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Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis and Design of Payload Shroud of

Satellite Launch Vehicle

Article · April 2022

DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2022.v10i04.001


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1 author:

R. C. Mehta
Noorul Islam University


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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology
Abbreviated Key Title: Sch J Eng Tech
ISSN 2347-9523 (Print) | ISSN 2321-435X (Online)
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Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis and Design of Payload Shroud

of Satellite Launch Vehicle
Rakhab C. Mehta1*
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education Kumaracoil, 629180, India

DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2022.v10i04.001 | Received: 26.02.2022 | Accepted: 01.04.2022 | Published: 05.04.2022

*Corresponding author: Rakhab C. Mehta
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education Kumaracoil, 629180, India

Abstract Original Research Article

The main focus of the present paper is to computational fluid dynamics analysis and design of payload fairing of
satellite launch vehicle at freestream Mach number range of 0.6 - 3.0. Initially, time-dependent compressible three-
dimensional Euler equations are solved employing a finite volume discretization method with a multi-stage Runge-
Kutta time-stepping scheme to compute surface pressure and aerodynamic coefficients at various payload fairing and
at angle of attack up to 5o with an increment of 1o. Payload fairing dimensions are selected that satisfies permissible
structure load on satellite launch vehicle. Detailed flowfield simulation is carried out on the selected payload fairing
employing axisymmetric compressible Reynolds-average Navier-Stokes equations to assess unsteady flowfield
characteristics. The numerical simulations are used to locate terminal shock on the payload fairing at transonic Mach
number. Unsteady flow characteristics are used to compute acoustic load. Shock standoff distances at supersonic
speeds are tabulated and compared with the analytical solution. Schlieren images and oil flow pictures are compared
with experimental results and in good agreement. Aerodynamic shape optimization of satellite launch vehicle payload
fairing shape has been performed to satisfy structural load at maximum drag and dynamic pressure.
Keywords: CFD; compressible flow; satellite launch vehicle; transonic flow; supersonic flow; shock wave;
aerodynamic forces and moments; separated flow.
Copyright © 2022 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.

