b1 Big Picture Book
b1 Big Picture Book
b1 Big Picture Book
The Picture ■
[]) Richmond
■ ■
Senes ed1tors.
.. •
The BIG Picture ■
[]] Richmond
SPEAKING • Present simple & present • Languages & 0 Being bilingual • Final •S
THE SAME continuous countries • An article about the SETI
LANGUAGE • Questions • Free tirre O An Earth Speaks message
page4 • Commu,ication
BACK TO • Past simple • Geography 0 Three newspaper articles • Past simple endings
NATURE • Past continuous • Animals O An interview with a wildlife
page 14 • Past simple & past photographer
continuous • Encounters with animals
ICONS • Relative clauses • Landmarks 0 Will t he real Taj Mahal please • a&on
page24 • Articles: atan, the, • Cultural icons stand up?
no article • A blog post
• The legend of Bob Marley
O Describing a photo
• Three opinions
• Discussíng fictional characters
page 34 REVIEW A, UNITS 1 -3 page 37 BRING IT TOGETHER 1, 2 & 3
AGES AND • Present perfect • life stages 0 Act your agel • Auxiliary verbs
CHANGES • Present perlect & past • Activities • Young achievers
page38 simple • Home fife O A video appeal
• Present perlect with for & • A repon about a lost property
since office in Paris
• Comparatives & superlatives
-- -
6 HELP! • Modal verbs: can/can't, • Jobs & services 0 The homeless world cup • Word stress
page 58 should/shouldn't • Adjective suffixes • lntroduction to a web article
• Predictions: wi/1, may, might •ful & -/ess • An information leallet
• Senses O Discussing a film
• Health problems • Discussing problems and giving
• Four conversations
7 SWITCHEO ON • The -,ng form & ro + • Science & resea,ch O An anicle about bra,n tr~1n1ng • Three and four·
pagel) infini11ve • Make & do • The perfe<t city? syllable words
• Countable & uncountable • Cities O Three op,nions
nouns. some & any • Technology
• Quantlfiers
9 MAKING ENOS • 1/ + past simple • Money verbs O An ar11cle about a freeconomist • would
MEET • So&such • Money nouns • An art,cle about the Lavigueur family
poge91 • Some-/ony-/no· + • Get•rich-qu,ck adverts
-one/ body/-thing O Four opin,ons
• What happened next?
11 NICE TO MEET • Reported speech: soy • Making friends O Howwemet • Stress to change
YOU • Reported speech: tell • Ad¡ectives to • Tips about arguing meaning
page 116 describe personallty • Staying single?
• Relationships O A radio phone-in
• An argument
• Talking about relationships
1 ,.0
A Languages & countries
• Match the tanguage to the country/countries.
One country has two languages.
Arabic Australia -
Portuguese Japan
Spanish Kenya
Swahili Peru ¡~
b Match the words in bold with definitions 1- 5 3 the language you spoke as a child OR the language
you speak at home
5 a Work in groups. Discuss the questions. OR ·-
What is your first language? Do you have a second 4 thc languagc of govcrnment and business in the
language? Do you speak any other languages? country where you live, which is not the same as
What are the official languages in your country? Are your language
any other languages popular? Are peopte bilingual?
Which languages would you like to learn? Why? 5 a language which is spoken in a different country
Which language would you not like to learn? Why?
Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
READING 2 a Read the article Being bilingual. Match the people to the photos.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photos. b Read the article again. Complete the sentences with the correct
Discuss the questions. name: Marcela, Robert, Wotoro or Brad.
Which countries do you think the photos 1 . Robert lives in a country where french is an important language
show? 2 is working as a teacher at the moment.
Which languages do the people speak there? 3 goes to school five days a week.
Can you think of three countries which have 4 lives and works in two dilferent countries.
more than one official language? 5 uses french when he/she is teaching.
6 is learning a new language.
7 regularly travels to a dilferent part of the same country.
What's it like to be fluenr ín nvo or more /anguages? We inrervíewed four bilingual people to find out.
Mercele: 'IliveinTijuana in Mex.ico.butlwork Wotoro: 'Thereareover6ola11guagesinKenya
in San Diego in che USA five days a week. l and there are rwo officia l languages. so it's
speak English and Spanish well and I'm taking common for people to speak at least chree
weekly Japanese classes ar che moment. different languages - their mocher congue and
Somerimes I don't know how ro say whac I want English and Swahili. 1speak Gikuyu with my
to say in English, so I say ir in Spanish. Luckily, family, English on Monday to Friday mornings
mosr people I know speak borh languages.' when 1go to school, and Swahili or Gikuyu
Robert: 'I livein Belgiumand IspeakFlemish wlum 1 lrny things at the marke1. r think in ali
(which is like Dutch) and French. l live in three languages. Right now, l'm thinking in
Flanders and aJmost everyone here speaks English because l'm speaking Englisll.'
Dutch and French. A lotof people also speak Bred: 'J'm American, but I work ata French
English, like me - l'm speaking English now! 1 immersion school. l'm teaching beginner's
visir che French-speaking part of Belgium every French ar the moment. 1started to learn French
month because my grandmocher lives there. when I was four anda half and then I majored
A lot of people che re don't know Flemish or in French atcollege and lived in France for
English.' a few years. Sorne people think rhat being
bilingual makes you smaner. 1don't know if
chat's true, bur it's fun to know two languages.'
4 a Write true sentences about you.
1 live / with my family
2 study / a foreign language / at the moment
3 take / a summer holíday / every year
4 like / ltalian food
5 work / at the moment
b Find one person in the class who wrote the same
as you fer each of 1-5.
1 Look at the sentences in REAOING 2b again. Underline Right now, /'m studying English.
the verbs. Which are a) in the present simple? b) in the
present continuous?
we often use these time expressions with the present simple:
2 a Look at the GRAMMAR PANEL . Complete 1-3 with usual/y. often, eve,y day, eve,y night
a- e. We often use these time expressions with the present
a general truths or situations continuous: at the moment, (righl) now, these days
b regular habits/routines Se. pag, 10 fo ,rammar referenct and mort praccio
e things that are happening right now
b Find ene more exampte of each of the uses 1- 3 in
the sentences in REAOING 2b. Write the examptes in
Use ,;ght now to talk about things happening
at the t ime of speaking. l'm reading this right now.
3 Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs.
Explain your choice. PRONUNCIATION: fi nal -s
1 ◄>))1.2 Listen to four people talking about learning
Hi Misha. a language. Which skill does each speaker think is
most important?
How are you? f'm really busy this term. 1<•>scudy /
·m studying Arabic. lt's really 1nteresting, but at listening reading speaking writing
means l'm quite busyl 1<2>90 / 'm gomg to class
every day lor three hours. We <11 work / 're workmg
on the alphabet at the moment. l love the Afabic
2 a ◄>))1.3 Listen to the verbs. How do we pronounce -s?
Match 1 - 3 to a-e.
script, it's so beautilul, but at's really dilficult too!
1 <•>spend / am spending three hours every night 1 /s/ 2 /z/ 3 /iz/
practising my handwriting. ft's like being at primary
school again! a writes b practises uses e reads
speaks watche5 notices listens
<s>Do you do/ Are you doing that online course at the
moment? We really must meet up soon for a chat. b Add the verbs to 1-3.
Me and Toni usually ' 61meet / are meeting tor colfee
every morning at about 10 o'ciod<. Do you want to changes helps leves makes needs
join us? Tomorrow maybe? plays puts teaches thinks wants
Text mel Corinne
3 ◄>))1.4 Listen and check.
1 a Match photos a-d to situatíons 1-4.
l interviewing someone for a job
2 going on a first date
3 talking to a good friend
4 meetíng someone for the first time
2 a ◄1))1.s Listen and match conversations e-h to í' 1 a Read the questions from the conversations in
r SPEAI.ING ?. Can you remember the answers?
the situations.
1 When do you play squash?
b Listen again. Tick the things peopie talk about 2 Who do you play with? e·
in conversations e-h. 3 Why do you want to work here?
4 How many languages do you speak? "
e f g h S Are you a sludent?
6 What kind of mus,c do you like? v
Name X \ 7 Do you like going to concerts? f
Age ~
,._ 8 How often do you go? 1
Nationality §>
h ◄.J) s Listen ;again .and check.
languages you speak
\ r..::C ~
\ h: '-1 • ~ 2 Which two questions in 1 have the answer 'yes' or 'no'?
Recent events
3 a Undecline six question words and expressions
Skills and experience (e.g. When) in ,.
-l. .t b Complete 1-6 in the l>KAMMAR PANEL
People you both know
j- ...,_."(i -<-'.,;- ~
Family '
1-_ '-- 4 a Circle the main verbs and the auxiliary verbs
~ '-1 · , (Oo/Does) in ,.
~KtlL_ 5'+$'1{ ~ ~
'1 //' ~ b1 l. t f f (. ~
;¡ o~,
01 t J' ¡-- b Choose the correct option for 7 and 8 in the
\- U. "") - C.I 1~ • PA ■.
, e,.,' r<).)-'v)
' ' {, ✓
J - vJ ~J. 1 ,.2
• \;_)~A\
Q, .¡ S IONS
fypes of questions
• Yes/No questions
We answer the questions with 'yes· or 'no·.
Are you a studentl (Yes. I am./No, l 'm notJ
Do you work here? (Yes, 1do. /No, I don'tJ
2 a Complete the activities. use a dictionary to help you.
• Question words/expressions (Wh· questions)
1 l rstening to mus i e
We form other questions with question words or
expressions. 2 going t the gy,
3 s rfing the int . net
wtme (places).
4 pi ying f tb _11
Cl) w (people)
5 having friends r nd
Cll w (kind of) (things)
6 eating ut at rest r lS
<3l W. (time) 7 going clu ing
<4>w (reason) 8 r ding the n sp er
o (frequPncy) 9 sho ing in town
Are we alone? Th,s Is the quest,on human be1ngs asked when we first reahsed that there are other planets in our
solar system. SETI is the name of the organisat,on IhaI looks for evidence of lite in the universe. SETI projects
use scient1f1c methods to search for signals from be,ngs on other planets
SCTI began ,n 1900. The SETI metliod~ dl1<.i t,4ui¡.,11,.,111 a·., 1111pro11íng all the time. SETI researchers say that as
the methods get better the chances of finding extra-terrestrial life also get better
SETI uses radio telescopes 10 try to find signals from other planets. The brggest project is the Allen Telescope
Array which has 42 radio telescopes near San Francisco. Cahforn,a.
Today there are 15.000 members of SETI m 60 countnes on all seven cont,nents of the world and there are SETI
projects in the USA, Australia and I taly.
SETI doesn't send signals ,nto space; ,t only listens to fird out if there are other l,fe forms. The organisa11on that
sends messages mto space is METI ('Messaging to Extra-Terrestnal lntelhgence·).
Many scientists don't think it is a good idea 10 send messages 10 other planets, because they think it is
dangerous to tell other planets about the location of Eanh. Sending messages 10 other planets is also very slowl
The Natíonal Space Agency ,n Ukraine sent a message to the planet Gliese 581 ,n October 2008 and they won't
rece,ve th,s message un!II 2029.
4 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
Do you think SETI or METI is a good idea? Why/Why not?
Do you think lhere is lite on other planets? Why/Why not?
Do you know about any theories or research into lite on other planets?
Would you like to talk to beings trom other planets? What v.ould you ask the
VOCABULARY: communication
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the
eU;,,,. )_. ) .. ) . . . ·. . . . .. . .
.. .,...,. . . ...,, .
. . r;-, ..
1 The organisation that messages into space 3 SETI to fmd out if there are other lite forms.
is called METI.
4 The planet Gliese 581 won't the message
2 Sorne scientists think it is dangerous to until 2029.
other planets about Earth,
• practise exercises onllne
_ [ \e
1 work in groups. Look at the photos. What are the 4 Complete 8 in the KEY VOCABUlARY PANEL • Listen
people doing? again. Which point of the compass does each speaker
2 Use the phrases in A in the KEY VOCA8ULARY PANEL
to describe the photos. Use a dictionary to help you. 5 a Work in groups. Can you remember who said
these sentences?
3 a ◄>))2.1 Listen to tour people describing a place. ·1t·s a reaJly peaceful place.·
Match each speaker to one of the photos.
2 '/r's 1·cryfrlemlly.'
Roxanne D Sunee D 3 'This place 1s unlque - there's nowhere quite like it.'
Juan D Mohammed D 4 'It's noisy and dirtyl'
b Listen again and complete the sentences with words b Read transcript 2.1 on page 162. Underline other
from A. adjectives to describe places. Which adjectives describe
1 Roxanne's favourite place is a Chinese your hometown?
2 Juan goes to the _ most weekends.
3 Sunee lives on the _,, .... of Phuket In Thailand. 6 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
She often goes to the to meet friends. Which of the places in the photos do you like the most?
4 Mohammed thinks that the .... can be Why?
dangerous, but it's very beautiful. especially in the Whal is your favourite outdoor place? Why do you
like it?
A Outdoor places
•ar fr'lm everywhere In a fleld in a forest
,na r lorest m the country m the desert
in the mount.ims near the se,1 on ,in 1sland
nn ti tanli.s of a nver on the beach on thc coast
Match the places on !he map to the phrases in the box.
(There are more phrases than places).
-·...... . . .
• Where is your hometown? use the words above to
describe exactly where you live.
1íive ,n a sma11 rown m t ,,. 11 son rne coasr, nea, 1ne caprtal.
1 work in pairs. Look at the photos and newspaper headlines.
What do you think is similar about these three stories?
El ............................................... Id'
Boy vs W 1 •
b ~iif'
• z·
.. _..-
. . _.,
--c..- ;-. .
.,., · . . . /: , ,
~ - _-,'-\.- ' '
~,~~ ~- ·;..
,[,,~~·- " .. , '
:" ~
' .
2 a Read newspaper articles 1-3 and match them to headlines a-e in 1 . Rescue
b Read the sentences. Are they true or false? Correct the false sentences.
1 Christopher used his mobile phone to call far help.
Christopher was walking somewhere cold.
Grayson did not have anything to eat.
111 2009, nine-year-old Grayson Wynne
4 Grayson was wearing something bright. spent 18 hours alone in a forest in
5 Rory thinks that TV can sometimes be useful. eastem Utah. USA. He survived - thanks
6 Rory was lost far more time than Christopher and Grayson.
to TV advemurer Bear Grylls.
Grayson and his family wcre on a
, . . A few years ago. Rory and Chiara Maddocks and Rachel Hodson lost camping holiday. On Saturday, Grayson
their way in a rainforest in central Malaysia. They didn't have any food wem for a walk by hi msel f. He put some
or drink, and they were úred and sea red. The forest was beautiful, bue it food in his rucksack bcforc he left. But
was dangerous, with many wild animals and rainy weather. he didn' t take a map!
How did the three friends survive?They followed tips from Ray Mears's Grayson was a big fan of Bear Grylls's
Extreme Survival programme on TV. They walked to a river until they books and TV shows. and he knew what
saw the sea. They swam and they tried to find help. Lucl<ily, sorne boys to do. Bear said lhat ir was importan! co
on a boat rescued them. After two nights in !he forest, they were safe. help people to find you, so Grayson left
When he gor home, Rory said he wanted to watch more Extreme Survival. pieces of his yellow jacket on paths and
'You never know when you might need it!' in rrees. Rcscucrs found Grayson a fter
they noticed che yellow material.
lnfinitive Past simple lnfinitíve Past simple
What <6>he / do on his first show? two syllables? Listen and check.
On Man vs Wild, Bear <1>sJeep outside in 2 a ◄>))2. 3 Listen to both the infinitive and the past simple
many wild places. He Cs>not stay in warm forms. For which three verbs do we pronounce the -ed
ending asan extra syllable /id/ ? Listen again and repeat.
He <9>no1 take any food with him. On the b Complete the rule.
show, he <• 0
>eat many strange things, like
snakes and sheep's eyes!
When the lnfinitive form of the verb ends in a I I or I I
sound, the -ed ending is pronounced asan extra syllable /id/.
3 a Read the sentences. Which past simple endings are
5 a Think about the last time you visited the countryside. pronounced as an extra syllable?
Make questions. Then note your answers. 1 we went camping last weekend. lt rained and rained.
1 When / go What / weather Iike 1 hated it!
2 Where / go What / place like 2 1visited my grandparents last Sunday. We sat in the
3 What / do anything interesting happen garden and talked about the weather.
3 We went on a long walk. we started at nine and we
b Work in pairs. Discuss with a partner. didn't get back until hall past six!
1 Work in pairs. Look at the
photos. Oiscuss the questions.
Where were the photographers
when they took the photos?
How often do you take photos?
Do you use a camera or
your mobile phone? Which do
you prefer?
:i Read the sentences. Which photos (a-d) is Steve
talking about?
1 My girlfriend and I were travelli ng lhrough Bolivia.
2 1was w orking in Africa.
- 2.3
RAM MAR 4 a Work in pairs. Look at the p ictures. Write a short story about
what happened.
a Complete the sentences with the correct
endings in the box.
Conversation 1
1 While we were talking about what to do,
Conversation 2
3 we were driving through a safari park when
We often use línkers líke and, then and so with the C4) past continuous /
post sim¡,le to introduce the second action. ·
So we put rhe 1ent up quick/y, then we went to bed.
Set> page 1,n for ~rammar reference and mor, pract1, e
,','"'"~-;::- - -
1 a Look at the photos. Where are the people? What is 3 a Match extracts l-9 from the conversations to people
the connection with the title of the lesson? a-e.
a airline worker b hotel receptionist e hotel guest
1 Is breakfast included?
2 Here's a free pass to our business lounge.
3 Can I check in, please?
4 l 'm afraid there's a delay to your flight.
5 l'm pleased to tell you, you have a suite!
6 l'm afraid there's an extra cost for internet. Here are the
7 How many bags do you want to check in?
8 Do you have your booking reference number?
9 Can I have your passports, please?
b Match the words to the situations in the photos. 4 listen again and check.
Sorne words go with both situations.
b Listen again. Mark the statements true (T) or false b Act out the second situation (at a hotel reception).
(F). Correct the false statements. Student A, turn to page 158. Student B, turn to page 160.
Conversation 1
1 The passenger is late for his flight.
2 The airline worker asks him three questions.
3 They don't know how long the delay is.
Conversation 2
1 The couple have booked the room for two nights.
2 The room price doesn't include breakfast.
3 The receptionist has given the guests a better room.
Work in pairs. look at the
photos on a travel w ebsite. Discuss
the questions.
1 Where did the woman go on HOLIDAY REVIEW
2 What did she do on holiday? ---= -- , El
' 1
When we booked our holiday, my husband
and I were really exc,ted. We are both quite
_ _'º'""º --· .-
3 oo you think she enjoyed it? Why?
adventurous people, so trekking on che island
Quickly read the holiday review -~ ..._.
1-:::......,_---. of Borneo seemed like our dream holiday.
and check your answers to 1.
~ -....... -~ ..:;:::;:- •
9 a Compare your reviews in groups.
b What are the two most interesting things about each story?
1 a Work in groups. Look at the photos. 3 Work in pairs. Complete A and B in the KEY VOCABULARY
Do you re<ognise the landmarks? Where are HL . What are the most famous landmarks in your country?
they? Do you know why and when they were buift?
b ~ >))3.1 Listen to two radio presenters 4 .. ◄i))3. 2 Listen to short extracts t rom aud io guldes ror tourlsts at
talking about the landmarks. Check your two of these landmarks. Wh ich tandmarks are they descri bing?
answers to a and answer the questions.
1 What are the Seven Wonders of the Modern b Listen again and complete the extracts.
World? 1 ft is almost metres talf - one of the taffest scufptures
2 When was the list announced? ever made of the Christ figure.
3 Whlch photo is not one of the seven? Why? 2 A engineer, Heitor da Silva Costa, drew up the deslgns
for the statue.
2 '-' work in groups. Discuss the questions. 3 11 took the sculptor Paul Landowski years to
• Have you ever vis,ted any of the fandmarks> buifd it.
lf yes. when? What was your impression? 4 lt was designed by a team of focal archit ects in the traditional style
lf no. which one would you most like to visit? of architecture of the time.
Why? s lt took years to complete.
1 3.0
A Types of landmarks
• Match words from the box to the photos.
Which don't match any of the photos?
e Word families
What it is Person who does it
bu ilding builder
5 Work in pairs. Do you know anything else about 7 a Work in groups. Think of a landmark in your country.
these t wo landmarks or any of the others in the photos? Write a short description for a tourist audio guide. Use the
Share your information with the class. KEY VOCABULARY PANEL and include information about
where it is.
15 Use the words in bold in 4b to complete c in the KEv what it looks like.
VOCA8ULARY PANEL when and why it was built.
anything else you know about it.
1 Work in pairs. Look at
photos a-i of the Taj Mahal.
Which is the original building?
What are the others? Describe them
to your partner. D a Read the article again. Correct the false sentences.
1 There is no connection between the Mona Lisa and
2 Look at the title of the article. What do you think it the Taj Mahal.
will say about the Taj Mahal? 2 Westerners see the building as being very familiar.
There are so many imitations that there's no reason to 3 The Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City is an exact copy of
see the real thing. the original building.
There are so many imitations that you have to see the 4 Many Chinese restaurants in the world are called
real thing. the Taj Mahal.
We cannot tell the difference between real things and 5 You can't get much Taj Mahal merchandising.
imitations any more. 6 You realise that the real Taj Mahal is different as soon as
you see it.
3 Read the article and check your answer to 2.
Underline the parts of the article that refer to photos b After reading the article, are you more or less
a-i and match them to the photos. interested in visiti ng the Taj Mahal? Why/Why not?
in the Wi ndow of che World theme seeing theTaj Mahal, but very few Thar's wby, at the momenl when
park. Then there is Dona Id Trump's Bangladesh is can make the tripas you're standing in front of ic. you
luxuryTaj Mahal casino in Aclantic ir's too expensive. can'r believe it is real. And chis is
Ciry that uses the original building why you have rosee the original,
for exotic inspirarion. But the But it's notjust the building itself. in lhe place where it truly stands
building which has caused most There are lors of lndian curry in Agra. India. As Rushdie said, the
conrroversy is an exacc copy made restaurants which are called che beauty ofbeautiful chings can still
in Bangladesh. lndian authorities Taj Mahal and use itas their logo. transcend imirations... And theTaj
are angry with Ahsanullah Moni, Children can build Lego models Mahal is a lovely thing, perhaps the
a millionaire film maker. who of it. you can getT-shirts and buy loveliest of things.
