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Learning Plan Tle 9 Nail Care New

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This unit is about cleaning finger nails and toe nails
Consider this question: How does maintaining clean finger nails and toe nails
affect personal hygiene and overall health?
Map of Conceptual Change:
Read the article on this link: 5 Reasons Why Nail Care is Important –
What do I know about… What do I want to know about…
Maintaining finger nails and toe Maintaining finger nails and toe
nails nails


1.1. Consult client Activity 1: Client Consultation and Agreement
on desired nail Instructions: the students are task to role-play scenarios to practice initiating a
service activity and consultation with a client.
requirements and Answer the following questions.
consultation record 1. What are some of the most important factors to consider when consulting
is agreed and with a client about their desired nail service activity and specific requirements?
signed. 2. How would you handle a situation where a client is unsure about what type
of nail service they want, and needs guidance during the consultation?
3. What are some common mistakes that inexperience nail technicians might
make during a consultation, and how can these be avoided?
4. Why is it important to document consultation details and have the client
review and sign a consultation record, and what are some potential
consequences of not doing this properly?


Instructions: choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank
provided at the right side of the number.
Answer this assessment by clicking the link below:
1.2. Checked and Activity 3: Nail Analysis Workshop
analyzed client's Instructions: The students are task to watch a workshop in a form of a video
hand nail structure about on how to do nail analysis to enhance their knowledge and skills in
and condition. analyzing the client’s nail structure and condition.

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the key factors to consider when analyzing a client’s hand nail
structure and condition?
2. How can you identify potential issues or concerns with a client’s hand nail
structure and condition?
3. What are some common nail conditions or disorders that a nail caregiver
should be able to identify and address?
4. What steps should you take to ensure that you are providing appropriate
and effective recommendations or treatments based on your analysis of a
client’s hand nail structure and condition?
Scaffold for TRANSFER 1
Activity 4 Nail Anatomy and Common Disorders
Instructions: The students are task to watch a video tutorial on nail anatomy
and common nail disorders, and take notes.

Scaffold for TRANSFER 2

Activity 5
Instructions: The students are task to read a scenario and answer the questions
that follow based on their understanding of nail anatomy and common nail
disorders, as well as the information covered in the video tutorial they watch
and notes they had written.

You are working at a nail salon, and a new client has come in for a manicure. As
part of the consultation, you need to check and analyze the client's hand nail
structure and condition. The client has pointed out that one of their nails
appears to be discolored and has an unusual shape.


1. What are some possible causes of nail discoloration and unusual

2. What questions should you ask the client to gather more information
about their nail condition?
3. What tools or techniques can you use to check and analyze the client's
nail structure and condition?
4. Based on your analysis, what advice would you give the client for
maintaining healthy nails?
5. How would you communicate your findings and advice to the client in
a clear and professional manner?
1.3. Recognize nail Activity 6: Nail Disorder Identification and Repair Simulation
disorder for Instruction: The students are task to recognize nail disorders and prepare nails
prepare nail repair. for repair in accordance with industry standards.

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the common nail disorders that you may encounter in your
role as a nail caregiver?
2. How can you ensure that you are following industry standards for nail
care services?
3. What are the different nail repair techniques that you may use to fix
nail disorders?
4. How can you communicate with clients about their nail disorders and
the repair process?


Instructions: choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank
provided at the right side of the number.
Answer this assessment by clicking the link below:

1.4.Select and Activity 8: Sanitizing for Success

prepare Instructions: The students are task to demonstrate the importance of selecting
appropriate and preparing sanitized tools and equipment for a salon procedure.
sanitized tools and
equipment, Answer the following questions.
supplies and
materials are 1. Why is it important to properly sanitize tools and equipment in a salon
according to salon procedure?
procedure. 2. What are some consequences of not properly sanitizing tools and
3. How can proper sanitization of tools and equipment contribute to the
success of a salon procedure?

