Axial Skeleton Second Lecture
Axial Skeleton Second Lecture
Axial Skeleton Second Lecture
Learning outcomes
The bones of the skeleton are divided into two groups: the axial skeleton and the appendicular
The axial skeleton consists of the skull, vertebral column, ribs and sternum. Together the bones
forming these structures constitute the central bony core of the body, the axis.
The skull rests on the upper end of the vertebral column and its bony structure is divided into two
parts: the cranium and the face.
The cranium is formed by a number of flat and irregular bones that provide a bony protection for
the brain. It has a base upon which the brain rests and a vault that surrounds and covers it. The
periosteum lining the inner surface of the skull bones forms the outer layer of dura mater. In the
mature skull the joints (sutures) between the bones are immovable (fibrous). The bones have
numerous perforations (e.g. foramina, fissures) through which nerves, blood and lymph vessels
pass. The bones of the cranium are:
1 frontal bone
2 parietal bones
2 temporal bones
1 occipital bone
1 sphenoid bone
1 ethmoid bone.
Frontal bone the skull. Immediately behind this articulating surface is the external acoustic
meatus (auditory canal), which passes inwards towards the petrous portion of the bone.
The styloid process projects from the lower process of the temporal bone, and supports the hyoid
bone and muscles associated with the tongue and pharynx.
This is the bone of the forehead. It forms part of the orbital cavities (eye sockets) and the
prominent ridges above the eyes, the supraorbital margins. Just above the supraorbital
margins, within the bone, are two air-filled cavities or sinuses lined with ciliated mucous
membrane, which open into the nasal cavity.
The coronal suture joins the frontal and parietal bones and other fibrous joints are formed
with the sphenoid, zygomatic, lacrimal, nasal and ethmoid bones. The bone originates in
two parts joined in the midline by the frontal suture.
Parietal bones
These bones form the sides and roof of the skull. They articulate with each other at the sagittal
suture, with the frontal bone at the coronal suture, with the occipital bone at the lambdoidal
suture and with the temporal bones at the squamous sutures. The inner surface is concave and is
grooved to accommodate the brain and blood vessels.
Temporal bones
These bones lie one on each side of the head and form fibrous immovable joints with the parietal,
occipital, sphenoid and zygomatic bones. Each temporal bone has several important features.
The squamous part is the thin fan-shaped area that articulates with the parietal bone. The
zygomatic process articulates with the zygomatic bone to form the zygomatic arch (cheekbone).
Figure 16.9 The skeleton. Axial skeleton in gold, appendicular skeleton in brown. A. Anterior
view. B. Lateral view.
Figure 16.10 The bones of the skull and their sutures (joints).
The bones forming the base of the skull and the cranial fossae – viewed from above.
The mastoid part contains the mastoid process, a thickened region easily felt behind the
ear. It contains a large number of very small air sinuses that communicate with the
middle ear and are lined with squamous epithelium.
The petrous portion forms part of the base of the skull and contains the organs of hearing
(the spiral organ) and balance.
The temporal bone articulates with the mandible at the temporomandibular joint, the only
movable joint of the skull. Immediately behind this articulating surface is the external
acoustic meatus (auditory canal), which passes inwards towards the petrous portion of the
The styloid process projects from the lower process of the temporal bone, and supports
the hyoid bone and muscles associated with the tongue and pharynx.
This bone forms the back of the head and part of the base of the skull. It has immovable fibrous
joints with the parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones. Its inner surface is deeply concave and the
concavity is occupied by the occipital lobes of the cerebrum and by the cerebellum. The occiput
has two articular condyles that form condyloid joints with the first bone of the vertebral column,
the atlas. This joint permits nodding movements of the head. Between the condyles is the
foramen magnum (meaning ‘large hole’) through which the spinal cord passes into the cranial
This bone occupies the middle portion of the base of the skull and it articulates with the occipital,
temporal, parietal and frontal bones. It links the cranial and facial bones, and cross-braces the
skull. On the superior surface in the middle of the bone is a little saddle-shaped depression, the
hypophyseal fossa (sella turcica) in which the pituitary gland rests. The body of the bone
contains some fairly large air sinuses lined with ciliated mucous membrane with openings into
the nasal cavity.
