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Finalized English9 Adm Quarter 3 Competency 2 Miraflor Candel

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Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Determine the Relevance and the
Truthfulness of the Ideas Presented In the
Material Viewed
English – Grade 9
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Determine the Relevance and the Truthfulness of the Ideas
Presented In the Material Viewed
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Miraflor M. Candel
Editor: Darwin F. Suyat
Reviewer: Rose Mae M. Entero
Layout Artist: Miraflor M. Candel
Management Team:
Josephine L. Fadul – Schools Division Superintendent
Melanie P. Estacio - Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Christine C. Bagacay – Chief – Curriculum Implementation Division
Darwin F. Suyat – Education Program Supervisor – English
Lorna C. Ragos - Education Program Supervisor
Learning Resources Management

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Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Determine the Relevance and the Truthfulness of
the Ideas Presented In the Material Viewed
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-
by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if
you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering
the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or

Thank you.

Determine the Relevance and the
Truthfulness of the Ideas Presented In
1 the Material Viewed
Day 1
Let Us Learn!
In this lesson, you will be provided with a variety of
techniques that can be used to help you develop the
necessary skills on how to determine the relevance and the
truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material viewed. The
activities will also raise your awareness of relevant social issues and
will develop strong sense of global citizenship and responsible living.

Upon completing this module, you are expected to:

1. react whether the ideas are true through relating text content
to a particular social issues, concerns, or dispositions in real
2. demonstrate understanding on how to determine the
relevance and truthfulness of the materials viewed; and
3. determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas
presented EN9LC-IIIi-8.2

Let Us Try!
Before you explore the next topic, let us check first your
background knowledge.

A. Select the correct answer for each item. Write the letter of
your answer.

1. The key difference between misinformation and disinformation


a. Intent to harm b. Effect to society c. Level of falseness

2. This term is coined to refer to the many ways our information

environment is polluted.

a. Information overload b.Information disorder

c. Information distress

3. This happens when the term is used by politicians and other

groups to attack the credibility of professional news

a. backstabbing b.fake news c. false accusation

4. Misinformation happens when people unknowingly share
false or misleading information. Often this happens because

a. They don’t care whether information is right or wrong.

b.. They don’t understand technology.
c.. They are trying to help.

5. Where do staged videos, made-up quotes, and fake websites fall

under the seven types of mis-/disinformation?

a. Manipulated content b. Satire c. Fabricated content

6. Which of the seven types of mis-/disinformation refers to when

headlines or captions do not support the content, i.e. click baits?

a. False connection b. False context c. Manipulated


7. When news stories from previous years are re-shared in present

time, what type of mis-/disinformation is this?

a. Imposter content b. False connection c. False


8. Which of the seven types of mis-/ disinformation is not intended

to cause harm but has potential to fool?

a. Satire b. Misleading content c. Fabricated content

9. False information that’s shared with the intention to harm.

a. Satire b. Disinformation c. Malinformation

10. True information that’s used to harm others.

a. Imposter content b. Malinformation c. Disinformation

B. Write / if the statement has truthfulness and X if otherwise.

Afterwards, provide an explanation why it must be true or not.
You can search online or use books as your references.

_______1. A good paragraph sometimes contains sentences that are

relevant to the paragraph’s main subject and point.


_______2. If a sentence does not seem to relate to the main topic, it is


_______3. It is sometimes necessary to include sentences in a

paragraph though it is not connected to its main topic in order to add


_______4. It is important to think about the main subject of the

paragraph and the point you wish to make about this subject.


_______5. You have to think about the point you wish to make and cut
the sentences that relate generally to your subject, but do not
specifically support your point.


Let Us Study
On truthfulness, the person must say “trust me.” But, how
can we know about someone if they are telling the truth or not? By the
way he/she dresses? It is very important to determine that what he is
saying is true and that his account is not misleading. Whatever the
view is on truth and the line between fact and opinion, accuracy is
simple enough idea.

Truth is factual based, rather than opinion-oriented. If the

person lies about something, then what he is saying is false. In fact,
accuracy is the condition of being true, correct, or exact; it does not
welcome small mistakes.

There are seven categories and types of information disorders

that you must know. These are the following:

Seven Categories of Information Disorders

1. Fabricated Content – new content is 100% false,

designed to deceive and to do harm.

2. Imposter Content – genuine sources are impersonated.

3. Misleading Content- misleading use of information to

frame on issue or individual.

4. Satire or Parody- no intention to cause harm but has

the potential to fool.

5. False Content- headline, visuals, and captions do not

support the content.

6. False Context- genuine context is shared with false

contextual information.

7. Manipulated Content –genuine information or imagery

is manipulated to deceive.

Three Types of Information Disorder

1.Misinformation - Unintentional mistakes such as inaccurate

photo captions, dates, statistics, translations, or when satire is
taken seriously.

