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Central Positional Vertigo

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Progress in Brain Research

Volume 249

Modelling in Motor
Neuroscience: State of
the Art and Translation
to the Clinic. Gaze
Orienting Mechanisms
and Disease
Serial Editor

Vincent Walsh
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
University College London
17 Queen Square
London WC1N 3AR UK

Editorial Board

Mark Bear, Cambridge, USA.

Medicine & Translational Neuroscience
Hamed Ekhtiari, Tehran, Iran.
Hajime Hirase, Wako, Japan.
Neuronal Microcircuitry
Freda Miller, Toronto, Canada.
Developmental Neurobiology
Shane O’Mara, Dublin, Ireland.
Systems Neuroscience
Susan Rossell, Swinburne, Australia.
Clinical Psychology & Neuropsychiatry
Nathalie Rouach, Paris, France.
Barbara Sahakian, Cambridge, UK.
Cognition & Neuroethics
Bettina Studer, Dusseldorf, Germany.
Xiao-Jing Wang, New York, USA.
Computational Neuroscience
Progress in Brain Research
Volume 249

Modelling in Motor
Neuroscience: State of
the Art and Translation
to the Clinic. Gaze
Orienting Mechanisms
and Disease
Edited by

Stefano Ramat
Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Aasef G. Shaikh
Department of Neurology,
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center;
Neurology Service, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center,
Cleveland, OH, United States
Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier
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First edition 2019

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ISBN: 978-0-444-64254-7
ISSN: 0079-6123

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Publisher: Zoe Kruze

Acquisition Editor: Sam Mahfoudh
Editorial Project Manager: Peter Llewellyn
Production Project Manager: Abdulla Sait
Cover Designer: Alan Studholme
Typeset by SPi Global, India
Zachariah O. Adham
Illinois Neurologic Institute, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, IL,
United States
Chrystalina A. Antoniades
NeuroMetrology Lab, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University
of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Laura J. Balcer
Department of Neurology; Department of Ophthalmology; Department of
Population Health, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY,
United States
Mahya Beheshti
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, NYU School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States
Elena Belova
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia
Sinem Balta Beylergil
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University;
National VA Parkinson Consortium Center, Neurology Service, Daroff-Dell’Osso
Ocular Motility and Vestibular Laboratory, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical
Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
Yash Chaudhry
Department of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine, New York,
NY, United States
Tommaso Chiantini
Eye-tracking and Visual Application Lab (EVALab), Department of Medicine,
Surgery and Neurosciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Clara Chisari
Department of Neurology, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Jeong-Yoon Choi
Department of Neurology, Dizziness Center, Clinical Neuroscience Center, Seoul
National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam; Department of Neurology,
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
Ayse I. Colpak
Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States; Department of Neurology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
John Douglas Crawford
York University, Toronto, ON, Canada

vi Contributors

Weiwei Dai
Department of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine; Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New York University Tandon School of
Engineering, New York, NY, United States
Emiliano De Schutter
Division de Neurotologia, Hospital Del Carmen, Mendoza, Argentina
Mark J. Edwards
Motor Control and Movement Disorder Group, Institute of Molecular and Clinical
Sciences, St George’s University of London, London, United Kingdom
Thomas Eggert
Department of Neurology, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
James J. Fitzgerald
NeuroMetrology Lab, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences; Nuffield
Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
James Fung
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, NYU School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States
Joseph Galea
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Steven L. Galetta
Department of Neurology; Department of Ophthalmology, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Fatema F. Ghasia
Neurology Service, Daroff-Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory, Louis Stokes
Cleveland VA Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
Stefan Glasauer
Computational Neurosciences; German Center for Vertigo and Balance
Disorders, University Hospital Munich, Munich; Institute of Medical Technology,
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Senftenberg;
Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Munich, Planegg, Germany
Laurent Goffart
Aix Marseille University, CNRS, INT, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone,
Marseille; Aix Marseille University, CNRS, CGGG, Centre Gilles Gaston Granger,
Aix-en-Provence, France
Marco Gori
University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Peter Henningsen
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Klinikum rechts der
Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Contributors vii

Anja K.E. Horn

Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology I, Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU);
Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN), LMU, Munich, Germany
Maryam Hosseini
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, NYU School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States
Todd E. Hudson
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Department of Neurology,
NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Jonathan B. Jacobs
Daroff-Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory, Department of Neurology, Louis
Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center; School of Medicine; Department of
Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH,
United States
Hyder A. Jinnah
Departments of Neurology and Human Genetics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
United States
Ileok Jung
Department of Neurology, Korea University College of Medicine, Korea University
Ansan Hospital, Ansan, South Korea
Bahadir Kasap
Department of Biophysics, Radboud University, Donders Centre for
Neuroscience, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Jorge C. Kattah
Illinois Neurologic Institute, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, IL,
United States
Amir Kheradmand
Department of Neurology; Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck
Surgery, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Hyo-Jung Kim
Research Administration Team, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital,
Seongnam, South Korea
Ji-Soo Kim
Department of Neurology, Dizziness Center, Clinical Neuroscience Center, Seoul
National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam; Department of Neurology,
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
Sung-Hee Kim
Department of Neurology, Kyungpook National University, Chilgok Hospital,
Daegu, South Korea
Yoshiko Kojima
Washington National Primate Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA, United States
viii Contributors

Nadine Lehnen
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Klinikum rechts der
Isar, Technical University of Munich; German Center for Vertigo and Balance
Disorders, University Hospital Munich, Munich; Institute of Medical Technology,
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Senftenberg;
Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Munich, Planegg, Germany
Karoline Lienbacher
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology I, Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU);
German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders, LMU, Munich, Germany
John Martone
Department of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine, New York,
NY, United States

Umit S. Mayadali
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology I, Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU);
German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders; Graduate School of Systemic
Neurosciences (GSN), LMU, Munich, Germany
Cameron C. McIntyre
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States
Jordan Murray
Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
Michael Mustari
Washington National Primate Research Center; Department of Ophthalmology,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
Vladislav Myrov
Saint Petersburg Academic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ludmila Myrova
Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering, Moscow, Russia
Paolo Nucci
San Giuseppe Eye Clinic; University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Lance M. Optican
Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research, NEI, NIH, DHHS, Bethesda, MD,
United States
Jorge Otero-Millan
Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States
Murat C. Ozdemir
Department of Neurology, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Sarah Ozinga
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States
Contributors ix

Salil Patel
NeuroMetrology Lab, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University
of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Pietro Piu
Eye-tracking and Visual Application Lab (EVALab), Department of Medicine,
Surgery and Neurosciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Elena Pretegiani
Eye-tracking and Visual Application Lab (EVALab), Department of Medicine,
Surgery and Neurosciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy; Laboratory of
Sensorimotor Research-NEI, NIH, DHHS, Bethesda, MD, United States
Nataliya Pyatka
Department of Neurology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
Cecilia Ramaioli
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Klinikum rechts der
Isar, Technical University of Munich; German Center for Vertigo and Balance
Disorders, University Hospital Munich, Munich; Institute of Medical Technology,
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Senftenberg,
John-Ross Rizzo
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Department of Neurology,
NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Francesca Rosini
Eye-tracking and Visual Application Lab (EVALab); Neurological and
Neurometabolic Unit, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neurosciences,
University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Jaume Rosset-Llobet
Institut de l’Art. Medicina & Fisiologia, Terrassa, (Barcelona) Spain
Janet C. Rucker
Department of Neurology; Department of Ophthalmology, NYU School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Alessandra Rufa
Eye-tracking and Visual Application Lab (EVALab), Neurological and
Neurometabolic Unit, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neurosciences,
University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Anna Sadnicka
Motor Control and Movement Disorder Group, Institute of Molecular and Clinical
Sciences, St George’s University of London; Clinical and Movement
Neurosciences, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London,
United Kingdom
Matteo Scaramuzzi
Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States; San Giuseppe
Eye Clinic; University of Milan, Milan, Italy
x Contributors

Lena Schr€oder
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Klinikum rechts der
Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich; Graduate School of Systemic
Neurosciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Planegg, Germany
Alexey Sedov
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian
Institute for Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia
Ulia Semenova
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
Alexandra J. Sequeira
Department of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine, New York,
NY, United States
Valeria Serchi
Eye-tracking and Visual Application Lab (EVALab), Department of Medicine,
Surgery and Neurosciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Alessandro Serra
Daroff-Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory, Department of Neurology, Louis
Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center; School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve
University; Department of Neurology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical
Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
Azadeh Shafieesabet
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, NYU School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States
Aasef G. Shaikh
Department of Neurology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and
Case Western Reserve University; Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve
University; Daroff-Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory and Neurology Service;
National VA Parkinson Consortium Center and Neurology Service, Louis Stokes
Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
Yoshikazu Shinoda
Department of Systems Neurophysiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo
Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
Margaret M. Skelly
Daroff-Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory, Department of Neurology, Louis
Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
Lawrence H. Snyder
Department of Neuroscience, Washington University School of Medicine,
St. Louis, MO, United States
Andreas Straube
Department of Neurology, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Contributors xi

Michael Strupp
German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders; Department of Neurology;
Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN), LMU, Munich, Germany
Yuriko Sugiuchi
Department of Systems Neurophysiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo
Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
Mayu Takahashi
Department of Systems Neurophysiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo
Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
Alexey Tomskiy
N.N. Burdenko National Scientific and Practical Center for Neurosurgery,
Moscow, Russia
Svetlana Usova
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
A. John van Opstal
Department of Biophysics, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Mark F. Walker
National VA Parkinson Consortium Center; Neurology Service, Daroff-Dell’Osso
Ocular Motility and Vestibular Laboratory, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical
Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
Benjamin L. Walter
Center for Neurological Restoration, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH,
United States
Domenica Zaino
Eye-tracking and Visual Application Lab (EVALab); Neurological and
Neurometabolic Unit, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neurosciences,
University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Dario Zanca
University of Florence, Florence; University of Siena, Siena, Italy
David S. Zee
Department of Neurology; Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck
Surgery; Department of Neuroscience; Department of Ophthalmology, The Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
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Contributors .......................................................................................................... v
Preface .............................................................................................................. xxv


CHAPTER 1 Sequential Bayesian updating as a model for human
perception ................................................................................ 3
Stefan Glasauer
1. Introduction................................................................................. 3
2. A simple case: Temporal constancy ............................................ 5
3. A more sophisticated case: Random changes over time .............. 8
4. Implementing sequential updating ............................................. 12
5. Perception-action coupling: Decision making ........................... 14
6. Summary ................................................................................... 16
Acknowledgment ............................................................................ 16
References ...................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER 2 Maps and sensorimotor transformations

for eye-head gaze shifts: Role of the midbrain
superior colliculus .............................................................. 19
A. John van Opstal, Bahadir Kasap
1. Introduction............................................................................... 20
1.1. Eye-head gaze shifts .......................................................... 20
1.2. Brief background SC ......................................................... 21
2. Methods .................................................................................... 22
2.1. Paradigm ........................................................................... 23
2.2. Analysis............................................................................. 23
3. Results ....................................................................................... 24
3.1. Behavior ............................................................................ 24
3.2. Neural responses ................................................................ 25
3.3. Model ................................................................................ 27
4. Discussion................................................................................. 29
Acknowledgments .......................................................................... 32
References ...................................................................................... 32

CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus ......... 35

Lance M. Optican, Janet C. Rucker, John-Ross Rizzo,
Todd E. Hudson
1. Introduction............................................................................... 35

xiv Contents

2. Methods .................................................................................... 38
3. Results ....................................................................................... 39
4. New model of opsoclonus ......................................................... 40
4.1. Eye position neurons....................................................... 42
4.2. Supplementary eye fields (SEF) ...................................... 42
4.3. Ocular motor cerebellum ................................................. 43
4.4. Summary of cortical inputs .............................................. 43
4.5. Nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH) .............................. 43
4.6. Omnidirectional and directional pause neurons (OPN
and DPN) ......................................................................... 44
4.7. New hypothesis about OPN function ............................... 47
4.8. Smooth pursuit................................................................ 48
4.9. Model implementation ..................................................... 49
4.10. Simulations ...................................................................... 52
5. Discussion ................................................................................. 55
Acknowledgments .......................................................................... 56
References ...................................................................................... 56


CHAPTER 4 Eye position-dependent opsoclonus in mild
traumatic brain injury ......................................................... 65
John-Ross Rizzo, Todd E. Hudson, Alexandra J. Sequeira,
Weiwei Dai, Yash Chaudhry, John Martone, David S. Zee,
Lance M. Optican, Laura J. Balcer, Steven L. Galetta,
Janet C. Rucker
1. Introduction............................................................................... 66
2. Case description ........................................................................ 66
3. Eye movement recording methods ............................................ 67
4. Eye movement recording results ............................................... 67
5. Discussion ................................................................................. 68
5.1. Behavioral characteristics of opsoclonus/ocular flutter
and “voluntary flutter” ....................................................... 68
5.2. Mechanisms of opsoclonus/ocular flutter and gaze
position-dependence.......................................................... 72
5.3. Relationship with traumatic brain injury and potential
mechanisms of gaze position-dependent opsoclonus/
ocular flutter ...................................................................... 75
6. Conclusion ................................................................................ 75
Acknowledgment ............................................................................ 76
References ...................................................................................... 76
Contents xv


CHAPTER 5 Saccades in Parkinson’s disease: Hypometric,
slow, and maladaptive ....................................................... 81
Aasef G. Shaikh, Fatema F. Ghasia
1. Introduction............................................................................... 82
2. Methods .................................................................................... 83
2.1. Experimental setup ............................................................ 83
2.2. Experimental protocol and data analysis........................... 83
3. Results ....................................................................................... 84
3.1. Quantitative characteristics of saccade interruptions ......... 84
3.2. Quantitative characteristics of saccade curvature ............... 86
3.3. Saccade amplitude to velocity relationship ........................ 87
3.4. Do abnormal saccade characteristics correlate with
the severity of PD? ............................................................ 89
4. Discussion................................................................................. 89
4.1. Impaired function of basal ganglia, superior colliculus,
and impaired corollary discharge to the frontal eye fields ...90
4.2. Impaired function of burst generators in PD ...................... 90
4.3. Superior colliculus activation and maladaptive changes in
saccade trajectory .............................................................. 91
Acknowledgments .......................................................................... 92
References ...................................................................................... 92

CHAPTER 6 Brainstem neural circuits for fixation and

generation of saccadic eye movements ....................... 95
Yoshikazu Shinoda, Mayu Takahashi, Yuriko Sugiuchi
1. Background ............................................................................... 95
2. Synaptic inputs from the SC to Abd MNs and IBNs................. 97
3. Synaptic inputs from the rostral and caudal parts
of the SC to OPNs ..................................................................... 98
4. Discussion............................................................................... 100
Conflicts of Interest ...................................................................... 102
References .................................................................................... 102

CHAPTER 7 Morphological and electrophysiological

characteristics of the commissural system in the
superior colliculi for control of eye movements .... . . 105
Mayu Takahashi
1. Introduction............................................................................. 106
2. Methods ................................................................................... 107
xvi Contents

3. Results ..................................................................................... 107

4. Discussion ............................................................................... 112
References .................................................................................... 114

CHAPTER 8 Potassium channels in omnipause neurons ............... 117

Umit S. Mayadali, Karoline Lienbacher, Michael Mustari,
Michael Strupp, Anja K.E. Horn
1. Introduction............................................................................. 118
2. Methods ................................................................................... 118
3. Results ..................................................................................... 119
4. Discussion ............................................................................... 121
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 122
References .................................................................................... 122

CHAPTER 9 The cerebellum improves the precision of

antisaccades by a latency-duration trade-off ........... 125
Pietro Piu, Elena Pretegiani, Francesca Rosini,
Valeria Serchi, Domenica Zaino, Tommaso Chiantini,
Alessandra Rufa
1. Introduction............................................................................. 126
2. Methods ................................................................................... 127
2.1. Patients and controls ........................................................ 127
2.2. Eye movement recording................................................. 127
2.3. Signal processing............................................................. 128
2.4. Latency decomposition .................................................... 128
2.5. Statistical analysis ........................................................... 130
3. Results ..................................................................................... 131
3.1. Descriptive statistics........................................................ 131
3.2. Ex-Wald parameters (drift and boundary):
Mann-Whitney U test ...................................................... 133
3.3. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of the DT and RT
distributions ..................................................................... 133
3.4. Logistic model ................................................................. 133
3.5. Sample entropy of saccadic end-points ............................ 135
4. Discussion ............................................................................... 135
References .................................................................................... 137
Further reading ............................................................................. 139

CHAPTER 10 Saccade variability in healthy subjects

and cerebellar patients .................................................... 141
Thomas Eggert, Andreas Straube
1. Introduction............................................................................. 141
Contents xvii

2. Methods ................................................................................... 143

2.1. Subjects ........................................................................... 143
2.2. Apparatus and procedure ................................................. 143
2.3. Data analysis................................................................... 144
2.4. Statistics .......................................................................... 146
3. Results ..................................................................................... 146
3.1. Parametric approach for the analysis of motor feedback ...147
3.2. Decomposition of the inter-trial variance of the saccade
trajectory into accumulating noise and feedback noise .... 148
4. Discussion............................................................................... 149
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 151
References .................................................................................... 151

CHAPTER 11 Electrical stimulation in a spiking neural network

model of monkey superior colliculus .......................... 153
A. John van Opstal, Bahadir Kasap
1. Introduction............................................................................. 153
2. Methods and results ................................................................. 155
2.1. Afferent mapping ............................................................. 155
2.2. Network characteristics .................................................... 156
2.3. Current spread ................................................................. 159
2.4. Network tuning ................................................................ 159
2.5. Micro-stimulation ............................................................ 159
2.6. Kinematics....................................................................... 159
3. Discussion............................................................................... 160
3.1. Network tuning ................................................................ 162
3.2. Network normalization .................................................... 162
3.3. In conclusion................................................................... 163
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 164
Appendix: Parameter values used in the simulations .................... 164
References .................................................................................... 165
Further reading ............................................................................. 166


CHAPTER 12 A neuronal process for adaptive control of primate
saccadic system ................................................................ 169
Yoshiko Kojima
1. Introduction............................................................................. 170
2. Saccade adaptation paradigm .................................................. 170
3. The neuronal mechanism of saccades ...................................... 171
xviii Contents

4. The neural mechanism of saccade adaptation .......................... 173

5. Error signal for saccade adaptation ......................................... 175
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 179
References .................................................................................... 179

CHAPTER 13 A unified computational framework for visual

attention dynamics ............................................................ 183
Dario Zanca, Marco Gori, Alessandra Rufa
1. Introduction............................................................................. 183
2. Convolutional feature activation maps are good saliency
predictors ................................................................................. 184
3. Eye movements guided by convolutional features ................... 185
4. Discussion ............................................................................... 187
References .................................................................................... 187

CHAPTER 14 Improving the repeatability of two-rate model

parameter estimations by using autoencoder
networks ............................................................................... 189
Murat C. Ozdemir, Thomas Eggert, Andreas Straube
1. Introduction............................................................................. 189
2. Methods ................................................................................... 190
3. Results ..................................................................................... 192
4. Discussion ............................................................................... 193
References .................................................................................... 194


CHAPTER 15 Rebound nystagmus, a window into the oculomotor
integrator .............................................................................. 197
Jorge Otero-Millan, Ayse I. Colpak, Amir Kheradmand,
David S. Zee
1. Introduction............................................................................. 197
2. Methods ................................................................................... 199
3. Results ..................................................................................... 200
4. Discussion ............................................................................... 202
4.1. Characterization of gaze holding ..................................... 202
4.2. Modeling rebound nystagmus .......................................... 205
4.3. Why rebound? ................................................................. 207
4.4. Other approaches to model neural integrators .................. 207
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 208
References .................................................................................... 208
Contents xix

CHAPTER 16 Central positional nystagmus: Characteristics

and model-based explanations ...................................... 211
Jeong-Yoon Choi, Ji-Soo Kim
1. Introduction............................................................................. 212
2. Characteristics of central positional nystagmus ....................... 213
2.1. Paroxysmal CPN .............................................................. 213
2.2. Persistent CPN ................................................................. 216
3. Etiology and location of lesions .............................................. 217
4. Mechanisms............................................................................. 218
5. Conclusion.............................................................................. 221
Source of funding/support ............................................................ 221
Conflict of interest statement ........................................................ 222
Disclosure..................................................................................... 222
Authors’ contributions .................................................................. 222
References .................................................................................... 222

CHAPTER 17 Modulation of acquired monocular pendular

nystagmus in multiple sclerosis: A modeling
approach .............................................................................. 227
Ileok Jung, Sung-Hee Kim, Hyo-Jung Kim, Jeong-Yoon Choi,
Ji-Soo Kim
1. Introduction............................................................................. 228
2. Methods ................................................................................... 228
2.1. Patient .............................................................................. 228
2.2. Study protocol ................................................................. 229
2.3. Oculography .................................................................... 230
2.4. Analyses of nystagmus .................................................... 230
2.5. Statistics .......................................................................... 230
3. Results ..................................................................................... 230
3.1. The paradigm I for visual modulation ............................. 230
3.2. The paradigm II for saccadic modulation........................ 231
4. Discussion............................................................................... 231
5. Conclusion.............................................................................. 233
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 233
Disclosure..................................................................................... 233
References .................................................................................... 233

CHAPTER 18 Fixation instability in amblyopia: Oculomotor

disease biomarkers predictive of treatment
effectiveness ....................................................................... 235
Matteo Scaramuzzi, Jordan Murray, Jorge Otero-Millan, Paolo
Nucci, Aasef G. Shaikh, Fatema F. Ghasia
1. Introduction............................................................................. 236
xx Contents

2. Methods ................................................................................... 237

2.1. Eye movement recording and analysis............................. 241
3. Clinical data and outcome measures ....................................... 242
4. Results ..................................................................................... 243
5. Treatment outcome measures as a function of the clinical
subtype of amblyopia .............................................................. 243
6. Treatment outcome measures as a function of fixation eye
movement waveforms ............................................................. 245
7. Discussion ............................................................................... 246
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 247
References .................................................................................... 247
Further reading ............................................................................. 248


CHAPTER 19 What can kinematic studies tell us about the
mechanisms of dystonia? ................................................ 251
Anna Sadnicka, Joseph Galea, Mark J. Edwards
1. Dystonia .................................................................................. 251
2. Why study kinematics? ........................................................... 252
3. Kinematic studies of dystonia ................................................. 253
4. Variability in DYT1 dystonia .................................................. 254
5. Directions for future work ....................................................... 258
6. Conclusions ............................................................................. 259
References .................................................................................... 259
CHAPTER 20 Implications of asymmetric neural activity patterns
in the basal ganglia outflow in the integrative
neural network model for cervical dystonia .............. 261
Alexey Sedov, Ulia Semenova, Svetlana Usova,
Alexey Tomskiy, John Douglas Crawford, Hyder A. Jinnah,
Aasef G. Shaikh
1. Introduction............................................................................. 262
2. Materials and methods ............................................................ 263
3. Results ..................................................................................... 263
4. Discussion ............................................................................... 267
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 267
References .................................................................................... 267

CHAPTER 21 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia

and its rehabilitation ........................................................ 269
Anna Sadnicka, Jaume Rosset-Llobet
1. Introduction............................................................................. 269
Contents xxi

2. Risk factors for task-specific dystonia ..................................... 270

3. A motor control model of task-specific dystonia ..................... 273
3.1. Motor skill learning in health .......................................... 273
3.2. Neural correlates of skill expertise .................................. 274
3.3. Psychology of motor control ............................................ 275
3.4. Onset of dystonia ............................................................. 276
4. Management of task-specific dystonia ..................................... 278
4.1. Prevention ........................................................................ 278
4.2. Traditional management .................................................. 279
4.3. Emerging treatments ........................................................ 279
5. Conclusions............................................................................. 281
References .................................................................................... 281

CHAPTER 22 Tremor in chronic inflammatory demyelinating

polyneuropathy: Proof of unifying network model
for dystonia .......................................................................... 285
Nataliya Pyatka, Alexey Sedov, Benjamin L. Walter,
Hyder A. Jinnah, Aasef G. Shaikh
1. Introduction............................................................................. 286
2. Methods ................................................................................... 287
2.1. Clinical case .................................................................... 287
2.2. Data acquisition technique ............................................... 288
2.3. Data analysis................................................................... 289
3. Results ..................................................................................... 289
4. Discussion............................................................................... 292
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 293
References .................................................................................... 293

SECTION VII RESEARCH: Parkinson’s disease

CHAPTER 23 Oculomotor effects of medical and surgical
treatments of Parkinson’s disease ................................ 297
Salil Patel, James J. Fitzgerald, Chrystalina A. Antoniades
1. Introduction............................................................................. 297
2. Effects of PD medication on the oculomotor system ............... 298
3. Effects of surgical intervention on PD on the oculomotor
system ..................................................................................... 300
3.1. Computational modeling of oculomotor function
in PD ............................................................................... 301
References .................................................................................... 303
xxii Contents

CHAPTER 24 Vestibular heading perception in Parkinson’s

disease ................................................................................. 307
Sinem Balta Beylergil, Sarah Ozinga, Mark F. Walker,
Cameron C. McIntyre, Aasef G. Shaikh
1. Introduction............................................................................. 308
2. Methods ................................................................................... 308
2.1. Subjects........................................................................... 308
2.2. Experiment setup ............................................................. 310
2.3. Experiment protocol ........................................................ 310
2.4. Data analysis ................................................................... 311
3. Results ..................................................................................... 312
4. Discussion ............................................................................... 314
5. Conclusion .............................................................................. 316
References .................................................................................... 316

CHAPTER 25 A new approach for estimation of spiketrain

patterns in basal ganglia ................................................ 321
Vladislav Myrov, Alexey Sedov, Alexey Tomskiy,
Ludmila Myrova, Elena Belova
1. Introduction............................................................................. 321
2. Materials and methods ............................................................ 322
2.1. Data description ............................................................... 322
2.2. Method description .......................................................... 322
3. Results ..................................................................................... 323
4. Discussion ............................................................................... 324
Acknowledgment .......................................................................... 324
References .................................................................................... 324


CHAPTER 26 A model-based study of internuclear
ophthalmoparesis and ocular-motor fatigue
in multiple sclerosis ......................................................... 329
Jonathan B. Jacobs, Clara Chisari, Margaret M. Skelly,
Mark F. Walker, Alessandro Serra
1. Introduction............................................................................. 330
2. Methods ................................................................................... 331
2.1. Eye movement recording................................................. 331
2.2. Model simulation ............................................................. 333
3. Results ..................................................................................... 336
3.1. Saccades parameters ........................................................ 336
3.2. Model simulation: PSR changes...................................... 337
Contents xxiii

3.3. Model simulation: PTD changes...................................... 338

3.4. Model simulation: Complex saccades .............................. 339
4. Discussion............................................................................... 339
Acknowledgment .......................................................................... 343
Funding ........................................................................................ 343
Disclaimer .................................................................................... 343
References .................................................................................... 343
Further reading ............................................................................. 344
CHAPTER 27 Central positional vertigo: A clinical-imaging
study ...................................................................................... 345
Emiliano De Schutter, Zachariah O. Adham, Jorge C. Kattah
1. Introduction............................................................................. 346
2. Methods ................................................................................... 346
3. Results ..................................................................................... 347
3.1. General characteristics ..................................................... 347
3.2. CPV-first and imaging-first groups .................................. 354
3.3. Unilateral and bilateral lesion groups .............................. 355
4. Discussion............................................................................... 355
4.1. General clinical neurotology findings.............................. 357
5. Comparison between clinical-first and imaging-first
subgroups ................................................................................ 358
5.1. CPV lesion localization ................................................... 358
6. Limitations.............................................................................. 359
References .................................................................................... 359
CHAPTER 28 Eye-hand re-coordination: A pilot investigation
of gaze and reach biofeedback in chronic stroke ... 361
John-Ross Rizzo, Mahya Beheshti, Azadeh Shafieesabet,
James Fung, Maryam Hosseini, Janet C. Rucker,
Lawrence H. Snyder, Todd E. Hudson
1. Introduction............................................................................. 362
2. Methods ................................................................................... 363
2.1. Subjects ........................................................................... 363
2.2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria....................................... 363
2.3. Experiment ...................................................................... 365
2.4. Statistical analysis........................................................... 366
2.5. Results ............................................................................. 366
3. Eye and hand movement timing/duration ................................ 366
4. Spatial errors for look and reach............................................. 369
5. Discussion............................................................................... 370
References .................................................................................... 372
Further reading ............................................................................. 374
xxiv Contents

CHAPTER 29 Kinematics and the neurophysiological study

of visually-guided eye movements ............................... 375
Laurent Goffart
1. Gaze, target and measurements ............................................... 375
2. Gaze direction as equilibrium .................................................. 376
3. Transforming the location of a peripheral target into
saccade duration ...................................................................... 378
4. Tracking a moving target ........................................................ 379
5. Target velocity as a stimulus for pursuit ................................. 380
6. Pursuit as sustained imbalance ................................................ 381
7. Conclusion .............................................................................. 381
Acknowledgments ........................................................................ 382
References .................................................................................... 382
Further reading ............................................................................. 384
CHAPTER 30 Deficient head motor control in functional
dizziness: Experimental evidence of central
sensory-motor dysfunction in persistent physical
symptoms ............................................................................. 385
Nadine Lehnen, Lena Schr€oder, Peter Henningsen,
Stefan Glasauer, Cecilia Ramaioli
1. Introduction............................................................................. 386
2. Materials and methods ............................................................ 388
2.1. Subjects........................................................................... 388
2.2. Experimental procedure ................................................... 388
2.3. Data analysis ................................................................... 389
2.4. Statistical analysis ........................................................... 391
3. Results ..................................................................................... 392
3.1. Video head impulse test and head impulse testing
device function test .......................................................... 392
3.2. Altering head mechanics during eye-head gaze shifts
to visual targets ............................................................... 392
3.3. Comparison to previously acquired data from patients
with chronic vestibular loss and cerebellar ataxia ............ 393
4. Discussion ............................................................................... 393
Conflict of interest ........................................................................ 396
Author contribution ...................................................................... 396
Funding ........................................................................................ 397
Data availability statement ........................................................... 397
References .................................................................................... 397

Volume 249 of Progress in Brain Research: Mathematical Modeling in Motor

Neuroscience: State of the Art and Translation to the Clinic is the second of two
volumes that grew out of a conference, Mathematical Modeling in Motor Neurosci-
ences, held at the University of Pavia, Italy, 6–8 June, 2018 to honor Lance Optican.
Volume 248 focuses on the ocular motor plant and gaze stabilization mechanisms.
This volume, 249, deals with gaze orienting mechanisms and disease. The reader is
referred to the Foreword in Volume 248 for a summary of the motivation behind both
the conference and publication, and the many contributions made by Lance Optican.

Stefano Ramata
Aasef G. Shaikhb
Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Department of Neurology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center; Neurology Service,
Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States

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Sequential Bayesian
updating as a model for
human perception
Stefan Glasauer*
Computational Neuroscience, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg,
Cottbus, Germany
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +49-355-693270, e-mail address:

Sequential Bayesian updating has been proposed as model for explaining various systematic
biases in human perception, such as the central tendency, range effects, and serial dependence.
The present chapter introduces to the principal ideas behind Bayesian updating for the random-
change model introduced previously and shows how to implement sequential updating using
the exact method via probability distributions, the Kalman filter for Gaussian distributions, and
a particle filter for approximate sequential updating. Finally, it is demonstrated how to couple
perception to action by selecting an appropriate action based on the posterior distribution that
results from sequential updating.

Probabilistic model, Decision making, Central tendency, Range effect, Serial dependence,
Particle filter, Kalman filter

1 Introduction
During the last decades probabilistic models have become successful in explaining
particular features of human perception, and often even of cognition in general
(e.g., Chater et al., 2006). A central idea behind the rise of probabilistic models is
the ubiquitous uncertainty in sensory signals but also in neural processing in general.
Because sensory inputs are noisy, central processing of these inputs should deal
appropriately with the uncertainty. The optimal way to do so is to use methods from
probability theory, which provides a normative optimum for processing uncertain
inputs. Probability theory tells us how to infer the latent causes from uncertain
and noisy stimuli: was that movement in the leaves caused by the wind or by a
potentially dangerous animal?

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
4 CHAPTER 1 Sequential Bayesian updating as a model for human

Bayes’s rules, which first was formulated in 1763 (Bayes and Price, 1763), is just
one of the many statistical theorems that is utilized. However, it gave the name to
what nowadays it called Bayesian probability, or Bayesian statistics, contrasting it
to frequentist statistics (e.g., Rouder, 2014). The Bayesian view of probability is that
it expresses a degree of belief in a certain hypothesis. This belief is then updated
using Bayes’ theorem by new evidence, for example, when new data come in. This
type of inference is a useful strategy for statistical data analysis (e.g., Kruschke and
Liddell, 2018 for an introduction), but can as well be used to model how the brain
should process sensory information and prior knowledge to come up with beliefs
about possible causes of the sensory inputs. The idea that the brain performs a pro-
cess of inference not only when we think about logical deductions, but also when we
simply perceive, has first been formulated by Helmholtz (1867): “… it may be per-
mitted to designate the mental acts of ordinary perception as unconscious
inferences...” (Helmholtz, 1867, chapter 26, translation by SG). While Helmholtz
himself did not provide a mathematical foundation for these ideas, during the last
decades theories of brain function were developed that implement Helmholtz’ un-
conscious inference on the mathematical basis of probability theory (e.g., Chater
et al., 2006; Dayan et al., 1995; Griffiths et al., 2008; Knill and Pouget, 2004).
The goal of this course chapter is not to provide a complete overview of the
literature on probabilistic modeling of perception and cognition (for a recent critique,
see Rahnev and Denison, 2018), but rather to concentrate on one particular case, se-
quential Bayesian updating, and to explain with simple examples how such models
are formed and what they can explain.
A central feature of probabilistic models is that they assume that internal variables
are represented as probability distributions rather than discrete values. Probability dis-
tributions express the probability of certain events, for example, the binomial
distribution is used to describe how often one might see heads up when flipping a coin
n times. Using such distributions, one can also make inferences: given that we observe
the coin a certain number of times and record how often it showed the head, what’s the
probability of the coin showing a head? Here probability expresses a degree of belief
(Rouder, 2014): when we say that for the coin the probability is 0.5 (or 50%), then
we mean that it’s equally likely that on the next trial the coin lands heads-up or tail-
up. The probability is thus a parameter of the coin. While the binomial distribution is
a discrete distribution, magnitudes such as distances, durations, brightness, loudness,
etc., require continuous distributions such as the normal distribution. In all cases,
the integral over the distribution yields unity, since the overall probability of all possible
cases (or magnitudes) together is 100%, it is certain. Probabilities thus express the degree
of belief in a hypothesis, e.g., the coin being fair (expressed as its probability being 0.5),
in an experiment sound and light coming from the same source, etc. Bayes rule provides
the principled way to update the belief when new evidence becomes available.
Representing probability distributions, be it on paper, on a computer, or in the
brain, usually requires to hold more than just a single value: a normal distribution,
for example, is described by its mean and its variance. While there have been many
ideas of how neurons or neural networks might represent probability distributions,
2 A simple case: Temporal constancy 5

for example, in population codes, the exact implementation is not important for the
following. We just have to assume that it can be done, be it as parameterized version
(e.g., mean and variance), as discrete approximation (e.g., a histogram), or as sam-
ples (representing exemplars of the actual distribution).
The probability distribution that expresses our belief about the aspects of external
world we’re interested in before having new evidence is called the prior distribution.
It is the probability of our current hypothesis P(H). The new evidence is gathered by
observation or measurement and, importantly, is also subject to uncertainty. This un-
certainty is expressed by another distribution, by the likelihood distribution. The
likelihood distribution expressed the knowledge about the measurement uncertainty.
For example, when hearing a sound, we can determine its direction or duration not
exactly, but with a certain variability, which is due to measurement noise, because
our ears are not perfect measurement instruments. The likelihood thus expresses the
probability for observing the current data given the hypothesis, which is written as
P(D jH). Bayes law allows to determine from likelihood and prior what we’re really
interested in: the posterior probability of the hypothesis given the data P(H j D):
PðH jDÞ ¼ PðD jHÞ  PðHÞ=PðDÞ
Note that one does not need to know P(D), since P(H jD) is a probability distri-
bution and thus sums up to unity, so that we can simply normalize the product
P(D jH)*P(H)
Ð to yield the result P(H jD). In other words, P(D) is calculated as
P(D) ¼ P(D j H)*P(H) dH.
The core of sequential Bayesian updating is that we can use the posterior prob-
ability P(H jD) as new prior distribution, because it represents our beliefs after ob-
serving the current data, and thus before observing the next evidence.

2 A simple case: Temporal constancy

In the most simple case, we repeatedly observe an event (such as the coin landing
again, or another beep of the sound), and assume that the parameter associated with
the event remains constant over time (the probability of the coin does not change, the
sound comes from the same location). In such a case, sequential updating is partic-
ularly simple. The generative model that formulates our assumption, will simply
state that the parameter x is constant: xk ¼ xk 1, with k denoting the kth observation.
Note that we do not observe x (the parameter or property that we’re interested in)
directly, but usually just a noisy version of it: zk ¼ xk +εz, with εz being a random
variable with a given distribution (for example, a normal distribution with zero
mean) describing the measurement noise or uncertainty.
For a concrete example, let us assume that a signal is coming repeatedly from a
location somewhere around us. Before the first event, we can either make no assump-
tion about where the signal will come from (uninformed or neutral prior, same prob-
ability for all locations, Fig. 1A) or we can, for example, assume that the signal will
come from somewhere in front of us (e.g., because we were told to point toward it).
FIG. 1
Illustration of an example for Bayesian estimation of the location of a signal. (A) Two possible initial prior distributions (neutral or informed).
(B) The likelihood function for a signal observed at 45 degree. It is assumed that the variability of our sensor is relatively high.
(C) Posterior distributions for the two priors. Note that with a neutral prior the most likely location of the signal source is at 45 degree, but with
the informed prior it is estimated to be closer to the middle (peak of the posterior is at about 28 degree). (D) Example continued: the use of
the previous posterior distribution as new prior leads to sequential Bayesian updating of the estimated location of a signal. (E) The likelihood
function for a signal observed at 50 degree (previous observation in gray). (F) Posterior distributions for the two priors.
2 A simple case: Temporal constancy 7

This initial knowledge about the location x of the signal source is described by the
prior distribution p(x). Once we observed the first signal z1 (dashed line in Fig. 1B),
we assign the likelihood function to it (Fig. 1B), which is the probability of observing
the signal given the location p(z1 j x). Now we can estimate the location of its source
by using Bayes theorem. We take our prior distribution and multiply it by the like-
lihood distribution:
pðx jz1 Þ ¼ pðz1 jxÞ  pðxÞ=pðz1 Þ
with p(z1) being a normalization factor. Now we have a posterior distribution p(x jz1)
(Fig. 1C) that gives us the probability distribution for the location of the signal
source. In the example (Fig. 1) the von-Mises distribution p(x j μ,κ) with mean
μ and concentration κ is used as prior and likelihood function, which is the equivalent
of a normal distribution on a circle (the signal can come from any direction around
us). Note that the likelihood function is the probability expressed as function of
the unknown parameter, in this case, as function of the mean of the von-Mises
distribution as f(μ jα,κ) with α being the observed angle and 1/κ corresponding to
the uncertainty of the observation.
The posterior distribution is sharper than the prior, which means that we gained
confidence in the estimated location. In the next step, we can now use the posterior as
new prior (Fig. 1D). In Fig. 1E, the new measurement is slightly different, but the
peak of the posterior continues to grow, indicating better confidence in the estimate.
Assuming that our participant has to point to the source of the signal after 5 pre-
sentations of the stimulus, we can now predict her performance. For the simulation
(Fig. 2), we assume that each stimulus presentation is well-separated from the next

FIG. 2
Simulated estimation of a stimulus direction with a neutral prior or an informed prior (see
Fig. 1A) after a single stimulus presentation (A) or after 5 consecutive presentations (B). The
systematic bias induced by the prior becomes smaller if more confidence is given to the
observation due to repeated presentation of the stimulus and sequential Bayesian updating.
8 CHAPTER 1 Sequential Bayesian updating as a model for human

one to avoid serial dependencies, which will be discussed below. Fig. 2A shows the
putative estimation performance after a single presentation, Fig. 2B after 5 consec-
utive stimulus presentations. Note that the resulting estimate is biased toward the
assumed straight ahead direction (angle 0 degree), but much less so after 5 presen-
tations (Fig. 2B).
The curve shown in Fig. 2A is similar to the adjustment of a visually presented
line to the vertical being tilted in different body positions (Mittelstaedt, 1983): the
subjective visual vertical (SVV). And indeed, the systematic bias of the SVV is often
explained as being due to a prior for upright body position, which then results in very
similar dependencies (see, for example, Clemens et al., 2011).

3 A more sophisticated case: Random changes over time

The stationarity of the presented stimulus, which was assumed for the model pre-
sented above, is, however, very often not given, for example, because a stimulus
moves or because stimuli of different magnitude are presented sequentially.
In this case, however, sequential Bayesian updating becomes more complicated.
Our generative model (Fig. 3) now changes in the simplest case to xk ¼ xk 1 + εx,
with εx being a random variable with zero mean. In other words we assume now that
the property, which we want to estimate, changes from trial to trial by a random
amount, which is described by the transition probability p(xk jxk 1). The initial
knowledge is, as in the example above, described by the prior p(x0). Now the first
measurement comes in, and we can calculate the new posterior by the update
pðx1 j z1 Þ ¼ pðz1 jx1 Þ  pðx1 Þ=pðz1 Þ

FIG. 3
Graphical visualization of the model underlying Bayesian sequential updating. The current
observation zk only depends on xk, the actual state to be estimated. xk only depends on
the previous state xk 1 (the so-called Markov assumption). The probability p(xk j xk 1)
describes how the state at time k depends on the previous state. p(zk j xk) describes how the
observation depends on the state.
3 A more sophisticated case: Random changes over time 9

Note that even for the first measurement, we still need to calculate p(x1), because
the transition probability p(x1 j x0) now has a variance larger than zeroa:
pðx1 Þ ¼ pðx1 jx0 Þ  pðx0 Þ  dx0

This calculation is called the prediction step, because we predict the probability
distribution of the location at the time of the first observation from just prior know-
ledege and the transition probability.
In the next time step, we get the second observation, and want to calculate the
posterior distribution p(x2 jz2,z1). Respectively, in time step k we calculate
p(xk j zk, …, z1) ¼ p(xk jz1:k). To do so, we first predict the probability distribution
p(xk j z1:k 1) of the current location depending on the past observations:
pðxk jz1:k 1 Þ ¼ pðxk jxk 1 Þ  pðxk 1 j z1:k 1 Þ  dxk 1

Note that this is an integral over all possible xk 1, which means that the distri-
butions involved are now two-dimensional (Fig. 4).
Now the posterior probability given the current measurement can be calculated:
pðxk jz1:k Þ ¼ pðzk jxk Þ  pðxk jz1:k 1 Þ=pðzk j zk 1 Þ
with p(zk j xk) being the likelihood distribution and p(zk jzk 1) ¼ p(zk j xk)*p(xk jz1:k 1)
dxk being a normalization constant (Fig. 4D).
As stimuli we use a random sequence of 200 angles ranging from 90 to
90 degree presented sequentially to the model. The initial prior distribution is
set to the informed prior of the previous example, but note that the initial prior

FIG. 4
The prediction step of Bayesian sequential updating. (A) The transition probability p(xk j xk 1).
(B) The prior probability p(xk 1 j z1:k 1). (C) Multiplication of (A) and (B). (D) The result
of integral over xk 1 is the probability distribution p(xk j z1:k 1), which is the predicted
probability for x at time k given all previous observations z.

Strictly speaking, in the first example the transition probability had zero variance, because it was
assumed that xk ¼ xk 1. This yields a Dirac function for p(xk j xk 1), so that p(xk) ¼ p(xk j zk 1).
10 CHAPTER 1 Sequential Bayesian updating as a model for human

FIG. 5
Results of Bayesian sequential updating in an estimation task with a random sequence of
stimuli ( 90 to 90 degree). (A) Response magnitude plotted over stimulus magnitude.
Regression line (blue line) shows central tendency (slope 0.84). (B) Serial dependence
revealed by plotting current error over stimulus difference between previous and current trial.

is unimportant for the present model, since it only describes the belief about the first
stimulus and is thus quickly modified by the updating. Matlab code for this and other
examples in the paper can be found in the Supplemental Material in the online version
at Fig. 5A shows the responses of the model
plotted over the stimuli together with the best-fit linear regression line. Note that the
regression line has a slope smaller than unity, that is, large stimulus values are under-
estimated, thus exhibiting a “central tendency” (Hollingworth, 1910) or “regression to
the mean” (Stevens and Greenbaum, 1966). Even though there are no random influences
in the model (the estimation process is deterministic), the responses do not lie on a line or
curve, because each response depends not just on the current stimulus, but via the prior
also on previous stimuli. This serial dependence can be visualized, for example, by plot-
ting the error at trial k over the difference of stimuli at trials k 1 and k (Fig. 5B).
However, note that both types of systematic errors are caused by the same mechanism,
the sequential updating, and are not independent, as erroneously assumed in a recent
study on facial age estimation (Clifford et al., 2018).
The sequential updating also leads to range effects (Teghtsoonian and Teghtsoonian,
1978) with the slope of the regression line depending on the range of stimuli. The slope
in Fig. 5A is closer to 1 than in Fig. 6A, despite the model and the overall range of stimuli
being exactly the same. Fig. 6 also shows that when the range of stimuli presented
changes abruptly, the sequential updating leads to a posterior distribution that rapidly
follows the stimulus range. Thus, within each sequence of stimuli associated with
one range, a specific central tendency is found, which leads to differences between
the ranges (Fig. 6). With sequential updating, for these range effects to occur there is
no need of providing knowledge about the range of stimuli before the experiment starts
3 A more sophisticated case: Random changes over time 11

FIG. 6
Range effect as results of Bayesian sequential updating in an estimation task with three
concatenated random sequences of 100 stimuli ( 90 to 30 degree in blue, 30 to
30 degree in red, 30–90 degree in yellow). (A) Response magnitude plotted over stimulus
magnitude. Separate regression lines for the three stimulus ranges each show a central
tendency (slope 0.75) with an indifference point that clearly depends on the current stimulus
range. (B) Temporal evolution of the posterior distribution (gray background) and the
responses (colored dots, as in (A)). The posterior distribution switches rapidly from one range
to the next.

(as suggested, for example, by Jazayeri and Shadlen, 2010), since the updating leads to
concurrent learning of the stimulus statistics and thus to adaptation to the stimulus range.
Bayesian sequential updating with the simple generative model shown in Fig. 3
thus provides a coherent explanation of the central tendency, serial dependence, and
the range effect. We have previously suggested this explanation (Petzschner and
Glasauer, 2011; Petzschner et al., 2015) with one additional detail: the estimation
procedure was assumed to take place on a logarithmic scale, so that Weber’s law
could be implemented. The Bayesian updating taking place on a log-scale also ex-
plains the non-linear stimulus-response relation often seen for magnitude estimation
12 CHAPTER 1 Sequential Bayesian updating as a model for human

and was able to reproduce the well-known power-law relationship in magnitude es-
timation. However, for the present demonstration it is not important and thus will be
neglected in the following.

4 Implementing sequential updating

Computationally, simulating the model in the examples shown here has been done by
using a grid-based method, where the distributions are represented as values on a
regular discrete grid (with small spacing to minimize numerical errors). This method
works well in low-dimensional cases, but already requires a lot of computer memory,
since the transition distribution is two-dimensional (Fig. 4A). For more complicated
problems, the grid-based method is not suitable because the memory requirements
and the computation time become too expensive.
In our previous work (Petzschner and Glasauer, 2011; Petzschner et al., 2015) we
used the so-called Kalman filter (Kalman, 1960), which provides a fast and efficient
method of sequential updating for the case of normal distributions. The basic idea
behind the Kalman filter is that, when using Gaussian distributions for the prior,
the likelihood, and the transition probability, then the posterior distribution will
again be a Gaussian. Thus, instead of updating the whole distribution, it is sufficient
to update the mean and the variance of the prior distribution (see Supplemental
Material in the online version at for an
example corresponding to Fig. 3) without having to represent the whole distribution.
Note, however, that in our example above the Kalman filter cannot be applied since
the distributions involved are not Gaussian.
Fortunately, yet another method is available for computing sequential updating,
which does not require the assumptions of the Kalman filter. The particle filter
method (for review from the point of cognitive science, see Sanborn, 2017; for tech-
nical review and tutorial see Arulampalam et al., 2002), a sequential Monte Carlo
technique, is based on representing probability distributions not by their parameters
(as in the Kalman filter) or as discretized functions (as in the grid-based method), but
as random samples from the respective distribution. This might at first sound difficult
to comprehend, but it actually is what we do all the time when we deal with data.
When we measure a particular variable many times, we can now estimate the mean,
the variance, or other moments, but we can also represent the underlying probability
distribution by generating a histogram of the measurements. Thus, any set of random
samples can be translated into a distribution and thus represent this distribution. This
is exactly what is used for particle filtering.
A basic particle filter is Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR) (Arulampalam
et al., 2002), which is outlined here for the special case depicted in Fig. 3 and used for
the example shown in Fig. 6 (see Supplemental Material in the online version at for code corresponding to Fig. 7). To be-
gin with, a set of n random samples (with large n estimates get closer to the optimal
Bayes), the particles, has to be generated to represent the initial prior distribution.
4 Implementing sequential updating 13

Since an appropriate random number generator is not available for the von-Mises
distribution used here, samples are generated using a Markov chain Monte Carlo al-
gorithm (for the simulation we used the Metropolis sampler). For each particle, we
then predict a value at the next timestep by simply adding a random number from the
transition distribution, which here is also a von-Mises distribution. Next, the impor-
tance weights are calculated for each particle using the likelihood function of the
current measurement. The n posterior samples are generated by randomly sampling
from the n prior particles (which represent the candidate hypotheses) weighted by the
importance weights. From the resulting posterior we can calculate the estimate as
circular mean. The resulting simulation is shown in Fig. 7.

FIG. 7
Simulation using particle filter (1000 particles) for Bayesian sequential updating in the
estimation task depicted in Fig. 6. (A) Response magnitude plotted over stimulus magnitude.
Separate regression lines for the three stimulus ranges each show a central tendency
(average slope approx. 0.75), compare to Fig. 6A. (B) Temporal evolution of the posterior
distribution (gray background) and the responses (colored dots, as in (A)). The posterior
distribution switches rapidly from one range to the next as in Fig. 6B.
14 CHAPTER 1 Sequential Bayesian updating as a model for human

Note that there are many different flavors of particle filters (Arulampalam et al.,
2002) that could be used and that produce different systematic errors for smaller
number of particles and/or large number of trials (e.g., the degeneracy problem
of sampling). Some of the systematic errors due to approximate Bayesian inference
could be the reason for cognitive biases (e.g., Brown and Steyvers, 2009; Sanborn,
2017; Shi et al., 2010). Other approximations such as variational Bayes, which is
used for the free-energy model (Friston, 2008), are also possible (see Aitchison and
Lengyel, 2017; Sanborn, 2017).
How Bayesian estimation or an approximation thereof is realized and represented
in the brain is still an open question. Different levels of implementation have been
proposed from single neurons and neural networks (using population coding, e.g.,
Ma et al., 2006) to interaction between different brain areas. In support of the latter,
several studies have investigated how variables of Bayesian estimation models such
as likelihoods and priors correlate with brain activity (e.g., Rohe and Noppeney,
2015; Vilares et al., 2012; Wiener et al., 2016), or how effects of deep brain stim-
ulation can be explained by Bayesian mechanisms (Antoniades et al., 2014).

5 Perception-action coupling: Decision making

So far all examples resulted in a posterior distribution that represented the perception
of the respective variable (in the example above the angular direction of the stimulus
source). However, for an action to be performed, we need a single value, not a dis-
tribution. Thus, we have to select an appropriate value from the posterior. Intuitively,
the most likely value (the maximum a-posteriori value), the mean of the distribution,
or the median value seem to be good choices. Fortunately, the most appropriate
choice is not a matter of intuition, but can be formalized within the Bayesian frame-
work (K€ ording and Wolpert, 2006; Trommersh€auser et al., 2008). All we need is to
define a utility or cost function that describes the outcome of a particular action in
terms of gain or loss. The loss function is thus defined as loss L depending on the
action a and the estimate e: L(a,e). Common cost functions are costs that depend lin-
early or quadratically on the error (being zero for zero error), or that have zero cost
for a hit (small or zero error) and constant cost for misses (larger error).
Consequently, the optimal action is the one that minimizes the expected loss.
Given our posterior distribution p(e), the expected loss is
Eloss fag ¼ Lða, eÞ  pðeÞde

As an example, let’s assume that we want to catch the bus. Our posterior distri-
bution for the time needed to reach the bus stop is given by a log-normal distribution
p(e), which is a common distribution for duration estimation (e.g., Shi et al., 2013).
The action is the time of departure at home before bus departure. The cost for arriving
at the bus stop too early increases linearly because of unused waiting time. However,
the cost of arriving too late assumes a high value, because we miss the bus and have
to wait for the next one. The cost immediately after bus departure could depend, for
5 Perception-action coupling: Decision making 15

FIG. 8
Example for Bayesian decision making. (A) The assumed posterior distribution has a peak at
10 min, the maximum a-posterior value for reaching the bus stop (see text). Two different
distributions are shown. (B) Asymmetric cost function depending on action plotted for
two estimates. The bus leaves every 20 min, if our estimate for reaching the bus stop is exactly
10 min, then the optimal action (zero loss) would evidently be to start 10 min before bus
departure. (C) since the actual duration for reaching the bus stop is uncertain (see (A)), the
actual loss depends on the posterior probability and reaches a minimum at 14.56 min
(for the wide distribution) or 12.2 min (for the narrow distribution) before bus departure.

example, on the waiting time d until the next bus arrives, so that it decreases
again over time:

a e for a > e
Lða, eÞ ¼
d + ða eÞ for a  e

Fig. 8 shows two versions of the assumed posterior distribution (with two different
standard deviations), the loss function plotted over the action for two different estimates,
and the expected loss given the posterior distributions. In the example, the posterior peaks
at 10 min, which is the most likely duration for reaching the bus stop. The bus arrives
every 20 min; for the loss function we assume that it makes no difference whether we
take the first or the second bus (Matlab code for this example can be found in the Sup-
plemental Material in the online version at
In Fig. 9, the computation of the expected loss is shown. For the lognormal dis-
tribution shown in Fig. 8A, the expected loss reaches a minimum for 14.5 min. In
other words, it is optimal to leave for the bus stop 14.5 min before bus departure. In-
tuitively, this is a good choice.
Note that the expected loss depends on the width of the posterior distribution
(Fig. 8C), which means that repeated observations leading to sharper posterior dis-
tributions (as in Fig. 1) lead to lower loss. Hence, in many cases the reaction time to
start an action can be explained in the Bayesian framework as accumulating evidence
until the expected cost falls below a threshold (see Vul et al., 2014). If the cost is
assumed to increase with reaction time, then an optimal cost can be calculated from
using reaction time as additional parameter of loss calculation. It has also been shown
that traditional drift-diffusion models of evidence accumulation are equivalent to
Bayesian inference (Bitzer et al., 2014).
16 CHAPTER 1 Sequential Bayesian updating as a model for human

FIG. 9
Computing the expected loss for Bayesian decision making example (see Fig. 8). (A) The loss
function depends on estimate and action. (B) The posterior distribution is a function of
the estimate independently of the action. (C) The loss function weighted by the posterior
probability. (D) The integral over the weighted loss yields the expected loss depending on

6 Summary
In the present course chapter, I gave a brief overview of how to apply sequential Bayes-
ian updating to model human perception and decision making. I have shown that sequen-
tial updating under the assumption of a very simple random-change model leads to the
central tendency, the range effect, and to sequential dependencies (see also Petzschner
et al., 2015). Note that the simple random-change model is based on a specific assump-
tion of how stimuli change over time and thus is optimal only for that case, which, how-
ever, is not met in standard experimental protocols (Glasauer and Shi, 2018). The full
implementation of sequential Bayesian updating can become computationally very de-
manding because of multi-dimensional probability distributions involved that need to be
integrated (marginalized). However, there are less demanding implementations of
sequential updating. The Kalman filter is equivalent to sequential Bayesian updating
in the case of Gaussian noise and a linear system. Particle filters are a particularly el-
egant sampling-based approximative method for sequential Bayesian inference, which
has also been used for explaining cognitive biases. Finally, I showed with an example
how sequential updating is extended by appropriate cost or loss functions in order to
select the optimal action based on the posterior distribution that represents perception.

This study was supported by German DFG research project GL 342/3-2.

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brain stimulation abolishes slowing of reactions to unlikely stimuli. J. Neurosci.
34, 10844–10852.
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Maps and sensorimotor

transformations for eye-head
gaze shifts: Role of the
midbrain superior colliculus
A. John van Opstal*, Bahadir Kasap
Department of Biophysics, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour,
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
*Corresponding author: e-mail address:

Single-unit recordings in head-restrained monkeys indicated that the population of saccade-
related cells in the midbrain Superior Colliculus (SC) encodes the kinematics of desired
straight saccade trajectories by the cumulative number of spikes. In addition, the nonlinear
main sequence of saccades (their amplitude–peak velocity saturation) emerges from a spatial
gradient of peak-firing rates of collicular neurons, rather than from neural saturation at brain-
stem burst generators. We here extend this idea to eye-head gaze shifts and illustrate how the
cumulative spike-count in head-unrestrained monkeys relates to the desired gaze trajectory
and its kinematics. We argue that the output of the motor SC is an abstract desired gaze-motor
signal, which drives in a feedforward way the instantaneous kinematics of ongoing gaze shifts,
including the strong influence of initial eye position on gaze kinematics. We propose that the
neural population acts as a vectorial gaze pulse-generator for eye-head saccades, which is sub-
sequently decomposed into signals that drive both motor systems in appropriate craniocentric
reference frames within a dynamic gaze-velocity feedback loop.

Motor map, Neural code, Kinematics, Eye-head coupling, Reference frames, Nonlinear pulse
generator, Initial eye position

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
20 CHAPTER 2 Modeling eye-head gaze shifts

1 Introduction
1.1 Eye-head gaze shifts
A saccadic eye-head gaze shift (ΔG) is the directional change of the fovea in space,
which is determined by the sum of the changes of the eye-in-head and the head-on-
neck orientations: ΔG ¼ ΔE + ΔH. The gaze-control system of human and non-human
primates is optimally suited to reorient the fovea as fast and as accurately as possible to
a target and to allow vision to identify objects with high resolution during intermittent
Although any particular gaze shift can in principle be generated by infinitely
many combinations of eye and head contributions, under controlled initial conditions
the system selects highly reproducible movement strategies. It has therefore been
hypothesized (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2012; Harris and Wolpert, 1998, 2006;
Kardamakis and Moschovakis, 2009; Sağlam et al., 2011) that gaze shifts result
from a control principle that optimizes some performance criterion, such as speed-
accuracy trade-off, which minimizes the impact of internal noise and uncertainty,
or minimization of motor effort.
Fig. 1A illustrates a horizontal sound-evoked gaze saccade, in which the initial
eye- and head orientations were aligned at straight ahead. It shows the different stages
during and around the gaze shift: (i) the fixation phase, during which the vestibular-
ocular reflex (VOR) ensures stable fixation, (ii) the gaze shift (ΔG ¼ 26 degree) con-
sists of a large eye saccade (ΔE ¼ 22 degree) to EEND, and a small head-movement
contribution (ΔH ¼ 4 degree) with the VOR attenuated. (iii) The gaze shift is followed
by a remaining head movement (here 14 degree), during which gaze remains stable
because of the VOR. (iv) At the end of the head movement (Hoff), the eye orien-
tation may be eccentric in the head (here, Eoff ¼ 8 degree).
Because of the different plant dynamics of eyes and head, and the eye’s limited
oculomotor range, not all eye-head combinations are possible or equally efficient in
reorienting gaze. Typically, small gaze shifts are associated with small head move-
ments, and large gaze shifts with larger head movements, but the latter also depends
on initial eye orientation (e.g., Freedman and Sparks, 2000; Goossens and Van
Opstal, 1997; Guitton and Volle, 1987; Kardamakis et al., 2010). Thus, when a large
head movement contributes to the gaze shift, gaze peak-velocity is reduced. This
point is illustrated in Fig. 1B. Because of the much larger head contribution, the gaze
velocity of 60 degree gaze shifts tends to be considerably lower than for gaze shifts
with an amplitude of 30 degree.
In this report, we propose a quantitative model that explains this behavior. The
major novelty of our model with respect to earlier proposals (Daye et al., 2014;
Freedman, 2001; Goossens and Van Opstal, 1997; Guitton and Volle, 1987;
Kardamakis et al., 2010; Sağlam et al., 2011) resides in the assumed role of the mid-
brain Superior Colliculus (SC) in the control of gaze shifts. Our model is based on
results of recent single-unit recordings, taken from the SC of head-restrained and
head-free monkeys, which support the idea that the motor SC acts as the nonlinear
vectorial gaze-pulse generator of the system.
1 Introduction 21

FIG. 1
(A) Example of a horizontal gaze shift (25.5 degree amplitude) to an auditory target with the
eyes and head initially aligned (signals are shifted by a few degrees for illustrative reasons).
The eye- and head displacements that contribute to the gaze shift are measured between
gaze on- and offset (GON, GOFF; vertical dashed lines). Note that the contribution of the head to
the gaze shift (ΔH ¼ 3.8 degree) differs markedly from the overall head displacement
(17.6 degree). Note also that the head starts to move slightly earlier than the eyes (HON),
inducing a small vestibular counter movement of the eyes to maintain stable gaze fixation.
During the fully operating vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) after gaze offset, gaze remains
stable (apart from a slow centripetal drift in darkness), while the head continues to move to its
final position, HOFF. (B) Example gaze- (black) and head- (red) velocity profiles for gaze
shifts with an amplitude of about 33 degree (top) vs. 60 degree (bottom). In the latter case, the
head contribution is considerably larger, causing the overall gaze velocity to drop (see
also Fig. 2B). Solid lines: average profiles.

1.2 Brief background SC

The SC contains a topographic map of saccadic gaze shifts (Freedman and Sparks,
1997; Ottes et al., 1986; Robinson, 1972). Prior to and during saccades, a population
of cells encodes amplitude and direction by the location of its center within the map
(Ottes et al., 1986; Sparks and Mays, 1980). SC recordings in head-restrained mon-
keys demonstrated that the population also encodes saccade kinematics through their
firing rates (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2006).
We thus proposed that the SC issues a desired (straight-line) dynamic eye-
displacement signal by its total cumulative number of spikes in the saccade-related
bursts. Moreover, all cells in the population synchronize their bursts, such that even
22 CHAPTER 2 Modeling eye-head gaze shifts

at the single-unit level each cell encodes the straight desired trajectory of any saccade
within its movement field (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2012).
We formulated a simple computational model, in which each spike in the burst
from each recruited neuron, k, contributes a tiny movement, mk , to the saccade. This
“spike-vector” is determined by the cell’s location in the map, and specifies its con-
nection strength with the brainstem burst generators via the SC-to-brainstem efferent
mapping function (Ottes et al., 1986; Van Gisbergen et al., 1987). According to this
dynamic ensemble-coding model, the saccade trajectory is encoded by linear cumu-
lative integration of all SC spike vectors:
N POP Nspk , k <t
! X X !
Δ E ðtÞ ¼ δ ðt τk, s Þ  mk (1)
k¼1 s¼1

where δ(t τk,s) is a spike of cell k, fired at time t ¼ τk,s.

Simulations with measured spike trains and a linear brainstem burst generator
demonstrated that the model fully accounted for the nonlinear main-sequence prop-
erties and velocity profiles of fast and slow saccades. As a logical consequence, the
main-sequence nonlinearity has to reside in the distribution of spike trains and firing
rates in the motor SC (Van Opstal and Goossens, 2008).
The hypothesis therefore holds that the SC may embed the neural correlate of the
optimal controller underlying gaze shifts (Harris and Wolpert, 1998, 2006). Analysis of
single-unit responses revealed that its neural mechanism could be described as follows:
(I) A spatial gradient in the peak-firing rates of SC cells from rostral (small
saccades, firing rates up to 900 spks/s) to caudal locations (large saccades,
about 300–400 spks/s).
(II) On average, cells fire the same number of spikes for their optimal saccade.
(III) The population size is the same (diameter of about 1 mm) for all saccades.
Hence, the total number of spikes in each recruited population is the same.
(IV) All cells within the population synchronize their bursts.
We here extend these ideas to the head-unrestrained condition. Monkeys generated
eye-head saccades with considerable natural variability in their kinematics, induced
by varying the initial eye-in-head position. A critical prediction of Eq. (1) is that
the same relation should hold for head-unrestrained saccades, regardless gaze-shift
kinematics. Thus, the nonlinear gaze kinematics should be reflected in the burst
properties of SC cells. To our knowledge, these properties have so far not been
documented for head-unrestrained gaze shifts.

2 Methods
Experiments were performed in the laboratory of Dr. EG Freedman at the
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, School of Medicine and Dentistry of
the University of Rochester, NY, while one of the authors (A.J.v.O.) was a visiting
2 Methods 23

scientist. Two trained rhesus monkeys (P and S) participated in the experiments.

Animals were trained to follow briefly flashed visual targets against a small liquid
reward by generating rapid eye-head gaze shifts, while single-unit activity from the
left SC was recorded. Details on the surgical procedures, training protocols, and
experimental setup are described in full detail in Quessy and Freedman (2004),
Quessy et al. (2010), and Walton and Freedman (2011). All experimental procedures
were approved by the University of Rochester Animal Care and Use Committee, and
fully adhered to the National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of
We recorded from a total of 52 cells, out of which 30 neurons were isolated long
enough for detailed analysis. The movement fields were typically obtained from cells
in the caudal SC, where optimal saccade amplitudes ranged from about 30 to
100 degree.

2.1 Paradigm
To vary movement kinematics, monkeys elicited gaze-saccades from different ini-
tial eye-in-head orientations. At the start of a trial, the animal looked at a straight-
ahead LED while aligning one of three head-fixed lasers with the fixation point.
The lasers were positioned such that the horizontal head orientation with respect
to straight ahead would be either [ 18, 0, +18] degree. For example, a target
presented at 60 degree rightward resulted in three different 60 degree eye-head
gaze shifts: the head at 18 degree (i.e., the eyes directed 18 degree ipsilateral
to the target), 0 degree (eye-head alignment), or +18 degree (the “eye-contra”

2.2 Analysis
To determine the movement field, gaze saccades were elicited in and around the
cell’s response field. We counted the number of spikes in the burst from 20 ms before
gaze-shift onset to 20 ms before offset (e.g., Fig. 3A), and applied the afferent
mapping function of Ottes et al. (1986) to each gaze shift to calculate its anatomical
coordinates (u,v) in the SC map. In polar coordinates (ΔG, Φ):

ΔG2 + 2A  ΔG  cos Φ + A2
u ¼ Bu  ln mm
ΔG  sin Φ
v ¼ Bv  atan mm
ΔG  cos Φ + A

where Bu ¼ 1.4 mm, Bv ¼ 1.8 mm/rad, and A ¼ 3.0 degree determine the shape of the
monkey afferent mapping function (Ottes et al., 1986; Robinson, 1972; Fig. 4).
24 CHAPTER 2 Modeling eye-head gaze shifts

We first fitted the static movement field function to all gaze-saccade vectors, and
included a potential eye-in-head gain-field modulation (Van Opstal et al., 1995) by
the initial eye position, E0, to the total number of spikes in the burst, N, according to:
ð u u0 Þ 2 + ð v v 0 Þ 2
N ðΔG, Φ, E0 Þ ¼ N0  ð1 + ε  E0 Þ  exp (3)
2σ 2P

This model has five free parameters: N0 is the number of spikes in the burst for
the optimal saccade from straight ahead, (u0,v0) (in mm) are the SC coordinates
of the optimal saccade (Eq. 2), ε (in #spikes/degree) is the eye-position gain, and
σ P (in mm) quantifies the tuning width. Optimal parameter values were obtained with
the Nelder–Mead Simplex algorithm in MATLAB®.
Next, the dynamic movement field describes how the cumulative number of
spikes in the burst evolves during the straight gaze-displacement along the line con-
necting start- and end-positions (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2006). According to this
model, the cumulative spike count for any gaze shift, regardless its kinematics, obeys
the following, linear, relation:
N ðΔG, Φ, E0 Þ
CSðΔG, Φ, E0 , tÞ ¼ ΔGðt + τÞ  (4)
where ΔG(t + τ) is the desired straight trajectory (increasing monotonically from
0 to ΔG). The neuron’s lead time, τ, was fixed at τ ¼ 20 ms for all neurons. The
straight trajectory was obtained by projecting the actual trajectory (x(t), y(t)) onto
gaze vector Δ G  (cosΦ, sinΦ) (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2006):
ΔGðtÞ ¼ xðtÞ  cos Φ + yðtÞ  sin Φ (5)

The time-independent factor in Eq. (4), N(ΔG, Φ, E0)/ΔG, corresponds to the slope
of the dynamic phase-relation. It should vary in a systematic way with gaze-shift
amplitude and direction (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2006).

3 Results
3.1 Behavior
Fig. 2 shows an analysis of representative gaze shifts from monkey S for the three
initial eye positions. These mainly horizontal gaze shifts (amplitudes between 20 and
75 degree) were directed into the movement field of neuron s1809. The contribution
of the head movement to the gaze shift (see Fig. 1, for definition) depended system-
atically on the gaze-shift amplitude and initial eye-position (Fig. 2A), and had a
strong influence on the peak gaze-velocity (Fig. 2B), and gaze-saccade duration
(Fig. 2C). Note that for the largest gaze shifts, peak gaze velocity even tended to
decrease with gaze-shift amplitude, which was highly significant for the contra-
(r ¼ 0.46) and centered (r ¼ 0.63) eye positions. This property is due to two
factors: first, for increasing gaze amplitudes the contribution of the (slower) head
movement increases (Figs. 1B and 2A). Second, for large gaze shifts, the eyes will
3 Results 25

FIG. 2
Properties of monkey eye-head gaze shifts, measured during single-unit recording of neuron
s1809 (see Fig. 3). Rightward gaze shifts (N ¼ 180) up to 75 degree amplitude were elicited
into the cell’s movement field, for three initial eye-in-head orientations (colors). (A) The
contribution of the head movement varied systematically with initial eye position. (B,C) The
initial fixation conditions had a strong influence on the gaze kinematics: larger/smaller
head movements yielded slower/faster gaze shifts. Peak gaze velocities thus varied by >40%.
Note also the significant decline of peak gaze velocity for the larger gaze shifts for the
contralateral (red) and central (black) initial eye positions.

approach their oculomotor range so that the eye-in-head velocity starts to plateau. As
a result, the later (slower) part of the head movement will increasingly dominate the
gaze velocity. Ipsilateral eye orientations (blue symbols) caused consistently larger
head movements, and the slowest gaze shifts. The fastest gaze shifts were obtained
for contralateral initial eye orientations. These findings were robust for all recording
sessions and for both monkeys.

3.2 Neural responses

The changes in initial eye-position also affected the activity of SC neurons. This is
documented in Fig. 3 for neuron s1809. Fig. 3A shows the raw spike trains for the
gaze shifts of Fig. 2. The neuron fires a prominent saccade-related burst associated
with the upcoming saccade. Fig. 3B presents the phase plots for these spike trains.
160 A 50
B 1 C

Normalized Firing Rate/Velocity


Cumulative number of spikes

120 40
Trial number

r=0.91 r=0.84
trial 133 trial 135
30 0 0
80 0 1 0 1
gaze velocity
20 Firing rate
40 1 1

10 Eye contra-gaze
0 Eye center r=0.92
Cell: sa1809 r=0.86
Eye ipsi-gaze
trial 152 trial 156
0 0 0
–600 –400 –200 0 200 400 600 0 20 40 60 80 0 1 0 1
Time re. gaze onset (ms) Straight-line gaze displacement (°) Normalized time re. gaze duration

60 50

Measured cumulative #spikes

Vertical gaze displacement (°)

100 Measured number of spikes E

movement field 40
40 30


–100 Static movement field Dynamic movement field

0 0
0 20 40 60 0 10 20 30 40 50
–100 –50 0 50 100
Horizontal gaze displacement (°) Predicted number of spikes Predicted cumulative #spikes
FIG. 3
(A) Raw spike trains of cell s1809 for all 180 trials into its movement field, aligned to gaze-movement onset (yellow-dashed line at t ¼ 0). The motor
burst starts 20 ms before gaze onset (red-dashed line). (B) Phase trajectories of the cumulative number of spikes as function of ongoing
gaze displacement along the straight gaze vector. (C) Four example trials demonstrating a tight correlation between the cell’s firing-rate profile and
instantaneous gaze velocity. For ease of comparison, both variables were normalized to gaze duration and to their maxima. (D) Plot of the
movement field (Eq. 3) in gaze-vector coordinates; color specifies number of spikes (dark: low, light: high). Cyan dots: endpoints of the gaze-shift
vectors elicited during the neural recording. (E) The gain-field model captures the data well for all gaze shifts and initial conditions. (F) Test
of Eq. (4) on the spike trains during all fast (red), intermediate (black), and slow (blue) gaze shifts into the movement field.
3 Results 27

It shows the cumulative number of spikes, CS(t + 20), as function of the dynamic
gaze-shift vector, Δ G(t). Note that each phase trajectory follows an approximately
straight line, for which slope and end point differed considerably for each trial.
According to Eq. (4), this slope should depend on the total number of spikes in
the burst (as determined by Eq. 3), and gaze-saccade amplitude. It is immediately
clear that the cumulative number of spikes in the burst also depends on initial eye
position, as blue, black and red phase trajectories fall into different clusters. To test
whether the dynamic movement-field model of Eq. (4) captures this variability in the
cell’s spiking behavior, we first determined the static movement field of the cell by
fitting Eq. (3) to the total spike counts. Fig. 3D shows the movement field of the cell,
together with all 180 gaze-saccade endpoints (cyan dots) for this experiment. The
optimal parameters for this neuron were:

N0 ¼ 40.3 Δ G0 ¼ 57.2 Φ0 ¼ 9.4 u0 ¼ v0 ¼ σP ¼ ε ¼ 0.0063

spikes degree degree 4.2 mm 0.28 mm 0.73 mm spikes/

In Fig. 3E we show that the total number of spikes in the burst is predicted well by
this model (r ¼ 0.96). Fitting the movement field without eye-position modulation
yielded r ¼ 0.90, which is significantly lower (P < 0.0001). We next determined
the predictions for the slopes of the spike-train phase trajectories of Fig. 3B
(Eq. 4). Fig. 3F shows the predicted cumulative number of spikes for each response
vs. the measured cumulative spike count. Note that this plot contains >20,000 data
points. Yet, the correlation between measurements and predictions is very high:
r ¼ 0.96.
We observed that the neuron’s firing rate had a remarkably good resemblance
with instantaneous gaze velocity along the desired trajectory for a large fraction
of trials. To illustrate this point, Fig. 3C shows four example trials with different
gaze-velocity profiles. These normalized traces appeared to correlate very well.
We obtained correlations r > 0.7 for nearly 50% of the trials in the majority of cells
(results to be published elsewhere; see Section 4).

3.3 Model
Based on the behavioral and neurophysiological results we propose a computational
model for the generation of eye-head gaze shifts, in which the SC provides the com-
mon drive for the eyes and head as a dynamic desired straight gaze trajectory, ΔG(t),
by its total cumulative number of spikes. In other words, the instantaneous firing rate
of the total population specifies the desired gaze velocity profile, and as such acts as
a vectorial gaze-pulse generator. Details of the model, which is presented in its
conceptual form in Fig. 4, including simulations, were published recently in
Kasap and Van Opstal (2018a).
28 CHAPTER 2 Modeling eye-head gaze shifts

FIG. 4
Computational scheme for dynamic ensemble-coding of saccadic eye-head gaze shifts by the
collicular population. The desired gaze-velocity profile along the straight trajectory, ΔG(t), is
issued by the SC population, on which the initial eye position, E0, exerts a weak, multiplicative
modulation. Thus, in line with our recordings, the number of spikes in the burst, and the spike
timings, depends on eye position too (e.g., Fig. 3C and E). Eye and head are driven by
different signals in head-centered reference frames. The actual contributions of the eye and
head movements to the gaze shift, ΔE, and ΔH, depend on E0 through gain gH (inset) and on
their relative timings. The VOR gain is modulated between 0 and 1 by ongoing gaze error,
GERR(t) (inset). PSG: pulse-step generator and oculomotor plant (not shown). The relative
onsets of eye- and head movements depend on stimulus modality, initial eye position, and
top-down task-related signals (not shown).

The SC output represents the desired straight-line gaze velocity, G_ DES ðt), which is
compared with the true gaze velocity from the oculomotor and head-motor systems
to determine a dynamic gaze-error signal:
Z t
G_ DES ðτÞ E_ ðτÞ H_ ðτÞ dτ

GERR ðtÞ ¼ (6)

This gaze error is combined with eye position to represent the dynamic error of the
gaze saccade in a craniocentric reference frame:
HERR ðtÞ ¼ GERR ðtÞ + EðtÞ (7)

This latter signal drives both the oculomotor and head-motor systems. For the eye,
the signal can keep eye position within the (soft) oculomotor range (OMR). The
dynamic desired eye-in-head position thus becomes:
EDES ðtÞ ¼ OMR ð HERR ðtÞ Þ (8)
4 Discussion 29

This signal drives the (linear) oculomotor burst generator with dynamic eye
EERR ðtÞ ¼ EDES ðtÞ Eð t Þ (9)

The output of the oculomotor burst generator represents desired eye velocity:
E_ DES ðtÞ ¼ BE  EERR ðtÞ (10)
with BE (in s 1) a linear gain. Finally, the actual eye velocity during eye-head gaze
shifts is obtained after combining this signal with the VOR:
E_ ðtÞ ¼ E_ DES ðtÞ gV ðGERR ðtÞÞ  H_ ðtÞ (11)
where the VOR gain (0 < gV < 1) is a nonlinear sigmoid function of instantaneous
gaze error: it is close to one (fully engaged) when the gaze error is small, and
approaches zero (it is off ) for large gaze errors (inset in Fig. 4).
In our model also the head is driven by the dynamic head-motor error (see inset in
Fig. 4):
ΔHDES ðtÞ ¼ gH ðE0 Þ  HERR ðtÞ (12)
where the gain 0 < gH < 1 is a nonlinear function of initial eye position. The desired
head velocity is subsequently generated by a linear head-burst generator:
H_ DES ðtÞ ¼ BH  ΔHDES ðtÞ (13)

where BH < BE. The actual head velocity results after passing the desired motor drive
through the head-motor plant:


for which we took a simple first-order low-pass filter. Simulations with this
model show that it faithfully captures the kinematics and eye-head cross-coupling
properties of measured eye-head gaze shifts (Kasap and Van Opstal, 2018a).

4 Discussion
We extended our SC model of dynamic movement fields (Goossens and Van Opstal,
2006) by including a small, but significant, influence of initial eye-in-head position
on the total number of spikes in the burst (gain-field model, Eq. 3). We noted that eye
position systematically influenced the SC firing-rate profiles:

Ipsilateral eye Lower firing rates Longer burst durations More spikes
Contralateral eye Higher firing rates Shorter burst durations Fewer spikes
30 CHAPTER 2 Modeling eye-head gaze shifts

FIG. 5
See legend on opposite page.
4 Discussion 31

In many trials (50%) we found a tight correlation (r > 0.7) between the instanta-
neous firing rate of an SC cell and the straight-line gaze-velocity profile into their
movement fields (e.g., Fig. 3C). An eye-position signal in the motor SC has been
reported before (Van Opstal et al., 1995), but its potential role for the control of gaze
kinematics in eye-head saccades has not been reported.
Note that the linear spike-counting model (Eq. 1) is a population model. As such,
it predicts that the total collicular output faithfully reflects the instantaneous desired
gaze displacement (cumulative spike count) and gaze velocity (total cumulative fir-
ing rate). The model does not necessarily predict that individual cells should reflect
gaze kinematics on a trial-by-trial basis.
To illustrate this point, Fig. 5 shows a simulation with rectangular SC bursts
(Fig. 5B), with the number of spikes determined by the static movement field.
The total SC output still produced the required gaze-velocity (Fig. 5B) and gaze
trajectory, even though none of the cells encode gaze velocity (r ¼ 0; Fig. 5C).
Therefore, the tight correlation illustrated in Fig. 3C underscores the role for the mo-
tor SC as the nonlinear vectorial pulse generator of the saccadic gaze-controller, as
proposed in our model (Fig. 4).
In head-restrained monkeys, we found that spike trains correlated well with in-
stantaneous eye-velocity because of the tight synchronization of burst profiles across
the population (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2012). We recently reported that this im-
portant aspect of neural population activity can be understood from excitatory-
inhibitory lateral interactions among the SC cells in a spiking neural network
(Kasap and Van Opstal, 2017, 2018b; Van Opstal and Kasap, 2018).
We here conjecture that a similar control principle may hold for eye-head gaze
saccades, whereby initial eye position influences the characteristics of SC cells in
such a way that (i) their burst characteristics vary with initial eye orientation, and
(ii) the total number of spikes changes too.
In our spiking neural network model (Kasap and Van Opstal, 2017, 2018b; Van
Opstal and Kasap, 2018), the burst characteristics of spiking leaky-integrate-and-fire
neurons depended on two parameters: the time constant of the membrane adaptation
current, and the scaling strength of the synaptic weights that make up the lateral

FIG. 5
Simulation of a hypothetical SC–brainstem saccade model (one-dimensional, for clarity), in
which all cells fire rectangular bursts. (A) Population activity in the SC motor map as function
of time for a gaze shift of 30 degree. Color code represents mean firing rates. Cells at the
fringes of the population start their shorter bursts later than the central cells, so that all cells
reach their peak at the same time. (B) Rectangular bursts of all cells; the number of spikes of
each cell is determined by the static movement field; burst duration decays exponentially with
distance from the central hot spot at u ¼ 3.7 mm. Continuous curve: instantaneous
(normalized) firing rate (representing gaze velocity) of the population. (C) The cumulative
number of spikes for each individual cell correlates well with instantaneous gaze
displacement (blue), but firing rates of individual cells do not correlate at all with
instantaneous gaze velocity (red).
32 CHAPTER 2 Modeling eye-head gaze shifts

excitatory-inhibitory interactions. To ensure a fixed number of spikes in the central

burst of the population, and a systematic decrease of peak firing-rate with saccade
amplitude, both parameters had to depend systematically on the cell’s rostral-caudal
location in the motor map. We here speculate that initial eye position may affect the
values of these parameters for the upcoming gaze shift, leading to the observed mod-
ifications of the burst characteristics and ensuing gaze kinematics.
As a result of eye-head coupling, the inclusion of the VOR, the oculomotor range,
and the eye-position influence on SC cells, each of which introduces its own nonli-
nearity in the system, the computational complexity of the model is markedly in-
creased when compared to the simple linear eye-movement model of Goossens
and Van Opstal (2006). Moreover, the variable onsets of eye- and head-movements
in the gaze shift, and thus their contribution and kinematics, depend on various fac-
tors, such as initial eye position, stimulus modality, and task constraints. Thus, at first
sight, one would not immediately expect that firing rates of SC neurons would cor-
relate so well with the dynamic gaze trajectory.
As a final note, our model concentrated mainly on the role of the SC in gaze con-
trol, and less on the question whether downstream brainstem-cerebellar-spinal cir-
cuitry operates with a gaze feedback loop (like Fig. 4, and in the models of
Goossens and Van Opstal, 1997; Guitton and Volle, 1987; Kasap and Van Opstal,
2018a; Sağlam et al., 2011), or without gaze-feedback by controlling independent,
but coupled eye-head circuits (like in the models of Daye et al., 2014; Freedman,
2001; Kardamakis et al., 2010). We believe that our collicular data do not rule
out either hypothesis, as the SC responses already seem to reflect all major properties
of the ensuing gaze shifts and their kinematics.

