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Write A Good Sentence - 2904

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Session 2_Reading and Writing 1_290422
Sentence Types

Simple Compound Complex

Compound - Complex
Basic Elements


Mary plays tennis.

Simple Sentence

A simple sentence has one subject and one predicate ( Verb

+ Object ).
Simple Sentence

We went to New York yesterday.

Simple Sentence

Pronoun Verb

We went to New York .

Simple subject Complete predicate



Mary plays tennis.

one subject one predicate
Compound Sentence
● A compound sentence has more than one part that can stand alone (independent clauses).

● Independent clauses are connected by coordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs or a semi-colon.

Compound Sentence

We went to New York, and

most of us danced all night.
Compound Sentence

Subject Verb

We went to San Juan,

Coordinating Predicate

and most of us danced all night .

Subject Verb
Compound Sentence

Use of Coordinating Conjunctions


Compound Sentence

Tom swims,


Mary plays tennis.

Complex Sentence

Since my boyfriend and I wanted to have fun,

we went to San Juan yesterday.

Complex Sentence

Since we wanted to have fun,

Conjunction Part that cannot stand alone

Subject Predicate

we went to San Juan yesterday.

Complex Sentence


even though
Complex Sentence

Bob is popular
even though

he is ugly.

The most common subordinating conjunctions are

"after," "although," "as," "because,"
"before," "how," "if," "once," "since,"
"than," "that," though," "till," "until,"
"when," "where," "whether,” and while."
Compound-Complex Sentence
Since we wanted to have fun,
Part that cannot stand alone

my boyfriend and I went to San Juan,

Coordinating Subject Predicate
and we danced all night.
Compound-Complex Sentence

Mike is popular
he is good looking,

he is not very happy.

Write four sentences about your favorite weekend activities

1 3

2 4
Are they good sentences?

1 I cooks food for 500 people every day cook

My husband drive me to work every

2 morning

3 I don’t works in an office work

4 My grandparents doesn’t watch TV don’t

5 I working in laboratory work


 A paragraph is a group of related

 The sentences in a paragraph should
all have something in common.
 They should all relate to the topic.
Three basic parts

1 Topic sentence

2 Supporting sentences

3 Concluding sentence
Paragraph Form
 Indent the first word of paragraph.
 Leave space on both sides of paragraph.
 Begin each sentence with a capital letter.
 Be careful about punctuation.
 Don’t start each new sentence on a new
Topic Sentence:
Closing Sentence:
Topic Sentences

A topic sentence is a statement

that tells what your paragraph
will be about.
Example of a Topic Sentence
Let’s read a topic sentence and see if it has the two parts.
• Topic (what you’re writing about)
• Ideas (what you think about the topic)

A healthy diet includes fruits and vegetables.

Topic Ideas
Bubble Map to Topic Sentence

1. Ask yourself: “What am I writing about?”

The answer to this question will be your topic.

2. Ask yourself:
“What do I want to say about my topic?”
The answer to this question will be your ideas.
Bubble Map to Topic Sentence
Favorite things to do
at the beach

Fishing ideas Surfing

What is the topic? What are the ideas?

Bubble Map to Topic Sentence
Favorite things to do
at the beach

Fishing Surfing

What are you writing about?

My favorite things to do at the beach
What do what to say about the topic?
Fishing and Surfing
Bubble Map to Topic Sentence

Favorite things to do
at the beach
Fishing Surfing

Can you write a topic sentence using this topic and ideas?
My favorite things to do at the beach are fishing and surfing.
Topic Ideas
The paragraph
I love the color red. No other color symbolizes so many
different emotions and experiences. Life would be very
boring without the color red. Fires would not burn in the
same way. The sunset would not be interesting, and blood
would not be so surprisingly beautiful. Red is powerful
when it appears in nature, and it is also powerful when it
appears in our emotions. Red is love. Red is anger. Red is
beauty. I like to live life in a strong way, so I think I will
a l w a y s a d m i r e t h e c o l o r r e d .
Practice with Finding a Topic and Topic sentence
Read to find the topic in this paragraph:
Does watching violence on TV make people more prone
to violence themselves? Obviously, TV violence has some
negative effects. One study found that heavy TV watchers
are more fearful of others. They try to protect themselves
with guns, alarm systems, and security locks on doors. In the
same study it was found that heavy TV watchers are less
upset about real-life violence than are non-TV watchers. All
of the violence they see on TV makes them less sensitive to
the real thing. A recent study also found that TV violence
increases aggressive behavior in kids and makes them more
likely to select toy guns rather than other kinds of toys.
Find the topic and topic sentence
1The high cost of college causes many problems for
students today. 2For one thing, it keeps some students from
attending college in the first place. 3Also, high tuitions affect
the amount of time available for study. 4Because loans and
scholarships are not easy to get, many students have to put
in numerous hours at work in order to afford an education.
5Finally, those who do manage to get loans know they must
begin their careers with large debts.
Find the topic and topic sentence
Find the topic and topic sentence

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