P EL<\ V (. Al J<;ES
b Check your answers in the article. 2 a ◄>»3.4 Listen and check you r answers.
ldentify the peop!e in the photo.
What do the second hal f of the sentences (a-c) add
to the fi rst half (1-3)? Complete 1-4 in the GRAMMA > b Listen again and complete the sentences.
. .
1 Work in groups. Look at icons a- k and answer
the questions.
1 What do these icons mean and where do you see them?
2 Can you think of other icons we use and recognise in
different parts of the world? 3 a Read the blog post again. Are the sentences true or
2 Read the blog post. Which icon is it discussing? 1 The writer likes sorne icons used in technology.
2 The last new cornputers to use floppy disks were in 2002.
3 Children know what a floppy disk is.
4 The writer wants a new icon for 'save·.
"" There are lots of icons used in technology that b Do you agree with the blog post? Why/Why not?
¡¡::; are clever and creative. l like the house icon on
z: 4 a Look at the new icons for 'save'. Which do you like best?
the internet to representa 'homepage·. lt looks
Why? Can you think of any others? Draw your own version.
just like the houses that children draw! 1 like the
bin, too - that's the place where you pur the b Compare with other groups. Who has the best one?
things you don't want. lt's a very clear icon. The
symbols and the icons that Messenger, Twitter GRAMMAR
and Facebook use are also fine because they' re
1 a Work in pairs. Cover the text in REA0I NG 2. Complete
attractive and everyone recognises them. But
the sentences with the words in the box.
there is one icon which just doesn't work these
days: the floppy disk icon for 'save'. bin chlidren floppy disks
,con (x2) internet technology
Computers don't use floppy disks anymor<>. ThP.y
stopped using them in 2002! Young people don't
1 There are lots of icons used in that are ciever
know what they are. 1 think théy should designa and creative.
new icon. There must be an ,con out there that's 2 1 like the house icon on the to represen! a
more modern. Here are sorne ideas I carne up 'hornepage'.
with. What do you think? Which do you like best? 3 lt looks just like the houses that drawl
4 1 like the . , too - that's the place where you
Or do you have a better idea?
put things you don't want.
s Computers don't use anyrnore.
6 1 think they should design a new
• 7 There must be an out there that's more rnodern .
a Underline ali the examples of atan and the in the PRONUNCIATION: the & a
;entences in 1a. Which nouns do they refer to? Can you
~nd six nouns that don't have an article? 1 a Complete the phrases with a oran.
unusual icon new icon
o Complete 1-6 in the GRAMMAR PANEL with interesting ícon international gesture
e.xamples from 1 a. confusing gesture universal gesture
Asian icon European gesture
'l.ead the reply to the blog post. Complete it with atan,
·Me or no article. b ◄>))3.s Listen and check.
1 agree wlth you. <1> icon for 'save' is 2 Look at the phrases in 1 a again. Complete the rules
ridiculous. 1have (l) 12•year-old child and 1 using a oran.
asked her if she knew what it was. ShP. sai<I it was
1 We use befare a consonant sound.
• 3> . blue squarel lf we want to use l 4l
icons, not (s) . words, then we must use 2 We use befare a vowel sound.
<61 icons that everyone recognises. Sorne words that start with a vowel are pronounced with
a semi-vowel sound. e.g. / j/: universal, university, European
3 We use . befare a word that starts with / j /.
Work in pairs. Talk about an icon or logo that you
ike or dislike. Complete the sentences.
, l liketdon't like the icontlogo for... 3 a ◄>))3.6 Complete the sentences with a oran. Listen
2 lcons are a good form of communication because ... to the pronunciation of atan. Is it weak or strong?
3 1think tattoos are interesting icons. The most common 1 l'm only child.
tattoos are ... 2 My brother's university student.
4 Gestures can also be icons. Far example, we have a 3 My eyes are unusual colour.
gesture here which ... 4 1drive European car.
We also use the when thPrP ic. only nnP px;amr,le in our
world ar experience.
the moon, che world, <5>
No article
We can't use atan with uncountable nouns or plural nouns.
lf we want to talk about uncountable or plural nouns in a
general way, we don't use an article.
b ◄>))3.7 Listen and match the speakers to the photos.
There are lots of icons (NOT #!e icons) in te1:hnology (NOT !he
te1:hnofogy) 2 What gestures do you use to indicate these ideas?
how tall someone is money
See page 141 for grammar reference and more pract,ce. eating drinking
1don't know what time is it?
cultural ícon A cultural icon can be an image, a logo, picture, name. face, person
or building t.hat people recogoise immediately. lt usually represents an object or
conceptwith great meaning to a large culmral group.
2 ◄>»3.10 Listen to tour people talking about laptop skins. Asking about preferences Expressing preferences
Which one do they prefer? • What's your ? • 1{much)
Jake: Carly: Dave: Sal: • Which is better? • l'd (much) prefer...
• Which do you ? • l'd (much)
3 Listen again. Which of the opinions is not mentioned?
• Would(n't) it be • 1 like best {of aJ
1 Nature scenes are not interesting.
to... ? • 1like better thar>
2 A laptop skin needs to say something about the owner.
3 Laptop skins help to keep a laptop clean.
4 A laptop skin is better if it's not in fashion.
5 A laptop skin should show your interests.
' l ntonation: adding emphasis ' '
6 lt's better to have your own design.
. .J))l,11 Listen and underline the word which adds
7 Laptop skins are not necessary at all.
emphasis in these sentences.
1 l'd rather have something modern.
2 l'd much rather have something modem.
4 Listen again and complete the sentences. 3 l'd prefer a piece of art.
a l'd much prefer a piece of art.
1 Which is your , Jake?
2 Personally, 1 the enes that Practise saying the sentences with the same emphasis.
show beautiful scenery.
3 1 have one that says something
about me and who I am. 6 work in groups. Whicll laptop skm would you preter?
4 1 something more classic, like Why?
a piece of art.
5 1 to have something that shows ÜVER TO YOU
one of my hobbies or interests.
6 Wouldn't to have a custom 7 Turn to pages 158-159. Imagine you want to choose
design? a template for a blog about your English class. Which of
the five templates would you prefer? Discuss with your
We use personal/y to emphasise that what you design • colours • style • use of images
are saying is your personal opinion.
Personal/y, I prefer laptops to desktop computers. 8 Compare your choice with other groups and choose one
for the whole class.
,... I N
~ Eden& Lithgow
a Read the article about design ing a good logo.
Do the logos in 1 have these features? Complete
the table with a tick (✓) or a cross()().
be serious. a company narne. Complete the table about your
- z± .I company.
2 3 4 Product or service
Close Up Photography Values of the company
Circumference Travel Logo
Eden & Lithgow
5 Design a logo to represent the company. Use 2a
Happy Days Nursery to help you.
Creature Comforts
Hayes & Co
6 Present your logo to the class. Explain about
b (.f Compare in groups. Did you agree on all your company using the table in 4 .
of the logos?
7 Listen to the presentations. Does the logo follow
3 Which logo did you like best and why? Do you think the tour points in 2a? What do you think about the
you could improve any of the logos? company? Which logo and company is your favourite?
Checking understanding
b Listen again and compare your answers. 1 Complete the questions using the words in the box.
Work in pa,rs. Are the sentences true for
your partner? Take turns to ask and answer
ography questions.
omplete the words. D•d you \HltCh o TV 11ature
Not f from means 'near'. docum1m1a,y last nlght'
AI a place wlt~ lots nf trees.
A place on the e 1s near the sea. Yes, J saw o programme about w1ldlife ,n
.t The c of Spaln is Madrid. Afnca. lt 11-as real/y 1nterestln9 1
n the e mear>s the ldle·.
Great Britam, lctland and Cuba are all i
Past cont1nuouc; & past simple
use two of the wnrds in to describe two dlfferent places
Complete the sentences with the correct
your country.
form of the verbs.
b Describe your favourite part of the country to your partner. 1 Whilehe (swim). he
Why do you like it? (Stt) a croe ,c1 le.
2 we (cook) dinner on a fire
when they (ftnd) us.
3 1l (not rom• ,n the fo•est
a Name animals 1 ·8. whenwe (arrive).
4 1 (walk) along the path
(stand) on a 'lake!
...... / whenl
(you / eal) wh1le you
S Whal
(wail) for the rescue team?
11 3
c.... -1·'--, ·-
1 a Complete the conversations.
1 How ,., 111) bag• do you want to
- 6 7 8
B Just these two, please.
b Label each pair of animals a-d using the categories in the box. B Yes. here it is_ GB4S8Q.
Can you name any more animals in each category?
3 A l'm afraid breakfast isn·t mcluded.
There's an extra of S10
zoo an1mals wold ammals a Oh. tlu.t ·s a sh.ame.
common pets common farm ammals
b ◄!))R2 Listen
4 IS there a particular animal which is important/significant b you? and check.
11 yes, why is it importan!?
2 work in pairs.
G RAMMAR Look at the pict ure
and act out the
Past simple conversation.
1 a Complete the sentences with the correct form of
t he verbs.
1 1 (wo1c'1) a TV nalure documentary last night. LOOKING BACK
2 1 ldnl sometl -,g to t,. tp the envoronmenr
• Wh1ch story In th1s un , v,~ yvv • nd the most
3 1 (not be) interested In nature when I was young. interesting? Why?
4 r,,. ' vrsil) t~ country, ,de last rar • How many Irregular past tenses can you remember?
5 (hove) a pet when was a chold
• Thmk of three lnteresting thmgs that happened to you
6 (not trove/) anywhere on hollday lasl summer. recenrly. Can you describe what happened? ~ - ~----
Landmarks Relative clauses
1 a Name as many different types of landmarks 1 a Choose five items from this unit. Write a definition for each ítem
as you can. using who, which or that.
b Do you agree with the text? What kind of mobile phone cover do
you have? What do you think it says about you?
◄>)) R4 Listen to three people lntroducing 4 a Read the description of a good listener. Do you think the
themselves on English Chat, an online chatroom. fnglish Chat moderator was a good listener? Why/Why not?
Complete their profiles.
When someone is speaking, a good listener:
• asks questions if he/she doesn't understand something.
• asks questions to find out more information.
• sounds interested.
• Is always polite.
Name: Xian
Country: ll)
Languages: <>J b '-" Work in pair~. Can you think of one more idea to add
Started leamlng Engllsh to the (ist?
(when? ): ll) _1.t,., \t · v
••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• . •••••••••• ,J ·•••••
Name: Natasha
Country: l4l f?J_,,:,Jv-,":" , 5 a Work in pairs. Take turns to be Student A and Student B.
Languages: (Sl .r.<J,-.,.,, ,,i,, Student A, you are a new member of English Chat. Introduce
Started leam)ng Engllsh )ourself to the group. Say tour things about yourself.
(when?): <6> 1 1 , <· <;r9 Student B, you are the chatroom moderator. Welcome Student A
to the chatroom, and remember to be a 'good listener'.
Name: Tati
Country: <7J f.;':_:t....
?_<~ b What was the most interesting thing you learnt about your
Languages: (8)1:.,. •~-r _~ _._\'A"-- 1 partner?
Started learnlng Engllsh "11 "'·"ó
(when?): (9) QUICK CHECK
Complete the checklist below.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photos. How old are 4 a Work in pairs. Order the words in A in the KEY
the people in each photo? What are they celebrating? VOCABULARY PANEL from the youngest to the oldest,
What age, more or less, does each category cover?
2 a ◄JJJ4.1 Listen and check. Match extracts 1- 3 to baby - O to 2 years
photos a-c.
b Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
b What one thing do all three celebrations have Do you know someone in each age category? How do
in common? you know them? Do you spend a lot of time together?
What do you usually do together?
3 Work in groups. Discuss the q uestions.
Do you think it's possible to say which is the 'best time'
How do young people in your country celebrate their of your life? Why/Why not?
'coming of age''
What was the last birthday party you went to? Whose
birthday was it? How and where did you celebrate it?
How many weddings have you been to? Do you like
weddings? Why/Why not?
Life stages
A Ages
adult baby child middle•aged person
pens,oner teenager you ng adult
youn¡¡est oldest
e Stages
• be born
• learn to walk and talk
• become independent
• come of age
• fall in leve
• finish school
• get a job
• get divorced
• get married
• go to school fer the first time
• go to university
• have children
• leave home
• learn to drive a car
• retire
• vote
• die
5 a Work in pairs. Look at B in the Kev VOCA BULARV
PANEL • Which age/ages do you associate with each
We can use get with nouns to talk about something
stage? Can you think of other stages to add to the list? which somebody gives to you, or something you
obtain: He gota job. She gota new car.
b Work in small groups. Discuss the questions. We can use gel with adjectives to mean become.
They got married. They got divorced. NOT ~ -
How many of the stages have you done?
How cid were you when you did them?
What. if possible, do you remember about them?
S PE A K IN G & VOCABULARY: activities
1 "f work in pairs. Look at photos a-f. What are the people
doing? Is there anything unusual about them?
1 Work in pairs. Think about your own country.
Which hobbies are usually more popular with
young people? old people? young and old people?
4 work in pairs. What hobbies are popular with yoJ and your friends and skateboardin
family? Do you know anyone who has an unusual hobby? What do they do?
1 4 .1
1 a Complete the sentences using the words in the box. Which part of
the art icle do they come from, Ela' s or Marco's?
b Look at the verbs in bold in t he sentences above. Which are descr ibing
1 an action that 'lappened in the past. but we don't know exactly when?
2 a situation or feeling that started in the past and continues in the present?
4 a Write Have you ever... ? questions about the hobbies in the photos,
and other hobbies. Have you ever been skateboarding?
home m1ssmg poople camp01gns
1 -P Work in pairs. Look at the webpage
and answer the questions.
Message From Mum - Ceri Padarn for Alun
1 Who are you going to hear?
2 Who is this person going to talk about?
3 What is Missing People?
1 a UnderJine the verbs in the sentences. Are they present perfect o r
past simple?
- 4.2
b Listen again. How long has each object been in the
PRL .f \1 r -iFfC:T "' AS T . . l ,..
lost property office?
We can use both the present perfect and the past simple 1 : since last Sunday.
to talk about things that happened in the past. 2 : for almost ayear.
3 : since last May.
When we use the <•lp9,5_t5./!!)ple fprf!J_entper[ect we don't say
4 : for about ñve weeks.
exaclly when something happened. This is not lmportant.
1'\te seen him. NOT , ..,, ,een him .fflr -.tek:. 3 Discuss in pairs. How do you think these things got
Tltey'w found him. lost?
When we use the <2 >past ~im_ple / present pe,fe<;.t we often
use a past time expression, e.g. 1wo days ago, last week. GRAMMAR (2 )
1saw him six months ago.
They found him yesterday. 1 Look at how the words fo, and sinee are used in
U;TENING 2b. Choose the correct option for 1 and 2 in the
We often use the <lllJ,!lSt simple/ present tJ!rfect to add extra GRAMMAR PANEL below.
details about a specific past event.
Where dld they find him? They found him at lhe crain statíon. 2 Look at the time expressions in the box. Which can you
St p1.1ge ,,1. for qrommor reftrerr nd mor, o 1rr,c use with
7 for? 2 since?
1 Quickly read the article. Who are libby, Rosemeri and Ciro? Write summary sentences
like the one below. Change the bold words.
Libby is a 13-year·old Australian girl who is a teenage carer.
1 Find the expressions in the article and write the missing we use comparative adjectives to compare and contras!
verbs. two things.
1 jobs around the home we use superlative adjectives to compare and contrast
2 the breakfast something with all the other items in a group.
3 ·-·······-· the shopping
4 alter children/other people Adjective Comparative Superlative
5 the housework
One syllable old ~lde_r . .. e,¡
6 the bilis
7 the gardening Two syllabtes
ending in ·Y easy easiest
2 ◄>))4.6 Listen to Nico talking about the things he does TWo or more ,~-d-iffi_c_u_
lt-<~(-3-l - -- ~ - -- - -
at home. What does he often, sometimes and never do?
~~~ . 1 ~)
3 a ' - ' Do you help at home? What do you do? Irregular good (sJ besl
How often do you do it? Tell your partner.
We citen use than with comparative adjectives.
b Who helps the most/least? l'm much [aster than him.
We usually use the or a possessive adjective (my. his. etc.)
G RAMMAR b~fore a superlative adjective.
l'm the youngest child. She's my bestfriend.
Which of the people in the article agrees with the
statements? Do you agree? s,e paqe 1H for grammar reference ond mort practice
1 Working is more difficult than studying.
2 Lile is easier without kids.
3 The oldest chi ld in a family usually has the most difficult SPEAKING
time. 1 a Make notes comparing your family members. Use the
4 Younger workers are better than older workers.
words in the box or your own ideas.
2 Complete 1-5 in the GRAMMAR PANEL
annoying childish lazy fr iendly
3 a Complete the questions about family and home lite. funny intelligent helpful noisy
1 Do you have any (cid) or (young) brothers and sisters?
How old are they?
My slster's the laziest. She's lazler than my brothersl
2 Who is the (good) and the (bad) person for doing b Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about
housework in your family? What do they do? your family members.
3 What is the (busy) time in your house? Why is it busy?
Who's the laziest person in your family? Why?
4 Is your family (big) or (small) than Libby's? Is it (easy)
to live in a big ora small family? 2 Tell the rest of the class about the families in your
5 Who do you think has the (interesting) job in your group. Whose family would you most like to live in?
family? What do they do? Why?
b Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
Are your families very similar or very different? Share
you r answers with the class.
We use an object after te//, but we don't use an object
after say.
He had something to say.
He had somethlng to tell us.
2 ◄>))4.7Listen to three conversations and answer 4 Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
the questions. 1 What other questions do people often ask when they're
1 How do the people know each other? catching up?
2 How long ago did they last see each other? 2 How do people usually answer these questions?
Read three emails sent through a networking website called 3 Read the emails again. Find three ways of
J nk Up. How do the people know María? 1 beginning an email
2 ending an email
2 Why do people use websites like Link Up? Have you ever used
a website like this? Why/ Why not?
1 Work in pairs. look at the photos. What does each photo show>
3 look al the expressions highlighted in lmlJ in the article. Can you guess what they mean?
1 a ◄))Js.3 listen to three people talking about their university 2 Complete the statements wlth the w11t,1;
studies. Match the people to three of the photos. name, llaria, Raushan or lee.
1 lives in a country where hors~
b Listen again. Choose the correct answer, a or b, for each speaker. are importanL
1 llaria chose her course because 2 likes police dramas.
a 1t w1II be easy to get a job w1th this degree. 3 ·s parents don't approve of his/
b the subject looked interesting in TV shows. choice.
2 Raushan's very interested in learning more about
a health. Read transcript 5.3 on page 164 and checl
b psychology. your answers.
3 lee chose his subject because
a he already knows a lot about it. 3 Do you think sorne degree subjects are mor--
b his parents Ih1nk ,rs a good idea. useful than others? Which ones? Why?
Look at the sentences. Who is speaking, liaría or Lee?
Present continuous
' l'm taking my final exam nexl month.
We use the present continuous 10 talk abou1
2 l'm working really hard for this exam.
3 l'm starting the course next year. 1 the present (whal we are doing now or around now):
4 l 'm getting excited about it already. l'm workíng reafly hard for this exam.
b Which sentences refer to a) the future? b) the
present? Under¡jne the future time expressions. Then 2 plans and arrangements for the future {wilh a fixed time
complete 1 and 2 in the l ~ or date).
f'm starting the course next year.
., Write the vPrh~ in brackets in the present continuous. (2)
Use the affirmative or negative to make the sentences
true for you. Which sentences refer to the future? Going to
1 1 (work) really hard at the moment. We also use going to to talk aboul fu1ure plans and
2 (go) shopping after class. inlentions.
3 (stay) in tomorrow night. There 1s very little difference between the present
4 (cook) dinner for friends at lhe weekend. continuous and going to for future plans and arrangements.
What are you studying next year? OR What are you goina to
b Compare your sentences with a partner. Then write
study next year?
two more about
f'm starting a degrtt ,n September. OR
a things you're doing al the moment. (3)
b plans you have for the near future.
we often use the present continuous for fixed (diary)
"' Read transcript 5.3 on page 164. What other verb arrangements & going to for more general plans or
form is used to describe future plans? intent,ons:
f'm starting French ctasses next Tuesday.
b Complete 3 in the GRAMMAR I NE l'm going to study French one day.
4 a Look at the questions. Which can you rewrite using Set' page 'i4 f r grarrmar refermce and more pmc·ce
going to?
1 Are you studying for an exam at the moment?
2 Whal are you doing next weekend? NOTICE GONNA
3 How are you getting home tonight? In very informal wriling, e.g. in emails to friends, texl
4 Are you reading a book al the moment? lf yes, are you messages and online chats, we often wrile gonna inslead
enjoying it? of going to.
Gonna study after c/ass today. S~ak tomorrow!
b Ask and answer the questions in pairs. We're gonna miss you! Hove a good trip.
11's also common to see gonna in song lyrics and
SPEAKING advertising slogans.
Neve, gonna give you up...
1 Work in small groups. You are going to design
lt's gorma be big!
a new university course. Follow the instructions.
1 Think of a subjecl that isn'I offered al universities in your
2 Decide why il might be useful or interesting. (Is it gcing
to help sludents get a job? Is it retated to youth culture?
Is il related to new technologies?)
3 Decide what kind of information and skills lhe course is
going to cover and how long il's going to last.
b ◄>)Js.4 Listen. Underline the best option. How do ,he 3 Read the article again. Find and correct the false
speakers feel? Who likes/doesn't like school? sentences.
1 ester thinks Anselmo is an annoying stu<IPnt
2 Look at the pairs of adjectives in 1. Which ones describe 2 Students with low marks can't go to the school
l how somebody feels? 3 Ester thlnks that the most important thing students learn
lam ... is that life can be difficult.