during the ascent phase of the flight of the satellite

INTRODUCTION launch vehicle, the NASA guidelines [1] recommended
Payload fairing of a satellite launch vehicle certain values of cone angle, cone and cylinder lengths,
commonly consists of a spherically blunt cone cylinder and the boat-tail of payload shroud for restrict the
combination configuration. The payload shroud has to buffeting in the payload fairing at transonic Mach
be made larger in diameter as compared to the rest of number.
the vehicle in order to accommodate larger volume of
satellite. This leads to a hammer payload fairing Muraca [2] has developed an empirical method
configuration. For the combine aerodynamic and that represents compilation and correlation of wind
structural point of view, the analysis of flow tunnel experimental data into a set of charts that yield
phenomenon on hammer head heat shield is of aerodynamic normal load distributions for the various
paramount importance at transonic to supersonic geometrical parameters used in launch vehicle design.
speeds. The structural engineer uses the aerodynamic Aerodynamic forces and moments can also be
data to determine skin buckling and bolt placement calculated using DATCOM for different types of flight
strength. A high-speed flow past a bulbous payload vehicle and notably for missiles [3]. The DATCOM is
fairing generates a bow shock wave, which causes a useful for preliminary studies but are not sufficient for
high surface pressure in the spherical-blunt cone section detailed flowfield analysis.
of the payload fairing. The preliminary computational
fluid dynamic (CFD) design of payload fairing requires An overview of the characterization of the
to maintain the vehicle integrity at maximum dynamic satellite launch vehicle aerodynamic environments has
load condition during the ascent period of the satellite recently been presented by Blevins et al., [4] in
launch vehicle. It is important here emphasize here that conjunction with computational fluid dynamics.
Citation: Rakhab C. Mehta. Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis and Design of Payload Shroud of Satellite 16
Launch Vehicle. Sch J Eng Tech, 2022 Apr 10(4): 16-34.
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
Inviscid computational fluid dynamics CFD codes [5] A schematic sketch of the complex flowfield
can be used in regions where the contribution of viscous over the payload shroud is shown in Fig 1(a) at
effects is not significant and can be covered with transonic speeds. The diagram depicts the expansion fan
scaling factors such as Reynolds number. on cone-cylinder junction, sonic line, supersonic
pocket, terminated shock and shock wave turbulent
The primary aerodynamic design technique of boundary layer interaction over the cylinder region at
payload fairing of satellite launch vehicle is based on the transonic speeds. Separated flow in the boat tail
CFD method and with selected wind-tunnel testing for region is occurred attributed to change in geometry. A
comparison have been discussed by Pinter et al., [6]. shear layer is formed combined with a recirculation
Bigarella et al., [7] have computed normal force over flow.
typical satellite launch vehicles by solving three-
dimensional fluid dynamics equations. The use of CFD Figure 1(b) depicts complex supersonic
provides a unique capability in design and analysis of flowfield over a payload shroud. The flowfield is
payload fairing for satellite launch vehicle. The completely altered as compared to the transonic
database of launch vehicles [8, 9] are useful to flowfield. The flow downstream of the boat-tail through
diagnosis the aerodynamics design parameters of an expansion fan with a resulting shear layer. The
complex launch vehicle. Time-accurate CFD simulation pressure in the recirculation region is generally uniform
of transonic flow over a boubous Configuration has and below that of the freestream pressure. As the shear
been presented by Ozair et al., [10]. Unsteady layer impinges on the downstream wall, the flow turns
numerical analysis of transonic buffet flow around a back toward the freestream direction and a
hammerhead payload fairing has been carried by Liu et recompression shock wave typically appeared. For the
al., [11]. Yanamashetti et al., [12] have simulated flow sake of completeness, Figure 1(c) describes the wave
over blunt-nosed heat shield at transonic Mach propagation in compressible flow to illustrate wave
numbers. Sunil et al., [13] have done aerodynamic characteristics in different speed regime.
shape optimization of payload fairing boat-tail for
various diameter ratios. CFD analysis of imaging The paper presents a CFD in house developed
quality of laser communication system on missile in the flow solver to obtain the geometrical parameters of the
aerodynamic environment is investigated by Jiang et payload shroud to maintain the structural integrity of
al., [14]. Computational and experimental unsteady the launch vehicle. Initially, a numerical simulation of
pressures and loads for different nose shapes for the time-dependent, three-dimensional, compressible Euler
space launch system has been investigated by Alter et equations is carried out employing three-stage Runge-
al., [15] and Brauckmann et al., [16]. Unsteady Kutta time-stepping scheme. The numerical scheme is
flowfield characteristics over blunt bodies at high speed second-order accurate in space and time. A local time
are numerical simulated by Mehta [17]. Analysis of stepping is used to achieve steady-state solution. The
Ares Crew launch vehicle transonic flow and buffet purpose of the present study is to obtain the
testing analysis are presented in Refs [18, 19]. Dotson aerodynamic forces at a freestream Mach number of 1.2
et al., [20] observed that a vortex-Induced flow at and 1.8 and an angle of attack up to 5 o with an
transonic speed may detrimental to launch vehicle. increment of 1o. The numerical method includes the
Contours of density of Navier-Stokes flow solver can be different geometrical parameters of the bulbous heat
employed by digital holographic interferometry to shield on normal force distribution along the heat shield
detect the vehicle surface-to-air missile [21]. to satisfy structural design criteria. The computations of
aerodynamic forces will be helpful for adequate for
In additions to integrated aerodynamic force preliminary design of the bulbous pay load shroud for
and moment testing, CFD solutions are generated for the structural integrity of the payload shroud. On the
many vehicles of the same conditions that are tested in selected payload shroud which satisfy the structure load
the wind tunnel. These major inputs to structural loads criteria, axisymmetric compressible Reynolds averaged
analysis are developed by integrating the numerical Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are solved to get
solutions data circumferentially along the length of the steady and unsteady flow characteristics in order to
payload fairing centerline axis. This distributed assess the acoustic load. A global time stepping used
aerodynamic load is a paramount component quantity here to get time accurate solution. The aerodynamic
used to design the primary structure of the heat shield forces and moments are evaluated at different
configuration. A CFD technique can provide rapid freestream Mach numbers and geomatical parameters of
computation of aerodynamic distributed loads on the the payload fairing of satellite launch vehicle during
heat shield as compared the data from wind tunnel ascent phase.

