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Diploma Engineering

Laboratory Manual
(Static Webpage Design)

[Computer Engineering, Semester II]

Enrolment No
Academic Term

Directorate Of Technical Education

Gandhinagar - Gujarat
DTE’s Vision:
• To provide globally competitive technical education;
• Remove geographical imbalances and inconsistencies;
• Develop student friendly resources with a special focus on girls’ education
and support to weaker sections;
• Develop programs relevant to industry and create a vibrant pool of technical

Institute’s Vision:

Institute’s Mission:

Department’s Vision:

Department’s Mission:
Name of institute


This is to certify that Mr./Ms ………………………………………………………………….

Enrollment No. ………….…………….…….…….……. of 2nd Semester of Diploma in Computer
Engineering of ………………………………………………………………………. (GTU Code) has satisfactorily
completed the term work in course …………………………………………………………………………………….…….
for the academic year: …………………… Term: Odd/Even prescribed in the GTU curriculum.


Date: …………………..

Signature of Course Faculty Head of the Department

The primary aim of any laboratory/Practical/field work is enhancement of required skills as well
as creative ability amongst students to solve real time problems by developing relevant competencies in
psychomotor domain. Keeping in view, GTU has designed competency focused outcome-based
curriculum -2021 (COGC-2021) for Diploma engineering programmes. In this more time is allotted to
practical work than theory. It shows importance of enhancement of skills amongst students and it pays
attention to utilize every second of time allotted for practical amongst Students, Instructors and Lecturers
to achieve relevant outcomes by performing rather than writing practice in study type. It is essential for
effective implementation of competency focused outcome- based Green curriculum-2021. Every
practical has been keenly designed to serve as a tool to develop & enhance relevant industry needed
competency in each and every student. These psychomotor skills are very difficult to develop through
traditional chalk and board content delivery method in the classroom. Accordingly, this lab manual has
been designed to focus on the industry defined relevant outcomes, rather than old practice of conducting
practical to prove concept and theory.

By using this lab manual, students can read procedure one day in advance to actual performance
day of practical experiment which generates interest and also, they can have idea of judgement of
magnitude prior to performance. This in turn enhances predetermined outcomes amongst students. Each
and every Experiment /Practical in this manual begins by competency, industry relevant skills, course
outcomes as well as practical outcomes which serve as a key role for doing the practical. The students
will also have a clear idea of safety and necessary precautions to be taken while performing experiment.

This manual also provides guidelines to lecturers to facilitate student-centered lab activities for
each practical/experiment by arranging and managing necessary resources in order that the students
follow the procedures with required safety and necessary precautions to achieve outcomes. It also gives
an idea that how students will be assessed by providing Rubrics.

Internet is widely used in different areas such as banking, e-commerce, education and many
others. Different technologies are used to develop web applications but HTML is the core component in
all types of applications for formatting and presenting the web content. This course will impart skill sets
related to designing HTML web pages, using cascading style sheets and embedding Java script using
Kompozer. This course will also serve as a pre-requisite for the advanced web development
technologies, which students will learn in the upcoming semester.

Although we try our level best to design this lab manual, but always there are chances of
improvement. We welcome any suggestions for improvement.
Programme Outcomes (POs) :

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science
and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering

2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified
standard methods.

3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering well-defined technical

problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified

4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate

technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.

6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team

member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined
engineering activities.

7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context
of technological changes in field of engineering.
Practical Outcome - Course Outcome matrix
Course Outcomes (COs):

CO1: Design webpage using formatting, image and table tags.

CO2: Use advanced HTML tags for designing interactive and semantic web pages.

CO3: Design and publish websites using the Kompozer tool.

CO4: Use CSS internal and/or external style sheets for designing web pages.

CO5: Write client-side script using Javascript.


S. No. Practical Outcome/Title of experiment

1. Use HTML text formatting tags to create √ - - - -

web page as per given sample.
2. Use hyper link tag to navigate through √ - - - -
different web pages as per given sample.
Use image tags to create web page as per
given sample. √ - - - -

4. Use HTML table tags to create web page

√ - - - -
as per given sample.
5. Use sorted list to create web page as per
- √ - - -
given sample page.
Use unsorted list to create web page as
6. - √ - - -
per given sample page.
7. Use definition list to create web page as
- √ - - -
per given sample page.
8. Use semantic tags to organize web page
- √ - - -
contents as per given sample.
a. Create a student registration webpage
using different HTML form elements.
- √ - - -
b. Create student feedback form using
different HTML form elements.
10. Create a bank account opening form
using different HTML form elements in - - √ - -
11. Use inline, internal and external style
sheets for the student registration form
- - - √ -
and bank account form created in
previous practical.
12. a. Use different CSS elements to create
- - - √ -
and format your Profile Page (Note: use
CSS Background, Text, Font, Tables, Links,
Images, Margin etc)
b. Create and format your class time table
Page Using Different CSS Elements
(Note: use CSS Background, Text, Font,
Tables, Links, Images, Margin etc)
13. Use JavaScript to perform the following
a. find roots of quadratic equation - - - - √
b. find the highest from given three
Use JavaScript to check whether given
character is vowel or consonant using if - - - - √
else ladder.
Use JavaScript to check whether given
character is vowel or consonant using - - - - √
switch case.
Use JavaScript to print first 10 even
16. - - - - √
Use JavaScript to calculate power of given
17. - - - - √
Use JavaScript to print multiplication
18. - - - - √
table of given number.
Use JavaScript user defined functions to
perform the following operations:
a. to calculate sum of 1 to n - - - - √
b. to check whether given number is
prime or not
Use JavaScript to perform the following
a. take input of student name and
address and display in a dialog box. - - - - √
b. change background color of webpage
as selected by user from a list of colors
given in combo box.
Use JavaScript to perform the following
a. calculate the factorial of a given
number entered into a textbox. Display
the result in another textbox. - - - - √
b. perform arithmetic operations on two
numbers entered into textboxes. Use
Radio buttons to select arithmetic
operations (Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication and Division). Display the
result in another textbox.
Industry Relevant Skills

The following industry relevant skills are expected to be developed in the students
by performance of experiments of this course.

Develop web pages using HTML and CSS.

Develop interactive web pages using HTML and Javascript.

Guidelines to Course Faculty

1. Couse faculty should demonstrate experiment with all necessary
implementation strategies described in curriculum.
2. Couse faculty should explain industrial relevance before starting of each experiment.
3. Course faculty should Involve & give opportunity to all students for hands on
4. Course faculty should ensure mentioned skills are developed in the students
by asking.
5. Utilise 2 hrs of lab hours effectively and ensure completion of write up with quiz
6. Encourage peer to peer learning by doing same experiment through fast

Instructions for Students

1. Organize the work in the group and make record of all observations.
2. Students shall develop maintenance skill as expected by industries.
3. Student shall attempt to develop related hand-on skills and build confidence.
4. Student shall develop the habits of evolving more ideas, innovations,
skills etc.
5. Student shall refer technical magazines and data books.
6. Student should develop habit to submit the practical on date and time.
7. Student should well prepare while submitting write-up of exercise.
Continuous Assessment Sheet
Enrolment No: Name

Sr no Practical Outcome/Title of experiment Marks

Page Sign
Date (25)

1 To use HTML text formatting tags to create web

page as per given sample.
2 To use hyper link tag to navigate through different
web pages as per given sample.
To use image tags to create web page as per given
3 sample.