2 something that makes a person feel a certain way? 4 Students don' t pay any money to the school
My lessons are... 5 Anselmo didn't enjoy his job.
6 Anselmo wants to work in the circus.
3 Write sentences with the correct adjectives.
4 Would you like to go to this school? Why/Why not?
annoyed / annoying fascinated / fascinaung
pleased / pleas,ng ured / tirmg
't""" 5.2
e.:i.AMMA R 3 a Read the i nforrnation and cho ose the correct option.
Sometirnes both options are correct.
a Read the sentences. Are they true for Anselmo's
Ali the students have to work hard.
2 They don't have to study Languages and Maths.
3 They mustn't be late for class. Scudents (1)must / have IO wear a uniform. They can't
4 They must always be polite to their teachers.
even choose their own socksl
b Check your answers in the article in READING 1. Boys t>>musrn'c Jdon't have ro grow their hair longer
chan their ears. They can only have short hair. Girls
a Look at the sentences in la again. Which talk about
<3>mustn't / don't have ro llave short hair. They can
a rulces the students always need to follow?
have it long or shon.
b things it isn't necessary for the students to do?
Students <4>musr / mustn't be on time. Late scudents
b l ook at the verbs in bold in 1 a. Use thern to complete can't go into dass.
1-4 in the GRAMMAR PANEL
Students <s>musr / musm'r have jobs. Teachers think
that students who work are too ti red to study.
Students <6>mustn't / don't have rostay in every night,
but if they want to go out, they <1>must / have ro ask
their teacher - even ar che weekend!
1 Work in groups. Imagine you are going to write t he
rules for your English class next week. Discuss your ideas.
Students don't have to do any exams. Great ideal
l s -3
- RONUN C IATION : stress in two-syllable words
◄>»s.6 Work in pairs. Complete the table with words from the audio guide. Listen and check.
children enjoy goodbye guitar language lucky ffltfs-iE people prefer stories
•• ••
2 a Is the word stress more often on the first or the second syllable?
b Can you think of two more words for each category?
All activíties are free, and everyone is welcome! 3 1 sometimes get quite bored
4 My best friend and I are both interested
5 1 always gel excited
6 When I was young, 1was bad
We often use the modal forms can,
could and wou/d in polite questions
and requests.
Can/Could I have sorne more, please?
/'d like sorne more, p/ease.
cou/d and would are more formal
than can.
, , lnt onation:
sounding polite ' '
◄~JS.9 listen and write three
requests. You will hear each request
Listen again. For each request, decide
which speaker sounds more polite,
a or b.
1 Look at the photo. What do you notice about it? Do the polite requests have rising
Do you have a café at your school, university or (J Jor falling ('1,) intonation?
workplace? Is it similar or different to t his?
Work In pa1rs. Practise 1he polite
2 ◄>))s.s Listen to five conversations. Which students conversations in the transcript on
were polite? page 164.
4 Are these expressions from the conversations polite (P)
or impolite (I)?
1 1 want a hamburger.
2 l'd like sorne curry, please.
3 Give me that, too.
4 What would you like?
5 Can I have the lasagne, ptease?
6 Please could I have sorne curry?
7 What can I get you?
8 1'11 have sorne chips.
b Complete t he t able with the polite replies. 7 For each photo, th ink of a question or request someone
might ask in t his situation.
Positive ( +) ..... ' --
8 Write a short conversation for each photo. Use polite
Negative (- )
questions and replies.
Ful/ programme 01 ajter-class activitles
3 Class size?
4 Activities?
5 Now that you have more
5 Price? inform ation about the schools,
which course would you choose?
b What questions did the student ask? Complete the second column with Is there a favourite course in the
the questions. Check your answers in t he transcri pt on page 164. class?
1 a Work in pairs. What's the connection between 3 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
the photos and the title of the unit? What do you think Which person in the photos do you think was most
is the problem in each photo? grateful for the help? Why?
Do you know anyone who does voluntary work
b look at A in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL for a charity or works for the emergencv services?
Which words in the box can you see in the photos? What do they do?
Which words don't match with any of the photos? Wnich When was the last time you helped someone with
refer to people and which to services? Use a dictionary a problem? What was the problem? How did you
to help you. help them?
2 a ◄>))6.1 Listen to three people talking about three 4 Look at B in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL
of the situations in the photos. Match the situation Complete the table. Use a dictionary to help you.
to the photo.
A Jobs & services
end endless
gratitud e grateful
home (3)
-ful means that there's a lot of the quality.
hope/u/ - with a lot of hope
-less means that there's nothing of that quality.
homeless - without a home
Not ali root words can take both suffixes.
S a Complete the sentences with adjectives from B.
Sometimes there is more than one adjective.
1 I'm when it comes to repairing cars. 1really NOTICE THE & A/AN + ADJECTIVE
don' t know anything about engines. we can use the + adjective to talk about a group
2 1can t>e very sometlmes. l'm always of people in general terms.
dropping or breaking things! the young, the elderly, the home/ess
3 l'm very to my parents and my family for ali But you cannot use a/an + adjective.
they've done forme. ~ ' aR e/eer./y, a l!ome/ess
4 1feel really sorry for people. lt musL be very With a/an + adjective you need a noun.
scary not having a roof over your head. a young woman, an e/derly man, a homeless person
s The list of things I have Lo do today is
1don't think 1'11 be able Lo do them ali!
6 1find exercises like this very
l " '-1 Work in groups. look at
the photos and read the headline.
What do you think the article is
1 People playing football in a
competition to make money to
give to homeless people.
2 Homeless people from all over
the world watching a football
3 Homeless people playing football
in a tournament.
1 6.1 .
We use can or can't to talk about
1 ability
( +) / can speak three /anguages.
(-) (1)
2 possibility
(+) (2)
l 6.2
;i Answer the questions.
1 Which sentences show the speaker is sure
about the prediction? USE
2 Which show the speaker is talking about a we use wi/1, mayor might + inñnitive (without to) to make predictions
possibility? aboul the future.
3 What is the negative form of may and mighl? We use<•> when we are sure.
we use <2l or C3l when we are not completely sure.
b Complete 1-4 in the GRAMMAR PAN El
3 a Write predictions about your future with the + subject + wi/1/might/may + verb: I might lose myJob.
prompts and wil//won't and may/might (not). - subject + <4> /might not/may not + verb: He may not come
travel / all over the world tonight
2 pass / my exams NOTE:
3 get / my dream job We never say or write may notas a contraction. We sometimes say
4 make / lots more friends mightn't but it isn't very common.
5 be / rich or famous We also use I think or I don't think in predictions with will.
1don't think he w/11 do wett, NOT I tlliRk lle mm't do we/1.
b Write two more predictions about yourselt.
, pap, 1, ., or grom nar referen, and "'!Or p,a ti,
Have you got what it
takes to be a lite coa ch? 1 Look at the illustration and read the
introduction to the web article. Do you know
lf you ore o triendly, active person anything about this type of career? What do
who wonts to help people, lite you think it involves?
cooching might be the right
coreer for you. 2 Read the article. Match questions 1-3 to
• paragraphs a-e.
1 What does a life coach do?
2 How can I become a life coach?
D Life cooches ore troined professionols who 3 What is a lile coach?
help their clients with o problem in their lite.
They will help people improve their lives in 3 Read the questions in 2 again. Answer each
question in your own words.
specific woys.
- L - - ~•- - - -
1 work in pai rs. Look at the photos. what is wrong 1 a ◄>))6.9 Work in pairs. Listen to the conversations.
with the people? Match the statements to the photos. Where are the people?
Hurt and ache are verbs (my stomach aches/hurts),
but ache is also a noun (/ have a stomachache.
N OT I have a stomach hlffl).
Read the first part of the information leaflet. 2 Read the second part of the information leaflet.
Label the four parts of the face in bold. Complete the chart.
what is happening inside your body. ,
i 8 problerns with cheeks • illness
1 '-' Work in pairs. Look at the photos. What is
the situation? Why is it stressful?
3 Listen again and complete the ph rases.
1 Why go home and go to bed?
2 You call the emergency number.
3 What Ido?
4 Why speak to your teacher?
S Do I should talk to my boss?
6 What calling your fríend?
7 You call a doctor.
4 Work ín groups. Discuss whether you agree with the advice they gave.
5 Complete this table of ways to ask for and give advíce. use the phrases in 3 to help you.
8 Take turns to ask for advice and to give advice for each photo.
Read the email from a teacher to a funding 4 "-' Work i n pairs. Read about the different organisations.
agency (an organisation that gives money). Imagine you work for a funding agency that wants to donate
What is the teacher asking for? sorne money. Which one would you give money to and why?
How much money would you give?
To: request@edufund .co.uk
from: bmarshall@WestleaCS.edu
7 Tell the others in the class which organisation you chose
to give money to and why.
-+ Go to Reslew B, Unit G, p. 70 67
VOCABULARY b Work in pairs. Do you know any
Lite stages places which have changed? Tell your partner
about them.
1 Write the name of a person you know who
• got a new job this year. • was born before 1970. Present perfect with for & since
• has got married. • has gone to university.
2 Complete t he sentences with your own ideas.
2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Add one more sentence about yourself with
• How do you know the people in 1? (e.g. friend. aunt. grandmother) for or since.
• How old are they? • How often do you see them? • 1 have lived in this town since
3 a complete the table with the activities. • 1 have had this hairstyle since
computer games crafls fishing football karate 1kateboard1ng • 1 haven't been to the cinema for
do go play
comparatives & superlatives
3 Write six sentences about people in your
family. Use comparatives and superlatives.
b "-P Work in pairs. Which ones a) do you do? b) do your friends do? 1 old 4 young 7 interesting
2 difficult 5 busy 8 good at cooking
Home life 3 easy 6 small
young - The youngest person in my /ami/y is
4 a Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Faustina. She's only two!
7 My mum never does / makes the housework.
2 1prefer to bring / do the shopping online.
3 1often look after / for my sister's children. FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE
4 1make / do dinner for the family every night. Catching up
5 We usually pay / spend our bilis online.
1 a Complete the sentences with the words in
b Work in pairs. Are the sentences true for you? What is the the box.
back going missed see soon tell
1 We must meet up again
Present perfect & past simple 2 l 've got lots to __ -~·· . you.
3 lt's great to you again.
1 a Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs.
4 Welcome
s l've ... , you.
e,> you ever . (read) 6 How's it ?
any o! the 7lvilight books by Stephenie ~leyer?
b ◄)J)Rs Listen and check. Then choose
<2>___ you ever (see) any o! the films?
une of the sentences and continue the
Stcphenie Meyer <3J (wroie) her
first novel about a girl, Bella, who meels her vanipire
boyíriend in lhe 10,vn oí Forks. USA.
lt <•> (became) a best-selling novel
in 2005. Since that time, tite town o! f'orks LOOKING BACK
<s> (cha11ge) completely. • How many people live In your home? Can you
In 2009, over 8.000 people <6> describe them using language from this unit?
(visit) the town. In the same year. many new • Are you similar to your family? compare
shops and restuarants <7l yourself to a member of your family.
(open). Since Twitighc, sales in the town centre • Have you ever had an experience similar to
<8> (grow} by nearly 1,000%! a person In this unit? What happened?
HOW did you feel?
cation & learning Present continuous & going to
as many words as you can to the word 1 a Fill in the diary with your plans for the weekend.
high school
~ ,
r-----professional diploma
, <l(ICTl'"/11
) ncmn~
- , Take turns to describe three words from
. Can you guess which words your partner is
b Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your plans. Use the
present continuous and going to.
2 + 2.' 'Is it Maths?'
srudy of plants and animals.' 'Is it Biology?' Must & have to
-Pd/-ing adjectives 2 a Complete the sentences w ith must, mustn't, have to
or don't have to so that they're t rue for your country.
Choose the correct words. Complete the 1 AII children go to school.
sentences w ith your ideas. 2 Most school students wear a uniform.
1 is a really fascinated / fascinating 3 5tudents stay at school until they're 16.
subject. 4 University students study for three years.
2 1felt p/eased / pleasing when 5 Prirrary school students study English.
3 One of the most interested / interesting things
l've done ís b Work in groups. Discuss the sentences. Do you agree w ith
4 1usually feel tired / tiring when the statements?
5 1think my is confused / confusing
Sounding polite
Adjectives + prepositions
1 Write the requests more politely.
Match adjectives 1-6 to prepositíons a- f.
1 Tell me your address.
1 bored a about 2 Lene me your pen.
2 different b at
3 Help me with my homework.
3 excited e from
4 Tell me the answers to the exercises on this page.
4 good d in 5 Come for a coffee with me.
5 interested e with
6 similar f to 2 ◄)).}R6 Listen and compare your answers. Then act out
the conversations with your partner.
5 a Choose four adjectives + prepositions from
4. Use them ín four different sentences about
people or things connected with school.
MI! Green is different from my other teachel!.
Her le.ssons are real/y funny! • What was your last Engllsh lesson like? What was the most
interesting thing you learnt?
b '-PWork in pairs. Compare your • Wha! must you do tonight? What else are you going to do?
sentences. Explain why these things or • Do you have to go to school or work tomorrow?
people are important to you. What are you going to do there?
VOCABULARY Modal verbs: wi/1, may, might
Help 2 a Change the sentences using the words in the box so
that the sentences express your personal opinion.
1 a Complete the jobs and services.
l ambulance 1don't think I th ink may might not
2 charity
3 emergency l In the future we will live on the moon.
4 police 2 There will be more homeless people in the world.
5 help 3 There will be a cure for all illnesses.
6 fire 4 Rich countries will cause more harm to the environment.
b Which do you think is the most important? Why? b Work in groups. Discuss your opinions.
2 a Work in pairs. How many root words can you think of 3 a Work in groups. Write five predictions about the
that take the suffix a) -ful? b) -tess? future for each topic.
1 medicine 4 health
b Join another pair. Compare your answers. How many
words do you have in total?
2 the environment s education
3 work
From: Helio! l'd llke sorne adv1ce l've 901 a really 1mportant Engllsh exam next month. My friends
Tadzio89 seem quite relaxed about it, but l'm terrified. l'm having nightmares about it! Any ideas?
..p Work in pairs. Discuss how you usually feel about tests and exams.
Read the replies. Who talks about
, the month befare the exam? 2 the night befnrP thP exam? 3 the day of the exam?
From: Try revising with friends. You can test eachother. practise your speaking-and have a bit ol fun, too! But don't do this
erikhaakon the night befote the exam. You'II get too stres.sed!
From: Oon't panic! You·ve got lots of time. You should write a study plan for the month befare the exam. Give details. Don't
Easy_ just wnte 'English - ali week' - that's scary! Write 'tt,e present perfect. Friday, 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.' You'II be amazed
going_Alix how much you can learn m the time!
From: Nightma1es? That's bad. Start looking at your notes now, and read them regularly. 1use highlighter pens to colour the
Positive most important information - it helps me to remember ii. 1 always use an orange highfighter pen
thmker 1read that orange is the best colour for thínk1ng!
From: Oon't do lots of revision in the evemng befare your exam. You should go to bed early,
From: lt's really important to stay calm in the exam. 11 you a1en't sure about a question. don't panic! Give your best answer or
m¡m556 just guess. And make sure you answer ali of the ques1ions. lt's atways better to write something than to wnte nothing.
1 talk about your past experiences? o ►
1 7.0
5 Read transcript 7.1 on page 165. Underline examples of changes a choice food
make and do and t he nouns that follow. Complete B in progress work your best
6 a Complet e the gaps in the questions w ith make or do.
1 Have you . any changes in your life recently?
2 Have you a lot of work since last week? do -+
3 Did you .. any studying last night?
4 Do you think you are . ... . ... progress in your English?
S What kind of activities do you most enjoy ................ in NOTICE MAKE/00
class? Make is often connected w ith communication.
make a comment/a decision/an excuse/a point
b ~ Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Do is often used with everyday activities.
When your answer is yes, give more details. do tite/sorne cleaning/driving/gardening/shopping/
7 Share your discoveries about your partner with the
Most of us would like to be more intelligent and have better memories, wouldn't we?
<•> a lt seems that we can! Sdentists now believe we can 'exercise'
our brains just like our bodies, to help them be at their best.
Sorne computer game designers have invented
special brain tTaining games. These games have
become popular with people of ali ages - not just
teenagers. lottie, 88, is a big fan. 'Until ayear ago, 1
couldn't even imagine using a games console. (,)
t lfke playing these games, and t love getting the highest
score.' Lottie lives in a home for people aged 65 and over. El
The manager of the home agreed to buy the games for
the residents because she believed they would be good for them.
•<3> Residents stay healthy and they have fun, too. lt's perfect!'
1 7.1 .
3 Share your results with the rest of the class. Find three things
you have in common as a class.
The perfect city? How science is helping to improve the places we live in. )
1 Musical stations 3 Glass hospitals 5 Internet everywhere
Many underground stalions play
classical musíc. Scíentists have
Doctors and politicians would
like people to spend less time
Technology is an important part of
life in many cities, but sometimes
found that classical music can in hos1>ital. as il can be very it's hard toread your emails when
make people leel calm. There is expensive. Medica! research you're travelling - especially ií
less crime at stations which play has shown that patients who see there are no internet cafés nearby.
music than al stations which don't sorne sunlight e\•ery daygel beller Taipei was the fi rst city to become
play any music. more quickly. Sorne modern •wireless· in 2006. In a wireless
hospilals now have glass walls. city you can go online anywhere,
2 City sheep an}iime - when you're in the
so that people can use this free
Have you gol any larm animals in ·medicine'. street or the shopping centre.
your city? Maybe you should have! This helps people do business, as
4 Roads without signs
Pollution was a big problem in lhe well as have more fun!
city or Curitiba in Brazil. Toe mayor In some towns. like Bohmte in
6 Robot parking
asked envíronment and geography Germany. there aren't any signs or
experts lor ad\'ÍCe. l'irst, he marks on the roads. Psychologists lt can be difficult to park in city
created a big pedestrian zone in have discovered that this makes centres - there oíten isn't an)'
the city centre, withoul any cars. traffic slow down. and people space! In Japan, engineers have
Nexl. he crealed big urban parks. drive more safely. invented a new type oí car park
Sorne sheep live in the parks and to help with the problem. Special
keep the grass short - and they're machines put cars in boxes on top
much beller lor the planet lhan of each other.
bank bench bus stop car parl< hospital ilbrary rnuseurn park
pavement pedestrian zone shopping centre underground station
1 7.2
R EADJNG & SPEAKING 3 Write tour questions to ask the scientists in the text in
READING 1. Use the question form.
Work in pairs. Read the article. Match paragraphs 1-6
to pictures a- f. Do you ch,nk there wi/1 be any ... in che future?
b Work in pairs. Compare your sentences. Who is Three syllables Four syllables
the most positive about their town?
ººº ººº ºººº ºººº
11 liJ
1 a work in palrs. Look at photos a-f. Name the
1 a Work in pairs. Look at the photos of three people who don't 2 Listen again. Are the sentences true or false?
use technology every day. Complete the sentences with your ideas. Correct the false sentences.
3 goes out a lot.
5 doesn't mind living without technology.
6 is planning to be a scientist.
3 Kerim lives in a place which 3 Compare your answer in pairs and discu:
doesn' t have why the people feel like this.
Fontez hates shopping because he thinks it's borin,
ead the expressions. Are the nouns in bold countable 1 Look at the photo and qu ickly read the advert. Complete
: or uncountable (U)? the name of the charity.
t-low much technology do I use? (U)
~ Iots_9J energy 7 a few people feel sick
a litt!.e money 8 not many places
• ª1ol91 information 9 lots of count ries
too mw hours a day 10 a lot of gadgets
not mu~.!) fun 11 too much t i me
3 a Match 1-5 to a- e.
1 give someone a from the internel
We use these expressions with countable nouns 2 surf b an email
(phones, heaters): 3 switch something c a call
How many?, a /ot of, too many, (,) 4 send someone d on OR off
(2) 5 downtoad something e the internet
We use these expressions with uncountable nouns b Work in groups. Talk about the last time you did
(electrícity, health): these things. The rest of the group asks quest ions w ith
a lot of, a /iltle, <3l (4) Who, What, Why and Whích websites.
We use these expressions with countable OR uncountable
lots of, <s>
Set> pagt f.16 for grammar reference and more prawte.
'jj ¡
- ~.
- ,p Focus ON LANGUAGE
• 4 Read the blog post agai n .
• ¡•
, . 1 Which verbs and expressions does the writer
use to talk about opinions?
. .. e .,
., 1,1
t- . 2 How does the writer ask for other people's
. opinions?
1 ~ Work in groups. Do you use social networking sites on Agree a bit Maybe, but...
the internet? How o ften do yo u use them ? (3)
2 Read the blog post abo ut social networking sites.
1 Is the writer's opinion positive or negative? Dísagree Defmitely not.
2 Why does she think this? <s>
You know how I feel about social networking sites. right? Well, it 6 Do you agree w ith the b logger ? Write your
seems the sc1entísts agree! 1 read an interesting article by Professor own comment for the blog post .
Greenfield today. She believes the sites are bad. even dargerous, for
users. Wtrf? Weli, flrstly, they encourage us to spend lots of time alone.
which Is unhealthy. Secondly, lhey encourage us to do and say childish ' lntonation:
things. 1can't stand reading ali those stupid 'status updates·. Things agreeing and disagreeing ' '
llke: Tm feeling ® tooay· or 'Did you see last nighl's shOw? LOL.' Who . ,¡p.s listen and repeat. Then underline the
cares?! In my opinion, the government should ban ali social networking main stress in these expressions.
siles. What does everyone else thlnk? 1 1complete/y agree with you.
2 No, 1don ·t agree.
3 Absolutely not.
3 a Read the b log po sts. Who is a) for social networking sites? 4 1defmitely agree with that.
b) against th em? c) both for and against them? What kind of words do we stress when we're
a agreeing wlth something?
b disagreeing with something?
Showing first 50 comments I Show ali comments I Go to latest commenl
1 antftech
Absolutely. These siles are a waste of time.
