungeon to help
find the Stone. (The floor is sticky and gross)
3. Ledge Room.
a. The Next room will lead to a dead end. Ruto will have the idea to be thrown up
the ledge, (She's really light, if the party has another small player among them
they can be thrown as an alternative.) So that she can scout ahead to find
something to aid them. On top of the ledge Ruto or the Pc can step on a tumor
which will cause the room to start to flood, the water level rising. During this time
several Quippers will start taking bite attacks at players. It will take 2d4 rounds
for the water level to rise up, the Quippers are relentlessly attacking the closest
player's until they are out of the water. The Pcs can fight back as they are quite
weak but any attack in the water is met with disadvantage for non aquatic races.
4. Aquatic Maze *DM PREP*
a. Using Roll 20 and their lighting system I was able to create a maze the player's
could navigate through. Within this maze I hid several Quippers that would bite
player's and several chests of gold and trinkets that were offered to Lord Jabu
Jabu, hide about 3-4 Chests and have the player's find their way out of the maze
b. In person, draw out a maze and use scrap paper to block off places that the
player's haven't seen. Make them run through the maze and choose their paths
only as they turn the corners.
c. At the exit of the maze Ruto will hurry to the next room as something shiney will
catch her eye.
5. Mini Boss - Big Octorok
a. Ruto will rush forward diving into the water to grab the gem floating, excited she
will raise it up and show the player's she found it only for the group to see a spike
platform fall below and a Big Octo staring directly at them, trapping princess
Ruto underneath.
b. The map is a tight round arena about 10ft in circular, the Big Octorok will
constantly charge the ground level taking advantage of its large size in a small
area. Constantly ramming into the player's. The platform to the side will be spiked
making it painful for a player to climb it. If a player attempts to jump up onto the
platform they must make a DC12 Con Save or suffer 2d6 piercing damage and
fall prone.
c. Defeating the Big Octo The Boomerang is rewarded as a prize. Ruto is now
trapped and the player will need to find her once again.
6. The player will need to climb their way out of the stomach. Making a series of Athletic
checks to climb out, The walls are slimy so sliding down is easy, pcs must make DC 12
Athletic checks to climb out. The Player's must climb out 60ft.
a. Use this as a guide on the player's to climb out.
b. 5 over DC + Full Movement
c. 12-16 + Tough Terrain half movement
d. 7-11 Slide down 10ft.
e. 1-6 Fall to ground
i. Fall Damage - A fall from a great height is one of the most common
hazards facing an adventurer. At the end of a fall, a creature takes 1d6
bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it fell, to a maximum of 20d6. The
creature lands prone, unless it avoids taking damage from the fall.
7. Hidden Chamber - Fairy Chamber
a. After the battle The party may be badly wounded or low on resources. A hidden
fairy fountain can be found in the stomach, perhaps it is what is preventing the
curse of Jabu to take full effect? Holding 3-4 Fairies in the chamber.
8. Tentacle Chamber
a. 4 large Tentacles are dangling at this chamber, if the players hug the room they
can avoid them although the player can find a chest in the center of the room
being guarded by the tentacles. Each CR is about 1,
b. Roll on a loot table to determine reward.

Boss Fight: Barinade

Barinade is attached to the ceiling of the arena, absorbing life energy from Lord Jabu-Jabu
through three tentacles, when the PCs enter the arena. Bari, hovering in the air, are electrically
drawn and attach to the core of Barinade,

DM Notes: This boss is pretty unique as it is reliant on the player's understanding that the
creature regenerates based on the amount of Bari on the Barinade. The amount of Bari should
vary depending on how many player's you have. Always having at least 1 more Bari than
player's. Being descriptive of the damage they are doing and describing how the bari attached
to the barinade is very important to give away clues to its defeat.

Battle Field:
You are fighting inside of Lord Jabu Jabu's stomach, the battlefield is round with puddles of
water that amplify the lightning damage if you are in one. Lair Actions will be used to make the
arena shrink overtime by filling the stomach with more water, leading to a smaller “Dry” arena.
Lair Action
On 20 initiative the barinade will cause water to flow to the sides of the arena moving towards
the center. Shrink the battlefield by 5ft around. Any player standing in water Automatically fails
any saving throw regarding lightning damage, in addition a player becomes vulnerable to
lightning damage while in water.

Playing the Barinade:

The Bari is all about dealing damage from multiple sources, Using the boomerang to hit multiple
targets or other AOE items/spells is key. Destroying Bari so it cannot regenerate health. This
fight is a big test of what kind of damage output your party can put out.

For a low damage output party, have the bari regenerate less and less until it stops, if the party
cannot overcome the HP regeneration then it will be a TPK which is usually bad for a campaign.

Navi Hey Listen!

Information to give can be things such as:
Once all of the jellyfish are taken out, stun Barinade, then run in close and slice it with your
Watch out, it will recover and attack with electric beams
Water and Electricity don’t mix! Watch out for the water!
Those Bari are regenerating him! Take them out!

Bainade Defeat
Roleplaying Ruto.
When defeated, Barinade develops purple-pink polyps on its core and tentacles and explodes
into green gas. The Gas clears and a blue light appears with Princess Ruto,
You...You're late! What took you so long? You're useless! I was just lonely, that's all... Just a
I was scared... A little! Just a little!!

Teleporting out of the dungeon the Young ruto will develop a crush on a party member.

You! You looked cool...cooler than I thought you would, anyway... Just a little! Well, anyway,
you saved me, so I guess I'll reward you. What do you wish for? Just tell me…

If the party requests the Saphire she will respond.

My mother gave it to me and said I should give it only to the man who will be my husband. You
might call it the Zora's Engagement Ring! All right! I'll give you my most precious possession:
Zora's Sapphire!
Have fun making the player's feel uncomfortable being hit on by a child princess fawning over
the player. The princess will ultimately give up the Sapphire as a reward.

Back at the Grotto if the player's speak with the king again he will reward the Pcs with 200gp
The Player's will finish the Quest Chain and after a long rest will become 4th level.

Back to Hyrule Castle

If the player's haven't checked out Lon Lon Ranch this may be the last time they get an
opportunity. Navi can prompt them to say “Hey that Talon guy said he had a prize for us, it's on
the way we should stop in”

The player's will roll for Random encounters till they get to the Castle gate in which the sky will
begin to get dark. As they approach the castle the drawbridge will fall and they will see
Princess Zelda and her guardian Impa fleeing from the castle. Zelda will throw an object into
the river in front of the player's. As they turn back to the river they will be face to face with
Ganondorf who will demand to know where the princess has gone. Behind him the player's will
notice dozens of dead guards. Combat can ensue here and the players may attempt to fight
Ganondorf , he will not kill the PCs but use his full Character sheet to knock them down. He
needs to take his frustration out as he is upset his plan was foiled by the princess. After a round
or 2 he will get bored and summon his dreadsteed and gallop towards the Desert.

Have Ganon cast Death Bolt to the player with the lowest AC (he has +12 to hit) If the player's
charge him he will pull out the scimitars and describe the havoc he wreaks on the party. The
goal here is to give the Pcs motivation to want to take down Ganon, make it personal. We want
him to humiliate the player's and for them to feel powerless to stop him.

*DM Notes*
When facing Ganondorf I used the one from the wiki. I was going to make my own version but
honestly the hard work was done, and done very well by the creator of that page. I feel like he
stands a good threat against the party (As all CR 26 Creatures should be to a level 4 party) .
The only thing I changed was giving him Plate Armor and making his AC 19. Also see Ganon
his transformation.

Ocarina of Time (OoT)

The player's will have noticed that Zelda threw an item into the river at them as she was
escaping. If not Navi will remind them. They will need to search the river DC 12 to find it. If they
fail the DC it takes a long time to recover it which means they won't get into the city center
quickly to aid the citizens coming up.
The Ocarina of Time will have a message for the player's.
“Heroes, Gannon has found out about our plan to use the Master Sword and knows we have
collected the souls, he does not know who you are yet and i intend to keep it that way, use this
Ocarina and learn this song and go to the Temple of Time it is there where we can retrieve the
Master Sword and save Hyrule. We must defeat Ganondorf!

Zelda will teach them the Song of Time granting them access to the Temple of Time

In the Bazaar
As the player's enter the city they will find bodies of the Gerudo and other Town Guards litter the
street and the city set ablaze, player's who found the OoT quickly will be able to help put out the
fires and help the people from harm. Describe the wounded civilians and the fires blazing in the
nearby buildings.

Future Rewards
If a player Helps a wounded person. Have that person reward them in the future years for
saving their life. If a player helps calm the flames. A Business owner will offer them a discount in
the future years.

If the players take too long to find the OoT then the town will have mostly burned down and the
wounded couldn't be saved. Describe the bodies being carried out and the people crying as the
homes have burned down.

In the bazaar will be the last time the Pcs can buy Masks and other items inside the bazaar.
Navi suggests that the players stock up on supplies before reaching the Temple of Time.

Temple of Time
The party approaches the large temple, and as they enter they hear the music of the gods, the
temple is empty and hollow a Pedestal at the far end near an Altar, The Altar reads in Celestial

With the Power and Blessing of Forest, Fire and Water and knowledge of the past the sacred
realm is open to those worthy. A True Hero will draw the Master Sword and be brought to the
Sacred Realm.

The Pcs must place all three Spiritual Stones on the Altar and play the “Song of Time” to open
the Door of time. As the door will open and the player's move to the sword one of them will pull
the Master Sword.

The Player's will be transported to the Ancient Realm. It is there where they will meet the Sage
Rauru. (For those who do not know he is Kaepora Gaebora the owl in OoT) Read the following.
It is a good idea to rehearse and to make it flow well. A good Dm doesn't just read the lines they
act them out.

As you pull the sword from its pedestal you feel a surreal glow, the room begins to pull you.
Your bodies are being pulled and gravity seems to have stopped existing. A faint gasp of air
leaves your bodies and for a moment you only feel peace.
It is calm, quiet. You feel no worry, pain but only joy.

You hear a voice, a deep powerful voice. One filled with Anger and Hatred… Ganondorf
Geh heh heh! Excellent work! As I thought, you held the keys to the
Door of Time! You have led me to the gates of the Sacred Realm...
Yes, I owe it all to you, Heroes…
(Perfect place to end session if Timed properly btw)

When you awake you notice the platforms made of water floating in a room, the walls feel as if
they are made of the very water you are standing on. On the central platform are six smaller
platforms that correspond with the very elements that created the world.
Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, Light, Spirit. Among your party everyone looks… older only the
party and Navi are among you. Until you hear a voice. This one is more calming than the last.

I am Rauru, one of the ancient Sages...

Ages ago, we ancient Sages built the Temple of Time to protect

the entrance to the Sacred Realm... This is the Chamber of Sages,
inside the Temple of Light... The Temple of Light, situated in
the very center of the Sacred Realm, is the last stronghold against
Ganondorf's evil forces. The Master Sword--the evil-destroying sword
that you pulled out of the Pedestal of Time--was the final key to
the Sacred Realm. Don’t be alarmed but it has been 7 years since you have pulled the
sword. Ganondorf put a curse and trapped you all here in the Sacred realm.

But, remember... Though you opened the Door of Time in the name
of peace... Ganondorf, the Gerudo King of Thieves, used it to enter
this forbidden Sacred Realm! He obtained the Triforce from the
Temple of Light, and with its power, he became the King of Evil...

His evil power radiated from the temples of Hyrule, and in seven
short years, it transformed Hyrule into a world of monsters.
My power now has only little influence, even in this Sacred Realm...
Namely, this Chamber of Sages.

But there is still hope... The power of the Sages remains.

When the power of all the Sages is awakened... The Sages' Seals
will contain all the evil power in the void of the Realm...

I, Rauru, am one of the Sages... And... Your power to fight together

with the Sages makes you the Hero of Time! The Hero of Time, chosen
by the Master Sword!

I have sacrificed my life in the Light temple to add my strength to the Heroes that the
Goddess chose, others will have to do the same. We have many Allies that wish to see Ganon
brought down, many willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of Hyrule.

After the explanation and when the Pcs are ready Rauru will transport the Pcs back to the
Temple of Time.

Meeting Sheik

A Man with his face obscured in white wraps announces his presence to the party.
I've been waiting for you, Hero of Time...

When evil rules all, an awakening voice from the Sacred Realm will
call those destined to be Sages, who dwell in the five temples.

One in a deep forest...

One on a high mountain...
One under a vast lake...
One within the house of the dead...
One inside a goddess of the sand...

Together with the Hero of Time, the awakened ones will bind the evil
and return the light of peace to the world...

This is the legend of the temples passed down by my people,

the Sheikah. I am Sheik. Survivor of the Sheikahs...

As I see you standing there holding the mythical Master Sword,

you really do look like the legendary Hero of Time... If you believe
the legend, you have no choice. You must look for the five temples
and awaken the five Sages...

One Sage is waiting for the time of awakening in the Forest Temple.
The Sage is a girl I am sure you know... Because of the evil power
in the temple, she cannot hear the awakening call from the Sacred

Unfortunately, equipped as you currently are, you cannot even enter

the temple... But, if you believe what I'm saying, you should head
to Kakariko Village...

Trading Mission
This can be done throughout the game and if completed the Pcs will receive
The Biggoron Sword

● This starts when the PCS make their way to Kakariko Village for the first time. They can
revisit the girl who gave them the bottles and she will tell the Pcs that her brother has
been depressed lately but he loves Cuoco chicks and this egg is getting ready to hatch.
If the Pcs bring it to him They will be rewarded. He was last seen heading towards the
lost woods.
● Bring the Cuoco to the brother and he will give them an odd potion, although he doesnt
think the Pcs should drink it. He was hired by a few witches to bring the material to them
back to Kakariko
● Bring the potions to the witches and they will offer the Pc. She will add a few special
ingredients and ask the Pcs if they have time to go back to Koroki Forest, as a young girl
has an eye on this Love Potion
● The girl will be excited over the new Love Potion and offer the Pcs a Traders saw, as
some Carpenters left it here when they were helping them build new homes.
● Bring the Traders saw to the carpenters near the desert and he’ll trade you a Broken
Goron Sword claiming that The Goron he met was a joke blacksmith and the real one
lives on top of Death Mountain.
● Living on top of the mountain has done some serious damage to the Big Gorons smith
eye site and needs help with his prescription, he gives the Pcs a note to go to Lake
Hyrule as the doctor who lives on the lake makes great eye drops. Bring him the
eyedrops and he can fix up the sword
● The Doctor at the lake is all out of ingredients and only King Zora can get them for him
(he has a trade deal with them) get them from King Zora and I will make your eye drops
● King Zora will give the ingredients willingly, but they are time sensitive and will need to
hurry. Back to the Doctor
● Doctor makes eye drops (*time sensitive) back to the Goron
● Goron Gets eye drops and can now see just fine! Hurray! He’s going to make a sword
Forest Temple/Prep

Lon Lon Ranch

While in Lon Lon Ranch The player's will find The Great Ingo, bragging about his talents as a
horse racer and breeder. He kicked out that old fool Talon who was lazy and he now is bringing
the ranch to greatness. He will offer Horse training for 10gp so that one day the player's can be
as great of a rider as Ingo. If a player accepts he will eventually bet the player's in a race. First
race will be for gold, however the second race Will be for The horses itself

Racing - Use Noble Stats for Ingo although he has a +5 in Animal handling. And a +2 for
acrobatics. The two will compete in 2 Animal Handling, 1 Acrobatics, 2 Animal Handling checks.
The winner ⅗ attempts

If Ingo wins he will laugh and collect the gold. If he loses then he will flip out and offer double or
nothing and increase the stakes into betting the horses. If the Pcs have talked to Malon she will
give the Pcs two Carrots which will allow the PC to reroll one dice throughout the races.

