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Advisory Circular: U.S. Department of Transportation

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of Transportation
Federal Aviation

Subject: Use of Nondestructive Testing Date: 9/30/11 AC No.: 150/5370-11B

in the Evaluation of Airport Pavements Initiated by: AAS-100 Change:

1. Purpose. This advisory circular (AC) focuses on nondestructive testing (NDT) equipment that
measures pavement surface deflections after applying a static or dynamic load to the pavement. It also
briefly introduces other types of nondestructive measuring equipment to illustrate how supplementing
NDT data with other test data may improve the quality and reliability of the pavement evaluation.
2. Application. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends the guidelines and standards
in this AC for data collection equipment and methods of data analysis used to conduct NDT. In general,
use of this AC is not mandatory. However, use of this AC is mandatory for all projects funded with
federal grant monies through the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and with revenue from the
Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) Program. See Grant Assurance No. 34, “Policies, Standards, and
Specifications,” and PFC Assurance No. 9, “Standard and Specifications.”
3. Cancellation. AC 150/5370-11A Use of Nondestructive Testing Devices in the Evaluation of Airport
Pavements, dated December 29, 2004, is cancelled.
4. Principal Changes.
a. Since the previous revision, the FAA has developed and implemented the pavement design
reflect the requirements of FAARFIELD rather than the previous design program LEDFAA.
b. The document has been reformatted to provide a better presentation in the PDF format used for
distribution. We switched to a one column format. We also moved the figures and tables from the back
up to their first citation for better illustration of the text. We also enlarged the equations for better
c. The numbering was adjusted to include lead paragraphs in the beginnings of some chapters, so
they were not un-numbered.
5. Related Advisory Circulars. The following ACs provides additional information regarding NDT
and structural analysis of airport pavements:
a. 150/5320-6, Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation.
b. 150/5320-12, Measurement, Construction, and Maintenance of Skid Resistant Airport Pavement
c. 150/5335-5, Standardized Method of Reporting Airport Pavement Strength PCN.
d. 150/5380-6, Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements.
AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

6. Organization of this AC. The following chapters in this AC present an overview of the NDT data
collection process and equipment that are used to collect the field data. The AC then focuses on how to
prepare a test plan and develop procedures that should be used for data acquisition. The final chapters
focus on processing the raw data to obtain pavement material characteristics that can then be used to
evaluate a pavement’s load-carrying capacity, remaining structural life, or strengthening requirements.
7. Use of Metrics. To promote an orderly transition to metric units, this AC contains both English and
metric dimensions. If the conversion is not exact, the English units govern.
8. Copies of this AC. The FAA is in the process of making all ACs available to the public through the
Internet. These ACs may be found by selecting the Regulations and Policies link on the FAA home page

Michael J. O’Donnell
Director of Airport Safety and Standards

9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

Table of Contents
1. General. ............................................................................................................................... 1
2. Background. ........................................................................................................................ 1
3. Limitations to NDT. ............................................................................................................ 2
4. General. ............................................................................................................................... 3
5. Pavement Stiffness and Sensor Response. .......................................................................... 3
6. Deflection Basin. ................................................................................................................ 4
7. Use of NDT Data. ............................................................................................................... 6
8. General. ............................................................................................................................... 7
9. Categories of Equipment..................................................................................................... 7
10. General Requirements for NDT Equipment. .................................................................... 10
11. Static Devices. .................................................................................................................. 11
12. Vibratory Devices. ............................................................................................................ 12
13. Impulse Devices. ............................................................................................................... 13
14. Use of Historical Data....................................................................................................... 17
15. General. ............................................................................................................................. 19
16. Need for Standardization. ................................................................................................. 19
17. FAA Sensitivity Study. ..................................................................................................... 20
18. Summary of FAA Policy. ................................................................................................. 22
19. General. ............................................................................................................................. 23
20. Justification for NDT. ....................................................................................................... 23
21. NDT Test Objectives. ....................................................................................................... 24
22. NDT Test Types................................................................................................................ 24
23. Test Locations and Spacing. ............................................................................................. 25
24. NDT Test Sketches. .......................................................................................................... 27
25. Special Considerations. ..................................................................................................... 29
26. General. ............................................................................................................................. 31
27. Equipment Mobilization. .................................................................................................. 31
28. Startup Operations. ........................................................................................................... 32
29. Data Collection. ................................................................................................................ 32
30. Special Test Conditions. ................................................................................................... 34
31. Onsite Review of Data. ..................................................................................................... 35
32. General. ............................................................................................................................. 37
33. Overview of Process. ........................................................................................................ 37
34. Process Raw Deflection Data............................................................................................ 39
35. Back-Calculation Analysis................................................................................................ 43
36. PCC Joint Analysis. .......................................................................................................... 62
37. PCC Void Analysis. .......................................................................................................... 65
38. PCC Durability Analysis. ................................................................................................. 67

AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

39. Summary. .......................................................................................................................... 69

40. General. ............................................................................................................................. 71
41. Statistically Derived Inputs. .............................................................................................. 71
42. Using NDT Results in FAA Analysis Programs............................................................... 75
43. PCC Loss of Support. ....................................................................................................... 77
44. Summary. .......................................................................................................................... 78

List of Figures
Figure 1. Impulse Load Created by FWD ..................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2. Sensors Spaced Radially from the Load Plate ............................................................................... 4
Figure 3. Schematic of Deflection Basin ...................................................................................................... 5
Figure 4. Comparison of Deflection Basin of Three Pavements .................................................................. 6
Figure 5. Static and Dynamic Force Components for Vibratory NDT ......................................................... 7
Figure 6. Time to Peak Load for Impulse-Based NDT Equipment .............................................................. 8
Figure 7. Benkleman Beam......................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 8. Dynaflect Deflection Trailer ........................................................................................................ 12
Figure 9. Road Rater ................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 10. Kuab FWD................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 11. Dynatest FWD ........................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 12. Carl Bro FWD/HWD and LWD Trailer, Van-Integrated or Portable ....................................... 16
Figure 13. JILS HWD ................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 14. Evaluation of HWD Force Linearity in Terms of ISM .............................................................. 22
Figure 15. Evaluation of HWD Force Linearity in Terms of Subgrade Elastic Modulus ........................... 22
Figure 16. NDT Test Locations within a PCC Slab .................................................................................... 24
Figure 17. Load Transfer across A PCC Joint ............................................................................................ 25
Figure 18. Example Runway or Taxiway Sketch When Centerline Lies on Slab Joint .............................. 27
Figure 19. Example Runway or Taxiway Sketch When Centerline Does Not Lie on Slab Joint ............... 27
Figure 20. Example Runway or Taxiway Sketch for HMA Pavements ..................................................... 28
Figure 21. Thermal Curling in PCC Slab from Temperature Changes ....................................................... 29
Figure 22. Location of Additional Sensors for Corner and Joint Testing ................................................... 34
Figure 23. NDT Data Analysis And Design Flowchart .............................................................................. 37
Figure 24. ISM Plot to Identify Pavement Section Breaks ......................................................................... 40
Figure 25. Normalized Deflection Plot Used to Identify Pavement Section Breaks .................................. 41
Figure 26. Normalized Subgrade Deflection Plot Used to Identify Pavement Sections ............................. 42
Figure 27. Process for Data Preparation and Back-Calculation Method Selection .................................... 44
Figure 28. Flowchart for Closed-Form Back-Calculation Using Area Method .......................................... 46
Figure 29. Basin Area for SHRP Four-Sensor Configuration..................................................................... 47
Figure 30. Comparison of Measured and Calculated Deflection Basins .................................................... 55
Figure 31. Back-Calculation Procedures for an Elastic Layer Based Analysis .......................................... 60
Figure 32. Initial BAKFAA Run for Example 2 ......................................................................................... 61
Figure 33. Second BAKFAA Run for Example 2....................................................................................... 61
Figure 34. Output From Second BAKFAA Run for Example 2 ................................................................. 62
Figure 35. Deflection vs. Stress LTE Relationship for 12 Inch (30 cm) Diameter Load Plate................... 64
Figure 36. Example Plot of Transverse Joint LTE∆ for a 10,000 Ft (3,000 m) Taxiway ........................... 65
Figure 37. Void Detection Beneath PCC Slabs .......................................................................................... 66
Figure 38. Example Plot of Transverse Joint Voids for a 10,000 Ft (3,000 m) Taxiway ........................... 67
Figure 39. Example Plot of ISMratio for Transverse Joint for HMA Overlaid PCC .................................... 69
Figure 40. Histogram of ISM Values for Section 3 in Figure 24 ................................................................ 72

9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

List of Tables
Table 1. Summary of Nondestructive Testing Measuring Equipment .......................................................... 9
Table 2. Detailed Specifications for Selected FWDs and HWDs ............................................................... 14
Table 3. ASTM Standards for Deflection Measuring Equipment............................................................... 19
Table 4. Common Sensor Configurations ................................................................................................... 21
Table 5. Typical Runway and Taxiway Test Locations and Spacing, Feet (m) ......................................... 26
Table 6. Typical Apron Test Locations and Frequency .............................................................................. 26
Table 7. FAA Software Tools for Pavement Analysis, Evaluation, And Design ....................................... 38
Table 8. Theoretical Basis of FAA Software Tools .................................................................................... 39
Table 9. Required Sensor Distance (Inch) From Load Plate with 12 Inch (30 cm) Diameter .................... 42
Table 10. Area-Based Constants for Equation 8 ......................................................................................... 43
Table 11. Type of Back-Calculation Software Tool Required for Each Load Scenario ............................. 45
Table 12. Constants for D, (Equation 11) ................................................................................................... 52
Table 13. Typical Modulus Values and Ranges for Paving Materials ........................................................ 52
Table 14. Typical Poisson’s Ratios for Paving Materials ........................................................................... 53
Table 15. Linear Analysis Back- Calculation Programs ............................................................................. 54
Table 16. Nonlinear Analysis Back-Calculation Programs ........................................................................ 58
Table 17. Seed Modulus and Poisson’s Ratios for Example Problem 2 ..................................................... 59
Table 18. Pavement Joint Performance Ratings ......................................................................................... 60
Table 19. Statistical Summary of ISM Values for Each Section in Figure 24 ............................................ 64
Table 20. Required FAA Advisory Circular Evaluation and Design Inputs ............................................... 74
Table 21. Allowable Modulus Values for FAARFIELD (AC 150/5320-6), psi (MPa).............................. 75
Table 22. HMA Pavement Base and Subbase Modulus and Equivalency Factor Inputs ............................ 76
Table 23. Recommended Reduced Values for Loss of Support Conditions ............................................... 78

AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Intentionally Left Blank

9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B


1 . General. Nondestructive testing (NDT) can make use of many types of data-collection equipment
and methods of data analysis. In most cases, the data can be used to evaluate the structural or functional
condition of a pavement. This AC focuses on collecting and analyzing NDT data, which are used to
accomplish the following:
a. Evaluate the load-carrying capacity of existing pavements.
b. Provide material properties of in-situ pavement and subgrade layers for the design of pavement
rehabilitation alternatives that include extensive maintenance and repair work (restoration), functional and
structural overlays, partial reconstruction (for example, runway keel), and complete reconstruction.
c. Compare parts of a pavement system to each other to gain relative strength and/or condition
within that section. The results of the NDT can show which segments are the strongest and which are the
weakest. These results can then be used to focus follow-on testing.
d. Provide structural performance data to supplement pavement condition index (PCI) survey data in
an Airport Pavement Management System (APMS).
To accomplish these objectives, this AC provides an overview of the various types of NDT equipment;
identifies those scenarios where NDT provides the most benefit to the engineer and owner; describes how
NDT test plans should be developed for data collection; presents several methods for using the NDT data
to characterize a pavement; and describes how the results from NDT should be used as inputs to
evaluation, design, and pavement management analyses that comply with FAA policy.
There are many software programs that can be used to collect and analyze NDT data, and this AC will
reference many of them. The FAA’s back-calculation program, BAKFAA, can be downloaded from the
FAA website and can be used to analyze NDT data, subject to the limitations discussed herein.

2 . Background. Recent advances in hardware and software technology have significantly improved
NDT equipment, data collection, and analysis software. Not only has NDT work been conducted on
hundreds of airport pavements throughout the world, it has been extensively used to evaluate and design
interstate highways, state highways, tollways, county roads, city streets, and seaports. NDT is also being
used by researchers to improve pavement evaluation and design methodologies.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) uses NDT equipment to collect data at hundreds of test
section sites throughout the U.S. The FAA currently uses NDT equipment to collect data at the National
Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) in Atlantic City, NJ to advance airport pavement evaluation and
design methods.
There are several advantages to using NDT in lieu of or as a supplement to traditional destructive tests.
Most important, is the capability to quickly gather data at several locations while keeping a runway,
taxiway, or apron operational during these 2-minute to 3-minute tests, provided the testing is under close
contact with Air Traffic Control. Without NDT, structural data must be obtained from numerous cores,
borings, and excavation pits on an existing airport pavement. This can be very disruptive to airport
operations. For example, to conduct a plate load test for measuring in-situ modulus of subgrade reaction,
k, tests, 4 ft (1.2 m) by 6 ft (1.8 m) pits are prepared by removing each pavement layer until the subgrade
is exposed. Once the plate-bearing test is completed, the repair of a test pit can be expensive and may
keep the test area closed for several days.
Nondestructive tests are economical to perform and data can be collected at up to 250 locations per day.
The NDT equipment measures pavement surface response (i.e., deflections) from an applied dynamic
load that simulates a moving wheel. The magnitude of the applied dynamic load can be varied so that it is

AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

similar to the load on a single wheel of the critical or design aircraft. Pavement deflections are recorded
directly beneath the load plate and at typical radial offsets of 12 in (30 cm), out to typical distances of 60
in (150 cm) to 72 in (180 cm).
The deflection data that are collected with NDT equipment can provide both qualitative and quantitative
data about the strength of a pavement at the time of testing. The raw deflection data directly beneath the
load plate sensor provides an indication of the strength of the entire pavement structure. Likewise, the raw
deflection data from the outermost sensor provides an indication of subgrade strength.
In addition, when deflection or stiffness profile plots are constructed with deflection data from all test
locations on a pavement facility, relatively strong and weak areas become readily apparent.
Quantitative data from NDT include material properties of each pavement and subgrade layer that
engineers use with other physical properties, such as layer thicknesses and interface bonding conditions,
to evaluate the structural performance of a pavement or investigate strengthening options. Most of the
material property information is obtained using software programs that process and analyze raw NDT
data. Once material properties, such as modulus of elasticity, E, and modulus of subgrade reaction, k, are
computed, the engineer can conduct structural evaluations of existing pavements, design structural
improvements, and develop reconstruction pavement cross-sections using subgrade strength data.

3 . Limitations to NDT. Although NDT has many advantages, it also has some limitations. NDT is a
very good methodology for assessing the structural condition of an airfield pavement; however, engineers
must use other methods to evaluate the functional condition of the pavement, for example, visual
condition, smoothness, and friction characteristics. The visual condition is most frequently assessed using
the PCI in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 5340, Standard Test
Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys, and AC 150/5380-6, Guidelines and Procedures
for Maintenance of Airport Pavements. Once the NDT-based structural and functional conditions are
known, the engineer can assign an overall pavement condition rating.
The differentiation between structural and functional performance is important in developing
requirements for pavement rehabilitation. For example, a pavement can have a low PCI due to
environmental distress, yet the pavement has sufficient thickness to accommodate structural loading. The
converse may also be true, whereby a pavement may be in good condition, but has a low structural life
due to proposed heavier aircraft loading.
In addition, while NDT may provide excellent information about structural capacity, the engineer may
still require other important engineering properties of the pavement layers, such as grain-size distribution
of the subgrade to determine swelling and heaving potential. For subsurface drainage evaluation and
design, grain-size distribution and permeability tests may help assess the hydraulic capacity of the base,
subbase, and subgrade.
It should also be noted that quantitative results obtained from raw NDT data are model dependent. The
results depend on the structural models and software algorithms that are used by programs that process
NDT data and perform a back-calculation of layer material properties.
Because of the model dependencies of NDT software analysis tools, the engineer should exercise caution
when evaluating selected pavement types, such as continuously reinforced concrete pavement, post-
tensioned concrete, and pre-tensioned concrete. The structural theory and performance models for these
pavement types are significantly different than traditional pavements, which include Asphalt Cement Hot
Mix Asphalt (HMA), jointed plain Portland Cement Concrete (PCC), jointed reinforced PCC, HMA
overlaid PCC, and PCC overlaid PCC.
Finally, NDT conducted at different times during the year may give different results due to climatic
changes. For example, tests conducted during spring thaw or after extended dry periods may provide non-
representative results or inaccurate conclusions on pavement at subgrade strength.

9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B


4 . General. NDT, using static or dynamic testing equipment, has proven useful in providing data on the
structural properties of pavement and subgrade layers. The data are typically used to detect patterns of
variability in pavement support conditions or to estimate the strength of pavement and subgrade layers.
With this information, the engineer can design rehabilitation overlays and new/reconstructed cross-
sections, or optimize a rehabilitation option that is developed from an APMS.
This AC focuses on nondestructive testing equipment that measures pavement surface deflections after
applying a static or dynamic load to the pavement. NDT equipment that imparts dynamic loads creates
surface deflections by applying a vibratory or impulse load to the pavement surface through a loading
plate. For vibratory equipment, the dynamic load is typically generated hydraulically, as is the case for the
Road Rater, or by counter rotating masses, as is the case for the Dynaflect. For impulse devices, such as
the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD), the dynamic load is generated by a mass free falling onto a set
of rubber springs, as shown in Figure 1. The magnitude of the impulse load can be varied by changing the
mass and/or drop height so that it is similar to that of a wheel load on the main gear of an aircraft.
For both impulse and vibratory equipment, pavement response is typically measured by a series of
sensors radially displaced from the loading plate, as shown in Figure 2. For static devices, such as the
Benkleman Beam, a rebound deflection from a truck or other vehicle load is measured. Typically, the
rebound deflection is measured only at the location of the load and not at the other radially spaced sensors
shown in Figure 2.

