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Guidelines for
Design of




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American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
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© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.
Publication Code: VLVLR-2
ISBN: 978-1-56051-726-9

Cover photos courtesy of Caltrans Photography.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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Figure 2-1. Typical Rural Low-Volume Roads (Source: CH2M Hill/Jacobs Engineering) 2-3

Figure 2-2. Typical Urban Low-Volume Streets (Source: MRIGlobal) 2-4

Figure 4-1. Horizontal Curve Showing Stopping Sight Distance Along the Curve
and the Horizontal Sightline Offset that Defines the Maximum
Unobstructed Width 4-20

Figure 4-2. Types of Vertical Curves 4-23

Figure 4-3. Clear Sight Triangles for Intersection Approaches 4-29

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Table 4-1. Guidelines for Total Roadway Width for New Construction
of Low Volume Roads in Rural Areas 4-3

Table 4-2. Guidelines for Total Roadway Width for New Construction of Two-Lane
Urban Residential Streets [adapted from (10)] 4-5

Table 4-3. Maximum Side Friction Factor and Minimum Radius for Horizontal Curve
Design on Higher Volume Roadways (Design Volume > 2000 veh/day) (5) 4-8

Table 4-4. Guidelines for Maximum Side Friction Factor and Minimum Radius (New
Construction, Design Volume ≤ 250 veh/day, Limited Proportion of
Heavy Vehicle Traffic) 4-11

Table 4-5. Guidelines for Maximum Side Friction Factor and Minimum Radius (New
Construction, Design Volumes from 251 to 400 veh/day, Limited
Proportion of Heavy Vehicle Traffic) 4-12

Table 4-6. Guidelines for Maximum Side Friction Factor and Minimum Radius (New
Construction, Design Volumes of 400 veh/day or Less, Substantial
Proportion of Heavy Vehicle Traffic) 4-13

Table 4-7. Design Stopping Sight Distance Guidelines for New Construction of
Low-Volume Roads with Design Volumes of 2,000 Vehicles per Day or Less 4-18

Table 4-8. Design Guidelines for Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves for New
Construction of Low-Volume Roads 4-21

Table 4-9. Guidelines for Minimum Rate of Vertical Curvature to Provide Design
Stopping Sight Distance on Crest Vertical Curves for New Construction of
Low-Volume Roads 4-25

Table 4-10. Recommended Sight Distance Guidelines for New Construction

of Intersections with No Traffic Control (Case A) (5, 17) 4-32
Table 4-11. Adjustment Factors for Sight Distance Based on Approach Grade (5, 9) 4-33

Table 4-12. Guidelines for Minimum Radius of Curvature for New Construction
of Unpaved Surfaces with No Superelevation [adapted from (17)] 4-38

Table 4-13. Traction Coefficients Used in Design of Horizontal Alignment

on Unpaved Roads (17) 4-39

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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This Guideline was developed as part of the continuing work of the AASHTO Council on
Highways and Streets. The Council, then titled the Committee on Planning and Design Policies,
was established in 1937 to formulate and recommend highway engineering policies. This Council
has developed A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways, 1954 and 1965 editions; A Policy on
Arterial Highways in Urban Areas, 1957; A Policy on Design of Urban Highways and Arterial Streets,
1973; Geometric Design Standards for Highways Other Than Freeways, 1969; A Policy on Geometric
Design of Highways and Streets, 1984, 1990, 1994, 2001, 2004, and 2011; A Policy on Design
Standards—Interstate System, 1956, 1967, 1988, 1991, 2005, and 2016; and a number of other
AASHTO policy and guide”publications.

An AASHTO publication is typically developed through the following steps: (1) The Council se-
lects subjects and broad outlines of material to be covered. (2) The appropriate subcommittee and
its task forces, in this case the Committee on Design and the Technical Committee on Geometric
Design, assemble and analyze relevant data and prepare a tentative draft. Working meetings are
held and revised drafts are prepared, as necessary, and reviewed by the Committee until agree-
ment is reached. Standards and policies must be adopted by a two-thirds vote by the Member
Departments before publication. During the developmental process, comments are sought and
considered from all the states, the Federal Highway Administration, and representatives of the
American Public Works Association, the National Association of County Engineers, the National
League of Cities, and other interested parties.

This Guideline was first published by AASHTO in 2001 for application to very low-volume local
roads and some collector roads with design average daily traffic volumes of 400 vehicles per day
or less. This second edition has been updated for application to all low-volume local and minor
collector roads with design average daily traffic volumes of 2,000 vehicles per day or less.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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Chapter 1





Chapter 2


2.2 AREA TYPE 2-1


2.3.1 Rural Major Access Roads 2-4

2.3.2 Rural Minor Access Roads 2-5

2.3.3 Rural Industrial or Commercial Access Roads 2-5

2.3.4 Rural Agricultural Access Roads 2-5

2.3.5 Rural Recreational and Scenic Roads 2-6

2.3.6 Rural Resource Recovery Roads 2-6

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2.3.7 Urban Major Access Streets 2-6

2.3.8 Urban Residential Streets 2-7

2.3.9 Urban Industrial or Commercial Access Streets 2-7

2.3.10 Other Urban Facilities 2-7

2.3.11 Roads that Meet the Definition of More than One

Functional Subclass 2-7



Chapter 3






3.4.1 Risk Assessment Approach 3-3

3.4.2 Expected Systemwide Effects on Crash Frequency

and Severity 3-5




Chapter 4

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4.2.1 New Construction 4-1 Low-Volume Roads in Rural Areas 4-2 Low-Volume Roads in Urban Areas 4-4

4.2.2 Existing Roads 4-5


4.3.1 New Construction 4-5

4.3.2 Existing Bridges 4-6


4.4.1 New Construction 4-9 Rural Major Access, Minor Access, and Recreational
and Scenic Roads (250 Vehicles per Day or Less) 4-10 Rural Major Access, Minor Access, and Recreational
and Scenic Roads (251 to 400 Vehicles per Day) 4-10 Rural Industrial or Commercial Access, Agricultural Access,
and Resource Recovery Roads (400 Vehicles per Day or Less) 4-10 Urban Major Access Streets (250 Vehicles per Day or Less)
and Urban Residential Streets (400 Vehicles per Day or less) 4-14 Urban Major Access Streets (251 to 400 Vehicles per Day) 4-14 Urban Industrial or Commercial Access Streets (400 Vehicles
per Day or Less) 4-14 Low-Volume Roads of Any Functional Subclass (401 to 2,000
Vehicles per Day) 4-14 Superelevation and Superelevation Transitions 4-14

4.4.2 Existing Roads 4-15


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4.5.1 New Construction 4-17 Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves 4-19 Sight Distance on Vertical Curves 4-23 Crest Vertical Curves 4-23 Sag Vertical Curves 4-26

4.5.2 Existing Roads 4-26


4.6.1 General Considerations 4-26

4.6.2 Clear Sight Triangles 4-27 Approach Sight Triangles 4-28 Departure Sight Triangles 4-30 Identification of Sight Obstructions within Clear
Sight Triangles 4-30

4.6.3 New Construction 4-30 Intersections with No Control (Case A) 4-31 Intersections with Stop Control on the Minor Road (Case B) 4-33 Intersections with Yield Control on the Minor Road (Case C) 4-33

4.6.4 Existing Roads 4-34


4.7.1 New Construction 4-35 Clear Zone Width 4-35 Traffic Barriers 4-36

4.7.2 Existing Roads 4-36



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Chapter 5





















© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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1 Introduction

This document presents geometric design guidelines for low-volume roads. The purpose of the guide-
lines is to help highway designers in selecting appropriate geometric designs for roads with low traffic
volumes. The design guidelines presented here may be used on low-volume local and minor collector
roads in lieu of the applicable policies presented in the AASHTO publication, A Policy on Geometric
Design of Highways and Streets (5), commonly known as the Green Book.

This chapter defines low-volume roads, describes the scope of the design guidelines, explains the rela-
tionship of the guidelines to other AASHTO policies, and presents the organization of the remainder
of this document.


The guidelines presented in this document are applicable to low-volume roads. Low-volume roads are
defined as follows:

A low-volume road is a road that is functionally classified as a local or minor collector road and has a
design average daily traffic volume of 2,000 vehicles per day or less.

The preceding statement indicates that the functional classification of a road is a key element of the
definition of a low-volume road in these guidelines. A local road is a road whose primary function is to
provide access to residences, farms, businesses, or other abutting property, rather than to serve through
traffic. Although some through traffic may occasionally use a local road, through traffic service is not
its primary purpose. The term local road is used here to refer to the functional classification of the road
and is not intended to imply that the road is necessarily under the jurisdiction of a local or municipal
unit of government. Rural minor collector roads generally serve travel of intracounty rather than state-
wide importance and constitute those routes on which predominant travel distances are shorter than
major collector and arterial routes. Urban minor collector streets provide both land access service within
residential neighborhoods and commercial and industrial areas and connections to streets of higher
functional classification. Administrative arrangements for operation of the highway system vary widely
and, in different parts of the United States, roads that are functionally classified as local and minor
collector roads may be under Federal, state, or local control.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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1-2 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

More than 80 percent of the roads in the United States have traffic volumes of 2,000 vehicles per day or
less. The low-volume local and minor collector roads, defined above, to which the guidelines presented
in this document are applicable, should include most of this extensive road mileage. Little of this road
mileage would be classified as arterials. In some states, portions of the state-numbered route system
meet the definition of low-volume minor collector roads and can be addressed with these guidelines.

In addition to serving motor vehicle traffic, low-volume roads also serve varying numbers of pedestri-
ans and bicyclists. The needs of pedestrians and bicyclists should be considered in the design of each
project. Some low-volume roads may serve pedestrians and bicyclists only rarely, but other low-volume
roads, particularly in urban areas, serve pedestrians or bicyclists, or both, in sufficient numbers that
specific pedestrian or bicycle facilities, or both, are needed.


The guidelines presented in this document are intended for application in the design of low-volume
roads, as defined above, including application in new construction of low-volume roads and in the im-
provement of existing low-volume roads. The scope of the guidelines includes roads in both rural and
urban areas.

These design guidelines enable designers for projects on low-volume roads to apply design criteria that
are less restrictive than those generally used on higher volume roads. Where the term higher volume roads
is used in this document, this refers to roads with design volumes of more than 2,000 vehicles per day,
which are outside the scope of these guidelines. The risk assessment on which the guidelines are based
shows that these less restrictive design criteria can be applied on low-volume roads without substantial
effects on crash frequency and severity. The guidelines discourage widening of lanes and shoulders,
changes in horizontal and vertical alignment, and roadside improvements except in situations where
such improvements are likely to provide substantial reductions in crash frequency or severity. Thus,
projects designed in accordance with these guidelines are less likely to negatively impact the environ-
ment, roadway and roadside aesthetics, existing development, historic and archeological sites, and en-
dangered species. In reviewing the geometric design for sections of existing roadway, designers should
strive for consistency of design between that particular section and its adjoining roadway sections. The
potential effects of future development that may affect the traffic volume, vehicle mix, and presence of
pedestrians or bicyclists on the roadway should also be considered.

These design guidelines are intended to encourage rational safety management practices on low-vol-
ume roads. Expenditures for highway improvements are discouraged at sites where such improvements
are likely to have little effect on crash frequency or severity, but are strongly encouraged at sites where
crash patterns exist that can be corrected by a roadway or roadside improvement. Designers are provid-
ed substantial flexibility to retain the existing roadway and roadside design, where that existing design
is performing well, but are also provided flexibility to recommend improved designs, even designs that
exceed the guidelines presented here, where needed to correct documented crash patterns or meet other
agency goals.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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Introduction 1-3

The scope of these guidelines includes geometric design for new construction and for improvement
of existing roads. Geometric design criteria for new construction apply to construction of a new road
where none existed before. Projects on existing roads may involve reconstruction, resurfacing, rehabil-
itation, restoration, and other types of improvements.

These guidelines are limited in scope to geometric design issues and do not address the application
of traffic control devices on low-volume roads. For traffic control device guidance, see the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices (8).


The design guidelines presented in this document may be applied to low-volume roads in lieu of the
applicable policies of the AASHTO Green Book (5) and the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (3). For
projects on local roads and streets, these design guidelines may be applied in place of Chapter 5 (Local
Roads and Streets) of the AASHTO Green Book (5) to local roads that serve design volumes of 2,000
vehicles per day or less. For projects on minor collector roads and streets that serve design volumes of
2,000 vehicles per day or less, these design guidelines may be applied in place of the applicable policies
in Chapter 6 (Collector Roads and Streets) of the AASHTO Green Book (5). The design guidelines
presented here address design issues for which an explicit risk assessment has been performed. For
design issues that are not addressed in these guidelines, the designer should consult the applicable
sections of the AASHTO Green Book (5) and the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (3). Design of
facilities for nonmotorized users is addressed in the AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and
Operation of Pedestrian Facilities (1) and the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities (4).

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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2 Framework for Design Guidelines


This chapter presents a framework for the design guidelines for low-volume roads. The elements of
this framework are area type, roadway functional class and subclass, design speed or operating speed,
and design volume. The chapter identifies how these elements of the framework are used in identify-
ing the appropriate design guidelines for a specific design application.


The design guidelines are applicable to both rural and urban areas. The operating characteristics,
constraints, and configurations of low-volume roads in rural and urban areas differ substantially and,
therefore, in many cases, the design guidelines for rural and urban roads also differ. Thus, before
applying the design guidelines, the designer should determine the area type in which the site of
interest is located.

Low-volume roads in rural areas are more likely than urban roads to operate at high speeds and have
a cross section with open drainage (shoulders and ditches, rather than curb and gutter). Rural roads
tend to have fewer right-of-way constraints, less pedestrian activity, and a broader range of uses than
urban roads. Low-volume rural roads include roads in undeveloped or agricultural areas as well as
roads in rural towns.

By contrast, urban and suburban roads, even those with low traffic volumes, are generally more
constrained than rural roads in terms of speeds and right-of-way. The guidelines for urban roads
presented in this document apply to both urban and suburban conditions.


The concept of functional classification is fundamental to the criteria used in the geometric design
of highways and streets. The functional classification of a roadway identifies the relative importance
of the mobility and access functions for that roadway. Roadways in the highest functional class are
freeways. Freeways are intended primarily to serve through traffic traveling relatively long distances
and provide no access to adjacent land except by way of interchanges spaced at appropriate intervals.
Arterials and major collectors provide progressively less emphasis on mobility for through traffic and
more emphasis on access to adjacent land. Local roads are intended to provide access to residences,

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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2-2 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

businesses, farms, or other abutting property and are not intended to serve through traffic, although a
limited amount of through traffic may use some local roads.

The design guidelines presented in this document are applicable to local and minor collector roads with
design volumes of 2,000 vehicles per day or less. Some highway agencies distinguish between major
and minor collectors only in rural areas, although Federal guidelines now permit this distinction in
urban areas as well. If an agency does not formally use the minor collector classification in urban areas,
designers should exercise judgment in applying the guidelines to low-volume roads that are classified
as collectors and are closer in character to local roads than to arterials.

For purposes of the design guidelines, low-volume roads are further subdivided into six functional
subclasses for rural facilities and three functional subclasses for urban facilities as follows:

Rural Roads:

yy rural major access roads,

yy rural minor access roads,
yy rural industrial or commercial access roads,
yy rural agricultural access roads,
yy rural recreational and scenic roads, and
yy rural resource recovery roads.

Urban Roads:

yy urban major access streets,

yy urban residential streets, and
yy urban industrial or commercial access streets.

Each of these functional subclasses is defined below.

Figures 2-1 and 2-2 present photographs of typical rural and urban low-volume roads.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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Framework for Design Guidelines 2-3

Figure 2-1. Typical Rural Low-Volume Roads (Source: CH2M Hill/Jacobs Engineering)

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2-4 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Figure 2-2. Typical Urban Low-Volume Streets (Source: MRIGlobal)

2.3.1 Rural Major Access Roads

Rural major access roads serve a dual function of providing access to abutting properties as well as
providing through or connecting service between other local roads or higher type facilities. In rural ar-
eas, major access roads may have significant local continuity and may operate at relatively high speeds.
Because of the possibility of through traffic, there may be a meaningful segment of traffic that includes
unfamiliar drivers. Major access roads classified as local roads may thus, in some respects, function
like collector or even minor arterial roads. Major access roads are usually paved, but may be unpaved
in some rural areas. Minor collector roads should be treated as major access roads for purposes of these
guidelines. Traffic on rural major access roads is largely composed of passenger vehicles or other small-
er vehicle types. However, such roads need to be accessible to school buses, fire trucks, other emergency
vehicles, and maintenance vehicles such as snow plows and garbage trucks. Access roads serving com-
mercial or industrial land uses are described below in a separate functional subclass.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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Framework for Design Guidelines 2-5

2.3.2 Rural Minor Access Roads

Rural minor access roads serve almost exclusively to provide access to adjacent property. Many of these
roads are cul de sacs or loop roads with no through continuity. The length of minor access roads is
typically short. Because their sole function is to provide access, such roads are used predominantly by
familiar drivers.

Minor access roads generally serve residential or other non-commercial land uses. Speeds are generally
low for the local environment, given the purpose of the road and short trip lengths. As noted above,
many minor access roads end in cul de sacs or dead ends, thus limiting the opportunity for high travel
speeds. Minor access roads are frequently narrow, and in some rural areas may function as one lane
roads. Minor access roads can be either paved or unpaved. Traffic is largely composed of passenger
vehicles or other smaller vehicle types. However, such roads need to be accessible to school buses, fire
trucks, other emergency vehicles, and maintenance vehicles such as snow plows and garbage trucks.
Access roads serving commercial or industrial land uses are described below in a separate functional

2.3.3 Rural Industrial or Commercial Access Roads

Industrial or commercial access roads serve developments that may generate a significant proportion of
truck or other heavy vehicle traffic. The primary or sole function of such roads is generally to provide
access from a factory or another commercial land use to the local or regional highway network. Typical
industrial or commercial access roads are very short and, in many cases, they do not serve any through
traffic. Industrial or commercial access roads may be either paved or unpaved. Such industrial or com-
mercial access roads are addressed in their own functional subclass, separately from minor access roads,
which they otherwise resemble, because consideration of trucks and other heavy vehicles is important
in their design.

2.3.4 Rural Agricultural Access Roads

Certain roads in rural areas serve primarily to provide access to fields and farming operations. Vehicle
types that use such roads include combines, tractors, trucks that haul agricultural products, and other
large and slow-moving vehicles with unique operating characteristics. The driving population gener-
ally consists of repeat users who are familiar with the road and its characteristics. Such roads are often

Consideration of the unique vehicle types that use agricultural access roads is important in their de-
sign. For purposes of these guidelines, rural agricultural access roads consist of roads that are used
regularly or seasonally for access to farms by agricultural equipment, such as combines, that are wider
than a typical 8.5-ft [2.6-m] truck. Roads that provide frequent access to farms for conventional trucks,
but not for wider equipment, should be treated as rural commercial or industrial access roads. Roads
that provide access to farms but are used only occasionally by conventional trucks and are not used by

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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2-6 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

wider equipment, should be treated as either rural major access or rural minor access roads depending
upon the function and characteristics of the road.

