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AFPSAT Reviewer Guide Logical Reasoning

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Youtube Channel: SolvingMath with Leonalyn
The main idea behind Logical Reasoning Test is to
use the information and preconditions to make a
Most problems give a variety of conditions and you
must use an "if"-"then" approach. It's important that
you read the whole problem, and choose the best
hint or clue before starting to solve the problem.
When practicing logic with reasoning making a chart
or drawing a picture are good strategies.
There are numerous types of logical reasoning test,
and many of these are used interchangeably. These
tests tend to be similar in their layout and
methodology, but with subtle and important
differences. A list of common logical reasoning tests is
as follows:

Inductive reasoning is the ability to reach general

conclusion based on perceived patterns observed in
specific events. Inductive logic is often used in
everyday life and is therefore practical to a work
place environment. In these tests candidates will be
provided with a series of diagrams with an evident
pattern. Candidates will need to identify the pattern
in the sequence of diagrams and select the next
diagram in the sequence.

Deductive reasoning involves a general rule or

principle that leads to a specific conclusion. These
tests will evaluate and measure a candidates ability
to make logical arguments and draw sound
conclusions based on provided data, as well as
identify flaws in a piece of information. As a result this
is a useful tool in selection procedures as this type of
reasoning will be used in the workplace. This type of
reasoning will often be used in verbal reasoning tests
and numerical tests, and is therefore very likely to be
encountered in recruitment processes.
For more tutorial videos about ABSTRACT, check this youtube channel: SolvingMath with Leonalyn


Abstract reasoning, also known as conceptual

reasoning measures you lateral thinking ability. In
these tests candidates will be tested on their ability to
identify relationships, patterns and trends.
Candidates will be provided with a series of images
that follow a logical sequence or underlying rules. This
may include following a rule in a sequence,
identifying a code or finding a missing diagram.
Abstract reasoning requires an ability to draw
assumptions and conclusions based on information
supplied in the form of symbols or matrices. In such
tests you will be asked to identify a missing item or
diagram that complete a certain pattern of logic,
usually in the form of a matrix.

Diagrammatic reasoning is a specific form on

abstract reasoning. Tests which assess this ability will
typically show a flowchart of diagrams and symbols,
with an input and an output. Candidates will need to
identify which inputs effect diagrams, and therefore
generate a specific output based on those rules.

Critical thinking tests are a type of verbal critical

reasoning task which assesses various different types
of logical reasoning in arguments, assumptions and
conclusions. Typical logical abilities tested include
analysing arguments, making inferences and
evaluating conclusions.
Although all test evaluate a specific logical ability, or
set of abilities, there are general strategies which can
be applied to ensure maximum performance in a
logical reasoning test. Here is a list of useful tips and
advice for logical reasoning test:

Logical reasoning tests of all kinds can be nerve

racking, particularly ones which are time limited. As a
result it is important to stay calm as to allow optimum
performance during your exam. A small amount of
anxiety can be a performance booster, maximise
focus and therefore performance. However serious
test anxiety can severely hamper performance.
Proper practice, enough sleep the night before and
deep and regular breathing can all help settle your
nerves, and perform to your best on the day of your

Learning as much about the test beforehand can

help you dive straight into the test once you have
received it, saving you time. Similarly after
researching the test and the logical abilities which is
assesses can help you hone these skills, and ensure
you utilise the particular logical skill set required for
the test, optimising performance.

It is important to gage what type of logical reasoning

will be tested due to the broad nature of logical
reasoning. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification to
identify which logical reasoning test will be used, and
which logical reasoning skill will be tested as this
information will be invaluable for your pre-test

A general tip for logical reasoning tests is to figure out

the correct answer/sequence/rule before looking at
the multiple choices. This way once you have an idea
on your head of the correct answer, you can simply
pick it out. If you look at the multiple choice answers
first, you will be more inclined to pick the answer
which best looks like the correct answer, rather than
take the time to evaluate it logically. Your logic will
be subject to more bias if you base your answer on
which answer seems correct on face value, instead
of evaluating it using the logical skills being tested.