2 katlcmolll<3
Well. it depends. Yes, a few comments are boring. but some 7 a Read transcript 7.5 on page 166. Take
people write about interesting books or ideas - even politics! t urns to read out the blue sentences.
4 a Read the discussion tips. Complete the headings w ith 6 a Work in pairs. Choose one of the issues below.
listener and speaker. a science, health, technology or environment issue
that you find interesting
Agood should: OR
a science issue from this unit (e.g. Are brain training
1 give an introduction to the topic games good for you?)
2 give reasons for their opinions (/ think... because...)
3 ask for other people's opinions (What do you think?) b Make notes about the topic and your opinions.
lnclude useful information and expressions.
Agood should:
4 ask questions to learn more about a topic 7 Find a new partner. Take turns to discuss your
(Wha t about... ?) topics. Be a good listener as well as a good speaker.
s express interest (That's interesting!)
6 agree or disagree with what the other person says REPOR- BACK
8 Write a short summary of your discussion. Use 3a
to help you.
b Can you think of any more useful tips?
5 a Look at the expressions from the conversation you've 9 Compare your summaries in a small group.
What do people agree and disagree about?
Just heard. Match them to 1- 6 in 4a.
Whích topic do people disagree about the most?
Really? Why?
So that's why...
1watched a really interesting video...
What about you?
l'm not sure I agree...
That's terrible.
1 a " " Work in pairs. Look at the photos. What do they show?
2 What is the connection between the photos and the unit tille?
b Look at the sentences. Which photo does each one refer to?
listen again and check.
How did they fake it then?
2 The first time t saw it t thought it was genuine.
3 No matter how carefully I look. t really can't see how they do it.
4 This photo looks authentic to me.
S tt doesn't look very realistic to me!
6 tt was taken before the days of computer-generated images.
7 There must be sorne kind of trick to it!
8 OK. t see. That's really clever. tt had me fooled.
9 A lot of people believed it was real.
■ B.o
True or false?
A Adjectives
• Put the adjectives in the box in the correct
B Verbs
• Match the verbs in the box to the definitions.
look see
1 to notice something using you r eyes
2 to understand something
3 to move your eyes towards something
a Look at the adj ectives in bol d in 3b and complete A so you can see it
in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL 4 10 seem to be something
Which do you think is most appropriate lor the photos on page 82? Why?
Do you have any similar sayings in your language?
Do you know of any other fake photos or magic tricks? Tell the class about them.
1 ~ Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Can you explain what the people are
doing? What are the similarities and differences between the pictures?
2 a Quickly read the webpage. Find out the name of the game and how to play it.
b Read the webpage again. Why is the writer describing the game?
1 To warn people about a street trick.
2 To help people play a game better.
3 To teach people how to make money.
~ ,;- ========== e ~
ave you ever seen this game before? You probably have, beca use the game
H has been around fer about 2,000 years. But you might not know that it is
impossible to win this game. Read on and don't lose money on this trick!
The game requires three shells (or bottle caps, plastic cupsor match boxes) and
a small, soft, round ball. You can play it on almost any flat surface. The person
who controls the game (the operator) puts the ball under one of the shells and
then quickly moves the shells around. Then the operator asks where the ball
is. lf the player guesses correctiy, he/she wins two times his/her money. lf the
player doesn't guess correctly, he/she loses the money.
Beware! lt is not possible for the player to win the game if the operator does not
want h1m/her to.
A clever operator can take a ball from under any shell and put it under another
shell without the player seeing. This means that you cannot win by warching
the movement of the shell or the hands of the operator. The ball will always be
under a different shell from the one you think.
lf the operator thinks a player understands the uick or a person just wants to
watch, the other people at the table (who are working with the operator) try
to move the player away from the table. The shell game (its common name) is
quick and simple to set up. lt is also quick and easy to put away. So if the police
come, the operator simply hides the game in his pockets and walks away.
The shell game is a common game in parts of rhe world where there are a lot
of tourists. Be careful and don't play- you won't win.
3 Read the webpage again. Are the statements true (T) 4 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
or false (F)? Have you played any games like this?
1 The game is modern. Are these types of game popular in your country?
2 lt is played in a place which must be flat. Why do you think games like this are often not legal?
3 The ball always stays under the same shell.
4 lt is possible to win if you watch the ball.
s The operator likes people to watch.
6 The game is easy to move to another place.
' 8.1
a Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 a ~ )¿)s.2 Listen to two tourists talking about the shell
a the operator hides the game. What do they want to do?
lf the player guesses
correctly, game in his pockets. b Listen again. How do they think the game operator
; lf the player doesn't b he/she wins two times
will respond to their requests?
guess correctly, his/her money.
3 lf the police come, c he/she loses the money. 2 Listen again and complete the extracts.
1 Be really . lf he sees you, he'II pack up and go
b Check your answers in the article in REAOING 2.
somewhere else.
a Look at the sentences in 1 a again and answer
2 lf you ask him, he'II probably be with it.
the questions. 3 Do you think he'II IPt mP vidPo him if I don't include his
, Which group of phrases, 1-3 or a- c. describes
4 lf you film him without asking permission. he'II get really
a) a situation? b) the result of the situation?
2 Is the result always the same in each situation'
5 lf he's , he'll let the next player win. That way
3 Underline ali the verbs. What tense are they?
you won't learn the of his trick.
J Find two more sentences in the text in READING 2 which
include if. What is the position of if in each sentence?
b Complete 1 and 2 in the GRAMMAR PANEL
1 a Look at the sentences in LISTENING 2a and answer
Add i/ to the sentences. the questions.
1 The weather's bad, we usually go to a shopping centre. 1 Are the speakers talking about a) a result that is always
2 We have visitors, we always take them on a tour of the true? b) the probable result of a specific situation?
old town. 2 Do they know the result of the situation yet'
3 1usually go to the gym three times a week I have time. b Underline ali the verbs in LlsTENING 2a and complete
4 1 love going to the cinema with friends there's a good 1 and 2 in the GRAMMAR PANEL
film on.
2 Choose the correct form of the verbs to complete the
Complete the sentences so they are true for you. sentences. Then practlse the conversations in pairs.
1 lf I have enough time, 1
2 1 often if the weather is nice. A If it's / it'/1 be a good photo, / post / 1'11 post it on my
3 lf my friends are away, 1usually
4 1don't usually 1have a lot of B lf he sees / he'I/ see it, he's / he'// be angry.
work or have to study for an exam. A He isn't / He won't be angry if I ask / /'11 ask him first.
1 "" Work in pairs. Look at the photo. Where are 1 a Read phrases a-d from the story. Number them 1-4:
the people? What are they doing? What are their 1 = 1·m sure it's true 2 = l'm sure il's not true
relationships to each other? 3 = 1think it's true 4 = 1 don't think it's true
c People may think the doctor isn't a good one.
d Her baby must be with the other lamily.
----------------------------------------- -~
1 s.2
Work in pairs. Look at photos a-d. Do you recognise the
:tor? lf so, what do you know about him?
Read the rest of the review on page 161 and answer the questions.
1 Why is the film so technically clever?
2 Who else does Zelig become in the film?
3 What is the reviewer's final opinion of the fil m?
Make notes about how different you think you are in these
at work / at school Wc always say 'btack and white', never 'wlme-
with family aAd elack'. What do you say in your language?
on Facebook / Twitter or other social networking sites
Do you know how to say it in any other
with strangers
with close friends
Look at these other expressions wlth 'and'.
2 Compare your notes with a partner. Do you think your Are they In the same order in your language?
identity changes a lot in these situations? Which do you think is bread and butter, salt and pepper, knife and fork,
your 'true' identity? Why? husband and wife
When , meei people online, 1·m more conftdent. But I can be ve,y shy
with strangers when t meet them face to face.
1 ~ Work in pairs. Read the definition of urban legends.
Choose the correct options to complete characteristics
Always keep your mobile phone connected I heard this from my brother's friend. You should
You can get síck in a hospital never answer a mobile phone whlle the phone is
Mobile phones can shock you
A few days ago, a teenager was recharging his
Watch out for dangerous spiders
mob,le phone at home. Just then a call carne and
A new use for your mobile phone he answered it with the phone stJII connected to
Take care in public bathrooms the socket. After a few seconds electricity went
through the mobile phone and the force of the
This restaurant has bad food
electrlc shock threw the teenager to the ground.
His parents ran lnto the room and found hlm lylng
b ~ Tell your partner about your story. ThPn ~n~wPr on the ground. He was weak and his ñngers were
the questions. burned. They took h,m to hospital, where he is
1 How did the writer find out about the story? now recoverlng.
2 Why did the people in the story have to go to hospital? Mobile phones are an essential modern onvent,on.
3 What does the story tell you to do or not to do? However, they are also dangerous.
4 Which characteristics from the deftnition in READING 1
does each email have? NEVER use a moblle phone while it is plugged In to
the electric socketl
4 Do you know any other u rban legends? Why do yo u
think people tell urban legends? How do they become
- 8.3
C ABULARY: 2 a Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
non colloc1tions with say 8 t"'II l Did your parents tell you bedtime stories? What kind of
stories did they tell?
Work in pairs. Which words in the box go with a) say? 2 Can you think of a situation where it's a good thing to
:,) tell? Clue: We use say with the actual words that we tell a lie?
say and te// with a noun, e.g. te// the time. 3 Have you ever got into trouble for telling the truth?
4 In your country, do people always say helio when they
,oodbye hello a joke lies walk inio a shop ora lift?
<orry stories the truth S Which do you find most difficult to say. sorry or goodbye?
Complete the sentences with words from the box. b Compare your answers with the rest of the class.
He told a great . Everyone 1aug11ed, even my Which question created most discussion?
My dad always used to tell us great at PRONUNCIATION:
1always try to tell the • even if it gets me into ◄ iJJ8 4 Listen to this sentence. Notice the pronunciation
trouble sometimes. of the o in told. Then listen again and repeat.
4 A: You know it's wrong to tell • don't you? r;,u,
8: Yes, Dad, l'm sorry. 1won't do it again.
:. 1 always hate saying at the end of a hohday.
rle 10/d mean 1n1 redib/e sto,y
lt can be really difficult to say • even when Look at the questions. Underljne the words with the
you know you've done something wrong. sound /-:iu/.
7 A: Say to Kate from me when you next see
l When did you last gel a new mobile phone?
2 Do you know any good jokes?
8: lwilldo!
3 How many languages can you say 'helio' in?
4 Does it ever get very cold in your home town?
4 Listen again and complete the phrases. ' ' lntonation: giving w arnings , ,
1 Be ! You mustn't play here. lt's dangerous. Look at the warnings. Practise sayong them a) gently,
2 lf you don't more carefully, you'II have an b) w,th urgency.
Be careful! Watch out for the gfass!
3 lf you sit quietly, play with you later.
4 1'11 drive nexl time if you me to. '4t ~/ª·ª listen to two way~ of saying the warnings.
5 out for that hole in the road! Whoch sounds more urgent, a) or b)? Why?
6 that. And don't or 1'11 take you listen agaon and repeat the warmngs usong the same
home. ontonation
S Decide which phrases in 4 best fil the photos.
Compare with a partner.
7 a Work in pairs. Th ink of a promise or warning for
each situation. Write what the person says.
Warnings Promises
carefull • lf not busy,
• Watch (for) ...! come and see you .
do thatl
• lf you don't. , you'II...
• lf you ...• you won·1...
b Compare your ideas w ith another pair.
Work in pairs. Look at the photo. Do you think the man is real?
-1,hy/Why not? Do you know who he is?
'sead this question sent toan online teenage forum. What kind of
3dvice does Dario need?
1need your advice. 1look at photos of men In fas~lon magazines and in the media
and I feel awful. 1try to go to the gym, but 1'11 never look like Cristiano Ronaldo or anyone
llke that. 1Jusi don't have the time! What do you suggest? Can anybody out there help? Darlo
Read two replies (1 and 2). What's the difference between the advice they glve?
Who do you think gives the best advice? Why?
Donatella Hi Darlo,
lf you want to look like a footballer, j ust put lots of gel in you r hair and wear make up ;-) Just look
in the mírror and see what you would llke to lmprove. It's easy to change things. You might be
surprised! Men can now buy a hundred creams for their skin, for exampie . lf you start now, you'II
never look oid.
Answer #1 ·
Slan Hi Darlo,
You don't need to look lll<e those models or stars! Don't try to look llke a model because they're
fake. lt's all done in Photoshop these days. See this picture of Cristiano? lt's a wax model ! l f you
don't have time to do sport, consíder walkíng to college and getting Rt that way.
- 9.0
A Money verbs
afford borrow buy cost earn invest
lend pay for save spend wa.ste win
Lend is when you gjye something to somebody (for a
period of time). Borrow is when someone gives you
something that you need (for a period of time).
e Money nouns
4 Look at A in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL again.
Work in pairs to complete the task. • Answer the questions with the words in the box.
More than one answer is possible and sorne words
5 a ◄>))9.2 Look at the photos again. Listen to four answer more than one question. Use a dictionary
people responding to the photos. Which speakers agree to help you.
with this way of spending money? Which disagree?
bank account bilis cash credit card
b Listen again. Who makes these points? loan rnortgage rent salary
1 lt's good to think about the future. D
2 lt's OK to spend money if you have it. D 1 Which do you keep in your wallet?
3 Something can be more expensive than you first thi nk.0 2 Which can you get from a bank?
4 There m1ght be a problem later. D 3 Which do you have to pay regularly?
4 Which is usually paid into your bank account?
6 Work in pairs. Read transcript 9.2 on page 166 and
complete B in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL • .
1 '--' Look at the photos. Answer the questions with 3 Mark the statements that are true (T) or false (F).
your opinion. Correct the false statements.
Where does he live? 1 Mark paid for his caravan.
What does he have in his home? F He found one that nobody wanted.
What sort of lifestyle does he have? 2 He receives money to work on the farm.
3 He has electricity in his caravan.
2 Read the article about the man in the photos. 4 He makes a lot of phone calls.
Answer the questions. 5 He buys toothpaste.
1 What is a freeconomist? 6 He gets food in tour different ways.
2 Tick the things that Mark has. 7 He prefers living without money.
a a place to live d a car g a computer 8 He thi nks his way of lite is bad for the planet.
b energy e a well·paid job h a bank account
e food f a bathroom
Mark Boyle is a 30-year-old His caravan h as lights, a laptop and and he wanrs
freeconomist. A freeconomist is a mobile phone (though he can tocontinue
somebody who doesn't use money. only receil'e ca lis, he can't make living w ithout
But how is this possible? And how them}. Mark washes in a river money. 'lt does
ctid Mark make the cha nge to living (without soap) and uses natural have challenges, bue I don't have
withou1 money? things Jike fish bones anti SPPcls as rhe stress ofbank accoums. bills.
toothpaste. traffic jams and long hours in a job
The first thing he needed was 1don·t enjoy.'
somewhere to live. Luckily, he He grows bis own food on the farm
found a caravan that nobody where he Ji ves, or finds wild food Freeconomists like Mark say their
wanted. Although Mark doesn't such as mush rooms and berries. way of life can help save the planet
work for money, he volunteers on a He also gets waste food from from climare change and pollution.
farrn three days a week in exchange restaurants or shops and exchanges As Mark explains, 'There's so much
for a place to put his caravan. As food with other people. He owns waste. lfwe ali grew our own food,
he can't pay any bilis for his home, a bike and cycles everywhere he we would eat everything. lf we ali
he had to ti nd a way to get energy: needs to go. His clothes come from made our own tables and chairs,
he bums wood for heating, he uses a free websire. we wouldn't throw them away. lf
o live oil cans for cooking, and he we had to clean our own drinking
Mark says chat he is a happier water, we wouldn't waste ir.'
has a solar panel to collect en ergy
person now that he lives this way,
from the suo to make elecrricity.
- g .,
5 a Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
1 lf I had more time,
◄ ,)9.3 Listen to tour people talking about Mark Boyle. 2 lf I spoke English perfectly,
~,ch people agree with what he is doing? 3 lf 1 , l'd be realiy happy!
1 C.-, Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
• How popular is the lottery in your country?
What would you do il you won a lot ol money?
Would you share your money with other people? Who?
2 look at the photo. Who do you thi nk the peo ple are? What has happened to them?
Read the article and check your ideas.
3 Work in pairs. Read the article again. Choose the best way to 4 work in groups. Discuss the questill'
complete the sentences. Do you think William made the right
1 William Murphy JJean•Guy Lavigueur found Jean•Guy Lavigueur's I decision?
William Murphy's wallet. Do you think Jean-Guy made the right
2 William returned the wallet immediately I the next day. decision?
3 William / Jean-Guy checked the lottery tickets. Would you do the same or something
4 Jean-Guy's son told William to go away because he only spoke Eng/ish / different?
didn't understand him. Do you know any other lottery stories>
5 Jean-Guy offered William a drink / money / both a drinkand sorne money.
6 Six / Seven people shared the prize money.
7 Both Jean·Guy and William were rich J didn't have a job before they won
the lottery.
Work in pairs. Look at the words in bold in the 1 '-' Work in pairs. What do you think happened to
· ,¡icle. When do we use so, such and such a(n)? the Lavigueur family?
Complete 1-3 in the GRAMMAR PANEL ■ . 2 a ◄>»9.5 Listen to the discussion about what
happened. Complete the fi rst col u mn with yes or no.
Complete the sentences with so, such and such a(n).
was tired that I didn't go to the party. Alive? Oetails
• 11 was . boring class that I nearly fell asleep.
He was i//iterate / educated.
~ She's tall! (1)
Jean-Guy He found it easy / difficu/t to
tt was amazing film that I went to see it again.
manage the media.
5 They·re good chlldren,
5 ft was hot yesterday that we had to stay (>) He wrote a book and worked on /
inside. acted in a TV series.
b Look at the sentences in 2a again. Which are She started a hairdressing / television
Sylvie (3) business.
exclamations and which are sentences showing a result?
Complete 4-9 in the GRAMMAR PANEL She is a very public / prívate person.
1 We use so and such (a/an) in exclamations.
She's (4) rich!
That's <s> . __ nice surprise!
lt was <6> interesting news!
2 we also use so and such (a/an) with that to show the
result of something extreme. lt is possible to omit that
from these sentences:
She was <7> tired (that) she went home.
11 was <Sl lovely day (that) they Wt>nt for a picnic.
lt was <9) awful food (that) we couldn't ea1 it.
A ge1-rich-quick scheme is a plan rhat rnakes it possible foryou to make a lot of money in a short rime.
2 Read the get-rich-quick adverts. Rank them in order of how rnuch money you need to participate.
4 Read the adverts again. Which advert(s) do the 5 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
sentences describe? Which type of people would be interested in these
1 You can make money in your house. different schemes?
2 Someone will teach you how to do something. Wh ich advert sounds the most interesting to you? W
3 You need to sell something to make money. Which advert is the least interesting?
4 You can become very, very rich. Do you think it's a good idea to encourage people
5 You pay before you can make money. to make money in lhis way? Give reasons.
1 9-3
aLook at the sentences. Do you agree with them? ,)r·,FÍ ROC•YI THI iC
Why/Why not?
We use sorne-, any- and no- with ·one/·body and ·thing to
1 Anyone can be a millionaire. talk about <•>speci/ic peopte and obiects I peopte and obiects in
2 lf you really want something , you need to work hard to general.
get it.
3 Nobody wants to be a millionaire more than I do! j sorne- any- no-
4 A millionaire is someone who has too much money and
not enough time to spend it!
a <•lperson / t~ing someone f anyone noone
TU"IE IN 6 Look at the statements. Who says them?
Underline the apologies in each sentence.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Where are the people? Circle two excuses.
What problems do you think they might have with money?
1 lt's not our fault... sometimes the
connection's a little slow...
2 ◄>J)9.6 Listen and check your answers. 2 l'm sorry to hear that, sir.
3 I·m sorry, but l'm afraid you're wrong ...
3 Why are the following things important in each conversation?
4 Sorry, 1didn't notice.
1 a PIN 3 a 50 dollar note
2 a card number 4 a sign
, , lntonation: saying sorry ' '
4 Listen again and answer the questions. ◄iJ.19.8 Listen to th our apoloq • in 6. In
1 In which of the situations is the problem a) solved, b) not solved? which do the people sound a) genuinely sorry?
2 How is the problem solved in each case? b) not sorry?
3 Why is it not solved in the others? What is the difference m intona1ion?
Pracuse saying the sentences in a sympathet,c
and non-sympathet,c way.
5 a ◄>))97 Listen to the requests and responses frcm
the conversations and complete the gaps.
OVE ~ TO vo ·.
14 your PIN, please? 7 a Work in pairs. Choose one of the
11 Sure... above situations or another involving mone
2 problems (e.g. reporting a lost credit card).
Now. your rull name!
b Student A, you are the person with the
B Sure, it's Darren John Elllot. problem. Make notes on how to explain the
3 problem and request help from 8.
anything smaller?
11 No, sorry, 1don't. Student 8, you are the person trying to hel~
Make notes on how to apologise for the
problem and try to ñnd a solution for A.
the blll, please?
Of course, just a moment. 8 Practise the conversation. Was it
possible to solve the problem?
b ~ Practise the requests and responses in pai•s.
sook at the photo. What do you think they are
6 ~ Work in pairs. What would you do if you were 8 Change partners. Take turns to role play your
Melanie? Compare with a partner. conversation with Melanie. Explain your thoughts and
advice to your partner.
Cities Quant1fiers
3 Make a list of things you find In cities. ooes your city have all these
4 a Choose the correct words.
things? 1 1 don't do much / many exercise.
2 1 have played lots of / a tittle brain training games.
4 Which city in your region/country has the best quality of lite? Why? 3 1don't eat a lot of / too many healthy food.
4 1 spend not many / too much time in bed.
S I only drink a /ittle / a few cups of coffee a week.
b Which sentences best describe you? Are
5 a Complete the words. there any habits you would líke to change?
1 1 usually s f the int . at weekends.
2 1s l three em s yesterday.
3 1 prefer down g music fr the interne! to buying FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE
music at the shops. Agreeing and disagreeing
4 1always swi the lights o when I leave a room.