This work was supported by EU Horizon 2020 ERC Advanced Grant ORIENT (nr. 693400,
A.J.v.O., B.K.) and by the Radboud University (A.J.v.O.). The authors are highly indebted to
Ed Freedman, Mark Walton, and Stephan Quessy from the Department of Neuroscience at the
University of Rochester, NY, USA, for hosting A.J.v.O. in their lab (May–June 2009), to share
their excellent facilities, their time and expertise that enabled the experiments, and for many
fruitful discussions.

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Freedman, E.G., Sparks, D.L., 2000. Coordination of the eyes and head: movement kinemat-
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Modeling gaze
Lance M. Opticana,*, Janet C. Ruckerb, John-Ross Rizzob, Todd E. Hudsonb
Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research, NEI, NIH, DHHS, Bethesda, MD, United States
NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1-301-496-9375, e-mail address:

Opsoclonus/flutter (O/F) is a rare disorder of the saccadic system. Previously, we modeled O/F
that developed in a patient following abuse of anabolic steroids. That model, as in all models of
the saccadic system, generates commands to make a change in eye position. Recently, we saw
a patient who developed a unique form of opsoclonus following a concussion. The patient had
postsaccadic ocular flutter in both directions of gaze, and opsoclonus during fixation and
pursuit in the left hemifield. A new model of the saccadic system is needed to account for this
gaze-position dependent O/F. We started with our prior model, which contains two key
elements, mutual inhibition between inhibitory burst neurons on both sides and a prolonged
reactivation time of the omnipause neurons (OPNs). We included new inputs to the OPNs from
the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi and the frontal eye fields, which contain position-dependent
neurons. This provides a mechanism for delaying OPN reactivation, and creating a gaze-
position dependence. A simplified pursuit system was also added, the output of which inhibits
the OPNs, providing a mechanism for gaze-dependence during pursuit. The rest of the model
continues to generate a command to change eye position.

Opsoclonus, Saccade, Smooth pursuit, Model

1 Introduction
Abnormal eye movements characterized by bursts of involuntary, back-to-back
(i.e., without an intersaccadic interval), conjugate saccades at frequencies in the
range of 10–35 Hz are called opsoclonus (if multidirectional) or ocular flutter (if hor-
izontal only) (Averbuch-Heller and Remler, 1996; Cogan, 1954, 1968; Leigh and
Zee, 2015; Pretegiani et al., 2017a; Wong et al., 2001). We recently proposed that
opsoclonus/flutter (O/F) was due to the OPNs being held off after a saccade, perhaps
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
36 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

only for saccades in one direction (Optican and Pretegiani, 2017a). However, the
dependence of the flutter on orbital position cannot be explained by that model.
Recently, Rucker and colleagues identified a novel, gaze position-dependent O/F
in a patient following a concussion (see the companion paper in this volume for
the clinical description). The patient made hypometric saccades in both directions
followed by postsaccadic flutter for a few half-cycles (oscillating at 25–30 Hz).
Opsoclonus occurred when the eyes were fixating in the left hemifield, or during
smooth pursuit when the eyes were in the left or lower hemifield. Follow-up 7 months
later showed a marked reduction in the number of occurrences of opsoclonus, along
with significant recovery from concussion, but saccades were still followed by
ocular flutter. Our concussion patient showed signs of frontal lobe, particularly fron-
tal eye field (FEF), injury (Rivaud et al., 1994). The subject had an increased latency
during visually-guided prosaccades, overlap and antisaccades, but no increased
latency during the gap task. There were no differences in error rates in anti-saccade
tasks. The subject also made hypometric saccades. These findings suggest that the
concussion led to chronic FEF dysfunction.
Previous studies have also reported opsoclonus with pontine lesions. A patient
with a head injury developed synchronous horizontal, vertical and torsional macro-
saccadic oscillations during fixation. MRI revealed a unilateral pontine lesion, which
included the area of the raphe interpositus nucleus (RIP), (Averbuch-Heller et al.,
1996). The authors attributed this deficit to a loss of function in the omnipause
neurons (OPNs). Tychsen et al. (1990) reported on a patient with essential hyper-
tension who showed square-wave jerks, dynamic overshoot, opsoclonus (0.5–1° in
amplitude and 20–25 Hz in frequency) and tinnitus. The tinnitus co-occurred with
episodes of opsoclonus. The authors attributed this disorder to pontine dysfunction.
Thus, the pons appears to be important in generating posttraumatic saccadic intrusions.
From these results we infer that a mechanism involving the frontal lobe and the
pons may be important for gaze-position related oscillations. Here, we demonstrate
that a mechanism based on differential inputs from the frontal lobe and the brain
stem to the OPNs can account for the delayed reactivation of the OPNs that leads
to ocular flutter during saccades and fixation when eccentricity is large. To account
for opsoclonus during pursuit at smaller eccentricities than during fixation requires
yet another input, of smooth pursuit velocity, to the OPNs, as suggested previously
(Keller and Missal, 2003; Missal and Keller, 2002).
What mechanism generates opsoclonus? The neurons that control initiation and
termination of a saccade lie mostly in the midbrain, pons, brain stem and cerebellum.
Areas of the cerebrum are also involved in saccades, primarily in selecting the target.
Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the premotor circuit for driving the motor neurons that
make saccades. This circuit is inherently unstable because of the feedback loops
between excitatory (EBNs, cyan) and inhibitory (IBNs, red) burst neurons on both
sides (Ramat et al., 2005). These premotor burst neurons are normally inhibited
by omnipause neurons (OPNs). Previous theories of opsoclonus and similar saccadic
oscillations assumed that it is disinhibition in an inherently unstable linear system
that leads to oscillation (Wong et al., 2001). However, such theories produce only
1 Introduction 37

FIG. 1
Brain stem circuit for horizontal saccades. Eye movements are made by the horizontal
recti muscles (medial and lateral recti, MR and LR), which are innervated by the motor
neurons of the abducens (VIn) and oculomotor (IIIn) nuclei. The motor neurons are controlled
by burst neurons in the paramedian pontine reticular formation (wherein lie the excitatory
burst neurons, or EBNs), and in the nucleus paragiganto-cellularis dorsalis (wherein lie
the inhibitory burst neurons, or IBNs). The burst neurons are held off by the omnipause
neurons (OPNs) in the raphe interpositus nucleus. To make a rightward saccade, the OPNs
first shut off, then the right EBNs and IBNs turn on. The EBNs drive the abducens motor
neurons (MN) and interneurons (IN), while the IBNs inhibit the left abducens nucleus,
and the left EBNs and IBNs. If the OPNs are held off, the mutually inhibitory connections
between the IBNs (red) can lead to oscillations.

sinusoidal oscillations, and are thus unable to account for the quasi-sinusoidal wave-
forms usually seen in O/F. Nor could they account for the gaze position-dependence
of our patient. Recently, we analyzed data from two patients with opsoclonus follow-
ing abuse of anabolic steroids (Pretegiani et al., 2017b). This led us to propose a new
model of O/F, based on dysfunction in a circuit involving the brain stem premotor
38 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

FIG. 2
Schematic diagram of lumped saccadic system. The drive to the saccadic system comes
from the inner feedback loop (gray blocks). The input to that loop is a desired eye
displacement (DD), which is derived from retinal error (re). Desired displacement is
compared with the progress of the current saccade from the resettable displacement
integrator. This provide the motor error (me) that drives the saccade. The only place in this
model corresponding to eye position is the output of the velocity to position integrator,
which provides an efference copy of eye position. However, that efference copy is derived
after the burst is generated. Thus, neither this model nor any other model based solely on
desired displacement can produce gaze position-dependent opsoclonus/flutter.

neurons (EBNs, IBNs and OPNs) and the cerebellum (oculomotor vermis and fasti-
gial nuclei oculomotor region) (Optican and Pretegiani, 2017a). The new model
reproduced the waveforms seen in those patients by assuming an increase in the in-
hibitory GABAA receptor sensitivity.
The latter model cannot account for gaze position-dependence of O/F as seen in our
concussion patient, because it has only neurons that are sensitive to changes in eye
position, and not eye position itself. Fig. 2 shows a simple model of saccadic motor
control. The problem with this type of model is that there is no explicit or implicit
information about eye position. The model generates a burst to move the eyes based
on a desired eye displacement signal. Nonetheless, there are neurons in the brain that
are sensitive to eye position, and the purpose of this modeling study is to show that an
improved model, extended by including just a few new connections, explains the
position-dependent O/F seen in the postconcussion patient.

2 Methods
The patient was seen twice, 3 years after the concussion and again 7 months later.
Eye movements were recorded with the EyeLink 1000 + video-oculography system
(SR Research, Ontario, Canada). Data from the tracker had a mean interval of
3 Results 39

2.00 ms but a range of 1.9–2.1 ms. To more accurately determine measures of dura-
tion, the data were resampled at a uniform interval of 1.00 ms (Matlab’s interp1 func-
tion, with the piecewise cubic hermite interpolating polynomial), and filtered and
differentiated (Matlab’s Savitzky–Golay filter, order ¼ 2, frame length ¼ 11).
The model was simulated in Matlab and Simulink (The Mathworks, Natick, MA),
version R2017b. The solver used to compute the states of the model was the third
order Bogacki–Shampine method for nonstiff, ordinary differential equations
(ode23), with a fixed step size of 0.1 ms.

3 Results
Examples of our patient’s data on the first visit are shown in Figs. 3–4. Fig. 3 shows
eye position traces when the eye follows two horizontal target jumps. Fig. 3 shows
the three key features of the patient’s eye movements during saccades and fixation:
the saccades in both directions are hypometric, saccades to the right and left are fol-
lowed by a few half-cycles of postsaccadic flutter, and opsoclonus occurs in leftward
eccentric fixation beyond about 15° of eccentricity.

FIG. 3
Example of patient’s eye movements during saccades and fixation. Note that the saccades
are hypometric (h) and followed by one or two half-cycles of back-to-back saccades
(flutter, f ). During fixation to the left, when the eye is beyond about 15° of eccentricity,
the eyes oscillate continuously both horizontally and vertically (o). F is frequency  std.
dev, P–P is the median positive peak minus the negative peak of the oscillations.
40 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

FIG. 4
Example of patient’s record showing opsoclonus (o) during smooth pursuit of a sinusoidal
target in the left hemifield. The opsoclonus is stronger when the patient is moving leftward.
Note that the opsoclonus tends to stop near the point where the target turns around
(i.e., where eye velocity is nearing zero, z). Compared to Fig. 3, we can see that the
opsoclonus occurs when the eye is in the left hemifield, but with a much smaller eccentricity
than needed to elicit opsoclonus during fixation. Whenever there is an oscillation on the
horizontal trace, there is also one of the same frequency, albeit smaller, on the vertical trace.
Blink artifact (b). Other labels as in Fig. 3.

Fig. 4 shows the patient’s eye movements during pursuit of a sinusoidal target in
the left hemifield. Note that the opsoclonus occurs when the eye is only about 5° left
of center, which is less than the 15° of eccentricity needed for opsoclonus during
fixation. The opsoclonus is stronger when the eye is moving to the left. There is a
tendency for the opsoclonus to stop when the eye nears the turning point of the
pursuit target (i.e., when pursuit velocity is zero).

4 New model of opsoclonus

The new model proposed here (Fig. 5) is an extension of our previous model of opso-
clonus (Optican and Pretegiani, 2017a), which was an extension of our previous
neuromimetic models of saccades (Daye et al., 2013, 2014; Lefevre et al., 1998;
Optican and Pretegiani, 2017b; Optican and Quaia, 2002; Quaia et al., 1999). Many
of the underlying principles of the model are available in those papers, and most
of the parameters of the current model are from the previous opsoclonus paper
4 New model of opsoclonus 41

FIG. 5
Schematic of a neuromimetic model of the saccadic system. The model’s connections are
symmetric, but here we show only the connections needed to make a rightward eye
movement (arrowheads: excitatory; disk heads: inhibitory). Before the movement, the
oculomotor vermis, the cFN, both rostral SC (rSC) and omnipause neurons (OPN) are on,
and the premotor burst neurons (EBN, IBN and LIBN) are off. At the start of a rightward
saccade, cerebral cortex sends target information to the left caudal SC (cSC) (desired
displacement, magenta arrow). The left cSC begins to fire, which inhibits the left rSC and
excites the right excitatory burst neurons (EBN), inhibitory burst neurons (IBN), and long-lead
inhibitory burst neurons (LIBN). However, the OPNs are holding the EBNs and IBNs off.
The right LIBNs are not held off, and they can now inhibit the OPNs. This allows the right
EBNs and IBNs to fire, which starts the movement. As the movement proceeds, an efference
copy of eye velocity is fed back from the right EBNs to the vermis (cyan line). This causes
a wave of inhibition to spread across the vermis to the right. When the wave of inhibition
reaches the location corresponding to the ending point of the saccade on the right side of
the vermis, the right cFN is disinhibited (red line). The right cFN excites the left IBNs,
overcoming the inhibition by the right IBNs. The left IBNs activate and inhibit the right PBN,
choking off the drive to the right motor neurons and stopping the movement. The OPNs
and rSC reactivate, because of the right cFN input, preventing saccadic oscillations and
holding the eyes on target. This model now shows two other areas, the NPH and the FEF.
These send inhibitory and excitatory signals (respectively) to the OPNs. This introduces
an eccentricity sensitivity to the model, which otherwise works only with eye movement
displacements. The FEF also projects to the DPNs, but we do not show any output from
the DPNs, because it is not known to where their efferents project.
42 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

(Optican and Pretegiani, 2017a). Here, we describe the new elements of the model,
the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH) and the frontal eye fields (FEF). The
most essential element in our new model of opsoclonus is the change to the inputs
of the omnipause neuron (OPN), which will be discussed at length below.

4.1 Eye position neurons

4.1.1 Frontal eye fields (FEF)
The FEF are intimately involved in eye movements and target selection. Stimulation
of the FEF elicits contralateral saccades of size and off-horizontal direction that
depends upon the stimulation site (Bruce et al., 1985; Robinson and Fuchs, 1969).
FEF neurons can be divided into two groups (Bizzi, 1968; Bizzi and Schiller,
1970). Group one neurons fire during saccades in a preferred direction. Group
two neurons fire during fixation and smooth pursuit, whenever the eye is in a
specific eccentric position. The rate of activity increases with eccentricity during
both fixation and pursuit. In addition, some group two neurons fire for central eye
positions (Bizzi, 1968). The fixation neurons reduce their firing rate during smooth
pursuit (Izawa and Suzuki, 2014).
This suggests that the FEF play both excitatory and inhibitory roles in eye
movements. Indeed, electrical stimulation of the FEF shows two types of saccade
suppression: a widely distributed response that suppresses initiation of ipsiversive
saccades, and a more localized area that suppresses saccades in any direction
(Izawa et al., 2004a,b). The FEF may play a role in the maintenance of visual fixation
by activating OPNs directly (Stanton et al., 1988) or indirectly via the SC (Pare and
Guitton, 1994).
The FEF projects ipsilaterally to the rostral SC, and bilaterally to the nucleus
reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP) and the paramedian pontine reticular formation
(PPRF); it also projects bilaterally, but primarily ipsilaterally, to the RIP, the site
of the OPNs (Huerta et al., 1986; Segraves, 1992; Shook et al., 1990; Stanton
et al., 1988).

4.2 Supplementary eye fields (SEF)

The SEF contain saccade- and pursuit-related neurons. Microstimulation of the SEF
evokes contralateral saccades (Schlag and Schlag-Rey, 1987). Position-dependent
activity, during both fixation and smooth pursuit, is found in a significant proportion
of neurons in the SEF. In addition, some of these cells fire during fixation or smooth
pursuit of a target with a rate proportional to eye eccentricity, above a threshold
(which can be in the non-preferred direction) (Schlag et al., 1992). The SEF sends
an excitatory projection directly to the OPN region (Missal and Heinen, 2017; Shook
et al., 1988), bilaterally, but predominantly ipsilaterally. It also projects to the FEF
(Huerta and Kaas, 1990; Stanton et al., 2005) and bilaterally to the SC (Shook et al.,
1990). The SEF also projects to the cerebellum via the basal pontine nuclei (BPN)
and the NRTP (Thier and Mock, 2006).
4 New model of opsoclonus 43

4.3 Ocular motor cerebellum

4.3.1 Vermis
Purkinje cells (PuC) in the vermis (lobules VIc and VII, called the oculomotor
vermis, or OMV) have saccade-related activity that differs in the timing for
the response depending upon the direction of the movement, being earlier for
contraversive saccades and later for ipsiversive saccades (Noda and Fujikado,
1987; Ohtsuka and Noda, 1995). The OMV projects ipsilaterally to the fastigial
oculomotor region (FOR) (Yamada and Noda, 1987), which is in the caudal
fastigial nucleus (cFN).
Several studies have found position-dependent tonic units in the OMV (Kase
et al., 1980; Ohtsuka and Noda, 1992, 1995). The NPH is the site of part of the neural
integrator that provides the signal for holding the eyes at an eccentric position.
Yamada and Noda (1987) found that the NPH projects to the vermis. This could
be the source of the position-dependent mossy fiber (MF) signals.

4.3.2 Caudal fastigial nuclei

The tonic activity of most cFN neurons does not change significantly with eye
position. However, Ohtsuka and Noda (1991) found a small population of fastigial
neurons with a position dependence; they were located between the saccade- and
vestibular-related regions of the fastigial nuclei. Fuchs et al. (1993) also found 8
of 13 fastigial neurons that had activity correlated with eye position. The NPH
projects bilaterally to the cFN (Noda et al., 1990), and could be a source of the
position-dependent signals.

4.4 Summary of cortical inputs

From the above discussion it is possible that several areas, including the cerebellum,
the FEF and the SEF might send a position-dependent signal to the OPNs. For sim-
plicity, we collapse all these possibilities in the model, and refer to all the excitatory
position-dependent signals as coming from the FEF. More experimental evidence
will be needed to tease out the contributions of each area to this signal.

4.5 Nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH)

The orbital tissues have an elastic restoring force that tends to bring the eye toward
the center of the orbit (Robinson, 1964). To hold the eye in an eccentric position, a
tonic level of neuronal activity in the motor neurons is needed to generate enough
force to overcome that restoring force. As all eye movement commands are in the
velocity domain, one way to obtain a position-related signal is to simply integrate
the velocity commands (Robinson, 1975). The neuronal circuits that perform this
function are called the neural integrator, or NI, and for horizontal movements are
formed by the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), the medial vestibular nuclei
(MVN), and the cerebellum (flocculus and paraflocculus).
44 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

Evidence suggests that the NI is not a perfect integrator, but “leaks.” Thus, as the
eye is held eccentrically, it drifts back exponentially toward the center with a long
time constant. A saccade occurs to keep the eye from drifting back too much. The pat-
tern of drift back to the center followed by eccentric saccades is called gaze-paretic
nystagmus. The drift time constant is not constant, but rather decreases (drift velocity
increases) as the eye is held more eccentric (Bertolini et al., 2013; Chan and Galiana,
2005; Eizenman et al., 1990). Thus, the NI is leaky with a time constant that is a
nonlinear function of eccentricity (Chan and Galiana, 2008; Khojasteh et al., 2013).
Neurons in the NPH/MVN display a variety of firing patterns, ranging from position-
like to velocity-like (McFarland and Fuchs, 1992). The class of neurons of most interest
to us is the position neuron, which changes its firing rate in proportion to eye position.
The position cell lags the eye movement by 10 ms (McFarland and Fuchs, 1992).
Afferents to the NPH arise from the perihypoglossal nuclei (including NPH
itself ), vestibular nuclei, the contralateral nucleus paragiganto-cellularis dorsalis
(PGD) (i.e., IBN area), ipsilateral PPRF (i.e., the EBN area), extraocular motor
nuclei, the cerebellum (flocculus and caudal fastigial nuclei). The NPH also receives
inputs from the superior colliculus, the FEF, the SEF, and the posterior parietal
cortex, and the RIP (i.e., the OPN area) (Langer and Kaneko, 1983).
The efferent projections of the NPH are widespread throughout the cerebellum
and brain stem (McCrea and Horn, 2006). The NPH projects directly to the three
motor nuclei (IIIn, IVn, and VIn), providing the necessary tonic activity to hold
the eye steady against the elastic restoring forces in the orbit. The NPH neurons
use a variety of both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters, including GABA,
glycine (Gly), and glutamate (Glu) (McCrea and Horn, 2006). Spike-triggered
averaging and autoradiography revealed that NPH neurons which project to the
ipsilateral abducens nucleus gave rise to excitatory postsynaptic currents via Glu,
whereas NPH neurons that project to the contralateral abducens nucleus evoked
inhibitory postsynaptic currents via Gly (Escudero et al., 1992; Spencer et al., 1989).
The NPH also projects bilaterally to the cerebellum (floccular-nodular lobe,
ventral paraflocculus, posterior vermis, fastigial nuclei, and hemispheres), but more
ipsilaterally than contralaterally, the PPRF (wherein lie the EBNs) and the PGD
(wherein lie the IBNs). The NPH projects bilaterally to the intermediate SC, although
the contralateral projection is heavier (McCrea and Horn, 2006).
Importantly for our purposes, the NPH/MVN sends a weak, bilateral projection to
the pontine raphe nuclei, including the RIP, which contains the OPNs (Ito et al., 1984;
Langer and Kaneko, 1984; McCrea and Baker, 1985). We will assume that this projection
provides an inhibitory signal proportional to eye position in the head (eccentricity).

4.6 Omnidirectional and directional pause neurons (OPN and DPN)

Oscillations are the natural consequence of the reciprocal inhibition between neurons
that exhibit postinhibitory rebound (Wang and Rinzel, 1992). Mutual inhibition
between IBNs on both sides thus leads to flutter if the OPNs cannot resume firing
after a saccade (Ramat et al., 2005). Here, we give a detailed discussion of pause
4 New model of opsoclonus 45

neurons because they play the key role in our model of opsoclonus (Pretegiani et al.,
2017b). The pause neurons are found in a small, midline region in the caudal PPRF,
called the RIP, and have large dendritic fields that cross the midline (Buttner-
Ennever et al., 1988). Pause neurons fire at a steady rate during the intersaccadic
interval and pause during saccades in some or all directions (Keller, 1974; Luschei
and Fuchs, 1972). Pause neurons stop discharging during sleep (Henn et al., 1984).
Pause neurons are glycinergic (Horn et al., 1994).
Pause neurons can be divided into two groups, those that pause only for ipsilateral
saccades, called directional pause neurons (DPNs), and those that pause for saccades
in all directions, called omnipause neurons (OPNs). Although all early studies of
pause neurons found both DPNs and OPNs (Cohen and Henn, 1972; Keller, 1974;
Luschei and Fuchs, 1972), subsequent studies, and all models of the saccadic system,
ignored the DPNs. For our purposes, the DPNs may help to explain how OPN firing
rates are determined. Whereas the OPNs fire at a steady rate during fixation irrespec-
tive of eye position in the orbit, the activity of DPNs during fixation increases with
eye eccentricity to the ipsilateral side.
Luschei and Fuchs (1972) found that, of 32 pause units, 12 paused for saccades
in all directions, nine paused only for ipsilateral saccades, three paused only for
contralateral saccades, and eight paused for both ipsilateral and contralateral saccades.
Cohen and Henn (1972) reported that neurons paused for both saccades and quick
phases of nystagmus, and some paused only in one direction. They also reported that
fixation activity in some pause neurons increased with eccentricity. Keller (1974)
found that of 20 U, 12 OPNs showed no correlation between eye position and fixation
activity, whereas eight DPNs increased their activity with ipsilateral eye position
eccentricity. The OPN tonic rate ranged from 180 to 250 sp/s, whereas the DPN rate
never exceeded 150 sp/s. The start of the pause in both types of neurons preceded the
saccade by 12–25 ms. The OPNs did not change their activity during different fixation
positions or the slow phases of rotatory nystagmus, but the DPNs changed rate in
proportion to eye position (firing faster for more ipsilateral positions).
Bergeron and Guitton (2001) looked at the gaze position error dependence of
OPNs in cats. They found that OPN firing rates were more or less constant above
10° of error. However, when the error was between 0 and 10° the activity decreased
from about 143 sp/s to 60 sp/s, with a slope of 4 spikes/deg. (i.e., activity was
highest when error was zero). There is a difference in the timing of OPN activity
in head unrestrained cats and monkeys. In cats, the OPNs are tightly coupled to gaze
(eye + head) movements (Pare and Guitton, 1998). In monkeys, they are more tightly
coupled to eye movements (Coble et al., 1994). However, the main difference
appears to be in how crisply the gaze shift ends (being less crisp in cats), so there
may be no difference in the gaze control circuit for OPNs (Pare and Guitton, 1998).
Although the OPN firing rate during fixation is not a function of eye position, it is
not constant. Bergeron and Guitton (2002) showed that during multiple step saccades
in head unrestrained cats, the activity of the OPN after the pause was greater, the
closer the eye was to the target. This is also true for rSC neurons, so it is possible
that the OPN activity is simply reflecting the rSC input.
46 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

4.6.1 Afferents
Several systems converge on the OPNs, including visual, vestibular, and saccadic
systems. Prsa and Galiana (2007) showed with extensive model simulations that
much of the behavior of saccadic and vestibular activity during head unrestrained
movements could be captured by a model of the OPNs whose input was a weighted
sum of gaze motor error (from the SC), head velocity (from the medial vestibular
nuclei, MVN) and eye velocity (from the excitatory burst neurons, EBNs, and
long-lead inhibitory burst neurons, LIBNs).
Electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve or labyrinths causes polysynaptic
suppression of the OPNs, (King et al., 1978, 1980). The MVN project bilaterally
to the RIP, but predominantly ipsilaterally (Ito et al., 1984). Electrical stimulation
of the MVN inhibits the OPNs (Ito et al., 1986). The MVN are active during
saccades, even if the head is not moving, and inhibits the OPNs (see review by
Galiana, 1991). There is also a bilateral projection from the NPH to the RIP, predom-
inantly ipsilateral (Ito et al., 1984; Langer and Kaneko, 1984, 1990). As the NPH/
MVN form the neural integrator, and the MVN projections are inhibitory, we shall
assume in our model that the NPH projection to the OPNs is also inhibitory.
OPNs receive glutamatergic, GABAergic and glycinergic inputs (Horn et al.,
1994; Wang et al., 2013). Receptors for Glu are restricted to OPN dendrites, whereas
GABA and Gly receptors are on both OPN dendrites and somata (Horn et al., 1994).
The OPNs receive excitatory, monosynaptic input from bilateral rSC (Buttner-
Ennever et al., 1988; Harting, 1977; Raybourn and Keller, 1977), contralateral
cFN (Noda et al., 1990) and FEF (Stanton et al., 1988).
They also receive inputs from LIBNs (Kamogawa et al., 1996). The LIBNs are
monosynaptically excited by the contralateral cSC and disynaptically inhibited from
the ipsilateral cSC (via the contralateral IBNs) (Sugiuchi et al., 2005). IBNs also
received disynaptic inhibition from the rostral SC via the OPNs. Thus, OPNs receive
monosynaptic excitation from the rSC, and disynaptic inhibition (via IBNs) from
the cSC (Shinoda et al., 2011).
The rSC excites the contralateral OPNs directly (Buttner-Ennever et al., 1988),
and indirectly through excitatory projections in the ipsilateral central mesencephalic
reticular formation (cMRF, Wang et al., 2013). The cSC also inhibits the OPNs via
GABAergic neurons in the ipsilateral cMRF (Wang et al., 2013). The cSC inhibits
ipsilateral OPNs via contralateral glycinergic LIBNs and IBNs (Shinoda et al., 2011;
Wang et al., 2013). During the gap paradigm (fixation point goes off, and after a gap
in time the target light comes on) the activity in rSC neurons begins to decrease, but
the activity in OPNs remains steady (Everling et al., 1998). Some OPNs also had a
phasic increase in activity immediately after target onset. At the end of the saccade,
rSC neurons begin firing at a steady rate, whereas OPN activity increases gradually
over the first three spikes. OPN discharge after the pause is variable, with some
neurons showing an increase relative to pre-pause activity, and some showing a
decrease. Thus, the input to the OPNs cannot come solely from the rSC. One possi-
bility is that the loss of input from the rSC is made up by buildup neurons in the cSC
before the saccade (Everling et al., 1998). Alternatively, activity could be made up by
input from the SEF and FEF (Burman and Bruce, 1997).
4 New model of opsoclonus 47

OPNs project to contralateral EBNs and IBNs, but not LIBNs (Curthoys et al.,
1984; Scudder et al., 1988; Takahashi et al., 2005). Projections of the DPNs have
not been studied and will not be included in the model.

4.7 New hypothesis about OPN function

The OPNs receive projections from many places, including the SC, the cMRF, the
IBNs and LIBNs, the cFN, the NPH/MVN, and the cortical FEF and SEF. We do not
include all these connections in the model, because they are redundant. We shall
assume for the purposes of our model that the inputs from the cFN, the rSC and
the FEF are glutamatergic (excitatory); from the NPH are GABAergic (inhibitory);
and from the IBNs and the LIBNs are glycinergic (inhibitory).
We assume that the tonic firing rate of the OPNs between saccades is due to
the balance between the Glu inputs from cFN, SC, and FEF, the Gly inputs from
LIBNs and the GABA inputs from the NPH. This is consistent with the findings
of Kanda et al. (2007). The GABAergic inputs could also be controlling OPNs during
slow movements, such as smooth pursuit (Missal and Keller, 2002) and vergence
(Busettini and Mays, 2003).
The major new hypothesis here relates to the role of the NPH projection to the
OPNs. Why should the NPH send a signal to the OPNs? The neural integrator
(NI) is not perfect, but “leaks,” i.e., in eccentric positions, the eye will drift back
to center. During nystagmus, an increase in head velocity increases the probability
of a quick phase occurring (Galiana, 1991). During a sustained head turn, the quick
phases of nystagmus carry the eye further than the slow phases, so the eye gradually
moves ahead in the orbit, perhaps so that it can see what is in the direction of the head
turn earlier (Chun and Robinson, 1978; Galiana, 1991; Ramat et al., 2003). Also, as
the eye moves more eccentrically in the orbit, the neural integrator becomes leakier,
causing a faster gaze paretic nystagmus. The further eccentric the eye, the faster it
drifts back. Thus, more frequent quick phases are able to keep the eye more eccentric
(Bertolini et al., 2013; Bockisch et al., 2013; Chan and Galiana, 2005, 2008, 2010;
Crawford and Vilis, 1993; Khojasteh et al., 2013).
We hypothesize that to keep the eye as eccentric as possible in lower animals
(e.g., rabbits), the NPH sends an inhibitory signal to the OPNs. As the eye position
becomes more and more eccentric, this signal increases, and thereby reduces the
activity in the OPNs, which makes it more likely that a saccade will occur to coun-
teract the drift. According to this hypothesis, OPN activity should decrease as the eye
moves more eccentrically. However, OPN activity is independent of orbital eccen-
tricity (Cohen and Henn, 1972; Keller, 1974; Luschei and Fuchs, 1972). To reconcile
this discrepancy between our hypothesis and the data, we suggest that in higher
animals (e.g., monkeys) the need to counteract gaze-paretic nystagmus is less acute,
and thus the inhibitory position-dependent input from the NPH is canceled by an
excitatory position-dependent input from the FEF/SEF/Cerebellum. If we assume
that this excitatory signal goes to both OPNs and DPNs, but the inhibitory signal
from NPH/MVN goes only to OPNs, we can create the observed dichotomy in pause
48 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

DPN ¼ FEF + ⋯ (1a)

OPN ¼ ðFEF  NPHÞ + ⋯ (1b)

In a normal subject, the Glu and GABA outputs from these position-dependent areas
set the baseline activity for the OPNs. We assume that in our patient the output from
cerebral cortex (FEF/SEF) and possibly the cerebellum has become imbalanced
because of the concussion. In particular, the Glu signals are diminished and/or
delayed. Thus, the membrane potential is pulled down by the GABA signals. This
makes the OPNs more likely to turn off, if they are on, and less likely to turn on,
if they are off. If a saccade is made, the OPN membrane potential is lowered by
Gly, and part of the restoration of the membrane potential comes from the withdrawal
of Gly from the IBNs. However, there will also be less Glu, so the time it takes for
the GABA-determined baseline to recover is extended. During this extended time
the left-right IBN reciprocal circuit oscillates. This creates a position-dependent
nystagmus, because the size of the Glu signals coming from the SEF, FEF and
cerebellum are position-dependent.
The key feature in our patient was the eye position-dependence of the opsoclonus.
Saccades in both directions were hypometric and followed by a brief opsoclonus, but
sustained oscillations during fixation only occurred when the eyes were deviated to the
left by more than 15°. As was shown previously, opsoclonus may be caused by
reciprocal inhibition in the cerebellum and brain stem when the OPN reactivate later
than normal (Optican and Pretegiani, 2017a). In the new model opsoclonus occurs
because the FEF drive to the OPNs is too late and/or too weak, causing the NPH
inhibition to keep the OPNs hyperpolarized for too long. This same mechanism can
account for postsaccadic opsoclonus in our patient. The finding that saccades in both
directions were hypometric and followed by opsoclonus means that the FEF was
delayed after rightward saccades and delayed and weak after leftward saccades.
The delayed reactivation of OPN activity hypothesized above would cause rightward
saccades to become hypermetric. However, we assume that the adaptive capability of
the cerebellum would reduce saccade gain (Gsaccade) so that the eyes got on target,
and thus both hypometria and oscillations would be observed.

4.8 Smooth pursuit

Why should opsoclonus in our concussion patient be so prominent during smooth
pursuit in leftward positions, especially at eccentricities that are smaller than those
required to elicit opsoclonus during fixation? To answer this question, we must con-
sider how the output from the smooth pursuit system influences the OPNs. The OPNs
were long thought to be exclusively part of the saccadic system, but in a seminal
paper Missal and Keller (2002) showed that activity in about half of OPNs declined
(by about 30–40%) during smooth pursuit movements. Some of these OPNs showed
a strong burst at the time of target onset, but that will be ignored in this discussion.
Furthermore, they showed that electrical microstimulation of OPNs induced a strong
deceleration in ongoing pursuit.
4 New model of opsoclonus 49

In another paper, Keller and Missal (2003) recorded from a small population
of burst neurons in the PPRF near the OPN region. They found a new type of neuron
that responded to both smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movements, which they called
saccade/pursuit neurons (SPNs). They proposed that the SPNs received inputs from
the saccadic EBNs, and from the pursuit drive neurons (PNs). The SPNs then inhibited
the OPNs, acting as a latch to keep OPNs off during saccades or to increase the gain
of the PNs during pursuit movements (which they called gain control).
Their results suggest that the saccade-related drop in the OPN membrane poten-
tial can be completely accounted for by the inputs described above, and that the time
course of the OPNs is very fast. In their examples, we found the dominant time
constant (Tp) to be 2.4 ms. This is consistent with a glycine receptor channel model
of OPN inhibition during saccades (Kanda et al., 2007; Optican, 2008; Yoshida et al.,
1999). In contrast, the relationship between the smooth pursuit signal and eye veloc-
ity was much slower. The eye velocity drive does not exactly match the OPN activity.
Instead, the input to the OPN shows some evidence of acceleration sensitivity, and a
low pass filter with a time constant of 20 ms. This suggests that the glycinergic
mechanism may not be operating. Instead, we propose that the pursuit signal goes
through the GABAA receptors on the OPNs. This is consistent with a dominant time
constant between SPN and OPN activity of 96 ms.
Although it is speculative to make inferences about time courses from such limited
and indirect experiments, we think that it is reasonable to propose that the two sources of
inhibition to the OPNs (glycinergic and GABAergic) have much different time courses.
If we assume that the OPNs are only weakly inhibited by the NPH to begin with,
then a reduction in OPN activity caused by the SPN input may be enough to release
the reciprocal-inhibition in the brain stem and cause ocular oscillations. This would
allow opsoclonus to occur during pursuit at smaller eccentricities than are required to
elicit fixation opsoclonus. Note that one prediction of this model is that for pursuit
targets with eccentricities smaller than for fixation opsoclonus, the opsoclonus will
stop when eye speed drops to zero, as the SPNs will then not be inhibiting the OPNs.
To include smooth pursuit in our model, we had to include a mechanism for tracking
moving targets. This is a very complicated topic, especially because tracking can
occur with zero lag. For our purposes, a simple system proposed earlier by Robinson
et al. (1986) was used, but modified with an acceleration term on the input to achieve
zero-lag tracking (Fig. 6).

4.9 Model implementation

The model developed here is almost the same as the model in our previous paper
on opsoclonus (Optican and Pretegiani, 2017a). We briefly describe the elements
of the model with a focus on the new parts. All neurons were represented as adaptive
low pass filters, with postinhibitory rebound (PIR) (Ramat et al., 2005):
sGa Ta Gl
min 1+ esδ , 800 (2)
sTa + 1 sTl + 1
50 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

FIG. 6
Schematic of Pursuit System. An acceleration term (accel, red) has been added on the
left to allow the model to track sinusoids with zero lag. Input is target velocity (TVel) and output
is pursuit drive (pD). Delays (δ1  δ4) are 0.001s, 0.035s, 0.030s, and 0.001s.
Model is taken from Robinson, D.A., Gordon, J.L., Gordon, S.E., 1986. A model of the smooth pursuit eye
movement system. Biol. Cybern. 55, 43–57.

where s is the Laplace variable. The adaptation factor has gain and time constant
Ga and Ta (typically 0.05–0.10 and 1–200 ms). The low pass filter has gain and time
constant Gl and Tl (typically 1.0 and 2 ms). The floor corner brackets (bc) imply that
the output is always nonnegative. The min() function indicates a saturation at
800 sp/s. The output is delayed by the synaptic delay, δ (0.8 ms). Each neuron has
three inputs that are summed, one excitatory, one inhibitory, and a dominant inhibi-
tion from OPN (with three gains, Ge, Gi and Go, typically 4, 4 and 10).

4.9.1 Pursuit system

We used a simple pursuit system (Fig. 6) developed by Robinson et al. (1986). This
model always tracks with a phase delay, but our patient showed tracking with almost
no delay. Thus, an acceleration term was added to the input of the pursuit model:
ðs + 100Þ

to allow the eye to track a sinusoidal target without a delay. The output of the model
was Pdrive. It contributed to the velocity drive in the final common path with a gain of

4.9.2 Nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH)

The NPH output was taken as the output of the neural integrator:
ð20s + 1Þ
The NPH position signal was split into rightward and leftward signals (Fig. 7). These
went through a delay (FEFdelR or FEFdelL), and created two new signals, NPHlpR
and NPHlpL representing a lowpass filtered version of the one-sided NPH output
according to:
ð0:01s + 1Þ
4 New model of opsoclonus 51

FIG. 7
Schematic of FEF/NPH input to OPNs. The NPH provides a position dependent signal
to the FEF. The FEF signal lags the NPH signal. The factor of 100 in the last transfer
function reverses the sign so that the NPH inhibits, and the FEF excites, the OPNs. The
delays and gains of the FEF lowpass filters are different on the left and right, giving the
position-dependence exhibited by our patient.

Table 1 Model parameters needed in the new model, as compared with the
older model (Optican and Pretegiani, 2017a).
GFEFL ¼ 0.77 GFEFR ¼ 1.0 EBNTc ¼ 0.010 IBNTc ¼ 0.001
TCFEFL ¼ 0.010 TCFEFR ¼ 0.010 EBNaGain ¼ 3 IBNaGain ¼ 8
FEFdelL ¼ 0.001 FEFdelR ¼ 0.065 EBNTCadapt ¼ 0.001 IBNTCadapt ¼ 0.005
SPNGain ¼ 57 GSaccade ¼ 0.80 pDriveGain ¼ 0.40

Time constants (TC) and delays (del) are in seconds.

4.9.3 Frontal eye fields (FEF)

The FEF position signals were derived from the position signals in the NPH. The
NPH signals were delayed and sent into lowpass filters for left and right signals,
called FEFlpR and FEFlpL (Fig. 7):
TFEF s + 1
These lowpass filters were constructed so that they could be reset to zero if the eye
position was on the opposite side. See Table 1 for parameter values.

4.9.4 Omnipause neurons (OPN)

A difference signal was then created for each side:
Dnph, fef L ¼ L1 L2 esδ FEFL  L2 ðNPHLÞ

Dnph, fef R ¼ L1 L2 esδ FEFR  L2 ðNPHRÞ

52 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

where L1 is a lowpass filter with gain 100 and time constant 0.005s; L2 is a lowpass
filter with gain 1.0 and time constant 0.010s. The time delay of the FEF signal is δ.
This difference signal was input to the OPNs.
The OPNs were modeled as a single, lumped neuron, as in Eq. 1b. The inputs
to the OPN were:
OPN in ¼ ðcFN + rSC + 200Þ 
 LIBN L + LIBN R + Dnph, fef L + Dnph, fef R + SPN Gain jPdrive j : (9)

4.10 Simulations
Fig. 8 shows simulated saccades and fixation for a normal subject. Note that the
difference between NPH and FEF eye position signals (B) is only noticeable during
very large saccades (A). Thus, the OPN activity (red trace in A) is not affected, and
saccades are normal. Simulated smooth pursuit tracking is shown in Fig. 9A. The eye
tracks the target very closely for the first 2 s, after which it begins to lag the target.

Target Eye OPN
Targ, Eye (deg), OPN




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

NPH / FEF(deg)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)

FIG. 8
Simulation of normal saccade tracking. (A) Large leftward and rightward saccades are slightly
hypometric. Red trace shows the activity of the OPNs. (B) Internal signals related to eye
eccentricity (NPH, blue; FEF, green). The signals from the left and right FEF are slightly
delayed and lowpass filtered relative to the NPH signal. Their difference (magenta) inhibits
the OPNs, but is significant only during large saccades, so it has no effect on the postsaccadic
4 New model of opsoclonus 53

Targ, Eye (deg), OPN


–6 Eye


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

B 5
NPH fefR fefL Diff

NPH / FEF (deg)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s)

FIG. 9
Simulated smooth pursuit tracking. (A) Eye movement follows target very closely up until
about 2 s. The eye then lags the target until it is corrected by a small saccade at about 3.3 s.
The red trace shows that the activity of the OPN is not constant during pursuit. The OPNs
receive inhibition from the smooth pursuit drive signal, so OPN activity declines slightly during
leftward and rightward movements, but not when the eye velocity is near zero. Note the
complete pause in the OPNs at the time of the catch-up saccade. (B) NPH (blue) and FEF
(green) traces and their difference (magenta). There is essentially no difference between
NPH and FEF signals because of the low speed of pursuit. Thus, their difference provides
no net inhibition to the OPNs.

A catch-up saccade corrects this at about 3.3 s. The eye movements are slow, so the
difference between the NPH and FEF signals is negligible (Fig. 9B). Nonetheless,
the OPN activity (red trace in Fig. 9A) shows a dip when pursuit velocity is high.
This is because of the inhibition of the OPNs by the smooth pursuit drive signal.
Fig. 10A shows a simulation of saccades and fixation in our patient, which can be
compared with Fig. 3. The essential features from Fig. 3 are reproduced (hypometria,
postsaccadic flutter, and fixation opsoclonus beyond 15°). Fig. 9B shows the inter-
nal signals in the model. The blue trace is the NPH output. The green traces are
the FEF output (split into left (dashed) and right (solid)). The magenta trace is the
absolute value of the difference between the NPH and the FEF signals. Whenever
the difference is greater than 3° (Thresh), the OPNs (red trace in Fig. 9A) are
off. This allows postsaccadic flutter and opsoclonus. As the flutter would carry
the eyes beyond the target, we assume that adaptation in the cerebellum lowers
the saccadic gain from 1.0 to 0.8, thus causing the saccades to become hypometric.
A simulation of the patient’s smooth pursuit tracking is shown in Fig. 11A, which
can be compared with Fig. 4. Note that all the essential features of the patient’s
performance are captured in the model (pursuit opsoclonus at smaller eccentricities
f f Target Eye OPN

Targ, Eye (deg), OPN

h f
h F = 24.3+/- 0.2 Hz, mean P-P = 3.2°
f o

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

NPH / FEF (deg)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)

FIG. 10
Simulation of patient’s eye movements during saccades and fixation. (A) Saccades in both
directions are hypometric (h) and followed by one or two half-cycles of back-to-back saccades
(flutter, f ). The red trace shows the OPN activity. (B) The NPH (blue) and FEF (left and
right, green) activity in the model are shown. Their difference (j NPH–FEFj) is shown in
magenta. During fixation on the left, when the eye is beyond about 15° of eccentricity, the
difference signal exceeds the threshold (Thresh 3°), the OPNs are held off (red trace in A)
and the system oscillates (opsoclonus, o). Frequency label as in Fig. 3.

Targ, Eye (deg), OPN

–2 F = 24.3+/- 0.2 Hz,

mean P-P = 3.0°
o o
–6 Eye
–8 OPN
–10 p
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

NPH fefR fefL Diff

NPH / FEF (deg)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (s)

FIG. 11
Simulation of patient’s smooth pursuit. (A) The essential features of the patient’s smooth
pursuit are captured (flutter at small eccentricities, o, and no flutter at zero pursuit speed, z).
OPN activity is shown in the red trace. (B) The NPH and FEF signals, and their difference,
are shown. Note that when the difference is only about 2°, the OPNs are already off,
because they are inhibited by both the difference signal and the smooth pursuit drive signal.
Frequency label as in Fig. 3.
5 Discussion 55

than required for fixation opsoclonus, and a termination of opsoclonus when the eye
velocity drops to zero). The opsoclonus in our simulation is symmetrical, being
equally strong for rightward and leftward movements in the left hemifield. Our
patient showed a more marked opsoclonus when the eye was moving to the left. This
could be captured in the model by splitting the pursuit drive into leftward and right-
ward drives and using a different gain for their inhibition of the OPNs. Fig. 10B
shows the NPH, FEF and difference signals. The difference signal is smaller than
during saccades or fixation (cf. Fig. 10), but the OPN activity is shut off (red trace,
Fig. 11A), because of the input from the smooth pursuit velocity drive.

5 Discussion
Our new model has been able to explain how OPN reactivation can be delayed, how
opsoclonus can occur when the eyes are eccentric in one hemifield, and how pursuit
tracking can lead to opsoclonus. The key elements of the new model are the excit-
atory signal from the FEF, SEF or cerebellum to the OPNs, and the inhibitory signal
from the NPH to the OPNs. More research will be needed to determine the roles
of the FEF, SEF, cerebellum and NPH in providing the position-dependent signals.
We have also incorporated smooth pursuit drive inhibition of the OPNs (Keller and
Missal, 2003; Missal and Keller, 2002).
Our patient developed these symptoms following a concussion. How this could
lead to the kinds of defects used here in the model is not clear. Concussion may cause
a diffuse axonal injury, involving the white matter of the cerebrum, the corpus
callosum, the brain stem, and the cerebellum (Adams et al., 1989). Concussion has also
been reported to cause short-term eye movement abnormalities, such as nystagmus, if
the cerebellum is involved (Fumeya and Hideshima, 1994). Following concussion,
extracellular fluids show an increase in levels of taurine, glutamate, aspartate, and
GABA (Nilsson et al., 1990). It is assumed that glutamate and aspartate (excitatory
neurotransmitters) are the mediators in traumatic brain injury. In contrast, the concom-
itant release of adenosine, taurine and GABA (inhibitory neurotransmitters) may
protect the brain or ameliorate the excitotoxicity of glutamate and aspartate. In general,
concussion can cause a neurometabolic cascade of events, including disruption
of neuronal cell membranes, axonal stretching, and transient membrane defects
(Barkhoudarian et al., 2011; Giza and Hovda, 2014; Smith et al., 1997).The axonal
stretching can cause diffuse depolarization. One study showed that multiple
concussions lead to specific, long-term dysfunction of intracortical inhibitory mech-
anisms, mediated through GABAB receptors (Tremblay et al., 2011). It is not yet
possible to separate the effects of concussion on neurotransmitters vs. axonal injury,
but overall the effect seems to be cognitive problems (e.g., attention and memory), and
slowing of reaction times (Eckner et al., 2014; Giza and Hovda, 2014).
Based on these studies, we assume that concussion decreases the activity of the
FEF, SEF and/or cerebellar neurons that carry eye position signals. This would
be most notable at saccade end, when the ipsilateral cFN must reactivate the OPNs.
56 CHAPTER 3 Modeling gaze position-dependent opsoclonus

Failure to reactivate the OPNs at the appropriate time would result in hypermetric
saccades and postsaccadic oscillations. Thus, we assume that the right FEF pathway
is delayed (causing delay in OPN reactivation and thus postsaccadic flutter). However,
we assume that the hypermetria is offset by a gain reduction in the goal of the saccade
(e.g., by learning where to initiate the locus of the pause in the vermis, Optican and
Quaia, 2002). Thus, saccades become hypometric, with postsaccadic flutter.
We do not know the exact point of impact in our patient, or whether the damage
occurred under or opposite to the point of contact (Ommaya et al., 1971). Nonethe-
less, the position-dependence of sustained opsoclonus (only on the left side in our
patient), can be explained by assuming that the left FEF pathway has a reduced gain.
Thus, it would be unable to cancel the inhibition from the NPH, causing sustained
OPN inactivity with eccentric eye positions in the left hemifield.
Although opsoclonus is a rare disease, we have learned much about how the brain
controls eye movements by recording, analyzing and modeling these movements.
For example, opsoclonus in our concussion patient required us to propose the first
model of the saccadic system incorporating a gaze position-dependent signal. Fur-
ther study of rare ocular motor diseases should provide further insights into how
the brain controls movement that may not be apparent from the study of normal

This research was supported (in part) by the Intramural Research Program of the NEI, NIH.

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Eye position-dependent
opsoclonus in mild traumatic
brain injury
John-Ross Rizzoa,b, Todd E. Hudsona,b, Alexandra J. Sequeirab, Weiwei Daib,c,
Yash Chaudhryb, John Martoneb, David S. Zeed, Lance M. Opticane,
Laura J. Balcerb,f,g, Steven L. Galettab,f, Janet C. Ruckerb,f,*
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, New York University School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States
Department of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New York University Tandon School of
Engineering, New York, NY, United States
Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research, NEI, NIH, DHHS, Bethesda, MD, United States
Department of Ophthalmology, New York University School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States
Department of Population Health, New York University School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +212-263-7744, e-mail address:

Opsoclonus consists of bursts of involuntary, multidirectional, back-to-back saccades without
an intersaccadic interval. We report a 60-year-old man with post-concussive headaches and
disequilibrium who had small amplitude opsoclonus in left gaze, along with larger amplitude
flutter during convergence. Examination was otherwise normal and brain MRI was unremark-
able. Video-oculography demonstrated opsoclonus predominantly in left gaze and during pur-
suit in the left hemifield, which improved as post-concussive symptoms improved. Existing
theories of opsoclonus mechanisms do not account for this eye position-dependence. We dis-
cuss theoretical mechanisms of this behavior, including possible dysfunction of frontal eye
field and/or cerebellar vermis neurons; review ocular oscillations in traumatic brain injury;
and consider the potential relationship between the larger amplitude flutter upon convergence
and post-traumatic ocular oscillations.

Concussion, Ocular flutter, Opsoclonus, Saccades, Eye position-dependence

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
66 CHAPTER 4 Eye position-dependent opsoclonus

1 Introduction
Opsoclonus and ocular flutter are saccadic intrusions characterized by bursts
of involuntary, back-to-back saccades without an intersaccadic interval. The oscil-
lations are termed ocular flutter when they exist in the horizontal plane only and
opsoclonus whey they are multidirectional in horizontal, vertical, and torsional
planes. Pathologic opsoclonus and ocular flutter occur most commonly with para-
neoplastic autoimmune disorders and parainfectious brainstem encephalitis;
reports are very rare with traumatic brain injury (Digre, 1986; Turazzi et al.,
1977)—especially mild traumatic brain injury (Manta et al., 2018). We report a
patient with mild traumatic brain injury, large amplitude flutter upon convergence,
and opsoclonus/ocular flutter with distance viewing with two unusual features:
(1) eye position-dependence manifested as opsoclonus predominantly in left gaze
and (2) accompanying hypometric saccades to visual targets. Further, we discuss
hypothetical mechanisms underlying these features and their potential relation-
ships with larger amplitude flutter upon convergence and with mild traumatic brain

2 Case description
A 60-year-old man sustained a concussion 3 years prior when he was thrown
from his bicycle after colliding with a suddenly-opened car door. He had brief loss
of consciousness and his helmet was cracked in two sites. The location of direct
head impact was unknown. Head CT revealed no intracranial contusion or hem-
orrhage. He immediately developed severe headaches, intolerance of motion and
busy environments, and difficulty reading. In the ensuing 3 years, he had persis-
tent post-concussive chronic right-sided headaches and disequilibrium without
visual symptoms or oscillopsia. Quantitative eye movement recordings were initially
obtained as part of a clinical trial of ocular motility in concussed participants. Upon
discovery of abnormal findings on eye movement recordings, neuro-ophthalmologic
consultation was performed. Examination detected very small amplitude oscilla-
tions in left gaze that were too small to characterize further (Video 1 in the online
version at, Segments 1 and 3). During
otherwise normal convergence movements, larger amplitude oscillations were seen
(Video 1 in the online version at, Seg-
ment 2). The patient was unaware of abnormal eye movements prior to and during
the examination. Ocular ductions and versions were full. There was no ocular mis-
alignment with distant target fixation. No oscillations were present in central gaze
following gaze shifts or behind Frenzel goggles in upright or supine positions.
Vestibulo-ocular reflexes were normal. Visual acuity and fields, pupils, optic
nerves, neurological examination, and brain MRI were normal.
4 Eye movement recording results 67

3 Eye movement recording methods

Horizontal and vertical eye movements of both eyes were recorded with infrared
video-oculography (Eyelink 1000 +, SR Research, Ontario, Canada) (sampling fre-
quency 500 Hz, spatial accuracy 0.5 degrees), following a 13-point spatial calibra-
tion. The head was stabilized with a forehead cradle. The visual stimulus was a
solid white circle displayed on a computer screen with a dark gray background. Gaze
stability during visual fixation was assessed centrally and eccentrically at 18.5
degrees horizontally and 11 degrees vertically. Saccades were tested to target
jumps through a range of amplitudes up to 18 degrees horizontally and
11 degrees vertically. A peripheral target was triggered after fixating on a central
target for 1.1 s. Horizontal antisaccades were assessed with the same parameters,
with instructions to look in the same but opposite mirror location of the stimulus.
Gap and overlap saccades were measured to target jumps through a range of amplitudes
up to 14.8 degrees horizontally. For the gap paradigm, the peripheral target appeared
150 ms after the central fixation target disappeared. For the overlap paradigm, the
central fixation target and peripheral target were displayed simultaneously for
150 ms before the central fixation target disappeared. Pursuit movements were tested
as the visual target moved sinusoidally at 0.25Hz 10 degrees horizontally and ver-
tically. Eye movement data were analyzed off-line using custom MATLAB® software.

4 Eye movement recording results

Back-to-back saccades oscillating about the fixation target without an intersaccadic
interval in horizontal and vertical position traces, consistent with opsoclonus, were
seen in left gaze (for horizontal component: mean peak-to-peak amplitude [SD], 5.94
[5.47] degrees; mean peak velocity [SD], 343.79 [45.51] degrees/s; frequency,
16 Hz) (Fig. 1). Post-saccadic horizontal oscillations (flutter) occurred following
rightward saccades (Fig. 1). Left and rightward saccades were persistently hypo-
metric (Fig. 1). The main sequence amplitude to peak velocity relationships showed
that horizontal visually-guided saccades had velocities near or above the upper limits
of normal, especially in the leftward direction, and peak velocities of the horizontal
saccades during flutter were higher than expected for saccade amplitude (Fig. 2).
Opsoclonus, with a larger horizontal than vertical component was also superimposed
on pursuit, predominantly when tracking targets in the left hemifield (Fig. 3). Aver-
age latencies of horizontal saccades were 222.7 [96.0] ms for pro-saccades, 219.4
[117.1] ms for saccades with the gap paradigm, and 234.0 [112.8] ms for sac-
cades with the overlap paradigm. Normative control values in our lab are 176
[13] ms for pro-saccades, 149 [13] ms for saccades with the gap paradigm,
and 187 [27] ms for saccades with the overlap paradigm. Antisaccade latency
was 368 [97.3] ms (normative control values in our lab are 294 [62.5] ms), with
7/18 (38.9%) made in the incorrect direction. Repeat video-oculography 7 months
68 CHAPTER 4 Eye position-dependent opsoclonus

FIG. 1
Horizontal (upper) and vertical (lower) eye position traces during saccade testing
demonstrate opsoclonus in left gaze, bursts of post-saccadic ocular flutter with rightward
saccades, and hypometric saccades in right and left directions. Upward deflections represent
rightward movements.

later, when post-concussive symptoms had nearly resolved, showed marked lessening
of the saccadic oscillations. Transient opsoclonus occurred in left gaze (for horizontal
component: mean peak-to-peak amplitude [SD], 2.78 [4.83] degrees; mean peak
velocity [SD], 163.05 [33.44] degrees/s; frequency, 5 Hz) (Fig. 4). Post-saccadic flutter
following rightward saccades was markedly reduced and saccadic hypometria was
lessened. A few oscillations remained superimposed on leftward pursuit.

5 Discussion
5.1 Behavioral characteristics of opsoclonus/ocular flutter
and “voluntary flutter”
Our patient demonstrated two unusual features of opsoclonus/ocular flutter: the
oscillations varied with the position of the eye in the orbit and saccades to visual
targets were hypometric. We will first comment on the atypical features of the opso-
clonus/flutter of our patient and then on the concept of flutter upon convergence.
Our patient showed opsoclonus with many typical features, including back-to-
back, conjugate, multidirectional saccades without an intersaccadic interval and with
an average amplitude between 1 and 5 degrees and a frequency range between 10 and
25 Hz (Bergenius, 1986; Zee and Robinson, 1979). As seen in our patient, saccadic
peak velocities in the presence of opsoclonus/ocular flutter are either faster than
FIG. 2
Main sequence relationships of peak velocity to amplitude for leftward (upper left panel) and rightward (upper right panel) visually-guided saccades
and for leftward (lower left panel) and rightward (lower right panel) flutter saccades demonstrating saccades near or above the upper limits of normal peak
velocity, especially in the leftward direction, and flutter saccades faster than expected for saccade amplitude. Patient data are represented in black.
Data are fit with an exponential equation: peak velocity ¼ Vmax  (1 e A/C), where Vmax is the asymptotic peak velocity, A is the amplitude, and C is a
constant defining the exponential rise. Normative control data from our lab, along with normative 5th and 95th prediction intervals, are plotted
(hatched pink lines).
70 CHAPTER 4 Eye position-dependent opsoclonus

FIG. 3
Horizontal (upper) and vertical (lower) eye position traces during pursuit testing show
opsoclonus superimposed on pursuit, predominantly with tracking targets in the left
hemifield. Upward deflections represent rightward movements.

(Bergenius, 1986) or appropriate for (Ellenberger et al., 1972; Zee and Robinson,
1979) saccade amplitude and can differ for visually-guided prosaccades versus flut-
ter saccades (Pretegiani et al., 2017). Saccades in the presence of opsoclonus/ocular
flutter may land on target, show dynamic overshoots, or be hypermetric (Daye et al.,
2013; Pretegiani et al., 2017; Zee and Robinson, 1979); however, saccades in both
horizontal directions in our patient were hypometric. Another characteristic feature
of opsoclonus/ocular flutter is a tendency to be provoked in central gaze by gaze
shifts from an eccentric gaze position (Bergenius, 1986; Zee and Robinson,
1979), which was not seen in our patient.
A striking feature in our patient was the relation of his saccadic oscillations to the
position of the eye in the orbit. Opsoclonus/ocular flutter tends to occur in central
gaze position and may also occur in eccentric gaze positions. Positional ocular flutter
and opsoclonus evoked by supine positioning have been described (Brodsky and
Hunter, 2011; Kim et al., 2013; Martins et al., 2018). The eye position-dependence
with opsoclonus only in left post-saccadic gaze holding seen in our patient, however,
has not. Two prior cases described what was termed “unidirectional flutter”
(Kobayashi, 2015; Verhaeghe et al., 2007). However, eye movement recording
traces in those cases were inconsistent with flutter, as the abnormal spontaneous
FIG. 4
Saccade (left panels) and pursuit (right panels) eye position traces at time of initial recording (upper panels) and 7 months later (lower panels),
showing marked lessening of oscillations and diminished saccade hypometria at the later date. Upward deflections represent rightward
72 CHAPTER 4 Eye position-dependent opsoclonus

saccades did not oscillate about the midline. The eye movements more closely
resembled double saccadic pulses (DSP), which consist of a saccade away from
fixation followed immediately by a return saccade back to fixation, with no intersac-
cadic interval and no crossing of the midline. A third case of DSP (Kim et al., 2007),
reported by Kim et al., was due to a focal right-sided demyelinating pontine lesion.
These three reports each described abnormal spontaneous DSP oscillations in the
rightward direction that did not oscillate across the midline and that occurred in cen-
tral, right, and left eye positions. Interestingly, in one of these cases (Verhaeghe et al.,
2007), there was some modulation with eye position, with a higher amplitude and
frequency of the saccadic pulses in right gaze compared to central gaze and in central
gaze compared to left gaze.
Our patient generated ocular flutter upon convergence of the eyes that had a
larger amplitude than the oscillations seen with distance fixation in left gaze. About
5–10% of the general population have the ability to voluntarily generate back-to-
back saccadic oscillations that mimic pathologic ocular flutter, usually—but not
always—provoked by converging the eyes (Blair et al., 1967; Jarrett et al., 1977;
Nagle et al., 1980; Zahn, 1978). There may a hereditary component of this capability;
however, it is also a behavior that can be learned, providing support to the concept
that the saccadic system is inherently prone to oscillation in normal healthy individ-
uals (Hotson, 1984). These voluntary oscillations can only be sustained for 5–30 s at a
time and tend to be of lower amplitude and higher frequency than pathologic ocular
flutter. Some individuals, however, are capable of generating larger amplitude move-
ments in the horizontal plane and even of producing voluntary multidirectional opso-
clonus (Yee et al., 1994). Though these voluntary eye oscillations are often called
“voluntary nystagmus,” they are better termed “voluntary flutter,” since they consist
of back-to-back saccades with no slow-phase movements of the type that character-
ize nystagmus. Given the presence of flutter upon convergence in our patient, the
possibility was considered that our patient’s opsoclonus in left gaze and during left-
ward pursuit may have been voluntary. This was, however, thought unlikely, given
the patient’s visually asymptomatic state without oscillopsia (i.e., subjective sense of
visual motion), improvement in opsoclonus upon recovery from his concussion, and
the patient’s lack of awareness of any abnormal eye movements before they were
detected on infrared video-oculography.

5.2 Mechanisms of opsoclonus/ocular flutter and gaze

Current theories and models of the mechanisms underlying opsoclonus/ocular flut-
ter do not account for a relation to eye position or saccadic hypometria as seen in our
patient. Opsoclonus/ocular flutter is attributed to intrinsic properties of the saccade-
generating brainstem machinery that render it inherently unstable and prone to
oscillation. Saccades are generated by glutaminergic excitatory burst neurons
(EBN) that send signals to agonist motoneurons to activate extraocular muscles
(Fig. 5). EBN for horizontal saccades are located in the paramedian pontine reticular
5 Discussion 73

FIG. 5
Schematic of pathways involved in saccade control, with demonstration of neuronal activity
during a rightward saccade. Reciprocal innervation in the circuit of excitatory and
inhibitory burst neurons renders it vulnerable to internally-generated oscillations, which are
normally inhibited by omnipause neurons. Disinhibition of this reciprocally-innervated system
results in oscillations. Abbreviations: FN, fastigial nucleus; OPN, omnipause neurons;
EBN, excitatory burst neurons; IBN, inhibitory burst neurons; MN, motoneurons; IN
internuclear neurons; VI n, sixth nerve nucleus; III n, third nerve nucleus; MR, medial rectus;
LR, lateral rectus.
Figure adapted from Optican, L.M., Rucker, J.C., Keller, E.L., Leigh, R.J., 2008. Mechanism of interrupted
saccades in patients with late-onset Tay-Sachs disease. Prog. Brain Res. 171, 567–570.

formation (PPRF) and EBN for vertical and torsional saccades, in the rostral inter-
stitial medial longitudinal fasciculus (RIMLF). Inhibitory burst neurons (IBN)
ipsilateral to horizontal saccade direction inhibit contralateral antagonist muscles
to facilitate saccade onset; this occurs via signals received from the contralateral
cerebellar fastigial nucleus (FN). Contralateral IBN assist in saccade termination
via a “choke signal” received at saccade end from the ipsilateral FN. FN neuronal
discharge is modulated by Purkinje cells in the overlying posterior ocular motor ver-
mis (Yamada and Noda, 1987). Except during saccades, EBN and IBN are tonically
inhibited by glycinergic omnipause neurons (OPN) in the raphe interpositus nucleus
in the caudal pons (Optican and Quaia, 2002).
The properties of this system that predispose it to generating oscillations include
(1) positive feedback loops due to reciprocal inhibition between IBN and (2) the EBN
membrane property of post-inhibitory rebound (PIR) mediated by low-threshold cal-
cium channels that leads to increased neuronal firing upon inhibitory release from
glycinergic omnipause neurons (OPN) in the raphe interpositus, which tonically in-
hibit all burst neurons during fixation (Ramat et al., 2005, 2008; Shaikh et al., 2008).
Several types of interruptions in brainstem and/or cerebellar circuits may lead to sac-
cadic oscillations via heightened EBN membrane excitability, increased PIR, and/or
74 CHAPTER 4 Eye position-dependent opsoclonus

decreased glycinergic inhibition (Shaikh et al., 2008). An increase in the frequency

of discharge of EBN relative to the size of a saccade may account for saccades with
higher than normal velocities with opsoclonus/flutter (Bergenius, 1986); whereas,
decreased glycinergic inhibition has been proposed as a potential mechanism for
“voluntary flutter,” due to the potential to voluntarily inhibit OPN tone in such in-
dividuals (Hain et al., 1986; Ramat et al., 2005). A similar mechanism may account
for superimposition of opsoclonus/flutter upon pursuit, as partial OPN inhibition also
occurs during pursuit (Missal and Keller, 2002).
The dependence of opsoclonus on eye position, appearing predominantly in left
gaze is not likely due to direct EBN or IBN pathology, since EBN and IBN do not
modulate their discharge with changes in eye position within the orbit (Cullen and
Guitton, 1997; Van Horn et al., 2008). The OPN are also unlikely to be the sole cause
of the oscillations since lesions of OPN lead to slowing of saccades but not to oscil-
lations (Kaneko, 1996). Rather, the likely source of the dependence of opsoclonus on
eye position in our patient is dysfunction of an inhibitory input to the OPN from neu-
rons that do encode eye position in the orbit, such as those in the cerebellar ocular
motor vermis and fastigial oculomotor region or in the cerebral cortex, possibly the
frontal eye fields. The cerebellar ocular motor vermis contains neurons that burst
during saccades in either both directions or one direction with variable timing during
the saccade to enhance onset or facilitate offset. There is a subset of vermis pause
cells that decrease their discharge just before contralateral saccades (Ohtsuka and
Noda, 1995). Unilateral cerebellar dysfunction might theoretically alter the balance
of discharge between vermis burst and pause cells and enhance FN output (Helmchen
et al., 1994, 2003), leading to reduced OPN inhibition and increased EBN firing, and
predispose to oscillations in one direction of gaze. Furthermore, some of these neu-
rons in the ocular motor vermis neurons modulate their firing rates with changes in
orbital position of the eye (Ohtsuka and Noda, 1995). Disruption of input from the
frontal eye fields to OPN as a mechanism of the relation of opsoclonus to eye position
is supported in our patient by his substantial increase of overlap and anti-saccade
latencies (Rivaud et al., 1994).
The hypometria of saccades in our patient could hypothetically be caused
by either a cerebellar or a frontal lobe mechanism. The saccadic hypermetria
and dynamic overshooting that often accompany saccades in individuals with
pathological saccadic oscillations were initially hypothesized to be due to inhib-
itory hyperpolarization of OPN cell membranes, rendering them momentarily re-
fractory to excitatory stimulation and resumption of firing at saccade end (Zee and
Robinson, 1979). Alternatively, saccadic hypermetria could be due to a delayed
“choke signal” from the ipsilateral FN to the contralateral IBN (Daye et al., 2013;
Optican and Quaia, 2002). In contrast, hypometric saccades may be due to
impaired input from the cerebellum or frontal lobes to OPN, leading to premature
resumption of OPN discharge (Hain et al., 1986). Direct damage to the dorsal cer-
ebellar vermis or frontal eye field might also cause hypometric saccades (Tusa
et al., 1986).
6 Conclusion 75

5.3 Relationship with traumatic brain injury and potential

mechanisms of gaze position-dependent opsoclonus/ocular flutter
Concussion results in neurological injury, including a cascade of neurochemical and
neurometabolic events with neurophysiologic cortical alterations that can be pro-
tracted (Giza and Hovda, 2014; Tremblay et al., 2011). Saccadic abnormalities
are not uncommon following mild traumatic brain injury; however, opsoclonus
and ocular flutter are rare (Manta et al., 2018). These oscillations have been reported
in the setting of severe head injury (Robins et al., 1976; Turazzi et al., 1977); how-
ever, when present after mild injury, they often have features suggesting that they
more likely represent “voluntary flutter” than pathologic oscillations (Yee et al.,
1994). The saccadic deficits typically reported in mild traumatic brain injury include
prolonged latencies and higher error rates with memory-guided saccade and antisac-
cade paradigms (Crevits et al., 2000; Heitger et al., 2002, 2004, 2009), suggesting
injury to frontal lobe cortical eye centers including the frontal eye fields and the dor-
solateral prefrontal cortex, which is compatible with the propensity of the frontal
lobes to injury from trauma. Indeed, in our patient, injury to the frontal lobe was sug-
gested by the substantial increase of overlap and anti-saccade latencies (Rivaud et al.,
1994). Other evidence from mild traumatic brain injury supports a role for altered
intracortical mechanisms in the motor cortex due to impaired gamma-amino-butyric
acid (GABA) receptor activity (Tremblay et al., 2011). This idea may provide a link
between concussion-related cortical injury and abnormal ocular oscillations, as alter-
ations in the sensitivity of brainstem saccadic neurons to GABA have been directly
implicated in several causes of opsoclonus/ocular flutter (Petit-Pedrol et al., 2014;
Pretegiani et al., 2017; Shaikh and Wilmot, 2016), and GABA receptors are present
both in the forebrain and in the cerebellum. Thus, based on the likely location of in-
jury in our patient, impaired inhibitory input from the frontal eye field to OPN may
be the more likely explanation for opsoclonus than direct injury to the cerebellum—
which is less common with mild traumatic brain injury (Kepski, 1983; Meabon et al.,
2016). However, future consideration of mechanisms for gaze-dependence opsoclo-
nus from frontal lobe injury will have to take into account the rarity of frontal lobe
lesions as a cause of ocular oscillations. It may be that an inherently unstable saccade
system is a necessary requisite for saccadic oscillations to emerge after traumatic
brain injury.

6 Conclusion
We have reported an unusual patient with abnormal eye movement findings follow-
ing mild traumatic brain injury, including eye position-dependent opsoclonus, uni-
directional ocular flutter, and hypometric saccades to visual targets. We propose that
the eye position-dependence of the opsoclonus may be due to impaired inhibitory
input to OPN from a neuronal source that modulates its firing rate based on the orbital
76 CHAPTER 4 Eye position-dependent opsoclonus

position of the eye, such as the cerebellar ocular motor vermis and/or frontal eye
fields. This case exemplifies both the contributions of clinical eye movement phys-
iology to expanding understanding of eye movement control in the brain, as well as
the limitations of clinical cases. To further understand the potential underlying anat-
omy, application of a neuromimetic model to the behavior is required. Further con-
tributions of this approach can be reviewed in the companion paper in this volume
(Modeling Gaze Position-Dependent Opsoclonus, Optican et al.).

This research was supported, in part, by the Intramural Research Program of the NEI, NIH.

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Saccades in Parkinson’s
disease: Hypometric, slow,
and maladaptive
Aasef G. Shaikha,b,c,*, Fatema F. Ghasiab,d
Department of Neurology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
Daroff-Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory and Neurology Service, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA
Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
National VA PD Consortium Center, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center,
Cleveland, OH, United States
Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1-313-850-8604, e-mail address:

Visuomotor impairments, such as hypometria of visually guided saccades, are common in Par-
kinson’s disease (PD). Explaining the mechanistic underpinning of such abnormal voluntary
(eye) movements can provide insights into the pathophysiology of limb movement disorders in
PD. We measured visually guided saccades in 20 PD patients using quantitative high-
resolution oculography. The experiments source to determine whether common motor deficits
in PD, such as those affecting visually-guided saccades reflect excessive inhibition of the su-
perior colliculus or rather involvement of brainstem saccade generators. We found slowing,
interruptions, and curvatures in the saccade trajectory. The curvature not only reflected the
mismatch in the velocity of relatively slower vertical (compared to horizontal) saccades,
but could be due to aberrant activation of the superior colliculus. The irregularities in the sac-
cade trajectory and slowing were prominent in the vertical direction. We suggest that abnormal
saccades in PD not only reflect abnormal tectal function, but also suggest abnormal oscillatory
behavior in the reciprocally innervating circuit of excitatory and inhibitory burst neurons. Im-
paired function of excitatory and inhibitory burst neurons causing maladaptive feedback and
premature activation of the superior colliculus can cause irregularity in saccade trajectory.

Eye movement, Superior colliculus, Basal ganglia, Burst neurons

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
82 CHAPTER 5 Saccades in parkinson’s disease

1 Introduction
Parkinson’s disease (PD), the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, af-
fects approximately 10 million individuals world-wide. Devastating motor conse-
quences of PD, such as episodic interruption of gait (freezing), lateral drift while
walking (veering), impaired visuospatial navigation, and falls are frequently linked
to impaired visuomotor function. The clinical description of the visuomotor deficits
in PD include hypometria of saccades (rapid eye movements) made to visual targets
(visually guided saccades) and to remembered target locations (memory-guided sac-
cades), saccadic intrusions during gaze holding, convergence insufficiency, and
deficient motion perception (Blekher et al., 2009; Chambers and Prescott, 2010;
DeJong and Jones, 1971; Herishanu and Sharpe, 1981; Kimmig et al., 2002;
Otero-Millan et al., 2013; Rascol et al., 1989, 1991; Repka et al., 1996; Rottach
et al., 1996; Terao et al., 2011; Shaikh et al., 2011a,b; White et al., 1983). In order
to delineate the physiology of complex motor and perceptual phenomena, it is often
useful to first understand what leads to abnormality in physiologically less complex
visuomotor function, such as visually-guided saccades. Delineating the pathophys-
iology of visually-guided saccades in PD may lead to better understanding of linked
complex motor and perceptual phenomenologies and thereby offer conceptual un-
derstanding (i.e., prototype) for other complex movement disorders in PD which
are not directly linked to the visuomotor deficits, e.g., bradykinesia and hypokinesia.
The superior colliculus is instrumental for visuomotor coordination, and its dys-
function can lead to abnormal scaling of saccades in PD (Terao et al., 2011, 2013). It
was proposed that impairment of visually-guided saccades that clinically appear
hypometric is due to increased inhibition of the superior colliculus through abnormal
basal ganglia output (via substantia nigra pars reticulata) (Basso and Liu, 2007;
Hikosaka and Wurtz, 1985; Wurtz and Hikosaka, 1986). The PD patients may have
impairment in pre-attentional visual processing and saccade execution (Lieb et al.,
1999). Functional MRI has shown reduced activation of the frontal eye fields in pa-
tients with PD during the preparatory phase of the visually-guided saccades (Javaid
et al., 2010; Rieger et al., 2008). The underlying physiology may refer to the superior
colliculus as it sends corollary signals to both frontal ocular motor and occipital
visual regions at the onset of eye movement (Javaid et al., 2012; Sommer and
Wurtz, 2008). Fundamentally important, yet unanswered, questions are: (1) Whether
hypometric visually-guided saccades in PD depict an “interruption” of ongoing eye
movement due to excessive phasic inhibition transmitted through the substantia nigra
pars reticulata to the superior colliiculus. (2) Whether saccades are malprogrammed
due to impaired preparatory phase in the frontal eye fields. (3) Whether the saccade
abnormality that appears like “hypometria” are the irregularities in the saccade tra-
jectory due to the abnormal function of the brainstem burst generators such as para-
median pontine reticular formation and rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial
longitudinal fasiculus (Horn et al., 1999; Leigh and Zee, 2015). Answer to these
questions will address an important dichotomy whether visually-guided saccade ab-
normalities (i.e., abnormal voluntary motor behavior) in PD reflects excessive
2 Methods 83

inhibition of the superior colliculus and cortical malprogramming; or it suggests an

involvement of brainstem mechanisms such as burst generators that are anatomically
distinct for horizontal and vertical saccades. The goal of this study was to understand
the abnormal kinematic properties of visually-guided saccades and their mechanistic
underpinning in PD.

2 Methods
We studied visually-guided saccades from 20 PD subjects (12 men and 8 women, age
69.7  8.5 years). The diagnosis of PD was made clinically by movement disorders
neurologist. By definition, all PD subjects had robust responsiveness to dopaminer-
gic medications. Average daily dopamine dose was 797  253 mg. There was
44.9  16.3% improvement in the motor part of Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating
Scale (UPDRS III) during levodopa response testing. The studies were conducted in
dopamine off period. The study and consent form were approved by The Cleveland
Clinic and The Emory University Institutional Review Boards. The experiments
were performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Dec-
laration of Helsinki and its later amendments. The subjects signed written consent
before the experiment.

2.1 Experimental setup

High-resolution video-based eye tracker (EyeLink 1000®, SR Research, Ontario,
Canada; spatial resolution ¼ 0.010 and temporal resolution ¼ 500 Hz) was used to
non-invasively measure horizontal and vertical eye positions in PD patients and
matched healthy subjects. The video-based eye tracker uses the corneal reflection
(first Purkinje image) and the center of the pupil to measure the coordinates of
the gaze position. It does not rely on pupil size which may change with light reflex
or cognitive processes including thoughts and behaviors. The calibration process
used the saccades made to target shifts of known distance; in order to compensate
for hypometria we used the final eye position after corrective saccades. The data
were further processed and analyzed with previously published techniques using
custom software (MATLAB®, Mathworks™, Natick, MA) (Ghasia and Shaikh,
2015a,b; Ghasia et al., 2016).

2.2 Experimental protocol and data analysis

The subjects stabilized their head on the chin rest. The head stability through the ex-
periment was assured by measuring head velocity using synchronized gyroscope.
A circular target with 0.50 visual angle was displayed on the computer monitor that
was 55 cm away from the chin rest. The subjects were instructed to look at the target
projected straight-ahead or 50, 100, 150, and 200 to the right and left and 50, 100, 150,
and 200 up or down. We measured eye movements as the subjects held gaze steady or
rapidly changed the line of sight from one target position to the other.
84 CHAPTER 5 Saccades in parkinson’s disease

The key analyzed variables were the amplitude, velocity, acceleration, and deceler-
ation of saccades. Eye position was differentiated and smoothed with a Savitzky-Golay
filter (polynomial order: 3; frame length: 21) to compute eye velocity. Due to the irregular
trajectory and fluctuations in the velocity, the onset and offset of saccades were deter-
mined interactively. The saccade onset was determined when eye position shifted 2
degrees away from the steady baseline after the target shift. Such position threshold
was used to exclude square-wave jerks. The end was when the eyes reached new baseline.
Breaks in the saccades were determined using the velocity trace. The troughs in the ve-
locity trace corresponded to breaks; those reaching zero indicated a complete pause in the
movement. MATLAB® toolboxes were used for the statistical analyses and curve fitting.