2.3.5 Rural Recreational and Scenic Roads

Recreational and scenic roads serve specialized land uses, including parks, tourist attractions, and
recreational facilities, such as campsites or boat-launch ramps, and are found primarily in rural areas.
Traffic is open to the general public, and their users are more likely than users of other functional
subclasses of local roads to consist of unfamiliar drivers. Recreational and scenic roads do not gen-
erally carry significant volumes of truck traffic, but do serve recreational vehicles including motor
homes, campers, and passenger cars pulling boats and other trailers. In many cases, these roads may
carry highly seasonal traffic volumes. Recreational and scenic roads may accommodate a wide range
of speeds and trip lengths may be fairly long. Such roads can be either paved or unpaved. Additional
design guidance for this category of roadway is available in the U.S. Forest Service Road Preconstruction
Handbook (17).

2.3.6 Rural Resource Recovery Roads

Resource recovery roads are local roads serving logging, mining, oilfield, or similar operations. Such
roads are typically found only in rural areas, and frequently in very remote areas. Resource recovery
roads are distinctly different from the other functional subclasses of low-volume roads in that they are
used primarily by vehicles involved with the resource recovery activities and the driving population
consists primarily or exclusively of professional drivers with large vehicles. In some cases, traffic opera-
tions on resource recovery roads are enhanced through radio communication between drivers, enabling
such roads to be built and to operate as single-lane roads. Most resource recovery roads are unpaved.
The design guidelines for this category of road take into account the remoteness of their setting, the
types of vehicles that generally use such a road, and the professional experience of the drivers of those
vehicles. Additional design guidance for this category of roadway is available in the U.S. Forest Service
Road Preconstruction Handbook (17).

2.3.7 Urban Major Access Streets

Urban major access streets, like major access roads in rural areas, serve a dual function of providing
access to adjacent property as well as providing through or connecting service between other local roads
or higher type facilities. Urban major access roads are generally shorter than major access roads in rural
areas, but their function in serving more through traffic than most local roads is much the same. Thus,
urban major access streets that are functionally classified as local roads often approach the status of a
minor collector. Minor collector streets in urban and suburban areas should be treated as urban major
access streets for purposes of the guidelines. Any specific role assigned to particular urban major access
streets in local pedestrian and bicycle planning should be considered in their design.

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Framework for Design Guidelines 2-7

2.3.8 Urban Residential Streets

Urban residential streets typically serve to provide access to single- and multiple-family residences in
urban areas. Motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists using such streets generally include only residents
and their visitors. Use of such streets by large trucks and other heavy vehicles is rare, except for oc-
casional use by delivery and maintenance vehicles. Accessibility for school buses, fire trucks, other
emergency vehicles, and maintenance vehicles such as snow plows and garbage trucks is an important
consideration in the design of residential streets.

2.3.9 Urban Industrial or Commercial Access Streets

Urban industrial or commercial access streets, like their rural counterparts, serve development that
may generate a substantial volume of trucks or other heavy vehicles. The primary function of such a
street is typically to provide access from a factory or another industrial or commercial site to the local
or regional highway network. Pedestrian and bicycle usage may be expected on some industrial or
commercial access streets. Industrial or commercial access streets are typically quite short, can be paved
or unpaved, and may or may not carry traffic from smaller streets. The main defining characteristic of
an industrial or commercial street is that its design is influenced by the heavy vehicles using the street.

2.3.10 Other Urban Facilities

Urban agricultural access roads, recreational and scenic roads, and resource recovery roads are rare, but
where they occur, they should be designed like their rural counterparts.

2.3.11 Roads that Meet the Definition of More than One Functional Subclass

Some roads meet the definition of more than one of the functional subclasses defined above. For ex-
ample, a given road might be considered both a rural minor access road and a rural agricultural access
road. Another road might be considered both a rural major access road and a recreational and scenic
road. In such cases, the road should be evaluated using the design guidelines applicable to each func-
tional class, as presented in Chapter 4, and the higher of the applicable design guidelines should be


Speed has always been a primary defining variable in the development and presentation of geometric
design criteria. Current AASHTO policy specifies design criteria in increments of 5 mph [10 km/h].
Designers select a design speed which is appropriate for the roadway and that speed is used to correlate
the various features of the design. The selected design speed should be a logical one with respect to the
anticipated operating speed, topography, adjacent land use, and functional classification of the road. In
selection of design speed, every effort should be made to attain a desired level of safety, mobility, and
efficiency within the constraints of environmental quality, economics, aesthetics, and social or political
impacts. The selected design speed should be consistent with the speeds that drivers are likely to expect

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2-8 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

on a given road. Where a reason for limiting speed is obvious to approaching drivers or bicyclists, they
are more apt to accept lower speed operation than where there is no apparent reason.

One of the design guidelines presented in Chapter 4 varies as a function of speed, as follows:

yy Low speed—0 to 45 mph [0 to 70 km/h], and

yy High speed—more than 45 mph [70 km/h].


The projected average daily traffic volume (ADT) should be used as the basis for design. Usually, the
year for which traffic is projected is 20 years from the date of completion of construction, but may range
from the current year to more than 20 years in the future depending upon the nature of the improve-
ment. Where traffic volumes vary substantially from season to season, design should be based on the
ADT during the peak season. Traffic volume growth rates on low-volume roads are generally modest,
and some roads may experience future traffic volume decreases. However, the designer should be alert
to the possibility of future development that might affect traffic volume growth, especially in or near
urban areas. If new development that would increase the design volume above 2,000 vehicles per day is
anticipated on a local or minor collector road within the period for which traffic volumes are projected,
then Chapter 5 or 6 of the AASHTO Green Book (5) should be used instead of the design guidelines
presented here. Where future development is uncertain, a project with a projected volume of 2,000
vehicles per day or less may be designed in accordance with the design guidelines presented in Chapter
4, but the basis for this decision should be documented.

For some design criteria for new construction in Chapter 4, traffic volumes on low-volume roads (2,000
vehicles per day or less) are stratified into several levels. The volume ranges used for specific new con-
struction design criteria may include:

yy 100 vehicles per day or less,

yy 101 to 250 vehicles per day,
yy 251 to 400 vehicles per day, or
yy 401 to 2,000 vehicles per day.

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Rationale for Development of

Design Guidelines

This chapter explains the rationale for and approach to development of the design guidelines presented
in Chapter 4. The rationale includes a discussion of the unique characteristics of low-volume roads, a
discussion of the basis for the design guidelines, an explanation of the risk-assessment approach used
to develop the guidelines, an explanation of the differences between the guidelines for new construc-
tion and for improvement of existing roads, and a discussion of the need for flexibility in applying the
design guidelines.


The design guidelines presented in Chapter 4 are based on the unique characteristics of low-volume
roads. The fundamental characteristics of low-volume roads that distinguish them from other types of
roads are:

yy The traffic volumes of such roads are, by definition, low. All low-volume roads have average daily
traffic volumes of 2,000 vehicles per day or less, and many such roads have volumes that are much
less than the 2,000-vehicle-per-day threshold value. These low traffic volumes mean that encounters
between vehicles that represent opportunities for crashes to occur are rare events and that multi-
ple-vehicle collisions of any kind are extremely rare events.
yy The limitation of the scope of these guidelines to local and minor collector roads means that many
motorists using the road have traveled it before and are familiar with its features. Geometric design
features that might surprise an unfamiliar driver will be anticipated by the familiar driver.

Because of these unique characteristics, design guidelines for low-volume roads can be less stringent
than those used for higher volume roads or roads that serve primarily unfamiliar drivers. The function-
al subclasses of low-volume roads presented in Chapter 2 permit the design guidelines to vary with the
expected proportion of unfamiliar drivers. Similarly, design guidelines for low-volume roads also vary
with the expected design traffic volume level.


Design criteria for streets, roads, and highways are based on a wide range of considerations. Operational
efficiency, low crash frequency and severity, constructability, and maintainability are of primary im-

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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3-2 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

portance. While limiting crash frequency and severity is fundamentally the most important factor
in design criteria, the other considerations play a meaningful role as well. An overriding concern
in development of design criteria is the concept of flexibility to accommodate future uncertainty. A
well-designed road should reflect the potential for changes in traffic volumes, patterns, and operating
conditions. Similarly, drivers with a wide range of skills, operating a wide variety of vehicles, may
use a highway, including unfamiliar or less skilled drivers, a combination of passenger cars, trucks,
and other vehicle types, and nonmotorized users including pedestrians and bicyclists. Road designs
should be developed to be appropriate for the specific context of each facility including rural areas,
rural towns, suburban areas, urban areas, and urban core areas. Low-volume roads can be found in
each of these contexts, with the possible exception of urban core areas.

It is important to understand how design criteria fit within the overall design process. Design criteria
are generally employed as minimum or limiting values, beyond which the designer should not go
unless unusual circumstances create a site-specific need. Design criteria typically express geometric
dimensions in terms of minimum values (lane width, shoulder width, curve radius, stopping sight
distance) or maximum values (grades). Design criteria, as published and used, thus tend to direct
or limit a design’s basic characteristics; and the intent of such criteria is that they be followed with
relatively few exceptions.

Design criteria to reflect the considerations described above have been developed to have minimal
effect on crash frequency and severity. In other words, design for basic geometric elements such as
alignment and cross section have been historically derived to operate effectively across the wide range
of conditions that might occur across a highway system. Past design criteria have not typically been
based on a strict or rigorous cost-effectiveness approach, but have incorporated values that are judged
to be reasonable and prudent given the overall costs, impacts, and benefits to be derived systemwide
from the highway system.

The design guidelines for low-volume roads presented in this document are based on a risk assess-
ment performed by Neuman (11). This risk assessment was intended to establish design criteria for
low-volume roads that, when applied systemwide, will operate comparably to those presented in the
AASHTO Green Book (5) for higher volume roads. However, because of the unique characteristics
of low-volume roads discussed earlier in this chapter, appropriate design criteria for such roads differ
from those for higher volume roads. The analysis approach used in this risk assessment is presented
below. Other research and sources of information consulted in the preparation of these guidelines
have included existing AASHTO policies [the Green Book (5), the Roadside Design Guide (3), the
Pedestrian Guide (1), and the Bicycle Guide (4)], TRB Special Report 214 (14), NCHRP Report
362 (20), NCHRP Report 383 (9), NCHRP Report 400 (7), horizontal curve research by Zegeer
et al. (19), guardrail research by Stephens (12) and by Wolford and Sicking (18), design guidelines
developed by the U. S. Forest Service (17) and the Transportation Association of Canada (13), and
the Neighborhood Street Design Guidelines (10) developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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Rationale for Development of Design Guidelines 3-3

An important component of the design guidelines for low-volume roads is the incorporation of sub-
stantial design flexibility based on the exercise of judgment by qualified engineering professionals who
are familiar with site conditions and local experience. The important role of design flexibility in the
guidelines is addressed later in this chapter.


The risk assessment by Neuman (11) recommends that design criteria for low-volume roads should be
based on tradeoffs between two factors:

yy demonstrable differences in construction and maintenance costs, and

yy estimated impacts on traffic crash frequency or severity.

This approach highlights crash frequency and severity and cost (and hence, cost-effectiveness in a
more direct sense) as the only appropriate basis for defining minimum design criteria or values for
these unique facilities. Other factors such as level of service, travel time savings, and driver comfort
and convenience are not considered of sufficient importance for low-volume roads to influence their
fundamental design criteria.

Because it is derived from a formal risk assessment, the design philosophy recommended for low-vol-
ume roads is based fundamentally on limiting crash frequency and severity. Moreover, the philosophy
focuses on direct comparison of known or expected crash reduction benefits and system costs. This
tradeoff implies that public funds spent to improve such roads in the name of crash reduction should be
spent only where there is likely to be an actual crash reduction benefit in return. This, in turn, assures
that highway funds expended for crash reduction purposes on all highways (not just low-volume roads)
will be available for use where they are most needed (i.e., where meaningful crash reduction benefits
can reasonably be expected).

3.4.1 Risk Assessment Approach

The risk assessment by Neuman (11) addressed roads with average daily traffic volumes of 400 vehicles
per day or less and represents a comparison between crash risk for low-volume roads designed in accor-
dance with the guidelines presented in Chapter 4 of this document and roads designed in accordance
with Chapter 5 of the AASHTO Green Book (5). The guidelines concerning threshold or acceptable
risk levels for new construction used by Neuman (11) were:

yy For urban or low-speed facilities, an acceptable risk is represented by an action or proposed action
that is expected to result in no more than one additional traffic crash per kilometer of roadway every
6 to 10 years. This is equivalent to one additional traffic crash per mile of roadway every 4 to 6 years.
yy For rural or high-speed facilities, an acceptable risk is represented by an action or proposed action
that is expected to result in no more than one additional traffic crash per kilometer of roadway every
10 to 15 years. This is equivalent to one additional traffic crash per mile of roadway every 6 to 9 years.

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3-4 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

The risk assessment by Neuman (11) did not address new construction of roads in the range of aver-
age daily traffic volumes from 401 to 2,000 vehicles per day. Therefore, the design guidance for new
construction of such roads presented in Chapter 4 of this document is essentially equivalent to the
guidance in Chapter 5 of the AASHTO Green Book (5).

These risk assessment thresholds for rural and urban roadways with average daily traffic volumes of
400 vehicles per day or less are consistent with those used to evaluate roadway widths in NCHRP
Report 362 (20), which was the basis for the current lane and shoulder width design values for rural
highways in the AASHTO Green Book (5). Although NCHRP Report 362 considers roadways with
higher ADTs than those addressed in these guidelines, it provided a model for the risk assessment of
low-volume roads.

The acceptable risk levels represented by the thresholds presented above were applied by Neuman (11)
in the research to develop the design guidelines presented in Chapter 4. Determination of expected risk
levels was based on a synthesis of the best available research on the quantitative relationships between
key geometric design elements and the frequency and severity of crashes.

The threshold or acceptable risk levels given above represent maximum risk levels over an extensive
roadway system consisting of many sites; these maximum risk levels are not likely to occur everywhere,
but only at sites where minimum or controlling geometry is incorporated in a design. The threshold risk
levels presented above were used in the research that developed the guidelines; they are not intended
for use in the assessment of individual sites.

As an example of the risk assessment approach, the use of a minimum radius curve in a project de-
signed in accordance with Chapter 4 of these guidelines may result in a crash rate slightly higher than
a curve designed to the minimum radius shown in the AASHTO Green Book (5), but the crash fre-
quency and severity of the rest of the roadway, consisting of tangents and larger radius curves, should
be unaffected. Consider a horizontal curve with a design speed of 60 mph [100 km/h] and a maximum
superelevation rate of 6 percent on a rural major access road with an ADT of 400 vehicles per day.
The minimum radius for such a curve designed in accordance with the AASHTO Green Book (5), is
1,330 ft [437 m]. Neuman (11) determined that the difference in crash frequency and severity between
a curve with a radius of 1,330 ft [437 m] and a curve with a radius of 830 ft [250 m] for the specified
conditions would be less than 1.6 crashes per mi [1.0 crashes per kilometer] over a period of 10 years.
Therefore, the use of a minimum radius of 830 ft [250 m] can be recommended for horizontal curves
on low-volume roads under the specified conditions. All of the design guidelines presented in Chapter
4 are based on risk analyses of this type conducted by Neuman (11).

This example does not imply that the minimum radius of 830 ft [250 m] is appropriate for all horizontal
curves on low-volume roads, any more than the minimum radius of 1,330 ft [437 m] is appropriate for
all horizontal curves on higher volume roads. Rather, the design guidelines in Chapter 4 give the de-
signer flexibility to use radii as small as 830 ft [250 m] should site-specific conditions warrant this. The
guidelines were developed with the understanding that a designer is expected to exercise engineering
judgment in selecting any design value, whether it is a minimum value or not.

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Rationale for Development of Design Guidelines 3-5

For existing roads, application of the design guidelines in Chapter 4 should result in a slight reduction
in systemwide crash frequency and severity. The safety performance of most existing low-volume roads
will be unaffected by the guidelines, but improvements that should have a positive effect on reducing
crash frequency and severity are recommended at locations on existing roads where site-specific crash
patterns are found.

3.4.2 Expected Systemwide Effects on Crash Frequency and Severity

Overall, the net effect on systemwide safety of applying these design guidelines for low-volume roads
will undoubtedly be small. Any higher expected crash frequencies that might occur would take place
at limited sites, not over the entire length of the road system. For example, not every horizontal curve
would be affected, only those curves that are designed to minimum radii. Similarly, only a portion of
the length of any roadway is likely to lack a clear zone. Thus, it is highly unlikely that, even on roadways
with several design elements at minimum values, the risk thresholds presented above would be exceed-
ed. Furthermore, for projects on existing roads there should be a net reduction in crash frequency and
severity because existing roads with site-specific crash patterns will be improved. Thus, the net effect
of applying these design guidelines systemwide for low-volume roads should be a change in crash fre-
quency and severity that is so small as to be negligible.

The use of risk assessment as a basis for the design guidelines is intended to focus public spending for
low-volume roads on improvements at locations where it can be expected to provide substantial crash
reduction benefits and to discourage spending at locations where little or no crash reduction benefit
would be expected. This will allow scarce public funds to construct and repair more facilities rather
than spending major amounts of funds in one location while not addressing other locations in need.

The AASHTO Highway Safety Manual (HSM) (2) provides guidance on highway safety management
and crash prediction methods for specific roadway types. HSM methods confirm that low-volume
roads are expected to experience fewer crashes than roads with traffic volumes above 2,000 vehicles per
day. HSM techniques can be applied to analyze highway improvement needs of specific roads based on
their observed crash history. Highway agencies have also begun using systemic approaches to highway
improvement, which may include making improvements to existing roads based on the potential for
future crashes, even if no crashes have yet occurred. However, there is very little potential for crash
reduction to result from systemic improvements to low-volume roads in the absence of specific crash
patterns. The most effective systemwide results will be obtained if systemic improvements are focused
on roads with traffic volumes above 2,000 vehicles per day and the improvement strategies presented in
these guidelines are applied to existing low-volume roads.



Separate design guidelines are presented in Chapter 4 for new construction and improvement of ex-
isting roads. In most cases, specific design criteria are presented for new construction of low-volume
roads. For roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less, these design criteria are generally

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3-6 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

less restrictive than those used in new construction of higher volume roads such as those discussed in
the AASHTO Green Book (5).

Projects on existing low-volume roads may involve reconstruction, resurfacing, rehabilitation, resto-
ration, or other types of improvements. Changes to roadway or roadside geometrics during such proj-
ects are generally recommended only where there is a documentable site-specific crash pattern that
can potentially be corrected by a roadway or roadside improvement. Thus, this guide implements a
performance-based design approach for improvement of existing roads. Where documentable site-spe-
cific crash patterns do not exist, it is unlikely that any roadway or roadside improvement would provide
substantial crash reduction benefits. The design guidelines in Chapter 4 provide advice to the designer
on specific situations in which geometric improvements may be desirable on existing roads.

There are a wide variety of sources that may be considered in investigating and documenting the exis-
tence of site-specific crash risk. These naturally include crash history data. Because low-volume roads
have few crashes, a long time period, typically 5 to 10 years, should be considered in reviewing crash
patterns. However, even when 5 to 10 years of crash data are available, these data will often be so sparse
that other indicators of crash risk should be considered, as well. Such other indicators may include field
reviews to note skid marks or roadside damage, speed data (which may indicate whether speeds are
substantially higher than the intended design speed), or concerns raised by police or local residents.
These indicators should be fully considered in the assessment of site-specific crash risk because, as stat-
ed above, assessments of low-volume roads should not usually be based on crash data alone.