5 . Pavement Stiffness and Sensor Response. The load-response data that NDT equipment measure in
the field provides valuable information on the strength of the pavement structure. Initial review of the
deflection under the load plate and at the outermost sensor, sensors D1 and D7 in Figure 2, respectively,
is an indicator of pavement and subgrade stiffness. Although this information will not provide
information about the strength of each pavement layer, it does provide a quick assessment of the
pavement’s overall strength and relative variability of strength within a particular facility (runway,
taxiway, or apron).
Pavement stiffness is defined as the dynamic force divided by the pavement deflection at the center of the
load plate. For both impulse and vibratory devices, the stiffness is defined as the load divided by the
maximum deflection under the load plate. The Impulse Stiffness Modulus (ISM) and the Dynamic
Stiffness Modulus (DSM) are defined as follows for impulse and vibratory NDT devices, respectively:

I(D)SM = L / do
I(D)SM = Impulse and Dynamic Stiffness Modulus (kips/in)
L = Applied Load (kips)
do = Maximum Deflection of Load Plate (in)


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Figure 1. Impulse Load Created by FWD

Figure 2. Sensors Spaced Radially from the Load Plate

6 . Deflection Basin. After the load is applied to the pavement surface, as shown in Figure 1, the sensors
shown in Figure 2 are used to measure the deflections that produce what is commonly referred to as a
deflection basin. Figure 3 shows the zone of load influence that is created by a FWD and the relative
location of the sensors that measure the deflection basin area. The deflection basin area can then be used
to obtain additional information about the individual layers in the pavement structure that cannot be
obtained by using deflection data from a single sensor.
The shape of the basin is determined by the response of the pavement to the applied load. The pavement
deflection is the largest directly beneath the load and then decreases as the distance from the load


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

increases. Generally, a weaker pavement will deflect more than a stronger pavement under the same load.
However, the shape of the basin is related to the strengths of all the individual layers.
To illustrate the importance of measuring the deflection basin, Figure 4 shows a comparison of three
pavements. Pavement 1 is PCC and pavements 2 and 3 are HMA. As expected, the PCC distributes the
applied load over a larger area and has a smaller maximum deflection than the other two pavements.
Although pavements 2 and 3 have the same cross- section and the same maximum deflection under the
load plate, they would presumably perform differently under the same loading conditions because of the
differences in base and subgrade strengths.
In addition to each layer’s material properties, other factors can contribute to differences in the deflection
basins. Underlying stiff or apparent stiff layers, the temperature of the HMA layer during testing,
moisture contents in each of the layers, and PCC slab warping and curling can affect deflection basin
shapes. An important component in the evaluation process, then, is analysis of the NDT data to estimate
the expected structural performance of each pavement layer and subgrade.

Figure 3. Schematic of Deflection Basin


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Figure 4. Comparison of Deflection Basin of Three Pavements

7 . Use of NDT Data. There are many ways to use the NDT data to obtain those pavement
characteristics that are needed to identify the causes of pavement distresses, conduct a pavement
evaluation, or perform a strengthening design. Engineers can evaluate the NDT data using qualitative and
quantitative procedures. Subsequent chapters present several methods that can be used to compute and
evaluate such pavement characteristics as:
a. ISM, DSM, and normalized deflections.
b. Back-calculated elastic modulus of pavement layers and subgrade.
c. Correlations to conventional characterizations (for example, California Bearing Ratio [CBR], k).
d. Crack and joint load transfer efficiency.
e. Void detection at PCC corners and joints.
These NDT-derived pavement characteristics can then be used in the FAA’s evaluation and design


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B


8 . General. This chapter introduces the various types of NDT equipment that are used to evaluate
pavements. Although the AC focuses on NDT equipment, other types of nondeflection measuring
equipment are introduced to illustrate how NDT data can be supplemented with other test data to improve
the quality and reliability of the pavement evaluation.

9 . Categories of Equipment. Nondestructive testing equipment includes both deflection and

nondeflection testing equipment. Deflection measuring equipment for nondestructive testing of airport
pavements can be broadly classified as static or dynamic loading devices. Dynamic loading equipment
can be further classified according to the type of forcing function used, i.e., vibratory or impulse devices.
Nondeflection measuring equipment that can supplement deflection testing includes ground-penetrating
radar, infrared thermography, dynamic cone penetrometer, and devices that measure surface friction,
roughness, and surface waves.
a. Deflection Measuring Equipment. There are several categories of deflection measuring
equipment: static, steady state (for example, vibratory), and impulse load devices. A static device
measures deflection at one point under a nonmoving load. Static tests are slow and labor intensive
compared to the other devices. Examples of a static device include the Benkleman Beam and other types
of plate bearing tests.
Vibratory devices induce a steady-state vibration to the pavement with a dynamic force generator, as
illustrated in Figure 5. As this figure shows, there is a small static load that seats the load plate on the
pavement. The dynamic force is then generated at a precomputed frequency that causes the pavement to
respond (deflect). The pavement deflections are typically measured with velocity transducers. There are
several types of steady-state vibratory devices, including Dynaflect and Road Rater.
Impulse load devices, such as the FWD or Heavy-Falling Weight Deflectometer (HWD), impart an
impulse load to the pavement with free-falling weight that impacts a set of rubber springs, as illustrated in
Figure 6. The time from A to B in this figure is the time required to lift the FWD weight package to the
required drop height. The magnitude of the dynamic load depends on the mass of the weight and the
height from which the weight is dropped.

Figure 5. Static and Dynamic Force Components for Vibratory NDT


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011



25 - 30


Figure 6. Time to Peak Load for Impulse-Based NDT Equipment

The resultant deflections are typically measured with velocity transducers, accelerometers, or linear
variable differential transducers (LVDT). Table 1 provides a summary of the various types of static,
vibratory, and impulse load NDT equipment that are in use or in production today. The most popular and
widely used NDT equipment falls in the impulse-based category. This category of NDT equipment is
used extensively for airport, road, and seaport pavement testing.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

Table 1. Summary of Nondestructive Testing Measuring Equipment

Load Load Sensor
Number of
Category Equipment Manufacturer Range, Transmitted by, Spacing, in
lb (kN) in (cm) (cm)
Benkleman Vehicle Loaded Truck or
Soiltest Inc. 1 N/A
Beam Dependent Aircraft
La Croix Vehicle
Static Switzerland Loaded Truck 1 N/A
Deflectograph Dependent
Plate Bearing Several, Vehicle
Loaded Truck 1 N/A
Test ASTM D1196 Dependent
15 (240) Diameter
Dynaflect Geolog, Inc. 1,000 (5) 4 0 - 48
Steel Wheels
(0 - 120)
Foundations 500 - 8,000 18 (45)
Vibratory Road Rater 4-7 0 - 48
Mechanic, Inc. (2 - 35) Diameter plate
(0 - 120)
12 or 18 Variable,
WES Heavy U.S. Corps of 500 - 30,000
(30 - 45) 5 0 - 60
Vibrator Engineers (2 - 130)
Diameter plate (0 - 120)
1,500 - 12 – 18 Variable,
Dynatest FWD 27,000 (30 - 45) 7-9 0 - 90
(7 - 240) Diameter plate (0 - 120)
6,000 - 12 or 18 Variable,
Dynatest HWD 54,000 (30 - 45) 7-9 0 - 96
(27 - 240) Diameter plate (0 - 240)
1,500 - 12 or 18 Variable
JILS FWD 24,000 (30 - 45) 7 0 - 96
Mechanics, Inc.
(7 - 107) Diameter plate (0 - 240)
6,000 - 12 or 18 Variable,
JILS HWD 54,000 (30 - 45) 7 0 - 96
Mechanics, Inc.
(27 - 240) Diameter plate (0 - 240)
1,500 - 12 or 18 Variable,
Impulse KUAB FWD KUAB 24,000 (30 - 45) 7 0 – 72
(7 - 150) Diameter plate (0 - 180)
6,000 - 12 or 18 Variable,
KUAB HWD KUAB 54,000 (30 - 45) 7 0 – 72
(13 - 294) Diameter plate (0 - 180)
1,500 - 12 or 18 Variable,
Carl Bro FWD Carl Bro Group 34,000 (30 - 45) 9 - 12 0 – 100
(7 - 150) Diameter plate (0 - 250)
1,500 - 12 or 18 Variable,
Carl Bro HWD Carl Bro Group 27,000 (30 - 45) 9 - 12 0 – 100
(7 - 250) Diameter plate (0 - 250)
1,500 - 4 or 8 or 12 Variable,
Carl Bro LWD Carl Bro Group 27,000 (30 - 45) 9 - 12 0 – 40
(1 - 15) Diameter plate (0 - 100)
Equipment mentioned above is for information purposes only.


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

b. Nondeflection Measuring Equipment. Several other types of nondestructive testing equipment

are available that may assist the engineer in conducting a pavement evaluation, performing a pavement
design, or implementing a pavement management system. The data that are collected from nondeflection
measuring equipment often supplement NDT data or provide standalone information in pavement analysis
work. While deflection data from NDT equipment are used primarily to evaluate the structural capacity
and condition of a pavement, the following nondeflection measuring equipment can also be used:
(1) Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR). The most common uses of GPR data include measuring
pavement layer thicknesses, identifying large voids, detecting the presence of excess water in structure,
locating underground utilities, and investigating significant delamination between pavement layers.
(2) Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW). SASW equipment provides data that can
supplement NDT data. Unlike NDT equipment, which imparts much higher loads to the pavement,
SASW equipment consists of small portable units that evaluate pavements from Rayleigh wave
measurements that involve low strain levels. Engineers can then evaluate these data to compute the
approximate thickness of pavement layers, layer modulus of elasticity values for comparison to NDT
computed elasticity values, and approximate depth to rigid layers.
(3) Infrared Thermography (IR). One of the most common uses of IR data is to determine if
delamination has occurred between asphalt pavement layers.
(4) Friction Characteristics. There are types of equipment that are available to conduct surface
friction tests on a pavement. The methods of testing and several common types of friction testers for
airports are addressed in AC 150/5320-12.
(5) Smoothness Characteristics. There are also several types of equipment that are available to
collect surface profile data and to determine how aircraft may respond during taxi, takeoff, and landing.
(6) Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP). A DCP is another piece of equipment that can be used
to supplement NDT data. If cores are taken through the pavement to verify the thickness of an HMA or
PCC layer, the DCP can help evaluate the stiffness of the base, subbase, and subgrade. Data are recorded
in terms of the number of blows per inch that is required to drive the cone-shaped end of the rod through
each of the layers. Plots of these data provide information about the changes in layer types and layer

1 0 . General Requirements for NDT Equipment. If deflection measuring equipment is being

considered for use in a pavement study, the engineer should first evaluate project requirements. To
provide meaningful results, several general requirements should be considered regarding equipment
capabilities. The quality of the NDT results will depend on several factors, such as the quality of the test
plan, test procedures, and data analyses procedures, as described in subsequent chapters of this AC.
In general, the value of NDT will be greater for primary transport airports compared to general aviation
(GA) airports. However, if a GA airport supports, or will support, aircraft with a maximum gross takeoff
weight greater than 30,000 lb (13,500 kg), or heavier are expected to use the airport on an infrequent
basis, NDT may be useful in evaluating the pavement. Also, because of the increasing number of business
jets that operate from reliever and GA airports, NDT may add significant value to a GA pavement study.
If nondestructive testing is indicated, the airport operator should consider the operational impacts of
operating the equipment on the airside. While NDT equipment can collect data at many locations over a
relatively short period of time, the airport may not be able to close a particular facility during peak
periods of aircraft operations.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

Depending on the frequency and types of NDT tests, the work on a typical runway that is 9,000 ft (2,800
m) long and 150 ft (45 m) wide normally takes 1 to 2 days. If peak traffic occurs during daylight hours, it
may be more efficient to conduct the NDT at night when the facility can be closed for 6 to 8 hour periods.
If the sponsor and engineer decide to conduct NDT, they should carefully consider the type of equipment
that will be used for the study. In general, the equipment should be capable of imparting a dynamic load
to the pavement that creates deflections and loads that are large enough to be accurately recorded with the
sensors on the pavement surface. The required magnitude of the dynamic load will depend primarily on
the thickness and strength of the pavement layers. If the deflections are adequate for the structure and type
of aircraft that will use the pavement, the NDT equipment sensors should provide accurate and repeatable
deflection measurements at each sensor location.
Repeatability is important for two reasons. First, NDT may be conducted at multiple load levels to learn
more about the pavement structure, such as whether voids exist or if the subgrade soil is stress sensitive
and appears to get harder or softer with increasing load. To characterize the pavement properly, the
sensors must accurately and consistently record deflection data. Second, because pavements deteriorate
over time, subsequent pavement evaluation and NDT work may be important. To quantify the rate of
deterioration, it is important to have reliable deflection data at different times during the pavement’s
design life.

1 1 . Static Devices. The most common static device is the Benkleman Beam, although several other
devices have been built to automate its use. Examples of automated beams include the Swedish La Croix
Deflectograph; the British Transport and Road Research Laboratory Pavement Deflection Data Logging
(PDDL), which is a modified La Croix Deflectograph; and Caltran’s California Traveling Deflectometer.
Figure 7 shows a Benkleman Beam that has not been automated.

Figure 7. Benkleman Beam

The Benkleman Beam measures the deflection under a static load, such as a truck or aircraft. The truck
weight is normally 18,000 lb (200 kg) or a single axle with dual tires. The tip of the beam is placed
between the dual tires and the rebound deflection is measured as the vehicle moves away from the beam.
The primary advantages that are associated with the Benkleman Beam are its simplicity and the numerous
design procedures that have historically used beam data. Disadvantages to its use include longer testing


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

time and the lack of repeatability of results as compared with more modern devices. The Benkleman
Beam also does not typically provide deflection basin data for back-calculation of pavement layer moduli.

1 2. Vibratory Devices. Vibratory devices include the Dynaflect and the Road Rater.
a. Dynaflect. The Dynaflect, shown in Figure 8, is an electromechanical device for measuring
dynamic deflection. It is mounted on a two-wheel trailer and is stationary when the measurements are
taken. A 1,000-pound (5 kN) peak-to-peak sinusoidal load is applied through two rubber coated steel
wheels at a fixed 8 Hz frequency. The counter-rotating masses produce a sinusoidal pavement deflection,
which is recorded by velocity transducers.

Figure 8. Dynaflect Deflection Trailer

Advantages of the Dynaflect include high reliability, low maintenance, and the ability to measure the
deflection basin. A major disadvantage of the equipment is the low dynamic load amplitude, which is
significantly less than normal aircraft loads. The relatively light load may not produce adequate
deflections on heavy airport pavements and the back- calculated subgrade moduli may not be accurate.
Therefore, the use of this device is only recommended for light load pavements serving aircraft less than
12,500 lb (5,670 kg).


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

b. Road Rater. The Road Rater, shown in Figure 9, also measures dynamic deflection using a
sinusoidal force generated by a hydraulic acceleration of a steel mass. Several models are available that
have peak-to-peak loading that ranges from a low of 500 lb (2 kN) to a high of 8,000 lb (35 kN).
Pavement response is measured at the center of the loading plate and at radial offset distances using four
to seven velocity transducers, depending on the model. The Road Rater can measure deflection basins, as
well as dynamic response over a broad range of frequencies. It has a rapid data acquisition system and its
wide use has resulted in the availability of large amounts of data on pavement response and performance.
The major disadvantage of some models of the Road Rater is low force amplitude.

Figure 9. Road Rater

1 3 . Impulse Devices. These devices measure deflection using a free-falling mass onto rubber springs
to produce an impulse load. The magnitude of the calculated dynamic load and the resultant pavement
deflections are recorded. Generally, these devices fall into one of two categories: FWD and HWD. Most
impulse devices are classified as a HWD when they are able to generate a maximum dynamic load that is
greater than 34,000 lb (150 kN).
There are several manufacturers of FWDs and HWDs, including KUAB America, Dynatest Group,
Phoenix Scientific, Inc., Foundation Mechanics, Inc., and Viatest. These impulse devices all share several
common advantages for this type of deflection measuring equipment. The FWD and HWD are believed to
better simulate moving wheel loads, can measure the extent of the deflection basin, have relatively fast
data acquisition, and require only a small preload on the pavement surface. The disadvantages of the
equipment are minimal and related more to the overall systems and different pulse durations used on
different models. Table 2 provides a detailed summary of the impulse equipment specifications.


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Table 2. Detailed Specifications for Selected FWDs and HWDs

Dynatest KUAB Carl Bro Group
Mechanics, Inc.
Load Range, 1,500 - 54,000 1,500 - 54,000 1,500 - 66,000 1,500 - 56,000
lb (kN) (7 - 240) (7 - 240) (7 - 300) (7 - 250)
Load Duration,
25 - 30 ms Selectable 56 ms 25 - 30 ms
Load Rise Time Variable Selectable 28 millisecond 12 - 15 ms
Load Generator One-mass Two-mass One-mass One-mass
Segmented or
Type of Load Rigid with rubberized Rigid with rubberized Four segmented plate
nonsegmented with
Plate pad or split plate pad with rubberized pad
rubberized pads
Diameter of
12 and 18 12 and 18 12 and 18 12 and 18
Load Plate,
(30 and 45) (30 and 45) (30 and 45) (30 and 45)
in (cm)
Type of Geophones with or Seismometers with Geophones with or
Deflection without dynamic Geophones static field calibration without dynamic
Sensors calibration device device calibration device
Sensor 0 - 90 0 - 96 0 - 72 0 - 96
Positions, (0 - 225) (0 - 240) (0 - 180) (0 - 250)
in (cm)
Number of
7-9 7 7 9 - 12
80 or 100
Sensor Range, 80 (2) 200 (5) 90 (2.2)
(2 or 2.5 mm)
mils (mm)
1 im (0.04 mils) 1 im (0.04 mils) 1 im (0.04 mils) 1 im (0.04 mils)
Accuracy of
2 µm ± 2% 2 µm ± 2% 2 µm ± 2% 2 µm ± 2%
Test Time
Required 25 seconds 30 seconds 35 seconds 20 seconds
(four loads)
Type of
Personal computer Personal computer Personal computer Personal computer


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

a. KUAB America. KUAB manufactures a FWD (Figure 10) and HWD, which include five models
with load ranges up to 66,000 lb (290 kN). The load is applied through a two-mass system, and the
resultant dynamic response is measured with seismometers and LVDT through a mass-spring reference
system. The load plate is segmented to provide a uniform pressure distribution to the pavement.

