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11 Goodbye Pharaoh English

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Bible for Children


Written by: Edward Hughes

Illustrated by: Janie Forest; Alastair Paterson

Adapted by: Lyn Doerksen

Produced by: Bible for Children

©2021 Bible for Children, Inc.

License: You have the right to copy or print this story,
as long as you do not sell it.
Pharaoh was angry!
God had commanded
him through Moses
to let the Israelite
slaves leave Egypt.
He refused.
"Work them harder",
Pharaoh ordered his
slave masters. Now
things were even
worse for the
"Gather your own straw. We won't provide it any
longer. But make the same number of bricks."
Those were Pharaoh's new orders.
The taskmasters
whipped some slaves
because they didn't have
time to gather straw and
still make enough bricks.
The people blamed
Moses and Aaron
for their troubles.
Moses found
a place to pray.
"O LORD," he
cried, "You have
not rescued Your
people at all."

"I am the LORD,

and I will bring
you out," God
Then God sent Moses
and Aaron back to

When the mighty

ruler asked God's
servants for a sign
from God, Aaron's
rod turned into a
"Call my magicians,"
Pharaoh roared.
When the Egyptian
magicians threw down
their rods, each rod
became a snake also.
But Aaron's rod
swallowed the others.
Still, Pharaoh refused
to let the people go.
Next morning, Moses and Aaron met Pharaoh at the
river. When Aaron held out his rod, God turned
the water into blood. Fish died! People couldn't
drink it!
But Pharaoh hardened his heart. He would not let
the Israelites leave Egypt.
Again, Moses told
Pharaoh to let
God's people go.
Pharaoh refused
again. God sent
another plague.
All of Egypt was
filled with frogs.
Every house,
every room, even
the cooking ovens
were over-run
with frogs!
"Pray for me, that
God will remove
the frogs,"
Pharaoh pleaded.
"And I will let
your people go."
But, when the
frogs were gone,
Pharaoh changed
his mind. He
would not free
the slaves.
God then sent billions of tiny bugs called lice.
Every person and beast itched from their bites,
but Pharaoh would not give in to God.
Next God sent flies,
swarms of them. God
sent disease to kill the
Egyptians' livestock. God
sent painful boils. People
suffered terribly.
Still Pharaoh
resisted God.
After the plague
of boils, God
sent hordes of
locusts. The
locusts ate every
green plant in
the land.
Then God sent
three days of
darkness. But
Pharaoh would
not free the
"I will send one
more plague,"
God warned.
"About midnight,
all the first-
born of man and
beast will die."
God told the
Israelites their
first-born would
be saved if they
placed lamb's
blood on their
At midnight, a great
cry arose in Egypt.
Death had struck. At
least one person had
died in every house.
"Get out," Pharaoh begged
Moses. "Go, serve the
LORD." Quickly, God's
people marched beyond
Egypt's border.
God told Moses to remember
the Passover Night because the Angel
of God had passed over the Israelite homes
and struck Pharaoh and his people.
After 430 years in Egypt,
God's people were now free.
God led them in a pillar of
cloud by day, and a pillar
of fire by night.
But Pharaoh was not
finished with the
Israelites. Again, he
forgot God. Again,
he changed his mind.
Gathering his army,
he went after the
slaves. Soon, he
had them trapped
between the cliffs
and the sea.
"The LORD shall fight for you," Moses said.
Moses went forward to the water's edge,
and stretched out his arm.
A great
miracle happened.
God opened a path
through the
water. The
people crossed
Then Pharaoh's army galloped into the Red Sea.
"Now we'll catch them," the soldiers thought. But
God closed the waters. Egypt's powerful
army was swallowed up. Now
Pharaoh knew that Israel's
God was LORD over all.
Goodbye Pharaoh!

A story from God's Word, the Bible,

is found in

Exodus 4-15

"The entrance of Your Words gives light."

Psalm 119:130
The End
This Bible story tells us about our wonderful God who
made us and who wants us to know Him.
God knows we have done bad things, which He calls sin.
The punishment for sin is death, but God loves us so
much He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on a Cross and be
punished for our sins. Then Jesus came back to life and
went home to Heaven! If you believe in Jesus and ask
Him to forgive your sins, He will do it! He will come and
live in you now, and you will live with Him forever.
If you want to turn from your sins, say this to God:
Dear God, I believe that Jesus died for me and
now lives again. Please come into my life and
forgive my sins, so that I can have new life now,
and one day go to be with You forever. Help me
to live for You as Your child. Amen.
Read the Bible and talk with God every day! John 3:16

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