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Assess the knowledge and attitude regarding immunization among

community health nurses

I am, making research project to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding
immunization among community health nurses in selected community health
centers at Najran. After take informed consent from najran university, I
kindly request that you complete the following questionnaire. This is not
taking more then 5 minutes of your time. Your response is important for me.
Thank you.
Please tick ( ) where necessary .you may chose answer.

Part one- Demographic data

1. Gender
 Males
 Female

2. Age
 21- 30 years
 31- 40 years
 41-50 years
 Above 51 years

3. Religion
 Muslim
 Non- muslim

4. Nationality
 Saudi
 Non Saudi

5. Educational status
 Diploma
 Graduate
 Post-graduate
 PhD

6. Working experience
 0-5 Years
 6-10 Years
 10-15 Years
 Above 16 Years

7. Working at
 Sub center
8. Trainings attended previously regarding immunization
 None
 1 Time
 2 Times
 ≥3 Times
Part two - Assess the knowledge regarding immunization among community health nurses
Vaccines should be stored in the refrigerator at a
1. temperature between 10-12°C.
No harm if vials of dried MMR vaccine are stored in the
2. freezer.
3. Dilute for dried vaccines should not be frozen.
MMR vaccine should be discarded after 8 hours of
4. reconstitution.
Opened vaccine vials could be stored in the refrigerator for
5. next day’s session.
DPT, DT, Tetanus and Hepatitis B vaccine vials should not
6. be in direct contact with ice.
BCG and measles vaccines should not be exposed to
7. direct sunlight.
Vaccines vials should be taken out from the refrigerator
8. only at the arrival of the first child for that immunization
According to the local national immunization schedule the
9. first dose of DPT should be given at 3 months of age.
MMR, DTP and OPV can be safely given simultaneously
10. to the same child.
Children who suffered inconsolable crying for more than 3
11. hours after previous full DTP dose should be given half of
the usual DTP dose.
If a child misses the 2nd dose of DTP and OPV for more
12. than 2 months, vaccination schedule should be restarted
again from 1st dose.
Preterm babies should receive half the dose of vaccine
13. given to term babies.
According to the national immunization schedule the MMR
14. vaccine is given at 12month of age.
BCG must be given intradermally in the upper third of the
15. left arm.
Five drops of OPV are given to children whose weight is
16. above 20 kg.
Inject able vaccines should be given preferably in the
17. antero lateral aspect of the thigh or in the deltoid muscle.
Separate injection sites should be used to administer more
18. than one inject able vaccine at the same time.

Part three - Assess the attitude regarding immunization among community health nurses
19. I keep food, drinks and medicines in the vaccine
20. I keep vaccines in the door shelf of the refrigerator.
21. I check for signs of vaccine damage (change of color,
precipitate, etc.)
22. I check the expiry date of vaccines before opening
23. I read the package insert (manufacturer’s
instructions) before giving any vaccine.
24. I advise parents to give regular antipyretics e.g. Adol
after DTP vaccine.
25. I ask children to wait for 15-20 minutes in the centre
after vaccination
26. I record the date, name of the patient, type of vaccine
for every child in the immunization record book of the
27. I record the Batch no. of the vaccine used in the
immunization record book of the centre.
28. I check immunization record of every preschooler
who attends the centre.
29. I call dropout children for completion of missed
30. Mothers should not breastfeed their children for 20
minutes after administration of oral poliovirus vaccine.

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