In projects on existing roads, consideration should also be given to maintaining consistency in geomet-
ric design features and consistency in speed between adjacent sections of roadway.


The design guidelines in Chapter 4 are intended to provide great flexibility for the designer to exercise
engineering judgment about the appropriate geometric and roadside designs for specific projects. Even
for new construction projects, where specific design criteria are recommended in Chapter 4, the guide-
lines provide flexibility for the designer to change those criteria for specific projects where such changes
appear appropriate. The designer has the flexibility to use reduced design criteria, where judgment indi-
cates that this can be accomplished without substantially affecting crash risk, or to increase the design
criteria to the levels used for higher volume roads as discussed in the AASHTO Green Book (5).

Even more flexibility than for new construction projects is provided to the designer for projects on
existing roads, because the guidelines in Chapter 4 do not include quantitative design criteria for such
projects. Rather, the designer is discouraged at most sites from making unnecessary geometric design
and roadside improvements, but is encouraged to look for evidence of site-specific crash patterns and to
focus expenditures on those sites where a site-specific crash pattern exists that is potentially correctable
by a specific roadway or roadside improvement.

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Rationale for Development of Design Guidelines 3-7

Where designers exercise judgment and develop a project using design criteria that differ from those
presented in the Chapter 4 guidelines, or where a site-specific crash pattern is identified and used as
the basis for a design decision, the designer should document the decision making process in writing.
This is not intended to imply that a formal design exception is needed; however, it is good practice to
document key project decisions in writing.

The guidelines encourage the designer to exercise engineering judgment based on a thorough knowl-
edge of the principles of highway design, traffic engineering, highway safety engineering, and specific
knowledge of local conditions. Thus, the flexibility provided by these guidelines is intended to be ex-
ercised by a qualified engineer.

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4 Design Guidelines

This chapter presents design guidelines for specific aspects of the design of low-volume roads including
cross section (traveled way and shoulder widths), horizontal alignment, stopping sight distance, inter-
section sight distance, roadside design, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, unpaved roads, and two-way
single-lane roads.

The design guidelines for new construction and projects on existing roads presented in this chapter
apply to low-volume local and minor collector roads with design traffic volumes of 2,000 vehicles per
day or less. New construction for roads with design traffic volumes over 2,000 vehicles per day should
generally be designed in accordance with AASHTO Green Book (5) criteria. However, design flexi-
bility for roads with traffic volumes of 2,000 vehicles per day or less should be especially encouraged.


The key elements of cross section design for a roadway are traveled way width and, in rural areas, shoul-
der width. Cross section design criteria for lower volume roads generally address total roadway width
(traveled way plus shoulders) rather than having separate criteria for lane and shoulder width. Many
lower volume roadways have no painted edgelines and do not have paved shoulders of a material that
contrasts with the traveled-way pavement, so there may be no clear demarcation between the traveled
way and shoulders. Design guidelines for cross sections of paved two-lane roads in new construction
projects and on existing low-volume roads are presented in Sections and, respectively.
Separate discussions of unpaved roads and single-lane roads are provided in Sections 4.9 and 4.10,

4.2.1 New Construction

The design guidelines for cross section in new construction projects on low-volume roads differ be-
tween rural and urban areas. Each set of design guidelines is presented below. While the quantitative
design guidelines for new construction address only total roadway widths, designers should also give
consideration to the appropriate right-of-way width. In new construction projects, ample right-of-way
should be obtained, whenever practical, to accommodate possible future widening of the roadway.

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4-2 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads Low-Volume Roads in Rural Areas

Table 4-1 presents the guidelines for total roadway widths for newly constructed roads in rural areas.
Total roadway width is the sum of the traveled way width and the usable shoulder width. Usable
shoulder width includes graded shoulders, but not roadside slopes. The total roadway width criteria
vary from 18 to 26 ft [5.4 to 8.0 m] with the functional subclass and the design speed of the road. The
roadway width values for roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less were developed in
research by Neuman (11) from several sources. The primary source for roadway widths was NCHRP
Report 362 (20); other sources included TRB Special Report 214 (14), the U. S. Forest Service (USFS)
(17), and the Transportation Association of Canada (13). The roadway widths for major access roads
with design volumes greater than 400 vehicles per day are based on Chapter 5 of the AASHTO Green
Book (5). For application of Table 4-1, all low-volume roads with design volumes greater than 400
vehicles per day should be treated as major access roads.

The roadway width guidelines for major access roads, minor access roads, and recreational and scenic
roads are based primarily on travel by passenger cars and recreational vehicles. Widths for industrial
or commercial access roads, resource recovery roads, and agricultural roads consider more frequent
use by larger trucks and, in the case of agricultural access roads, use by wide agricultural equipment.
These greater widths for industrial or commercial access roads, resource recovery roads, and agricultur-
al access roads reflect the offtracking and maneuverability needs and the greater widths of the larger
vehicles using these roads. The ability of vehicles in opposing directions of travel to pass one another is
an important design consideration for rural roads. Access past parked vehicles is not a major concern
because parking on rural roads is not common. The increased cross section widths for industrial or
commercial access roads, resource recovery roads, and agricultural access roads should not be construed
as based on a safety need. It should be noted that the roadway widths for agricultural access roads are
applicable on roads used by agricultural equipment wider than a typical 8.5-ft [2.6-m] truck. Some
low-volume rural roads, particularly in recreational and scenic areas, may serve substantial bicycle vol-
umes; designers may consider adjusting the roadway widths in Table 4-1 in such cases.

The choice of the appropriate functional subclass is key to determining the appropriate roadway width.
Where minimum roadway widths are used for a selected functional subclass, the designer should con-
sider providing a wider roadway at sharp horizontal curves. By contrast, widths less than the mini-
mums shown in Table 4-1 may be appropriate adjacent to historic structures or in other constrained
locations. In determining appropriate roadway widths, the designer should refer to the discussion of
design flexibility in Section 3.6.

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Design Guidelines 4-3

Table 4-1. Guidelines for Total Roadway Width for New Construction of Low-Volume
Roads in Rural Areas

U.S. Customary

Total Roadway Width (ft) by Functional Subclass1

Major Access Road by Design Volume Level (veh/day)

Minor Recreational Industrial/ Resource Agricultural
Design Speed 400 or 401 to Access and Scenic Commercial Recovery Access
(mph) Less 2,000 Road Road Access Road Road Road
15 18.0 23.02 18.0 18.0 20.0 20.0 22.0
20 18.0 23.0 2
18.0 18.0 20.0 20.0 24.0
25 18.0 23.0 2
18.0 18.0 21.0 21.0 24.0
30 18.0 23.02 18.0 18.0 22.5 22.5 24.0
35 18.0 23.0 2
18.0 18.0 22.5 22.5 24.0
40 18.0 23.02 18.0 20.0 22.5 — 24.0
45 20.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 23.0 — 26.0
50 20.0 25.0 20.0 20.0 24.5 — —
55 22.0 25.0 — 22.0 — — —
60 22.0 25.0 — — — — —


Total Roadway Width (m) by Functional Subclass1

Major Access Road by Design Volume Level (veh/day)

Minor Recreational Industrial/ Resource Agricultural
Design Speed 400 or 401 to Access and Scenic Commercial Recovery Access
(km/h) Less 2,000 Road Road Access Road Road Road
20 5.4 7.02 5.4 5.4 6.0 6.0 6.6
30 5.4 7.02
5.4 5.4 6.0 6.0 7.2
40 5.4 7.02
5.4 5.4 6.4 6.4 7.2
50 5.4 7.02 5.4 5.4 6.8 6.8 7.2
60 5.4 7.02
5.4 5.4 6.8 6.8 7.2
70 6.0 7.6 6.0 6.0 7.0 — 8.0
80 6.0 7.6 6.0 6.0 7.4 — —
90 6.6 7.6 — 6.6 — — —
100 6.6 7.6 — — — — —
Note:  Total roadway width includes the width of both traveled way and usable shoulders.
All low-volume roads with design volumes greater than 400 veh/day should be treated as major access roads
For roads in mountainous terrain with design volumes up to 600 veh/day, use 20.0-ft [6.0-m] total roadway width.

Small differences in the existing or proposed dimensions from those shown in Table 4-1 may be com-
pletely acceptable. For example, on roads used by trucks or wider agricultural equipment, designers
should have the discretion to consider the actual widths of vehicles expected to use a particular road
and modify the width guidelines in Table 4-1 accordingly.

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4-4 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Where pedestrian facilities are provided, they must be accessible to and usable by individuals with
disabilities (6, 16). Additional design guidance for pedestrian facilities may be found in local policies;
the AASHTO Guide for Planning, Operation, and Design of Pedestrian Facilities (1); and the Proposed
Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (15). Low-Volume Roads in Urban Areas

As in rural areas, the cross-section width guidelines for low-volume roads in urban areas are related to
basic operational needs. Speeds are lower, trip lengths and lengths of low-volume roads are generally
much shorter, and available right-of-way width is much less than in rural areas. The major functional
needs for low-volume roads in urban areas include the ability for vehicles in opposite directions to pass
one another, the need for vehicles to pass parked or stopped vehicles, the need to provide access for fire
trucks and other emergency vehicles, and the need to accommodate occasional larger delivery vehicles.

Cross-section widths for urban major access roads and urban industrial or commercial access roads
should generally be the same as those shown for comparable rural roads in Table 4-1. Greater widths
should be provided where parking is permitted.

Cross section width guidelines for urban residential streets are shown in Table 4-2. These widths in-
corporate consideration of access for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles. Parking should usually
be permitted on both sides of residential streets. Reduced widths may be appropriate where parking is
restricted to one side of the street. The guidelines in Table 4-2 are adapted from the ITE Neighborhood
Street Design Guidelines (10), which may be consulted for more detailed guidance.

The roadway widths presented in Table 4-2 assume that there is sufficient off-street parking (e.g., drive-
ways and garages) so that on-street parking is used only occasionally by visitors and delivery vehicles.

Where pedestrian facilities are provided, they must be accessible to and usable by individuals with
disabilities (6, 16). Additional design guidance for pedestrian facilities may be found in local policies;
the AASHTO Guide for Planning, Operation, and Design of Pedestrian Facilities (1); and the Proposed
Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right of Way (15).

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Design Guidelines 4-5

Table 4-2. Guidelines for Total Roadway Width for New Construction of Two-Lane
Urban Residential Streets [adapted from (10)]

U.S. Customary Metric

Total Roadway Width (ft) with Parking on: Total Roadway Width (m) with Parking on:
Development Dwelling Units per
Density Gross Acre1 Number of Channels 2
Both Sides One Side Only Both Sides One Side Only
Low ≤ 2.0 2 20–22 18 6.1–6.7 5.5

Medium 2.1 to 6.0 3 26–28 24 7.9–8.5 7.3

High 6.1 to 10.0 4 30–32 28 9.2–9.8 8.5

Very high ≥10.1 4 34–38 32 10.4–11.6 9.8

Gross acreage includes land used for the roadway, alleys, pedestrian and bicycle paths, easements, parks, schools, or other neighborhood facilities; use average density for both sides of the street.
Number of channels represents the number of through and parking lanes; for low and medium density development, both the likelihood of parked vehicles and the traffic volume are low, and the occasional
parked vehicles may park in a lane designated for through traffic, as needed.
Note: These guidelines should not be used as a substitute for engineering judgment. Specific streets may be wider or narrower than these guidelines based on consideration of site-specific factors.

4.2.2 Existing Roads

The cross-section widths of existing roads need not be modified except in those cases where there is ev-
idence of a site-specific crash pattern. Chapter 3 discusses the types of evidence of a site-specific crash
pattern that might be considered. When a site-specific crash pattern that can be mitigated by a wider
roadway is identified, the cross section for the portion of the roadway with the identified crash pattern
should be widened to at least the total roadway width presented above for new construction.


The key elements in selecting an appropriate bridge width are the width of the adjacent roadway (trav-
eled way and shoulder widths) and, for existing locations, the crash history of the existing bridge.

4.3.1 New Construction

New bridges are those on new roadways where there is no existing roadway or bridge in place. The
widths of new bridges should generally be selected in accordance with the bridge width criteria in
the AASHTO Green Book (5), Chapters 5 and 6 for local and minor collector roads, respectively.
Those criteria indicate that, for bridges on local roads with ADT of 400 vehicles per day or less, the
bridge width should be equal to the width of the traveled way plus 2 ft [0.6 m]. However, when the
entire roadway width (traveled way plus shoulders) is paved, the bridge width should be equal to the
total roadway width. Bridge width should be measured between the inside faces of the bridge rail or
guardrail. Bridges greater than 100 ft [30 m] in length should be evaluated individually to determine
the appropriate bridge width. Bridge usage by trucks, recreational vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians
should also be considered in determining the appropriate width.

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4-6 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

One-lane bridges may be provided on single-lane roads and on two-lane roads with design volumes
less than 100 vehicles per day where the designer finds that a one-lane bridge can operate effectively.
The minimum width of a one-lane bridge should be 15 ft [4.5 m] unless the designer concludes that a
narrower bridge can function effectively (e.g., based on the crash history of similar bridges maintained
by the same agency). Caution should be exercised in design of one-lane bridges wider than 16 ft [4.9 m]
to assure that drivers will not use them as two-lane structures. Simultaneous arrival of two or more op-
posing vehicles at a one-lane bridge should be rare, given the low traffic volumes, but one-lane bridges
should have pull-offs at each end where drivers can wait for traffic on the bridge to clear.

4.3.2 Existing Bridges

Existing bridges can remain in place without widening unless there is evidence of a site-specific crash
pattern related to the width of the bridge. As described in Section 3.5, evidence of a site-specific crash
pattern may include not only crash history but also other indications such as skid marks, damage to
bridge rail or guardrail, and concerns raised by police or local residents. Where an existing bridge
needs replacement for structural reasons, but there is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern, and
the existing bridge serves trucks, recreational vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians appropriately, the
replacement bridge can be constructed with the same width as the existing bridge; this criterion applies
to bridges that are reconstructed on the same alignment and bridges that are reconstructed on a more
favorable alignment.


For balance in roadway design, all geometric elements should, as far as economically practical, be de-
signed to provide continuous operation at a speed likely to be observed under the general conditions for
that roadway. For the most part, this is done through the use of design speed as the overall control. The
design of roadway curves is based on understanding the appropriate relation between design speed and
curvature and also their joint relations with superelevation and side friction. Although these relations
stem from the laws of physics, the actual values for use in design depend on practical limits and factors
determined more or less empirically over the range of variables involved.

A key parameter that represents the friction demand for a vehicle traversing a horizontal curve is the
side friction factor, which can be estimated as:

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Design Guidelines 4-7

U.S. Customary Metric

V2 V2 (4-1)
=f − 0.01e =f − 0.01e
15 R 127 R

where: where:
f = side friction factor; f = side friction factor;
V = vehicle speed, mph; V = vehicle speed, km/h;
R = radius of curve, ft; and R = radius of curve, m; and
e = rate of roadway superelevation, percent. e = rate of roadway superelevation, percent.

A fundamental objective in horizontal curve design is to select a radius of curve, R, such that the side
friction factor, ƒ , of a vehicle traversing the curve at the design speed does not exceed a specified
threshold value. To achieve this, Equation 4-1 can be recast as:

U.S. Customary Metric

V2 V2 (4-2)
Rmin  Rmin =
15  0.01emax  f max  127 ( 0.01emax + f max )

where: where:
Rmin = minimum curve radius, ft; Rmin = minimum curve radius, m;
emax = maximum rate of superelevation permitted by highway agency policy; and emax = maximum rate of superelevation permitted by highway agency policy; and
fmax = maximum side friction factor. fmax = maximum side friction factor.

The values of fmax and R min used in design of higher volume roads (i.e., roads with design volumes great-
er than 2,000 vehicles per day) are specified in Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book (5) and are
presented here in Table 4-3. Maximum superelevation rates from 4 to 12 percent may be used in the
design of such curves. Guidance in selection of an appropriate maximum superelevation rate is provid-
ed by the AASHTO Green Book (5). The values of fmax in Table 4-3 are intended to assure the comfort
of drivers in traversing a curve. Actual tire–pavement friction data indicate that these criteria provide
a substantial margin against loss of control due to skidding on most pavements, even at high speeds.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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4-8 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Table 4-3. Maximum Side Friction Factor and Minimum Radius for Horizontal Curve
Design on Higher Volume Roadways (Design Volume > 2000 veh/day) (5)

U.S. Customary

Minimum Radius (ft), Rmin

Max. Superelevation Rate (%), emax

Maximum Design
Side Friction Factor,
Design Speed (mph) fmax 4 6 8 10 12
10 0.38 25 25 25 25 25

15 0.32 40 40 40 35 35

20 0.27 85 80 75 70 70

25 0.23 155 145 135 125 120

30 0.20 250 230 215 200 190

35 0.18 370 340 315 290 270

40 0.16 535 485 445 410 380

45 0.15 710 645 585 540 500

50 0.14 925 835 760 695 640

55 0.13 1185 1060 960 875 805

60 0.12 1500 1335 1200 1090 1000


Minimum Radius (m), Rmin

Max. Superelevation Rate (%), emax

Maximum Design
Side Friction Factor,
Design Speed (km/h) fmax 4 6 8 10 12
15 0.40 10 10 10 10 10

20 0.35 10 10 10 10 10

30 0.28 20 20 20 20 20

40 0.23 45 45 40 40 35

50 0.19 85 80 75 70 65

60 0.17 135 125 115 105 100

70 0.15 205 185 170 155 144

80 0.14 280 250 230 210 195

90 0.13 375 335 305 275 255

100 0.12 490 435 395 360 330

A risk assessment by Neuman (11) found that because established horizontal curve design criteria are
based on driver comfort levels, rather than loss of control, the criteria for fmax and R min can be relaxed for

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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Design Guidelines 4-9

low-volume roads with average daily traffic volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less with no discernable
change in crash risk. The specific criteria applicable to horizontal curve design for new construction
projects and for existing low-volume roads are presented in Sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2, respectively.

4.4.1 New Construction

The following guidelines are recommended for design of horizontal curves in new construction of
low-volume roads:

yy For the design of low-volume roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less without sub-
stantial truck and recreational vehicle volumes, acceptable operations can be obtained with smaller
curve radii than those shown in Table 4-3. Design radii based on a reduction in design speed of 5
to 10 mph or 10 to 20 km/h, may be used. The maximum reduction in design speed of 10 mph or
20 km/h is generally appropriate for roadways with speeds of 45 mph or 70 km/h or more and with
design volumes of 250 vehicles per day or less. For roadways with design volumes of 250 to 400
vehicles per day without substantial truck volumes, the appropriate maximum reduction in design
speed is 10 mph or 15 km/h.
yy For the design of low-volume roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less that carry
substantial recreational vehicle or truck traffic, design radii based on no reduction in design speed
should be used at very low speeds (e.g., 15 mph or 20 km/h). This guideline reflects the greater like-
lihood of truck rollover at low speeds. At higher speeds, design radii based on a reduction in speed
of no more than 5 mph or 10 km/h, may be used.