4 To use HTML table tags to create web page as per

given sample.
5 To use sorted list to create web page as per given
sample page.
To use unsorted list to create web page as per given
sample page.
7 To use definition list to create web page as per given
sample page.
8 To use semantic tags to organize web page contents
as per given sample.

9 a. To create a student registration webpage using

different HTML form elements.
b. To create student feedback form using different
HTML form elements.

10 To create a bank account opening form using

different HTML form elements in Kompozer.
11 Use inline, internal and external style sheets for the
student registration form and bank account form
created in previous practical.
12 a. To use different CSS elements to create and
format your Profile Page (Note: use CSS Background,
Text, Font, Tables, Links, Images, Margin etc)
b. To create and format your class time table Page
Using Different CSS Elements
(Note: use CSS Background, Text, Font, Tables, Links,
Images, Margin etc)

13 To use JavaScript to perform the following

a. find roots of quadratic equation
b. find the highest from given three values
14 To use JavaScript to check whether given character
is vowel or consonant using if else ladder.
15 To use JavaScript to check whether given character
is vowel or consonant using switch case.
16 To use JavaScript to print first 10 even numbers.

17 To use JavaScript to calculate power of given

18 To use JavaScript to print multiplication table of
given number.
19 To use JavaScript user defined functions to perform
the following operations:
a. to calculate sum of 1 to n
b. to check whether given number is prime or not

20 To use JavaScript to perform the following

a. take input of student name and address and
display in a dialog box.
b. change background color of webpage as selected
by user from a list of colors given in combo box.
21 To use JavaScript to perform the following
a. calculate the factorial of a given number entered
into a textbox. Display the result in another textbox.
b. perform arithmetic operations on two numbers
entered into textboxes. Use Radio buttons to select
arithmetic operations (Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication and Division). Display the result in
another textbox.
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Date: ……………
Practical No.1: Use HTML text formatting tags to create web page as per given sample.

A. Objective:
To apply text formatting tags in a webpage.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML’
1. HTML tags identification skills.
2. Webpage development skills.

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO1: Design webpage using formatting, image and table tags.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use HTML text formatting tags to create web page as per given sample.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

a. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
b. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power
G. Prerequisite Theory:

HTML Formatting Elements

Formatting elements were designed to display special types of text:

Static Web Page Design (4311603)

• <b> - Bold text

• <strong> - Important text
• <i> - Italic text
• <em> - Emphasized text
• <mark> - Marked text
• <small> - Smaller text
• <del> - Deleted text
• <ins> - Inserted text
• <sub> - Subscript text
• <sup> - Superscript text

HTML Comment Tag

You can add comments to your HTML source by using the following syntax:

<!-- Write your comments here -->

Note: Comments are not displayed by the browser, but they can help document your HTML
source code.

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
/Components/Trainer kit
1 Computer system with 1
operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

a. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
b. Do not plug out any computer cables
J. Procedure to be followed/Source code :

Static Web Page Design (4311603)

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output:


L. Practical related Quiz.

a. What are different heading tags in HTML?

b. How to execute a webpage?

c. Explain formatting tags of HTML.

Static Web Page Design (4311603)

M. References / Suggestions

a. HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
C1: Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Program correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Correctness with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
C3: purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
Coding ● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
25 %
Standards/ explaining the code.
Documentation Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.

Static Web Page Design (4311603)

● Most of the code is documented with comments

explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Date: ……………
Practical No.2: Use hyper link tag to navigate through different web pages as per given sample.

A. Objective:
To apply hyperlinks in a webpage.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering knowledge
of computing appropriate to the problem

PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML’

1. Webpage inter-connection skills.

2. Webpage development skills.
D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)
CO1: Design webpage using formatting, image and table tags.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use hyper link tag to navigate through different web pages as per given sample.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

a. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
b. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power
G. Prerequisite Theory:
HTML Links - Hyperlinks

HTML links are hyperlinks.

You can click on a link and jump to another document.
When you move the mouse over a link, the mouse arrow will turn into a little hand.
The HTML <a> tag defines a hyperlink. It has the following syntax:

<a href="url">link text</a>

By default, links will appear as follows in all browsers:

• An unvisited link is underlined and blue

Static Web Page Design (4311603)

• A visited link is underlined and purple

• An active link is underlined and red
HTML Links - The target Attribute
By default, the linked page will be displayed in the current browser window. To change this, you
must specify another target for the link.

The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document.

The target attribute can have one of the following values:_self - Default. Opens the document in
the same window/tab as it was clicked

• _blank - Opens the document in a new window or tab

• _parent - Opens the document in the parent frame
• _top - Opens the document in the full body of the window

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
/Components/Trainer kit
1 Computer system with 1
operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

a. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
b. Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code :

Static Web Page Design (4311603)

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):


L. Practical related Quiz.

a. What are the attributes of <a> tag?

b. What is the difference between absolute and relative URL?

M. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

a. HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
C1: 50 %
correctly as per the requirements.

Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Program Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts

Completeness/ correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Date: ……………
Practical No.3: Use image tags to create web page as per given sample.
A. Objective:
To place image in a webpage.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and
apply current technical concepts and best practices in information

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML’
1. Webpage image management skills.
2. Webpage development skills.
D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)
CO1: Design webpage using formatting, image and table tags.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use image tags to create web page as per given sample.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:
HTML Images Syntax
The HTML <img> tag is used to embed an image in a web page. Images are not technically
inserted into a web page; images are linked to web pages. The <img> tag creates a
holding space for the referenced image.

The <img> tag is empty, it contains attributes only, and does not have a closing

The <img> tag has two required attributes:

• src - Specifies the path to the image

• alt - Specifies an alternate text for the image

<img src="url" alt="alternatetext">

10 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
/Components/Trainer kit
1 Computer system with 1
operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

• Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
• Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code :

11 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):


L. Practical related Quiz.

1. What are the attributes of <img> tag?

2. Explain image maps in HTML

M. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
C1: Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Program correctly as per the requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Correctness correctly with approx. 70% requirements.

12 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly

with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

13 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Date: ……………
Practical No.4: Use HTML table tags to create web page as per given sample.
A. Objective:
To create table in a webpage.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML’
1. Webpage table management skills.
2. Webpage development skills.

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO1: Design webpage using formatting, image and table tags.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use table tags to create web page as per given sample.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:
Define an HTML Table
A table in HTML consists of table cells inside rows and columns.

Table Cells
Each table cell is defined by a <td> and a </td> tag.
td stands for table data.

Table Rows
Each table row starts with a <tr> and end with a </tr> tag.
tr stands for table row.

Table Headers
Sometimes you want your cells to be headers, in those cases use the <th> tag instead of
the <td> tag:

14 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

HTML Table Borders

HTML tables can have borders of different styles and shapes.

To add a border, use the CSS border property on table, th, and td elements:


<!DOCTYPE html>

table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-radius: 10px;
th, td {
background-color: #96D4D4;


Dotted Table Borders

With the border-style property, you can set the appereance of the border.