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 17
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34

Fig 1(a): Schematic sketch of flow field over payload shroud at transonic speed

Fig 1(b): Schematic sketch of flow field over payload shroud at supersonic speed

Fig 1(c): Schematic sketch of wave propagation in compressible flow

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 18
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
2. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS forces. The high-speed flow over the payload fairing is
Governing Equations expressed by Euler equations of motion in a flux vector
The fluid motion of governed by time form as:
dependent three-dimensional compressible inviscid U F G H
    0 ………….. (1)
equations which express the conservation of mass, t  x  y  z
momentum and energy in the absence of external

   u   v   w 
 u     uv   
    u p 
    uw 

U    v ' F   u v   
, G  v  p , H  vw
 
       
  w  u w   v w   w  p 

  e  (  e  p ) u  (  e  p ) v  (  e  p ) w
     
are the U state vector conserved quantities solver. The numerical scheme is advanced in time with
with , u, v, w and e denoting the density, Cartesian a third order Runge-Kutta method [22]. AUSM+
velocity components, and the specific total energy, scheme is employed here to evaluate the inviscid fluxes
respectively, and inviscid flux vectors, F, G and H in by splitting them as a convective and pressure terms.
the Cartesian coordinates x, y and z. With the ideal gas The spatial discretization described above reduces the
assumption, the pressure and total enthalpy can be integral equation to semi-discrete ordinary differential
expressed as: equations. The numerical algorithm is second-order

 
p 1 accurate in space discretization and time integration.
 e   u 2  v 2  w 2 …………. (2) The numerical scheme is stable for a Courant number 
  1 2 2. Local time steps are used to accelerate to a steady-
here  is the ratio of specific heats. state solution by setting the time-step at each point to
the maximum value allowed by the local Courant-
Numerical algorithm Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition.
To simplify the spatial discretization in
numerical technique, Eq. (1) can be written in the Initial and boundary conditions
integral form over a finite computational domain Ω with To solve the equations of motion, one has to
the boundary Γ as: have the initial boundary conditions, which defines a
 Ud   E  F  G d   Hd ………. (3)
  
particular problem. At the inflow, all the flow variables
are taken at the freestream values as tabulated in Table
Here Ω is a control volume with surface Γ. The
contour integration around the boundary of the cell is At a solid wall, the velocity tangential to the
performed in anticlockwise sense in order to keep flux boundary is applied since the flow is inviscid. At
vectors normal to boundary of the cell. The transonic freestream Mach number, the computational
computational domain has a finite number of non- domain of dependence is unbounded, and the
overlapping hexahedral cells. In a cell centred finite implementation of boundary and initial conditions
volume method, the flux variables are stored at the become critical, the known physically acceptance of
centroid of the grid cell and the control volume is far-field boundary conditions usually limit the flow
formed by the cell itself. The conservation variables variables to asymptotic values at large distance from the
within the computational cell are represented by their payload fairing. Therefore, suitable coordinate
average values at the cell centre. stretching and placement of the far-field boundary
condition have been considered in numerical
The inviscid fluxes are computed at the cell- simulations. The freestream conditions are prescribed
centre resulting in flux balance. The summation is on the outer boundary. For supersonic flow, all of the
carried out over the eight edges of the cell. The space flow variables are extrapolated from the vector of
discretization scheme shares the reconstruction of the conserved variables U. An image cell is imposed to the
conservative variables of cell interfaces but differ in the solved variables at the line of symmetry ahead of the
evaluation of fluxes in time stepping. The inviscid vehicle.
fluxes are obtained from Roe’s approximate Reimann

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 19
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
Table 1: Initial conditions
M p  105 Pa T K
0.8 0.83 266
0.9 0.787 258
0.95 0.766 254
1.0 0.93 250
1.1 0.68 241
1.2 0.64 232
1.5 0.45 207
1.75 0.36 186
2.0 0.285 166
2.5 0.184 134
3.0 0.122 107

