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Evaluation Guide For GMP Regulatory Compliance Programme

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13 March 2023




Audit Checklist

(Revision 3 including API and common with Canada and PIC/S)

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Summary of the Audit Checklist
Sub-component Importance Evaluation method
1 - Legislative and Regulatory Requirements and 1A - Empowering legislation Critical Documentation review
Scope 1B - Conflict of interest Very Documentation review
important On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
2 - Regulatory directives and policies 2A - Procedures for designating inspectors Very Documentation review
2B - Enforcement Policies - Evaluated as part of sub-component
2C - Code of conduct/ Code of ethics Very Documentation review
2D - Training certification policies/guidelines - Evaluated as part of sub-component
2E - Alert/crisis management - Evaluated as part of sub-component
policies/procedures/guidelines 8A
2F - Organisational structure - Evaluated as part of sub-component
3 - GMP Standards 3A - Details/ scope of GMP Critical Documentation review
3B - Process validation - Evaluated as part of sub-component
4 - Inspection resources 4A - Staffing: Initial qualification Very Documentation review
important On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
4B - Number of inspectors Very Documentation review
important On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
4C - Training programme Very Documentation review
important On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
4D - QA mechanism to assure effectiveness of - Evaluated as part of sub-component
training programme 4C
5 - Inspection procedures 5A - Inspection strategy Very Documentation review
important On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
5B - Pre-inspection preparation Very Documentation review
important On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
Observed inspections
5C - Format and content of inspection reports Very Documentation review
important Observed inspections
5D - Inspection methodology - Evaluated as part of sub-components
5E - SOP for conducting inspections Critical Documentation review
Observed inspections
5F - Inspection procedures - Post-inspection Very Documentation review
activities important On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
Observed inspections
5G - Inspection procedures – Storage of Important Documentation review
inspection data Observed inspections
6 - Inspection performance standard 6A - Performance standards Very Evaluated as part of sub-component
important 11A
7 - Enforcement powers and procedures 7A - Provision for written notice of violations - Evaluated as part of sub-component
7B - Non-compliance management Critical Documentation review
On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
7C - Appeal mechanism Important Documentation review
On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
7D - Other measures - Evaluated as part of sub-components
8 – Alert and crisis systems 8A - Alert mechanisms Critical Documentation review
On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
8B - Crisis management mechanisms - Evaluated as part of sub-component
8C - Alert performance standards Important Documentation review
9 - Analytical capability 9A - Access to laboratories Critical Documentation review
On-site evaluation at Laboratory
On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
9B - SOPs for analytical support Very Documentation review
important On-site evaluation at Laboratory
9C - Validation of analytical methods Very Documentation review
important On-site evaluation at Laboratory
10 - Surveillance programme 10A - Sampling and audit procedure Very Documentation review
important On-site evaluation at Laboratory
On-site evaluation at Inspectorate

JAP Audit Checklist

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10B - Recall monitoring - Evaluated as part of sub-component
10C - Consumer complaint system Critical Documentation review
On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
10D - Adverse reaction reporting system/ - Not evaluated - not considered
procedures within the scope of a GMP
regulatory compliance programme.
10E - Medicinal product defect reporting - Evaluated as part of sub-component
system/ procedures 10C

Component Sub-component Importance Evaluation method

11 - Quality management system 11A - Quality management system Critical Documentation review
On-site evaluation at Inspectorate
On-site evaluation at Laboratory