Figure 10. Kuab FWD

b. Dynatest Group. Dynatest manufactures both a FWD (Figure 11) and a HWD with models that
generate dynamic loads up to 54,000 lb (240 kN). The weights are dropped onto a rubber buffer system.
Seven to nine velocity transducers are then used to measure the load and dynamic response.

Figure 11. Dynatest FWD


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

c. Carl Bro Group. Carl Bro manufactures a FWD and a HWD generating dynamic loads up to
56,000 lb (250 kN). Furthermore, Carl Bro manufactures the portable FWD (LWD) – PRIMA 100 – for
on-site measurement and analysis of collected data, shown in Figure 12. All equipment types are module-
designed. With PRI models, this means that it is possible to move the measuring equipment from a trailer
chassis into a van and to upgrade from 7-150 kN to 7-250 kN. With PRIMA 100, this means that one or
two additional geophones can be connected depending on the work to be performed and wireless and GPS
operation. The LWD uses one to three velocity transducers and FWD and HWD equipment uses 9 - 12
velocity transducers to measure load and dynamic response. Weights are dropped on a rubber buffer
system and the load plates are four-split allowing maximum contact to the surface measured upon.

Figure 12. Carl Bro FWD/HWD and LWD Trailer, Van-Integrated or Portable


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

d. Foundation Mechanics, Incorporated. Foundation Mechanics also manufactures a JILS FWD

and a JILS HWD (Figure 13) that generate loads from 1,500 lb (7 kN) to 54,000 lb (240 kN). The FWD
and HWD use two mass elements and a four-spring set combination to impose a force impulse in the
shape of a half-sine wave. Load magnitude, duration, and rise time are dependent on the mass, mass drop
height, and arresting spring properties. Seven velocity transducers are typically used to measure the
dynamic response.

Figure 13. JILS HWD

1 4 . Use of Historical Data. Although impulse deflection measuring equipment is widely used in the
pavement industry, vibratory and static equipment are still in operation, and extensive amounts of data
using these devices have been collected over many years. Since historical data are important in a
pavement study, Chapter 7 discusses how those data, or data from older devices, can be used in the
pavement study.


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Intentionally Left Blank


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1 5 . General. This chapter addresses key issues that an airport operator or engineer should consider
when selecting or approving a specific NDT device for an airport pavement study. The FAA does not
have an approved list of deflection measuring equipment but does want to ensure that standards are
established for the collection of deflection data.

1 6 . Need for Standardization. The analysis of raw deflection data can lead to varying conclusions
regarding the strength of a pavement. Therefore, it is important to ensure that deflection data are
consistent and repeatable among the various types of equipment within the static, vibratory, and impulse
NDT categories. Because of Federal participation in pavement studies, the FAA must have standards to
ensure reliable data collection.
A valuable benefit of NDT data is the ability to record relative variations in pavement strength between
test locations. Variations in pavement strength are typically the result of variations in layer thicknesses
and strength, temperature susceptibility of paving materials, seasonal effects, water table heights, frost
depths, and NDT equipment itself.
This chapter provides guidance on standardization for the various components of deflection measuring
equipment so equipment or test variance can be minimized. Table 3 provides ASTM references for the
equipment categories addressed in this AC. As previously described, the most common type of NDT
equipment in use today is the impulse load device, (i.e., FWD or HWD). ASTM D 4694, Standard Test
Method for Deflections with a Falling-Weight-Type Impulse Load Device, addresses key components of
this device, which include instruments exposed to the elements, the force-generating device (for example,
falling weight), the loading plate, the deflection sensor, the load cell, and the data processing and storage

Table 3. ASTM Standards for Deflection Measuring Equipment

NDT Equipment Type
Static Vibratory Impulse

D 1195, Standard Test Method for Repetitive Static Plate Load Tests of
Soils and Flexible Pavement Components, for Use in Evaluation and ●
Design of Airport and Highway Pavements

D 1196, Standard Test Method for Nonrepetitive Static Plate Load Tests of
Soils and Flexible Pavement Components, for Use in Evaluation and ●
Design of Airport and Highway Pavements

D 4602, Standard Guide for Nondestructive Testing of Pavements Using

Cyclic-Loading Dynamic Deflection Equipment
D 4694, Standard Test Method for Deflections with A Falling-Weight-

Type Impulse Load Device

D 4695, Standard Guide for General Pavement Deflection Measurements ● ● ●

Calibration of the equipment is very important to ensure accurate recordation of deflection data. ASTM D
4694 recommends the following calibration schedule for the impulse load device:


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

a. Force-Generating Device (prior to testing or other component calibration). This calibration

involves preconditioning the device by dropping the weight at least five times and checking the relative
difference in each loading.
b. Deflection Sensors (at least once a month or as specified by the manufacturer). During this
calibration, the deflection measurements for each sensor are adjusted so they will produce the same
deflection measurement within the precision limits of the sensors, as specified by the manufacturer.

1 7 . FAA Sensitivity Study. Assuming the NDT device is correctly calibrated and functioning
properly, the engineer or equipment operator will make several decisions concerning testing options for
the deflection measuring equipment.
a. Load Plate Diameter. Many impulse-loading equipment manufacturers offer the option of a 12-
in (30 cm) or an 18 in (45 cm) diameter load plate. There are several important factors that should be
considered when selecting the load plate size for a pavement study, including the following:
(1) Most Common Plate Size—It is much easier to evaluate NDT data if all the data has been
collected using one plate size. Most analysis software has been written for both 12 in (30 cm) and 18 in
(45 cm) plate sizes.
(2) Pavement Layer Compression—A larger load plate has the advantage of distributing the
impulse load over larger areas and minimizing the amount of layer compression. The importance of the
plate size depends on the magnitude of the load, surface temperature, and if the surface layer consists of
unbound or bounded material. Since most NDT work is conducted on HMA and PCC surfaces when the
pavement is not extremely hot, compression is generally not a significant concern. However, if NDT is
conducted on an unbound granular base, subbase, or subgrade, the larger plate may be more
(3) Plate Seating on Pavement Surface—If the surface of the pavement is very rough, the larger
plate may not seat properly on the surface and cause a nonuniform distribution of the impulse load. A
segmented load plate helps mitigate the effects of a rough surface.
(4) Summary—The 12 in (30 cm) load plate is normally used when testing on bound surface
materials. If NDT is to be performed on unbound base, subbase, or subgrade materials an 18 in (45 cm)
load plate should be used. If the manufacturer does not provide the larger load plate, the engineer can use
the smaller load plate, but should rely more on the deflection sensors away from the load plate.
b. Sensor Spacing and Number. The number of available sensors depends on the manufacturer and
equipment model. As a result, the sensor spacing will depend on the number of available sensors and the
length of the sensor bar. Although most NDT equipment allows for the sensors to be repositioned for each
pavement study, it is desirable to conduct NDT work using the same configuration, regardless of the type
of pavement structure.
Table 4 shows common sensor configurations that are used by various agencies. In general, those NDT
devices that have more sensors can more accurately measure the deflection basin that is produced by
static or dynamic loads. Most agencies prefer to limit the distance between sensor spacing to no more than
12 in (30 cm). The exception is the seventh sensor in the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP)
configuration, where there are 24 in (60 cm) between the sixth and seventh sensors.
Accurate measurement of the deflection basin is especially important when analyzing the deflection data
to compute the elastic modulus of each pavement layer. However, it is also very important to ensure that
the magnitude of deflection in the outermost sensor is within the manufacturer’s specifications for the
sensors. The magnitude of the deflection in the outermost sensor depends primarily on the magnitude of
the dynamic load, the thickness and stiffness of the pavement structure, and the depth to an underlying
rock or stiff layer.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

Table 4. Common Sensor Configurations

Configuration Sensor Distance from Center of Load Plate, in (cm)

Name Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Sensor 4 Sensor 5 Sensor 6 Sensor 7

12 24 36 48 60 72
U.S. Air Force AF 7-Sensor 0
(30) (60) (90) (120) (150) (180)
SHRP 4- 12 24 36
FHWA and Sensor (30) (60) (90)
State DOT SHRP 7- 6 12 18 24 36 60
Sensor (15) (30) (45) (60) (90) (150)

c. Pulse Duration. For impulse-load NDT equipment, the force-pulse duration is the length of time
between an initial rise in the dynamic load until it dissipates to near zero. Both the FAA and ASTM
recognize a pulse duration in the range of 20 to 60 milliseconds as being typical for most impulse-load
devices. Likewise, rise time is the time between an initial rise in the dynamic load and its peak before it
begins to dissipate. Typical rise times for impulse-load devices are in the range of 10 to 30 milliseconds.
d. Load Linearity. During the analysis of deflection data, engineers often assume that all layers in
the structure respond in a linear elastic mode. For example, this means that a 10-percent increase in the
magnitude of the dynamic load from the NDT device will lead to a 10-percent increase in the response to
the dynamic load increase. For most pavement structures and testing conditions, traditional paving
materials will behave in a linear elastic manner within the load range that the tests are conducted.
At the NAPTF, the FAA studied the response of the flexible pavement test items. The test sections
included flexible pavement on aggregate and stabilized bases that were constructed on low-, medium-,
and high-strength subgrade. The FAA tested each test section using HWD loads of 12,000 lb (50 kN),
24,000 lb (107 kN), and 36,000 lb (160 kN).
Figure 14 and Figure 15 show the linear behavior of the HMA test sections in terms of the ISM and back-
calculated subgrade elastic modulus. The procedures for back-calculation of the subgrade modulus are
discussed in Chapter 7. For the ISM and computed subgrade modulus, results of the sensitivity study
showed there is little difference in the pavement response when the HWD impulse load is changed,
provided the measured deflections are within the specified limits of the sensors. A linear response was
also observed when the FAA conducted similar tests on the instrumented PCC runway test section at
Denver International Airport (DIA), CO.
Based on the results from the sensitivity studies at the NAPTF and DIA, the amplitude of the impulse
load is not critical provided the generated deflections are within the limits of all deflection sensors. The
key factors that will determine the allowable range of impulse loads are pavement layer thicknesses and
material types. Thus, unless the pavement is a very thick PCC or HMA overlaid PCC structure, most
FWD devices will be acceptable since they will be able to generate sufficient deflections for reliable data
Generally, the impulse load should range between 20,000 lb (90 kN) and 55,000 lb (250 kN) on
pavements serving commercial air carrier aircraft, provided the maximum reliable displacement sensor is
not exceeded. Lighter loads may be used on thinner GA pavements.


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Figure 14. Evaluation of HWD Force Linearity in Terms of ISM

Figure 15. Evaluation of HWD Force Linearity in Terms of Subgrade Elastic Modulus

1 8 . Summary of FAA Policy. This section provides guidance on the equipment options that are
associated with most types of deflection measuring equipment. Proper configuration of the NDT device
regarding load plate size, sensor number and spacing, and impulse load magnitudes will ensure that
consistent, reliable, and reusable deflection data can be recorded with the equipment. Before mobilizing
to the field, the engineer should develop an NDT test plan, as described in Chapter 5, that can be properly
executed, as described in Chapter 6.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B


1 9 . General. Chapter 4 presented several equipment options for various NDT devices. This chapter
discusses how to prepare an NDT plan before mobilizing to the field. Chapter 6 focuses on executing that
NDT plan in the field. Together, all three chapters stress the importance of standardization so the
deflection data that is recorded in the field is consistent, repeatable, and reliable. Data collection methods
that meet these requirements will help ensure that future deflection data for the same pavement section
can be compared to previous results to determine how quickly the pavement may be deteriorating at
various stages of its design life.

2 0 . Justification for NDT. Before developing an NDT test plan, the airport operator and engineer
should decide if the current situation warrants the collection of deflection data. Visual condition surveys,
such as the PCI procedure, provide excellent information regarding the functional condition of the
pavement. However, visual distress data can only provide an indirect measure of the structural condition
of the pavement structure. Nondestructive testing combined with the analytical procedures described
herein can provide a direct indication of a pavement’s structural performance.
Many commercial hub airports have fleet mixes that contain heavy narrow- and wide-body aircraft at a
significant number of annual departures. The potential for structural damage typically depends on the
number of annual departures and the maximum gross takeoff weights (MGTOW) of aircraft exceeding
100,000 lb (45,000 kg).
On the other end of the scale, most GA airports do not support routine operation of aircraft with MGTOW
exceeding 60,000 lb (27,000 kg). However, there are scenarios where one or two departures of a heavy
aircraft could cause significant damage to the pavement structure. Therefore, the ability to evaluate
whether the pavement can accommodate occasional overload situations significantly benefit airport
operation. Also, many GA airports service high tire pressure corporate jet operations of 20,000 lb (9,000
kg) to 60,000 lb (27,000 kg) that could justify an NDT program.
Once the airport operator and engineer have decided to include NDT in their pavement study, they should
focus on the number and types of tests that will be conducted. The total number of tests will depend
primarily on three factors:
a. The area of the pavements to be included in the study.
b. The types of pavement.
c. The type of study, which is typically referred to as a project or network-level investigation.
Project-level investigations refer to studies that are conducted in support of pavement rehabilitation,
reconstruction, and new construction designs. Network-level studies generally support the implementation
and updates of pavement management systems. The frequency of the NDT is greater in a project-level
study that may typically include only one or two pavement facilities. This is in contrast to a network-level
study, which may include all airside pavements, all landside pavements, or both.


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

2 1 . NDT Test Objectives. The objective of the NDT program is to collect deflection data that will
support the objectives of a project or network-level pavement study. The data should be collected
efficiently with minimal disruption to aircraft or vehicle traffic operations on the airside and landside of
an airport. The NDT test plan should support the project and network-level objectives, which can be
categorized as follows:
a. Project-Level Objectives:
(1) Evaluate the load-carrying capacity of existing pavements.
(2) Provide material properties of in-situ pavement layers for the design of pavement
rehabilitation alternatives, which include restoration, functional and structural overlays, partial
reconstruction (for example, runway keel), and complete reconstruction.
b. Network-Level Objectives:
(1) Supplement PCI survey data that may be stored in an APMS database for those scenarios
where the NDT data will lead to the development of a multiyear Capital Improvement Program (CIP).
(2) Generate Pavement Classification Numbers (PCN) for each airside facility in accordance with
AC 150/5335-5.

2 2 . NDT Test Types. There are several types of tests that may be conducted during a pavement
study. For all types of pavements, the most common test is a center test. For jointed PCC and HMA
overlaid PCC pavements, this is a test in the center of the PCC slab. For HMA pavements, this is a test in
the center of the wheel path away from any cracks that may exist. The center test serves primarily to
collect deflection data that form a deflection basin that can be used to estimate the strength of the
pavement and subgrade layers.
For PCC and HMA overlaid PCC pavements, there are several other types of tests that will help
characterize the structure. All of these tests focus on the fact that most PCC pavements have joints and
most HMA overlaid PCC pavements have surface cracks that have reflected up from PCC joints. NDT at
various locations on the joints, as shown in Figure 16, provides data regarding pavement response to
aircraft loads and changes in climatic conditions.

Figure 16. NDT Test Locations within a PCC Slab


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

Testing at longitudinal and transverse joints shows how much of an aircraft’s main gear is transferred
from the loaded slab to the unloaded slab, as shown in Figure 17. As the amount of load transfer is
increased to the unloaded slab, the flexural stress in the loaded slab decreases and the pavement life is
extended. The amount of load transfer depends on many factors, including pavement temperature, the use
of dowel bars, and the use of a stabilized base beneath the PCC surface layer.

Figure 17. Load Transfer across A PCC Joint

Corner testing is another common location to test, as shown in Figure 16. This is an area where a loss of
support beneath the PCC slab occurs more often than other areas in the slab. Voids or a loss of support
generally first occur in the slab corner because this is where deflections are the greatest in a PCC slab.
Therefore, if concrete slabs have corner breaks there is a possibility that voids exist. Corner slab testing
on uncracked slabs in the area would be important in this case. Often, concrete midslab, joint, and corner
tests are performed on the same slab to evaluate the relative stiffness at different locations.

2 3 . Test Locations and Spacing. Once the types of NDT have been selected, the next step is to
select the location and testing interval for each pavement facility. Depending on the operating conditions
and types of tests, the NDT operator can typically collect deflection data at 150 to 250 locations per 8-
hour shift.
While NDT will provide much better coverage of the pavement than destructive testing (for example,
bores and cores), a balance should be obtained between coverage, cost, and time.
Table 5 provides general guidance on the spacing and location of testing for taxiways and runways. The
offset recommendations are based on an assumed longitudinal joint spacing of approximately 18 ft (6 m)
for PCC pavements. The offset distance refers to the distance from the taxiway and runway centerline.
The third offset distances of 60 ft (18 m) and 65 ft (20 m) are applicable for runways that are wider than
125 ft (38 m). Table 6 provides general guidance on the frequency and location of testing for aprons.
The total number of tests for each facility should be evenly distributed in a grid. Each adjacent NDT pass
in the grid should be staggered to obtain comprehensive coverage. For testing of airside access roads,
perimeter roads, and other landside pavement, the recommendations provided in ASTM D 4695, Standard
Guide for General Pavement Deflection Measurements, should be followed. This ASTM standard refers
to network level testing as “Level I” and project level testing as “Level II” and “Level III.”