1 ◄,J.,IR8 Listen and complete the sentences
b Make the sentences true for you. Compare in groups. Are your with the words in the box.
answers similar?
believe depends absolu tely
GRAMMAR agree terrible
mg form & to+ infinitive 1 PRoF w1Lo Ali students should study
computer Science al school.
1 a Complete the sentences with the corree! form of the words in the
box. TOM I completely
4 lf you
(cut) its head off.
(have) a ten·minute
-?"}-¿~~~ -
\ ,
conversalion, you wlll probably tell a líe.
Look at the verbs look and see in the l a Work in pairs. Do you think the photo
inst ructions in 1 a. What is the difference shows a) j ewellery? b) cans? c) money? Discuss
between the two verbs? you r answers and your reaso ns.
--:or· ,e ons -~ ... sa.} b Turn to page 161 to check your answer.
Are you trying to save / wasre money?
Our new bank account makes it easy.
Every month, we automatically rake
5% out of your income / expenses and
put it into rhis special account. So Some-/any-/no- + -one/-body/-thing
you can't waste / earn ir on rhings you
don't need.
5 a Complete the sentences so that they are true about you.
1 1 know won first prize.
2 in my family can speak French.
3 l'm (not) doing this weekend.
Do yoa ne.éd a lend / loan?E-veryqne 4 1 work with ís running the marathon on Sund?.
needs to)Jorrowj IMd money..ar sorne 5 1 (don't) cook we eat at home.
time. We lena,J borrow you the mo.ney-
and let you pgy t spef!d.í t bac:k wti'en b Work in pairs. Compare sentences. Ask your partner more
you can a/ford / cose it. questions about two of the sentences.
2 work in pairs. Oiscuss the adverts in 1. Money transactions
Which ones sound like a good idea and which 1 a Complete the conversations using the words in the box.
sound like abad idea? Why?
bill change key pay PIN smaller you
1 A How would you like to the ?
lf + past simple __go.
8 Card, please. There
1 a Complete the sentences using the correct
form of the verbs. 2 A Please can you . in your ?
1 11 1 ... (win) a lot of 8 Sure.
money, 1.. ··-·· .... (buy) an
expensive car. 3 A Do you have :inything ?
2 1 (not stop) working if B No, 1don't have any , sorry.
1 . (find) a lot of money.
3 lf 1 . (be) president, b ._>))R12 Usten and check .
.. (not change)
anything. 2 Work in pairs. Act out the conversations in 1a.
4 1 (live) in another
country if 1 ..... (can).
b ◄>>.)Rn Listen and check.
• What do you hope for in your English leaming?
2 Work ín pairs. Change the sentences ín • Think of five useful words or expressions you have learned. WI
1a so they are true about you and compare you think they are useful?
your answers. • Think of tive things you would do if you could.
a Read the article about d ifferent learning styles and complete it with the headings below.
every week?
2 Who regularly studies w1th friends?
3 Who records him/herselí speaking?
7 talk about your
ho~s and wlshes? o o ~
3 'lilP
Think of three more ways to revise vocab ulary.
Compare your answers with a partner.
Share your answers wit h the dass.
• What else do you know now after studyíng units 7- 9?
4 a "if Work in pa,rs. Look back at umts 7-9. C ~ one
set o' ~ vocabulary that yoo wa- w PQCI.-se.
- or
11 ---_,,¡,-
-- - ~
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss 4 a Listen again and complete the extracts.
the questions. 1 1 hate the way they show the adverts over and
How many different adverts can you see? over on
What products do you think the adverts are selling? 2 adverts in particular annoy me.
3 1don't like the way they're selling a·
2 a Complete A in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL • . 4 1hate it when I get ads on my
S I don·t mind that we see posters and every day
b Work in pairs. What adverts can you see in and 6 The last thing I want is more in my pocket!
around your town? Use the words in A to describe them 7 What I liked was the fact that the advert was on his
to a partner.
3 a ◄>»10.1 Listen to three people talking about adverts. b Which speaker has a similar opinion to you? Why?
Is their attitude a) positive? b) negative? e) neutral?
5 Think of a) a type of advert or advertising
b Listen again and make a note of that really annoys you, b) an interesting or original
1 the product. advertising carnpaign. Tell your partner about thern.
2 the type of advert (e.g. flyer).
3 what they like or dislike about the adverts. 6 Complete e in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL • .
Advertisi ng
A Types of advertising
• Look at the words and their definitions. Find an
example of each one in the photos.
• 1don't like the way...
• 1hale it when ...
• 1don't mind that...
i'm lovin' if •
The last thing I want is more...
What I liked was the fact that...
1 ◄>))10.2 Listen to a sports íournalist talking about
football shirts. Which topic does she NOT talk about?
a business sponsorship
b fashion and ldentity
e fake football shirts
d her ravourite T·shirt design
e football as a symbol of globalisation
We say latest to mean the most recent or the newest
{it suggests that lt is good).
Eve,yone wants the /atest shirt.
rrr .,
1 10. 1
:i< at the sentences. What is important in these 5 Complete the description using the passive form of the
~~tences, a) the action? b) the people who do the verbs in 4.
. :,on? This is a typical football shirt. lt <,) in China.
1-iuge profits are made from the shirt sales. In fact, most football sh,rts I>> in China today.
·ootball is followed all over the world. The shirts <3) to other countries In ships.
Football shlrts are manufactured in the develop,ng world. Then they <•> in the shops. They
<s) by football fans and they 16>
Complete the sentences with the people who are by people all over the world.
The make huge profits from the sales. 6 Think of an object and how it is manufactured. Write
follow football ..11 over the world. three or four sentences describí ng the process. Do not
•ootball shirts are manufactured by name the object. Can the class guess what it is?
b Compare the two sets of sentences and complete 1-6 First, it 's written. Then it ·s sold to a p1oduccion company.
~ the G :AM !AP PANEL Actors and /oca!/ons are found anda /01 o/ money is spent
making it Final/y it 's shown to the public.
.,.urn to page 167 and underline ali the examples of the
:>assive in transcript 10.2. Which verbs have irregular
:,ast participles? PA·. , ! • i J" ;,RfSENT SIMPLE
we often use passive verb forms to focus on an action:
.ook at the images. What process are they showing?
\latch a verb from the box to each step. FORM
1 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
What other products do you associate with
What items are most commonly merchandised?
Have you ever bought anything because of the brand?
Was it for yourself, or was 11 a present?
1 'lf Discuss in pairs. When you go
shoppi ng lor clothes
do you tend to go to the same
do you buy similar labels/styles/
what's most importan! for you
when you're buying clothes: the
price, the quality, the design. the
material, where they're made?
2 '-' Work in pairs. Look at the
photos ol the American clothing
company Carhartt. Discuss the
What, if anything, do you know
about the brand? El Carhant was originally founded to make work clothing
What kind of clothes does it sell? for railroad workers. In the 1890s, they bccame famous
What price range do you think the clothes are in -
ror tbeir tough work overalls which they slill sell to<lay.
low•cost, mid-price or luxury?
What kind of people do you think shop at Carhartt? They went on 10 manufacture durable, high technology
Would you like to shop there? ma1crials resistan! to flames. wind and water. Today
Carhartl is commonly found on cons1ruc1ioo sites.
READING farms. and ranches in lhe USA.
1 Read the newspaper article about Carhartt. Check your D In 1hc 1990s. Carhartt displayed its workwear for 1he
answers from SPEAKING 2. Who a) wears Carhartt clothes first lime al fashion shows. They became popular in
now? b) wore them in the past? countries like Japan. whcre trendy jeans and jackets
were sold by the mi Ilion. Thc brand became cven more
2 Look at these adjectives. Which do you associate with
workwear and which with streetwear? cool when rap groups and hip-hop anists wore their
clothes on music videos. CD covcrs ,md on stage.
cool durable fashionable high technology 11 Carhartl clothes were even featured in tbe pages of Vogue
resistant stylish top quallty tough trendy and Harper's Ba:<w1· when they launched their women's
range in 1997. loto the new century. the company
3 Read the article again. In which paragraph (a-e) does
the writer refer to contioued to vary thcir styles of íashionable clothing,
1 new clothes for new markets? introducing caps. baggy jeans and lheir stylish T-shirts
2 how the company started? and hoodies LO appeal Lo skateboardcrs and urban tribes.
3 the way Carhartt is run? l!I The company has always had a refreshingly dilferenl
4 the journalist's opinion?
image from other American clothing firms. From 1he
s a link with the music world?
slart. Carhatt's clo1hes were made in local factories in
4 work in pair:,. Di~~uss the questions. Kemucky and iheiremployees were paid decent salaries.
What do you think is the writer's attitude to Carhartli In this globalised world. they are still independently
Find words in the article to support your answer. owned.
According to the author, what makes Carhartt different
from other clothing companies? 11 Carharn has now bccome one of the besL-known
Which is more importan!, the clothes themselves or the cloLhing companies in the world, catering for a young,
people behind the brand? How do you know? middJe-<:lass audience who can pay thc high price 1ags
for theír fashion range. However, thcy slill produce
the workwear that originally brought them their
repulation for top quality. It's grcat 1ha1 tbesc 1wo lines
contínue. it's what makes their clotbes dilTerent from
the competition.
UnderHne the verbs in the sentences. Are they in the
:,as~ or the present?
They are still independently owned.
(arhartt was originally founded to make work clothing.
-:ne company was started in the USA lt wasn't founded
n the UK.
Complete 1- 6 in the the ú ~ ,- A ~NE with the
::-rrect form of the verb in brackets.
::>RONUNCIATION: was/were
c. ser b1
a ◄>JJ10.4 Listen to the sentences. Notice the
difference in pronunciation between the strong, 1 a Look at the adjectives in the box. Which can you use
stressed forms woz, ''-':J: ' and the weak, unstressed to describe the clothes in picture a on page 108? Use a
forms '\\ :,z i w;-, . dictionary 10 help you.
1 Was " :u it made in Japan? Yes. it was w n,, •
2 lt was 1w :u made in Japan. lt was "01 n't made in baggy bright colourful long-sleeved
China, patterne<l plain shOrt·sleevea sulp~d tigl,t
3 were w;,I they made in Spain? Yes, they were /w:i:/ ,
4 They were ,,;, made in Spain. They were "J : n't b What kind of T·shirts do you usually wear? Do you
made in Portugal. have a favourite? lf yes. what does it look like?
b listen again and repeat.
2 Work in pairs. Think of a favourite ítem of
2 Look at the sentences, Choose the correct options, clothing. Describe it to your partner in as much detail as
We usually stress was and were in questions/short answers possible. Can he/she guess what it is?
and negative/pos,rive statements. 11's made of wool. it"s orange and green. lt was given to me by
my mother when I was a /cid. 1 thmk ,t was mad• in Scotland. •
3 ◄>J)10.s ~ work in pairs. listen to three sentences.
Write them down, Are they true for you? Compare your b Do you and your partner have a similar taste in
answers with a partner, clothes?
The interesting thing was the contrast: the b Write two more comments about a) and b). Read
colours of the dress, the mother holding the them to the class. Can they guess which category th~
/amb, and the inevitable, fast-food /abe/. are describing?
- 10.3
Mr Bigg's may not be a <•1 franchise, bur local C•l . lt sel Is imernarional favourires
in irs home country of Nigeria it is the biggest local fast- like burgers and fries, but it's the local food (for example,
food C>l . lt has more than 170 <3> rice and to mato or bean pudding) which is mosr popular.
in 46 Nigerian towns and cities. Al i the food comes from
Mr Bigg•s
b Work in pairs. Would you like to eat at Mr Biggs? Why/Why not? Are there
any similar food chains in your country? lf yes, what kind of food do they serve?
4 ◄>))10.s listen to two people discussing the second ÜVER TO YOU
dish. What is the main ingredient?
7 You are in a restaurant in your town which serves
traditional local food. Think of three dishes that are sure
5 a listen again and complete the conversation with the
to be on the menu. Write them on a piece of paper.
words and phrases in the box.
8 a Work in pairs. Student A. you are in the
basically fried ki nd of looks restaurant with a visitor from another country. Show the
served tastes typical menu (from 7) to student B.
Student 8, you are a visitar from another country. You
A What's that?
don't understand the menu. Ask your fricnd to hcfp.
s Laver bread. lt's a <•> Welsh fisherman's dish.
A Laver bread? lt doesn't look like bread to me. b Swap roles and repeat the situation.
s No, < > it's boiled seaweed.
9 Which dish was most difficult to explain? Why?
A lt <ll disgusting! Try to explain the dish to the class.
B I know, but it <4 > great - believe me. lt's usually
<s> with bacon fat and <G) with cockles.
A Cockles?
B Yes, a <7> shellfish. look, they're eating them
at the table over there.
S Find these phrases in the text 8 Write a short description of no more than 80 words.
and explain what they mean .
1 a real taste of home
2 a great pick-me•up
3 this is THE fried fish shop 9 Read each others' descriptions and answer the questions.
4 before your eyes Were you surprlsed by any of the foods or places described? lf yes, why?
5 lt makes me lick my lips just Which description do you think is the most informatlve? Which is the most
thinking about it. appetising?
Meeting people
A Making friends
Ten years ago. Karissa Moreno. who is now 39, was living
in San Francisco afier she carne back from Guatemala. She
was working as a waitress. bm shc said her plan was 10 go to
graduate school.
At work 1herc was a new kitchen assista111. His namc was
Carlos Martín. from Argentina (he·s now 37). He said he
didn ·1 speak any Cnglish al tbat time, but Karissa spoke good
Spanislt and the two became friends. Soon after they met,
Carlos said that he was intercsred in a romantic relarionship.
Karissa said 1ha1 shc was sorry, but that sbe wasn't interested
because there wcrc 100 many differences between them.
Carlos was a meat ea1er: Karissa was a vegetarían. He
smoked; she hated smoking. She was a graduate; Carlos
didn"t finish high school. He bad two da11gh1ers from his first
1 Work in pairs. Oiscuss the questions. marriage in Argentina and Karissa didn'1 want children.
• Look at the photo. What do you think is the But, a1 the same lime. Karissa said, · His green eyes were
relationship between the two people?
gorgcous!" 11 100k a long time. but they both finally knew
What attracts a person to another person?
that they were in love.
What are the things you like/don't like in other
people? Karissa said she would never gel married, but in 2005 Carlos
and Karissa decidcd to ge1 married.
2 a Read the article about the couple. Where are
they from? Where did they meet?
4 Work in groups. Do you think ít is true that 1 Karissa said that Carlos
opposites attract? Do you have any friends who are 2 Carlos said that Karissa aoc
very different from you? that
r 11 . 1
1 ~ )»11.4 Listen to t he rad io
phone in. How are the
We use say (that) to report what someone said. caller and his girlfriend
The verb tense changes when we report what people said.
2 a Listen again. Who
Reported speech said the statements:
Direct speech
the presenter, John,
Present simple (,)
simple Simon, or Dr Mintbury?
•¡ /ike peaple. • He said rhat he liked peaple. 1 ' I have John Ferguson on
Present continuous past
the line from Birmingham.'
2 'My girlfriend is very different
'l'm watch/ng 1Y.' She said rha1 she was watching 1Y.
from me.'
w,11 + verb <3> + verb 3 'People usually choose a partner similar to them.'
'We'II help you.' They said thal they would help me. 4 'Opposites don·t attract.'
s 'People with sim ilar personalities are the happiest.'
can+ verb + verb 6 'Even if you are different in sorne things, you can still
'She cango home.' 1said thal she could go home. have a great relationship.'
1 2
Make sure that wbatyou want to talk about is really Use the pronoun J. Don't blame someone else. When J
important and that it's notjust an excuse ro argue. got home late last week, 1 told my partner that t
Don't start an argurnentjust before you are going to sometimes made mistakes and that I knew I wasn't
go out or go to bed. Arguing in front of other people, perfect. Thi s makes the other person less angry.
especially children, is a very bad idea. 3
Last week, my partner told me he wanted to talk about
You do not always know what other people think -
somethingand that we needed to make time to talk.
remember t his and pay attention to what people say.
T wanred to talk right then, but be was right to wait unril
My partne r told me that I was often late for
we both had time.
dinner and that l often didn't call. J told him
that I wasn't aware of this. 1 realise now that
this was because I didn't listen.
fil 11.2
4i.p Work in pairs. Read the tips again. Are GRAMMAR
sentences 1-8 good or bad things to say in an 1 Look at the sentences. Did the writer or her partner say them?
argument? Why/Why not?
1 We need to make time to talk.
1 'I know it's time for bed. but I need to talk 2 1know I sometimes make mistakes.
about something with you.' 3 You're often late for dinner and you don't call to tell me.
2 'Now that we're alone l'd like to talk to you.' 4 You're lazy.
3 'l'm sorry that I have to work late every night.
1 know it's a problem.' 2 a Read the article again. Find where the sentences in 1 are
4 'You're always at work when I need you here!' reported and answer the questions.
5 'You never listen to me.' 1 What verb is used to report what was said?
6 'I think what you're saying is that you need 2 What words follow directly after the verb?
me to help more. Is that rieht?' 3 Who are they rcfcrring to? The person who's speáking or the person
7 'Let's not talk about last year - 1want to find who's listening?
an answer to our problem now.'
8 'You're such a losen· b Complete the GIUIMMAR PANEL using the words in the box.
S a ◄>))11.s Listen to the people arguing. How after him name talking
did the argument begin?
3 a Replace the words in bold with an object pronoun.
b Listen again. Name three things they do
1 She told her father that she was angry.
wrong, accord i ng to the tips.
2 He told his sister that he wouldn't be late this time.
6 ~ Work in pairs. Read transcript 11.s on 3 He told his family that he was very sorry.
4 She told me and John that it wouldn't happen again.
page 167. Change their words and make the
argument into a conversation. b Write out the exact words that were said. Have you said these
words recently? Who were you talking to? Use tell to report the
conversations to your partner.
1 Divide into two groups, A and B. Group A, rnake notes
on the advantages of being single. Group B, rnake notes
on the disadvantages.
Text A '! love being single!' says Jake. Text B Costas says, 'Bei ng single is awful.'
The best thing about being single is the !'ve been single for about five months and
freedom - you can do what you want, I hate it. Here's why.
when you want to do it. You don't have
Flrst of all, I miss havlng someone around
to go shopping when you want to watch
who I can tell ali my problems and stories
TV and you don't have to remember
to. And l miss hugging another person.
birthdays and anniversaries.
Everything is so much more fun with a
This might sound really selfish , but partner - I llke being attached .
being single means that I don't have to
Secondly, I no longer get the chance to
spend money on anyone else. You can be
go to nice places like restaurants, quiet
completely selfish and you don't have to
bars or cinemas. lf I go there by myself, 1
feel guilty about it.
just feel lonely and sad, so l always go to
Meeting new people Is possible again. You noisy bars or clubs.
can flirt without feeling guilty and you
Thirdly, l find I resent my friends'
can go on dates wlth someone you fancy
partners for steallng my friends away from
whenever you want.
me. I want them to be with me ínstead
Finally, it's less stressful. Trylng to stay of going out with their partners. I guess I
together with someone is too much work. just don't want to be alone! When I was
Two people together always argue and with my partner, l didn't need to meet
when you're single you don't have this new people and now I don't know how to
problem. do it ! I don't know where to start and I
don't went people to feel sorry forme.
Don't get me wrong, I still hope to find Answer #2
the right partner fer me, but it doesn't
matter lf l don't. I like belng single and
I'm happy to stay single.
Answer #1
3 Work in pairs, one student frorn A and one from B. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of being single. Can you add more advantages
and disadavantages?
1 ,1.3
Look at the texts again and match the words in bold to LISTENING & SPEAKING
defi nítions 1-8.
1 a ~ J))n.7 Listen to two people talking about a
1 with no partner
relationship. How did they meet their boyfriend/
2 wíth a partner/spouse
3 feeling alone
4 to feel sad because someone or something is not there
b Listen again. Number the events ín the order in which
5 to show someone that you find her or him attractive by
they happened.
the way you talk and look
6 to like someone in a romantic way
Kendra Alex
7 not considering other people
8 tó have bad feelings about They met
He/she fancied him/her
OCABULARY: relat,onships They went out
Work in pairs. Read the list of events. In which order They tell in lave
do these usually happen in a relationship? Use your
They lived together
dictionary to help you.
They got married
break up with someone
fall in love with someone They broke up
fancy someone
go on a date with someone 2 Listen again. Are the sentences t rue or false?
go out with someone 1 Kendra found her partner attractive when she first saw
live together him.
get married 2 He introduced himself to her first.
meet someone 3 He asked her to go out with him.
4 They started living together alter about a year.
5 They are still together.
6 Alex met Petra at work.
7 She had a boyfriend when they met.
8 She broke up with her boyfriend two months alter they
9 Alex and Petra got married six years ago.
We use even to express that something is surprising
because it is extreme or unlikely.
l '/1 do anything for you. /'// even wash the dishes.
How do you express this idea in your language?
JJlJ1!J. D
Message taken by: Crisfü
Drinkafter For: Mdim,
From: J11.ck
Abo u t: thE L.i.wrE >ICE Acco,.mt
Dr Bridges D
····················--········...... ······························••···• ,4,.,,,.,,..,1,. =ff(J.d.
Please call back immediately O
Message from: Col\St<1.I\Ce. J<1.n,,.4.,.
later O
Number: ..... tomorrowQ
Ht1tv(J. '7º"'
Notes: r(J.porl"?
e,.{/ l•w' bt1tcl:..
3 Listen and complete the phrases. 1
HE LL Plc.K -rou ur A-T
1 1was calling to see if...
2 Give me back.
3 How can I you?
4 Can I a message?
S Could you her to
5 Work in pairs. Read this note. Act out the
me back
conversation between the person who telephoned and
6 me back when you
the person who took the message.
7 1'11 him.
