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English 4 Q4 - W1 - D3

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Teaching Date: May 5, 2023 Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
A. Content Standard The learner listens critically to various text types and expresses ideas accurately in both oral and written
**Grade Level Standards
B. Performance The learners demonstrate confidence in the use of the language to meet everyday needs, and reads
Standard independently and get relevant information from various text types.
C. Learning 1. Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements EN4WC-IId-20
Write the LC code for each.

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) p. 134-135
Curriculum Guide pp. 92-93
Teacher’s Guide pp. 15-17
2. Learner’s Materials pages English LM pp 7-8
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Preliminary Activities
presenting the new lesson Energizer

Directions: Read the following sentences. Write the word REALITY on the space before each sentence
that can happen in real life and FANTASY if it can’t happen.
___________ 1. We are living on the planet called Earth.
___________ 2. Covido turns into a horrible monster at night.
___________ 3. Anyone can send messages or pictures using a messenger application.
___________ 4. Rimaries saw a beautiful enchantress in the
mountain of Makiling.
___________ 5. One day has 24 hours, so we must spend it with
much joy and love with the family.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Story writing helps children learn to organize their thoughts and use written language to communicate with
lesson readers in a variety of ways. Writing stories also helps children better read, and understand, stories written
by other people.
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Write a Short Story
practicing new skills #1 Step 1: Think of an idea. ...
A good place to start is by reading a book. Stop and make predictions about how the story might end. Your
alternative ending may become great material for a new and original story. You can also write stories
based on real life experiences, such as your first day of school, an adventure in the park or losing your first
tooth. Experience and imagination helps to build a good plot.
Step 2: Create a character and a setting. ...
Create a character and a setting.
A. The main character can be a child, an adult or an animal. You can borrow attribute from the people you
know or stranger you noticed.
B. The story can be set in the park, a different country or outer space. Let your imagination run wild!
Step 3: The Beginning. ...
Write a catchy first paragraph that will hold the interest of the reader.
A. Introduce the main character right at the beginning of the story. Tell about the setting.
B. Tell about the problem faced by the main character. You can also introduce other characters to shake
things up in the story.
Step 4: The Middle. ...
Make a story more interesting by presenting the actions made by the characters to solve the problem. It
can be a time where a character discovers a hidden superpower or a surprise that give twists to the whole
story. Think of something that the reader would least expect. It doesn't always have to make sense – this
is your time to unlock your imagination. Give the events in time order, from first to last.
Step 5: The Ending. ...
A. Show how the characters solve the problem.
B. Make a satisfying ending to finish a story. Tell what happened to the characters once their problem is
resolved. Tell also what the characters were able to finally achieve and the important lesson they learned.
Step 6: The Polishing. ...
A. Re-read your short story.
B. Edit your short story yourself.
C. Let someone proof read and edits your short story.

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to Directions: Look at the pictures to be able to write the middle events of the short fiction story.
Formative Assessment 3)

G. Finding practical application of

concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations Write the details that are needed under each event in the story when writing a short story.
and abstractions about the
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Use the picture as a clue to be able to write a complete short fiction story.

J. Additional activities for A. Write a short fiction story with its complete elements about a school scenario: a girl pupil who has
application or remediation superpowers who fought against bullying. Write the story on your answer sheets.

B. Write a short non-fiction story with its complete elements about a school scenario: a group of boys
bullies a helpless girl. Write the story on your answer sheets.

IV. REMARKS ___Lesson was successfully carried out. Move on to the next lesson.
___Lesson was not carried out on time. It will be continued in the next meeting.
V. REFLECTION ___Students did not find any difficulties in catching up the lesson.
___Students found difficulties in in catching up the lesson.
___Students did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills and interest about the lesson.
___Students were interested in the lesson despite some difficulties in answering their lesson.
___Students mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the teacher.
___Majority of the students finish their work on time.
___Some of the students did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary behavior, school activities,
A..No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation

B.No. of learners
who require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teachingstrategies Strategies used that work well:
worked well? Why did these work? ____Socratic Questioning ____Game Based Learning
____Interactive Lecture Demonstration ____Cooperative Learning
____Inquiry Based Learning ____Gallery Walk
____Blended Learning ____Brain-Based Learning
____Use of internet/ audio/ video presentation ____Textbook
____Investigation ____Models
____Demonstrations ____Differentiated Instruction
____Blended Collaborative Learning

Other techniques and strategies used

____Manipulative ____Pair-work
____Explicit Teaching ____Group collaboration
____Blended Collaborative Learning ____ PEO
____Lecture Method ____Discovery Method

____Complete IMs
____Availability of Materials
____Students’ eagerness to learn
____Group member’s collaboration/ cooperation in doing the task
____Audio Visual presentation of the lesson
F. What ____Bullying ____Students’ behavior/ attitude
difficulties did I encounter which my ____Colorful IMs ____Unavailable Technology
principal or supervisor can help ____Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab. ____Additional Clerical Works
me solve? ____Unavailable chairs ____Unavailable textbooks
G. What innovation or localized Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover which ____Contextualized/ Localized and Indigenized IMs
I wish to share with other ____Localized Video
teachers? ____Making big books from views of the locality
____Recycling of plastic to be used as instructional materials
____Local Poetic composition
____No innovations or localized materials used

Prepared by: Checked and verified:


Teacher II Master Teacher II

Principal II

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