The specific guidelines for the design of horizontal curves in new construction projects are presented
separately for seven categories of low-volume roads. These are:

yy rural major access, minor access, and recreational and scenic roads with design volumes of 250 ve-
hicles per day or less;
yy rural major access, minor access, and recreational and scenic roads with design volumes from 251 to
400 vehicles per day;
yy rural industrial or commercial access, agricultural access, and resource recovery roads with design
volumes up to 400 vehicles per day;
yy urban major access streets with design volumes of 250 vehicles per day or less and urban residential
yy urban major access streets with design volumes from 251 to 400 vehicles per day;
yy urban industrial or commercial access streets with design volumes up to 400 vehicles per day; and
yy low-volume roads of any functional subclass with design volumes of 401 to 2,000 vehicles per day.

Horizontal curve design criteria for new construction of roads in each of these seven categories are
presented below.

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4-10 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads Rural Major Access, Minor Access, and Recreational and Scenic Roads
(250 Vehicles per Day or Less)

The design of horizontal curves for major access, minor access, and recreational and scenic roads in
rural areas is based on the expectation that the proportion of large trucks in these functional subclass-
es is relatively low. Newly constructed rural roads in these subclasses should be designed using the
limiting values of fmax and R min shown in Table 4-3, whenever practical. In constrained situations, for
roads with design volumes of 250 vehicles per day or less, horizontal curves may be designed using the
limiting values for fmax and R min presented in Table 4-4. This table incorporates reductions in design
speed up to 10 mph or 20 km/h based on the design principles presented above. Table 4-4 is appro-
priate in constrained situations, where providing a horizontal curve designed in accordance with Table
4-3 would result in significant additional costs for earthwork or right-of-way acquisition or would have
significantly greater environmental impacts. Design superelevation and superelevation transitions for
this category of low-volume roads is discussed in Section Rural Major Access, Minor Access, and Recreational and Scenic Roads
(251 to 400 Vehicles per Day)

As in the previous category, rural major access, minor access, and recreational and scenic roads with
design volumes from 251 to 400 vehicles per day should be designed with horizontal curves based on
the limiting values of fmax and R min shown in Table 4-3, whenever practical. In constrained situations,
the limiting values of fmax and R min shown in Table 4-5 may be used. Table 4-5 incorporates reductions
in design speed up to 10 mph or 15 km/h based on the design principles presented above. Design of
superelevation and superelevation transitions for this category of very low-volume roads is discussed in
Section Rural Industrial or Commercial Access, Agricultural Access, and Resource Recovery
Roads (400 Vehicles per Day or Less)

Horizontal curves on rural industrial or commercial access, agricultural access, and resource recovery
roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less should be designed using the limiting values
of fmax and R min shown in Table 4-3, whenever practical. In constrained situations, the limiting values
of fmax and R min shown in Table 4-6 may be used. Table 4-6 incorporates reductions in design speed up
to 5 mph or 10 km/h. Lower reductions in design speed are used for industrial or commercial, agricul-
tural access, and resource recovery roads because these functional subclasses are more likely than other
subclasses to carry substantial proportions of large trucks. Design of superelevation and superelevation
transitions for this category of low-volume roads is discussed in Section

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Design Guidelines 4-11

Table 4-4. Guidelines for Maximum Side Friction Factor and Minimum Radius
(New Construction, Design Volume ≤ 250 veh/day, Limited Proportion of Heavy
Vehicle Traffic)

U.S. Customary

Minimum Radius (ft), Rmin

Max. Superelevation Rate (%), emax

Maximum Design
Design Speed Reduced Design Side Friction
(mph) Speed (mph) Factor, fmax 4 6 8 10 12
10 10 0.380 25 25 25 25 25

15 15 0.320 40 40 40 35 35

20 15 0.320 40 40 40 35 35

25 20 0.270 85 80 75 70 70

30 20 0.270 85 80 75 70 70

35 25 0.230 155 145 135 125 120

40 30 0.200 250 230 215 200 190

45 35 0.180 370 340 315 290 270

50 40 0.160 535 485 445 410 380

55 45 0.150 710 645 585 540 500

60 50 0.140 925 835 760 695 640


Minimum Radius (m), Rmin

Max. Superelevation Rate (%), emax

Maximum Design
Design Speed Reduced Design Side Friction
(km/h) Speed (km/h) Factor, fmax 4 6 8 10 12
15 15 0.400 10 10 10 10 10

20 20 0.350 10 10 10 10 10

30 25 0.315 15 15 10 10 10

40 30 0.280 20 20 20 20 20

50 35 0.255 35 30 30 25 25

60 45 0.210 65 60 55 50 50

70 50 0.190 85 80 75 70 65

80 60 0.170 135 125 115 105 100

90 70 0.150 205 185 170 155 145

100 80 0.140 280 250 230 210 195

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4-12 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Table 4-5. Guidelines for Maximum Side Friction Factor and Minimum Radius
(New Construction, Design Volumes from 251 to 400 veh/day, Limited Proportion
of Heavy Vehicle Traffic)

U.S. Customary

Minimum Radius (ft), Rmin

Max. Superelevation Rate (%), emax

Maximum Design
Design Speed Reduced Design Side Friction
(mph) Speed (mph) Factor, fmax 4 6 8 10 12
10 10 0.380 25 25 25 25 25

15 15 0.320 40 40 40 35 35

20 15 0.320 40 40 40 35 35

25 20 0.270 85 80 75 70 70

30 25 0.230 155 145 135 125 120

35 30 0.200 250 230 215 200 190

40 35 0.180 370 340 315 290 270

45 40 0.160 535 485 445 410 380

50 45 0.150 710 645 585 540 500

55 50 0.140 925 835 760 695 640

60 50 0.140 925 835 760 695 640


Minimum Radius (m), Rmin

Max. Superelevation Rate (%), emax

Maximum Design
Design Speed Reduced Design Side Friction
(km/h) Speed (km/h) Factor, fmax 4 6 8 10 12
15 15 0.400 10 10 10 10 10

20 20 0.350 10 10 10 10 10

30 25 0.315 15 15 10 10 10

40 30 0.280 20 20 20 20 20

50 40 0.230 45 45 40 40 35

60 50 0.190 85 80 75 70 65

70 60 0.170 135 125 115 105 100

80 65 0.160 165 155 140 130 120

90 75 0.145 240 215 195 180 165

100 85 0.135 325 290 265 240 225

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Design Guidelines 4-13

Table 4-6. Guidelines for Maximum Side Friction Factor and Minimum Radius
(New Construction, Design Volumes of 400 veh/day or Less, Substantial Proportion
of Heavy Vehicle Traffic)

U.S. Customary

Minimum Radius (ft), Rmin

Max. Superelevation Rate (%), emax

Maximum Design
Design Speed Reduced Design Side Friction
(mph) Speed (mph) Factor, fmax 4 6 8 10 12
10 10 0.380 25 25 25 25 25

15 15 0.320 40 40 40 35 35

20 20 0.270 85 80 75 70 70

25 25 0.230 155 145 135 125 120

30 25 0.230 155 145 135 125 120

35 30 0.200 250 230 215 200 190

40 35 0.180 370 340 315 290 270

45 40 0.160 535 485 445 410 380

50 45 0.150 710 645 590 540 500

55 50 0.140 925 835 760 695 640

60 55 0.130 1190 1060 960 875 805


Minimum Radius (m), Rmin

Max. Superelevation Rate (%), emax

Maximum Design
Design Speed Reduced Design Side Friction
(km/h) Speed (km/h) Factor, fmax 4 6 8 10 12
15 15 0.400 10 10 10 10 10

20 20 0.350 10 10 10 10 10

30 30 0.280 20 20 20 20 20

40 40 0.230 45 45 40 40 35

50 45 0.210 65 60 55 50 50

60 55 0.180 110 100 90 85 80

70 65 0.160 165 155 140 130 120

80 70 0.150 205 185 170 155 145

90 80 0.140 280 250 230 210 195

100 90 0.130 375 335 305 275 255

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4-14 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads Urban Major Access Streets (250 Vehicles per Day or Less) and Urban Residential
Streets (400 Vehicles per Day or less)

Horizontal curves on urban major access streets with design volumes of 250 vehicles per day or less
and on urban residential streets with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less should be designed
in accordance with the limiting values of fmax and R min presented in Table 4-3, whenever practical. In
constrained situations, the limiting values of fmax and R min shown in Table 4-4 may be used in place
of Table 4-3. Design of superelevation and superelevation transitions for this category of low-volume
roads is discussed in Section Urban Major Access Streets (251 to 400 Vehicles per Day)

Horizontal curves on urban major access streets with design volumes from 251 to 400 vehicles per
day should be designed in accordance with the limiting values of fmax and R min presented in Table 4-3,
whenever practical. In constrained situations, the limiting values of fmax and Rmin shown in Table 4-5
may be used in place of Table 4-3. Design of superelevation and superelevation transitions for this cat-
egory of low-volume roads is discussed in Section Urban Industrial or Commercial Access Streets (400 Vehicles per Day or Less)

Horizontal curves on urban industrial or commercial access streets should be designed in accordance
with the limiting values of fmax and R min presented in Table 4-3, whenever practical. In constrained
situations, the limiting values of fmax and R min shown in Table 4-6 may be used in place of Table 4-3.
Design of superelevation and superelevation transitions for this category of low-volume roads is dis-
cussed in Section Low-Volume Roads of Any Functional Subclass (401 to 2,000 Vehicles per Day)

Horizontal curves on low-volume roads in any functional subclass should be designed in new construc-
tion projects in accordance with the limiting values of fmax and R min presented in Table 4-3. Superelevation and Superelevation Transitions

Once the radius for a particular horizontal curve has been determined, the selection of the appro-
priate superelevation and the design of superelevation transitions should proceed in accordance with
the criteria presented in Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book (5). Where the horizontal curve
design is based on Table 4-3, the superelevation and superelevation transition design should follow the
criteria from Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book for the actual roadway design speed. Where
the horizontal curve design is based on Tables 4-4, 4-5, or 4-6, the superelevation and superelevation
transition design follow the criteria from Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book using the reduced
design speed indicated in Tables 4-4, 4-5, or 4-6 in place of the roadway design speed. The criteria in
Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book concerning situations where no superelevation is needed ap-
ply to low-volume roads based on the roadway design speed or the reduced design speed, as appropriate.

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Design Guidelines 4-15

4.4.2 Existing Roads

For improvement projects on existing low-volume roads, the existing horizontal curve geometry should
generally be considered acceptable unless there is evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to
horizontal curvature. The following guidelines reflect the results of the risk assessment for horizontal
curves on existing roads:

yy For curves on low-volume roads with low speeds (design or estimated operating speed of 45 mph
[70 km/h] or less), reconstruction without changing the existing curve geometry and cross section
is acceptable if the nominal design speed of the curve is within 20 mph or 30 km/h of the design or
operating speed, and if there is no clear evidence of a site-specific crash pattern associated with the
yy For curves on low-volume roads with higher speeds (design or estimated operating speed greater
than 45 mph [70 km/h]), reconstruction without changing the existing curve geometry and cross
section is acceptable if the nominal design speed of the curve is within 10 mph or 20 km/h of the
design or operating speed, and if there is no clear evidence of a site-specific crash pattern associated
with the curve.

Evidence of a site-specific crash pattern may be demonstrated by a history of curve-related crashes

(considering at least 5 years, and preferably 10 years, of crash data); physical evidence of curve problems
such as skid marks, scarred trees or utility poles, substantial edge rutting or encroachments, etc.; a
history of complaints from residents or local police; or measured or known speeds substantially higher
(e.g., 20 mph or 30 km/h higher) than the intended design speed. Even with such evidence, curve
improvements should focus on low-cost measures designed to control speeds, enhance curve tracking,
or mitigate roadside encroachment severity. Except in rare circumstances, there are more cost effective
solutions to identified curve problems on low-volume roads than curve flattening and reconstruction.

Acceptable substitutes for curve reconstruction include measures to reduce speed in the curve (sign-
ing, rumble strips, pavement markings), measures to improve the roadside within the curve (clear-
ing slopes, widening shoulder through curve), and measures to increase pavement friction within the
curve. Reconstruction employing any or all of these measures should be accompanied by appropri-
ate before-and-after studies to monitor their effectiveness. Procedures for before-and-after evaluation
studies are presented in Chapter 9 of the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual (2).


Sight distance is the length of roadway ahead visible to the driver. The available sight distance on a
roadway should be sufficiently long to enable a vehicle traveling at or near the design speed to avoid col-
liding with a stationary object in its path. For new construction projects on higher volume roads with
design volumes greater than 2,000 vehicles per day, sight distance at every point on the road should
be at least that needed for a poorly performing driver or a poorly equipped vehicle to stop within the
available sight distance. The object normally considered in stopping sight distance design is a stopped

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4-16 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

vehicle in the roadway. On local roads with low design volumes (400 vehicles per day or less), on which
stopped vehicles would rarely be expected, provision of sufficient sight distance for a driver to maneuver
around a small object on the road, rather than come to a stop, may be appropriate.

Stopping sight distance is generally determined as the sum of two distances: (1) the distance traversed
by the vehicle from the instant the driver sights an object necessitating a stop to the instant the brakes
are applied; and (2) the distance needed to stop the vehicle from the instant brake application begins.
These are referred to as brake reaction distance and braking distance, respectively. Similarly, sight dis-
tance to maneuver around an object incorporates a maneuver reaction time and a maneuver time. The
current stopping sight distance criteria in the AASHTO Green Book (5) are based on the following

U.S. Customary Metric

V2 V2
= 1.47Vt + 1.075 SSD
= 0.278Vt + 0.039 (4-3)
a a

where: where:
SSD = sight distance, ft; SSD = sight distance, m;
t = brake reaction time, s; t = brake reaction time, s;
V = design speed, mph; and V = design speed, km/h; and
a = deceleration rate, ft/s2. a = deceleration rate, m/s2.

The brake reaction time (t) of 2.5 s used in Equation 4-3 represents approximately the 95th percentile
of the observed distribution of brake-reaction times. The deceleration rate, a, of 11.2 ft/sec2 [3.4 m/s2]
used in Equation 4-3 represents approximately the 10th percentile of driver deceleration rate. These
values of brake reaction time and driver deceleration rate were developed in research for higher volume
roads in NCHRP Report 400 (7).

As discussed later in this section, sight distance plays a key role in setting the minimum lengths of crest
vertical curves. The AASHTO Green Book (5) uses values for height of eye (h₁) and height of object
(h₂) equal to 3.5 ft and 2.0 ft [1,080 mm and 600 mm], respectively.

Sight distance criteria applicable to new construction projects and to existing low-volume roads are
presented below. The design criteria for stopping sight distance on low-volume roads vary with traffic
volume levels and the proximity of intersections, narrow bridges, railroad-highway grade crossings,
sharp curves, and steep grades, but the design criteria do not vary between rural and urban areas or
between functional subclasses of low-volume roads.

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Design Guidelines 4-17

4.5.1 New Construction

Design of newly constructed low-volume roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less may
be based on sight distances lower than those presented in the AASHTO Green Book (5). NCHRP
Report 400 (7) found that collisions at crest vertical curves with limited sight distance are extremely
rare events, even on higher volume roadways, and that the object struck in such collisions was pre-
dominately another motor vehicle. Furthermore, there was no indication that lengthening of the sight
distance at crest vertical curves has any demonstrable effect on reducing the number of collisions. The
risk assessment by Neuman (11) for roads with average daily traffic volumes of 400 vehicles per day or
less concluded that collisions with vehicles stopped in the roadway were far less likely on such roads
than even the limited likelihood of collisions with stopped vehicles on higher volume roads and that
sight distance values lower than those presented in the AASHTO Green Book (5) for higher volume
roads can be applied to such roads with minimal effect on crash frequency and severity. Based on the
formal risk assessment by Neuman, two sets of alternative sight distance criteria for roads with design
volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less are recommended. The maneuver sight distance model devel-
oped in NCHRP Report 400 (7) is recommended for application to:

yy roads with traffic volumes of 100 vehicles per day or less; or

yy roads with traffic volumes of 101 to 250 vehicles per day located at lower risk locations, such as
locations not in close proximity to intersections, narrow bridges, railroad–highway grade crossings,
sharp curves, or steep downgrades.

The sight distance model presented in Equation 4-3 using alternative parameter values for brake-reac-
tion time and driver deceleration is recommended for the following types of low-volume roads:

yy roads with design volumes of 101 to 250 vehicles per day located at higher risk locations, such as
locations near intersections, narrow bridges, or railroad–highway grade crossings, or in advance of
sharp curves and steep downgrades; or
yy roads with design volumes of 251 to 400 vehicles per day

The alternative parameter values recommended for use when Equation 4-3 is applied to new construc-
tion of roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less are:

yy a brake-reaction time of 2 s, based on the 90th rather than the 95th percentile of observed driver
behavior; or
yy a driver deceleration of 13.4 ft/s2 [4.1 m/s2], based on the 50th percentile rather than the 10th per-
centile of the observed distribution

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4-18 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Table 4-7 presents recommended design stopping sight distance criteria for new construction on roads
with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less based on the models discussed above. These criteria
may be used in design of both horizontal and crest vertical curves for new construction.

Table 4-7. Design Stopping Sight Distance Guidelines for New Construction of
Low-Volume Roads with Design Volumes of 2,000 Vehicles per Day or Less

U.S. Customary

Minimum Sight Distance (ft) for Specified Design

Traffic Volumes and Location Types
0–100 veh/day 101–250 veh/day 251–400 veh/day veh/day

“Lower Risk” “Higher Risk”

Design Speed (mph) All Locations Locations1 Locations2 All Locations All Locations
15 65 65 65 65 80

20 90 90 95 95 115

25 115 115 125 125 155

30 135 135 165 165 200

35 170 170 205 205 250

40 215 215 250 250 305

45 260 260 300 300 360

50 310 310 350 350 425

55 365 365 405 405 495

60 435 435 470 470 570

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Design Guidelines 4-19


Minimum Sight Distance (m) for Specified Design

Traffic Volumes and Location Types
0–100 veh/day 101–250 veh/day 251–400 veh/day veh/day

“Lower Risk” “Higher Risk”

Design Speed (km/h) All Locations Locations1 Locations2 All Locations All Locations
20 15 15 15 15 20

30 25 25 30 30 35

40 35 35 40 40 50

50 45 45 55 55 65

60 60 60 70 70 85

70 75 75 90 90 105

80 95 95 110 110 130

90 120 120 130 130 160

100 140 140 155 155 185

Not in close proximity to intersections, narrow bridges, railroad–highway grade crossings, sharp curves, or steep downgrades.
Near intersections, narrow bridges, or railroad–highway grade crossings, or in advance of sharp curves or steep downgrades.

For new construction of roads with design volumes greater than 400 vehicles per day, the stopping sight
distance criteria presented in Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book (5) should be applied. Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves

Sight distance across the inside of horizontal curves is an element of the design of horizontal align-
ment. Where there are sight obstructions (such as walls, cut slopes, vegetation, buildings, or longitudi-
nal barriers) on the inside of a horizontal curve, a design to provide adequate sight distance may need
an adjustment in the normal highway cross section or a change in alignment if the obstruction cannot
be removed. Because of the many variables in alignment and cross sections and in the number, type,
and location of possible obstructions, a specific study is usually needed for each condition. With the
sight distance specified in Table 4-7 for the appropriate design speed as a control, the designer should
check the actual condition and make any needed adjustments in the manner most fitting to provide
adequate sight distances.