Table 2: NASA criteria for buffet free payload shroud

Model α1, deg l1/D l2/D d/D α2, deg
NASA [1]  15  0.80 > 1.50 0.9 - 1.11 Not critical

Table 3: Dimensions of various payload fairing

Payload shroud RN, m 1, deg D, m (l1 + l2) m 2, deg
SLV-1 1.07 15o 3.6 9.75 38o
SLV-2 0.75 15o 3.4 9.25 36o
SLV-3 0.75 15o 3.4 9.75 18o
SLV-4 0.70 20o 3.4 8.82 37o
SLV-5 0.75 15o 3.4 8.71 30o
SLV-6 1.00 15o 3.4 8.00 30o
SLV-7 0.70 20o 3.2 8.32 15o

Fig 2: Geometrical detail of payload shroud

Fig 3: Computational grid over payload shroud

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 20
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
2.5 Dimension of Payload Shroud and computational boundary is about 6 - 9 times the
Computational Grid diameter of the module; D. The computational domain
Table 2 and Fig 2 shows the NASA depends on freestream Mach number. Figures 3 show
recommended geometrical dimensions for payload three-dimensional view of grid over the payload fairing.
shroud. The geometrical parameters 1, 2, l1, l1, RN, D The grid arrangement is found to yield a relative
and d are employed to compute the aerodynamic loads. difference of about ± 3% in the pressure peak, which is
The dimensions of the payload shroud are in the range in the same range as the stagnation pressure
of the NASA recommended criteria. We have carried measurement error in the wind-tunnel. The convergence
out numerical simulations of several configurations and criterion is based on the difference in density values at
the dimensions are tabulated in Table 3. any of the grid points, between two successive
iterations │ρn+1 − ρn│≤ 10-5 where n is time-step
The body-oriented grids are generated using a counter. The numerical computations were carried out
homotopy one-to-one and onto technique in conjunction with various grid arrangements in order to meet a grid
with finite element method [23]. The stretched grids are independency check. Grids typically contained 46 cells
generated in an orderly manner. Efficient computation in the longitudinal direction, 45 cells in the transverse
of cell volume in flow prediction is used as described in direction, and 15 – 25 cells in the body-normal
Ref. [24]. A non-uniform and non-overlapping direction. The minimum grid size in the normal
structured computational cell is generated for numerical direction of the payload fairing is about 1.70 × 10-4 m.
simulations. The grid-stretching factor is selected as 4, The internal grid cells were constructed so that all of the
and the outer boundary of the computational domain is nose pressure ports coincide with the center of a finite
maintained as 3.5 − 4.5 times maximum diameter D of volume cell face.
the payload fairing. In the downstream direction, the

Fig 4: Density contour over payload shroud at angle of attack α = 1o

Three-dimensional flow characteristics

For the sake of brevity, we are presenting Fig. 4 (in the second row) shows formation of
windward and leeward sides density contours over heat bow shock over forebody and presence of weak oblique
shield at M = 0.8 to 3.0 at α = 1o degree is depicted in shocks downstream of the cone-cylinder junction of the
Fig 4 for payload fairing of SLV-3 of Table 3. payload fairing for M > 1. The expansion and
compression on the shoulder points of the payload
It can be seen from the density contours that fairing are visible in the density contours. A formation
the flowfield characteristics depend on flight Mach of the bow shock wave stands in front of the blunt body
numbers. The density contours in Fig. 4 (in the first and forms an embedded subsonic flow region around
row) exhibit the transonic flow behaviour of flowfield the blunt-spherical cone region of the payload shroud. It
over the payload fairing. The terminal shock moves also lies between the bow shock wave and body surface
downstream on the payload fairing for M < 1. It can be and bounded by sonic lines extending from the body of
observed the formation of terminal shock and the heat shield to the bow shock wave. An expansion
supersonic pocket at transonic speeds. The movement fan over the shroud of the heat shield can also be
of terminal shock shows function of freestream observed in the Mach contour plots.
transonic Mach number.
© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 21
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
The pressure coefficient Cp = [(po – p∞)/q∞] in stagnation point pressure coefficient increases with
windward and leeward sides is shown in Fig. 5(a) and increase of M. As the Mach number increases the bow
(b) respectively, where p∞ is freestream pressure and q∞ shock wave comes close to the heat shield. Pressure
is freestream dynamic pressure. Stagnation point versions along the payload also reveals the flow
pressure coefficient is compared with wind tunnel characteristic of transonic and supersonic speeds.
results. The comparison shows good agreement
between them. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the