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Table 5. Typical Runway and Taxiway Test Locations and Spacing, Feet (m)
Jointed PCC and HMA Overlaid PCC HMA
Test Project Level Network Level Project Level Network Level
Offset Spacing Offset Spacing Offset Spacing Offset Spacing
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m)
100 (30)
100 (30)
10 (3) 100 - 200
100 - 200 200 - 400 200 - 400 200 - 400
Center 30 (9)
(30 - 60)
10 (3)
(60 - 120) (60 - 120)
(30 - 60) 10 (3)
(60 - 120)
65 (20) 200 - 400
400 (120)
(60 - 120)
100 - 200
10 (3) (30 - 60)
30 (9) 200 - 400 10 (3)
Joint 65 (20) (60 - 120)
400 (120)

20 (6) 200 (60)

40 (12) 400 (120)
Joint 60 (18) 400 (120)

20 (6) 200 (60)

Corner 40 (12) 400 (120)
60 (18) 400 (120)

For each centerline offset, there are two NDT passes, one to the left and one to the right; spacing is staggered
between adjacent NDT passes; and a minimum of two NDT tests should be conducted per pavement section.

Table 6. Typical Apron Test Locations and Frequency

Jointed PCC and HMA Overlaid PCC HMA, Sq Ft (Sq M)
Test Type
Project Level Network Level Project Level Network Level
1 test for every 1 test for every
1 test for every 1 test for every
Center 1,970 - 4,000 5,750 – 11,490
10 - 20 slabs 30 - 60 slabs
(600 - 1200) (1750 to 3,500)
Transverse 1 test for every 1 test for every
Joint 10 - 40 slabs 60 slabs
Longitudinal 1 test for every 1 test for every
Joint 20 - 40 slabs 60 slabs
1 test for every
20 - 40 slabs


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

2 4 . NDT Test Sketches. Once the test types, locations, and spacing have been established for the
pavement study, the next step is to prepare a sketch, such as those shown in Figure 18, Figure 19, and
Figure 20 that clearly shows this information. In addition, the test plan should show the beginning station
for each test facility and the direction of travel. Absent an airport wide stationing plan, the low-number
end of a runway (for example, end 16 of RW 16-34) can be established as NDT Station 0+00.

Figure 18. Example Runway or Taxiway Sketch When Centerline Lies on Slab Joint
Note the first number indicates PCC lane number and the second number indicates a location within a
lane (for example, along slab center or slab joint).

Figure 19. Example Runway or Taxiway Sketch When Centerline Does Not Lie on Slab Joint
Note the first number indicates PCC lane number and the second number indicates a location within the
lane (for example, along slab center or slab joint).


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Figure 20. Example Runway or Taxiway Sketch for HMA Pavements

Note the first number indicates the HMA lane number and second number indicates a “center” test for
HMA pavements.
The figures show ways to standardize the deflection recording process in the field. For example, the
centerline joint in Figure 18 is annotated as joint “9.2” and the centerline in Figure 19 is noted as “Lane
The figures provide one example of how to develop an NDT sketch so that the engineer and NDT
equipment operator can efficiently obtain deflection data in the field and minimize potential errors or
misunderstandings. In addition to the test lane nomenclature, the engineer should also develop standard
designations for each type of test that will be conducted. Standardizing is very important since each type
of data should be grouped for analysis, as discussed in Chapter 7. An example of numerical designations
or coding that could be used for HMA, PCC, and HMA overlaid PCC pavements are:
a. Center of PCC slab and HMA
b. Transverse joint
c. Longitudinal joint
d. Corner
e. Transverse crack
f. Longitudinal crack


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

2 5 . Special Considerations. It is important to consider how the climate and weather will affect NDT
results. In northern climates, NDT is generally not conducted during the winter if frost has penetrated into
the base, subbase, or subgrade. In addition, spring thaw represents a seasonal period when the pavement
may be very weak for a short period of time. While it may be beneficial to know the strength of the
pavement during spring thaw, it does not represent the typical strength of that structure throughout the
year. Therefore, if deflection data are not going to be collected more than once, the engineer should select
a test period that best represents the strength of the pavement for a majority of the year.
For both HMA and PCC pavements, NDT should not be conducted near cracks unless one of the test
objectives is to measure load transfer efficiency across the crack. For HMA pavements, NDT passes
should be made so that deflection data are at least 1.5 ft (0.5 m) to 3 ft (1 m) away from longitudinal
construction joints.
Another concern for NDT work on PCC pavements is slab curling. Slab curling occurs when the corner or
the center of the slab lifts off of the base due to differences in temperature between the top and bottom of
the slab. As shown in Figure 21, the slab corners may lift off the base during nighttime curling, while the
slab center and midjoints may lift off during daytime curling. The amount of curling depends primarily on
joint spacing, PCC layer thickness, temperature differential between the bottom and top of the slab, and
the stiffness of the base.

Figure 21. Thermal Curling in PCC Slab from Temperature Changes

It is important for engineers to be aware of possible curling so they are not confused by the results when
they are attempting to conduct a void analysis. Voids, or loss of support, may occur from temperature
curling, moisture warping, or erosion of the base. In most instances, the engineer is attempting to
determine if voids exist because of erosion, consolidation, or expansive soils. As discussed in Chapter 7,
for this purpose, engineers should conduct NDT at a time when the temperature is relatively constant
between the day and night.
Finally, NDT test plans should consider that several analysis procedures require more than one test per
location. Void analysis techniques generally require at least three load levels at each location. Likewise, if
there is concern about stress sensitivity of the subgrade, multiple tests at different load levels will also be


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2 6 . General. Chapter 5 presented guidelines for the development of a NDT plan that will meet the
objectives of project-level or network-level studies. If the NDT equipment is properly configured, as
discussed in Chapter 4, and a comprehensive NDT plan has been developed, the last step in the collection
of the raw deflection data is to mobilize to the airport and safely conduct the NDT work. To ensure that
quality data are collected in accordance with the NDT plan, the equipment operator should follow several
procedures, as described below.

2 7 . Equipment Mobilization. Prior to mobilizing to the field site, the equipment operator should run
through a pre-departure checklist, one designed for use with all NDT projects. The following list
highlights several key items that should appear on the checklist:
a. Airport management notified and facility closures coordinated with Airport Operations staff.
b. Appropriate aircraft security and access security clearances obtained.
c. A copy of the NDT test plan and sketch.
d. An airport map with access roads and gates shown.
e. A check of airport identifiers and radio frequencies.
f. An airport layout plan with all pavements and facilities labeled.
g. A list of key airport personnel and their telephone numbers.
h. Pavement construction history reports.
i. Verification that all badging requirements have been met.
j. Properly configured deflection sensors.
k. Equipment and supplies:
(1) Beacon and flag.
(2) Spray paint for marking key locations.
(3) NDT equipment spare parts.
(4) Radios.
(5) Small drill for temperature holes.
(6) Safety vests.
(7) Equipment lights for nighttime testing.
l. 24-Hour “go-no-go” checks:
(1) Weather acceptable.
(2) NDT equipment checks.
m. Load cell and deflection sensor calibration in check.
Within 24 hours of mobilization, the operator should check to see that weather en route and at the project
site is acceptable. In addition, the operator should conduct tests using the anticipated loads in accordance
with the test plan. A nondestructive testing device is a high-technology piece of equipment that often
requires maintenance and repair. It is much better to discover mechanical problems prior to setting off for
the job site.


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2 8 . Startup Operations. Equipment preparation for the start of data collection should be
accomplished prior to accessing the Airport Operations Area (AOA). The equipment operator should
develop the checklist and reuse it for each NDT project. The following checklist includes some items that
should be addressed prior to entering the AOA:
a. Has air traffic control been contacted to verify testing schedule?
b. If required, have escorts been contacted?
c. Are badges properly displayed?
d. Are all supplies readily available?
e. Are radios working?
f. Are copies of the NDT plan, maps, and contact telephone numbers on hand?
g. Has the NDT equipment been run to ensure it is working correctly?
Conducting these operations prior to entering the AOA has several advantages. Most importantly, the
NDT equipment will be ready to collect deflection data as soon as it is allowed on the AOA. It also
demonstrates to air traffic control that preparations have been made to operate on the airside and collect
data as quickly, safely, and efficiently as aircraft traffic operations will permit. Finally, if minor
maintenance or repair work is required, better lighting conditions will exist outside the AOA if the work
is being done at night.

2 9 . Data Collection. Deflection data may be collected under several operational scenarios. The NDT
operator may be working on a small, uncontrolled GA airport or on a large commercial hub airport. Most
large commercial airports require the NDT operator to be escorted and may issue a Notice to Airmen
(NOTAM) to close very busy facilities, such as a primary runway. Small airports, such as relievers, may
allow the NDT operator to collect deflection data on a “give way” basis during slow traffic periods. The
operator must be prepared to work under all conditions in a safe and efficient manner.
a. Industry Standards. The references in Table 3 provide guidance on field testing procedures.
Key field testing issues that are addressed in these documents include sensor accuracy and repeatability,
recording of time and test locations, and measurement of pavement temperature
b. Orientation Photos. Prior to the start of testing on a pavement facility, the operator should spray-
paint test lane (PCC) and pass (HMA) locations at Station 0+00. Each lane and pass should be at the
centerline offsets or grid locations specified in the NDT test plan. If the offsets need to be adjusted or
other elements of the plan need to be modified, the NDT operator should carefully note the changes and
reasons for the changes. After Station 0+00 and test lanes have been marked, the operator should
photograph or video tape the markings and an overview of the pavement facility, including typical surface
c. Record and Monitor Pavement Temperature. A pavement’s response under load is often
temperature dependent. This is especially true for HMA pavements where the modulus of elasticity may
change dramatically as the temperature changes. Also, load transfer across a non-doweled joint on a PCC
pavement may also change significantly with a change in temperature.
A good location to monitor the mid-depth temperature of an HMA or PCC surface layer is at Station
0+00. A hole large enough to accommodate a thermometer can be drilled by the operator and filled with
oil to record temperatures every two hours or as necessary. This location should be marked with spray
paint so the operator can easily find the temperature hole prior to starting NDT on the next lane or pass.
Air and pavement surface temperatures should also be recorded, hourly.


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d. Selection of Input Force. The NDT test plan should estimate the magnitude of the dynamic load
for the vibratory or impulse equipment. However, one of the first checks that the operator should make is
to ensure the pre-selected loads are generating deflections that are within the manufacturer-specified
limits of the sensors, as discussed in Chapter 4. If multiple tests are being conducted at each location at
different force levels, the operator should ensure that all load levels produce deflections within the sensor
The NDT operator may have to adjust the load levels throughout the data collection work if the pavement
types and thicknesses vary significantly. Given the anticipated variation in pavement structures, the
operator should select intermediate load levels that will generate deflections that are large enough for
thick pavements, but not too large for thin structures. If the range of deflections is within the limits of the
sensor accuracy, the testing operations will be more efficient and potential errors that may occur through
reconfiguration of the NDT device and operating software will be minimized. In addition, NDT work at
large commercial airports may require movement from one pavement facility to another prior to
completion of testing on a particular facility to accommodate air traffic control directives. An
intermediate load-level configuration will be especially beneficial in this situation.
e. Recording Deflection Measurements. Once proper input force levels have been established, the
operator can begin collecting deflection data in accordance with NDT test plan. The NDT operation
software that is used to record test data should allow the operator to record the following information, in
addition to the input force and sensor deflections:
(1) Configuration setup (for example, sensor spacing, load plate size, and project description).
(2) Air, pavement surface, and surface layer mid-depth temperatures.
(3) Optional comments about pavement condition at a test location.
(4) Test location, as discussed in Chapter 5 and depicted on Figure 18 and Figure 20.
(a) Station (automatically recorded with most software).
(b) Lane (PCC) or pass (HMA) number (for example, 1.X).
(c) Location within each PCC lane (for example, X.1 or X.2 for center or joint).
(d) Location within each PCC slab (for example, 2 for transverse joint)
If the equipment operating software allows this information to be recorded and a comprehensive test plan
has been developed, the data can be efficiently processed to allow comprehensive evaluation of results. If
data analysis software is available, the NDT operator should record all deflection data for a pavement
facility in a single file. The NDT operator should use a file naming nomenclature that allows the engineer
to quickly understand what data are in the file, such as “RW12_30” for Runway 12-30. Before the NDT
equipment is shut down for the day, the operator should back up all NDT data files on the laptop
f. Monitoring Deflection Data. It is very important for the NDT operator to continuously monitor
the data. In addition to the mirrors on a towing vehicle, most NDT devices are equipped with a monitor in
the tow vehicle and cameras surrounding the load plate that allow the operator to get a good view of the
pavement surface in the vicinity of the load plate. As the equipment is moved into a testing position, the
surface area should be checked to be sure it is clean and free of debris. A clean test location ensures the
load plate will seat properly and that reliable deflection data will be recorded.
If the deflection data look suspicious, the operator should rerun the test sequence at the same location.
Typical deflection anomalies include nondecreasing deflections from the load plate and high D1 sensor
(load plate) deflections compared to previous tests in that test lane. These anomalies may occur because
of anomalies in the pavement structure or may indicate an equipment problem. In either case, the NDT
operator should repeat the test at least once.


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As testing proceeds along the test lane and pavement facility, differences in the pavement construction
may require alteration of the NDT test plan. For example, the width of an HMA paving lane may change
and require the planned offset distance from the centerline to be changed to avoid being within 3 ft (1 m)
of the longitudinal construction joint. These changes should be annotated on the NDT plan sketch and
should include information as to why the changes are needed and at what lane and station location the
change was made.

3 0 . Special Test Conditions. For the following scenarios, testing time and locations may have to be
changed to safely collect accurate deflection data.
a. High or Low Temperatures. Many NDT devices will not operate properly when the ambient air
temperature is too high or too low. If the temperature is too low, many manufacturers do not recommend
conducting NDT because of the stress put on the equipment, especially those devices that are
hydraulically operated. Likewise, if the temperature is too high, an HMA surface layer may compress
excessively, leading to the recording of low-quality data. For these scenarios, the testing should be
postponed until more moderate temperatures are encountered.
b. High-Volume Landside Roads. If testing must be conducted during the day, traffic control
procedures should be used similar to those typically used by state Department of Transportation.
Alternatively, testing should be conducted late at night when traffic levels have decreased to an
acceptable level.
c. Sensor Configurations for PCC Testing. As discussed in Chapter 5, the NDT plan may require
tests to be performed at the center, corner, transverse joint, and longitudinal joints of PCC slabs. These
tests may also have to be performed at these locations for HMA overlaid PCC when cracks have reflected
to the surface from underlying joints. The manufacturer’s NDT devices and operation software may
permit additional sensors to be installed on both sides and behind the load plate, as shown in Figure 22.








Figure 22. Location of Additional Sensors for Corner and Joint Testing


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As Figure 22 indicates, no additional sensors are required to collect slab center and transverse joint
deflections along the PCC lane. However, an additional sensor behind the load plate will allow for
transverse joint load transfer with the load plate on either side of the joint. This may be important if the
aircraft or vehicle traffic is largely unidirectional.
On PCC pavement, the NDT operator should conduct corner tests so the load plate is within 6 in (15 cm)
of the transverse and longitudinal joints. An additional side sensor allows the operator to efficiently move
the NDT equipment forward and test for load transfer across the longitudinal joint. Properly positioned
cameras on the NDT device around the load plate make this maneuver much easier.

3 1 . Onsite Review of Data. At the end of each day’s testing, the operator should review the NDT
data files to ensure the data have been properly recorded. This is also a good time to add any additional
comments to the file while the testing events are still fresh in the operator’s mind. The operator should
review all files prior to leaving the job site. If there are significant errors or anomalies in the test data,
additional tests should be conducted before leaving the site. This eliminates the need to remobilize should
these errors not be discovered until after the NDT equipment has left the site.
Although Chapter 7 discusses NDT data analysis, it is important to mention that an onsite preliminary
analysis of the deflection data may be extremely valuable. A plot of raw deflection data and ISM values
versus station for each pavement facility may show suspect areas where additional test points would
improve the reliability of the analysis results.


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3 2 . General. This chapter presents the next step in the pavement study -- analyzing the deflection
data to obtain pavement structural characteristics that are needed to complete the project-level or network-
level study. This chapter introduces several analysis procedures that can be used to obtain the desired
pavement characteristics for an HMA, PCC, or HMA overlaid PCC pavement.

3 3 . Overview of Process. Figure 23 provides an overview of the NDT data analysis process. Chapter
7 focuses on the analysis of the deflection data to evaluate the characteristics of the existing pavement
structure. Chapter 8 then focuses on how engineers use these pavement characteristics in structural
capacity analyses, rehabilitation designs, and the development of a multiyear CIP for a pavement
management system.

Figure 23. NDT Data Analysis And Design Flowchart

As shown in Figure 23, there are several characteristics that are used to evaluate the structural condition
of an existing pavement structure. The most common use of deflection data is to measure the strength of
the structure as a whole and each individual layer within the structure. Because most PCC pavements are
built using expansion, contraction, and construction joints, several additional characteristics are used to
evaluate the condition of the concrete pavements. These discontinuities in the PCC create opportunities
for the joint to deteriorate and transfer less load to the adjacent slab, lead to higher deflections at slab
corners that may create voids beneath the slab, and provide opportunities for excessive moisture
accumulation at the joints that may accelerate PCC material durability problems.