Ethmoid bone
The ethmoid bone occupies the anterior part of the base of the skull and helps to form the orbital
cavity, the nasal septum and the lateral walls of the nasal cavity. On each side are two
projections into the nasal cavity, the superior and middle conchae or turbinated processes. It is a
very delicate bone containing many air sinuses lined with ciliated epithelium and with openings
into the nasal cavity. The horizontal flattened part, the cribriform plate, forms the roof of the
nasal cavity and has numerous small foramina through which nerve fibres of the olfactory nerve
(sense of smell) pass upwards from the nasal cavity to the brain. There is also a very fine
perpendicular plate of bone that forms the upper part of the nasal septum.
The skeleton of the face is formed by 13 bones in addition to the frontal bone already described.
shows the relationships between the bones:
The zygomatic bone originates as two bones that fuse before birth. They form the prominences
of the cheeks and part of the floor and lateral walls of the orbital cavities.
Nasal bones
These are two small flat bones that form the greater part of the lateral and superior surfaces of
the bridge of the nose.
Lacrimal bones
These two small bones are posterior and lateral to the nasal bones and form part of the medial
walls of the orbital cavities. Each is pierced by a foramen for the passage of the nasolacrimal
duct that carries the tears from the medial canthus of the eye to the nasal cavity.
The vomer is a thin flat bone that extends upwards from the middle of the hard palate to form
most of the inferior part of the nasal septum. Superiorly it articulates with the perpendicular plate
of the ethmoid bone.
Palatine bones
These are two small L-shaped bones. The horizontal parts unite to form the posterior part of the
hard palate and the perpendicular parts project upwards to form part of the lateral walls of the
nasal cavity. At their upper extremities they form part of the orbital cavities.
Inferior conchae
Each concha is a scroll-shaped bone, which forms part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and
projects into it below the middle concha. The superior and middle conchae are parts of the
ethmoid bone. The conchae collectively increase the surface area in the nasal cavity, allowing
inspired air to be warmed and humidified more effectively.
This is the lower jaw, the only movable bone of the skull. It originates as two parts that
unite at the midline. Each half consists of two main parts: a curved body with the
alveolar ridge containing the lower teeth and a ramus, which projects upwards almost at
right angles to the posterior end of the body.
At the upper end the ramus divides into the condylar process which articulates with the
temporal bone to form the temporomandibular joint and the coronoid process, which
gives attachment to muscles and ligaments that close the jaw. The point where the ramus
joins the body is the angle of the jaw.
Hyoid bone
This is an isolated horseshoe-shaped bone lying in the soft tissues of the neck just above the
larynx and below the mandible. It does not articulate with any other bone, but is attached to the
styloid process of the temporal bone by ligaments. It supports the larynx and gives attachment to
the base of the tongue.
Sinuses containing air are present in the sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillary and frontal bones. They all
communicate with the nasal cavity and are lined with ciliated mucous membrane. They give
resonance to the voice and reduce the weight of the skull, making it easier to carry.
At birth, ossification of the cranial sutures is incomplete. Where three or more bones meet there
are distinct membranous areas, or fontanelles. The two largest are the anterior fontanelle, not
fully ossified until the child is 12 to 18 months old, and the posterior fontanelle, usually ossified
2 to 3 months after birth. The skull bones do not fuse earlier to allow for moulding of the baby's
head during childbirth.
The skull showing the fontanelles and sutures. A. Fontanelles viewed from above. B.
Fontanelles viewed from the side. C. Main sutures viewed from above when ossification is
The various parts of the skull have specific and different functions:
Vertebral column
There are 26 bones in the vertebral column. 24 separate vertebrae extend downwards from the
occipital bone of the skull; then there is the sacrum, formed from five fused vertebrae, and lastly
the coccyx, or tail, which is formed from between three to five small fused vertebrae. The
vertebral column is divided into different regions. The first seven vertebrae, in the neck, form the
cervical spine; the next twelve vertebrae are the thoracic spine, and the next five the lumbar
spine, the lowest vertebra of which articulates with the sacrum. Each vertebra is identified by the
first letter of its region in the spine, followed by a number indicating its position. For example,
the topmost vertebra is called C1, and the third lumbar vertebra is called L3.