1 ◄>» 1 1.10 Listen to Rosie talking to Lee about what's 4 ◄>))11.12 listen and complete the notes.
happening in her life. Choose the photo that shows
I ;i,._..,._,
;2 ;¡...,i..,J ( ;20 '1J1.,.o,.V-S o /e))
'f 'lrl""'
s ;i...,...Js 1"o +;;¡e)
..,.il'h C..S
e,.. \,,,V4.c.l-(
. .. 1"o
He sa1d he •. a new in a ha11dressing
salon and he saíd he had a new
He told me that he to ftnd somewhere
e/se to because his landlord
10 sel/ the house
1 at university a Rosie and Pete 6 Prepare an update. Talk about you, your family and
2 enjoyi ng classes b Pete friends and the things that are happening in your life
3 living in London e Ros1e's mum and dad at the moment.
4 seeing each other at d Rosie's brother
7 Work in pairs. Take turns to give your update
weekends e Rosie to your partner and make notes on your partner's
5 working in a bank update.
6 getting married next year
7 running a shoe shop
3 • JJJ11.11 Listen to Lee telling someone what Rosie 8 What were the most interesting things that you
said. What three things did he get wrong? Correct t he heard about your classmates? Report back to the
mistakes. class on the most interesting things.
1 Look at the photos. Oiscuss the questions. 3 a Look at B in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL • Match
Where are the people and what are they doing? the types of entertainment in A to the places in B
What do the two photos have in common? What is the where you can see/hear them. More than one answer is
main difference? possible.
a concert - at the stadium, at a concert hall, at home, on rv.
2 Work in pairs. Look at A in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL on your compucer. in a bar, on the street, on the beach
. Which type or types of entertainment
1 cannot be seen/heard live? b Look at the prepositions used in each phrase. Answer
2 are sometí mes broadcast live on TV or the internet? the questions in 8 in the KEY VOCABULARY PANEL
3 are best seen/heard in person?
4 a >J,)12.1 Listen to two conversations about somethin!'
people have seen recently. Answer the questions.
1 What was it? Was it live or recorded?
2 Oid they enjoy it? Why/Why not?
A Types of entertainment
e Places
in a bar on the beach on the bus
in your car ,11 the cinema
on your computer at a caneen hall
at home on your phone
at the s1ad1um on the streel
at the theaue on TV
líve 11a1v/ (adjladv) 1 performed in lront of you
2 sbo1>n or pla) ed on T\i che in1eme1. 1he radio
ar che -.ame 1íme u II hapl)(ns
/ Jow IM• concerts.
I saw 1hr bcnd liw al IM SIIUÜlila
The match was shuwn lrw un local n:
someone who performs music in a pubUc
place, usually on 1he street, for money
collector's market
Fewer CDs are being sold both in shops and online. music is
where people buy and sell second-hand available free on the internet and the big bands on tour are making
irems such as records, books, sramps. etc. mCfe money from merchandising than from tickets. Musicians are
no longer in the music business. they are in the T-shirt business!
gíg OK. that may be a bit extreme. But with less money coming in from
informal word for a live concen
selling music the conventional way. artists need to find new ways to
merchandíse table make a living from their art. But how?
ata concerr. lhe place where rhe band sell
Well. one of the best ways I know is by letting fans decide
1heirT-shins. posrers, CDs. etc.
how much they want to pay. Lots of bands already do this quite
MP3 downloads successfully online (Radiohead were one of the first bands to do it
audio files rbatyou can copy from your with their album In Rainbows - fans paid anything or nothing for it).
computer When you do it at the merchandise table ata live gig. the result is
online music store even better. To those fans that really like the band and ask about the
a website rha1 sells music price of a CD. your answer should be: 'How much would you like to
pay?'. The answers might be something like these: ·1 only have $4,'
T d like to give you $1 O,' 'You guys were great. here·s $20.' ·1 have
we listened to these befare CDs and MP3
no money.'
single track
You should sell your CD at those different prices to all of those
just one song or piece oí mu.sir
fans and give one free to the guy w1th no money. They will never
lorget the experience and they will tell their friends that you are the
coolest band on earth for doing that.
2 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Use
the words in 1 in your answers.
2 Read the blog post again. Complete the summary. Do you think
When was the last time you bought sorne th is idea can work?
music? Or anything related to music? Where
did you buy it from? tvusicians don't make as much money selling their <1> ·- as
Was it for you or was it a present? How much they used to. One option to make <•> is to let the fans
did you pay for it?
decide <3> -·· they should pay for (4) . at live concerts.
How much do you think you should pay for
music? Or should it be free?
3 a Read three blog posts. Who is r,;ODAL VERBS REVIEW
1 in total agreement?
2 in total disagreement? FORM
3 not completely sure? we use modal verbs with the inñnitive without te.
1 USED TO BELIEVE ... ■ TAI.K A80Uf 8ft.lE:fS 8. HA81TS, IN tHE PAST
3 Listen again. Complete the extracts from the website. 1 a Work in pairs. Look at the short conversation.
Are they talking about a) a specific moment in the past?
b) a past habit or situation?
When we wenr rosee a movie ... I used lo
believe that the credi!s 01 the end were a lis! of A Did you use to watch a lot of TV when you were a kid?
tha1 were watching, and , used
to lookfor e we didn't use to have a TV. But I used to spend a lot of
time listening to the radio.
...when I was little. l listened to a /01 of
b Complete 1-S in the GRAMMAR PANEL
. When I was looking for
channels, 1used ro chink that AM and FM meant
'American Music' and · · NOTI C E USED TO
1 Work in pairs. Look at the t itle of an article about
online video clips and the 'audience attention span'
b Match the words in bold with definitions 1-7. thart. What do you thlnk the article is going to say
1 the number of times people connect toan online site. about video clips?
2 to copy information from the internet onto your
computer 2 Read the article. Choose the best answer to the question
3 to copy information from your computer onto a page in 1.
on the internet
1 Many video clips on YouTube are only ene minute long.
4 an entry that you place on a blog
2 Most people who watch YouTube stop watching alter
5 people who watch something
one minute.
6 a page or group of pages on the internet
3 According to a survey, one-minute video clips are the
7 press a button on your mouse to go to a new page most popular type on YouTube.
3 Do you use any of the words in your language?
.... 12 . 3
3 Read the article again. Are the sentences true or false? 4 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
lf false, explain w hy. Does any of the information in the article surprise you?
1 YouTube watchers are similar to television viewers. lf yes, what and why?
2 TubeMogul is a website that shows video clips. Do you think the Internet has an influence on people's
3 Most viewers stop watchlng after ten seconds. ability to concentrate?
4 Fewer than 10% of people watch clips for longer than Do you think we have developed any new skills as the
five minutes. result of the internet?
Ten seconds into an average clip-which is nothing -
and more than 10% of viewers bave started watching
something else, TubeMogul says! And by 60 seconds,
~, .. ..,,
' .
... ... ......
1 ~ work in pairs. Look at the photos from an online
slideshow. What do you think the slideshow is about?
4 Which sl ideshow was the rnost origi nal? Which was the
most am using? Why?
1 Look at the photo. Where is she? Who is she
texting? What do you think she might be saying?
5 Read the description again. Match the information With Engllsh subtitles and a great website with
in the box to the paragraphs where it appears. lnformation and downloads, l'd recommend this
programme to anyone who wants to know a little
ma,n haracters one-sentence summary more about Wales and 1ts language.
storyline personal recommendation
reason for success setting
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2: TASI<
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4: 7 Write a short description of the series. Use the
paragraph structure in 5 and the sentences you
6 Think of a TV series which is broadcast in your country. wrote in 6 to help you.
Complete the sentences with information about the series.
1 The show is set...
2 The mam characters are_
3 lt talks about... 8 Tell the other students in the class about
4 The reason for its success is... your TV series. How many follow it regularly?
S l'd recommend this programme to... Which series is most popular?
ancienl beautiful colourful delicious b Work in pairs. Do you know any facts about
d1sgust1ng fresh modern mouth-watering other cJothes? Tell your partner. use the passive form.
patterned processed 11ght
1 a Complete the football quiz questions with the correct
form of the verbs.
1 a Match the questions to the answers .
O Footba!I is a global sport but it 1
1 What are the a In the street. from stalls
(not play) much in... ingredients? or shops.
a) Africa b) Central America e) North America. 2 What kind of dish is it? b A~aí berries from a palrr
3 Where is it eaten? tree.
4 How is it served? e Usually with muesli and
0 The 1966 World Cup (win) by...
fresh fruit.
a) Brazil b) England e) France. d lt's a kínd of cold
Adject ives to describe personality Reported speech: say
1 Complete the adjectives.
1 ◄>)) R16 Listen and write what the people said.
Use reported speech.
1 calm, g ... _ r older woman is looking to meet
an intelligent, s n man.
1 Rob said h.el=.Quldn~t_go_9u¡.J!ljth Can.dy_
2 Energetic student wants to meet e . a
2 Gwensaid
friends for art projects.
3 S . . . quiet young man would like to meet a k
3 Mariesaid
woman, who is f n and o
b ◄>)}RlS Listen and check. Who was Steve?
• In this unit. which are the most useful words you
5 Work in pairs. Act out the conversation in 4a. learned for describing someone's personality?
• What is your favourite expression to talk about
• How often do you give messages and describe what
people told you?
· - 137
Entertainment Modal verbs review
1 Work in pairs. Look at the nouns in the box. 1 Complete the text using suitable modal verbs.
Which nouns are a) types of entertainment?
b) venues for entertainment?
My music blog
album cinema concert hall film lt was my friend Ricky who told me, 'You know so
football match live concert play
much about music, you really <•> start a blog
podcast stad,u m theatre TV show
about it'. He was r ight; 1 started the blog and now 1
have lots of friends who follow it. lt's great because
2 ~ Work in pairs. When did you last see 1 <•> write about any group or music that
sorne live entertainment? What was it? Where 1 like and people <3> leave comments. lt's
was it? Did you enjoy it? 4
very interactive. 1 < > also see how many
3 a Complete the sentences using a people visit my blog everyday. What do I write about?
preposition from the box, or nothing. Well, 1give advice about what music to listen to, you
know, 'You <s> listen to this!' Or if I want
at in on to insist, 'You (G) l isten to this right now!'.
Now, people are asking me, •<7> you start a
1 1usually listen to music the bus. second one?'
2 1don't watch sport TV, 1prefer
to watch it live.
3 1like to watch people playing rnusic
the street. Used to
4 1don't buy much music anymore, you can
download it all home. 2 a Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
5 When l'm my car. 1don't like l I use to go to the cinema once a month. but now I just renta DVD.
listening to music. 2 1didn't used to like classical music, but now I do.
3 1don't use to give money to buskers.
b ""' Work in pairs. Are the sentences true 4 1used to downloading music without paying, but now I think it's not
for you? Discuss with a partner. fair on the artists.
Buying music b Are any of the sentences true for you? Change the ones that
4 a Put the words in the box in the correct
buskers fans MP3 downloads Making recommendations
music store merchandise table
1 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
mus1cians online records single track
l try should You to see it .
2 lt love You'd !
Types of Ways of
People 3 must You go !
music buying music
4 really You live to a should match go .
Rlka fTom Germany suggests Yanl trom Albania suggests Sablta from India suggests
l love reading, and I also think it's Why not download music in 1 lave watching American films
the most useful way to improve English? There are sorne great on my laptop. 1 usually prefer to
your vocabulary and grammar websites with song lyrics. so watch films with subtitles. so I can
when you·re learning a language. you can read the words. too. l've listen and read at the same time.
Unfortunately. not many English learnt lots of new vocabulary that When I was growing up, 1 used to
books or newspapers are sold way. and it's great fun - learnlng love musicals. like Mary Poppins.
where I llve - and they're usually shouldn'l always feel 'boring·I Now I can watch them again!
really expensive! But you can find But watch out - sometimes Sometimes, 1 even try watching
sorne great American and British the grammar In song lyrics Is them without the subtitles. lt's
news websites online for free. a bit strangel lf rm not sure good to try something a bit more
So I can practise my English. and about anything. 1 ask my Engllsh difficult. now and then. For me,
read some interesting articles. teacher for help. You can·t learn listening is the hardest skill. so 1
too. Perfect! everything online! need to practise it lots.
a Read the sentences. Tick the ones that are
Present simple
correct and correct the ones that are not.
+ 1/You/We/They understand 1 1 usually play football on Sundays.
He/She/lt understands 2 We are often watching TV in the evening,
1/You/We/They don't 3 l'm not understanding the words of English songs.
understand Japanese. 4 l'm learning French at the moment.
He/She/lt doesn't
S we eat dinner right now.
Use the present simple to talk about 6 l'm not really liking sports.
1 general truths or situations / /ive in Sao Paulo. Rol>elto works as a teacher. b Are any of these sentences true for you?
2 regular habits / routines Schoo/ srarts at 6 a.m. every day. I usual/y get up at 8 a.m. e Complete t he conversat ion with the present
Use time expre<<ion< like usual/y, sometimes, never, always and oft,n. simple or present continuous.
Present continuous MARSHA Where you .. .. .. ? (go)
+ l'm
TIM 1 (go) to my yoga class. 1always
You're/We're/They're reading. (do) yoga on Mondays.
He's/She's/lt's MARSHA What time .... the class
l'm not ? (start)
You/We/They aren't reading. T1M lt (stalt) at 6 p.m. and
He/She/lt isn't (finish) at 7.30. you (want)
Use the present continuous to talk about actions that are happening at the to come?
moment. We're reading our fng/ish book right now. MARSHA No, thanks. 1 • ..... • (do) my homework.
Use time expressions like at the moment, today and right now. 1 (not /ike) to do homework late at night.
T1M OK, 1'11 see you later.
Stative verbs
Stative verbs describe feelings, thoughts and sensations. We do not usually use
these verbs in a continuous form. 1like this class. NOT /'m likiRg th/s class. a Write the words in the correct order to form
Stative verbs include be, like, /ove, hale, need, belong, know, want, beliew?, understand. questions.
1 musical instrument you play a ?
► 1.1
2 sport do do How often you ? ºº
1.2 QUESTIONS 3 have you favourite a Do TVshow ?
4 exam you for Are an studying at the
Questions with the verb to be moment
The verb to be comes before the subject in bolh yes/no questions and Wh· '
5 last What you night did do ?
questions. Are you Canadian? Was he happy with his course? Where is your fnglish
school? Where were you yesterday? b Answer the questions. Use ful! sentences.
Yes/no questions with other verbs e Write the questions for the answers.
The subject comes between the auxiliary verb and the main verb. In the
present simple and past simple use do, does and did as the auxiliary verb.
Present simple
Do 1/you/we/they speak French very welP
Does he/she/1t understand Japanese?
Past simple
Did 1/you/we/they/he/she/it understand German?
1live in New York City.
Wh· questions with other verbs No, l'm single.
In Wh· questions the question word comes at the beginning of the question 3
followed by the auxiliary, the subject and the main verb. l'm working on a film about a person with an
Wh·? Auxiliary verb Subject unusual hobby.
Main verb
What are you studying at the moment? My last film was about a person who llves in
What did they do last night? Thailand.
Where does he go to school?
1go to the cinema about twice a week.
► 1.2
U N l_l".;-2 r :
a Read the text about Bear Grylls. Look at the verbs in
I/You/He/ italics. Find and correct five mistakes.
+ verb + -ed • She/lt/We/ watched the film.
Bear Grylls learned to swlm and climb when he
I/Y0U/ were very young. When he finisl,ed school, he
didn't + He/She/ll/ didn·t watch the film.
infinitive We/They spended some time hiking in the Himalayas befare
hejoínedthe Army. In 2000 he rode around the UK
did + subject I/you/he/she watch the
? + lnfinitive Did 1l/we/they film' on a jet ski. ThrPe years later he cross the Atlantic.
In 2008 he went on an expedition to climb the
• Sorne verbs have an irregular form: make- made. do-> did, highest peak in Antarctica but he didn't completed
~ave ..... had, fty - flew. sleep ~ slept. take - took, eat _. ate. his mission because he breaked bis shoulder. But
use the past simple to talk about completed past actions and past this didn't stop him and two years later he was back
s,tuations. again, trying to break yet another record!
The Tate Modern opened in 2000.
t llved in a small jlat in Barcelona five years ago. b What else can you remember about Bear Grylls from
the lesson? Write three sentences about his adventures.
Past simple time expressions
Then check your answers on page 17.
use time expressions like
in 2007, /ast week, last night, last year, ago, yesterday, on Tuesday, in 2.2
Janua,y, an hour ago, when, at 8.30.
► 2.1
was I/he/she/it eatIng?
were you/we/they
A, an (indefinite article)
Use a andan to talk about single objects without referring to a
specific object.
e Match the photo to one of the sentences in b. Think of
Do you have a pendl? (l'm interested in one pencil, but I don't mind one or two holiday photos that you have taken. Write
which pencil it is) sentences with who or which to describe the photos.
We use atan with singular countable nouns. We use a before a
consonan\ and an before a vowel sound. 3.2
1think I need a new phone. a Choose !he correct article to complete the conversation.
Can I hove an apple?
NOTE : not ali words that are written with a vowel start with a vowel A My favouríte sign is <•>the/a sign for
sound. c,>thefa fire escape. Have you seen ítl
unlversity /,ju:01 'v:i:sn1/ He went to a unive11ity in the States. B Which one?
European /,juarn'pr:m/ /'vegot a European passport. A The sign they put up on <31 the / • side of <4>a/the building
euro /'j u:rau/ Can you give me a euro? for example. You know, there's <s>a/the little man and he's
The (definite article) running as fastas he can away from C6>the/ • fire.
Use the to refer to a specific person or thing. B I love C7>all/che old·fashioned sign for roadw~ rks.
Can I have the pencil I gave you? (: a specific pencil) You know cs>aJche little man with his spade,
we also use the when there is only one in the context. he's digging <9>atan hole or something. , - ~
but it looks more like he's opening ~
The boss isn't very happy today. (there's only one boss)
C•o>atan umbrella.
We use the before
• uncountable nouns / /ove the coffee your mother makes. A I kuuw (n)tlrtt/~ ~igu you 111~d1 1.
a Complete the conversations using the present perfect
Form the present perfect with have/has ('ve/has) + past participle. form of the verb in brackets and short answers.
Regular past participles end in -ed. Many verbs have irregular past participles.
1 A Cil (you/ever/do) any belly-dancing?
I/You/ We/They have eaten.
+ He/ She/lt has B No. 1 C>l • but l'd !ove to. And you?
We can also use going to to talk aboul plans for lhe future. We don't
need lo give a specific time, b Complete the sentences with going to and a verb of your
we·regoing tobuy a house (oneday). (= a general plan) choice.
In sorne cases. we can use both forms without changing the meaning. Hey, it's your birthday on Saturday! What are you going to
l'm cooklng dinner this evening. l'm going to cook dinner this evening. do?
In other cases, there is a c!ear difference in meaning. 1
We'regoing to get married (one day). (= a general plan) 2 Marco, you know smoking is really bad for you.
we·regetting married next March. (= it is arranged) Yes. 1know, 1 • 1 promise!
NOTE: We normally don'l repeat to go. 3 Are you going on holiday this year?
They're going to che cinema. NOT They're going ~ to che cinema. No, 1 don't have enough money. 1
4 Is Krassy coming to see the film with us tonight?
- -·
► 5 .1
No. 1think he
5.2 MUST(N'T) & (OON 'T) HAVE TO
FOR 08LIGATION e Think of three things you are going to do next weekend.
Write three full sentences.
Must & have/has to
Must is a modal auxiliary verb. 11 follows these rules of form:
a Complete the sentences using must, have to. don't have to
1 use must + infinitive without re
and mustn't. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
2 use muse lo form questions and negatives.
Must you do that right now? 1mustn't be late. must (x2) mustn't have to don't have to (x2)
3 you don't need an -s for the third person singular.
He must report to the direcror's o/fice immediatety. You really study harder if you want to pass th~
Use must and hove/has to to talk about rules and obligations. exam.
2 This isn't a. direct train to Brussels. You changt.-
, mus1/have 10 be ai ine office by nme. rmust/have co work th1s even1n9-
at the next station.
N 0Te: muse is not oflen used in question forms. Do t hove to? is
more common. Do I have to ca/1 her? NOT M!l5f I ca/1 her? 3 My brother's band are playing at the park tonight. The
concert's free. vou pay.
Mustn't & don't/doesn't have to 4 1really remember to call Mum this evening.
Use mustn't to say that it is importan! NOT to do something, or that forgot yesterday!
something is against the rules. 5 We can't have the meeting on Friday. Friday's a bank holidi.
You mustn't eat ordrink near the computers. (= do not do this) so we go to work.
Use don't/doesn't have to to say that it is not necessary or obligatory 6 l'm really sorry, but you do know that you
to do something, you are free to choose. smoke in lhe office, don·1 you?
You don't halll' to bring your own laptop. (= this Is not necessary but b Look at the sentences again. Who do you think each perso-
you can do it if you want to) is speaking to? Where are they?
► S.2
~ lJ1e modal to form questions and negatives
)'Oi, speak Chinese? I mfght not come tonight.
don't need an s for the third person singular
6 .2
Meaning Example
a Choose the most suitable explanation (a-e) for
SO'Tlething is a good idea You should do more e~ercise. sentences 1-3.
something is a bad idea You shouldn'¡ eor so many sweets. 1 lf it doesn't rain this weekend, we're going to go camping.
a we won't go camping.
► 6.1 b we might not go camping.
6 2 PREOICTIONS: WILL, MAY, MIGHT e We will go camping.
2 Tariq is not going to the meeting.
sure -yes She wi/1 be che,e tomorrow. a He won't be al the meeting.
She might be there tomorrow. b He may not be at the meeting.
perhaps - yes e He'II be at the meeting.
She may be rhere romorrow.
3 Rache! and Xiaofan are going to win the contest.
She mighl nor be lhere comorrow.
perhaps - no a They might not win the contest.
She may not be the,e 1omorrow.
b They may win the contest.
sure - no She won't be chere romorrow. e They'II win the contest.
use wi/1, mighl and moy to make predictions about the future. b Complete the text using wi/1, won't, mighl or might not.
use wi/1 to say that we are sure something will happen.