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

a. FAA Software Tools. Table 7 shows the software tools that are available to analyze the
deflection data, conduct a structural evaluation, perform a rehabilitation design, or develop a new
pavement cross-section. The tools shown in Table 7 will require varying levels of pavement engineering
expertise to correctly use them. Before using these tools, it is important to understand their theoretical
basis. Most software is accessible from the FAA web site

Table 7. FAA Software Tools for Pavement Analysis, Evaluation, And Design
NDT Data Analysis Evaluation 1 Design
Back-calculate HMA

Back-calculate PCC moduli ●
Back-calculate APC2

Compute load transfer ●
Conduct void analysis ●
Compute allowable loads ● ● ● ● ●
Compute remaining life ● ● ●
Compute PCN ●
Perform HMA overlay
● ●
Perform PCC overlay
● ●
Design new HMA cross-
● ●
Design PCC Cross-section ● ●
1 These evaluation tools can be used for design checks but are not approved FAA design programs.
2 APC is asphalt overlaid PCC pavements.

b. Background on FAA Software Tools. Most of the design tools shown in Table 7 are based on
structural models that use static material property characteristics. Vibratory and impulse NDT devices
generate dynamic loads that measure the pavement’s response to those dynamic loads.
Therefore, for selected material properties, adjustments may be required before using the programs in
Table 7. These adjustments are discussed throughout this chapter.
Although engineers have several choices regarding FAA software tools, they should select programs that
have the same theoretical basis for a study. Stated differently, the back-calculation methods used should
be consistent with the forward computational procedure that will be used for structural evaluation and
design. As shown in Table 8, the FAA software is based on CBR, elastic layer, or the Winkler
foundations. Since there are no NDT data analysis tools that are based on CBR, the engineer must use
elastic layer theory or the Winkler foundation to perform a NDT data analysis. If the engineer wants to
use elastic layer theory for the study, elastic layer-based programs should be used for NDT data analysis,
pavement evaluation, and pavement design. The same would be true for studies based on the Winkler
foundation. For CBR-based studies, the engineer should use an elastic layer program, such as BAKFAA,
for NDT data analysis and then convert the elastic modulus values to CBR values, as discussed in
Chapter 8.
The design theory and, hence, the software tool that should be used to analyze pavement performance is
based primarily on pavement type. HMA or flexible pavements are analyzed and designed using CBR or
elastic layer theory. PCC or rigid pavements are routinely evaluated using the Winkler foundation and
Westergaard’s theory, layered elastic theory, or a finite element analysis. Composite pavements or HMA


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overlaid PCC are normally analyzed using the Winkler foundation if the HMA overlay is thin. However,
if the HMA overlay is very thick relative to the thickness of the PCC, elastic layer analysis may be more

Table 8. Theoretical Basis of FAA Software Tools

Structural Theory
FAA Tool Winkler Foundation
CBR Elastic Layer
Westergaard Finite Element
F806FAA ●
R805FAA ●
These programs can be downloaded from the FAA’s website at

3 4 . Process Raw Deflection Data. The boundary limits of pavement sections within a facility may
have already been defined in a pavement management system or through a review of the construction
history. In a pavement management system, a section is defined as an area of pavement that is expected to
perform uniformly because of aircraft traffic levels, pavement age, or pavement cross-section. Deflection
data can be used to define or refine the limits of all sections within a pavement facility.
If the deflection data have been collected as described in Chapter 6, the data for a pavement facility may
be contained in one electronic file. This file may contain several types of deflection data, such as PCC
center, slab joint, and slab corner tests. The center deflection data should be extracted from the file and
reviewed to identify pavement section limits within the facility.
A preliminary analysis of the center deflection data is routinely conducted by plotting normalized
deflections or the ISM along the length of an apron, taxiway, or runway. The ISM or DSM is computed as
shown in Chapter 2. Raw data deflections are normalized by adjusting deflections to a standard load. For
example, one may want to normalize the deflections to a critical aircraft wheel load of 40,000 lb (18,000
kg), although deflections were recorded at impulse load levels of 31,500 lb (140 kN), 36,000 lb (160 kN),
and 42,500 lb (190 kN). Each deflection recorded at these load levels would have to be adjusted as
follows to obtain three normalized deflections at a load level of 40,000 lb (180 kN):

d0n = Normalized deflection
Lnorm = Normalized load
Lapplied = Applied load
d0 = Measured deflection at selected sensor location
When reviewing the profile plots of normalized deflections or ISM values, the engineer should look for
patterns of variability. The normalized deflections under the load plate and ISM values provide an


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indication of the overall strength of the entire pavement structure (i.e., pavement layers and subgrade) at
each NDT test location. For a given impulse load (for example, 40,000 lb (180 kN)), increasing ISM
values or decreasing normalized deflections indicate increasing pavement strength. Example profile plots
of ISM and normalized deflects are as illustrated in Figure 24 and Figure 25, respectively.

Figure 24. ISM Plot to Identify Pavement Section Breaks


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Figure 25. Normalized Deflection Plot Used to Identify Pavement Section Breaks
Figure 24 illustrates how the ISM profile plots were used to identify four different pavement sections
within this pavement facility. It is clear from this figure that section 1 is the strongest of all four sections
since its average ISM value is significantly higher than all other sections. Although the mean ISM values
for sections 2, 3, and 4 are similar, ISM variability is much higher in section 3.
Likewise, section 2 may be the weakest of the sections because the HMA layer is less than 5 in (13 cm)
thick or the stabilized base may be very weak. Profile plots can identify locations for coring and boring
work that will provide additional information on layer thickness and strength.
Figure 25 shows that normalized deflection profile plots can also be used to identify the limits of
pavement sections within a particular facility. As these profile plots show, stronger pavement sections
have lower normalized deflections. The engineer can use either normalized deflections or ISM values to
identify section limits. ISM values are used more frequently and provide information independent of
Deflection data can also be used to identify variations in the subgrade strength along a pavement facility.
A sensor that is located a precomputed distance from the center of the load plate may provide a good
estimate of the subgrade strength. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) 1993 design procedures provide guidance for the distance the sensor should be from
the load plate to reflect the subgrade strength (for example, outside of the stress bulb at the subgrade-
pavement interface).
For typical modulus values of HMA and PCC and three subgrade strengths Table 9 shows the
approximate distance the sensor should be from a 12 in (30 cm) diameter load plate to reflect the subgrade
strength. Using Table 9 as a guide, the engineer should select the sensor that is closest to the value shown
in the table, which is not necessarily the outermost sensor on the NDT device. Since most NDT devices
do not record deflections beyond 72 in (180 cm), this table shows that the outermost sensor may not
provide a good indication of the subgrade strength for thick PCC pavements.


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Figure 26 shows that deflections measured 24 in (60 cm) from the center of the load plate can be used to
compare subgrade strengths along the pavement facility. Table 9 shows that for all four sections, the NDT
sensor at a distance of 24 in (60 cm) from the load plate, is acceptable and should provide a good
indication of subgrade strength. Figure 26 shows that subgrade strengths for all four sections are
significantly different.

Table 9. Required Sensor Distance (Inch) From Load Plate with 12 Inch (30 cm) Diameter

Surface Layer Subgrade CBR

Surface Type
Thickness, in (cm) 4 (Weak) 12 (Average) 20 (Strong)
4 (10) 15 12 9
8 (20) 30 24 18
12 (30) 84 60 48
20(50) 144 108 84
The shaded areas show the required sensor distance beyond the typical NDT equipment maximum of 70 in (180

Figure 26. Normalized Subgrade Deflection Plot Used to Identify Pavement Sections
Once the boundary limits of the pavement sections have been refined or defined within a pavement
facility, the raw deflection data for each section must be separated from the facility data file for analysis.


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After the deflection test data has been separated by pavement section, the data need to be further
subdivided by NDT test type. As shown in Figure 23, the following types of deflection data collection
will be required to conduct the analysis work described in this chapter:
a. Center Deflection (Deflection Basin) Data. Pavement layer strengths and material durability.
b. Joint and Crack Deflection Data. Joint condition and material durability.
c. PCC Slab Corner Deflection Data. Support conditions and material durability.

3 5 . Back-Calculation Analysis. The engineer can use deflection basin data from flexible pavements
and rigid center NDT tests to compute the strength of pavement layers. The process that is used to
conduct this analysis is referred to as back-calculation because the engineer normally does the opposite of
traditional pavement design. Rather than determining the thickness of each pavement layer based on
assumed layer strengths, back-calculation typically involves solving for pavement layer strengths based
on assumed uniform layer thicknesses. Throughout the remainder of this chapter, layer strength is referred
to in terms of Young’s modulus of elasticity or simply the elastic modulus.
As discussed in this AC, the types of loads that are applied through the use of NDT equipment fall into
two general categories: static loads and dynamic loads. Dynamic loads include vibratory and impulse load
NDT devices discussed in Chapter 3. For both static and dynamic loads, the pavement can respond
linearly or nonlinearly to the applied loads.
Table 10 shows the possible scenarios that may exist during back-calculation work. In addition, this table
shows that finite element-based tools are required for theoretical modeling of pavements that are
dynamically loaded by vibratory- and impulse-based NDT devices. However, for routine fieldwork, the
FAA supports those software tools that are commonly used by all agencies and consultants who work in
the pavement industry. This includes those tools in Table 10 that fall in the static-linear category.

Table 10. Area-Based Constants for Equation 8

Area Method
SHRP 4-sensor
(0 to 36 in (0 to 90 cm) 36 1812.279 -2.559 4.387

SHRP 7-sensor
(0 to 60 in (0 to 150 cm) 60 289.078 -0.698 2.566

SHRP 5 outer sensors

(12 to 60 in (30 to 150 cm) 48 158.408 -0.476 2.22

Air Force 6 outer sensors

(12 to 72 in (30 to 180 cm) 60 301.8 -0.622 2.501

Back-calculation analysis work that falls in the static-linear category is typically conducted using two
procedures. The first category allows the engineer to use closed-form procedures that directly compute
the elastic modulus of each layer by using layer thicknesses and deflections from one or more sensors.
The second category uses an iterative mechanistic process to solve for the elastic modulus by using layer
thicknesses and deflections from at least four sensors.
Before conducting an analysis, the engineer should review the deflection tests that have been separated by
pavement facility and section for back-calculation. Regardless of the software tool that will be used in the
analysis, linear-elastic theory requires that pavement deflections decrease as the distance from the NDT


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load plate increases. In addition, for typical NDT sensor configurations, the deflections should gradually
decrease from the load plate to the outermost sensor.
Deflection basin anomalies could occur for several reasons, including the presence of a crack near the
load plate, a nonfunctioning sensor, sensor and NDT equipment configuration error, sensors not properly
calibrated, voids, loss of support, temperature curling or moisture warping of PCC slab, or several other
reasons. The engineer should review the deflection data and remove those data that have the following
 Type I Deflection Basin. In this scenario, the deflections at one or more of the outer sensors are
greater than the deflection under the load plate. This type of anomaly will produce the largest
error during back-calculation analysis.
 Type II Deflection Basin. Another less obvious anomaly is an unusually large decrease in
deflection between two adjacent sensors. While elastic layer theory requires deflections to
decrease as the distance from the load plate increases, the amount of decrease should be gradual
and relatively consistent between all sensors.
 Type III Deflection Basin. Similar to Type I, the deflection at the outermost sensor of two
adjacent sensors is greater than the deflection at the sensor that is closest to the load plate.
Figure 27 summarizes the deflection data preparation and analysis tool selection processes. The AASHTO
closed-form procedure for flexible pavements is appropriate for landside pavements and airside access
roads where truck and other vehicle traffic are the predominant types of loading, and the analysis will be
based on the AASHTO Design Guide. For PCC pavement analysis, HMA overlays are considered to be
thin if they are less than 4 in (10 cm) thick and the PCC layer thickness is less than 10 in (25 cm). The
HMA overlay is also considered to be thin if it is less than 6 in (15 cm) thick and the PCC layer is greater
than 10 in (25 cm) thick.

Figure 27. Process for Data Preparation and Back-Calculation Method Selection

a. Closed-Form Back-Calculation. Closed-form back-calculation algorithms are commonly used

when the results will be used for two specific design methodologies. The first methodology is based on
the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide for HMA pavements that relies on the resilient modulus (M,) of the
subgrade as computed by laboratory testing. The second algorithm, commonly referred to as the AREA-
based methodology, is used primarily for PCC or HMA overlaid PCC pavements when the design
procedure relies on the modulus of subgrade reaction, k, as discussed in Chapter 8.


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Equation 2 shows that the M, value for the subgrade can be calculated by using the deflections from the
appropriate sensor of the NDT equipment. Referring to Figure 26, this would be the 24 in (60 cm) from
the center of the load plate based on guidelines presented in Table 9.

Mr = Resilient modulus, in psi
P = Applied load, in pounds
dr = Measured deflection at distance r from applied load, in inches
r = Radial distance at which the deflection is measured, in inches

Table 11. Type of Back-Calculation Software Tool Required for Each Load Scenario
Type of Load Application
Material Response
Static Dynamic
Closed-form and
Linear Finite Element Tools
iteration-based tools
Non-Linear Iteration Based Tools Finite Element Tools
Dynamic loads include those generated by vibratory and impulse load NDT equipment.

For the four pavement sections shown in Figure 26, the dynamic resilient modulus values for the subgrade
would be as follows if the mean 12 in (60 cm) sensor deflections were used in the above equation: section
1, 72,150 psi (497 MPa); section 2, 26,780 psi (185 MPa); section 3, 43,650 psi (301 MPa); and section 4,
33,170 psi (229 MPa). The four mean deflections for this sensor position are 2.76, 7.48, 4.57, and 6.02
As expected, the subgrade strength for section 1 is the highest because it has been stabilized. These
subgrade modulus values would have to be adjusted to laboratory resilient modulus values using a
correction factor (typically, 0.33), as discussed in the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide, before conducting an
HMA pavement design or evaluation in accordance with those design procedures.
Another commonly used closed-form back-calculation procedure is the AREA-based methodology. This
methodology, also used in the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide, is predominantly used for PCC and HMA
overlaid PCC pavements when the design tool uses the subgrade modulus, k. AREA is computed by using
NDT deflections that form the deflection basins described in Chapter 2.
Figure 28 shows the steps that are required to compute the elastic modulus and subgrade modulus of
reaction, k, when an AREA-based procedure is used in the back-calculation analysis. AREA Equations 5
and 6 are used to account for the compression that occurs in the HMA overlay or in very thick PCC
pavements. These equations do not include the deflection under the load plate where compression occurs.


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Figure 28. Flowchart for Closed-Form Back-Calculation Using Area Method

The following AREA equations are based on the four and seven-sensor SHRP and U.S. Air Force
configurations. Equations 3 and 4 use the deflections from all sensors on the NDT device to calculate the
basin AREA. Equation 5 uses the outer five sensors from the SHRP seven-sensor configuration.
Likewise, Equation 6 uses the outer six sensors from the Air Force seven-sensor configuration.

AREA = AREA in inches for SHRP four sensor, SHRP seven sensor, SHRP outer five sensors,
and Air Force outer six sensors
do = Maximum deflection at the center of the load plate, in mils
di = Deflections at 8, 12, 18, 24, 26, 48, 60, and 72 inches (20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150,
and 180 cm) from the load plate center, in mils


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The equations in Figure 29 illustrate how AREA is calculated for the SHRP four-sensor configuration.

Figure 29. Basin Area for SHRP Four-Sensor Configuration

The same principles can be used to compute the AREA for any arbitrary sensor configuration. After the
correct AREA calculations are performed, the radius of relative stiffness, as defined in Equation 7, can be
used to compute the k-value and effective PCC modulus.

λk = Winkler foundation radius of relative stiffness, in
Epcc = Effective elastic modulus of bound layers above the subgrade, PSI
hpcc = Total thickness of all rigid layers above the subgrade, in
μ = PCC Poisson’s ratio
k = modulus of subgrade reaction, PSI/in
There is a unique relationship between the areas that are calculated by Equations 3 through 6 and the
radius of relative stiffness, λk, which takes the general form that is shown in Equation 8.


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λk = Winkler foundation radius of relative stiffness, in
AREA = AREA as calculated in Equations 3 through 6
A, B, C, D = AREA-based constants as shown in Table 11
After the radius of relative stiffness has been computed, the subgrade k-value and effective modulus can
be computed by simultaneously solving for either the k-value or the modulus using two independent
equations. The first is Equation 7 for the radius of relative stiffness, and the second is Westergaard’s
equation for the deflection at the center of the slab directly beneath an applied load. However, since
Westergaard’s equation does not apply for outer AREA scenarios where deflections are not normalized to
the deflection directly under the load plate, the following equations are used to compute the k-value and
effective modulus:

k = modulus of subgrade reaction, psi/in
P = Applied NDT load, lb
λk = Winkler foundation radius of relative stiffness, in
d*r = Nondimensional deflection coefficient of radial distance r
dr = Measured deflection at radial distance r, in

E = Effective elastic modulus, psi
µ = PCC Poisson’s ratio
P = Applied NDT load, lb
λk = Winkler foundation radius of relative stiffness, in
d*r = Nondimensional deflection coefficient of radial distance r
dr = Measured deflection at radial distance r, in
h = Thickness of all bound layers above the subgrade, in


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The nondimensional deflection coefficient, d*r, can be calculated as follows:

d*r = Nondimensional deflection coefficient of radial distance r
λk = Winkler foundation radius of relative stiffness, in
x, y, z = Constants, as shown in Table 12
As shown in Figure 28, the next step in the AREA-based method of conducting back-calculation is to
adjust the k-value and effective modulus to account for the effect of a finite slab size. Slab size
corrections may be necessary to account for the infinite slab assumption that is inherent in Westergaard’s
If the engineer believes this to be necessary, procedures for slab size adjustments can be found in Report
FHWA-RD-00-086, Back-calculation of Layer Parameters for LTPP Test Section, or the AASHTO
Design Guide for Rigid Pavements.
If the PCC structure does not contain a stabilized base, HMA overlay, or PCC overlay, the back-
calculated dynamic effective modulus is the PCC modulus of elasticity. However, the back-calculated
dynamic k-value must be adjusted to obtain a static k-value that is the basis for conventional FAA
evaluation and design programs that use a k-value.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 372, Support Under Portland Cement
Concrete Pavements, reported that the static k-value is equal to one-half of the dynamic k-value. The
static-k value is the value that would be obtained by conducting plate bearing tests as described in
If the PCC structure contains a stabilized base, thin HMA overlay, or PCC overlay, the back-calculated
dynamic effective modulus may be used to compute two modulus values. Possible modulus scenarios are
as follows: bonded or unbonded PCC overlay and PCC layer, thin HMA overlay and PCC layer, PCC
layer and lean concrete or cement-treated base, or PCC layer and HMA stabilized base.