M = 3.00
M = 2.50
1.0 M = 1.50
M = 1.20
M = 0.98
M = 0.90
0.5 M = 0.80


-0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Fig 5 (a): Variation of windward pressure coefficient at angle of attack α = 1o

M = 3.0
M = 2.5
1.0 M = 1.5
M = 1.2
M= 0.98
M= 0.90
0.5 M = 0.8


-0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Fig 5(b): Variation of leeward pressure coefficient at angle of attack α = 1o

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 22
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34

Fig 6: Aerodynamic forces and moment in pitch plane at an angle of attack

Aerodynamic load computations The value of XCP is calculated from the

The normal load distribution CN can be stagnation point of the heat shield. The values of normal
computed employing following expression force coefficient and centre of pressure are shown in for
L  the payload fairing in Table 4. Figure 7(a) and (b)
dC N
 2r Cp , x  cos ddx
 presents variation of normal force and center of
dx 0 0 …………… (5)
pressure at various freestream Mach number for SLV-7.
Where S is reference area at the booster
Table 5 depicts comparison between the
diameter of the payload shroud d.  is circumferential
numerical results with the wind tunnel data of payload
direction. The normal load distribution is computed
shroud SLV-7 of Table 3. The computed values show
along the payload shroud at freestream Mach number
about ± 10% error with the experimental data. This
range 0.6 to 3.0 for the payload fairing SLV-7 of Table
error band is within the uncertainty limit of the
3. Figure 6 illustrates aerodynamic forces and moment
experimental data. This discrepancy in the variation of
in the pitch plane at an angle of attack.
aerodynamic load with the experimental data is
attributed that did not reflect significant flow
The structure integrity of the payload fairing
separation. The accuracy of the numerical results has
requires a detailed description of normal force and
been shown by comparison with wind tunnel pressure
location of centre of pressure XCP. The distributed
and force data. The aerodynamic drag coefficient CD
aerodynamic coefficient is defined as product of the
computed using following relation.
normal force coefficient derivative with respect to the 
heat shield length and with reference area term. By 2r Cp sin , x d

integrating the running aerodynamic load over the CD  0
length of the payload fairing and dividing by a  V2 S 0
reference area, a total normal force coefficient slope can 2 ………….. (8)
be obtained. Using the computed pressure distribution,
the normal force coefficient is evaluated using the Aerodynamic drag for payload shroud of SLV-
following equation 7 is shown in Table 6. Aerodynamic drag is function of
4  freestream Mach number and maximum drag is found at
Cn   Cp , x rd
S 0 …………………. (6) about M = 1.2.

The centre of aerodynamic pressure is evaluated using In the next section we will compute viscous
the following expression flow over SLV-1, SLV-5 and SLV-7. The viscous
 solution will compute the effect of shock wave
  Cp, xr cos dxdx
boundary layer interaction over the payload and
X CP  0 0

geometrical induced flow separation in the boat tail
  Cp, xr cos ddx …………….. (7)
region. This analysis will also compute unsteady flow
0 0 caused by shock wave boundary layer interaction.