Next Race will go as follows. Ingo will attempt to cheat.

For this one if Ingo wins in an animal handling check he will attack the player to attempt to kick
him off his mount. (Which is legal)

1 Animal Handling, if ingo wins he will attempt to kick the player off his horse, if he succeeds the
player must make a Str of Con Save to stay on his horse.
2. Animal Handling, Same as above
3. Acrobatics
4. Animal Handling
5 Animal Handling

If the player manages to overcome Ingo he will concede but try to lock the player's into the
ranch. (He's a sore loser) the player's can steal horses and jump over the gate being free.

Malon is located inside the house. She will encourage the player to steal the horses if they do
not. She also asks the group to find her father and bring him home.

The player must head to Kokiriki graveyard, they will learn that the caretaker Dampie has died
and been buried with all his goods, the young boy from 7 years ago is now taking care of the
graveyard. And lets the Pcs know that Dampies Ghost can be seen at night.
At night the Pcs can meet up with the ghost and Dampei will bring them to his maze and
challenge them to beat the maze in the allotted time. Dampei wont play fair however as he
loves his stuff and won't give it up so easily. Throughout the maze there are countless traps and
Dampei will even throw out Fire Bolts at the party in an attempt to stop them. Only 1 party
member has to beat the maze to claim the prize. Several ReDeads in the dungeon attempt to
stun the party and slow them down.
● If the player's attempt to steal Dampe's Treasure he will become hostile. I gave him the
stats of a Wraith, as he had unfinished business and won't leave his treasures behind.
● After defeating Dampe, he will vow vengeance on the party and come back to claim his

Return to the Forest

The Pcs will return to the Lost Lost Woods and have to make it back to where The Forest
temple gate was previously. Guarding the gate is two Wolfos you can use standard Wolves like
previously or you could use stronger more powerful Werewolves. (Just for stats, don't give your
player's Lycanthropy.)

The next part is a relatively easy maze but heavily booby trapped. The player will have to
navigate their way through the maze and fend off against a few Large Moblins who attempt to
push them into pits and stop them.

Inside the maze does lay a Fairy Garden which will have plenty of little fairies that can be
followed and restore the party's Health/Magic

Once The party has cleared the maze Sheik will be awaiting them near the forest temple. She
will teach the party Minuet of Forest so that they can teleport to the temple at any time. (which
is particularly useful considering the Fairies fountain is so close. Sheik will disappear after giving
the group a little advice about the Forest temple.

1. Minuet of Forest
Requirement: DC 20 Performance.
Opens a gate to the Forest Temple deep into Kokiri Woods.
Failure: The Fairies that lurk inside the temple will be no more.

Destroy the Paintings of the Spirits on the wall, those can only be destroyed by a Magical Bow
inside. Remember the phrase “Swift death to you who have wronged me”
(She will say it in Celestial) A player who speaks Celestial will notice, if not she will have to
teach the party the phrase.

The Spirit inside has been working to corrupt the forest for years and needs to be stopped.

Forest Temple
1. The Entrance:
a. The First room as the player's move in will be locked, a few Skulltulas on the
walls and two large trees in the room, a player must move and scale the trees in
order to collect the key. Skulltulas in the room will attempt to attack but are dealt
with in about 1 hit.
i. Hidden in the tree is a treasure chest with gold inside, rolled on a table.
2. The Grand Hall
a. Once the player's make their way through the door they will witness 4 Poe
Sisters dancing in the center with each a different color brazier. The 4 Ghosts
will go to different rooms which are currently locked.
3. The Twisted Hallway
a. As the player's the Marching Order, the first player taking the lead will end up
fighting a Stalfos 1v1 as a metal door splits the party. The hallway is only 5ft
wide so only one player can fit at a time
The rest of the party is forced to Listen to the battle.
b. A fairy is inside a pot in the room before the hallway, but they must search the
4. Stairwell
a. The next room will be a Stairway and the Pcs can take notice of the Poe Painting
on the wall. The Painting is protected by magic and cannot be harmed through
normal means. The party will eventually have to back trace to this location.
Navi can remind the group that Sheik told them they had to obtain a special type
of Bow to damage the poes.

5. Garden
The Stairwell leads to a balcony view of a beautiful garden. A player with proficiency in
Perception will notice a well in the middle and a player with proficiency in Arcana can sense
some magical energy coming from the bottom. (Look up the PCs proficiency so when they enter
the room the others won't be any wiser, but the player will know something strange.)
a. The upper part of the Balcony is infested with Spider Webs, the player's need to
get through it or burn down the webbing. Burning it will provoke a few Skulltulas.
At the end of the spider webs is a small hole in the wall where only an arrow
could fit through. A player can look through the hole and see the painting of
another Poe Ghost that needs to be shot with “A Magical Bow”. The Pcs will
have to backtrack here again later.
i. Wall Masters Lurk the upper part of the Balcony. The Wall Masters will
wait for an opportunity and utilize the slow speed of the party through the
spider webs but they must make a Stealth Score (Privately) to beat the
group's passive perception. On Success they will attempt to grapple two
party members and the Pcs will have disadvantage on fighting them off. If
the Wall Masters succeed the members will be taken below the well and
watch as the party engages in combat without them.
1. Several vines will allow players to climb up and down from the
2. Across from the top of the Balcony they will see a target allowing
them to hookshot across the balcony to a Switch. This Switch
when pressed down will empty the nearby well on the ground
floor. If the Switch does not have adequate weight on it the well
will fill up again.
a. Player's must find something or someone to stand on the
switch while they explore the well.
b. Ground Floor:
i. A Well is in the center of the room which can be drained using the switch
in the upper balcony.
ii. The Garden will have an Alcove with 4 unlit totems in it. If the player's
light all 4, Fairies will appear to give the player's aid.
iii. A Doorway leading back to the main entrance/Puzzle Room is on the
ground level and can be opened up by shooting a floating eye target
above the door.

6. Under the Well

a. Well leading down player's will have a long pathway, they will see a few corpses
of previous adventurers.

They might find a potion or 2 of healing if you want to give them some aid. Or
pending on who was taken. It is possible the party will be outnumbered and
outmatched depending on your individual group so you as the DM have a call to
make about the upcoming battle and prepare the party.
b. Standing in the center of the room would be any party member who was grabbed
by the Wall Masters (If any). At this point we have a few things we could do
depending on how things panned out and what you think would be best for your
player's. Remember this is a love letter to OoT not a reenactment.
Below the well player's can see a pit of what looks like greenish liquid (acid)
i. Deadly Encounter: The Party will take on their now brainwashed Allies
under control of a Sword Wraith or Wraith (Lower CR) . This can be a
difficult encounter and there are factors involved if certain characters
cannot be Charmed. I love this because it keeps all players involved and
a little pvp can be an interesting experience that Pcs might not have gone
for previously.
If Anti Charm is a thing in the party Describe the fey energy taking full
control of the character instead of a “Charm” Charm vs Mind Control i
ii. Hard Encounter: No wraiths just a Guardian, the Guardian has High AC
and will fly away from the party while the brainwashed allies try to kill the
other Pcs Turning Invisible after taunting the party will be its first act in
initiative. Killing the creature will release its Domination effect on the Mind
controlled PCs. After suffering damage it will need to make a Con Save in
order to keep the Pcs mind controlled.
Do not have the mind controlled characters roll to break mind control. It
breaks up the drama too much. Have the focus be on the Guardian
annoying the player's and wearing them out for the encounter.

iii. Medium Encounter. The Guardian. Summoning a few Spectre creatures

and then attempting to Dominate a party member.
c. After freeing the party members and defeating the encounter a chest will appear
awarding the prize the Hero's bow. (Replace Elvish with Celestial) Sheik gave
them the keywords earlier in the temple. If the party forgot them, have Navi
remind them. “Swift death to you who have wronged me”
d. The Party will have to trek back up the well and if a party member was left behind
they will need to get off the switch. Otherwise the party will need to climb up 90ft.
i. Make it Exciting. The Pcs are underground and need to rush back to the
top. That acid pit they fell over? Maybe one of the Poe sisters saw fit to
start casting a spell after watching the guardian defeated. As the player's
start to approach the end of the hall….
ii. You hear a strange incantation coming from down the hall, you see a faint
Purple figure back near the platform you just left. One of the Poes eyes
begin to glow and you smell a strange odor coming from that room. The
room begins rising and you notice a pool of acid moving down the well
path overflowing the previous room. The Poe lets out a cackle and
disappears. The Acid moving towards you. Start climbing.
iii. Have player's start climbing having to make Athletics/Acrobatic checks to
climb. The DC is low but failure can cause a fall and with Acid coming
towards them can be dangerous. With a DC10 If a player Fails they get
stuck at their current position wrapped up in the vines. On success they
continue their climb. If they fail by 3 or more have the player fall 10ft and
make a DEX save, DC 15 on fail they fall completely to the ground.
iv. The Acid is slow and will take about 1 min to fill the well. Assuming
movement is 30ft and rough terrain changes that to 15ft it would take the
player's 6 rolls to make it to the top. And 10 rounds for the acid to begin
filling up the well. Dealing 2d10 acid damage per tick.
v. If a player makes it to the switch water will start flowing through the well to
purify the acid.

7. Open Room/ Block Room

a. A simple Block Maze where the player's will have to push blocks onto specific
Creating the puzzle can be a bit tricky. I've personally used block slider app games to create
puzzles for DnD in the past. This is a chance for you as the DM to get creative on a simple
puzzle. We throw around lots of Combat in this campaign so far so giving an easy puzzle is a
breath of fresh air
b. After completing the puzzle lets remind the party we want to murder them!
i. The final block slides into place and you hear a large thump as chains
begin moving. You start to notice that the walls are moving in on
eachother and only have a few seconds to attempt to escape.
1. Possible escape Methods
a. Perception: The player's can see the chains moving
towards the other end and that they are being pulled to
close the walls in on the party.
b. Acrobatics: The PCs can attempt to scale their way out of
the room. The Walls aren't particularly high and could be
easier for a more agile member.
c. Other? Reward creativity if it sounds possible let them get
ii. Assuming the party didn't get TPKd by your trap the door is open to the
main entrance again.
c. As the party escapes the room the 3rd Poe Portrait will appear allowing them to
destroy the painting and freeing the Poe. It will flee into the main room to meet up
with the others.
8. Grand Hall Par
a. After all 3 paintings have been destroyed the player's will notice an elevator
emerging from the center of the room where the torches were once lit. As they
approach the Poe Sisters will enact their revenge and the party will have to slay
them. The Sisters will attempt to focus on casters.
9. Basement
a. As the party emerges from the elevator they will notice the ceiling falling in front
of them. Spikes piercing the ground filling up small holes. The Pcs will need to
navigate through a gauntlet to make it to the boss chamber. Designing this room
can be tricky but there are a few things you can do to describe it to the player
i. Describe the situation and the pcs have to come up with a solution
1. Spikes pummeling the ground every few seconds large chains
constantly lift the spikes again after they hit the ground about
every 10 seconds.
2. The Corridor is a tight but straight path, you see a doorway at the
far end of the path. (The Pcs will have to try and detect the traps
set up in the hallway, darts will shoot out from the pathway and
the PCs will have disadvantage on dex saves if they do not detect
them. On success the Pcs can either disable them or have
advantage on the rolls to dodge them as they are shot down the
path since they know they are coming.)
3. You make it to the end of the path, standing in front of the path is
a door.
a. The Door is a Mimic (combat)
b. The Door is a fake and cannot be opened. It can be
destroyed revealing the path behind it. (puzzle)
10. Final Fight against Phantom Ganon, a tease of what's to come against the true fight of

Boss Fight: Phantom Ganon

The player's enter the chamber and a large stairwell leading to a circular arena. As the player's
step inside the arena a spiked gate shuts behind them enclosing them into the arena.
Ganon appears Riding his black horse like the day they were trapped in the temple of time, as if
a Ghost

I knew I would see you all again one day… You have failed already before, I claimed dominion
over Hyrule. Your journey ends here.. (His face begins to melt away only seeing a skull
fragment burning his horse neighs and rides off into the nearby Painting) Roll for Initiative.

11. DM Notes: This boss utilizes a few phases. And will utilize a 1v1 mechanic with a player
with Orb of Souls. His primary focus is to test the player with the Master Sword.
Battle Field: A round dome arena with several paintings on the wall. I used 8 originally
and I felt like it was a good number.

Lair Action
During Initiative 20 Ganon will disappear into a painting and reappear targeting an
enemy with his Lightning Strike attack. This can be stopped if the player's beat the DC
on perception and manage to strike him before his attack goes off. A player must use
their reaction to find him followed by attacking him.

Playing Phantom Ganon:

Phantom Ganon is all about hit and run during the first phase of the fight. He will hit and try to
retreat into a painting and solo a person out focusing on the enemy character. His strategy goes
from AOE to finding the weakest party member and forcing them into a 1v1 scenario with his
Orb of Force attack.

12. Navi Hey Listen!

Information to give can be things such as:
Focus on the paintings he keeps appearing from them but don't be fooled by the
He's not undead… he's something else…
The Paintings! Destroy the paintings!

Phantom Ganon Defeat

Roleplaying Ganon
When defeat Phantom Ganon isn't really upset he's just impressed.
Hey kid, you did quite well... It looks like you may be gaining
some slight skill... But you have defeated only my phantom...
When you fight the real me, it won't be so easy!
What a worthless creation that ghost was! I will banish it to
the gap between dimensions!!
The blue Portal will open up and the party will be greeted by Sariah in the Chamber of Sages

Thank you... Because of you, I could awaken as a Sage...
Someone had to do it and I knew you folks would do your part to protect Hyrule, so I
decided to do mine. I always believed that you would come. Because I know you...
I will stay here as the Forest Sage and help you... Now, please take

this Medallion…


The Pcs will leave the chamber of Sages and find themselves in the Grotto. The player's will see
the decayed body of the old Deku Tree begin to evaporate. As it fully dissolves like watching
firewood burn you notice a Sprout is all that remains from this massive tree.

Roleplaying the Deku Tree

If you remember I had the Deku tree talk really long and drawn out with a boring monotone
voice. So let's do the opposite here with the Deku Sprout!

Oh! Hello, It's been sometime since we last met. I’m glad to see how much you all have grown. I
feel your Strength from here. I’m The Great Deku Sprout TGDS for short Or Sprout or Lord
Kami Great Deku Sprout of Kokiri if you're feeling adventurous. The cleansing of the phantoms
in the Forest temple has lifted the curse of the forest and I am now finally able to be reborn and
protect this land.

Thanks to the Sacrifice of you heroes and the Sage Saria this land will flourish once again!
But there are still many Temples in the land and this was just the beginning of your Journey.
There are still issues in the Mountains, Lakes, Desert and even in the Graves. Collecting the
Medallions will cleanse the areas and allow us to undo the Magic of Ganondorf freeing the land
once again.

