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Dsah00193635 Basic Structure of Induction Cooker

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Reliability Test Data of LCD Drivers

1. Introduction 2. Chip and Package Structure

The use of liquid crystal displays with micro- The Hitachi LCD driver LSI family uses low
computer application systems has been increasing, power CMOS technology and flat plastic package.
because of their low power consumption, freedom The Si-gate process is used for high reliability and
in display pattern design, and thin shape. Low high density. Chip structure and basic circuit are
power consumption and high density packaging shown in figure 1, and package structure is shown
have been achieved through the use of the CMOS in figure 2.
process and the flat plastic packages, respectively.

This chapter describes reliability and quality

assurance data for Hitachi LCD driver LSIs based
on test data and failure analysis results.

PSG Al Gate
Bonding wire Plastic

P+ N+ N+ P+

SiO2 Source Drain

Figure 2 Package Structure

G P-channel

Figure 1 Chip Structure and Basic Circuit

Reliability Test Data of LCD Drivers
3. Reliability Test Results
The test results of LCD driver LSI family are
shown in tables 1, 2, and 3.

Table 1 Test Result 1, High Temperature Operation (Ta = 125°C, VCC = 5.5 V)

Device Sample Size Component Hour Failure

HD44100H 40 40,000 0
HD44102H 40 40,000 0
HD44103H 40 40,000 0
HD44780U 90 90,000 0
HD66100F 45 45,000 0
HD61100A 80 80,000 0
HD61102 50 50,000 0
HD61103A 50 50,000 0
HD61200 40 40,000 0
HD61202 50 50,000 0
HD61203 40 40,000 0
HD61830 40 40,000 0
HD61830B 40 40,000 0
HD63645 32 32,000 0
HD64645 32 32,000 0
HD61602 38 38,000 0
HD61603 32 32,000 0
HD61604 32 32,000 0
HD61605 32 32,000 0
HD66840 45 45,000 0

Table 2 Test Result 2

Sample Component
Test Item Test Condition Size Hour Failure
High temp, storage Ta = 150°C, 1000 h 180 180,000 0
Low temp, storage Ta = –55°C, 1000 h 140 140,000 0
Steady state humidity 65°C, 95% RH, 1000 h 860 860,000 1*
Steady state humidity, biased 85°C, 90% RH, 1000 h 165 170,000 2*
Pressure cooker 121°C, 2 atm. 100 h 200 20,000 0
Note: * Aluminum corrosion

Reliability Test Data of LCD Drivers
Table 3 Test Results 3

Test Items Test Condition Sample Size Failure

Thermal shock 0 to 100°C 108 0
10 cycles
Temperature cycling –55°C to 150°C 678 0
10 cycles
Soldering heat 260°C, 10 seconds 283 0
Resistance to VPS 215°C, 30 seconds 88 0
Solderability 230°C, 5 seconds 140 0

4. Quality Data from Field Use

Field failure rate is estimated in advance through the basis of information furnished by the user,
production process evaluation and reliability tests. failure analysis is conducted and the results are
Past field data on similar devices provides the basis quickly fed back to the design and production
for this estimation. Quality information from the divisions.
users is indispensable to the improvement of
product quality. Therefore, field data on products Failure analysis results on MOS LSIs returned to
delivered to the users is followed up carefully. On Hitachi is shown in figure 3.

Damaged by
voltage and/or
current (26.7%)
devices Sample
(38.8%) size
3,873 Assembly

Marginal Poor functional

Others 14.5% test pattern
13.8% (3.1%)

Figure 3 Failure Analysis Result

Reliability Test Data of LCD Drivers
5. Precautions
5.1 Storage 2. Prevent device breakage from clothes-induced
static electricity.
It is preferable to store semiconductor devices in
the following ways to prevent deterioration in their 3. When transporting the printed circuit boards on
electrical characteristics, solderability, and which semiconductor devices are mounted,
appearance, or breakage. suitable preventive measures against static
electricity induction must be taken; for example,
1. Store in an ambient temperature of 5 to 30°C, voltage built-up is prevented by shorting
and in a relative humidity of 40 to 60%. terminal circuit. When a conveyor belt is used,
prevent the conveyor belt from being
2. Store in a clean air environment, free from dust electrically charged by applying some surface
and reactive gas. treatment.
3. Store in a container that does not induce static 4. When transporting semiconductor devices or
electricity. printed circuit boards, minimize mechanical
vibration and shock.
4. Store without any physical load.
5.3 Handling for Measurement
5. If semiconductor devices are stored for a long
time, store them in unfabricated form. If their Avoid static electricity, noise, and surge voltage
lead wires are formed beforehand, bent parts when measuring semiconductor devices are
may corrode during storage. measured. It is possible to prevent breakage by
shorting their terminal circuits to equalize electrical
6. If the chips are unsealed, store them in a cool, potential during transportation. However, when the
dry, dark, and dustless place. Assemble them devices are to be measured or mounted, their
within 5 days after unpacking. Storage in terminals are left open providing the possibility
nitrogen gas is desirable. They can be stored for that they may be accidentally touched by a worker,
20 days or less in dry nitrogen gas with a dew measuring instrument, work bench, soldering iron,
point at –30°C or lower. Unpackaged devices conveyor belt, etc. The device will fail if it touches
must not be stored for over 3 months. something that leaks current or has a static charge.
Take care not to allow curve tracers,
7. Take care not to allow condensation during
synchroscopes, pulse generators, D.C. stabilizing
storage due to rapid temperature changes.
power supply units, etc. to leak current through
5.2 Transportation their terminals or housings.

As with storage methods, general precautions for Especially, while testing the devices, take care not
other electronic component parts are applicable to apply surge voltage from the tester, to attach a
to the transportation of semiconductors, clamping circuit to the tester, or not to apply any
semiconductor-incorporating units and other abnormal voltage through a bad contact from a
similar systems. In addition, the following current source. During measurement, avoid
considerations must be taken, too: miswiring and short-circuiting. When inspecting a
printed circuit board, make sure that there is no
1. Use containers or jugs which will not induce soldering bridge or foreign matter before turning
static electricity as the result of vibration during on the power switch.
transportation. It is desirable to use an
electrically conductive container or aluminium Since these precautions depend upon the types of
foil. semiconductor devices, contact Hitachi for further


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