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Ministry of Education

Kandahar Shah Hussain Hotak Af-

Turk Marif School
Department of Biology
8th class

3rd part

Teacher; Mohibullah Mohabbat

Date; 2022,9,24
In this Domain consists of organisms with eukaryotes cells (cell which has
nuclear membrane around the nucleus).

Plants & animals are also in this Domain.

This domain has four kingdoms

1. Protists

2. Fungi

3. Plants

4. Animals

1. Protists

• Most are unicellular but some are simple multicellular

• Some of them form clusters life (colonies)

• They live in fresh water, ponds, streams, sea & soil.

• Some of them are parasites.

)Research Methodology
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• Some like Euglena & algae are Autotrophs (get food as plants)

• Some like amoeba, paramecium & mold are heterotrophs (get food as

• Reproduce sexually and asexually.

• Many protists are motile by flagella like Euglena & some by cilia like

2. Fungi
Mushrooms, molds & yeast are all in the kingdom of Fungi.
1. Cellular structure
Fungi are eukaryotes and multicellular.
2. Animal/plant confusion
Fungi are similar with algae (plants)
But also different by no really root, stem, flower.
3. Nutrition
They absorb the food from soil and don’t have photosynthesis.
They are also saprophytes(decomposer) & pathogens (cause disease).
4. Reproduction
Sexually & asexually, also contain spores to reproduce.
5. Habitat
On roots of trees, inside mammal’s, moisten places. 5
3. Plants

Plants are multicellular with chloroplast, which produce organic material

via photosynthesis and cell wall made of cellulose around cell membrane.
Cell wall storage polysaccharides (starch).
Plants are three groups;
1. Nonvascular seedless
2. Vascular seedless
3. Vascular plants

1. Nonvascular seedless plants

Bryophytes which live in terrestrial deserts. Stems and roots are not fully
developed for water taking, they survive in very humid environment.
They have root like Rhizoid for water taking, a leaf & stem.
They live in humid environment, tree bark, waterfronts, on soil, rocks.
Reproduce sexually & asexually.

2. Vascular seedless
Ferns which have vascular bundles and simple root, leave & stem are in this
They live in humid and temperate places.
Subsoil stems are Rhizome.
Reproduction is sexually and asexually with spore.
They are 300 million years old and have role in formation of coal.

3. Vascular plants

These plants reproduce flower & seed, also contain real roots, leaves and
stems. Reproduction is sexually and asexually.
After fertilization start to form a structure with embryo & food.
Ovule form seed, seed develops and matures in ovarium with the fruit.

Differences btw Vascular & Nonvascular plants

Vascular plants Nonvascular plants

Have vascular tissues (xylem & No vascular tissues
Capable of regulation water Lack mechanism against
concentration dessication
True leaves, stems, roots No true leaves, root and stems
More diverse Less diverse
Inhabit diverse habitat Habitats are damp, swampy
Ferns, angiosperms, gymnosperms Mosses, liverworts, hornworts

Structure of a seed

All seeds contain three major parts;

1. Seed coat
Surrounds and protect the seed from outside impacts, also swells with
water and than explode during germination.

2. Embryo
It is formed by the division and multiplication of zygote.
Embryo has root, stem and prophyll.

3. Endosperm
A food storage connected to embryo and supplies food for embryo.
Some like bean & chickpea don’t have it, but get food from cotyledon. 12
Groups of vascular seeded plants

There is two kinds of seeded plants; Angiosperm & Gymnosperm.

1. Gymnosperm
These plants are with naked seed, which can not produce fruit & real ovule.
Some are in the form of trees, some are bushy & some like small trees.
Flowers are gonochoristic (male cone separate from female cone).
Seed produced when pollination & fertilization develops on female flake

2. Angiosperm

The largest group in plants & More developed than gymnosperms, usually
in the form of grassy, woody, bushy. The ovarium has ovula & ovariums,
which developed into fruit.
A flower contains stalk, sepals, petal, pistil & stamens.

Groups of Angiosperm

There is two kinds of Angiosperms; Monocotyledon & Dicotyledons

Thanks from your attention!

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