Just like before I will bless you with the power of Nature and unlock your hidden potential once

The Sprout will glow and a flicker of light spores erupt from the tree casting upon the other
player's. They will now be 5th Level.
Fire Temple Prep.

Kakariko Village
Shooting range opens up. The Pcs will start hearing about how Kakiriko finally has an Archery
● Shooting Range for 10gp the player can test their skill. The player will roll 6d20 (one at
a time) then roll a 1d4, AC is 10 for the first 3 rounds. The next 2 rounds are a jumping
target with AC15. The Last Round AC20 as the slot to hit the final gem is just thin
enough to hit an arrow through it. (bulls eye)
○ Prizes
■ +2 mod to hit with Bow for success on 6d20 rolls (3) AC 10 (2) AC15 (1)
■ Points for the dmg dealt (1d4) if damage exceeds 20for all hits The player
will earn 50gp.

Kakariko Apothecary
The Apothecary will open up shop finally and Their Grand Opening begins. For being the first
adventurers through the door she will offer the party 1 Potion for Half Price!
With the purchase of 1 other Potion at full retail.
She will also say she has the ability to make Potions of Giant Strength if the party can gather up
the materials and give the party a side objective asking for the heart of several giants.
Hill Giant - Found in the Lost Woods
Frost Giant - Found in the now frozen Zora's Domain
Fire Giant - Found in Death Mountain
Cloud Giant - Found in Hyrule field usually Near Gerudo Valley. This is one of the mightiest of

Name Cost

Philter of Love

Potion of Resistance

Potion of Animal Friendship

Great for Making Cucoos attack your


Potion of Climbing 20gp

Potion of Healing (See Chart Below)
(See Chart Below)

(See Chart Below)

Potion of Giant Strength Requires Giant
Slayer Side Quest

Potion of Mind Reading

(See Chart Below)

Variety of Poison
(See DMG)

Potion of Healing
Potion, rarity varies

You regain hit points when you drink this potion. The number of hit points depends on the
potion’s rarity, as shown in the Potions of Healing table. Whatever its potency, the potion’s red
liquid glimmers when agitated.

Potion of Rarity HP Regained

Healing - 20gp Common 2d4 + 2

Greater healing - 5 Uncommon 4d4 + 4


Superior healing - Rare 8d4 + 8

50 Rupees


Supreme healing - Very rare 10d4 + 20

100 Rupees

Potion of Giant Strength - Requires Giant Slayer Side Quest
Potion, rarity varies

When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes for 1 hour. The type of giant
determines the score (see the table below). The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is
equal to or greater than that score.

This potion’s transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a giant of the
appropriate type. The potion of frost giant strength and the potion of stone giant strength have
the same effect.

Type of Giant Strength Rarity

Hill giant 21 Uncommon

Frost/stone giant 23 Rare

Fire giant (2 left 25 Rare


Cloud giant (N/A) 27 Very rare

Storm giant (N/A) 29 Legendary

Poison Type Price per Dose

Assassin’s blood Ingested 150 gp

Burnt othur fumes Inhaled 500 gp

Crawler mucus Contact 200 gp

Drow poison Injury 200 gp

Essence of ether Inhaled 300 gp

Malice Inhaled 250 gp

Midnight tears Ingested 1,500 gp

Oil of taggit Contact 400 gp

Pale tincture Ingested 250 gp

Purple Worm poison Injury 2,000 gp

Serpent venom Injury 200 gp

Torpor Ingested 600 gp

Truth serum Ingested 150 gp

Wyvern poison Injury 1,200 gp

Lake Hylia
● Fishing - The player's can enjoy some relaxing downtime and have a fishing contest.
They can pay 10gp for participation rewards and get a great prize!
○ Rules
■ Most Fish wins!
● The Pcs can search out the best spots in the lake. Player's will
make the following checks
○ Survival - Size of the dice.
■ DC5 1d4
■ DC10 1d6
■ DC15 1d8
■ DC20 1d10
■ DC21+ 1d12
○ Nature - Amount of Dice
■ DC5 1
■ DC10 2
■ DC15 3
■ DC20 4
■ DC21+ 5
○ Animal Handling - Can you keep the fish?
■ Roll = to the amount of fish kept.
● example . roll 10/20 +Modifier (5) would
keep 75% of fish caught. 15/20
● Fine Scale - Prize - Swim speed increases by 5 or Water is no longer treated as rough
● Skill Increase - +1 stat of your choice.

Goron Mountain
Pcs will work their way up the mountain and eventually make their way back to Goron City in
which it will be mostly abandoned. On the upper level they will see a lone Goron rolling around
the track fleeing for his life, the track runs in a large circle and the Pcs must find a way to get
him to stop moving.
The Goron is King Darunia's Son named: ______ (I named him after the groups Paladin who
was doing most of the talking, i suggest you name it after one of the player's because its fun) He
pretends to be brave but is really a small afraid child left all alone with only a few people left in
the city to take care of him. (As small as a goron can be)
● Evil King Ganon has taken the gorons hostage and threatens to feed them to a Dragon
Volgavia as an example to the other races that would defy him.
● Darunia has left to go to the fire temple in the hopes to free his people. Many have been
captured the city is nearly empty
● The fire temple is located deep into Death Mountain. The player's will need Fire
resistance gear in order to even survive in the mountain.
● Will offer one of the following
○ 2 rings of fire resistance
○ 1 leather armor of fire resistance
○ 2 Cloak of fire resistance.

The Pcs will have to go into the mountain if they are not wearing their fire resistance rings. They
will have to make Con Saves of 15 or suffer points of exhaustion.

Goron Mountain Shop

The Shop is run by a Goron named Ruga. One of the last remaining Gorons in the city.
Business has been terrible and will offer items at a low cost until the fire temple is completed.
Item Cost Amount

Armor of Fire Resistance 150-

Can be worn as clothing underneath +Base
armor. Cost

Fireproof Shield 30gp

Potion of Healing (Common) 25gp 1

Basic Gear (Weapons) PHB

+1 Arrows 50gp 30 arrows.

Inside the Mountain

The player's will have to enter inside the Mountain and they will immediately start to feel the
heat as they enter the core of the Mountain. If a player is not wearing the appropriate gear they
will suffer a point of Exhaustion immediately upon entering and another if they do not equip an
item within 5 mins.

The Player's can explore the area and find a few secrets. A Large boulder will be standing all
alone and a player with High perception will notice it out of place. This will lead the Pcs to a
Fairy Cave so they can stock up.

The Player's will have to climb down the path in order to make it to the entrance of the Fire
Temple. The path is circular with a hollow entrance. I used the following map personally for the
battle. Lava Map and at this point

So at this point you have 2 paths. Is your party laughing at everything you throw at them? Or do
they cower before you? What would be guarding the depths of Death Mountain?
Easy: Fire Giants it's part of a quest chain and guarding the inner part of Death Mountains
could be their sole purpose.
Harder: Balor. I want to stress that at this point my party was extremely overpowered and I do
not normally recommend having a 5th level party fight a Balor. However… The group of 6
player's did crush it relatively easily. Action Economy is pretty big in 5E. This is up to DM
perspective but i personally saw it as a test and the party Aced it. I did have a safety net
prepared. Sheik will come in when the Balor was about 50% to death to aid the party however
it wasn't even necessary. So on the defeat of the Balor I had the party hear the commotion
further into the Mountain. Sheik and several Soldiers of Hyrule were in the fight against the Fire
Giants and the party engaged with them. Once the party defeats the Giants or Sheik saves
them from the Balor. Sheik will teach them the Bolero of Fire.

1. Bolero of Fire
Requirement: DC 20 Performance.
Success: Opens a gate to the Fire temple deep into Goron Mountain.
On Fail: The Temple heats up even more, Fire Resistance gear is no longer effective outside of
preventing Exhaustion. Player's become Vulnerable to fire damage without Fire resistance gear.

Fire Temple
1. The Entrance
a. The Group walks in and are greeted with a large totem with three faces open and
the words “Bring me the Flame” engraved into two of them. The middle one looks
dented at the top and is engraved “Bring me the hammer”.To the left the player's
will feel the heat and see a figure further out ahead of them. To the right is an
elevator shaft inactive at the moment.
2. Lava Room
a. Across a large lava room is Darunia Standing near a doorway.
Who's there? Is that you, _______ (Player name)...? Oh, it really is you!
You've grown so big since I last saw you!

I want to have a man-to-man talk with you, but now's not the time.
Ganondorf is causing trouble on Death Mountain again! He has revived
the evil, ancient dragon Volvagia! On top of that, he is going to
feed my people to that evil dragon as a warning to other races that
might resist him...

If that fire-breathing dragon escapes from the mountain, all of

Hyrule will become a burning wasteland! I will go on ahead to try
to seal up the evil dragon... I'm concerned, though, because I don't
have the legendary hammer... But I have no choice. This is perfect however,
While I’m distracting the Dragon you can free my people. I’m already
Running out of time!
(He will rush to the door quickly, not giving the group any Real time to discuss anything with
him. The player's will no doubt try to stop him from going in alone. But Darunia will resist any
attempt and use a Legendary Resistance to proceed through the door if necessary.)

* - He enters Volvagia's chamber. The lock is reset once the door closes.

3. Lava Room Side Chamber

a. From this area the player's will be able to vaguely see Darunia Charging towards
Volvagia. They will be able to hear the battle but unable to see it. They will hear
the Sounds of a dragon's flame breath and Darunia's Mace wailing against the
While in this room if the party is trying to figure out the puzzle they will hear brief
sounds of the conflict but eventually they will hear a loud roar followed by silence.
b. Puzzle! Have you played Runescape? Do you remember the Quest: Ernest the
Chicken? I wanted to do a lock opening puzzle that reminded me of that game.
I used the oil gage puzzle of opening doors to get to the other side. The link will
give you the solution but creating your own variant is pretty satisfying. Basically a
switch will open one door and close another and it's important for you to label
which switch is attached to what door(s) The link will give you an idea of the
puzzle otherwise feel free to make your own.
c. Once the player's make it through the puzzle room they will find several cells with
gorons locked in them. Entering the room will trigger its defences and two, Like
Likes will be released from the ceiling. In addition to that the floor will begin to
rise and tiles will be shot at the closest player's. Dealing 1d4 bludgeoning
damage for every hit. Roll a straight d20 against the PCs AC to determine if they
i. I gave the Tiles their own turn in initiative but once they flew at a player
they were destroyed. Setting up 5 groups of 4 tiles to hit player's on their
initiative turn.
d. The player's will need keys to free the gorons or the locks can be picked DC20
lockpicking to break open the cage. On Failure the lock will jam and will be
unable to be lock picked. The Jailed Gorons will tell the party that a Jailor holds
the keys. A Dark wizard and his Fire elementals are in the lower part of the
4. Elevator Shaft
a. The Elevator will become online after meeting with Darunia. The Shaft ride is not
as easy. Above the elevator shaft the player's will see the dragon head peer
down at them and let out a roar, “You look up above you and see the large
glowing blue eyes of this strange creature. Its horns glowing yellow and face red.
But the blue eyes… you remember how blue those eyes are. It opens its mouth
and you see the glow of fire emerging from its Mouth right before you hear the
whale of a mace against the creature followed by a loud laugh, “Not Today big
boy” You hear crumbling and debris begins to fall.
b. The Debris falls down the elevator shaft in random locations. I had the elevator a
4x8 grid and I rolled 4d8 dropping rocks in specific locations. If a rock fell on a
player they would suffer 4d6 bludgeoning damage if hit by the rocks. The debris
will fall onto the elevator shaft and they will need to remove it for them to
continue. The boulders are large and heavy but the party will eventually be able
to move them all to get the elevator moving again. By the time the party reaches
the top floor Darunia and Volvagia will be gone, but there is a large impact site if
the player's look on the other side of the elevator shaft. Both Darunia and
Volvagia are gone.
5. Maze Room
a. Develop a small maze and place several moving boulders around it. There are 3
rooms connected to this larger room, 1 of which is hidden.
i. South Room (Hidden) - behind a cracked wall lies a treasure room with
an unlit forge. Roll on a treasure table but give the Pcs an extra Bomb
1. Placing a Bomb or casting a powerful fire spell will light the forge
and Light one of the totems on the ground floor. It will also bring
down lots of noise and summon guards inside the dungeon. Fire
Snakes will now be roaming the main interior of the dungeon.
ii. North East Room - Trial of Hammer
1. The Megaton Hammer
2. Here the party has been given lots of opportunity to get fire
resistance gear and hopefully will have some temp HP. One party
member will have to “Survive” the next Gauntlet. A Barbarian,
Paladin and Fighter should on average have about 50 hp by this
point. In addition they are wearing fire resistance gear so the
following damage would result in being halved to the normal Trial.
3. Read the following: In the center of the room you see a Large
Hammer surrounded by flames statues standing over the hammer
like they are watching over the weapon itself.
4. As a challenger approaches the hammer the Guardian will
awake eyes glowing red with Fire but they will not attack, they wait
for one worthy to wield the hammer. The Guardian bellows and
speaks to them. “Only the purest can be cleansed in the fire” they
will gesture to the hammer. A person must pull the hammer.
5. As a person attempts to wield it the fire will begin to burn the
player starting small but quickly escalating… The player will roll
initiative as will the DM for the fire. If a player has healing spells or
buffs they may cast it on the player before entering the circle as it
blocks outside interference. The damage will start at a d4 then
rise. D6,d8,d10,d12,d20 and finally d100. After the big burst of
Flames with the d100 a player will emerge with the hammer or be
knocked out unconscious in the flame. On Failure the Statues will
attack the party as they are not worthy to hold the hammer. The
failed warrior will keep its initiative order that he died on and
automatically take 1 failed Death Save each turn as they lie in

DM Note: At most damage this is a total of 160 damage the player must survive assuming you
max roll on all. This is halved due to fire resistance bringing it down to 80 that can be
devastating. That d100 is scary but the shock value on the Pcs make it worth it. And chances
are they will have a fairy on him anyway to sprout him back to life. It's ok for your player's to fail
a task because they will have a backup plan fighting the Guardians. Which will release the
hammer from the trial.

iii.North West Room - Forge

1. This room is a minor Gauntlet. Once the room is triggered the
forge will attempt to be heated. The Coal room to the west will
open and several small Fire Elemental will come charging out.
These are treated as small minions and have 1 HP.
2. The Goal is for the player's to light the forge using one of the
elementals. And for this a living elemental must be forced inside
the forge lighting it and allowing the second totem in the entrance
room to light.
3. Once completed the player's can either backtrack or find a secret
passage that will allow the player's to slide back to the beginning.
The Vent is on the south passage of the room and can be spotted
pretty easily. It's up to the PCs to figure out if the vent is safe or
not to use it.
6. Entrance Part 2
a. At this point the party should have the hammer along with two forges lit. If not
they will need to find the missing piece by going back upstairs.
b. By having the hammer a PC can smash the totem that was dented triggering a
switch opening up a hidden room near the entrance of the temple.
7. Prison Guards
a. The path opens up the way to meet the Jailor and he's been waiting and
watching. Using a Scrying orb he has witnessed the party and has been setting
up the traps in the dungeon. The woman's name is Sooveafi and she is loyal to
Ganondorf, a Gerudo wizard calling out the party for their final trial.
i. Before rolling initiative she will cast Mirror Image on herself and release
several Fire Snakes into the room. By her next turn she will cast
Elemental Bane onto an enemy. By her 3rd round of initiative she will
begin launching Fireballs into the small area attempting to burn down the
ii. On defeat the player's will be able to pick up the keys to the cells and to
the bosses lair.
8. Freeing the Gorons
a. On success the gorons will let the player's know of the fairy cave outside of the
temple if it wasnt found previously. They also will let the player's know they have
heard Volvagia recently and it seems like it was crying out in pain. If they move
quickly they might be able to finish it off while it's wounded.