3 Results
Fig. 1A and B depicts an example of a visually guided saccade captured from a healthy
subject. The eye position (Fig. 1A) and velocity (Fig. 1B) is plotted on the y-axis, while
corresponding time is plotted on the x-axis. The visually guided saccade in a healthy
subject is uninterrupted as it is evident from a single peak in the velocity profile
(Fig. 1B). The path of the illustrated eye movement followed a straight trajectory
as evident in Fig. 1C. Unlike healthy subject, the saccades were interrupted in a PD
patient. Fig. 1D–I depict an example of interrupted vertical saccade measured from
the PD patient. We saw three types of interruptions; in one type the eyes did not stop
but continued to move at much slower velocity compared to preceding saccade seg-
ment (red arrow in Fig. 1D and E). Two other types of interruptions (not shown in
Fig. 1D and E) were either complete cessation of the eye movement or the eyes moved
at much slower speed in the direction opposite of the ongoing saccade. The vertical
saccade in the illustrated example was not only interrupted but it also had a curved
and irregular trajectory. For instance, in an example depicted in Fig. 1F, the initial tra-
jectory was directed upward and to the right and then upward and to the left (Fig. 1F,
green arrow). After a halt (not visible in Fig. 1F), the eyes made another curved move-
ment (Fig. 1F, blue arrow). Like vertical saccades, the interruptions were present in the
horizontal saccades (Fig. 1G and H), but unlike the vertical saccades the curvature or
irregularity of the horizontal saccades was much smaller (Fig. 1I). The example of the
horizontal saccade described in Fig. 1G shows an example of an interruption (red ar-
rows, Fig. 1G and H). During such break, the velocity reached zero (red arrows
Fig. 1H), it was then followed by a catchup saccade bringing the eyes to their desti-
nation. Such deficits of horizontal and vertical saccades were consistently seen in all
subjects, as summarized and quantitatively analyzed in sections below.

3.1 Quantitative characteristics of saccade interruptions

This section quantifies the kinematic characteristics of the eye movements during
saccade interruptions for all trials in all PD patients. First we asked whether the eyes
stop during saccade interruption or they continue to move at a slower velocity.
3 Results 85

FIG. 1
Examples of visually guided saccades from healthy subject and PD patient. In first row of
subplots the eye position is plotted on the y-axis while x-axis depicts corresponding time in
seconds. Black line depicts right eye, gray trace is left eye. Red arrows depict interruption in
ongoing saccades. Panel (A) illustrates normal visually guided vertical saccade from a healthy
subject. Panels (D,G) depict examples of visually guided vertical and horizontal saccades
from the same PD subject. Middle row of subplots depicts eye velocity. Panel (B) depicts eye
velocity of normal visually guided saccade recorded from a healthy subject, while panels (E,H)
depict vertical and horizontal eye velocity respectively from a PD patient. In these subplots the
eye velocity is plotted on y-axis while x-axis illustrates corresponding time. Red arrows
illustrate interruption in saccade when eye velocity was zero (panel H) or when eye moved at
slower velocity in the opposite direction (panel E). The bottom row of the subplots depict
trajectories of horizontal and vertical saccades. Panel (C) depicts normal saccade from the
healthy subject, panel (F,I) depicts vertical and horizontal saccades in PD. Green dot is start
point, red dot is stop point. Arrows in panels (F, I) depict curvature in saccade trajectory.

We measured the ratio of the eye velocity during the interrupted segment and the
peak velocity of the preceding saccadic pulse. The ratio would be zero in instances
when the interruption leads to a complete cessation of the eye movement. A non-
zero value of the ratio suggests slow eye movement during the interruption.
A positive value of the ratio depicts slow eye movement in the same direction as
the ongoing saccade, while the negative value would suggest that the slow eye
86 CHAPTER 5 Saccades in parkinson’s disease

FIG. 2
Summary of ratio of eye velocity during interruption and saccade segment of interrupted
horizontal and vertical saccades in PD. Panel (A) depicts vertical saccade, while panel
(B) illustrates horizontal saccade. Both panels provide the cumulative summary of ratio from
all PD patients. Ratio near zero suggests that eyes movements completely paused during
interruption; while positive value of the ratio depicts slow eye movement in the same direction
as saccade. Negative value suggests slow eye movement in the opposite direction (like an
oscillation). X-axis depicts bins of ratio, while y-axis is number of incidences in the given bin.
Tall dashed line depicts mean, while short dashed line is median value.

movements are in the opposite direction. We found that the ratios in most instances
were a non-zero value, and its value spanned between positive to negative in all sub-
jects. This analysis suggested that in PD patients the eyes did not stop in most in-
stances when the saccade was interrupted. Instead, they slowly moved either in
the direction of ongoing saccade or in the opposite direction. The histograms in
Fig. 2A and B depict the summary of ratios from all patients during horizontal
(Fig. 2A) and vertical (Fig. 2B) saccades. The dashed lines in Fig. 2A and
B graphically illustrate the mean value of the ratio (vertical saccade ratio:
0.03  0.06, horizontal saccade ratio: 0.04  0.1). The difference in the distributions
of ratios measured from the horizontal saccade group was significantly different
when compared with the vertical saccade group (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,
P < 0.001). The range of ratio spanning 66% area under the curve was 0.64 to
0.01 for vertical saccades; it was 0.59 to 0.005 for the horizontal saccades. These
results suggest that the eye velocity during interruption of the vertical and horizontal
saccades reached upto 60% of the peak saccade velocity; hence the eyes were still in
motion during interruption.

3.2 Quantitative characteristics of saccade curvature

Change in the direction of saccade trajectory leading to irregularity was evident in all
subjects. The change in saccade trajectory in the example of one saccade is illustrated
with green and blue arrows in Fig. 1F. Fig. 3 depicts the summary of the differences
in the direction of the trajectories of saccade segments before and after the interrup-
tion. The mean difference in the direction of the trajectory from all subjects was a
non-zero value. Fig. 3A and B depicts the summary of deviation of all saccades
3 Results 87

FIG. 3
Cumulative summary of change in angle of trajectory after interruption of vertical (A) and
horizontal (B) saccades in all PD subjects. Angle of zero suggests no change in saccade
trajectory after the interruption, while the non-zero value suggests a change in the trajectory.
X-axis depicts bins of trajectory angles, while y-axis is number of incidences in the given bin.
Tall dashed line depicts mean, while short dashed line is the median value.

measured from all subjects. The mean value of the changes in the vertical saccade
trajectory was 4.2  93.62 degrees, while it was 1.6  21.84 degrees for the horizon-
tal. The range of values encompassing 66% area under the curve was 132.7 to 148.3
degrees for vertical saccades, while it was 19.3 to 13.6 degrees for the horizontal. The
comparison of the histograms representing the distributions of the directional changes in
the trajectories revealed statistical significance (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, P ¼ 0.003).
The results suggest that interrupted saccades in PD patients were invariably misdirected
and PD patients had to make multiple changes in the trajectory to reach the intended
target. The irregularity in the trajectory (i.e., the curvatures) were much more robust
in vertical saccades compared to horizontal saccades.

3.3 Saccade amplitude to velocity relationship

We assessed the amplitude-to-velocity relationship (i.e., the main-sequence) of ver-
tical and horizontal saccades. There were two components to this analysis as sche-
matized in the inset of Fig. 4B. In the first part, we compared desired saccade
amplitude (“Ad,” inset of Fig. 4B, and filled symbols in Fig. 4A and B) with the peak
velocity (Vmax) during the gaze shift required to accomplish such movement. The
second part of the analysis compared the amplitude of segmented saccade (“A1,”
inset Fig. 4B, and open symbols in Fig. 4A and B) with the velocity of the corre-
sponding saccade segment (V1). Filled symbols in Fig. 4A depict the main-sequence
of the desired saccade, i.e., comparision of desired amplitude (Ad) with peak velocity
(Vmax) for vertical saccades. In this figure each color represents one subject. Open
symbols in Fig. 4A illustrate the main-sequence relationship of the segmented
saccades, i.e., the comparison of segmented saccade amplitude (A1) with corre-
sponding saccade velocity (V1). Again each color depicts one subject and each sym-
bol depicts one saccade. Gray lines in Fig. 4A represent the normative range
determined from age and gender matched control subjects. As shown in Fig. 4A
the distribution of the filled symbols, i.e., the comparison of desired amplitude
88 CHAPTER 5 Saccades in parkinson’s disease

FIG. 4
Comparison of saccade velocity and corresponding amplitude in main sequence analysis for
vertical (A) and horizontal (B) saccades. Saccade velocity is plotted on y-axis while x-axis
depicts saccade amplitude. Each color depict one subject, each symbol depicts one saccade.
Filled symbols depict the relationship of peak saccade velocity with the desired amplitude of
saccade, while open symbols show the relationship between the amplitude of the broken
segment of the saccade and corresponding velocity. Gray lines are normative range. Inset of
panel B schematizes analysis strategy. In this inset a multistep saccade is schematized.
Analysis (green arrow) of the second component of the saccade (after velocity has decreased
and then increased again) renders change in position A1 with its corresponding velocity (V1).
Compare this with the desired change of eye position, i.e., the red arrow depicting desired
saccade amplitude (Ad) and maximal velocity (Vmax).

change with peak velocity did not follow the main-sequence. In contrast, the seg-
mented saccade amplitude and their corresponding velocity relationship did follow
the main-sequence. We quantified the main-sequence by measuring the goodness-of-
fit to the equation: V 5 K*AL. In this equation V is peak saccade velocity, A is sac-
cade amplitude, two parameters K and L determine the amplitude dependence of the
saccade velocity. This analysis was separately done for two types of main-sequence
comparison—desired saccade amplitude and segmented saccade amplitude. Main-
sequence for vertical and horizontal saccades were separately analyzed. For vertical
saccades, the goodness-of-fit of the main-sequence equation (r2 value) was
0.26  0.25 when desired saccade amplitude was compared with the peak saccade
velocity. The goodness-of-fit for the main-sequence comparison was 0.8  0.14
for the comparison of segmented vertical saccade amplitude with corresponding sac-
cade velocity. For the horizontal saccades, the goodness-of-fit for the main-sequence
equation was 0.44  0.28 for the comparison of desired saccade and peak velocity.
For the comparison of segmented saccade and corresponding peak velocity, the
goodness-of-fit was 0.9  0.1.
4 Discussion 89

The open datapoints from 6 of 20 subjects in Fig. 4A, suggesting the relationship
of segmented saccade amplitude and corresponding velocity, were below the norma-
tive range suggesting slowing of segmented vertical saccades (Fig. 4A). This obser-
vation in vertical saccade contrasted with the horizontal saccades, where in most
instances the relationship of segmented amplitude (or even desired amplitude)
and velocity of the saccade segment (or the peak horizontal saccade velocity)
depicted by the open and filled datapoints respectively in Fig. 4B fell within the nor-
mal range. These results suggest that the segmented portion of vertical saccades are
often slow, but such slowing is not evident in horizontal saccades.

3.4 Do abnormal saccade characteristics correlate with the

severity of PD?
The differences in the kinematic properties of saccades, i.e., only in 6 of 20 subjects
vertical saccade segments were slow, led to question whether reduced saccade velocity
and corresponding difference in the main-sequence parameters correlate with overall
motor manifestation of the disease state measured with UPDRS III score. Table 1
depicts r2 values and slopes comparing the main-sequence parameters K and L and
the severity of motor impairment in PD measured with UPDRS III. We found the lack
of correlation in the of values of parameters K and L for the main-sequence relation-
ship of desired as well as interrupted saccades in horizontal and vertical directions and
the severity of motor impairment in PD as measured with UPDRS III.
Taken together we found three types of abnormalities in visually-guided saccades
in PD subjects. (1) Frequent interruption of the ongoing saccade. (2) Irregularity in the
saccade trajectory resulting in longer duration to complete the movement; and (3)
Slowing of segmented saccade velocity, especially vertically. None of these saccade
abnormalities correlated with the motor severity of PD quantified by UPDRS III score.

4 Discussion
Visuomotor deficits such as hypometric memory- and visually-guided saccades and
deficient motion perception are present in PD despite their ability to accurately
perceive the visual stimulus (Blekher et al., 2009; Chambers and Prescott, 2010;
DeJong and Jones, 1971; Herishanu and Sharpe, 1981; Kimmig et al., 2002;

Table 1 Fit parameters for vertical and horizontal saccades.

2 2
r Slope r Slope

Vertical Desired 0.05 0.19 0.001 0.003

Vertical Segmented 0.001 0.4 0.005 12.5
Horizontal Desired 0.6 0.03 0.4 27.5
Horizontal Segmented 0.4 0.01 0.02 6.7
90 CHAPTER 5 Saccades in parkinson’s disease

Otero-Millan et al., 2013; Rascol et al., 1989, 1991; Repka et al., 1996; Rottach et al.,
1996; Terao et al., 2011; Shaikh et al., 2011a,b; White et al., 1983). The fundamental
question is: How does PD cause transient interruption of ongoing saccades that
clinically appear hypometric? Dysfunction of the superior colliculus secondary to
the abnormal outflow from the substantia nigra pars reticulata in disease states such
as PD can lead to direct inhibition of the superior colliculus or altered activation of
the frontal eye field (Javaid et al., 2010; Lieb et al., 1999; Rieger et al., 2008). Such
mechanism expects relatively equal impairment of horizontal and vertical saccades,
and during interruption the eye velocity would be next to null. Another fundamentally
critical possibility is that hypometric visually guided saccades in PD are due to the
abnormal function of the brainstem saccade generators. Our experiments probed these
two hypotheses.

4.1 Impaired function of basal ganglia, superior colliculus,

and impaired corollary discharge to the frontal eye fields
Substantia nigra pars reticulata maintains tonic GABAergic inhibition of the su-
perior colliculus (Fisher et al., 1986; Francois et al., 1984). Transient cessation of
these neurons, in preparation for the voluntary saccade, leads to timely saccade
initiation (Handel and Glimcher, 1999; Hikosaka and Wurtz, 1983). Pharmaco-
logical inhibition of substantia nigra pars reticulata after muscimol injection
results in saccadic intrusions and contralaterally directed spontaneous saccades
(Hikosaka and Wurtz, 1985; Wurtz and Hikosaka, 1986). Electrical stimulation
of the substantia nigra pars reticulata causes reduced latency and hypometric vi-
sually guided saccades (Basso and Liu, 2007). Disinhibition of the substantia
nigra pars reticulata, as expected in PD, can prematurely interrupt ongoing sac-
cade by imposing phasic inhibition to the superior colliculus. This mechanism,
however, suggests equal impairment of the horizontal and vertical saccades. This
theory also suggested that the saccade velocity should always reach zero (eyes
should completely stop) during each break. We found interruptions in horizontal
and vertical saccades in PD patients, but the involvement of horizontal saccades
was at much lesser extent. Furthermore, during interruptions, the eyes did not
completely pause. Hence we concluded that increased activation of the substantia
nigra pars reticulata and its subsequent influence on the activity of superior col-
liculus and the frontal eye field could be one of the underlying abnormalities but
not the sole deficit for impaired visually-guided saccade in PD.

4.2 Impaired function of burst generators in PD

Saccades are initiated by the circuits within the frontal and parietal eye fields in the
cerebral cortex. Cortical saccade-related signals follow two main pathways; one
projecting to the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP) of the pontine reticular
formation while the other to the superior colliculus. Neurons of NRTP then project
to the oculomotor vermis (OMV) (lobules 5–7) of the cerebellar cortex that sends
4 Discussion 91

GABAergic inhibitory signals to the underlying caudal fastigial nucleus (fastigial

oculomotor region (FOR)). The FOR projects to the omnidirectional pause neurons
(OPN) of the saccadic burst generator area in the nucleus raphe interpositus of the
midline pons as well as to the burst neurons themselves. OPNs and inhibitory burst
neurons (IBNs) are two sources of sustained inhibitory influence on the excitatory
burst neurons (EBNs). Sudden cessation of external inhibition leading to abrupt
increase in the excitability, the post-inhibitory rebound (PIR), is critical for
high-velocity of saccades (Enderle and Engelken, 1995; Miura and Optican,
2006; Shaikh et al., 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011a,b). Abrupt cessation of the sustained
OPN activity matches with the high-acceleration of saccades; at the end of sus-
tained inhibition of the EBNs, there is an abrupt increase in their firing due to
PIR (Enderle and Engelken, 1995; Miura and Optican, 2006; Shaikh et al.,
2008, 2010, 2011a,b). Simultaneously the activity of ipsilateral IBNs inhibits con-
tralateral EBNs, hence preventing the activation of antagonistic eye muscles. Reac-
tivation of contralateral IBNs offsets the EBNs activity hence abruptly stopping the
moving eyes during a saccade. Also the OPNs turn on at the end of the saccade
further assuring steady gaze holding. Impaired activation of the EBNs could lead
to slow saccades, while early activation of the OPNs and IBNs could result in pre-
mature breaks in the ongoing saccade resulting in early interruptions in the
trajectory and resultant hypometria.
OPNs equally affect horizontal and vertical saccades via its influence on the nu-
cleus reticularis tagmenti pontis and rostral interstitial nucleus of medial longitudinal
fasiculus, respectively. However, PD patients have prominent involvement of vertical
saccades. Therefore the malfunction of OPNs is less likely to cause saccade abnormal-
ity. The EBNs for horizontal and vertical saccades are located in anatomically dis-
tinctly regions. Therefore it is likely that impaired excitation of vertical saccade
sensitive EBNs results in abnormal vertical saccades in PD patients.

4.3 Superior colliculus activation and maladaptive changes in

saccade trajectory
Stimulation of the superior colliculus fixation zone during the saccade can cause di-
rectional changes of the ongoing eye movement(Gandhi and Keller, 1999; Munoz
and Wurtz, 1993a,b). The path of the redirected saccades is dependent upon the co-
ordinates of the stimulated site in the collicular fixation zone (Gandhi and Keller,
1999). Premature activation of the various locations in the fixation zone of the su-
perior colliculus in PD patients may explain idiosyncratically determined trajectory
of the redirected saccade and subsequent irregular saccade trajectory.
What causes the premature stimulation of the superior colliculus and why it pre-
dominantly affects the vertical saccades? We speculate that PD first affects EBNs
and IBNs responsible for the vertical saccades. Due to degenerative insult the IBNs
discharge asynchronously and irregularly. Such discharge pattern of IBNs during an
ongoing vertical saccade is not only inferred as a signal to pause the eye movement
causing interruption but it is also forwarded in the feedback circuit to the superior
92 CHAPTER 5 Saccades in parkinson’s disease

colliculus (Waitzman et al., 1991). Subsequent undesired activation of the collicular

fixation zone leads to redirected saccades in an arbitrary direction. These predictions
underlying pathophysiology of abnormal visually guided saccades are also supported
by the histopathological findings in PD suggesting the early involvement of midbrain
reticular formation, the area for vertical saccade generation (Braak et al., 2003;
Halliday et al., 1990, 2006).
Slow, curved and multistep saccades are well known phenomenon in parkinsonism,
typically in its atypical forms (Quinn, 1996; Rottach et al., 1996). Here we report unique
kinematic properties of visually guided saccades in PD. The features include well-
recognized hypometria, but also we noted slowing, interruptions, and irregularities and
curvatures in the saccade trajectory. We speculate that curvature and irregularity in the
saccade trajectory in PD is not merely due to the mismatch in the velocity of relatively
slower vertical component, but it is due to aberrant activation of the superior colliculus.
We further predict that the irregularities and slowing, prominently seen in the vertical sac-
cades, could be due to impaired function of EBNs and IBNs leading to maladaptive feed-
back causing the premature activation of the superior colliculus.

A.G.S. is supported by career development award from the American Academy of Neurology,
George Cotzias Memorial Fellowship (American Parkinson’s Disease Association), and Dys-
tonia Medical Research Foundation. F.F.G is supported by grants from Blind Children’s Foun-
dation, Knights Templar Eye Foundation, and Fight for Sight grant. There are no financial
conflict of interests. On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is
no conflict of interest.

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Brainstem neural circuits for

fixation and generation of
saccadic eye movements
Yoshikazu Shinoda*, Mayu Takahashi, Yuriko Sugiuchi
Department of Systems Neurophysiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental
University, Tokyo, Japan
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +81-3-5803-5152, e-mail address:

We review neural connections of the superior colliculus (SC) and brainstem saccade-related
neurons in relation to saccade generation mechanism. The caudal and rostral SC play a role in
saccade generation and visual fixation, respectively. This functional differentiation suggests
that different connections should exist between these two SC areas and their brainstem target
neurons. We examined synaptic potentials evoked by stimulation of the rostral and caudal SC
in inhibitory burst neurons (IBNs) and omnipause neurons (OPNs) in anesthetized cats. The
caudal and rostral SC produced monosynaptic excitation and disynaptic inhibition in IBNs,
respectively. Intracellular HRP staining showed that single IBNs sent their axons to abducens
motoneurons, IBNs and OPNs on the opposite side. OPNs received monosynaptic excitation
from the rostral SC, and disynaptic inhibition from the caudal SC via opposite IBNs. These
neural connections are discussed in relation to the saccade triggering system and the model
proposed by Miura and Optican.

Superior colliculus, Saccade, Omnipause neuron (OPN), Saccade trigger, Fixation, Inhibitory
burst neuron (IBN), Excitatory burst neuron (EBN), Abducens motoneuron, T-type Ca channel

1 Background
Saccades are the fast eye movements that rapidly redirect a line of sight (Leigh and
Zee, 2015). Various types of neurons were found in relation to saccadic eye move-
ments in the brainstem. Premotor burst neurons for saccade generation consist of
long lead burst neurons (LLBNs) and medium lead burst neurons (MLBNs). LLBNs
start firing much earlier than MLBNs at the onset of saccades, so that it is believed
that SC output neurons activate LLBNs and then LLBNs activate MLBNs in a
sequential way (Fig. 1, left). MLBNs consist of excitatory and inhibitory burst
neurons (EBNs and IBNs, respectively) and are distributed in the midbrain, pons
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
96 CHAPTER 6 Brainstem neural circuits for fixation and saccade

FIG. 1
Left: Patterns of spike activity of various superior colliculus (SC) output neurons and
brainstem premotor and motor neurons in relation to visually-guided horizontal saccades.
Vertical broken lines indicate onset and end of horizontal saccade. Eye Pos and Vel, eye
position and velocity; Sac Cell, saccade neuron in the caudal SC; Fix Cell, fixation cell in the
rostral SC; LLBN, MLBN, long and medium lead burst neuron; LR and MR MN, lateral and
medial rectus motoneuron; Abd nucleus, abducens nucleus; PPRF, paramedian pontine
reticular formation. Right: Presumed brainstem neural connections from the SC to an
omnipause neuron (OPN) and an inhibitory burst neuron (IBN) for generation of horizontal
saccades. Open and closed neurons, excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Broken lines are
speculated neural connections. A question mark indicates an unknown inhibitory interneuron
that inhibits OPNs to trigger saccades. Note that the shortest excitatory and inhibitory
pathways from the SC to Abd MNs are presumed to be trisynaptic and quadrisynaptic,

and medulla. EBNs for horizontal saccades are in the paramedian pontine reticular
formation (PPRF), projecting to the ipsilateral abducens nucleus, and IBNs for
horizontal saccades are in the paramedian pontomedullary reticular formation
(PPMRF), projecting to the contralateral abducens nucleus. Accordingly, it is
generally accepted that the shortest excitatory pathway from the SC to Abd MNs
is trisynaptic and the shortest inhibitory pathway is quadrisynaptic via EBNs
(Fuchs et al., 1985; Hepp et al., 1989; Scudder et al., 2002) (Fig. 1, right). The activ-
ities of these MLBNs are closely related to the duration and velocity of saccades
(Keller, 1974). Thus, the ipsilateral EBNs provide the saccadic drive to the agonist
2 Synaptic inputs from the SC to abd MNs and IBNs 97

muscle’s final common pathway, and the ipsilateral IBNs inhibit the antagonist mus-
cle’s premotor neurons on the contralateral side. However, one group of neurons was
different in that they stop firing during saccades. This group of neurons shows tonic
activity between saccades, and stops firing during saccades (pause neurons) (Fig. 1, left
OPN) (Cohen and Henn, 1972; Keller, 1974; Luschei and Fuchs, 1972). Since most of
them cease firing during saccades in all directions, they are called omnipause neurons
(OPNs). OPNs are located in the nucleus raphe interpositus (RIP) (B€uttner-Ennever
et al., 1988; Ohgaki et al., 1987). Stimulation of the OPN area in the midline pons could
prevent the occurrence of saccades in all directions during stimulation (Keller, 1977;
Keller and Edelman, 1994).
The superior colliculus (SC) contains a motor map that reflects direction and size
of saccades (Guitton et al., 1980; Mcllwain, 1986; Robinson, 1972). The rostral SC
reflects the foveal region of the retina, and contains neurons that discharge contin-
uously during visual fixation (Munoz and Guitton, 1989, 1991; Munoz and Wurtz,
1993). Its stimulation suppresses generation of saccadic eye movements (Gandhi and
Keller, 1999; Pare and Guitton, 1994). On the other hand, stimulation of the caudal
SC evokes saccades directed to the contralateral side. Therefore, the rostral and
caudal parts of the SC are considered to have different functions; the caudal
“saccade zone” that encodes saccade generation, and the rostral “fixation zone” that
encodes visual fixation. If two different systems of reciprocal functions, i.e., main-
taining fixation vs. generating saccades do exist in the rostral and caudal SC, respec-
tively, then the respective parts of the SC should have different neural connections
with abducens motoneurons (Abd MNs), EBNs, IBNs and OPNs in the saccade
generator of the brainstem. However, the projections from the rostral and caudal
parts of the SC to brainstem saccade generators still require clarification.
Robinson (1973, 1975) proposed a famous model for generation of saccades, in
which he postulated two command signals in parallel; one was a saccade driving
signal to oculomotor burst neurons and the other was a saccade triggering signal
to OPNs (Fig. 1, right). Since then, many researchers have tried to identify inhibitory
interneurons that inhibit OPNs at the onset of saccades (neuron indicated by a ques-
tion mark in Fig. 1, right), but a neural substrate for triggering saccades by inhibiting
OPN activity still remains controversial. To understand the neural mechanisms of
generation of saccades and their suppression during visual fixation, we investigated
the neural pathways from the rostral and caudal SC to Abd MNs, IBNs and OPNs in
anesthetized cats by recording intracellular potentials from them. Before discussing
the saccade trigger system, the detailed neural pathways from the SC to ocular
motoneurons for the saccade driving system will be described first.

2 Synaptic inputs from the SC to Abd MNs and IBNs

To investigate synaptic inputs from the SCs to Abd MNs, we recorded intracellular
potentials from Abd MNs and examined effects of stimulation of each SC. Abd MNs
received excitation from the contralateral SC and inhibition from the ipsilateral SC
98 CHAPTER 6 Brainstem neural circuits for fixation and saccade

(not shown) (Izawa et al., 1999). We found that both of these excitation and
inhibition were disynaptic, although these were assumed to be trisynaptic and
quadrisynaptic, respectively. Medial rectus MNs received trisynaptic excitation from
the ipsilateral SC via contralateral EBNs and internuclear interneurons located in the
contralateral abducens nucleus (not shown). All lateralities in the present review are
described with reference to the recording site. To determine the interneurons
mediating disynaptic inhibition from the SC to Abd MNs, we searched for neurons
in the IBN region that is located caudomedial to the abducens nucleus, and about
0.8 mm lateral to the midline (Hikosaka and Kawakami, 1977). Penetrated neurons
were identified as IBNs, based on their location in the pontomedullary junction
(PPMRF), antidromic activation from the contralateral abducens nucleus, and mono-
synaptic excitation from the contralateral caudal SC (Sugiuchi et al., 2005). Two
examples of IBNs are shown in Fig. 2B (right IBN) and C (left IBN). When record-
ings were made from a single IBN in control, stimulation of the rostral and caudal
parts of the ipsilateral SC evoked disynaptic inhibition similar to Fig. 2B 5–8,
whereas stimulation of the contralateral SC evoked monosynaptic excitation similar
to Fig. 2C 5–8, which usually increased as stimulation sites moved more caudally in
the SC. In addition, the most rostral site in the contralateral SC was different from
the more caudal sites in that stimulation of the most rostral site evoked inhibition
in the IBN, which followed the preceding excitation (Fig. 2C 5). This input pattern
from the contralateral SC was different from that in Abd MNs, because Abd MNs
received only excitation from the contralateral entire SC (Izawa et al., 1999). To
determine the pathways from the rostral and caudal SCs to IBNs, we transected
the predorsal bundle on one side at the level rostral to the location of OPNs and
recorded from IBNs on the either side (Fig. 2A). The transection on the contralateral
side completely eliminated the disynaptic inhibition from the ipsilateral rostral and
caudal SC (Fig. 2C 1–4), indicating that the disynaptic inhibition evoked by ipsilat-
eral rostral and caudal SC stimulation was mediated via inhibitory interneurons that
are located on the contralateral side. However, the same transverse section of the
contralateral predorsal bundle could not eliminate contralateral SC-evoked inhibi-
tion (Fig. 2C 5), indicating that this disynaptic inhibition from the rostral SC was
mediated via inhibitory interneurons located on the ipsilateral side other than IBNs
(most likely OPNs). Ipsilateral IBNs can not be a candidate for this inhibition,
because IBNs project only contralaterally and exert inhibitory influences on their
target neurons (Sugiuchi et al., 2005; Yoshida et al., 1982).

3 Synaptic inputs from the rostral and caudal parts

of the SC to OPNs
To demonstrate that disynaptic inhibition from the rostral SC to IBNs is mediated by
OPNs, we recorded synaptic potentials from OPNs in the RIP (Takahashi et al.,
2005). Since OPNs could not be identified by their characteristic firing pattern in
our anesthetized preparation, they were identified by their antidromic activation
FIG. 2
Intracellular potentials recorded from IBNs during stimulation of the rostral and caudal parts of the SCs (A–C): Synaptic inputs from the bilateral
SCs in a right (B) and a left IBN (C). (A) Experimental setup. (B) Synaptic inputs from the left SC (1–4) and the right SC (5–8) in the right
IBN after the transverse section of the right predorsal bundle. Stimulating electrodes are arranged rostrocaudally along the horizontal meridian of
the SC motor map (Mcllwain, 1986). (C) Synaptic inputs from the left SC (1–4) and the right SC (5 ¼ 8) stimulus sites in another left IBN in the
same preparation as in B. Note all responses from 1 to 4 stimulus sites in the SC disappeared, while all responses from 5 to 8 stimulus
sites remained unaffected after the lesion. Intracellular potentials recorded from left OPNs (D–G): Synaptic inputs from the SC (E and F) and the
IBN region (G) to left omnipause neurons (OPNs). (D) Experimental setup. E and F: (E) Excitation evoked by stimulation of the left rostral
SC, and (F) inhibition evoked by stimulation of the left caudal SC in the same left OPN. Upper and middle traces; double and single stimulation,
respectively. Lower traces; juxtacellular field potentials. G: Monosynaptic inhibition (middle traces) and reversed (depolarized) inhibition after
C1– injection (upper traces) evoked by stimulation of the right IBN region in another left OPN.
Panels A–C: Reproduced from Sugiuchi, Y., Izawa, Y., Takahashi, M., Na, J., Shinoda, Y., 2005. Physiological characterization of synaptic inputs to inhibitory burst
neurons from the rostral and caudal superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol. 93, 697–712; Panels D–G: Reproduced from Shinoda, Y., Sugiuchi, Y., Izawa, Y., Takahahsi, M.,
2008. Neural circuits for triggering saccades in the brainstem. In: C. Kennard and R.J. Leigh (Eds.). Using Eye Movements as an Experimental Probe of Brain Function,
Progress in Brain Research, vol. 171, 79–85.
100 CHAPTER 6 Brainstem neural circuits for fixation and saccade

from the Forel’s Field H (FFH) or the contralateral IBN area, or by their character-
istic morphology visualized by intracellular injection of HRP, because OPNs are
known to send their axons to the EBN area (PPRF), IBN area (PPMRF) and also
the burst neuron area in the FFH (Ohgaki et al., 1987). Stimulation of the rostral
SC evoked excitation with a monosynaptic latency in an OPN (Fig. 2E). The rather
long latency is due to the fact that the conduction velocity of output neurons of
the rostral SC is slower than that of the caudal SC. In contrast, stimulation of the
ipsilateral caudal SC evoked disynaptic inhibition in the same cell (Fig. 2F). The
reason why this inhibition is disynaptic is that inhibitory interneurons must intervene
between the SC and the OPN, because output neurons of the caudal SC are excit-
atory. Since output fibers in the predorsal bundle from the contralateral SC are
known to terminate extensively on IBNs (Langer and Kaneko, 1990; Strassman
et al., 1987), the IBN area on the contralateral side was stimulated at 100 μA, and
inhibition was evoked at a monosynaptic latency in the same OPN (Fig. 2G). These
results together with the transection experiment of the predorsal bundle indicate that
OPNs receive monosynaptic excitatory input from the rostral SC and disynaptic
inhibition from the contralateral caudal SC via contralateral IBNs.
In summary, the present analysis of the brainstem neural connections between
the SC and horizontal premotor neurons showed that OPNs that project to the burst
premotor neurons are monosynaptically excited by the rostral SC, and are disynap-
tically inhibited via IBNs by the caudal SC. In contrast, IBNs are excited monosyn-
aptically by the contralateral caudal SC, and inhibited disynaptically by the
ipsilateral caudal SC via contralateral IBNs, and additionally inhibited disynaptically
by the rostral SC via OPNs.

4 Discussion
Our studies reveal the brainstem circuits from the rostral and caudal parts of the SCs
to Abd MNs, EBNs, IBNs, and OPNs. Two important questions concerning the
physiological properties of OPNs remained controversial in fixation and saccade.
As to the first question: which excitatory neurons maintain sustained activity of
OPNs during steady visual fixation?, we determined output neurons in the rostral
SC as a responsible source for tonic excitation of OPNs, because OPNs receive
monosynaptic excitation only from the rostral parts of the SCs where tonically active
neurons during fixation are located. These neurons are called fixation neurons
(Munoz and Guitton, 1989, 1991; Munoz and Wurtz, 1993) or microsaccade neurons
(see Krauzlis et al., 2017). These two kinds of neurons are located in the most rostral
part of the SC, tonically active during fixation and stop firing during large-amplitude
saccades. In addition to these properties, microsaccade neurons show firing during
contralateral microsaccades. Therefore, although it is often accepted that these two
regions in the SC have different functions; the caudal “saccade zone” that encodes
saccade generation, and the rostral “fixation zone” that encodes visual fixation, it is
4 Discussion 101

proposed that even the most rostral zone is only an extension of the caudal saccade
zone (see Krauzlis et al., 2017). Our experimental condition in anesthetized prepa-
rations could not determine whether these two groups of neurons exist or not. But our
data can only conclude that the most rostral SC output neurons, not the more caudal
SC neurons, exert excitation in OPNs. The rostral SC neurons most likely receive
inputs from the “suppression area” of the FEF, because neurons there are tonically
active during fixation and stop firing during saccades, and are known to project to the
rostral part of the SC (Izawa et al., 2004). Furthermore, stimulation of the FEF
“suppression area” suppresses saccade initiation, which is very similar to the rostral
SC whose stimulation suppresses generation of saccades in both directions (Pare and
Guitton, 1994).
As to the second question; which inhibitory neurons suppress activity of OPNs?
Our result showed that IBNs inhibit OPNs at the onset of saccades. As shown in
Fig. 1 right, Robinson proposed two parallel pathways for triggering saccades and
driving saccades. However, he did not indicate the origin of a triggering signal
but the existence of a triggering signal that inhibits OPNs. Since then, many
researchers tried to identify the location of interneurons to inhibit OPNs. Our data
show that IBNs inhibit OPNs by mediating a saccade drive signal from the caudal
SC. Accordingly, there is no need to postulate the origin of a triggering signal in
the SC. IBNs were not considered to be such a candidate for inhibiting OPNs as a
triggering signal, but for a latch signal during saccades. Single unit recordings have
demonstrated that the pause of OPNs starts just before MLBNs begin firing (Keller,
1974; Yoshida et al., 1999). Since IBNs were speculated to be activated trisynapti-
cally from the SC, IBNs were not considered to be such a candidate (Yoshida et al.,
2002). However, our data have shown that IBNs are activated monosynaptically
from the SC, and IBNs terminate on OPNs directly. Previous morphological data
could not support the existence of the projection from IBNs to the OPN area
(Strassman et al., 1986; Yoshida et al., 1982). Our data suggest possible roles of IBNs
that may trigger saccades by actively inhibiting the tonic activity of OPNs at the
onset of saccades and also maintain saccades by continuously inhibiting OPN activ-
ity during saccades. Recently, the brainstem neural circuits for vertical saccades
were identified from the SC to vertical ocular motoneurons (see the details in
Takahashi and Shinoda, 2018). Vertical IBNs are found in the interstitial
nucleus of Cajal (Sugiuchi et al., 2013), but the relation of IBNs and OPNs remains
undetermined in the vertical saccade system.
To examine the functional role of OPNs, Kaneko (1996) made a lesion in the
OPN area (the nucleus raphe interpositus), and found that the peak velocity of
saccades was decreased without a delay of saccade onset. This finding suggests that
they must also contribute to the saccade drive signal. The slow saccades suggest
that the RIP lesion makes the firing rate of the EBNs and IBNs smaller. Thus,
Miura and Optican thought that this experimental finding gives a clue to the sources
of the currents that form the activity of EBNs, which, in turn, determines the
dynamics of saccades. So, Miura and Optican, by extending their dynamic model
102 CHAPTER 6 Brainstem neural circuits for fixation and saccade

(Miura and Optican, 2003), constructed a conductance-based model of EBNs and

simulated saccades using a simple lumped model with two EBN units (Miura and
Optican, 2006). Their simulation indicated that the inclusion of the T-type
Ca++ channel in the model of EBNs can reproduce the saccade slowing following
OPN lesion/inactivation, because the T-current is reduced after OPN inactivation.
Thus, they propose that the reduction in T-current may be one of the causes of sac-
cade slowing seen after OPN lesion/ inactivation. In relation to this simulation
model, our data of the neural circuits suggest that output neurons in the most rostral
part of the SC, which are tonically firing during fixation, stop firing at the onset of
saccade, so that OPNs that receive tonic input from these SC neurons must decrease
firing. At the same time, such OPNs receive strong inhibition from IBNs, and their
activities are quickly shut down. The tonic inhibition of EBNs and IBNs by OPNs
during fixation hyperpolarizes the membrane potentials of the MLBNs, and prevents
inactivation of the T-type Ca++ channel. At the onset of saccades, quick decrease of
this tonic hyperpolarization caused by quick shutdown of OPN firing activates
T-type Ca++ currents, and quick excitatory input from the caudal SC simultaneously
depolarizes the membrane potentials to causes strong burst spike activity in the
MLBNs. Although the properties of neural circuits related to saccade generation
have been the primary focus so far (Fig. 1, right), the combination of biophysical
membrane properties of MLBNs and the output of OPNs may play an important
role in determining the size of the velocity command for saccades. The direct
experimental evidence is required to support the existence of T-type Ca++ currents
in MLBNs.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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Morphological and
characteristics of the
commissural system in the
superior colliculi for control
of eye movements
Mayu Takahashi*
Department of Systems Neurophysiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental
University, Tokyo, Japan
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +81-3-5803-5155; Fax: +81-3-5803-5155,
e-mail address:

Commissural connections between the superior colliculi (SCs) were well known anatomically,
and assumed to be only inhibitory in relation to visual inputs. However, by recording intracel-
lular potentials, we revealed that a strong monosynaptic excitatory commissural connection
exists between the rostral SCs of the cat. Commissural excitation existed between the
medial-medial or lateral-lateral parts of both SCs, while commissural inhibition existed be-
tween the medial SC on one side and the lateral SC on the opposite side. These commissural
excitation and inhibition were also confirmed morphologically with the double-labeling
method of HRP-conjugated gold particle and GABA. Similarity of the topography of commis-
sural inhibition between the SC system and the vestibuloocular system supported the conclu-
sion that the saccadic eye movement system uses the same semicircular canal coordinate as the
vestibuloocular system. The commissural excitation may help to maintain Listing’s law in
saccadic eye movements.

Superior colliculus, Saccade, VOR, Commissural connection, Listing’s law, Vertical eye
movement, Sprague effect, Forel’s field H

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
106 CHAPTER 7 Characteristics of the commissural system in the SCs

1 Introduction
The anatomical commissural connection between the two superior colliculi (SCs)
has been well known (Behan and Kime, 1996; Edwards, 1977; Fish et al., 1982;
Magalhães-Castro et al., 1978; Moschovakis and Karabelas, 1985), and was consid-
ered to be mainly inhibitory (Hoffman and Straschill, 1971; Maeda et al., 1979). This
commissural inhibition was originally thought to mediate the “Sprague effect,”
because cats that received unilateral lesions in the visual cortex recovered from
the contralateral hemianopsia in response to either ablation of the SC opposite the
cortical lesion or transection of the collicular commissure (Sprague, 1966). Many
anatomical and behavioral studies on the collicular commissural connections have
been devoted to showing the neural mechanism of the Sprague effect. However,
more recent studies have shown that this Sprague effect is mediated by a pathway
other than intrinsic collicular commissural neurons (CNs), because transection of
the rostral commissure in the SC, where fibers of the intrinsic collicular CNs are
known to run, produced no effect, whereas transection of the caudal commissure
produced the Sprague effect (Wallace et al., 1989). The other basis of support for
the Sprague effect, the idea that the commissural projection is purely inhibitory,
has also been shown to be incorrect. Anatomical studies have shown that about
one-half of the characterized tectotectal projection is gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA)-positive, and the other half is glutamatergic (Appell and Behan, 1990;
Olivier et al., 2000). This ran counter to earlier physiological studies that suggested
that the projection was only inhibitory.
Tectal output neurons related to saccadic eye movements were inhibited during
ipsiversive orienting movements or by electrical stimulation of the contralateral SC
(Munoz and Istvan, 1998). Maeda et al. (1979) first demonstrated the existence of
commissural monosynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) by intracellu-
lar recordings from tectal neurons. Consistent with these physiological observations,
Appell and Behan (1990) found that commissural cells constitute a major source of
GABAergic projection to the contralateral SC in the cat. On the other hand, stimu-
lation of the contralateral SC sometimes evoked very tiny monosynaptic EPSPs
followed by larger monosynaptic IPSPs in tectal neurons (Maeda et al., 1981),
suggesting that there is an excitatory component of the tectotectal pathway. More
recently, Takahashi et al. (2005) found very strong monosynaptic commissural
excitation mainly in rostral tectoreticular neurons (TRNs) that projected to the
Forel’s Field H (FFH) where burst neurons of vertical saccades are located. How
these inhibitory and excitatory commissural connections are organized in the bilat-
eral SCs is very important, because it will be a key to understand the functional
relationship between the medial upward saccade system and the lateral downward
system in each SC. The spatial distribution of CNs and their terminals in the SC
has been examined anatomically. Tectotectal connections are generally restricted
to the rostral half of the SC, but their projections show diverse patterns (Edwards,
1977; Fish et al., 1982; Magalhães-Castro et al., 1978). Intracellularly-labeled
neurons showed that labeled axons and terminals of individual neurons were widely
3 Results 107

spread in the contralateral SC, and some of them (“T-cells”) sent their main axons to
the predorsal bundle (PDB) and the ventral ascending tract in the cat (Grantyn, 1988;
Moschovakis and Karabelas, 1985) and the monkey (Moschovakis et al., 1988a,b).
Previous anatomical studies have shown the laminar location and rostrocaudal
distribution of commissural neurons, but no detailed data are available to show
the correlation between this laminar arrangement and the topographical distribution
of excitatory and inhibitory commissural neurons in the SC, and their connections
with output TRNs in the SC. Since this information is required to understand the
functional roles of excitatory and inhibitory CNs in eye movement control, a series
of electrophysiological and morphological studies were performed to determine SC
commissural effects on TRNs that project to last-order premotor neurons for
saccades in the brainstem with intracellular recording and their underlying neural
correlates morphologically (Takahashi et al., 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011).

2 Methods
Experiments were performed in 14 anesthetized cats weighing 2.5–5.0 kg. The
experimental arrangements for electrophysiological studies were described in detail
previously (Takahashi et al., 2005, 2007). Briefly, four concentric bipolar stimulat-
ing electrodes (ID and OD, 0.1 and 0.3 mm, respectively; interelectrode distance
along the longitudinal axis, 1.0 mm) with a 1.0–1.2 mm rostrocaudal separation were
placed along the presumed horizontal meridian of the motor map in the SC on the
right side (McIlwain, 1986). The tips of the SC electrodes were positioned in the
intermediate or deep layer (1.5–2.0 mm from the surface) of the SC. For antidromic
activation of TRNs projecting to the FFH region and PDB, an array of two concentric
bipolar electrodes was stereotaxically placed on each side in the FFH (A: 7.0–7.5,
L: 1.0, 2.5), and separate electrode arrays were placed in the right PDB contralateral
to the recording site in the SC (Takahashi et al., 2005, 2007). The protocols of
anatomical works were the same as those described in detail (Takahashi et al.,
2010). In cases that were used for double labeling, injections of WGA conjugated
to apo-HRP conjugated to gold particles (GPs) (15-nm particle size, E-Y Laborato-
ries) was injected into the left SC (Lee et al., 2001). The survival period after
the GP injection was 7–28 days. To examine whether GP-labeled CNs were inhibi-
tory or excitatory, sections with GP-labeled CNs were treated for GABA

3 Results
To examine the patterns of input from the contralateral SC to TRNs, intracellular
recordings were made from a TRN, while stimulating the medial or lateral part of
the contralateral SC. Fig. 1(A–C) shows an example of intracellular records in a me-
dial TRN of the rostral SC. In this medial TRN, antidromic spikes were evoked by
108 CHAPTER 7 Characteristics of the commissural system in the SCs

FIG. 1
See legend on opposite page.
3 Results 109

stimulation of the ipsilateral FFH (Fig. 1B, site 2) and the contralateral inhibitory
burst neuron (IBN) area (Fig. 1B, site 16), indicating that this neuron is a SC output
neuron that projects to the burst neuron area and is related to saccadic eye move-
ments. The strong excitation was evoked only from the rostromedial part of the con-
tralateral SC (Fig. 1C, site 5). In contrast, the commissural inhibition was evoked
from the entire contralateral SC (Fig. 1C, sites 6–12), but the inhibition evoked
by stimulation of the medial SC (sites 6–8) was due to activation of the passing fibers
of inhibitory CNs located in the lateral SC. In a lateral TRN of the rostral SC, stim-
ulation of the lateral SC on the contralateral side (site 7 in Fig. 2D) evoked pure ex-
citation, while stimulation of the medial SC on the contralateral side evoked
excitation followed by inhibition (site 5 in Fig. 2D). This medial excitation was
due to activation of the passing fibers of lateral excitatory CNs, because the onset
of this excitation was slightly shorter than that of the lateral SC. The later inhibition
was not disynaptic but monosynaptic from the contralateral SC, because the inhib-
itory CNs were small and their axonal conduction velocity was slow. These electro-
physiological results are summarized in Fig. 1D and E. Excitatory commissural
connection existed between the medial and medial (D), or lateral and lateral parts
of the two rostral SCs (E), while inhibitory commissural connection existed from
the medial to the lateral (D), or from the lateral to the medial parts of the SCs
(E). These excitatory and inhibitory commissural effects were exerted on TRNs that
projected to horizontal burst neurons in the paramedian pontine reticular formation

FIG. 1
(A–C): Properties of commissural inputs from the medial and lateral parts of the contralateral
superior colliculus (SC) to a tectoreticular neuron (TRN) in the medial part of the rostral SC
(A–C). (A) Experimental setup. Intracellular potentials were recorded from a TRN in the
medial part of the left rostral SC. (B) Antidromic spikes of the TRN evoked in an all-or-none
manner at threshold by stimulation of the ipsilateral field of Forel H (FFH) (site 2) and the
contralateral inhibitory burst neuron (IBN) area (site 16) at 500 μA. (C) Properties of EPSPs
and IPSPs evoked by stimulation of the medial (sites 5–8) and lateral parts (sites 9–12) of the
contralateral SC at 200 μA in the same TRN as in (B). (D, E) Summary diagrams of
commissural excitation and inhibition for upward (D) and downward saccades (E).
(D) Upward oblique or pure upward saccades. (E) Downward oblique or pure downward
saccades. Open and filled neurons indicate excitatory and inhibitory neurons, respectively.
Solid and broken lines indicate excited and suppressed pathways, respectively. Abd MN,
abducens motoneuron; Abd Nucl, abducens nucleus; EBN, excitatory burst neuron; FEF,
frontal eye field; FFH, field of Forel H; IBN, inhibitory burst neuron; IO, inferior oblique
muscle; IR, inferior rectus muscle; MN, motoneuron; PPMRF, paramedian pontomedullary
reticular formation; PPRF, paramedian pontine reticular formation
Panels (A–E): From Takahashi, M., Sugiuchi, Y., Shinoda, Y., 2007. Commissural mirror-symmetric excitation
and reciprocal inhibition between the two superior colliculi and their roles in vertical and horizontal eye
movements. J. Neurophysiol. 98, 2664–2682.
110 CHAPTER 7 Characteristics of the commissural system in the SCs

FIG. 2
(A–C): Tectal distribution of GABA-positive and GABA-negative commissural neurons (CNs)
that projected to the lateral part of the opposite rostral SC (unpublished data). (A) Dorsal view
of the site of a gold particle (GP) injection into the lateral part of the left rostral SC and the
distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons in the right SC. GP solution (1 track, total 0.7 μL)
was injected into the rostrolateral SC (1.6–1.8 mm deep from the surface). Survival time,
20 days. In (A–C), black dots indicate single CNs that were double-labeled with GP and GABA
(GABA-positive CNs) (their soma areas smaller than 200 μm2), and gray dots represent
neurons that were single-labeled with GP (GABA-negative CNs) (their soma areas larger than
200 μm2). (B, C) Distribution of labeled CNs in representative frontal planes at the levels
indicated as (B) and (C) in (A). (D) Commissural inputs to a TRN in the lateral part of the
rostral SC from the medial and the lateral part of the opposite rostral SC. Experimental setup
(upper drawing). Intracellular records from a rostrolateral TRN during stimulation of the
medial (site 5) and lateral (site 7) of the opposite rostral SC at 200 μA. Note that lateral
3 Results 111

(PPRF) or vertical burst neurons in the rostral interstitial nucleus of medial longitu-
dinal fasciculus (riMLF) or both (Takahashi et al., 2005, 2007).
To examine morphologically the distribution of excitatory and inhibitory CNs in
the SC, we injected WGA conjugated to apo-HRP conjugated to gold particles (GPs)
into the lateral part of the left SC to label CNs in the opposite SC, and performed
double staining with GABA to identify whether the labeled CNs were either
GABAergic or not (Fig. 2A). An injection of GP into the SC showed that the retro-
gradely stained CNs were located only in the rostral part of the contralateral SC.
Only CNs with small soma area (<200 μm2) were labeled by an injection of GP
into the caudal SC, while both CNs with small and larger soma areas (>200 μm2)
were labeled by its injection into the rostral SC. Within this area, double stained
CNs were restricted to the medial part of the right SC, and labeled neurons only with
GP were restricted to the lateral part of the right SC (Fig. 2A). These two groups of
the stained CNs were segregated in the mediolateral direction; the two groups were
almost segregated approximately at the presumed horizontal meridian of the motor
map (McIlwain, 1986) (Fig. 2A). In the dorsoventral direction, double-labeled
neurons were located in the deeper layer (layer VI), whereas single-labeled neurons
were located in the more superficial layer (layer IV) (Fig. 2B and C). These results
indicate that the GABAergic CNs in the medial SC projected to the opposite lateral
SC, and non-GABAergic CNs in the lateral SC projected to the opposite lateral SC
(Fig. 2A–C). These anatomical findings fit very well with the electrophysiological
data as mentioned about Fig. 2D in that lateral TRNs receive excitation and inhibi-
tion from the lateral and the medial SC on the opposite side, respectively. In a similar
way, the distribution of GABAergic and non-GABAergic CNs was examined after
an injection of GP into the rostromedial part of the SC. GABAergic CNs were mainly
observed in the lateral SC, whereas non-GABAergic CNs were more abundantly
observed in the medial SC on the contralateral side (not shown). The summary of
the obtained morphological data is shown in Fig. 2E and F. GABAergic inhibitory
CNs were small (their soma areas were <200 μm2) and located in the deeper layers
(filled neurons in Fig. 2E and F), whereas non-GABAergic excitatory CNs (open
neurons) were larger and located in layer IV with two types (one is a pure CN,
and the other a TRN with a commissural collateral) (Takahashi et al., 2010).

stimulation mainly evoked excitation, but medial stimulation evoked excitation followed by
inhibition. (E, F) Summary diagrams of excitatory and inhibitory CNs in the medial and lateral
parts of the SC for upward (E) and downward saccades (F). Filled neurons, small GABAergic
inhibitory neurons; open neurons, small, medium-sized and large excitatory neurons. CG,
central gray; SGI, stratum griseum intermedium; SGS, stratum griseum superficiale; SO,
stratum opticum; SP, stratum griseum and album profundum.
Panels (D–F): From Takahashi, M., Sugiuchi, Y., Shinoda, Y., 2010. Topographic organization
of excitatory and inhibitory commissural connections in the superior colliculi and their functional roles
in saccade generation. J. Neurophysiol. 104, 3146–3167.
112 CHAPTER 7 Characteristics of the commissural system in the SCs

In summary, for the upward saccade system, TRNs in the medial SC (upward
saccade representing area) receive excitation from the contralateral medial SC
(upward saccade representing area) and inhibition from the lateral SC (downward
saccade representing area), whereas TRNs in the lateral SC receive excitation from
the contralateral lateral SC and inhibition from the contralateral medial SC.

4 Discussion
Our study showed that CNs could be classified into two types: those that project
mainly to the rostral part of the contralateral SC and those that project to the entire
rostrocaudal extent of the contralateral SC (Takahashi et al., 2005, 2010). The former
is excitatory and the latter is inhibitory, because monosynaptic commissural excita-
tion was recorded only from TRNs in the rostral SC and monosynaptic inhibition was
recorded from TRNs in the entire rostrocaudal extent of the SC. Many rostral CNs
have axon collaterals spreading rostrocaudally in the contralateral SC, and these CNs
are considered to be inhibitory. Other CNs have only collaterals terminating in the
rostral SC, and these CNs are considered to be excitatory (Takahashi et al., 2005).
We investigated how tectotectal commissural excitation and inhibition are distrib-
uted with respect to the mediolateral dimension of the SC (Takahashi et al.,
2007), because the medial and lateral halves of the SC represent saccades into the
upper and the lower visual field, respectively. In summary of electrophysiological
studies, rostromedial TRNs receive commissural inhibition from the lateral SC
and commissural excitation from the medial SC on the opposite side, whereas ros-
trolateral TRNs receive commissural inhibition from the medial SC and commissural
excitation from the lateral SC on the opposite side. However, caudal TRNs do not
receive commissural excitation and receive only commissural inhibition from the
contralateral SC. This commissural inhibition is responsible for reciprocity of right
and left horizontal saccadic eye movement systems, because TRNs in the caudal SC
are mainly involved in horizontal saccades.
Morphological study further characterized the SC commissural excitation and
inhibition (Takahashi et al., 2010). An injection of WGA-HRP into the lateral or
medial SC retrogradely labeled many larger neurons (GABA negative neurons) in
the lateral or medial part of the contralateral SC, respectively. In contrast, a
WGA-HRP injection into the lateral or medial SC retrogradely labeled small neurons
(GABA positive neurons) in the medial or lateral part of the contralateral rostral SC,
respectively. These results indicate that excitatory commissural connections exist
between the medial and medial parts or between the lateral and lateral parts of
the rostral SCs. It is generally assumed that the point-to-point mirror-symmetric
commissural connections exist between the two SCs (Behan and Kime, 1996;
Edwards, 1977; Fish et al., 1982), but this statement is an oversimplification and only
true for excitatory commissural connections, because mirror-symmetric relationship
did not exist for inhibitory commissural connections between the homonymous parts
4 Discussion 113

of the rostral SCs; instead, the reciprocal inhibitory commissural connections existed
between the lateral part of one SC and the medial part of the other SC. In favor of
this point-to-point mirror-symmetric excitatory connection, some TRNs in the lateral
SC have a commissural collateral to the lateral part of the contralateral SC and
another TRNs in the medial SC have a commissural collateral to the medial part
of the contralateral SC. Accordingly, when a pure vertical upward (downward)
saccade occurs, TRNs in the medial (lateral) parts of the two SCs will be excited
simultaneously by commissural excitation and TRNs in the lateral (medial) parts
of the two SCs will be suppressed simultaneously by tectal commissural inhibition.
As a consequence, the upward and downward saccadic systems appear to be recip-
rocal. However, the reciprocal commissural inhibition between the lateral and
medial parts of the two SCs implies that the medial region representing upward tor-
sional saccades inhibits the contralateral lateral region representing downward
torsional saccades and vice versa. Therefore, this commissural inhibition between
the SCs gives evidence that the upward torsional saccade system on one side and
the downward torsional saccade system on the opposite side are mutually inhibited
(antagonistic), and are the basic structure of reciprocity for vertical saccades
(Takahashi and Shinoda, 2018). This pattern of commissural reciprocal inhibitions
between upward saccade system on one side and downward system on the other is
similar to the pattern of commissural reciprocal inhibitions between the anterior
canal system on one side and the posterior canal system on the other for vestibuloo-
cular reflex (VOR). In the VOR, such commissural reciprocal inhibition existed be-
tween the bilateral vestibular nuclei (Shimazu and Precht, 1966). Comparing the
well-known vestibuloocular pathways with our findings of commissural inhibition
between both superior colliculi, we proposed that the saccade system uses the same
frame of reference as the vestibuloocular system, common semicircular canal coor-
dinate. In spite of using the semicircular coordinate, the saccadic eye movement
system must still hold Listing’s law; saccades from the primary position do not have
torsional components around the visual axis and have only vertical and horizontal
components (Helmholtz, 1867). The present proposed circuit suggests that activation
of the rostrolateral SC on the right side directly produces downward and clockwise
torsional eye movements (from the point of view of the subject), and activation of
the rostrolateral SC on the left side produces downward and counterclockwise eye
movements (Takahashi and Shinoda, 2018; Takahashi et al., 2011). During vertical
downward saccades, coactivation of TRNs in mirror-symmetric rostrolateral loca-
tions of the two SCs might occur through the tectal commissural excitatory connec-
tions, so that the torsional components of individual eyes, which are induced in
opposite directions by the two SCs, seem to cancel each other, leaving mainly ver-
tical components of saccades. Similar coactivation of TRNs in the mirror-symmetric
rostromedial SCs on both sides might occur during vertical upward saccades. These
tectotectal commissural functions may seem to minimize torsional movements
of eyes and help to maintain Listing’s law in the saccade system. Future experiments
to test this hypothesis are required to see what would be the effects of a lesion
damaging a part of this commissural excitatory connection on vertical saccades.
114 CHAPTER 7 Characteristics of the commissural system in the SCs

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Potassium channels in
omnipause neurons

Umit S. Mayadalia,b,d,*, Karoline Lienbachera,b, Michael Mustarie,f,
Michael Struppb,c,d, Anja K.E. Horna,d
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology I, Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU), Munich, Germany
German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders, LMU, Munich, Germany
Department of Neurology, LMU, Munich, Germany
Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN), LMU, Munich, Germany
Washington National Primate Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +49 89-2180-72668,
e-mail address:

Potassium (K+) channels are major contributors to fast and precise action potential generation.
The aim of this study was to establish the immunoreactivity profile of several potassium chan-
nels in omnipause neurons (OPNs), which play a central role in premotor saccadic circuitry. To
accomplish this, we histochemically examined monkey and human brainstem sections using
antibodies against the voltage gated K+-channels KV1.1, KV3.1b and K+-Cl cotransporter
(KCC2). We found that OPNs of both species were positive for all three K+-antibodies and
that the staining patterns were similar for both species. In individual OPNs, KV3.1b was
detected on the somatic membrane and proximal dendrites, while KV1.1 was mainly confined
to soma. Further, KCC2 immunoreactivity was strong in distal dendrites, but was weak in the
somatic membrane. Our findings allow the speculation that the alterations in K+-channel
expression in OPNs could be the underlying mechanism for several saccadic disorders through
neuronal and circuit-level malfunction.

Saccade, Fast-firing neurons, Perineuronal nets, Immunohistochemistry, KV1.1, KV3.1b,
Potassium-chloride cotransporter, Monkey, Human

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
118 CHAPTER 8 Potassium channels in omnipause neurons

1 Introduction
The generation and accurate execution of saccades relies on the timely interaction
of premotor burst neurons and omnipause neurons (OPNs) in the brainstem (Leigh
and Zee, 2015). During fixation and non-saccadic eye movements, OPNs prevent
burst neurons from firing via a continuous tonic inhibition with frequencies
approaching 200 Hz (Gandhi and Keller, 1999). Conceivably, a malfunction of
the OPN firing pattern could result in saccadic disorders such as saccadic intru-
sions/oscillations (e.g., ocular flutter, opsoclonus) or saccadic slowing (Leigh
and Kennard, 2004). Although some histochemical properties of OPNs that may
contribute to the firing characteristics have been studied (Horn et al., 2003), not
much is known about their ion channel expression profiles. Investigation of ion
channels in OPNs would not only provide essential parameters of the saccadic
circuitry, but also would enable the investigation of possible mechanisms of
OPN failure that could contribute to saccadic intrusions/oscillations or slowing
(Shaikh et al., 2008).
Due to their central role in determining and maintaining membrane potentials
in highly active neurons (Johnston et al., 2010), it is reasonable to assume that
voltage-gated potassium channel subunits (KV) contribute significantly to OPN
firing characteristics. Therefore, we provide here KV1.1, KV3.1b and K+-Cl cotran-
sporter (KCC2) expression profiles of OPNs in monkey and human tissue specimen.

2 Methods
Five monkey brainstems (three Macaca nemestrina, obtained from Washington
National Primate Research Center, two Macaca mulatta sections from previous
studies—all fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde), and four post mortem human cases
(fixed in 10% formaline) with no prior oculomotor symptoms obtained from the
Reference Center for Neurodegenerative Disorders of the LMU were examined.
Free-floating monkey brainstem sections were processed for the simultaneous
immunofluorescence detection of one K+ channel together with either SMI-32, a
non-phosphorylated neurofilament (NP-NF) marker, or perineuronal net (PNN)
marker hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 (HAPLN1), or with γ-aminobu-
tyric acid (GABA)-A receptor (GABAAR). Sections were subsequently visualized
with a laser-scanning confocal microscope (Leica SP5, Mannheim, Germany) as
described previously (May et al., 2016). Paraffin sections from human and monkey
brainstems were processed for the detection of one K+ channel together with either
SMI-32 or PNN marker aggrecan (ACAN) using an immunoperoxidase protocol
(see Table 1). The specificity of antibodies was validated by antibody-antigen
preabsorption tests (data not shown). Since K+ channels have been extensively
3 Results 119

Table 1 Overview of the antibodies used in this study.

Antibody Dilution
antigen Dilution IF IHC Immunogen Antibody details

KV1.1 1:250 1:500 AA residues 416–495 of Alomone APC-009

(human) mouse KCNA1 rabbit polyclonal
KV3.1b 1:2000 1:6000 Residues 567–585 of Alomone APC-014
rat KV3.1b, KCNC1 rabbit polyclonal
KCC2 1:500 1:4000 Residues 932–1043 of Millipore 07-432
rat KCC2 rabbit polyclonal
SMI-32 1:2500 1:2500 Neurofilament heavy Sternberger 801701
(NP-NF) polypeptide, 200 kDa mouse monoclonal
ACAN – 1:75 Purified human articular Acris SM1353 mouse
cartilage aggrecan monoclonal
HAPLN1 1:100 1:400 Residues 16-354 of R&D AF2608 goat
human HAPLN1 polyclonal
IF: immunofluorescence; IHC: immunohistochemistry; NP-NF: non-phosphorylated neurofilaments;
ACAN: aggrecan; HAPLN1: hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1.

studied in the auditory nuclei, the medial superior olive (MSO) in the same sections
served as the internal positive control for both species (Johnston et al., 2010;
Mathews et al., 2010).

3 Results
In monkey and human, OPNs were identified at the level of the traversing fibers of
the abducens nerve by either SMI-32 or PNN immunostaining, which outlines their
characteristic morphology (Figs. 1A and 2A,F) (Horn et al., 2003). The MSO was
located ventrolateral to the OPNs in the same sections (Fig. 1B).

KV1.1: OPNs showed positive KV1.1 immunoreactivity in both monkey and

human (Figs. 1A and 2A–D). Notably, KV1.1 labeling in the OPNs was confined
to the soma in both species, while KV1.1 immunoreactivity in MSO neurons
extended to somatic and dendritic membranes (Figs. 2E and 3D).
KV3.1b: OPNs exhibited strong KV3.1b immunoreactivity in both species
(Figs. 2F–I and 3B). Confocal microscopy revealed that KV3.1b expression was
primarily present in the cell membrane of soma and proximal dendrites and
moderately in the cytoplasm (Figs. 2G–I and 3B). A similar pattern of KV3.1b
immunoreactivity was found in MSO neurons of both species (Figs. 2J and 3E).
120 CHAPTER 8 Potassium channels in omnipause neurons

FIG. 1
Overview of OPNs located within raphe interpositus (RIP) (A), between traversing fibers of the
abducens nerve (NVI) and medial superior olive (MSO, B) found ventrolateral to the OPNs on
the same frontal section of a monkey pontine brainstem. Scale bars ¼ 200 μm.

FIG. 2
K+ channels in monkey OPNs: KV1.1 labeling in OPNs identified by either SMI-32 (A, C) or
HAPLN1 immunostaining (F, H) was confined to the somatic cytoplasm (A–D), while KV3.1b
was primarily found in the cell membrane of the soma and proximal dendrites (F–H).
MSO neurons within the same section showed strong somatic and dendritic immunoreactivity
for KV1.1 and KV3.1b (E, J). KCC2 immunoreactivity was weak in the somatic membranes
(L, N), but strong in the dendrites of OPNs (L, N, arrow) similar to that of MSO neurons
(O). A strong co-expression of GABAA-Receptor immunoreactivity was present in OPNs (K).
Scale bars ¼ 30 μm.
4 Discussion 121

FIG. 3
K+ channels in human OPNs: Immunostaining for KV1.1 and KV3.1b (A–B) in human OPNs
that were outlined by ACAN (aggrecan, brown) were similar to those of monkey OPNs.
Comparable to KCC2 expression in monkey OPNS, KCC2 immunoreactivity was stronger in
dendrites (C, arrow) than somatic membrane. MSO neurons on the same sections as the
KV1.1, KV3.1b and KCC2 stainings are shown in their respective columns (D–F). Scale
bars ¼ 30 μm.

KCC2: Strong KCC2 immunoreactivity was present in the dendrites of OPNs,

whereas in their somatic membranes the signal was weak (Figs. 2K–N and 3C).
The KCC2 positive OPNs co-expressed GABAAR immunoreactivity
(Fig. 2K–M). KCC2 staining patterns of the OPNs were similar to that of MSO
neurons, but the latter expressed less overall immunoreactivity (Figs. 2O and 3F).

4 Discussion
This study demonstrates by specific immunohistochemical staining that saccadic
OPNs in monkey and human express the potassium channels KV1.1, KV3.1b and
KCC2. Expression of KV1 and KV3 subunits in particular, suggests a direct contri-
bution to the fast and precise firing properties of OPNs, as previously demonstrated
in auditory brainstem circuitry (Johnston et al., 2010; Mathews et al., 2010). For
instance, KV1 subunits are known to raise the action potential firing threshold and
to reduce the time constant by opening with only small perturbations (Johnston
et al., 2010). KV3 subunits, on the other hand, facilitate high firing rates by opening
only at high membrane potentials, and short refractory periods by their fast closure
kinetics (Kaczmarek and Zhang, 2017). Specifically, KV3.1b expression is often
found in neurons with fast-firing properties that contain the calcium-binding protein
122 CHAPTER 8 Potassium channels in omnipause neurons

parvalbumin, and that are ensheathed by PNNs (H€artig et al., 1999) as seen in OPNs
(Horn et al., 2003). Further, KCC2 maintains chloride homeostasis in neurons and
determines the polarity and efficacy of GABAAR and glycine receptors (Chamma
et al., 2012). As GABAergic and glycinergic input to the OPNs had been already
found (Horn et al., 1994), the co-expression of KCC2 and GABAAR in OPNs in
the present study is in line with the functional implications of the transporter
(Fig. 2K–M) (Chamma et al., 2012).
These findings on OPNs have clinical implications as irregularities in all of the
tested potassium channels result in disorders related to neuronal excitability
(Kaczmarek and Zhang, 2017; Shieh et al., 2000; Vinay and Jean-Xavier, 2008).
Such a failure of a key cell group in the saccadic circuitry could manifest itself
as saccadic flutter/oscillations, as suggested by Shaikh et al. (2008). Therefore,
investigation of potassium channel expression in OPNs (or other functional groups
of the saccadic circuitry) in such saccadic disorders as found in autoantibody-
mediated autoimmune disorders, paraneoplastic syndromes and brainstem encepha-
litis (Torres-Vega et al., 2016; T€uz€un et al., 2010) would provide valuable insight
into their pathophysiology.

We thank Christine Unger and Ahmed Messoudi, MPh for their excellent technical assistance,
and Prof. Dr. med. Waschke for his continuous support. This work was supported by BMBF
(IFB-01E0901, Brain-Net-01GI0505) and National Institutes of Health (EY06069; P51

Chamma, I., Chevy, Q., Poncer, J.C., Levi, S., 2012. Role of the neuronal K-cl co-transporter
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Gandhi, N.J., Keller, E.L., 1999. Comparison of saccades perturbed by stimulation of the ros-
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The cerebellum improves

the precision of antisaccades
by a latency-duration
Pietro Piua, Elena Pretegiania,c, Francesca Rosinia,b, Valeria Serchia,
Domenica Zainoa,b, Tommaso Chiantinia, Alessandra Rufaa,b,*
Eye-tracking and Visual Application Lab (EVALab), Department of Medicine, Surgery and
Neurosciences, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Neurological and Neurometabolic Unit, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neurosciences,
University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research-NEI, NIH, DHHS, Bethesda, MD, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +39-0577-585760, e-mail address:

The cerebellum adapts motor responses by controlling the gain of a movement, preserving its
accuracy and by learning from endpoint errors. Adaptive behavior likely acts not only in the
motor but also in the sensory, behavioral, and cognitive domains, thus supporting a role of
cerebellum in monitoring complex brain performances. Here, we analyzed the relationship be-
tween saccade latency, duration and endpoint error of antisaccades in a group of 10 idiopathic
cerebellar atrophy (ICA) patients compared to controls. The latency distribution was decom-
posed in a decision time and a residual time. Both groups showed a trade-off between duration
and decision time, with a peak of entropy within the range of this trade-off where the infor-
mation flow was maximized. In cerebellar patients, greater reductions of duration as the time
of decision increased, were associated with a lower probability for a saccade to fall near the
target, with a constant low entropy outside the optimal time window. We suggest a modulation
of saccade duration, depending on the latency-related decision time (accumulation of sensory
and motor evidences in favor of a goal-directed movement), normally adopted to perform ef-
ficient trajectories in goal-directed saccades. This process is impaired in cerebellar patients
suggesting a role for the cerebellum in monitoring voluntary motor performance by controlling
the movement onset until the ambiguity of planning is resolved.

Antisaccades, Latency, Cerebellum, Optimization, End-point error

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
126 CHAPTER 9 Latency-duration trade-off in antisaccades

1 Introduction
Motor adaptation is a fundamental property of our brain: by monitoring a brain func-
tion, it allows the optimization of its performance, which results in reduction of the
magnitude and rate of errors. In the ocular motor system, the cerebellar vermis is
considered a crucial structure for the adaptation of saccades, the rapid eye move-
ments that move our gaze to a target (Catz et al., 2005; Chen-Harris et al., 2008;
Hopp and Fuchs, 2004; Kojima et al., 2010). Since vision is impaired during the
execution of saccades and visual acuity sharply decreases outside the fovea, efficient
saccades need to be short (duration) and accurate. The cerebellum optimizes invol-
untary reflexive saccades in response to external visual stimuli through a duration/
accuracy trade-off, which minimizes the end-point variability also related to signal
inherent noise (Golla et al., 2008; Izawa et al., 2008; Xu-Wilson et al., 2009). Such
duration/accuracy trade-off is obtained by monitoring the dynamic error signal and
by modulating the motor command for upcoming saccades via an internal feedback
(Joiner and Shelhamer, 2009; Xu-Wilson et al., 2009). This mechanism is demon-
strated to be efficient for reflexive visually guided saccades, where there is no
ambiguity related to the needed motor plan. Nevertheless, it is not known whether
a comparable mechanism regulates more sophisticated voluntary internally trig-
gered saccades. Antisaccade task, in which the subject is instructed to make a mir-
ror saccade to the opposite direction with respect to the eccentric stimulus, is an
effective tool to study goal directed voluntary actions under cortical control since
the underlying neural network has been largely clarified (Everling and Munoz,
2000; Ford et al., 2005; Hallett, 1978; Pierrot-Deseilligny et al., 2004). Correctly
executed antisaccades require the resolution of a conflict regarding saccade direc-
tion and the solving of uncertainty related to an unmarked landing position. The
high computational cost related to this complex process is reflected into the pre-
motor time (latency) of antisaccades.
Patients with pathophysiologically defined neurological disorders offer insights
into understanding of normal human brain function. In previous studies, we found
that patients with neurogenetic and neurodegenerative cerebellar diseases show
antisaccades with longer latency and significantly greater trial by trial latency var-
iability, as compared to controls (Pretegiani et al., 2018; Rosini et al., 2017). We
postulated that the latency is composed by a decision phase the duration of which is
related to the accumulation of sensory motor information and a non-decisional, re-
sidual phase. Our hypothesis is that the cerebellum controls voluntary actions by
monitoring the pre-motor, decision phase, until the desired action goal is clarified.
To verify this hypothesis, we investigated whether antisaccades are regulated by a
cerebellar mechanism analogous to that utilized by reflexive saccades by assessing
the duration/accuracy trade-off in 10 patients with idiopathic adult onset pure
cerebellar atrophy and 34 controls.
2 Methods 127

2 Methods
2.1 Patients and controls
Ten patients (five males) with idiopathic cerebellar ataxia (ICA) (mean age
42.4 years, range 27–53 years) and 34 healthy age-matched subjects (13 males)
(mean age 36 years, range 19–65 years) participated to the study. In normal sub-
jects, the latency of antisaccades is more dependent from aging than the latency of
reflexive saccades; however, the effect of aging on antisaccade latency is evident
from the age of 60–85 years. ICA is a sporadic and genetically heterogeneous neu-
rodegenerative process confined to the cerebellum (Kerber et al., 2005). All neu-
rological patients underwent complete neurological, neuro-ophthalmological and
International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) (Trouillas et al., 1997) ex-
amination, a conventional brain MRI and the recommended clinical protocol for
ataxias, including genetic and laboratory testing when pertinent. Exclusion criteria
included any known causes of recessive and dominant ataxias (Friedreich ataxia,
fragile X-premutation, ataxia-telangiectasia, ataxias associated with mutation
of aprataxin, senataxin or sacsin, metabolic causes of ataxia such as abetalipopro-
teinemia, vitamin E deficiency, late-onset Tay–Sacs disease, cerebrotendinous
xanthomatosis, autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias due to de novo
All participants gave their informed consent and the study was approved by the
local Ethics Committee (Comitato Etico Locale Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria
Senese, EVAlab protocol CEL no. 48/2010).

2.2 Eye movement recording

Eye-movements were recorded in one eye using an ASL-504 eye-tracker device
(Applied Science Laboratories) sampling the image of the eye at 240 Hz. Stimula-
tion and data acquisition were controlled by a PC (3 GHz Pentium) running a cus-
tom software dedicated to real-time data acquisition. The visual stimulus was a
red dot (63 cd/m2) with diameter subtending a visual angle of 0.4 deg on a black
background LCD screen (2.5 cd/m2, 310  510 mm, 1024  768 pixels) placed at
720 mm from the subject. Subjects were seated in a darkened room and movements
were minimized by a chinrest. Recording sessions were preceded by a 9-point
calibration and validation. The task was a sequence of at least 40 horizontal anti-
saccade trials. After the disappearance of a central fixation point (gap, 200 ms), a
peripheral target appeared randomly to the right or left (10 deg) for 2500 ms. The
subjects were requested to make a mirror saccade to the opposite direction with
respect to the eccentric stimulus. Data analyses of the main antisaccades charac-
teristics were previously reported (Federighi et al., 2011).
128 CHAPTER 9 Latency-duration trade-off in antisaccades

2.3 Signal processing

Signal processing was conducted off-line in MATLAB® (The MathWorks). Data
were filtered using a third-order Butterworth low-pass digital filter ( 3 dB,
25 Hz). A velocity threshold of 10 deg/s was used to determine the starting and end-
ing times of saccades. Saccades with latency <100 ms and direction exceeding
>30 deg the horizontal plane were excluded from the analyses. Only correctly exe-
cuted antisaccades were considered in this study. A correctly executed antisaccade
was defined as a mirror saccade to the opposite direction with respect to the eccentric
For each antisaccade movement, latency, duration and amplitude were computed.
Latency was the time delay between target presentation and saccade onset, in millisec-
onds. Duration was the time interval between saccade onset and the end, in milli-
seconds. Amplitude was the difference between eye position at the saccade onset
and end, in degrees of visual angle. Amplitude expressed the location of the sac-
cadic end-point error, computed as jtarget amplitude—saccadic amplitude j. The
most effective antisaccades show over- or under-estimation of the target within
a radius of 1.5 deg from it. Therefore, saccades with a landing end-point error
lower than a radius of 1.5 deg were considered accurate saccades and taken into
consideration as such.

2.4 Latency decomposition

Perceptual sensory and motor planning decision stages take place between the stim-
ulus appearance and the saccade onset (Cutsuridis, 2010; Gomez et al., 2007; Hutton,
2008; Noorani, 2014; Van Rullen and Thorpe, 2001). In this sense, the latency interval
reflects the time taken by a decision-making process for driving the saccade to a spe-
cific desired target among a set of potential alternatives (Hutton, 2008; Noorani,
2014). The process entails an information stream, proceeding from low-level stimulus
encoding mechanisms to high-level action planning mechanisms (Van Rullen and
Thorpe, 2001), such that the visual stimulus is firstly detected (perceptual process),
then the target is identified and the saccade toward the selected placement is planned
and initiated (sensory motor-decision process) (Cutsuridis, 2010; Hutton, 2008).
According to our hypothesis, the cerebellum was expected to modulate the eye-
movements through a visible action on the decisional time. Therefore, the Ex-Wald
distribution function (Schwarz, 2001) was used to decompose the latency time series
into decision time (DT, sensory-motor -decision stage) and residual time (RT, non-
decisional component stage) (Fig. 1).
DT is the time for perceiving a visual stimulus, recognizing the target and plan-
ning the saccade trajectory. RT, in contrast, includes the neural encoding: the time
for the transduction of the stimulus into a neural signal for its sensory detection, the
transition time for the motor command to reach the muscle group and the time to
inhibit reflexive responses (Gomez and Perea, 2014; Luce, 1986; Schwarz, 2001;
Voss et al., 2015; White et al., 2010).
2 Methods 129

FIG. 1
Sensory-planning-action map. Most part of the latency (around 97%) is covered by the
decision time (DT) which reflects the diffusive process for the perception of the stimulus
and the decision of the trajectory. The residual part (RT) embodies the sensory process of
neural encoding of the visual signal, and the synaptic delays of the motor command
(before and after the decision process, respectively).

The Ex-Wald probability density is a four-parameter (μ, σ, a, γ) function given by

the convolution of an inverse Gaussian and an independent exponential random var-
iable. The mean and variance of an ex-Wald distributed random variable x are
showed in Eqs. (1–2):
a 1
E½ x Š ¼ + (1)
μ γ

a  σ2 1
var ðxÞ ¼ + 2 (2)
μ3 γ
The interaction among μ, σ and a, drives the speed-accuracy trade-off during the
decisional process:

• μ estimates the mean drift rate (i.e., accumulation of evidence per unit of time),
and it relates to the task difficulty and the perceptual uncertainty about the
stimulus, such that if the stimulus is easily classified (high quality of information)
the drift rate increases;
• σ is a scaling parameter which measures the volatility of the drift rate;
• a is the absorbing boundary which indicates the amount of evidence needed to
come to a decision, and it reflects to the response caution, that is, the a priori
confidence about the best choice.
130 CHAPTER 9 Latency-duration trade-off in antisaccades

The exponential parameter of the Ex-Wald distribution, γ, expresses the residual

stage of the latency (McGill, 1963; Palmer et al., 2011; Schwarz, 2001; White
et al., 2010).
The Ex-Wald parameters were calculated applying a maximum likelihood estima-
tion procedure based on the Nelder-Mead simplex search algorithm (Lagarias et al.,
1998), with starting values of μ0 randomly selected within [ 5, +5], σ0 ¼ 1, a0 equal
to the median of the latency time series, and γ0 ¼ 0.0025. The estimated parameters
of the Ex-Wald distribution were subsequently used to evaluate DT and RT. The
mean values of DT and RT were calculated from Eq. 1 as the first ratio (a/μ) and the
second ratio (1/γ), respectively.
Afterward, a simulation was implemented to assess the relationship between
amplitude, DT, RT, and duration in each group. A t-copula was used to generate
200 correlated multivariate data of latency, duration and amplitude across 1000
iterations. The correlated multivariate data were re-ordered based on their latency
(ascending order). Three individual matrices (200  1000) of latencies, durations
and amplitudes were then formed from the latency-based sorted values. The
Ex-Wald distribution was fitted over each row of the matrix of latencies, which yielded
mean vectors (200  1) of DT and RT. Row-based averages and standard deviations
values were computed for the matrix of durations and of amplitudes, respectively.