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 23
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
Table 4: Aerodynamic forces and moment for various payload shroud of satellite launch vehicle
M SLV-1 SLV-2 SLV-3 SLV-4 SLV-5 SLV-6 SLV-7
0.75 1.67 5.40 0.94 1.25 1.12 1.31 0.94 1.23 0.94 1.25 1.12 3.31 1.12 1.31
0.80 2.03 5.03 1.28 1.75 1.13 1.56 1.28 1.75 1.28 1.75 1.13 1.58 1.13 1.58
0.90 - - 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.35 2.34 2.35 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.35 2.36 2.35
0.95 4.62 4.82 2.50 1.86 2.54 2.13 2.50 1.86 2.50 1.86 2.84 2.13 2.54 2.13
0.98 - - 3.03 2.04 2.74 2.07 3.03 2.04 3.03 2.04 2.74 2.07 2.74 2.06
1.00 4.70 4.21 3.27 2.05 3.10 3.73 3.27 2.05 3.27 2.05 3.10 2.33 3.10 2.38
1.20 4.85 3.23 3.78 2.96 2.80 2.13 3.78 2.96 3.87 2.96 3.23 2.85 3.73 2.85
1.40 4.10 2.84 2.90 2.96 3.22 2.49 2.90 2.29 2.90 2.29 2.80 2.13 2.80 2.13
1.60 3.74 2.60 3.38 3.38 2.90 2.27 3.38 2.70 2.38 2.70 3.23 1.49 2.32 2.49
1.80 3.48 2.43 3.87 2.48 2.69 2.12 3.07 2.28 3.07 2.48 2.90 2.27 2.90 2.27
2.00 3.48 2.43 2.81 2.27 2.83 2.32 2.81 2.27 2.82 2.27 2.69 2.12 2.69 2.12
3.00 3.30 2.36 2.81 2.29 3.12 3.29 2.72 2.29 2.72 2.29 2.83 2.35 2.83 2.34

Table 5: Aerodynamic forces and moment for SLV-7

M∞ CN /rad Xcp, m CN /rad Xcp, m
Numerical Experimental
1.2 4.28 2.69 3.97 2.79
1.6 3.92 2.97 3.57 2.52
1.8 3.91 2.94 3.27 2.34

Table 6: Aerodynamic drag for payload shroud of SLV-7

M∞ 0.80 0.90 0.98 1.00 1.20 1.60 1.80 2.0 3.0
CD 0.41 0.51 0.58 0.88 0.98 0.94 0.86 0.8 0.7


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Fig 7(a): Variation of normal force vs. Mach number for SLV-7

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Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34




0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Fig 7(b): Variation of aerodynamic centre of pressure vs. Mach number for SLV-7

Numerical solution of axisymmetric Reynolds- The spatial discretization described above

averaged Navier-Stokes equations reduces the integral equation to semi-discrete ordinary
A numerical simulation of the time-dependent, differential equations (ODE). The ODE is solved using
compressible, turbulent, axisymmetric Reynolds- multi-stage Runge-Kutta time stepping scheme [22].
averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) are written The numerical algorithm is second-order accurate in
as in the conservation form of mass, momentum and space discretization and time integration. The scheme is
energy. The closure of the system of equation is stable for a Courant number  2. Global time steps are
achieved by introducing the Baldwin-Lomax [25] used to get time accurate.
turbulence model. The algebraic model utilizes the
vorticity distribution to determine the scale length, has Initial and boundary conditions for viscous flow
been extensively used solving the RANS. At transonic freestream Mach number, the
computational domain of dependence is unbounded,
To simplify the spatial discretization in and the implementation of boundary and initial
numerical technique, RANS equations can be written in condition become critical, the known physically
the integral form over a finite computational domain. acceptance far-field boundary conditions usually limit
The contour integration around the boundary of the cell the flow variables to asymptotic values at large distance
is performed in anticlockwise sense in order to keep from the heat shield. On the other hand, adjustment of
flux vectors normal to boundary of the cell. The the grid points spacing to the body demands fine
computational domain Ω is having a finite number of dimensions to yield reasonable resolution of the
non-overlapping quadrilateral cells. The conservation boundary layer. Therefore, suitable coordinate
variables within the computational cell are represented stretching and placement of the far-field boundary
by their average values at the cell centre. The inviscid condition must be performed in numerical simulations.
fluxes are computed at the cell-centre resulting in flux The freestream conditions are prescribed on the outer
balance. The summation is carried out over the four boundary. On the heat shield wall, no-slip and adiabatic
edges of the cell. The derivatives of primitive variables conditions are imposed. At the line of symmetry ahead
in the viscous flux are evaluated by using the method of of the heat shield an image cell is imposed on the
lines. The cell-centred spatial discretization scheme is solved variables. At the inflow, all the flow variables
non-dissipative, therefore, artificial dissipation terms are taken at the freestream values as tabulated in Table
are included as a blend of a Laplacian and bi-harmonic 1.
operator in a manner analogous to the 2 nd and 4th
differences. The blend of second and fourth differences For the subsonic flow (M∞  1), non-reflecting
provides third order back ground dissipation in smooth far-field boundary conditions are applied at the outer
region of the flow and first-order dissipation in shock boundary of the computational domain. For supersonic
waves. flow (M∞ > 1), all of the flow variables are extrapolated
at the outer from the vector of conserved variables U.