For general use in the design of a horizontal curve, the sight line is a chord of the horizontal curve,
and the applicable stopping sight distance is measured along the centerline of the inside lane around
the curve. The minimum width that should be clear of sight obstructions is the middle ordinate of the
curve, referred to in geometric design as the horizontal sightline offset, HSO, as shown in Figure 4-1.

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4-20 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Sight Distance (S)

s i d e La
Line of Sight

R Sight Obstruction

Figure 4-1. Horizontal Curve Showing Stopping Sight Distance Along the Curve and the Horizontal
Sightline Offset that Defines the Maximum Unobstructed Width

The horizontal sightline offset can be computed, for any curve whose length exceeds the design sight
distance, as shown in Equation 4-4:

U.S. Customary Metric

 28.65S  
= R 1 − cos
 R   (4-4)

where: where:
S = Sight distance, ft; S = Sight distance, m;
R = Radius of curve, ft; and R = Radius of curve, m; and
HSO = Horizontal sightline offset, ft. HSO = Horizontal sightline offset, m.

Table 4-8 presents the horizontal sightline offsets that define the width that should be clear of sight
obstructions for a horizontal curve as a function of curve radius and design speed.

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Design Guidelines 4-21

Table 4-8. Design Guidelines for Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves for New
Construction of Low-Volume Roads

U.S. Customary

All Locations for 0–100 veh/day and “Lower Risk” Locations “Higher Risk” Locations for 101–250 veh/day
for 101–250 veh/day1 and All Locations for 251–400 veh/day2
Width on Inside of Curve Clear of Sight Obstructions3 (ft) Width on Inside of Curve Clear of Sight Obstructions3 (ft)

Radius of Curvature (ft) Radius of Curvature (ft)

Stopping Stopping
Design Sight Design Sight
Speed Distance Speed Distance
(mph) (ft) 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 (mph) (ft) 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000

15 65 10.2 5.2 2.6 1.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 15 65 10.2 5.2 2.6 1.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0

20 90 — 10.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 20 95 — 11.1 5.6 2.3 1.1 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.1

25 115 — — 8.2 3.3 1.7 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.1 25 125 — — 9.7 3.9 2.0 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1

30 135 — — 11.3 4.5 2.3 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.1 30 165 — — 16.8 6.8 3.4 1.7 0.7 0.3 0.2

35 170 — — — 7.2 3.6 1.8 0.7 0.4 0.2 35 205 — — — 10.5 5.2 2.6 1.1 0.5 0.3

40 215 — — — 11.5 5.8 2.9 1.2 0.6 0.3 40 250 — — — 15.5 7.8 3.9 1.6 0.8 0.4

45 260 — — — 16.8 8.4 4.2 1.7 0.8 0.4 45 300 — — — 22.3 11.2 5.6 2.3 1.1 0.6

50 310 — — — — 12.0 6.0 2.4 1.2 0.6 50 350 — — — — 15.3 7.7 3.1 1.5 0.8

55 365 — — — — 16.6 8.3 3.3 1.7 0.8 55 405 — — — — 20.4 10.2 4.1 2.1 1.0

60 435 — — — — 23.6 11.8 4.7 2.4 1.2 60 470 — — — — 27.5 13.8 5.5 2.8 1.4


All Locations for 0–100 veh/day and “Lower Risk” Locations “Higher Risk” Locations for 101–250 veh/day
for 101–250 veh/day1 and All Locations for 251–400 veh/day2
Width on Inside of Curve Clear of Sight Obstructions3 (m) Width on Inside of Curve Clear of Sight Obstructions3 (m)

Radius of Curvature (m) Radius of Curvature (m)

Stopping Stopping
Design Sight Design Sight
Speed Distance Speed Distance
(km/h) (m) 10 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 4000 6000 (km/h) (m) 10 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 4000 6000

20 15 2.7 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20 15 2.7 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

30 25 — 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 30 30 — 2.2 1.1 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

40 35 — 3.0 1.5 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 40 40 — 3.9 2.0 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0

50 45 — — 2.5 1.3 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 50 55 — — 3.8 1.9 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1

60 60 — — — 2.2 0.9 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 60 70 — — — 3.1 1.2 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1

70 75 — — — 3.5 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 70 90 — — — 5.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2

80 95 — — — 5.6 2.3 1.1 0.6 0.3 0.2 80 110 — — — 7.5 3.0 1.5 0.8 0.4 0.3

90 120 — — — — 3.6 1.8 0.9 0.5 0.3 90 130 — — — — 4.2 2.1 1.1 0.5 0.4

100 140 — — — — 4.9 2.4 1.2 0.6 0.4 100 155 — — — — 6.0 3.0 1.5 0.8 0.5

Continued on next page.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.
4-22 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Table 4-8. Design Guidelines for Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves for
New Construction of Low-Volume Roads (Continued)

U.S. Customary

All Locations for 401–2,000 veh/day

Width on Inside of Curve Clear of Sight Obstructions3 (ft)

Radius of Curvature (ft)

Design Speed Stopping Sight
(mph) Distance (ft) 50 100 200 500 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 20,000
15 80 15.2 7.9 4.0 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0

20 115 — 16.1 8.2 3.3 1.7 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.1

25 155 — — 14.8 6.0 3.0 1.5 0.6 0.3 0.2

30 200 — — 24.5 10.0 5.0 2.5 1.0 0.5 0.3

35 250 — — — 15.5 7.8 3.9 1.6 0.8 0.4

40 305 — — — 23.1 11.6 5.8 2.3 1.2 0.6

45 360 — — — 32.1 16.2 8.1 3.2 1.6 0.8

50 425 — — — — 22.3 11.3 4.5 2.3 1.1

55 495 — — — — 30.5 15.3 6.1 3.1 1.5

60 570 — — — — 40.3 20.3 8.1 4.1 2.0


All Locations for 401–2,000 veh/day

Width on Inside of Curve Clear of Sight Obstructions3 (m)

Radius of Curvature (m)

Design Speed Stopping Sight
(km/h) Distance (m) 10 50 100 200 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 6,000
20 20 4.6 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

30 35 — 3.0 1.5 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0

40 50 — 6.1 3.1 1.6 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1

50 65 — — 5.2 2.6 1.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1

60 85 — — — 4.5 1.8 0.9 0.5 0.2 0.2

70 105 — — — 6.9 2.8 1.4 0.7 0.3 0.2

80 130 — — — 10.5 4.2 2.1 1.1 0.5 0.4

90 160 — — — — 6.4 3.2 1.6 0.8 0.5

100 185 — — — — 8.5 4.3 2.1 1.1 0.7

“Lower risk” locations are locations not in close proximity to intersections, narrow bridges, railroad–highway grade crossings, sharp curves, or steep down-
“Higher risk” locations are locations near intersections, narrow bridges, or railroad–highway grade crossings, or in advance of sharp curves or steep down-
Width on inside of curve clear of sight obstructions is measured from the centerline of the inside lane.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.
Design Guidelines 4-23 Sight Distance on Vertical Curves

Vertical curves are provided to effect a smooth and gradual change between tangent grades and may be
any one of the crest or sag types depicted in Figure 4-2. Vertical curves should be simple in application
and should result in a design that is comfortable in operation, pleasing in appearance, and adequate
for drainage, with limited likelihood of crashes. For simplicity, the parabolic curve with an equivalent
vertical axis centered on the vertical point of intersection is usually used in roadway profile design. The
vertical offsets from the tangent vary as the square of the horizontal distance from the beginning of
the curve.


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Figure 4-2. Types of Vertical Curves Crest Vertical Curves

The major control for operation on crest vertical curves is the provision of sight distance appropriate
for the roadway design speed. In new construction of low-volume roads, crest vertical curves should,
where practical, be designed to have at least the length that provides the stopping sight distance values
presented in Table 4-7. These lengths can be determined as shown in Equations 4-5 through 4-8:

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.
4-24 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

U.S. Customary Metric

When S is less than L, When S is less than L,

AS 2 AS 2 (4-5)
L = L =
( ) ( )
2 2
100 2h1 + 2h2 100 2h1 + 2h2

When S is greater than L, When S is greater than L,

2 2 (4-6)

L= 2 S −
200 ( h1 + h2 ) L= 2 S −
200 ( h1 + h2 )

where: where:
L = length of vertical curve, ft; L = length of vertical curve, m;
S = sight distance, ft; S = sight distance, m;
A = algebraic difference in grades, percent; A = algebraic difference in grades, percent;
h1 = height of eye above roadway surface, ft; and h1 = height of eye above roadway surface, m; and
h2 = height of object above roadway surface, ft. h2 = height of object above roadway surface, m.

When the height of eye (h₁) and height of object (h₂) are 3.5 ft and 2.0 ft [1,080 mm and 600 mm],
respectively, as used for stopping sight distance, Equations 4-5 and 4-6 become:

U.S. Customary Metric

When S is less than L, When S is less than L,

2 2
L = L = (4-7)
2158 658

When S is greater than L, When S is greater than L,

2158 658
L 2S −
= L 2S −
= (4-8)

Table 4-9 presents the rate of vertical curvature, K, that will provide stopping sight distance for crest
vertical curves on low-volume roads. The appropriate length for a vertical curve can generally be de-
termined by multiplying the K-value in Table 4-9 by the algebraic difference in grade between the
adjoining tangents.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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Design Guidelines 4-25

Table 4-9. Guidelines for Minimum Rate of Vertical Curvature to Provide Design
Stopping Sight Distance on Crest Vertical Curves for New Construction of Low-Volume

U.S. Customary

All Locations for 0–100 veh/day and “Lower Risk” “Higher Risk” Locations for 101–250 veh/day and All Locations for
Locations for 101–250 veh/day1 All Locations for 251–400 veh/day2 401–2,000 veh/day

Stopping Rate of Vertical

Rate of Vertical Rate of Vertical
Sight Curvature, K3
Curvature, K3 Curvature, K3
Design Speed Stopping Sight Stopping Sight Distance
(mph) Distance (ft) Calculated Design Distance (ft) Calculated Design (ft) Calculated Design
15 65 2.0 2 65 2.0 2 80 3.0 3

20 90 3.8 4 95 4.2 5 115 6.1 7

25 115 6.1 7 125 7.2 8 200 11.1 12

30 135 8.4 9 165 12.6 13 250 18.5 19

35 170 13.4 14 205 19.5 20 305 29.0 29

40 215 21.4 22 250 29.0 29 360 43.1 44

45 260 31.3 32 300 41.7 42 425 60.1 61

50 310 44.5 45 350 56.8 57 495 83.7 84

55 365 61.7 62 405 76.0 76 570 113.5 114

60 435 87.7 88 470 102.4 103 — 150.6 151


All Locations for 0–100 veh/day and “Lower Risk” “Higher Risk” Locations for 101–250 veh/day All Locations for
Locations for 101–250 veh/day1 and All Locations for 251–400 veh/day2 401–2,000 veh/day

Stopping Rate of Vertical

Rate of Vertical Rate of Vertical
Sight Curvature, K3
Curvature, K3 Curvature, K3
Design Speed Stopping Sight Stopping Sight Distance
(km/h) Distance (m) Calculated Design Distance (m) Calculated Design (m) Calculated Design
20 15 0.3 0.5 15 0.3 0.5 20 0.6 1

30 25 0.9 1 30 1.4 2 35 1.9 2

40 35 1.9 2 40 2.4 4 50 3.8 4

50 45 3.1 4 55 4.6 5 65 6.4 7

60 60 5.5 6 70 7.4 8 85 11.0 11

70 75 8.5 9 90 12.3 13 105 16.8 17

80 95 13.7 14 110 18.4 19 130 25.7 26

90 120 21.9 22 130 25.7 26 160 38.9 39

100 140 29.8 30 155 36.5 37 185 52.0 52

“Lower risk” locations are locations not in close proximity to intersections, narrow bridges, railroad–highway grade crossings, sharp curves, or steep downgrades.
“Higher risk” locations are locations near intersections, narrow bridges, or railroad–highway grade crossings, or in advance of sharp curves or steep downgrades.
The rate of vertical curvature, K, is the length of curve (L) per percent algebraic difference in intersecting grades (A); i.e., K = L/A.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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4-26 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads Sag Vertical Curves

There are no special guidelines for design of sag vertical curves on low-volume roads. Sag vertical curves
should generally be designed in accordance with Chapters 5 and 6 of the AASHTO Green Book (5).

4.5.2 Existing Roads

Given the geometry of stopping sight distance on horizontal and crest vertical curves, the costs for even
marginal or incremental improvements make reconstruction of low-volume roads to increase stopping
sight distance not cost-effective except in unusual cases. NCHRP Report 400 (7) found that, even
on higher volume roadways, crashes associated with limited sight distance are extremely rare events.
Furthermore, there was no indication that lengthening the sight distance of a crest vertical curve has
any demonstrable effect on reducing the number of collisions. Collisions related to limited sight dis-
tance are even less likely on low-volume roads than on the higher volume roads studied in NCHRP
Report 400 (7).

Because sight distance improvements are unlikely to be cost-effective under most circumstances, the
existing sight distance on a low-volume road may be allowed to remain in place unless there is evidence
of a site-specific crash pattern attributable to inadequate sight distance. If a site-specific crash pattern
is identified, and if the designer finds after investigation that the crash pattern is attributable to lim-
ited sight distance, then the sight distance of the specific horizontal or vertical curve(s) at which the
problem is present should be upgraded to at least the sight distance levels shown in Table 4-7 as part of
any reconstruction project undertaken. Sight distance could be increased to the full criteria presented
in the AASHTO Green Book (5) where the judgment of the designer indicates that this is appropri-
ate. This approach is intended to provide maximum flexibility to the designer in assessing site-specific
conditions and exercising informed judgment to decide whether a correctable problem is present or
not. Guidance concerning identification of site-specific crash patterns is found in Section 3.5 of these


4.6.1 General Considerations

Each intersection has the potential for several different types of vehicle–vehicle conflicts. The possi-
bility of these conflicts actually occurring can be greatly reduced through the provision of proper sight
distances and appropriate traffic controls. The avoidance of crashes and the efficiency of traffic opera-
tions still depend on the judgment, capabilities, and response of each individual driver.

The driver of a vehicle approaching an at-grade intersection should have an unobstructed view of
the entire intersection, including any intersection traffic-control devices, and sufficient lengths of the
intersecting road to permit the driver to anticipate and avoid potential collisions. The sight distance
that should be used for design under various assumptions of physical conditions and driver behavior is

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Design Guidelines 4-27

directly related to vehicle speeds and to the resultant distances traversed during perception–reaction
time and braking.

Guidelines for intersection sight distance at intersections between low-volume roads with design vol-
umes of 400 vehicles per day or less are presented here. However, if one or more of the intersection
legs has a design traffic volume that exceeds 400 vehicles per day, intersection sight distance for newly
constructed intersections should be designed in accordance with Chapter 9 of the AASHTO Green
Book (5).

Stopping sight distance is generally provided continuously along each road or street so that drivers have
a view of the roadway ahead that is sufficient to allow drivers to stop or take evasive action, if necessary,
under prescribed conditions. The provision of stopping sight distance at all locations along each road or
street, including intersection approaches, is fundamental to intersection operations.

Vehicles are assigned the right-of-way at intersections by traffic-control devices or, where no traf-
fic-control devices are present, by the rules of the road. A basic rule of the road is that, at an intersection
at which no traffic-control devices are present, the vehicle on the left must yield the right-of-way to the
vehicle on the right if they arrive at approximately the same time. Sight distance is provided at inter-
sections to allow the drivers of vehicles without the right-of-way to perceive the presence of potentially
conflicting vehicles in sufficient time for the vehicle without the right-of-way to stop, if necessary,
before reaching the intersection. The methods for determining the sight distances needed by drivers
approaching intersections are based on the same principles as stopping sight distance, but incorporate
modified assumptions based on observed driver behavior at intersections.

Sight distance is also provided at intersections to allow the drivers of vehicles stopped on intersection
approaches a sufficient view of the intersecting highway to decide when to turn onto the intersecting
highway or to cross it from a stop- or yield-controlled approach to an intersection that has both con-
trolled and uncontrolled approaches. If the available sight distance for an entering or crossing vehicle
is at least equal to the appropriate stopping sight distance for the uncontrolled approach, then drivers
should have sufficient sight distance to anticipate and avoid collisions. However, in some cases, this may
require a vehicle on an uncontrolled approach to stop or slow to accommodate a turning maneuver by a
vehicle from a controlled approach. Intersections between two low-volume roads with design volumes
of 400 vehicles per day or less can be operated effectively with approach sight distances based on stop-
ping sight distances. To achieve better traffic operations, so that vehicles on uncontrolled approaches
do not need to stop or slow substantially to accommodate entering or crossing vehicles, intersection
sight distances that exceed stopping sight distance are desirable along the uncontrolled approaches.
Thus, intersection sight distances that exceed stopping sight distance are intended to enhance traffic
operations, but are not minimum design criteria that are essential to limiting crash risk.

4.6.2 Clear Sight Triangles

Specified areas along intersection approach legs and across their included corners should be clear of
obstructions that might block a driver’s view of potentially conflicting vehicles. These specified areas

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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4-28 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

are known as clear sight triangles. Two types of clear sight triangles considered in intersection design,
approach sight triangles and departure sight triangles, are explained below. The dimensions of the clear
sight triangles depend on the design speeds of the intersecting roadways and the type of traffic control
used at the intersection. These dimensions are based on field studies in NCHRP Report 383 (9) that
have observed driver behavior and have documented the space–time profiles and speed choices of driv-
ers on intersection approaches. Approach Sight Triangles

Each quadrant of an uncontrolled or yield-controlled intersection should contain a clear sight triangle
free of obstructions that might block an approaching driver’s view of potentially conflicting vehicles
on the intersecting approaches. The area clear of sight obstructions should include sufficient lengths
of both intersecting roadways, as well as their included corner, so that the drivers without the right-
of-way can see any potentially conflicting vehicle in sufficient time to slow or stop before reaching the
intersection. Figure 4-3A shows typical clear sight triangles to the left and to the right for a vehicle
approaching an intersection.

The vertex of the sight triangle on the uncontrolled or yield-controlled approach represents a decision
point for the approaching driver. This decision point is the location at which the driver should begin
to brake to a stop if another vehicle is present on an intersecting approach. The distance from the de-
cision point to the center of the major-road lane into which a driver will turn is shown in Figure 4-3A
as distance a. The length of the leg of the clear sight triangle along the major road is shown in Figure
4-3A as distance b.

The geometry of a clear sight triangle is such that when the driver of a vehicle without the right-of-way
sees a potentially conflicting vehicle on an intersecting approach that has the right of-way, then the
driver of that potentially conflicting vehicle can also see the first vehicle. Thus, the provision of a clear
sight triangle for vehicles without the right-of-way also permits the drivers of vehicles with the right-
of-way to be prepared to slow, stop, or avoid other vehicles, should it become necessary.

Approach sight triangles like those shown in Figure 4-3A are not needed for intersection approaches
controlled by stop signs because all approaching vehicles are required to stop at the intersection, re-
gardless of the presence or absence of vehicles on the intersecting approaches.