2.5 Statistical analysis

Prior to the application of the t-copula, the relationship among latency, duration
and amplitude in the observed antisaccades of controls and ICA was investigated
through Spearman correlation test. In fact, the correlation between the observed data
variables is a necessary condition in order to perform the simulation.
For each group, the Ex-Wald parameters were tested through the Mann-Whitney
statistic. The distributions of the DT and RT values between groups were compared
through Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
Three-predictor logistic regression models were implemented to estimate
whether and to what extent DT, RT, and duration influenced the probability of per-
forming efficient saccades. For this purpose, the copula-generated amplitude time
series underwent a binary transformation, such that the saccades with error in am-
plitude ranging from 1.5 deg were encoded as “+1,” and as “–1” elsewhere. The
number of end-points falling outside the 1.5 deg radius was 132/200 for controls and
137/200 for ICA. The results of the logistic model were used to compute the prob-
abilities of making efficient saccades (saccades with shorter duration and better ac-
curacy), which allowed to form curves of DT-duration balance in correspondence of
different probability values. For probabilities >0.8, the relationship between DT
and duration was further investigated and linear models were accordingly fitted.
All the tests were at the nominal significance level of 1%.
Sample entropy (SampEn) was used to assess the variability in the saccadic
end-points. The higher the SampEn value, the more complex is the time series
(Pincus, 1991; Pincus and Goldberger, 1994; Richman and Moorman, 2000).
3 Results 131

A window of size 18 (17/18 overlap ratio) was moved over the saccadic end-points
vector (Ahmad and Chappell, 2008). For each window, the SampEn was calculated
(tolerance parameter ¼ 0.2  standard deviation of the end-points data, embedding
dimension ¼ 2). The SampEn time series was, then, built and plotted against the DT
and duration time series. Peaks in the SampEn were investigated in relation to the
variability of the saccadic end-point. In fact, the presence of such peaks might
suggest the occurrence of event-related responses driven by the sensory-planning-
execution path.

3 Results
To verify the hypothesis that, in AS, the latency duration is composed by a decision
time and a non-decision time, we used the Ex-Wald distribution. (Gomez and Perea,
2014). Indeed, under the hypothesis that the decision stage involves a Wiener sto-
chastic process where information is continuously accumulated until the attainment
of a threshold, the ex-Wald parameters (μ, σ, a) fully describe this diffusion process
which unravels during the decision time. In addition, the exponential parameter (γ)
determines the residual non-diffusive stages of the latency, which precede and/or
follow the decision making, like the encoding of the stimulus, the neural conduction
and synaptic delays of the motor commands (McGill, 1963; Palmer et al., 2011;
Schwarz, 2001; White et al., 2010). The application of the ex-Wald distribution func-
tion facilitated the standing out and analysis of the stages involved in the latency
period. Moreover the ex-Wald function fits well with the skewed distributions of
the latency, Finally the ex-Wald function is a convolution of an inverse Gaussian
variable and an independent exponential random variable, it enables the jointly
estimation of the parameters of the two sub-processes involved in the latency
period-decision stage and residual non-decisional stage.

3.1 Descriptive statistics

Correlation coefficients among latency, duration and amplitude of the observed
correctly executed antisaccades are reported in Table 1.
The observed antisaccadic variables significantly correlated in both groups,
legitimating the t-copula employment in this study.
The relevant parameters of the generated antisaccades are displayed in Table 2.
The distributions of the end-point error, latency and duration for the healthy con-
trols and ICA patients are represented in Fig. 2.
Significant differences were detected in latency (z ¼ 12.89, P < 0.0001), DT
(z ¼ 12.89, P < 0.0001), and RT (z ¼ 7.56, P < 0.0001), with controls having
on average the shortest latency, DT and RT. On average, the contribution of DT
to latency amounted to approximately 97% in both groups. ICA and controls did
not differ significantly either in duration (z ¼ 0.35, P ¼ 0.73) or in end-point errors,
(z ¼ 1.17, P ¼ 0.24).
132 CHAPTER 9 Latency-duration trade-off in antisaccades

Table 1 Spearman’s correlation coefficients measured in antisaccade task.


Correlation rho P value rho P value

Latency-duration 0.19 0.007 0.48 0.002

Latency-amplitude 0.26 0.003 0.47 0.003
Duration-amplitude 0.84 <0.0001 0.84 <0.0001

Table 2 Descriptive statistics of the copula-generated data.


Skew Mean sd Skew Mean sd

Latency 0.8 269.7 54.7 0.9 399.7 114.9

Duration 0.2 63.9 6.1 0.5 64.8 16.3
Error 0.7 2.6 1.8 1.7 3.2 2.9
DT 0.7 261.4 54.3 1.0 388.4 112.3
RT 2.1 10.0 3.1 0.2 15.4 6.6



10 20


0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 15
Endpoint Error Endpoint error (deg)

50 50

40 40

30 30


20 20

10 10

0 0
200 250 300 350 400 450 300 400 500 600 700
Latency (ms) Latency (ms)

50 50

40 40

30 30


20 20

10 10

0 0
50 60 70 80 50 75 100
Duration (ms) Duration (ms)

FIG. 2
The distributions of end-point error (top row), latency (middle row) and duration (bottom row)
of healthy subjects (left column) and ICA patients (right column) are shown.
3 Results 133

The latencies were distributed asymmetrically with positive skewness, support-

ing the groundwork for the implementation of the ex-Wald function. The end-point
errors of ICA showed longer tail (skewness ¼ 1.7) than controls (skewness ¼ 0.7).
The duration distribution was right-skewed in both ICA (skewness ¼ 0.5) and
controls (skewness ¼ 0.2).

3.2 Ex-Wald parameters (drift and boundary): Mann-Whitney U test

During the decision stage, the drift did not differ between ICA and controls
(z ¼ 0.90, P ¼ 0.37). Instead, ICA showed significant higher value of the boundary
parameter than controls (z ¼ 12.4, P < 0.0001).

3.3 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of the DT and RT distributions

ICA and controls did not differ significantly in duration (z ¼ 0.35, P ¼ 0.73) and in
the end-point errors (z ¼ 1.17, P ¼ 0.24), whereas their distributions of DT and RT
were significantly different (P < 0.00001).

3.4 Logistic model

The model with all three covariates fitted significantly better than the reduced model
with only the intercept both in in ICA (LR ¼ 146.6, P < 0.0001; W ¼ 16.0, P ¼ 0.0011)
and controls (LR ¼ 120.5, P < 0.0001; W ¼ 40.6, P < 0.0001). The logistic regression
model explained 73% and 63% of the variance (Nagelkerke R2) of the end-point errors
in ICA and controls, respectively.
Both groups showed a negative relationship between the predictors DT (control:
P < 0.0001; ICA: P ¼ 0.0002) and duration (control: P < 0.0001; ICA: P ¼ 0.0001)
and the likelihood of saccadic end-points falling in a neighborhood of radius 1.5 deg
from the target. Specifically, the predicted logit of the saccadic end-point was equal
to 459.12 – (0.51  DT) – (4.25  Duration) for ICA and 218.05 – (0.20  DT) –
(2.68  Duration) for controls. Increases of 1 ms in duration highly influenced the
probability of performing efficient saccades both for ICA ( 99%) and controls
( 93%), with the odds ratios of duration equal to 0.01 and 0.07, respectively
(Table 4, e(beta)). Instead, unit increases in DT generated lower percentage reductions
in the probability of performing efficiently (ICA, 40%; controls, 18%).
RT was not significantly explicative of the variability of end-point and it was left
out of the latency-duration trade-off analysis. The curves of probability of efficient
saccades were built as function of the duration with given values of DT (Fig. 3).
The probability of performing efficient saccadic eye movements within a radius
of 1.5 deg from the target depended on the DT-duration equilibrium. Prolonged DTs
had to be balanced by shorter duration so as to attain high probability of ending the
movement nearby the target. This inverse relationship produced the left-ward shift-
ing of the probability curves with the increasing of DT. As the DT gets longer, the
134 CHAPTER 9 Latency-duration trade-off in antisaccades


1 1
0.8 0.8

0 0
30 40 50 60 70 80 40 60 80
Duration (ms) Duration (ms)
FIG. 3
DT duration trade-off estimated for the group of healthy subjects (top panel) and ICA patients
(bottom panel). The dashed thin line represents the curve of probability as function of
duration for the given 95th percentile of DT (ICA, 611.2; controls, 366.1 ms), the central
thick line corresponds to the median value of DT (ICA, 355.3 ms; controls, 253.6 ms) and
the thin line on the right is obtained from the fifth percentile of DT (ICA, 262.4 ms;
controls, 184.4 ms).

FIG. 4
The set of all points in the DT-duration plane, whose location satisfies the condition of yielding
the highest probabilities (>0.8) to approach the target.

curve on the plot shifts to left, and shorter durations (in narrower ranges of values) are
necessary to keep the probability of “success” in that interval.
Over the interval of probabilities >0.8 of getting closer to the target, linear re-
gressions were estimated to predict the duration based on the DT (Fig. 4).
Controls showed a significant regression equation between duration and
DT (Duration ¼ 80.4 – 0.07  DT, F(1,10) ¼ 280.3, P < 0.0001, R2 ¼ 0.96), with DT
within 281 and 354 ms. ICA instead, did not show a constant responsiveness of
duration to DT, having a change point for DT equal to 371.7 ms. For ICA, a further
segmental regression analysis was therefore applied. The analysis highlighted
4 Discussion 135

0.4 0.8

0.3 0.6

0.2 0.4

0.1 0.2

0.0 0.0
200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time of Decision (ms) Time of Decision (ms)
FIG. 5
Time course of the SampEn measurements with respect to DT for the healthy controls
(left panel) and the ICA patients (right panel). The most efficient intervals of DT are highlighted
in gray.

two segments with different slope (DT: 328.5–371.7 ms, slope: 0.19; and DT:
371.7–469 ms, slope: 0.09). The DT-duration regression lines for controls had
steeper slopes than ICA in both segments (F(1,43) ¼ 122.9, P < 0.0001) and
(F(1,51) ¼ 8.4, P ¼ 0.005). These findings suggested that ICA needed to change
abruptly the pace of the DT-duration balance to keep the probability to attain the
target maximized. Therefore, for the ICA patients as the DT increased, durations
had to be reduced faster not only compared to healthy controls, but also in the first
segment relative to the second segment. Longer latency (DT) allowing the accumu-
lation of new information, is associated with more efficient antisaccades. In addition,
the interval of optimal duration values for the ICA group spanned a larger range
(from 50.4 to 68.1 ms) than for healthy controls (from 54.3 to 59.7 ms).

3.5 Sample entropy of saccadic end-points

The analysis of the saccadic end-point variability through SampEn is reported
in Fig. 5.
For both groups, peaks in the entropy occurred in the most efficient time windows
of DT and duration, associated with probabilities >0.8 of a saccadic end-point
nearby the target.

4 Discussion
The cerebellum optimizes the saccadic movement by a duration/accuracy trade-off,
which minimizes the end-point variability due to motor noise and inherent neuronal
activity noise (Golla et al., 2008; Izawa et al., 2008; Xu-Wilson et al., 2009). While
this mechanism alone is efficient for externally triggered visually guided saccades,
in which there is no ambiguity regarding motor planning, other optimization
136 CHAPTER 9 Latency-duration trade-off in antisaccades

mechanisms should be considered in antisaccades. The cognitive cost related to

this complex process resides in the pre-motor time of antisaccades.
Through the comparison of antisaccade latency, duration and accuracy in ICA
and controls, we demonstrate, for the first time in both groups, a duration/decision
time latency trade-off for optimizing the probability of getting the saccade end-point
closer to the target. A peak of entropy occurred within the range of this trade-off in
correspondence to the maximization of the information flow. Importantly, cerebellar
patients showed a greater reduction of duration as the time of decision increased,
associated with a lower probability to be accurate and a constant lower entropy out-
side the optimal time window. Although both ICA and controls showed the trade-off
between latency-duration and accuracy, suggesting a general behavior adopted by
the brain for accumulating evidence in favor of well executed movements, this mech-
anism is less efficient in cerebellar patients, who are less efficient in performing a
precise movement, beside longer latencies.
Latency of antisaccades is usually more variable (trial by trial) and longer than
those of visually-guided saccades (Olk and Kingstone, 2003). An influential model
explaining the response time distribution in a simple decisional process such as
prosaccades vs antisaccade, is the LATER (linear approach to threshold with ergo-
dic rate) model, a race-to threshold model in which two different options compete
for the final decision. According to race-to-threshold models of antisaccades
(Kristjánsson et al., 2001; Munoz and Everling, 2004; Schlag-Rey et al., 1997),
longer and variable latencies either reflect the unpredictable timing for the accumu-
lation of information concerning the execution of a correct antisaccade (Noorani
and Carpenter, 2013) or may depend on noisy accumulation of information during
the decisional process (Cutsuridis et al., 2007; Cutsuridis et al., 2014). The analysis
of the diffusion parameters of our model indicated that the ability of accumulating
evidence was not spoiled in the ICA group, rather cerebellar patients had greater
uncertainty about the motor planning and metrics generation of the antisaccade
(Table 3). In agreement with previous studies, our cerebellar patients had increased
and more variable antisaccadic latency, but also longer latency associated with a
reduced probability to execute a precise antisaccade. Long decision times would
reveal low confidence on the sensory-motor encoding, and consequently a high
boundary envelops the prior probability.
In that case, the response caution exerts major control on the decision, while the
rate of accumulation of evidence is relatively slow. On the contrary, short decision

Table 3 Ex-Wald parameters from the latency decomposition (median values).

CTR ICA U test P value

Drift (μ) 1.09 1.09 0.90 0.37

Boundary (a) 266.60 381.80 12.40 <0.0001
Diffusion (σ) 1.01 1.01 1.10 0.25
Exponential (γ) 0.14 0.12 5.50 <0.0001
References 137

Table 4 Results of the logistic regression analysis in antisaccade task for each
99% CI 99% CI Wald
Predictor Beta SE e(beta) low up stat P value

CTR Constant 218.05 40.84 5.0E + 94 112.85 323.24 5.34 <0.0001

DT 0.20 0.04 0.82 0.30 0.09 4.93 <0.0001
RT 0.13 0.08 1.14 0.08 0.35 1.56 0.12
Duration 2.68 0.49 0.07 3.95 1.42 5.48 <0.0001
ICA Constant 459.12 120.89 2.5E + 199 147.72 770.53 3.80 0.0001
DT 0.51 0.14 0.60 0.87 0.16 3.76 0.0002
RT 0.19 0.08 0.83 0.40 0.03 2.22 0.03
Duration 4.25 1.11 0.01 7.11 1.39 3.83 0.0001

times can be associated with unambiguous sensory-motor encoding and visual spa-
tial processing which in turn require low boundary; hence, the decision is mainly
based on high-quality evidence and can therefore speed up. Since a cerebellar dys-
function alone seems to be sufficient to delay the latency of a wanted movement, a
specific role of the cerebellum in controlling the onset of a voluntary movement is
likely. The cerebellum, thus, through its connections, might speed up the information
accumulation or reduce the noise in pre-frontal areas like the supplemental eye-field
and pre-supplemental motor area, and parietal areas as the pre-frontal eye field,
which are involved in determining the antisaccade onset. Moreover, the cerebellum
forms reciprocal, closed-loop circuits with much of the cerebral cortex as well as
subcortical regions such as basal ganglia and superior colliculus, suggesting a more
extensive participation in complex cognitive functions including decision making. In
addition, the left cerebellar hemisphere, is interconnected with the right parietal cor-
tex for spatial orienting and attention, indicating a cerebellar role in early stages of
visual spatial processing (Stoodley, 2016).
In conclusion, we suggest a latency-related modulation of duration adopted
by the brain to increase the probability of reducing end-point errors in goal directed
saccades. Specifically, the duration could be modulated depending on the latency-
related decision time in order to perform efficient saccadic trajectories.

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Noorani, I., Carpenter, R.H., 2013. Antisaccades as decisions: LATER model predicts latency
distributions and error responses. Eur. J. Neurosci. 37, 330–338.
Further reading 139

Olk, B., Kingstone, A., 2003. Why are antisaccades slower than prosaccades? A novel finding
using a new paradigm. Neuroreport 14, 151–155.
Palmer, E.M., Horowitz, T.S., Torralba, A., Wolfe, J.M., 2011. What are the shapes of
response time distributions in visual search? J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform.
37, 58–71.
Pierrot-Deseilligny, C., Milea, D., M€uri, R.M., 2004. Eye movement control by the cerebral
cortex. Curr. Opin. Neurol. 17, 17–25.
Pincus, S.M., 1991. Approximate entropy as a measure of system complexity. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88, 2297–2301.
Pincus, S.M., Goldberger, A.L., 1994. Physiological time-series analysis: what does regularity
quantify? Am. J. Physiol. 266, H1643–H1656.
Pretegiani, E., Piu, P., Rosini, F., Federighi, P., Serchi, V., Tumminelli, G., Dotti, M.T.,
Federico, A., Rufa, A., 2018. Anti-saccades in cerebellar ataxias reveal a contribution
of the cerebellum in executive functions. Front. Neurol. 9, 274.
Richman, J.S., Moorman, J.R., 2000. Physiological time-series analysis using approximate
entropy and sample entropy. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 278, H2039–H2049.
Rosini, F., Pretegiani, E., Mignarri, A., Optican, L.M., Serchi, V., De Stefano, N.,
Battaglini, M., Monti, L., Dotti, M.T., Federico, A., Rufa, A., 2017. The role of dentate
nuclei in human oculomotor control: insights from cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis.
J. Physiol. 595, 3607–3620.
Schlag-Rey, M., Amador, N., Sanchez, H., Schlag, J., 1997. Antisaccade performance pre-
dicted by neuronal activity in the supplementary eye field. Nature 390, 398–401.
Schwarz, W., 2001. The ex-Wald distribution as a descriptive model of response times. Behav.
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Stoodley, C.J., 2016. The cerebellum and neurodevelopmental disorders. Cerebellum
15, 34–37.
Trouillas, P., Takayanagi, T., Hallett, M., Currier, R.D., Subramony, S.H., Wessel, K.,
Bryer, A., Diener, H.C., Massaquoi, S., Gomez, C.M., Coutinho, P., Ben Hamida, M.,
Campanella, G., Filla, A., Schut, L., Timann, D., Honnorat, J., Nighoghossian, N.,
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ganglion cells tell the visual cortex. Neural Comput. 13, 1255–1283.
Voss, A., Voss, J., Lerche, V., 2015. Assessing cognitive processes with diffusion model
analyses: a tutorial based on fast-dm-30. Front. Psychol. 6, 336.
White, C.N., Ratcliff, R., Vasey, M.W., McKoon, G., 2010. Using diffusion models to under-
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Xu-Wilson, M., Chen-Harris, H., Zee, D.S., Shadmehr, R., 2009. Cerebellar contributions to
adaptive control of saccades in humans. J. Neurosci. 29, 12930–12939.

Further reading
Harris, C.M., Wolpert, D.M., 2006. The main sequence of saccades optimizes speed-accuracy
trade-off. Biol. Cybern. 95, 21–29.
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Saccade variability in
healthy subjects and
cerebellar patients
Thomas Eggert*, Andreas Straube
Department of Neurology, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
*Corresponding author: Tel.:+49 (0) 89-44007-4834; Fax:+49 (0) 89-44007-4801,
e-mail address:

In a previous study we developed a model for the inter-trial variance of saccade trajectories in
the rhesus macaque. The analysis of that model showed that signal-dependent noise results in
different effector variabilities depending on whether the noise is propagated feedforward
through the system (accumulating noise) or whether the noise originates from inside of a
premotor feedback loop (feedback noise). This allowed the gain of the premotor feedback loop
to be estimated directly from behavioral data. In the present study, we applied the model in healthy
human subjects and in patients with chronic isolated cerebellar lesions due to ischemic stroke.
Humans showed smaller noise coefficients of variation for both accumulating noise and feedback
noise and smaller feedback gain than the monkeys. Despite these differences in the model
parameters, the qualitative differences between the two noise types were similar in both species.
Cerebellar patients showed larger inter-trial variance of saccade amplitude compared to
controls, but saccade metrics and dynamics were well compensated. The parameters of the
noise model did not differ significantly between groups. The variance of the saccade amplitude
correlated highly (r ¼ 0.95) with the coefficient of variation of accumulating noise but not with
the other model parameters. The results suggest that the cerebellum plays a role not only in
premotor feedback but also in feedforward saccade control and that the latter is responsible
for increased endpoint variance in cerebellar patients.

Human, Eye movements, Saccade, Signal proportional noise

1 Introduction
Various noise sources within the sensorimotor system contribute to movement
variability when visually guided movements are repeated under similar stimulus con-
ditions (Faisal et al., 2008). For saccadic eye movements, the most important com-
ponents are (1) motor noise due to the statistics of the recruitment of muscle-fibers
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
142 CHAPTER 10 Saccade variability

(Harris and Wolpert, 2006; Jones et al., 2002); (2) noise in the activity of premotor
burst neurons which are supposed to be part of a motor feedback loop involving the
brainstem and the cerebellum (Chen-Harris et al., 2008; J€urgens et al., 1981; Quaia
et al., 2000; Robinson, 1975); and (3) planning noise related to the limited precision
of target selection processes and of target representations in retinotopic maps
(sensory and motor maps). Previous studies have mostly analyzed the variance
and covariances of saccade parameters, such as amplitude, peak velocity and dura-
tion, to estimate the contribution of different noise sources (van Beers, 2007). In a
recent study (Eggert et al., 2016), we extended these approaches by treating the entire
saccade trajectory as a multivariate observation and developed a model which
decomposed the variance/covariance structure of the trajectory into two distinct
noise components, feedback noise, defined as noise which is generated within a pre-
motor feedback loop, and accumulating noise, defined as noise which propagates
through the motor system in a feedforward manner. Both planning noise and motor
noise are examples of accumulating noise. These definitions were motivated by our
observation that the variance/covariance structure of the saccade trajectory induced
by planning noise and motor noise are similar, which makes it difficult to disentangle
them. Consequently, we constrained our model to two components and subsumed
motor noise and planning noise under the common term accumulating noise.
The main advantage of this model is the possibility to estimate two characteristic
features of the premotor feedback mechanism: the feedback gain and the strength
of the feedback noise.
In our previous study (Eggert et al., 2016), we developed this model (Fig. 1),
applied it to saccades of rhesus macaques (Robinson et al., 1993), and showed
that the variance of eye displacement induced by accumulating noise increases

N(0,1) N(0,1/dt)

k k

rA rPBN pulse - step

+ command + eye position
motor planned PBN 1 oculomotor
+ generator + τ1 +
error amplitude + s plant
(midbrain) -


FIG. 1
Principal flowchart of the model (Eggert et al., 2016) accounting for two different noise
sources: The noise (rA) contaminates the sensory representation of the motor error (¼retinal
target eccentricity at saccade onset). This noise and the resulting planned saccade amplitude
are scalar values evaluated before each saccade. The second noise is a stochastic process
(rPBN) which contaminates the premotor burst signal (PBN). In contrast to the first noise,
which is propagated feedforward, rPBN enters inside of a premotor feedback loop
characterized by an integrator gain ( g) and a delay Δt ¼ 4 ms. The standard deviation of both
noise components is proportional to the respective signal with the coefficients of variation kA
and kPBN.
2 Methods 143

monotonically during the entire saccade duration, whereas feedback noise caused
increased variance during the saccade but played a minor role for endpoint vari-
ance. Feedback noise contributed substantially to the variance of eye displacement
during the acceleration period but played only a minor role in the variance at the
saccade end (i.e., the variance of the amplitude). Fitting this model to saccades
executed during temporal inactivation of the caudal fastigial nucleus on one side
of the cerebellum revealed, for saccades ipsiversive to the lesion, a significant
decrease of the feedback gain compared to control conditions. This is in line with
the previously suggested role of the cerebellum in premotor feedback because the
caudal fastigial nucleus projects directly to the premotor burst neurons in the
brainstem (Ohtsuka and Noda, 1991). In some monkeys, accumulating noise
increased strongly during fastigial inactivation.
The current study investigates whether our model can also mimic the variance/
covariance structure of saccades in healthy human subjects and in patients with
isolated chronic lesions due to ischemic infarcts in the cerebellum. It also addresses
the question whether increased variability of movement amplitude in cerebellar
patients is caused by deficits of premotor feedback.

2 Methods
2.1 Subjects
A group of healthy control subjects (age: 53.7  14.1 years; N ¼ 9) and a slightly
older group of patients with cerebellar infarcts (age: 69.3  15.2 years; N ¼ 9) partic-
ipated in the study. All patients showed cerebellar signs in eye movement control
such as fixation instabilities (N ¼ 5), nystagmus (N ¼ 1) or hypermetric saccades
(gain >1.1: N ¼ 3). The infarcts were diagnosed by standard clinical magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). The cerebellar lesions were unilateral (left: N ¼ 4, right:
N ¼ 3), or bilateral (N ¼ 1). The stroke occurred on average 11.1  4.5 years before
the study. All subjects were unexperienced in eye movement experiments. The
experimental procedure was in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and
was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of the Ludwig-
Maximilians University Munich (280-10).

2.2 Apparatus and procedure

Subjects sat in a darkened room at a viewing distance of 128 cm in front of a screen
on which a red laser spot (diameter <2 mm) was projected. It was controlled by a
mirror galvanometer (General Scanning 120D Watertown, MA, USA) and served
as a fixation target which stepped between five different positions on the horizontal
meridian (0, 5, 10 deg). The target steps were randomized in direction (right/left)
and amplitude (5, 10 deg). The inter-target interval was 1.5 s. In each of two
subsequent measurement blocks, subjects performed 80 visually guided saccades
to this target. Eye movements were recorded with a head-mounted eye tracker
144 CHAPTER 10 Saccade variability

(Schneider et al., 2009) at a sampling frequency of 220 Hz. The eye tracker was
synchronized with a real-time system (Hays et al., 1982) running on 1 kHz used
to control the laser target. To minimize sampling artifacts, the eye position data were
resampled offline into the frame rate of the stimulus generator (1 kHz) by linear
interpolation. Eye velocity was then computed by a three-point differentiator applied
after filtering the position data with a digital symmetric (zero-phase) Gaussian
lowpass with a cut-off frequency of 33 Hz (attenuation of 0.1 at 85 Hz).

2.3 Data analysis

Saccade onset and end were defined as the time when eye velocity increased above or
decreased below 10% of the peak velocity. Saccades with peak velocities smaller
than 150 deg/s and amplitudes smaller than 3 deg were excluded from the analysis.
The saccade gain was defined as the ratio between the saccade amplitude and the
retinal eccentricity of the target at the time of saccade onset. Except for one patient
with hypermetria of saccades directed toward the lesion side, none of the subjects
showed a gain asymmetry between rightward and leftward saccades. Therefore,
we mirrored the eye position trace of leftward saccades and pooled them with the
rightward saccades.
To focus on the saccade variability due to internal noise sources, only a carefully
selected subgroup of saccades responding to similar initial motor errors was submit-
ted to the analysis of inter-trial saccade variability. Of all primary saccades, only
those to the 10 deg target steps for which the initial motor error (i.e., the retinal target
eccentricity at the time of saccade onset) ranged between 7.5 and 12.5 deg were
selected. To make our estimates of inter-trial variance robust against outliers, we
further excluded from this preselection all saccades in which either duration or
amplitude differed from their respective median by more than three times the
median-quartile distance (Velleman and Hoaglin, 1981). This outlier analysis was
performed separately for each subject. After this selection, 45  9 saccades remained
to be analyzed for each subject.
Two different approaches were applied to describe the inter-trial variability of
these saccades: A parametric approach in which saccade variability was expressed
by the variance and covariance of saccade duration and amplitude, and a non-
parametric approach in which the sampled saccade trajectory (eye displacement
at each time point during the saccade) was directly considered as a multivariate
random vector (Eggert et al., 2016). The main question of the parametric approach
is whether the parameters of saccades with similar initial motor error vary along the
main sequence, which would be expected in the case of pure planning noise. This
was tested by computing the slope (α10 [deg/ms]) specifying the average increase
of saccade amplitude per increase in saccade duration for saccades with initial mo-
tor errors of 10 deg. The slope α10 was estimated by linear regression of amplitude
on duration, separately for each subject and pooling only across the saccades
selected as described above. This slope was then compared with the slope
(αall [deg/ms]) specifying the increase of amplitude with duration along the main
2 Methods 145

sequence (Bahill et al., 1975; Becker, 1989; Van Opstal and Van Gisbergen, 1987).
In contrast to α10, αall was computed by a regression of amplitude on duration
across all primary saccades (pooling across all initial motor errors). α10 < αall sug-
gests that the saccade amplitude is stabilized against variation of saccade duration
by online motor-feedback. Similar approaches have been used previously (J€urgens
et al., 1981; Quaia et al., 2000). This method is robust in demonstrating the incom-
patibility of the observed parameter variance with the assumption of pure planning
noise, but it does not provide a direct estimate of the size of potentially involved
noise sources or the feedback gain. This is attempted by our second approach, the
non-parametrical approach which estimates the multivariate variance/covariance
structure of the trajectories of saccades with similar initial motor error. Each of
the selected saccade trajectories was treated as a single multivariate observation.
The saccade onsets were aligned in time and all saccades were cut off to the
duration of the shortest. Fig. 2 shows typical examples of these saccade trajectories.
From these selected traces, the inter-trial variance of eye displacement and its
covariance with total eye displacement at saccade end was computed for each of

A Control, ID=5 B Patient, ID=10

12 12

10 10
eye displacement (deg)

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 20 40 0 20 40
time (ms)
FIG. 2
Traces of eye displacement of a representative control subject (A, N ¼ 40) and a patient with a
cerebellar infarct (B, N ¼ 53). Trials representing outliers in saccade duration or amplitude
were eliminated. Each line shows a single saccade trajectory with an initial motor error
between 7.5 and 12.5 deg. Even though this patient did not show systematic saccade
dysmetria, the variance of the saccade amplitude (B: 0.33 deg2) was larger than in the control
subject (A: 0.14 deg2).
146 CHAPTER 10 Saccade variability

the sampling points. These two time-courses are called the variance trajectory and
the covariance trajectory, respectively. They represent the inter-trial variance/
covariance structure of the saccade.
The variance and covariance trajectories were then decomposed into two compo-
nents related to (1) noise generated within a premotor feedback loop, and (2) noise
that is propagated feedforward through the motor system. For each individual
subject, these two different noise components were fitted by our model (Eggert
et al., 2016) with three parameters: the coefficient of variation of the planning noise
(kA), the coefficient of variation of the noise within the premotor feedback loop
(kPBN), and the feedback gain ( g). To demonstrate that the noise component due
to premotor feedback noise contributes significantly to the explanation of the
observed saccade variance, two versions of the model were fitted to the data. The
simplified version assumed that saccade noise was dominated by planning noise
(kPBN ¼ 0) and had only a single parameter (kA) to minimize the mean squared
distance between the observed and the modeled variance and covariance trajectories.
The performance of this simplified model was compared with that of the full model
with three parameters by means of the Akaike Information Criterion (Akaike, 1974;
Burnham and Anderson, 2002). Positive differences ΔAIC ¼ AIC(simplified)
AIC(full) larger than 10 indicate that the simplified model performs worse than
the full model in explaining the empirical data.

2.4 Statistics
Comparisons of saccade or model parameters between groups were performed
with two-sample t-tests. The normality assumption of this test was confirmed by
using the Lilliefors test. Since the inter-trial variances of saccade duration and
amplitude were not normally distributed within the population, they were compared
with the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Normal distributions were characterized by mean -
 standard deviation, and non-normal distribution by median [interquartile range
(iqr)]. The 95% confidence interval of the median of the amplitude-variance, shown
by the whiskers in Fig. 3A, was computed using the function wilcox.test of the “stats”
package in the R environment (R Core Team, 2012).

3 Results
Only three of the patients showed saccade hypermetria with saccade gains larger than
two standard deviations above the mean of the control group. We pooled patients
across saccade gains because the gains did not correlate with the variance of the sac-
cade amplitude (r ¼ 0.24; t(16) ¼ 0.99; P ¼ 0.34). The distribution of the gain of
the selected saccades did not differ significantly between patients and controls. The
mean gain, averaged across all subjects, was 0.99  0.07. Saccade latency was
235  44 ms.
3 Results 147

1.2 14 0.7
all = 0.35 deg/ms
1.0 12 10
= 0.11 deg/ms 0.6
var(amplitude) (deg 2)

amplitude (deg)
0.8 10 0.5

0.6 8 0.4

0.4 6 0.3

0.2 4 0.2

0 2 0.1
0 50 100
duration (ms)
FIG. 3
Inter-trial variability of saccade parameters: (A) The variance of saccade amplitudes, pooled
across saccades with similar initial motor error, was larger in patients than in controls.
(B) Saccade duration and amplitudes of a typical subject. Filled circles: Selected trials with
similar initial motor error. Crosses: trials with other initial motor errors. The increase of
amplitude with duration was smaller for the selected trials (solid, slope α10) than the one
averaged across all trials (dashed, slope αall). (C) The ratio α10/αall was smaller than one
indicating that saccade amplitude was stabilized against variation in duration. This
stabilization did not differ between patients and controls. Each symbol in A/C shows the data
of one subject. Bars: median (A) or the mean (C) across the population; Whiskers: 95%
confidence interval of the bars.

3.1 Parametric approach for the analysis of motor feedback

Investigating the inter-trial variability of the selected saccades with initial motor
errors around 10 deg revealed that the inter-trial variance of the saccade amplitude
(Fig. 3A) was larger (Wilcoxon: P ¼ 0.05) in the patients (0.33 [iqr ¼ 0.17] deg2) than
in controls (0.17 [iqr ¼ 0.17] deg2). Amplitude variance did not correlate with age
(r ¼ 0.33; t(16) ¼ 1.38; P ¼ 0.19). Neither the saccade duration (46.9  4.1 ms) nor
its inter-trial variance (4.53 [iqr ¼ 7.77] ms2) differed significantly between patients
and controls. Within this pool of saccades responding to targets with similar retinal
eccentricities, the saccade amplitude increased only by α10 ¼ 0.13  0.07 deg/ms
with increasing saccade duration, whereas the increase averaged across trials with
any initial motor error was αall ¼ 0.41  0.13 deg/ms. This effect is illustrated in a
representative subject in Fig. 3B. Fig. 3C shows that the ratio α10/αall ¼ 0.32  0.15
was significantly (T(17) ¼ 18.9; P < 0.0001) smaller than 1, indicating that saccade
amplitude was stabilized against variation of saccade duration by an online motor-
feedback. Neither α10, nor αall, nor the ratio α10/αall differed between patients and
controls (P > 0.8). Thus, the stabilization effects achieved by motor feedback did
not differ between patients and controls.
148 CHAPTER 10 Saccade variability

3.2 Decomposition of the inter-trial variance of the saccade

trajectory into accumulating noise and feedback noise
To verify that our model was able to differentiate between the two noise components
(accumulating noise and feedback noise), we compared this model with a simplified
version accounting for accumulating noise only. The AIC-difference between the
simplified and the complete model was ΔAIC ¼ 31.2  11.9 and did not differ be-
tween patients and controls (P > 0.3). Thus, including the feedback noise in the
model improved its ability to explain the measured variance/covariance trajectories.
Fig. 4 shows how the measured variance trajectories (blue) were decomposed
into accumulating noise (green) and feedback noise (magenta). The characteristic
difference between these two noise components is that the accumulating noise
increases monotonically, whereas the feedback noise shows a bell-shaped profile

A controls B patients

0.3 0.3
0.25 PBN+AN 0.25
variance (deg 2)

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
time (ms)
FIG. 4
The mean variance trajectories (blue), decomposed into the mean variance related to signal-
dependent noise entering inside of a premotor feedback loop (PBN, magenta), and the mean
accumulating noise (AN, green). The mean model prediction (red) shows the sum of
feedback noise and accumulating noise. Traces were computed by averaging the variance
trajectories across all controls (A) and all patients (B) and across all models fitted separately to
the data of each subject.
4 Discussion 149

(due to feedback compensation). The positive ΔAIC reflects the observation that
the eye displacement increased during the acceleration phase of the saccade faster
than predicted by pure accumulating noise. This allowed not only the size of the
accumulating noise (quantified by kA), but also the size and the width of the
variance component due to feedback noise (quantified by kPBN and g) to be esti-
mated. The individual fits achieved coefficients of determination close to one
(R2 ¼ 0.979  0.015), despite the considerable inter-subject difference of the vari-
ance trajectories. The three fitted model parameters (kA ¼ 0.0425  0.0143;
kPBN ¼ 0.0117  0.0030; g ¼ 126  68 s 1) did not differ significantly between
patients and controls (P > 0.16). Thus, the increased variance of the saccade ampli-
tude in patients compared to controls was not reflected in significant group effects on
the model parameters. This is because the variance trajectories varied between sub-
jects (also within groups) in more than a single dimension. This 3D-variation masked
the group effect on the variance of the saccade amplitude which constitutes only one
particular aspect of the overall movement variability. However, the group effect
sizes (Cohen’s d: kA: + 0.5561, kPBN: 0.3205, g: 0.6925) on kA and g could be
classified as “medium” (Cohen, 1988) and were larger than the group effect on kPBN.
Power analysis showed that the corresponding increase of the planning noise
coefficient (ΔkA ¼ + 0.008) and the decrease of the feedback gain (Δg ¼ 45 s 1)
in the patient group would require 52 subjects in each group in order to be detectable
at a type I error probability of 0.05 with a power of 0.8.
Fig. 5 shows that the variance of saccade amplitude was positively correlated
(Pearson’s: r ¼ 0.77, P < 0.001) with the planning noise coefficient kA, but not with
the feedback noise coefficient kPBN. The variance of saccade amplitude tended to
decrease with increasing feedback gain g (r ¼ 0.41; P ¼ 0.09). This reflects the
model feature that at the saccade end, the feedback noise is relatively small compared
to the accumulating noise (see Fig. 4), and that increased variance of saccade ampli-
tude was predominantly explained by increased accumulating noise and only
marginally by decreased feedback gain.

4 Discussion
The results showed that variance/covariance structure of human saccades consists of
different components similar to in the rhesus macaque. The AIC-analyze showed, in
line with the parametric approach, that planning noise (or accumulating noise) alone
cannot explain the measured inter-trial variance. By taking the feedback noise into
account, the model achieved very high coefficients of determination (R2) when fitted
to the data of individual subjects, despite considerably inter-individual differences.
This allowed the two main characteristics of feedback noise: the coefficient of var-
iation kPBN and the feedback gain g to be estimated in addition to the coefficient of
variation of the planning noise (kA). The humans examined in the current study
showed smaller noise-coefficients of variation and smaller feedback gain compared
to our previous estimates (Eggert et al., 2016) of the model parameters in rhesus
150 CHAPTER 10 Saccade variability


0.06 controls


0.02 t(14)=4.58




0.008 p= 0.4950


g (1/s)

0 p= 0.094

0.05 0.15 0.45 1.35

var(amplitude) (deg2)
FIG. 5
Correlation between the inter-trial variance of the saccade amplitude and the three fitted
model parameters for all subjects (symbols). The coefficient of variation of the planning
noise kA (A) showed a significant positive correlation and the feedback gain g (C) showed a
marginal tendency for a negative correlation with the endpoint variance. The coefficient
of variation of the feedback noise kPBN (B) was uncorrelated with endpoint variance.
References 151

macaques (kA ¼ 0.106  0.048; kPBN ¼ 0.028  0.008; g ¼ 240  59 s 1). These
differences may be related to the fact that rhesus macaques usually show smaller
latencies, smaller saccade durations, and larger peak velocity than humans. Despite
these differences in the model parameters, the characteristic difference between the
two noise components was the same for human and non-human primates: The accu-
mulating noise increased monotonically, whereas the feedback noise peaked during
the saccade and decreased toward its end. This feature, as well as the correlation
pattern shown in Fig. 5 shows that individual differences of the endpoint variance
are primarily due to differences in accumulating noise rather than to differences
in feedback noise.
The observation that neither saccade duration and gain, nor the parameters of the
noise model differed significantly between our patient group and our controls may
reflect the clinical observation, that patients with focal, unilateral cerebellar lesions
are in general less severely affected than patients with bilateral lesions. None of our
patients showed an isolated lesion of the deep cerebellar nuclei comparable to the
pharmacological inactivation study (Robinson et al., 1993). Nevertheless, the patient
group showed increased variance of the saccade amplitude, which was explained by
the model by increased planning noise. The direction of the (non-significant) differ-
ences of the model parameters between patients and controls pointed toward
increased planning noise and decreased feedback gain associated with a cerebellar
lesion. Like in monkeys, substantial premotor feedback was preserved while the
cerebellar was lesioned.
In summary, both the human and the monkey data suggest that the cerebellum
plays a role in inter-trial saccade variability. The cerebellum contributes to premotor
feedback but is most probably not the only structure involved. Moreover, increased
variance of saccade amplitude induced by cerebellar lesions is not primarily related
to impaired feedback but rather explained by increased planning noise. Such an
effect may be due to a role of the cerebellum in the feedforward path of saccadic
control (Glasauer, 2003) or to a more indirect effect on the motor planning in
response to the need to compensate for the cerebellar deficit.

The study was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(initiative IFB—grant number: IFB DSGZ 01EO1401).

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Electrical stimulation in a
spiking neural network
model of monkey superior
A. John van Opstala,*, Bahadir Kasapb
Department of Biophysics, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud
University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Department of Biophysics, Radboud University, Donders Centre for Neuroscience,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +31-243-614-251, e-mail address:

The superior colliculus (SC) generates saccades by recruiting a population of cells in its
topographically organized motor map. Supra-threshold electrical stimulation in the SC produces
a normometric saccade with little effect of the stimulation parameters. Moreover, the kinematics
of electrically evoked saccades strongly resemble natural, visual-evoked saccades. These find-
ings support models in which the saccade vector is determined by a center-of-gravity compu-
tation of activated neurons, while trajectory and kinematics arise in brainstem-cerebellar
feedback circuits. Recent single-unit recordings, however, have indicated that the SC population
also specifies the instantaneous saccade kinematics, supporting an alternative model, in which
the saccade trajectory results from dynamic summation of movement effects of all SC spike
trains. Here we reconcile the linear summation model with stimulation results, by assuming that
the electric field directly activates a relatively small set of neurons around the electrode tip,
which subsequently sets up a large population response through lateral synaptic interactions.

Saccades, Motor map, Spatial-temporal transformation, Lateral synaptic interactions,
Population coding, Vector averaging, Linear summation

1 Introduction
The midbrain superior colliculus (SC) is an important common terminal for cortical
and subcortical inputs involved in saccade generation, and specifies a gaze-
displacement command for downstream eye-head motor circuitries (Moschovakis
et al., 1998; Robinson, 1972; Scudder, 1988). It contains a topographic map of
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
154 CHAPTER 11 Electrical stimulation in a spiking neural network model

saccade vectors, in which amplitude is represented logarithmically along its rostral-

caudal axis, and saccade direction maps roughly linearly along the medial-lateral
axis (Ottes et al., 1986; Robinson, 1972).
Each saccade is associated with a translation-invariant Gaussian population, the
center of which corresponds to the site of the saccade vector in the map (Ottes et al.,
1986; Van Opstal et al., 1990). It is assumed that each recruited neuron encodes a tiny
movement contribution, determined by its location in the motor map, and by its
Two competing models have been proposed for decoding this population:
weighted averaging of the cells’ vector contributions (Lee et al., 1988; Port and
Wurtz, 2003; Walton et al., 2005) vs. their linear summation (Goossens and Van
Opstal, 2006, 2012; Van Gisbergen et al., 1985):
Fn ∙M n

SAVG ¼ n¼1

X X n <t

SSUM ðtÞ ¼ δ ðt τn,k Þ∙mn (1b)

n¼1 k¼1

N is the number of active neurons in the population, Kn < t is the number of spikes
from neuron n up to time t, Fn is mean firing rate, and Mn is the saccade vector
encoded at the SC site of cell n; mn ¼ ζMn is the tiny contribution of cell n in the
direction of Mn for each of its spikes (the cell’s “spike vector”); ζ is a fixed scaling,
δ(t τk,n) the k’th spike of neuron n, fired at time τk,n.
The vector-averaging scheme only specifies the amplitude and direction of the
saccade vector, and places the SC motor map outside the kinematic control loop
of its trajectory. The nonlinear amplitude-peak velocity relationship of saccades is
thus generated by dynamic feedback circuits in brainstem-cerebellar pathways
urgens et al., 1981; Lee et al., 1988; Lefèvre et al., 1998; Quaia et al., 1999;
Robinson, 1975).
In contrast, the linear spike-vector summation model encodes the full kinematics
of the saccade trajectory at the level of the SC motor map through the temporal
distribution of all spikes in the population (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2006,
2012). As a result, the instantaneous firing rates of all neurons together encode
the saccadic velocity profile.
Clearly, the models of Eqs. (1a) and (1b) cannot both be right. Yet, each is
supported by different lines of evidence. For example, micro-stimulation with
rectangular current pulse-profiles produces fixed-vector E-saccades with normal
kinematics that remain invariant to changing stimulation parameters (Katnani and
Gandhi, 2012; Robinson, 1972; Van Opstal et al., 1990; Stanford et al., 1996).
The vector-averaging scheme can readily account for this, since the center of
gravity of the population only specifies the saccade vector. However, although
2 Methods and results 155

the vector-averaging model also predicts the observed pattern of saccadic dysmetrias
to focal reversible lesions, it fails to explain the concurrent substantial slowing of
saccades (Lee et al., 1988). As this latter observation is accounted for by the linear
summation model (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2006), it further supports the idea that
the SC population encodes both the saccade-vector and its kinematics.
Micro-stimulation experiments have also shown that at low current strengths,
around threshold, E-saccades become smaller and slower than main sequence
(Van Opstal et al., 1990; Katnani and Gandhi, 2012). These results do not follow
from vector averaging either, but are explained by dynamic summation.
Clearly, if stimulation would produce a population profile that mimics the im-
posed rectangular current pulse (as is typically assumed), the summation model
would generate severely distorted saccade-velocity profiles. Yet, little is known
about the actual activity profiles in the motor map during micro-stimulation, as
neural recordings during stimulation are not available, or remain obscured by large
Two factors determine neuronal activation by micro-stimulation: (1) direct (feed-
forward) current stimulation of cell bodies and axons, and (2) synaptic activation
through lateral (feedback) connections among the neurons in the motor map. How
each factor contributes to the population activity is not known. It is conceivable,
however, that the electric field drops rapidly with distance from the electrode tip,
so that a relatively small number of neurons would be directly stimulated by the
Indeed, two-photon imaging in frontal eye fields (FEF) revealed that only a
sparse set of neurons was activated directly around the immediate vicinity of the
stimulation site (Histed et al., 2009), suggesting that the major factor may be synaptic
We recently constructed a spiking neural network model with lateral interactions
in the SC that explains the single-unit activity patterns around saccades (Kasap and
Van Opstal, 2017). It accounts for the observed firing rates of collicular cells
(Goossens and Van Opstal, 2006, 2012) in response to neural input from upstream
sources (e.g., FEF). This paper provides a brief overview on how the model might
cope with the effects of electrical micro-stimulation (see Kasap and Van Opstal,
2019, for a full account).

2 Methods and results

2.1 Afferent mapping
The afferent mapping function maps the target (R, ϕ), in visual space, to the anatom-
ical coordinates, (u,v) (in mm), of the SC motor map (Ottes et al., 1986). We here
simplified this mapping by the complex logarithm:
uðRÞ ¼ Bu  ln ðRÞ and vðϕÞ ¼ Bv  ϕ (2)
156 CHAPTER 11 Electrical stimulation in a spiking neural network model

with Bu ¼ 1.0 mm and Bv ¼ 1.0 mm/rad (isotropic map). Thus, the infinitesimal
movement contribution, m ¼ (mx,my), of a single spike at site (u,v) to the eye
movement (Eq. 1b) is given by the scaled efferent mapping:
mx ¼ ζ  exp ðuÞ  cos ðvÞand my ¼ ζ  exp ðuÞ  sin ðvÞ (3)

2.2 Network characteristics

We constructed a 2D spiking neural network model as a rectangular grid of 201  201
neurons (e.g., Fig. 3A), and simulated the network dynamics in C ++/CUDA
(Nickolls et al., 2008). In the simulations we employed dynamic parallelism to
accelerate spike propagation on a GPU (Kasap and Van Opstal, 2018).
Neurons were modeled as adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire (AdEx; Brette
and Gerstner, 2005), which reduces the Hodgkin-Huxley equations to two state
variables: membrane potential, V(t), and adaptation current, q(t). The neuronal
dynamics are determined by two coupled, nonlinear differential equations and a
spiking-reset (Fig. 1B). For neuron n:
dVn Vn VT
C ¼ gL ðVn EL Þ + gL η exp qn + Iinp, n ðtÞ (4a)
dt η
τq, n ¼ a ð Vn EL Þ q n (4b)
at t ¼ τspk : V τspk ! Vrst and q τspk ! q τspk + b (4c)

with C the membrane capacitance, gL the leak conductance, EL the leak reversal
potential, η a slope, VT the neural spiking threshold, Vrst the reset potential, τq,n
the adaptation time constant, and a the sub-threshold adaptation constant. Fig. 1C
shows the response patterns of three AdEx neurons to different input currents and
membrane properties.
In Eq. (4a), Iinp,n is the neuron’s total synaptic input current, provided by the
lateral interactions with other neurons, and the externally applied micro-stimulation
current (Fig. 1A):
Iinp,n ðtÞ ¼ gexc
n ðtÞðEe Vn ðtÞÞ + ginh
n ðtÞðEi Vn ðtÞÞ + IE ðun , vn , tÞ (5)

The lateral synaptic connections of neuron n with other neurons in the map are
described by a Mexican-hat profile (Trappenberg et al., 2001), with local (σexc)
excitatory and global (σinh) inhibitory projections (σexc > σexc; Fig. 2B). This profile
has an overall synaptic scaling factor, sn, depending on a cell’s location (Fig. 2A).
Neurons thus underwent strong short-range excitatory and weak long-range
inhibitory influences through a dynamic soft winner-take-all mechanism. The
“winner” governs the activity patterns of all other active neurons, inducing spike-
train synchronization in the population (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2012; Kasap
and Van Opstal, 2017; Fig. 2C).
FIG. 1
(A) Schematic representation of an AdEx spiking SC neuron; two tuning parameters, sn and τq, n determine its spiking behavior. (B) Phase plot
(membrane potential vs. adaptive current) of the neuronal response (with τq ¼ 52.4 ms) to micro-stimulation (I0 ¼ 250 pA, DS ¼125 ms).
V- and q-nullclines are fixed-point trajectories of Eq. (4a) and (4b). Spike occurrences are indicated by arrows. (C) Responses of three model
neurons (τq ¼ 84.6 ms, τq ¼ 70.95 ms, and τq ¼ 52.4 ms) to micro-stimulation at different current strengths (colored traces; DS ¼ 125 ms).
FIG. 2
(A) Result of tuning the site-dependent parameters in the model: τq,n (green line) and sn (blue
line), as function of u. (B) Lateral-interaction profile in the network, for a neuron in the center
of the motor map. (C) Result of simulated saccades for two situations: without lateral
interactions (green) and with lateral interactions (blue). The latter saccades are considerably
faster, because of synchronization of neural activity in the population with the most-active
neuron (see Fig. 3B).
2 Methods and results 159

2.3 Current spread

We applied electrical stimulation with an external current, centered around [uE,vE],
with an exponential spatial decay of the effective electric field:
IE ðu, v, tÞ ¼ I0  exp λ  ðu uE Þ2 + ðv vE Þ2  PðtÞ (6)

with λ (mm 1) the spatial decay constant, I0 the current intensity (in pA), and a rect-
angular stimulation pulse, P(t), with duration DS.

2.4 Network tuning

Intrinsic biophysical properties of the neurons were enforced by systematically vary-
ing the adaptation time constant, τq,n, and the synaptic weight-scaling parameter, sn.
By tuning these two parameters, we accounted for the systematically changing firing
properties of SC cells along the rostral-caudal axis of the motor map, while keeping a
fixed number of spikes for the neurons’ preferred saccades across the map. We used a
genetic algorithm to find appropriate location-dependent [τq,n, sn] pairs for the neu-
rons, to ensure a fixed number of spikes per neuron under a given micro-stimulation
condition, and the subsequent excitation profile through the lateral interactions
(Fig. 3A). All parameters are summarized in Appendix.

2.5 Micro-stimulation
Fig. 3A–C shows the effect of micro-stimulation at a caudal location in the motor
map, yielding an oblique saccade with an amplitude of 31 deg. The size of the result-
ing population is very similar to that of a visual stimulus (σPOP ¼ 0.5 mm; Kasap and
Van Opstal, 2017), and also the number of spikes elicited by the cells (N ¼ 20 for the
central cell, see color bar) corresponds to the normal condition. The peak firing rates
of the neurons reached a maximum of about 450 spikes/s, with burst durations up to
about 70 ms. The saccade reached a peak velocity of 900 deg/s, while horizontal
and vertical velocity profiles have identical shapes, indicating a straight oblique

2.6 Kinematics
Fig. 4A and B presents E-saccades for nine stimulation sites along the horizontal
meridian. Note that saccade duration increases with saccade amplitude, and that peak
eye velocity shows a less than linear increase with saccade size. The nonlinear,
saturating main sequence of these E-saccades is shown in Fig. 4C. We also verified
that the saccades remained invariant to a wide range of stimulation parameters,
which is illustrated in Fig. 4D. Around the threshold (around 80 pA), the peak veloc-
ity decreased substantially, but without affecting E-saccade amplitudes (not shown).
160 CHAPTER 11 Electrical stimulation in a spiking neural network model

FIG. 3
(A) Spike counts in the motor map from the recruited population to micro-stimulation at
(uE,vE) ¼ (3.2,0.5) mm. (B) Burst profiles of the model neurons (at 0.1 mm intervals from
the central cell along the u-direction) portray synchronized population activity. (C) Eye
displacement and eye velocity from linear dynamic ensemble-coding (Eq. 1b; horizontal
(green), vertical (yellow), and vectorial (purple) traces).

3 Discussion
The linear ensemble-coding model of Eq. (1b) (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2006; Van
Gisbergen et al., 1987; Van Opstal and Goossens, 2008) is inconsistent with micro-
stimulation results, when it is assumed that (i) a rectangular stimulation input profile
(Eq. 6) directly imposes the firing patterns on the neural population, and (ii) neurons
are independent, without synaptic interactions.
We here argued that these assumptions are neither supported by experimental
observations, nor do they incorporate the possibility that a major factor determining
the recruitment of SC neurons is caused by synaptic transmission within the motor
map, rather than by direct activation through the electrode’s electric field. We
FIG. 4
(A) Eye-displacement traces for nine horizontal E-saccades, elicited with I0 ¼ 150 pA, DS ¼ 100 ms at different sites in the motor map.
(B) Eye-velocity profiles for the position traces in A. Note the clear increase in saccade duration, and the sublinear increase of peak eye-velocity
with saccade amplitude. (C) A nonlinear, saturating main sequence, despite fully linear weighting of SC spike vectors (Eq. 1b). (D) Above 125 pA,
saccade kinematics remained invariant for a large range of stimulation strengths. Near threshold (80 pA), they became markedly slower.
162 CHAPTER 11 Electrical stimulation in a spiking neural network model

implemented circular-symmetric, Mexican-hat like interactions in a spiking neural

network model of the SC motor map and assumed that the current profile from
the electrode rapidly decreased with distance from the electrode tip. As a conse-
quence, only neurons in the direct vicinity (<0.1 mm) of the electrode were activated
by the external electric field (Histed et al., 2009), insufficient to generate the saccade
according to spike-vector summation (Eq. 1b).
Once neurons were recruited by the stimulation pulse, however, local excitatory
synaptic transmission among nearby cells rapidly spread the activation to create a
neural activity pattern which, within 10–15 ms, was dictated by the bursting dynam-
ics of the most active central cells in the population (Fig. 3B, top). As a result, all
cells synchronized their peak firing rates, and burst shapes within the population
were highly correlated. Similar response properties have been reported in recordings
for natural, sensory-evoked saccades (Goossens and Van Opstal, 2012). According to
the dynamic spike-summation model (Eq. 1b), such high level of neuronal synchro-
nization ensures an optimally strong input to the brainstem saccadic burst generator
to accelerate the eye with the maximally possible innervation.

3.1 Network tuning

The lateral excitatory-inhibitory synaptic interactions, in combination with the
site-dependent tuning of the neurons’ biophysical parameters (Fig. 2A), ensured
three important aspects of collicular firing patterns observed during saccade execu-
tion: (i) they set up a large, but limited, population of cells, invariant across the SC
motor map, in which the total activity (quantified by the number of spikes elicited by
the recruited cells) can be described by a circular-symmetric Gaussian with a width
(standard deviation) of approximately 0.5 mm, (ii) the temporal firing patterns of the
central cells (their peak firing rate, burst shape, and burst duration) depend uniquely
on their location in the motor map, while the number of spikes in the burst remains
invariant across the map, and for a wide range of micro-stimulation parameters, and
(iii) already within the first couple of spikes, the recruited neurons all became
synchronized throughout the population, in which the most active cells (those in
the center) determined the spike-density profiles of all the others.

3.2 Network normalization

Only close to stimulation threshold, the evoked activity remained much lower
than for supra-threshold stimulation currents, leading to excessively slow eye move-
ments (Fig. 4D), starting at a longer latency. Similar results have been reported for
micro-stimulation experiments (e.g., Katnani and Gandhi, 2012; Van Opstal et al.,
1990). The peak eye-velocity of our model saccades followed a psychometric curve
as function of the applied current strength (Fig. 4D), whereas the kinematics of eye
movements evoked near-threshold became much slower than main sequence. This
property is readily predicted by the linear spike-vector summation model
(Eq. 1b), but does not follow from center-of-gravity computational schemes (like
Eq. 1a), in which the activity patterns themselves are immaterial for evoked saccade
3 Discussion 163

Conceptually, the lateral interactions serve to normalize the population activity,

and to synchronize neural activity across cells. As a result, the total number of spikes
emanating from the SC population is constant across the motor map for a large range
of (sensory or electrical) stimulation parameters. The nonlinear normalization of
Eq. (1b) is thus automatically implemented through the intrinsic organization of
the SC network dynamics, and does not require an additional downstream “spike-
counting” mechanism to terminate the saccade, as suggested earlier by Van
Opstal and Goossens (2008) (but see, e.g., Van Opstal and Van Gisbergen, 1989a).
Although other network architectures, relying, e.g., on presynaptic inhibition
across the dendritic tree, can accomplish normalization of the population and imple-
ment vector averaging (Carandini and Heeger, 1994; Groh, 2001; Van Opstal and
Goossens, 2008; Van Opstal and Van Gisbergen, 1989a,b), anatomical evidence
to support such nonlinear mechanisms is lacking. We here showed that simple linear
summation of the effective synaptic inputs at the cell’s membrane, which is a well-
recognized physiological mechanism of basic neuronal functioning, can implement
such normalization when it is combined with excitatory-inhibitory communication
among the neurons within the same, topographically organized structure. Such a
simple mechanism could suffice to ensure (nearly) invariant gaze-motor commands
across a wide range of competing neuronal inputs.

3.3 In conclusion
The spatial dependence of the lateral excitatory-inhibitory synaptic interactions and
the adaptation time constants of collicular neurons in the collicular motor map
(Fig. 2A), betrays a neural organization that aims to optimize speed-accuracy trade-
off for saccades (Harris and Wolpert, 2006). As emerging properties of our linear
model, cells in the neural population synchronize their bursts to provide a
maximally effective pulse to the brainstem saccadic circuitry (Goossens and Van
Opstal, 2012), and oblique saccades follow straight trajectories with saccade-
component cross-coupling (Smit et al., 1990). Because of the simple linear population
read-out (spike-vector summation), there is no need for either a nonlinear weighting
mechanism of the SC population, like vector averaging (Walton et al., 2005), a non-
linear threshold mechanism in a putative downstream spike counter (Goossens and
Van Opstal, 2006), or presynaptic inhibition (Carandini and Heeger, 1994; Groh,
2001). Furthermore, because in the model the saccade kinematics are encoded by
the spatial gradient in the SC motor map, the nonlinear saturating burst generators
in the brainstem (Harris and Wolpert, 2006; J€urgens et al., 1981; Van Gisbergen
et al., 1981) may, in fact, operate as linear component pulse generators.
We here investigated the neural population dynamics, by assuming that micro-
stimulation merely provides direct electrical input to a small group of cells near
the electrode. Due to the lateral interactions, the population rapidly grows to an
activity profile that is virtually indistinguishable from the visual-evoked condition.
As described in our companying paper (Van Opstal and Kasap, 2019; this volume),
this simple organization may be readily extended to the full eye-head gaze-control
164 CHAPTER 11 Electrical stimulation in a spiking neural network model

This work was supported by the European Commission through a Horizon 2020 ERC
Advanced Grant, project ORIENT (grant 693400; A.J.v.O.; B.K.). The Tesla K40 used for this
research was donated by the NVIDIA Corporation.

Appendix: Parameter values used in the simulations

Micro-stimulation parameters

λ 10 mm21 Spatial decay constant

I0 150 (40–280) pA Intracellular current intensity

P(t) I0 (for 0 < t < Ds) Rectangular stimulus pulse
DS 100 (25–250) ms Stimulation duration
Neural parameters
C 600 pF Membrane capacitance
gL 20 nS Leak conductance
EL 53 mV Leak reversal potential
η 2 mV Spike slope factor
VT 50 mV Exponential threshold
Vpeak 30 mV Spiking threshold
Vrst 45 mV Reset potential
a 0 nS Sub-threshold adaptation
b 120 pA Spike-triggered adaptation
τq,n 100–30 ms Location-dependent adaptation time constant;
varies with (un), see Fig. 2A.
ζ 5.08710 5 Efferent map mini-vector scaling factor
Synaptic parameters
Eexc 0 mV Excitatory reversal potential
Einh 80 mV Inhibitory reversal potential
τexc 5 ms Excitatory conductance decay
τinh 10 ms Inhibitory conductance decay
Lateral connectivity parameters
wexc 45 pS Fixed excitatory scaling factor
σ exc 0.4 mm Range of excitatory synapses
winh 14 pS Fixed inhibitory scaling factor
σ inh 1.2 mm Range of inhibitory synapses
sn 0.0112–0.0147 Location-dependent synaptic scaling factor;
varies with (un), see Fig. 2A.
References 165

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by visual stimulation and collicular electrical stimulation in the alert monkey. Exp. Brain
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models that place superior colliculus upstream from the local feedback loop.
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Further reading
Georgopoulos, A.P., Schwartz, A.B., Kettner, R.E., 1986. Neuronal population coding of
movement direction. Science 233, 1416–1419.
Katnani, H.A., Van Opstal, A.J., Gandhi, N.J., 2012. A test of spatial-temporal decoding mech-
anisms in the superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol. 107, 2442–2452.
Van Opstal, A.J., 2016. The Auditory System and Human Sound Localization Behavior.
Elsevier Publishers, Academic Press, Amsterdam.
Van Opstal, A.J., Van Gisbergen, J.A.M., 1987. Skewness of saccadic velocity profiles: a uni-
fying parameter for normal and slow saccades. Vis. Res. 27, 731–745.

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A neuronal process for

adaptive control of primate
saccadic system
12 Yoshiko Kojima*
Washington National Primate Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: + 1-206-543-2490; Fax: + 1-206-685-0305,
e-mail address:

In 1980, Dr. Optican established the existence of an adaptive plasticity of saccades and its
dependence on the cerebellum with Dr. Robinson. The advantage of saccades is that the neu-
ronal mechanisms underlying their generation have been well established. This knowledge
allows us to identify the neuronal elements that participate in saccade adaptation. Briefly,
the superior colliculus (SC) produces a saccade command signal, which reaches motoneurons
in the abducens nucleus via the brainstem burst generator. The SC saccade command also is
sent to the oculomotor vermis (OMV), a saccade-related area of the cerebellar cortex, and
finally converges on the same motoneurons via the caudal fastigial nucleus (cFN) and inhib-
itory burst neurons (IBN). During adaptation, the saccade-related burst of SC neurons does not
change; however, the activity of the cerebellum and its downstream targets do. We demon-
strate that the SC is the source of the error signal to the OMV, and the error signal increases
the probability of complex spike occurrence and decreases simple spike activity in the OMV.
This decrease, in turn, is delivered through the cFN and IBN neurons to decrease motoneuron
activity and hence saccade amplitude.

Motor learning, Error signal, Saccade, Superior colliculus, Cerebellum

BG saccade burst generator
cf climbing fibers
cFN caudal fastigial nucleus
CS complex spikes
IBN inhibitory burst neuron
IO inferior olive

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
170 CHAPTER 12 A neuronal process for saccade adaptation

ISS intra saccadic step, which creates a visual error to elicit saccade adaptation
mf mossy fibers
MN abducens motoneuron
NRTP nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis
OMV oculomotor vermis
P-cell Purkinje cell
SC superior colliculus
VOR vestibuloocular reflex

1 Introduction
Motor learning got the attention of Dr. Robinson and other oculomotor researchers
by the discovery of vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) plasticity in the early 1970s
(Robinson, 1987). At about the same time, a general theory of cerebellar motor learn-
ing was presented by Drs. Marr and Albus and later refined by Dr. Ito for the VOR
(Albus, 1971; Ito, 1982; Marr, 1969; Robinson, 1987). Since then, the cerebellum has
been considered as the “repair shop” of the motor deficits produced in experiments
involving rabbits, cats, and human patients. In the late ‘70s, Dr. Optican started to
examine the “repair shop” for saccades in non-human primates in Dr. Robinson’s
lab. However, they had no idea what part of the cerebellum was involved in such
adaptation. Therefore, they tried to remove as much cerebellum as possible. The sur-
gery was very difficult. They invited a neuro surgeon, tried many times, and finally
published their classical study of the saccade adaptation “Cerebellar-Dependent
Adaptive control of Primate Saccadic System” (Optican and Robinson, 1980). In that
study, they weakened the horizontal recti muscles of one eye to make its saccades
hypometric. When the weak eye viewed for several days with a patch on the intact
eye, the saccades gradually became larger and recovered to be normometric. This
recovery of the saccade dysmetria was abolished by cerebellectomy. Thus, they
established the existence of adaptive plasticity of the saccades and its dependence
on the cerebellum. In the discussion of their article, they raised two concerns: “It is
impossible to say anything about the neural mechanism behind these cerebellar-
dependent adaptive process,” and “Another major problem that remains unresolved
concerns the nature of the error signal used by the adaptive mechanisms.” In this
review, I will address these two issues and provide strong evidence they both
now have been resolved.

2 Saccade adaptation paradigm

We can elicit saccade adaptation without weakening the recti muscles by a trick of
target presentation. In this behavioral adaptation paradigm (McLaughlin, 1967), the
target is displaced as the saccade is underway (Intrasaccadic step, ISS), and the sub-
ject must make a subsequent corrective saccade to reach it (Fig. 1). With a backward
ISS, the initial saccade overshoots the target, and adaptation produces a gradual
3 The neuronal mechanism of saccades 171

Backward step Forward step

A Initial step ISS B
Visual error
Visual error 10°
100ms Left
C Saccade D
Gain of Initial Saccade


0.6 Pre Pre
0 1000 0 1000
Saccade Trial Number Saccade Trial Number
FIG. 1
Intrasaccadic step (ISS) paradigm and saccadic gain change in the monkey. (A, B) target
(gray) and eye movements (black). (C, D) gain change in the primary saccade amplitude
with saccade trial number. Black dots represent individual saccades. First (red) and
last (blue) 50 saccades are highlighted. In the backward step condition, the target steps back
during the initial saccade to create a visual error and the monkey makes a corrective
saccade (A). As a result, the gain of the initial saccade gradually decreases (C). In the forward
step paradigm, the target steps forward (B) and the gain of the initial saccade gradually
increases (D).

reduction of initial saccade size to reduce the visual error so that the eye once again
lands near the target (Fig. 1A). A forward ISS, which causes the saccade to fall short,
leads to a gradual size increase (Fig. 1B). With many repetitions of this paradigm, the
saccade gain (initial saccade amplitude/target step amplitude) gradually changes to
become almost normometric over the course of about 1000 trials in monkeys (Fig. 1C
and D) (Scudder et al., 1998; Straube et al., 1997) and about 100 saccades in healthy
human subjects (Albano, 1996; Deubel et al., 1986; Frens and van Opstal, 1994).
Saccade adaptation typically follows an exponential time course, i.e., adaptation
speed slows as adaptation progresses (Hopp and Fuchs, 2004).

3 The neuronal mechanism of saccades

The neuronal mechanisms underlying the generation of saccades have been studied
over the past several decades (Scudder et al., 2002). This knowledge allows us to
identify the neuronal elements that participate in saccade adaptation and what roles
they play.
Fig. 2 shows a simplified schematic of the neural circuits that have been impli-
cated in the generation of leftward saccades. The right superior colliculus (SC) pro-
duces a contraversive (leftward) saccade command signal that reaches contralateral
motoneurons (MN) in the abducens nucleus via the brainstem burst generator (BG)
172 CHAPTER 12 A neuronal process for saccade adaptation


Eye error

command copy of saccade
mf cf


Left Right

Primary target step
Visual error (ISS)


Change (increase/decrease) in the neural activity to reduce the

saccade amplitude.
Change (increase/decrease) in the neural activity to reduce the
adaptation speed.
SLOW Slowing of the change.

FIG. 2
Schematic of saccade neural circuits and changes that occur there during adaptation.

(blue pathway in Fig. 2). In addition to this direct pathway, a copy of the SC saccade
command is sent to the oculomotor vermis (OMV), a saccade-related area of the
cerebellar cortex, through the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP) (cyan
pathway). This signal is processed in the OMV and finally converges on the abdu-
cens motoneurons (MN) via the caudal fastigial nucleus (cFN) and inhibitory burst
neurons (IBNs) (purple pathway). This secondary path through the cerebellum
(cyan and purple) is required for saccades to be accurate because inactivation of
the NRTP (Kaneko and Fuchs, 2006) or OMV (Barash et al., 1999; Kojima
et al., 2010b; Optican and Robinson, 1980; Ritchie, 1976; Takagi et al., 1998)
causes ipsiversive saccades (leftward saccades in Fig. 2 circuit) to become hypo-
metric. cFN inactivation causes ipsiversive saccades to become hypermetric
(Goffart et al., 2004; Iwamoto and Yoshida, 2002; Kojima et al., 2014; Robinson
et al., 1993). The reciprocal effects of OMV and cFN inactivation occur because
the OMV projection to the cFN is inhibitory.
4 The neural mechanism of saccade adaptation 173

4 The neural mechanism of saccade adaptation

During adaptation, the saccade-related burst of SC neurons exhibits either no appar-
ent change (Frens and Van Opstal, 1997; Quessy et al., 2010) or inconsistent changes
from cell to cell (Takeichi et al., 2007), suggesting that the saccade command signal
does not change during adaptation (blue “saccade command” pathway in Fig. 2).
Although the saccade command signal from the SC to the OMV does not change
during adaptation (cyan pathway with “copy of saccade command”) (Takeichi
et al., 2005), the activity of cells in the OMV and its downstream structures (purple
pathway) does, suggesting that the cerebellum is the key place to induce the neuronal
change for saccade adaptation.
How does cerebellar activity change during adaptation? In models of cerebellar
plasticity (Albus, 1971; Ito, 1982; Marr, 1969), an error signal increases the complex
spike activity of Purkinje cells (P-cells), which weakens the synaptic strength of the
parallel fibers on the P-cell. The resultant decrease in P-cell simple spike activity is
known as a long-term depression (Ito, 2005). Consistent with this model, the visual
error induced by the ISS in the saccade adaptation paradigm increases the probability
of complex spike occurrence in the OMV (Catz et al., 2005; Herzfeld et al., 2018;
Soetedjo and Fuchs, 2006; Soetedjo et al., 2008a, 2008b) and decreases simple spike
activity during adaptation (Catz et al., 2008; Herzfeld et al., 2018; Kojima et al., 2010a).
Fig. 3A–C shows the complex spike activity of a Purkinje cell in the OMV
(Soetedjo et al., 2008b) associated with an ISS. A contraversive error increases
the probability of complex spike occurrence (Fig. 3A left panel) but an ipsiversive
error weakly suppresses their occurrence (Fig. 3A right panel). Fig. 3B shows
the complex spike probability. It was largest for the contraversive (right) error direc-
tion. The preferred directions for most P-cells are contraversive to their recording
side, i.e., neurons in the left OMV have rightward preferred directions and vice versa
(Fig. 3C). Thus, the contraversive visual error increases the complex spike activity in
the OMV.
The simple spike activity of most OMV P-cells also changes during saccade
adaptation (Kojima et al., 2010a) as is illustrated for the “bursting” cell in
Fig. 3D–F. Adaptation produced by backward target steps caused a reduction of sac-
cade gain (Fig. 3D). As adaptation reduced saccade amplitude (Fig. 3E), the saccade
related burst decreased (Fig. 3F).
How do these cerebellar changes work on the neural circuits of Fig. 2? The right-
ward ISS (backward step, green arrow below the eye in Fig. 2) elicits complex spikes
of the Purkinje cells in the left OMV and decreases simple spike activity during
adaptation (thick gray downward arrow next to OMV in Fig. 2). This decreased sim-
ple spike activity increases the activity of neurons in the cFN (Inaba et al., 2003;
Scudder and McGee, 2003), consistent with the OMV P-cell inhibition of the
cFN. The activity of cFN target neurons, the IBNs, increases (Kojima et al.,
2008). Finally, IBN inhibition decreases the activity of MN, which, in turn, causes
saccade amplitude to decrease. In contrast, inactivation of the cFN increases the MN
activity (Kojima et al., 2014).
FIG. 3
Purkinje cell (P-cell) activity during saccade adaptation. (A–C) Probability of complex spike (CS) occurrence. (A) CS activity of a P-cell in the OMV
(black dots). Gray line, target movement; black line, eye movement. Gray dashed box highlights the time between the ISS and corrective saccade
when the CS probability changed from resting. (B) CS tuning for the error direction of a P-cell. (C) Preferred error direction of each P-cell in the
OMV. CS probability is tuned for contraversive error. (D–F) Change of Simple spike activity during adaptation for a P-cell which exhibits burst for
saccade. (D) Saccade gain change during adaptation. (E) Eye traces of the first (red) and last (blue) 50 saccades during adaptation. Aligned on
saccade onset. (F) Course of change in the average Simple spike activity. The activity above and below resting rate is indicated by hotter and
colder colors, respectively.
5 Error signal for saccade adaptation 175

5 Error signal for saccade adaptation

Climbing fibers in the OMV originate in the medial accessory nucleus of the contra-
lateral inferior olive (IO in Fig. 2) (Kralj-Hans et al., 2007; Yamada and Noda, 1987),
and the IO receives a projection from the contralateral SC (Harting, 1977; Huerta and
Harting, 1984) (red pathway in Fig. 2). Therefore, we hypothesized that the SC is a
source of the complex spikes in the OMV that induce saccade adaptation.
Three of our studies have supported this hypothesis. First, electrical stimulation
of the rostral SC increases complex spike activity in the OMV (unpublished data) and
when SC stimulation is timed to occur between the primary and corrective
saccades, i.e., when there is a visual error, saccade adaptation is induced (Kaku
et al., 2009; Soetedjo et al., 2009). This surrogate error signal caused adaptations
with time courses like those induced by natural visual errors. Although this study
showed that stimulation of the rostral SC could simulate an error signal and drive
saccade adaptation, it did not provide the causal link between the natural SC error
activity and saccade adaptation.
Therefore, in a second study, we examined the effect of SC inactivation on sac-
cade adaptation (Kojima and Soetedjo, 2018). We injected muscimol into the rostral
SC. We identified the injection site by observing its visual and saccade-related multi-
unit activity and by evoking saccades with micro-stimulation through an injectrode
(Fig. 4A). In the representative experiment shown in Fig. 4, stimulation of the left SC
evoked 4° rightward saccades (green arrow in Fig. 4). A small amount of muscimol
(500 nL) injected into this site increased the reaction time of rightward 4° saccades,
but did not affect the amplitude of saccades in the opposite direction (yellow arrow in
Fig. 4, leftward 15°). The goal of this study was to eliminate only the error signal
without affecting the adapting saccade, so we used the leftward saccade (yellow)
as the adapted saccade and the rightward (green) vector as the visual error signal
(Fig. 4B).
However, the conventional adaptation paradigm poses a problem for this exper-
iment. In that paradigm, the size of the ISS is constant during adaptation so the visual
error between the eye and target position decreases as adaptation progresses (Fig. 5A
and B). Had we used the conventional paradigm, the location of the SC site activated
during adaptation would have gradually moved rostrally away from the injection
location. Therefore, to avoid this confound, we used a “constant error paradigm”
in which the eye position at the end of the saccade is detected and the target is
displaced relative to that position so the visual error remains constant during adap-
tation (Fig. 5D and E) (Kojima et al., 2015; Robinson et al., 2003). As seen in Fig. 5C
and F, the adaptation curves are similar in the conventional and constant error
As shown in Fig. 4C, there was no gain decrease after the injection (black points).
This result contrasts with the expected gain decrease observed in a no-injection con-
trol experiment performed 2 days later after the muscimol had dissipated (gray
points). Thus, activity in the rostral SC is required to induce saccade adaptation.
176 CHAPTER 12 A neuronal process for saccade adaptation

FIG. 4
Muscimol injection to rostral SC. (A) Injectrode delivers micro-stimulation to evoke a saccade
and muscimol to inactivate that portion of SC (pink). A unilateral injection inactivates the
contraversive saccades evoked by the stimulation (green arrow) but does not affect ipsiversive
saccades (yellow arrow), which are coded by the other SC. (B) Target step vectors used in the
constant error paradigm are the same as those in A. (C) Comparison of the time course of
saccade adaptation after rostral SC inactivation (black) and during a no-injection control
experiment (gray). Each circle denotes a saccade; lines are exponential fits. Adaptation is
abolished after the injection.

Finally, we tested what kind of information the SC provides to the OMV by re-
cording SC activity during adaptation (Kojima and Soetedjo, 2017a). We focused on
the visual related activity of SC neurons because they are timed to occur when com-
plex spike probability increases in the OMV to a visual error signal, i.e., 80–120 ms
from the ISS (Soetedjo et al., 2008a, 2008b). Once we isolated a SC neuron, we iden-
tified its optimal vector (Munoz and Wurtz, 1995; Sparks and Mays, 1980), which we
used as the error signal in the constant error adaptation paradigm (Fig. 6A).
As adaptation progressed, saccade amplitude decreased and the adaptation rate
slowed (Fig. 6B). Because the visual error was held constant, the slowing of the ad-
aptation rate represents a decrease in the sensitivity to the constant error. The visual
5 Error signal for saccade adaptation 177

FIG. 5
Two adaptation paradigms. (A–C) Conventional adaptation paradigm. (D–F) Constant error
paradigm. In A-C, the backward target step size stays constant (A) and the visual error
size changes (B). In (D–F), the backward target step size changes (D) to maintain a constant
visual error (E). Both paradigms change the gain of saccades to the initial target; the data are
fitted with exponential curves (C, F). Each dot denotes data from a single saccade trial.

activity, which occurred 90 ms after the ISS, also decreased during adaptation
(Fig. 6C, color changed red to yellow), reflecting a similar decrease in visual error
sensitivity. SC visual sensitivity decreased with adaptation rate whether adaptation
increased or decreased the saccade amplitude and whether the primary saccade was
ipsi- or contraversive, suggesting that the activity change is not caused by the change
in the metrics of the primary saccade.
To summarize, let’s interpret these results on the saccade neural circuit in Fig. 2
to address the two questions posed by Optican and Robinson (1980). The visual
error (green arrow at the top of Fig. 2) elicits complex spikes in Purkinje cells in
the OMV via the SC and IO (red pathway); the complex spikes gradually decrease
simple spike activity during adaptation (thick gray downward arrow next to OMV).
This decreased simple spike activity modulates the activities of the downstream
structures, i.e., cFN, IBN, and MN (thick gray arrows next to each structure),
178 CHAPTER 12 A neuronal process for saccade adaptation

A Initial step ISS (optimal vector) C

Direction 10°
20° 4°

15° 0.1s 15°
Vertical Visual activity
B 17 (sp/s)

Saccade trial number

Saccade Amplitude (°)


0 500 1000 0 100 200
Saccade Trial Number Time from ISS (ms)
FIG. 6
Activity of a visuo-motor neuron in the right SC during amplitude decrease adaptation.
(A) schematic of target (gray lines) and eye (black lines) movements for the beginning and
end of adaptation. Target stepped along the neuron’s optimal direction, in this case 200°.
During adaptation, the visual error was held constant at 4° (green arrow), this neuron’s
optimal amplitude. (B) decrease in primary saccade amplitude with saccade trial number.
Gray dots represent individual saccades; black line is an exponential fit. (C) colorized visual
activity during adaptation aligned on ISS onset (time ¼ 0). Upper panel, target (gray) and eye
movements (black) for the first 15 saccades during adaptation aligned on ISS onset at end of
the primary saccade. Black broken lines indicate 1 standard deviation (SD) of eye movement;
gray broken lines of target approximate the time of the initial target step (because the latency
of the primary saccade is variable).

and decrease the saccade amplitude. This could be a cerebellar mechanism to

change the saccade gain during adaptation. A weaker SC instructive signal would
produce weaker complex spike activity in the OMV (thick orange arrows next to
SC and OMV). In turn, the weaker complex spike activity would reduce the speed
of cerebellar plasticity, leading to a slower decrease in simple spike activity in the
OMV and consequently a slower decrease in saccade amplitude (Fig. 2, “SLOW”
sign). This could be a neural mechanism for the error signal.
For the past half century, understanding the neural mechanism for motor learn-
ing has been a central goal of neuroscience because such adaptation is critical to
keep the movement accurate and to allow recovery from a motor deficit. Since
Drs. Optican and Robinson began, saccadic adaptation has been a valuable model
to study the neural mechanisms underlying motor learning because the basic cir-
cuitry for saccade generation is well studied (Scudder et al., 2002) and the adap-
tation paradigm is well established (Hopp and Fuchs, 2004). Here we suggest the
basic structure of how the brain could produce saccade adaptation and how the error
signal drives the adaptation.
References 179

However, there are still many questions. For example, how can the SC error sen-
sitivity be modulated during adaptation? Motivation affects the error sensitivity
(Kojima and Soetedjo, 2017b), but how does the brain do it? Why does adaptation
stop even though there still is an error signal, i.e., constant error adaptation para-
digm? The adaptation characteristics of higher order saccades, such as memory-
guided saccades, are different from the simple visually-guided saccade (Hopp and
Fuchs, 2004, 2010; Kojima et al., 2015); does it also involve the cerebellum? Etc.
The field started by Optican and Robinson (1980) is fertile indeed.

