Dermatology Revision
Dermatology Revision
Dermatology Revision
Dermoepidermal junction consists of 2 layers, the lamina lucida and lamina densa.
The mucous membrane of the mouth differs from the skin by absence of both granular
and horny layers with the exception of the dorsum of the tongue and the hard palate.
Electron microscopy of the epithelial cells of the oral mucosa show only few well-
developed desmosomes.
The biologic week point of oral mucosa is epithelial attatchment.
The oral epithelium tolerates a continuously moist surface; mechanical, chemical, and
thermal stress.
The base-line rate of epithelial renewal in the human oral epithelium is about 5 days. This
high basal turnover is for protection.
Heavy microbial colonization in the oral cavity Factors that predispose to wound
Behcet’s disease
Multisystem disease
Diagnostic criteria
Major features
Recurrent aphthous (oral ulcers).
Genital ulcers.
Eye lesions:
Minor features
Arthritis without deformity and ankylosis
Gastrointestinal lesions characterized by ileocecal ulcers
Vascular lesions
Central nervous system symptoms
The most common sites are the tongue, lips, buccal mucosa, and gingiva. Meanwhile, the
tonsils, palate, and
pharynx are less common sites for oral ulcers
Oral ulcers can be classified into 3 types.
Minor ulcer: This consists of 1-5 small,
moderately painful ulcers persisting for 4-14 days
Major ulcer: This is 1-10 very painful ulcers, measuring 10-30 mm, persisting up to 6 weeks,
and possibly leaving a scar upon healing
Herpetiform ulcer: This is a recurrent crop of as many as 1000 small and painful ulcers
Erythema Multiform (EM)
Hemorrhagic crusting of the lips and ulceration of the non keratinized mucosa is seen in
EM major
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the most common inducing cause but EM can be also
induced by drugs
Oral Leukoplakia
Some leukoplakias are white and warty (verrucous leukoplakia). Others are mixed white
and red lesions (erythroleukoplakias )
Suspected causes are tobaceo, trauma, infection, chemicals, alcohols, immune defects
Pemphigus valgaris
The oral mucosal lesions in 50%-70% of cases appear 6- 12 months before the skin
More than 90% of patients will develop oral lesions at some time during the course of the
It causes flaccid bullae in the skin and erosions and ulcers in the mucous membrane
Oral candidiasis
The organism present in 3 forms; yeast cell, hyphae and mycelium (pathogenic phase).
HIV is transmitted through body fluids that include: Blood, Semen, Vaginal and rectal
fluids, Breast milk and Transplacental.
HIV targets to kill CD4 T helper cells causing CD4 T cells depletion.
Plasma viremia appears 4-11 days after mucosal entrance of the virus.
Oral lichen planus (OLP) is an autoimmune non infectious disease characterized by bilateral
white grey streaks (Wickham striae)
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) developed in fewer than 5% of patients with OLP
Up to 44% of patients with OLP develop coincident skin lesions.
More than 70% of patients with cutaneous lichen planus develop coincident OLP.
Oral lichen planus can be erosive
Oral candidiasis is the differential diagnosis of oral lichen planus