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 25
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
At the line of symmetry ahead of the heat shield, an arrangement is found to yield a relative difference of
image cell is imposed to the solved variables. about ± 3% in the pressure peak, which is in the same
range as the pressure measurement error in the wind
tunnel with a blockage ratio of about 0.3%. The
Model and Computational Grid convergence criterion is based on the difference in
The body-oriented grids are generated using a density values at any of the grid points, between two
homotopy scheme in conjunction with finite element successive iterations │ρn+1 − ρn│≤ 10-5 where n is time-
method [23]. The stretched grids are generated in an step counter. The numerical computations were carried
orderly manner. A non-uniform and non-overlapping out with different grid arrangements in order to get a
structured grid is generated for numerical simulations. grid independency check. The computation is
The grid-stretching factor is selected as 5, and the outer performed using 132 × 62 grid points over the
boundary of the computational domain is maintained as hemisphere-cylinder. The finer grid near the wall helps
3.5 − 4.5 times maximum diameter D of the heat shield. to resolve the boundary layer. The coarse grid
In the downstream direction, the computational economizes the computer time. The minimum grid size
boundary is about 6 − 9 times the diameter of the in the normal direction of the heat shield is about 1.70 
module; D. Figure 8 shows view of grid over the 10-4 m. A global time-step ∆t is used rather than the grid
payload shroud of SLV-7. We have displayed grid with varying time-step to simulate time accurate solution.
one-plane rotation in order to check the axisymmetry of
grid distribution over the heat shield. The grid

Fig 8: Axisymmetric computational grid over payload shroud of SLV-7

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 26
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34

Fig 9: Density contours over payload shroud of SLV-5

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 27
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34

Fig 10: Density contours over payload shroud of SLV-6

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 28
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34

Fig 11: Density contours over payload shroud of SLV-7

Fig 12: Vector field over payload shroud of SLV-7

Fig 13: Comparison between density contour and schlieren picture SLV-7

Fig 14: Oil flow simulation over payload shroud of SLV-7

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 29
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
Table 7: Location of terminal shock on payload shroud SLV-7
M∞ LT/D, measured LT/D, computed
0.80 1.19 1.186
0.90 1.54 1.538
0.95 2.17 2.15
1.00 2.59 2.581

Table 8: Separation length (LH) in boat tail region for various scale model of payload shroud of SLV-7
M∞ Model 1:52 Model 1:26 Model 1:14 Flight
0.80 6.87 6.90 7.10 7.0
0.85 7.11   
0.88 7.30 7.30 7.83 7.50
0.90 7.66 7.70 8.55 8.00
0.95 8.30 9.50 11.22 10.42
0.98 10.22 10.68 11.88 10.94
1.00 11.10 12.00 13.12 12.77
1.10 7.00 7.22 7.70 7.45
1.20 6.54 6.88 7.44 7.30
1.30 6.33 6.47 7.00 6.88
1.40 6.00 6.33 6.70 6.48
1.50 5.90  6.50 
1.60 5.66 5.80 6.25 6.12
2.00 5.11 5.25 5.45 5.40
ReD 1.5106 3.0106 4.0106 40.0106

Table 9: Bow shock wave standoff distance for payload shroud of SLV-7
M∞ ∆/RN, computed ∆/RN, Zierep et al.,
1.2 1.15 0.122
1.4 0.55 0.559
1.6 0.30 0.348
1.8 0.26 0.236
2.0 0.24 0.171
2.5 0.18 0.097
3.0 0.10 0.045