This study was supported by National Institute of Health (NIH) grants EY023277 (R01 for
Y.K.), EY019258 (R01 for R.S.), OD010425 (P51 for WaNPRC), Vision Research Core
(P30EY001730 for UW), and National Science Foundation BCS-1724176. The contents of
this paper are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the
official views of NCRR or NIH. Robijanto Soetedjo and Albert Fuchs helped with the editing.

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A unified computational
framework for visual
attention dynamics
Dario Zancaa,b,*, Marco Gorib, Alessandra Rufab
University of Florence, Florence, Italy
University of Siena, Siena, Italy
*Corresponding author: e-mail address:

Eye movements are an essential part of human vision as they drive the fovea and, conse-
quently, selective visual attention toward a region of interest in space. Free visual exploration
is an inherently stochastic process depending on image statistics but also individual variability
of cognitive and attentive state. We propose a theory of free visual exploration entirely for-
mulated within the framework of physics and based on the general Principle of Least Action.
Within this framework, differential laws describing eye movements emerge in accordance
with bottom-up functional principles. In addition, we integrate top-down semantic information
captured by deep convolutional neural networks pre-trained for the classification of common
objects. To stress the model, we used a wide collection of images including basic features as
well as high level semantic content. Results in a task of saliency prediction validate the theory.

Visual attention, Scanpath, Saliency, Convolutional neural networks, Visual features,
Principle of least action

1 Introduction
In the past three decades, many attempts have been made in the direction of modeling
visual attention. Basing on the feature integration theory of attention of Koch and
Ullman (1987) and Treisman and Gelade (1980) provided a description of human
attention that operates in an early representation, which is basically a set of feature
maps. They assume that these maps are then combined in a central representation,
namely the saliency map, which plays a central role in driving attention mechanisms.
A first implementation of this scheme was proposed by Itti et al. (1998). Several
other models have been proposed by the computer vision community, in particular

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
184 CHAPTER 13 A unified computational framework

to address the problem of refining saliency maps estimation (Borji and Itti, 2013;
Bruce and Tsotsos, 2007; Cornia et al., 2018; Judd et al., 2009; Kruthiventi et al.,
2017; Vig et al., 2014). However, these models do not produce a temporal sequence
of eye movements, which can be of great importance for understanding human vision
as well as for building systems that deal with video streams.
Some preliminary attempts to model sequences of fixations (i.e., scanpaths) are
already present in the literature. Works are often only descriptive (Lee and Stella,
2000) or task specific (Renninger et al., 2005). A description of visual attention
as a dynamic process has been proposed by Zanca and Gori (2017). The authors
derive differential equations describing eye-movements, based on three bottom-up
functional principles: boundedness of the retina, curiosity for details and brightness
invariance. Dynamic laws are derived within the framework of variational calculus.
This approach exhibits the important advantage of avoiding the global computation
of a saliency map in advance, making it suitable for real-time applications. In this
paper we extend our previous model with the top-down semantic information cap-
tured by deep convolutional neural networks pre-trained for the classification of
common objects. This information is added in a natural way as fourth functional
component. The approach is validated on the benchmark of saliency prediction
CAT2000 described by Borji and Itti (2015).

2 Convolutional feature activation maps are good saliency

In the case of the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) trained for the task of
recognizing common objects, some methods (Selvaraju et al., 2017; Zhou et al.,
2016) allow to visualize internal activation and understand which locations of the
original input image were crucial for the system response. Class-specific activation
maps are then obtained by averaging feature maps from the last convolutional tensor
with the weights of the corresponding class. We claim that semantic maps obtained
by averaging the activation of the units in the last convolutional layer are good
predictors for human fixations distribution. In our experiments, we used an instance
of the model described by Szegedy et al. (2016), pre-trained for classification on the
ImageNet benchmark.a For a given input image, let fu(x) represent the activation of
unit u in the last convolutional layer U at spatial location x ¼ (x1, x2). Then, we can
average the activations by setting
1 X
M ðx Þ ¼ fu ðxÞ (1)
|U| u2U

defined on each spatial location x. Examples of these maps are given in Fig. 1.

3 Eye movements guided by convolutional features 185

FIG. 1
Convolutional feature activation map M. In the left-hand column, examples of images from
CAT2000 Borji and Itti (2015). In the right-hand column the corresponding map M obtained
from the pre-trained instance of inception-v3 Szegedy et al. (2016).

We evaluate this visualization technique for the task of saliency prediction on the
dataset CAT2000 (Borji and Itti, 2015). Performance improves by optimizing maps
with blurring and histogram matching (Bylinskii et al., 2018). Scores are reported in
Table 1. From now on, we will refer to this model as the Convolutional Feature
activation map (CF).

3 Eye movements guided by convolutional features

In our previous work (Zanca and Gori, 2017), a dynamic model of visual attention is
derived by three bottom-up functional principles. First, let the retina be defined in a
rectangular area determined by the coordinates (0, 0), (l1, 0), (l1, l2), (0, l2). Eye
movements are required to be bounded inside the definite area of the retina. This
gives the potential term
V ðxÞ ¼ k ðli xi Þ2  ½xi > li Š + ðxi Þ2  ½xi < 0Š , (2)
i¼1, 2

where i 2 {1, 2} to sum up the contributions of both spatial coordinates, and k is a

positive real number. Please notice that here we use the Iverson’s notation, according
to which [cond] ¼ 1 if a condition cond is true and [cond] ¼ 0 otherwise.
The second principle states that locations with high values of the brightness gra-
dient are attractive. Let b be the brightness function and p a blurred version of b.
186 CHAPTER 13 A unified computational framework

Table 1 Results on CAT2000 Borji and Itti (2015).


Model version Maps optimization AUC NSS

CF – 0.80 (0.001) 1.177 (0.046)

CF center bias 0.844 (0.001) 1.168 (0.009)
CF center bias, hist. match. 0.834 (0.001) 1.684 (0.085)
EYMOL blur 0.838 (0.001) 1.810 (0.014)
CF-EYMOL blur 0.843 (0.001) 1.822 (0.064)
Itti-Koch Itti et al. (1998) 0.77 1.06
AIM Bruce and Tsotsos (2007) 0.76 0.89
Judd Model Judd et al. (2009) 0.84 1.30
{One-human} (baseline) 0.76 1.54
DeepFix Kruthiventi et al. (2017) 0.87 2.28
SAM Cornia et al. (2018) 0.88 2.38

Between brackets is indicated the standard error. Two different metrics AUC and NSS are used to
compare results on the saliency prediction task. AUC (Area Under the ROC curve) is obtained by trating
the saliency map as a binary classifier to separate positive from negative samples at various thresholds.
NSS is measured as the mean value of the normalized saliency map at fixation locations.

Let indicate with bx and px the spatial gradient of b and p, respectively. Then, with the
potential term
Cðt, xÞ ¼ b2x cos 2 ðωtÞ + p2x sin 2 ðωtÞ (3)

attention is attracted toward locations where the magnitude of the gradient of the
brightness is high.
Finally, trajectories are required to preserve the property of brightness invari-
ance, which brings to fixation and tracking behaviors. This is guaranteed by the soft
satisfaction of the constraint
Bðt, x, x_ Þ ¼ ðbt + bx x_ Þ2 (4)
to be as small as possible. Here, bt indicates the partial derivative of the brightness
with respect to the time variable t.
Following the idea described by Zanca and Gori (2017), we construct a general-
ized action
K U^ dt
S¼ (5)

where K is the kinetic energy

1 2
K ðx_ Þ ¼ mx_ : (6)
References 187

In the original work (Zanca and Gori, 2017), U is the generalized potential energy
defined as
U ðt, x, x_ Þ ¼ V ðxÞ ηCðt, xÞ + λBðt, x, x_ Þ: (7)

In the present work, we extend it by adding the information carried by the map (1)
simply by
U^ðt, x, x_ Þ ¼ V ðxÞ ηCðt, xÞ + λBðt, x, x_ Þ MðxÞ: (8)
Please notice that, both C and M potential terms have minus sign since they come
from attractive forces. By the Principle of Least Action, the true path of a mass m
within the defined potential fields is given by the Euler-Lagrange equations
mx€ λ Bx_ + Vx ηCx + λBx γMx ¼ 0: (9)
These equations can be numerically integrated to simulate processes of free visual
exploration. Saliency maps are obtained by summing up the most visited locations.
From now on, we will refer to the basic model defined by principles (2), (3) and (4)
as EYMOL, and to the model enriched with convolutional features CF with
CF-EYMOL. Table 1 reports scores for saliency prediction and comparison with
state-of-the-art models.

4 Discussion
We have shown that an inherent model of visual attention is present in deep convo-
lutional neural networks that are trained for a different task. The experimental results
show that the convolutional features lead good human saliency predictors. However,
the main contribution of this paper is to integrate the information brought by these
maps with the bottom-up differential model of eye-movements defined by Zanca and
Gori (2017), with the final purpose of simulating visual attention scanpaths. The
proposed integration enriches the eye movement model thanks to the additional
peripheral information that comes from the convolutional filters. Even if the calcu-
lation of the saliency comes as a by-product of the eye movements laws, results in
saliency prediction show that the model competes with state-of-the-art models.

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Recognition, pp. 2921–2929.

Improving the repeatability

of two-rate model
parameter estimations by
using autoencoder networks
Murat C. Ozdemir*, Thomas Eggert, Andreas Straube
Department of Neurology, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +49-0-89-44007-4836; Fax: +49-0-89-44007-4801,
e-mail address:

The adaptive changes elicited in visuomotor adaptation experiments are usually well explained
at group level by two-rate models (Smith et al., 2006), but parameters fitted to individuals show
considerable variance. Data cleaning can mitigate this problem, but the assumption of smooth-
ness can be problematic due to fast adaptive changes with discontinuous derivatives. In this
paper, we collected time-series data from an experimental paradigm involving repeated train-
ing and investigated the effect of various cleaning methods, including an autoencoder network
(AE), on the parameter estimation. We compared changes in the fitted parameters across
different methods and across training repetitions. The results suggest that AE performed best
overall, without introducing an underestimation bias on bf like moving average or piecewise
polynomials, and that it reduced the within-subject variance overall and especially that of the
fast retention rate af by >50%.

Human, Visuomotor adaptation, Two-rate models, Autoencoder, Data cleaning

1 Introduction
Two-rate models (Smith et al., 2006) have frequently modeled goal-directed arm
movements under visual disturbances, to elucidate the Bayesian relationship
between error size and learning rate b∗ (Herzfeld et al., 2014), and retention rate
a∗ (Vaswani and Shadmehr, 2013), simultaneously. These linear systems, consisting
of “fast” and “slow” processes (and hence model parameters [af, as, bf, bs]), driven by

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
190 CHAPTER 14 Improving the repeatability of two-rate models

the error between the actual target location and the initial pointing direction, were
largely successful due to an increase in explanatory power, in comparison to a
one-rate model, for motor learning and many other aftereffects (Colagiorgio
et al., 2015; Sing and Smith, 2010). Previous attempts at explaining the error sensi-
tivity (Herzfeld et al., 2014), the time constants (Criscimagna-Hemminger and
Shadmehr, 2008) or the retention rate (Vaswani and Shadmehr, 2013) separately
have been done on an individual level, albeit the fitting of these model parameters
for individuals is another interesting way of dimensionality reduction. However,
their simultaneous estimation has been problematic due to repeatability issues caused
by high variance in estimation. Therefore, this paper includes a comparison of
common cleaning algorithms, along with the introduction of an advanced data clean-
ing technique utilizing autoencoder networks (Ballard, 1987), to improve parameter
estimation with the aim of bias-free reduction of within-subject variation.

2 Methods
We designed an experiment, inspired by the idea of alternating closed loop trials and
error clamp trials (Herzfeld et al., 2014). 19 Subjects were recruited for an experi-
ment dealing with upper limb reaching movements (age: 31.7  11.08 years, 5 of
them were later left out due to very poor performance), using the same experiment
equipment setup in Henriques et al. (2014). Each trial in our design could point to
either of three target locations at [ 15, 0, 15] degrees. In the beginning of the session,
40 closed loop trials (CL) and 40 error clamp trials (EC) served as baseline trials,
followed by 2 training phases for 30 degree visual discrepancy. In the first part,
10 iterations of 3 CL and 3 EC, henceforth known as alternating block (AL), were
followed by 30 EC trials and 30 CL trials. The second part began with 30 trials of
zero discrepancy CL washout, followed by AL and 30 EC at 30 degree visual
discrepancy. We computed the adaptive change from initial movement directions
from the first half of the acceleration period, which were referenced to the biases
for each target location, calculated from respective baseline trials as their mean
(henceforth known as raw session data). Afterward, the model parameters of the
two-rate model (Smith et al., 2006) were estimated by least square minimization
of the model errors on this raw data. However, a thorough exploration of the vari-
ability of the model parameters and the raw data, especially in AL, and its principal
components made an exploration of data cleaning methods necessary.
Common data cleaning methods assume that the underlying signal is smooth and
the noise has unwanted components only at higher frequencies. Therefore they are
designed to have the characteristics of a low-pass filter, e.g., the moving average or
outlier removal (McDougle et al., 2015). This might not be a viable assumption for
our experiment design due to frequent changes of training conditions in AL. There-
fore, we compared an outlier selection method (OS) with additional linear algorithms
2 Methods 191

of piecewise polynomial estimation (PP), a simple moving average (MA) and finally,
with autoencoder networks (AE) as the sole nonlinear algorithm in our comparison.
AE learns to compress (encodes) the training data into a code vector, with the
capability of reconstructing (decoding) it at the output layer. If the training data is
a good representation of the underlying signal, the network learns a low dimensional
representation. Therefore, AE can be used to clean the raw data by simply running
it through the trained network. Due to nonlinearities of AE during training and
prediction phases, the output has the characteristics of both the raw data and the train-
ing data; therefore, AE is not necessarily a low-pass filter. The loss function for the
training of this network comprised three error terms in summation,

1X N X K
E¼ ðxkn x^kn Þ2 + λ ∗Ωweights + β ∗Ωsparsity
N n¼1 k¼1

where the first term is the mean squared error of the reconstruction of each raw data
point k for each subject n, the second term regularizes the sum of the L2 norm of the
encoder and decoder weights, and the third term punishes deviations from the
average desired activation level for each neuron in the hidden layer(s) through
Kullback-Leibler divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951). The third part, unlike
a typical neural network, allows individual neurons in the hidden layer to specialize
on specific subsets of the input data. Thus, the optimization of this network relies on
λ, the L2 norm regularizer; β, the sparsity regularizer; and ρ, the average desired
activation level. We optimized these hyperparameters by using evolutionary algo-
rithms, but it is not strictly necessary in this context.
We implemented OS as the baseline cleaning method, where the outlier detection
threshold was two standard deviations away from the difference between raw data
and MA. MA had the window size of five. We implemented PP with 4th degree poly-
nomials for each large block of constant stimulus condition and 1st degree for the
short blocks during AL with length three, totaling 42 continuous piecewise polyno-
mials with no constraints on the derivatives at the borders. We implemented AE with
one layer of eight hidden neurons, one autoencoder network for each part of the
experiment paradigm. We prepared the training data for AE using a noisy set of
the two-rate model output using the raw data only, and then contaminated them with
Gaussian noise estimated from the residuals in OS.
Our two main evaluation criteria are the bias introduced to parameter estimation,
which is undesirable, and reduction of within-subject variance in a repeated mea-
sures experiment. For the first one, we compared OS with other cleaning methods.
Since these differences were not normally distributed, as revealed by Royston’s
normality test (Royston, 1983), we applied non-parametric tests (multivariate:
Randles sign test (Oja and Randles, 2004); univariate: Wilcoxon signed-rank test).
For the second one, we performed a multivariate repeated measures ANOVA with
two levels (first/s training) on the model parameters for each cleaning method.
192 CHAPTER 14 Improving the repeatability of two-rate models







0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5



FIG. 1
Mean of the fitted parameters across the first and the second part of the experiment,
along with individual results marked in diamonds. Whiskers indicate the 95% confidence
interval of the mean. as and bs were consistently estimated by all cleaning methods.
The estimation of af tended (P ¼ 0.1) to be larger and that of bf was significantly (P < 0.001,
marked by *) lower in MA and PP compared to OS.

3 Results
Fig. 1 shows the mean of the model parameters of part 1 and part 2. The mean of the
model parameters fitted for MA and PP differed systematically (Randles sign test:
P < 0.05 for both) compared to OS, whereas AE did not show any bias (P > 0.4).
The systematic bias of MA and PP originated from significant underestimation of
bf compared to OS (Wilcoxon: P < 0.001, P < 0.0001).
4 Discussion 193

2 betweenSubject

variance 1.5


FIG. 2
The decomposition of total random variance into within-subject, between-subjects
variances for OS, MA, PP and AE. Compared to OS, the within-subject variance was reduced
for all other methods, but the greatest reduction was achieved with AE. Between-subjects
variances were not affected.

Fig. 2 shows the decomposition of the noise in within-subject and between-

subjects variance as provided by the repeated measures ANOVA. The between-
subjects variability was similar for all cleaning methods, whereas the within-subject
variance was lowest in AE. In terms of parameters, the greatest reduction was in af,
with over 50% reduction and no visible change in other parameters.

4 Discussion
The overall effect of nearly all cleaning algorithms working on time series data is that
they usually attenuate the signal on all frequency bands, therefore losing important
information in the high frequency regime. This is significantly observable in Moving
Average and Piecewise Polynomial approaches, where bf is consistently underesti-
mated, introducing a systemic bias. An outlier selection algorithm assumes less bias
on the smoothness of data, but it does not help with variability of the fitted param-
eters, which ultimately clouds the comparisons between sets of model parameters.
Autoencoders, on the other hand, did not induce any systematic bias on the model
Comparing within-subject variance, OS had the highest value and AE the lowest.
Thus, cleaning by the AE was more efficient than the other methods. Our method
also improved the estimation of af, which has been problematic (Tanaka et al.,
2012). We envision that AE can clean noisy datasets, e.g., obtained in patient studies
194 CHAPTER 14 Improving the repeatability of two-rate models

(Wong et al., 2018). AE could even help distinguish possible subgroups of subjects.
In conclusion, we propose AE to be a viable cleaning method for adaptive change
time-series data.

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Rebound nystagmus,
a window into the
oculomotor integrator
Jorge Otero-Millana,*, Ayse I. Colpaka,e, Amir Kheradmanda,b, David S. Zeea,b,c,d
Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States
Department of Neuroscience, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Department of Ophthalmology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Department of Neurology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1-602-696-3943, e-mail address:

Rebound nystagmus, a common cerebellar sign, is a transient nystagmus that appears on
returning to straight-ahead gaze after prolonged eccentric gaze. The slow phases of rebound
nystagmus are in the direction of prior eccentric gaze. After eccentric gaze, healthy subjects
also show rebound nystagmus when fixation is removed. Rebound nystagmus is thought to be
related to the function of the oculomotor neural integrator—the circuit that ensures accurate
gaze holding after any eye movement—but the exact mechanism of rebound nystagmus is un-
known. Here, we combine experimental data with mathematical modeling to test several
hypotheses for the generation of rebound nystagmus. We show that two mechanisms contrib-
ute, one relies on vision and the other does not. Future experiments must determine if (1) the
non-visual mechanism is related to eye position or to eye velocity signals and (2) whether these
signals are based on afferent (proprioception) or efferent (corollary) information.

Cerebellum, Drift, Gaze-evoked nystagmus

1 Introduction
Rebound nystagmus (RN) is a transient nystagmus that occurs when the eyes return
to straight ahead position following a period of prolonged eccentric gaze holding
(Fig. 1). In RN the slow phases are directed toward the former eccentric gaze position
and the quick-phases away from it (Leigh and Zee, 2015). Hood first described RN in

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
198 CHAPTER 15 Rebound nystagmus, a window into the oculomotor

Gaze-evoked nystagmus

Horizontal (deg)

Rebound nystagmus

0 5 10 35 40 45
Time (s)
FIG. 1
Example of rebound nystagmus. A healthy subject looks at a flashing target, first at center
(i.e., straight ahead), then eccentrically at 40 degrees to the right for 30 s, and then back to the
center. During eccentric fixation at 40 degrees there is a gaze-evoked nystagmus with the
slow phase drifting toward the center, which gradually decreases in intensity. During the
rebound period, the slow phase drifts toward the previously-held, eccentric position.

a group of patients with cerebellar disorders (Hood et al., 1973) and it is typically
considered to be a sign of abnormal cerebellar function (Lin and Young, 1999;
Sharpe, 1974; Zee et al., 1976). Less intense RN can also be found in healthy subjects
(Gordon et al., 1986; Shallo-Hoffmann et al., 1990; Zee et al., 1976), especially in the
absence of a fixation target upon return of gaze to center.
Stable gaze holding is achieved by a neural network within the brainstem and
cerebellum. This neural network must integrate (in the mathematical sense) signals
that encode the velocity of eye movement commands such as saccades, smooth pur-
suit, or the vestibular ocular reflex, into position commands for holding the eyes still.
The motor neurons receive the direct command encoding the velocity of the desired
movement and the position command from the output of the neural integrator. These
two signals combine in what is known, for saccades, as the pulse-step signal. The
pulse helps overcome the viscous drag of the tissues surrounding the eye and the step
provides the sustained drive to hold the eye at its new position (Robinson, 1981).
The neural integrator for gaze holding is not perfect, and even in some normal
subjects, the eyes drift centripetally after an eccentric saccade, i.e., toward the
straight-ahead position of gaze. This centripetal drift causes a nystagmus that is com-
monly referred to as gaze-evoked nystagmus. Gaze-evoked nystagmus tends to be
larger at more eccentric eye positions and there is a null position where there is
no drift and where the eye drifts toward from other positions. If we assume the drift
can be approximated with an exponential curve, it can be parameterized by its time
constant. In this case, the combination of time constant and null position determines
the velocity of the drift from a given eye position.
2 Methods 199

The existence of rebound nystagmus indicates that the properties of the integrator
may not be constant over time and instead depend on the prior eye movements and
eye positions. If patients with gaze-evoked nystagmus are encouraged to sustain their
attempt to look eccentrically, their nystagmus may quiet down and, on some occa-
sions, even reverse direction, so that the eyes begin to drift centrifugally (Hood et al.,
1973; Leech et al., 1977; Zee et al., 1976). This adaptability to past ocular motor
behavior may represent mechanisms to optimize the behavior of the integrator. Un-
derstanding these mechanisms may help interpret the rebound nystagmus present in
patients and improved their diagnosis and treatment.
In this study, we examined rebound nystagmus in healthy subjects with a
briefly flashing target (to eliminate image motion on the retina due to the nystagmus
itself) vs. continuously illuminated targets and tested whether bringing the eye to
eccentric positions with different types of eye movements (smooth pursuit or sac-
cades) affects either the intensity or duration of the rebound nystagmus. We also
implemented a computational model to simulate the current results and make predic-
tions of the results of future experiments to test the possible mechanisms of rebound

2 Methods
Six healthy human volunteers (two women) participated in the study. The experi-
mental procedures were approved by Johns Hopkins Institutional Review Board
and written informed consent was obtained from each subject. Subjects had no his-
tory of neurological nor vestibular disorders and were not taking sedative or psychi-
atric medications.
All experiments were performed in a dark room. Subjects sat upright with the
head immobilized by a dental bite bar 135 cm away from a light-transmissive hori-
zontal screen. Red laser targets were rear-projected on the screen and moved by a
mirror galvanometer. Horizontal eye movements were recorded with an infrared
video goggle system (RealEyes xDVR system, Micromedical Technologies Inc.,
Chatham, IL) controlled by custom software (Otero-Millan et al., 2015) at a frame
rate of 100 Hz. Each subject participated in two experiments.
Experiment I measured the difference on rebound nystagmus between holding
eccentric gaze with a flashing target and with a continuous target. Each subject
was asked to fix on a flashing target (illuminated for 10 ms every second) in the
straight-ahead position. After 5 s, the target jumped eccentrically (40°) and either
flashed or remained on continuously. After 30 s holding the eccentric gaze position,
the target jumped back to straight-ahead position and flashed (10 ms on per second)
for 15 s. After the trial finished subjects had a 10-s break before the next trial began.
For each condition (flashing or continuous target), two blocks of five trials were per-
formed, one for each direction (left or right).
200 CHAPTER 15 Rebound nystagmus, a window into the oculomotor

Experiment II measured the difference in rebound nystagmus after bringing the

eye to an eccentric position by different types of eye movements. Three experimental
conditions were used: single saccade, smooth pursuit, and a stair-case of saccades.
For all conditions, the target was flashing at the straight-ahead position and at the 40°
position but continuously on during the movements toward the eccentric target. For
single saccade trials, we used the data from Experiment I where after 5 s recordings in
the straight-ahead position, the subjects were asked to make a saccade to an eccen-
tricity of 40°. After 30 s the target jumped back to the straight-ahead position where it
remained for another 15 s. For smooth pursuit movements, after 5 s recordings in the
straight-ahead position, the subjects were asked to track a small red laser dot, moving
at 4°/s to reach an eccentricity of 40° which took 10 s. After a further 20 s of eccentric
fixation, the target jumped back to the straight-ahead position where it remained for
another 15 s. For staircase saccades, after 5 s with flashing light in the straight-ahead
position, the target jumped four degrees every second until reaching an eccentricity
of 40° (a total of 10 saccades which took 10 s.). After a further 20 s of eccentric fix-
ation the target jumped back to the straight-ahead position where it remained for an-
other 15 s. Note that in all cases the time spent away from the straight-ahead position
was 30 s. For each condition, two blocks of five trials were performed, one for each
direction (left or right).
To quantify rebound nystagmus, we measured the velocity of the slow phase of
the nystagmus over time as the median velocity within windows of 500 ms (exclud-
ing samples belonging to quick phases, identified with a velocity threshold of
10 deg/s in either direction). Then we fit an exponential curve to the data correspond-
ing to the first 15 s after returning to the straight-ahead position. From the exponential
fit we obtained the maximum slow-phase velocity of the nystagmus and the time con-
stant of the decay of the slow-phase velocity over time.

3 Results
In Experiment I we found that rebound nystagmus was more pronounced after sub-
jects fixated eccentrically at the continuously illuminated target than at the flashing
target. The average maximum slow-phase velocity, as measured with an exponential
fit, was 3.5  0.7°/s for the continuous target and 2.3  0.5°/s for the flashing target
(P ¼ 0.036 paired t-test). The average time constant was 9  3 s for the continuous
target and 6  1 s for the flashing target (P ¼ 0.1 paired t-test). In Experiment II
we found that the velocity of the rebound nystagmus did not depend on how the eyes
reached the peripheral target: with a single saccade, 10 small saccades, or smooth
pursuit. The average maximum slow-phase velocity was 2.3  0.5°/s, 1.9  0.4°/s,
and 1.6  0.2°/s for each of the conditions, respectively (P ¼ 0.2 repeated measures
anova). The time constant of the rebound nystagmus was 6  1 s, 6  2 s, and 6  2 s,
respectively (P ¼ 0.7 repeated measures anova). Fig. 2 shows the average slow-phase
velocity across subjects as well as the individual subjects for each of the experiments
for the first 15 s after the subjects returned to straight ahead position.
A S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Flashing target = 3.39 = 8.07 = 10.21 = 5.68 = 3.90 = 4.18
= 5.33 = 12.19 = 20.00 = 7.67 = 4.17 = 4.06
5 Continuous target
Slow-phase velocity (deg/s)

0 5 10 15
Time after returning to center (s)
B S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Single saccade = 3.39 = 8.07 = 10.21 = 5.68 = 3.90 = 4.18
= 2.18 = 10.16 = 13.23 = 5.32 = 3.16 = 4.21
5 Smooth pursuit
Slow-phase velocity (deg/s)

= 3.43 = 10.58 = 10.84 = 5.52 = 5.09 = 2.44

Step saccades

0 5 10 15
Time after returning to center (s)
FIG. 2
Results of Experiments I (A) and Experiment II (B). The first columns show the average across subjects with error bars displaying the
standard error of the mean. Subsequent columns show the results for each individual subject.
202 CHAPTER 15 Rebound nystagmus, a window into the oculomotor

4 Discussion
4.1 Characterization of gaze holding
Gaze-holding behavior can be characterized by measuring the velocity of the gaze-
evoked nystagmus as a function of the eye position eccentricity. This relationship is
usually not linear (Abel et al., 1978; Bertolini et al., 2013) and can be characterized
with a tangent function (Bertolini et al., 2013). Specifically, the relationship between
eccentricity and drift (slow phase) velocity can be described with the simple equation
(Romano et al., 2017; Tarnutzer et al., 2015):
VE ¼ tan ðk1 ∗EÞ + c2
where VE is the slow-phase velocity of the nystagmus at eccentricity E, k1is a param-
eter that defines the shape of the curve, that is, how non-linear it is, k2 is a scaling
factor that changes the overall slope of the curve, and c2 is a velocity bias that cor-
responds with a possible eye drift present at straight ahead position. They used this
approach to characterize the behavior of the neural integrator for gaze holding in
healthy individuals (Bertolini et al., 2013), patients with different neurological dis-
orders (Tarnutzer et al., 2015), and individuals with alcohol intoxication (Romano
et al., 2017).
The parameters that characterize the tangent function need not be stable over time
and may be affected by the recent history of eye movements, as is the case in rebound
nystagmus. In this context the parameters of the tangent function become functions
of time. Additionally, we added another parameter Eo that represents a possible shift
in the null position of the integrator over time and moves the curve horizontally.
k2 ð t Þ
VE ðtÞ ¼ tan ðk1 ðtÞ∗ðE Eo ðtÞÞÞ + c2 ðtÞ
k1 ðtÞ

Thus, it is possible that initially Eo and c2 are zero, resulting in no nystagmus at

straight-ahead position. However, after holding gaze eccentrically, those parameters
may change resulting in a curve that corresponds with rebound nystagmus at straight-
ahead position. The other parameters k1 and k2 may also change as a result of holding
gaze eccentrically. Their changes, however, would not lead to rebound nystagmus by
themselves. Instead, they would interact with the potential changes to Eo and c2 af-
fecting the amount of rebound nystagmus that would be generated.
This analytical characterization of the integrator can be implemented using a con-
trol system approach (Fig. 3). A leaky integrator is the most basic form of a gaze-
holding control system. It is a system that accumulates the input it receives, in this
case eye velocity, creating a memory of eye position. However, the integrator forgets
(leaks) at some rate, which results in the memory of the eye position drifting over
time. Two main parameters determine the behavior of the integrator: the null posi-
tion, that is, the position that the eye tends to drift toward in the absence of an input
and the time constant, which determines how fast the eye drifts toward the null
4 Discussion 203

FIG. 3
Characterization of gaze-holding behavior. (A) Control systems diagram of the main elements
of the gaze-holding circuit. (B) Effect of changing each of the parameters of the tangent
equation describing the drift velocity of the eye as a function of the eye position. The elements
in (A) that correspond to each of the parameters are highlighted with the same color.

position. The slow-phase velocity is determined by both parameters: the lower the
time constant the faster the drift; the farther the null position from the current position
the faster the drift. If the time constant does not depend on the eye position, the re-
lationship between eye position and drift velocity is linear. To achieve the tangent
curve described previously it is necessary for the time constant of the integrator
to decrease with eccentricity as determined by k1 and k2. The parameter Eo corre-
sponds with the null position of the integrator and the parameter c2 with a
constant-velocity bias that is added to the input or output of the integrator.
Position bias
Plant Model

eye pos Burst

desired eye pos Gate

Pulse Generator

Visual velocity bias

Target position
Retinal slip
Target velocity Retinal slip Non-visual Eye velocity
cancellation velocity bias
Lights ON/OFF


FIG. 4
Diagram of the control system model implemented to simulate rebound nystagmus. Three different elements contribute to rebound nystagmus:
position bias, visual velocity bias, and non-visual velocity bias. The non-linear integrator was implemented simply with two different leaks, one for
eccentricities within 25° and a larger leak for eccentricities outside of 25°. The saccade generator generates a pulse of constant velocity
whenever the difference between the target position and the output of the integrator is more than 0.2° until it corrects for that difference. The plant
and retinal slip and unwanted motion cancellation systems are modeled as simple first order systems.
4 Discussion 205

4.2 Modeling rebound nystagmus

Here, we set out to implement a control systems model that simulates rebound nys-
tagmus under different conditions, including our results, and can help us design
future experiments to test these ideas (Fig. 4). From our results, we know there must
be at least two different mechanisms for rebound nystagmus: one independent of vi-
sion to account for rebound with the flashing target and one dependent on vision to
account for the increased rebound in the continuous target condition. In this model,
we implement three mechanisms that may contribute to rebound nystagmus. First, a
system like smooth-pursuit, perhaps special for fixation (Luebke and Robinson,
1988), driven by motion of images on the retina (retinal slip) produced by the nys-
tagmus itself, which creates a signal that attempts to cancel the nystagmus. By av-
eraging this signal over time, using a first order system, a velocity bias is introduced.
Second, a position bias is generated by averaging the output of the integrator over
time and feeding it back to its input. This shifts the null of the integrator toward
the current eye position. Finally, a system that may use efference copies of eye move-
ment commands or extraocular proprioception to monitor unwanted drift of the eye
also generates a signal that attempts to cancel the nystagmus even in the absence of
light. This signal is also averaged over time resulting in another source of
velocity bias.
First, we simulated the results of our experiments. Fig. 5A shows the simulation
of Experiment I. As in our results, the velocity of the rebound nystagmus is larger in
the light condition (equivalent to the continuously on target) than the “dark” condi-
tion (equivalent to the flashing target). Fig. 5B shows the simulation of Experiment
II. As in the data from our experiments the model produces equivalent velocities of
the rebound using smooth pursuit and large or step saccades.
Second, we simulated the results from Chung and Bedell (1995) studying the
“dumping” of rebound nystagmus by the presence of a sustained visual target. They
found that if a fixation target appeared shortly after returning to the straight-ahead
position, the nystagmus would resume after the target disappeared but with a speed
lower than would have been without a fixation target. Fig. 5C shows the result of the
simulations with a fixation target visible for 4 s. The rebound resumes after the target
disappears but the velocity of the nystagmus is lower than for the same timepoint
without any visual target having been presented. In this model, the source of this sup-
pression is the velocity bias created by the retinal slip while the fixation target
was on.
Finally, we simulated the results of a hypothetical experiment (Fig. 5D and E)
where we could measure the contributions of some of the non-visual components.
In this experiment, subjects would fix eccentrically for a period of time and then
would return not to the straight-ahead position, but to different eye positions cover-
ing the entire range of eccentricities. Measuring the velocities of the rebound we
could build the curve describing the relationship between eye position and drift ve-
locity to describe how the integrator has changed after holding eccentric gaze. Then,
by comparing with the same curve obtained without prior eccentric gaze holding, we
could measure the contribution of the different components (position bias and veloc-
ity bias) to rebound nystagmus.
2.5 1.5 2.5
Step saccades Dark

Slow phase velocity (deg/s)

Slow phase velocity (deg/s)

Slow phase velocity (deg/s)

Dark 1 Smooth pursuit Dumping
2 Large saccade 2
1.5 1.5
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 -1.5 0
35 40 45 50 35 40 45 50 35 40 45 50
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)

50 15

Slow-phase velocity (deg/s)

Eye position (deg)

0 0



-50 -15
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -40 -20 0 20 40
Time (s) Eye position (deg)
FIG. 5
Results of simulations of the model. (A) Simulations of Experiment I. (B) Simulations of Experiment II. (C) Simulations of Chung and Bedell (1995)
experiments. (D and E) Simulations of hypothetical experiment to measure the eye position vs. drift velocity curve during rebound
nystagmus. (D) Eye position traces when measuring rebound at each eccentricity after holding gaze always at 40°. (E) Corresponding slow-phase
velocities of the rebound nystagmus. Blue dots indicate the velocity of the nystagmus during normal eccentric gaze and black dots
represent the velocity of the rebound nystagmus after holding eccentric gaze and then moving to different eye positions.
4 Discussion 207

4.3 Why rebound?

One may ask why the integrator should behave in a way that results in rebound nys-
tagmus. A possible explanation is that there are mechanisms that calibrate the inte-
grator to ensure that most of the time we do not suffer from gaze-evoked nystagmus.
This would be part of a general strategy of the brain to eliminate unwanted biases in
order to produce “quiet” zones or set-points the allow for optimal sensory and motor
behavior (Zee et al., 2017). Based on this idea, the adaptive mechanisms of the brain
could keep track of the most common gaze positions, and then change the properties
of the integrator to reduce any drift at these positions, but perhaps at the expense of
less stability for gaze at uncommon positions. This strategy would correspond with a
continuous shift of the null position of the integrator toward the more common eye
positions. Indeed, when such a mechanism goes awry, for example, in cerebellar dis-
ease, the null position becomes unstable and unwanted drift of the eyes occurs (Leech
et al., 1977; Robinson, 1974).
The oculomotor integrator for gaze holding, which also operates upon vestibular
signals, would also help compensate for any long-term bias in the vestibular system
as another form of set-point adaptation (Khojasteh et al., 2013; Robinson et al.,
1984). In this case, there could be a mechanism that continuously monitors the output
of the integrator and detects biases in its rate of change (eye velocity). This would
correspond with a velocity bias that attempts to compensate and remove unwanted
image motion of the retina from instability of gaze. In both cases, the mechanisms
must estimate the statistics of signals within the integrator, its inputs, or its outputs.
Those estimates must be calculated over a period of time and thus would lag any
change of the signals. This lag may not be noticeable under most circumstances.
However, if the subject is presented with a sudden and large change, outside of
the normal range, the consequences of the lag may be apparent as it is the case in
rebound nystagmus.
A slightly different variant on these ideas, which emphasizes the flexibility of
these adaptive circuits, is the ability of the brain to change the time constant of
the oculomotor integrator to adjust the phase of the vestibulo-ocular reflex to elim-
inate unwanted retinal image motion during head movements. Normally, such a
change in the time constant of the integrator would also lead to unwanted drift of
the eyes after every movement ends (Kramer et al., 1995). The adaptive circuits,
however, selectively alter integrator function for the vestibular system without caus-
ing unwanted drift during fixation after saccades (Kramer et al., 1998).

4.4 Other approaches to model neural integrators

Here, we have focused on a control systems approach to study the gaze-holding
integrator and the possible mechanisms responsible for rebound nystagmus. How-
ever, there are other models of neural integration (Goldman et al., 2009). For exam-
ple, Cannon and colleagues (Cannon and Robinson, 1985; Cannon et al., 1983)
developed a neural network model that relies on laterally inhibited neurons that
208 CHAPTER 15 Rebound nystagmus, a window into the oculomotor

simulate the behavior of neurons identified as part of the neural integrator as well as
the expected eye movement behavior. Seung and colleagues developed a model
based on a network of neurons with recurrent excitatory connections that behave
as an “attractor” (Seung, 1996; Seung et al., 2000). Other models of neural integra-
tors used to account for activity of head direction cells (Song and Wang, 2005) be-
have as maps where the desired output eye position is encoded by the location of
activity in the map. These approaches could also be used to study rebound nystagmus
and rebound nystagmus may emerge as an intrinsic property of these implementa-
tions. Nonetheless, a simple, control-systems approach as used here accounts for
many aspects of rebound nystagmus and suggests future experiments.

We thank Dale Roberts for technical assistance, and Jing Tian for her comments. This work
was supported by the National Eye Institute (Award K99EY027846 to J.O.M.), the National
Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) (Award 5K23DC013552
to A.K.), and the Leon Levy, Fight for Sight foundations.

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Central positional
Characteristics and
model-based explanations
Jeong-Yoon Choia,b, Ji-Soo Kima,b,*
Department of Neurology, Dizziness Center, Clinical Neuroscience Center, Seoul National
University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, South Korea
Department of Neurology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +82-31-787-7463; Fax: +82-31-719-6828,
e-mail address:

The central vestibular system operates to precisely estimate the rotational velocity and gravity
orientation using the inherently ambiguous information from peripheral vestibular system.
Therefore, any lesions disrupting this function can generate positional nystagmus. Central
positional nystagmus (CPN) can be classified into the paroxysmal (transient) and persistent
forms. The paroxysmal CPN has the features suggesting a semicircular canal origin regarding
the latency, duration, and direction of nystagmus. Patients with paroxysmal CPN commonly
show several different types of nystagmus classified according to the provoking positioning.
The persistent form of CPN mostly appears as downbeat nystagmus while prone or supine, or
apogeotropic or geotropic horizontal nystagmus when the head is turned to either side while
supine. CPN may be ascribed to erroneous neural processing within the velocity-storage circuit
that functions in estimating angular head velocity, gravity direction, and inertia. Paroxysmal
CPN appears to be post-rotatory rebound nystagmus due to lesions involving the cerebellar
nodulus and uvula. In contrast, persistent CPN may arise from erroneous gravity estimation.
The overlap of lesion location responsible for both paroxysmal and persistent CPN may
account for the frequent coexistence of both forms of nystagmus in a single patient.

Vertigo, Nystagmus, Central positional nystagmus, Velocity-storage, Nodulus, Uvula

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
212 CHAPTER 16 Central positional nystagmus

1 Introduction
Positional nystagmus may occur in central as well as peripheral pathologies (Buttner
et al., 1999; Harrison and Ozsahinoglu, 1972). Due to its potentially grave underlying
pathology (Buttner et al., 1999; Harrison and Ozsahinoglu, 1972), central positional
nystagmus (CPN) has been the subject of clinical interest. According to its temporal
characteristics, CPN may be specified into either paroxysmal or persistent type
(Buttner et al., 1999) (Fig. 1). A typical form of paroxysmal CPN is short-lasting down-
beat nystagmus with prominent vertigo that occurs when the patient lies down (Baloh
and Spooner, 1981; Barber, 1984). Because of the similarity of clinical presentation
with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), there have been attempts to define
the characteristics of paroxysmal CPN in comparison to BPPV (Buttner et al., 1999).
On the other hand, the persistent form of CPN is characterized by long lasting nystag-
mus in specific head positions (Buttner et al., 1999; Glasauer et al., 2001).
Recently, several patterns of positional nystagmus with the features previously
known as central have also been described in peripheral pathologies such as anterior
canal canalolithiasis (Bertholon et al., 2002; Cambi et al., 2013; Lopez-Escamez
et al., 2006), horizontal canal cupulolithiasis (Baloh et al., 1995; Kim et al., 2012a;

FIG. 1
Two types of central positional nystagmus (CPN). When the head is moved from left ear-down
to right ear-down position, right beating horizontal nystagmus changes into left beating
nystagmus. The velocity of left beating nystagmus shows a peak initially (about 40°/s) and
then decreases exponentially. After about 10 s of positioning, the slow eye velocity becomes
stable at about 10°/s. The red column indicates the period of head motion. The blue and gray
columns indicate paroxysmal and persistent components of CPN, respectively. EP, eye
position (°); EV, eve velocity (°/s). Positive values indicate rightward eye position or velocity.
2 Characteristics of central positional nystagmus 213

Oh et al., 2009), or light cupula (Choi et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2014, 2018). The
characteristics of these atypical forms of BPPV are similar to those of CPN. Thus,
it becomes more challenging to differentiate central from peripheral positional nystag-
mus. In this chapter, we will give an overview of the recent advances in the
characteristics and mechanisms of CPN in comparison with BPPV.

2 Characteristics of central positional nystagmus

Even though the paroxysmal and persistent CPN frequently co-exist in a single
patient (Fig. 1), we will describe the characteristics of each CPN separately in
this part.

2.1 Paroxysmal CPN

As the term implies, the paroxysmal CPN has a short latency and duration. Parox-
ysmal CPN has been reported to have a latency less than a few seconds (0–5 s)
(Buttner et al., 1999). Recent observations have also confirmed that the paroxysmal
CPN mostly occurs immediately after head motion (Choi et al., 2015; Macdonald
et al., 2017). The intensity of paroxysmal CPN is peak at its onset or within 3–5 s
of its onset, usually along with severe vertigo, and then decreases exponentially
(Fig. 1). The time constant (TC) of paroxysmal CPN is about 4–6 s (Choi et al.,
2015), and is similar to that of the cupula in the vertical semicircular canals
(Goldberg and Fernandez, 1971) or that of the velocity-storage (VS) for the vertical
rotational vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) (Bertolini and Ramat, 2011; Bertolini et al.,
2008). Accordingly, the paroxysmal CPN mostly has a duration of 10–15 s (about
three times of the TC) though a few patients with an exceptionally strong nystagmus
may show a rather longer duration (Choi et al., 2015). This implies that evaluation of
paroxysmal CPN should be focused on the initial 3–5 s after positioning given its
rapidly decreasing pattern. However, the latency and duration may not be helpful
in distinguishing paroxysmal CPN from BPPV (Buttner et al., 1999).
The representative form of paroxysmal CPN is pure vertical or torsional, which
cannot be attributable to stimulation of a single semicircular canal (Buttner et al.,
1999). Even though these directional characteristics have been well recognized in
CPN, detailed patterns of nystagmus induced during each positional change require
further elucidation. A recent study analyzed the patterns of paroxysmal CPN accord-
ing to the provoking positional changes and disclosed three distinct subtypes (Choi
et al., 2015). The first is paroxysmal downbeat CPN that mostly emerges when the
head is rotated back while lying down, straight head hanging or Dix-Hallpike
maneuver (Fig. 2). This paroxysmal downbeat CPN may accompany horizontal
and torsional components depending on the semicircular canals stimulated or inhib-
ited during the positioning. The second is paroxysmal upbeat CPN that appears when
the head is rotated forward when resuming the upright position from the supine,
straight-head hanging, or Dix-Hallpike position. This paroxysmal upbeat CPN
214 CHAPTER 16 Central positional nystagmus

FIG. 2
Paroxysmal downbeat central positional nystagmus (CPN). The red columns indicate the
paroxysmal component of CPN, while the blue columns represent the persistent component
of CPN. During straight-head hanging (middle) and right Dix-Hallpike (right) maneuvers,
the direction of initial nystagmus is mainly downward and counter-clockwise. During the left
Dix-Hallpike maneuver (left), spontaneous counter-clockwise nystagmus is suppressed
initially. Red arrows indicate the time period of head motion. LH, left eye horizontal
position; LV, left eye vertical position; LT, left eye torsional position; RH, right eye horizontal
position; RV, right eye vertical position; RT, right eye torsional position; HHV, horizontal
head velocity; VHV, vertical head velocity; THV, torsional head velocity.

may also accompany horizontal and torsional components depending on the canals
affected during each positioning. The third is paroxysmal apogeotropic CPN during
the supine head roll tests. In these instances, the provoked nystagmus occurs in the
opposite direction of head motion (i.e., right beating nystagmus after head rotation to
the left and left beating nystagmus after head rotation to the right). From these find-
ings, it may be concluded that paroxysmal CPN is frequently a mixture of horizontal,
vertical, and torsional nystagmus and its direction depends on the canals stimulated
during each positional change.
The relationship between the direction of paroxysmal CPN and the canals stim-
ulated during each positioning is best demonstrated by analyzing the rotational
vector of the induced nystagmus (Choi et al., 2015) (Fig. 3). With these analyses,
it was disclosed that the rotational vector of paroxysmal CPN is mostly aligned with
the rotational axes of the semicircular canals inhibited during the positioning. For
instance, during right Dix-Hallpike maneuver, right posterior (excitation) and left
anterior semicircular (inhibition) canals are mainly stimulated, but the ipsilateral
(excitation) and contralateral (inhibition) horizontal canals are also stimulated in
part. Accordingly, the rotational axis of paroxysmal CPN triggered during right
Dix-Hallpike maneuver is aligned with the vector sum of the rotational axes of left
anterior and left horizontal canals that are normally inhibited during this positioning.
Given that canalolithiasis of the anterior canal can also generate paroxysmal
torsional downbeat nystagmus during Dix-Hallpike or straight-head hanging maneu-
vers (Bertholon et al., 2002), differentiation of paroxysmal CPN from BPPV may be
challenging when only based on the direction of nystagmus.
2 Characteristics of central positional nystagmus 215

FIG. 3
Rotational vector for paroxysmal type of central positional nystagmus. The blue lines indicate
a rotational vector of each semicircular canal. The red thick lines indicate the rotational
vectors of paroxysmal central positional nystagmus. The data from the 17 patients in the
previous report (Choi et al., 2015). CPN, central paroxysmal nystagmus; LA, left anterior
canal; LDH, left Dix-Hallpike position; LH, left horizontal canal; LP, left posterior canal;
RA, right anterior canal; RDH, right Dix-Hallpike position; RH, right horizontal canal; RP,
right posterior canal; SHH, straight-head hanging position.

Another feature of paroxysmal CPN is the coexistence of several types. In a

recent study, various types of paroxysmal CPN co-existed in a single patient
(Choi et al., 2015). Of 17 patients with paroxysmal downbeat CPN, 16 also showed
paroxysmal upbeat nystagmus and 13 exhibited apogeotropic horizontal nystagmus.
Furthermore, about a half of the patients with paroxysmal CPN also showed persis-
tent downbeat or apogeotropic CPN (Choi et al., 2015). Thus, this cooccurrence of
various types of paroxysmal and persistent nystagmus may be a distinct feature
of CPN.
Another feature of paroxysmal CPN is accompanied neurological signs sugges-
tive of a central pathology. Therefore, ocular motor signs such as spontaneous down-
beat nystagmus (Huh and Kim, 2011), direction-changing gaze-evoked nystagmus
216 CHAPTER 16 Central positional nystagmus

(Cnyrim et al., 2008; Kattah et al., 2009), perverted head-shaking nystagmus

(Choi et al., 2016), and saccadic hypermetria (Waespe and Wichmann, 1990) should
be sought carefully in patients with positional vertigo and nystagmus.

2.2 Persistent CPN

Persistent nystagmus in a specific head position from a central lesion implies an
involvement of the central gravity processing (Glasauer et al., 2001). Since the per-
sistent and paroxysmal CPN often co-exist, the characteristics of persistent CPN can
be assessed only after the paroxysmal component disappears. In most studies, the
persistence of CPN has been defined by the duration of induced nystagmus of more
than 1 min with a stable intensity (Bisdorff et al., 2009).
Until now, three common types of persistent CPN have been identified. One is
persistent downbeat CPN. The downbeat nystagmus with the head upright has been
mostly ascribed to cerebellar dysfunction (Zee et al., 1974), and is under the effect of
static head position. Downbeat nystagmus usually increases in the face-down (prone)
and decreases in the face-up (supine) position (Gresty et al., 1986; Marti et al., 2002).
Even healthy subjects may show downbeat nystagmus when stand upside down (Kim
et al., 2000). The effects of head position on downbeat nystagmus were investigated
by analyzing the gravity-dependent and gravity-independent components of vertical
eye velocity (Marti et al., 2002). In both patients with downbeat nystagmus and
healthy subjects, the gravity-dependent component of downbeat nystagmus showed
an upward velocity bias (generating downbeat nystagmus) in the face-down position
and a downward velocity bias (generating upbeat nystagmus) in the face-up position
(Marti et al., 2002). However, the effects of gravity on vertical velocity bias were
significantly greater in patients with downbeat nystagmus than in normal subjects.
These results can also explain the conversion of downbeat into upbeat nystagmus
in straight-head hanging position (Helmchen et al., 2004). Therefore, the persistent
downbeat CPN in the prone position may be considered an augmented form of down-
beat nystagmus in the upright head position. Of interest, the patterns of positional
modulation quite differ between paroxysmal and persistent form of downbeat
CPN. Since both forms of downbeat CPN frequently co-exist, however, detection
of downbeat nystagmus may require a longer period of observation in either supine
or prone position.
Another type is persistent apogeotropic CPN observed when the head is turned to
either side while supine. This nystagmus should be differentiated from the apogeo-
tropic type of horizontal canal BPPV (apogeotropic HC-BPPV) (Baloh et al., 1995;
Kim et al., 2012a; Oh et al., 2009). The persistent apogeotropic CPN is commonly
observed in patients with cerebellar dysfunction (Macdonald et al., 2017). A recent
study determined the patterns of positional modulation in persistent apogeotropic
CPN (Choi et al., 2018a). Unilateral cerebellar lesions usually give rise to ipsile-
sional spontaneous horizontal nystagmus both in the head upright and supine posi-
tions without a difference in the intensity of nystagmus between the positions. Even
though the apogeotropic positional nystagmus was stronger when its direction was
3 Etiology and location of lesions 217

same as that of spontaneous nystagmus (synergistic effect between the spontaneous

and positional nystagmus), the apogeotropic component induced by turning the
head to the right or left while supine was symmetric when the intensity of spon-
taneous nystagmus while supine was subtracted from that of the nystagmus observed
in the ear-down positions (Choi et al., 2018a). Given that the lying-down nystagmus is
mostly ipsilesional and the apogeotropic nystagmus is stronger when the head is turned
to the intact side in apogeotropic type of HC-BPPV (Koo et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2007),
the patterns of positional modulation do not guarantee differentiation of persistent
apogeotropic CPN from apogeotropic HC-BPPV. However, spontaneous horizontal
nystagmus usually increases in the supine position in apogeotropic HC-BPPV
(Koo et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2007). Otherwise, associated neurological symptoms
and signs and coexistent of paroxysmal form CPN aid in differential diagnosis
(Choi et al., 2015).
The third type is persistent geotropic CPN (Choi et al., 2018b; Lee et al., 2014;
Yang and Oh, 2014). With introduction of persistent geotropic nystagmus from
light cupula (Choi et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2014, 2018), diagnosis of persistent
geotropic CPN became a challenge. Unlike for persistent apogeotropic CPN, no
consistent patterns of positional modulation are known for persistent geotropic
CPN (Choi et al., 2018b). In addition, the peak intensity and asymmetry of geotropic
nystagmus were reported to be similar in those with central lesions and with pre-
sumed light cupula (Choi et al., 2018b). However, the characteristics of persistent
geotropic CPN require further exploration.

3 Etiology and location of lesions

In general, CPN has been considered a sign suggestive of a lesion involving the infra-
tentorial structures (Buttner et al., 1999; Harrison and Ozsahinoglu, 1972). Even
though paroxysmal CPN has mostly been highlighted in patients with Chiari mal-
formation or posterior fossa tumor (Baloh and Spooner, 1981; Barber, 1984; Choi
et al., 2018a; Yee et al., 1984), it has also been described in patients with strokes
(Choi et al., 2015), multisystem atrophy (Lee et al., 2009), hereditary cerebellar
ataxia (Jen et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2013; Yabe et al., 2003), anti-epileptic drug
intoxication (Choi et al., 2014b; Oh et al., 2006), heat strokes (Jung et al., 2017),
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (Kim et al., 2016), and paraneoplastic or parainfe-
cious autoimmune cerebellitis (Choi et al., 2014a,c). Persistent CPN also has similar
etiologies (Anderson et al., 2008; Cho et al., 2017; Choi et al., 2014a, 2015, 2018a,b;
Helmchen et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2012b; Lee et al., 2014; Nam et al., 2009).
Recently, there have been attempts to delineate the location of lesions responsible
for either type of CPN. In both paroxysmal and persistent types of CPN, however,
the lesions mostly involved the midline vestibulocerebellar structures such as the
nodulus, uvula, and tonsil (Cho et al., 2017; Choi et al., 2015, 2018a,b; Lee et al.,
2014). Isolated brainstem lesions have also been found in patients with CPN
(Macdonald et al., 2017).
218 CHAPTER 16 Central positional nystagmus

4 Mechanisms
The recently proposed mechanisms for both paroxysmal and persistent CPN are
based on the neural processing that occurs in the central vestibular system during
positional changes (Choi and Kim, 2017; Choi et al., 2015, 2018a,c). When our head
changes its orientation in relation to gravity, two vestibular inputs are sent to our
brain, the rotational velocity of the head and the new gravity direction in the head
coordinate frame. The rotational velocity information relayed from the semicircular
canals is basically inaccurate since it is derived from the relative difference between
the head and endolymph velocities in space (Laurens and Angelaki, 2011; Merfeld
et al., 1999). During prolonged constant-velocity rotation, this inaccuracy is the
source for the exponential decay of per-rotational signals and emergence of post-
rotatory signals (secondary phenomenon). This inaccuracy can affect the neural
responses even during a brief head motion for a few seconds (Laurens and
Angelaki, 2011). Estimation of gravity direction in the head coordinate frame also
has an inherent ambiguity. The otolith organs do not provide information on the grav-
ity direction but the sum of gravitational and inertial accelerations. This is known as
“the tilt (gravity) and translational (inertia) ambiguity” (Angelaki et al., 2004;
Merfeld et al., 1999; Yakusheva et al., 2007). Therefore, our brain should discrim-
inate the gravity direction and inertial cue to maintain appropriate head orientation
with regard to the gravity. The VS circuit (Green and Angelaki, 2004), which is
comprised of bilateral vestibular nuclei, nodulus/uvula, and their reciprocal neural
connections, is known to carry out this function (Laurens and Angelaki, 2011;
Laurens et al., 2010; Merfeld et al., 1999; Yakusheva et al., 2007). This VS circuit
estimates the rotational velocity first, and then calculates the gravity direction
after each head rotation. Several experiments have also disclosed additional loops,
such as the rotational and somatogravic feedback loops, within the VS circuit to
enhance the accuracy of its function (Laurens and Angelaki, 2011; Laurens et al.,
2010) (Fig. 4). Both types of CPN can be readily explained by dysfunction of this
neural processing.
As described earlier, the paroxysmal CPN occurs in the opposite direction of
head motion immediately after positioning, has a peak at its onset, and then expo-
nentially decays with a TC of the vertical canals (Choi et al., 2015). These char-
acteristics support that the paroxysmal CPN is driven by the canal cues. Of the
regular and irregular primary vestibular nerve fibers (Goldberg and Fernandez,
1971), the irregular afferents are linked to high adaptive properties and VS circuit
(Angelaki and Perachio, 1993; Clendaniel et al., 2001). One of the adaptive
responses is the secondary phenomenon (post-rotatory response) (Goldberg and
Fernandez, 1971). Although this post-rotatory response may cause a bias in
estimating the rotational velocity and gravity direction, the feedback loops within
the VS circuit can minimize this bias (Laurens and Angelaki, 2011) (Fig. 4). How-
ever, central lesions involving the vestibulocerebellum where the VS circuit is
implemented may result in a loss of inhibitory effects on the irregular afferents
and enhancement of the post-rotatory cue (Choi et al., 2015). This would induce
4 Mechanisms 219

FIG. 4
A simplified diagram of the velocity-storage circuit proposed previously (Laurens and
Angelaki, 2011). g, estimated gravity; GIA, gravitoinertial acceleration; i, inertia; x and
are mathematical terms representing a vector cross product and integral. The parameter
values of KV (gain for velocity storage), TVS (time constant of velocity storage), KF (gain for
rotational feedback), and KI (gain for somatogravic feedback) used in the simulation for
normal subjects are 0.2, 15, 0.38, and 0.65, respectively. The persistent type of apogeotropic
central positional nystagmus shown in Fig. 6 was simulated by implementing the lesions
between the brainstem and cerebellum. The parameters adopted for the lesions are KL
(gain ¼ 0) and B (bias ¼ 0.02 g for the naso-occipital axis).

a prominent bias that cannot be corrected by the feedback loops in a real time
manner, and thereby generate post-rotatory rebound nystagmus (Choi and Kim,
2017; Choi et al., 2015, 2018c) (Fig. 5).
The gravity-dependent (induced) component of persistent downbeat CPN shows
a sinusoidal pattern with regard to gravity orientation of the head (Marti et al., 2002).
This implies that the gravity can generate oppositely directed nystagmus depending
on its orientation in the head coordinate system. When a chemical lesion was made
in the nodulus of monkeys, the gravity-induced apogeotropic horizontal nystagmus
also showed a sinusoidal pattern of modulation according to head orientation in
the roll plane (Sheliga et al., 1999). Likewise, in patients with persistent apogeo-
tropic CPN, the gravity-induced (dependent) nystagmus between the right and left
ear-down positions while supine showed the same intensities, but in the opposite
directions (Choi et al., 2018a). These findings support that an erroneous central
gravity processing is the cause of persistent CPN. A recent study implemented
lesions into the VS model to simulate persistent CPN (Choi et al., 2018a). In this
simulation, central lesions causing impaired gravity information and adding the bias
successfully generated variable patterns of persistent CPN even without an actual
FIG. 5
Mechanism of the paroxysmal type of central positional nystagmus. Abbreviations; GIA, gravito-inertial acceleration, g, internally estimated
gravity, NU, nodulus and uvula.
Source of funding/support 221

FIG. 6
Simulation of persistent type of central positional nystagmus (CPN). The positive values
indicate leftward rotational direction. In patients with persistent type of CPN, central lesions
that impair gravity information and add a bias to the velocity-storage circuit generate a
persistent leftward rotational cue in the right ear-down position, thereby generating persistent
left beating (apogeotropic) nystagmus.

rotational cue (Choi et al., 2018a). For example, when the bias is toward the nose and
the head is turned to either side while supine, there would be sustained apogeotropic
nystagmus because of an inappropriate feedback signal indicating that the head is
rotating when it is not (Fig. 6). Likewise, downbeat nystagmus can be simulated
in the supine or straight head hanging position when the bias is toward the chin.
Therefore, by summating the gravity-dependent and independent components, any
positional modulation of persistent CPN could be explained.

5 Conclusion
The overlap of the lesions responsible for either the paroxysmal or persistent form of
CPN may explain the frequent co-existence of both types of CPN in a single patient.
Both types of CPN may be ascribed to erroneous processing of the signals in the
VS circuit that normally function to estimate the rotational velocity of the head
and gravity direction. The paroxysmal CPN may be a post-rotatory rebound nystag-
mus due to enhanced post-rotatory canal signals and the persistent CPN may result
from erroneous gravity estimation. The characteristics of CPN and associated
findings may allow differentiating central from peripheral positional nystagmus.

Source of funding/support
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT
222 CHAPTER 16 Central positional nystagmus

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest.

J.-Y.C. has nothing to disclose. J.-S.K. serves as an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neuro-
Otology and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Clinical Neurology, Frontiers in
Neuro-ophthalmology, Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology, Journal of Vestibular Research,
Journal of Neurology, and Medicine.

Authors’ contributions
J.-Y.C. acquired and analyzed the data, and drafted the manuscript; J.-S.K. conceptualized the
study, analyzed the data and revised the manuscript.

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Modulation of acquired
monocular pendular
nystagmus in multiple
sclerosis: A modeling
Ileok Junga, Sung-Hee Kimb,†, Hyo-Jung Kimc,†, Jeong-Yoon Choid,e,
Ji-Soo Kimd,e,*,†
Department of Neurology, Korea University College of Medicine, Korea University Ansan
Hospital, Ansan, South Korea
Department of Neurology, Kyungpook National University, Chilgok Hospital, Daegu, South Korea
Research Administration Team, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital,
Seongnam, South Korea
Department of Neurology, Dizziness Center, Clinical Neuroscience Center, Seoul National
University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, South Korea
Department of Neurology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +82 31-787-7463, e-mail address:

Acquired pendular nystagmus (APN) often occurs in association with the disorders affecting
the visual system, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). The proposed mechanisms of APN in MS
have been a delayed conduction of the visual information for ocular stabilization and unstable
neural integrator for feedback controls. We determined the effects of visual inputs on the
nystagmus intensity and the effects of saccades on phase shift of the nystagmus in a patient with
monocular pendular nystagmus from MS. In this patient, (1) during binocular viewing in the
light, the nystagmus was observed only in the eye with more severe visual loss, (2) the nystagmus
disappeared in darkness, (3) monocular viewing with either eye markedly suppressed the
nystagmus, (4) the nystagmus decreased when the visual inputs became less asymmetric
between the eyes, and (5) saccades resulted in a phase shift of the nystagmus. From these results,
we propose that the difference in the visual inputs between the eyes is responsible for monocular
APN by disturbing visual integration and increasing instability of the feedback.

Author contribution: Jung analyzed the data and drafted the manuscript; S.-H. Kim, Choi and
H.-J. Kim acquired and analyzed the data; J.-S. Kim conceptualized the study, acquired and analyzed
the data and revised the manuscript.

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
228 CHAPTER 17 Modulation of acquired monocular pendular nystagmus

Acquired pendular nystagmus, Monocular pendular nystagmus, Multiple sclerosis, Optic
neuropathy, Visual loss

1 Introduction
Acquired pendular nystagmus (APN) often occurs in association with the disorders
affecting the visual system (including optic nerve demyelination), or with the lesions
involving the dentate-rubro-olivary tract (Guillain-Mollaret triangle) and resultant
inferior olivary hypertrophy (Dufour et al., 1972; Farmer and Hoyt, 1984; Kim
et al., 2007). APN may be asymmetric, and sometimes monocular (Farmer and
Hoyt, 1984; Leigh et al., 1989; Lopez et al., 1996; Yee et al., 1979). APN is usually
larger in the eye with a more severe visual loss in multiple sclerosis (MS) (Das et al.,
2000). In demyelinating disorders, APN has been ascribed to delayed conduction of
the visual information necessary for ocular stabilization (Barton and Cox, 1993;
Lopez et al., 1996; Yee et al., 1979), although experimentally manipulating the visual
delay in such patients does not affect the frequency of oscillations (Averbuch-Heller
et al., 1995).
Another important observation in APN associated with MS is the phase shift
of the ocular oscillation following a saccade. This leads to the hypothesis that
APN arises from the neural integrator and the phase shift observed during a saccade
has been ascribed to resetting of the integrator by the large pulse of neural activity
required for generation of a saccade (Choi et al., 2007; Das et al., 2000; Gresty
et al., 1982).
Thus, the proposed mechanisms of APN in MS may be summarized as (1)
delayed conduction of the visual information for ocular stabilization and (2) unstable
neural integrators for feedback controls. To ascertain these hypotheses, we deter-
mined the effects of visual inputs on the nystagmus intensity and the effects
of saccades on phase shift of nystagmus in a patient with monocular pendular
nystagmus due to MS.

2 Methods
2.1 Patient
A 52-year-old woman presented with oscillopsia for 8 months. She had a 17-year
history of relapsing and remitting MS that had initially presented with bilateral optic
neuritis, more severe in the right eye. With steroid therapy, the visual acuity had
almost recovered. Ten years later, she had another attack of right optic neuritis,
which was followed by left internuclear ophthalmoplegia a year later. At the time
of presentation to the authors, neurological examination showed the best corrected
visual acuity of 20/100 in the right eye and 20/25 in the left eye. Both pupils were
2 Methods 229

equal at 3 mm with diminished responses to the light, but normal responses to the
accommodative stimuli. Relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) was not evident.
Goldman perimetry showed a central scotoma in the right eye. Visual evoked poten-
tials (VEP) disclosed delayed responses in both eyes with a P1 latency of 163 ms in
the left and 188 ms in the right eye. Horizontal and vertical pendular nystagmus was
observed only in the right eye with a mild fluctuation in amplitude. The nystagmus
was suppressed during eccentric gazes. Extraocular movements were full. Horizontal
and vertical saccades were normal. The horizontal and vertical smooth pursuit
was impaired. She showed no palatal tremor. Other findings of the neurological
examination were unremarkable. Laboratory findings were negative for serum
anti-aquaporin 4 antibody, β-galatosylcerebrosidase, very long chain fatty acid,
NOTCH 3 gene, and paraneoplastic antibodies (anti-Hu, Ri, and Yo). MRIs showed
demyelinating lesions in the periventricular white matter and in the paramedian
tegmental areas of the midbrain and pons (Fig. 1).

2.2 Study protocol

To determine the effects of visual inputs on the intensity of nystagmus, and to
identify if saccadic signals sent to the neural integrator affect the generation of
nystagmus, we adopted two study paradigms. The paradigm I was to determine
the effect of visual inputs on the intensity (amplitude and frequency) of pendular
nystagmus. At first, the patient viewed a stationary visual target with both eyes
(binocular) and either eye (monocular). And then 10 neutral density filters from
0.3 to 3.0 log unit (intervals of 0.3 log unit) were placed 1 cm in front of each eye
to cover the whole visual fields. With a stepwise increase of the density of the filter
in each eye, we were able to modulate the differences in the visual inputs between the
eyes. The second paradigm (paradigm II) was to define any phase shift of vertical
pendular nystagmus by horizontal saccades.

FIG. 1
MRIs of the patient. FLAIR images show demyelinating lesions in the periventricular white
matter and in the paramedian tegmental areas of the midbrain and pons.
230 CHAPTER 17 Modulation of acquired monocular pendular nystagmus

2.3 Oculography
We recorded spontaneous nystagmus with and without visual fixation, gaze-evoked
nystagmus, smooth pursuits and saccades using three-dimensional video-oculography
(VOG) (SensoMotoric Instruments, Teltow, Germany) (Yang et al., 2009) and a
magnetic search coil (MSC) technique with a 70 cm cubic search coil frame (Skalar,
Delft, Netherlands) (Choi et al., 2007).

2.4 Analyses of nystagmus

The acquired eye position data were analyzed using a MATLAB software
(version R2011b, MathWorks, Natick, MA). The baseline eye position data were
obtained when the eyes were most stable. The intensity of pendular nystagmus
was determined by measuring the peak to peak amplitude for 20 s after
onset of each stimulus. By averaging the amplitudes of at least 15 to-and-fro
cycles of oscillations, we obtained the mean amplitude of nystagmus during each

2.5 Statistics
The data were presented as the mean  standard deviation (SD), and the differences
in the amplitude were evaluated using the t-test and Mann-Whitney’s U test.
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS v.18.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk,

3 Results
3.1 The paradigm I for visual modulation
During binocular viewing, the amplitude of nystagmus was 0.70  0.14 degrees for
the horizontal component and 1.31  0.09 degrees for the vertical component.
(Fig. 2A) The nystagmus amplitude decreased markedly during either right monoc-
ular viewing (left eye occluded) (0.50  0.12 for the horizontal and 1.02  0.15 for
the vertical component, P ¼ 0.01), and left monocular viewing (right eye occluded)
(0.58  0.09 for the horizontal and 1.04  0.16 for the vertical component, P ¼ 0.01).
The frequency of nystagmus was measured at 5 Hz, and did not differ between during
binocular and monocular viewing. The nystagmus near completely disappeared in
darkness (Fig. 2A).
With increasing the density of filter before the right eye, the nystagmus amplitude
decreased markedly, and the nystagmus disappeared when the density was 1.8.
Increasing the density of filter in the left eye also decreased the nystagmus intensity
gradually (Fig. 2B). The frequency of nystagmus remained mostly stable during the
4 Discussion 231

A Binocular viewing C
RV 2°

In darkness

2° during fixation 207.0 ± 14.4 ms

1s during saccades 276.3 ± 28.7 ms (arrows)

B 1
right eye cover
0.9 PMT
left eye cover
0.8 Cerebellum Cell
Amplitude (°)

0.5 Eye Neural Network Eye
Velocity NPH-MVN Position
0.4 Signal Signal
none 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 none
Density filter bar

FIG. 2
(A) Spontaneous pendular nystagmus is observed during binocular viewing, but nearly
suppressed in darkness. (B) The amplitude of vertical pendular nystagmus is decreased with
increase of the density of neutral density filter applied to each eye. (C) The duration of pendular
nystagmus is increased during horizontal saccades. RH, horizontal axis of the right eye; RV,
vertical axis of the right eye. (D) Our proposed model for acquired pendular nystagmus includes
inputs from the visual pathway onto the neural integrator to determine the eye velocity. ΔE is
the difference in the visual inputs between the eyes. These asymmetric visual inputs appear to
act through a linear transform system onto the neural integrator. RE, right eye; LE, left eye.
Panel D reproduced with permission Leigh, R.J., Das, V.E., Seidman, S.H., 2002. A neurobiological approach to
acquired nystagmus. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 956, 380–390.

3.2 The paradigm II for saccadic modulation

We measure the duration of vertical pendular nystagmus using a magnetic search coil
technique. The mean duration of single cycle of pendular nystagmus was
207.0  14.4 ms during the gaze angles of 15 degrees bilaterally and increased
up to 276.3  28.7ms (P ¼ 0.01) when a saccade was intervened (Fig. 2C). This appar-
ent increase in the duration of nystagmus cycles corresponding to saccades can be
interpreted as being due to a resetting of the oscillatory mechanism (Das et al., 2000).

4 Discussion
The main findings of this study may be summarized as follows. In our patient with
MS, (1) the nystagmus was observed only in the right eye with a more severe visual
loss during binocular viewing in the light, (2) the nystagmus disappeared in darkness,
232 CHAPTER 17 Modulation of acquired monocular pendular nystagmus

(3) monocular viewing, achieved by occluding either eye, markedly suppressed the
nystagmus, (4) the nystagmus decreased when the visual inputs became less asym-
metric between the eyes, and (5) saccades resulted in a phase shift of the nystagmus.
Previous studies have reported monocular pendular nystagmus in patients with
visual loss or amblyopia (Barton and Cox, 1993; Dufour et al., 1972; Farmer and
Hoyt, 1984; Schneider et al., 2013; Yee et al., 1979). In a patient, the nystagmus
disappeared after cataract surgery (Yee et al., 1979). In another study, long term
deprivation of vision in one eye caused gaze instability in that eye, which was greater
in the vertical plane (Leigh et al., 1989). These findings suggest that ocular stabili-
zation depends upon early visual processing before the inputs from both eyes
converge (Leigh et al., 1989, Schneider et al., 2013). It is also proposed that APN
arises from delays in the conduction of visual information. From the paradigm I,
we were able to confirm the role of visual inputs in generating pendular nystagmus.
Of note, the monocular APN disappeared in darkness, decreased markedly while
monocular viewing, and decreased when the asymmetry in the visual inputs between
the eyes was reduced. These findings indicate that presence of asymmetric visual
inputs between the eyes is crucial in generating pendular nystagmus. Then, how
are the asymmetric visual inputs led to generation of pendular nystagmus? Combined
insults to the central nervous system (Gresty et al., 1982), especially the paramedian
tegmental tract or the median longitudinal fasciculus, have been suggested to play an
additional role (Das et al., 2000). Our patient also had a history of left INO in addition
to bilateral optic neuritis, and MRIs further documented paramedian tegmental
lesions in the midbrain and pons. These demyelinating lesions may have interrupted
the internal feedback loop and resulted in significant time delay. This delay may have
impaired visually mediated stabilization of the eye position and led to ocular
The findings of our study indicate that minimum amounts of visual inputs are
required to generate pendular nystagmus. In a previous study on APN in MS using
a neural network model, the nystagmus was suppressed when the activity of the
constituent units in the network ceased for a 100-ms period (Leigh et al., 2002). This
finding also supports that visual inputs are essential to generate APN.
During visual fixation, the tonic level of neural firing of the eye muscle plant
holds the eyes steady (Robinson, 1964). For conjugate eye movements, synchroni-
zation of the visual inputs from each eye may be essential for ocular stabilization and
estimation of the ocular dynamics by the brain (Leigh et al., 1989). Thus, when
the conduction of visual signal from one eye is delayed, synchronization of visual
signals from both eyes will be impaired, and these desynchronized signals arrived
at the common neural integrator would generate ocular oscillation (Fahle, 1991;
Greschner et al., 2002). Otherwise, decreased visual inputs from one eye may lead
to impaired calibration of monocular units in the neural integrator and resultant
oscillation of that eye since some neurons in the neural integrators have a monocular
firing preference (Schneider et al., 2013; Sylvestre et al., 2003).
In contrast to the intensity, the frequency of nystagmus did not change much
during modulation of visual inputs and the slope versus degrees of density filter is
References 233

similar to a linear form (Fig. 2D) (Stark, 1974). If the simple visual delay was the
cause of the ocular oscillations, altering it should have changed the frequency
(period) of oscillations. However, this was not observed in a previous study
(Averbuch-Heller et al., 1995). Alternatively, visual delays may affect appropriate
calibration of the neural integrators that has monocular components (Schneider
et al., 2013; Sylvestre et al., 2003).
Likewise in a previous study on APN from MS (Das et al., 2000) horizontal
saccades resulted in a significant phase shift of the nystagmus in our patient. This
finding also supports that pendular nystagmus arises from an instability in the
feedback control of the neural integrator for eye movements, which depends on a
distributed network of neurons in the brainstem and cerebellum (Das et al., 2000;
Orban De Xivry and Lefevre, 2007)

5 Conclusion
From the findings in our patient, we suggest that asymmetric visual inputs between
the eyes give rise to ocular oscillatory signals, probably via the neural integrator, and
untimely feedback due to a delayed conduction results in more severe or monocular
nystagmus in the eye with a more severe visual loss.

This study was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

J.-S.K. serves as an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neuro-Otology and on the editorial
boards of the Journal of Clinical Neurology, Frontiers in Neuro-Ophthalmology, Journal
of Neuro-Ophthalmology, Journal of Vestibular Research, Journal of Neurology, and
Medicine. Other authors have nothing to disclosure.

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visual loss. Ophthalmology 86, 511–522.

Fixation instability in
amblyopia: Oculomotor
disease biomarkers
predictive of treatment
Matteo Scaramuzzia,b,c, Jordan Murraya, Jorge Otero-Milland, Paolo Nuccib,c,
Aasef G. Shaikhe,f, Fatema F. Ghasiaa,e,*
Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
San Giuseppe Eye Clinic, Milan, Italy
University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Daroff—Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory, Cleveland, OH, United States
Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1-216-318-7809, e-mail address:

Amblyopic patients are known to have fixation instability, particularly of the amblyopic
eye. The stability of the fixation is affected by the presence of nystagmus, the frequency
and amplitude of fixational saccades and inter-saccadic drifts. Amblyopic patients without
nystagmus have increased amplitude of the fixational saccades with reduced frequency of
the physiologic microsaccades and have increased inter-saccadic drifts. Amblyopia patients
who have experienced a disruption in binocularity in early infancy develop fusion maldeve-
lopment nystagmus (FMN) previously called latent nystagmus as it is more evident during
monocular viewing conditions. We have found that some amblyopic patients can have
nystagmus with slow phases that are not directed nasally and without the reversal in direction
on ocular occlusion, features seen in patients with FMN. The current mainstay of amblyopia
treatment comprises of part-time occlusion therapy of the non-amblyopic eye. The amount of
patching treatment is in the range of 2–6 h/day as determined by the severity of amblyopia.
Despite treatment, up to 40% of patients have residual amblyopia. We analyzed the effec-
tiveness of part-time occlusion therapy in amblyopic patients as a function of fixation insta-
bility. We categorized amblyopic patients based on their eye movement waveforms obtained
during a visual fixation task into those lacking nystagmus, those with FMN and those with
nystagmus but no FMN. We did a retrospective chart review to gather information about
their clinical characteristics and treatment response. We found that patients with FMN

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
236 CHAPTER 18 Fixation instability in amblyopia

require a more prolonged duration of treatment and have a poorer recovery of stereopsis
compared to patients with nystagmus but no FMN and patients lacking nystagmus. This
study suggests that eye movement assessment provides valuable information in the manage-
ment of amblyopia.

Fixation instability, Amblyopia, Microsaccades, Latent nystagmus, Nystagmus

1 Introduction
Fusion maldevelopment nystagmus (FMN) is one of the most common subtypes of
pathologic nystagmus seen in children. The National Institutes of Health Committee
on Eye Movement and Strabismus classification recommended utilizing a new
etiologic description from 2001, replacing the term latent nystagmus. This type of
nystagmus has initially been called latent because its severity increases, or became
evident when an eye is covered. However, it is now known that true latent nystagmus
is rare, with the majority of patients have manifest latent nystagmus seen with both
eyes uncovered as identified on eye movement recordings (Abadi and Scallan, 2000).
Amblyopia is a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs due to de-correlated binoc-
ular input to the visual cortex. Investigations in non-human primate models have
revealed that loss of horizontal binocular connections within area V1 in infancy is
the necessary and sufficient cause of FMN (Tychsen et al., 2010). The new termi-
nology describes the strong correlation with a binocular fusion maldevelopment
that occurs during the infancy, like strabismus, amblyopia or any monocular vision
deprivation (Tychsen, 1992).
Studies by Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (PEDIG) have compared
part-time occlusion to full-time occlusion therapy of the non-amblyopic eye and
found similar levels of improvement in visual acuity. Thus the current standard of
treatment is part-time occlusion ranging from 2 to 6 h/eye depending on the severity
of amblyopia (Holmes et al., 2003). The slow phase velocity (SPV) of FMN increases
under monocular viewing conditions and therefore in patients with FMN occlusion
was believed to be contraindicated because it could enhance the nystagmus intensity
or amplitude (Duke-Elder and Wybar, 1973). Subsequently, evidence was provided
in a small cohort of patients that a significant improvement of visual acuity was
obtained with full-time patching during all waking hours (von Noorden et al.,
1987). Similarly, Simonsz demonstrated a decrease in slow phase velocity of nystag-
mus of the amblyopic eye with full time occlusion over days in five patients with
latent nystagmus (Simonsz, 1989). Despite good compliance, up to 40% of children
treated by occlusion therapy are left with residual amblyopia. Some baseline risk
factors that predict the presence of residual amblyopia include severe amblyopia
at time of diagnosis and older age at treatment initiation (PEDIG Group, 2011).
We asked whether fixation instability could be a contributing factor.
2 Methods 237

Amblyopes are known to have increased fixation instability (Gonzalez et al.,

2012; Subramanian et al., 2013). This instability could be due to the presence of
FMN. Amblyopic patients without nystagmus have an increase in the amplitude
of fixational saccades with increase inter-saccadic drifts that are not unidirectional
unlike the slow phases of nystagmus and are frequently disconjugate; these contrib-
ute to the instability in both the fellow and amblyopic eye (Chen et al., 2018; Shaikh
et al., 2016; Shi et al., 2012). We have also found increased slow phase velocities in
patients with FMN compared to the inter-saccadic drift velocities in amblyopic pa-
tients without nystagmus and controls (Kang et al., n.d., submitted under review).
During occlusion therapy, the amblyopic eye is the viewing eye. Thus we wanted
to investigate whether the fast and slow eye movement properties of the amblyopic
eye correlate with the presence of residual amblyopia, the treatment duration, and
stereopsis at the end of treatment. We hypothesize that the presence of FMN, partic-
ularly those patients with greater slow phase velocity, would have poor treatment
response. In addition, we hypothesize that in patients without nystagmus, the pres-
ence of increased fixational saccade amplitude and inter-saccadic drift would be cor-
related with poor treatment response. In the current chapter we focus on the different
eye movement waveforms seen during fixation in amblyopia patients, and how pa-
tients with FMN compare to patients with nystagmus but no FMN and patients lack-
ing nystagmus.