Dario and tina are six years old. Thcy (,) .. . leave
use might or may to say that we think something is possible but we're
school for at leas1 another ten years. Whar <•>
not sure. rhe world be Jike when theydo? <3> their
She'II give you sorne ideas. (l'm sure this is true.) university courses be online? Wliat languages
Slte might/may give you sorne ideas. (This is a possibility, but l'm not <4> rhey need ro know? They <s>
100% sure.) want to study. They <6> wa nt to do something
When we want to ask other people what their opinion is about else instead. But what? What jobs <7> be on
the future we usually use wi/1. offer? The samc ones as today? Who knows! We
Wi/1 his father help him? What wi/1 he do? es) just have 10 wai1 and see.
We sometimes use two verbs together. The second verb can be a verb + -ing a Circte the best form -ing orto + infinitive to
or the infinitive with to. complete the sentences. 1n one case both
1/ove playing chess. Would you like to play chess? answers are possible.
1 l'm really looking forward to going/to go
-ing form
away this weekend.
Many verbs that express emotions like enjoy, hate, mind and 2 1 can't afford goingJto go on holiday this year.
/ook forward to are followed by the -ing form. 3 1 love doingJto do jigsaws.
1don't mind t1C1velling by train. 1enjoy watching films. 4 l've decided looking/to look to, a new job.
Other verbs that are followed by-ing include ,ecommend, consider. 5 l'd like staying/to stay at home watching the TV
this evening.
to + infmitive
b Are any ot these sentences true for you? Write new
Many vcrbs that dcsc.ribc plans or intentions like dttide and would like are
sentences about yourself using the words in bold.
followed by the infinitive + to.
He decided to go on his own. l'd real/y like to go out this evening. 7.2
Other verbs that are lollowed by infinitive + to include affo1d, agree want. a Look at the groups of words. Which one is
NOTE: Like and /ove are followed by both the-ing form and the in~nitive + ro.
different? (Tip: you need to decide if the words
are countable or uncountable.)
11/ke watching/to watch TV on my own. / /ove swimming/to swim in the ocean.
► 7.1 health sickness 2
children water
doctor happiness enthusiasm food
Countable nouns can be counted. a house, three houses 3 4
minute hour sister father
Use a oran with lhe singular form ot countable nouns. a cup, an apple
sleep clock parent love
Uncountable nouns can't be counted. money. air
Use a third person singular verb form alteran uncountable noun. b Complete the conversation with some or any.
Freedom is importan t. Safety comes first.
A so. this is the flat. lt's in a great area. There
Some/Any isn't <•> traffic. lt's really quiet at
Some and any are used with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. night. There are <2> .. great little bars
We often use some In affirmative sentences and any in negative sentences and calés nearby. There are <3> . local
and questions. shops, too, and a mini supermarket.
l 've got some money. 1ha ven 't got any money. Have you got any money? 8 Are there (4) bus stops nearby?
We often use some in questions when we are making a request oran otfer. A Yes, there's one just outside. The bus takes you
Could I have some water, please? (request) straight to the town centre. So, what do you
Wouldyou like some co/fee? (otfer) think? Do you like it?
We can use any in affirmative sentences when we want to say that it doesn't s Well, 1 need !sl time to think. Can t
matter which, how much, when, etc. call you later?
Cal/ me any tíme you like. it doesn't matter when you call me)
A Yes, sure, you can call me <6> time.
► 7.2
e Act out the conversation in pairs. Change the
7.3 QUANTIFIERS information so that it is true for your home.
We use quantifiers tike much, many, lots, a little, a few to talk about quantity in
general terms. Sorne quantifiers refer to large quantities.
There are /ots of gadgets in the shop.
a Look at the picture
and choose the
Others refer to small quantities. best quantifier
There have been a few changes to the prices. to complete the
And others are used in questions. sentences.
How many people were at the meeling? How much money did you bring?
sentences with if have two parts, an if cfause and a main clause. The if clause a Choose the correct verb form to complete the
cescribes a situation, the maln clause describes the resurt of that sítuatíon. conversations.
lf clause (situation) Main clause (result) OK, so, what happens if we combine/
WE'II combine these two chemicals?
r 1t rains. they have their classes indoors.
B They explode!
• 1see h1m. 1'11 give h1m the message.
2 What do you usually do at the weekend?
·he if clause can also come after the main clause. B Well, if the weather is/wi/1 be nice, we usual/y
1'/1 give h,m the message if I see hlm. gcJwe'/1 usual/y yo lv lhe country.
NOTE: there is no comma when the if clause comes alter the main clause. 3
A H¡ve you seen Teo? 1need to give him this
: + present simple (1 ): situations and facts that are always true message.
i.Jse sentences with i/ + present simple to talk about situatíons and facts that B 111 see/l'/1 see hlm, / tell/ /'/1 tell him you're
ue always, or generally, true. The verb in the main clause is also in the present looking for him.
simple. rn these sentences if means the same as wflen. Thanks•
1/ clause (situation) Main clause (result) 4 A / te////'// tell Mum if you do/you'/1 do that again!
+ 11 run a lot. (present simple) feel !lred. :presem simple) B Oh, please don't! She's/ She'J/ be so angryl
lf I don't run a lot, 1 don't feel ured. b Match conversations 1- 4 in a to situations a-d.
? Wh lf you don·t runa lot. how do you feet> a brother and sister playing
b a Science lesson
N OT E: these sentences are sometime called zero conditional.
e two workmates in an office
lf + present simple (2): situations and events in the future d two frlends chatting
we can also use sentences with i/ + present simple to talk aboot s1tuations in e Work in pairs. Act out the four conversations.
the future. We usually use wi/1 in the main clause. 8 .2
lf dause (situation) Main clause (result) a Put the words in the correct arder to form
+ lf I run a lot. (presem s,mple) 111 feel t1red (wi// futurel
1 be driver the can't She
lf I don'l runa lot. 1 won't feel 11red. 2 might car his lt be
? Wh 11 you run a lol. row will you fee11 3 may be not driver the She the
car ol
NOTE: these sentences are sometimes called first conditional. They are often 4 alone the in be She car must
used to give instructions, make recommendations, promises or threats.
(See also ). ;.) b Match deductions 1- 4 in a to photos a-d.
► 8 .1 ~
UNl li
..ise the passive in the past simple to focus on actions in b Rewrite the sentences about another ice
:ne past. crearn company starting with the words
The museum was opened in 2002. in bold.
rhe shoes were made by local people. Ben & Jerry's opened thei r first ice
~e past simple passive Is often used in formal speech. in cream parlour in 1978 in Vermont, USA.
,written reports and news articles. Their first ice cream parlour was opened in
The miners were rescued yesten1ay. 1978 in Vermont. USA.
► 10.2 2 Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield created t he brand.
3 They sel! Ben & Jerry's ice cream ali over the world.
4 They use quality ingredients to produce high•priced ice cream.
s In 1983, they used Ben & Jerry's ice crearn to build the largest ice
cream dessert ever.
e What do the two cornpanies have in common? Write three
sentences comparing the two companies using the passive.
Their ftrst ice cream shops were opened in the 1970s.
NOTE: there are a lot of reporting verbs that we can also use
in the same way as soy, including explain, answer, rep/y, comptain,
► 11.1
When we use tell to report what someone has said, we must always
say who they were talking to. We need to use a name, a noun ora
pronoun. The name, noun or pronoun comes directly after the verb
He told Jane that he was tired.
He told his mother that he was tired. Paola told Jan that she'd meet him there at 9.
Jan told Hugo that they
He told me he was tired. NOT He 1&!6 l!e IW!5 ti,ed. He !eld l!e IW!5
Hugo told
NOTE: When we use say we can add to+ the person they're
talking to after the words that the person said.
He saíd he was fine to me. b What time did each person arrive at the meeting?
AII Comments t 1)
NYblogger Thanks for an excellent LOL! Really !ove this video. So funnyl
article , Germaine. So interesting 10
read about your experiences.
2, 19/' • '> ·- 1'
.kli Gretchen321 04/07/2011 .
StefanK BIG cong rats for the new jobl Very happy
for you ©
posted at 11 .42 AM • Like
1 Look at the comments. Which comment(s) come(s) from b Read three more comments. Cross out all the
1 a photo sharing website? unnecessary words.
2 a social networking website? 1 1love this photo. lt looks like such a beautiful place!
3 a video sharing website? 2 Great video. great song! lt's definitely the best one from
4 a blog? the band's new album.
3 We're so excited to hear you're engaged! lt's fantastic
2 '-t Work in pairs. Do you ever write comments like news.©
these? Where do you write them? Compare your
answers with your partner. 5 a work in pairs. Choose three photos from this
book. Write comments about them for a photo sharing
3 Read the comments again. Find abbreviations that mean website.
1 congratulations
2 favourite
b Visit one of the websites in 1 and leave a comment.
3 laugh out loud
d a What does the writer omit in each comment? Match Comments on websites are generally short and informal.
omitted words 1-4 to comments a-d.
When you write a comment on a website, use short
1 a very happy for you. sentences and abbreviations. Remember to use a friendly
2 lt's b Looks like you had a great time! tonel
3 l'm e So interesting to read about your experiences.
4 lt d Really love this video.
2 Read the emai ls again. Which email(s) 5 Choose one of the situations below and write an email
1 give(s) bad news? to say sorry. Use the expressions in 3 if appropriate.
2 respond(s) to bad news?
3 say(s) thank you before sayi ng sorry? 1 A good friend failed sorne important exams (decide
4 is/are sent to more than one person? what kind ot exam). write an email to make him/her feel
5 is the most informal? better (think of something positive that you can say).
6 is the most formal?
2 An old friend has invited you to his/her house for a
3 Complete the phrases from the emails. holida.y. Write an email to him/her to say that you can't
a We are w to tell you that... visit and explain why.
b So sorry to h that...
c l'm writing to 1 you k that... 3 You are a member of a club (decide what kind of club),
d Wea for... You can't attend club meetings anymore. Write an email
e l'ma that... to the club secretary to say sorry and explain why.
t We're really s thal...
1 When you buy a new gadget, what helps you
decide which one to choose? Put the reasons in order, Customer Reviews
1-6 (1 is the most important).
a the price sonic 110
b the company or brand name
e what other people say about it
t'OS ~ 11y Ama • 29 Nov 2011
d the appearance (size, colour, etc.)
e the special features
f how easy 1t 1s to use
' Read the rev1ew. what gadget Is the writo,1 1eviewing? GREAT PRODU CT ,
How do you know? GREAT PRICE!
3 What information does the review include? Tick the Last week, 1 bought the new Sonic 110 - l'm
correct options. really pleased with 1t!
1 the name of the gadget
2 where the writer bought it At first, 1 wasn't sure wh,ch model to buy.
3 why the wnter chose it A friend recommended the X200. The best
4 the best features thing about that model is the state-of-the-art
s the disadvantages camera, which takes fantastic photos. The
6 who the gadget is suitable for disadvantage? lt's one of the most expensive
7 how much it costs models around•
..S Read lhe review again. Underline all the adjectives. In the end, I decided to buy the Sonic 110
Which are a) comparative adjectives? b) superlative because I wanted something cheaper and
adjectives? s,mpler than the X200. I'm really happy with
my choice. For me, the biggest advantage of
5 a Think about a gadget that you use frequently. this model is the screen. The colours are so
Complete the notes about the gadget. clear and bright, even when you're outside in
the sun. It's perfect for surfing the Internet or
Gadqet watch1ng videos.
What / /1/<e about ,t
The Sonic 110 1s smaller and lighter than
the X200 . Sorne people m,ght thlnk that's an
What/ don't/J/ceabcutit advantage. Personally, I d1sagree - it's the
only thing r don't like about th,s model' The
Rahnq ***** keys on the Sonic 110 aren't very big, wh,ch
can make typing difficult. Th1s model probably
1sn't the best option for people who send a lot
of emails or text messages.
b Work in pairs. Compare your gadgets. Would you
like to use your partner's gadget? Why/Why not? But for people who want the latest technology
at a lower price than the X200, the Sonic 110
6 Write a review ot your gadget in a similar style tu 1111:: Is a great choice 1
review in 2. Use your notes in to help you.
» See more 5 star, 4 star reviews
When you write a review, remember to say why you like
or dislike the product. Start with the reasons why you
chose it and finish by saying what type of person it is
suitable for.
1 When you buy a new gadget, what helps you
decide which one to choose? Put the reasons in order, Customer Reviews
1-6 (1 is the most important).
a the price Sonic 110
b the company or brand name
e what other people say about it
Posted hy Anna • 29 Nov 2011
d the appearance (size, colour, etc.)
e the special features
f how easy it is to use
Z Read the review. What gadget is lhe wdler reviewing? GREAT PRODUCT,
How do you know? GREAT PRJCE!
;3 What information does the review include? Tick the Last week, I bought the new Sonic 110 - I'm
correct options. really pleased w1th it!
1 the name of the gadget
2 where the writer bought it At ñrst, I wasn't sure which model to buy.
3 why the writer chose it A fnend recommended the X200. The best
4 the best features thing about that model is the state-of-the-art
5 the disadvantages camera, which takes fantastic photos. The
6 who the gadget 1s suitable for disadvantage' lt's one of the most expensive
7 how much it costs models aroundl
.... Read the review again. Undertine ali the adjectives. In the end, 1 decided to buy the Sonic 110
Which are a) comparative adjectives? b) superlative because J wanted something cheaper and
adjectives? simpler than the X200. I'm really happy with
my choice. For me, the b1ggest advantage of
5 a Think about a gadget that you use rrequently. this model is the screen. The colours are so
Complete the notes about the gadget. clear and bright, even when you're outside in
the sun. lt's perfect for surñng the internet or
<:,adqet watching videos.
What / bke abo"t ,t
The Sonic 110 is smaller and lighter than
the X200. Sorne people might think that's an
What/ don'thkeabo"ht advantage. Personally, I disagree - 1t's the
only thing I don't like about th1s modell The
Rahnq ***** keys on the Sonic 110 aren't very big, which
can make typ1ng difficult. Th1s model probably
isn't the best option for people who send a lot
of emails or text messages.
b ~ Work in pairs. Compare you r gadgets. Would you
like to use your partner's gadget? Why/Why not? But for peopte who want the latest technology
at a lower price than the X200, the Sonic 110
6 Write a rev1ew of your gadget In a similar style to the is a great choicel
review in ~. Use your notes in 5 to help you.
» See more 5 star, 4 star reviews
When you write a review, remember to say why you like
or dislike the product. Start with the reasons why you
chose it and finish by saying what type of person it is
suitable for.
How did you say thank you? In person. on the phone or ~d, f'o,. ;.,,,..'7 br'rrl1t(A'7, r,- IVAS' reo.1/"7 ~ú,,t:( ol''7º"'·
in a letter or email? r M !Iº'~ º"" /,,o/idt)t17 re(J..)('t- Moñf4. S'O Ií,.,,,. p/a,,,,,,...,,-,,..!J
fl> S'p<tJ,\d t"r <>ñ S'e>J,,,,.<'J,#,fi-t!J '°'rC.4 11/~tr{I. f'>v. AIVA I
2 a Read the thank you notes. Which note is for '1·
1 a friend?
r ltop« .,,,,,,-,..._ ,va//. r,._, loo/<,-,,.~
2 a relative? f'or11.1Ptrd h> S4ct'ri!J '7º1#t SO(>h
Kind regards,
Ferrara Cosia
3 Read t he notes again. ldentify the three parts of each note. S Choose one of the situations you discussed in 1. Write
greeting saying thank you ending the letter an appropriate note to say thank you.
4 a Compl ete the table with phrases from the notes. 6 Swap notes with a partner. Check that your partner has
lncluded the three parts from 3 and used approprlate
Informal More formal language.
When you write, rernember that errors of formality are
Saying thank you often more obvious to the reader than small errors in
grammar, vocabulary or spelling. Be careful not to write
too informally to someone you don't know very well.
Ending the letter
Hi Bryan, hi Tao! How are you? b Work in groups. Continue the web
Bryan chat between Bryan, Ling and Tao. Make
arrangements about the things on your
Good, thanks. ~ You?
'to do' lists.
l'm fine thanks! We're making plans for Saturday - 4 Work in pairs. You want to do
do you still want to come to the beach? something with your English class to
llng celebrate the end of your course.
Decide what you will do and when.
Yeah, l'd love to! What time are you planning to le;i.ve?
8•,l8n 5 Write a web chat to make arrangements
We' re thinking of meeting at my house at 10. for your event.
OK, sounds great. How about I bring a p icnic for TIP
In a web chat, use simple sentences in an
r.10 informal style. Remember to respond to
Sure! There w ill be about eight of us. Jen and Maó other people's suggestions in a friendly,
are coming - they're vegetarían. polite way!
Hmm, OK ...
Why don' t we have a barbeque? Then everyone can
bring something to cook. lt m ight be easier.
Good idea! 1'11 email the others tonight and let them
Thanks, Tao! Right, what else do we need to plan?
7 .4 Functional language, page 12, 3.4 Functional language, page 32, Exercise 7
Exercise 8
e towels g sink plug
f bottle opener h remate control
D in memory of a loved one
1!1 as a religious monument
1!1 as a defence against invasion ·-------- ..--
0 to hold competitions
ti to bury the dead
lll to protect an important source of water
... --....-----·-
.. -- ..
5.5 Speaking task, page 57, Exercise 4
Part 1
Read the in·f ormation about the school in photo a
and answer Studenc s$s questions.
5 Price? 050
Pare. 2
Ask Student B questions to complete che table
about the achool in photo c.
. ;
1 Accommodat ion?
2 Courses - which
----·----- c:I
3 Class size?
4 Activities?
-- -------··
.......-...-.-------- .
• 5 Price?
- ----------
..... -
- ..
,. __
.• , 6.2 Vocabu lary, page 62, Exercise 4
Stude.ot. A
2.4 Functional language, page 22, 6.2 Vocabulary, page 62, Exercise 4
Exercise 5a
Student 8
Student a
You are che ai~lina check-in assistanc.
The flight has been cancelled. All
passengers aré booked on to the next
flight comorrow morning. The airline has
booked hotel rooms for all che paesengers
at the airport. They can get ~ free
dinner at che hotel.
2 Courses - which
subjects? 2
3 Class size?
Marti mee her real brother (Bob McDonald) first
4 Activities? and they became good íriends beca use they were
both outgoing and fun. She chen met her birth
5 Price?
parents, bue Marti thought that they didn't want
Part 2 to get close to he, beca use they thought of Sue as
Read che information abouc che school in photo e their real daughter.
and answe~ Student A's questions .
5 Price? ssso
_ Reading, page 87, Exercise 3 9.5 Speaking task, page 101, Exercise 5
b) cans
three hours al the weekend. 1 have homework s Oh, it started way back, when I was a A: 11 was a fantastic holiday - really great.
twice a week, and I plan to spend a lot of kid. 1got a camera for Christmas when WelL.. apart from the last day that isl We
time outside class studying vocabulary. 1 like 1 was eight - no, sorry, when I was had a bit of a scary experience!
to make lists of voc.abulary and test myself - seven. 1absolutely loved it... When I was B: Oh no. what happened?
usually, 1 write the words by topic and then nine, 1 already knew I was going to be a A: well, we were driving through a safari par\
1 write a translation next lo the word. 1plan pholographer when I grew up. And here 1 when sorne monkeys jumped onto the ca,
to read whatever I can in English and write ami We were driving along, looking at all the
down all the new words ln my vocabulary P: what are the best lhings about your job? animals. Sorne monkeys were following"'
notebook. l'm an expert with my electronic S: well, 1love travelling! l've been to Africa when suddenly they jumped onto the rod
dictionary - l'm very fast and I use il ali the a lot, because my parents live in Nairobi, we could sec them through the windows.
time lo help me to understand new language the capital of Kenya. But I didn'l go there B: Oh not
when l'm reading magazines. 1also plan to last year, FO!' a change, 1visited the south, A: lt was a bit scary! They were making a lo!
find exercises to help me practise online. from Australia to Antarctica - well. the noisel Then one of them climbed throug~
!he window and took my sunglasses I to say somethlng aboul you, wouldn't
~o! 1don't bel1eve it! ◄ 4 3,1. p. 2 ; :• 1 11 be beuer to have a custom design -
A Yes! Then 11 ran away wlth them - and A: So. do you remember Tlle Seven wonders something that you design yourself?
they were really expensível Anyway, then of the Modern World, Jatk? s I suppose you're right. Or... what about
sorne men carne and chased lhe monkeys Oh yes, wasn't it sorne lcind of online no design at all? What if you don't want
away. competttoon or something? people 10 know anything about you?
That sounds er. interest,ng, lucia. The A: Yes, that ·s 11. qu,te a few years ago, now Which is better7
U,ing is. l've gol to go, !'ve got some lriends 2007, 1think. A Swiss•Canad,an, Bernard D: 1 hadn'I really thought about that.
coming over and ... Shall I call you laterl Weber, set up the projecl. He asked people
to vote on the seven be,t constructions in ◄>J) 4 .1, p. 38, Ex 2
~ 2.9.: 7, E~2 the wortd today. is that ,ight?
conversation l Yes, 1remember - first people from wow. 1 look so young ,n this photo... Many
A Good morning, can I have your passport, around the world nominated their girls In Colombia have what's called a
pjease7 favourite lnndm.irks - they all h.ad to b!" Qulncc~ñera p.arty when they'rf\ fiheen. AII
,es. Of course, here 11 ,s. man·made · and lhen everyone voted your friends and lam,ly are there. lt's a great
A llfhere are you 1raveI1,ng to. sir? lor the top seven. The v.,nners were pany we ali dress up ,n these lovely dresses
Singapore... r
announced on July lhe 2007, the - I1's definitely much more impcrtant than a
,. oo you have your flight relerence number seventh of the seventh of 20071 normal birthday pany. lt's when you become
w11hyou7 A: t don't think I can name all seven thoughl an adult. 1remember we danced all night...