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Design Guidelines 4-29














Figure 4-3. Clear Sight Triangles for Intersection Approaches

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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4-30 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads Departure Sight Triangles

A second type of clear sight triangle provides sight distance sufficient for a driver stopped on a stop- or
yield-controlled approach to depart from the intersection by entering or crossing the intersecting road.
Figure 4-3B shows typical departure sight triangles to the left and to the right. The distance from the
stopped vehicle position or decision point to the center of the major-road lane into which a driver will
turn is shown in Figure 4-3B as distance a. The length of the leg of the clear sight triangle along the
major road is shown in Figure 4-3B as distance b. Departure sight triangles should be provided in each
quadrant of each intersection approach controlled by stop or yield signs from which stopped vehicles
may enter or cross a road on which traffic is not required to stop. Identification of Sight Obstructions within Clear Sight Triangles

The profiles of the intersecting roadways should be designed to provide the recommended sight dis-
tances for drivers on the intersection approaches. Within a clear sight triangle, any object at a height
above the elevation of the adjacent roadways that would obstruct the driver’s view should be removed
or lowered, if practical. Such objects may include: buildings, parked vehicles, highway structures, road-
side hardware, hedges, trees, bushes, unmowed grass, tall crops, and the terrain itself.

The determination of whether an object constitutes a sight obstruction should consider the horizontal
and vertical alignment of both intersecting roadways, as well as the height and position of the object.
In making this determination, it should be assumed that the driver’s eye is 3.5 ft [1,080 mm] above
the roadway surface and that the object to be seen is also 3.5 ft [1,080 mm] above the surface of the
intersecting road. This object height is based on a vehicle height of 4.4 ft [1,330 mm], which represents
the 15th percentile of vehicle heights in the current passenger car population less an allowance of 0.9
ft [250 mm], which represents a near-maximum value for the portion of the vehicle height that needs
to be visible for another driver to recognize a vehicle as such. The use of an object height equal to the
driver eye height makes intersection sight distances reciprocal (i.e., if one driver can see another vehi-
cle, then the driver of that vehicle can also see the first vehicle).

4.6.3 New Construction

Sight distance design for newly constructed intersections at which all intersection legs are low-volume
roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less should be based on the criteria presented be-
low. If one or more of the intersection legs has a design volume that exceeds 400 vehicles per day, the
sight distance criteria in Chapter 9 of the AASHTO Green Book (5) should be applied.

The sight distance design criteria for intersections between low-volume roads vary with the type of traf-
fic control used at an intersection because different types of control impose different legal constraints
on drivers and, therefore, result in different driver behavior. Sight distance policies for intersections
with the following types of traffic control are presented below:

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Design Guidelines 4-31

yy Intersections with no control (Case A),

yy Intersections with stop control on the minor road (Case B), and
yy Intersections with yield control on the minor road (Case C).

Other intersection sight distance cases are presented in the AASHTO Green Book (5). Intersections with No Control (Case A)

For intersections not controlled by yield signs, stop signs, or traffic signals, the driver of a vehicle
approaching the intersection should be able to see potentially conflicting vehicles on intersecting ap-
proaches in sufficient time for the approaching driver to stop before reaching the intersection. The
location of the vertex of the sight triangles on each approach is determined from a model that is analo-
gous to the stopping sight distance model, with slightly different assumptions. Drivers of approaching
vehicles may need up to 2.5 s to perceive vehicles on intersecting approaches and to initiate braking.

While some perceptual tasks at intersections may need substantially less time, the detection and recog-
nition of a vehicle that is a substantial distance away on an intersecting approach, and is near the limits
of the driver’s peripheral vision, may need up to 2.5 s. The distance to brake to a stop can be determined
from the same braking coefficient used for stopping sight distance design.

Field observations in NCHRP Report 383 (9) indicate that vehicles approaching uncontrolled inter-
sections typically slow down from their running speed between intersections to approximately 50 per-
cent of their running speed. This occurs even when no potentially conflicting vehicles are present. This
initial slowing typically occurs at deceleration rates up to 5 ft/s2 [1.5 m/s2], deceleration at this gradual
rate has been observed to begin even before a potentially conflicting vehicle comes into view. Braking
at greater deceleration rates, which can approach those assumed in stopping sight distance, begins up
to 2.5 s after a vehicle on the intersecting approach comes into view. Thus, approaching vehicles may
be traveling at less than their running speed upstream of the intersection during all or part of the per-
ception–reaction time and can, therefore, where necessary, brake to a stop from a speed less than the
running speed upstream of the intersection.

Table 4-10 shows the distance traveled by an approaching vehicle during perception–reaction and
braking time as a function of the design speed of the roadway on which the intersection approach is lo-
cated. These distances should be used as the legs of the sight triangles shown in Figure 4-3A. Referring
to Figure 4-3A, roadway A with a 50 mph [80 km/h] design speed and roadway B with a 30 mph [50
km/h] design speed need a clear sight triangle with legs extending at least 225 ft [80 m] and 120 ft [40
m] along roadways A and B, respectively.

This clear sight triangle will permit the vehicles on either road to stop, if necessary, before reaching the
intersection. If the design speed of any approach is not known, it can be estimated by using the 85th
percentile of the running speeds upstream of the intersection on that intersection leg.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

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4-32 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

The distances shown in Table 4-10 are generally less than the corresponding values of stopping sight
distance for the same design speed. Where a clear sight triangle whose legs correspond to the stopping
sight distances of their respective approaches can be provided, this will likely reduce crash frequency
and severity even further. However, since field observations show that motorists slow down to some ex-
tent on approaches to uncontrolled intersections, the provision of a clear sight triangle with legs equal
to the full stopping sight distance is not essential.

Where the grade along an intersection approach exceeds 3 percent, the leg of the clear sight triangle
along that approach should be adjusted by multiplying the appropriate sight distance from Table 4-10
by the appropriate adjustment factor from Table 4-11.

If the sight distances given in Table 4-10, as adjusted for grades, cannot be provided, consideration
should be given to installing advisory speed signing to reduce speeds or installing stop signs on one or
more approaches.

No departure sight triangle like that shown in Figure 4-3B is needed at an uncontrolled intersection
because of the very low traffic volumes present on the intersection approaches, typically less than 400
vehicles per day.

If a motorist finds it necessary to stop at an uncontrolled intersection because of the presence of a con-
flicting vehicle on an intersecting approach, it is unlikely that another potentially conflicting vehicle
will be encountered as the first vehicle departs the intersection.

Table 4-10. Recommended Sight Distance Guidelines for New Construction of Intersec-
tions with No Traffic Control (Case A) (5, 17)

U.S. Customary Metric

Design Speed (mph) Sight Distance (ft) Design Speed (km/h) Sight Distance (m)
15 60 20 20
20 80 30 25
25 95 40 30
30 120 50 40
35 140 60 50
40 170 70 65
45 210 80 80
50 255 90 95
55 300 100 120
60 350
Note: For approach grades greater than 3 percent, multiply the sight distance value by the appropriate adjustment factor from Table 4-11.

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Design Guidelines 4-33

Table 4-11. Adjustment Factors for Sight Distance Based on Approach Grade (5, 9)
U.S. Customary Metric

Design Speed (mph) Approach Design Speed (km/h)

Approach Grade
Grade (%) 15
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 (%) 20 30 40
20 30 40 5050 60 70 80 90
60 70 80 90 100100
–6 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 –6 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2
–5 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 –5 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
–4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 –4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
–3 to +3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 –3 to +3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
+4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 +4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
+5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 +5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
+6 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 +6 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Note: Based on ratio of stopping sight distance on specified approach grade to stopping sight distance on level terrain. Intersections with Stop Control on the Minor Road (Case B)

No approach sight triangles like those shown in Figure 4-3A are needed on stop-controlled approaches
because all vehicles on the approach are required to stop before entering or crossing the intersecting

Departure sight triangles to the left and the right like those shown in Figure 4-3B should be provided
for each stop- or yield-controlled approach. Whenever practical, a leg of the departure sight triangle
along each uncontrolled approach equal to at least the full intersection sight distance for stop-con-
trolled intersections, as presented in Chapter 9 of the AASHTO Green Book (5), should be provided.
In constrained situations, the length of the leg of the departure triangle along the major road should
be at least equal to the stopping sight distance appropriate for the design speed of the major road as
determined from Table 4-7. For the design volume range from 100 to 250 vehicles per day, the sight
distances in the column of Table 4-7 headed “higher risk” locations should be used, because this col-
umn is appropriate for application to intersections. The vertex of the departure sight triangle on the
minor road should be 14.4 ft [4.4 m] from the edge of the major-road traveled way (5, 9). Intersections with Yield Control on the Minor Road (Case C)

Approach sight triangles to the left and to the right like those shown in Figure 4-3A should be pro-
vided for each yield-controlled intersection approach. Whenever practical, legs of the approach sight
triangles equal to at least the full intersection sight distances for yield-controlled intersections, as pre-
sented in Chapter 9 of the AASHTO Green Book (5), should be provided. In constrained situations,
the leg of the approach sight triangle along each intersection approach should be at least equal to the
stopping sight distance appropriate for the design speed of that approach as determined from Table
4-7. For the design volume range from 100 to 250 vehicles per day, the sight distances in the column of
Table 4-7 headed “higher risk” locations should be used because this column is appropriate for applica-
tion to intersections. The grade adjustment factors in Table 4-11 also apply to this case.

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4-34 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

No separate departure sight triangles for yield-controlled intersections need be considered. The ap-
proach sight triangles for yield-controlled intersections described above include departure sight trian-
gles equivalent to those described earlier for stop-controlled intersections on low-volume roads.

4.6.4 Existing Roads

For improvement projects at existing intersections between low-volume roads, the existing intersection
sight distance may generally remain in place unless there is evidence of a site-specific crash pattern
related to intersection sight distance. Where there is evidence of a site-specific crash pattern, the in-
tersection sight distance should be increased to at least the appropriate values shown above for new


Two key aspects of roadside design are clear zone width and traffic barrier warrants. AASHTO policy
on these aspects of roadside design for higher volume roads is presented in the AASHTO Roadside
Design Guide (3). This section presents guidelines for roadside design on low-volume roads that may
be used in lieu of these other AASHTO policies and guidelines. For design issues not addressed in
this guide, the designer should consult the applicable sections of these other AASHTO policies and

A clear zone is that portion of the roadside that is free of obstructions and sufficiently flat to enable an
errant vehicle to encroach without overturning. The clear zone width at any point along the roadway is
measured from the edge of the traveled way to the nearest obstruction or the beginning of a non-tra-
versable slope. Thus, shoulders are part of the roadside clear zone.

A traffic barrier is a device used to prevent a vehicle from striking a more severe obstacle or feature
located on the roadside. Traffic barriers include roadside barriers, median barriers, bridge railings, and
crash cushions.

The roadside design is the one major determinant of crash frequency and severity on low-volume roads,
if for no other reason than that multiple-vehicle collisions on the roadway are rare. Both the safety lit-
erature and the risk assessment conducted by Neuman (11) indicate that run-off-road crashes on roads
with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less occur so infrequently as to make any minimum clear
zone width demonstrably not cost-effective. In many cases, the provision of additional clear zone width
increases construction costs and involves additional right-of-way acquisition which potentially has both
cost and environmental concerns.

Research has found that roadside clear zones and traffic barriers are not generally cost-effective on
roads with low traffic volumes, particularly for roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or
less (12, 17, 18). However, there are no established criteria to identify those limited situations where
provision of a roadside clear zone or a traffic barrier may be warranted. Therefore, the roadside design

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Design Guidelines 4-35

guidelines for low-volume roads provide great flexibility to the designer in exercising engineering judg-
ment to decide where it is appropriate to provide improved roadsides.

4.7.1 New Construction

Roadside design guidelines applicable to new construction of low-volume roads are presented below.
The guidelines address both clear zone width and traffic barrier warrants and are appropriate for all
functional subclasses of low-volume roads. Clear Zone Width

The risk assessment discussed in Section 3.4 of this guide found that it is not generally cost-effective
to provide clear zones, also known as clear recovery areas, on low-volume roads. Nevertheless, a clear
zone of any width should provide some contribution to crash reduction. Thus, where clear zones can
be provided on low-volume roads at little or no additional cost, their incorporation in designs should
be considered. Clear zones may also be appropriate on horizontal curves where the minimum radius of
curvature is not provided. However, major expenditures to provide clear zones will generally have only
limited crash reduction benefits and are unlikely to be cost-effective. The design guidelines for roadside
clear zone width on low-volume rural roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less are as

1. At locations where a clear recovery area of 6 ft [2 m] or more in width can be provided at low cost
and with minimum social or environmental impacts, provision of such a clear recovery area should
be considered.
2. Where constraints of cost, terrain, right-of-way, or potential social or environmental impacts make
the provision of a 6-ft [2-m] clear recovery area impractical, clear recovery areas less than 6 ft [2 m]
in width may be used, including designs with 0 ft [0 m] clear recovery areas.
3. In all cases, designers should be encouraged to tailor the roadside design to site-specific conditions,
considering cost-effectiveness and crash risk tradeoffs. For example, the use of adjustable clear
zone widths may be appropriate in some cases, such as providing wider clear zone dimensions at
sharp horizontal curves where there is a history of run-off-road crashes or where scarring of trees
or utility poles may indicate possible vehicle encroachments. Lesser values of clear zone width may
be appropriate on tangent sections of the same roadway.
4. Other factors for consideration in analyzing the need for providing clear zones include the crash
history, the expectation for future traffic volume growth on the facility, and the presence of vehicles
wider than 8.5 ft [2.6 m] and vehicles with wide loads, such as farm equipment.

On low-volume rural roads with design volumes from 401 to 2,000 vehicles per day, clear zones with
widths of 7 to 10 ft [2 to 3 m] are desirable.

Provision of clear zones is often not practical for urban low-volume streets. On urban local streets, clear
zones are not generally provided. On urban minor collector streets, designs with reduced clear zones or
designs incorporating as many roadside safety features as practical may be considered.

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4-36 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads Traffic Barriers

The use of guardrail or other traffic barriers to protect drivers from roadside obstructions is not gener-
ally cost-effective for roads with design volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less. This finding has been
confirmed in studies by Stephens (12) and Wolford and Sicking (18). Guardrail itself is a roadside
obstacle, and a significant proportion of vehicle impacts with guardrail produce injuries. The costs to
maintain guardrail and the low frequency of collisions with guardrail that is provided generally make
it impractical for use on roads with low traffic volumes. For low-volume roads with design volumes
above 400 vehicles per day, designers may exercise engineering judgment concerning the placement of
guardrail at locations where the potential consequences of departure from the roadway are likely to be
extremely severe.

4.7.2 Existing Roads

The roadside design guidelines for existing low-volume roads are the same as those for newly construct-
ed roads. Roadside clear zones and traffic barriers are not generally cost effective and need not generally
be provided, except in situations where a site-specific crash pattern is present or the engineering judg-
ment of the designer identifies a need for the provision of a roadside clear zone or a guardrail. Evidence
of a site-specific crash pattern that could indicate the desirability of providing a roadside clear zone or a
guardrail can include reported crashes or evidence of roadside encroachments. However, both roadside
encroachments and crashes are generally rare on low-volume roads.


The needs of pedestrians and bicyclists should be assessed during the design or improvement of low-vol-
ume roads. Low-volume roads are typically sparsely developed; however, as these roads transition to or
connect with developing corridors, the transportation needs for all users (motorists, bicyclists, transit
riders, and pedestrians) should be investigated through collaboration with the nearby community and
local and regional planning agencies.

Many rural low-volume roads have little pedestrian activity, and facilities specifically intended for
pedestrians may not be needed. Pedestrian activity levels may be greater on urban low-volume roads
and streets and, where appropriate given pedestrian volumes and the character of surrounding devel-
opment, provision of pedestrian facilities may be considered. Where pedestrian facilities are provided,
they must be accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities (6, 16). Design of pedestrian facil-
ities should be guided by local policies and the AASHTO Guide for Planning, Operation, and Design of
Pedestrian Facilities (1). Further guidance on the design of accessible pedestrian facilities is presented in
the Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (15).

Bicycle volumes vary widely on low-volume roads. Many low-volume roads have little or no bicycle
activity. However, some low-volume roads in both rural and urban areas may provide bicyclists with
excellent alternatives to higher volume roads and may be designated as bicycle routes. Some recreation-
al and scenic roads may serve bicyclists, as well as motor vehicles, attracted by the natural beauty of

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Design Guidelines 4-37

the region. Low-volume roads are unlikely to need designated bicycle lanes or separated bicycle paths,
but paved shoulders are useful to bicyclists and may be considered, particularly on major access routes
with higher traffic volumes. The AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities (4) provides
guidance on choosing appropriate facility types and design elements.


Many low-volume roads have unpaved surfaces. Unpaved roads are generally appropriate for all func-
tional subclasses of low-volume roads. Major access roads often have paved surfaces because they serve
higher traffic volumes, but this is not considered mandatory. In particular, resource recovery (e.g., log-
ging) roads and agricultural access roads in rural areas are frequently unpaved. Provision of an unpaved
surface is an economic decision that is appropriate for many low-volume roads for which the cost of
constructing and maintaining a paved surface would be prohibitive.

The likelihood of crashes on unpaved roads has been addressed in NCHRP Report 362 (20). This
research established that crash rates are generally higher for unpaved roads than for paved roads for
design volumes of 250 vehicles per day or more. The risk assessment by Neuman (11) found that roads
in rural areas generally reach the threshold at which paving the road would be expected to result in one
less severe crash every 10 to 15 years in the traffic volume range between 300 to 350 vehicles per day.
However, there are no specific guidelines that indicate the maximum traffic volume level for which
unpaved surfaces are appropriate.

NCHRP Report 362 (20) found crash rates for unpaved roads to be lower for narrower roadway widths.
Therefore, existing unpaved roads should not generally be widened as a crash-reduction measure unless
there is evidence of a site-specific crash pattern that may be corrected by widening.

Unpaved roads are intended to operate at low to moderate speeds. Design speeds for unpaved roads
should normally be 45 mph [70 km/h] or less, but may occasionally be as high as 50 mph [80 km/h] in
situations the designer considers appropriate.

Provision of roadside clear zones, flatter slopes, or traffic barriers is generally inconsistent with the eco-
nomic decision to build and maintain an unpaved surface and is not generally needed for the low-speed
environment of an unpaved road.

Design of horizontal alignment on unpaved roads differs from paved roads because paved and unpaved
roads have different surface friction characteristics and because unpaved roads are typically designed
for low-speed operation.

Table 4-12 presents guidelines for the minimum radius of curvature for unpaved surfaces with no su-
perelevation for application on low-volume roads. The table is based on the design criteria of the United
States Forest Service (17), which operates many unpaved roads. The minimum radius of curvature is a
function of traction coefficient, which in turn is a function of the surface type (earth, gravel, crushed
rock, packed snow, etc.) and the surface condition (dry, wet, ice, etc.) as shown in Table 4-13. The rec-

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4-38 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

ommended minimum curve radii in Table 4-12 are based on Equation 4-9 using a side friction factor, f,
that is 50 percent of the specified traction coefficient shown in Table 4-13. Use of high values of friction
coefficient for design allows the designer to select smaller curve radii than would otherwise be used.
Of course, the selection of a high traction coefficient is consistent with a higher surface type or with an
assumption that poor surface conditions such as snow, ice, or wet pavement, or both, are not sufficiently
frequent for use as a design control. The choice of the appropriate surface condition from Table 4-13
should be based on the engineering judgment of the designer based on site-specific conditions.