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 0.94, α1 = 15o and M∞ = 0.94, α1 = 20o. Figure 14 shows
Flowfield characteristics over axisymmetric payload oil flow simulation over payload shroud of SLV-7. The
fairing flow attachment can be noticed by the accumulation of
Figures 9–11 show density contours over oil and it compares well with the experimental results.
payload shroud of SLV-5, SLV-6 and SLV-7. The
density contours have captured all the essential flow Wall Pressure fluctuations
field characteristic of transonic and supersonic Mach Figure 15 shows variation of pressure
numbers. The density contours are function of payload coefficient along payload shroud of SLV-7. The surface
dimensions as well as freestream Mach number. pressure coefficient shows the effect of freestream
Nomenclature of the terminal shock distance, length of Mach numbers.
separated flow in the boat tail and bow shock standoff
distance is shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b). Table 7 shows Shock induced separation. All the essential
the location of terminal shock on payload shroud SLV- features of transonic flow are well captured and a
7. It can be observed the shock movement is non-linear separation zone is observed in the cylinder region. The
function of freestream Mach number. It increases with unsteady flow computation is continued till some
increasing freestream Mach number. Table 8 shows anticipated periodicity in the flow variables is observed.
separation length (LH) in boat tail region for various The study of the flow field in the cylinder region, the
scale model of payload shroud of SLV-7. Figure 12 shock locations, computed the surface pressure levels
shows the vector field over payload shroud of SLV-7 and the frequency content.
and Table 9 shows the standoff distance of the bow
shock from the blunt-nose. Figure 13(a), (b) and (c) The figure depicts a close-up view of the
shows comparison between density contour and velocity field in the hemisphere-cylinder body. It can be
schlieren picture SLV-7 for M∞ = 0.90, α1 = 15o, M∞ = seen from the velocity vector plots that the flow
separates at the junction of the hemisphere-cylinder
© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 30
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
enclosing a recirculation region of low velocity. The Payload fairing of SLV exhibits high levels of
comparison between present results with experimental pressure fluctuations at transonic speeds attributed to
data shows some disagreement on the cylindrical region shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions
of the heat shield at M = 1.2. This is attributed to (SWTBLI) and associated with separated flow and
pressure loss along the expansion fan, poor recovery of formation of a vortex pair. One of the main attributed to
the pressure and separated flow on the boat tail region transonic shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions
of the heat shield. featuring intermittently attached separated flows over
the payload shroud region of a satellite launch vehicle.
Figure 16 shows variation of pressure
coefficient along payload shroud of SLV-7 at It has been found that the nose-cone semi-
supersonic speeds. The pressure coefficient in the boat angle is an important parameter that influences the
tail region shows formation of bucket that will influence development of unsteady flow over the payload region
reattachment point of the separated flow. of a launch-vehicle model. We will discussed
computation of acoustic load in the next section.

Fig 15: Variation of pressure coefficient along payload shroud of SLV-7

© 2022 Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Published by SAS Publishers, India 31
Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34

Fig 16: Variation of pressure coefficient along payload shroud of SLV-7 at supersonic speeds

Fig 17: Variation of unsteady pressure coefficient at M∞ = 0.90 payload shroud of SLV-7

Table 10: Sound pressure level (SPL) for payload shroud of SLV-7
M∞ 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.0 1.1
SPL dB 158.6 158.0 157.6 153.7 158.2 158.4

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Rakhab C. Mehta., Sch J Eng Tech, Apr, 2022; 10(4): 16-34
Sound pressure level analysis terminal shock and separated region adds in a
The main focus of solving RANS equations is systematic understanding of the unsteady flow
to analysis unsteady flow field [26] behaviour over characteristics under various freestream Mach numbers
SLV-7. Digital spectrum analysis associates with and various payload shroud geometry. The terminal
computed pressure coefficient is carried out using Fast shock moves downstream with increasing freestream
Fourier Transform of MATLAB [27]. Figure 17 shows Mach number. The location of the terminal shock is
variation of unsteady pressure coefficient at M∞ = 0.90 tabulated as a function of freestream Mach number. The
payload shroud of SLV-7. The characteristic time of the separation zone in the boat tail region is found as a
flow is D/u∞ = 2.68 × 10-4 s function of freestream Mach number and Reynolds
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