9. Boss Battle: Volvagia

In the room that Darunia had entered, there is a lava-surrounded platform on which there are
nine holes, each filled with lava. Depending on how long the party waited to engage will
determine how the will be greeted by Volvagia

1. After instantly freeing the Goron the push at the chance to take down Volvagia knowing that it
is wounded and want to push on that. Volvagia will start the encounter at 50% health. And be
resting at the ground level when the player's enter the room.
2. After Freeing the goron the player's choose to take a short rest or go to the fairy fountain.
Volvagia will start at 75% health. Resting on the ground when the player's enter the room.
3. The Players take a long rest. And Volvagia will start the encounter at 100%. Emerging from
the lava pit, Volvagia will start the encounter in the Air flying.

Lair Action
On Initiative 20 4 random geysers will burst. A player within 5ft of the geyser must make a
Dexterity saving throw DC12 or be dealt 2d8 damage or half as much on a success. The
geysers will have a tell so Danger Sense will give advantage or anyone actively looking around
the room.

Playing Volvagia.
Volvagia is not stupid, she cares about her own survival and assess the batltefield properly. Her
turns should always end with her either in the air or underground in the lava. It's up to the
player's to try and provoke a conflict on the ground. She also will recognize the hammer as she
was beaten with it ages ago. She will attempt to avoid the player wielding the Megaton

Navi, Hey Listen!

If she submerges herself set yourself up to Bash her face in!
Her scales are tough and most blades aren't getting past those scales.
She’s clearly immune to fire.
She has good survival skills… but i don't think she's that smart… (Negative mod in Intel)

With the killing blow delt Volvagavia freezes for a moment, its eye twitching it lets out a final roar
before slowly begins to glow… player's within 10ft will need to make a Dexterity saving throw.
On failure they take (4d8) fire damage or half as much on success. The corpse begins to slowly
turn to ash as its body disappears. A Familiar blue portal opens up and the player's are brought
into the Chamber of Sages
Darunia appears before the party
So… I’m proud of you all. You saved my people and slayed the beast. Knew you could do it.
But hey! I helped out too hehe. After falling from the cliff I realized that Volvagavia couldnt be
stopped by me. So I rushed back to this location for a final battle and well.. It got the best of me
with my last breaths. I called upon the goddesses and sacrificed myself becoming the new
Sage of Fire…

Well someone had to do it… The Gorons owe you a debt the least i can do is bestow upon you
the Medallion of Fire.

The party will be teleported back to the throne room of Goron City, as they leave the room they
will be greeted with the young Goron prince ____ (PCs name) and the hordes of Gorons that
were saved. They will throw the party a feast and after a long rest they will emerge at 6th level.

Kakariko Village Revisited

When the player's come down from Death Mountain they will notice the villagers gathering near
the center of town. And here we start to derive a bit from traditional OoT… Ganon was very
intelligent and it seems reasonable that he wouldn't just wait in a castle while a group of people
go off and collect these medallions. I also wanted to do something with the Twili character in my
group and I felt like having the Shadow temple guarded by Twili was a fun concept. If you have
a Twili in your group feel free to replace Zant with someone in their backstory.

The player's will notice a black robed man with several masked figures behind him. They have
gathered the villagers to a single location. The player's will notice the shift in wind and the
windmill spinning wildly out of control.

It has come to our Lord Ganondorf's attention that rebellion has begun to stir here in Kakariko…
Lord Ganon has been very generous to the people here and has allowed the Hylian people to
live here in peace. But when rebellions begin to arise there must be consequences, We have
punished the Zora. They now live in a frozen tundra...

No one wants another war between kingdoms. The occupation of the Twili will begin today.
Your guards will now follow my orders or Ganon and his armies will lay waste to this land also.
My name is Zant, your new lord of Kakariko.

We are looking for the rebellion figures and Lord ganon has offered a handsome reward for
information on them.
What does this mean for the party?
Well in short, people are looking for them now. Getting around Kakariko and other places the
Pcs will have to watch their backs. Characters they have bonded with in the past will be more
important and people they saved in the past will remember the good of the heroes where people
who were ignored… Well they will seek their revenge in the form of information or direct conflict.

If the player chooses to engage Zant a battle can take place. Zant will do everything in his
power to escape (Zant is treated as a Drow Mage for simplicity and his minions.) Standing aside
from him is a group of Standard Twili and a Twili Inquisitor (If you have Mordenkaisers Tomb
use Drow Inquisitor for more challenge)

At this point player's will have one of two things they want to do.
1. Free Zoras
2. Free Kakariko

If Pcs want to continue with Kakariko, keep reading and otherwise skip to the Zora section.

The Graveyard
If the Pcs stick around in Kakariko then they will eventually find themselves a contact who wants
to help them. Whether it be a shopkeep or the young boy that was playing around in the
graveyard. Eventually the Pcs will come across a letter addressed to them asking to meet in the
graveyard during noon. (The Drow don't do well for Day Guarding so meeting in daylight is

Meeting Sheik
The Pcs will be greeted by Sheik in the graveyard standing beside her is a familiar figure named
Impa. Impa will state “It has been some time heroes. You’ve done well since we last met.”
The player's will likely ask about the Princess and of course they both will acknowledge that she
is safe… for now. They will explain that once all the Medallions are recovered and the Sages
have combined their power Zelda will be able to awaken her power of the triforce and aid the
party in the final battle.

As for recovering the Shadow Medallion we are in need of an artifact hidden deep under
kakariko village. Kakariko and Hyrule have a dark history and I warn you adventurers it's not
one we are proud of. The Catacombs built underneath was once a torture chamber to the
enemies of Hyrule. A Group you may be familiar with the Shiekans were responsible for
guarding the Royal family and its secrets. Impa and I are of the last descendants of the clan.
She will be able to gain access to the Shadow Temple but none others can pass without the
Sheikan brand. Down below you must perform a ritual and only then will you be able to pass
into the Shadow Temple. In addition the amount of illusions you will find in the temple will
require the Lens of Truth created by the eyes of the traitor mage Bongo Bongo.

Goals: Gain Entrance to Shadow Temple by getting the Brand of Sheikans

Side Goal: Uncover the Lens of Truth or possibly die from lots of traps and fall to death.

Now we know that the time is coming and you will be successful. Once we know you have the
brand we will perform the ritual for Impa to become the next Sage of Shadow. The closer we get
to completing these quests the less Allies we have. Their power is put into the medallions and
do not let their sacrifices be in vain.

Talk to the man that operates the Windmill he will guide you to the Catacombs.

Windmill Man
The man's name is Guru, when the player enters the windmill he will be interrogated by the
Twili Inquisitor if he was not dealt with previously. After the Inquisitor has been dealt with the
Pcs will talk to Guru

The hidden pass is guarded by an ancient song. There was once a time where the Hyrulian
King asked the Goddesses to wash away their sins and cleanse the land. We were given the
Song of Storms to wash away the evil.

(He will begin to play the song and the windmill will begin to spin, faster faster and faster.
Outside the windmill the nearby well will now be drained.)

We have opened the torture chambers that have been locked away for centuries there is great
evil below. Only those associated with the Royal family will be able to pass.

It’s sure to be dark down below. I’d recommend talking to the alchemist about a Potion of
Blindsight. There are creatures down there that havent seen the sun in centuries. Light may
disturb them more then you understand Some things are best left avoided then confronted.

Bottom of the Well

When the player's climb down to the bottom of the well they will notice the Royal Family Symbol,
they will have to play Zelda's Lullaby in order to proceed.

Entering the well the player's walk down a deep long hallway. To be greeted by a large open
area with a large squared room made of heavy stone in the center of it all. The floor soaked in
water drained the area will have 3 doors one to the West, North and East. as well as a main
doorway in the center of the room that is currently locked down with 3 Key holes. The keyholes
are magically protected. A Dispel Magic followed by successful lockpicking can skip the full part
of the dungeon. Otherwise we press on

Several Flameskull Enemies patrol the area and if they spot the player's they will summon
Skeletons to at this point probably just annoy the player's. (They are weak but many in this
dungeon and they wont stop coming till the skulls are defeated.) The Flameskull will attempt to
flee after summoning the nearby skeletons moving in a circular pattern around the map.

East Room
Amongst the most flooded area is a doorway underneath the water. Player's can pry it open
underwater and swim or can find a way to remove the water from the area. A perceptive player
will notice the drains surrounding the well area and might figure out that the water can be
drained from somewhere in the dungeon. If a player investigates a nearby well and plays
Zelda's Lullaby the water will drain further.

1. Ball in a cup! The Pcs will walk into the room and see the large fenced area with a Light
glowing at the top. Once the light has been struck it will open up a secret chamber
revealing a ball. The light will also close another nearby door and rotate to the other
The idea behind the puzzle is for one player to be on one side of the fence, have another
player shoot the switch opening the door to the ball. Bringing the ball to the main area,
then the player who is now on the opposite side of the gate shoots the glowing light
sending it back to the original side. The player behind the gate will notice a large cup
with a hole in the center that the ball needs to fill opening up a chamber revealing a key.
Getting the ball over the wall may require some finesse but let the player's get creative
on how they need to get the ball into the other side.
2. Solving the puzzle will give the Pcs a Key to the center of the room

North Room
On the wall written in blood “Silence and Darkness Required. Do Not Stir the Guardian”
The Pcs will enter a room with a Magical darkness filling the room. A creature with Darkvision
can’t see through this darkness, and non magical light can’t illuminate it. But will hear the sound
of a shuffling body and moans along with what sounds like a dragging sword. Light and sound
sources draw the creature to the party but they cannot see the creature as it is invisible. They
will hear a Scream if the target hears one of the player's and then it will immediately hit a player.

Use the created Guardian of the Well Character sheet

The creature will continue to patrol unless the characters are making noises. It will always hunt
down the sources of sound. The Pcs must investigate the room silently to find the key. Pcs
without darkvision are at a huge disadvantage here. If the party took the advice of Guru and
bought some Potions of Blindsight then no one should be at a disadvantage.

1. Goal: Find the Key

a. Noise will provoke the creature to attack.
i. Failing a Stealth will get the creature to charge at the sound. DC10
b. Light will provoke the creature
i. They will be able to see the outline of the phantom.
ii. It will constantly attempt to attack the holder of the light
2. Upon Investigating the room, the Pcs will have to search the room. And eventually find
an illusionary wall that will emit a dark blue aura. Feint letters written in Sheikah
The Guardian holds the key.
a. The Pcs need to get the Guardian to attack the blue wall.
b. On completion the aura will disperse and the guardian will drop its blade in the
room. Leaving behind a +1 Greatsword.
c. In the room the player's will find the second key.

West Room
The room to the west has a repulsive smell. As the player's enter the room they will smell the
acid burning and see reaching hands and souls who are in the acid reaching and crying out for
mercy. The platforms are about 10ft above and at the other end of the long platform about 60ft
out is a treasure chest that stands on a platform.

1. Goal: Player's will need to open the chest across the room to retrieve the final key.
A player on the platform will have to succeed in several Wisdom Saves to make it through
safely. Only 1 player needs to make it to the chest and back.
a. Wisdom DC12: Walk random direction if they walk off the platform they fall into
the acid and start taking 2d8 acid damage per turn. The player will regain
themself after taking damage but is currently in the acid.
b. Acid Pit: The player will become instantly grappled by the souls in the acid and
they attempt to hold the PC there. The PC must escape the grapple with a DC10
(With disadvantage, the PC is grappled by many creatures and is in a pool of
i. On Fail they are grappled still and take an additional 2d8 damage.
ii. Once freed the PC must try to escape but constantly fight being grappled
c. Across the path is a treasure chest holding the final key.

Center Room
With all the keys recovered its time to uncover the boss of the area. In the center of the room
the Pcs will find the Ghost of Dampei once again. The room is Square with lots of tombs
scattered around. 1 of which holds the escape for the player's. (More on that later.)
I vowed revenge on you all. You took my precious treasure… it was mine… you can't just keep
taking all these things for yourself. I couldn't let you continue on after the way you cheated to
steal my belongings… So I met my friend here… and we devised your death.

(Dampei will transform and several artifacts and armor will fly over to him. He will now fight the
party as a Death Knight… but he has a friend.)

A Dead Hand will emerge from the center of the room in front of Dampei. Roll for Initiative.

The Dead hand will focus on restraining the party members. Where Dampei will attempt to 1v1
the party leader.

On defeat Dampei will cry out… Don’t touch… my stuff!!! Before disappearing into dust.
The room will be locked down and a chest will appear holding The Lens of Truth. Tombs in the
area also hold loot, roll on a table for those.

Using the lense the player will see that inside a tomb has an illusionary floor with a ladder
leading down below.

Well Basement
Down below is a maze only the floor itself is acid.. And that there is no floor. A Pc must use the
Lens of Truth to see the floor and guide the player's over the acid pools to get to the other side.

Set Up: If you are playing online screenshot the GM Screen showing the player the path and
have them use that so they can guide the player's to the end of the maze. A mistake will cause
a player to fall into the acid and have to climb out. In person you can use things such as
Invisible ink to make it so the player with the “Light” can guide the PCs through. Or again. Give
a player a map of some sort.

Once they reach the other side of the maze they will be in the “Branding room” this by giving
themselves the mark of the Sheikah the group will be able to enter the Shadow Temple. A Small
cutscene will occur.
As you perform the ritual and brand your member you start to notice the Lens of truth glow and
vibrate.. It rises up and a puff of smoke gashes through it, everyone is knocked prone just for a
quick second. You see the glowing eye stare at you. It glows at _____ (insert player) a beam of
energy blasts towards you but you quickly dodge out of the way. The smoke begins to flee the
room and the lens of truth falls to the ground

On the other side a long ladder to climb up is at the far end of the room. This will bring them
back up to the windmill in Kakariko Village. The party will emerge from the Windmill and
instantly see that the town is on fire, several Twili attempting to put out the flames along with the
villagers of Kakariko. The Villagers are distracted but the player's can choose to help them or
sneak off to the temple.

If the player's help they will need to confront Zant but will do so with the villagers' help.
Townsfolk will throw rocks and attack the twili on behalf of the party. The townsfolk will thank the
party and offer them 200 gold each as payment.

With the Lens of Truth on hand the PCs can make their way to the Shadow Temple.

Shadow Temple
After completing the ritual and giving themselves the Brand the Shadow Temple will open up for
the group. Advise the group to rest if they have not already. The temple will rise and they will be
greeted by a long hallway with torches fully lit and the sound of weapons clashing to the ground.