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During back-calculation, most engineers should assume that for more than 95 percent of the cases, the
two layers will appear to be bonded because of the high-friction forces that result from the falling weight
of impulse-load NDT devices. This includes scenarios where coring results show delamination between
the layers, bond breakers are placed between the layers (including two layers of polyethylene sheathing),
and HMA separation layers are constructed (for example, traditional unbonded PCC overlay on PCC). For
the bonded layer scenario, the neutral axis must first be calculated as shown below:

x = Depth to the neutral axis, in inches
hi = Thickness of upper layer (for example, plate), in inches
β = E2 divided by E1 (estimated by engineer)
E2 = Modulus of lower layer, in psi
E1 = Modulus of upper layer, in psi
Before estimating the depth to the neutral axis, the engineer must estimate the ratio of the elastic modulus
of the lower layer to the upper layer, as shown in Equation 12. Typical ratio values, or Beta (β) values,
would be as follows, depending on HMA, PCC, and stabilized base mix designs: HMA overlaid PCC =
10, PCC overlaid PCC = 1.4, PCC with lean concrete base = 0.40, PCC with cement treated base = 0.25,
and PCC with asphalt treated base = 0.10.
After estimating and computing the depth to the neutral axis, the elastic modulus for the upper layer, and,
subsequently, the lower layer using the assumed value for β can be computed for a bonded condition
using Equation 13.

Ee = Back-calculated effective modulus (Equation 10), in psi
If the condition between the two layers is unknown, the engineer may want to run the analysis for both an
unbonded and a bonded condition. Using , β, Ee, h1, and h2 from above, the elastic modulus values for the
upper and lower layers may be computed for an unbonded condition using Equation 14:


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The following example, which illustrates the use of the AREA-based methodology, shows the
computation of the material properties of a PCC apron that has been constructed as follows and tested at
the center of a slab using an impulse-load NDT device:
Example Problem 1: Given Inputs
15 in (375 mm) jointed PCC (3 years old)
9 in (225 mm) CTB (bonded interface)
6 in (150 mm) unbound AGBS
20 ft (6 m) transverse joint spacing
18.75 ft (5.75 m) longitudinal joint spacing
SHRP seven-sensor NDT configuration
NDT impulse load of 22,582 lb (100 kN)
Measured deflections at one test location
Sensor D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
Spacing, in 0 8 12 18 24 36 60
Deflections, mils 22.90 21.40 20.30 19.10 17.90 16.30 10.70
The first step is to ensure the deflection data do not contain Type I, II, or III errors. A review of the
deflections shows that all deflections gradually decrease from the center of the load plate. Since the
deflection data appears to be consistent, the next step is to compute what AREA equation should be used
in the back-calculation.
Figure 28 shows that AREA Equations 5 or 6 can be used when the PCC pavement is more than 16 in (40
cm) thick. Our PCC layer thickness is only 15 in (375 mm) thick, but a 9 in (225 mm) cement treated base
(CTB) underlies the slab. Therefore, to better account for compression of the PCC and CTB under the
NDT falling weight, Equation 5 (SHRP configuration) can be used with a total layer thickness of 24 in
(60 cm).
Equation 5, AREA based on outer five sensors, leads to an AREA of 47.15 in (1,175 mm). With the
AREA now known, the radius of relative stiffness can be computed using Equation 8, yielding a λk value
of 47.15 in (1,175 mm). Before the k value and effective modulus can be computed using Equations 9 and
10, the nondimensional deflection coefficient, d*r, must be calculated using Equation 11 with the
constants from Table 12. For the outer AREA method, the distance from the load plate for the SHRP
seven-sensor configuration is 12 in (30 cm). Using Table 13 and Equation 11, d*r is equal to 0.1185.
Using this value, a dr deflection value of 0.00203 in (0.051562 mm), an impulse load of 22,582 lb (100
kN), a combined PCC and CTB thickness of 24 in (60 cm), and a k value of 47.15 in (1,175 mm), the
initial dynamic k and effective modulus values are 593 psi/in and 2,486,767 psi (17146 MPa),


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Table 12. Constants for D, (Equation 11)

Radial Distance from Load Constant

Plate, in (cm) X Y Z
0 0.12450 0.14707 0.07565
12 (30) 0.12188 0.79432 0.04074

After correcting for the finite slab size effects, the adjusted dynamic k and effective modulus values are
702 psi/in and 2,541,877 psi (17526 MPa), respectively. As shown in Figure 28, the static k value is then
computed as one half of the adjusted dynamic k value, or 351 psi/in. This is the k value that should be
used in FAA design and evaluation programs.

Table 13. Typical Modulus Values and Ranges for Paving Materials
Low Value, PSI Typical Value, PSI
Material High Value, PSI (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa)
Asphalt concrete 70,000 (500) 500,000 (3,500) 2,000,000 (14,000)
Portland cement concrete 1,000,000 (7,000) 5,000,000 (35,000) 9,000,000 (60,000)
Lean-concrete base 1,000,000 (7,000) 2,000,000 (14,000) 3,000,000 (20,000)
Asphalt-treated base 100,000 (700) 500,000 (3,500) 1,500,000 (10,000)
Cement-treated base 200,000 (1,400) 750,000 (5,000) 2,000,000 (14,000)
Granular base 10,000 (70) 30,000 (200) 50,000 (350)
Granular subbase or soil 5,000 (30) 15,000 (100) 30,000 (200)
Stabilized soil 10,000 (70) 50,000 (350) 200,000 (1,400)
Cohesive soil 3,000 (20) 7,000 (50) 25,000 (170)

The effective elastic modulus of the PCC and CTB layers can be used to compute the individual layer
modulus values. If one assumes the ratio of the CTB to the PCC elastic modulus, β, is 0.25 and that the
two layers are bonded, the depth to the neutral axis from the PCC surface is 9.07 in (230 mm), as
calculated from Equation 12. Using Equation 13 for a bonded interface condition results in elastic
modulus values of 5,064,615 psi (34919 MPa) and 1,266,154 psi (8730 MPa) for the PCC and CTB
layers, respectively.
For an unbonded PCC and CTB interface condition, Equation 13 is used to calculate elastic modulus
values of 9,878,110 psi (68107 MPa) and 2,469,528 psi (17027 MPa) for the PCC and CTB layers,
respectively. Based on knowledge of the condition and age of the PCC and CTB layers, the bonded
interface condition yields more reasonable results for the NDT deflections than were recorded at this test
The procedures that were used in this example and illustrated in Figure 28 should be used to back-
calculate elastic modulus and k values for all center slab test locations in a pavement section. The
methods and equations for the AREA method computations can be incorporated into a spreadsheet
program to make the computational process a straightforward effort.
b. Iterative Elastic Layer Back-Calculation. Unlike the closed-form procedures presented earlier,
this methodology relies on elastic-layer theory and a computationally intensive process to compute the
modulus values of all layers in the pavement structure, including the subgrade. As shown in Figure 27,
this methodology is most appropriate for HMA pavements, HMA overlaid PCC pavements, and PCC
pavements when FAARFIELD is used as the evaluation and design tool.


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An alternative method for back-calculation of concrete elastic modulus and subgrade k-value based on
plate theory can also be used for rigid pavement. This method, termed “Best Fit” is described in FHWA
Report RD-00-086, Back-calculation of Layer Parameters for LTPP Test Sections, Volume I: Slab on
Elastic Solid and Slab on Dense-Liquid Foundation Analysis of Rigid Pavements. The Best Fit method
solves for a combination of radius of relative stiffness, λ, and modulus of subgrade reaction, k, that,
similar to layered elastic back-calculation methods, produces the best possible agreement between
computed and measured deflections at each sensor.
However, detailed Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) studies show that elastic-layer back-
calculation procedures may not always work well for PCC pavement sections. Therefore, if tools based on
this methodology are used in back-calculation work, the results should be carefully scrutinized to ensure
they are reasonable and consistent with typical modulus values.
As with the closed-form back-calculation, the elastic layer methodology is used to compute the layer
moduli based on the deflection basin data, layer thicknesses, and the composition of the pavements. This
is achieved by estimating an initial set of layer elastic moduli (seed values) and a reasonable range of
moduli for each material type. Modulus and Poisson’s ratio values for typical pavement materials are
shown in Table 14 and Table 15.

Table 14. Typical Poisson’s Ratios for Paving Materials

Material Low Value High Value
Asphalt concrete or asphalt-treated base 0.25 0.40
Portland cement concrete 0.10 0.20
Lean concrete or cement-treated base 0.15 0.25
Granular base, subbase, or soil 0.20 0.40
Stabilized soil 0.15 0.30
Cohesive soil 0.30 0.45


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Table 15. Linear Analysis Back- Calculation Programs

Layer Maximum
Program Calculation Rigid Convergence
Developer Interface Number of
Name Subroutine Analysis Routine
Analysis Layers
BAKFAA FAA LEAF Yes Variable 10 rms
Cannot exceed
number of
U.S. Army Corps Sum of
BISAR deflections.
BISDEF of Engineers - Yes Variable square of
Proprietary Works best for
WES absolute error
Cannot exceed
no. of
U.S. Army Corps Sum of
Fixed deflections.
CHEVDEF of Engineers - CHEVRON Yes square of
(Rough) Works best for
WES absolute error
Cannot exceed
Texas A&M; no. of
Sum of
U.S. Army Corps Fixed deflections.
ELSDEF ELSYM5 Yes square of
of Engineers - (Rough) Works best for
absolute error
WES three
Texas Up to four Sum of
MODULUS Transportation WESLEA Fixed unknowns, relative
Institute plus stiff layer square error

U.S. Army Corps Sum of

Up to five
WESDEF of Engineers - WESLEA Yes Variable square of
WES absolute error
Up to four Sum of
MICHBAK Michigan State CHEVRON Yes Fixed unknowns, relative
plus stiff layer square error
All programs use multilayer elastic theory during the back-calculation. All programs, except MODULUS, use an
iterative back-calculation method; MODULUS uses a database format. “Seed” moduli are required for all programs.
A range of acceptable modulus values is required for all programs, except MICHBAK. All programs allow the user
to fix the modulus value for a layer. All programs contain an error convergence function

After a range of a modulus values has been assigned for each layer, an iterative process is used to obtain
the best match between the measured and calculated deflections. The calculation process is started by first
estimating the initial modulus, often referred to as the “seed” value, of each layer within the specified
allowable range. The selection of this initial value is based on the material type and environmental
conditions at the time of testing. The initial deflection basin is then calculated using the NDT device load.
The initial deflection basin is then compared to the measured basin, as shown in Figure 30. If the basins
are significantly different, the “seed” modulus values, range in modulus values, and/or pavement
thicknesses are adjusted. The process is repeated until the back-calculated deflections from the estimated
moduli converge with the measured NDT deflections at an acceptable error level.


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Figure 30. Comparison of Measured and Calculated Deflection Basins

Successfully obtaining convergence to an acceptable error level depends on several factors. When
reviewing error levels and back-calculation results, it is important to understand that a unique solution is
not obtained during a back-calculation process. Rather, one of many feasible solutions is obtained based
on the set of constraints that exist or have been defined in the back-calculation setup. The magnitude of
the error and the layer modulus values that are obtained for a feasible solution depend on several factors.
The magnitude of the error and the results that are obtained through iterative back-calculation using
elastic layer theory are influenced by many factors, including the following:
 Number of Layers. As the number of layers is increased in the back-calculation analysis, the error
level may increase and result in an unfeasible solution.
 Layer Thicknesses. As the thickness of a layer is decreased in the analysis, the error level may
increase. In addition, if the estimated thickness of a layer is substantially different than the actual
thickness, error levels may also increase.
 Layer Interface Condition. The strength of the bond between any two layers in a multilayer
analysis will also affect the results and error levels.
 HMA Layer Temperature. An asphalt concrete layer is very sensitive to changes in temperature.
When the air temperature changes significantly on a hot sunny summer day, the HMA modulus
will also change significantly. This can be reflected in the error levels and analysis results.
 Layer “Seed” Values. The initial modulus value that is selected for each layer can have an impact
on the results. The magnitude of the error will depend on the iteration algorithm that is used by
the back-calculation software program.
 Adjacent Layer Modulus Ratios. Larger errors can occur when the estimated modulus between
two adjacent layers in a pavement structure is significantly different. For example, the error and
results obtained from analysis of a 4 in (10 cm) thick HMA overlay on a 15 in (38 cm) PCC may
be quite high.
 Underlying Stiff Layer. Likewise, if a relatively stiff layer is within 10 ft (3 m) of the pavement
surface, the error level may be quite large if the back-calculation tool does not consider this layer,
often referred to as the “depth to bedrock.” However, this layer does not have to be bedrock, it
can be a layer that is much stiffer than the unbound layers above it.


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 Pavement Cracks. Elastic layer theory assumes that there is no discontinuity in any layer in the
pavement structure. Therefore, if the NDT load plate is close to a crack of any type, or an
underlying joint in an HMA overlaid PCC pavement, large errors may occur.
 Sensor Errors. If the NDT sensors are not calibrated or the measured deflections are outside the
sensor specification limits, the error level may also increase.
 NDT Load Plate. If the load plate is not in uniform contact with the pavement surface, the error
level may increase.
 Pulse Duration. For impulse-load NDT devices, the pulse duration of the applied load may also
affect the results.
 Frequency Duration. For vibratory-load NDT devices, the load frequency may also affect the
 Seasonal Effects. The water table level may change throughout the year. In addition, for northern
climates, frost penetration and spring thaws may affect the error levels and analysis results.
 Material Property Variability. Pavements are constructed on a subgrade or fill material whose
thickness and characteristics may change along the transverse or longitudinal profile of the
pavement facility. Subgrades may be nonlinear, inhomogeneous, or anisotropic. Subgrade
properties may change considerably in a relatively short distance.
The long list of key factors that may affect the back-calculation error and results illustrate why back-
calculation is a laborious process that requires a high degree of skill and experience. Because so many
factors impact the error level and results and, because there is no one unique solution, iterative elastic-
layer back-calculation requires engineering judgment. Figure 31 shows how elastic-layer back-calculation
can be conducted to obtain reasonable modulus values that will provide reliable inputs for airport
pavement evaluation, design, and management.
ASTM D 5858, Standard Guide for Calculating In-Situ Equivalent Elastic Moduli of Pavement Materials
using Layered Elastic Theory, and LTPP’s Design Pamphlet for the Back-Calculation of Pavement Layer
Moduli in Support of the 1993 AASHTO Guide for the Design of Pavement Structures provide guidance
on how to set up the initial back-calculation analysis and then make adjustments as required to obtain a
feasible and reasonable solution. Although back-calculation of reasonable layer moduli depends on many
factors, the following suggestions may improve the probability that success is obtained in the evaluation
of the deflection data for each pavement section.
(1) Conduct Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Tests. If cores are being obtained for the
pavement study, conduct DCP tests through the core holes and unbound bases and 18 in (45 cm) into the
subgrade. Evaluate DCP data and estimate CBR and elastic modulus values for each layer.
(2) Verify Layer Thicknesses. Check construction history, cores, borings, and DCP tests to
ensure thicknesses are reasonable. Eliminate or combine thin layers that are less than 3 in (75 mm) thick
with other layers. ASTM D 5858 and the LTPP back-calculation guide define thin as those thicknesses
that are less than one quarter the diameter of the loaded area. For the most common load plate size of 12
in (30 cm), this would be a thickness of 3 in (8 cm).
(3) Optimize Number of Layers. Excluding the apparent stiff layer, keep the number of layers in
the back-calculation analysis to five or less, with three being the ideal number. As stated in ASTM D
5858 and LTPP documents, the minimum number of deflections (for example, sensors) should not be less
than the number of layers in the analysis. Therefore, for the SHRP four sensor configuration, no more
than four layers should be included in the analysis.
(4) Combine Problem Layers. For two adjacent unbound granular layers, consider combining
these layers into one equivalent layer using the combined thicknesses. For PCC, HMA overlaid PCC
pavements with a granular base or subbase, consider eliminating the granular layers from the analysis


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(i.e., use “composite” subgrade layer). For thin HMA overlays on PCC pavements, consider removing the
HMA layer from the back-calculation.
(5) Verify Depth to Stiff Layer. This depth can have a significant impact on the analysis results.
The magnitude of this impact will vary depending on the software program that is used in the analysis. If
initial results are not reasonable, review additional geotechnical data from local agencies to verify type
and variability of depth to rock or underlying stiff layer.
(6) Analyze Each Deflection Basin. Rather than computing a representative deflection basin by
averaging the deflection values for each sensor, back-calculation should be conducted for each basin. Use
of a representative deflection basin may cause the engineer to overlook localized weak layers within a
pavement section.
(7) Subdivide Subgrade Layers. If the water table is within 10 ft (3 m), the error levels may be
reduced by dividing the subgrade into two layers: one above the water table and the other below it. The
primary reason for this division is that the modulus of the subgrade in a saturated condition may be
significantly lower than it is in an unsaturated condition.
(8) Use Outer Sensors. There are scenarios when better results may be obtained by not using the
deflection underneath the load plate. If NDT was conducted on a hot day, there may be significant
compression of the HMA layer. The amount of compression may be even greater when testing an HMA
overlaid PCC on a hot day. For these scenarios, use of the outer sensors may reduce the error level during
The preceding discussion provides guidelines on procedures that should lead to consistent and reasonable
back-calculation results. High-speed computers have allowed engineers to use software programs to more
efficiently solve for modulus values. Table 16 and Table 17 show the features of several linear and
nonlinear elastic-layer based programs, respectively. Notes for each of these tables provide additional
information regarding the features of each software program.