2 Methods
The records of 80 amblyopic patients from the practice of FG who had eye movement
recordings performed between 2013 and 2019 were reviewed. The Cleveland Clinic
Institutional review board approved the experimental protocol and written informed
consent was obtained from each participant or parent/legal guardian in accordance
with the Declaration of Helsinki. After review, 53 patients, who had at least
12 months of follow up after diagnosis of amblyopia and were prescribed patching
treatment were included in the study (Table 1).
The clinical categorization of amblyopia subtype and severity at the time
of diagnosis were based on PEDIG studies (Manh et al., 2018). Type of amblyopia:
Amblyopia associated with strabismus, anisometropia, or both meeting the following
criteria: (1) Strabismic amblyopia: At least one of the following criteria must be met
and criteria are not met for combined-mechanism amblyopia: (a) heterotropia at
distance and/or near fixation on examination (with or without spectacles);
(b) history of strabismus surgery; (c) documented history of strabismus which is
no longer present (and which, in the judgment of the investigator, is the cause of am-
blyopia). (2) Anisometropic amblyopia: At least one of the following criteria must be
met: (a) 0.50 D difference between eyes in spherical equivalent 1.50 D difference
between eyes in astigmatism in any meridian. (3) Mixed mechanism amblyopia: Both
of the following criteria must be met: (a) criteria for strabismus are met (see above);
(b) 1.00 D difference between eyes in spherical equivalent or 1.50 D difference
between eyes in astigmatism in any meridian.
Table 1 Demographic and clinical parameters at the time of diagnosis of amblyopia.
Category at Eye movement Refractive error Refractive error Strabismus near Strabismus distance
Patient # Gender time of patching waveform right eye left eye (prism diopters) (prism diopters)

1 F Strabismic None +3.5 + 0.75  120 +3.75 +0.75  60 ET 45 ET 45

2 F Strabismic None +6.5 sphere +6.25 sphere ET 30 ET 30
3 M Mixed None +5.0 sphere +1.0 sphere ET 35 ET 35
4 F Mixed None +3.0 + 1.25  65 +1.25 + 0.25  115 E(T) 4–6 ET 12
5 F Strabismic None +4.0 sphere +4.0 sphere ET 45 ET 30
6 F Mixed None +8.25 + 1.75  70 +7.5 + 1.5  110 Ortho with glasses Ortho with glasses
7 M Mixed None +2.5 sphere +4.5 sphere Ortho with glasses Ortho with glasses
8 M Mixed None Plano + 0.50  95 0.75 + 3.5  85 XT 20 XT 30
9 M Anisometropic None Plano + 0.50  85 +5.25 + 2.0  105 Ortho Ortho
10 M Anisometropic None +7.0 + 0.50  60 +1.0 + 0.25  50 Ortho Ortho
11 M Mixed None +6.5 + 2.00  70 +0.5 + 0.5  90 Ortho with glasses Ortho with glasses
12 M Anisometropic None Plano + 0.75  95 +4.25 + 2.0  90 Ortho Ortho
13 F Anisometropic None +0.25 + 0.25  90 +5.0 + 0.5  100 Ortho Ortho
14 F Anisometropic None +5.0 + 0.50  100 +3.0 + 0.50  80 Ortho Ortho
15 F Anisometropic None +7.5 sphere +5.0 + 0.50  180 Ortho Ortho
16 M Anisometropic None +4.0 + 0.50  105 +0.5 + 0.5  85 Ortho Ortho
17 F Anisometropic None 0.25 + 0.5  90 Plano +2.0  85 Ortho Ortho
18 F Anisometropic None 2.75 + 4.25  95 +1.5 sphere Ortho Ortho
19 F Anisometropic None +0.5 + 1.0  90 +3.5 + 1.0  90 Ortho Ortho
20 M Mixed None +5.25 + 2.0  75 0.5 + 0.5  95 ET 10 ET 10
21 F Anisometropic None 12.0 + 1.0  105 0.25 + 1.25  75 Ortho Ortho
22 F Anisometropic Nystagmus no FMN +4.25 + 1.0  95 +1.75 + 0.25  80 Ortho Ortho
23 M Anisometropic Nystagmus no FMN +0.25 + 0.5  90 10.75 + 2.0  50 Ortho Ortho
24 M Anisometropic Nystagmus no FMN +7.25 + 1.5  90 +8.25 + 1.5  100 Ortho Ortho
25 F Mixed Nystagmus no FMN 1.75 + 3.0  85 10.0 + 3.75  85 Ortho with glasses Ortho with glasses
26 M Anisometropic Nystagmus no FMN +6.75 + 3.0  90 +0.5 sphere Ortho Ortho
27 F Anisometropic Nystagmus no FMN 0.25 sphere 12.5 + 3.5  120 Ortho Ortho
28 M Mixed Nystagmus no FMN +4.5 + 1.00  60 +1.5 + 0.50  120 Ortho with glasses Ortho with glasses
29 F Anisometropic Nystagmus no FMN +4.0 + 1.25  85 +1.5 + 0.5  85 Ortho Ortho
30 F Mixed Nystagmus no FMN +2.25 + 0.75  80 +3.5 + 0.5  135 ET 20 Ortho with glasses
31 M Mixed Nystagmus no FMN +1.25 + 0.75  90 +0.25 + 2.0  80 Ortho with glasses Ortho with glasses
32 F Mixed Nystagmus no FMN 11.5 + 0.75  75 6.5 + 1.0  105 XT 20 XT 25
33 M Mixed Nystagmus no FMN +6.0 + 2.0  90 +7.0 + 1.75  90 Ortho with glasses Ortho with glasses
34 M Mixed Nystagmus no FMN +1.50 sphere +4.0 sphere LET 30 LET 30
35 F Mixed Nystagmus no FMN +5.5 + 1.0  100 +6.5 + 1.0  80 Ortho with glasses Ortho with glasses
36 F Mixed Nystagmus no FMN +4.50 + 2.0  90 +5.5 + 2.25  90 E(T) 8 E(T) 10

Table 1 Demographic and clinical parameters at the time of diagnosis of amblyopia.—cont’d
Category at Eye movement Refractive error Refractive error Strabismus near Strabismus distance
Patient # Gender time of patching waveform right eye left eye (prism diopters) (prism diopters)
37 M Strabismic Nystagmus no FMN +2.75 + 0.5  180 +2.75 + 0.50  180 ET 35 ET 35
38 F Anisometropic Nystagmus no FMN +1.0 + 0.5  90 +3.75 sphere Ortho Ortho
39 F Mixed Nystagmus no FMN +1.50 + 0.50  70 +3.5 + 0.5  120 E(T) 8 E(T) 8
40 F Mixed Nystagmus no FMN 1.5 + 0.75  90 2.5 + 1.00  90 XT 35 XT 35
41 F Mixed Nystagmus no FMN 0.75 + 0.5  75 +1.5 + 1.00  90 XT 25 XT 30
42 M Mixed Nystagmus no FMN +3.5 + 0.50  110 +1.00 + 0.50  90 50 RET 50 RET
43 M Anisometropic FMN +5.00 + 0.50  90 +6.25 + 1.00  95 Ortho Ortho
44 F Strabismic FMN +3.50 + 1.75  90 +3.50 + 1.75  90 XT 8–10 XT 10
45 M Mixed FMN 9.5 + 2.5  165 Plano + 0.75  45 ET 4 ET 4
46 M Strabismic FMN +3.0 sphere +3.0 sphere XT >60 XT >60
47 F Mixed FMN +5.0 + 1.5  80 +6 + 1.5  95 Ortho with glasses Ortho with glasses
48 M Mixed FMN 6.75 + 3.75  90 9.0 + 3.75  90 XT 25 XT 45
49 M Mixed FMN +4.5 sphere +3.5 sphere ET 30 ET 25
50 M Mixed FMN +4.5 + 2.75  85 +3.5 + 2.75  95 XT 12 XT 12
51 M Mixed FMN 0.5 +1.00  110 +2.50 + 1.50  55 Flick XT Flick XT
52 F Mixed FMN +4.0 sphere +2.25 sphere XT 20 XT 20
53 M Mixed FMN +8.0 + 1.5  90 +7.25 + 0.5  90 ET 6–8 ET 4

ET ¼ esotropia, XT ¼ exotropia, E(T) ¼ intermittent esotropia and X(T) ¼ intermittent exotropia, ortho ¼ orthotropia.
2 Methods 241

Severity of amblyopia: Mild amblyopia: if worse eye visual acuity (VA) was
<0.30 LogMAR, moderate if 0.30 and <0.70, severe if 0.70; VA of the ambly-
opic eye at baseline. Visual acuity was measured in each eye using the participant’s
optimal spectacle correction with Snellen linear optotype. For patients younger than
7 years of age, crowding bars HOTV or Allen pictures were used as per the child’s
ability to perform the test if they were unable to do the Snellen linear optotype. There
were only four patients that were diagnosed before their ability to perform optotype
testing—they all had manifest strabismus with strong fixation preference. They were
all assigned as having severe amblyopia at the time of diagnosis.
Treatment considered was part-time occlusion (2–6 h/day), prescribed depending
on the severity of amblyopia. Patients with manifest strabismus were treated accord-
ing to the American Academy of Ophthalmology Preferred Practice Pattern. Inves-
tigators judged compliance with patching treatment to be excellent (>75%), good
(51–75%), fair (26–50%), or poor (25%), based on discussions with the parents.

2.1 Eye movement recording and analysis

A high-resolution video-based eye tracker (EyeLink 1000®, SR Research, Ontario,
Canada) was used to measure binocular horizontal and vertical eye positions at
a temporal resolution of 500 Hz during a fixation task as described previously.
Briefly, eye position data was analyzed after removal of blinks and partial blinks.
To measure eye velocity, we differentiated the eye position signal using MATLAB™
(MathWorks, Natick, MA) diff function. Differential value (velocity signal) was fur-
ther smoothened with Savitzky-Golay filter, a function that can be applied to a set of
digital data points for the smoothing purpose (Shaikh et al., 2016).
Fixational saccades and quick phases of nystagmus were identified using an
unsupervised clustering method (Otero-Millan et al., 2014). Drifts were defined
as epochs between fixational saccades and blinks. We removed 20 ms data at the be-
ginning and end of each of the drifts to exclude periods of acceleration and deceler-
ation of the eye during fixational saccades and blinks. We characterized fixational
eye movements in amblyopic patients based on their waveform characteristics as
those without nystagmus, those with nystagmus but without the classic reversal in
quick phase of nystagmus and the nasally directed slow phase observed during mon-
ocular viewing conditions seen in FMN patients and those with FMN. The form of
the slow phase nystagmus appears to be decreasing or linear with dynamic over-
shoots of quick phases in amblyopia patients with nystagmus unlike the increasing
eye velocity waveforms seen in patients with infantile/congenital nystagmus. In ad-
dition, patients with nystagmus but no FMN did not have the dissociated vertical de-
viation frequently seen in FMN patients (Fig. 1).
Of the recruited patients, 21 had no nystagmus, 21 had nystagmus without FMN,
and 11 had FMN. The subjects were also grouped based on the type of amblyopia
(anisometropic ¼ 19, mixed ¼ 28, strabismic ¼ 6). Patients with anisometropia had no
nystagmus or had nystagmus no FMN. All three different waveform characteristics were
seen in strabismic and mixed amblyopia patients. There was no difference in the follow
up time (none: 56  34, nystagmus without FMN: 71  37, FMN: 75  43, P ¼ 0.32).
242 CHAPTER 18 Fixation instability in amblyopia

= right eye horizontal = right eye vertical = left eye horizontal = left eye vertical

No nystagmus Nystagmus no FMN FMN

Fellow eye
Amblyopic eye

2 deg

2 deg
5 deg

0.5 sec 1 sec 0.5 sec

FIG. 1
Representative eye position traces obtained during fixation in amblyopia patients without
nystagmus, nystagmus no FMN, and FMN. In patients without nystagmus there is an increase
in the amplitude of the fixational saccade with an increase in the inter-saccadic drift. In
patients with nystagmus no FMN there is no reversal of the quick phase of nystagmus as seen
in patients with FMN. In patients with FMN, there is an increase in slow phase velocity of the
amblyopic eye during amblyopic eye viewing condition. Of note, in all three patients
abnormalities are seen during binocular viewing condition particularly of the amblyopic eye.

Due to an inadequate number of subjects, we were not able to do subgroup analysis per
eye movement waveform within each clinical type of amblyopia. The follow-up
duration for amblyopic patients of anisometropic patients was lower than the other
two groups (anisometropic ¼ 46  31, strabismic ¼ 109  32, mixed ¼ 71.5  32,
P ¼ 0.0001).

3 Clinical data and outcome measures

The clinical parameters were extracted from a retrospective chart review for all the
enrolled subjects (Table 1). The ages at follow up visits, visual acuity of fellow and
amblyopic eye, strabismus measurements in the primary position, stereopsis and
compliance to treatment were noted. Stereoacuity was measured with the Titmus
Stereoacuity Test. Stereoacuity scores in seconds of arc were: 4000 , 6000 , 10000 ,
20000 , 40000 , 80000 , 350000 was the value of patients able to see only the fly; subjects
with no detectable (nil) stereoacuity were assigned a value of 700000 . For analyses,
stereoacuity scores in seconds of arc were converted to log values as follows: 4000
(1.60), 6000 (1.78), 10000 (2.00), 20000 (2.30), 40000 (2.60), 80000 (2.90), 350000
(3.55) and 700000 (3.85). The total duration in months of patching treatment till visual
5 Treatment outcome as a function of the clinical subtype of amblyopia 243

acuity was stabilized with no further improvement or deterioration 2 consecutive

visits 6 weeks apart was computed for all the patients with at least 50% compliance.
The improvement in visual acuity as expressed in arc minutes were calculated as the
difference of acuity at the final visit from that of the acuity at the start of treatment.
Patients were stratified based on the degree of vision improvement in response to
treatment as <3 arcmin, 3–6 arcmin and >6 arcmin. In addition, residual amblyopia
at the end of treatment was defined as mild <0.30 LogMAR, moderate if 0.30 and
<0.70 and severe if 0.70 log MAR scale. Final stereopsis was assessed and patients
were classified to have good stereopsis (better than 100 s arc), some stereopsis
(100–400 s arc) and gross/absent stereopsis (3500 or absent stereo).
Data analysis and statistics: All analyses were performed in MATLAB
(MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) and GraphPad Prism 7 (La Jolla, CA, USA).
A Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance test was used to compare the demographics
and clinical outcomes across amblyopia subtype. We used one-way ANOVA to
compare the clinical and oculomotor parameters across fixation eye movement char-
acteristics. An unpaired t-test was used to analyze clinical/oculomotor parameters
between the two groups.

4 Results
We investigated the treatment effectiveness of part-time occlusion in amblyopia
patients as a function of the fixation instability of the amblyopic eye and the clinical
subtype of amblyopia. Besides these, there are several variables such as age at
diagnosis, visual acuity at the time of diagnosis and compliance to treatment that
could be related to the visual acuity at the end of treatment. The age (in months) when
patching treatment was started was similar across eye movement waveforms (no
nystagmus ¼ 63  24, nystagmus no FMN ¼ 56  25, FMN ¼ 57.9  40.5, P ¼ 0.71)
and across the subtype of amblyopia (anisometropic ¼ 76  14, strabismic ¼ 59  38,
mixed ¼ 65  29, P ¼ 0.19). Similarly, compliance did not correlate with eye
movement waveforms (none: 58  21, nystagmus without FMN: 63  21, FMN:
59  16, P ¼ 0.73) nor did the visual acuity expressed in arcmin at time of diagnosis
(none: 9.3  15.75, nystagmus without FMN: 7.78  16.5 and FMN: 4.9  3.3,
P ¼ 0.32). The compliance to patching (anisometropic: 67  11, strabismic:
51  17, mixed: 59  18, P ¼ 0.09) and visual acuity at the time of start of treatment
(anisometropic: 8.1  17.4, strabismic: 9.0  8.5, mixed: 6.9  12.9, P ¼ 0.9) was
comparable across clinical types.

5 Treatment outcome measures as a function of the clinical

subtype of amblyopia
Anisometropic patients either did not have nystagmus or had nystagmus without
FMN except for only one subject that on initial presentation had anisometropia
and FMN. This subject was noted to have intermittent esotropia on subsequent
244 CHAPTER 18 Fixation instability in amblyopia

clinical visits. Thus, we categorized this patient as having mixed mechanism ambly-
opia for statistical analysis. All the patients with strabismic and mixed amblyopia
had strabismus surgery and were either orthotropic with glasses or had microstrabis-
mus with glasses. Fig. 2A plots the visual acuity improvement in arcmin, which was
comparable across all three clinical subtypes (anisometropic: 6.9  16.9, strabismic:
6.4  8.4, mixed: 4.3  12.3, P = 0.16). The total duration of treatment (Fig. 2B)
was similar across the three subtypes (anisometropic: 19.2  22, strabismic:
27  14, mixed: 19.75  20, P = 0.16). Anisometropic amblyopes were more likely
to have better stereopsis at the end of treatment compared to the other two groups
(Fig. 2C—anisometropic: 1.9  0.51, strabismic: 3.5  0.69, mixed: 3.0  0.89,
P < 0.0001).

FIG. 2
Clinical outcomes namely visual acuity improvement (A), patching duration (B), and final
stereopsis at the end of treatment (C) subgrouped by the type of amblyopia. Visual acuity
improvement and patching duration are not significantly different between types. Final
stereopsis is significantly better in anisometropic patients.
6 Treatment outcomes as a function of fixation eye 245

6 Treatment outcome measures as a function of fixation eye

movement waveforms
Patients with FMN had less improvement in visual acuity (Fig. 3A) compared to the
other groups; however this difference did not reach statistical significance (none:
7.7  14.5, nystagmus no FMN: 5.0  16, FMN: 3.02  3.4, P = 0.2). Patients with
FMN had a longer duration of treatment (Fig. 3B) compared to the other two groups
(no nystagmus: 9.5  6.3, nystagmus no FMN: 22  22, FMN: 38  19, P = 0.01). The
most significant finding is that stereopsis was worse in patients with FMN (Fig. 3C)
compared to the other two groups (no nystagmus: 2.4  0.9, nystagmus no FMN:
2.6  0.9, FMN: 3.3  0.8, P = 0.04).

FIG. 3
Clinical outcomes namely visual acuity improvement (A), patching duration (B), and final
stereopsis at the end of treatment (C) subgrouped by the fixation eye movement waveforms.
Visual acuity improvement is not significantly different between the waveform groups.
However, in FMN patients the duration of patching is significantly longer, and the final
stereopsis is significantly worst compared to the other two groups.
246 CHAPTER 18 Fixation instability in amblyopia

7 Discussion
The purpose of this study was to identify oculomotor biomarkers that can be used to
predict treatment effectiveness of part-time occlusion therapy. In this chapter, we
characterized fixational eye movements in amblyopia patients. The subjects enrolled
in the study had comparable visual acuity at the time of diagnosis and age at initiation
of patching across the groups categorized per their eye movement waveforms. We
found that rather than clinical subtype (anisometropic, strabismic or mixed), eye
movement characteristics were better in predicting treatment outcomes. This is in
agreement with previous studies that have shown that baseline visual acuity and
younger age at enrollment were associated with the best improvement, but not the
cause of amblyopia (Wallace et al., 2015). We found that children with FMN
required a longer duration of treatment compared to those without nystagmus.
Despite the improvement in visual acuity, the recovery of stereopsis was poor in
patients with FMN.
Very few studies to date have examined occlusion therapy effectiveness
in amblyopic patients with FMN. von Noorden et al. (1987) was the first to show
in 12 patients with FMN noted on the clinical exam that patching during all waking
hours was useful in improving VA, while it was previously considered contraindi-
cated. The study had examined the effects of full time patching with no eye move-
ment recordings. Ours is the first study to, our knowledge, measuring the impact of
fixation instability on the effectiveness of part-time patching in amblyopia patients.
Our results suggest that patients with FMN are at higher risk of regression with part-
time occlusion therapy and require a prolonged duration of treatment. They are also
less likely to have good stereoacuity at the end of the treatment despite improvement
in visual acuity. Amblyopic patients with nystagmus but no FMN had improvement
in both visual acuity and stereoacuity but required a longer duration of treatment
compared to those without nystagmus.
The analyses were performed independently for different eye movement wave-
forms and the type of amblyopia. Strabismic patients have an increase in the drift
velocity with higher velocities in patients with nystagmus. Our previous study has
shown that the drift velocity and variance increase with an increase in the strabismus
angle (Ghasia et al., 2018). All of our patients with strabismic and mixed amblyopia
had microstrabismus (defined as <10 prism diopters) at the time of eye movement
recordings. In the future, a larger cohort of patients will allow us to independently
analyze the effects of eye movement waveforms within each clinical subtype of
amblyopia as well as delineate the impact of degree of strabismus.
A significant limitation of the current study is the eye movement recordings were
obtained at the end of treatment and the treatment effectiveness was determined
based on a retrospective chart review. In addition, only a small cohort of patients
with residual amblyopia was treated with atropine and majority of them had no
further improvement in visual acuity. The decision to treat was based on discussions
with family and the children with greater deficits of visual acuity were more likely to
try an alternative treatment. The mean duration of follow up was greater in our study
References 247

compared to most amblyopia treatment studies. Thus, we were able to identify

regression soon after the treatment was stopped or while it was being tapered for
patients who initially had severe amblyopia at diagnosis. The analysis from the
current study suggests that eye movement characterization and quantification can
play an important role in providing information about prognosis and amblyopia treat-
ment effectiveness. A prospective clinical trial of obtaining eye movement record-
ings at the time of diagnosis and following the patients longitudinally to determine
treatment effectiveness of part-time occlusion will be necessary to confirm the find-
ings of the current observational study. In addition, the study suggests that the timing
of amblyopia development seems to play an important role in determining part-time
patching treatment effectiveness. Additional prospective studies evaluating alterna-
tive treatments such as optical penalization and newer binocular amblyopia treat-
ments in a cohort of amblyopic patients with FMN would help further tailor the

Supported by grants from Blind Children’s Center, RPB Unrestricted Grant CCLCM-CWRU,
CTSC Pilot Grant Program and Cleveland Clinic RPC Grant (F.F.G.) and Departmental NEI
T32 grant (J.M.).

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Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 41 (12), 3805–3817.
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in amblyopia: abnormal fixational eye movements and suboptimal sampling strategies.
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Duke-Elder, S., Wybar, K.C., 1973. Ocular motility and strabismus. In: Duke-Elder, S. (Ed.),
System of Ophthalmology, vol. 6. C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, p. 824.
Ghasia, F.F., Otero-Millan, J., Shaikh, A.G., 2018. Abnormal fixational eye movements in
strabismus. Br. J. Ophthalmol. 102 (2), 253–259.
Gonzalez, E.G., Wong, A.M., Niechwiej-Szwedo, E., Tarita-Nistor, L., Steinbach, M.J., 2012.
Eye position stability in amblyopia and in normal binocular vision. Invest. Ophthalmol.
Vis. Sci. 53 (9), 5386–5394.
Holmes, J.M., Kraker, R.T., Beck, R.W., Birch, E.E., Cotter, S.A., Everett, D.F., Hertle, R.W.,
Quinn, G.E., Repka, M.X., Scheiman, M.M., Wallace, D.K., Pediatric Eye Disease
Investigator Group, 2003. A randomized trial of prescribed patching regimens for treat-
ment of severe amblyopia in children. Ophthalmology 110 (11), 2075–2087.
Kang SL, Otero-Millan JM, Beylergil S, Shaikh AG,Ghasia FF n.d. (submitted under review).
“Disconjugacy of fixational eye movements in amblyopia.”
Manh, V.M., Holmes, J.M., Lazar, E.L., Kraker, R.T., Wallace, D.K., Kulp, M.T., Galvin, J.A.,
Shah, B.K., Davis, P.L., Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator, G., 2018. A randomized trial
of a binocular iPad game versus part-time patching in children aged 13 to 16 years with
amblyopia. Am. J. Ophthalmol. 186, 104–115.
248 CHAPTER 18 Fixation instability in amblyopia

Otero-Millan, J., Castro, J.L., Macknik, S.L., Martinez-Conde, S., 2014. Unsupervised
clustering method to detect microsaccades. J. Vis. 14 (2), 18.
Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (PEDIG) Writing Committee, Wallace, D.K.,
Kraker, R.T., Beck, R.W., Cotter, S.A., Davis, P.L., Holmes, J.M., Repka, M.X.,
Suh, D.W., 2011. Randomized trial to evaluate combined patching and atropine for
residual amblyopia. Arch. Ophthalmol. 129 (7), 960–962.
Shaikh, A.G., Otero-Millan, J., Kumar, P., Ghasia, F.F., 2016. Abnormal fixational eye
movements in amblyopia. PLoS One 11 (3), e0149953.
Shi, X.F., Xu, L.M., Li, Y., Wang, T., Zhao, K.X., Sabel, B.A., 2012. Fixational saccadic
eye movements are altered in anisometropic amblyopia. Restor. Neurol. Neurosci.
30, 445–462.
Simonsz, H.J., 1989. The effect of prolonged monocular occlusion on latent nystagmus in the
treatment of amblyopia. Doc. Ophthalmol. 72 (3–4), 375–384.
Subramanian, V., Jost, R.M., Birch, E.E., 2013. A quantitative study of fixation stability in
amblyopia. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 54 (3), 1998–2003.
Tychsen, L., 1992. Binocular Vision. Adler’s Physiology of the Eye; Clinical Application.
Mosby, St Louis, MO.
Tychsen, L., Richards, M., Wong, A., Foeller, P., Bradley, D., Burkhalter, A., 2010. The neural
mechanism for latent (fusion maldevelopment) nystagmus. J. Neuroophthalmol. 30 (3),
von Noorden, G.K., Avilla, C., Sidikaro, Y., LaRoche, R., 1987. Latent nystagmus and
strabismic amblyopia. Am. J. Ophthalmol. 103 (1), 87–89.
Wallace, D.K., Lazar, E.L., Crouch 3rd, E.R., Hoover, D.L., Kraker, R.T., Tamkins, S.M.,
Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, 2015. Time course and predictors of amblyopia
improvement with 2 hours of daily patching. JAMA Ophthalmol. 133 (5), 606–609.

Further reading
Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, 2002. A randomized trial of atropine vs. patching
for treatment of moderate amblyopia in children. Arch. Ophthalmol. 120 (3), 268–278.
Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, 2005. Two-year follow-up of a 6-month randomized
trial of atropine vs patching for treatment of moderate amblyopia in children. Arch.
Ophthalmol. 123, 149–157.
Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, 2008. A randomized trial of atropine versus patch-
ing for treatment of moderate amblyopia: follow-up at age 10 years. Arch. Ophthalmol.
126, 1039–1044.
Repka, M.X., Kraker, R.T., Holmes, J.M., et al., 2014. Atropine vs patching for treatment of
moderate amblyopia: follow-up at 15 years of age of a randomized clinical trial. JAMA
Ophthalmol. 132 (7), 799–805.

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What can kinematic

studies tell us about the
mechanisms of dystonia?
Anna Sadnickaa,b,*, Joseph Galeac, Mark J. Edwardsa
Motor Control and Movement Disorder Group, Institute of Molecular
and Clinical Sciences, St George’s University of London, London, United Kingdom
Clinical and Movement Neurosciences, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology,
London, United Kingdom
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +44-786-616-9202, e-mail address:

Clinical movement disorders are classified by an algorithm implemented by a practising
movement disorder specialist based on information extracted during the history and clinical
examination of a patient. Most simply, dystonia, is a classifier which is reached when a pre-
dominant abnormality of posture is noted. In this chapter we summarize studies that have used
a variety of techniques to probe beyond the clinical examination and study kinematic features
experimentally. We also outline our experimental work in DYT1 dystonia, a group of patients
that share a genetically homogenous etiology and can be considered a prototypical dystonic
disorder. Our results build on previous studies, confirming that motor variability on a trial-
by-trial basis is selectively increased and provide evidence that increases in variability are neg-
atively related to forms of motor learning essential for healthy motor control. Potential neural
correlates of increased motor variability are discussed and the implications such work has for
the rehabilitation of patients with dystonia are also highlighted.

Dystonia, Variability, Adaptation, Motor learning, Rehabilitation

1 Dystonia
Dystonia is a common movement disorder, which is characterized by abnormal
postures of the body, often accompanied by tremor (Albanese et al., 2013). Dystonic
postures are typically worsened or induced by action, are mobile and dynamic in
nature and can affect specific body parts or be a generalized phenomenon. Dystonia,
like many movement disorders, is the physical manifestation of a range of possible
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
252 CHAPTER 19 What can kinematic studies tell us about the mechanisms
of dystonia?

underlying pathologies. These range from conditions causing widespread neurode-

generation (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, neurodegeneration with brain iron accumula-
tion), discrete structural lesions (typically of the putamen), and genetic disorders
where there is no overt degenerative change and dystonia occurs as an isolated non-
progressive phenomenon. DYT1 dystonia is a paradigmatic example of this latter
group and is the commonest cause of young-onset isolated dystonia (Bressman
et al., 2000). It typically presents with limb dystonia in childhood or early teens,
and after a period of progression to segmental/generalized involvement stabilizes
and does not progress further (Weisheit et al., 2018). It is caused by a dominantly
inherited three base pair deletion in the coding region of the TOR1A gene
(Ozelius et al., 1999). People with DYT1 dystonia provide an ideal group within
which to study the pathophysiology of dystonia. The dystonia is isolated in nature
with no possible confounding effects from associated neurological deficits such as
spasticity that can be found in individuals with more complex phenotypes such as
dystonic cerebral palsy. Cognition is normal, and the severity of the dystonia itself
is typically stable over time, after the initial period of progression is over.

2 Why study kinematics?

Research into the pathophysiology of dystonia has a long history, and the full range
of investigative techniques have been applied from genetic and molecular studies,
animal modeling, electrophysiology, structural and functional imaging. Broad
themes have emerged from this work, for example the concept of aberrant synaptic
plasticity, loss of cortical, brainstem and spinal inhibitory function. However, there is
a significant difficulty in extrapolating the results of such work to create a mecha-
nistic understanding of the movement disorder that is manifest in dystonia. Many
pathophysiological “markers” of dystonia may not bear any relationship to the actual
mechanism of the movement disorder itself. For example, some experimental tech-
niques could simply document epiphenomena relating to the excess of movement
observed and/or its compensation. Such arguments are supported by the general lack
of correlation between the severity of specific pathophysiological markers of dysto-
nia (e.g., cortical inhibition, aberrant plasticity) and the severity of clinical symp-
toms, and such abnormalities are frequently found in regions of the brain
subserving unaffected body parts. Abnormal profiles of inhibition and plasticity
are also found across a broad range of neurological disorders, non-specifically mod-
ulated across a range of distinct diseases.
It can therefore be argued that the study of the dystonic movement itself deserves
more attention. By directly sampling the natural patterns of dystonic movement
and characterizing performance within experimental tasks, one can better define ki-
nematic signatures for dystonia and infer the nature of the motor control deficit.
There remains no diagnostic test for dystonia and such work offers great potential
for better clinical characterization, better severity scores for dystonia and targeted
therapeutic interventions (current treatment options are relatively non-specific to
3 Kinematic studies of dystonia 253

3 Kinematic studies of dystonia

It is beyond this scope of this article to fully summarize the range of kinematic
abnormalities that have been documented in dystonia. Instead we choose two salient
and relevant themes; increased variability of movement and the apparent preserva-
tion of many motor control elements within the dystonic brain. We initially work
from the premise that dystonia is a pattern of movement abnormalities or motor syn-
drome that can arise from a broad range of etiologies.
Since the very first kinematic studies of dystonia there has been evidence of in-
creased variability of movement (van der Kamp et al., 1989). For example, one study
compared elbow flexion movements in 10 patients with mixed etiological causes for
their dystonia with controls measuring elbow flexion kinematics with a potentiom-
eter displayed on an oscilloscope screen (van der Kamp et al., 1989). They found that
even if controls are asked to match the slower dystonic movements that were
observed in this study, symptomatic arms of subjects with dystonia have significantly
more variability in the amplitude of their movements (quantified by the coefficient of
variation) (van der Kamp et al., 1989). More recently, Fourier analysis was applied to
electromyography (EMG) and kinematic data acquired during the performance of a
continuous figure of eight writing task in children with dystonia and age-matched
healthy controls (Lunardini et al., 2015b). This method exploited the frequency do-
main features of the cyclic motor task in order to discriminate between task-
correlated and task-uncorrelated components of muscle activity (task-correlated at
frequencies related to the cyclic figure of eight movements, task-uncorrelated com-
ponents at unrelated frequencies). They confirmed their hypothesis that task-
uncorrelated variability was increased in comparison to controls and argued that
there was a deficit in the dystonic brain to suppress variable and uncorrelated ele-
ments of movement (Lunardini et al., 2015b).
Another feature in dystonia is that many fundamental features of motor control
are intact. For example, for many years it was thought that dystonia is an abnormality
of posture stemming from the co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles.
However careful work in multi joint reaching movements using motion analysis
and EMG has in fact shown that co-contraction is not an obligatory feature of multi
joint movements in dystonia (Malfait and Sanger, 2007). Another line of work looks
at muscle synergy patterns. The presence of muscle synergies in the healthy central
nervous system is thought to reflect a general principle adopted to help the muscu-
loskeletal system deal with inherent redundancy of motor control (the fact the we
have excess resources that allows us to perform to same task in many different pos-
sible ways). Synergies, in this context are a co-ordinated activation of a group of
muscles with specific activation balances defining a set of muscles working as a sin-
gle functional unit. This modular organization then allows complex movements or
sequences of movements to be achieved by the combination of multiple muscle
synergies. Interestingly, in an analysis of performance of children with and without
dystonia performing a writing task, dystonic children showed that despite the com-
promised kinematic outcomes of writing in dystonia, there was a strikingly similar
number and structure of the synergy vectors of the two groups of children in the EMG
254 CHAPTER 19 What can kinematic studies tell us about the mechanisms
of dystonia?

(Lunardini et al., 2017). Similarly, the timing of the activation of the synergy coef-
ficients did not significantly differ (Lunardini et al., 2017). Therefore patterns of ef-
fector recruitment remain remarkably similar in this disorder with such obvious
clinical motor abnormalities.

4 Variability in DYT1 dystonia

Thus in groups of dystonia due to heterogeneous etiologies increased movement var-
iability is a core feature and many fundamental motor control features remain intact.
There are some challenges in the study of mixed groups of patients. For example,
studies in childhood dystonia which include dystonic cerebral palsy could also be
influenced by additional, albeit lessor insults to the motor system, such as spasticity
and weakness. We have therefore chosen to study variability in a homogenous pa-
tient group with the genetic DYT1 mutation in an effort to study “dystonic” motor
control in isolation.
Motor variability can be defined as the normal variations that occur in motor per-
formance across multiple repetitions of a task (Stergiou and Decker, 2011). Variabil-
ity has many sources and roles (Sternad, 2018). For example, undesired variability
which can potentially corrupt signal transmission with the sensorimotor system can
arise secondary to noisy processes within the nervous system, anywhere from the
perception of sensory stimuli through to the generation of motor responses (Faisal
et al., 2008). Conversely, other types of variability appear to be informative, repre-
senting an exploration of motor command space (Tumer and Brainard, 2007). Exper-
imentally, individuals with greater variability of baseline movement parameters
relevant to the subsequent learning task are faster learners across reinforcement
and motor adaption (error-based) task designs (Wu et al., 2014) (but see He et al.,
2016). Moreover, features of such variability appear to be under dynamic regulation.
The temporal structure of motor variability can be shown to shift responsively to
align to the task design and has different characteristics across different stages of
learning (Sternad, 2018; Tumer and Brainard, 2007; Wu et al., 2014). For the healthy
motor system, maintaining the dynamic equilibrium of keeping unwanted variability
in check while regulating informative elements which assist learning, is therefore an
essential role and is an active area of motor control research. In the study of move-
ment disorders such as dystonia understanding shifts in the profile of variability is
therefore complex but highly relevant.
Using a robotic manipulandum we designed a task to examine motor variability
during reaching movements in the symptomatic arm of 10 manifesting patients with
DYT1 dystonia and 12 aged matched controls and investigated whether variability
markers were related to motor learning (Fig. 1A) (Sadnicka et al., 2018). For every
trial, participants made a fast outward movement from a central starting position to-
ward one of four potential target positions with the aim of stopping in the target box
within the fixed time frame of one second. Following a baseline block, sensorimotor
adaptation was examined by applying a visuomotor perturbation which distorted
4 Variability in DYT1 dystonia 255

FIG. 1
See legend on next page.
256 CHAPTER 19 What can kinematic studies tell us about the mechanisms
of dystonia?

visual feedback by 30°. Veridical visual feedback was then reintroduced to examine
washout (retention) of the newly learnt visuomotor rotation.
Similar to previous studies, despite the obvious dystonic movements of the symp-
tomatic right arm we found a range of movement parameters to be within normal
range. For example, the timing and magnitude of maximal velocity and the maximal
force applied were not different across groups. Such findings were again suggestive
of a selective motor deficit in DYT1 dystonia. More noteworthy results were found
when we starting to analyze the patterns of variability of dystonic movements. Prin-
cipal component analysis of the two-dimensional kinematic data (movements were
made across a fixed plane) at different time points revealed that DYT1 dystonia is
characterized by a subtle (yet statistically significant) increase in spatial variability.
Increases in variability were maximal in phases of movement, which rely on feed-
forward motor control (with little or no influence of online feedback). Interestingly
such variability appeared random in its nature with no directional preponderance
shown in any of the reach conditions. This finding is concordant with the detailed
experimental work in children which suggests that the patterns of muscle groups
or muscle synergies recruited to tasks are surprisingly intact in a disorder in which
the balance between different muscle groups appears so impaired (Lunardini et al.,
2015a, 2017).

FIG. 1
(A) The task was displayed on a horizontal computer screen and performed using a robotic
manipulandum. Each trial consisted of making a fast outward movement from a central
starting position toward one of four potential target positions. The aim was to stop in the target
box within the fixed time frame of one second. Following a baseline block, sensorimotor
adaptation was examined by applying a visuomotor perturbation (distorting visual feedback
by 30°). True visual feedback was then reintroduced to examine washout (retention) of the
newly learnt visuomotor rotation. (B) We examined whether markers of variability in DYT1
dystonia influenced performance indicators in the visuomotor adaptation task. Markers of
variability that we expected to be relevant to the task were (i) baseline angular variability at
maximal velocity (Vmv) and (ii) angular variability at the end of trial (Vend). The baseline
variability of magnitude of maximal force (Vforce) applied was selected as a subset of variability
that was less relevant to the subsequent learning task. Change of hand direction at maximal
velocity (adaptation) and end of trial were used as markers of performance during “early”
and “late” phases of the visuomotor perturbation. In controls, there was no obvious
relationship between variability markers and performance markers. In DYT1 dystonia
markers of learning were negatively correlated with task-relevant variability (Vmv).
(C) A median split of patients by task-relevant variability into low and high variability groups
illustrates this relationship further. In the high variability group both the rate of adaptation
(early) and the total magnitude of adaptation (late) were reduced. Ability to correct the
visuomotor perturbation at the end of trial after the chance to also use online corrective
mechanisms was also significantly negatively related to increased variability. In summary,
increased variability relevant to the task was negatively correlated to adaptation performance
indicators in DYT1 dystonia (see Sadnicka et al., 2018 for full experimental details).
4 Variability in DYT1 dystonia 257

Given that task-relevant variability and sensorimotor adaptation are related in

health (Wu et al., 2014), we then examined how the increased variability in
DYT1 dystonia influenced performance indicators in this adaptation learning
task. Markers of trial-by-trial variability that we expected to be relevant were
(i) variability of movement at maximal velocity and (ii) variability of movement
at the end of trial. Variability of force applied by participants was selected as a subset
of variability that was less relevant to the task. Learning metrics for both adaptation
and at the end of trial (after additional online corrections) were also quantified (see
detailed parameter description in legend of Fig. 1B). In controls, there was no obvi-
ous relationship between variability markers and performance with low correlation
values between variability and subsequent learning metrics (Fig. 1B). In contrast in
DYT1 movement variability (at maximal velocity) was clearly related to the ability
to learn the visuomotor adaptation. By splitting patients into those with low and high
variability this relationship is further illustrated in Fig. 1C. In DYT1 patients with
high variability both the rate of adaptation (early) and the total magnitude of adap-
tation (late) were reduced. Ability to correct for the visuomotor perturbation at the
end of trial once online corrections have occurred was also reduced. In summary,
increased variability relevant to the subsequent task was negatively correlated to ad-
aptation performance indicators in DYT1 dystonia.
This result was interesting as in health, the correlation between task-relevant var-
iability and motor learning has been plotted as a positive linear relationship suggest-
ing that task-relevant variability is informative to the motor system (Wu et al., 2014).
If this line of reasoning is followed one interpretation is that in DYT1 dystonia,
this physiological relationship breaks down. Once an upper threshold is breached
increased variability no longer assists motor learning. In DYT1 dystonia, increased
variability could rather introduce error and uncertainty into the control of movement
leading to the poor performance observed in this study (see high variability group in
Fig. 1C). Adaptation is a form or error-based learning in which the brain computes a
teaching signal which is the difference between the desired movement and the actual
movement (which has been perturbed by the influence of visuomotor transforma-
tion). Therefore the random spatial variability that we observed could be considered
a noise factor which will be added to the teaching signal from each trial, decreasing
its accuracy and certainty, and impairing the ability to compute the correction or
adaptation coefficient required to update the next movement. This is one very
feasible explanation of our results and such an interpretation implies that adaptation
itself is intact in dystonia.
What is the relative importance and mechanism driving motor variability within
disease models for dystonia? Dystonia is characterized by its involvement of a wide
neuronal network and increased variability could be generated by multiple regions
and multiple mechanisms. Our data and the literature are perhaps most consistent
with the idea that redundant variability or noise is injected at a late phase of move-
ment preparation. One potential neuronal correlate is the finding that there is abnor-
mally enhanced and synchronous oscillatory activity in the output nuclei of the basal
ganglia of patients with dystonia which is coherent with EMG activity during
258 CHAPTER 19 What can kinematic studies tell us about the mechanisms
of dystonia?

dystonic movements (Barow et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2008). Such
oscillatory activity could inject variability onto the elemental movement plan which
fits with the literature in dystonia that many basic control components are intact.
It is then interesting to consider if there is evidence that the dystonic motor system
is compensating for increased motor variability. In general noise cannot be removed
from a signal once it has been added; however processes such as averaging and
weighting different components due to prior knowledge are often combined in the
nervous system to counter its influence (Faisal et al., 2008). Our task was relatively
constrained and higher levels of variability clearly impaired performance. However,
a freer task allowing a greater variety of motor control solutions would enable one to
evaluate compensatory mechanisms against noise and uncertainty. Already work in
children with dystonic cerebral palsy has suggested that when learning the novel skill
of throwing a virtual ball children adjusted their motor strategy to be more tolerant to
variability in timing (Chu et al., 2016).
Another important line of work which informs neuro-rehabilitation options, is
that changing the sensorimotor context for patients can be helpful. Clues for this clin-
ically may be present within sensory trick phenomena in which increased sensory
feedback obtained by touching a body part (for example touching chin with hand
in cervical dystonia) reduces the expression of dystonia (Patel et al., 2014). If, as
our data suggests, poor performance in DYT1 dystonia is related to increases in ran-
dom variability, it is likely that the motor controller has a lesser ability to extract
relevant information from actual sensory feedback as most sensory streams will
be polluted by this noisy stochastic component. Therefore, externally generated
and augmented feedback may offer real opportunity to reduce dystonic contractions
using intact feedback loops that can improve dystonic motor control. For example, in
a bimanual myocontrol task in which the modified sum of the EMG amplitudes from
the biceps muscles controlled the vertical position of a single red line on a computer
screen, if scaled forms of vibratory feedback were given to augment sensory aware-
ness of task-relevant information, children with dystonia were better able to suppress
excessive variability (Bertucco and Sanger, 2015; Liyanagamage et al., 2017). Inter-
estingly, occasionally, DYT1 dystonia can also improve with certain actions such as
playing piano or knitting (Kojovic et al., 2012), implying that the activation of
certain motor circuits reduces the severity of the dystonic manifestations.

5 Directions for future work

The limited number of core clinical movement disorders may in part reflect the
limited range of responses that a motor control system can display in response to
perturbation by disease. As such dystonia is considered a final common endpoint
for a multitude of different etiologies as discussed. However, we also believe that
disease specific kinematic signatures are likely to reside within these broad clinical
classification systems. The future challenge in this field of investigation is therefore
to effectively navigate between kinematic features that are disease specific yielding
References 259

insight into pathophysiology and more general patterns of change that are represen-
tative of the symptom dystonia and yet perhaps still informative for therapeutic

6 Conclusions
The pathophysiology of the dystonia’s remains an enigma. The analysis of the dys-
tonic movement itself with kinematic techniques offers real opportunity to directly
probe dystonic motor control. Within such investigation we need to be mindful of the
fact that the term dystonia is often used interchangeably to represent both a motor
syndrome in response to a range of pathophysiological insults and also specific dis-
eases (as in the case of the genetically homogenous DYT1 dystonia). Our work in
DYT1 dystonia reveals an important role for increased motor variability and delin-
eating the mechanisms behind how such variability is generated and why this occurs
remains an important research goal. Overall, the hope is that by reverse engineering
dystonic control mechanisms and utilizing intact features of the sensorimotor con-
troller there is an optimistic future for targeted therapeutic interventions.

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Implications of
asymmetric neural activity
patterns in the basal
ganglia outflow in the
integrative neural network
model for cervical dystonia
Alexey Sedova,*, Ulia Semenovaa, Svetlana Usovaa, Alexey Tomskiyb,
John Douglas Crawfordc, Hyder A. Jinnahd, Aasef G. Shaikhe,f,g
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
N.N. Burdenko National Scientific and Practical Center for Neurosurgery, Moscow, Russia
York University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Departments of Neurology and Human Genetics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States
Department of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
National VA Parkinson Consortium Center and Neurology Service, Louis Stokes Cleveland
VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
Neurological Institute, University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH, United States
*Corresponding author: +7-903-5795024 e-mail address:

Cervical dystonia (CD) is characterized by abnormal twisting and turning of the head with
associated head oscillations. It is the most common form of dystonia, which is a third most
common movement disorder. Despite frequent occurrence there is paucity in adequate therapy,
much of which is attributed to its uncertain pathophysiology. Recently we proposed a unifying
network model highlighting the role of head neural integrator (hNI) for the pathophysiology
of CD. According to our hypothesis the CD is due to abnormal output of hNI; the latter itself
is not affected but its dysfunction is secondary to abnormal feedback. We hypothesized that
asymmetry in the feedback to hNI is associated with severity in CD; the feedback asymmetry is
greater in CD with lateralized head postures, such as turning of head in yaw plane (torticollis)
or roll plane (laterocollis). The hypothesis also specifies that feedback to hNI—cerebellum,
proprioception, and basal ganglia outflow (pallidus) are connected in a network; thus asym-
metry is distributed through the feedback network. In 15 CD patients undergoing deep brain
stimulation (DBS) surgery, with their informed consent, we used the opportunity to collect
single unit neural responses and local field potential from the globus pallidus to measure
whether feedback to hNI is asymmetric. Using machine learning algorithms developed to
analyze single unit data, we found: (1) globus pallidus interna (GPi) firing rate, discharge
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
262 CHAPTER 20 Asymmetric neuronal activity patterns in cervical dystonia

pattern and gamma oscillation were asymmetric in patients with robust torticollis; (2) there
was no asymmetry in these parameters in retrocollis; and (3) in those patients with oppositely
directed laterocollis and torticollis. Firing rate was higher in GPi cells ipsilateral to the
direction of head rotation; the asymmetry was more pronounced in tonic cells compared to
burst neurons. In addition to confirming that CD is associated with an asymmetric pallidal
activity, our data showed that neuronal asymmetry correlated with the degree of involuntary
head turning. We propose that asymmetric pallidal activity results in asymmetric feedback
to hNI causing its dysfunction.

Cervical dystonia, Human neural integrator, Globus pallidus, Microelectrode recording (MER),
Local field potentials (LFP), Asymmetry

1 Introduction
Cervical dystonia (CD), the most common form of focal dystonia, is characterized by
abnormal head posture often combined with neck pain and jerky head oscillations.
Information regarding the brain regions that may cause CD is surprisingly limited,
and views on the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disease are controversial. In
2002 a pretectal neural integrator, analogous to that in the ocular motor system, was
proposed for the control of head movements (Klier et al., 2002). Our recent studies
proposed that the head movement abnormalities in CD are due to the malfunctioning
of the head neural integrator (hNI) putatively due to impaired feedback from the cer-
ebellum, basal ganglia, or peripheral proprioceptors (Sedov et al., 2017, 2019;
Shaikh et al., 2016). According to this model asymmetric feedback to the hNI results
in abnormal head postures with or without jerky head oscillations. Support for this
hypothesis comes from macaque experiments, where unilateral injection of musci-
mol into the mesencephalic interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC) resulted immediately
in position-dependent head drifts with intermittent rapid corrective movements, i.e.,
jerky head oscillation, whereas further progression of the effect led to tonic deviated
head postures (Farshadmanesh et al., 2008; Klier et al., 2002). This was interpreted as
an immediate bihemispheric imbalance in the hNI, followed by loss in the ability to
correct the resulting head drift due to spread of the muscimol through the INC and
adjacent midbrain structures. We predict that impaired or asymmetric hNI activity
can be due to imbalance in the input to the integrator. The feedback sources to
the neural integrator, which include the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and propriocep-
tors are mutually connected. Therefore the asymmetry in feedback from any of the
sources could be reflected in any of the nodes of the network contributing to the hNI.
We used the opportunity to measure single unit activity and local field potential
(LFP) from the basal ganglia outflow, globus pallidus, during deep brain stimulation
(DBS) surgery, asking a key question whether feedback to the hNI in CD is asym-
metric. In particular we hypothesize that robust asymmetry in the feedback to hNI is
associated with severe lateralized head postures in CD patients.
3 Results 263

2 Materials and methods

We measured single unit physiology and LFP from 15 CD subjects undergoing glo-
bus pallidus DBS surgery. Surgeries were performed under local anesthesia in
Burdenko National Scientific and Practical Center for Neurosurgery. We separated
patients into three groups. Group 1 was represented by six patients with robust tor-
ticollis. Group 2 included six patients with mild latero-torticollis. Group 3 was pre-
sented by control group of three patients with retrocollis. The participants gave
written informed consent for the surgery and the involvement in research. Studies
were approved by the ethical committee and was performed according to the Dec-
laration of Helsinki.
We recorded and analyzed 865 cells in internal (GPi) and external (GPe) segment
of the globus pallidus. Cell localization was controlled by Lead-DBS (http://www. The signals acquired during recordings were pre-processed and
analyzed using Spike2 software (CED, Cambridge, UK). The steps for data pre-
processing included bandpass filtering (300–5000 Hz for MER) and spike sorting.
Spikes were detected using an amplitude threshold and then sorted by means of
principal component analysis (PCA). We used method of hierarchical spike train
clustering to separate neurons to burst and tonic types (Myrov et al., 2019). We
measured 22 objective spike train parameters and oscillations scores in each cell
types. We used analysis of variance (ANOVA) and random forest algorithm to de-
termine which parameter is dependent upon the laterality of CD. Oscillation scores
(OS) for each frequency band were computed with the spectral analysis of LFP. To
estimate the degree of head rotation we used facial feature tracking techniques from
video frames with CLM-framework.package (

3 Results
We analyzed 22 spike-train parameters in firing rates of GPi and GPe single neurons
that were ipsilateral and contralateral to the direction of head rotation. These param-
eters are outlined in Table 1. Among 22 spike-train parameters only 3 parameters
differed in ipsilateral versus contralateral GPi activity in patients who had prominent
lateralized head posturing—firing rate (or mean interspike interval), burst index
quantifying the pattern of burst firing, and pause index quantifying patterns of epi-
sodic burst in the firing rate. In these patients the firing rate was higher in GPi ipsi-
lateral to the direction of dystonia (ANOVA, P < 0.01) (Fig. 1). There was no such
laterality dependence of firing rate in GPe neurons (Fig. 1). The ipsilateral GPi ac-
tivity had more bursting response and there were less pauses. Separation of neurons
into burst and tonic types showed that the asymmetry was more pronounced in tonic
cells compared to burst neurons; the difference was more robust in GPi (Wilks
lambda ¼ 0.97, F(3,191) ¼ 2.22; P ¼ 0.08) compared to GPe (Wilks lambda ¼ 0.98,
F(3,110) ¼ 0.77; P ¼ 0.5) (Fig. 2).
Table 1 Parameters of single unit activity in contra- and ipsilateral globus pallidus.

N Parameters Contra Ipsi P value Contra Ipsi P value

1 Firing rate—instantaneous firing rate 57.527 72.486 0.007 50.637 58.961 0.350
2 Coefficient of variation 1.043 0.973 0.260 1.052 1.073 0.946
3 Asymmetry index—ratio of median to mean ISI 0.654 0.682 0.142 0.693 0.688 0.830
4 Frequency variance—ratio of difference in 43.704 39.258 0.452 39.415 51.453 0.024
maximum and minimum to maximum FR
5 Local variance—measure of local spike randomness 0.667 0.645 0.668 0.549 0.537 0.418
6 Differential entropy (Nu)—the measure of spiking 0.761 0.786 0.160 0.707 0.716 0.963
7 ISI larger mean—percent of ISI larger than mean ISI 0.326 0.340 0.101 0.312 0.316 0.772
8 Burst index—ratio of number of 10–16 ms ISI to 0.653 1.025 0.034 0.445 0.838 0.218
number of ISI > 16 ms
9 Burst spike percent—ratio of spikes in bursts to the 0.223 0.213 0.433 0.224 0.209 0.903
total number of spikes
10 Ratio burst time—ratio of burst spikes time to total time 0.072 0.071 0.535 0.087 0.082 0.764
11 Burst rate 1.521 1.703 0.361 1.192 1.070 0.470
12 Interburst interval 0.528 0.523 0.687 0.707 0.695 0.677
13 Mean burst length 0.048 0.041 0.352 0.078 0.077 0.934
14 Mean ISI in burst 0.006 0.005 0.035 0.007 0.007 0.126
15 Mean spikes in burst 8.778 8.720 0.469 9.765 11.000 0.298
16 Pause index—ratio of the number of ISIs > 50 ms 0.056 0.029 0.007 0.054 0.045 0.254
to the number of ISIs below
17 O-score 3–8 Hz 4.990 4.642 0.608 4.488 4.113 0.302
18 O-score 8–12 Hz 2.082 2.271 0.423 2.143 2.221 0.912
19 O-score 12–20 Hz 0.894 0.824 0.317 1.190 1.247 0.304
20 O-score 20–30 Hz 0.732 0.559 0.164 0.596 0.534 0.924
21 O-score 30–60 Hz 1.008 0.872 0.096 0.973 0.714 0.560
22 O-score 60–90 Hz 0.980 0.862 0.105 1.192 0.861 0.265

Bold emphasis marks parameters with P < 0.05.

3 Results 265

FIG. 1
The summary of instantaneous firing rate in individual neurons (each symbol). Box and
whisker plot depicts the summary. The length of each box depicts interquartile interval.
The horizontal line in the center depicts the median value, boxes depict interquartile interval,
while whiskers represent the range. The instantaneous firing rate is plotted on the y-axis
while each category is on the x-axis.

FIG. 2
The figure depicts the summary of mean and 95% confidence interval of instantaneous firing
rate in (A) GPe and (B) GPi neurons. Symbol in the center depicts median while whiskers are
95% confidence interval. Gray line and symbols are burst neurons while black line and
symbols are tonic cells.
266 CHAPTER 20 Asymmetric neuronal activity patterns in cervical dystonia

There was no laterality dependence of the neuronal firing irregularity as quan-

tified by frequency variance, local variance, differential entropy. There was no dif-
ference in percent of spikes distributed during the bursts, featuring the prominence
of bursts in firing pattern between two hemispheres. Other burst parameters, such
as mean burst interval, duration between adjacent bursts or number of spikes within
a given burst were not different between hemispheres. The differences noted in
those with lateralized posturing in torticollis were not evident in those who had
lateraocollis (posturing in roll plane) in one direction while torticollis (posturing
in yaw plane) in the other; or those who had retrocollis (posturing in pitch plane).
None of the spike train parameters in any groups was asymmetric in GPe neurons,
with an exception of small asymmetry in spike frequency irregularity in those who
had robust torticollis.
In subsequent analysis we measured the synchronized neuronal activity in
form of LFP in each group. We found significant (P < 0.01) differences in GPi
gamma oscillations in those who had prominent torticollis. There were no
significant differences in GPi oscillations in other frequency bands, in those
who had prominent retrocollis or torticollis and laterocollis in opposite direction.
There was no interhemispheric asymmetry in LFP measured from GPe in any
We measured the strength of coupling between the GPi asymmetry and severity
of head turning in nine patients who had robust torticollis. We found significant
dependence between the angle of head turning and three asymmetric parameters
(Fig. 3A–C).

FIG. 3
Example of correlation of (A) asymmetry in instantaneous firing rate and (B) Burst Index or
Pause Index and the angle of head rotation. Each data point depicts individual patient,
dashed line is a linear fit.
References 267

4 Discussion
We measured single unit activity and synchronized discharges, i.e., LFP, in the globus
pallidus the main output nuclei of the basal ganglia. In our unifying network model for
CD the pallidus is part of interconnected source of feedback to the hNI, the dysfunc-
tion of which may lead to CD (Sedov et al., 2017, 2019; Shaikh et al., 2016). We found
asymmetry in LFP and single unit activity measured from GPi, similar to previous
studies (Lee and Kiss, 2014; Moll et al., 2014). We found differences in LFP and sin-
gle unit activity in the same group of patients and nuclei; and it further related the
asymmetry in firing rate discharge to the robustness in the severity of neck posturing
in affected subjects. Another aspect of our study was that in addition to firing rate we
found differences in discharge patterns. Specifically, we found that asymmetry were
pronounced mainly in tonic cells. In contrast patients who had retrocollis or combi-
nations of oppositely directed laterocollis and torticollis did not have such physiolog-
ical asymmetry in the pallidus. These results suggest that higher asymmetry in the
pallidal activity is correlated with the larger asymmetry in the neck tone. In support
of neck muscle tone dependent neck asymmetry, we also found that amount of
head rotation correlated with the level of asymmetry in pallidal activity. Due to
the anatomically strategic location, the rotation of the head in torticollis is controlled
mainly by the ipsilateral neck muscles. The “rate” theory of dystonia predicts that
muscle hypertonus in dystonia is correlated with pallidal inhibition (i.e., reduction
in firing rate) and thalamic hyperactivity. In contrast we found increased firing rate
of GPi ipsilateral to affected neck muscles. It is therefore suggested that GPi
hyperactivity is not primary cause of CD but rather reflects imbalanced feedback.
Hence the deficits noted in the pallidum in CD patients is consequential, not causal.
It is further suggested that asymmetric feedback via the pallidum to the hNI leads to
leaky neural integration.

The study was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (project 18-15-00009 to Sedov):
data collection and analysis. The study was partly supported by the Russian Foundation for
Basic Research (project 18-315-00202 to Semenova): estimation of head rotation. The study
was also supported by Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (Shaikh); Dystonia Coalition
Career Development Award (Shaikh), American Academy of Neurology Career Development
Award (Shaikh); and George C. Cotzias Memorial Fellowship from American Parkinson’s
Disease Association (Shaikh).

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A motor control model

of task-specific dystonia
and its rehabilitation
Anna Sadnickaa,b,*, Jaume Rosset-Llobetc
Motor Control and Movement Disorder Group, Institute of Molecular and Clinical Sciences,
St George’s University of London, London, United Kingdom
Clinical and Movement Neurosciences, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology,
London, United Kingdom
Institut de l’Art. Medicina & Fisiologia, Terrassa, (Barcelona) Spain
*Corresponding author: e-mail address:

Task-specific dystonia is a painless deficit of motor control specific to a particular motor skill.
In this article we present a motor control model which integrates risk factors for the disorder
with the neuroscientific literature of skill learning in health. We particularly focus on the idea
that the amount and type of movement variability is critical and show how retraining therapies
such as Differential Learning which reintroduces variability into practice can restore motor

Task-specific dystonia, Motor control, Model, Rehabilitation, Sensory Motor Retuning,
Differential Learning

1 Introduction
Skilled movement represents one of the pinnacles of human development. Profes-
sional athletes, dancers and musicians hone their skills through hours of training
and there is great beauty in the resulting performance. Worldwide, society has an
arts and sports culture embedded in the celebration of such skill. However, the
demands placed on the brain and body for such motor excellence are not without
risks. In an unfortunate proportion of individuals, a painless deficit of motor
control specific to a particular motor skill emerges called task-specific dystonia
(Altenmuller, 2008). The most common subtypes are writing dystonia and musi-
cians’ dystonia but the disorder can affect the performance of any skill (from the foot
of a flamenco dancer through to golfers’ yips) (Dhungana and Jankovic, 2013;
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
270 CHAPTER 21 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia

Garcia-Ruiz et al., 2011). Task-specific dystonia is predictably disabling due to its

association with skilled tasks that are required for or which define the individuals’
occupation. For example, within groups of professional musicians, the prevalence
is approximately 1% and the disorder can mark the end of performing careers
(Altenmuller et al., 2014).
For centuries, the pathophysiology of the disorder has remained obscure, with
disease models oscillating between the domains of psychiatry and neurology (Lin
et al., 2006). Task-specific dystonia is currently considered a subtype of dystonia,
a neurological disorder characterized by an abnormality of posture (Albanese
et al., 2013). However, traditional dystonic neurophysiological markers such as
enhanced plasticity (Sadnicka et al., 2014) or reduced inhibition (Kassavetis
et al., 2018) are unable to reliably identify patients with task-specific dystonia
(ranges overlapping with controls, similar patterns of abnormalities are observed
across a range of neurological disorders). Suggesting that subtle and non-specific
shifts in excitability may be epiphenomena removed from the core pathophysiology.
Neurophysiological abnormalities are also unable to explain why only an individual
task is affected, as abnormalities are documented in circuits subserving unaffected
body regions (Quartarone et al., 2008). Disease models built on such foundations
such as the disordered sensory homunculus of the affected body part (Elbert
et al., 1998) are also difficult to reproduce with updated and more reliable method-
ology (Ejaz et al., 2016) with inconsistent responses noted with retraining based on
such principles (sensory re-education) (Butler et al., 2018).
So what does cause task-specific dystonia? We argue that once freed from
traditional dystonia disease frameworks a motor control model can be built from
existing clinical and experimental data (Sadnicka et al., 2018). The isolated and
task-specific deficit clearly ties the problem to a specific motor skill, as at least at
onset, the body region affected can be used normally for other tasks. Task-specific
dystonia is therefore best understood by the integration of its clinical features with
the neuroscientific literature of skill learning in health. In this article, we discuss the
range of risk factors for task-specific dystonia and propose mechanisms by which
such factors can translate into motor dysfunction. We particularly focus on the idea
that the amount and type of movement variability is critical and show how retraining
therapies such as Differential Learning which reintroduces variability into practice
can restore motor performance.

2 Risk factors for task-specific dystonia

A range of environmental and genetic risk factors are associated with task-specific
dystonia. Environmental risk factors can be subdivided according to the components
required to perform any task (Fig. 1A); parameters that define the task and the
tool; the central nervous system which includes the network that encodes skill
performance, modulated by the individual’s psychological state; and the periphery
or characteristics of the body region that performs the task (Altenmuller and
Jabusch, 2010; Sadnicka et al., 2018). As all components are required to work
Task Central controller

High spatio-temporal demands Determinants of individuals ability

Highly rehearsed Psychology of motor control (anxiety,
Requirement for precision obsessiveness, perfectionism)

Tool Periphery

Poor ergodynamics Anatomical limitations

Requirement which departs from the natural Injury
repertoire of movements of body region Muscle fatigue

Early in learning Later in learning ‘Overtrained skills’

(B) (C) (D)

FIG. 1
(A) Risk factors for task-specific dystonia (B) Early skill learning is effortful and involves mapping individual task elements at the selection level (s1-s5)
to execution elements (e1-e5) (C) Later in skill learning mechanisms such as chunking are used and chunks (c1, c2) can be flexibly combined
in new sequences (s1 versus s2) (D) In “overtrained” skills which are highly optimized the representation at the intermediate level may be lost.
Panels (B)–(D) are taken from Sadnicka, A., Kornysheva, K., Rothwell, J.C., Edwards, M.J., 2018. A unifying motor control framework for task-specific dystonia.
Nat. Rev. Neurol. 14, 116–124.
272 CHAPTER 21 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia

in concert to maintain task performance, a change in one component prompts

a change or shift in others, each component a node within a dynamic network
required to function in equilibrium for healthy performance. Subdividing risk
factors in this manner reveals a risk profile specific to the individual which can be
used to tailor management as patients with task-specific dystonia are heterogeneous.
Naturally, the task-specificity of this disorder focuses one on how task can confer
risk. The highest relative prevalence is found in musicians; 1 in 100 in some studies,
but the real figures are likely to be higher as many affected musicians are not diag-
nosed (Rosset-Llobet et al., 2009a). Within this group, dystonia preferentially affects
the hand required to perform with the highest spatiotemporal demand (Altenmuller
and Jabusch, 2009; Rosset-Llobet and Fàbregas-Molas, 2013); the right hand in
keyboard players and the left hand in bowed instrument players. The increased
incidence in classical musicians over jazz musicians also highlights that the invariant
temporal and spatial parameters defined on the sheet music of a classical musician
affords risk over the inherent flexibility of notes and timing in jazz. Task-specific
dystonia typically affects highly rehearsed skills, most frequently presenting in
the decade 30–40 (Rozanski et al., 2015). Therefore, dystonia has a predilection
for tasks which push spatiotemporal control to its limits, require invariant accuracy
and affects tasks which are highly rehearsed.
The influence of tool is beautifully exemplified by the shifting prevalence
according to the tools used during different historical eras. For example, many tele-
graph operators developed motor problems of the finger used with the telegraph key
which communicated Morse code (Ferguson, 1971; Suzuki et al., 2012). Here the
need for individuated, forceful movements departed from the natural repertoire of
finger movements with a precise rhythmical definition is salient. As technology ad-
vances, writing is less required and a decline or even extinction of writing dystonia is
likely. Furthermore, with increasingly ergodynamic tools in the work place the hope
is that this leads to a reduction in prevalence in most occupational domains outside of
the arts sphere (for example, there are few reports of computer-related dystonia
Suzuki et al., 2012).
In order to perform any skill the periphery must be capable of a complex set of
task requirements and operate within its physiological constraints (Leijnse et al.,
2015; Rosset-Llobet et al., 2009b). Correspondingly, peripheral risk factors for
task-specific dystonia include inherent limitations (such as the individual’s ability
to independently move fingers) and acquired peripheral risk factors which temporar-
ily change the operating parameters of the body region (such as local injury or muscle
fatigue due to over practice) (Leijnse et al., 2015).
Centrally mediated risk factors encompass both neural skill control and its
psychology. For athletes and musicians, the determinants of the “ceiling” of capacity
of the nervous system is an important consideration. Those that reach professional
levels of competition or performance usually require a combination of both inherent
“talent” (such as their capacity for neural plasticity or processing) and intensive and
structured nurture through exposure and training. Correspondingly, musicians who
start practicing after the age of 10 have an increased incidence of task-specific
3 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia 273

dystonia, which is after the most sensitive/plastic periods of neural development

have occurred (Altenmuller and Jabusch, 2009).
The psychology within which the individual rehearses and performs their
motor skill is also critical. Compared to unaffected musicians those with task-
specific dystonia are six times more likely to exhibit increased levels of anxiety,
perfectionism or stress (Ioannou and Altenmuller, 2014). The influence of acute
stress and its interaction over motor control is also apparent. For example, a cartog-
rapher for the National Guard had to participate in daily drills in which he had
to make a dot on a map to show where bombing practice was to occur (Shamim
et al., 2011). Although they were practice drills, they were tense situations and
he started having difficulty making the dot, the onset of task-specific dystonia
(Shamim et al., 2011).
Finally, genetic factors are also thought to be important and are suggested by
the male preponderance and positive family history of movement disorders in a pro-
portion of patients (Lohmann et al., 2014; Schmidt et al., 2006). Exactly how genetic
and epigenetic factors contribute to the risk profile of an individual remains to
be determined. Any process linked to performance of a skill will be influenced by
genetics (ranging from the gating of synaptic plasticity through to the determination
of personality traits or musical ability).

3 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia

In this section, we discuss how such epidemiological factors can be mapped to mech-
anism when profiled and interpreted within the rich neuroscientific literature which
studies motor skill learning in health.

3.1 Motor skill learning in health

In order to initiate such a discussion we briefly outline core features of motor skill
learning in health. A broad definition of motor skill learning is any neuronal changes
that allow an organism to accomplish a motor task better, faster, or more accurately
than before (Diedrichsen and Kornysheva, 2015). Skill learning is thought to involve
various levels of a motor hierarchy. Within this motor hierarchy one fundamental
division is between action selection and action execution (Diedrichsen and
Kornysheva, 2015). The execution level causes muscle activity, the neurons that
project to the spinal cord and synapse on motor neurones which ultimately cause
the peripheral muscles to contract. Within the execution level, movement fragments
are thought to be encoded within sub-networks of neurons that code for motor syn-
ergies which once activated reliably produce specific spatial-temporal patterns of
coordinated muscle activity (Diedrichsen and Kornysheva, 2015). The selection
level then activates the most appropriate set of motor synergies in a task-specific
manner (dotted lines in Fig. 1B) (Diedrichsen and Kornysheva, 2015). With practice,
refinement of reaction time-accuracy trade-offs are considered one of the hallmarks
274 CHAPTER 21 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia

of skill learning (Telgen et al., 2014). This in part is mediated by the formation of
intermediate representations which bind together execution elements. For example,
experimentally, in addition to sequence completion becoming faster and more
accurate, performance starts to show idiosyncratic temporal groups or chunks
(Diedrichsen and Kornysheva, 2015). Elementary movements that are bound into
one chunk are retrieved faster and more accurately than when the selection level
triggers them individually. Such an organization also has the advantage that acquired
chunks can be used in the context of novel sequences (Fig. 1C). For example the
learning of one sequence (s1) consisting of two chunks (c1, c2) generalizes to the
execution of another sequence (s2) which contains the same chunks in a different
order (c2, c1) (Sadnicka et al., 2018).
Modular encoding of more abstract features of a task can also endow flexibility
to the motor control system. Behaviorally, if an individual is trained on a sequence
with temporal (rhythm) and spatial (finger press order) identifiers, a post-training
advantage is seen if the temporal features are transferred to a new spatial sequence
and vice versa (Kornysheva et al., 2013). Functional MRI data reveals that the
temporal and spatial features of the sequence are independently represented in
overlapping regions of the pre-motor cortex (Kornysheva and Diedrichsen, 2014).
The primary motor cortex in contrast represents the two sequences features (tempo-
ral, spatial) in a non-separable fashion (Kornysheva and Diedrichsen, 2014).
Thus as learning progresses intermediate level representations of motor skill
features (chunking, modular encoding) are thought to ensure both flexibility and
efficiency in motor skill learning (Diedrichsen and Kornysheva, 2015; Sadnicka
et al., 2018). Decreasing reliance on the selection level also frees the cognitive sys-
tem to attend to other related or unrelated tasks whist the motor system is increas-
ingly automatic in its operation.

3.2 Neural correlates of skill expertise

In high risk groups such as professional musicians and athletes the limitations of the
neural networks supporting the skill are likely to be an important contributory factor
(Sadnicka et al., 2018). Initially, as we have exemplified in healthy skill learning,
chunking a sequence offers a behavioral gain in terms of reaction time and is thought
to reduce the overall computational complexity associated with learning an entire
sequence as a single horizon/sequence (Ramkumar et al., 2016). However, experi-
mental data suggest that repetitive practice of stereotyped movements can lead to
the formation of progressively longer motor chunks (Ramkumar et al., 2016). This
shift is thought to reflect a trade-off between cost of computation versus efficiency
(Ramkumar et al., 2016). Stereotyped practice is thought to iteratively reduce
impediments to more complex computation (for example, the relative offset of cost
if an individual is required to produce the same movement many times) and corre-
spondingly the chunk structure appears to progressively elongate maximizing the
efficiency of the movement (Ramkumar et al., 2016). Such changes are likely to
be accentuated in groups whose profession it is to pursue performance perfection
3 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia 275

and efficiency through practice, an extreme version of the normal mode of operation.
Furthermore, as chunks increase in length it is also thought that they are increasingly
contextual and tied to the individual task or body region. Informatively, poor transfer
of these performance gains to other tasks seems to be accentuated if a narrow training
repertoire is applied, in contrast to more varied training approaches (Boutin et al.,
2012). Practice predating the development of task-specific dystonia is often partic-
ularly intensive and stereotyped.
Therefore, in such highly rehearsed tasks, intermediate-level representations that
previously conferred flexibility for related tasks could become redundant. If highly
stereotyped sequences begin to dominate the movement repertoire, the original trans-
ferrable chunk structure could disappear, as the concatenation into long execution
bound mega-synergies effectively replaces such intermediate elements (Fig. 1D).
Such an architecture within the motor hierarchy could reliably encode an extreme
optimization of performance parameters with little variability across movement rep-
etitions. However, the likely cost of such optimization is that the skill representation
retains little capacity for flexibility and generalization to other contexts.

3.3 Psychology of motor control

The impact of psychological influences is worth emphasizing as such factors can
have an important effect on skill learning. For example, across animal species in
stressful situations a reduction in movement variability and exploration is seen, rep-
etition of movements with rigid movement patterns thought to help one regain a
feeling of control (Lang et al., 2015). Experimentally, inducing anxiety in healthy
controls during baseline practice undermines later sequence learning and at the
behavioral level the mechanism appears to be via a reduction in trial-by-trial
variability (Sporn et al., 2018). An unnatural reduction of physiologically infor-
mative variability secondary to factors such as anxiety or a personality type which
favors rigidity of practice are likely to be detrimental. It is well established that
in health subsets of variability are informative for skill learning and are dynami-
cally regulated by the motor control system in response to task requirements
(Wu et al., 2014).
Another important psychological factor is the influence of attention. For
example, the negative effects of self-focus are commonly discussed within the sports
science literature (for example, in relation to “the yips” in golfers) and may be
equally relevant in forms of motor impairment that share phenomenology in musi-
cians and writers such as motor block or choking under pressure (Edwards and
Rothwell, 2011). Triggering factors for task-specific dystonia such as injury, pain
and explicit attempts to alter technique or performance will naturally focus attention
on the body region. Misdirected attention can then focus on the mechanics of
movement rather than on the external consequences or goals of movement and such
a strategy has been shown to worsen skill performance (Lewthwaite and Wulf, 2017).
Such mechanisms are paramount when considering the cartographer that struggled
to mark a dot on the map (Shamim et al., 2011).
276 CHAPTER 21 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia

3.4 Onset of dystonia

In many individuals the onset of task-specific dystonia is then commonly precipi-
tated by a triggering event (Rosset-Llobet and Fàbregas-Molas, 2013). Such events
include a change in playing technique, injury, a new instrument with a slightly
different action/dimension. Conceptually these triggers are best described simply
as mismatches between the capacity of the individual’s motor control system and
the required movement defined by the task and the tool. Some mismatches between
capacity and requirement are biomechanical in nature. For example, a task with a
high force requirement will limit the capacity to make individuated finger move-
ments leading to greater unintentional and undesired movements of neighboring
fingers. Alternatively, changes in capacity due to fatigue or injury of the body
can also result in an effector system that responds more erratically to a given motor
command. A change in task requirements might also result from external factors,
such as changes in the size of a tool or an attempt by the performer to change their
instrumental technique. As discussed, in high risk groups, many of their associated
risk factors can be interpreted as mechanisms via which the central representation of
skill can become particularly narrow in its remit and the required trigger can be a
very minor event indeed.
If the individual can accommodate this change in the task requirement by
adjusting and scaling its motor commands or finding an alternative combination
of neural elements to maintain performance peripherally, an effective compensation
has been found. If, however, the new task requirement cannot be accommodated, the
performer is pushed outside the boundaries of their learned skill. Task performance
then breaks down as no effective compensation is available.
Once a critical mismatch has occurred, novel motor control strategies alien to
the existing neural representation of skill must be employed to maintain task perfor-
mance. However, de novo solutions are unlikely to be able to match or maintain the
level of skill performance that was formerly encoded by a hierarchy of neuronal
elements optimized over many years of practice (Sadnicka et al., 2018). The skills
that are usually affected in task-specific dystonia are characterized by automaticity
with little conscious control of movement. By contrast, during de novo learning,
task requirements are explicitly mapped to basic execution elements, a time-
consuming process that conflicts with the demand for rapid task reproduction
within a millisecond timescale. Access to subcomponents of more-abstract move-
ment elements, which previously underpinned some features of expert task perfor-
mance, is limited. Thus, once task performance has broken down, alternative motor
control options are ill-equipped to immediately reinstate motor performance using
new elements. Inappropriate and dysfunctional movements are likely to be
produced, which are unable to match required task performance levels, marking
the onset of task-specific dystonia (Fig. 2A) (Sadnicka et al., 2018).
If dysfunctional or dystonic movements are repeatedly practiced they will
become encoded in a similar manner to any other sequence of movements. Conscious
access to dystonic movement elements declines, causing frustration for individuals
3 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia 277

FIG. 2
Neural encoding of task-specific dystonia and its rehabilitation (A) Once a critical mismatch
has occurred de novo learning mechanisms are unable to meet task goals. This results in
dysfunctional/dystonic movements starting to be encoded within skill network. (B) If
dysfunctional/dystonic movements are repeated these will become encoded within lower
levels of the hierarchy and there will be less conscious access to dystonic elements.
(C) Therapy results before and after adding Differential Learning to Sensory Motor
Retuning (SMR). 245 consecutive patients treated at Institut de l’Art, Spain, 2011–2017.
Data from a proportion of these patients has been published in preliminary format
278 CHAPTER 21 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia

with undiagnosed task-specific dystonia as they attempt to implement strategies to

address their movement difficulties. Subsequently, skill representations that are ac-
tivated for a particular context or performance goal will become corrupted, with dys-
tonic movements incorporated into their neural skill network (Fig. 2B) (Sadnicka
et al., 2018).
This model for task-specific dystonia is representational and has purposefully
resisted providing a direct mapping between the different levels of motor skill learn-
ing and specific neural regions as this relationship is likely to be complex. For ex-
ample, the cerebellar and basal ganglia circuitry form partially parallel loops with
multiple cortical regions and may therefore play a role in each of the hierarchical
levels of skill learning. Furthermore, emerging treatments for task-specific dystonia
such as Differential Learning detailed below target theoretical and behavioral corre-
lates which are thought to involve a broad brain network.

4 Management of task-specific dystonia

4.1 Prevention
One of the important implications of this model is that a proportion of cases of task-
specific dystonia could be prevented. As discussed, many occupational forms of
task-specific dystonia are characterized by mismatches between the tool or task
requirements and the capability of the individual. Improving the ergonomics of tools
and limiting task parameters that stress the motor system is likely to be beneficial.
However, professional musicians and athletes cannot modify their tool or task
requirements to any great extent. Moreover, in response to developing a problem
the individual often themselves submits the body to greater and greater demands with
the intention of improving aspects of technique or performance. Prevention strate-
gies therefore should focus on modifiable factors; maximizing the “resilience” of rel-
evant representations in the brain, maintaining efficient physiological movements of
the periphery, and nurturing a healthy psychological profile.