The Hall will end with the Spectre floating above the player's and dozens of skeletons in the
area. The following is a bit more of a RP encounter. I stumbled upon this and loved the design
so much I wanted to incorporate it into my game. Grim Reaper

1. Main Hall - Grim Reaper.

The players will be guided into the main hall hering the thump of weapons and finally the reaper
will appear. And one of the following will occur.
1. Any player who has died in the campaign the reaper will be hostile towards as
they have cheated death and should not be.
Chosen Heroes of the Goddess you have escaped me before but i see you now in my domain.
Have you come to surrender yourself to death? To live after such trauma you have endured is a
sin… it is unnatural. I will take you to your final place so you may know peace. The Mortal plane
is filled with woe you will be at peace again.

The reaper cannot be truly killed as it's responsible for death but he can be banished

Death will always be here. A World without death cannot be… its soul transports deep down
into the depths of the Shadow Temple.

2. No player has died and the reaper will be friendly

Many of you have seen me approaching but steered away… it was not your time and it is not
your time now… What is it you seek in this dark place?
(He will give helpful advice of what to expect in the dungeon.)
You will find many hidden paths and invisible creatures. Only the lens will show the truth.

(If the PC uses the LoT against the Reaper they will see him as an Angel with large heavenly
wings seeing the reaper this way gives a large sense of calming giving the player 3d8 temp hp)
Either by defeat or persuasion the reaper will drop a pair of Hover boots for the player's.
“Only one who has sacred feet can cross the valley of the dead”

2. Chasm
a. A player wearing the hover boots will need to dash over 100 ft to the next area.
Which means a player will most likely need something to boost their speed.
Assuming a character's base running speed is 30ft and adding 10ft with the
hover boots that means the player would only get 80ft across. So someone with
either a movement speed of 40 will be able to go over it clean or the group will
need to enhance a player's speed somehow. This gives the player a bit of
creative problem solving. In the worst case scenario, there is a Scroll of Haste
hidden nearby to help boost a player's movement speed temporarily.
b. At the other end is the gate and a lever will rise a Bridge up from the Abyss
3. Moving Wall Room
a. Have player's roll initiative and roll 2 rolls hidden from the PCs. Set Up a maze
where the walls move either on an X or Y Axis. On the Mazes turn have them
move and spring traps from the wall.
b. The ground is sticky and considered rough terrain.
c. Player's must make it through the maze.
d. On the maze a note scribbled on the wall will read “The Shadow will yield only to
one with the eye of truth, handed down”

4. Invisible Path
a. Before the following path a message will be written on the wall nearby “One who
gains the eye of truth will be able to see what is hidden in the darkness.”
b. Similar to the Well Basement section above, set up another grid with an invisible
path that the user of the Lens of Truth will need to guide player's. Below lies a
shadow pit. A wrong move here a player will fall into the Abyss and will need to
overcome 1 or 2 Shadow Demon alone. Win or lose the PC will be teleported to
the Main hall.
i. DM NOTE: This marked the first death of my campaign 2 shadow
demons vs a Druid and a series of bad rolls. My fighter managed to slay
the demons without trouble using the Master Sword but my Druid ended
up dying. They managed to revive him by teleporting him to a great fairy
fountain but decide if 1 or 2 Shadow Demons is best for your game.
c. Once the Party makes it about Half way 2 Stalfos will rise from the ground on the
platform and engage the party
5. Crushing Room
a. Only one with the eye of truth will find the stone umbrella that protects against
the rain of blades.
b. The Pcs will have one big block 5x15 long (Invisible) for protection and have to
push the block across a spiked room without it crushing the Pcs, getting hit with
the ceiling will instantly KO a party member. Have the Pcs push the block
through the area and they will have to watch how the above traps are positioned.
c. Hidden in this area in the center of the room in between traps is an illusionary
wall that the player's will need to find using the Lens of Truth. Inside the room is
a chest with the Boss Key. This room also holds a horde of treasure. Roll on
treasure table.(Make it big your party is probably poor)
d. On the wall will be written “Shadow Temple... Here is gathered Hyrule's bloody
history of greed... and hatred…”
6. Fan Room
a. Inside the room a player must don the Hover Boots and complete a maze. The
difference is the Fan controls where you're going not the player. So once you
step into a fan they will blow you into an end result. Another player must control
the direction of certain fans so you are blown into the end path
b. Set-up: Figure out what fans the player staying back will be affecting. When
creating a puzzle like this it's usually best to start at the end and work your way
back. The Switch will ultimately control where the player lands they are going to
sitback and enjoy the ride. But their life is put in the hands of the switch user.
Anyone who fails will fall to the void and have to fight the Shadow Demons once
7. Docks
a. As the party approaches they will find a bell Inside a gated area. The Boss key is
required to open it.
b. Ring the bell and a Boat comes
c. The boat is small and will require 2 people to paddle. How fast they move is
equal to the combined athletic checks of the Pcs. DC5 = 5ft DC10 = 10ft ect.
i. Whilst paddling Skeletons will spawn on top of the bridge and start firing
arrows down below. Have 2 skeletons per party member bombard the
boat with arrows. As they try to sink the boat. The boat has an AC of 12
and a total of 80hp. At half health it will move half of the original speed. If
the boat sinks the player's will wash out into the darkness and have to
fight Shadow Demons once again.

Boss Room - Bongo Bongo

Lair Action
On Initiative 20 the room begins to shake and the floor bounces everyone into the air. Everyone
in the room will need to make a DC12 Acrobatics save or be knocked prone. Those in heavy
armor do so with disadvantage. The Arena is basically a giant Drum that shakes every few
seconds of initiative. A player can get knocked out of the platform if so they start to suffer 2d8
acid damage at the start of their turn while in Acid.

Playing Bongo Bongo.

Bongo Bongo will start the encounter invisible and will only be revealed by Dispelling the
Invisibility, or Destroying one of his hands. He will prefer to keep his distance and mess with the
field as much as possible to give himself the advantage while his hands swat away at the party.
A PC with the Lens of Truth can see bongo bongo the entire time as long as they are using it.
And strike directly at him if they want. Bongo Bongo will do what he can to stay invisible as long
as his hands are active and will use its turn to cast Greater Invisibility on himself to stay that

Navi, Hey Listen!

If only we could see him we could ignore the hands! (letting party know the invisibility can be
Shoot his eye! Creatures don't like arrows in their eyes (Vulnerable to piercing after a called
This ground is super shaky and the motion is on a pattern. (Give advantage on saves for fight)
Take care of the hands and I'm sure it’ll show itself.

Upon the creature's defeat it dissolves into the acid pool screaming and bursting into green
flames. A portal opens up in the center of the room to teleport the party to the chamber of

Impa appears before the party

As I expected, you have

come. I am Impa, one of the Sheikah. I am Princess Zelda's
caretaker, and I am also the Sage who guards the Shadow Temple.

We Sheikah have served the royalty of Hyrule from generation to

generation as attendants. However... On that day seven years ago,
Ganondorf suddenly attacked...and Hyrule Castle surrendered after
a short time. Ganondorf's target was one of the keys to the Sacred
Realm...the hidden treasure of the Royal Family...The Ocarina of

My duty bound me to take Zelda out of Ganondorf's reach. When last

I saw you, as we made our escape from the castle, I knew that you would
Protect us covering our retreat but i thought it was going to cost your lives ...
Now I see that you have all become fine heroes...

There's nothing to worry about... The Princess is safe now. Soon,

you'll meet Princess Zelda face-to-face, and she will explain
everything... That is when we, the Six Wise Ones, will seal up
the Evil King and return peace to Hyrule.

Just as I thought you had given yourselves up for us, I too gave myself up for the better
of Hyrule.... You must go to Princess Zelda's side and protect her on my behalf. Now I put my
power, which should be helpful to you, into this Medallion!
… She is closer than you think.

The Portal will bring the Pcs to Kakariko. The Pcs will now level up to 7th or 8th level depending
on if they did the water temple first or not.

Water temple Prep

The game at this point may be deviated and need to be switched up as needed. The player's
will have heard that Ganon has frozen the Domain as an example to the other races who dared
challenge him. The player's will need to make their way back to the domain

The Entrance to the Domain from the River is frozen solid the PCs may attempt to burn their
way through but the magic is strong and as the wall melts more ice freezes over causing it to
become thicker. Some Zora will be locked out of the area and let the party know that “Only a
Blue flame can truly melt the ice” Unfortunately the source of that blue flame is locked behind
Lord Jabu Jabu fountain. If pressed the Zoras will mention a secret entrance in Lake Hyrule.
That may allow them to get inside the grotto.

Player's may travel to Lake Hylia where they will find the lake Polluted and strange zora-like
creatures beginning to go mad. Corrupted Zora. The player's will see that the Lake
Observatory has been heavily barricaded. If the player's try taking the shortcut down below they
will be attacked by the Zora. If the player's meet their way towards the observatory they will be
met with many traps but making it to the door, they will find a scared scientist holding a spear

RP the Scientist
He will be worried that the Zoras have finally come for him and he couldn't find the cure in time.
He will explain that when the domain froze Ganon put a curse on the creatures in the lake
causing them to lose their minds. There is a chance to save them however. an ancient creature
protects the water temple and is known for similar mind control that this toxin that can affect the
zora is doing. He needs the guts of the creature and should be able to cure the infected zora.
Inside the pool that was once a test of diving will be drained and the scientist will talk about the
secret entrance to the Zora pool. Allowing the player's to enter the now frozen Domain.

Zora Domain
The domain is now frozen over and the only creatures found inside are frozen zora underneath
the water or giant icicles. Inside the Domain lies 2-3 large Frost Giants guarding the throne
room that leads to Lord Jabu Jabu Fountain.

After their defeat the player's will feel the cold but at the far end of the fountain will be the
Frozen Cave
Crossing the Frozen Lake
Lord jabu jabu is gone, the lake is frozen solid with bits broken up into floating platforms of ice.
The player's will see torches lit at the far end of the lake and will have to assume that it's their
target. The lake crossing the lake is about 1 mile or 5280 ft. Most of that travel will be safe but
when they get near the center they will need to make checks to cross evenly.

At this point I start looking at the weight of other player's and figure out the DC for the following
encounter. Player's will start to approach the center and the lake's ice isnt as thick as it starts to
break apart. The water temperature is freezing and will cause exhaustion for any who enter it
without a Cold resistance gear. The player's will start approaching the thin ice and describe how
they notice the ice getting thinner, giving them a sense that they are going to need to be quick
witted. At this point simply ask how they want to proceed.

You start reaching a point where the ice thins, there are several groups of ice that would
connect to a path to the other side of the ice in the lake. The ice is freezing and dangerous to
cross, you could go out of the way as it looks like the path to the left connects by hugging the
side. Or you could take a chance and jump from platform to platform as a more direct path.

At this point it's up to the player's on how to proceed. They may opt into something completely
different. The path to the left is where we would check out each character's weight and set DCs
accordingly 50lbs or less the DC would be 5. 51-150 DC 10 ect… you set the dc to what you

Crossing the path they will need to make a roll and describe what they are doing to use that roll
while crossing the path. Example. Nature to study how the ice is formed so you know what parts
of the lake will be strong. Survival to meticulously test the str of the ice before stepping foot in
the area. This is a Skill Check where the player will need to use their creativity and skills to
push through

Ice Cavern
1. Ice Cave Entrance
Upon entering the cave they find themself in a large open area with lots of frozen Stalagmites
and Ice sculptures on the ground. A large frozen wall upon a cliff about 60ft above them rests
and a path to the left side. The frozen wall is magical ice and only a Blue Flame will melt it. In
the room are several Keese (Elemental Cold) along with some Ice Elementals
2. Push Puzzle Room
In this room lies a large ice block on a track that can only go from left to right. There are several
other blocks that can either go left to right or north to south. The objective is to get the Large ice
block into a hole on the other side of the track. Have the player's push the blocks out of the way
to get the ice block into the hole. The Ice block has a very cold aura surrounding it though. All
blocks it touches put off a 5ft aura from it dealing 1d4 cold damage every 6 seconds. We want
the blocks close to each other so that whatever the block touches will connect this aura.
3. Slide Puzzle Room
Do you remember the ice caverns in pokemon? You step onto a location and you slide into you
collide with another object? That's the kind of puzzle I'm going for here. The player's will need to
plan out their path ahead of time. Failing to do so can have them run into walls of spikes (Ice)
causing bludgeoning damage. The far end of the room leads to a gated area.
4. Wolf's Den (Dragon)
Passing the gate they will see several Arctic Wolfos in the den. (Boring…. Honestly i thought
this was really anti climatic in OoT… so i felt like its a dnd campaign… let's have them fight a
DnD Dragon… so Adult White Dragon it was!!

You see a pack of wolves huddled in a pack of snow up ahead one lifts its head and begins to
growl.. But not looking at you… you notice them looking off to the north when suddenly a burst
of cold flame comes out from the room to the north… An adult white dragon appears burning
the wolves alive, their bodies charred… it looks over into your direction and lets out a powerful
roar… Roll for initiative.
5. Cave of Blue Flame
The Dragons den hosts the Blue flame, a fire that according to legend will never go out. The
player's must use one of their bottles in order to capture the flame. The Pcs will most likely have
at least 3 bottles at this point… They will need to use one of the bottles to unfreeze the path
frozen up ahead.
6. Iron Boots
After using the flame on the ice wall the player's will find a chest holding the Iron Boots
Sheik will appear after the cave has been cleared and teach the player's the Serenade of
Water to teleport them to Lake Hylia. She will instruct the party to use the blue flame on the
Zora King in the throne room, and the shopkeep for now. Possibly holding onto one for an
emergency. She will work on bringing the flame to the Zora domain and freeing the people
While the party works on the Water Temple.

Water Temple
Deep down in Lake Hylia the player's will need to find the entrance to the Water Temple.
Corrupted Zora will be patrolling the area near the water temple. To gain Entrance to the
temple the following things need to be achieved.

A person must stand on a pressure plate at the bottom of the lake. (Must be heavy enough to
stand on it) and perform the Serenade of Water. The platform itself is underwater so the player's
will need to perform the song underwater or do something like a Control Water spell. It is up to
the player's on how to gain entrance but that is the condition they will need to complete. Feel
free to place a scroll somewhere in their path if you want otherwise Navi will imply a way to clear
the water by finding a powerful spell. Once the conditions have been met the temple will open
and any nearby Zora will be alerted. Chasing them into the temple.

Temple Prep
This is my first attempt ever into making a 3d map and boy was it difficult. What I decided on
was to mark how deep water levels would go and then put markers on player's to indicate their
position in the map. I only did 2 underwater battles but it was definitely a lot of work using a 3d
map to fight underwater. In Addition i found a very good article that goes over underwater
combat that makes sense for the player's. I used the following rules for my game. In addition as
player's dive deeper into the water they will require darkvision for anything deeper than 15ft of
water. Make sure your party knows about this rule. As there is no natural light inside the
dungeon. In addition anything further than 60ft deep would require magic or special equipment
as no human can dive more than 60ft. Zora/Tritons can go up to 90 before pressure changes
start to hurt them.

Setting up this guide

When referring to sea level in this guide i will be using plus and minus X (ft). The player's start at
sea level of 0. And will go up and down accordingly. Again anything under -60ft can be life
threatening for the party.

