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Prelim activity

1. Differentiate what is police photography and forensic photography

Police photography is an art or science which deals with the study of principles of photography,
the preparation of photographic evidence, and its application to police work (Aquino 1972). On
the other hand, forensic photography is the art or science of photographically documenting a
crime scene and evidence for laboratory examination and analysis for purposes of court trial.

2. Simplify the historical background of photography by summarizing it by creating a timeline

through the use of a flow ch
35mm Film and the
Leica: 1913
Camera Obscura: 500 BCE -
1600 CE One of the more common 35mm SLRs: 1957 &
The camera obscura was a
formats of roll film was 135 1959
format, also called 35mm.
tool used by some artists that
This format was used While many film and
allowed them to easily draw
or paint realistic landscapes
primarily for motion pictures, camera formats exist,
but it also started getting 35mm became one of
and rendering of architecture
spooled into small cartridges the most popular
for miniature still cameras, as
formats in our history
they were called then.
of photography.

Early Optics: 1400s -

1700s KODAK: 1888
Lenses and optics were a George Eastman of
relatively new but Rochester, New York had an
established science by that idea. Use this new roll film, Digital Reigns
time period, being used by build a simple, easy-to-use Supreme: 1975 –
camera, and market it as a
astronomers to broaden our Present
knowledge of the universe. fun use product. In the
history of photography, The history of photography
Interestingly for our history
Eastman was a master of timeline continues
of photography timeline,
marketing photography to progressing through to the
astronomers were also a
the masses. “You push the present day with digital
driving force behind the button, we do the rest.” imaging taking front stage
advent of film.
for most photographers.
Digital is a fantastic medium
for photography because of
all of the varied formats,
storage and display options,
Enter the Camera: 1841 and ease of transferring
Daguerreotype: 1839 Photographers of this era images. The first known
generally used cameras digitally recorded images
Around this time, the word were created in a Kodak lab
designed and made by
photography began to be in 1975 and it took 23
themselves or skilled
used to describe this new seconds to capture the 0.01
craftsmen, adapting lenses
industry. From 1839 on, the made by optical MP image. The camera was
popular metal plate process manufacturers to use very basic but the recording
known as daguerreotype photographically. apparatus weighed in at 8
opened up this mix of art and Voightlander went a step pounds.
technology to the masses. beyond and introduced a
camera for metal plates in
3.Give at least 3 uses to law enforcement the different kinds of photography other than what is
provided in the module.

The capability to record in complete darkness, they are very useful for surveillance purposes
For crime prevention and security purposes
Infrared photography is easily integrated into bite mark documentation

Can reveal bruises or scars not visible on the surface of the skin, in some cases long after
visible healing has completed
Ultraviolet imaging can be used to detect alteration of documents
Authenticating paintings and other fine art, authenticating signatures

 To locate small particles which is used for evidence
 to attain fine details that can deliver extra ordinary information
 used in blood spatter on walls, footwear impressions, or innumerable small objects on the

Allows the police photographer to capture life size manification
used for small items such as tool marks or trace evidence
To document deceased such as scratches on the skin, debris under the fingernails,
fibers/hairs on the clothing and dirt on the shoe tread as an evidence

Common uses for X-ray technology include object screening (such as packages,
suspected bombs, or baggage
 to examine suspicious packages in the field and to look through walls, doors, and/or
windows to acquire intelligence from a certain area
scans all baggage and personal possessions that are carried onto airplanes



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