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Table 16. Nonlinear Analysis Back-Calculation Programs

Layer Maximum
Program Calculation Rigid Convergence
Developer Interface Number of
Name Subroutine Analysis Routine
Analysis Layers
Zhou, et al.
Five, works
Al Oregon Odemark- Fixed Sum of
BOUSDEF Yes best for three
State Boussinesq (Rough) percent errors
Up to four
Relative error
ELMOD P. Ullidtz, Odemark- Yes Fixed layers,
on five
ELCON Dynatest Boussinesq Variable (Rough) excluding
rigid layer
Sum of
EMOD PCS/LAW CHEVRON No Three relative
square error
J. Mahoney Fixed Sum of
et. al. (Rough) absolute error
rigid layer
Yes Fixed
FREDDI W. Uddin BASINPT Unknown Unknown
Variable (Rough)
ISSEM4 R. Stubstad ELSYM5 No Four deflection
Two to 15
MOD- L. Irwin, Fixed deflection
CHEVRON Yes maximum
COMP3 Szebenyi (Rough) error at
five unknown
Sum of
S.F. Brown
PADAL Unknown Unknown Fixed Unknown relative
et. al.
square error
RoSy Carl Bro Odemark- Fixed Up to four Relative error
DESIGN Group Boussinesq (Rough) layers on six sensors
All programs, except BOUSDEF and ELMOD/ELCON, use multilayer elastic theory during the back-calculation;
BOUDEF and ELMOD/ELCON use Odemark-Boussinesq. All programs use an iterative back-calculation method.
Nonlinear analysis for ELMOD/ELCON, EMOD, and PADA is limited to the subgrade. “Seed” moduli are required
for all programs, except ELMOD/ELCON and FREDDI. With the exception of ELMOD/ELCON, a range of
acceptable modulus values is required. Unknown for FREDDI and PADA. All programs allow users to fix error
convergence function; the modulus value for a layer; unknown for FREDDI and PADA. Only BOUSDEF contains
an unknown for PADA.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

Table 17. Seed Modulus and Poisson’s Ratios for Example Problem 2
Low Value, PSI Typical Value, High Value, PSI
Layer Poisson’s Ratio
(MPa) PSI (MPa) (MPa)
500,000 2,000,000
5 in (13 cm) HMA (E1) 70000 (500) 0.35
(3000) (14,000)

16 in (40 cm) aggregate base (E2) 10,000 (70) 30,000 (200) 50,000 (350) 0.40

Granular soil (E3) 5,000 (30) 15,000 (100) 30,000 (200) 0.40

1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Bedrock Layer (E4) 0.50
(7,000) (69000) (69000)

Several studies have been conducted to determine which programs may produce better results. However,
because elastic-layer back-calculation does not produce a unique solution and because experience has a
significant impact on the results that are obtained, evaluation criteria that have been used in past studies
are influenced by the back-calculation experience of the research team. However, some programs are
more widely distributed and used than others in Table 16 and Table 17. For example, the WESDEF and
MODULUS programs have been used extensively in the analysis of test data in the FHWA’s LTPP
research program, and WESDEF has been extensively used for the evaluation of military airfield
Several factors should be considered when selecting a back-calculation program. In addition to the
features listed in Table 16 and Table 17, the engineer should evaluate the quality of the software
documentation or help features, technical support, purchase or lease costs, the proprietary nature of the
product, user friendliness, and other factors that may be important to an agency or a firm.
To assist airport owners and engineers, the FAA has developed a back-calculation program, titled
“BAKFAA,” that is free and available to all agencies by downloading from the FAA website.
To illustrate the elastic-layer back-calculation program, BAKFAA will be used to solve a problem for one
deflection basin in section 4 that was shown in Figure 24. The pavement cross-section consists of the
following layers. Back-calculation will be conducted for deflection data at one test location.
Example Problem 2: Given Inputs
5 in (13 cm) HMA layer
16 in (40 cm) aggregate base
Boring data indicates depth to bedrock is 13 ft (4 m)
SHRP seven-sensor NDT configuration
NDT impulse load of 20,000 lb (90 kN)
Measured deflections at one test location
Sensor D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
Spacing, in: 0 8 12 18 24 36 60
Deflections, mils: 20.79 14.96 12.02 9.66 7.30 5.28 3.37
The first step is to ensure the deflection data do not contain Type I, II, or III errors. As with the previous
example, a review of the deflections shows that all deflections gradually decrease from the center of the
load plate. Since the deflection data appears to be consistent, the next step shown in Figure 31 is to
compute the depth to bedrock or an apparent stiff layer and compute the initial pavement cross-section.


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

In the example, the given depth to a stiff layer is 13 ft (4 m). With the cross-section that is provided, an
initial attempt is made to back-calculate layer moduli for three layers using the “seed” moduli and
Poisson’s ratios shown in Table 18. These initial values are obtained from Table 14 and Table 15. Results
from the initial run of BAKFAA are shown in Figure 32.

Figure 31. Back-Calculation Procedures for an Elastic Layer Based Analysis

Table 18. Pavement Joint Performance Ratings

Radius of Relative Stiffness, λk
LTE∆, percent
20 in (50 cm) 130 in (33 cm)
90 to 100 Acceptable Acceptable
70 to 90 Acceptable Fair
50 to 70 Fair Poor
Less than 50 Poor Poor

The results from the initial back-calculation run show that the root mean square (rms) error is 0.3872
mils, which is in the acceptable coefficient of variation (COV) range of 2 to 5 percent for the BAKFAA
algorithm. The HMA modulus is reasonable, albeit, lower than is expected for an aged HMA layer. As
was previously discussed, the HMA layer thickness may be quite variable. To illustrate the impact on


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

thickness, the back-calculation was rerun using an HMA layer thickness of 4 in (10 m). The output from
the second run is shown in Figure 33.

Figure 32. Initial BAKFAA Run for Example 2

Figure 33. Second BAKFAA Run for Example 2


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

The results from the second BAKFAA run show that the HMA modulus has increased from 160,000 to
215,000 psi (1103 to 1482 MPa) because of the 1 in (2.5 cm) decrease in HMA layer thickness. The back-
calculated modulus values for the granular base and subgrade remain reasonable, although their moduli
have increased slightly from the first run. The output from the second BAKFAA run is shown in Figure

Figure 34. Output From Second BAKFAA Run for Example 2

A review of the output from the second run shows that the RMS error has decreased slightly to 0.3845
from the first run. The HMA modulus is reasonable, and the granular base modulus is 44,486 psi (307
MPa). The subgrade modulus of 8,395 psi (58 MPa) is also acceptable.
Another concern during back-calculation is the presence of a soft layer directly above or below a very
stiff layer. If cores had been taken as part of the pavement study, it would be very beneficial to have taken
NDT tests directly over the core locations to develop a higher level of confidence in the back-calculation
results at the core locations. Using the core thicknesses and the NDT results, back-calculation runs could
then be conducted for Example Problem 2 to compare the results with the NDT results for the remainder
of section 4 shown in the pavement facility in Figure 24.
The discussion thus far has focused on back-calculation of elastic modulus values for each layer in a
pavement. While it is important to know the strength of each layer in a pavement evaluation or design
study, PCC pavements often require additional testing and evaluation of characteristics that are important
for rigid pavements. As shown in Figure 23, these characteristics include joint and crack conditions,
support conditions, and material durability.

3 6 . PCC Joint Analysis. The analysis of PCC joints or cracks is important because the amount of
load that is transferred from one PCC slab to the adjacent slab can significantly impact the structural
capacity of the pavement.
As discussed in Chapter 5, NDT tests are conducted at joints and cracks to estimate what percentage of
the total main gear weight is transferred from the loaded slab to the unloaded slab. As the amount of load
that is transferred to the unloaded slab increases, the flexural stress in the loaded slab decreases and the
pavement life is extended.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

The amount of load transfer depends on many factors, including gear configuration, tire contact area,
pavement temperature, use of dowel bars, and use of a stabilized base beneath the PCC surface layer.
Deflection load transfer efficiency (LTE∆) is most frequently defined as shown in Equation 15. If the
LTE∆ is being calculated for an HMA overlaid PCC at the joint reflective crack, compression of the HMA
overlay may result in an inaccurate assessment of the load transfer.
For this scenario, the engineer may want to have NDT tests conducted using the second and third sensors
of the NDT device and then use these sensors in the LTE∆ computation.

LTEΔ = Deflection load transfer efficiency, in percent
Δunloaded slab = Deflection on loaded slab, normally under load plate, in mils
Δloaded slab = Deflection on adjacent unloaded slab, in mils
Once LTE∆ values are computed, they must be related to the stress load transfer efficiency
(LTE  ) to understand how load transfer will impact the structural capacity of a pavement
section. This is necessary because the FAA design and evaluation procedures in ac 150/5320-6 assume
that the amount of load transfer is sufficient to reduce the free edge flexural stress in a PCC slab by 25
percent. Since the relationship between LTE∆ and LTE  is not linear, additional analysis work is
required to compute if the stress load transfer efficiency is 25 percent. Equation 16 shows how LTE  is

LTEσ = Stress load transfer efficiency, in percent
σunloaded slab = Stress on loaded slab, in psi
σloaded slab = Stress on adjacent unloaded slab, in psi
Figure 35 illustrates one relationship between LTE∆ and LTE  for a 12 in (30 cm) load plate. Other
relationships for 12 in and 18 in (30 cm and 45 cm) load plates can be found in FAA Report
DOT/FAA/PM-83/22, Investigation of the FAA Overlay Design Procedures for Rigid Pavements (copy
can be obtained from William J. Hughes Technical Center). The relationship between these efficiencies
depends on the ratio of the load contact radius to the radius of relative stiffness of the slab, a /k For a
load plate radius of 6 in (15 cm), k is the only variable that changes during analysis of the NDT
deflection data.
The two curves shown in Figure 35 provide a boundary for the range of k values that are expected for
airfield pavements. From this figure, a LTE∆ of 70 percent leads to a LTE  of 25 percent when k is 20 in
(50 cm). A LTE  of 25 percent is the value used in FAA design and evaluation procedures. Likewise, a
LTE∆ of 90 percent leads to a LTE  of 25 percent when k is 130 in (300 cm).


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Figure 35. Deflection vs. Stress LTE Relationship for 12 Inch (30 cm) Diameter Load Plate
Using Figure 35 and a target LTE  of 25 percent, Table 19 provides general recommendations for three
ranges of LTE∆. Through interpretation between k values of 20 in and 130 in (50 cm and 3,30 cm) in
Figure 35, the engineer can compute the performance rating of a pavement’s load transfer efficiency.

Table 19. Statistical Summary of ISM Values for Each Section in Figure 24
Standard Deviation Mean-1 Standard
Section Mean, k/in. Cv, percent
k/in. Deviation, k/in.
1 4,505 1,016 22.6 3,489
2 896 126 14.2 770
3 2,010 560 27.7 1,450
4 1,290 280 21.7 1,010

Earlier in this chapter, the use of ISM plots along the length of a pavement facility were used to
demonstrate how they can be used to identify the boundaries of pavement sections. If the LTE  values are
also plotted for a jointed PCC or HMA overlaid PCC, differences in joint performance may also become
evident. The variations in performance may be associated with the type of joint (for example, doweled
versus nondoweled) or a deterioration in aggregate interlock for nondoweled pavements. Furthermore,
changes in performance may be an indication of the amount of load transfer that is provided by stabilized
bases under the PCC.
Figure 38 shows how a profile plot of the LTE∆ can help determine which sections of a pavement facility
have good joint performance.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

Figure 36. Example Plot of Transverse Joint LTE∆ for a 10,000 Ft (3,000 m) Taxiway
This figure of a taxiway shows that the LTE∆ is acceptable or fair for 2,000 ft (610 m) and then starts to
deteriorate in the next 1,600 ft (488 m) until it becomes poor for 3,300 ft (1,005 m).
Only after Station 69+00, does the LTE∆ start to improve again. A review of the aircraft traffic flow for
this taxiway showed that the connector taxiway at Station 20+00 is where most of the departing aircraft
entered the parallel taxiway.

3 7 . PCC Void Analysis. In addition to joint load transfer, another important characteristic of a PCC
pavement is the slab support conditions. One of the assumptions that is made during PCC back-
calculation is that the entire slab is in full contact with the foundation. The presence of surface distresses
such as corner breaks, joint faulting, and slab cracking, indicates that a loss of support may exist in the
pavement section. As with a joint condition analysis, the focus of the void analysis is near joints or slab
A loss of support may exist for one of three reasons. Erosion may have occurred in the base, subbase, or
subgrade. It is important to recognize that a stabilized base or subbase may erode unless key criteria are
followed in the design of the stabilized layer.
In addition to erosion, settlement may have occurred beneath the PCC layer. The most frequent reason for
settlement is inadequate compaction during construction. Finally, a loss of support may occur due to
temperature curling or moisture warping. The amount of warping in a PCC slab is relatively constant
throughout the year, but the amount of curling can vary significantly throughout the day, depending on
key factors such as PCC layer thickness, base type, and the change in temperature.
A void analysis should be conducted at the slab corners and midjoint locations.
Figure 39 is a plot made for three NDT test drops at three load levels at different test locations. If the plot
passes through the X-axis near the origin, good support exists beneath the slab. The further the line passes
to the right of the origin, the greater the loss of support. In general, a deflection intercept greater than 3


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

mils indicates the presence of a void. It is important to note that this procedure provides an estimate of the
void depth, but not the area of the void beneath the slab.

Figure 37. Void Detection Beneath PCC Slabs

Research results at the NAPTF show that the presence of voids at midjoints may affect the LTE∆ analysis
results that were presented in section 32. Typically, the sum of the deflections on both sides of a joint
increases proportionally as slab curling or warping increases.
Therefore, if deflection measurements are taken at two different times during a hot day or two different
seasons, the sum of the deflections should remain constant if no curling or warping is present. If NDT is
conducted only once to measure LTE∆, the void detection plots shown in Figure 39 cannot be used to
ensure that voids are not affecting the results of the LTE∆ calculation.
Figure 38 shows how a profile plot of the void analysis results can help identify which sections of a
pavement facility may have loss of support problems. For the same taxiway shown in the LTE∆ profile
plot in Figure 36, Figure 38 shows that very few voids are present at the transverse joint in this taxiway.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

Figure 38. Example Plot of Transverse Joint Voids for a 10,000 Ft (3,000 m) Taxiway
In addition, this void plot shows that the LTE∆ analysis results in Figure 36 have not been affected by slab
Although NDT can provide a good indication that voids exist under concrete slabs, other methods, such
as coring, ground penetrating radar, or infra-red thermography should be used to confirm the presence of

3 8 . PCC Durability Analysis. The back-calculation analysis procedures presented in this chapter
assume that the PCC layer is homogenous. Furthermore, the back-calculation results are based on center
slab deflections and the condition of the slab in the interior. However, PCC pavements can experience
durability problems as a result of poor mix designs, poor construction, reactive and nondurable
aggregates, wet climates, and high numbers of freeze-thaw cycles. In general, durability problems are
most severe along PCC joints and at slab corners because moisture levels are the highest at these
locations. This paragraph focuses on how to evaluate PCC slab durability problems.
NDT deflection data may be very useful in assessing the severity of durability-related problems because
surface conditions may not be a good indicator of the severity several inches below the PCC surface. This
is especially true if a PCC pavement with durability problems has been overlaid with HMA.
Often, the severity of the durability distresses increases after an HMA overlay has been constructed
because more moisture is present at the HMA and PCC interface.
The extent of the durability problem can be assessed by evaluating the ISM (or DSM) obtained from the
center of the slab and comparing it to the ISM (or DSM) at a transverse or longitudinal joint or at the slab


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

The ISMratio will not be equal to one for a perfect slab because slab deflections are highest at the slab
corner and lowest at the slab center. If a joint load transfer or loss of support analysis has been conducted,
the same raw deflection data can be used to compute the ISMratio.

ISMratio = Impulse stiffness modulus ratio
ISMslab center = Impulse stiffness modulus at slab center, in pounds/inch
ISMslab corner = Impulse stiffness modulus at slab corner, in pounds/inch
ISMslab joint = Impulse stiffness modulus at slab joint, in pounds/inch
An ISMratio greater than 3 may indicate that the PCC durability at the slab corner or joint is poor. If it is
between 3 and 1.5, the durability is questionable. Finally, if the ratio is less than 1.5, the PCC is probably
in good condition. These ranges are based on the assumption that the durability at the PCC interior is
excellent. This assumption can be verified by reviewing the modulus values obtained from back-
calculation analysis of the PCC layer.
Figure 39 is an example ISMratio plot for an HMA overlaid PCC runway. As this figure indicates, there are
very few locations where the durability of the PCC is poor. For this scenario, cores should be taken in
suspect areas and compared to interior, joint, and corner cores taken from locations where the PCC
appears to be in excellent condition. The cores in the suspect locations should be inspected and additional
laboratory tests (for example, petrographic analysis, split tensile, etc.) conducted as necessary to evaluate
the severity of the durability distress.
Use of the ISMratio for HMA overlaid PCC pavements has the advantage of eliminating the “HMA
compression” effect that occurs during NDT. Assuming that the HMA layer is the same thickness
throughout the PCC slab and that its condition (for example, stiffness and extent of shrinkage cracks) is
relatively constant throughout the slab, there should be approximately the same amount of HMA
compression at the slab center, corner, and joint. The net effect is that the ISMratio will primarily reflect the
durability of the PCC layer.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

Figure 39. Example Plot of ISMratio for Transverse Joint for HMA Overlaid PCC

3 9 . Summary. This chapter has focused on the development of several procedures to compute
pavement layer modulus values and subgrade strengths, evaluate PCC joint load transfer efficiency,
conduct PCC void analyses, and assess PCC material durability. The engineer should develop a statistical
summary for each layer characteristic so that the results from this chapter can be used for pavement
evaluation and design, as discussed in Chapter 8.


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Intentionally Left Blank


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B


4 0 . General. Chapter 7 described several analysis procedures that an engineer can use to characterize
a pavement. Characteristics that are required as inputs for pavement evaluation and design include layer
elastic moduli, CBR values, subgrade elastic moduli, and k-values. This chapter provides guidance on
how to use these NDT-based inputs for structural evaluation and design in accordance with ACs
150/5320-6 and 150/5335-5.
Development of evaluation and design inputs requires a two-step approach. First, the engineer must use a
statistical approach to decide what input values should be used for each pavement characteristic. In
Chapter 7, the raw deflection data were used in conjunction with construction history, cores, and borings
to identify boundaries of each pavement section within a facility. Since each section typically has many
NDT test locations, a representative value must be selected for evaluation and design.
The second step requires the engineer to use pavement characteristics that are appropriate for FAA
evaluation and design programs. AC 150/5320-6 requires traditional FAA inputs such as CBR for flexible
(for example, HMA) pavements and modulus of subgrade reaction (k-value) for rigid (for example, PCC)
pavements. AC 150/5320-6 requires elastic modulus values as inputs for all layers in the structure. As
discussed in Chapter 7, engineers should know what evaluation or design program they will use when
conducting back-calculation analyses. To obtain more reliable evaluation and design results, the structural
theory should be the same for both the “backward” and “forward” analyses.