1. Opening Room, 0/-30ft. Player's will need to swim into the entrance and eventually find
themself on some land. The temple is very dark and almost like a natural cave formation.
Large Zora Statues are engraved into the cave walls holding out tridents on the northern
side of the temple is more water that only leads downwards. The depth of the next area
is -30 ft. And a gated doorway blocks the room to the east. On the bottom of the pool lies
a pressure plate and several boxes floating in the room. The pressure plate will start to
drain the room but once released will fill with water. Once the room is drained someone
must bring the Box to the switch to keep the water drained. In addition the player's will
find a path on the ground to the south that is not barred.
2. South Path, -30ft. The path leads to a flat stone wall standing in their path. This flat
stone is encompassed in a bubble. On the stone it is inscribed: I run smoother than most
any rhyme; I love to fall but cannot climb.
The wall cannot be destroyed by most attacks, but splashing water on it causes it to
crumble into wet sand. Which forms into a key to the gate in the previous room.
3. East Room, -30ft. Once the gate is opened the player's will need to raise the water level
once again. Destroying the box or removing it from the Pressure plate. As the water level
begins to rise 10ft of water every round Corrupted Zora will begin to dive into the area,
the player's will need to fight them off over a few rounds but more will join each round.
The final round I had a few Corrupted Zoras, riding Giant Seahorses just because I
thought it would be fun.
4. East Room, +10ft. The room has risen to the top floor and has come to meet another
Horde of Corrupted Zoras standing at arms. Among them are 3 Zora Witches. In the
room also is locked up Princess Ruto and various of her guards. The witches will
threaten the party. Stand back. She needs to be sacrificed, she is a sage after all isn't
she? We only want what needs to be done. To save the Zoras we must join him...
(The zoras will be referencing Morpha the boss in the dungeon controlling the water and
corrupting the Zora.) The Royal blood is key to our survival… we cannot let her wither
away inside of some chamber… Morpha calls to us and only it can save us… (While this
is going on the other two witches are pouring ingredients and stirring a cauldron.) The
potion will be completed in 1 min (10 turns) at that point any remaining Corrupted Zora
will attempt to sacrifice Ruto by having her drink the potion. The potion needs to be
destroyed or the Zoras need to be cleared out by that time otherwise Ruto will die.

If Ruto dies...
She will need to be reborn either by a great fairy or player
Someone else will need to sacrifice themselves to be a sage of water.
The Zora king is an option if brought to the temple. But it becomes a bit of an escort

If Ruto Lives
She is convinced to be the sage of water and aide the party. If anything fun in RP
happened previously remember that the Zoras sapphire is basically a giant engagement
ring and Ruto will make a joke at the fact she proposed to a player when she was 11.
5. Pass the Witches Horde
Ruto will stay back with her guards and tend to them while the PCs clear up ahead. She warns
of the Morpha threat and claims that the creatures we have fought are not true Zora but
shadows of what they once were. Morpha power brings out a person's evil in their hearts and
those who are affected will have to fight that evil. She will guide them to the north chamber and
warn them of what's to come.

6. 4 Zora, +10ft/-30ft.
The player's will dive deeper and see the same statues they have seen at the entrance
of the temple. They are sentient and have since moved but only speak a specific phrase
each. A golden glow bursts as the Pcs dive in.
We are the Guardians of the temple, sworn to protect the Zoras but one of us has betrayed us
all. The creation of Morpha has doomed our people. 3 of us are innocent but 1 is guilty. We ask
the chosen goddess to finish the guilty. Only then can we save our people. The glow will
disappear and only a large Dagger will appear. The water begins to drain.

A. C was with me when the assassination happened, so he can’t be the culprit.

B. D is known for never ever telling lies.
C. I was accomplishing a very important task at the time, which makes me innocent. D is
definitely the assassin.
D. A was acting very suspicious right before we were noticed of the crime. I’m pretty sure A
did it.


There is one possible solution to this. As we can guess by only having one dagger there is only
one culprit. If only one is the assassin, then only one of them must be lying. The only possible
way for there to be an only liar is for D to be the assassin. Even though B says that D is known
for never ever telling lies, that does not mean D is not lying. Place the dagger in D’s neck and
complete the puzzle. If another dagger is used trying to cause the same effect, that dagger will
not trigger the result. Only the dagger from that room can be used.

On Success the culprit will die and the guardians will open the gate to the next area.
On Failure: the guardians will see that the party is not worthy and begin to flood the room once
again. The room will begin to flood and the guardians will begin to attack. The room will gain 5ft
of water every 6 seconds. Until it reaches the +10ft. On defeat of Golem D the water will drain
and the gate will open but the others will still be hostile but unable to proceed through the gate
Zora Temple Guardian

**Special thanks to TOMÁS GIMÉNEZ RIOJA** Check out the article for the idea

7. Geyser room -30ft/-10ft. Inside the room is a chain of Geysers that sprout. At the -30ft
ground level there are 3 different pressure plates each will sprout up two geysers
A. Geyser A will push up 1 and 6
B. Geyser B will push up 2 and 4
C. Geyser C will push up 3 and 5
A player will need to climb up to the -10ft platform and jump onto the geysers while player's go
between the different pressure plates. At the top of the opposite platform is a pressure plate to
raise the water up slowly like an elevator to get the rest of the Pcs up.
Only two pressure plates can be active at a time the water pressure. The water can be
manipulated with the control water spell if player's want to easily route themselves.
8. Shadow Chamber -10ft.
Getting to the top of the chamber the PCs will enter a room with the water on the ground
reflecting themselves at the far end of the room is a treasure chest containing an improvement
mod of the following items.
Hookshot : Extend range to 50ft.
Farore's Wind. Now becomes a Bonus Action (teleporting around the room was so fun)
Din’s Fire. Damage increased to 5d8
*A small Blue Gem* (Used to upgrade Nayru’s Love, assuming the party has not collected it at
this point as it is found in the desert.) The upgrade allows it to be used once per short rest
instead of once per day.
After Collecting the treasures a fog will cloud the room. The party stays together and the door to
the chamber is gone. As the party begins to move with a blink of the eye the shadows of
themself begin to form near the chest. The player's must now overcome themselves…

DM Prep notes: You will need a copy of everyone's character sheet and be sure to have that
prepped before the encounter. The party is facing a mirror image of themselves and this can be
dangerous. The party needs to know how to play their characters better than you do. The
benefit does go to the party. Everything on the PCs sheet is fair game to you. The Shadows are
treated as True Neutral alignment. The Shadows will mostly focus on their counterpart at the
beginning but play what makes sense to them after the first round or so.

Upon defeat the shadows will be lost and the door will once again appear. The arena was a
mirage but just a vacant room now. Player's will walk up some stairs and find the next room.

9. Water Maze. 0ft./-30ft.

Deep into the maze is a chest with the boss key. A few traps inside the maze but overall they
just need to find the key.

Whirlpool. In the center of the room lies a Whirlpool. The whirlpool forms a vortex that is 5 feet
wide at the base, up to 25 feet wide at the top, and 30 feet tall. Any creature or object in the
water and within 25 feet of the vortex is pulled 10 feet toward it. A creature can swim away from
the vortex by making a Strength (Athletics) check DC10.

When a creature enters the vortex for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make
a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is
caught in the vortex until the spell ends. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage,
and isn’t caught in the vortex. A creature caught in the vortex can use its action to try to swim
away from the vortex as described above, but has disadvantage on the Strength (Athletics)
check to do so.

The first time each turn that an object enters the vortex, the object takes 2d8 bludgeoning
damage; this damage occurs each round it remains in the vortex.

Pass the whirlpool will be several chest with gold inside and bodies of dead adventurers. Use a
loot table if the pcs decide to investigate them. At one side of the maze lies a Boss Key.

Boss Room - Morpha

Lair Action
Morphas lair will be lots of platforms in the water and the side platforms have spikes on the side
dealing 1d8 piercing damage if pushed into them. The center platforms can only hold 1 player at
a time being 5x5 squares but less of a risk of environmental hazards.
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Morpha takes a lair action to cause one of the
following effects; Morpha can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:

● Summon a Water Elemental with 1 hp.

● Cast Control Water

Playing Morpha.
This tiny nucleus creature will use its control of water in every way possible to gain advantage. It
will constantly try to push people into the water and grab the player's to slam them down with its
tendrils. Pushing them into spikes. Its Grease Spell will be sprayed in order to get player's to trip
so it can have advantage. Summoning a water elemental every now and then creating life to a
creature that can deal some massive damage.

Navi, Hey Listen!

Hey did you know water conducts electricity! (Vulnerable to lightning damage)
The water isn't what we need to hit. It's the core. (Vulnerable to piercing after a called shot)
Those water elementals look like pushovers. (knowledge of them being 1hp)
If only we can do something about all this water in the room (destroy water if option)

Upon the defeat the core itself will glow and puff into bubbles. The water in the room will begin
to drain and the blue portal will open to the center of the room. Assuming Princess Ruto was
rescued she would be the sage if not some improv may need to be done.

Ruto will thank the player's and release them from their bond of marriage, but only if they defeat
ganon. She will bless the party with the medallion of water.

You have saved me once before as a child, and that allowed me to lead me to this destiny. I am
the Sage of water and my power is given to yours.

The party will be teleported out to the island of Lake Hylia where the lake water is slowly
becoming more and more clear. The corrupted zoras are all gone and if the player's visit the
Observatory he will explain that the Zoras basically melted away leaving no trace of
The Pcs will now level up to 7th or 8th level depending on if they did the water temple first or

Waterflow from the desert waterfall started coming out more aggressively and it seems like the
water is becoming cleansed.

Gerudo Desert
Approaching the Desert entrance The Pcs will notice that the bridge is out. They have a number
of ways to cross, Whether it be from the hook shots, Hoverboots, Horses can jump it or other
Over the bridge is a Carpenter leader named Mutoh. He will explain that he and his men were
commissioned by the Gerudos to repair the bridge. Was a good way to gain favor with Ganon
and we were in desperate need of the money. However my boys thought they could simply walk
into the forbidden city and hoped to do some “Carousing” of the young women there. They
thought wrong and are now locked up. In addition to that the women say i will be imprisoned if i
do not finish the bridge! And i don't have a way to escape because the bridge is gone. Bottom
line is I need help repairing the bridge and I need my men back to do so.

Will offer a reward and even a map of the Desert in order to cross it if the Pcs help him.

The Pcs will have to infiltrate the Fortress without being detected by 3 strikes and the whole
fortress will be on alert. The Goal is to free 4 missing carpenters without being spotted. If the
player's manage to do this they will be allowed one Feat or 2 ability score improvements.
(optional, but were getting into the late game here)
1. Fortress Description: The fortress has 2 levels and has an east bunker and a west
bunker. Connected by a bridge on the second floor. And the ground (Which is heavily
guarded) A Map may not be needed for this and I would encourage the DM to give a
detail about the area and surrounding situation so Pcs can make non combat means to
Subdue the guards and escape. Follow along with the following scenario or create your
own. The point of this is to allow the Pcs to use their abilities they have learned and to
get their imaginations growing. If a PC is caught they will be thrown in Jail, and will need
to be rescued themself. (very easy to escape from the dungeon but any pc will have an
NPC carpenter that they could work out an escape plan with. If the player's are doing
this all during the Day the overall DC will be significantly higher. But the Pcs can wait till
night and the scenario can be easier. (Guards are basically humans without darkvision.)
a. Scenario: you move towards the cliff side, a large cliff about 50 ft tall on one side
and the other side seems like it would go on forever and be difficult to scale. You
are in a long stretched pathway of dirt and gravel but out in the distance you can
see the check in point Where the Geuredo forbid Men from entering the Fortress.
i. Pcs can try to talk to the guards (but in no circumstance will they allow
Men into the Valley)
ii. Scale the Cliff walls
iii. Other (reward creativity)
1. Once the Pcs complete this they will find the way to the market
b. Scenario: A large open field of sand and gravel, the roads are paved and all you
can see are shops and the women that inhabit them. The buildings surrounding
the area are close but with lots of alleyways. The Objective is for the Pcs to find
the Prison side of the fortress and infiltrate it. If the part snuck into the camp and
are clearly Male the Geurudo will call for guards and they will have to make a
run at it
i. Guards will let women into the valley and the NPCs in the market will be
helpful/friendly towards them and direct them to the prison if asked.
ii. If the Pcs snuck in They will have to make an attempt to disguise
themselves, and sneak through the Market. To make it to the fortress. If
spotted the guards will pursue them, they are relatively slow and beating
their Athletics checks is a low DC player's must successfully elude the
iii. Inside the Market with good investigation checks they will find a Gerudo
armor with the outfits of a gerudo guard. Or while trying to escape.Inside
the Armory will be one guard Naboru. She will offer to help the Pcs.
explaining that She has also been summoned by the Goddess to help aid
the party. Naboru is treated as a 6th level Rogue and can be used by the
Assassin in the Monster Manual.
c. Scenario: After making it through the market the Pcs will have to infiltrate the
base. Describe that there are two watchtowers and a big open field, at night there
is a spotlight that the guards move and the players must make it pass.
i. Stealth Option: sneak past the lights and get into the fortress
ii. Diplomacy option. If they make it to the armory Naboru will offer to guide
them into the fortress as Prisoners. Once inside the fortress she will
escort the group to the cells . Naboru will show herself as an imposter
and reveal her true form (A Twili/doppelganger) now that she has
successfully trapped the party in a cell there is no way for them to escape
1. The players escape relatively easily after she leaves
d. Scenario: now that the Pcs are inside the fortress they must find the carpenters.
If the PCs crave combat and give them a tactical map they can explore this does
make a good dungeon. The objective is still non lethal although they may have to
deal with a few more patrols, set up guards of 2 around a few corners, and set up
traps along the dungeon to whittle down.
i. Doppelganger Naboru. Near each of the carpenters cells the assassin
will surprise the party with a friend or 2. and get a surprise round on them
when her Hp is dropped to 0 she will use a Deku Nut to Stun the party
(DC18 Con save) and attempt to disappear.
ii. After the Pcs find 3 carpenters They can continue attempting to leave but
will eventually get surrounded by guards. At this point they are brought
forth to the real Naboru.
e. Naboru will put off the appearance that she serves Ganon while her people are
in the room, she will ask what brought the party to risk their lives over these men,
What is their purpose in the valley. Naboru will also drop hints that she has met
all of the player's before and ever since they saved her in the spirit temple all
those years ago she has been loyal to Princess Zelda and her warriors.
i. Naboru comes off as fierce and independant. She is loyal to protecting
the triforce, but Ganon is the true ruler of The Guredo and is their true
king. Nabouru holds the throne while he is in Hyrule.
ii. She will offer aid to the party after they prove that they are loyal to the
triforce and want to overthrow ganon.
iii. She will “Banish” them to the desert and give them advice about how to
cross (Using the Lens of Truth)
iv. She will send back the carpenters and free them

Crossing the Desert

Roll for Random Encounters. The player's must accumulate a total value of 100 on the survival
check. If the player has gotten the map from the Lead Carpenter these checks are done so with
Advantage to cross the desert.
● Survival = the amount of time it takes to cross the Desert. Each survival check will be
done every 30 mins (In game time not IRL)
● Perception = Ability to see Encounters happening. This is only important if there is an
encounter. Each encounter can only happen once.
● Roll a d100 to determine encounters.
○ 1-10: Deadly encounter. Molgera
○ 11-30: Hard Encounter. Gnoll Leader, riding a Giant Scorpions along with his
Lt. Gnoll Lord (on a scorpion) with 4-10 Gnolls
○ 31-70: Uneventful
○ 71-90: Find an Oasis with a Vendor holding various goods. Rations, Supplies,
bombs and other consumables. Will also sell information about the Great Fairy
fountain in the area giving the player's its location on its map for 50g.
○ 91-100: The Goddesses see the struggle of the party and cast a mighty boon on
them. A Point of Inspiration per player, a fancy ring. DM discretion. Maybe even
+1 in a stat of their choice allowing them to surpass 20.

