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Tle BPP10-Q3-M5

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TLE – BPP 10

Quarter 3
Module 5

Writer: Marites M. Salvedia

Validators: Katherine G. Guevarra and
Gina C. Bunda
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

A. identify the frostings and its functions; and

B. familiarize the different classifications of frostings.


Directions: Read and understand the statement. Encircle the best answer .

1. Which of the following mixture below is a thick, fluffy, pipeable and flavorful
substance usually used to coat the outside part of the cake?
A. Icing C. Frosting
B. Filling D. Topping

2. Which of the following statements below is NOT TRUE?

A. Seven-minute frosting is the traditionally cooked icing and it's made by

warming sugar, water, and corn syrup to a bubble.
B. Frosting is a sweet, regularly rich coating made of sugar with liquid for
example, water or milk, that is frequently improved with fixings like
butter, egg whites, cream cheddar, or flavorings.
C. Frosting is the adding between layers of cake, thus giving the cake flavor
additional height.
D. Frosting additionally includes intrigue and gives a smooth surface to
designing on.
3.This is the most widely recognized kind of frosting and it's made by joining a
sort of fat however not generally spread with sugar. What frosting
is this?
A. Buttercream frosting C. Glaze
B. Ganache D. Royal frosting

4. Which of the following ingredients below is used in preparing Whipped

cream frostings?
A. Eggs C. Chocolate syrup
B. Heavy whipped cream D. All-purpose cream

5. What Buttercream frosting is considered the most extravagant but then it's
additionally, incredibly light in surface?
A. Meringue Buttercream C. Pastry cream Buttercream
B. French Buttercream D. Simple Buttercream

Before we proceed to our next lesson, let’s have a recap on our previous lesson
regarding on basic Sponge cake.
Directions: Encircle the correct word/words inside the parenthesis.

1. The surface of the custard should be covered with (plastic wrap,

parchment paper, doily) to prevent a film from forming while it is
2. A filling using whipped cream provides a (light, stiff, foamy) fluffy filling
with a delicate flavor.
3.Whipped creams are sometimes stabilized by adding (gelatin, fruits, corn)
to make them hold up better.
4. Cakes with fruit filling can be stored at room temperature for up to
(4 days, 1 week,1 month) as long as the frosting stored at room
temperature. The filling can be refrigerated if the frosting on the cake.
5. A cake with whipped cream filling should be refrigerated and served
(the same day, the next day, after 2 days) that it is made.


What is Frosting?
Frosting is a thick, fluffy, pipeable and flavorful substance usually used to coat the
outside part of the cake. This is a sweet, regularly rich coating made of sugar with a
fluid, for example, water or milk, that is frequently improved with fixings like butter,
egg whites, cream cheddar, or flavorings.

The three main functions of frosting

1.Frosting contributes flavor and richness to the cake. It additionally
includes intrigue and gives a smooth surface to designing on.
2.Frosting improves the cake's appearance. Special occasion cakes become
more festive with frosting and decorations.
3.Frosting improves the keeping the characteristics of the cake by framing a
defensive covering around it, fixing in dampness and flavor and permitting it to be
eaten over a few days.


Buttercream is the most widely recognized kind of frosting and it's made by joining
a sort of fat—generally, however not generally spread—with sugar. Buttercream some
of the time utilizes eggs to give a smooth and breezy consistency and the
opportunities for including flavor and shading are almost interminable.
Types of Buttercream Frosting
a. Simple Buttercream this one is basically a blend of fat (for example margarine)
and confectioners sugar (otherwise known as powdered sugar). Discretionary
fixings incorporate eggs (either entire eggs, simply the yolks or simply the
whites), milk, creamer or nonfat milk solids. Note that cream cheddar icing is
only straightforward buttercream which uses cream cheddar rather than butter
as the fat.
b. Decorator Buttercream Since butter will in general dissolve at room
temperature (or possibly become exceptionally delicate), buttercream frosting isn't
ideal for delivering the brightening blossoms and curlicues you see on extravagant
wedding cakes.
This needs gentility, it compensates for in soundness, making it ideal for creating
those brightening thrives. Tragically, it needs flavor, so it's normal for a modest
quantity of butter to be incorporated.
c. Meringue Buttercream also called Swiss or Italian meringue buttercream, this
variety is made by beating a hot syrup of sugar and water into a fundamental egg
white froth, at that point whipping mollified spread into the subsequent meringue to
make the icing. Warming the meringue gives it additional solidness, which implies
this icing is incredibly light and vaporous.
d. French Butter cream This is most likely the most extravagant buttercream but
then it's additionally incredibly light in surface. It's made by including bubbling
syrup into beaten egg yolks and afterward stirring into a frothy consistency, to which
modified is then butter included and beaten some more until light and rich.
e. Pastry- cream Buttercream Otherwise called German buttercream, this variety
is made by joining baked good cream (which is a custard with some kind of included
starch, for example, flour or cornstarch) with spread, and potentially extra
confectioner's sugar.
Buttercream flowers Cake Wedding Cake Buttercream Frosting

Cooked frosting is an old fashioned frosting.
Types of Cooked Frostings
a.Seven minute frosting is the traditionally cooked icing and it's made by warming
sugar, water, and corn syrup to a bubble, at that point emptying this bubbling syrup
into a bowl of solid pinnacle meringue with the blender going. The stunt is including
the hot fluid gradually, focusing on the side of the bowl instead of legitimately into
the meringue.
b.Stiff peak meringue Adding the hot liquid gradually, focusing on the side of the
bowl instead of legitimately into the meringue.