Logical reasoning is a very broad category of skills,

and this is reflected in the wide variety of tests on the
market to assess these abilities. Ensuring that you are
fully aware of what tests are assessing, and which
logical skills are being tested is an extremely
important step in preparing yourself for your test.
Before you try to answer a few sample questions,
here are some general test-taking tips that should
help you with the Logical Reasoning section.
1. Study the question carefully. A brief explanation
of why each choice is correct or incorrect follows
each practice question. If you understand this
reasoning for the practice items, you will do well on
the actual assessment.
2. NEVER assume or use any information that the
question fails to give you. This is NOT an assessment of
how much you know about economics in general!
Consider ONLY the information given in each reading
passage when choosing among the alternative
3. Read both the factual passage and the
sentence completion instruction carefully. Both must
be considered in making your choice.
4. Be sure to read all the response choices
carefully before choosing one.
5. In questions that ask you to select a valid
conclusion, always choose the one conclusion that
must definitely follow from the information you are
given. In questions that ask you to find the invalid
alternative, choose the one conclusion that does not
definitely follow from the information.
6. Pay special attention to words like "all," "some,"
or "none" when you read the factual information
each question gives you. Other qualifying words such
as "other than," "only" or "unless" are important, too.
These words can play a critical part in precisely
specifying the facts to be used in your reasoning.
7. Pay attention to negative prefixes also, such as
non-, un-, or dis-. These can be crucial to specifying
the basic facts in the paragraph.
8. "Test-taking" courses or your college instructors
may have advised you to avoid any response
choices that contain the quantifiers "all" or "none." In
both the practice questions here and in the actual
economist assessment, these words are NOT signs of
incorrect response choices. They will appear in both
correct and incorrect response choices.
9. Pay close attention to the word "ONLY" and to
the phrase "IF AND ONLY IF." Saying "The door will
open IF AND ONLY IF both keys are used" sets up a
highly specific condition that must be met. There is
exactly one way to open the door-you must use both
keys. By contrast, if the sentence says, "The door will
open if the key is used," there may be several ways to
open the door besides by using the key.
10. The questions in the assessment will vary in
difficulty level, and difficult questions will be mixed in
with easier ones throughout the assessment. When
you encounter a question that is difficult for you, try
drawing diagrams or other schematic notes on the
"scratch" paper provided to support and confirm your
thought processes. Also, bear in mind that you can
stop working on a difficult question temporarily and
return to it later.

Here are three examples of verbal logical reasoning

questions. Choose one correct answer for each
For tutorial video, search: "abstract inductive afpsat leonalyn"
youtube channel: SolvingMath with Leonalyn


A. Figure a
B. Figure b
C. Figure c
Figure d

Figure a
Figure b
Figure c
Figure d
Figure a

Figure b

Figure c

Figure d

A. Figure a
B. Figure b
C. Figure c
Figure d

Figure a

Figure b

Figure c


Figure d

For tutorial video, search: "abstract inductive afpsat leonalyn"
youtube channel: SolvingMath with Leonalyn