Activity 9: Salon Sanitation

Instructions: The students are task to demonstrate the ability to select and
prepare appropriate sanitized tools and equipment, supplies, and materials
according to salon procedure.
1.5. Disinfect, Activity 10: Hand and Foot Hygiene
sanitize, clean and Instructions: The students are tasked to answer the following questions.
dry hands and feet.
1. What is the purpose of disinfecting hands and feet?
a) To remove dirt and debris
b) To kill bacteria and germs
c) To moisturize the skin
d) To improve blood circulation

2. Which of the following is an effective method to sanitize hands and

a) Using plain water
b) Wiping with a dry cloth
c) Applying hand sanitizer or antiseptic solution
d) Massaging with essential oils

3. When should you clean your hands and feet?

a) Only when they appear visibly dirty
b) Every few days
c) Before and after eating, using the restroom, or handling food
d) Only in specific medical situations

4. What is the recommended duration for proper handwashing?

a) 5 seconds
b) 10 seconds
c) 20 seconds
d) 1 minute

5. Why is it important to dry hands and feet thoroughly after cleaning?

a) To prevent slipping and falling
b) To improve skin hydration
c) To remove excess moisture and prevent the growth of bacteria
d) To increase blood circulation

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of disinfecting, sanitizing, cleaning, and drying

hands and feet?

2. What are the key differences between disinfecting, sanitizing, and


3. What are the recommended methods for disinfecting hands and feet
4. What are the essential steps involved in sanitizing hands and feet

5. Why is it important to dry hands and feet thoroughly after cleaning or


Activity 11.
Instructions: The students will answer the questions to the best of their ability,
providing clear and concise responses about the topic that has been discussed.

1. Explain the importance of disinfecting, sanitizing, cleaning, and drying

hands and feet.
2. Describe the key differences between disinfection, sanitization, and
3. Discuss the potential risks or hazards associated with improper
disinfection, sanitization, cleaning, or drying of hands and feet.
1.6. Clean nails in Activity 12. Clean Nails in Accordance with Established or Acceptable
accordance with Procedure.
the established or
acceptable Instructions: The students will read the following scenario and they will answer
procedure. the questions that follow. They will select the best response based on their

You are working as a nail technician at a high-end salon. A client has just sat
down at your station, requesting a manicure. Part of the manicure process
involves cleaning the client's nails. Please read the description of the
established or acceptable procedure for cleaning nails below and answer the
questions that follow.

Established or Acceptable Procedure for Cleaning Nails:

1. Begin by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

2. Gather all the necessary tools and materials, including a nail brush,
nail clippers, cuticle pusher, orangewood stick, and nail file.
3. Ensure that all tools are clean and disinfected.
4. Ask the client to remove any existing nail polish, if applicable.
5. Trim the nails to the desired length using the nail clippers, ensuring to
follow the client's preferences.
6. Use the nail brush and soap to clean the nails, removing any dirt or
7. Gently push back the cuticles using a cuticle pusher.
8. Carefully remove any excess cuticles using an orangewood stick.
9. Shape the nails using a nail file, following the client's desired shape.
10. Once the nails are cleaned, dried, and shaped, proceed with the
client's requested manicure.

Assessment Questions:

What is the first step in the established or acceptable procedure for cleaning
a) Gather the necessary tools and materials.
b) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
c) Trim the nails to the desired length.
d) Ask the client to remove any existing nail polish.

Which tool is used to gently push back the cuticles?

a) Nail brush
b) Cuticle pusher
c) Nail clippers
d) Orangewood stick

What should you do before using the tools to clean the nails?
a) Ensure the client removes any existing nail polish.
b) Ask the client about their preferred nail shape.
c) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
d) Gather all the necessary tools and materials.

When should you shape the nails using a nail file?

a) Before cleaning the nails with a nail brush.
b) After drying the nails.
c) Before trimming the nails.
d) After pushing back the cuticles.

What should you do once the nails are cleaned, dried, and shaped?
a) Apply a base coat of nail polish.
b) Proceed with the client's requested manicure.
c) Apply a top coat of nail polish.
d) Ask the client about their preferred nail length.