Boiled Icing (Italian Meringue)

Whipped cream frostings consist of whipped cream, powdered sugar, and
flavorings—what could be less difficult? As with buttercream, the cornstarch in the
powdered sugar balances out the icing. It's conceivable to overbeat this kind of icing,
which can make it turn grainy, so beat just until firm pinnacles show up. Cakes,
cupcakes, shortcakes, and treats with this sort of icing must be refrigerated.

Rosette Piping decoration Cake

Royal frosting is a hard, fragile icing utilized for embellishing cakes and treats. You
can make it without any preparation, utilizing powdered sugar, egg whites, and fluid,
yet numerous dough punchers incline toward utilizing meringue powder, which is
accessible at pastry kitchen flexibly stores and even some supermarkets. The
meringue powder is joined with a fluid, at that point typically colored with food

Royal Icing Piped White Wedding Cake

Ganache is just chocolate liquefied with substantial cream. This frosting makes a
wonderful glossy covering on cakes and treats. Here's a simple pastry stunt to pull
off with natively constructed ganache: If you chill and beat the ganache until it's
feathery and firm, at that point structure the blend into balls, you'll end up with
truffles. You can likewise chill and beat a ganache and utilize the feathery outcome
to rapidly ice a layer cake.

Strawberry Cake with Chocolate Ganache Frosting

Glazes are the easiest frostings. Powdered sugar is joined with a fluid to shape a
slender consistency. Glaze are typically poured or showered over the highest points
of cakes and treats. This structures a sparkly hard covering when the coating sets.
Softened chocolate can be utilized as a coating all alone.

Chocolate Guiness Cake with Glaze


Activity no. 1
Directions: Classify the frostings under Buttercream and Cooked frostings

Buttercream Frosting Cooked Frosting

1. 1.
2. 2.

Activity no. 2: RECOGNIZE ME

Directions: Identify what is being described by the following sentences. Write your
answers on the space provided.
____________ 1. The easiest frostings wherein powdered sugar is mixed with a liquid
to shape a slender consistency.
____________ 2. A chocolate frosting which makes a wonderful glossy covering on
cakes and treats.
____________ 3. This is prepared by using powdered sugar, egg whites, and liquid,
yet numerous dough punchers incline toward utilizing meringue powder, which is
accessible at pastry kitchen flexibly stores and even some supermarkets.
____________ 4. This uses eggs to give a smooth and breezy consistency and the
opportunities for including flavor and shading are almost interminable.
____________ 5.This frostings is prepared using whipped cream, powdered sugar,
and flavorings.


Directions: Complete the sentence.

Upon reading this module, I have learned that


What values have your learned in our lesson for today? Share it below.


Directions. Choose the correct answer.

1. Frosting contributes flavor and richness to the cake. This statement is:
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. None of the above

2. The easiest frostings typically poured or showered over the highest points of
cakes and treats.
A. Glaze C. Chocolate Frosting
B. Ganache D. Cream frosting

3. A hard, fragile icing utilized for embellishing cakes and treats.

A. Glaze C. Royal frosting
B. Ganache D. Whipped Cream frosting

4. It's conceivable to overbeat this kind of icing, which can make it turn grainy,
so beat just until firm pinnacles show up.
A. Glaze C. Royal frosting
B. Ganache D. Whipped Cream frosting

5. A thick, fluffy, pipeable and flavorful substance usually used to coat the
outside part of the cake.
A. Creaming C. Icing
B. Frosting D. Glazing
1. A; 2. B; 3. C; 4. D; 5. B
Buttercream Frosting
1 Simple Buttercream
ACTIVITY NO.2 2. Decorator Buttercream
1.Glaze 3 Meringue Buttercream
2.Ganache 4 French Butter cream
3.Royal Frostings 5. Pastry- cream
4.Buttercream frostings
5.Whipped cream frostings Cooked Frosting
1.Seven minute frosting
2.Stiff peak meringue
1. Parchment 2.C
paper 3.A
2. light 4.B
4. 4 days
5. the same day
Basbas, Leonora D. Bread and Pastry Production Volume I First Edition, REX Book
Store, Inc. (RBSI), 2016. Sampaloc, Manila
Basbas Leonora D. Bread and Pastry Production Second Edition, REX Book Store,
Inc. (RBSI), 2016. Sampaloc, Manila


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