The following values are allowed:

• dotted
• dashed
• solid
• double
• groove
• ridge
• inset
• outset
• none
• hidden

15 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
/Components/Trainer kit
1 Computer system with 1
operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code :

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output :


L. Practical related Quiz.

16 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

1. How to create a table in a webpage? Explain necessary tags.

2. Explain the use of colspan and rowspan attributes.

M. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
C1: Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Program correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Correctness with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.

C3: 25 % Excellent (10-8 marks):

17 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Coding ● Coding standards are followed in complete code while

Standards/ naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
Documentation purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

18 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Practical No.5: Use sorted (ordered) list to create web page as per given sample page.
A. Objective:
To apply ordered list in a webpage.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
PO3: . Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering
well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems
components or processes to meet specified needs.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the
industry-identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML’
List identification skill
Webpage development skills.

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO2: Use advanced HTML tags for designing interactive and semantic web pages.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use ordered list to create web page as per given sample.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power
G. Prerequisite Theory:
HTML Ordered Lists
The HTML <ol> tag defines an ordered list. An ordered list can be numerical or

An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

The list items will be marked with numbers by default:

Ordered HTML List - The Type Attribute

The type attribute of the <ol> tag, defines the type of the list item marker:

19 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
/Components/Trainer kit
1 Computer system with 1
operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.

Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code :

20 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):


L. Practical related Quiz.

Explain <ol> tag with its attributes.

M. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
Program Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
50 %
Completeness/ correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
Correctness Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
with 70% - 50% requirements.

21 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts

correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

22 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Practical No.6: Use unsorted (unordered) list to create web page as per given sample page.
A. Objective:
To apply unordered list in a webpage.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering knowledge
of computing appropriate to the problem
PO3: . Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering well-
defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or
processes to meet specified needs.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML’
List identification skill
Webpage development skills.

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO2: Use advanced HTML tags for designing interactive and semantic web pages.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use unordered list to create web page as per given sample.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power.

G. Prerequisite Theory:
HTML Unordered Lists
The HTML <ul> tag defines an unordered (bulleted) list.

An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

The list items will be marked with bullets (small black circles) by default:

23 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Unordered HTML List - The Type Attribute

The CSS list-style-type property is used to define the style of the list item marker. It can have one
of the following values:

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
/Components/Trainer kit
1 Computer system with 1
operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.

Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code :

24 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):

Output (Preview on browser):

L. Practical related Quiz.

Explain <ul> tag with its attributes.

M. References / Suggestions
HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
C1: 50 %
correctly as per the requirements.

25 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Program Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts

Completeness/ correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

26 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Practical No.7: Use definition (description) list to create web page as per given sample page.
A. Objective:
To apply definition list in a webpage.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
PO3: . Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering well-
defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or
processes to meet specified needs.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML’
List identification skill

Webpage development skills.

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO2: Use advanced HTML tags for designing interactive and semantic web pages.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use definition list to create web page as per given sample.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power
G. Prerequisite Theory:
HTML Definition List

HTML Description List or Definition List displays elements in definition form like in dictionary. The
<dl>, <dt> and <dd> tags are used to define description list.

The 3 HTML description list tags are given below:

1. <dl> tag defines the description list.

2. <dt> tag defines data term.
3. <dd> tag defines data definition (description).

H. Resources/Equipment Required

27 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
/Components/Trainer kit
1 Computer system with 1
operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

a. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
b. Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):

Output (Preview on browser):

28 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

L. Practical related Quiz.

a. Explain definition list with all necessary tags.

M. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

a. HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

29 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

N. Assessment-Rubrics

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
C1: Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Program correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Correctness with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.

30 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

31 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Practical No.8: Use semantic tags to organize web page contents.

A. Objective:
To apply semantic tags to organize the web page contents.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
Design/ development of solutions: Be able to design, implement, and
evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or program to
meet the desired needs
Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply
appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment
and ethical practices.
Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in
updating in the context of technological changes.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML semantics’
1. HTML tags identification skills.
2. Organization of web page.
3. Webpage development skills.

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO2: Use advanced HTML tags for designing interactive and semantic web pages.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use semantic tags to organize web page contents as per given sample.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:

A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the

32 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Examples of non-semantic elements: <div> and <span> - Tells nothing about its

Examples of semantic elements: <form>, <table>, and <article> - Clearly defines

its content.

Many web sites contain HTML code like: <div id="nav"> <div class="header"> <div
id="footer"> to indicate navigation, header, and footer.

In HTML there are some semantic elements that can be used to define different
parts of a web page:

• <article>
• <aside>
• <details>
• <figcaption>
• <figure>
• <footer>
• <header>
• <main>
• <mark>
• <nav>
• <section>
• <summary>
• <time>

HTML <section> Element

The <section> element defines a section in a document.

<h1>GP Rajkot</h1>
<p>Best polytechnic college in Saurashtra region.</p>

HTML <article> Element

The <article> element specifies independent, self-contained content.
<h2>Mozilla Firefox</h2>
33 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

<p>Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser developed by Mozilla. Firefox

has been the second most popular web browser since January, 2018.</p>

HTML <header> Element

The <header> element represents a container for introductory content or a set of
navigational links.
<h1>What Does WWF Do?</h1>
<p>WWF's mission:</p>
<p>WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of our planet's natural

HTML <footer> Element

The <footer> element defines a footer for a document or section.
<p>Author: Hege Refsnes</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
/Components/Trainer kit
1 Computer system with 1
operating system and

34 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

Using sematic tags develop HTML page having following layout:

<section> <aside>

35 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output :

Observe the output on browser and compare it with the given layout.

36 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

L. Practical related Quiz.

1. What are different semantic tags in HTML?
2. How to display a footer in the web page?
3. Explain navigation tags of HTML.

M. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

1. HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics
Max 25 marks

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
Complet Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
50 %
eness/ correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
Correctn Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
with 70% - 50% requirements.

37 | P a g e
Static Web Page Design (4311603)

Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts

correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
Readabi 25 %
lity Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 *
(Marks of C3)

Sign with Date

38 | P a g e
Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Practical No.9:
a. Create a student registration webpage using different HTML form elements.
b. Create student feedback form using different HTML form elements.

A. Objective:
To apply different form elements for designing interactive HTML web page .
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
2. Design/ development of solutions: Be able to design, implement, and
evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or program to
meet the desired needs
3. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply
appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment
and ethical practices.
4. Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in
updating in the context of technological changes.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML form elements
1. HTML tags identification skills.
2. Use of various form elements.
3. Webpage development skills.

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO2: Use advanced HTML tags for designing interactive and semantic web pages.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
a. Create a student registration webpage using different HTML form elements.
b. Create student feedback form using different HTML form elements.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

39 | Page
Static Webpage Design (4311603)

G. Prerequisite Theory:
The HTML <form> Elements

The HTML <form> element can contain one or more of the following form elements:

• <input>
• <label>
• <select>
• <textarea>
• <button>
• <fieldset>
• <legend>
• <datalist>
• <output>
• <option>
• <optgroup>

The <input> Element

One of the most used form element is the <input> element.
The <input> element can be displayed in several ways, depending on the type attribute.