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the established or acceptable procedures for cleaning nails?

2. Can you describe the step-by-step process for cleaning nails according
to the established procedure?
3. What tools or products are commonly used to clean nails in
accordance with acceptable procedures?
4. Are there any specific guidelines or regulations that need to be
followed while cleaning nails?

Activity 13. Clean Nails in Accordance with established or Acceptable


Instruction. The students will do a hands-on demonstration of nail cleaning

techniques, evaluated by an instructor or through self-assessment using a

1.7. Trim and file Activity 14.

nails based on Instructions: The students are task to read the scenario and answer the
client's desired questions.
Scenario: You are a nail technician working at a high-end salon. A client has
come in for a manicure, and it is your responsibility to clean their nails in
accordance with the established or acceptable procedures.

1. Before beginning the nail cleaning process, what is the first step you
should take?
a) Apply cuticle oil.
b) File the nails to the desired shape.
c) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
d) Apply a base coat to the nails.

2. Which tool is most appropriate for removing excess cuticle and dead
skin around the nail
a) Nail clippers.
b) Nail file.
c) Orange stick.
d) Nail buffer.

3. How should you clean the nail surface to remove any residue or oils?
a) Use a cotton ball soaked in water.
b) Use an alcohol-based nail cleanser.
c) Apply a thin layer of top coat.
d) Wipe the nails with a dry towel.

Activity 15:
Instruction: The students will perform the nail cleaning process in front of an
instructor or peer, following the steps and best practices.
1.8. Massage
fingers following Activity 16:
prescribed Instructions: The students are task to read each question carefully and select
movements. the most appropriate answer from the options provided.

1. Which of the following is NOT a commonly used massage technique

for fingers?
a) Effleurage
b) Petrissage
c) Vibration
d) Percussion

2. When massaging fingers, which direction should you follow for

effleurage strokes?
a) Toward the fingertips
b) Toward the base of the fingers
c) Circular motions around the fingers
d) Up and down the length of the fingers

3. Which massage technique is commonly used to warm up the fingers

before performing deeper massage strokes?
a) Tapotement
b) Vibration
c) Friction
d) Effleurage

4. Which part of the hand should be used to perform circular motions

during finger massage?
a) Palm
b) Fingertips
c) Knuckles
d) Wrist

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of finger massage?

a) Increased circulation
b) Reduced muscle tension
c) Improved joint flexibility
d) Enhanced vision

Scaffolding for TRANSFER 1: Massage Fingers Following Prescribed Movements

Objective: To transfer the knowledge and skills of massaging fingers following
prescribed movements to a practical application.

Review the foundational knowledge:

a) Recap the different massage techniques used for massaging fingers
(effleurage, petrissage, vibration, percussion).
b) Discuss the purpose and benefits of finger massage (increased circulation,
reduced muscle tension, improved joint flexibility).

Scaffold for TRANSFER 2

Role-playing activity:
a) Divide participants into pairs or small groups.
b) Assign each group a specific scenario that requires finger massage.
c) Instruct them to take turns assuming the roles of the massage therapist and
the client, following the prescribed movements learned.
d) Encourage participants to provide constructive feedback to one another and
discuss alternative approaches.

1.9. Ensure client's Activity 17: Ensuring Client's safety and comfort
safety and comfort Instructions: Please choose the most appropriate answer for each question.
is during the entire Select the option that best aligns with the competency of ensuring client safety
process. and comfort during the entire process.

What does it mean to ensure client safety and comfort during a session?
a) Following proper hygiene practices
b) Providing a relaxing environment
c) Ensuring the client's physical and emotional well-being
d) Using high-quality products and tools

Which of the following is an example of a potential hazard or risk that may

affect client safety?
a) Soft lighting in the treatment room
b) Slippery floors in the salon
c) Pleasant fragrance in the air
d) Use of natural ingredients in products

Why is client assessment important for ensuring safety and comfort?

a) It helps identify the client's preferences.
b) It ensures the client pays attention during the session.
c) It helps maintain a clean treatment area.
d) It helps identify any contraindications or medical conditions.