FIG. 2—Cont’d
(Rosset-Llobet and Fabregas-Molas, 2018). Patients have been classified into three groups
depending on their self-reported functional outcome: complete recovery (those who returned
to instrumental activity with full recovery, with no dystonia symptoms at all), partial
recovery (those with improvement of dystonia symptoms making possible the
return to instrumental activity, but still feeling some functional limitation) and poor result
(patients who dropped out of treatment or having had certain improvement but not
compatible with their musical career). (D) Differential Learning reintroduces noise into
training. Parameters are varied in a stochastic manner as shown across repetitions of three
theoretical parameters in the three-dimensional scatter and line plot (repetition (r) 1 to 8
demonstrated). Examples of the many parameters that can be varied are given in the box.
Panel (A) is taken from Sadnicka, A., Kornysheva, K., Rothwell, J.C., Edwards, M.J., 2018. A unifying motor
control framework for task-specific dystonia. Nat. Rev. Neurol. 14, 116–124.
4 Management of task-specific dystonia 279

4.2 Traditional management

Once task-specific dystonia has developed conventional dystonia treatments are of-
ten tried. Medications such as trihexyphenidyl have inconsistent effects and are often
limited by their side effects (Jabusch et al., 2005; Termsarasab et al., 2016; van Vugt
et al., 2014). Botulinum toxin injections, which block the transmission of the nerve to
dystonic muscles are often helpful in specialist settings (although some query their
long term efficacy) (Kruisdijk et al., 2007; Lungu et al., 2011). However, botulinum
toxin injections appear to be acting by suppressing the endpoint of the disease, the
inappropriate muscle contractions, rather than addressing the underlying mecha-
nism. Recently a series of patients have received thalamotomy with good outcomes
reported (Taira et al., 2006). However, its mechanism of action is entirely unknown,
the profile of motor deficits largely uncharacterized and clinical trials are needed be-
fore such treatment should be considered mainstream.
Rehabilitation or retraining methods continue to offer a promising treatment op-
tion for task-specific dystonia. One of the main form of rehabilitation for task-
specific dystonia is Sensory Motor Retuning which was developed by Victor Candia
in the 1990s (Candia et al., 1999). Sensory Motor Retuning introduces a novel sen-
sory input by the use of orthotic devices, changing the manner in which the brain
perceives the task and facilitating the learning of a healthy performance pattern.
For example, splints (to place one or more fingers in a particular position) or rubber
bands (that introduce a forced finger flexion or extension in one or more fingers)
have commonly been used with the patient performing exercises on the instrument
(Rosset-Llobet and Fàbregas-Molas, 2013). Its efficacy is mixed. For example, in a
cohort of 205 consecutive patients treated with Sensory Motor Retuning, self-
reported functional outcome yields 24% with poor results, 33% with partial recovery
with 42% with complete recovery (Fig. 2C). Multifaceted retraining approaches that
draw on multiple specific strategies for task-specific dystonia and generic therapy
approaches have also been tried (Butler et al., 2018). However when analyzed sys-
temically it remains difficult to clearly identify which elements are the effective ones
(Butler et al., 2018; Rosset-Llobet and Fàbregas-Molas, 2013).

4.3 Emerging treatments

The hierarchical motor control model outlined in this paper, invites one to
speculate that making a musician’s nervous system more flexible could be used
in the prevention and treatment of task-specific dystonia. Here, the work of
Sch€ ollhorn, a major proponent of Differential Training/Learning, is particularly
relevant (Schollhorn et al., 2012). Differential Learning has the primary aim of
enlarging fluctuations or stochastic perturbations that occur over movement rep-
etitions in order to provide additional information to the learner (Schollhorn et al.,
2012). Variation in normally “invariant” parameters are pursued (for example, the
joints used, movement geometry, tool used, and environment Fig. 2D) (Schollhorn
et al., 2012).
280 CHAPTER 21 A motor control model of task-specific dystonia

In task-specific dystonia, if a musician, due to risk factors such as psychological

behavior or training workload, shapes a rigid and inflexible representation of their
skill, he or she will not easily be able to adapt to internal or external changes. This
can lead to dystonia if he or she faces a critical mismatch between an inflexible
nervous system and a new task parameter or requirement. Conceptually, Differential
Learning therefore offers a targeted manner by which to retrain individuals with task-
specific dystonia.
Introducing high doses of variation during retraining is thought to achieve a num-
ber of aims. For example, skill networks and neural representations are thought to be
“destabilized” facilitating the formation of new functional skill networks (Schollhorn
et al., 2010). The use of Differential Learning is also thought to encourage the neural
control system to become more flexible and able to accommodate changes the func-
tional parameters of a task (Lungu et al., 2011).
One method of applying this in clinical rehabilitation of task specific dystonia is
to perform Sensory Motor Retuning exercises with a change of task parameters every
5 to 10 s (Table 1). The aim is not to look for solutions (a way to play where dystonia
symptoms improve or where the patient feels more comfortable) but to introduce

Table 1 Example of a technical exercise on the piano playing C Major scales

with both hands over 3 min.
Parameter Change

Finger joint Metacarpophalangeal joint flexion and interphalangeal complete

angle extension
Metacarpophalangeal joint extension and moderate interphalangeal
All joins in extension
All joins in slight flexion
All joints in flexion
Metacarpophalangeal join in extension and maximal interphalangeal join
Wrist position Neutral position
Slightly bended
Moderately extended
Right wrist slightly bended, left slightly extended
Right wrist slightly extended, left slightly bended
Moving from moderate extension to flexion each scale
Finger force All fingers pressing keys very softly
Right hand pressing keys very softly and left strongly
All fingers softly but right and left thumbs
Right hand softly but index and left hand strongly but middle
Odd fingers softly and even strongly
Each three notes change from softly to strongly and vice versa

Each change should be rehearsed for a duration of 10 s.

References 281

noise (different ways to play, can be more or less functional than the original one).
Movements do not have to make any biomechanical or technical sense and outcomes
such as the final sound are also considered unimportant as this will otherwise limit
the repertoire of movements that can be incorporated into training, hindering motor
system fluctuations and reorganization. Recently, 40 patients have finished a proto-
col that combined Sensory Motor Retuning with Differential Learning (preliminary
data published Rosset-Llobet and Fabregas-Molas, 2018). Notably 80% had com-
plete recovery with only 15% reporting poor results and 5% reporting partial recov-
ery (Fig. 2C).

5 Conclusions
The proposed motor control model has its roots in observations made by patients and
clinicians throughout the centuries. We are now additionally aided by a neuroscien-
tific literature which studies skill learning in health which allows one to elaborate on
mechanism and infer potential neurobiological correlates. A motor control model for
task-specific dystonia is most able to describe its features and provides a conceptual
background to emerging rehabilitative therapies. Promisingly for those in the perfor-
mance arts such as musicians, Differential Learning shows an encouraging ability
to facilitate motor system functional reorganization and flexibility, both a possible
preventive tool and therapeutic aid.

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Tremor in chronic
polyneuropathy: Proof
of unifying network model
for dystonia
Nataliya Pyatkaa, Alexey Sedovb, Benjamin L. Walterc, Hyder A. Jinnahd,
Aasef G. Shaikha,e,f,*
Department of Neurology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
Russian Institute for Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia
Center for Neurological Restoration, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
Departments of Neurology and Human Genetics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States
Daroff-DellOsso Ocular Motility Laboratory and Neurology Service, Louis Stokes
Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
National VA PD Consortium Center, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center,
Cleveland, OH, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1-216-844-1000, e-mail address:

Traditional hypotheses for the pathogenesis of dystonia, the third most common movement
disorder, have focused primarily on the basal ganglia. Contemporary theories have empha-
sized the role of the cerebellum. The modulation of peripheral proprioception also affects
dystonia. We proposed a unifying network model for dystonia where the cerebellum, basal
ganglia, and peripheral proprioception are connected in a circuit that forms the neural integra-
tor network, ensuring steady position. We suggested that impairment anywhere along this
circuit leads to common phenomenology—slow drifts followed by corrective movements,
resembling dystonic tremor. We tested this concept in a patient with chronic inflammatory
demyelinating polyneuropathy with resulting abnormal proprioception. Quantitative assess-
ment of tremor in this patient revealed drifts in limb position followed by corrective
movements and superimposed sinusoidal oscillations—consistent with neural integrator dys-
function. This unique case of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy describes
the role of proprioception on the unifying network model for dystonia.

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
286 CHAPTER 22 Tremor in chronic inflammatory demyelinating

Eye movement, Superior colliculus, Basal ganglia, Burst neurons

1 Introduction
Dystonia is the third most common movement disorder affecting 3 million people
worldwide. It is characterized by a stereotyped pattern of involuntary turning
or tilting of the affected organ, often combined with pain and jerky or tremulous
movements. Dystonia is stigmatizing and has a profound negative impact on the
quality of life, with scores on standardized tests that are comparable to Parkinson’s
disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke.
Information regarding brain regions involved in pathophysiology of dystonia is
surprisingly limited and often conflicting. Traditional hypotheses for the origin of
dystonia have focused on the basal ganglia (Vitek, 2002). In contrast, contemporary
theories emphasized the role of the cerebellum (Prudente et al., 2014). Although pe-
ripheral proprioception sensors are frequently normal in dystonia, their modulation
can effect movement characteristics (Tempel and Perlmutter, 1990). Indeed, a rec-
ognized therapy for dystonia with botulinum neurotoxin influences proprioceptive
signals (Rosales et al., 1996). These diverse viewpoints lead to important questions.
First, how could deficits involving different anatomic structures, such as the globus
pallidum and the cerebellum, cause the same disorder? Second, if dystonia is due to
deficits in the cerebellum or the globus pallidum, then how could peripheral propri-
oceptive interventions affect the motor function in dystonia?
We proposed a novel conceptual framework that accommodated currently con-
flicting information to directly address the above questions. The concept is that ab-
normal movements in dystonia are due to an impairment in the function of the brain
circuit called the neural integrator. This circuit converts a burst of activity (known as
a “pulse,” a signal related to movement) to steady-state neural firing (known as a
“step,” a signal related to steady position), assuring a stable position (Shaikh
et al., 2016). The neural integrator is part of the final common pathway that projects
to the muscles that comprise the peripheral motor plant. The neural integrator is in-
herently imperfect and its fidelity must be improved by feedback. We conceptualized
that the cerebellum, globus pallidum, and peripheral proprioception are mutually
connected sources of feedback to the neural integrator (Fig. 1). Impairment anywhere
along the feedback network leads to the phenomenology characteristic of dystonia.
The signature deficits include: (1) drift in position of the body part followed by rapid
correction, leading to asymmetric waveform trajectory with a jerky appearance
(Shaikh et al., 2013, 2015b, 2016), (2) sinusoidal oscillations superimposed upon
the drifts (Shaikh et al., 2015b), and (3) organ orientation (resting or “null” position)
where there are no oscillations (Shaikh et al., 2013, 2015b).
The unifying network model for dystonia predicts that if peripheral propriocep-
tion is part of the feedback loop to the neural integrator, then impaired proprioception
2 Methods 287

FIG. 1
Schematic representation of the integrative network model.

(as seen in certain forms of neuropathies) will lead to drifts in organ position. The
drifts will be followed by corrective movements, causing jerky oscillations of the
affected body part. We tested this hypothesis in a patient with known history of
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) who acutely developed
limb dystonia that paralleled worsening of his neuropathy. The hypothesis predicts:
(1) drift in hand position during postural condition and subsequent rapid corrective
movement that gives the waveform a jerky or saw-tooth appearance, (2) relatively
high-frequency sinusoidal oscillations superimposed upon the drifts, (3) worsening
of the oscillation amplitude during goal directed movements, and (4) minimal invol-
untary movements during resting condition. We used quantitative motion analysis to
test these predictions in our CIDP patient.

2 Methods
2.1 Clinical case
A 62-year-old man with known CIDP presented with rapidly progressive upper
and lower extremity proprioceptive dysfunction. There was an involuntary ulnar
deviation of the right hand at the wrist and extension of the fifth digit at the meta-
tarsophalangeal joint but flexion at the interphalangeal joint (Fig. 2). The abnormal
288 CHAPTER 22 Tremor in chronic inflammatory demyelinating

FIG. 2
Example of dystonic tremor during postural (A–C), kinetic (D–F), and resting (G–I) conditions.
The angular orientation of the hand with respect to earth’s magnetic field (T: tesla) in
all three axes of rotations is plotted on the y-axis, while the corresponding time is plotted on
the x-axis. In each panel (more clearly seen in panels A–C) the oblique gray arrows depict
the drift, followed by rapid corrective movements. The vertical (short) black arrows show
an example of sinusoidal oscillations. Inset shows the posturing of the right hand (arrow)
consistent with dystonia.

posture of the hand and finger was minimal at rest, but increased during goal directed
actions. Such posturing was not seen in the left hand that had jerky hand oscillations.
The amplitude of jerky oscillations worsened during goal directed movements.
Oscillations were absent at rest. Involuntary posturing of one hand and jerky oscil-
lations of the other hand were diagnostic for bilateral hand dystonia. This subjective
clinical assessment triggered instrumented investigation of these oscillations.

2.2 Data acquisition technique

The experiment protocol and the study were approved by the Institutional Review
Board at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. Objective data for hand
movements were obtained with a wearable motion sensor (Opal Sensor, APDM,
Portland OR) that includes a three-axes accelerometer (range  200 G, G ¼ 9.8 m/s2),
a gyroscope (range  2000 degree/s), and a magnetometer (range  8 G). The noise
levels for accelerometers, gyroscope and magnetometer were 120 μG, 0.025 degree/s,
and 2 mG, respectively. All sensors had a sampling frequency of 120 Hz in each
orientation. Data were transmitted wirelessly to a PC using 2.40–2.48GHz ISM
band, at 2 Mbps. The sensor synchronized with the host PC instantaneously with
3 Results 289

<30ms latency. The sensor had a weight of <25 g (including battery) and had 8 Gb
of internal storage. Horizontal hand movements were defined as those around earth’s
vertical axis (i.e., turning the hand to the right or left). Vertical hand movements
were those around earth’s horizontal axis. Torsional hand movements were pronation/
supination. Measurements were performed while the subject’s hands were outstretched
(postural condition), reaching for a stationary target (the examiner’s finger, kinetic
condition), or resting completely on the table (resting condition).

2.3 Data analysis

Hand movement data was analyzed offline using previously published strategy
(Shaikh et al., 2008, 2013, 2015b) with several enhancements. Briefly, we computed
3D hand positions vectors in using MATLAB™ (Shaikh et al., 2013, 2015a, b).
We then used frequency segregation to isolate hand tremor (sinusoidal oscillations)
from dystonia (jerky oscillations), since they occurred together. Subsequent analysis
separately analyzed the oscillation parameters of both oscillation types.

3 Results
Fig. 2A–C depicts an example of postural hand tremor. Kinetic tremor is shown in
Fig. 2D–F; and resting tremor is in Fig. 2G–I. Drift in hand position was seen during
postural condition (gray arrow, Fig. 2A–C). Drift moves the hand away from the de-
sired orientation and is followed by a rapid corrective movement. Such drifts and
rapid corrective movements result in the jerky appearance of the oscillations (the
hallmark of dystonic tremor)). In addition, there were superimposed sinusoidal os-
cillations. The severity of the jerky and sinusoidal oscillations was worse during
goal-directed movements (Fig. 2D–F). We did not see any oscillations during resting
Continuous wavelet transformation was decomposed into jerky and superim-
posed sinusoidal oscillations (Fig. 3). Fig. 3A illustrates hand orientation with
respect to time (same epoch of patient data set as depicted in Fig. 2A). Fig. 3B illus-
trates wavelet transformation of the signal depicted in Fig. 3A. Y-axis in Fig. 3B is
wavelet level—inversely proportional to the oscillation frequency; x-axis is the cor-
responding time. Color-code illustrates the power of the waveform frequency at a
given time. The yellow box in Fig. 3A shows high frequency oscillations, while
the arrows depict the quick phases. Fig. 3E and F illustrates continuous wavelet trans-
formation of kinetic tremor during voluntary reaching movements. It is noteworthy
that trajectories of reaching movement are seen in the lower frequency spectrum
(red/orange bands in Fig. 3F); sinusoidal oscillations intervene between these volun-
tary movements. This analysis suggests that tremor in CIDP can have a mixture of
jerky and sinusoidal oscillations, as expected given neural integrator dysfunction).
In subsequent analysis we compared the frequency and amplitude of sinu-
soidal oscillations during postural, kinetic, and resting conditions. The mean
290 CHAPTER 22 Tremor in chronic inflammatory demyelinating

A Postural condition E Kinetic condition

Analyzed Signal (length = 1644) Analyzed Signal (length = 1644)

Orientation (T)
4 5

2 0
0 –5
–2 –10
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Ca,b Coefficients - Coloration mode : init + by scale + abs Ca,b Coefficients - Coloration mode : init + by scale + abs
124 124
118 118
(inversely proportional to frequency)

112 112
106 106
Decomposed wavelet level

100 100
94 94
88 88
82 82
76 76
70 70
64 64
58 58
52 52
46 46
40 40
34 34
28 28
22 22
16 16

Scale of colors from MIN to MAX Scale of colors from MIN to MAX


FIG. 3
Same epoch of postural and kinetic tremor as illustrated in Fig. 2. Jerky and sinusoidal
waveforms are distinctly separated since the jerky waveform has a much lower frequency
compared to the superimposed high-frequency oscillations. The y-axis depicts the
wavelet level, inversely proportional to the oscillation frequency. The x-axis is the
corresponding time. The color code illustrates the waveform power at a given time. The
bottom of the wavelet power spectrum, in the yellow box, shows high frequency
oscillations while the arrows depict power in the quick phases that follow the drift. The left
panel of column depicts the postural condition, while the right panel depict the kinetic
condition. Box plots in the bottom panels depict the summary of frequency (C: postural
tremor, G: kinetic tremor) and amplitude (D: postural tremor, H: kinetic tremor). Horizontal
line in the middle of the box-whisker plot depicts median values; notch is 95% confidence
interval; length of the box is interquartile distance; whiskers illustrate the range.

frequency during postural condition was 7.2  3.0 Hz (Fig. 3C) and the mean
frequency during reaching movements was 4.9  2.8 Hz (Fig. 3G). There was no
tremor during resting condition. The amplitude of oscillation was 0.7  0.6 T during
postural condition (Fig. 3D); the amplitude robustly increased (3.3  3.4 T) during
the reaching task (Fig. 3H).
3 Results 291

FIG. 4
Quantitative analysis of tremor irregularity. As depicted in inset of panel A, regular tremor will
have equal velocity of two opposing trajectories (here trajectory 1 and trajectory 2). In
contrast, when the oscillation is jerky, one trajectory will have a relatively lower frequency
compared to the other (here trajectory 1 ≫ trajectory 2). Trajectory 1 is plotted on the y-axis
while trajectory 2 is plotted on the x-axis. Dashed line is the equality line. Each data point
depicts one cycle. Panels A–C depict postural tremor trajectory comparison in x-, y-,
and z-axes, respectively. Panels D–F illustrate kinetic tremor trajectory comparison in x-, y-,
and z-axes, respectively.

We then quantified the jerkiness of the dystonic tremor waveform. We predicted

that if the oscillations were sinusoidal, then the velocity of trajectory 1 in one
direction (Fig. 4A) would be comparable to the velocity of trajectory 2 in the oppo-
site direction (Fig. 4A). On the contrary, the jerky waveform resulted in asymmetric
velocities of trajectory 1 as compared to trajectory 2 (Fig. 4A). Fig. 4 depicts
such comparison for tremor in each axis during postural (Fig. 4A–C) and kinetic
(Fig. 4D–F) conditions. The velocity of trajectory 1 is plotted on the y-axis while
the corresponding velocity of trajectory 2 is plotted on the x-axis. Each data point
depicts one oscillation cycle. Sinusoidal oscillation waveforms would have resulted
in the distribution of data points around the dashed equality line. In contrast,
we found broad dispersion of data points in all three axes during postural condition
(Fig. 4A–C). This dispersion suggests that some oscillations were sinusoidal
292 CHAPTER 22 Tremor in chronic inflammatory demyelinating

(because some data points were along the equality line) but many were jerky instead
of sinusoidal (as several data points were far away from the equality line). Such dis-
persion of data points was even more spread out during the kinetic condition
(Fig. 4D–F), suggesting worsening of tremor jerkiness during the reaching task, thus
confirming an additional diagnostic feature of the dystonic tremor.

4 Discussion
We tested the hypothesis that in a CIDP patient with hand dystonia and tremor, wors-
ening of peripheral neuropathy and putative worsening of the proprioceptive feed-
back leads to jerky oscillations due to a dysfunction of the neural integrator. We
validated the following key predictions supporting this hypothesis: (1) the oscillation
waveform would have a slow drift and rapid corrective movement (hence the jerky
appearance), as expected given neural integrator dysfunction, (2) there would be rel-
atively high-frequency sinusoids superimposed upon the drifts—a phenomenon
analogous to the head tremor in cervical dystonia (Shaikh et al., 2015b), and (3) there
would be no involuntary movements when the subject’s hand was at rest (i.e., the
“null” position).
Tremor is a known characteristic of CIDP (Dalakas et al., 1984). However, our
study is the first quantitative description of the tremor waveform kinematics and its
classification as a dystonic tremor. Previous literature characterized the tremor in
CIDP as coarse and irregular (Dalakas et al., 1984), which is consistent with the clin-
ical definition of a dystonic tremor (Fahn, 1984). The tremor improved with immune
therapy on most occasions and in some cases treatment with propranolol reduced
tremor intensity (Dalakas et al., 1984). The tremor in CIDP largely varied in fre-
quency (3–6 Hz), which is also a characteristic of dystonic tremor (Shaikh et al.,
2008). Eye-blink conditioning is impaired in CIDP patients with tremor, but not
in those without tremor; suggesting that cerebellar abnormalities could also be linked
to tremor in CIDP (Schwingenschuh et al., 2013). It was proposed that abnormal pro-
prioceptive function reaches the cerebellum and affects its function, leading to
tremor (Bain et al., 1996; Kiers et al., 1994; Stanton et al., 2006). Tremor was also
reported with benign IgM paraprotenaemic neuropathy (Saverino et al., 2001). These
patients also had gait ataxia, in addition to a tremor, again suggestive of cerebellar
impairment. Cerebellar hyperactivity was confirmed in PET activation studies
(Saverino et al., 2001).
Presence of tremor in CIDP patients with abnormal cerebellar function suggests a
“double hit” in the integrative neural network depicted in Fig. 1. The CIDP model of
dystonic tremor, the integrative network model, and the “dual-hit” hypothesis further
provide insight into why not all patients with cerebellar dysfunction and not all pa-
tients with CIDP develop dystonic tremor. It is possible that if a subject has an in-
herent propensity in the proprioceptive feedback system (that can lead to instability
in the integrative neural network) then a second hit, in the form of cerebellar
References 293

dysfunction will lead to dystonic tremor. Likewise, inherent instability in cerebellar

function alone cannot lead to dystonic tremor, but a second hit, in the form of
proprioceptive dysfunction (as seen in CIDP), would then lead to dystonic tremor.
To summarize, we classified coarse and irregular tremor in CIDP as dystonic
tremor using quantitative oscillation trajectory analysis. We further suggest that
the dystonic tremor in CIDP could be due to an impairment in the function of the
circuit called the neural integrator. The neural integrator is a part of the final common
pathway projecting to the muscles that comprise the motor plant and its fidelity is
improved by feedback. The cerebellum, globus pallidum, and proprioception are
mutually connected sources of the feedback to the neural integrator. Impairment
anywhere along the feedback network leads to the phenomenology characterizing

A.S. is supported by career development award from the American Academy of Neurology,
George Cotzias Memorial Fellowship (American Parkinson’s Disease Association), and
Dystonia Medical Research Foundation. There are no financial conflicts of interests. On behalf
of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.

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disease VII
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Oculomotor effects of
medical and surgical
treatments of Parkinson’s
Salil Patela, James J. Fitzgeralda,b, Chrystalina A. Antoniadesa,*
NeuroMetrology Lab, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford,
Oxford, United Kingdom
Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +44-186-523-4728,
e-mail address:

Oculomotor abnormalities are fast becoming a proxy for disease diagnosis and progression.
Saccades—ballistic eye movements—are known to be affected by dopaminergic cell loss
in the basal ganglia, caused by Parkinson’s disease. Pharmaceutical and neurosurgical inter-
ventions such as deep brain stimulation and functional neurosurgery have both been noted to
have an effect on saccades. Comparing and contrasting these effects may yield insights into
Parkinson’s disease pathophysiology, and the mechanisms of pharmacological and neurosur-
gical treatments. Computational models of saccadic control, such as the LATER model, can
help to interpret the distribution of saccadic latencies, providing a framework for objectively
comparing the effects of pharmaceutical interventions and deep brain stimulation.

Saccades, Eye movements, Oculomotor, Deep brain stimulation, Stereotactic neurosurgery,
Parkinson’s disease, LATER model, Basal ganglia

1 Introduction
Eye movement abnormalities (Anderson and MacAskill, 2013; Antoniades et al.,
2007) have been identified in a number of neurodegenerative conditions and their
diagnostic potential is becoming increasingly apparent. One such condition is
Parkinson’s disease (PD), a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that primarily
presents with motor symptoms including bradykinesia, tremor and muscle rigidity,
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
298 CHAPTER 23 Medical and surgical treatments of Parkinson’s disease

but also features a broad range of non-motor symptoms such as cognitive derange-
ments and autonomic impairments. PD symptoms are frequently treated with the
dopamine precursor levodopa and/or dopaminergic agonists. Another treatment used
in a more advanced of patients is deep brain stimulation (DBS) where electrical stim-
ulus pulses are delivered to parts of the basal ganglia.
The core pathology in PD involves the degeneration of neurons in the substantia
nigra pars compacta (SNc) (Fearnley and Lees, 1991), and consequently the loss of
their dopaminergic projections to the striatum. This affects the function of networks
involving both cortical areas and parts of the basal ganglia. In addition to motor
symptoms, this leads to oculomotor abnormalities, particularly in saccadic eye
movements. One of the benefits of the study of eye movements is that they are stan-
dardized tasks providing a quantitative, reproducible and accurate measure
(Antoniades et al., 2013a). Hence the study of eye movements has great potential
as a tool for investigating PD, and indeed a number of studies have identified differ-
ences in saccades between PD patients and healthy controls. There is considerable
interest in the idea that measures such as this could supplement conventional clinical
assessments using rating scales such as the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating
Scale (UPDRS), which are nonlinear and exhibit considerable inter-rater variability
(Post et al., 2005).
Several studies have shown saccadic eye movements are affected in patients with PD
(Antoniades et al., 2015; Pretegiani and Optican, 2017). Prosaccades are the ballistic
movements eyes make when moving toward a visual stimulus (Watanabe and
Munoz, 2011). The antithesis—antisaccadic movements—are defined as the ocular
movement away from a visual stimulus. Despite sounding mechanically similar, antisac-
cadic tasks are far more complicated, involving an inhibition of a ‘normal’ prosaccadic
reflex. The antisaccadic error rate (AER) compares how often the patient makes a
prosaccadic movement when an antisaccadic movement is required (Everling and
Fischer, 1998). The AER has been shown to be significantly higher in patients with
PD—illustrating a potential clinical marker for PD onset, severity and interventional
success (Antoniades et al., 2013a).
Parkinson’s disease has been at the center of research focused on movement dis-
orders over the last few decades. Over that time many of its fundamental mechanisms
have been elucidated, effective techniques for medical management were found, and
novel surgical techniques developed as an alternative to medical management in cer-
tain patients with advanced disease. Here we briefly describe the oculomotor effects
of medical and surgical treatments in those individuals who have PD.

2 Effects of PD medication on the oculomotor system

Despite much research into potential biomarkers, current diagnosis and disease
staging remain reliant on the clinical assessment of motor symptoms using rating
scales, such as part III of the UPDRS mentioned previously. This causes a number
2 Effects of PD medication on the oculomotor system 299

of problems: assessments are subject to inter-observer variability; rating scales are

nonlinear; and the scales only enter their working range once more than half of the
dopamine producing cells in the brain have degenerated (Goetz et al., 2008).
New treatments, and in particular disease modifying drugs (DMDs), are desper-
ately needed. Only around 1 in 10 newly developed drugs survives rigorous assess-
ment in trials, which are both time consuming and very costly. Failures must be
recognized quickly so that resources can be transferred to the next candidate agent.
When evaluating DMDs investigators are usually looking for small changes in dis-
ease trajectory. The more sensitive a biomarker, and the less affected it is by noise,
the sooner a difference will be seen after treatment commences. A sensitive and noise
resistant measure, such as saccadic eye movements, is therefore critical to minimiz-
ing resource consumption in the evaluation of doomed drugs.
An additional problem arises when the measurement is affected by background
symptomatic medication, which the great majority of PD patients are treated with.
Symptomatic treatment can obscure progression in standard motor scales almost
completely, rendering them insensitive to changes in disease trajectory and thus
unsuited to DMD evaluation. When considering saccades as potential biomarkers
it is therefore of great interest to understand the effects that antiparkinsonian med-
ications have on them.
Prosaccadic latency (PSL) has been studied extensively in PD, but investigators
have disagreed about how it is affected by administration of levodopa. Some have
reported that levodopa increases PSL (Cubizolle et al., 2014; Dec-Cwiek et al.,
2017; Kitagawa et al., 1994; Michell et al., 2006; Muller et al., 1994), while others
describe a decrease (Gibson et al., 1987; Rascol et al., 1989; van Stockum et al.,
2012). Other reported effects of levodopa are a reduction in the antisaccadic error
rate (Hood et al., 2007), a reduction in prosaccadic accuracies (Gibson et al.,
1987), and an improvement of voluntary saccadic amplitude (Rascol et al., 1989).
Improvements in the ability to perform sequences of memory guided saccades have
also been noted (Highstein et al., 1969) but with no improvement in the hypometria
of memory guided saccades, a characteristic abnormality in PD.
A study by Duka and Lupp (1997) demonstrated what happens after administra-
tion of such medication to individuals who do not have a neurological condition and
therefore classified as healthy controls. A combination of antisaccadic and reflexive
tasks was used to examine 20 young healthy male volunteers. Everyone in the study
received levodopa and benserazide (100 and 25 mg respectively). Reflexive saccades
and antisaccades were measured at 1 and 5 h post drug administration. The results
indicated no change in the pro or anti saccadic latencies but an increase in the anti-
saccadic error rate.
More work is needed to clarify fully the pattern of changes in saccadic parameters
induced by antiparkinsonian medication. At present, even in the case of the most
widely studied variable, PSL, authors disagree not just on the magnitude but even
the direction of the medication effect. Ideally for applications such as DMD evalu-
ation, we would like a measure that is completely unaffected by medication.
300 CHAPTER 23 Medical and surgical treatments of Parkinson’s disease

3 Effects of surgical intervention on PD on the oculomotor

Over the past half century, the accurate electrical stimulation of specific brain areas
has revolutionized the treatment of movement disorders. It has also provided the
unique opportunity to carry out research into the human brain function and associated
pathophysiology. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has provided us with invaluable
information on the importance of the deep nuclei in oculomotor control (Fitzgerald
and Antoniades, 2016).
DBS was first used for Parkinson’s-induced motor fluctuations in the 1960s
(Sironi, 2011). By stimulating specific deep brain structures, it was found that motor
symptoms could be dramatically reduced. Modern surgery uses stereotactic frames to
site electrodes with sub-millimetric accuracy into deep grey matter structures.
A large body of evidence demonstrates the efficacy of DBS in alleviating both motor
symptoms and fluctuations (Limousin-Dowsey et al., 1999).
The subthalamic nucleus (STN) and globus pallidus interna (GPi) are the usual
targets for stimulation in akinetic-rigid Parkinson’s disease (Weaver et al., 2009).
Multiple areas of the BG are also involved in oculomotor control, and in addition
to improvements in motor function stimulating the GPi and STN affects oculomo-
tor function. By monitoring changes in ocular movements, investigations using
DBS as an independent variable can uncover clues regarding the mechanism
behind modulation the nature of the oculomotor circuitry, and the function of deep
brain nuclei.
In contrast to the disputed effects of levodopa on PSL, there is clear consensus
that stimulation at either STN or GPi reduces PSL (Fawcett et al., 2007; Temel et al.,
2008; Yugeta et al., 2010). STN-DBS and GPi-DBS both also improve PD-slowed
smooth pursuit (Nilsson et al., 2013). However, the effects on antisaccades are more
complex. While GPi-DBS reduces the AER, STN-DBS does not (Antoniades et al.,
2015). This might occur due to GPi stimulation causing retrograde stimulation of
striatopallidal axons ultimately improving information flow from the prefrontal
cortico-basal ganglia loops to oculomotor circuitry (Fitzgerald and Antoniades,
2016). Such strengthening, it is hypothesized, may rely on the DBS-induced anti-
dromic activation of striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) causing GABA release
and subsequent depression of AER. Patients with PD are known to have higher MSN
firing rates and this has been suggested as a cause of an abnormally high AER. Com-
putational analysis has shown low MSN excitability is required for accurate infor-
mation transfer (Guthrie et al., 2013). STN-DBS does not modulate MSNs and
hence, has no effect on AER, whereas levodopa does affect AER and is known to
act on MSNs (Hood et al., 2007).
We have previously used an oculomotor task to test a prediction of the Bayes
theorem that disrupting information processing in the STN with DBS, should abolish
the normalization of the neural representation of probabilities. We found out that PD
patients who had their Deep Brain Stimulation systems switched off behave similarly
3 Effects of surgical intervention on PD on the oculomotor system 301

to healthy controls and we assumed that changes induced by switching the system
on would have been similar in healthy controls if they had similar DBS systems
(Antoniades et al., 2014).

3.1 Computational modeling of oculomotor function in PD

Over the last few decades, a range of computational models of BG function have
emerged. One of these, the LATER model (Carpenter and Williams, 1995), describes
the presumed underlying neural decision mechanisms associated with saccadic reac-
tion times (latencies).
In brief, LATER (see Fig. 1) provides us with three parameters (median latency,
main slope and early slope), which allow us to compare differences in latency
distributions between individuals.
Saccadic reaction times vary largely from trial to trial, yet they also appear to
follow a simple rule; the reciprocal of latency, or reaction time, obeys a Gaussian
distribution. Plotting a cumulative histogram in which latency is represented on a
reciprocal scale, and cumulative frequency is plotted on a probit scale (which is
the reciprocal of a cumulative distribution and has the useful property that a Gaussian
distribution is transformed into a straight line) allowing us to describe these latency
distributions with relatively few parameters. This histogram is known as a reciprobit
plot (see Fig. 2). The median latency is defined as the intercept with the 50% axis,
and slope is directly related to the standard deviation of the distribution. Interestingly
when observing these saccadic latency distributions there is often a small, early

A B Variability

15 Threshold

10 r

Decision Response
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Latency, msec Stimulus
FIG. 1
Using the LATER model to study eye movements. (A) A raw histogram showing a typical
distribution of saccadic latencies. (B) LATER can explain why reciprocal latencies are
distributed normally. A decision signal rises from a starting level to a pre-determined
threshold level, at which point a saccade is initiated by the participant. Latency corresponds to
the time taken to reach the threshold level. The rate of rise of the decision signal has a
Gaussian distribution meaning that latency data sets will follow a recinormal distribution.
On different trials, r is a normal random variate, with mean μ and variance σ2, giving rise to a
skewed latency histogram.
302 CHAPTER 23 Medical and surgical treatments of Parkinson’s disease

FIG. 2
LATER model distributions showing the main and early populations of saccadic latencies.

component of the distribution that does not fit the main reciprobit slope. This early
component, sometimes described as express saccades, is thought to arise in condi-
tions of great urgency or expectation where the action of lower level circuits might
escape the normal tonic inhibition from above, and indeed this is supported by the
fact that the incidence of these express saccades is increased in tasks with increased
urgency. We can model these express saccades with a separate, shallower reciprobit
slope. As a result, to compare our observed saccadic latency distributions we use
three parameters; the median latency, the main slope (σ) and the early slope (σE)
(see Fig. 2).
The model attempts to explain why saccadic datasets follow this recinormal law
(see Fig. 1B). It states that for a reaction to be made then some kind of decision sig-
nal, starting at an initial level S0, rises at a constant rate (r) until it reaches a criterion
level (ST). The rate (r) at which the decision signal rises varies from trial to trial, such
that it follows a Gaussian distribution and therefore since the latency observed will
be proportional to (ST-S0)/r, this will make the distribution of reaction times recinor-
mal. If this model indeed relates to neurophysiological activity it states that activity
in a particular set of neurons must rise until a threshold criterion of activity is
reached, at which point a response, such as a saccade, will be made. Hanes and
Schall (1995) demonstrated this by recording from the FEF in the Rhesus monkey.
References 303

They found that activity in individual neurons increased to a threshold level before a
saccade was initiated, and that the rate in rise of activity displayed stochastic vari-
ability which resulted in the distribution of saccadic reaction times.
The effects of PD on the LATER parameters have been described previously
(Antoniades et al., 2013b). Can such models account for the effect of medication
and of stimulation in PD?
A study by Michell et al. (2006) examined the effect of levodopa on neural
decision-making processes using saccadic latency distributions. The main finding
was that levodopa tends to increase reaction time (significant difference in reciprocal
median saccadic latency on vs off medication), although the effect varied substan-
tially between patients.
We have previously used this model to examine a cohort of moderate disease PD
patients and found that the population of early saccadic responses is larger than in
controls (Antoniades et al., 2013b). We also carried out a study of saccadic latencies
in patients undergoing DBS (Antoniades et al., 2012). We found latency to be
increased immediately following implantation of STN electrodes and before switch-
ing the stimulation on, but then reduced to a level below baseline once stimulation
was switched on. Using the LATER model we looked at the saccadic LATER param-
eters averaged over the nine patients who took part in this study. The reciprocal
median latency, μ, decreased following lead implantation but increased with modu-
lation. The standard deviation of the early population, the σE LATER parameter,
decreased significantly after stimulation was switched on. This indicates a reduction
in the proportion of express saccades, which might be interpreted as indicating a
restoration of descending inhibitory control.
More such studies are needed and models such as LATER are useful as the study
of distributional parameters gives us a lot more information than simply looking at
one single saccadic parameter such as the average of saccadic latencies. This model
is still quite simple however, while saccadic control is complex, involving multiple
parallel pathways, including some projecting directly to the superior colliculus and
others indirectly to the SC via the basal ganglia. It is likely that as more experimental
data emerges, more refined models will be needed.

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Vestibular heading
perception in Parkinson’s
Sinem Balta Beylergila,b, Sarah Ozingaa, Mark F. Walkerb,c,
Cameron C. McIntyrea, Aasef G. Shaikha,b,c,d,*
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH,
United States
National VA Parkinson Consortium Center, Neurology Service, Daroff-Dell’Osso
Ocular Motility and Vestibular Laboratory, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center,
Cleveland, OH, United States
Department of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
Movement Disorders Center, Neurological Institute, University Hospitals, Cleveland,
OH, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1-216-844-1000, e-mail address:

Postural instability and falls are common causes of morbidity and mortality in the second most
prevalent neurodegenerative condition, Parkinson’s disease (PD). Poor understanding of bal-
ance dysfunction in PD has hampered the development of novel therapeutic measures for pos-
tural instability and balance dysfunction. We aimed to determine how the ability to perceive
one’s own linear motion in the absence of visual cues, i.e., vestibular heading, is affected in
PD. We examined vestibular heading function using a two-alternative forced choice task per-
formed on a six-degree-of-freedom motion platform. Sensitivity of the vestibular system to
subtle variations in heading direction and systematic errors in accuracy of responses were
assessed for each subject using a Gaussian cumulative distribution psychometric function.
Compared to healthy subjects, PD presented with higher angular thresholds to detect vestibular
heading direction. These results confirm the potential of our study to provide valuable insight
to the vestibular system’s role in spatial navigation deficits in PD.

Motion perception, Veering, Falls, Postural instability

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
308 CHAPTER 24 Vestibular heading perception in parkinson’s disease

1 Introduction
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting about 10 million
individuals worldwide. PD is the second most common age-related neurodegenerative
disease. In addition to tremor, rigidity, abnormally slow movements and decreased
reaction time, PD patients also suffer from visuospatial navigational impairments such
as lateral drifts while walking (veering) (Bloem et al., 2004; Davidsdottir et al., 2008;
Fetsch et al., 2009; Hanakawa et al., 1999; Prokop et al., 1997; Ren et al., 2015;
Seichepine et al., 2015; Warren et al., 2001; Young et al., 2010). These visuospatial
and navigational deficits lead to gait instability with a prevalence of falls in PD reach-
ing nearly 70% (Bloem et al., 2004; Davidsdottir et al., 2008). Visuospatial deficits
and postural instability in PD are poorly and unpredictably responsive to modern
pharmacotherapy (Bloem et al., 2001) or state-of-the-art surgical therapies such as
deep brain stimulation (DBS), although both treatments provide dramatic improve-
ment in other motor symptoms (Deuschl et al., 2006; Fasano et al., 2015; Krack
et al., 2003). There is significant paucity in literature objectively examining balance
and the vestibular function in PD in patients. Therefore, there has been limited oppor-
tunity to quantify the degree of patient-specific postural instability and its correlation
with perception of one’s own linear motion, i.e., heading. Poor understanding of
the mechanisms of postural instability and navigational impairments in PD has
hampered the development of more successful treatments (Bloem et al., 2004).
We set out to understand the physiological underpinnings of the process by which
visual, vestibular, and visual-vestibular integrated systems govern heading percep-
tion critical for spatial navigation and maintenance of postural stability in PD. As a
first step, we focused on the vestibular system, and in particular vestibular heading
perception. Our central hypothesis was that PD patients have imprecise and/or direc-
tionally biased perception of heading. This hypothesis was tested in experiments uti-
lizing a motion platform with six degrees of freedom and an objective two-
alternative forced choice psychophysics task that precisely measures perceived ves-
tibular heading in PD patients.

2 Methods
2.1 Subjects
We studied vestibular heading perception in a group of 14 individuals with PD
(all men, median age: 69 years, age range: 52–83 years). The PD subjects were
recruited from the movement disorders clinic at the National VA Parkinson
Consortium Center at Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center as well as the
movement disorders clinic at the University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.
The inclusion criteria for PD included the ability to perform informed consent,
Hoehn and Yahr stages 2–4 when off medication, and a stable and optimal medical
regimen of antiparkinsonian medication for at least 6 months prior to study partic-
ipation (see Table 1 for demographics). Exclusion criteria were dementia, clinically
Table 1 Clinical presentation.
Duration Most Medication
Dominant of disease affected side Number of falls Duration of Total (Levodopa
Patient Age hand/foot (years) by PD in last 6 months DBS (years) UPDRS-III equivalent dose)

1 76 R/R 11 R 7 0.5 51 1040

2 53 R/R 5 R 2 3 12 60
3 66 L/L 22 L 4 3 48 800
4 52 R/R 12 R 0 3 40.5 1505
5 71 R/R 21 R 900 1 36.5 1100
6 70 L/R 12 R 1 7 50 300
7 69 R/R 9 L 4 1 48.5 0
8 72 R/R 10 L 104 3 47 900
9 83 R/R 14 R 52 2 42 925
10 64 R/R 18 L 0 8 56 0
11 71 R/R 14 L 60 7 41 610
12 79 R/R 17 L and R 2 5 54 500
13 69 R/R 8 L 0 1 25.5 500
14 64 R/R 10 L 26 3 23.5 348
310 CHAPTER 24 Vestibular heading perception in parkinson’s disease

significant depression or anxiety, focal brain lesions, history of intracranial surgery

with an exception of DBS surgery, and a clinical diagnosis of atypical Parkinsonism.
All patients were successfully treated with antiparkinsonian medications, except two
subjects who did not require treatment due to mild disease burden. The median du-
ration of disease of the PD group was 12 years (range: 5–22 years). The stage and
diagnosis of the disease was individually assessed by a movement disorders special-
ist (AS). In addition to clinical diagnosis and assessment, we also measured the third
(motor) subsection of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-III)
with a possible maximum score of 108. The median UPDRS-III score of the PD
group was 44.50 (range: 12–56) (see Table 1 for individual scores). The comparison
group was comprised of 16 healthy controls (HC) (10 men; median age: 58.50 years,
age range: 35–77 years). Both HC and PD subjects had no clinical evidence for pe-
ripheral vestibular dysfunction. All subjects gave informed, written consent, in ac-
cordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, under a protocol approved by Institutional
Review Boards of the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center.

2.2 Experiment setup

We objectively examined the vestibular heading perception function using a two-
alternative forced choice task and a motion platform with six degrees of freedom, i.e.,
hexapod (Moog, North Aurora, NY), that allows for translation along any direction in
three-dimensional space (Fig. 1A). The subjects were securely seated in a padded
chair with a five-point safety harness that was affixed to the motion platform of
the hexapod. The subject’s head was secured inside a cushioned helmet which
was fixed to the chair’s headrest to immobilize the head relative to the platform.
Two reflective markers were placed on the subject’s zygomatic arches and one on
the chin to ensure consistent head stability across testing blocks with a 3-D motion
capture camera (Vicon®, Culver City, CA). In order to eliminate visual cues, the ex-
periments were done in a darkened room and the subjects wore a blindfold.

2.3 Experiment protocol

The experiment consisted of 99 trials conducted in 3 blocks of 33 trials separated
by a short break. During each trial, the subjects experienced a step of forward
movement. The direction of forward movement was equally randomized across
trials at straight-ahead (0°), and 5°, 10°, 20°, 30° to the right or left (Fig. 1B). Total
displacement along the motion trajectory was 0.4 m lasting 1.5 s in duration. The
peak velocity and peak acceleration were 0.53 m/s and 1.38 m/s2, respectively.
These kinematic parameters exceeded vestibular detection thresholds (Guedry,
1974). After each displacement, the platform remained stationary for 3 s during
which the subjects were asked to indicate whether the movement was rightward
or leftward relative to their perceived straight-ahead using a right or left handheld
input response device.
2 Methods 311

FIG. 1
Vestibular heading perception measurement. (A) The six-degree-of-freedom motion platform
(MOOG) used in the experiments. Subjects were passively translated along linear
horizontal trajectories in a darkened room while wearing a blindfold that eliminates external
visual cues. (B) The direction of forward movement was equally randomized across trials
at straight-ahead (0°), and 5°, 10°, 20°, 30° to the right or the left.

2.4 Data analysis

The vestibular heading perception threshold and direction perception bias of
each subject were determined by fitting a Gaussian cumulative distribution
psychometric function to the percentage of rightward decisions at each level of
motion direction derived from the binary responses recorded in the experiment
(Wichmann and Hill, 2011). Vestibular thresholds (σ) were defined as the standard
deviation of the Gaussian fit. A steeper psychometric function yields low values
of vestibular threshold indicating a more sensitive vestibular system to subtle
variations in heading direction. Direction perception biases (μ) were determined
by the amount of linear translation of the psychometric function along the x-axis.
This value indicates the heading direction to which a left or right response of
a subject is equally likely and quantifies the degree of asymmetry of subjects in
perceived straight-ahead motion.
312 CHAPTER 24 Vestibular heading perception in parkinson’s disease

3 Results
The central hypothesis tested in our experiments was that PD patients have direction-
ally biased and/or imprecise perception of vestibular heading perception. This hy-
pothesis was tested in 14 PD and 16 HC subjects by a two-alternative-forced
choice task involving passive en bloc forward heading motion in horizontal line
at straight-ahead (0°), 2.5°, 5°, 10°, 20°, and 30° to the right or to the left, randomized
across trials. We expected that wide-angle rightward displacement would be associ-
ated with most rightward responses, and leftward displacement with leftward re-
sponses. There would be an uncertainty in responses (50%, i.e., by chance)
during straight-ahead movement.
We found that the total number of correct responses was significantly lower
(z ¼ 2.80, P ¼ 0.005) in the PD group (median ¼ 64.64, range ¼ 44.44–79.79) com-
pared to the HC group (median ¼ 80.30, range ¼ 47.47–89.89). We then used re-
sponse data to estimate the psychometric curves. The psychometric analysis was
first performed at the group level. Group psychometric curves were obtained by fit-
ting a Gaussian cumulative distribution function to the proportion of rightward de-
cisions averaged over subjects in each subject group at each level of motion direction
(Fig. 2A). Discrimination thresholds of the groups as indicated by the standard de-
viation of the group psychometric curves showed that the average response of PD had

FIG. 2
(A) Psychometric curves of subject groups. A Gaussian cumulative distribution function was
fitted to the proportion of rightward decisions averaged over subjects in each subject group.
Discrimination thresholds derived from the average psychometric curves of the groups are
indicated. Error bars demonstrate standard deviations of the responses at each level of motion
direction. Goodness of fit measures of the psychometric curves: R2HC ¼ 0.99, R2PD ¼ 0.97. (B
and C) Boxplots of discrimination thresholds and vestibular biases of subjects derived from
individual psychometric curves. Discrimination threshold of the PD group was found
significantly higher than the HC group (Wilcoxon rank sum test, P < 0.05, indicated with an
3 Results 313

a higher discrimination threshold than that of HC (σPD ¼ 33.76, 95% confidence in-
terval (CI) ¼ [28.07, 39.45] vs. σHC ¼ 13.31, CI ¼ [10.99, 15.62]). On the other hand,
bias parameters of PD and HC at the group-level were comparable (μPD ¼ 0.02,
CI ¼ [ 2.56, 2.51] vs. μHC ¼ 0.09, CI ¼ [ 2.30, 0.42]).
In a subsequent individual-level analysis, bias and threshold parameters were de-
rived from each subject’s psychometric function (Fig. 2B and C) and statistically
compared between groups. Two PD and one healthy subject with poor task perfor-
mance and psychometric functions with goodness-of-fit R2 values lower than 0.10
were excluded from the statistical comparison as their parameters took unrealistic
values. Wilcoxon rank sum tests revealed that discrimination threshold was signif-
icantly higher in the PD relative to HC (z ¼ 3.59, P < 0.001, Fig. 2B), while vestib-
ular bias was not significantly different (z ¼ 0.10, P ¼ 0.91, Fig. 2C).
As the final analysis, we used Spearman’s rank-order correlation to test for
a possible association between the clinical parameters of the patients and the param-
eters obtained from the psychometric functions (summarized in Tables 1 and 2,
respectively). We found a positive correlation between discrimination threshold
and age of the PD patients (Spearman rho ¼ 0.65, P ¼ 0.02). On the other hand,
neither UPDRS-III scores (rho ¼ 0.11, P ¼ 0.72) nor disease duration were correlated
with discrimination threshold (rho ¼ 0.08, P ¼ 0.79). Additionally, vestibular bias
showed no correlation with the total UPDRS-III scores (rho¼ 0.12, P ¼ 0.69), age
(rho ¼ 0.38, P ¼ 0.22) or disease duration (rho ¼ 0.19, P ¼ 0.53).

Table 2 Individual percent correct response, vestibular bias

and discrimination thresholds of patients.
Correct Vestibular Discrimination
Patient response (%) bias (deg) threshold (deg)

1 71.11 0.29 22.02

2 71.72 2.84 21.13
3 78.79 9.18 17.68
4 67.68 2.25 28.37
5 60.61 3.66 46.11
6 60.61 8.94 44.58
7 76.32 13.69 27.04
8 61.62 13.91 41.99
9 58.59 4.25 50.21
10 78.79 0.08 15.66
11 44.44 — —
12 61.62 4.95 51.62
13 79.80 1.40 13.99
14 53.54 — —

Vestibular bias and discrimination threshold values correspond to the mean

and standard deviation of the cumulative Gaussian psychometric function.
Vestibular bias and discrimination threshold of Patients #11 and #14 could not
be estimated due to poor model fits (R2 < 0.10)
314 CHAPTER 24 Vestibular heading perception in parkinson’s disease

4 Discussion
Maintenance of balance and postural stability during locomotion requires accurate
sensing of heading (Barnett-Cowan et al., 2010; Bertolini et al., 2012, 2015; Shaikh
et al., 2013, 2017). Common and classic manifestations of PD such as narrow stance,
stooped posture with forward flexion of the shoulders, flexion of hips and knees,
increased flexion tone, postural sways, and altered percept of verticality are some
of the obvious mechanical predisposing factors that result in postural instability and
falls. Effectively overcoming such mechanical factors to maintain postural stability
and balance depends upon one’s ability to integrate proprioceptive, vestibular, and
visual information; the basal ganglia being instrumental in modulating this integrative
process (Konczak et al., 2007; Maschke et al., 2003; Wright et al., 2007).
Changing the proprioceptive signal alone by modulating muscle tone with phar-
macotherapy or DBS, as often seen with the therapeutic interventions in PD, is
insufficient to improve balance dysfunction and instability during locomotion. PD
patients also have a range of visual deficits that affect postural control and the scaling
of movement in response to visual stimuli (Armstrong, 2011; Barbato et al., 1994;
Bronstein et al., 1990; Rinalduzzi et al., 2011). Accurate navigation during locomo-
tion also relies on optic flow information (motion of images on the retina during
movement) and perceived location of the goal (Fajen and Warren, 2004; Harris
and Carre, 2001; Kearns et al., 2002; Turano et al., 2005; Warren et al., 2001). Asym-
metries in optic-flow bias the perception of heading direction toward the hemifield
with slower optic-flow speed. Thus, PD patients with predominant left-sided
symptoms perceive the midline to the right and veer to the right while walking
(Chou et al., 2009; Davidsdottir et al., 2008; Duchon and Warren, 2002). However,
visual sensory processing changes in PD are not the whole story. Even though
peripheral vestibular function and brainstem vestibulo-ocular reflexes are normal
in PD, the function of cortical and cerebellar vestibular networks contributing to
the multi-sensory integrative processes may be affected (Bertolini et al., 2015;
Yousif et al., 2016). Very little is known about the vestibular contribution to the
integrative process in individuals with PD.
Our experiments focused on the vestibular heading perception discovering
significant inaccuracy in vestibular heading direction discrimination. We found that
PD patients had higher angular threshold to detect heading direction, and their
perception of self-motion was less sensitive to the variations in heading direction.
Our results, while being novel in showing abnormal heading perception in PD,
are consistent with previous studies examining abnormal vestibular motion percep-
tion in other domains in PD subjects. For example, individuals with PD have
difficulty in reliably perceiving the forward tilt of their body—they have a false sense
of leaning forward (Bertolini et al., 2012, 2015). The misperception of forward
leaning is due to the abnormal interaction of the vestibular signals from the semicir-
cular canals and the otoliths (Bertolini et al., 2015). Such misperception leads to
inappropriate compensation and subsequent backward “correction” often leading
4 Discussion 315

to falls. Self-orientation while navigating in the environment is also impaired in PD

(Montgomery et al., 1993). Deficiencies in the multisensory integration of vestibular
signals is unmasked in PD during dynamic tasks. Maintaining and constantly updating
self-orientation during navigation is also impaired in PD (Montgomery et al., 1993).
Why vestibular function is affected in PD? The consequences of dopaminergic
neuronal loss in substantia nigra pars reticulata result in abnormal activity in several
of the basal ganglia nuclei, including the subthalamic nucleus and connected globus
pallidum (internal and external segments). These nuclei are extensively connected to
the areas responsible for perception of motion. Ventral subthalamic nucleus stimu-
lation is associated with blood flow changes in premotor cortex; while stimulation of
dorsal subthalamic nucleus correlates with changes in the activity of the anterior cer-
ebellar vermis (Hill et al., 2013). The cerebellar outflow is affected by the abnormal
bursting and oscillatory subthalamic activity (Rascol et al., 1997; Yu et al., 2007).
Stimulation of subthalamus increases neuronal activation in the rat deep cerebellar
nuclei (Bostan and Strick, 2010; Moers-Hornikx et al., 2011). The latter modulation
may happen through the connections of dorsal aspect of the subthalamus to the deep
cerebellar nuclei by the way of pedunculopontine nucleus (Edley and Graybiel,
1983; Noda et al., 1990; Ricardo, 1981; Semba and Fibiger, 1992; Smith et al.,
1990; Steininger et al., 1992) or pontine gray (Giolli et al., 2001). Electrical modu-
lation of pedunculopontine nucleus via DBS enhances the perceptual threshold of
self-rotation in PD individuals (Yousif et al., 2016). Further downstream from the
subthalamo-ponto-cerebellar projections, the cerebello-thalamic pathway connects
the vestibular and deep cerebellar nuclei to the ventroposterolateral nucleus of the
thalamus (Hoshi et al., 2005; Liedgren et al., 1976; Ni et al., 2010). The vestibular
thalamus projects to the parieto-temporal cortex (Akbarian et al., 1992; Middleton
and Strick, 2000), which plays a role in vestibular motion perception (Bremmer
et al., 2002; Gu et al., 2007). Direct alteration of the cerebellar activity or the mod-
ulation of the cerebellar projections to the thalamus changes perception of one’s own
motion (Bertolini et al., 2012, 2015; Dahlem et al., 2016; Lenz et al., 1988; Shaikh
et al., 2013, 2017; Tarnutzer et al., 2012).
We did not find significant correlation between the length of disease duration or
severity of motor impairment and vestibular heading perception. Relatively lower
number of subjects in this pilot investigation could possibly result in such lack of
correlation. Future studies with a larger cohort of PD patients are justified. Our study
used a motion platform to generate passive translation. Therefore, it is likely that our
outcomes cannot be directly compared to the real-world scenario involving stance
and gait abnormalities causing falls in PD. While considering this caveat, it is nec-
essary to utilize the objective motion platform to precisely isolate heading perception
distinguishing sensory (vestibular) information. This foundational understanding
is necessary to set up future studies that can more explicitly evaluate the role of
vestibular perception in gait instability and navigational deficits in a relatively large
cohort of patients. Future studies will also include visual and proprioceptive exper-
iments, as well as multi-sensory interactions.
316 CHAPTER 24 Vestibular heading perception in parkinson’s disease

5 Conclusion
We provide a support for the hypothesis that vestibular heading perception is im-
paired in PD and the impairment is in the form of inaccuracy in perceiving the head-
ing direction. These results provide insights into mechanistic underpinning of
navigational deficits, veering and gait instability in PD. These results can be the first
step in accomplishing the overall mission to understand the role of multi-sensory in-
put from visual and vestibular system and their integration in navigational deficits
and postural instability in PD. In the future, similar concepts can be applied to refin-
ing therapeutic measures improving gait instability, abnormal spatial navigation and
falls in PD.

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and motor cortex in Parkinson’s disease. Neuroimage 35, 222–233.
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A new approach for

estimation of spiketrain
patterns in basal ganglia
Vladislav Myrova, Alexey Sedovb,*, Alexey Tomskiyc, Ludmila Myrovad,
Elena Belovab
Saint Petersburg Academic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia
N.N. Burdenko National Scientific and Practical Center for Neurosurgery, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering, Moscow, Russia
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +7-903-579-5024, e-mail address:

The pathophysiological model of dystonia proposed that in addition to reduced firing rate in
the internal pallidum, changes in the pattern may also play a role in disease manifestation.
While common methods for patterns separation depends on arbitrary spiketrain parameters,
we considered the new method for neural patterns based on spike density histograms and
hierarchical clustering of real datasets. We used the single unit activity recordings from the
globus pallidus external (GPe) and the globus pallidus internal (GPi) from 10 cervical dystonia
(CD), 7 segmental dystonia (SD) and 8 generalized dystonia (GD) patients undergoing deep
brain stimulation surgery. Using novel method, we separated three patterns of activity: burst,
burst-like and tonic. Using this separation, we revealed the differences both in firing rate and
pattern distribution between dystonia patients. We have shown the suitability of the proposed
method for pattern clusterization on real data and assume that further application of this
method would facilitate more detailed study of the neural activity in the basal ganglia and
the search for neurophysiological biomarkers of movement disorders.

Neuronal activity, Neuronal patterns, Cluster analysis, Spike density histogram, Basal ganglia,

1 Introduction
Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by sustained muscle contractions,
twisting, repetitive movements, and abnormal postures of the affected body part.
Most hypotheses regarding the pathophysiology of dystonia emphasize alterations
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
322 CHAPTER 25 A new approach for estimation of spiketrain patterns

in the basal ganglia-thalamocortical motor circuit. The current model for pathophys-
iology of dystonia proposed that, in addition to reduced firing rate in GPi, changes in
the pattern and the degree of synchronization in neuronal activity may cause dystonia
(Starr et al., 2005; Tang et al., 2007; Vitek, 2002). We hypothesize that the involve-
ment of a larger volume of muscles in GD compared with SD and CD should lead to
significant changes in both firing rates and neuronal activity patterns in GPi. We
tested this hypothesis using previously described approach (Myrov et al., 2019) that
separates spiketrains into different patterns in order to assay the usefulness of this
method for neurophysiological problems.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Data description
In the present study, we used the dataset of single unit activity recordings: the data
from the globus pallidus external (GPe, 638 single units) and the globus pallidus in-
ternal (GPi, 741 single units) were acquired from patients with cervical, segmental
and generalized dystonia (10, 7 and 8 patients, respectively). The data were collected
during deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgeries at the N.N. Burdenko Neurosurgery
Institute in 2014–2017. The participants gave written informed consent for the sur-
gery and the involvement in research. Studies were approved by the ethical commit-
tee and was performed according to the Declaration of Helsinki.
The signals acquired during recordings were pre-processed and analyzed using
Spike 2 software (CED, Cambridge, UK). The steps for data pre-processing included
bandpass filtering (300–5000 Hz for MER), alignment and spike sorting. Spikes were
detected using an amplitude threshold and then sorted by means of principal com-
ponent analysis (PCA).

2.2 Method description

To derive the pattern parameters, we have clustered spike trains based on the
histograms for neural activity recordings (spike density histograms SDHs).
Jensen-Shannon Divergence (JSD) were used as a distance metrics. For grouping
spiketrains into the patterns, we have used hierarchical clustering approach; we
chose Ward’s method for merging the branches (Ward, 1963) because it minimizes
the total within-cluster variance at each merging step (Myung, 2003). According to
Wards algorithm, at each step the most adjacent clusters are merged. The distance
between two clusters is defined as the increase in the error sum of squares after
merging the clusters.
The Elbow method was used to determine the optimal number of clusters. To
identify significant differences between the pattern distribution for CD, SD and
GD, we bootstraped our data 100 times and performed Mann-Whitney non-
parametric test. As significance threshold we chose P value equal to 0.05.
3 Results 323

3 Results
We performed independent clustering of SDHs for GPi and GPe data to classify spike
trains into the patterns.
The Elbow method revealed three to be the optimal number of clusters. We found
344 burst cells with FR 34 (23–48) and CV 1.46 (1.29–1.77), 563 burst-like cells with
FR 61 (47–78) and CV 1.08 (1.00–1.18), and 472 tonic cells with FR 68 (38–101) and
CV 0.86 (0.74–0.95) (Fig. 1). Pattern distribution and description for each group can
be found in Table 1, typical spiketrains are shown in Fig. 1. The table displays sig-
nificant differences between firing rate (FR) and coefficient of variance (CV)
between particular patterns. One can also notice the differences in both firing rate
and firing patterns between GPi and GPe nuclei as well as CD, SD and GD patients.
We found that the percentage of GPi tonic cells was significantly lower in GD
patients, but the percentage of GPe tonic cells was higher in CD patient. Firing rate

FIG. 1
Dendrogram and typical spiketrains for the patterns.

Table 1 Proportion of patterns with corresponding FR and CV in each state for

GPi and GPe data.

Distribution Distribution Distribution

Structure Pattern (%) FR CV (%) FR CV (%) FR CV

GPi Burst 27.1 29 1.50 22.1 44 1.31 25.9 35 1.34

Burst-like 43.9 63 1.05 45.3 60 1.06 50.6 59 1.07
Tonic 29.0 83 0.86 32.6 56 0.79 23.5 68 0.87
GPe Burst 19.7 36 1.55 27.9 29 1.66 26.0 36 1.54
Burst-like 32.7 52 1.16 34.5 63 1.11 37.0 55 1.08
Tonic 47.6 67 0.87 37.6 72 0.85 37.0 61 0.87
324 CHAPTER 25 A new approach for estimation of spiketrain patterns

of GPi tonic cells was higher and burst cells was lower in CD patients. We also found
that percentage of GPe burst cells was lower in CD patients. Firing rate of GPi burst-
like cells and all GPe cells was not significantly different.

4 Discussion
This study demonstrates the suitability of previously described method (Myrov et al.,
2019) for firing pattern estimation in dystonia patients. This method isolates three
clusters of single unit activity with different firing rate and pattern characteristics
without any assumptions of underlying statistical models. This division allowed
us to describe in more detail the physiological properties of the GPi and GPe cells
and to compare specific parameters of activity in patients with CD, SD and GD.
Our estimation approach showed the differences between GPi and GPe firing pat-
terns for each group of patients. We found that characteristics of both GPi and GPe
nuclei in CD patients significantly differ from SD and GD. Wherein SD and GD pa-
tients have the same characteristics of single unit activity. In addition, we found that
the differences were observed in tonic and burst cells while burst-like neurons
showed similar activity.
Previous studies showed reduction of GP activity in mouse model of dystonia
(Nambu et al., 2011) and in dystonic patients compared to healthy non-human
primates (Starr et al., 2005). Neuronal model of dystonia also showed changes in
GP firing pattern (Vitek, 2002). According these data we hypothesized linear reduc-
tion or pattern changes in GP activity from CD to SD and then GD patients. But we
found significant differences only between CD and other patients. This may be due to
differences in the pathophysiology of the cervical and other dystonias. We suppose
that further division of dystonia patients into different subgroup is needed to find
correlation between clinical features and single unit activity. Further application
of the method will facilitate more thorough study of the neural activity in the basal
ganglia and the search for neurophysiological biomarkers of various subtypes of

This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RScF 18-15-00009).

Myrov, V., et al., 2019. Neural activity clusterization for estimation of firing pattern.
J. Neurosci. Methods 311, 164–169.
Myung, I.J., 2003. Tutorial on maximum likelihood estimation. J. Math. Psychol. 47 (1),
Nambu, A., et al., 2011. Reduced pallidal output causes dystonia. Front. Syst. Neurosci. 5, 89.
References 325

Starr, P.A., et al., 2005. Spontaneous pallidal neuronal activity in human dystonia: comparison
with Parkinson’s disease and normal macaque. J. Neurophysiol. 93 (6), 3165–3176.
Tang, J.K.H., et al., 2007. Neuronal firing rates and patterns in the globus pallidus internus of
patients with cervical dystonia differ from those with Parkinson’s disease. J. Neurophysiol.
98 (2), 720–729.
Vitek, J.L., 2002. Pathophysiology of dystonia: a neuronal model. Mov. Disord. 17 (Suppl. 3),
Ward, J.H., 1963. Hierarchical grouping to optimize an objective function. J. Am. Stat. Assoc.
58 (301), 236–244.
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Others VIII
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A model-based study
of internuclear
and ocular-motor fatigue
in multiple sclerosis
Jonathan B. Jacobsa,b,c, Clara Chisarid, Margaret M. Skellya,
Mark F. Walkera,b, Alessandro Serraa,b,e,*
Daroff-Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory, Department of Neurology, Louis Stokes
Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
OH, United States
Department of Neurology, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Department of Neurology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland,
OH, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1-216-844-3193, e-mail address:

Internuclear ophthalmoparesis (INO) in multiple sclerosis (MS) is due to demyelination of the
medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). INO is typically modeled as an increased peak-velocity
and peak-acceleration ratio of abducting to adducting eye (pulse-size ratio, PSR). PSR can be
affected by fatigue during prolonged ocular-motor tasks (ocular-motor fatigue). We propose
that an important component of horizontal disconjugacy in INO is due to a delayed delivery of
the saccadic pulse to the adducting eye (pulse-time delay, PTD). We expanded a control-
system model to account for both abnormal PSR and PTD reflecting faulty axonal transmission
in INO and to provide a better understanding of possible changes induced by fatigue. Saccades
were measured in 19 MS patients with INO and 10 controls, using a 10-min saccadic “fatigue
test” consisting of repetitive back-to-back 20° saccades. In the horizontal saccades model the
unitary MLF connection was partitioned into parallel sub-tracts representing progressive de-
grees of disease effect. INO patients showed baseline abnormal PSR and PTD with some
changes during the fatigue test. Manipulations of gain and transmission delay in the model
provided simulated saccades that closely resembled those of INO. Ocular-motor fatigue
may be a heterogeneous phenomenon that involves inter-saccadic fluctuation of PSR and
PTD and adaptation during demanding ocular-motor tasks. INO as a model of abnormal axonal
conduction has a potential role in assessing efficacy of reparative therapies in MS.
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
330 CHAPTER 26 Internuclear ophthalmoparesis and ocular-motor fatigue

Saccades, Internuclear ophthalmoparesis, Multiple sclerosis, Fatigue, Medial longitudinal

BGNI burst generator and neural integrator
PAR peak-acceleration ratio
PSR pulse-size ratio
PTD pulse-time delay
PTDa PTD-acceleration
PTDo PTD-onset
PVR peak-velocity ratio

1 Introduction
Internuclear ophthalmoparesis (INO) is a disorder of horizontal saccadic conjugacy and
the most common eye movement abnormality in multiple sclerosis (MS) (Frohman
et al., 2002; Meienberg et al., 1986; M€uri and Meienberg, 1985; Tilikete et al.,
2011). Demyelination of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) in MS causes
slowing of the adducting eye during horizontal saccades. The neural network for
horizontal saccades control is quite straightforward (Leigh and Zee, 2015; Serra
et al., 2018): excitatory burst neurons lying in the paramedian pontine reticular
formation (PPRF) generate a velocity command called the pulse of innervation that
projects to the abducens motor neurons and abducens internuclear neurons within
the abducens nucleus. The pulse of innervation travels from abducens motor neurons
onto axons of the ipsilateral abducens nerve to the lateral rectus muscle, and from the
abducens internuclear neurons via the MLF to the contralateral oculomotor nucleus
and medial rectus muscle via the oculomotor nerve. In normal subjects, both eyes
rapidly accelerate to deliver an ipsilateral conjugate saccade that quickly lands gaze
on the target. Normal values for the various parameters of horizontal saccades have
been established at baseline and after prolonged ocular-motor tasks (Collewijn et al.,
1988; Fuchs and Binder, 1983).
In MS, acute or chronic demyelination may result in axonal damage or axonal
loss within the MLF, which can no longer efficiently conduct high-frequency signals
(pulse of innervation) causing slowing of ipsilateral eye adduction. INO is a corner-
stone clinical finding on bedside examination for the diagnosis of MS and it can be
reliably quantified and measured over time in the laboratory settings (Chen et al.,
2011; Frohman et al., 2002; Leigh and Zee, 2015). INO may be a significant cause
of visual disability for patients affected by MS as it interferes with daily activities,
presenting with double or blurred vision and inconvenient breaks in binocular fusion
during rapid head turning (Mills et al., 2008).
2 Methods 331

The circuitry responsible for conjugate horizontal saccades can be represented

as a basic mathematical model, which was originally developed to account for
conjugate saccades and their interactions with disconjugate vergence movements
(Zee et al., 1992). It incorporates saccade generator components that are based
on electrophysiological measurements of burst neurons in the brainstem of
monkeys, a neural integrator unit (pulse-step integration) and ocular-motor plant
units (orbital contents), also directly derived from studying macaque and human
saccades. This model can simulate conjugate horizontal saccades made by normal
subjects and disconjugate saccades, for instance similar to the ones observed
in INO.
Multiple studies have utilized INO as a model of abnormal axonal transmission in
MS. For instance, combined imaging and electrophysiological studies of the MLF
have proposed INO as a biomarker of axonal and myelin integrity (Wang et al.,
2015). Modeling of INO has provided insights into understanding of symptoms
commonly associated with MS, such as Uhthoff’s phenomenon and fatigue (Davis
et al., 2008; Matta et al., 2009). Motor fatigue is a common and disabling symptom
in patients with MS but its pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear and
no effective treatment is available. INO is typically modeled as an increased
peak-velocity or peak-acceleration ratio of abducting to adducting eye (pulse-size
ratio, PSR) as a consequence of “low-pass filtering” of the saccadic pulse along the
demyelinated MLF axons. In other studies, PSR is also referred to as “versional dis-
conjugacy index” (VDI) (Frohman et al., 2002, 2003). In a small MS population with
INO, PSR changes have been shown during prolonged ocular-motor tasks (ocular-
motor fatigue), suggesting INO may represent a reductionist model for motor fatigue
in MS (Matta et al., 2009). Other studies have shown changes of saccadic peak
velocity, latency and amplitude in MS patients who report symptoms of fatigue
(Ferreira et al., 2017; Finke et al., 2012). Our previously unreported observations
suggest that a component of horizontal disconjugacy in INO is due to a delayed
delivery of the saccadic pulse to the adducting eye. We will refer to this interocular
difference in timing of saccade onset as the pulse-time delay, PTD.
To better characterize the dynamics of PSR and PTD changes in INO at baseline
and during prolonged ocular-motor tasks, we set out to study horizontal saccades in
a larger population of MS patients with INO, and to implement a control-system
model that can reproduce the complex range of behaviors observed in MS patients,
based on the underlying physiological hypothesis of decreased conduction gain and
velocity along the population of MLF axons.

2 Methods
2.1 Eye movement recording
We recorded saccades in 19 MS patients (median age 47, 8 females) with chronic
mild to moderate INO with full adduction range (13 bilateral, total 32 INO eyes)
and 10 age-matched healthy controls, using a 10-min saccadic “fatigue test”
332 CHAPTER 26 Internuclear ophthalmoparesis and ocular-motor fatigue

consisting of repetitive back-to-back 20° saccades (10°) in response to a target

jump at 0.5 Hz. Eye movements were measured using the EyeLink II (SR-Research,
Ontario, Canada), sampled at 500 Hz with 16-bit precision. Each eye was calibrated
monocularly to allow detection of tropias and phorias. To avoid diplopia, patients
were tested monocularly during the fatigue test; the viewing eye was typically the
one affected by INO, or the one that appeared more affected on clinical exam in
patients with bilateral INO. To prevent phase distortion, eye position was filtered
forward and backward using a time-symmetric fourth-order low-pass Butterworth
filter with a cutoff frequency of 25 Hz, safely above the spectral profile found by
FFT analysis of the data. Velocity and acceleration were calculated using a symmetric
central-point differentiator of width 5 (two points before and two after the central
point). Neither the filtering nor the differentiation caused shifts in time.
All eye-movement analysis, including detection of voluntary saccades, was per-
formed using custom software (OMtools, available from
software.html). A saccade was determined to begin when its velocity exceeded
a threshold of 40°/s, and to terminate when the velocity dropped below 40°/s.
(We observed that using a lower threshold would often yield negative results for
PTD due to differentiation noise as well as small square-wave jerks and other
saccadic intrusions occurring during the purposive saccade.) Additionally, we could
specify detection in either or both eyes, in either or both directions, and include
saccades only within a specified amplitude range. The detection algorithm did not
automatically include saccades for analysis; that was left to the judgment of the
operator performing the analysis.
For each saccade we measured PSR, both by abducting-to-adducting eye
peak-velocity ratio (PVR) and peak-acceleration ratio (PAR), and PTD, both as
the time difference of saccade onset between the adducting and abducting eyes
(PTD-onset, PTDo) and as interocular difference in timing of peak acceleration
(PTD-acceleration, PTDa). We excluded from our PSR and PTD analysis the
double-stepped saccades we observed in some cases of INO, although we provide
an explanation for their dynamics later in the discussion. Saccades were measured
for three consecutive time intervals (T1-T3) of 200 s each to evaluate for changes
possibly induced by ocular-motor fatigue. An average of 44.8  22.5 saccades were
collected at each interval per INO. An average of 48.3  16.5 saccades were collected
per control in each direction of horizontal gaze. Only saccades of at least 10° of
amplitude were included.
Statistical analysis was performed using STATA 12.1 software packages
(StataCorp. 2011; Stata Statistical Software: Release 12; College Station, TX:
StataCorp. LP). In descriptive analyses, continuous variables were summarized as
mean and standard deviation (SD) or median, and categorical variables were
expressed as percentages. The numerical dataset was tested for normal distribution
with the Shapiro-Wilk test. In case of abnormal distribution, non-parametric tests
were performed. Differences between patients and controls were tested using the
Fisher exact and Mann-Whitney U tests for dichotomous and continuous variables,
2 Methods 333

respectively. Nominal data were analyzed by Pearson’s Chi Square or Fisher’s exact
test, where applicable. To assess PSR and PTD differences at each time point
(T1, T2, and T3), ANOVA (Bonferroni, post hoc analysis) and Kruskal/Wallis were
carried out, when appropriate. A P value lower than 0.05 was considered statistically

2.2 Model simulation

The full model, shown in Fig. 1, is an expansion of an earlier model of INO whose
saccade dynamics are adapted from Zee et al. (1992). That original model used
a combined burst generator and neural integrator (BGNI) with a large negative
feedback and a fast-saturating non-linear feed-forward function to create a pulse-
slide-step signal to drive a plant model composed of a single-pole, zero-pole, and
complex-pole series of transfer functions.

2.2.1 Single-branch model

To create the first approximation of INO, we split the BGNI output into two paths:
one that continued to the plant as before (abducting, or unaffected), while the second
was passed through a combination of pure time delay and a low-pass function to
model the effects of impaired conduction through the MLF before reaching an iden-
tical copy of the plant (adducting, or impaired). Eq. (1) describes the low-pass filter
that we used in the MLF pathway component axons:
LPF : num=ðsTc + 1Þ, (1)
where num is the gain and Tc is the time constant, specified in seconds.
Simply modifying the time constant of the low-pass is sufficient to alter the shape of
the pulse-slide-step, decreasing the total energy delivered to the plant and delaying
when that energy arrives (Fig. 2A). However this delay does not affect when the leading
edge of the signal reaches the plant, which is where it begins to move, only how long
it takes for the eye to reach its maximal position. It cannot account for an additional
type of delay that we have observed in some of our patients, namely that there is an
increased delay before the affected eye shows any movement with respect to the
unimpaired eye, as modeled in Fig. 2B, where the timing of peak output of a delayed
signal (yellow) can appear after that of an undelayed, but filtered one (blue).
To allow simulation of these en bloc delays, we added a pure delay prior to the
low-pass block. From a modeling perspective, there is no difference in the response if
the delay is placed following the LPF block. Finally, by varying its numerator, the
low-pass can be modified to act as a transmission gain for the MLF. (It makes sense
only to decrease below unity as we are representing a decreased number of axonal
fibers.) Adjustments of these three parameters (time constant, delay, and gain)
allowed us to reproduce some basic patient saccades, capturing details such as
greater hypometricity, slower rise to peak velocity, and greater delay before the onset
of eye movement. As powerful as this model is, we still regularly encountered
FIG. 1
The INO model. The target change directs the burst generator and neural integrator (BGNI) to generate a pulse-slide-step tuned to the plant
dynamics. The signal is divided, with the top pathway driving the abducting eye, and the lower pathway(s) driving the adducting eye through one or
more branches of the MLF, which have user-variable gain, delay and time constants.
Based on Zee, D.S., Fitzgibbon, E.J., Optican, L.M., 1992. Saccade-vergence interactions in humans. J. Neurophysiol. 68 (5), 1624–1641.
FIG. 2
Model simulations of the effect of time constant on pulse-slide-step from BGNI. (A) As Tc
increases, the peak velocity of the resulting saccade is decreased due to the low-pass
filtering effect. Also, the initially sharp peak-velocity is broadened and delayed in time.
(B) Combined effects of Tc and delay. Because these effects partially overlap, it can be
difficult to determine how much of these changes, both at baseline and following fatigue are
due to which factor.
336 CHAPTER 26 Internuclear ophthalmoparesis and ocular-motor fatigue

saccadic responses that were too complex for it to reproduce. We found multiple
instances of saccades with double peaks in their velocity data, as well as others with
prolonged plateaus where we expected a normal-shaped peak-velocity profile.

2.2.2 Multiple-branch model

The appearance of such complex saccades suggests the possibility of superposition of
signals dispersed in time. To implement this in the model, we chose to split the MLF
into three branches, each with its own time constant, gain, and delay block. This is
intuitively satisfying physiologically as well, because the MLF contains a great many
axons, and there is no reason to believe that they should all be uniformly affected by
the demyelinating process of MS. By partitioning the MLF, we can treat each branch
differently, for example modeling a population of minimal disease, moderate disease,
and severe disease, with parameters unique to each condition. The branches feed into a
summation node followed by a gain multiplier of 1/3 to renormalize the combined
signal to the same range as in the original model before being fed to the complex plant.
Values of all parameters are set using a graphical interface. It is possible to replicate
the original single-branch model by disabling the other two branches. The gain
multiplier is automatically adjusted to match the number of active branches.

3 Results
3.1 Saccades parameters
In the control group, average PSR values for both velocity and acceleration were close
to 1 at each time interval: PVR were 0.978 at T1, 0.977 at T2, and 0.979 at T3; PAR
were 0.987 at T1, 0.99 at T2 and 0.992 at T3. Average PTDo values were 0.0016s at T1
through T3. Average PTDa values were 0.002 s at T1, 0.0017s at T2 and 0.0018s at T3.
PSR and PTD did not change significantly following the fatigue test in the controls.
Patients with INO showed baseline abnormal PSR for both velocity and acceler-
ation values, with baseline PVR and PAR of 1.2 and above. Average of PVR was
1.88 at T1, 1.91 at T2, and 1.9 at T3; average of PAR was 2.23 at T1, 2.25 at T2
and 2.22 at T3, both measures at each time significantly higher than those in the con-
trol group. PSR did not change significantly following the fatigue test for the INO
group. PTDo values were 0.010 s at T1 through T3, at each time significantly higher
than those in the control group. Average PTDa values were 0.006 s at T1, 0.005 s at
T2 and T3, at each time significantly higher than those in the control group. PTD did
not change significantly following the fatigue test for the INO group.
Looking at individual results, seven INOs showed significant decrease of PVR at
T3 vs T1, and six INOs showed significant increase of PVR at T3 vs T1. Eight INOs
showed significant decrease of PAR at T3 vs T1, and five INOs showed significant
increase of PAR at T3 vs T1. One INO showed significant increase of PTDo at T3 vs
T1, and one INO showed significant decrease of PTDa at T3 vs T1.
Manipulations of Tc, gain, and transmission delay in the model provided simu-
lated saccades that closely resembled those of INO patients during the fatigue test.
3 Results 337

3.2 Model simulation: PSR changes

Fig. 3 shows an example of PSR increase after the fatigue test in a patient with INO
and in the model.
Panels A and B show a leftward saccade of a patient with INO at the beginning
and toward the end of the fatigue test, respectively. This patient has bilateral INO and
is viewing with the left eye. After fatigue, the PVR increases from 1.67 to 2.3 due to
decrease of peak velocity of both eyes but with a relatively greater decrease in the
adducting eye. Panels C and D show the model simulation. To reproduce this
subject’s saccades, we first matched the timing of the abducting and adducting peak
velocities. A Tc of 15 ms (with no decreased gain setting or added delay) was
sufficient to simulate a right INO, and by itself yielded a PSR of 1.14. Decreasing
the gain to 0.68 resulted in a PSR of 1.67 (C), and a further decrease to 0.5 resulted
in a PSR of 2.28 (D).