<form action="/action_page.html">

<label for="fname">First name:</label> <br>

<input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"> <br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">


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Static Webpage Design (4311603)


The <label> Element

The <label> element defines a label for several form elements.

The <label> element is useful for screen-reader users, because the screen-reader will read out loud
the label when the user focus on the input element.

The <label> element also help users who have difficulty clicking on very small regions (such as radio
buttons or checkboxes) - because when the user clicks the text within the <label> element, it toggles
the radio button/checkbox.

The for attribute of the <label> tag should be equal to the id attribute of the <input> element to bind
them together.

The <select> Element

The <select> element defines a drop-down list:


<form action="/action_page.html">

<label for="cars">Choose a car:</label>

<select id="cars" name="cars">
<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
<option value="saab">Saab</option>
<option value="fiat">Fiat</option>
<option value="audi">Audi</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)


The <option> elements defines an option that can be selected.

By default, the first item in the drop-down list is selected.

To define a pre-selected option, add the selected attribute to the option:

<option value="fiat" selected>Fiat</option>

Allow Multiple Selections:

Use the multiple attribute to allow the user to select more than one value:

<form action="/action_page.html">

<label for="cars">Choose a car:</label>

<select id="cars" name="cars" size="4" multiple>
<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
<option value="saab">Saab</option>
<option value="fiat">Fiat</option>
<option value="audi">Audi</option>
</select> <br> <br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)


The <textarea> Element

The <textarea> element defines a multi-line input field (a text area):
<textarea name="message" rows="10" cols="30">
The cat was playing in the garden.

The rows attribute specifies the visible number of lines in a text area.

The cols attribute specifies the visible width of a text area.

This is how the HTML code above will be displayed in a browser:

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

The <button> Element

The <button> element defines a clickable button:
<button type="button" World!')">Click Me!</button>
This is how the HTML code above will be displayed in a browser:

The <fieldset> and <legend> Elements

The <fieldset> element is used to group related data in a form.

The <legend> element defines a caption for the <fieldset> element.

<form action="/action_page.html">
<label for="fname">First name:</label><br>
<input type="text" id="fname" name="fname" value="John"><br>
<label for="lname">Last name:</label><br>
<input type="text" id="lname" name="lname" value="Doe"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

This is how the HTML code above will be displayed in a browser:

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

The <datalist> Element

The <datalist> element specifies a list of pre-defined options for an <input> element.

Users will see a drop-down list of the pre-defined options as they input data.

The list attribute of the <input> element, must refer to the id attribute of the <datalist> element.


<form action="/action_page.html">
<input list="browsers">
<datalist id="browsers">
<option value="Internet Explorer">
<option value="Firefox">
<option value="Chrome">
<option value="Opera">
<option value="Safari">


45 | Page
Static Webpage Design (4311603)

The <output> Element

The <output> element represents the result of a calculation (like one performed by a script).

<form action="/action_page.html"
> 0
<input type="range" id="a" name="a" value="50">
100 +
<input type="number" id="b" name="b" value="50">
<output name="x" for="a b"></output>
<input type="submit">


46 | Page
Static Webpage Design (4311603)

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code :

1. Decide and list fields to be kept in the registration and feed back form. Eg.
Name, Email , Mobile No Etc.
2. Decide which form element will you keep for field.
3. Design student registration web page.
4. Design student feed back web page.
5. Observe the output and do the necessary corrections.

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

48 | Page
Static Webpage Design (4311603)

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Outpu:

Observe the output on browser and compare it with the given layout.

L. Practical related Quiz.

1. Which element is used to create multi-line text input?
2. What is button tag?
3. Explain use of select tag.
4. Explain use of output element.
5. What is fieldset?

M. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

49 | Page
Static Webpage Design (4311603)

N. Assessment-Rubrics
Max 25 marks

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
Program Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Complet correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
eness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Correctn with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
Readabi 25 %
lity Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
C3: Adequate (7-6 marks):
Coding ● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
Standar naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
25 %
ds/ purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
Docume ● Most of the code is documented with comments
ntation explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.

50 | Page
Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):

● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 *
(Marks of C3)

Sign with Date

51 | Page
Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Practical No.10:

Create a bank account opening form using different HTML form elements in

A. Objective:
To apply different form elements for designing interactive bank account opening
web page using kompozer open source tool .
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics,

science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the
engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using

codified standard methods.

3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering well-defined

technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to
meet specified needs.

4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools

and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply

appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical

6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a

team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about
well-defined engineering activities.

7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Develop webpages using HTML form elements
1. HTML tags identification skills.
2. Use of various form elements.
3. Webpage development skills.

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D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO3: Design and publish websites using the Kompozer tool.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Create a bank account opening form using different HTML form elements in Kompozer.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:
The HTML <form> Elements

The HTML <form> element can contain one or more of the following form elements:

• <input>
• <label>
• <select>
• <textarea>
• <button>
• <fieldset>
• <legend>
• <datalist>
• <output>
• <option>
• <optgroup>

The <input> Element

One of the most used form element is the <input> element.
The <input> element can be displayed in several ways, depending on the type attribute.


<form action="/action_page.html">

<label for="fname">First name:</label> <br>

<input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"> <br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">


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The <label> Element

The <label> element defines a label for several form elements.

The <label> element is useful for screen-reader users, because the screen-reader will read out loud
the label when the user focus on the input element.

The <label> element also help users who have difficulty clicking on very small regions (such as radio
buttons or checkboxes) - because when the user clicks the text within the <label> element, it toggles
the radio button/checkbox.

The for attribute of the <label> tag should be equal to the id attribute of the <input> element to bind
them together.

The <select> Element

The <select> element defines a drop-down list:


<form action="/action_page.html">

<label for="cars">Choose a car:</label>

<select id="cars" name="cars">
<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
<option value="saab">Saab</option>
<option value="fiat">Fiat</option>
<option value="audi">Audi</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

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The <option> elements defines an option that can be selected.

By default, the first item in the drop-down list is selected.

To define a pre-selected option, add the selected attribute to the option:

<option value="fiat" selected>Fiat</option>

Allow Multiple Selections:

Use the multiple attribute to allow the user to select more than one value:

<form action="/action_page.html">

<label for="cars">Choose a car:</label>

<select id="cars" name="cars" size="4" multiple>
<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
<option value="saab">Saab</option>
<option value="fiat">Fiat</option>
<option value="audi">Audi</option>
</select> <br> <br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

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The <textarea> Element

The <textarea> element defines a multi-line input field (a text area):
<textarea name="message" rows="10" cols="30">
The cat was playing in the garden.

The rows attribute specifies the visible number of lines in a text area.

The cols attribute specifies the visible width of a text area.

This is how the HTML code above will be displayed in a browser:

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The <button> Element

The <button> element defines a clickable button:
<button type="button" World!')">Click Me!</button>
This is how the HTML code above will be displayed in a browser:

The <fieldset> and <legend> Elements

The <fieldset> element is used to group related data in a form.

The <legend> element defines a caption for the <fieldset> element.