JAP Audit Checklist

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• Articles = Any item such as products (active pharmaceutical ingredient, finished medicinal products, investigational medicinal products, or any
intermediates), containers, packages, labels, documentation, etc.
• Component/Sub-Component = Elements of a GMP regulatory compliance programme. For additional information on the level of importance and the
evaluation methods, refer to the table “Summary of the Audit Checklist” provided at the beginning of this document.
• Dosage form = Pharmaceutical form
• Equivalent = Not necessarily identical, but leading to the same result.
• GMP regulatory compliance programme = Includes components such as the supporting infrastructure of legislative and regulatory requirements, GMP
standards, inspection/enforcement resources and procedures, performance standards, alert and crisis system, analytical capability, surveillance
programme and quality management systems.
• Key performance indicators (KPI) = Performance indicators established for planning and reporting on the components/sub-components of a GMP
regulatory compliance programme.
• Manufacture = Fabricate as defined in relevant GMP guidelines.
• Medicinal products = Drug products
• Official Medicines Control Laboratories (OMCL) = Laboratories used for the purpose of official testing.
• Pharmacovigilance = Surveillance of adverse reactions reporting.
• Product = Active pharmaceutical ingredient, finished medicinal product, investigational medicinal products, or any intermediate.
• Product defect = Quality defect related to a product such as Out-of-Specifications (OOS), etc.
General Notes
• The entire checklist must be used for the assessment/evaluation of GMP regulatory compliance programme as regards active pharmaceutical ingredients
and medicinal products.
• This checklist is used as a high level document. It is meant to detail the “WHAT” and not the “HOW”. The “HOW” is expected to be covered in a lower
level document such as a guidance document or a procedure.

Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
Sub-component 1A Legislative and regulatory requirements and scope - Empowering legislation (Critical)
1 The legislation identifies key delegations/functions in the organisation/regulatory authority assigned x
for overall responsibility of the GMP regulatory compliance programme.
2 The authority to designate inspectors is vested in legislation. x
3 The identity of designated inspectors and scope of jurisdiction of legislation are available to x
companies being inspected.
4 There is legal authority for an inspector to enter at any reasonable time in any place where active x
pharmaceutical ingredients and medicinal products are manufactured, imported and exported.
5 There is legal authority for taking samples and submitting them to designated laboratories. x

6 There is legal authority for obtaining evidence such as documents, photographs/videos of premises x
and equipment.
7 There is legal authority to open and examine any article subjected to legislation. x .

8 There is the legal authority to seize or detain articles believed to be in violation. x

9 The legislation allows entry to a private dwelling. x

10 Legislation requires that the person who has the responsibility of the site where active pharmaceutical x
Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
ingredients and medicinal products are manufactured, imported and exported, to cooperate and not
obstruct an inspector.
11 Legislation requires a marketing authorisation holder and a manufacturer of medicinal product to x .
report to the regulatory authority any serious adverse medicinal product reactions.
12 Legislation requires a marketing authorisation holder and a manufacturer of active pharmaceutical x
ingredients or of medicinal product to document any product defect impacting its quality.
13 Legislation requires the marketing authorisation holder and the manufacturer to notify a competent
regulatory authority upon commencement of a recall of medicinal product and to submit pertinent x
14 All companies that manufacture, import, export medicinal products are required to hold a
manufacturing authorisation or be identified as holder of a manufacturing authorisation or as a x
registered company for active pharmaceutical ingredients.
15 The holder of the manufacturing authorisation is required to notify the regulatory authority of
significant changes or of conditions, which may affect the quality, safety or efficacy of a medicinal x
16 Legislation requires that the manufacturing authorisation include: the address of each site, the
manufacturing activities, the category of medicinal products and the dosage form.
17 Legislation prohibits the sale and processing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and medicinal
products under unsanitary conditions or leading to adulteration.
18 GMPs are legal requirements. x
19 The legislation specifies that a manufacturer and/or a person is liable for a defective medicinal x
Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
product and provides for prosecution and/or penalties upon conviction
20 There is legislative authority to suspend, revoke or amend a manufacturing authorisation. x
21 Active pharmaceutical ingredients and medicinal products intended for exportation only are covered
in the legislation as the products intended for the domestic market.
Sub-component 1B Legislative and regulatory requirements and scope - Conflict of interest (Very important)
22 A policy/guideline exists that details the situations regarded as conflict of interest. x
23 Employees are required to declare their compliance with the conflict of interest policy. x x x
Sub-component 2A Regulatory directives and policies - Procedures for designating inspectors (Very important)
24 A process for designation of inspectors exists. x
Sub-component 2B Regulatory directives and policies - Enforcement Policies
Included under sub-component 7B. Enforcement powers and procedures - Non-compliance management.
Sub-component 2C Regulatory directives and policies - Code of conduct/ Code of ethics (Very important)
25 A policy/guideline exist that details situations regarded as Code Of Conduct/Code Of Ethics. x
Sub-component 2D Regulatory directives and policies - Training certification policies/guidelines
Included under sub-component 4C. Inspection resources - Training programme.
Sub-component 2E Regulatory directives and policies - Alert/crisis management policies/procedures/guidelines
Included under sub-component 8A. Alert and crisis systems - Alert mechanisms.
Sub-component 2F Regulatory directives and policies - Organisational structure

Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
Included under sub-component 11A. Quality management system
Sub-component 3A GMP Standards - Details/ scope of GMP (Critical)
26 GMPs are covered within a regulatory framework. x

The GMP regulatory framework covers all GMP requirements including but not limited to: x
27 Quality management, premises, equipment, personnel, sanitation, raw material testing, manufacturing
control, quality control department, packaging material testing, finished product testing, records,
samples, stability and sterile products.
Sub-component 3B GMP Standards - Process validation
Included under sub-component 3A GMP Standards - Details/ scope of GMP.
Sub-component 4A Inspection resources - Staffing: Initial qualification (Very important)
28 The minimum qualifications for GMP inspectors are defined x
29 Duties of staff involved in the GMP regulatory compliance programme are defined. x x
30 Evidence exists that the GMP inspectors meet the minimum qualifications. x
Sub-component 4B Inspection resources - Number of inspectors (Very important)
31 The number of inspectors dedicated to the GMP inspection programme is sufficient to meet the
prescribed inspection frequency/inspection programme.
x x
Sub-component 4C Inspection resources - Training programme (Very important)
32 A training programme for inspectors is established and records are maintained. x x

Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
33 A mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of training exists. x x
Sub-component 4D Inspection resources - QA mechanism to assure effectiveness of training programme
Included under sub-component 4C Inspection resources - Training programme.
Sub-component 5A Inspection procedures - Inspection strategy (Very important)
34 Documents that describe the work expected, anticipated results and resources applied to fulfil the x x
functions of GMP inspections are available.
35 A scheduling system identifies companies due for inspections within a set time frame. x x
Sub-component 5B Inspection procedures - Pre-inspection preparation (Very important)
36 A procedure details the requirements for pre-inspection activities, and is followed. x x x
37 The inspection plan is based on the company’s GMP compliance history, critical activities and type(s) x x
of dosage forms or products manufactured.
Sub-component 5C Inspection procedures - Format and content of inspection reports (Very important)
38 A procedure for the format and content of inspection reports is available. x
39 Observations are factual and are based on proper interpretation of applicable legislation. x
40 Observations are classified/categorised according to risk. x x
41 Assessment of the company’s overall compliance rating is in line with the inspection findings. x
42 Inspection reports are completed in the required reporting format and timeframe. x
Sub-component 5D Inspection procedures - Inspection methodology

Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
Included under sub-components 5E. Inspection procedures - SOP for conducting inspections
Sub-component 5E Inspection procedures - SOP for conducting inspections (Critical)
43 A procedure details the requirements for conducting inspections and is followed. x x
44 Critical stages and parameters of manufacturing processes are assessed. x
45 Qualification and validation are assessed. x
46 The inspection plan is adjusted, where warranted, based on the findings of the inspection. x
47 The depth of the inspection is in line with the inspection findings. x
Sub-component 5F Inspection procedures - Post-inspection activities (Very important)
48 A procedure details the requirements for post-inspection activities, and is followed. x x x
49 Inspection findings and conclusions are subject to an internal review. x x x
Sub-component 5G Inspection procedures - Storage of inspection data (Important)
50 A policy/procedure is available for the storage of inspection data. x
51 An inspection report database (or archive) is maintained in a secure and controlled manner. x
Sub-component 6A Inspection performance standard - Performance standards (Very important)
Included under sub-component 11A Quality Management System - Quality management system
Sub-component 7A Enforcement powers and procedures - Provision for written notice of violations
Included under sub-component 7B Enforcement powers and procedures - Non-compliance management

Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
Sub-component 7B Enforcement powers and procedures - Non-compliance management (Critical)
52 There is provision for written notice of violations to be sent to the company. x x
53 Recall procedures/mechanisms and records are available. x x
54 GMP certificates, manufacturing authorisation suspension/withdrawal procedures/mechanisms are
available and a list of suspended/withdrawn authorisations/GMP certificates is maintained. x x
55 Seizure procedures/mechanisms and records are available. x x
56 Prosecution procedures/mechanisms and records are available. x x
Sub-component 7C Enforcement powers and procedures - Appeal mechanism (Important)
57 Appeal procedures/mechanisms and records are available. x x
Sub-component 7D Enforcement powers and procedures - Other measures
Included under sub-components 7B Enforcement powers and procedures - Non-compliance management
Sub-component 8A Alert and crisis systems - Alert mechanisms (Critical)
58 Two-Way alert procedures/mechanisms and records are available. x x
Sub-component 8B Alert and crisis systems - Crisis management mechanisms
Included under sub-component 8A Alert and Crisis systems - Alert mechanisms
Sub-component 8C Alert and crisis systems - Alert performance standards (Important)
59 Performance standards for the transmission of two-way alert and management of crisis system are x x
established and are followed.

Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
Sub-component 9A Analytical capability - Access to laboratories (Critical)
60 The regulatory authority has access to laboratories capable of conducting necessary analyses for the x x
purpose of official testing.
61 Regulatory Authority’s or contract laboratories are qualified according to a recognised standard. x x
62 All reported products defects are documented and investigated. x x
Sub-component 9B Analytical capability - SOPs for analytical support (Very important)
63 Documents are available that detail the work expected, anticipated results and resources applied to x x
fulfil the functions of the laboratories.
64 Procedures covering all elements of laboratory operations are available and are followed. x x
Sub-component 9C Analytical capability - Validation of analytical methods (Very important)
65 The test method validation guideline is equivalent to the ICH standard and records are available. x x
Sub-component 10A Surveillance programme - Sampling and audit procedure (Very important)
66 The market surveillance programme for active pharmaceutical ingredients and medicinal products is x x x
developed involving at least the inspection and laboratory departments using risk management
principles and covers dosage forms of different medicinal product types.
67 The market surveillance programme performance is reviewed annually and records of review are x x
Sub-component 10B Surveillance programme - Recall monitoring
Included under sub-component 7B Enforcement powers and procedures - Non-compliance management

Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
Sub-component 10C Surveillance programme - Consumer complaint system (Critical)
68 A consumer complaint system/procedure and records are available. x x
69 Issues of high risk are investigated immediately. x x
70 Compliance staff and or inspection staff can access complaint information. x
71 All reported products defects are documented and investigated. x
Sub-component 10D Surveillance programme - Adverse reaction reporting system/ procedures
Not evaluated - not considered within the scope of a GMP regulatory compliance programme.
Sub-component 10E Surveillance programme - Medicinal product defect reporting system/procedures
Included under sub-component 10C Surveillance programme - Consumer complaint system
Sub-component 11A Quality management system - Quality management system (Critical)
72 The quality management system is defined based on a recognised international standard. x
73 The quality manual covers all elements of GMP regulatory compliance programme. x
74 Key performance indicators (KPI) for the overall GMP regulatory compliance programme are X X X
established and available.
75 The quality management system has been implemented and is followed. x x
76 A documentation control system is in place. x x
77 Quality audit plans and records are available. x x

Indicator Indicators Method of Evaluation
Number DR: Documentation Review
OSEI: On-Site Evaluation at Inspectorate
OSEL: On-Site Evaluation at Laboratory
OI: Observed Inspection
78 Management reviews ensure the performance of the quality management system on an annual basis. x x


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