Smaller curve radii than those shown in Table 4-12 may be used where superelevation is provided. The
minimum radius of curvature for such cases can be determined with Equation 4-2.

When an existing unpaved road is to be paved, a review of all geometric design elements of the road
should be undertaken to assess their suitability for the higher speeds that are likely on a paved road.

Table 4-12. Guidelines for Minimum Radius of Curvature for New Construction
of Unpaved Surfaces with No Superelevation [adapted from (17)]

U.S. Customary
Minimum Radius (ft)

Traction Coefficient
Design Speed (mph) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3
15 50 50 60 75 100

20 75 90 110 135 180

25 120 140 170 210 280

30 170 200 240 300 400

35 235 275 330 410 545

40 305 360 430 535 715

45 390 450 540 675 900

Minimum Radius (m)

Traction Coefficient
Design Speed (km/h) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3
20 15 15 15 20 25

30 20 25 30 35 50

40 40 45 50 65 85

50 60 70 80 100 135

60 85 95 115 145 190

70 110 130 155 195 260

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Design Guidelines 4-39

U.S. Customary Metric

V2 V2
Rmin  Rmin  (4-9)
15  f max  127  f max 

Where: Where:
Rmin = Minimum curve radius (ft) of curvature for surfaces with no superelevation Rmin = Minimum curve radius (m) of curvature for surfaces with no superelevation
V = vehicle speed (mph) V = vehicle speed (km/h)
fmax = (0.50) Traction Coefficient fmax = (0.50) Traction Coefficient

Table 4-13. Traction Coefficients Used in Design of Horizontal Alignment on Unpaved

Roads (17)

Surface Condition
Dry Wet
Gravel, packed, oiled 0.50–0.85 0.40–0.80
Gravel, loose 0.40–0.70 0.36–0.75
Rock, crushed 0.55–0.75 0.55–0.75
Wet earth 0.55–0.65 0.40–0.50
Dry-packed snow 0.20–0.55 —
Loosely packed snow 0.10–0.60 —
Snow, lightly sanded 0.29–0.31 —
Snow, lightly sanded with chains in use 0.34 —


Two-way single-lane roads may be used in constrained locations, where traffic volumes are extremely
low. The U.S. Forest Service Road Preconstruction Handbook (17), which deals primarily with rural
recreational and scenic roads and rural resource recovery roads, recommends that single-lane roads be
used when the estimated design volume is less than 100 vehicles per day, and that two-lane roads be
considered for roads with design volumes above 100 vehicles per day. For other roadway types, sin-
gle-lane cross sections are normally used on local roads where design volumes are less than 50 vehicles
per day. In addition to ADT thresholds, other considerations for choosing a single-lane or double-lane
cross section include the characteristics of the vehicles and drivers who will be using the road. On re-
source recovery roads used by professional drivers who are often in contact with one another by radio,
two-way single-lane roads may be more appropriate than on roads used by unfamiliar drivers or by
large vehicles (such as tour buses). Two-way single-lane roads are designed to operate at low speeds,
typically no more than 40 mph [60 km/h].

Two-way single-lane roads are often unpaved and normally have widths in the range from 10 to 14 ft
[3.0 to 4.3 m], depending on design speed and design vehicle. Single-lane roads narrower than 10 ft
[3.0 m] or wider than 14 ft [4.3 m] are not recommended. Curve widening may be needed in some loca-
tions to provide for offtracking of tractor–trailers and some vehicle–trailer combinations. Design values

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4-40 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

of stopping sight distance for two-way single-lane roads should be twice the stopping sight distance
for a comparable two-lane road, as shown in Table 4-7. USFS guidelines recommend that turnouts
be provided at regular intervals on two-way single-lane roads to allow opposing vehicles to pass one
another. The location of turnouts should consider topography and horizontal and vertical alignment.
In some cases, particularly where increased sight distances are impractical, widening of the roadway
at crests should be considered. Refer to the U.S. Forest Service Road Preconstruction Handbook (17) for
additional design guidance for two-way single-lane roads.

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5 Design Examples
This chapter presents ten examples of the application of the design guidelines for low-volume roads
presented in Chapter 4. The ten examples are hypothetical situations that illustrate how the design
guidelines are intended to be applied. The general subjects of the ten examples are:

1. New construction of a major access road in a rural area,

2. Resurfacing of an existing major access road in a rural area,
3. Rehabilitation of a minor collector road in a rural area,
4. New construction of an industrial or commercial access road in a rural area,
5. Reconstruction of a minor access road in a rural area,
6. New construction of an unpaved minor access road in a rural area,
7. New construction of an urban residential street,
8. Reconstruction of an urban industrial or commercial access street,
9. Rehabilitation of a rural recreational or scenic road, and
10. Resurfacing of an urban major access road.

The specific examples are presented below.



A county engineer has been given the job of designing a new rural major access road with a design
speed of 50 mph [80 km/h]. The road is functionally classified as a local road and will provide access
to adjoining property as well as to several minor access roads. The roadway will be located in rolling
terrain and initial traffic volumes are expected to be in the range of 275 to 300 vehicles per day. The
design year is 20 years into the future, by which time the traffic volumes are expected to grow to no
more than 350 vehicles per day. Thus, the engineer has concluded that it is appropriate to use the design
guidelines for low-volume roads presented in Chapter 4.

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5-2 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

In summary, the traffic engineer knows the following information before the design process begins:

Project Type: new construction

Area Type: rural
Functional Subclass: rural major access road
Design Speed: 50 mph [80 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 350 vehicles per day

Cross Section

Guidelines for total roadway width for low-volume roads in rural areas are presented in Table 4-1.
Since the new roadway will be a major access road with a design speed of 50 mph [80 km/h], the county
engineer selects from Table 4-1 a total roadway width of 20.0 ft [6.0 m] for the project.

The engineer determines that the project could be built within a minimum right-of-way width of 48
ft [15 m]. However, because right-of-way can be easily acquired for this facility on a new alignment,
the engineer chooses a more generous right-of-way width of 60 ft [18 m]. This provides flexibility to
accommodate future increases in traffic volume and future widening needs that are not currently an-
ticipated but could occur.

Horizontal Alignment

Maximum Friction Factor and Minimum Radius

Table 4-3 presents the values of fmax and R min used in the design of higher volume roadways. However,
for the design of low-volume roads without substantial truck volumes, acceptable operations can be
obtained with smaller curve radii than those shown in Table 4-3. Table 4-5 presents values of fmax and
R min that can be used in preference to those in Table 4-3 in the design of low-volume roads with design
volumes of 251 to 400 vehicles per day and limited truck volumes.

The county in which the project will be constructed uses a maximum superelevation rate, emax, of 8
percent. Thus, the county engineer should confirm that all curves in the horizontal alignment have a
minimum radius of 760 ft [230 m] if the design is based on Table 4-3 or a minimum radius of 585 ft
[140 m] if the design is based on Table 4-5. The county engineer, however, is not faced with any real
physical constraints in connection with this project. That is, the county has purchased plenty of right-
of-way, there are no environmentally sensitive areas to be avoided, and there are no physical constraints
or adjacent development that influence the design. Therefore, the county engineer is able to design
the horizontal alignment using the guidelines in Table 4-3 which are based on the AASHTO Green
Book (5).

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Design Examples 5-3


For each individual horizontal curve, the designer selects the design superelevation based on the crite-
ria in Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book (5), based on a design speed of 50 mph [80 km/h] and
a maximum superelevation rate of 8 percent.

Superelevation Transition

The county engineer designs the superelevation transitions in accordance with the criteria presented in
Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book (5).

Stopping Sight Distance

Design Stopping Sight Distance

Table 4-7 presents the design stopping sight distance criteria for low-volume roads. Since the new
roadway will have a design speed of 50 mph [80 km/h] and a projected traffic volume of 350 vehicles
per day, the minimum stopping sight distance for this project is 350 ft [110 m].

Crest Vertical Curves

Table 4-9 shows that to achieve the design stopping sight distance of 350 ft [110 m], all crest vertical
curves should be designed with a rate of vertical curvature, K, of at least 57 ft [19 m] per percent dif-
ference in grade.

Sag Vertical Curves

There are no special guidelines for design of sag vertical curves on low-volume roads. Therefore, the
county engineer should design the sag vertical curves in accordance with Chapter 5 of the AASHTO
Green Book (5).

Horizontal Curves

The county engineer uses Equation 4-4 or Table 4-8 to determine the width that should be clear of
sight obstructions on the inside of each horizontal curve. The horizontal sightline offset, HSO, com-
puted with Equation 4-4 or determined from Table 4-8 is measured from the center of the inside lane.

Intersection Sight Distance

All intersections on the new major access road will have stop control on the intersecting crossroad.
Therefore, no approach sight triangles are needed on the crossroad approaches.

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5-4 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Departure sight triangles, like those shown in Figure 4-3B, should be provided for each crossroad ap-
proach. Due to the rolling terrain, the legs of the sight triangles located along the major road may not
be equal to the full intersection sight distance for stop-controlled intersections, as presented in Chapter
9 of the AASHTO Green Book (5). In constrained situations, the length of the leg of the departure
triangles along the major road will be at least equal to the stopping sight distance of 350 ft [110 m], as
determined from Table 4-7. These departure sight triangles not only allow drivers of crossroad vehicles
to see major-road traffic before they begin to enter the major road, they also allow major-road drivers
to see vehicles on the crossroad approach.

Roadside Design

Clear Zone Width

While no specific minimum clear zone width is needed, the county engineer has found that a clear
zone width of 6.5 ft [2 m] can be provided at little or no additional cost. Therefore, a clear zone of this
width will be provided. Since the horizontal alignment will be designed according to the AASHTO
Green Book (5), the county engineer determined that there was no need to provide a widened clear
zone on the outside of horizontal curves.

Traffic Barriers

The engineer has found no locations within the project where guardrail or other traffic barriers are
needed. Therefore, no barriers are included in the design.

Other Design Features

All other geometric design elements will be provided in accordance with Chapter 5 of the AASHTO
Green Book (5).



A state highway agency is about to begin a resurfacing project on a major access road with a design
speed of 55 mph [90 km/h]. The road is functionally classified as a local road and provides access to ad-
joining property as well as to several minor access roads. The roadway is located in level terrain and car-
ries traffic volumes in the range of 150 to 175 vehicles per day. Little traffic volume growth is expected;
the traffic volume in the design year, 20 years from now, is not expected to exceed 200 vehicles per day.
Because of the functional classification of the road and its low volumes, the highway agency has con-
cluded that it is appropriate to use the design guidelines for low-volume roads presented in Chapter 4.

One of the horizontal curves within the project has experienced a site-specific crash pattern—two
single-vehicle crashes in which a vehicle ran off the outside of the curve have occurred in the last seven
years, and several skid marks near the same site have been noted in the field as well. Therefore, the

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Design Examples 5-5

state highway agency has decided to incorporate improvements to the horizontal curve as part of the
planned resurfacing project.

In summary, the traffic engineer responsible for this state project knows the following information
before the resurfacing process begins:

Project Type: resurfacing of an existing road

Area Type: rural
Functional Subclass: rural major access road
Design Speed: 55 mph [90 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 200 vehicles per day

Cross Section

The existing total roadway width within the project is 20.7 ft [6.3 m]. The cross-section guidelines
for new construction for a rural major access road with a design speed of 55 mph [90 km/h] in Table
4-1 indicate that a total roadway width of 22.0 ft [6.6 m] would be appropriate. However, because no
site-specific crash patterns attributable to cross section width have been found at the site, the existing
total roadway width of 20.7 ft [6.3 m] may remain in place.

Horizontal Alignment

For improvement projects to existing roads, the guidelines suggest that for curves on low-volume roads
with higher speeds, reconstruction without changing the existing curve geometry and cross section or
making other improvements is acceptable if:

1. The nominal design speed of the curve is within 10 mph or 20 km/h of the design or operating
speed of the roadway.
2. There is no clear evidence of a site-specific crash pattern associated with the curve.

The guidelines also suggest that even with such evidence, curve improvements should focus on low-
cost measures designed to control speeds, enhance curve tracking, or mitigate roadside encroachment
severity. Therefore, the engineer decides to address the crash patterns at the horizontal curve with more
cost-effective solutions than curve flattening and reconstruction.

Since both the crash history and the skid marks at the horizontal curve location noted above are an in-
dication of excessive speed, the engineer recommends implementing measures to reduce vehicle speeds
on the curve. Specifically, the state highway agency will place curve warning signs in advance of the
curve and improve the pavement markings throughout the curve.

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5-6 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Stopping Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to stopping sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to the horizontal and vertical alignments.

Intersection Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to intersection sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to increase intersection sight distance at any of the intersections along the
resurfacing project.

Roadside Design

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern indicating the desirability of providing a wider
roadside clear zone or guardrail. Therefore, no improvements will be made to the roadside design.



A state highway agency plans to rehabilitate a minor collector road with a design speed of 60 mph
[100 km/h] in a rural area. This minor collector road is part of the state primary road system (i.e., a
numbered route), but it serves a traffic volume of only 300 vehicles per day. Most drivers on this road
use it at least weekly for access from two small villages to the county seat where stores and services are
available. The population of the area is declining; traffic volumes have decreased over the last 10 years
and are expected to continue to decrease. Therefore, the design guidelines in Chapter 4 are applicable
to this road and it is treated for purposes of the guidelines as a rural major access road. It should be
noted that the designation of this road as a state numbered route has no bearing on its classification for
application of the guidelines. The road should be treated in the same manner under these guidelines
whether it is under state, county, or township jurisdiction.

In summary, the design engineer responsible for this state project knows the following information as
planning for the project begins:

Project Type: rehabilitation of an existing road

Area Type: rural
Functional Subclass: rural major access road
Design Speed: 60 mph [100 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 300 vehicles per day

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Design Examples 5-7

Cross Section

The existing total roadway width within the project over most of its length is 24 ft [7.2 m]. This exceeds
the roadway width guidelines of 22 ft [6.6 m] for major access roads shown in Table 4-1. Furthermore,
there is no evidence of any site-specific crash pattern related to roadway width. Therefore, the existing
roadway width may remain in place.

One 2-mi [3.2-km] section of the project has a total roadway width of 20 ft [6.1 m]. While there is no
evidence of an existing crash pattern that would make widening desirable, the design engineer decides
that this section should be widened to a total roadway width of 24 ft [7.2 m] for consistency with the
rest of the project.

Horizontal Alignment

For improvement projects to existing roads, the guidelines suggest that, for curves with higher speeds,
there is no need to change the existing curve geometry and cross section or to make other improve-
ments if:

1. The nominal design speed of the curve is within 10 mph or 20 km/h of the design or operating
speed of the roadway.
2. There is no clear evidence of a site-specific crash pattern associated with the curve.

All horizontal curves on the project were found to meet these criteria.

Stopping Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to stopping sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to the horizontal and vertical alignments.

Intersection Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to intersection sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to increase intersection sight distance at any of the intersections along the
rehabilitation project.

Roadside Design

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern indicating the desirability of providing a wider
roadside clear zone or guardrail. Therefore, no improvements will be made to roadside design.

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5-8 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads



An engineering consultant has been hired by a township to design a new rural industrial or commer-
cial access road with a design speed of 30 mph [50 km/h]. The road is functionally classified as a local
road and will function solely to provide access to adjoining property. The roadway will be located in
level terrain and initial traffic volumes are expected to be around 80 vehicles per day. The design year
is 20 years into the future, by which time the traffic volumes are expected to grow to no more than 100
vehicles per day. Thus, the engineer has concluded that it is appropriate to use the design guidelines for
low-volume roads presented in Chapter 4.

In summary, the consultant knows the following information before the design process begins:

Project Type: new construction

Area Type: rural
Functional Subclass: rural industrial or commercial access road
Design Speed: 30 mph [50 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 100 vehicles per day

Cross Section

Guidelines for total roadway width for low-volume roads in rural areas are presented in Table 4-1.
Since the new roadway will be an industrial or commercial access road with a design speed of 30 mph
[50 km/h], the consultant selects from Table 4-1 a total roadway width of 22.5 ft [6.8 m] for the project.

Horizontal Alignment

Maximum Friction Factor and Minimum Radius

Table 4-3 presents the values of fmax and R min used in design of higher volume roadways. However, for
the design of low-volume roads, even those with substantial proportions of truck traffic, acceptable
operations can be obtained with smaller curve radii than those shown in Table 4-3. Table 4-6 presents
values of fmax and R min that can be used in preference to those in Table 4-3 in the design of low-volume
roads with substantial proportions of truck traffic.

The township in which the project will be constructed uses a maximum superelevation rate, emax, of 6
percent. Therefore, the consulting engineer should confirm that all curves in the horizontal alignment
have a minimum radius of 230 ft [80 m] if the design is based on Table 4-3 or a minimum radius of 145
ft [60 m] if the design is based on Table 4-6. The roadway alignment is constrained by the presence of
existing structures on private property and environmentally sensitive wetlands which can be avoided if
curve radii based on Table 4-6 are used. Therefore, the consulting engineer decides that the horizontal
alignment should be designed on the basis of the values of fmax and R min shown in Table 4-6.

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Design Examples 5-9


For each individual horizontal curve, the designer selects the design superelevation based on the crite-
ria in Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book (5) based on a design speed of 30 mph [50 km/h] and
a maximum superelevation rate of 6 percent.

Superelevation Transition

The consultant designs the superelevation transitions in accordance with the criteria presented in
Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book (5).

Stopping Sight Distance

Design Stopping Sight Distance

Table 4-7 presents the design stopping sight distance criteria for low-volume roads. Since the new
roadway will have a design speed of 30 mph [50 km/h] and a projected traffic volume of 100 vehicles
per day, the minimum stopping sight distance for this project is 135 ft [45 m].

Crest Vertical Curves

Table 4-9 shows that to achieve the design stopping sight distance of 135 ft [45 m], all crest vertical
curves should be designed with a rate of vertical curvature, K, of at least 9 ft [4 m] per percent differ-
ence in grade.

Sag Vertical Curves

There are no special guidelines for design of sag vertical curves on low-volume roads. Therefore, the con-
sultant designs the sag vertical curves in accordance with Chapter 5 of the AASHTO Green Book (5).

Horizontal Curves

The consultant uses Equation 4-4 to determine the width that should be clear of sight obstructions on
the inside of each horizontal curve. The horizontal sightline offset, HSO, computed with Equation 4-4
or determined from Table 4-8 is measured from the center of the inside lane.

Intersection Sight Distance

Some intersections on the new minor access road will have stop control on the intersecting minor
access roads. Only departure sight triangles are needed for these intersections. The remaining intersec-
tions will have no control on the intersecting roads. Only approach sight triangles are needed at these
uncontrolled intersections.

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5-10 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Approach Sight Triangles

Approach sight triangles, like those shown in Figure 4-3A, should be provided for each approach to
each of the uncontrolled intersections. The consultant selects values for the legs of the approach sight
triangle from Table 4-10. The leg extending along the road being constructed, with a 30 mph [50
km/h] design speed, should be at least 120 ft [40 m]. The leg extending along the intersecting roadway
will be determined from Table 4-10 based on the design speed of that roadway.