<form action="/action_page.html">
<label for="fname">First name:</label><br>
<input type="text" id="fname" name="fname" value="John"><br>
<label for="lname">Last name:</label><br>
<input type="text" id="lname" name="lname" value="Doe"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

This is how the HTML code above will be displayed in a browser:

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The <datalist> Element

The <datalist> element specifies a list of pre-defined options for an <input> element.

Users will see a drop-down list of the pre-defined options as they input data.

The list attribute of the <input> element, must refer to the id attribute of the <datalist> element.


<form action="/action_page.html">
<input list="browsers">
<datalist id="browsers">
<option value="Internet Explorer">
<option value="Firefox">
<option value="Chrome">
<option value="Opera">
<option value="Safari">


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The <output> Element

The <output> element represents the result of a calculation (like one performed by a script).

<form action="/action_page.html"
> 0
<input type="range" id="a" name="a" value="50">
100 +
<input type="number" id="b" name="b" value="50">
<output name="x" for="a b"></output>
<input type="submit">


Installing KompoZer for Windows

• Downoad KompoZer (use version 0.7.10, not 0.8), free software available at
• Save the downloaded file 1

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• Right-click on the saved zip file and choose extract all, creating the kompozer-0.7.10-win32
• The kompozer-0.7.10-win32 directory contains the kompozer-0.7.10 directory, which contains all
of the extracted KompoZer files.
• To run, click on kompzer.exe in the kompozer-0.7.10 directory. This will only work if you have first
done the extract all in step 3.

Advantages of KompoZer

• WYSIWYG editing of pages, making web creation as easy as typing a letter with your word
• Integrated file management via FTP. Simply login to your web site and navigate through your files,
editing web pages on the fly, directly from your site.
• Reliable HTML code creation that will work with all of today’s most popular browsers.
• Jump between WYSIWYG Editing Mode and HTML using tabs.
• Tabbed editing to make working on multiple pages a snap.
• Powerful support for forms, tables, and templates.
• The easiest-to-use, most powerful Web Authoring System available for Desktop Linux, Microsoft
Windows and Apple Macintosh users.

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KompoZer tool in Windows

Key features and capabilities of Kompozer

• FTP Site Manager

• New Color Picker
• Tabs
• CSS Editor
• Dash of style
• Customizable Toolbars
• Forms
• Cleaner Markup
• Visible Marks
• Table/Cell resizing rulers
• Automated Spell Checker

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H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

1. Decide and list fields to be kept in bank account opening form. Eg. Name,
Email , Mobile No Etc.
2. Decide which form element will you keep for field.
3. Design bank account opening form using kompozer.
4. Observe the output and do the necessary corrections.

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K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):

Observe the output on browser and compare it with the given layout.

L. Practical related Quiz.

1. Which element is used to create multi-line text input?
2. What is button tag?
3. Explain use of select tag.
4. Explain use of output element.

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M. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

1. HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics
Max 25 marks

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
Program Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Complet correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
eness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Correctn with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
Readabi 25 %
lity Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
C3: purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
Coding ● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
Standar explaining the code.
25 %
ds/ Adequate (7-6 marks):
Docume ● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
ntation naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.

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Poor (5-4 marks):

● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 *
(Marks of C3)

Sign with Date

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Practical No.11:

Use inline, internal and external style sheets for the student registration form and bank
account form created in previous practical.

A. Objective:
To create and apply inline . internal and external style sheets in the student registration
form and the bank account opening registration form .

B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics,

science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the
engineering problems.

3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering well-defined

technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to
meet specified needs.

5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply

appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical

7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Design and apply CSS to the HTML pages.’
1. Create CSS file for HTML web pages.
2. Use of various CSS tags.
3. Apply CSS to the developed HTML Page.

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO4: Use CSS internal and/or external style sheets for designing web pages.

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use inline, internal and external style sheets for the student registration form and bank
account form created in previous practical.
F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)
1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution

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2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:
What is CSS?

• CSS is the language we use to style a Web page.

• CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
• CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media
• CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once
• External stylesheets are stored in CSS files

CSS Syntax

A CSS rule consists of a selector and a declaration block.

• The selector points to the HTML element you want to style.

• The declaration block contains one or more declarations separated by semicolons.
• Each declaration includes a CSS property name and a value, separated by a colon.
• Multiple CSS declarations are separated with semicolons, and declaration blocks are surrounded
by curly braces.

Inline CSS

An inline style may be used to apply a unique style for a single element.

To use inline styles, add the style attribute to the relevant element. The style attribute can contain any
CSS property.

Inline styles are defined within the "style" attribute of the relevant element:


<!DOCTYPE html>

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<h1 style="color:blue;text-align:center;">This is a heading</h1>

<p style="color:red;">This is a paragraph.</p>


Browser Output:

Internal CSS

An internal style sheet may be used if one single HTML page has a unique style.

The internal style is defined inside the <style> element, inside the head section.

Internal styles are defined within the <style> element, inside the <head> section of an HTML page:


<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
background-color: linen;

h1 {
color: maroon;
margin-left: 40px;

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<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


Browser Output:

External CSS

With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file!

Each HTML page must include a reference to the external style sheet file inside the <link> element, inside
the head section.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css">

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


An external style sheet can be written in any text editor, and must be saved with a .css extension. The
external .css file should not contain any HTML tags.

Here is how the "mystyle.css" file looks:

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body {
background-color: lightblue;

h1 {
color: navy;
margin-left: 20px;

Browser Output:

H. Experimental set up/ Program Logic-Flow chart:

Start computer system and Open your HTML code editor Kompozer.

I. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

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J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

K. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

1. Open student registration form developed in Practical -9.

2. Design inline CSS, External CSS for the elements used in student registration
3. Apply created CSS to the student registration form.
4. Observe the output in browser.
5. Open bank account opening form developed in Practical -10.
6. Design inline CSS, External CSS for the elements used in bank account opening
7. Apply created CSS to the student registration form.
8. Observe the output in browser.

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L. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):

Observe the output on browser and compare it with the given layout.

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M. Practical related Quiz.

1. What is CSS?
2. Write syntax of CSS for button.
3. Compare inline CSS with external CSS.
4. What is the extension of CSS file?

N. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

1. HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

O. Assessment-Rubrics
Max 25 marks
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
C1: Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Program correctly as per the requirements.
50 %
Complet Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
eness/ correctly with approx. 70% requirements.

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Correctn Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly

ess with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
Readabi 25 %
lity Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 *
(Marks of C3)

Sign with Date

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Practical No.12:
a. Use different CSS elements to create and format your Profile Page (Note: use CSS Background,
Text, Font, Tables, Links, Images, Margin etc)
b. Create and format your class time table Page Using Different CSS Elements (Note: use CSS
Background, Text, Font, Tables, Links, Images, Margin etc)

A. Objective:
a. To create the profile page and, create CSS elements and apply it on the profile
b. To create the class time table page and, create CSS elements and apply it on the

B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics,

science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the
engineering problems.

3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering well-defined

technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to
meet specified needs.

5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply

appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical

7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Design and apply CSS elements to the HTML

• Create CSS elements in the css file.

• Apply CSS to the developed HTML Page.
D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)
CO4: Use CSS internal and/or external style sheets for designing web pages.

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E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
• Use different CSS elements to create and format your Profile Page.
• Create and format your class time table Page Using Different CSS Elements.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:
What is CSS?

