Network Troubleshooting Steps
Network Troubleshooting Steps
Network Troubleshooting Steps
• Check Monitoring Tool for any alerts for that specific site which is affected by P1/P2
• Understanding issue properly when it happens & symptoms also we can check any change is
made at same location & supporting infra, also check it is new deployment or existing network
• Question users on the network to learn about the errors or difficulties they have encountered.
• We check Wan Links & Internal Lan depending on issues. (Ping and traceroute Output we
required we can check graph in Orion for the latency also we can check BGP flap info
• Gather information about the current state of the network using the network troubleshooting
tools that you have available to you.
• Trace source and destination IP address and MAC address to find the switch port we have go
check end to end devices, look for any errors (CRC, Flapping) on the port and logs on the switch
(CPU, memory utilization etc.)
• Identify the symptoms of the network outage. For example, do they include complete loss of
network connection? Slow behavior on the network? Is there a network-wide problem, or are
the issues only being experienced by one user?
• Determine if anything has changed in the network before the issues appeared. Is there a new
piece of hardware that’s in use? Has the network taken on new users? Has there been a
software update or change somewhere in the network?
• Define individual problems clearly. Sometimes a network can have multiple problems. This is the
time to identify each individual issue
We have to reach manager before doing any changes in network at the time of Incident.
• While shut no shut please be careful & please verify in which prompt are you in.
• While using commands with NO option we have to more careful (example no shut, no bgp)
• When you start any activity or change please start capturing session in putty or secure CRT.
Use caution with the following troubleshooting commands as these are potentially service impacting:
clear arp
request interface-reset interface ge0/7 vpn 0 (used to force an interface reset, like shut/no shut on a
cisco interface)
request port-hop color red (used to force an SD-WAN IPSEC tunnel to port-hop to another UDP IPSEC
port to clear potential NAT or tunnel connectivity issues)
Troubleshooting commands
Nexus switch
sh log
show ip bgp summary vrf all
show ip route
show ip bgp
sh run | b r b
sh run | b r o’
sh log
Viptela SDWAN
show arp
show clock
show history
show interface
show ip fib
show ip routes
show logging
show run
show software
show uptime
show users
show version
show vrrp
Use caution with the following troubleshooting commands as these are potentially service impacting:
clear arp
request interface-reset interface ge0/7 vpn 0 (used to force an interface reset, like shut/no shut on a
cisco interface)
request port-hop color red (used to force an SD-WAN IPSEC tunnel to port-hop to another UDP IPSEC
port to clear potential NAT or tunnel connectivity issues)