The movable vertebrae have many characteristics in common, but some groups have
distinguishing features.
The body
This is the broad, flattened, largest part of the vertebra. When the vertebrae are stacked together
in the vertebral column, it is the flattened surfaces of the body of each vertebra that articulate
with the corresponding surfaces of adjacent vertebrae. However, there is no direct bone-to-bone
contact since between each pair of bones is a tough pad of fibrocartilage called the intervertebral
disc. The bodies of the vertebrae lie to the front of the vertebral column, increasing greatly in
size towards the base of the spine, as the lower spine has to support much more weight than the
upper regions.
A lumbar vertebra showing the features of a typical vertebra – viewed from above.
This encloses a large vertebral foramen. It lies behind the body, and forms the posterior and
lateral walls of the vertebral foramen. The lateral walls are formed from plates of bone called
pedicles, and the posterior walls are formed from laminae. Projecting from the regions where the
pedicle meets the lamina is a lateral prominence called a transverse process, and where the two
laminae meet at the back is a process called the spinous process. These are the bony prominences
that can be felt through the skin along the length of the spine. The neural arch has four articular
surfaces: two articulate with the vertebra above and two with the one below. The vertebral
foramina form the vertebral (neural) canal that contains the spinal cord.
Cervical vertebrae
These are the smallest vertebrae. The transverse processes have a foramen through which
a vertebral artery passes upwards to the brain. The first two cervical vertebrae, the atlas
and the axis, are atypical.
The first cervical vertebra, the atlas, is the bone on which the skull rests. Below the atlas
is the axis, the second cervical vertebra (C2).
The atlas is essentially a ring of bone, with no distinct body or spinous process, although
it has two short transverse processes. It possesses two flattened facets that articulate with
the occipital bone; these are condyloid joints and they permit nodding of the head.
The axis sits below the atlas, and has a small body with a small superior projection called
the odontoid process (also called the dens, meaning tooth). This occupies part of the
posterior foramen of the atlas above, and is held securely within it by the transverse
ligament. The head pivots (i.e. turns from side to side) on this joint.
The 7th cervical vertebra, C7, is also known as the vertebra prominens. It possesses a
long spinous prominence terminating in a swollen tubercle, which is easily felt at the base
of the neck.
Figure 16.21 A cervical vertebra, showing typical features – viewed from above.
The upper cervical vertebrae – viewed from above. A. The atlas. B. The axis. C. The atlas and
axis in position showing the transverse ligament.
Thoracic vertebrae
The twelve thoracic vertebrae are larger than the cervical vertebrae because this section of the
vertebral column has to support more body weight. The bodies and transverse processes have
facets for articulation with the ribs.
Figure 16.23 A thoracic vertebra. A. Viewed from above. B. Viewed from the side.
Lumbar vertebrae
These are the largest of the vertebrae because they have to support the weight of the upper body.
They have substantial spinous processes for attachment of the muscles of the lower back.
This consists of five rudimentary vertebrae fused to form a triangular or wedge-shaped bone with
a concave anterior surface. The upper part, or base, articulates with the 5th lumbar vertebra. On
each side it articulates with the ilium to form a sacroiliac joint, and at its inferior tip it articulates
with the coccyx. The anterior edge of the base, the promontory, protrudes into the pelvic cavity.
The vertebral foramina are present, and on each side of the bone there is a series of foramina for
the passage of nerves.
This consists of the four terminal vertebrae fused to form a very small triangular bone, the broad
base of which articulates with the tip of the sacrum.
Intervertebral discs
The bodies of adjacent vertebrae are separated by intervertebral discs, consisting of an outer rim
of fibrocartilage (annulus fibrosus) and a central core of soft gelatinous material (nucleus
pulposus). They are thinnest in the cervical region and become progressively thicker towards the
lumbar region, as spinal loading increases. The posterior longitudinal ligament in the vertebral
canal helps to keep them in place. They have a shock-absorbing function and the cartilaginous
joints they form contribute to the flexibility of the vertebral column as a whole.