• CSS is the language we use to style a Web page.

• CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
• CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media
• CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once
• External stylesheets are stored in CSS files

CSS Syntax

A CSS rule consists of a selector and a declaration block.

• The selector points to the HTML element you want to style.

• The declaration block contains one or more declarations separated by semicolons.
• Each declaration includes a CSS property name and a value, separated by a colon.
• Multiple CSS declarations are separated with semicolons, and declaration blocks are surrounded
by curly braces.

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Inline CSS

An inline style may be used to apply a unique style for a single element.

To use inline styles, add the style attribute to the relevant element. The style attribute can contain any
CSS property.

Inline styles are defined within the "style" attribute of the relevant element:


<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1 style="color:blue;text-align:center;">This is a heading</h1>

<p style="color:red;">This is a paragraph.</p>


Browser Output:

Internal CSS

An internal style sheet may be used if one single HTML page has a unique style.

The internal style is defined inside the <style> element, inside the head section.

Internal styles are defined within the <style> element, inside the <head> section of an HTML page:


<!DOCTYPE html>

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body {
background-color: linen;

h1 {
color: maroon;
margin-left: 40px;

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


Browser Output:

External CSS

With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file!

Each HTML page must include a reference to the external style sheet file inside the <link> element, inside
the head section.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css">

<h1>This is a heading</h1>

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<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


An external style sheet can be written in any text editor, and must be saved with a .css extension. The
external .css file should not contain any HTML tags.

Here is how the "mystyle.css" file looks:

body {
background-color: lightblue;

h1 {
color: navy;
margin-left: 20px;

Browser Output:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="pract12.css">
<h1> Hello World of H1 </h1>
<h2> Hello World of H2 </h2>
<tr><th> Table Title 1</th> <th> Table Title 2</th></tr>

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<tr><td> Table Value 1</td> <td> Table Value 1</td></tr>

<tr><td> Table Value 2</td> <td> Table Value 2</td></tr>
<tr><td> Table Value 3</td> <td> Table Value 3</td></tr>

html {
overflow-x: hidden; }

body {
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
font-weight: 300;
color: #000;
background-color: #f4ede5; }

.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
font-family: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;
font-weight: 400; color:green;}

h1, h2 {
font-weight: 700; }

table, th, td {
border: 3px solid black;
color: blue;
text-align: center;

Browser Output:

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H. Experimental set up/ Program Logic-Flow chart:

Start computer system and Open your HTML code editor Kompozer.

I. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

K. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

1. Design profile Page in HTML.

2. Design External CSS for the elements used in profile page.
3. Apply created CSS to the profile page.
4. Observe the output in browser.

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5. Design class time table Page in HTML.

6. Design External CSS for the elements used in time table page.
7. Apply created CSS to the time table page.
8. Observe the output in browser.

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L. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):

Observe the output on browser and compare it with the given layout.

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M. Practical related Quiz.

1. What is CSS?
2. Write syntax of CSS for button.
3. Compare inline CSS with external CSS.
4. What is the extension of CSS file?

N. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

1. HTML & CSS – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

O. Assessment-Rubrics
Max 25 marks

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
C1: 50 %
correctly as per the requirements.

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Program Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts

Complet correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
ess with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
Readabi 25 %
lity Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 *
(Marks of C3)

Sign with Date

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Practical No.13:
Use JavaScript to perform the following operations:
a. find roots of quadratic equation
b. find the highest from given three values

A. Objective:
a. To create java script that finds roots of quadratic equation
b. To create java script that finds the highest from given three values

B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics,

science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the
engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using
codified standard methods.

3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering well-defined

technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to
meet specified needs.

5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply

appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical

7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Create Java script for the web pages.’

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO5: Write client-side script using JavaScript

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use JavaScript to perform the following operations: a. find roots of quadratic equation b.
find the highest from given three values

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution

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2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:

This program computes roots of a quadratic equation when its coefficients are known.

The standard form of a quadratic equation is:

ax2 + bx + c = 0, where

a, b and c are real numbers and


To find the roots of such equation, we use the formula,

(root1,root2) = (-b ± √b2-4ac)/2

The term b2-4ac is known as the discriminant of a quadratic equation. It tells the nature of the


If the discriminant is greater than 0, the roots are real and different.

If the discriminant is equal to 0, the roots are real and equal.

If the discriminant is less than 0, the roots are complex and different.

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What are Variables?

Variables are containers for storing data (storing data values).

In this example, x, y, and z, are variables, declared with the var keyword:

var x = 5;
var y = 6;
var z = x + y;

All JavaScript variables must be identified with unique names.

These unique names are called identifiers.

Identifiers can be short names (like x and y) or more descriptive names (age, sum, totalVolume).

The general rules for constructing names for variables (unique identifiers) are:

• Names can contain letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs.

• Names must begin with a letter.
• Names can also begin with $ and _ (but we will not use it in this tutorial).
• Names are case sensitive (y and Y are different variables).
• Reserved words (like JavaScript keywords) cannot be used as names.

H. Experimental set up/ Program Logic-Flow chart:

Start computer system and Open your HTML code editor Kompozer.

I. Resources/Equipment Required

Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

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J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

K. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

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L. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):

a. Expected Input: - Enter the values of a, b and c.
Calculate the roots based on the given values.
Expected output: - Print the roots.

b. Expected input: - Enter three numbers.

Find the greatest number.
Expected output: - ___ is the Greatest Number.

M. Practical related Quiz.

1. Explain if .. else in Java Script.

2. How to declare a variable in java script?

3. What is the use of let in Java Script?

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4. Explain different arithmetic operators in JavaScript.

N. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

1. Javascript – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

O. Assessment-Rubrics
Max 25 marks

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
Program Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Complet correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
eness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Correctn with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
Readabi 25 %
lity Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
C3: ● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
Coding naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
25 %
Standar purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
ds/ ● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.

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Docume Adequate (7-6 marks):

ntation ● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 *
(Marks of C3)

Sign with Date

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Practical No.14:

Use JavaScript to check whether given character is vowel or consonant using if else ladder.

A. Objective:
To create to check whether given character is vowel or consonant using if else

B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics,

science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the
engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using
codified standard methods.

3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for engineering well-defined

technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to
meet specified needs.

5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply

appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical

7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency: ‘Create Java script for the web pages.’

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO5: Write client-side script using JavaScript

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use JavaScript to check whether given character is
vowel or consonant using if else ladder.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

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G. Prerequisite Theory:

Very often when you write code, you want to perform different actions for different
decisions. You can use conditional statements in your code to do this.

In JavaScript we have the following conditional statements:

• Use if to specify a block of code to be executed, if a specified condition is true

• Use else to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false
• Use else if to specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false

The else if Statement

Use the else if statement to specify a new condition if the first condition is false.

if (condition1) {
// block of code to be executed if condition1 is true
} else if (condition2) {
// block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is true
} else {
// block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is false

If time is less than 10:00, create a "Good morning" greeting, if not, but time is less than
20:00, create a "Good day" greeting, otherwise a "Good evening"
if (time < 10) {
greeting = "Good morning";
} else if (time < 20) {
greeting = "Good day";
} else {
greeting = "Good evening";

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In alphabet from a to z, there are five vowels e.g. ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, ‘u’
All other alphabet other than vowels are considered as Consonants.