Departure Sight Triangle

Departure sight triangles, like those shown in Figure 4-3B, should be provided for each minor-road
approach to each of the stop-controlled intersections. The length of the leg of the departure triangle
along the major road will be at least equal the stopping sight distance of 135 ft [45 m], as determined
from Table 4-7. The length of the departure sight triangle along the crossroad approach should be 14.4
ft [4.4 m].

Roadside Design

Clear Zone Width

Since no specific minimum clear zone width is required, and there are both right-of-way and environ-
mental constraints, the consultant does not provide any clear zone on this project.

Traffic Barriers

The engineer has found no locations within the project where guardrail or other traffic barriers are
needed. Therefore, no barriers are included in the design.

Other Design Features

All other geometric design elements will be provided in accordance with Chapter 5 of the AASHTO
Green Book (5).



A rural county is about to begin a reconstruction project on a minor access road with a design speed of
25 mph [40 km/h]. The road is functionally classified as a local road and provides access to adjoining
property. The traffic volume on this road, in the range of 100 to 125 vehicles per day, has been declining
slightly in recent years and is expected to continue to decline over the 20-year design period.

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Design Examples 5-11

The roadway pavement has failed and the reconstruction project will therefore involve a total replace-
ment of the pavement structure down to the subgrade. The county engineer is responsible for determin-
ing any geometric improvements that should be made in conjunction with the reconstruction project.

In summary, the county engineer knows the following information before the resurfacing process

Project Type: reconstruction of an existing roadway

Area Type: rural
Functional Subclass: rural minor access road
Design Speed: 25 mph [40 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 100 to 125 vehicles per day or less

Cross Section

There is no evidence of any site-specific crash pattern. Therefore, in accordance with the guidelines for
existing roadways, the county engineer determines that there is no need to modify the cross-section
width of the existing roadway.

Horizontal Alignment

Maximum Friction Factor and Minimum Radius

For improvement projects, the guidelines suggest that for curves on lower speed low-volume roads,
reconstruction without changing the existing curve geometry and cross section is acceptable if:

1. The nominal design speed of the curve is within 20 mph or 30 km/h of the design or operating
speed of the roadway.
2. There is no clear evidence of a site-specific crash pattern associated with the curve.

The county engineer determines that both of these guidelines are met. Therefore, he or she concludes
that no improvements to the horizontal alignment are needed.

Stopping Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern attributable to inadequate sight distance. Therefore,
no modifications will be made to the horizontal and vertical alignments.

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5-12 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Intersection Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to intersection sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to increase intersection sight distance at any of the intersections along the
reconstruction project.

Roadside Design

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern indicating the desirability of providing a roadside
clear zone or a guardrail. There is a line of attractive 100-year-old trees along both sides of a long tan-
gent segment of the roadway. Removal of these trees would bring strong objections from local residents
and there is no evidence that, given the low traffic volumes on the roadway, vehicles are likely to run off
the road and strike these trees. Therefore, the county engineer decides that these trees should remain
in place. However, the county engineer does find that 16 ft [5 m] clear zones can be provided on the
outside of two horizontal curves at little or no additional cost, so a decision to provide these clear zones
is made.



A rural township is planning to construct an unpaved rural minor access road on a new alignment. The
design speed will be 40 mph [60 km/h] and the traffic volume on the road is expected to be 75 vehicles
per day initially and 90 vehicles per day after 20 years. Therefore, the consulting engineer engaged by
the township has determined that it is appropriate to apply the design guidelines presented in Chapter
4 to this project.

In summary, the consulting engineer has the following information about the project:

Project Type: new construction of an unpaved road

Area Type: rural
Functional Subclass: rural minor access road
Design Speed: 40 mph [60 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 90 vehicles per day

Cross Section

The total roadway width selected for the road is 18 ft [5.4 m] based on the guidelines presented in Table 4-1.

Horizontal Alignment

The surfacing material selected for the roadway is loose gravel with an expected traction coefficient of
0.5 under wet conditions, which is consistent with Table 4-13. A traction coefficient of 0.5 corresponds

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Design Examples 5-13

to a side friction factor, f, of 0.25. Table 4-12 indicates that the appropriate minimum radius of cur-
vature for a design speed of 40 mph [60 km/h] and a traction coefficient of 0.5 is 430 ft [115 m]. This
minimum radius applies to curves with no superelevation. If superelevation of 4 percent is provided,
the equivalent minimum radius, determined from Equation 4-2, curves could be built with a minimum
radius of 370 ft [100 m]. In fact, the sharpest curve designed by the consultant for the project has a
radius of 492 ft [150 m].

Stopping Sight Distance

Design Stopping Sight Distance

Table 4-7 presents the design stopping sight distance guidelines for low-volume roads. Since the road-
way will have a design speed of 40 mph [60 km/h] and a design traffic volume under 100 vehicles per
day, the minimum stopping sight distance for this roadway should be 215 ft [60 m].

Crest Vertical Curves

Table 4-9 shows that to achieve the design stopping sight distance of 215 ft [60 m], all crest vertical
curves should be designed with a rate of vertical curvature, K, of at least 22 ft [6 m] per percent differ-
ence in grade.

Sag Vertical Curves

There are no special guidelines for sag vertical curves on low-volume roads. Therefore, the engineer
designs the sag vertical curves in accordance with Chapter 5 of the AASHTO Green Book (5).

Horizontal Curves

The engineer should use Equation 4-4 on Table 4-8 to determine the width that should be clear of sight
obstructions on the inside of each horizontal curve. The horizontal sightline offset, HSO, computed
with Equation 4-4 as determined from Table 4-8 is normally measured from the center of the inside
lane. Since lanes are not marked on an unpaved road, the clear sight width on the 18-ft [5.4-m] road-
way should be measured from a point in the roadway 4.5 ft [1.35 m] from its inside edge.

Intersection Sight Distance

There are only two intersections on the new minor access road. The first is a four-leg uncontrolled in-
tersection with another unpaved roadway that has a design traffic volume of 30 vehicles per day. The
clear sight triangles for this intersection are determined from Table 4-10. The second intersection is
a three-leg intersection where the new minor access road terminates with stop-control at an existing
collector road with a design traffic volume of 900 vehicles per day. Because this intersection has two
legs whose traffic volumes exceed 400 vehicles per day, the design guidelines in Chapter 4 do not apply.

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5-14 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

The clear sight triangles for this intersection should be determined in accordance with Chapter 9 of the
AASHTO Green Book (5).

Roadside Design

Clear Zone Width

While no specific minimum clear zone is needed, the engineer has found that a 6.5-ft [2-m] clear zone
can be provided throughout the project’s length at little or no additional cost, because all roadside ob-
stacles within that area would normally be removed during construction.

Traffic Barriers

No need for guardrail or other traffic barriers has been identified. Therefore, no barriers are included
in the design.

Other Design Features

All other geometric design elements will be provided in accordance with Chapter 5 of the AASHTO
Green Book (5).


A city traffic engineer has been given the job of reviewing the plans prepared by a developer for a new
residential street on which a new housing development is planned. The road is functionally classified as
an urban residential street and will serve to provide access solely to single-family residences. The street
will have a design speed of 30 mph [50 km/h] and is expected to carry traffic volumes in the range of
85 to 100 vehicles per day. The design year is 20 years into the future, by which time the traffic volumes
are expected to grow to no more than 150 vehicles per day. Thus, the engineer has concluded that it is
appropriate to use the design guidelines for low-volume roads presented in Chapter 4.

In summary, the traffic engineer knows the following information before the design review begins:

Project Type: new construction

Area Type: urban
Functional Subclass: urban residential street
Design Speed: 30 mph [50 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 150 vehicles per day

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Design Examples 5-15

Cross Section

Guidelines for total roadway width for urban residential streets are presented in Table 4-2. These
widths incorporate consideration of access for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles. While there
will not be any marked parking spaces on the proposed residential street, parking will be permitted on
both sides of the street. The suburban character of the development represents a medium development
density. Therefore, the traffic engineer determines from Table 4-2 that a total roadway width of 26 ft
[7.9 m] is appropriate for the project. The developer has recommended a roadway width of 25 ft [7.6 m],
so the engineer requests that this be increased to 26 ft [7.9 m].

Horizontal Alignment

Maximum Friction Factor and Minimum Radius

Table 4-3 presents the values of fmax and R min used in the design of higher volume roadways. Urban
residential streets with average daily traffic volumes of 400 vehicles per day or less should be designed
in accordance with the limiting values of fmax and R min presented in Table 4-3, whenever practical.

If constrained conditions were present, the design could use a minimum radius of curvature of 85 ft
[35 m] with the city’s maximum superelevation rate, emax, of 4 percent, based on Table 4-4. However,
since there are no structures currently present in the right-of-way and there are no other physical
constraints, the horizontal alignment can be designed in accordance with the guidelines in Table 4-3
which are based on the AASHTO Green Book (5). Therefore, the city engineer selects from Table
4-3 a minimum radius of 250 ft [85 m], corresponding to a design speed of 20 mph [50 km/h] and the
city’s maximum superelevation rate, emax, of 4 percent. For the one horizontal curve on the project, the
developer has chosen a radius of 724 ft [221 m]. The engineer concludes that the proposed horizontal
curve design is acceptable.


For the one horizontal curve on the project, the designer selects the design superelevation based on the
criteria in Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book (5) for a design speed of 30 mph [50 km/h] and a
maximum superelevation rate of 4 percent.

Superelevation Transition

The city traffic engineer designs the superelevation transitions in accordance with the criteria presented
in Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Green Book (5).

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5-16 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Stopping Sight Distance

Design Stopping Sight Distance

Table 4-7 presents the design stopping sight distance guidelines for low-volume roads. Since the new
roadway will have a design speed of 30 mph [50 km/h] and a projected traffic volume of 150 vehicles
per day, the minimum stopping sight distance for this project should be 165 ft [55 m] near intersections
and 135 ft [45 m] away from intersections.

Crest Vertical Curves

Table 4-9 shows that to achieve the design stopping sight distance of 135 ft [45 m], all crest vertical
curves should be designed with a rate of vertical curvature, K, of at least 9 ft [4 m] per percent dif-
ference in grade. The engineer finds that both crest vertical curves on the project have been designed

Sag Vertical Curves

There are no special guidelines for design of sag vertical curves on low-volume roads. Therefore, the city
traffic engineer concludes that the sag vertical curves on the project should be designed in accordance
with Chapter 5 of the AASHTO Green Book (5).

Horizontal Curves

The city traffic engineer uses Equation 4-4 to determine the width that should be clear of sight ob-
structions on the inside of each horizontal curve. The horizontal sightline offset, HSO, computed with
Equation 4-4 or determined from Table 4-8 is measured from the center of the inside lane. After ap-
plying this criterion, the city traffic engineer finds that a decorative sculpture planned for placement by
the developer constitutes a horizontal sight obstruction. Based on the engineer’s recommendation, the
sculpture is moved to an alternative location.

Intersection Sight Distance

All intersections on the new urban residential street will have stop control on the intersecting cross-
roads. Therefore, no approach sight triangles are needed on these crossroads.

Departure sight triangles, like those shown in Figure 4-3B, should be provided for each crossroad
approach. The legs of the sight triangles located along the urban residential street should be equal to
the full intersection sight distance for stop-controlled intersections, as presented in Chapter 9 of the
AASHTO Green Book (5).

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Design Examples 5-17

Roadside Design

Clear Zone Width

Since no specific minimum clear zone width is required, no clear zone is provided on this project.

Traffic Barriers

The city traffic engineer has found no locations within the project where guardrail or other traffic bar-
riers are needed. Therefore, no barriers are included in the design.

Other Design Features

All other geometric design elements will be provided in accordance with Chapter 5 of the AASHTO
Green Book (5).



A city is about to reconstruct a short unpaved access street. A member of the city engineering staff
has been given the responsibility to determine what geometric improvements should be made in con-
junction with the reconstruction project. The road is functionally classified as an urban industrial or
commercial access street and serves a paper factory that generates a substantial volume of truck and
heavy vehicle trips. The primary function of the street is to provide access from the factory to the local
highway network. The access street has a design speed of 35 mph [60 km/h]. The street carries traffic
volumes in the range of 175 to 200 vehicles per day. Over the 20-year design period, the traffic volume
is expected to grow to 225 to 250 vehicles per day. The reconstruction project will involve paving the

In summary, the city engineer knows the following information before the resurfacing process begins:

Project Type: reconstruction of an existing street

Area Type: urban
Functional Subclass: urban industrial or commercial access street
Design Speed: 35 mph [60 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 225 to 250 vehicles per day

Cross Section

The existing unpaved street width is 22.5 ft [6.8 m], which is equal to the recommended cross section
width for an industrial or commercial access street with a 35 mph [60 km/h] design speed as shown in
Table 4-1.

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5-18 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

There is no evidence of any site-specific crash patterns on the existing street. Therefore, in accordance
with the guidelines for existing roadways, the county engineer determines that there is no need to
modify the cross-section width of the existing roadway.

Horizontal Alignment

Maximum Friction Factor and Minimum Radius

For improvement projects, the guidelines suggest that for curves on lower speed low-volume roads,
reconstruction without changing the existing curve geometry and cross section is acceptable if:

1. The nominal design speed of the curve is within 20 mph or 30 km/h of the design or operating
speed of the roadway.
2. There is no clear evidence of a site-specific crash pattern associated with the curve.

The city engineer determines that both criteria are met. Therefore, he or she is justified in not making
any improvements to the horizontal alignment.

Stopping Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern attributable to inadequate sight distance. Therefore,
no modifications will be made to the horizontal and vertical alignments.

Intersection Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to intersection sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to increase intersection sight distance at any of the intersections along the
resurfacing project.

Roadside Design

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern indicating the desirability of providing a roadside
clear zone or a guardrail. Therefore, no improvements will be made to the roadside design.



A state DOT has plans to rehabilitate a rural state route that connects a primary state highway to the
entrance of a state park. The road provides a scenic drive along a river that is used for canoeing and
fishing, and provides access to campgrounds and rental cabins. When the roadway was designed, it car-
ried 300 vehicles per day and was considered a rural recreational or scenic road. Today, during the peak
months (April through October), the average daily traffic volume is approximately 1,200 vehicles per
day and is expected to remain at that level for the roadway’s design life. The road has been reclassified

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Design Examples 5-19

as a minor collector. There is some limited bicycle flow to and from the state park during the months of
July and August. The design speed of the road is 45 mph [70 km/h]. Thus, the engineer has concluded
that it is appropriate to use the design guidelines for low-volume roads presented in Chapter 4.

In summary, the traffic engineer knows the following information before the design process begins:

Project Type: rehabilitation of existing roadway

Area Type: rural
Functional Subclass: formerly, rural scenic or recreational road; today,
rural major access road
Design Speed: 45 mph [70 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 1,200 vehicles per day (seasonal)

Cross Section

The existing total roadway width within the project over most of its length is 18 ft [5.4 m]. This does
not meet the roadway width guidelines of 20 ft [6.0 m] for rural scenic or recreational roads shown in
Table 4-1. Furthermore, there is some evidence of sideswipe crashes, especially involving boat trailers,
and one head-on collision occurred on the roadway last year. Therefore, the engineer decides that the
existing roadway should be widened. The engineer decides to widen the roadway to 28 ft [8.4 m], which
is appropriate for a rural major access road and will also better accommodate bicycles.

Horizontal Alignment

For improvement projects to existing roads, the guidelines suggest that, for curves with lower speeds,
there is no need to change the existing curve geometry and cross section or to make other improve-
ments if:

1. The nominal design speed of the curve is within 20 mph or 30 km/h of the design or operating
speed of the roadway.
2. There is no clear evidence of a site-specific crash pattern associated with the curve.

The roadway meets these criteria, as the roadway is fairly straight with only a few horizontal curves
with radii greater than 1,000 ft, and none of the reported crashes were related to a horizontal curve.

Stopping Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to stopping sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to the horizontal and vertical alignments.

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5-20 Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads

Intersection Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to intersection sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to increase intersection sight distance at any of the intersections along the
rehabilitation project.

Roadside Design

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern indicating the desirability of providing a wider
roadside clear zone or guardrail. Therefore, no improvements will be made to roadside design.


A city engineer is about to begin a resurfacing project on a major access road with a design speed of 40
mph [60 km/h]. The road is functionally classified as a minor collector and provides access to adjoining
property as well as to several minor access roads. The roadway currently has an average daily traffic
volume of 1,500 vehicles per day and is expected to grow to 1,800 vehicles per day over the design life
of the new surface. Because the roadway is classified as a minor collector road and the project is not
new construction, the city engineer has concluded that it is appropriate to use the design guidelines for
low-volume roads presented in Chapter 4.

The crash history of the roadway is below what is expected for similar roadways in the city, with only
a few property damage crashes occurred in the past 5 years. Parking is not permitted on the roadway,
which is currently 24 ft [7.2 m] wide. There are approximately three dwelling units per acre along the

In summary, the traffic engineer responsible for this state project knows the following information
before the resurfacing process begins:

Project Type: resurfacing of an existing road

Area Type: suburban, medium development density
Functional Subclass: urban major access road
Design Speed: 40 mph [60 km/h]
Design Traffic Volume: 1,800 vehicles per day

Cross Section

The existing total roadway width within the project is 24 ft [7.3 m]. While the roadway width is
less than that indicated in the Table 4-1 guidelines for new construction of rural major access roads
(which are also applicable to new construction of urban major access roads), the existing roadway has
a curb-and-gutter section, rather than shoulders, which is acceptable for lower-speed urban streets.
Furthermore, no site-specific crash patterns attributable to cross section width have been found at the

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Design Examples 5-21

site and no parking is permitted along the road; therefore, the engineer concluded that existing total
roadway width of 24 ft [7.3 m] may remain in place.

Horizontal Alignment

For improvement projects to existing roads, the guidelines suggest that for curves on low-volume roads
with lower speeds, reconstruction without changing the existing curve geometry and cross section or
making other improvements is acceptable if:

1. The nominal design speed of the curve is within 20 mph or 30 km/h of the design or operating
2. There is no clear evidence of a site-specific crash pattern associated with the curve.

The engineer finds that both of these criteria are met, so no improvements to the horizontal alignment
are needed.

Stopping Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to stopping sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to the horizontal and vertical alignments.

Intersection Sight Distance

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern related to intersection sight distance. Therefore, no
modifications will be made to increase intersection sight distance at any of the intersections along the
resurfacing project.

Roadside Design

There is no evidence of a site-specific crash pattern indicating the desirability of providing a wider
roadside clear zone or guardrail. Therefore, no improvements will be made to the roadside design.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.
Guidelines for Geometric Design of Low-Volume Roads


1. AASHTO. Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities. GPF-1, First
Edition. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC,
2. AASHTO. Highway Safety Manual. HSM-1, First Edition with 2014 Supplement. American
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14. TRB. Special Report 214: Designing Safer Roads: Practices for Resurfacing, Restoration, and
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© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

15. U.S. Access Board. Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public
Right-of-Way. In Federal Register, 36 CFR Part 1190, July 26, 2011. Available at: http://
16. U.S. Department of Justice. 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. September 15, 2010. Available
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Board, Washington, DC, 1994.

© 2019 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

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