Which of the following is an essential aspect of maintaining client safety and

a) Maintaining clear and respectful communication
b) Offering a wide range of treatment options
c) Charging affordable prices
d) Using trendy and fashionable equipment

Why is proper hygiene and sanitation crucial during a session?

a) It helps create a luxurious atmosphere.
b) It ensures the client's emotional comfort.
c) It helps prevent the spread of infections or diseases.
d) It enhances the effectiveness of the treatment.

Answer the following questions.

1. What measures do you take to ensure the safety and comfort of
clients throughout the entire process?
2. How do you assess and address any potential safety risks that clients
may encounter during the process?
3. What protocols or procedures do you have in place to ensure the
physical safety of clients during the process?
4. How do you ensure that clients feel comfortable and supported
emotionally throughout the process?
5. steps do you take to create a safe and welcoming environment for
clients during their interaction with you?

Activity 18:
Instructions: Read the following scenario and answer the questions based on
the given information.

You are providing a gel nail extension service to a client. As you begin applying
the gel, the client mentions feeling a slight burning sensation on their nails.

1. What should be your immediate response to the client's concern?

a). Assure the client that the burning sensation is normal and continue
with the service.
b). Discontinue the gel application and assess the client's nails for any
signs of irritation or allergies.
c). Ignore the client's concern and proceed with the gel application as
d). Apply a numbing cream to the client's nails to alleviate the burning

2. If the client's nails show signs of redness or inflammation, what should

you do next?
a) Suggest applying a different gel product to reduce the irritation.
b) Advise the client to consult a healthcare professional if the
symptoms persist.
c) Continue with the gel application, as the irritation will likely subside
on its own.
d) Apply a soothing lotion to the client's nails and continue with the
1.10. Apply first aid Activity 19:
in case of Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your knowledge of
accidental cuts and applying first aid in case of accidental cuts and wounds during nail care. Choose
wounds. the most appropriate answer for each question.

1. What should be your immediate response when a client experiences

an accidental cut or wound during a nail care procedure?
a) Ignore the injury and continue with the procedure.
b) Assess the severity of the injury and take appropriate action.
c) Apply a bandage immediately without assessing the injury.
d) Ask the client to leave and seek medical help on their own.

2. Why is it important to assess the severity of an accidental cut or

wound before administering first aid?
a) To determine if the client is liable for the injury.
b) To provide proper documentation for legal purposes.
c) To identify the appropriate course of action for treatment.
d) To avoid providing any first aid and let a medical professional
handle it.

3. Which of the following steps should be taken if the bleeding from a

cut or wound is severe?
a) Rinse the wound with cold water.
b) Apply direct pressure using a clean cloth or sterile gauze.
c) Use a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.
d) Apply alcohol or antiseptic directly to the wound.

4. What should you do if the cut or wound appears to be infected?

a) Clean the wound with soap and water and cover it with a
b) Apply an antibiotic ointment to the wound and cover it with a
c) Ignore the infection and let it heal on its own.
d) Apply alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the wound to disinfect it.

5. How should you handle a situation where a client experiences an

allergic reaction to a topical antiseptic applied on their cut or wound?
a) Apply more antiseptic to counteract the reaction.
b) Call emergency medical services immediately.
Ignore the reaction and continue with the nail care
d) Advise the client to take an over-the-counter antihistamine.

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the immediate steps you should take if a client experiences
an accidental cut or wound during a nail care procedure?
2. How would you assess the severity of the cut or wound before
providing first aid?
3. What supplies or materials should you have readily available to
administer first aid for cuts and wounds during nail care?
4. How would you control bleeding from a cut or wound during a nail
care procedure?
5. What steps should you follow to clean and disinfect a cut or wound
before applying first aid?

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