H. Experimental set up/ Program Logic-Flow chart:

Start computer system and Open your HTML code editor Kompozer.

I. Resources/Equipment Required

Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDE or Code Editor 1

(Open source: Kompozer)

J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

K. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

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L. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):

Given Input : characters from a to z.

Expected output: “Entered Character is CONSONANT” or “Entered Character is VOWEL”
based on the character you have entered.

M. Practical related Quiz.

1. Explain if .. else ladder in Java Script.

N. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

1. Javascript – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

O. Assessment-Rubrics
Max 25 marks
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
C1: 50 %
correctly as per the requirements.

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Program Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts

Complet correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
ess with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
Readabi 25 %
lity Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 *
(Marks of C3)

Sign with Date

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Practical No.15: To use JavaScript to check whether given character is vowel or

consonant using switch case.

A. Objective:
To demonstrate usage of Switch case in JavaScript.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
2. Design/ development of solutions: Be able to design, implement, and
evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or program to meet
the desired needs
3. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies.
4. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in
updating in the context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency: ‘Develop client side script using JavaScript for the webpages’

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO5: Write client-side script using JavaScript

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use JavaScript to check whether given character is vowel or consonant using switch case.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:

The switch statement is used to perform different actions based on different

switch(expression) {
case x:

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// code block
case y:
// code block
// code block
This is how it works:

• The switch expression is evaluated once.

• The value of the expression is compared with the values of each case.
• If there is a match, the associated block of code is executed.
• If there is no match, the default code block is executed.

H. Experimental set up/ Program Logic-Flow chart:

I. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDEs and Code 1

Editors Open Source:

J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

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K. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

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L. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):


M. Practical related Quiz.

1. What is a switch case statement in JavaScript?

2. How do you handle uppercase and lowercase characters when checking for vowels or
consonants using a switch case statement?

3. What are some other use cases for switch case statements in JavaScript?

N. References / Suggestions ( lab manual designer should give)

1. Javascript – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

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O. Assessment-Rubrics
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
C1: Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Program correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Correctness with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

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Date: ……………
Practical No.16: To use JavaScript to print first 10 even numbers.

A. Objective:
To demonstrate usage of for loop in JavaScript.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
2. Design/ development of solutions: Be able to design, implement, and
evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or program to meet
the desired needs
3. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies.
4. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in
updating in the context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency: ‘Develop client side script using JavaScript for the webpages’

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO5: Write client-side script using JavaScript

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use JavaScript to print first 10 even numbers.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:
Loops can execute a block of code several times.
The For Loop
For statement creates a loop with 3 optional expressions:

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for (expression 1; expression 2; expression 3)
// code block to be executed

• Expression 1 is executed (one time) before the execution of the code block.
• Expression 2 defines the condition for executing the code block.
• Expression 3 is executed (every time) after the code block has been

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDEs and Code 1

Editors Open Source:

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

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J. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):


L. Practical related Quiz.

1. List different type of loops supported in JavaScript ?

2. Perform the same practical using a different looping statement.

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M. References / Suggestions (lab manual designer should give)

1. Javascript – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
C1: Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Program correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Correctness with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
C3: ● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
Coding naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
25 %
Standards/ purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
Documentation ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.

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Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):

● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

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Date: ……………
Practical No.17: To use JavaScript to calculate power of given number.

A. Objective:
To demonstrate usage of function in JavaScript.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
2. Design/ development of solutions: Be able to design, implement, and
evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or program to meet
the desired needs
3. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies.
4. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in
updating in the context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency: ‘Develop client side script using JavaScript for the webpages’

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO5: Write client-side script using JavaScript

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use JavaScript to calculate power of given number.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:

A JavaScript function is defined with the function keyword, followed by a name,

followed by parentheses ().

Function names can contain letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs (same rules
as variables).

The parentheses may include parameter names separated by commas:

(parameter1, parameter2, ...)

The code to be executed, by the function, is placed inside curly brackets: {}

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function name(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3)

// code to be executed

Function parameters are listed inside the parentheses () in the function definition.

Function arguments are the values received by the function when it is invoked.

Inside the function, the arguments (the parameters) behave as local variables.

Function Invocation

The code inside the function will execute when "something" invokes (calls) the

• When an event occurs (when a user clicks a button)

• When it is invoked (called) from JavaScript code
• Automatically (self invoked)

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDEs and Code 1

Editors Open Source:

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

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K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):

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L. Practical related Quiz.

1. Why do we use functions?

2. What happens when JavaScript reaches a return statement?

M. References / Suggestions (lab manual designer should give)

1. Javascript – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

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N. Assessment-Rubrics
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts
correctly as per the requirements.
C1: Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts
Program correctly with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Correctness with 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized
and very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone
who knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

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Date: ……………
Practical No.18: To use JavaScript to print multiplication table of given number.

A. Objective:
To demonstrate usage of for loop in JavaScript.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
2. Design/ development of solutions: Be able to design, implement, and
evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or program to meet
the desired needs
3. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies.
4. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in
updating in the context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency: ‘Develop client side script using JavaScript for the webpages’

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO5: Write client-side script using JavaScript

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use JavaScript to print multiplication table of given number.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:

The 'for' loop is the most compact form of looping. It includes the following three
important parts −

The loop initialization where we initialize our counter to a starting value. The
initialization statement is executed before the loop begins.

The test statement which will test if a given condition is true or not. If the condition is
true, then the code given inside the loop will be executed, otherwise the control will
come out of the loop.

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The iteration statement where you can increase or decrease your counter.

You can put all the three parts in a single line separated by semicolons.


The syntax of for loop is JavaScript is as follows −

for (initialization; test condition; iteration statement)

Statement(s) to be executed if test condition is true

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDEs and Code 1

Editors Open Source:

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

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K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):


L. Practical related Quiz.

1. How would you modify this program to print the multiplication table up to a higher
number than 10?

2. How does the for loop work in this program?

M. References / Suggestions (lab manual designer should give)

1. Javascript – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

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N. Assessment-Rubrics
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
as per the requirements.
C1: Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Program with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly with
Correctness 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized and
very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone who
knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized and
very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments explaining
the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Date: ……………
Practical No.19: Use JavaScript user defined functions to perform the following operations:
a. to calculate sum of 1 to n
b. to check whether given number is prime or not.

A. Objective:
To demonstrate usage of user defined functions in JavaScript.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
2. Design/ development of solutions: Be able to design, implement, and
evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or program to meet
the desired needs
3. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies.
4. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in
updating in the context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency: ‘Develop client side script using JavaScript for the webpages’

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO5: Write client-side script using JavaScript

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use JavaScript to create user defined functions for calculating sum of 1 to n numbers and
to check whether a given number is prime or not.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:

JavaScript User-Defined Functions:

An user-defined function saves us from rewriting the same code again and again and
helps us to make our application smaller.

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

JavaScript has so many built-in functions, besides that you can make your own as per
the need.


General structure of the user defined function is:

function function_name(par1, par2,..)