2.Disinformation - Fabricated or deliberately manipulated

audio.visual content. Intentionally created conspiracy theories
or rumours.

3.Malinformation - Deliberate publication of private

information for personal or corporate rather than public interest.
Deliberate change of context, date or time of genuine content.

Relevance of Ideas is also important to be determined in a

material viewed. A good paragraph should contain sentences that are
relevant to the paragraph’s main subject and point. While the topic
sentence sets up the main idea, the rest of the sentences provide
details that support or explain this main idea. If you see a sentence
that does not seem to relate to the topic sentence, it is probably

Sometimes, writers include details that only generally relate to a

paragraph’s subject. You may have written this way in your own
compositions. To avoid this in your test writing, think about your
paragraph’s main subject and about the point you wish to make about
this subject. Thinking about the point you wish to make will help you
cut the sentences that relate generally to your subject, but do not
specifically support your point.

To spot these irrelevant sentences, think about the

paragraph’s subject and point. Thinking about the subject will help
you cut sentences that do not relate to the paragraph’s subject.
Thinking about the main point will help you cut sentences that relate
generally to the paragraph’s subject but not necessarily to the point
being made about the subject.

Day 2

Peek at the Note

Analyze the song “Earth Song” by Michael Jackson to answer the

questions below. You may use this link,
jacksonVEVO to play the song online.

Earth Song

What about sunrise?

What about rain?
What about all the things
That you said we were to gain?

What about killing fields?

Is there a time?
What about all the things
That you said was yours and mine?

Did you ever stop to notice

All the blood we've shed before?
Did you ever stop to notice
This crying Earth, these weeping shores?

What have we done to the world?

Look what we've done
What about all the peace
That you pledge your only son?

What about flowering fields?

Is there a time?
What about all the dreams
That you said was yours and mine?

Did you ever stop to notice

All the children dead from war?
Did you ever stop to notice
This crying Earth, these weeping shores?

I used to glance beyond the stars

Now I don't know where we are
Although I know we've drifted far
Hey, what about yesterday?

What about the seas?
The heavens are falling down
I can't even breathe

What about apathy?

I need you
What about nature's worth?
It's our planet's womb

What about animals?

We've turned kingdoms to dust
What about elephants?
Have we lost their trust

What about crying whales?

We're ravaging the seas
What about forest trails?
Burnt despite our pleas

What about the holy land?

Torn apart by creed

What about the common man?

Can't we set him free

What about children dying?

Can't you hear them cry?
Where did we go wrong?
Someone tell me why

What about baby boy?

What about the days?
What about all their joy?
What about the man?

What about the crying man?

What about Abraham?
What about death again?
Do we give a damn?

1. What are the social issues that the song conveyed?

2. Are the issues presented in the song true or not?

3. Provide at least three factual evidences to justify your answer on

the previous question (item #2).

4. What is the main idea of the song?


5. Is the main idea presented in the song relevant? Justify your


Day 3

Let Us Practice More

A. Assess the truthfulness of the statements below. You can

search online or use books to look for facts to find out whether
each statement is true or not and to avoid misinformation.
Write T if it is true and F if it is false.

________1. Physical activity can counteract the harmful effects of

other risk factors, such as high cholesterol and high blood
________2. It is not normal to have sore muscles after exercising.
________3. An aerobic physical activity, such as running or
biking, requires the same effort from everyone.
________4. Being physically fit lowers heart disease risk even in
people who have other health problems, including high blood
pressure and high blood cholesterol.

________5. You don’t get health benefits from exercise unless
you are exercising vigorously.
________6. Endurance activities are continuous activities such
as walking, cycling, and swimming.
________7. Strength activities, such as carrying groceries, heavy
yard work or weight training, strengthen muscles and bones and
improve posture.
________8. Aerobic physical activity doesn't have to be non-stop,
such as an aerobics class.
________9. Endurance activities are especially beneficial for your
heart, lungs, and circulatory system.
________10. Other modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular
disease include smoking, overweight, obesity, high blood
pressure, and high cholesterol.

B. Eliminate from the paragraph the statements that are

irrelevant. Write in the box below the statements that must be
eliminated and state the reason why those are irrelevant.

Exercise is really good for one’s physical and mental health. It is

proven that aerobic exercise is good for the heart, which is very
important to overall health. I used to run every day, but now I go to
dance classes to get my aerobic exercise. Strength training is
important for maintaining muscle mass and improving bone
density. Both muscle mass and bone density can decrease as we
age, so improving them through strength training is important. My
grandmother broke a hip last year because her bones were so
fragile. All kinds of exercise have been shown to relieve depression,
anxiety, and stress.

C.Write in the box at least five spreading (5) social media posts
about COVID-19 which are not true or not relevant.