When two adjacent vertebrae are viewed from the side, a foramen formed by a gap between the
vertebral pedicles can be seen. Half of the wall is formed by the vertebra above, and half by the
one below.
Throughout the length of the column there is an intervertebral foramen on each side between
every pair of vertebrae, through which the spinal nerves, blood vessels and lymph vessels pass.
These ligaments hold the vertebrae together and keep the intervertebral discs in position.
The transverse ligament maintains the odontoid process of the axis in the correct position
in relation to the atlas.
The anterior longitudinal ligament extends the whole length of the column and lies in
front of the vertebral bodies.
The posterior longitudinal ligament lies inside the vertebral canal and extends the whole
length of the vertebral
Lower cervical vertebrae separated to show the spinal cord and spinal nerves emerging
through the intervertebral foramina. Anterior view.
column in close contact with the posterior surface of the bodies of the bones.
The ligamentum nuchae and the supraspinous ligament connect the spinous processes, extending
from the occiput to the sacrum.
When viewed from the side, the vertebral column presents four curves: two primary and two
The fetus in the uterus lies curled up so that the head and the knees are more or less touching.
This position shows the primary curvature. The secondary cervical curve develops when the
child can hold up his head (after about 3 months) and the secondary lumbar curve develops when
he stands upright (after 12 to 15 months). The thoracic and sacral primary curves are retained.
The movements between the individual bones of the vertebral column are very limited. However,
the movements of the column as a whole are quite extensive and include flexion (bending
forward), extension (bending backward), lateral flexion (bending to the side) and rotation. There
is more movement in the cervical and lumbar regions than elsewhere.
Collectively the vertebral foramina form the vertebral canal, which provides a strong
bony protection for the delicate spinal cord lying within it.
The pedicles of adjacent vertebrae form intervertebral foramina, one on each side,
providing access to the spinal cord for spinal nerves, blood vessels and lymph vessels.
The numerous individual bones with their intervertebral discs allow movement of the
whole column.
It supports the skull.
The intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers, protecting the brain.
It forms the axis of the trunk, giving attachment to the ribs, shoulder girdle and upper
limbs, and the pelvic girdle and lower limbs.
Thoracic cage
The thorax (thoracic cage) is formed by the sternum anteriorly, twelve pairs of ribs forming the
lateral bony cages, and the twelve thoracic vertebrae.
Figure 16.28 The thoracic cage. Anterior view.
This flat bone can be felt just under the skin in the middle of the front of the chest.
The manubrium is the uppermost section and articulates with the clavicles at the
sternoclavicular joints and with the first two pairs of ribs.
The body or middle portion gives attachment to the ribs.
The xiphoid process is the tip of the bone. It gives attachment to the diaphragm, muscles
of the anterior abdominal wall and the linea alba.
The 12 pairs of ribs form the lateral walls of the thoracic cage. They are elongated curved
bones that articulate posteriorly with the vertebral column. Anteriorly, the first seven
pairs of ribs articulate directly with the sternum and are known as the true ribs. The next
three pairs articulate only indirectly. In both cases, costal cartilages attach the ribs to the
sternum. The lowest two pairs of ribs, referred to as floating ribs, do not join the sternum
at all, their anterior tips being free.
Each rib forms up to three joints with the vertebral column. Two of these joints are
formed between facets on the head of the rib and facets on the bodies of two vertebrae,
the one above the rib and the one below. Ten of the ribs also form joints between the
tubercle of the rib and the transverse process of (usually) the lower vertebra.
The inferior surface of the rib is deeply grooved, providing a channel along which
intercostal nerves and blood vessels run. Between each rib and the one below are the
intercostal muscles, essential for breathing.
Figure 16.30 A typical rib – viewed from below.
Because of the arrangement of the ribs, and the quantity of cartilage present in the ribcage, it is a
flexible structure that can change its shape and size during breathing. The first rib is firmly fixed
to the sternum and to the 1st thoracic vertebra, and does not move during inspiration. Because it
is a fixed point, when the intercostal muscles contract, they pull the entire ribcage upwards
towards the first rib. The mechanism of breathing is described on page.