,es. here you are. Well, in alphabetical order they are: 1met my first boyfriend there I D,d I feel like
,. Thanks very much. How many bags do you Chichen liza - the May,n pyramid in the an adult afterwards? Not really. t was still at
want to check in7 Yucatan Penlnsula. Mexlco ... school. 1couldn't drive a car. 1d,dn't leave
,ust thls one••• A: Oh, yes. l've been lhere - lt's wonderlul home till l was 251 eut I had lots of lun and
&. D<d you pack the bag yourself? The Christ the Redeem" statue in RI0 de lots ol presen1s1
1: ,es. Janeiro, Braz,I 2
A: vou d1dn't leave it unattended at any tome? A: Oh yes, there·s a great view ol the rny We we,e both 28 when we got marroed. We
1: o;o, no. from there. !'ve never been, but l've seen were so nervous - and so happy. 11 really was
A:. Ok. thank you. Sir, l'm afraid lhere ,s a photos. Amazlng! a very special day. AII our friends and family
.:etay on your fligh1 The Colosseum on Rome, . were lhere. E>en my boss camel I don't
a- Oh dear... How long is it? A: Of course! thonk I stopped sm,hng ali dayl D1d rt make a
A: •m not sure. They'll lnform you at the • The 6,000 kilometre-long Great wall ol dofference? Well, yes, it did, t was surprised
boardlng gate. Please go straight through China ... how blg a differen,e it made. sorne people
ID passport control now. A: l'd lave to go to China to see lhat - they say weddings are JUSI an excuse lora party.
1: Oh that's terrible. l'm go,ng to miss my say it's 1he only man-made structure that but no. ,t's much. much more. When I look
connecUon. you can see lrom space. at the nng and th,nk of lhat day, 1know it
A! Here's a free pass to our business lounge, J: The Inca city ol Machu P,cchu, near Cuzco
changed my lile forme.
you1J be more comfortable there. In Peru ...
Oh. that's greaL.. thank you! A Anolher place rve alw1ys wanted 10 vis,1.
This was such a wonderlul day And she's
Petra, the c,ty made ir rock. ín Jordan. su,h an incred,ble lady. 11 was really hard to
conwrsatlon 2 A: Oh yes, that really IS SlCh a beautiful place. belíeve that she was 100 years old. She spoke
" Hi, can t help? ,.. and the Ta) Mahal in Agra, India.
,es. can we check in. please. The name's so clearly and intelllgently. Everybody was
A: 1have been there. What a great list! But no
.\lantel. there 10 celebrate with her: her colleagues,
pyramids' 1mean lhe pyram,ds in Egyp1?
A. 01 course, do you have your booking her friends. her family II really was a very
No. lhey were on the original list - the
reference number? special occas,on
Seven wonders of the Ancient World ...
a Yes, here lt is, we booked online.
A! What was lhe name, agaon? ~ '/) 3.10. p. ,2 f)( 2
◄>J) 4 .7. p. 46, fx 2
1 'llantel. Photo A
&e Ah yes, here you are. a double room • Sal J • Jake e • Carly D • Dave
A: Claud,o!
arriv,ng IS"' and leavlng on the 17''.. Is OK. So what do you think7 Which is your B: Helen! Welcome backl Here, these are lor
:.hat correct7 lavourite, Jake? you.
1 "llat's right. Just one que,tio11. J: Wcll. pcrson.illy, 1 pref•r the one-~ that A; Thcy're b<:autiíul, thank you.
A Certainly. show beauuful scenery. because I really lt's great to see you. 1know 11 was justa
Is breaklast included? like nature. What do you think, Carly? week. but rve m,ssed you, Helen.
A i.et me check, sir... Yes, that's right. C: 8ut that's so boring. Id rather have A: Oh, me too ... 1mean, l've mlssed you, too.
sreaklast is from 7 to 10. And I have sorne something modem. 1like thls design - lt's ll was a really boring business trip, and
good oews lor you, you have a suote! really abstract and cool. rm glad to be back! So tell me, how are
1: Oh, lhat's a surprise. Thanks very much. D: The problem is, you llave to change your th,ngs?
A! Here's your key... room 202... Leave your skin every two weeks if you like things Oh, pre1ty good, yeah. 11 was laorly quiet
t>ags and we'II take them up to your room. that are in lashionl l'd prefer something at work this week so...
Enjoy your stay I more classlc, llke a piece ol an. What
about you, Sal7 Whicb do you prefer> Photo B
,11.anks, we will! one more thing...
A.; Ves 7 s l like that one. l'd like to have one that A: Georgel trs great 10 see you again. tt's
1 ts there Wi·FI in the rooms? shows one of my hobbies or interests. l'd been a long 1,me since we last met. 11
A: Yes, but there's an extra cost lor internet. much rather have one that says somethlng mus1 be whal, twenty years now?
Here are the details about me and who 1,m. a· Twenty•two, 1think .... yes, twenty-two
1: Oh. that's a shame. J: Well, really, 11 you want your laptop skin sonce we retored from the school. ll's good
to catch up, alter all this time. lt 's a shame H1ggins' Sc,ence lessons are greal. can I help you?
we've only got a few hours. 8: Ves, he flies hls plane to our vlllage P· Er, good morningl I read an advenisement
A: Yes, we must meel up again ~n. So. once a weEk, and he teaches us Science about your school in the lnternationa/
what are you doing now? outdoors He thmks classrooms are ug1y Times. and ,t sounds very interestíng
8: Oh, 1moved 10 Scotland when I slopped places! Could I ask you a few more questions?
teaching... Did I tell you that my eldest son A: And we thiik he should gel the Teacher of A: Certainly. Whal would you like to know?
has a business in Edinburgh? the Vear award . Well, first of ali could you tell me where
A: Yes, 1remember. • l'm glad he's been so your students stay?
successful. ,..,,, 5.3, p. 5l' .• A; Sure. Students stay in a bi& hotel near the
Yes, we·re very proud. How are your sons? famous Sydney Bridge. lots of our sludents
A: They·re fine, thanks. They'd love to meet 1 liarla
like to take photos therel
you ... Hi, l'm liaría, l'm not doing anythlng exciting •· Thal sounds nice... l'd like lo know more
Photo e thls summer, because I need to study. l'm about the courses. Whal sub¡ecls do you
lakíng my final exam in Forensic Scíence next tea.ch?
A: Oh, lt's so good... lt's so good to see you. month. Foren~c Scicncc i.s rcally popular
Eoght months, lt's.. I1 's been so long since A, Well, there's Enghsh, of course! But you
now, 1chose tNs course because I love TV can also choose extra classes in Literature,
police dramas lke CSI and Bones. and I want Art and Music. Music is always very
B: Yeah, it is, it is ... it's great to be back home
lo help the pol,ce find criminals. The problem popular!
again. So, Mum .. . how's it going1 Is, thousands of students have had the same
A: Oh, not bad ... we've been OK. But you OK, thanks l'd also like 10 know how big
idea• rm workr,g really hard for th,s exam your classes are.
don't want to hear about thatl We all want
because I need to get a good grade, A: They're quite small. We usually have
to hear about youl
B Well, l've got lots to tell you. Is Dad here? 2 aushan between five and ten students in a class.
And everyone else1 l'm Raushan. N~xt month, l'm going to start a No more than that.
A: Yes, they're ali inside. They can't wa,t to degree in equ,re stud,es. In my home country, Great, thanks. Sorry. 1have another
see you. Kaukhsta.n. hor:ses are very important: my question. What activn,es can students do
family has s~eial horses a.nd we rode them ,n alter school1
...l)) 5.1, p. 49, Ex 2 compelitions. There aren·t any Equlne Studies A: Oh, there·s 101s1 Students can do sports,
degrees al my local universlty, so my family... walk around Ihe city, or they can go to the
we're moving to lhe USA in the new year and cinema. we also take students on trips 10
My candidate for the Teacher of the Vear
l'm going to stt.dy there. There are loads of the coast.
award ,s Professor Quarashi. Professor
equine courses ,n the USA - you can even take One last quesuon... What does your
Quarash, teaches universíty courses ,n IT,
a course in horse psychology, so you can learn course cost 1
or lnformation Technology. That's really
how horses thinkl But l'm more interested in A: lt's $600 a weekl
unusual - not many women teach IT In Saudi
learning about health and medicine I want 10 S600! Bul the plane lickel's SSSOI Oh
Arabia, My family d1dn't want me to go to
un,vers,ty. They wanted me to get marr,ed help our ho<ses be strong. fit - and "'in lots dear, 1 need to think about th,s ... Could 1
of prizes! call you later7
But Professor Quarashi helped me. She
spoke to my parents, and now rm studying A: Of course, whenever you like.
l Lee
IT too. Professor Quarashl says it 's important B Thank you. Thanks for your help,
Hi, l'm Lee. Al flrsl, 1wanted to study Sports
to choose your favourlte subject for your
degree, and I love computers! Thank you,
Sclence at uni. ·:ause I love football. But 1 ..t,)) 6.1 p. 58, Ex 2
couldn't make my m,nd up. 1d1dn·1 know if
Professor - you're my hero! l'd enjoy study,ng sport instead of play,ng
2 This is a great story. lt's aboul how teenagers
,1. Then I heard about lhis new course at
My vote goes to Manhew Sanford! Matlhew are volunteerong 10 help older people learn
Birmingham un verslty, ali about social
leaches In lhe USA. He's disabled and he how to use computers. They don'l just help
networking - c~atllng to friends online, that
needs 10 use a wheelchair. But he doesn't stay them w1th techn,cal lhings. They teach them
sort of thing. l already spend half my ume
at home ali day. He teaches yoga• He believes about fun lhings too - fmding chps from lheir
do1ng thatl •·m stan,ng the course next year
everyone can do somethIng amaz,ng favourite films, or their favourote singers,
and rm gett,ng exc,ted about 11 already. My
whoever you are and whatever problems you scanning and copy,ng old pholos, helping
parents don'l lhink lt's a ·real' degree - they
have, His yoga lessons are greal, 1 really look them find the news they're lnteresled in ...
want me to Sludy a traditional sub¡ect, like. 1
forward lo them. They're certainly much more and ,rs not only about computers. ll's aboul
dunno, Chemistry. But l lhink the ,nternet -
fun lhan staying home and watching TVI building brid¡es in the commun,ty, bringing
that's the future. isn·t il? lt miRht be trendy' the otd ano tne young togetner, helping lhem
now. but in ten years' ume it's going 10 be
A& Vote for Phill understand each other's worlds. There should
like history or literature - everybody's going
A: Phil Higgins ís our Science teacher. He be more projects like this.
10 be doing ltl
teaches us at primary school. 2
8: Promary school is usually boring, bul Mr 1know this sounds like a joke - but ,t really
... 1/ 5.9. p. 56 f·ttonation
did happen. 1was there. 1saw 11. There was a
Higgins makes 11 fun.
A: Yeah. And he's amazing because he's not A: Please un I s,t here? cat stuck ,n the tree, and ,ts owner called the
just a Science teacher - he's a pllot too! Please can I s,t here? firefighters - lhey had to use lheor ladder and
e: Veah. Sophie and 1, we go 10 a tiny school 2 A: Coufd ycu help me, please? everylhing, ll was very difficull, bul In the end
in Australia, miles from any towns, We've 1 Could you help me, please? lhey got the cal down. t don't thlnk il was the
only got one classroom, and one teacher. 3 A: Would ~u 1,ke to come? best possible use of lhe emercency servicesl
Mrs Green. Mrs Green is a great teacher, Would ~u ltke to comel But I suppose ,t gave them sorne e~tra
but she doesn'l teach Science. Mr H1ggins practice for when there·s a real emergencyl
is our Science teacher. And hc's lhe best! ...)).15.10, p. 57, Ex 2 3
A: we love learning about science. Mr A. Helio. Adventures in English here. How We help out at a local cha.roty - 1go out
,A ,\\
rse-, ~unday if I can - and we were out is called the Restaurant of 111e Future of you.Then wh le you are wa111ng. you
- aay, handing out food and talking to and lt's at Wagen1ngen University in can watch the chef making food on a tive
eir •-omeless people down by the markel the Netherlands. we spcke to science web cam, and even play a video game on
•~ cold, and we were goving lhem soup corresponden! Jas, Walttrs to leam why your table.
a-.: bfead. Anyway, we were lhere as usual. it's so unusual. Hi, Jan Well, ít doesn't P: So, there are no pcople servmg?
~ tt 1s young kid walked over, he was jusi a look like a futuristic resr.iurant. So, what's T: There·s no one taking your ordcr, but
i:as;,·ay. and he walked up to one man and so special about this piare? the wa,ter brings the food to your table.
..-eJ him his burger - the burger his dad Well, 11 tooks tike a normal univers1ty That way ,t's much quic.ker, and lhere are
,ac: ust bought for him. His dad was nodd1ng canteen - and in lact it s a normal no mislakes! And when you've finished,
re ,,,,;ling. and the homeless man sm1led universlty canteen The interesting 1hing is you can order a 1axi 10 take you home by
=- t was such a nice, generous gesture.
lhal 11's atso a laborator,.
What do you mean, a laboratory? P:
simply chck,ng a bullon.
lt all seems a bit 100 h1gh iech for me.
6.2, p. 61, Ex 1 1 well, there are ten cameras in 1he canteen, T: WeU, 1hey're experimenting whh new
which film péaple as th,y ,a1 and drink. ideas all the time. and mos1 people tove
_. ~t¡lie J• Jason
Here on these screens, 1he researchers the novetty vatue. One day all restaurants
J: u,.,m Natalie, can I take this afternoon off walch how people make a choice about might be tike Lhisl
ashOliday? whal 10 eat and drink. SCientlsls are
i""'"'· 1don't know Jason. You should s1udy1ng the science of food, doing ~ ,)) 7.4. p. 78, Ex 1
f- ,h that report for the presenta11on re""arch into why peop e eat and drink
tJJmorrow. 1 Fontez
the way 1hey do. And they're ge11ing a lot
J: 1 • ·ow. but I can't do any more 1oday. t'm ol very in1eres1ing data More than 250 How much 1echnology do I use? Nol muchl
r wa11ing for the informatoon I need studenls at the univer.-y are taking part 1 want to hetp lhe environment. so I try not
from John Bodley, in 1he project. Of course, lhe studen1s to use to1s ol energy. ll hetps me 10 save
\lo ,11. you should call hlm and tell him you don'I know what lhe se entisls are looking a httte money too, whJCh is grea1. 1 hale
"'""" 1urgently. lor. but they do lheir bts1 10 co-operate. shopping, irs so borlngl I don't have a 101
J: 1 LOOW, l've called a few times and teft a The scientiru have already made progress, of things. 1don·t have a TV, an MP3 player,
message. He hasn'l called back yet. Thc in fact they've made sorne surprising or even a fridge, nolhmg like that. Do 1
thing is .•. l'm going to play football, 10 discoverles. ever miss iechnology? Um, if l'm honesl,
cn\e sorne money for the local hospital. 1 P: For example... ? yes, 1do, sometimes A compu1er woutd be
ca· t say no, can 11 Well, they've d1scovered lhat. on average, great - 1love surfing the nel, 1heres a 101
" Well, 1suppose lt's OK lhls lime. Bul you women spend longcr decidmg whal 10 of fascinaung information out there. Al first
SMuldn't ask for lime off on the same day eat 1han men And 1hey make changes - 1didn't use 10 have any gadgeis or electric
- ,ou should ask at least a week before. very smatl changes - in lhe tighting. the 1tems al afl. but a few years ago I bought
J: sorry, Natatle. Thanks. 1can finish the decorai,on. etc. and lhey've noticed, lor mysell a small electílc fire. Where I tive, 11 can
report lhis evening. example. that people eat more food when get cotd In winter - really cold! But I try nol
there are flowers on U,elr table. to use il for too many hours a day.
4 JU 6.10 ~ 66, (, 1 P: That's 1nterest1ng... An:f whal kind ol lood 2 B•
A: l'm not feeling well, 1 have a do people eat?
When I use technology, 1feel reatty itl. 1gel
headache anda fever. Oh, all sorts! Manufacturers ohen ask a 1erribte headache, and lhen I have 10 go
8 Why don't you go home and go 10 1he researchers 10 do work on new lood 10 bed. 11 ,sn't much funl My doctor told me
bed? in 1he restauran!, so 1~e menu ,s atways
lhat lechnology can make a few people feet
i A; There's a ftre In the kltchenl changing, They also de tests on all kmds
sick. This Is a huge problem for me! Just look
8 You should call the emergency of things: how much food people teave
around you the next time you're in town: how
number. on lhelí plate. how qu.:kly they make
many gad¡ets do you see? Nearly everyone
3 A: l'm not dolng well in college, because a dec1s1on about what 10 eat... to1s ol seems to have moblle phones, MP3 players ...
1 miss you so much. What should I do? lhings...
1here aren't many places I can vlsil withou1
8 You should ask someone for help. gelling a headache. so I usuafly stay in! 1
Why don'I you speak to your teacher P: Now. our second des11na1,on ,s a very
1h1nk, sorne day. !'ti have to move. There are
and see whal she says? different kind of restauran! of the fuiure.
s1ill lots of countries where peopte don't use
.JI A; l've got 1errible problems at work . We're In london's SOho, in an oriental
much technology, like parts of Africa. l'd hke
rm so messed. Do you th,nk I should fusion restaurant catted lnamo. 1 spoke to
10 go lhere - 11 woutd be good 10 feel well
talk to my boss? restaurant critic, Tany;, B;iilleua . ... Mi Tiny.1..
There are people who can help T: Hi there. How are you?
P: So. 1ell us. how is th1s 1he restauran! of 3 Kerim
w,lh stress. Why don'I you talk to a
professional? the lu1ure. then? t tive in a place wh,ch doesn·t have any
S A: l'm going to be lale for class. What T: Well, the first 1h1ng to notJCe is the lighling electricity, so there isn'l much technology. 1
can l do? and the decoratlon. The interior deslgners don't care - it isn'I a problem forme. 1 don'I
t What about calhng your friend1 She d1d tots of different expeílments before need a 101 of gadge1s to be happy - 1thínk
can let someone know. they chose 1h1s. They have crealed a peopte spend too much 11me watchmg TV
6 A: Oh no! Thls woman has fainiedl speclal a1mosphere, tike a science•fic1ion and playlng computar games anyway. l'd
B Quick, you need to catt a doctor movit. 1lhink 1t's greu! rather spend more time having fun with my
P: And lhey·ve invented a new system for fílends and lamily! l'm not reatly mterested ,n
◄!417.1 r, 73, Ex 1 ordeflng food, 1s that flght? menee and lechnotogy, and I get bored when
T: Yes, as you can see. 1,e tables are touch· we have 10 sludy it al school. l'm much more
P ~ ~""nter • Jan T • Tanya sens111ve and ,nterac6ve Each table has a interested ,n music. 1want 10 be a musician
p, on 10day's programme, we're visi1ing pro¡ector anda 1rackpad, so you can see when r teave school, hke my dad. rd tike to be
two unusuat restaurants The first one the food flash up on 1he 1able top in lronl like him.
(1 Richmond
. . . Cqóom
E .Ort>orahTricker
~ment: Laura Miranda. Mary Todd
E E a Editor: Mary Todd
. - , : . _ O>omackl, Rhona Snellíng
• Hazel Geatches
.,_....,., Pentacor Book Design
. . _ . & u,out: torna Heaslip, Rob eriggs
Magdalena Mayo
11 -.tor: torna Heaslip
Richard Allen e/o Eye Candy lllustration lid., Francis Blake c/o Three-in•a•Box ltd.,
DNICsOrl Phil Hackett c/o Eye Candy lllustration Ltd .• Matt latchford c/o Advocate Art Ud.,
,-..r:J, V Resino: S. Enríquez: s. Padura: M. Mayo; beargryll s.com: COMSTOCK: Corbis lmages:
~ a 1,1-1K· Doug Savage/Savagechickens.com: EFE; The Bees/Flickr.com; Aine D/Flickr.com;
- !. Pr0imoS/Flickr.com: Ampersandsyslexia/Flickr.com; Jonrawlison/ Flickr.com: Seb Ruiz/Flickr.com:
~ !M.AGES SALES SPAIN/Photos.com Plus,; HIGHRES PRESS STOCK/AbleStock.com: l. Preysler;
E;& fOTOES11.JDIO/R. Martfnez: ISTOCKPHOTO; Princeton.edu/• NA: JOHN FOXX IMAGES; Mark Boyle/
,-ilb .doveo6t.org; lego ®; matthewsanford.com; NASA: SEIS X SEIS; Seth Shostak/SETI lnstltute ;
oa ~ · \lark Henley/Panos Pictures; Phiggles the Flying Sciemist: c. 2othC. Fox/Everett/
ID ~=. Rex Features/Stephen Meddle; NBCUPHOTOBANK/Rex Features: Sun Media:
5acólfStoo Tamer Nakisci/Studionakiscl.com: Alamy: Cortesía de Appte: M. Ortega/J. Frías; MATTON·
e.cr Paócly Fields in Southern China. aerial view
:.e:-, 1rnages sales Spain/Jialiang Gao
91t ..-Id like to thank the followlng reviewers for theír valuable feedback which has made The
11if ,iictun possible. We extend our thanks to the many teachers and students not mentioned here.
~una): Cecilia Chiacchio, tngrld Suhring; (Brazil): Ana Falcao Virginia García, Patricia McKay,
1:J"'ll'ia Phillipps, Bia Sousa; (Colombia): Kathleen Canal; (ltaly): Morgan Cox, Karen Geiger. Sarah Stats;
!'Ver,co): Emma Dominguez. Melissa Ferrin, lupita Neve, Coral !barra Yunez: (Potand): Malgosia Adams,
lt.a!U Roslnska; (Spain): Vicki Anderson. Juan Carlos Arauja, Kare1 Dyer, Gabby Maguire,
fio,,a \lcClelland, Karin Rickatson, Almudena Verdugo Valcarce, Andy Walsh; (UK): Cathy Ellis,
HowMd Smith, Jonathan Stoddart
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Printed in Spain
ISBN: 978·84-668·2077•6
Flrst edition: 2014
DL: M·6050-2014
• . •
• •• •• Student's Book
■ 12 topic-based units
➔ see pages 58-59 ■ lnteractive grammar reference
• . . • • • •
■ Communication bank and Writing bank
• . . :. . •
are topic and context driven
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•. •
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Teacher's Book
Complete teaching notes, keys and transcripts
Alternativa and extra activities
➔ see pages 50-S1 ■ Ideas tor mixed-ability teaching
~i Richmond