1 2 3 4
In the abstract reasoning sequence displayed above, two
distinct patterns can be observed:
Placing a square or rhomb alternating within or
outside the circle.
Each additional figure changes the location of the
square / rhomb by a quarter turn counterclockwise
This results in the alternately placing of a rhomb and square,
respectively, within and outside the circle, keeping in mind
that the change of position follows the quarter turn
counterclockwise rotation. The solution to this abstract
reasoning sequence is therefore the 4th one, where the
square is positioned at the bottom and outside the circle.
1 2 3 4
• In this test the degree of symmetry of the figure
placed within the circle decreases step by step. The
pattern starts with a circle, a line, a triangle and so
on, continuing with lower symmetry objects (and
thus more side faces). This automatically results in a
hexagon placed in the circle as the solution for this
abstract reasoning sequence.
1 2 3 4
• The sequence above clearly shows that the position of
the star around the cross is the key to solving this
sequence. As the sequence continues the location of the
star is determined by a quarter turn counterclockwise
rotation every next figure. This results in the 4th solution
where the star is positioned at the bottom right part of the
1 2 3 4
• In the abstract reasoning sequence displayed
above, three distinct patterns can be observed:
• The uppermost white circles with white crosses
increase at first in number, after which the amount
of circles decrease in number again with increasing
• De inner black circles with white crosses
increase in number with increasing sequence.
• The undermost white circles with black crosses
decrease in number with increasing sequence.
• Therefore the solution to this abstract reasoning
sequence will consist of 1 uppermost circle, 5
middle ones and none at the bottom.
1 2 3 4
• The above sequence should be seen as a series of
stacked squares with alternating colors. At every next
figure in the sequence the uppermost square is removed,
to end up with a black square.
There is a central figure and four figures with one each in each
corner: (i) the central figure firstly increases in size over a series of three,
then decreases in the same fashion; (ii) the central figure changes from
white , to having dotted outline, to black; and (iii) the four figures rotate
around the four corners, moving two corners at a time.
EXPLANATION: There are four rows, each containing a
set of partially formed ovals. The same four rows appear
in each block but in different order. In each step of the
series the bottom row is moved to the top. This shifts the
order of the rows, so that the first row becomes the
second, the second row becomes the third and so on.
EXPLANATION: Rule One: The number of diagonal lines decreases
by one each block until there are zero, then increases by one
each block, (presumably into a maximum
But we don’t know for sure) Since the second image has two
lines, the third image, the one we re looking must have 1. C, D, F
and satisfy this rule. Ii) Rule two: One horizontal line is added to
the same diagonal line from one black to the next. Therefore, the
third image must contain three horizontal lines on the same
diagonal. Only letter C satisfies this rule.
• Here are three examples of verbal logical reasoning questions.
Choose one correct answer for each question:

a. If there are no dancers that aren’t slim and no singers that

aren’t dancers, then which statements are always true?
• There is not one slim person that isn't a dancer
• All singers are slim
• Anybody slim is also a singer
• None of the above
Answers: The tricky part of this question is that it is phrased
negatively. This means that we have to identify the nature
of each group initially and establish the relationship
between the groups. Once the illustration is made, the
relationship between the groups becomes clearer. The
only true statement is that all singers are slim.
The answer is 'All singers are slim'.
• b. Dan is Joshua's son and Guy's brother. Margaret
is Guy's mother and Judy's daughter. Which of the
statements below are true?
• 1. Judy is Dan's mother-in-law
• 2. Margaret is Dan's mother
• 3. Judy is Joshua's grandmother
• 4. None of the above

• Dan and Guy are siblings, (not half brothers or step-

brothers) and therefore Margaret, who is Guy's
mother, is also Dan's mother.
• The answer is 'Margaret is Dan's mother'.
• c. This is data supplied by the cabbage growers
union report for 2007: 80% of cabbages collected
were heavy (over 0.5 kg), 10% of cabbages were
green, 60% were red and 50% were big (having a
diameter of over 10 cm). Which of the following
statements must be false?
• 1. All red cabbages weren’t big
• 2. 30% of red cabbages were big
• 3. There were no cabbages that were both green
and big
• 4. Half of the cabbages were small
• You have to check the authenticity of each statement.
• 1. All red cabbages weren’t big. We know that 60% of cabbages
picked were red and only 50% were big, therefore, there is an
overlap (60% + 50% = 110% > 100%). The statement must be false, so
this is the correct answer. There’s no real need to check the rest of
the statements, but we’ve provided an explanation in any case.
• 2. 30% of red cabbages were big. We know that 60% of cabbages
were red and 50% were big, so there must be an overlap of at least
10% (60% + 50% = 110% > 100%). However, we don’t know the extent
of the overlap. This statement may be true, but we don’t know for
• 3. There were no cabbages that were both green and big. We
know that 10% of cabbages were green and 50% were big, so there
may not be an overlap between the two (10% + 50% = 60% < 100%).
The statement can’t be ruled out.
• 4. Half of the cabbages were small. We know that 50% (i.e. one
half) of the cabbages are big, so the other half may be small. This
would make this statement true.
• The answer is 'All red cabbages weren’t big'.

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