POST # 1:

Social Media Site:

Date posted:

POST # 1:

Social Media Site:

Date posted:

POST # 1:

Social Media Site:

Date posted:

POST # 1:

Social Media Site:

Date posted:

POST # 1:

Social Media Site:

Date posted:

Day 4
Let Us Remember
A. Write the seven categories of information disorders and
express your own understanding about each category.

1. ________________ 4. ________________

2. ________________ 5. ________________
 

3. ________________ 6.________________
 

7. ________________

B. Answer the questions below:

1. What makes an information true?

2. What makes an information true?


Let Us Assess

A. Write the letter of your answer. (1-7)



_____1. A genuine information or imagery that is manipulated to


_____2. A new content is 100% false, designed to deceive and to do


_____3. Genuine sources that is impersonated.

_____4. A genuine context that is shared with false contextual


_____5. There is no intention to cause harm but has the potential to


_____6. Headline, visuals, and captions do not support the content.

_____7. A misleading use of information to frame on issue or


_____8. False information someone shares without knowing it’s


_____9. False information that’s shared with the intention to harm.

_____10. True information that is used to harm others.

B. Study the information below and answer the question.

 COVID-19 is a new virus which has spread quickly
to many countries around the world including in
Southern Africa.
 Knowing the facts about COVID-19 symptoms ,
how the virus spreads and what you can do to stop
it will help protect you and your community.

 There is a lot of misinformation about COVID-19 so

it’s important to check information has come from
a reliable source such as the World Health
Organization or your government health authority.

 Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new virus which has

quickly spread around the world. While initially
mainly affecting Asia, Europe and North America,
more people are now testing positive in Southern
Africa. This is also when the largest number of
people are affected by HIV.

 What makes the information above true?


 Give at least one statement that has truthfulness about

the topic.

2. Progress Reducing Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are made with petroleum, a

nonrenewable resource. They are not biodegradable,
instead they breakdown into micro plastics that leach
toxicants that pollute the earth and enter our food
supply. Since plastic bags are light-weight the wind
carries them across the landscape, clogging
waterways, cluttering our oceans, damaging
agricultural lands, and provide ideal breeding
grounds for mosquitoes. Animals – birds, marine life,
and land animals mistake plastic bags for food, which
leads to massive poisoning, choking, entanglement,
blocked intestines – all of which can lead to death.
The solution is really simple – use reusable bags!
Okay, so it does take a change in habit, means you
need to put a little more effort into shopping, and be
prepared with your own reusable bags to carry home
your purchases. This is a change that is well worth
the small effort it takes!


 What makes the information above true?


 What are the supporting details presented?


Day 5
Let Us Enhance

A. Analyze the statements below and answer each question.

Present facts to prove your answer with truthfulness and
relevance. State your answer in a paragraph form.

“Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the

future, and renders the present inaccessible.” – Maya Angelou
1. Is this true or not? Present facts to prove your answer.

“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the

dissemination of truth.” -JF Kennedy

2. Is this true or not? Present facts to prove your answer.


“We learned that economic growth and environmental

protection can and should go hand in hand.” –Christopher Dodd

3. Is this true or not? Present facts to prove your answer.


B. On the space provided below, creatively draw possible
scenarios if people easily believe and do not determine first
the truthfulness and relevance of information they receive.


Composition/Design-------20 points

-Balance in composition created-------5 points

-Preliminary sketches------5 points
-Applied elements & principles of design------5 points
-Evidence of planning and following out ideas-----5 points

Creativity/Originality --------40 points

-Generates a variety of ideas-------20 points

-Unique original idea carried out in completed work--20 points

Craftsmanship/Skill/Consistency--------40 points

-Paper clean, no smudges, erased well-----10 points

-Use of proper techniques and skill-----10 points
-Effort/Perseverance------20 points

Let Us Reflect

Activity 8: Letter to the Future Sent!

What will be your message to particularly those who are fond of

reading posts in social media and use it to keep themselves
updated of what is happening around. Write it in a form of a


Let us Enhance
Let us practice more Let us Assess
3.TRUE 1. g
A 2. a
Explanations may vary. 3. b
4. f
1. T
5. d
2. F 6. e
3. F 7. c
8. h
4. T 9. i
5. F 10. j
6. F
7. T
Let us remember Let us practice
8. T
10. T
> I used to run every day,
but now I go to dance
classes to get my aerobic
> My grandmother broke
7. MANIPULATED CONTENT. a hip last year because
her bones were so fragile.
Let us practice Let us try Let us try
1. T B. A.
2. T 1. X
3. T 2./ 1. a
4. X 3X 2. b
5. X 4. / 3. b
6. X 5. /
4. c
7. X
8. X 5. c
9. X 6. a
10. T 7. c
8. a
9. b
10. b
Answer key to Activities

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of Tagum City

Office Address: Energy Park, Apokon, Tagum City, 8100

Telefax: (084) 216-3504

E-mail Address:

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