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Characterization and Symbolism Handout

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Characterization (Direct and Indirect) Example:

What Is Characterization? Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice by Jane

Austen. “Occupied in observing Mr.
Characterization is the description of:
Bingley’s attentions to her sister, Elizabeth
A character’s physical traits (how a was far from suspecting that she was herself
character looks) becoming an object of some interest in the
eyes of his friend. Mr. Darcy had at first
A character’s personality scarcely allowed her to be pretty: he had
A character’s thoughts looked at her without admiration at the ball;
and when they next met, he looked at her
A character’s actions only to criticize. But no sooner had he made
There are two types of characterization in it clear to himself and his friends that she
fiction writing: had hardly a good feature in her face, than
he began to find it was rendered
1. Indirect characterization uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful
2. Direct characterization expression of her dark eyes.” Austen uses
direct characterization in this passage to
Both indirect characterization and direct describe Elizabeth through the eyes of Mr.
characterization work together to create a Darcy, who has tried hard to view her as
complete picture of your character for the undesirable but cannot resist her unique
reader. Remember that characters, like beauty.
people, are imperfect. They don’t need to be
likable, but they must be interesting. What Are the Advantages of Direct
What Is Direct Characterization?
Direct characterization is useful for the
Direct characterization, or explicit following:
characterization, is a method of describing
the character in a straightforward manner: Introducing characters. Entering the world
through their physical description (i.e. blue of a new novel can be like charting
eyes), their line of work (i.e. lawyer), and unfamiliar territory; direct characterization
their passions and outside pursuits (i.e. provides readers with concrete imagery as
voracious reader). they get to know the characters you’ve
Direct characterization is one of the most
useful and common literary devices, Revealing a character’s motivations.
however, when done incorrectly (or not at Especially early on in a narrative, it is useful
all), the result is a flat character. to clearly articulate details of
characterization so that the reader can
Famous Example of Direct connect with your characters and root them
Characterization in Literature on as they reach for their goals (or
There are certain characters who have sympathize with them if they face tragedy).
entered the literary zeitgeist thanks to direct Providing the reader with memorable
characterization. character traits. When creating important
characters that the reader is going to meet Anne in Anne of Green Gables by L.M.
more than once, be sure that they’re Montgomery. “My life is a perfect graveyard
memorable in some way. of buried hopes.” Here, Montgomery created
a character who has a complex and active
3 Tips for Using Direct Characterization
imagination, is extremely curious and
Here are some tried and true ways to use awestruck by the world around her, and who
direct characterization in your own writing. also has a very dark past with residual
emotional trauma coming to the forefront.
1. Interrupt the action. If a significant
character enters in the middle of a scene, What Are the Advantages of Indirect
interrupt the action and don’t let it proceed Characterization?
until you’ve sufficiently described this new
Adding indirect characterization to your
character. That will signal to your readers
writing is a powerful way to convey those
that this is someone worth paying attention
unspoken thoughts and traits that convey the
true essence of a person. But you have to
2. Use figurative language. Direct take care to guide your reader’s experience,
characterization stands out when it paints less they miss important clues that you drop
images in the reader’s mind. Instead of via indirect characterization.
writing “Michael was very tall,” write:
Indirect characterization humanizes a
“Michael was a sequoia in a forest of
character. By revealing a character’s
thoughts, emotions, and world view in
3. Describe your characters in relation to various contexts, you provide your reader
one another. This will help give your with a robust understanding of who your
audience perspective about the extremes (or characters are.
lack thereof) in differences between
Indirect characterization strengthens
your writing by showing, not telling. For
What Is Indirect Characterization? example, you could write your character was
“rude,” or show your character blowing
Indirect characterization is the process of cigarette smoke in another character’s face.
describing a character through that Both convey the same message, however,
character’s thoughts, actions, speech, and the first method of direct characterization is
dialogue. An author will use this type of much less subtle than the second method of
characterization to guide the reader in indirect characterization.
making their own conclusions about a
character. Indirect characterization inspires
discovery and provokes the imagination.
Example of Indirect Characterization in As a writer, you are leading your reader
Literature through your story. By weaving indirect
Indirect characterization is a useful tool in characterization through your narrative, you
illustrating a character. Often, what’s left provide the reader with the opportunity to
unsaid or unstated creates an even more draw their own conclusions and make their
powerful image in the reader’s mind.
own discoveries, for an overall more Paradise Lost by John Milton (itself a
satisfying and intriguing reading experience. retelling of the Genesis story); and The
Brothers Karamazov by the Russian author
Fyodor Dostoevsky (among its subtle
What Is Symbolism? symbolism is a physical representation of
the Holy Spirit).
Symbolism is a literary device that uses
symbols, be they words, people, marks, Romantic symbolism. Perhaps second only
locations, or abstract ideas to represent to religious symbolism, romantic symbolism
something beyond the literal meaning. has pervaded wide swaths of world
literature. Poetry, from the sonnets of
The concept of symbolism is not confined to Shakespeare to the modernist stanzas of
works of literature: symbols inhabit every Edna St. Vincent Millay, has been a
corner of our daily life. For instance, the particularly fertile medium for romantic
colors red, white, and blue typically symbolism.
symbolize patriotism (in America at least),
which is why they’re the favored hues of Emotional symbolism. Many authors and
political yard signs. Colors like orange and poets use physical symbolism to describe
brown connote fall, which is why they adorn metaphysical emotions. French language
so many Thanksgiving decorations. Road symbolists like Stéphane Mallarmé and Paul
signs, logos, and emojis are other examples Verlaine are noted for this form of
of symbolism—the visuals correspond to symbolism, as are English language writers
ideas, companies, or moods. like William Butler Yeats and Seamus
3 Types of Symbolism in Literature
5 Ways to Use Symbolism in Writing
While the subject matter of literature has
varied with the ages, the definition of Symbolism can elevate writing to a sensory
symbolism has remained constant. All experience. Symbols can give words double
symbolism is united by the concept of a meanings, both literal and figurative, and
word or object representing something writers can say more with less. Symbolism
beyond its literal meaning. Throughout can also be a sort of secret language between
history, certain types of symbolism have the writer and the reader. Specifically,
enjoyed particular favor from authors, poets, symbolism can be used to:
playwrights, and lyricists:
Add emotion. Symbols add emotional
Religious symbolism. This has been resonance to a story, which can create a
perhaps the most consistently “acceptable” lasting impression on a reader. For example,
form of symbolism throughout literary in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the
history, as it’s typically been sanctioned by guilt-ridden Lady Macbeth is tortured by a
religious authorities who have held sway spot of blood on her hands that will not
over society for much of human existence. wash clean after she kills King Duncan.
Religious symbolism traces back to the
Add imagery. Symbols add a visual element
earliest human civilizations, but highlights
to complex themes. In Seamus Heaney’s
of literary religious symbolism include
1995 poem “A Dog Was Crying To-Night in
Wicklow Also,” the author uses the image of
“burnt wood disappearing into smoke” to
describe the concept of dead humans drifting
out of other people’s consciousness.
Connect themes. The color green used
throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great
Gatsby is a marker for the money and
materialism that defines life on the North
Shore of Long Island.
Define characters. Symbols can express
character attributes. For example, the Harry
Potter series of books, Harry’s lightning
bolt-shaped scar symbolizes the attempt on
his life by Lord Voldemort and the love that
saved him.
Conceal darker meaning. In The Scarlet
Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester’s
seemingly feral daughter Pearl symbolizes
the sin that led to her conception.

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