At the end of the Desert the group will meet with Sheik in an oasis. She will tell the group that
the Spirit temple is in ruins and will need to go back in time in order to recover to gain access.
The Spirit temple was destroyed by Gannon 7 years ago during his rise to power.

She will teach the player's Requiem of Spirit which will teleport the Pcs back and forth
between the timeline by summoning a portal to go through the exact spot 7 years ago. This
song will be used to get around debris and solve some puzzles inside of the dungeon. She will
give the Pcs advice about the Dungeon and that they should expect plenty of traps and to seek
out the Mirror Shield inside of the dungeon. It belonged to the Sage of Spirit before her death
at the hand of Ganon.

She will also inform the party that in the desert lies a Great Fairy that holds Nayru’s Love.
Finding her will either require the information from the vendor found in a random encounter or
by skilled tracking DC 20. Detect Magic often to sense magical energy. It's up to the player to
determine if they can find her.
Spirit Temple
DM Setup: This temple is designed as a Past and present utilizing the Requiem of Spirit to jump
between the timelines in each area. I drew two maps of the same dungeon where one is slightly
different. Using roll 20 I used dynamic lighting and brought player's from side to side as they
would jump between the timelines. On Paper this can be done with 2 different maps if need be.
The Dungeons are identical only the present side is mostly runes and destroyed whereas the
past is golden and beautiful. Each room will have an effect for the past or present.

1. Main Hall - Past: The Pcs will come to a large room with a staircase leading upwards.
Sun will be shining down in the center of the room and a few mirrors scattered around
the room. Sun Emblems above caged door ways that block the Pcs from venturing
further to the sides, in the meantime head up the stairs and get into the first real
a. Stalfos and Flame Skulls the room is infested with them, 3 Stalfos will emerge
from the ground while 3 Flameskull float around. Have The Stalfos engage the
front line while the Flameskull assault the rear. In the same room a Magical
barrier protects the following room, the Pcs cannot disable it and will be shocked
for 2d6 magical damage when they touch it. The Pcs will have to have to go to
the Present to pass the area.
2. Barrier Room:
a. Past: The Barrier is up and cannot pass into the room. The player's must go
through the doorway in the Present, and then retrieve the Silver Gauntlets in the
b. Present: The Pcs will see bodies of skeletons littered in the room. The room is
covered in debris but the barrier is gone. They will see a chest but it will be
empty, someone has already looted it. The Pcs will have to go back to the Past
to retrieve Silver Gauntlets - makes any characters Strength 23. Requires
attunement. In the past they won't be able to get through the barrier, When the
gauntlets are retrieved in the past a door will open up inside the room.
3. Boulder Room -
a. Past: Lots of traps down the way, a Large boulder will fall and the Pcs will have
to escape it. As the Pcs run darts will fly at them dealing 1d4 piercing and 2d6
poison damage per hit (+5 to hit). At the end of the hallway the boulder will
smash against the wall giving the entrance to the next area.
b. Present: The traps will be disarmed at the end is a boulder blocking the Pcs path
into the next room. STR Check DC 20 to move the boulder. A player that fails will
be able to push the boulder upwards a little bit but lose their grip knocking the
player back and taking 1d6 damage = X. X is equal to the amount rolled -20.
Example. Roll a 15. Take 5d6 damage. Moving the boulder out of the way will
allow access to the Armory.
4. Armory:
a. Past: 2 Iron Knuckle minions treated as Miniboss of the dungeon. Heavily
armored but slow, packs quite a punch. Loot locked up in a gated area. one of
them holding the Mirror Shield. The gates are locked and player's will need to
figure out how to open the cage Either by force, cunning or magic. After
destroying the one with the Mirror shield, a girl in the armor will appear from the
armor. None other than Naboru only she is 7 years younger. (Paradox ftw)

I am free… who are you? I am Naboru, Princess of the Gerudo

b. Present: The bodies of 2 Iron Knuckles lie in the room. The armory filled with
weapons locked behind a gated area. The player's will need to break through the
area. Creative problem solving to get into the cage.
i. This is a good time to fulfill your player's desires. Is there an item your
player's have been wanting? Is there something You saw online and want
to give it to your player's? We’re getting to the end of the campaign so
reward your player's. If the player's have looted the cage in the past then
nothing will remain in the present.
5. Long Hall
a. Past: nothing out of the ordinary. Long hallway, when the pcs approach they will
fall into a Snake pit. The pit is 30 feet deep and filled with poisonous snakes.
When a creature falls or sets foot in the pit, a swarm of poisonous snakes forms
around it and attacks. A virtually inexhaustible number of swarms can be created
in this fashion. A swarm that has nothing to attack ceases to exist as its
constituents slither apart.To climb the walls, a character must succeed on a DC
15 Strength (Athletics) check to use their full movement speed. On failure the PC
slides down 15ft.
b. Present: big open snake pit 15x10, a person with the Hover Boots can skim
over above the snake pit and close it off with a switch on the other side. The trap
has been sprung in the past.
6. Mirror Room:
a. Past: a Throne room with a beam of light shining down in the center, along with 4
mirrors and a large statuette of the Goddess Din. The Pcs need to get it so the
mirrors are reflecting towards Dins Eyes and get them to light up, while using the
mirror shield. Have the pcs push the mirrors around the room until they are able
to send the beam of sunlight into both eyes. (Note can also be solved with a
similar sunlight spell) Once completed a chamber will open leading to the Boss
b. Present: Dins statue is fine until the puzzle is completed,
7. Boss key Room: will lead back to the front entrance With the shield equipped the Pcs
can use the sunlight to cast it on the sun icon. Which allows the first gate the second
gate will require the Boss Key.
Past: I designed a mirror room where players had to reflect the sunlight in the center into
mirrors. The mirrors had to be rotated a specific way in order for the gate to open leading
back into the main Hall. Player's had to rotate the mirrors instead of pushing them this
Present: The Puzzle has been solved. But if the player's come into this room first in the
present they will realize they did not solve the puzzle.
Boss Room - Twinrova
Past: The Boss chamber is unaccessible
Present: The player's will walk into the conflict and see Naboru fighting the witch sisters and an
Iron Knuckle. The witches noticing the player's will waste no time. And Cast a powerful spell
fusing Naboru into the Iron Knuckle completely mind controlling her.

Iron Knuckle of atypical design. The witch named "Kotake" has a blue jewel
on her forehead, while Koume's forehead bears an orange jewel.

Kotake : Ho ho ho! Looks like someone is here, Koume.

Koume : Hee hee hee! Looks like it, Kotake!

Kotake : What an outrageous fellow he is, to intrude so boldly into our

temple... Ho ho ho!

Koume : We should teach this outrageous fellow a lesson! Hee hee hee!

Oh, loyal minion... Destroy this intruder on our behalf!

Twinrova is a multi phase boss.

Phase 1: Naboru is now an Iron Knuckle and will focus on the Party while Koume and Kotake
cast spells at the party. This phase will continue until either Koume or Kotake are KO’d. The Iron
Knuckle can be defeated and Naboru will be knocked unconscious outside of the armor.

After sufficient damage is dealt:

Koume : OK, let's get serious now, Kotake!

Kotake : Oh, OK, Koume.

<both> : Kotake and Koume's Double Dynamite Attack!

Phase 2: The two will form, if the Iron knuckle is still alive it will serve as their front line while the
two form up and keep their distance. The Sisters are now immune to both fire and cold but
being hit with their own attacks will cause them to fall to their knees. This is important to get
them on the ground so the melee characters can take her out. She has a low HP pool compared
to other bosses and a low AC. Keep her at a distance as much as possible. Fly will be an
important tool if she does get hit. Against parties of 5 or more you may need to buff her HP pool.
Playing Twinrova.
The Witches are very intelligent and will keep their distance as much as possible. Casting spells
at the party member. The attacks are lined base and they will not directly target a character
once they know they have the Mirror shield.

Navi, Hey Listen!

It would be hilarious to get them to hit each other with one of their attacks (Hint on mirror shield)
I heard these witches have a telekinetic bond… maybe we just have to take down one of them.
(Phase knowledge)
Naboru is being mind controlled, i wonder if we can free her… (cast Dispel magic, Contest the
Witches DC18) This will free her from the Iron knuckle but she will be unconscious.

After the party defeats the sisters she will implode, spawning the portal and awakening
Naboru… she will offer herself as the final sage of spirit as thanks for saving her now twice.

By the way... I really messed up... I was brainwashed by those old

witches and used by Ganondorf to do his evil will... But isn't it
funny? That a person like me could turn out to be the Sage of
Spirit! And now, I'm going to fight them as one of the six Sages!
Heh heh... I'm going to pay them back for what they did to me!

I give myself to the benefit of Hyrule: take this Medallion it has my power imbued into it.
(You receive the Spirit Medallion)
(If a male is in the group)
Too bad, I bet we would have made a great warrior… (she will be suggestive to one of the
With all Medallions the party will get a message from Sheik
“The time for the final showdown with the King of Evil
has come!

Before that, though, you should meet me at the Temple of Time…

I have something to show you…

The Party is now 9th level.

Temple of Time
The following is heavy into RP and dialog will need to be practiced. The following scene is lifted
from the game.

I have been waiting for you, Link.

Heroes of Time... You have overcome many hardships and

awakened six Sages. And now, you have a final challenge, a showdown
with Ganondorf, the King of Evil....

Before that...I have things I want to tell only to you.

Please listen.

Another unknown legend of the Triforce passed down by the shadow

folk, the Sheikahs....

If you would seek the sacred triangle, listen well... The resting
place of the sacred triangle, the Sacred Realm, is a mirror that
reflects what is in the heart...the heart of one who enters it...
If an evil heart, the Realm will become full of evil; if pure,
the Realm will become a paradise.

The Triforce...the sacred is a balance that weighs

the three forces: Power, Wisdom and Courage. If the heart of the
one who holds the sacred triangle has all three forces in balance,
that one will gain the True Force to govern all. But, if that one's
heart is not in balance, the Triforce will separate into three
parts: Power, Wisdom and Courage.

Only one part will remain for the one who touched the Triforce...
the part representing the force that one most believes in. If that
one seeks the True Force, that one must acquire the two lost parts.
Those two parts will be held within others chosen by destiny,
who will bear the Triforce mark on the backs of their hands.

Seven years ago, Ganondorf, the King of Thieves, used the door you
opened in the Temple of Time and entered the Sacred Realm. But when
he laid his hands on the Triforce, the legend came true.

The Triforce separated into three parts. Only the Triforce of Power
remained in Ganondorf's hand. The strength of the Triforce of Power
enabled him to become a mighty, evil king, but his dark ambitions
were not satisfied. To gain complete mastery of the world, Ganondorf
started looking for those chosen by destiny to hold the two other
Triforce parts.

The one who holds the Triforce of Courage is... You, (Master sword wielder)!

And the other, who holds the Triforce of the seventh
Sage, who is destined to be the leader of them all...

* - The symbol of the Triforce appears upon the back of Sheik's left hand,
the lower-left triangle shining brighter than the others.

Light fills the room, resonating from the Triforce mark. As it fades,
Zelda appears in the place of Sheik.

Zelda : It is I, the Princess of Hyrule, Zelda.

I apologize for meeting you in disguise, but it was necessary to

hide from the King of Evil. Please forgive me...

On that day, seven years ago, Ganondorf attacked Hyrule Castle.

I saw you as I was escaping from the castle with my attendant, Impa.
I thought I should entrust the Ocarina to you... I thought that
would be our best chance...

As long as you had the Ocarina in your possession, I thought

Ganondorf could never enter the Sacred Realm, but...something I
could never expect what happened...

After you opened the door of time, the Master Sword sealed you away
in the Sacred Realm... Your spirit remained in the Sacred Realm...
and then the Triforce fell into Ganondorf's hands. he went on to
invade the Sacred Realm... Ganondorf had become the Evil King,
and the Sacred Realm became a world of evil. All of this is an
unfortunate coincidence.

I passed myself off as a Sheikah and hoped that you would return.
I waited for seven years... you are back. The dark age
ruled by Ganondorf the Evil King will end!

The six Sages will open the sealed door and lure Ganondorf back
into the Sacred Realm. I will then seal the door to the Sacred Realm
from this world. Thus, Ganondorf the Evil King will vanish from

Link... In order to do this, I need your courage again. Please

protect me while I do my part. And here is a weapon that can
penetrate the Evil King's defenses... The power given to the chosen

ones... The sacred Arrow of Light!!!

Light Arrow (There's only one, Don’t Miss)

(The temple begins to tremble.)

Zelda: That rumbling...It can't be!?

* - A crystal surrounds Zelda. Ganondorf transmits his voice.

Ganondorf : Princess foolish traitor!

I commend you for avoiding my pursuit for seven long years.

But you let your guard down... I knew you would appear if I

let these “Heroes” wander around!

My only mistake was underestimating the power of this group.

* - The crystal floats into the air.

Ganondorf : No... It was not their power I misjudged, it was the power of

the Triforce of Courage! But, with the Triforce of Wisdom that Zelda

has... When I obtain these two Triforces... Then, I will become

the true ruler of the world!!

If you want to rescue Zelda, come to my castle!

* - The crystal disappears. Ganondorf laughs.

*Guards will come barging in*
Princess we are under attack.! Princess..

The party will have to explain what they have done. When the walk out of the temple of time
there will be guards and fiends all fighting. The guards will tell the Pcs they will hold off the
creatures for as long as they can Get to the castle and end Ganondorf. We lost our home once
and we won't lose it again. This is our best shot! (The Pcs can convince the guards to retreat
and come back again if they need the rest.)

Ganon's Castle
If the party
- The castle floats above a pit of lava where Hyrule Castle once stood.

Rauru : Link...can you hear me? It's Rauru, the Sage.

We six will gather our power to create a bridge to the castle

where Ganondorf dwells... The castle's keep, which is known as
Ganon's Tower is protected by six evil barriers. Bring down the
six barriers and save Princess Zelda!!

* - A bridge appears, formed by light of the colors associated with each sage.

* - Upon the destruction of an object that sustains the barriers, the sage
associated with said object's color will appear before Link.

Rauru : The Light Barrier is dispelled! Hurry!

Saria : The Forest Barrier is dispelled!

Darunia : The Fire Barrier is dispelled!

Ruto : The Water Barrier is dispelled!

Impa : The Shadow Barrier is dispelled! Please save the Princess!

Nabooru : The Spirit Barrier is dispelled! Hurry up, Handsome!