4 1 . Statistically Derived Inputs. There are two sources of error, or variation, that the engineer
should recognize when selecting NDT-based input values. The first source is “systematic error”, which is
caused by errors in the NDT devices. Sources of systematic error in a NDT device include sensors,
microprocessors, and operational software. The second source of error is “random error.” For pavement
deflection measurements and characterization, random error sources can be categorized as follows:
a. Environmental Noise. The deflection responses that are recorded by NDT devices will vary
because of changes in air temperature, solar radiation, types and amounts of precipitation on the pavement
surface, subsurface frost, and water table height fluctuation. The properties of many paving materials vary
with changes in environmental conditions. These condition changes affect the overall deflection response
of the pavement when it is tested with a NDT device.
b. Time-Dependent Noise. The recorded NDT deflections and material characteristics of a
pavement are valid for one point in the design life of a pavement. The pavement layer characteristics will
change as the materials age and as the number and magnitude of aircraft and vehicle load applications
increase. Changes may occur from stripping and oxidation in HMA layers, alkali-silica reactivity and
durability cracking in PCC layers, flexural strength and elastic modulus changes in PCC layers, and
corrosion of dowel bars or steel reinforcement.
c. As-Built Noise. Even if the engineer is able to accurately define the boundaries of each pavement
section within a facility, there may be significant variation within a section. There is inherent variability
associated with construction of a pavement cross-section. Sources of “as-built” variability include
deviations from specified layer thicknesses, HMA job mix formula, HMA compaction densities, PCC
flexural strengths, PCC air voids, aggregate sources, and application rates of curing compounds.
Systematic error can be minimized by ensuring the NDT equipment is regularly maintained and calibrated
as described in Chapter 4. Random variability associated with environmental noise can be minimized by
following the guidelines that were established in Chapter 6 and not risking data collection during
conditions that may compromise the integrity of the deflection data. Random variability associated with
time-dependent and as-built noise is one of the primary reasons that deflection data are collected and


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

analyzed. Accurate characterization of pavement and subgrade properties will provide reliable inputs for
pavement evaluation and design.
Statistics are used in pavement engineering to develop evaluation and design inputs. In general, as the
number of data points (for example, deflection test locations) increase, confidence that the computed
mean and standard deviation values are close to true values increases. For most pavement characteristics,
it is assumed that all values are normally distributed, as shown in Figure 40.
Figure 40 is a histogram of all ISM values for section 3 in Figure 24, that is, a 5 in (13 cm) HMA layer
with a 28 in (70 cm) aggregate base. Figure 40 shows that the ISM values for section 3 are approximately
normally distributed with a median ISM value of 1,884 kips/in. The median value is the middle value in a
data set for which 50 percent of all ISM values are greater and lesser. The mean value, or average, is
equal to the sum of the ISM values divided by the number of values contained in the data set. For section
3, the mean ISM value is 2,010 kips/in. Since the median is less than the mean, the ISM data for section 3
are said to be slightly skewed to the right, as illustrated in Figure 40.

Figure 40. Histogram of ISM Values for Section 3 in Figure 24

Another statistical parameter that is useful in selecting input values for evaluation and design is the
standard deviation. Once the ISM mean is computed, the standard deviation can be computed as shown by
Equation 18. For section 3, the standard deviation is 560 kips/in. For a normal distribution of values,
approximately 68 percent of the ISM values will fall within plus or minus one standard deviation of the
mean value. Likewise, approximately 96 percent of the values will fall within plus or minus two standard
deviations of the mean.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

s = Standard deviation of pavement characteristic (that is, ISM)
x = Computed value (that is, ISM) from one NDT test location
= Mean of all values
n = Number of sample values (that is, test locations) in a pavement section
Another statistical parameter that is useful in selecting input values is the coefficient of variation, Cv. This
value is simply the standard deviation divided by the mean as shown by Equation 19. Cv values for
pavement characteristics measured in the field vary significantly. A Cv value of less than 20 percent is
normally acceptable for NDT-based pavement characteristics. However, it is not uncommon for Cv values
to range between 20 and 50 percent, or higher if there are several significant sources of environmental,
time-dependent, and as-built variability.

Cv = Coefficient of variation, in percent
In the selection of an evaluation or design input value, the engineer should simultaneously consider the
mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation. Many evaluation and design procedures
recommend that the mean value be used in the analysis. Table 20 shows the results of a statistical analysis
for all ISM data in each of the four pavement sections that were presented in Figure 24.


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Table 20. Required FAA Advisory Circular Evaluation and Design Inputs

Required Analysis Analysis AC 150/5320-6

Common Input Sources
HMA or PCC surface NDT modulus, lab tests ●
layer elastic moduli
FD, RD Lab mix design ●
Stabilized base/subbase NDT modulus, DCP, lab tests ●
layer elastic moduli
FD, RD Lab mix design ●
Granular base/subbase NDT modulus, lab tests ●
layer elastic moduli
FD, RD Lab mix design ●
Subgrade elastic moduli All types NDT modulus, DCP, lab tests, field tests ●
Subgrade modulus, k NDT modulus, field tests ●
Unbound layer and
All types NDT modulus, DCP, lab tests, field tests ●
subgrade CBR
Base/subbase NDT modulus correlation, specified in AC
equivalency factors 150/5320-6
NDT modulus correlation, lab mix design,
RE, OR ● ●
PCC modulus of rupture lab split tensile
RD Lab mix design ● ●
PCC Cb, Cr overlay NDT results, illustrations in AC 150/5320-
OR ●
factors 6
NDT results, PCI results per ASTM D
PCC SCI overlay factor OR ●
Existing layer FE, RE,
Cores, borings, DCP, GPR ● ● ●
thicknesses OF, OR
FE, FD, Always assumed to be bonded in AC

RD 150/5320-6
Layer interface bonding
RE, OR As specified in AC 150/5320-6 ● ●
Rigid unbonded & flexible bonded per AC
OF ●
Aircraft models,
Airport records, master plans, field
weights, annual All types ● ● ●
FD, RD, 20 years per AC 150/5320-6 OR 1 to 50
Design life ● ● ●
OF, OR years per AC 150/5320-6, as approved
As specified by airport owner with aircraft
Targeted remaining life FE, RE ● ● ●
weight restriction
FE and RE are flexible and rigid evaluation, respectively. FD and RD are flexible and rigid design, respectively. OF is overlays
on flexible pavement. OR is overlays on rigid pavement. A past records review should always be the first source of information.
Frost considerations and swelling soils are addressed in AC 150/5320-6.

For a more conservative evaluation or design approach, AC 150/5320-6 recommends that in general, the
mean minus one standard deviation may be used for establishing evaluation and design inputs. If the
coefficient of variation is large, outliers should be removed to compute the mean minus one standard
deviation. If outliers are not removed, this approach leads to the use of a pavement characteristic value
(for example, ISM or elastic modulus) that is less than 85 percent of all section values for a normally
distributed population. If the outliers are removed and the use of a mean minus one standard deviation


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

continues to lead to unreasonable low input values, the engineer should consider division of the existing
pavement section into two or more subsections.

4 2 . Using NDT Results in FAA Analysis Programs. Table 21 shows the inputs that are required for
airport pavement and design as referenced in AC 150/5320-6. Once NDT-based values are statistically
selected for pavement evaluation and design, they may be directly used as described in the ACs, except
for those scenarios that are described in the remaining paragraphs of this section. As shown in Table 21,
NDT analysis results can assist the engineer in selecting values for 10 of the 15 inputs that are required to
use the FAARFIELD program, and the CBR and k-value based designs as required in AC 150/5320-6.
Elastic moduli values developed by NDT can be used in variable (moduli value) layers with the pavement
design section subject to the permissible ranges with the FAARFIELD program as required to ensure
reasonable results.

Table 21. Allowable Modulus Values for FAARFIELD (AC 150/5320-6), psi (MPa)
Layer Type FAA Specified Layer Rigid Pavement Flexible Pavement
P-501 PCC 4,000,000 (30,000) NA
P-401 HMA NA 200,000 (1,400)
P-401 HMA 400,000 (3,000)
Variable stabilized (flexible) 150,000 to 400,000 (1,000 to 3,000)
Stabilized Base and Variable stabilized (rigid) 250,000 to 700,000 (1,700 to 5,000)
Subbase P-306 econocrete 700,000 (5,000)
P-304 cement treated base 500,000 (3,500) NA
P-301 soil cement 250,000 (1,700)
Granular Base and P-209 crushed aggregate 75,000 (500)
Subbase P-154 uncrushed aggregate 40,000 (300)
Subgrade Subgrade 1,000 to 50,000 (7 to 350)
Undefined Undefined layer 1,000 to 4,000,000 (7 to 30,000)
Initial values are automatically adjusted during analysis based on the moduli of lower layers and layer
thicknesses; nonstandard FAA layer.

a. Use of Back-Calculated HMA and PCC Surface Moduli. For rigid pavement analysis in AC
150/5320-6, the modulus of rupture, Mr, is required for the existing PCC layer in pavement evaluation and
overlay designs. For the design of bonded PCC overlays on an existing PCC and the evaluation of an
existing PCC pavement, the existing PCC modulus of rupture should be used in the analyses. The
allowable ranges of Mr in FAARFIELD (AC 150/5320-6) are 650 to 800 psi (4 to 5.5 MPa) and 500 to
900 psi (3 to 6 MPa), respectively. The back-calculated PCC elastic modulus can be used to estimate the
modulus of rupture, as shown in Equation 20.
The results from Equation 20 should be compared with the results obtained using the splitting tensile
strength correlation shown in Equation 21 and in AC 150/5320-6.


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

Mr = PCC modulus of rupture, in psi
Epcc = Mean back-calcuated PCC elastic modulus values, in psi
= Splitting tensile strength, in psi

(1) AC 150/5320-6, As shown in Table 22, P-401 and P-501 surface layer moduli are fixed in
FAARFIELD. The following general assumptions can be made for the evaluation of allowable aircraft
loads, computation of the remaining structural life, and overlay designs. If the back-calculated HMA and
PCC moduli are greater than the fixed modulus values shown in Table 22, the design will be more
conservative. Likewise, if the back-calculated moduli are less than the fixed moduli, the overlay design
will be less conservative.

Table 22. HMA Pavement Base and Subbase Modulus and Equivalency Factor Inputs
AC 150/5320-6 Input Moduli AC 150/5320-6
Layer Type Modulus Value,
(FAARFIELD), PSI (MPa) equivalency factors
> 400,000 (3,000) 400,000 (3,000) 1.6
Stabilized Base and Interpret between 1.2
150,000 to 400,000
Subbase for Flexible Back-calculated value and 1.6 using back-
(1,000 to 3,000)
Pavement calculated value
< 150,000 (1,000) 150,000 (1034) 1.2
> 700,000 (4826) 700,000 (4826) 1.6
Cement Stabilized Base1
250,000 to 700,000
and Subbase for Rigid Back-calculated value N.A.
(1,700 to 5,000)
< 250,000 (1,700) 250,000 (1,700) N.A.
Granular Base and > 40,000 (300) Use P-209 layer 1.0
Subbase ≤ 40,000 (300) Use P-154 layer 1.0

(2) AC 150/5320-6. Use of the design nomographs, F806FAA flexible design program, and the
R805FAA rigid design program does not require an HMA modulus value, and the PCC modulus value is
fixed at 4,000,000 psi (27579 MPa). As mentioned above, rigid pavement evaluations and overlay designs
will be more or less conservative, depending on the back-calculated PCC modulus value.
b. Use of Back-Calculated Subgrade Elastic Moduli.
(1) AC 150/5320-6. The allowable range of subgrade modulus values that can be used in
FAARFIELD is shown in Table 22. The allowable range of 1,000 to 50,000 psi (7 to 350 MPa) is
characteristic of most types of subgrade soils. For both flexible and rigid pavements, the statistically
selected modulus value can be directly input into FAARFIELD. However, since many subgrade soils are
stress sensitive and because apparent stiff layers can significantly affect back-calculations results, the


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

engineer should carefully review the statistically selected modulus to ensure it is consistent with field
DCP and CBR tests, laboratory CBR tests, and soil classification data. CBR and back-calculated subgrade
modulus values can be compared by using Equation 22, which is one of the more commonly used
correlations between E and CBR.

CBR = California Bearing Ratio, in percent
Esubgrade = Back-calculated subgrade elastic modulus, in psi

(2) AC 150/5320-6. For flexible pavement evaluation and overlay designs, the analysis is
conducted using the subgrade CBR. Equation 22 can be used to estimate the CBR by using the back-
calculated subgrade modulus. For rigid evaluation and overlay designs, the analysis is conducted by using
the subgrade k-value. The k-value can be estimated from the back-calculated elastic modulus by using
Equation 23.

k = Modulus of subgrade reaction, in psi/inch
Esubgrade = Back-calculated static subgrade elastic modulus, in psi

c. Use of Back-Calculated Subgrade k-Value.

(1) AC 150/5320-6. For flexible pavement evaluation and overlay designs, the analysis is
conducted using the subgrade CBR or elastic modulus.. For rigid pavement evaluation and overlay
designs, the statistically selected k-value can be directly input into FAARFIELD. The allowable range of
static subgrade modulus values that can be input into FAARFIELD is 17 to 362 psi/in. However, a k-
value that is less than 50 psi/in should not be used. Back-calculated k-values lower than 50 psi/in may
indicate that other problems exist, such as a loss of support, which is addressed later in this chapter.
(2) AC 150/5320-6. For flexible pavement evaluation and overlay designs, the analysis is
conducted using the subgrade CBR. Equations 22 and 23 can be used to estimate the subgrade CBR from
closed-form back-calculated subgrade k-value. For rigid evaluation and overlay designs, the analysis is
conducted by directly using the static subgrade k-value that is obtained from the closed-form NDT back-
calculation work.
d. Other Inputs. As shown in Table 21, remaining input items 11 through 15 are not obtained from
NDT analysis results. Layer thicknesses and interface bonding conditions can be obtained from cores,
borings, GPR, and DCP analysis results. Aircraft traffic data are very important. For the two or three most
critical aircraft, the most important characteristic is the operational gross takeoff weight and the number
of annual departures. Unless approved by the FAA, the design life is typically 20 years. For a remaining
structural life analysis, in years, the allowable gross takeoff weight may have to be restricted to extend the
life of the pavement to meet the owner’s operational needs.

4 3 . PCC Loss of Support. After confirmation, if the NDT analysis results from Chapter 7 indicate
that extensive voids exist throughout the PCC section, the engineer has three options. The recommended
option is to conduct the evaluation and design assuming that support will be restored through


AC 150/5370-11B 9/30/2011

undersealing operations. In this instance, statistically selected back-calculated k-values can be used in the
The second option is to conduct a finite element analysis to compute the increase in PCC flexural stress
that is caused by a loss of support at the slab corner or joints.
The third option, and least desirable, is to conduct an analysis using a reduced k-value, similar to the
approach used in AC 150/5320-6 for frost protection. For both frost and loss of support scenarios, the
subgrade support is reduced to a k-value that is less than the value obtained from an NDT analysis.
For frost-based reduced subgrade strengths, the k-value ranges from 25 to 50, depending on the frost
group, as discussed in AC 150/5320-6. Table 23 presents recommendations for a reduced k-value based
on the results of the void analysis in Chapter 7.

Table 23. Recommended Reduced Values for Loss of Support Conditions

Percent of Slabs with Statistically Selected Back-Calculated K-Value (Static)

Void Depth > 3 mils k < 100 100 ≤ k < 300 k ≥ 300
0 ≤ % < 10 50 75 100
10 ≤ % < 25 40 60 80
25 ≤ % < 100 25 40 55

4 4 . Summary. The engineer can use the NDT results that are obtained using the procedures
discussed in Chapter 7 to select inputs for the FAA analysis procedures that are described in AC
150/5320-6. If the engineer has analyzed the NDT deflection data, as discussed in Chapter 7, the NDT
results can be directly used in many of the FAA’s evaluation and design programs. Otherwise, several
correlations must be used to estimate evaluation and design inputs, as discussed in this chapter. In either
case, the use of NDT-based evaluation and design inputs may increase the reliability of the analysis
because in-situ properties of the pavement structure and subgrade are used for evaluation and design.


9/30/2011 AC 150/5370-11B

A P P E N D I X 1. G L O S S A R Y
The following terms are used throughout this document and the FAA.
Term Definition
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation
ACN Airport Classification Number
AGBS Aggregate Base
AOA Airport Operations Area
APC Asphalt Overlaid PCC Pavements
APMS Airport Pavement Management System
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CIP Capital Improvement Program
CL Centerline
COV Coefficient of Variations
CTB Cement Treated Base
DCP Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
DIA Denver International Airport, CO
DSM Dynamic Stiffness Modulus
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FWD Falling Weight Deflectometer
GA General Aviation
GPR Ground-Penetrating Radar
HMA Asphalt
HWD Heavy-Falling Weight Deflectometer
IR Infrared Thermography
ISM Impulse Stiffness Modulus
LTPP Long-Term Pavement Performance
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transducers
MGTOW Maximum Gross Takeoff Weights
NAPTF National Airport Pavement Test Facility
NCHRP National Highway Cooperative Research Program
NDT Nondestructive Testing
PCI Pavement Condition Index
PCC Portland Cement Concrete
PCN Pavement Classification Number
PDDL Pavement Deflection Data Logging
RMS Root Mean Square
SASW Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves
SCI Structural Condition Index
SHRP Strategic Highway Research Program

APPENDIX 1. Glossary 79
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80 APPENDIX 1. Glossary

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