H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDEs and Code 1

Editors Open Source:

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

(a) To calculate sum of 1 to n

(b) To check whether given number is prime or not.

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K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):



L. Practical related Quiz.

1. What is the difference between a function declaration and a function expression in

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

2. How can you pass arguments to a function in JavaScript, and how do you access those
arguments inside the function?

3. What is the purpose of a return statement in a function, and how does it work?

M. References / Suggestions (lab manual designer should give)

1. Javascript – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

N. Assessment-Rubrics

% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
as per the requirements.
C1: Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Program with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly with
Correctness 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized and
very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone who
knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized and
very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments explaining
the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Date: ……………
Practical No.20: Use JavaScript to perform the following operations:
a. take input of student name and address and display in a dialog box.
b. change background color of webpage as selected by user from a list of colors given in combo box.

A. Objective:
To use the concepts of Event handling in JavaScript.

B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
2. Design/ development of solutions: Be able to design, implement, and
evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or program to meet
the desired needs
3. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies.
4. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in
updating in the context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency: ‘Develop client side script using JavaScript for the webpages’

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO5: Write client-side script using JavaScript

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use JavaScript to take input of student name and address and display in a dialog box and
to change background color of webpage as selected by user from a list of colors given in
combo box .

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:

• JavaScript's interaction with HTML is handled through events that occur when the user or
the browser manipulates a page.
• When the page loads, it is called an event. When the user clicks a button, that click too is
an event. Other examples include events like pressing any key, closing a window, resizing
a window, etc.

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

• Developers can use these events to execute JavaScript coded responses, which cause
buttons to close windows, messages to be displayed to users, data to be validated, and
virtually any other type of response imaginable.
• Events are a part of the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 and every HTML element
contains a set of events which can trigger JavaScript Code.
• onclick Event Type
This is the most frequently used event type which occurs when a user clicks the left
button of his mouse. You can put your validation, warning etc., against this event type.
• onsubmit Event Type
onsubmit is an event that occurs when you try to submit a form. You can put your form
validation against this event type.

H. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDEs and Code 1

Editors Open Source:

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

(a) To take input of student name and address and display in a dialog box

(b) To change background color of webpage as selected by user from a list of colors given in
combo box.

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):



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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

L. Practical related Quiz.

1. How do you handle form events in JavaScript?

2. List some of the HTML 5 Standard Events?

M. References / Suggestions (lab manual designer should give)

1. Javascript – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

N. Assessment-Rubrics
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
C1: as per the requirements.
Program Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
50 %
Completeness/ with approx. 70% requirements.
Correctness Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly with
70% - 50% requirements.

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts

correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized and
very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone who
knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized and
very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
25 % ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments explaining
the code.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):
● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Date: ……………
Practical No.21: Use JavaScript to perform the following operations:
a. Calculate the factorial of a given number entered into a textbox. Display the result in
another textbox.
b. Perform arithmetic operations on two numbers entered into textboxes. Use Radio buttons
to select arithmetic operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division). Display
the result in another textbox.

A. Objective:
To demonstrate usage of user defined functions and event handling in JavaScript.
B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)
1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Be able to apply engineering
knowledge of computing appropriate to the problem
2. Design/ development of solutions: Be able to design, implement, and
evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or program to meet
the desired needs
3. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Be able to use and apply
current technical concepts and best practices in information technologies.
4. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in
updating in the context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified
competency: ‘Develop client side script using JavaScript for the webpages’

D. Expected Course Outcomes(Cos)

CO5: Write client-side script using JavaScript

E. Practical Outcome(PRo)
Use JavaScript to create user defined functions for calculating sum of 1 to n numbers and
to check whether a given number is prime or not.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome(ADos)

1. Handle computer systems carefully with safety and necessary precaution
2. Turn off systems after completion of practical lab to save power

G. Prerequisite Theory:

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

JavaScript User-Defined Functions:

An user-defined function saves us from rewriting the same code again and again and
helps us to make our application smaller.

JavaScript has so many built-in functions, besides that you can make your own as per
the need.


General structure of the user defined function is:

function function_name(par1, par2,..)


• JavaScript's interaction with HTML is handled through events that occur when the user or the
browser manipulates a page.
• When the page loads, it is called an event. When the user clicks a button, that click too is an
event. Other examples include events like pressing any key, closing a window, resizing a window,
• Developers can use these events to execute JavaScript coded responses, which cause buttons to
close windows, messages to be displayed to users, data to be validated, and virtually any other
type of response imaginable.
• Events are a part of the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 and every HTML element
contains a set of events which can trigger JavaScript Code.
• onclick Event Type
This is the most frequently used event type which occurs when a user clicks the left
button of his mouse. You can put your validation, warning etc., against this event type.
• onsubmit Event Type
onsubmit is an event that occurs when you try to submit a form. You can put your form
validation against this event type.

H. Resources/Equipment Required

135 | Page
Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty

1 Computer system with 1

operating system and

2. HTML IDEs and Code 1

Editors Open Source:

I. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

1. Turn off power switch only after computer is shut down.
2. Do not plug out any computer cables

J. Procedure to be followed/Source code (CE & IT software subjects):

(a) To calculate the factorial of a given number entered into a textbox. Display the result in
another textbox.

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

(b) To perform arithmetic operations on two numbers entered into textboxes. Use Radio
buttons to select arithmetic operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and
Division). Display the result in another textbox.

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K. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output (CE & IT software subjects):

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L. Practical related Quiz.

1. What is the use of parseInt() function?

2. How do you create a custom event in JavaScript?

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

3. How do you handle errors that occur during event handling in JavaScript?

M. References / Suggestions (lab manual designer should give)

1. Javascript – The Complete Reference, Thomas A. Powell, McGraw Hill

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

N. Assessment-Rubrics
% of
Criteria Rubrics Marks
Excellent (10-8 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
as per the requirements.
C1: Adequate (7-6 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly
Program with approx. 70% requirements.
50 %
Completeness/ Poor (5-4 marks): Completed programs/scripts correctly with
Correctness 70% - 50% requirements.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): Completed programs/ scripts
correctly with less than 50% requirements.
Excellent (10-8 marks): The code is clean, well-organized and
very easy to understand.
Adequate (7-6 marks): The code is fairly easy to read and
C2: understand.
25 %
Readability Poor (5-4 marks): The code is readable only by someone who
knows what it is supposed to be doing.
Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks): The code is poorly organized and
very difficult to understand.
Excellent (10-8 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in complete code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● The Complete code is well-documented with comments
explaining the code.
Adequate (7-6 marks):
C3: ● Coding standards are followed in most of the code while
Coding naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
25 %
Standards/ purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
Documentation ● Most of the code is documented with comments
explaining the code.
Poor (5-4 marks):
● Coding standards are followed in very little code while
naming variables/functions/ classes, explaining the
purpose of variables/ functions/classes.
● Very little code is documented with comments explaining
the code.

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Static Webpage Design (4311603)

Unsatisfactory (0-3 marks):

● Coding standards are not followed properly.
● Proper comments are not written explaining the code.
Total Marks for Practical = 0.5 * (Marks of C1) + 0.25 * (Marks of C2) + 0.25 * (Marks of C3)

Signature with Date:

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