Inside the Castle
The party will find themself in the grand hall of the castle; it has several paths to go from here.
But emblems of Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow and Light are placed above the doorway.
The Upper balcony is blocked off by a Magical Barrier but with a decent investigation check they
will see that the barrier has a link coming from the doors with each of the medallion symbols.
Each of the following areas will have 1 puzzle, and 1 boss fight. The bosses are from different
Zelda games They get their honorable mentions!
● Forest Room
○ Puzzle - 4 Familiar torches are in different corners lay across the room, all unlit.
A Large bonfire will be in the center of the room, the flame will change colors and
an inscription will be written below “Round and Round it goes, showing all the
colors that it knows. The Poes Followed the Wheel”
○ Answer: The Poes colors are Green, Red, Blue, Purple they fought the sisters
and each was a different color. Also it refers to the color wheel going from
G,R,P,B from left to right. The torches need to be lit in that order, It does not
matter what torch goes where as long as the colors match the wheel.
■ Hint: Navi can chime in if the player's are struggling. Do you think it
means a color wheel?
■ What were the colors of the Poe sisters….
○ Boss Fight
■ Odowa
■ Navi will let players know its immunities
■ Odowa will Cast Chant during the first lair action followed by summon
Beetles. If the party's over 5 player's give it Legendary Actions and adjust
as needed.
● Fire Room
○ Puzzle - The Floor is lava, a large room, that after a player steps on a pedestal
the Floor will fall down into a lava pit, Pcs must collect 6 Silver Orbs and make it
to the other side. If they leave the room and retreat the pedestals will all reset as
do the orbs - Fire resistance gear mandatory for the following fight.
○ Boss FIght
■ Once the Orbs have been collected the Boss Fyrus will erupt from the
● Water Room
○ Puzzle Water Valves
■ When the player's walk into the room they will find a Corrupted Zora
underneath Glass unable to move. A strange device is connected to it (A
primitive computer using buttons and levers) written on a screen
“A cure is near… Bring him the full formula”
● Objective -The aim is to create the exact amount of solution for
the capsule, indicated by the red line.
● The guide will indicate values of each container at 1.0 it will be full
and .5 it would be half full. Ect…
● Tubes labeled A,B,C
■ At the beginning of the puzzle the Tubes will contain the following
● a= .3
● b=.2
● c=.5
■ Two levers will swap the positioning of the tubes.
Lever 1: A&B
Lever 2: B &C
■ A Button will place up to .5 liquid into the lowest tube
● Solution: Dump B into A, making Tube B=.5 and C=.5
● Dumb B into C making B = 1.0
● Use lever to switch B and A
Solution is now in A. Grab it and inject the zora.
○ Boss Morpheel - You will hear laughter coming from the room. Fools you must
really need the triforce of wisdom because you're all idiots... The room will begin
filling with water and the zora will begin to transform.
■ The room is now flooded and the player's are locked in an underwater
battle with this Gargantuan creature. Player's will only have a few
seconds to drink potions of water breathing. The top of the room will have
air flow and they will need to get +50ft from the ground to breathe freely.
■ On Defeat the room will begin to drain.
● Shadow Room
○ Puzzle - Mask room.
■ As the group walks into the room they will experience magical darkness
seeing only a bright light shining on top of a Mask. only the player
wearing this mask will be able to see the path past it. “As you walk into
the shadows trust the light to guide the way”
■ At the far end of the room lies a glowing mask Majora’s Mask.
■ The Player will wear the Glowing mask and be transformed into a shadow
and have to place the player's in specific positions around the map by
using words only they will not be able to touch the player. While
navigating an invisible path. Similar to before, give the player the map on
the area and have them walk around and guide player's to different
positions around the map. If a player falls They will be teleported back to
the beginning but suffer ½ of their total life as damage. In addition the
Majora’s Mask will begin to glow. At the 3rd glow it will awaken and attack
the weakened party.
■ The Player's must be placed In different corners of the room based on
their class. Have a symbol of each class over a wall. Their predominant
class is what the game prefers. For example if a PC is 5 levels in Fighter
and 4 in Monk the characters predominate is Fighter.
○ Boss - Majora
■ Majora is a 3 Phase fight
■ Majora's Mask
● Keep your distance and T1 summon Giant Masks to add to the
■ Majora’s Incarnation
● Will move after every player's turn and attempt to kick the player
it's moving away from.
■ Majora’s Wrath
● Punish those who would run from you with the whips. But focus
your attention on grabbing players Throwing them into your
spikes you have set up.
● Spirit Rom
○ Puzzle “The Door can only be opened in 9 mins” sitting in front of the player's is
a lever to begin. They will need to pull the Lever in order to allow sand to flow
through the hourglasses in front of them.
■ You have two hourglasses. One hourglass measures seven minutes, and
the other hourglass measures four minutes. How can you time nine
minutes using nothing but these two hourglasses? Yes, this is possible!
Scroll down to read the solution.
■ Solution. Start both hourglasses at the same time. When the four-minute
hourglass runs out, turn it over to start it again (four minutes have elapsed
at this point). When the seven-minute hourglass runs out, turn it over to
start it again (at this point, seven minutes total have elapsed). When the
four-minute hourglass runs out for the second time, eight minutes have
elapsed. At this time, the seven-minute hourglass now has one minute's
worth of sand at the bottom. Turn the seven-minute hourglass over again
and wait for the one-minute's worth of sand to run out. Once that
hourglass runs out, nine minutes will have elapsed.
■ The Pc will pull the lever at exactly 9mins and the door to the next boss
room will open.
○ Boss - Urbosa Champion of Ganon
DM Note: Urbosa! She's a good guy! Well not in this game. It's reasonable to think that Ganon
the King of Gerudo has Gerudo warriors fighting for him and what better warrior to be his
general than Urbosa, if you have played Breath of the Wild you have seen her might.
■ Urbosa will walk out of the next room along with several guards 3-5
Gerudo Assassin. (Should outnumber the Pcs)
● On Defeat she will drop her scimitar and Shield.
● Her Scimitar allows you to roll 2d6 and is treated as a magical
weapon. Her shield can be treated as a weapon dealing 2d6+STR
bludgeoning damage and adding +2 to your AC
● Room of Light
○ Once 3/6 Rooms have been cleared this room will grant player's their 10th level.
Counting as a Full Rest as well. The Goddesses will bless the player's giving
them their final level.
○ After the 6th boss has been defeated the player's will be allowed to receive their
final full rest fully healing and restoring all spell slots for the final encounter.
Final Battle
Ganondorf (19 AC) and Ganon.

DM Notes: Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Hopefully your party is ready for an epic battle!

Ganondorf is playing an organ in the castle's highest room. Zelda is present

within the same crystal as before. She Yells to the party Make the shot count

* The Triforce marks on the Heroes and Zelda's hands glow. Ganondorf stops playing
the organ.

The Triforce parts are resonating... They are combining into one
again... The two Triforce parts that I could not capture on that day
seven years ago... I didn't expect they would be hidden within you
two! And now, finally, all the Triforce parts have gathered here!

These toys are too much for you! I command you to return them to me!

* - He raises his right hand, the symbol of the Triforce glowing thereupon.
A stream of dark light surges towards the Master Sword Holder pushing back the rest of the

He will instantly cast Circle of Death on the party and then initiative will be rolled. This move
will knock out Navi.

The Party has one Light Arrow, but if Ganon is not weakened before using it the party will waste

Playing Ganon Phase 1

Ganon is different compared to other spell casters and uses MP instead of spell slots. Keep
track of the MP used and try to be efficient. Ganon will prefer to keep flying during p1. And Will
definitely attempt to isolate targets. He is not a fool and will Focus down Spellcasters and try to
keep a distance from the Master Sword wielder until he can catch them in a 1v1.
Use the chart to help with his Actions, Bonus Actions, Reactions. I have cut out spells I felt like
wouldnt be used to simplify.
I Give him Primarily the following moves as preferences
Casting “dead man's volley” preferably towards the Mastersword Champion.
Cantrip of Choice = Death Bolt
Spell of Choice = Dead Man’s Volley
Concentration Spell of Choice = Fly
AOE of Choice = Circle of Death
Spell Finisher = Power Word Stun (will use this to execute a player)
When Drawn into Melee combat he will fight them but he definitely wants to keep his distance
against any melee fighters. He is strong but he understands he is outnumbered.

Action Bonus Action Reaction

Cantrips; death bolt, 2nd level (3 MP); misty step, 1st level (2 MP); feather fall,
1st level (2 MP); dark dive, 4th level (6 MP); warping shield
detect magic, Ganon's fist, step (This is a damaging 3rd level (5 MP) counterspell
jump, sleep, transfer pain version of misty step)
2nd level (3 MP); dead
man's volley, mirror image,
stun person
3rd level (5 MP); bestow
curse, counterspell, dispel
magic, fly, lightning bolt,
5th level (7 MP) control
person,, telekinesis, wave of
6th (9 mp): circle of death
7th (10 mp):withering
8th (11 mp): power word

On Ganondorf's Defeat….

*Coughing up blood* Heh… the Great Ganondorf beaten by you… No… I DO NOT ACCEPT
THAT.. Ganondorf conjures a blast of magic that destroys the roof and walls of the room.
Thereafter, he collapses.

The crystal containing Zelda disappears and the castle begins to crumble debris crushing

Escaping the Castle

Reddit - Stole from Reddit, when it's good take it!
The DC for each challenge is 14 and obviously there need only be 5 challenges in a row because
they're effectively trying to win a "best of 5". Each time they fail I will describe how they take longer
than they expected to make it past the obstacle, and the collapsing tunnel behind them catches up.
I'm writing them out briefly here, but in-game I'll describe the scenario much more verbosely (with
accompanying epic music!) in all cases I've put the expected skills, but at the time I'll listen to
reasonable suggestions.
● Skill Challenge, 5 wins vs 3 loses
1) A crack appears in the floor in front of you, opening a chasm descending into darkness -
what do you do? (expecting acrobatics/sleight of hand to hook a rope over, athletics to try to
jump it, perception or investigation to see an alternate route)
2) You are faced with a large iron gate with a thick padlock - what do you do? (expecting thieves'
tools, athletics to break the lock, arcana to cast a spell to melt or else blast open the lock).
3) You are faced with three doors, none appear to be locked but each has a mural of the
goddesses above it. (religion/history to work out the correct path - The Goddess of Wisdom to
guide the PCs out).
4) You are faced with two possible paths, both - at first glance - look identical. Which do you take?
(expecting perception/investigation to determine best route, perhaps nature to detect air-flow or
survival to detect scuff marks)
5) This chamber has a single large stone door, no keyhole and no door handle. A dying Gerudo
lies slumped against the wall, barely conscious. What do you do? (expecting a medicine check to
heal him, persuasion/intimidation/deception to persuade him to tell them how to open the
After they accumulate 3 successes or after the 5th challenge: You are running down a corridor
towards daylight at the end, the tunnel is collapsing behind you - you make a final push for safety.
If they have 3 failures: you feel as if you are not going to make it out of the tunnel before you are
crushed underneath the falling rubble, you make one final leap for safety (DC10 athletics or
acrobatics check - which, if they fail, they are crushed under the rubble and die).
If they have 3 successes: you make a final push towards the light at the end of the tunnel and
emerge into open air - plummeting towards a crystal blue lake beneath you. You impact the water
with an almighty splash, but are otherwise unharmed.

Playing Ganon. I focused this version more on his brute force than spells. But His spells are
still available to him. Any remaining MP unused will be able to be used in this fight. Focus on the
up close combat now since your HP is so massive and make them curse the day they signed up
for this campaign!

On failure to escape: The Castle has collapsed and at this point the heroes have lived or
died… Zelda will have cast a spell to protect herself and the wielder of the Master Sword if the
castle collapsed on the player's allowing them one last chance. From the rubble rises a large
boar-like creature. It is Ganon in his final form

Zelda will attempt to find and resurrect the party members from the rubble. She will roll d20+5
investigation to find the party members on a success she will cast Revivify on her next turn. If
Ganon manages to hit Zelda she will fall unconscious and it’ll be up to the heroes with no
If the party fails…. The Dark timeline of Zelda will continue and Ganon has won…
On Success!
Zelda collapses exhausted… “It's over… it's finally over…”
(Giving some time to RP)
But… a ring of fire begins to light the area….
Ganondorf rises from the debris. He uses the Triforce of Power to assume
a form referred to as "Ganon" by Navi, in which he appears similar to a
large, anthropomorphic pig.

He instantly grabs the Hero with the Master Sword and knocks it outside of their reach dangling past the
wall of fire. On touch a character feels the intense burn of the fire taking 2d10 fire damage, if they choose
to go after the blade they will suffer 4d10 fire damage when passing themself through the flame.

When Ganon takes half of health as damage the flames will reside and Zelda will rush to the blade and
toss it to the original owner of it.

Battle the Boss down to 0 and describe that sweet killing blow…

Zelda : Use the Master Sword! Destroy Ganon with the sacred sword!

* - Link drives the Master Sword through Ganon's throat.

Zelda : Six Sages... Now!!

* - In the Chamber of the Sages:

Rauru : Ancient Creators of Hyrule! Now, open the sealed door and send the
Evil Incarnation of Darkness into the void of the Evil Realm!!

* - The Sages become spheres of light and merge together, forming a portal
that consumes Ganondorf and drops him into an abyss.

Ganondorf : YOU... CURSE YOU...ZELDA! CURSE YOU...SAGES!! CURSE YOU…(Insert party name)!

Someday... When this seal is broken... That is when I will

exterminate your descendants!!

As long as the Triforce of Power is in my hand…


* - The Party and Zelda appear as if they are standing in a sky.

Zelda : Thank you, Link... Thanks to you, Ganondorf has been sealed inside
the Evil Realm! Thus, peace will once again reign in this world...
for a time.

All the tragedy that has befallen Hyrule was my doing... I was so
young...I could not comprehend the consequences of trying to control
the Sacred Realm. I dragged you into it, too.

Now it is time for me to make up for my mistakes... You must lay

the Master Sword to rest and close the Door of Time... However,
by doing this, the road between times will be closed...

Link, give the Ocarina to me... As a Sage, I can return you to

your original time with it.

When peace returns to Hyrule... It will be time for us to say


Now, go home, Link! Regain your lost time! Home... Where you are
supposed to be...the way you are supposed to be… I give you this… a strange necklace holding
the seal of the royal family.. With this my father will listen to us and we will stop ganon before any of this...

* - A circle of light surrounds Link as Zelda plays the Song of Time.

Zelda : Thank you... friends... Good-bye....

* - The party appears in the temple of time… it is over 7 years prior they have in their possession just the
Forest Emerald given to them by the Deku tree… They have the Ocarina of time and the Master Sword…
Navi is however missing...

A Guard enters the temple… The King is ready to see you folks now..

The End
There are countless people I’d like to thank. Finding the Homebrew Legend of Zelda kit and
inspiring the entire campaign so many people put in so much work and effort for this campaign I
am glad to have been able to compile it into a full campaign using the materials they have
provided. I have researched the people responsible for creating the campaign and was unable
to find any sort of Patreon for them but I really thank them for this ground work.

If this ever finds its way to Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka Thank you for the amazing
world you have created

Thank you D&D Beyond for your free tools in making the homebrew creatures. Please support them as

-Ryan H aka Prunk44

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