FIG. 3
PSR changes (increase) in INO and in the model. The subject has made a leftward saccade so
the right eye response (in blue) is slower and hypometric (A, B). Panels C and D show
the model simulations. See text for details. The closed circles mark the time of saccade
onset based on velocity; the stars show the end of the saccade; the open circles mark the peak
velocity. RH pos: right eye position; LH pos: left eye position; RH vel: right eye velocity;
LH vel: left eye velocity.
338 CHAPTER 26 Internuclear ophthalmoparesis and ocular-motor fatigue

3.3 Model simulation: PTD changes

Fig. 4 shows examples of PTD variability in the same subject, irrespective of possible
ocular-motor fatigue.
Close-up views of the velocity and acceleration traces from two rightward
saccades of a patient with INO, both occurring at the beginning of the fatigue test,
are shown in panels A and B. This patient has bilateral INO and is viewing with the
right eye. These two consecutive saccades from the same subject have very different

FIG. 4
PTD changes in INO (velocity and acceleration traces shown) (A, B) and in the model (velocity
traces only shown) (C, D). In the left panels (A, C), there is a difference in timing between
when the adducting and abducting eyes begin their saccades, suggesting the introduction
of a pure delay. Panel C shows the abducting eye velocity rising above its baseline before
the adducting eye does. This is more clearly seen in the acceleration traces (bottom two lines).
In the right panels (B, D), there is little to no difference in when either velocity leaves baseline;
this PTD is more likely due to Tc effect. The closed circles mark the time of saccade
onset based on velocity; the stars show the end of the saccade; the open circles mark the
peak velocity and peak acceleration. RH vel: right eye velocity; LH vel: left eye velocity;
RH acc: right eye acceleration; LH acc: left eye acceleration.
4 Discussion 339

PTD, 14 and 26 ms, respectively. Panel A shows that the velocity traces leave base-
line at distinctly separate times (as shown by acceleration traces), therefore the PTD
is likely due to pure delay. In panel B there is little to no difference between the times
the velocity traces leave baseline. In this case it is more likely that the PTD is due
to the filtering effect of the Tc component. Panels C and D show the respective cases
for the model: (C) Use of pure time delay; (D) use only of elevated Tc.
In many cases, it will be possible to model the subject’s findings using solely
a single-branch increase in Tc, or by introducing a time delay in addition to that
increase in Tc. For larger PTDs, however, it may not be feasible to rely on increased
delay and Tc alone.

3.4 Model simulation: Complex saccades

The use of additional sub-tracts can generate complex motions of the affected eye by
allowing for the superposition of multiple scaled and time-shifted signals transmitted
along each branch of the MLF. For example, even using only two of the three
sub-tracts, we could simulate double-stepped single saccades, as sometimes seen
in INO due to MS.
Fig. 5A shows a saccade recorded from one of our subjects. Note that the adduct-
ing eye (green) has two distinct saccades as the velocity dropped below 40°/s, while
the abducting eye (blue) only has a single saccade. Panel B demonstrates the model
simulating this by addition of a scaled and delayed pulse from BGNI over the second
MLF sub tract. Panel C is a schematized view of the velocity trace, showing the con-
tributions of the initial and secondary pulses.

4 Discussion
The horizontal binocular disconjugacy characteristic of INO has been used to under-
stand common disabling symptoms in MS, such as sensitivity to high temperature
and primary motor fatigue (Davis et al., 2008; Ferreira et al., 2017; Finke et al.,
2012; Matta et al., 2009). Because INO is an eye movement disorder accessible
to accurate recording and quantification, it has been proposed as an actual model
of demyelination and impaired axonal conduction in MS, which may be of greater
utility when its study is coupled with advanced neuroimaging techniques (Sakaie
et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2015). Our study of several INOs due to MS, supported
by simulations in an improved control model of horizontal saccades, allowed us
to expand the characterization of INO in a way that may better correlate with the
underlying hypothesis of faulty axonal transmission along the MLF. We believe this
study further supports the utility of INO as a strong outcome measure for trials of
therapies that can improve axonal conduction, and even reparative agents. This
category of treatments has received a great deal of attention and there is experimental
evidence that several compounds with remyelinating properties might soon turn
useful in patients with MS (Mei et al., 2014; Najm et al., 2015; Scolding et al., 2017).
340 CHAPTER 26 Internuclear ophthalmoparesis and ocular-motor fatigue

FIG. 5
Examples of double-stepped saccades in INO and in the model. (A) This patient’s adducting
saccade (green) shows two separate velocity peaks, while the abducting saccade only
has one velocity peak. (B, C) The model can reproduce this by the addition of a second MLF
sub-tract with a pure delay and reduced gain. See text for details. The closed circles mark
the time of saccade onset based on velocity; the stars show the end of the saccade; the open
circles mark the peak velocity. RH pos: right eye position; LH pos: left eye position; RH
vel: right eye velocity; LH vel: left eye velocity.

What does our study add to the way INO is typically modeled and measured
through eye movement recording? Fundamental studies have shown that INO is best
quantified as an abnormal abducting-to-adducting eye ratio of peak velocity, accel-
eration and saccade amplitude (Chen et al., 2011; Flipse et al., 1997; Frohman et al.,
2003; Serra et al., 2008), and these measures have been even formally standardized
as “versional disconjugacy index” (VDI) (Frohman et al., 2002, 2003). Abnormali-
ties of the above measures reflect the underlying pathological process of INO where,
due to demyelination and axonal compromise and loss, a smaller pulse of innervation
is delivered to the adducting eye causing a typical slowing during horizontal
4 Discussion 341

saccades. The classic findings of abnormal peak velocity and acceleration ratio
(PVR, PAR) in INO are consistent with the results from our patient population, when
comparing to values of normal controls. However, our results emphasize that a com-
ponent of horizontal disconjugacy in INO is due to a delayed delivery of the saccadic
pulse to the affected eye. While controls show physiological delay in saccade onset
between the two eyes of <2 ms, with saccade onset calculated based on a 40°/s
velocity threshold, our results show that this pulse time delay (PTDo) in INO patients
is significantly higher, with average values of 10 ms. Also, while other studies have
considered the interocular time difference in occurrence of saccadic peak accelera-
tion not a sensitive way to distinguish between INO and healthy controls (Flipse
et al., 1997), our results show that PTD calculated as such difference (PTDa) is at
least two times greater (average 5–6 ms) than in controls (<2 ms). Adding measures
of PTD to INO modeling may provide an adjunctive study outcome when testing for
therapies that improve axonal transmission along the MLF tracts. Based on published
data from three patients (Serra et al., 2014), we are currently conducting a double-
blind placebo-controlled crossover trial examining the effects of dalfampridine,
a potassium channel blocker that ameliorates conduction of demyelinated axons,
on measures of INO such as PSR and PTD (NCT02391961). Basic changes observed
in our patient population can be reproduced in our model in terms of gain and signal
delay, which supports the importance of including PTD as a measure of disconjugacy
in INO.
Are measures of PSR and PTD in INO due to MS affected by sustained repetitive
ocular-motor tasks? Does INO worsen over time due to ocular-motor fatigue and can
this be a model for primary motor fatigue in MS? Evidence from our previous studies
suggest that binocular saccadic parameters may change following fatigue (Matta
et al., 2009). The idea of an underlying progressive failure of axonal transmission
induced by fatigue is supported by the observation that horizontal conjugacy in
INO also worsens following increases in core body temperature (Davis et al.,
2008), which may share a similar mechanism. Our current study confirms that
PSR can increase or decrease after fatigue in some patients with INO. These changes
can potentially be both attributed to further worsening of axonal transmission that
might even involve conduction block along some of the affected axons. Hypothet-
ically, as the signal deteriorates, the size of the saccadic pulse for the affected eye
further decreases resulting in increased PSR following fatigue (Fig. 3). However,
the effects of fatigue on INO are likely more complicated. Adaptive mechanisms
(potentially of cerebellar origin) could play a role for example in causing a drop
in the pulse size for both eyes, resulting in a smaller PSR following fatigue, perhaps
as a way to preserve as much conjugacy as possible. We have previously observed
that, in cases of severe INO, some patients employ vergence movements to overcome
ocular motor fatigue (Matta et al., 2009). It is possible that PTD changes during the
fatigue test might reflect fluctuation of axonal transmission fidelity not necessarily in
a linear fashion. Fig. 4 shows how PTD can even vary from saccade to saccade in
the same subject without showing a consistent increase following the fatigue test
342 CHAPTER 26 Internuclear ophthalmoparesis and ocular-motor fatigue

(i.e., average value of PTD at T3 vs T1). Thus, changes of PTD over time could also
be relevant as an outcome measure when using agents, such as dalfampridine,
that can stabilize axonal transmission by allowing a more consistent conduction
of the pulse from saccade to saccade. Our preliminary results from an ongoing
phase II trial of dalfampridine to treat INO in MS may support this hypothesis
( NCT02391961).
In summary, ocular-motor fatigue is likely an heterogeneous phenomenon
that may affect patients with INO differently, probably based on chronicity of the
MLF damage, severity of INO and underlying level of axonal damage and reserve,
and development of adaptation mechanisms of gaze control.
We have developed and presented a model of INO that can reproduce a wide
range of the saccades we see in our patients who have MS and INO, simulating
changes in PSR and PTD. We were also able to simulate complex saccades that could
not otherwise be recreated without the use of the MLF sub-tracts we introduced.
(It should be noted that, due to the interactions of multiple parameters over multiple
branches, there are likely multiple sets of values that can reproduce any or most
waveforms. In the future we will attempt to formalize the rules for selection using
parameter estimation.) At this time, there are aspects of our patient data that we
do not yet match. In particular, we have noted some subjects’ saccadic pulses last
longer than we can account for with just increased Tc. We believe this could be a
result of adaptive mechanisms, possibly independent of INO, that take place in
MS, as these prolonged pulses can appear in both eyes. Consequently, attempting
to match peak-velocity by way of adjusting Gain and/or Tc results in hypometric
saccades. Increasing the pulse width would allow us to retain the decreased peak-
velocity while eventually letting the adducting eye reach the target. We plan on
addressing this with modifications of the feedback mechanism within the original
model’s BGNI.
Effects of possible ocular-motor fatigue on saccadic performance in INO are
more complex than the current basic model can account for. In this study, we do
not address the issue of long- and short-term changes in behavior, which will require
the addition of a time-dependent state to automatically update parameters. For
example, we observed that increase or decrease of PSR following fatigue may
be due to a combination of changes of the adducting and abducting eye peak-
velocities, including decrease or increase of the abducting unaffected eye’s peak-
velocity. A future model should also offer the possibility of mimicking changes
of gain and velocity of the abducting eye, that probably represent neural adaptation
to ocular-motor fatigue through the use of feedback/feedforward between eyes,
combined with learning to allow the performance of each eye to affect the other.
In summary, our model provides a novel background for our observations related
to possible ocular-motor fatigue and variability of axonal transmission in INO. In
particular, the modification of a basic model to incorporate parallel MLF sub-tracts
with distinct conduction gains and delays can reproduce a variety of complex
saccades, before and after fatigue, seen in patients with varying degrees of adduction
References 343

We are grateful to Dr. J. Cohen and D. Ontaneda for referring subjects to our study.

This work was supported by Career Development Award #IK2RX001180 from the
United States (U.S.) Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research & Development

The contents do not represent the views of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or the
United States Government.

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344 CHAPTER 26 Internuclear ophthalmoparesis and ocular-motor fatigue

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J. Neurophysiol. 68 (5), 1624–1641.

Further reading
Frohman, T.C., Davis, S.L., Frohman, E.M., 2011. Modeling the mechanisms of Uhthoff’s
phenomenon in MS patients with internuclear ophthalmoparesis. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci.
1233, 313–319.

Central positional vertigo:

A clinical-imaging study

Emiliano De Schuttera, Zachariah O. Adhamb, Jorge C. Kattahb,*

Division de Neurotologia, Hospital Del Carmen, Mendoza, Argentina
Illinois Neurologic Institute, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, IL, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1-309-253-1793, e-mail address:

The diagnosis of central positional vertigo (CPV) is challenging, mainly because symptoms
overlap with the common variants of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Recent
correlations of imaging with neurotologic exams have improved our understanding of CPV
and ability differentiate it from BPPV. Yet, there is still a need to develop better diagnostic
algorithms to improve timely diagnosis and early intervention. Here we present a retrospective
review of the clinical characteristics, neurotologic evaluation and imaging of CPV in a cohort
of 27 patients and propose a diagnostic algorithm to be tested in future prospective fashion.
Most patients had positional nystagmus (downbeat and apogeotropic horizontal), cerebellar
ocular motor abnormalities and truncal ataxia indicative of a central lesion. 61.5% of our
cohort had paroxysmal CPV, 30.5% had a non-paroxysmal CPV and 8% paroxysmal-
evolving-to-non-paroxysmal CPV. The most common pattern of positional nystagmus evoked
with maneuvers was positional downbeat nystagmus (pDBN, 69.2%), apogeotropic horizontal
nystagmus (42.3%), geotropic (7.69%) and multiplanar (23.0%). Notably, 13 (50%) of patients
had cerebral imaging prior to CPV being on the differential diagnosis, whereas another 50%
of patients had CPV diagnosis preceding their work-up. Unilateral lesions on imaging were
4  less likely to exhibit nausea and vomiting, nearly 2  less likely to exhibit paroxysmal
nystagmus, and 2  less likely to exhibit nystagmus with habituality. Findings of pDBN or
apogeotropic nystagmus alone were enough to diagnose CPV in 50% of our patient cohort,
underscoring the importance of clinical evaluation in a time when an “imaging-first” philos-
ophy is gaining popularity in Neurology.

Algorithm for evaluation of central positional vertigo, Central positional nystagmus, Imaging
of central positional vertigo

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
346 CHAPTER 27 Central positional vertigo

1 Introduction
Diagnostic differentiation of central positional vertigo from benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo (BPPV) remains difficult, particularly considering that BPPV is
the most common cause of vertigo (Baloh, 2017; Dix and Hallpike, 1952; Furman
and Cass, 1999; Kim and Zee, 2014; von Brevern et al., 2007). To understand this
diagnostic difficulty, a brief historical recount is germane. Since the first publication
of positional vertigo and paroxysmal nystagmus in the 1921 by Bárány (Baloh, 2017).
Nylen (1931) published the largest series of brain tumors and CPV to date. Although
the definition of the nystagmus direction and the positional diagnostic techniques
do not allow a precise comparison with our current nystagmus classification, it is
remarkable that the diagnosis—80 years later—remains similarly challenging.
Central positional vertigo (CPV), shares several common symptoms with BPPV;
however, it is not related to displaced otoconia in the semicircular canals (Kim
and Zee, 2014). It results from impaired “central vestibular processing of canal
and otolith activation, in addition, to prolonged velocity storage in the cerebellar
nodulus” (Choi et al., 2015, 2018).
CPV patients have certain key eye movement features that allow clinical recog-
nition, and require a different diagnostic and management plan (Cho et al., 2017;
Choi et al., 2015, 2018; Macdonald et al., 2017). Such sentinel eye signs are critical
to initiate a work up in search of the most common causes: vascular, neoplastic,
demyelinating, infectious, inflammatory or degenerative. These lesions are located
in the posterior fossa (Buttner et al., 1999; Cho et al., 2017; Choi et al., 2015, 2018;
Macdonald et al., 2017; Nylen, 1931). We applied current diagnostic criteria for
positional vertigo (Buttner et al., 1999; von Brevern et al., 2015), and correlated them
with final neurotologic, neurologic, genetic, imaging, surgical and pathologic diagnosis.
In our series, we made two major comparisons. First, we compared a group clinical
diagnosed as CPV prior to imaging with another in which imaging had demonstrated
a CNS lesion (obtained without preceding neurotologic evaluation). Second, we com-
pared a group with bilateral lesions on imaging to a group with unilateral lesions.

2 Methods
This is a retrospective observational analysis of clinical records from Saint Francis
Medical Center, the main teaching affiliate of the University Of Illinois College Of
Medicine in Peoria, Illinois, USA and Hospital Del Carmen in Mendoza (Argentina).
The University of Illinois institutional review board approved the consent form and
the study for the patients evaluated in Peoria. The study spanned over 17 years
(2001–18). Exclusion criteria included previous history of isolated BPPV, idiopathic,
isolated positional nystagmus most notably intermittent or interictal pDBN with
migraine (Polensek and Tusa, 2010).
We included patients with positional paroxysmal and non-paroxysmal nystagmus
who had a neurotologic diagnosis of CPV and neuroimaging studies. We used the diag-
nostic criteria for positional vertigo from the Barany Society (von Brevern et al., 2015).
3 Results 347

We used various reviews and case series for diagnostic criteria of CPV (Buttner et al.,
1999; Macdonald et al., 2017; von Brevern et al., 2015). The CPV criteria included
positional vertigo or dizziness with paroxysmal and non-paroxysmal positional nys-
tagmus, associated with central ocular motor abnormalities, truncal imbalance or both;
all patients failed canal-repositioning therapeutic maneuvers. In addition, we studied a
group with imaging studies that demonstrated a central lesion prior to the CPV diag-
nosis. Patients underwent neurologic and neurotologic clinical exams, imaging and
genetic studies, surgical evaluation and postmortem pathologic examination. Multi-
planar MRI studies included DWI and ADC sequences and contrast administration
in all patients. We performed Video Oculography, including positional testing with
and without fixation block in all cases. An autopsy examination was described in
one of the cases previously reported (Cha et al., 2007; Kattah and Gujrati, 2005).
We summarize the testing protocol in Fig. 1. We looked for nystagmus during
attempted straight-ahead fixation and in lateral gaze and checked for pseudosponta-
neous nystagmus (PSN), in which nystagmus during straight-ahead fixation changes
direction or resolves during a 30-deg forward head pitch, and is a sign of horizontal
canal BPPV (Asprella-Libonati, 2008). We also performed the Dix-Hallpike (DH)
keeping the head in the straight, right or left hanging position for 1 min. When
fatigable, geotropic, upbeat/torsional nystagmus developed, we performed an Epley
maneuver without further testing. In those patients with positional downbeat (pDBN)
or pDBN/torsional, or horizontal nystagmus on DH maneuver—or those without
nystagmus—we performed additional positional testing, including head roll maneuvers.
In recent cases (cases 20–27), we included prone position testing. The supine head roll
(SHR) maneuver served to identify patients with horizontal geotropic or apogeotropic
nystagmus. This SHR maneuver involved a rapid head turn and maintenance of the head
in one position for 1 min, to determine fatigability or spontaneous reversal of nystagmus
direction. We performed each positional maneuver at least twice to determine
The MRI protocol used in these patients has been previously described (Newman-
Toker et al., 2008). MRI of the brain was obtained in 26 patients and CT only in one, in
whom MRI was contraindicated (case 25). In one the MRI was not viewed but was
interpreted as normal by a radiologist. One patient also had a FDG PET/MRI scan of
the brain.
We applied Fisher’s Exact Test, to compare characteristics of groups: (1) patients
with a clinical CPV diagnosis prior to imaging (CVP-first) vs patients with imaging
prior to CPV diagnosis (Imaging-first); and (2) patients with bilateral lesions vs
patients with unilateral lesions.

3 Results
3.1 General characteristics
We included 27 patients. The average age was 55 years without gender pre-
ponderance. Table 1 and Fig. 1 provide demographic, symptoms and nystagmus
characteristics in patients with imaging prior to or after neurotologic examination;
FIG. 1
Flow chart diagram illustrating the diagnostic protocol used in this study and the distribution of different nystagmus types found. Note that the
paroxysmal CPV group includes two patients with paroxysmal CPV that eventually became chronic non-paroxysmal. *Important to check
the effect of head bending in any patient with spontaneous horizontal nystagmus for direction change. **Several patients had more than
one positional nystagmus type.
Table 1 Demographics, positional nystagmus characteristics, imaging and diagnosis in a cohort of central positional vertigo.
Nystagmus in Dix-Hallpike or nystagmus in Paroxysmal vs
PT head roll maneuver primary gaze non-paroxysmal MRI findings Diagnosis

1 Horizontal apogeotropic R: h-LBN None in primary gaze Non-paroxysmal Several bilateral cerebellar R vertebral artery occlusion
SPV 25, L: h-RBN SPV 22.1 w/o or w fixation Last >2 min stroke in R nodulus and uvula L subclavian steal
and partial in L 60% stenosis of left
vertebral artery
2 Positional DBN SPV 10 None initially Initially paroxysmal Normal initially Episodic ataxiaa evolving to
Eventually primary Then non-paroxysmal generalized cerebellar
gaze DBN Last >2 min atrophy
3 Positional DBN SPV 11, HS DBN None initially Non-paroxysmal Normal initially Episodic ataxiaa evolving to
Eventually developed Last >2 min Loss of Purkinje cells in bilateral generalized cerebellar
primary gaze DBN nodulus at autopsy atrophy
4 Positional DBN. SPV 8.2 None Non-paroxysmal Post-surgical resection of large Midline vermis dermoid cyst
Last >2 min midline cerebellar mass
5 Positional DBN 24 deg/s None Paroxysmal Mild cerebellar atrophy Idiopathic cerebellar
+ apogeotropic horizontal SPV atrophy
2 deg/s
6 Positional DBN, SPV 56 deg/s also None Paroxysmal Normal initially progressive Idiopathic cerebellar
h-geotropic R h-roll SPV 12.4 deg/s moderate cerebellar atrophy in atrophy
and h-LBN 9.6 deg/s serial MRI
7 First AVS, then positional DBN h-LBN Paroxysmal Non-specific T2 bilateral Possibly episodic
12.6 deg/s subcortical signal changes ataxia/migraine
8 First positional DBN Eventually DBN Paroxysmal Non-specific T2 bilateral Possibly episodic
Later DBN subcortical signal ataxia/migraine
9 Positional DBN, SPV: 6 deg/s None Paroxysmal Reported normal, no films Genetic variant of EA2 on
available for review her sonb
10 Positional DBN SPV: 28 deg/s None Paroxysmal Cystic midline vermis lesion Hydatid cyst
11 Positional HH DBN None Paroxysmal Unilateral cerebellar flocculus Medulloblastoma
22 deg/s, sitting UBN 12.6 deg/s Nodulus and hemisphere Mass

Table 1 Demographics, positional nystagmus characteristics, imaging and diagnosis in a cohort of central positional vertigo.—cont’d
Nystagmus in Dix-Hallpike or nystagmus in Paroxysmal vs
PT head roll maneuver primary gaze non-paroxysmal MRI findings Diagnosis
12 Horizontal apogeotropic R: 8 deg/s, None in primary gaze Non-paroxysmal Unilateral MCP Stroke
L: 7 deg/s w/o or w fixation Last >2 min Posterior
only with fixation block Pons stroke
13 Positional DBN 11 deg/s None Initially paroxysmal, Unilateral right flocculus Right midline cerebellar
eventually non- Nodulus lesion tumefactive demyelinating
paroxysmal lesion
14 Eventually horizontal apogeotropic Pseudo-spontaneous Paroxysmal Bilateral flocculus and MCP Mid-basilar stenosis. Status
R: h-LBN SPV: 10, L: h-RBN SPV: h-RBN lesions post basilar artery stent
15 Horizontal apogeotropic R: h-LBN None in primary gaze Paroxysmal Unilateral right biventer, near Subacute stroke
SPV: 13, L: h-RBN SPV: 8 w/o or w fixation nodulus infarct
16 Positional DBN HH None Paroxysmal Normal Idiopathic cerebellar
Positional UBN UR degeneration
17 LHH: h-LBN SPV: 5.9 deg/s, RHH; None in primary gaze Non-paroxysmal Multiple demyelinating lesionsc Multiple sclerosis
mild h-RBN geotropic w/o or w fixation
18 Horizontal apogeotropic RHH: RBN None in primary gaze Non-paroxysmal Unilateral acute plaque in left Multiple sclerosis
SPV: 1.5, LHH: LBN SPV: 4.5, w/o or w fixation cerebellar hemisphere, near
geotropic nodulus
19 Horizontal apogeotropic h RBN in h-RBN Paroxysmal Mild cerebellar atrophy Idiopathic cerebellar
dark, apogeotropic h in R + L head degeneration and polycystic
roll kidneys
20 Positional DBN SPV 8 deg/s None Paroxysmal Unilateral repaired superior Superior canal dehiscence.
canal dehiscence Unilateral decreased VOR
gain all canals
21 Positional DBN 8 deg/s in HH, UBN Vibration Paroxysmal Multiple, unilateral AICA and Intracranial V4 vertebral
reversal sitting Horizontal PICA strokes, sparing the artery dissection
RBN nodulus
22 Apogeotropic h-nystagmus, R roll Mild h-LGEN with Non-paroxysmal Unilateral, large R cerebellar Cerebellar
h-LBN 12.2 deg/s and L roll h-RBN. fixation block hemisphere mass with Medulloblastoma
Non-fatigable 10 deg/s Supine compression of the nodulus
Same in DH h-LBN 6 deg/s
23 Fatigable BPPV in left hanging head DBN 10 deg/s Paroxysmal Mild midline cerebellar atrophy Coincidental posterior canal
SPV 85 deg/s Non-specific T2 subcortical BPPV in a patient with an
Posterior canal BPPV, responded signal hyperintensities idiopathic downbeat
to Epley maneuver (Fig. 2). nystagmus
24 DBN from 8 deg/s to 20 deg/s UBN None in primary gaze Paroxysmal Normal Idiopathic cerebellar
URP 6.5 deg/s w/o or w fixation PET hypometabolism degeneration
Apogeotropic h nystagmus R: LBN
6 deg/s; L: LBN 6 deg/s
25 Apogeotropic h-nystagmus, R roll HH: DBN 8 deg/s Paroxysmal Medulla compression by severe Either compression of the
h-LBN: 25 deg/s; L roll h-RBN. Prone vertebral/basilar dolichoectasia caudal brainstem or
Non-fatigable 22 deg/s h-LBN infarction not detected by
DBN 4 deg/s CT scan
26 Positional DBN 8 deg/s None Paroxysmal Gad-65 positive Autoimmune ataxia
Left head roll h-RBN 6 deg/s
Right head roll h-LBN 7 deg/s
27 Apogeotropic h-nystagmus R roll: HV: DBN Non-paroxysmal Unilateral infarct right tonsil, mPICA stroke
LBN 7 deg/s + DBN 6 deg/s and HH: DBN uvula and nodulus
L roll: h-RBN average 12 deg/s + Prone DBN/LBN
DBN 4 deg/s Supine DBN/LBN
Initial symptoms were episodic and over a decade the patients developed permanent signs of cerebellar dysfunction.
The patient was not tested , but her son showed a gene mutation considered pathogenic.
None of the plaques were located in the cerebellum or brainstem.
352 CHAPTER 27 Central positional vertigo

FIG. 2
Baseline downbeat nystagmus in a patient with iDBN (left upper panel). Dix Hallpike
maneuver triggered a characteristic posterior canal BPPV. Note high velocity upbeat

a neurologist or neurotologists before imaging did not evaluate the patients with
imaging preceding examination. We also compare patients with unilateral and bilat-
eral lesions on imaging.
The most common pattern of positional nystagmus evoked with maneuvers was
positional downbeat nystagmus (pDBN, 66.6%) followed by apogeotropic hori-
zontal nystagmus (40.7%), geotropic (7.4%) and multiplanar (21.0%). Multiplanar
includes patients with pDBN plus pUBN when assuming upright position (cases
16 and 25) or pDBN plus horizontal apogeotropic nystagmus (cases 5, 6, 24,
25 and 26, 27; Fig. 1). 66.6% had paroxysmal pattern of nystagmus, 25.9% had a
non-paroxysmal (>1 min) pattern, and 7.4% evolved from paroxysmal to non-
paroxysmal. We defined latency as the onset of nystagmus after reaching final head po-
sition, latency of 3 s (from offset of positioning); it was observed in 96.2% of the co-
hort. We observed additional neurologic symptoms in 85.1% of the cohort. 14/27 or
51.8% presented with only vertical nystagmus induced by maneuvers. Only 2/27
patients showed enhancement of nystagmus with fixation (cases 6 and 7) (Figs. 3 and 4).
25.9% of our patients presented with prominent nausea or vomiting, much lower
than previously reported, 93.3% (von Brevern et al., 2015). 70.4% of our patients
presented with additional ocular motor abnormalities. Positional nystagmus in
3 Results 353

FIG. 3
Central positional vertigo in a patient with a right PICA stroke that affects the right nodulus and
uvula. Note both horizontal apogeotropic and downbeat nystagmus.

FIG. 4
Slow progression of cerebellar degeneration over 5 years in a patient with familial cerebellar
degeneration and positional downbeat nystagmus.
354 CHAPTER 27 Central positional vertigo

26% was transiently habituated with repeat positioning (cases 5, 6, 8, 9, 20, 21 and 22),
but present at subsequent testing sessions. All patients presented a decrescendo pattern
of nystagmus intensity. Interestingly, three patients (cases 9, 11, 12) did not have
additional neurological abnormality (isolated CPV). In addition, one patient had
limb ataxia and dysarthria (case 25). In 14 patients, episodic vertigo was the reason
for consultation to a neurotologist; the remaining patients reported primarily unstead-
iness while standing and gait difficulty as their primary complaint, however, they
also reported positional dizziness, exercise related vertigo and episodic positional
When a focal lesion was present on MRI, the tonsil/nodulus/uvula and other mid-
line vermis lesions were affected locations. Additional locations included: unilateral
middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP), posterior pontine infarct, and bilateral symmetric
flocculus and MCP lesions. Two lateral cerebellar hemisphere medulloblastomas were
adjacent to the fourth ventricle. In addition, we did not find radiographic evidence of
olivopontocerebellar atrophy (OPCA) or basal ganglia changes suggestive of multisys-
tem atrophy (MSA) in our cohort. Etiologies are summarized in Table 1.
Two patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) developed positional vertigo with,
non-fatigable, geotropic nystagmus that mimicked a light cupula syndrome as it
lasted a few weeks and resolved spontaneously (Kim et al., 2018) (cases 17, 18).
In our entire CPV cohort, we had three patients with provoked nystagmus when
tested siting up with fixation block (hyperventilation-induced DBN in two MS pat-
ents and vibration-induced right beat nystagmus in cochleo-vestibular stroke cases
17,18 and 21), and one patient with PSN (case 7). All our CA, EA and idiopathic
DBN (iDBN), except for case 7, had gaze paretic nystagmus, decreased horizontal
pursuit gain and poor VOR cancellation. Two patients in this series had unilateral
horizontal and vertical vestibular paresis and one had bilateral vestibular paresis
(unilateral in one after SCD surgery, one post cochleo-vestibular stroke and bilateral
in one CA patient). Two EA patients with pDBN developed in time straight ahead
fixation DBN. With the exception of two patients with normal Romberg with inabil-
ity to perform tandem gait in this cohort, the remaining CPV patients had positive
Romberg sway and truncal ataxia, including EA patients examined in an interictal

3.2 CPV-first and imaging-first groups

Thirteen patients (cases 4, 13–22, 26, 27) had first lesions on imaging (Imaging-
first), and on subsequent clinical examinations were noted to have positional
nystagmus. The acute symptoms explain their initial evaluation at an Emergency
Department (ED). 53.8% of these patients had paroxysmal nystagmus, 23% showed
fatigability or habituality of nystagmus, none had any clinically appreciable latency
in onset of nystagmus, while all showed other neurologic findings on exam—mainly
ataxia or inability to do tandem gait. On DH and head-roll maneuvers 53.8% patients
showed pDBN, 7.69% had upbeat nystagmus when sitting up after DH. Of those
showing pDBN on DH and straight hanging head position, four had also horizontal
apogeotropic nystagmus with supine head roll; notably, we did not see PSN in this
4 Discussion 355

group. Of those who showed only horizontal nystagmus on DH (n ¼ 3), one patient
had horizontal nystagmus also with head roll.
In the CPV-first subcohort (cases 1, 2, 3, 5, 6–12, 23, 24, 25), all had additional
truncal ataxia and ocular motor cerebellar signs (primarily gaze paretic nystagmus,
impaired horizontal pursuit). The most frequent nystagmus in this subcohort was
pDBN (78.5%, paroxysmal and non-paroxysmal) followed by apogeotropic horizon-
tal nystagmus (35.7%). Three patients had both pDBN and apogeotropic horizontal
nystagmus (cases 4, 26, 27; see Table 1). 71.5% of these patients did not have nausea
or vomiting. 8.5% of CPV-first patients had paroxysmal positional nystagmus, with
one additional patient (case 13) initially presenting with pDBN and progressed to
continuous straight ahead fixation gaze DBN within an 18-month period. In this sub-
cohort of CPV-first patients, 71.5% had no nystagmus habituation. In this subcohort
nystagmus developed immediately after reaching the final head position in the

3.3 Unilateral and bilateral lesion groups

With regard to patients showing bilateral lesions on imaging (cases 1–10, 14, 16, 18,
19, 23–26): 33.3% presented with nausea and vomiting, 72.2% exhibited pDBN,
66.6% paroxysmal nystagmus, 27.7% habitual nystagmus. For patients with unilateral
lesions on imaging (cases 11–13, 15, 17, 20–22, 27): 11.1% presented with nausea and
vomiting, 55.5% exhibited pDBN, 55.5% paroxysmal nystagmus, 22.2% habitual
nystagmus, and 22.2% with specific lesion of the nodulus.

4 Discussion
Based on our study of a two groups of patients with central positional vertigo—one
group diagnosed before imaging, and the other after—we have developed a diagnos-
tic algorithm (Fig. 1) that we propose as a working hypothesis for future testing, in
the spirit of Lance Optican. Before discussing the algorithm, we first compare our
data base (which we used, in part, to formulate the model) with prior studies (Fig. 5).
We found 12/27 or 44.4% (cases 2, 3, 6–11, 13, 16, 20, 21) of our cohort
presented with only vertical nystagmus on maneuvers, a greater percentage than
the previously reported fraction (24.8%) of central positional nystagmus (CPN) cases
analyzed in a recent meta-analysis REF. Our cohort had only 2 out of 27 patients with
nystagmus enhanced with fixation (cases 6 and 7), this is less than previously
reported (von Brevern et al., 2015). Our cohort had additional unique features,
including latency 3 s in 26/27 or 96.2%, persistence of nystagmus for >1 min
(8/27 or 25.9%) and abnormal postural symptoms and signs (23/27 or 85.1%). These
results are similar to the cases aggregated in a recent meta-analysis by Macdonald
et al. (2017), in which 94.7% of their patients had latency 3 s, and 41.7% showed
nystagmus persisting for >1 min. 74.0% of our patients presented with additional
ocular motor abnormalities, comparable to the 88.6% previously reported (von
Brevern et al., 2015). Our cohort had only 25.9% (cases 8–10, 14, 16, 24, 27)
356 CHAPTER 27 Central positional vertigo

FIG. 5
Horizontal apogeotropic nystagmus in a patient with a large right cerebellar hemisphere mass.

of our patients present with prominent nausea or vomiting, much lower than previ-
ously reported, 93.3% (von Brevern et al., 2015).
While CPV accounts only for a small fraction of positional vertigo patients,
precise diagnosis is critical to initiate a work-up and possibly rapid intervention.
We combined our cohort analysis with parameters recommended by recent studies
to create an algorithm or protocol, which allows rapid recognition of “CPV” (Fig. 1).
Whereas the Dix-Hallpike maneuver is probably the only positional test needed in
patients with typical posterior canal syndrome, performing an extended positional
test protocol is imperative in all horizontal canal positional vertigo patients. This ex-
tended protocol includes the prone positions.
All our patients had positional symptoms, 85.1% had vertigo, three patients had a
sensation of loss of balance and unsteadiness when changing position, at time severe
and leading to fall (cases 11, 14 and 15). One of our patients (case 3) reported
oscillopsia, a finding previously reported in only four cases of central positional
nystagmus series (Feil et al., 2019; Schniepp et al., 2014; Tateno and Sakakibara,
2018). Unlike all previously reported cases of oscillopsia in the setting of CPN, ours
presented with pDBN on DH and straight-head-hanging maneuvers (SHHM); all
others with oscillopsia had positional torsional, geotropic, and upbeat nystagmus.
A recent editorial comment emphasized the high frequency of “vertigo” as a com-
plaint among patients with cerebellar disorders. It is possibly related to an abnormal
4 Discussion 357

perception of motion (Shaikh and Manto, 2019). To facilitate the discussion we

will describe the clinical symptoms and findings in the two patients’ subgroups
and will follow with a subgroup comparison.

4.1 General clinical neurotology findings

Our series, in agreement with previous reports, confirm that nystagmus direction and
its temporal characteristics are the most important factors to diagnose CPV. Com-
pared to central lesions, those in the periphery generally resolve spontaneously
(Kim et al., 2012). Peripheral lesions generally responds well to canal repositioning
maneuvers and failure to respond to canal repositioning justifies an investigation for
a central cause (Fife, 1998). Fig. 1 is a summary list of the protocol and signs leading
to CPV diagnosis. For example, posterior SCC BPPV results in a pathognomonic
paroxysmal, geotropic upbeat/torsional nystagmus. This, even in patients with asso-
ciated neurologic abnormalities, is always of peripheral origin and responds to canal
repositioning maneuvers despite a frequently abnormal neurologic examination, par-
ticularly in the context of traumatic brain injury (Ahn et al., 2011) or multiple scle-
rosis (Frohman et al., 2003) (Fig. 6).
pDBN is more difficult to localize; a diagnosis of canalolithiasis of the anterior
canal BPPV can be confidently made when the paroxysmal DBN occurs after con-
clusion of an Epley maneuver, or when it respond to repositioning maneuvers. More-
over, in some cases, when DH triggers pDBN—leading to a preliminary diagnosis of
anterior canal BPPV—testing the contralateral side reveals a typical upbeat/torsional

FIG. 6
PET scan of patient with cerebellar degeneration and positional downbeat nystagmus, the
MRI showed minor changes, PET scan showed diffuse cerebellar conspicuous
hypometabolism (lower panel) , in contrast to normal cerebral metabolism in the temporal
358 CHAPTER 27 Central positional vertigo

nystagmus, suggesting ectopic otoconia in the distal non-ampullary arm of the pos-
terior canal (Welgampola et al., 2017) which simply improves with a specific liber-
atory maneuver. We found combined pDBN during DH with h-apogeotropic
nystagmus in head roll maneuvers to be an important sign suggesting CPV. In this
series, we include only pDBN patients with imaging abnormalities, or in the context
of a cerebellar/brainstem degenerative process; in many cases pDBN may be an
isolated finding associated with migraine and other uncertain etiology. Importantly,
additional cerebellar ocular motor abnormalities (Leigh and Zee, 2015), and posture
and gait abnormalities contributed to lesion localization in this CPV cohort, under-
scoring the value of a detailed neurologic and neurotologic evaluation among patients
with positional vertigo.

5 Comparison between clinical-first and imaging-first

To better aid clinical decision making, we believe it is germane to compare cases first
diagnosed as CPV from clinical exam against those diagnosed as CPV after first
identifying brain lesions on imaging. The CPV-first cohort had only 4/14 patient with
nausea and vomiting, compared to 3/13 patients who had lesions identified on im-
aging first. We found 21.4% CPV-first patients with as non-paroxysmal, compared
to 46.1% of imaging-first patients. 28.5% CPV-first patients showed habituality of
nystagmus, compared to 23.1% imaging-first patients. 4/14 CPV-first patients had no
discrete lesion or entirely normal imaging, compared to 10/13 imaging-first patients.
Overall, the CPV-first subcohort was 2  less likely to have non-paroxysmal nystag-
mus and 2.5  less likely to have a discrete mass on imaging.

5.1 CPV lesion localization

The clinical and imaging findings in this series support the notion that the midline
cerebellar vermis is important in the processing and modulation of simultaneous
graviceptive otolith and canalicular angular velocity signals. CPV originates from
an abnormal central response to otolith activation during positional testing. In this
cohort, two patients with large fourth ventricle tumors presumably caused either
bilateral mass effect or infiltration of the midline vermis. In contrast, unilateral
lesions had conspicuous imaging findings, most often involved vascular abnormal-
ities or unilateral tumors.
11.1% of those with unilateral lesions had nausea and vomiting on presentation,
compared to 33.3% with CA or presumed bilateral lesions. 56.6% of those with uni-
lateral lesions were unable to perform tandem gait, compared to 88.88% of those
with bilateral lesions. 33.3% of those with unilateral lesions had lesions in the nodu-
lus/uvula. Moreover, 72.2% of our bilateral CPV lesions had pDBN, in contrast to a
lower 55.5% of those with unilateral lesions (Table 1). Overall, unilateral lesions
were 3  less likely to report nausea and vomiting.
References 359

6 Limitations
There are several limitations in this study, mostly related to the small sample size and
the retrospective nature of the study. Moreover, it is not possible to estimate the pre-
cise incidence of CPV in the population that we serve because CPV patients often
undergo imaging and neurosurgical or medical treatment without neurotologic con-
sultation. A recent report involving a 5400 subject cohort with cerebellar disease
identified 57 cases (15%) who had CPV. We restricted this study to CPV patients
with specific syndromic etiology (CA, EA and iDBN syndromes) or imaging abnor-
malities in an effort to define a clinical imaging correlation, thus we excluded
migraine patients with ictal or interictal isolated pDBN who could potentially
develop late clinical and imaging central abnormalities.
In conclusion, CPV is not common, but critical to diagnose, as it may be the most
important neurologic abnormality found; in this series, we uniformly found the
nystagmus direction as the most helpful central indicator, additional factors such
as nystagmus latency, habituality and duration are selectively helpful. In our series,
the lack of improvement with canal repositioning maneuvers, with exception for the
coincidental posterior canal BPPV patient with SCA, was also a CPV characteristic.
Finally, we encountered vestibular, oculomotor and postural abnormalities in most
cases; consequently, atypical positional nystagmus cases require a careful neuroto-
logic evaluation, ideally performed prior to MRI. The proposed testing algorithm
awaits testing in a prospective study to include examination prior to imaging.

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Eye-hand re-coordination:
A pilot investigation of gaze
and reach biofeedback in
chronic stroke
John-Ross Rizzoa,b,e,*,†, Mahya Beheshtia,†, Azadeh Shafieesabeta, James Funga,
Maryam Hosseinia, Janet C. Ruckerb,c, Lawrence H. Snyderd, Todd E. Hudsona,b
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, NYU School of Medicine, New York,
NY, United States
Department of Neurology, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Department of Ophthalmology, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Department of Neuroscience, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,
MO, United States
Department of Biomedical Engineering, NYU School of Engineering, New York, NY, United States
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +1-646-501-7828; Fax: +1-212-263-2683,
e-mail address:

Within the domain of motor performance, eye-hand coordination centers on close relation-
ships between visuo-perceptual, ocular and appendicular motor systems. This coordination
is critically dependent on a cycle of feedforward predictions and feedback-based corrective
mechanisms. While intrinsic feedback harnesses naturally available movement-dependent
sensory channels to modify movement errors, extrinsic feedback may be provided syntheti-
cally by a third party for further supplementation. Extrinsic feedback has been robustly
explored in hand-focused, motor control studies, such as through computer-based visual
displays, highlighting the spatial errors of reaches. Similar attempts have never been tested
for spatial errors related to eye movements, despite the potential to alter ocular motor perfor-
mance. Stroke creates motor planning deficits, resulting in the inability to generate predictions
of motor performance. In this study involving visually guided pointing, we use an interactive
computer display to provide extrinsic feedback of hand endpoint errors in an initial baseline
experiment (pre-) and then feedback of both eye and hand errors in a second experiment (post-)
to chronic stroke participants following each reach trial. We tested the hypothesis that extrinsic
feedback of eye and hand would improve predictions and therefore feedforward control. We
noted this improvement through gains in the spatial and temporal aspects of eye-hand coor-
dination or an improvement in the decoupling noted as incoordination post-stroke in previous

These authors contributed equally.

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
362 CHAPTER 28 Eye-hand re-coordination

studies, returning performance toward healthy, control behavior. More specifically, results show
that stroke participants, following the interventional feedback for eye and hand, improved both
their accuracy and timing. This was evident through a temporal re-synchronization between eyes
and hands, improving correlations between movement timing, as well as reducing the overall
time interval (delay) between effectors. These experiments provide a strong indication that an
extrinsic feedback intervention at appropriate therapeutic doses may improve eye-hand coordi-
nation during stroke rehabilitation.

Coordination, Eye, Hand, Stroke, Biofeedback, Re-coordination

1 Introduction
Eye-hand coordination (EHC) depends critically on integrated control of ocular and
appendicular sensorimotor systems to accomplish a single goal, such as touching a
visual target. Optimal coordination between eye and hand relies on complex feedfor-
ward- and feedback-mediated relationships between the visuo-perceptual, ocular and
appendicular motor systems, and takes advantage of finely orchestrated synergies
between these systems in both the spatial and temporal domains.
Feedforward control is the prediction, planning and subsequent generation of
motor commands based on a desired action. Feedback control corrects these com-
mands based on sensory feedback about motor performance, involving error detec-
tion and modification either in real-time during the movement (online correction)
or following movement termination (offline modification of future movement
(Ao et al., 2015)). Feedback derived from motor errors can be classified as either
“intrinsic” or “extrinsic.” Intrinsic feedback refers to innate sensory-perceptual
information channels that monitor motor performance as judged against desired
performance through both comparisons to efference copy and the motor execution
compared to the external environment (Sigrist et al., 2013). Intrinsic feedback is what
is naturally available. Extrinsic feedback, in contrast, is provided synthetically by a
third party or external device to supplement intrinsic feedback. Extrinsic feedback
may be leveraged experimentally, typically by enhancing the information provided
visually (screens), aurally (speaker, headphones), tactilely (robots, vibrotactile), or a
combination of the above (Sigrist et al., 2013).
Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for post-stroke rehabilitation include
biofeedback (extrinsic feedback) as a favorable management recommendation for
several post-stroke conditions, including impairments of gait, balance, and motor
control (Panel, 2006). While biofeedback has been implemented with success often
through visual cues and prompts in stroke rehabilitation, these approaches very often
center on correcting the hand/limb component of the intended action. This continues
in contemporary rehabilitation despite the fact that most tasks and interventions are
visually guided actions that require eye-hand coordination (Seok et al., 2016), and it
2 Methods 363

assumes that no inherent dysfunction resides on the visual system or in integrating

the visual and motor components for coordinated control. Predicting the conse-
quence of a motor plan and any anticipated error is the essence of feedforward
control (Wolpert and Ghahramani, 2000; Wolpert et al., 1995); this is true for
movement in the hand and also the eye. Improving these predictions should allow
one to improve motor performance through the process of motor learning
(Shadmehr and Wise, 2005). In stroke, there are motor planning deficits, as hemi-
paretic patients are unable to properly predict the impact of a given set of neural
commands when asked to perform visually guided hand movements (Beer et al.,
1999). If these predictions are impaired, external “prompts” or visual cues may help
adjust not only hand control, but also eye control and inform a working eye-hand
coordination model.
In our study, we provide extrinsic feedback as part of a visually guided pointing
task that is focused on remediating eye-hand incoordination, defined as temporal
decoupling of eye and hand during attempted coordination, for participants with
middle cerebral artery stroke. Separate feedback signals convey, first, the difference
between the actual endpoint of the saccade and the intended spatial target, and
second, the actual endpoint of the reach. We test the hypothesis that adaptive control
mechanisms will be recruited to rescue both temporal and spatial aspects of eye-hand
decoupling in these stroke subjects, guiding performance toward neurotypical
coupling (normative eye-hand control).

2 Methods
2.1 Subjects
Seventeen (17) neurologically sound control subjects (aged 26.2  4.6) and 13 stroke
participants (57.4  14.2) with a known history of middle cerebral artery ischemic
stroke were recruited. Among the stroke participants, seven had right hemispheric
middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke and six had left hemispheric MCA strokes
(mild-moderate motor impairment [Fugl-Meyer Scale]; <2 modified Ashworth
scale). The clinical characteristics of the stroke participants are summarized in
Table 1.

2.2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

A focused stroke history and neurological and musculoskeletal examinations (inclu-
sive of more extensive range of motion analyses) were performed on all participants
to determine inclusion/exclusion.
Stroke participants: (1) 18 years, (2) injury in the in the middle cerebral artery
(MCA) distribution at least 4 months prior to enrollment, (3) ability to complete the
Fugl-Meyer Score (FMS) to define arm motor impairment (Fugl-Meyer et al., 1975),
(4) a full range of eye movements in horizontal and vertical directions, as assessed
by the experimenter, (5) ability to perform pointing tasks, as assessed by the
364 CHAPTER 28 Eye-hand re-coordination

Table 1 Clinical characteristics of stroke participants.

Stroke Chronicity Fugl-Meyer
Subject ID Age (Years) Sex characteristicsa (Months) scoreb

1 78 M R MCA distribution 24 66
2 61 F R MCA distribution 84 66
10 39 M R MCA distribution 55 47
11 70 M R MCA distribution 2 66
6 60 F R MCA distribution 30 30
7 73 M R MCA distribution 72 58
8 51 F R MCA distribution 146 30
3 34 M L MCA distribution 19 66
4 39 F L MCA distribution 16 45
5 70 M L MCA distribution 32 58
9 60 M L MCA distribution 52 63
12 47 F L MCA distribution 17 61
13 65 F L MCA distribution 7 66
Avg. 57.5 42 55.5
(SD) (14.3) (39) (13.3)
Stroke characteristics, lesion location obtained from medical history with participant and/or family
members serving as historian; region and laterality cross-validated for consistency with examination
Fugl-Meyer Score, a summation of the Upper Extremity Score (out of 66), which reflects the extent of
post stroke motor impairment.

experimenter, (6) willingness to complete all clinical assessments, and (7) an ability
to give informed consent and complete HIPPA certifications.
Control and stroke participants were excluded if they met any of the following
criteria: (1) cognitive dysfunction <24 on the Mini Mental Status (Srivastava
et al., 2006), (2) significant injury to an eye, weakness in extraocular muscles or pres-
ence of visual field cuts, assessed by the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of
Visual-Motor Integration (Beery VMI) (Malloy et al., 2003; Temple et al., 2010;
Zagar and Mead, 1983), standard clinical tests for visual acuity (Snellen chart)
(Tannenbaum, 1971), visual fields (Beck et al., 1985). The 25-item National Eye In-
stitute Visual Functioning Questionnaire and a 10-item neuro-ophthalmic supple-
ment survey were completed to quantify the extent of disability due to perceived
visual deficits (Beck et al., 1985), (3) hemi-spatial neglect assessed via the line bi-
section test (Schenkenberg et al., 1980) and the single-letter cancellation (Johnston
and Diller, 1986), (4) major disability, as determined by a score >4 on the modified
Rankin scale (Johnston and Diller, 1986; Rankin, 1957), (5) previous neurological
illness, confounding medical conditions, or significant injury to the upper extremity,
(6) significant depression determined by a score <11 on the Geriatric Depression
scale (Volz et al., 2016), (7) pregnancy, and (8) electrical implant devices, e.g., pace-
makers or defibrillators.
2 Methods 365

A video eye tracker (Eye Link ll) was used to record eye movements. Subjects
were seated on an adjustable chair 60 cm away from Dell 2700 monitor screen. The
eye tracker was calibrated for each participant before each session. A motion sensor
(Polhemus) was affixed to the distal aspect of the index finger of the hand on the
to-be-tested arm (the dominant arm for controls, and both arms in participants with
stroke). The Polhemus sensor was affixed to the finger by first placing it on the finger
and securing it at three locations (proximal and distal phalanx and wrist). A nine-
point grid on the table top spanning 12 by 9 cm was used to calibrate the Polhemus
sensor. At the beginning of each trial participants were asked to place their sensor-
attached fingertip at known locations on the table to calibrate the fingertip to the

2.3 Experiment
To assess potential learning effects secondary to the addition of extrinsic feedback
focused on ocular motor errors, subjects participated in two experiments involving a
pro-saccade look-and-reach task. The first experiment included terminal error feed-
back of hand position (baseline) and the second experiment (feedback) included ex-
trinsic feedback of reach and ocular motor error (LeVasseur et al., 2001).
In each experiment, controls participated in one session, and stroke participants
completed up to two sessions, one per arm (depending on whether they were capa-
ble). During each session, a subject made 152 reaches; 76 to a randomly selected
sequence of five target locations on a circle centered on the start position of the reach,
and 76 starting from a separate randomly selected sequence of the same target circles
to the center of the circle (center-out and center-in reaches did not show substantial
differences and data were collapsed across these conditions in the analysis). At the
beginning of each session, participants were instructed in the task, and it was verified
that they understood the task and could execute the required reaches by performing a
short series of familiarization trials. Familiarization concluded when subjects had
learned to make the basic movement by responding to visually presented targets
and go-beeps (see below). Each reach was accomplished by lifting the motion-sensor
attached index finger, and only re-touching the table at movement termination (rather
than sliding the finger or a stylus across the table). They were additionally instructed
to minimize head motion by maintaining a stable (aligned) head/neck posture.
At the start of each trial, participants maintained fixation at a visual indicator
(blue “start circle”). In half of each session (76 reaches) the movement began at
the screen center toward a peripheral target, and in half of trials movements started
at a peripheral position and progressed toward the screen center. The movement tar-
get (a small white circle, approx. 0.5° visual angle) was illuminated for 0.5 s, and the
look-and-reach movement was cued by the simultaneous presentation of a “GO”
beep and extinguishing of the start circle. Participants were instructed to move their
eyes and finger as quickly and accurately as possible to the target position on the
table. Participants were given feedback at the end of each movement. Feedback
of fingertip endpoints was displayed at reach termination in both experiments,
366 CHAPTER 28 Eye-hand re-coordination

and eye error feedback was displayed at the end of the reach in the feedback exper-
iment. Eye feedback was shown on the screen at the spatial location recorded at the
time of peak fingertip velocity, when in healthy controls the eye has typically fixated
the target (Hayhoe et al., 2012) [to reinforce the coupling between eye and hand].
The experiment was performed with both hands (one session per hand) in partici-
pants with stroke whenever possible. Incomplete or drop-out participant-related data
was excluded.
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of New York
University’s School of Medicine. Written informed consent was obtained from all

2.4 Statistical analysis

Data were first median-filtered to remove outliers, and kinematic parameters were
estimated after individual trials were aligned to the time of reach onset. Velocity
traces were unremarkable and were not studied further. Two-sample t-tests were used
to compare pairs of means. The results were compared with Welch’s t-test due to
unequal sample sizes and likely heteroscedasticity. As an adjunct to traditional
t-tests, Bayesian analogues of the reported t-tests confirm our statistical results;
95% Bayesian confidence regions around all computed estimates, shown in the fig-
ures, display the result of the comparison graphically.

2.5 Results
2.5.1 Demographics
The participants with stroke were uniform in their neuroanatomic injury patterns;
a full list of clinical characteristics is presented in Table 1. The mean FMS (Fugl-
Meyer Score) was 55.5  13.3, with a range of 30–66.

3 Eye and hand movement timing/duration

The primary saccade produced by stroke participants during the baseline experiment
occurred significantly earlier than in healthy participants regardless of the examined
limb. As described previously, these early saccades are likely due to a disinhibition
process that likely includes an anticipatory component (Rizzo et al., 2017b). In the
second experiment with ocular motor feedback, stroke participants still initiated sac-
cades early compared to controls, but later relative to their own baseline. However
control participants began making premature saccades (early) when compared to
their baseline data (basline experiment control: 529 ms, CI[520 537], less-affected
arm: 106 ms CI[80 132]; more-affected arm: 82 ms, CI[52 112]; feedback experiment
control: 445 ms CI[434 456], less affected 118 ms CI[82 154], more affected 172 ms
CI[130 215]. Stroke participants also reversed the trend in their reaching behavior
and initiated reaches earlier in both the less- and more-affected arm, while reach
3 Eye and hand movement timing/duration 367

initiation in controls was similar in both experiments (baseline: control: 566 ms,
CI[555–577], less-affected arm: 545 ms CI[521 568]; more-affected arm: 600 ms,
CI[569631]; feedback: control: 566 ms CL[555 577], less affected 466 ms CI[439
494], more affected 558 ms CI[542 575]. We define the time interval between the
primary saccade and reach onset as our measure of temporal decoupling; this was
significantly longer in stroke participants compared to controls in both experiments
(baseline control: 26.8 ms CI[16.3 37.4], less affected: 439 ms CI[404 474], more af-
fected: 519 ms CI[476 562]). During the experiment with extrinsic feedback, primary
saccades were “re-coordinated” or re-coupled in stroke participants, reducing the
time between saccade onset and reach onset and more closely approximating control
behavior, re-synchronizing effectors (control: 121 ms CI[105 136], less affected:
348 ms CI[303 394], more affected: 386 ms CI[341 431]). In addition, correlations
between saccade and reach onsets for individual reaches across all participants were
significantly lower in stroke participants in the baseline experiment (control:
r ¼ 0.63 CI[0.6 0.65], less affected: r ¼ 0.36 CI[0.31 0.41], more affected:
r ¼ 0.31 CI[0.25 0.37]), but were nearly identical in the feedback experiment (con-
trol: r ¼ 0.42 CI[0.39 0.45], less affected: r ¼ 0.42 CI[0.34 0.49], more affected:
r ¼ 0.41 CI[0.33 0.49]) (Fig. 1).

FIG. 1
Eye and hand movement onsets pre-/post-: Movement onset and offset (termination) times
for the eye (blue) and hand (red), as represented by the left and right edges of the
corresponding bars. Movement onsets/offsets between eye (saccade) and hand (reach)
are compared pre-/post- (darker to lighter color) “enhanced feedback” (extrinsic feedback
of the eye and hand) for controls, and both more- and less-affected arms in stroke
368 CHAPTER 28 Eye-hand re-coordination

Participants with stroke typically manifest with prolonged reach durations; dur-
ing baseline performance, durations were indeed longer, as compared to controls, in
addition to the degree of prolongation correlating to arm motor impairment severity.
By comparison, at the end of the feedback experiment, reach duration decreased on
average in stroke participants in both the less (from 546 s CI[537 555] to 486 ms CI
[477 495]) and more affected limbs (from 604 ms CI[587 622] to 537 ms CI[522
552]), while control participants made significantly longer reaches (from 352 ms
CI[348 356] to 433 ms CI[428 438]). Saccade duration was significantly shorter
in stroke participants, as compared to control participants in both experiments (base-
line, control: 71.2 ms CI[70.2 72.2], less affected: 59.3 CI[58.0 60.4], more affected:
59.9 CI[58.7 61.0]; feedback, control: 59.1 ms CI[57.7 60.6], less affected: 48.4 CI
[46.9 49.8], more affected: 49.8 CI[48.3 51.3]; Fig. 2), which corresponds to sac-
cades that are usually about 10 mm. shorter in patients than controls (control base-
line: 59.0 mm CI[58.6 59.5], feedback: 64.3 mm CI[63.9 64.6]; less affected
baseline: 54.4 CI[53.7 55.1], feedback: 53.4 CI[52.4 54.4]; more affected baseline:
51.4 CI[50.7 52.1], feedback: 53.9 CI[53.0 54.8]).

FIG. 2
Eye and hand durations pre-/post-: Movement durations for the eye (blue) and hand (red), as
represented by top edge of the corresponding bars. Movement durations between eye
(saccade) and hand (reach) are compared pre-/post- (darker to lighter color) “enhanced
feedback” (extrinsic feedback of the eye and hand) for controls, and both more- and less-
affected arms in stroke participants.
4 Spatial errors for look and reach 369

4 Spatial errors for look and reach

Fig. 3 demonstrates that spatial errors (endpoint distance from the target) de-
creased after feedback was provided to participants. Endpoint reach errors
decreased in control and stroke participants regardless of reaching limb. The ac-
curacy improvement was significant in controls and the more affected arm of
stroke participants (baseline experiment: control 9.3 mm, less affected 19.2 mm,
and more affected 21.4 mm; feedback: control 6.9 mm, less affected 17.4 mm
and more affected 14.6 mm). Interestingly, we also provide evidence that the spa-
tial error of primary saccades improved post-feedback, on average, in the stroke
condition, across both arms; this was not the case in controls. The concordance
between eye and hand gains in spatial errors is of particular interest and contrary
to findings in controls. Remarkably, as noted above, while controls de-synchronize
eye and hand movement timing when provided extrinsic eye and hand feedback,
stroke participants appear to benefit and re-synchronize, pairing robustly with the
concordant spatial gains.

FIG. 3
Eye and hand spatial errors pre-/post-: Spatial errors for the eye (blue) and hand (red), as
represented by top edge of the corresponding bars. Spatial errors between eye (saccade) and
hand (reach) are compared pre-/post- (darker to lighter color) “enhanced feedback”
(extrinsic feedback of the eye and hand) for controls, and both more- and less-affected arms
in stroke participants.
370 CHAPTER 28 Eye-hand re-coordination

5 Discussion
In the present study, corrective mechanisms were recruited to rescue and
re-coordinate eye-hand coupling in stroke participants, guiding performance back
toward neurotypical coupling through extrinsic feedback that includes endpoint er-
rors of both saccades and reaches. This was evident through gains in temporal resyn-
chronization, spatial accuracy, shorter reach durations, and improved onset
correlations between effectors.
Stroke patients often suffer from deficits that affect their ability to make proper
use of sensory information (intrinsic feedback) above and beyond their motor deficits
(Ward and Cohen, 2004). Their impairments are often noted during dynamic eye-
hand coordination tasks, emphasizing potential difficulties in rapidly processing
sensory information, as well as in sensorimotor planning, integration, and motor
execution. Inefficient handling of sensory information may lead to difficulties in
predicting target motion, a deficit in feedforward mechanisms, and in the integration
of sensory feedback for error correction (Caeyenberghs et al., 2009, 2010). In fact,
predictive control is vital to optimized visuomotor planning (Hudson et al., 2008).
Sensorimotor impairment may be multifactorial and compromised secondary to
not only ocular motor deficits but also visuospatial planning and visuoperceptual ab-
normalities (Kaplan and Hier, 1982; Machner et al., 2009; Malhotra et al., 2006;
Mennem et al., 2012; Rowe et al., 2009). As described previously, early primary sac-
cades elicited by stroke participants, likely due to a reflexive, upper motor neuron-
like disinhibition, may be triggered as an attempt to anticipate spatial targets in time
and space (Rizzo et al., 2017b). While this evidence alone, is enough to suggest that
related predictions for ocular motor control are likely poor, recent results also sup-
port that eye-hand tasks are significantly decoupled in time for both the more and less
affected hands, and for targets in either hemifield. In addition to expected reach er-
rors for the hemiparetic limb, there are also spatial errors noted for saccades, in oth-
erwise visually intact participants (Rizzo et al., 2017a).
Feedback delivered extrinsically has been demonstrated to improve the effect of
upper limb training in stroke patients (Subramanian et al., 2010). By providing this
information explicitly (on-screen) at the end of each reach, an external, synthetic in-
formation source is able supplement natural, intrinsic feedback signals that underlie
normal adaptation and learning mechanisms (Huang et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2015).
Error biofeedback of the limb has been studied extensively (Alhasan et al., 2017;
Huang et al., 2005; Urra et al., 2015; Van Dijk et al., 2005), but error biofeedback
of the ocular motor system is a plausible, yet previously untested, concept in which
primary saccadic endpoints (offline) are displayed on-screen relative to the intended
spatial target. In stroke, where disinhibition has been noted in the ocular motor sys-
tem, eye movements may be prematurely initiated with compromised accuracy
(Rizzo et al., 2017b). Providing saccade error feedback may re-focus stroke
5 Discussion 371

participants on eye movement control, while reducing the cognitive/computational

demands associated with the corrective actions necessary to improve that control.
Improving the accuracy and timing of fixations will in turn improve the quality of
visual information available for reach control, ultimately improving overall
These results are consistent with previous studies suggesting that performance
feedback may facilitate the neural processing required for motor-error correction
and improve the feedforward predictions of motor commands. In stroke participants,
extrinsic feedback helps improve reach outcomes, including spatial and temporal er-
rors (Cirstea and Levin, 2007; Maulucci and Eckhouse, 2001; Simonsen et al., 2017).
In contrast to a previous study showing longer movement durations following feed-
back, stroke participants in our study made shorter duration reach movements in the
feedback experiment when compared to the baseline experiment (Simonsen et al.,
2017). In contrast, studies have shown that visual feedback can be unfavorable
for visuomotor adaptation in healthy participants (Sigrist et al., 2013), which is con-
sistent with a trend toward decoupling in our control participants.
Our study evaluated the effect of externally provided, terminal saccade feedback
on a relatively simple look-to-reach task that aims to aid eye-hand incoordination.
The effectiveness of extrinsic feedback was previously shown to vary based on task
complexity and feedback timing (Winstein, 1991; Wulf and Shea, 2002). Studies
have also been performed using different types of extrinsic feedback including
visual, auditory, haptic, and multimodal; there is no consensus regarding the most
effective way to provide such feedback (Sigrist et al., 2013). We believe visual feed-
back through extrinsic spatial prompting served here to improve eye movement
accuracy, adding an emphasis on eye movement control, both of which served to help
re-balance the cognitive resources and ultimately central control required to orches-
trate eye-hand function post-injury.
Visually guided reaching relies on a constellation of processing resources, includ-
ing both working memory and executive function (Baddeley, 2003; Baddeley and
Hitch, 1974). It is likely that either the use of these resources, their full extent, or
both may be impaired following stroke. A source of extrinsic feedback such as
the one provided in our feedback experiment may provide error information (or
may emphasize error information) that is not fully coded or processed following
stroke. When provided with the means to reduce cognitive load in this way, our
stroke participants showed evidence of enhanced eye/hand temporal coupling and
overall error correction. Future studies should manipulate the complexity of the task,
timing of feedback, and different feedback modalities to determine the appropriate
dosing, frequency, and detailed form of feedback to optimize therapeutic outcomes.
Our results provide a strong indication that employing extrinsic feedback in appro-
priate therapeutic doses may significantly improve ocular motor capabilities in the
setting of eye-hand coordination for stroke rehabilitation.
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Zagar, R., Mead, J.D., 1983. Analysis of a short test battery for children. J. Clin. Psychol.
39, 590–597.

Further reading
Optican, L.M., 2005. Sensorimotor transformation for visually guided saccades. Ann. N. Y.
Acad. Sci. 1039, 132–148.

Kinematics and the

neurophysiological study
of visually-guided eye
Laurent Goffarta,b,*
Aix Marseille University, CNRS, INT, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, Marseille, France
Aix Marseille University, CNRS, CGGG, Centre Gilles Gaston Granger, Aix-en-Provence, France
*Corresponding author: Tel. +33 491324052, e-mail address:

How do we relate observations and measurements made at the behavioral and neuronal levels?
Notions of kinematics have been used to “decode” the firing rate of neurons and to explain the
neurophysiology underlying the generation of visually-guided eye movements. The appropri-
ateness of their fitting to events occurring within a medium (the brain) radically different from
the physical world is questioned in this chapter. Instead of embedding the eye kinematics in the
firing rate of central neurons, we propose that the saccadic and pursuit eye movements in fact
reflect the dynamics of transitions of brain activity, from unbalanced states to equilibrium
(symmetry) between opposing directional tendencies carried by the recruited visuomotor
channels, with distinct transitions characterizing each movement category. While the eyeballs
conform to the physical laws of motion, the neural processes leading to their movements fol-
low principles dictated by the intrinsic properties of the brain network and of its diverse

Tracking, Saccade, Pursuit, Symmetry, Equilibrium, Neurophysiology, Kinematics,

1 Gaze, target and measurements

During the characterization of the neuronal processes which underlie the ability
to visually capture a moving object, the neurophysiological studies have been led
to embed within the inner functioning of the brain, notions which belong to the
vocabulary of kinematics. When they rotate in the orbit, the eyeballs do not change
Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
376 CHAPTER 29 Coordinating different levels of complexity

their shape, and this rigidity allows specifying their orientation with a few numbers
(coordinates) whose values depend upon the physical reference frame that has been
chosen. Thus, gaze became assimilated to a line (the line of sight) or to an axis
(visual axis), shifting from one point in the visual field to another, even though gaze
actually refers to an extended field of binocular visuomotor interactions (Hafed et al.,
2015; Krauzlis et al., 2017; Otero-Millan et al., 2014).
Attributing point-like values to gaze and targets inevitably leads to numerical
differences between them, especially when their measurement is made with higher
resolution. However such differences between measured values should not lead us to
think that corresponding differences exist within the brain functioning. Objects in the
physical world are obviously not points and during visual fixation, all light beams do
not converge onto one single photoreceptor. The numerical values attributed to gaze
and target directions belong to a “medium” which is not the brain but the set of be-
havioral measurements. Within the medium of brain functioning, a target, whether it
is located in the central or peripheral visual field, is not point-like. From the retinal
ganglion cells to their post-synaptic targets, and from the latter to their targets in the
cerebral cortex or the brainstem, the divergence of anatomical projections implies
that the neuronal image of any physical object, even tiny, recruits an increasing num-
ber of neurons (e.g., Nowak and Bullier, 1997).
When we record the activity of neurons in cortical visual areas, we find that they
emit action potentials whenever a stimulus appears within a more or less extended
region of the visual field. Likewise, when we record neurons in saccade-related
regions (e.g., deep superior colliculus), we discover bursts of action potentials when-
ever a saccade is made toward locations situated within a more or less bounded region
of the visual field. The extent of response fields indicates that any visual object, or any
saccade toward its location, involves a large set of neurons (Anderson et al., 1998;
McIlwain, 1976; Sparks et al., 1976). Moreover, in most visual and saccade-related
regions, the neurons are laid out in such a way that neighboring neurons respond to
neighboring stimuli in the visual field, or burst during saccades toward neighboring
locations. Despite the divergence of anatomical projections and the lateral extent of
post-synaptic contacts, the retinal topology is preserved across the layers of neurons.
The consequence of these two basic observations is that neighboring objects in
the visual field, or saccades toward their respective location, mobilize neuronal
assemblies which involve common cells. This overlap is not taken into account when
the focus is made upon the numerical difference between gaze and target directions,
the value of which is called position error or motor error. Such an error signal is
indeed considered as the critical factor triggering a saccade and specifying its metrics
(amplitude and direction).

2 Gaze direction as equilibrium

The simplest solution that was proposed to model the execution of saccades
is a negative feedback loop reducing this difference, i.e., between a desired direc-
tion of gaze and an estimate of its current direction. Desired gaze direction
2 Gaze direction as equilibrium 377

corresponds to the selected target location. The motor error resulting from the
comparison between these two estimates would feed the premotor neurons
which themselves would emit action potentials at a rate proportional to the size
of the error (van Gisbergen et al., 1981). Thus, while the gaze direction moves
toward the target, the motor error diminishes and the firing of premotor neurons
declines and cease exciting the motor neurons when the error has been zeroed
(Robinson, 1975).
In this theoretical framework, a non-zero motor error leads to a saccade. How-
ever, recent studies in the monkey reported pathological cases where stable fixation
is engaged although gaze is not directed toward the location which was previously
fixated during non-pathological (control) conditions. Gaze is directed toward a loca-
tion which is offset with respect to the target; no saccade is launched in spite of non-
zero motor error. For example, when the activity of caudal fastigial nuclei (cFN) is
altered by a local and unilateral injection of a pharmacologically-inhibiting agent
(muscimol), the monkey does not direct its gaze toward the target (located straight
ahead) but toward a location slightly shifted toward the injected side (Goffart et al.,
2004; Guerrasio et al., 2010; Ohtsuka et al., 1994; Robinson et al., 1993). By contrast,
when the injected drug is a disinhibiting agent (bicuculline), the gaze is deviated
toward the opposite side (Sato and Noda, 1992). The ipsilesional fixation offset
observed after muscimol injection is not an oculomotor disorder because when
the head is free to move, the monkey exhibits an ipsilesional deviation of the head
(cervical dystonia) and the eyes in the orbit are deviated toward the contralesional
side (Quinet and Goffart, 2005). The relatively similar sizes of fixation offset
between the head-restrained and—unrestrained testing conditions suggest an alter-
ation of processes underlying gaze orientation. This deduction is consistent with
anatomical studies which report cFN projections to the rostral parts of both SC
(May et al., 1990) and not to the nuclei prepositus hypoglossi (NPH) or medial ves-
tibular nuclei (MVN) where tonic neurons projecting to abducens motor neurons are
found (Noda et al., 1990). In the rostral SC, the neurons fire in a sustained manner
when the same gaze direction is maintained (Dorris and Munoz, 1995), but they also
emit bursts of action potentials during fixational saccades (Hafed and Krauzlis,
2012). When muscimol is injected in this part of the SC, the monkey exhibits a fix-
ation offset when it directs its gaze toward a straight ahead target. By contrast,
saccades to peripheral targets are accurate (Goffart et al., 2012). A fixation offset
has also been reported after muscimol injection in the frontal eye field (Dias and
Segraves, 1999), a region which is reciprocally connected with the deep superior
colliculus (Sommer and Wurtz, 1998).
These observations stress not only the limitations brought by reducing gaze and
target to their measured values, but also the problem brought by assimilating their
difference as a command leading to a saccade. However, when we consider gaze di-
rection as the outcome of flow of signals propagating from the optic to the motor
nerves, along multiple parallel channels involving neuronal assemblies distributed
bilaterally in the brain, we are led to a viewpoint where a change in gaze orientation
is not initiated when the flows involve omnidirectional commands that counter-
balance each other (Fig. 1; Goffart et al., 2018).
378 CHAPTER 29 Coordinating different levels of complexity

FIG. 1
Gaze direction as equilibrium. A saccade or a slow eye movement is not initiated when the
visuo-oculomotor system is within a mode where opposing commands (issued for instance by
the left and right superior colliculi) counterbalance each other. For generating saccadic and
pursuit eye movements, the symmetry breaking involves different groups of neurons.
Saccades involve neurons located in the pontomedullary reticular formation whereas slow eye
movements involve neurons in the pontine nuclei and the thalamus (see Bourrelly et al.,
2018b and Goffart et al., 2018 for more explanations). The bilateral fastigial activity also
contributes to the muscle tone which specifies the horizontal orientation (yaw) of the head
(Goffart and Pelisson, 1998; Quinet and Goffart, 2005).

3 Transforming the location of a peripheral target

into saccade duration
The concept of negative feedback loop was a simple solution to the fundamental
problem of understanding how the locus of activity elicited by a visual target, in
the retina or in the superior colliculus, is transformed into duration of motoneurons’
bursting activity (Moschovakis et al., 1996; Scudder et al., 2002; Sparks, 2002). The
solution was simple because it removed the need to search, within the brain activity, a
process encoding saccade duration, as Hans Kornh€uber (1971) initially proposed, but
4 Tracking a moving target 379

urgens et al., 1981). With the negative feedback control, a cerebral

later revisited (J€
“chronometer” is not needed; the movement duration is a secondary by-product of a
process reducing a difference between spatial magnitudes putatively encoded in the
brain activity. This conceptual framework was fertile because it stimulated the mak-
ing of multiple experiments which brought several new observations compatible
with a negative feedback control. However, if the proposed signals (encoding of
eye and target directions or displacements) and processes (comparator or resettable
integrator) have no neurophysiological substrate, then the theory becomes irrefutable
because it is impossible to demonstrate that any putative thing does not exist.
Later, on the basis of neuromimetic modeling, it was suggested that the signals
used by models would not be explicitly conveyed by separate groups of neurons, but
would correspond to activities involving assemblies of interconnected neurons dis-
tributed over several territories (Optican and Quaia, 2002; Robinson, 1992). Conse-
quently, the signals imagined by the models are not tractable anymore with classical
unit recording techniques. While the feedback control hypothesis encountered these
complications, the hypothesis of Kornh€ uber (1971) was further developed by the
group of Peter Thier (2011). Unfortunately, evidence for chronometric control is
not convincing (see Goffart et al., 2017a, 2018 for explanations).

4 Tracking a moving target

The notion of negative feedback control has also been used to explain the guidance of
eye movements made when a subject tracked a moving visual target. Two processes
would operate in parallel before the target foveation: one process would reduce the
difference between gaze and target directions (same as discussed above) while the
other would reduce the difference between the eye and target velocities. Recording
techniques indeed allow measuring eye movements with such high resolution that
instantaneous velocity and acceleration can be calculated. When the performance
of a subject tracking a moving target is measured, numerical differences between
kinematic parameters of the eye and target can be calculated. Thus, notions such
as “velocity error” and “acceleration error” were added to the list of stimuli driving
the generation and execution of pursuit eye movements (Lisberger et al., 1987).
However, proposing that the instantaneous velocity of the eyeball (or of any
physical object) is a parameter embedded within the inner functioning of the brain
is a hypothesis which is difficult to take root in the neurophysiological soil for several
reasons. First, neuronal activities propagate within a medium whose number of
dimensions is different from the 3-dimensional “space” of kinematics. A simple cen-
trifugal horizontal motion implies one single dimension in physical space but as
many dimensions as there are parallel channels transmitting the retinal signals to
the abducens and oculomotor nuclei. Second, from the retinal input to the motor out-
put, the pattern of neuronal connectivity (divergence followed by convergence) sug-
gests multiple homothetic transformations (expansions and contractions) between
the anatomical relays. In other words, the activity which is elicited by a stimulus,
even very small, is not rigid; any gaze or target situation measured here and now
380 CHAPTER 29 Coordinating different levels of complexity

is not reducible to a point of coordinates (x,y,z,t). Third, compared to its changes of

coordinates, a moving target does not yield mirror-like changes of activity in the
brain networks: residual activities persist, as shown in the superior colliculus for
example (Goffart et al., 2017b). The instantaneous velocity of an eye movement
is the outcome of action potentials emitted by motor neurons under the influence
of neurons distributed in several other regions and during a longer time interval.
Moreover, when correlations between firing rate and velocity are observed, they
can be secondary consequences of changes in alertness or motivation (e.g.,
Takikawa et al., 2002). Saccades are indeed slowed and the firing rate of saccade-
related neurons reduced when the alertness declines (e.g., Fuchs et al., 1993;
Henn et al., 1984; Soetedjo et al., 2000). Finally, recordings in the cat have revealed
stronger correlations between the firing rate of motoneurons and the change in mus-
cle force (Davis-Lopez de Carrizosa et al., 2011). Therefore, the correlation between
the firing rate of single neurons and eye kinematics must be interpreted with the
greatest caution, especially for those neurons located several synapses upstream from
the motor neurons (see Goffart et al., 2018 for more explanations).

5 Target velocity as a stimulus for pursuit

The suggestion that pursuit consists of matching the eye and target velocities can be
traced back to the studies of Rashbass (1961) and Robinson (1965). It pervades so
much the contemporary sciences of eye movements that most reviews declare visual
pursuit as involving a negative feedback loop reducing a difference between esti-
mates of target and eye velocities. However, rigorously speaking, when target dis-
tance (position error), velocity or acceleration are said to be stimuli influencing
pursuit eye movements, the causal relationship should be restricted to the sets of
numerical values which belong to the same medium (the physical world) and for
which the tools of kinematics have proven their efficiency.
Rashbass (1961) designed an oculomotor task where gaze, instead of shifting
toward a target moving toward the foveal field, drifts away from it, in the same
direction as the target motion but with a lower speed. This observation was taken
as evidence that target velocity is a stimulus for pursuit eye movements. In this task,
the target appears at a slightly eccentric location before moving slowly toward the
foveal field. The slow motion must start from an eccentric location whose numerical
value is approximately 0.15–0.2 times the target speed. If its speed is less than
10°/s, the target must start from a location which, at most, is situated 2° from
the center of the foveal field. The target center is then located at the edge of the
foveal field. However, as explained at the beginning of our chapter, the fact that
the target is a small spot does not imply that its cerebral image is point-like.
A saccade is not launched toward its location because the equilibrium that charac-
terizes gaze direction has not been broken; the visuo-oculomotor saccadic system is
within a mode where opposing commands still counter-balance each other (Fig. 1).
We shall now see that the slow eye movement does not require an encoding of target
velocity for its initiation and maintenance.
7 Conclusion 381

6 Pursuit as sustained imbalance

The slow eye movement in the same direction as the target motion (but away from its
physical location) tells us that its generation involves another kind of symmetry
breaking. During horizontal target motions, it results from an imbalance between
commands that tonic neurons in the left and right NPH/MVN exert upon the motor
and internuclear neurons in the abducens nucleus (McFarland and Fuchs, 1992;
Scudder and Fuchs, 1992). Their bilateral equilibrium would be broken by any asym-
metrical excitation, for instance in the visual input from the pretectum. The imbal-
ance of activity between the left and right nuclei of the optic tract (NOT) could also
be completed by asymmetric input from the left and right paraflocculi.
Unless the drug diffuses toward the pretectum, drifts do not happen during unilateral
inactivation of rostral SC: the monkey is able to maintain stable gaze. Its direction is
offset with respect to the target with an angle which is relatively constant, even while
the monkey pursues a moving target (Hafed et al., 2008). Despite the mismatch be-
tween gaze and target directions, the pursuit is preserved. Comparable observations
have been shown after caudal fastigial inactivation (see the first figures in Bourrelly
et al., 2018a, 2018b). Made in experimentally-induced pathological conditions, they
indicate that the target does not have to be centered within the foveal field for being
smoothly pursued. Several behavioral experiments in the normal subject actually
demonstrated this possibility (Fuchs, 1967; Pola and Wyatt, 1980; Robinson, 1965;
Segraves and Goldberg, 1994; Winterson and Steinman, 1978).
Thus, during the Rashbass’ task, a velocity signal is not necessary to explain why
gaze moves away from an approaching target. The motion of the target image across
the foveae yields asymmetrical activity between the left and right NOT (Gamlin,
2006; Hoffmann et al., 2009; Mustari and Fuchs, 1990). Then, the fact that the slow
eye movement persists and increases to reach the same speed as the target, in spite of
the diminishing velocity error can be explained by the maintenance of the same
unbalanced drive from the tonic neurons in NPH/MVN to the motor neurons.

7 Conclusion
During the past five decades, notions of kinematics were used to “decode” the firing
rate of neurons and to unravel the neurophysiology of tracking eye movements. The
appropriateness of these notions to a medium radically different from the physical
world was not questioned. Instead of embedding the eye movement kinematics in
the firing rate of central neurons, we propose that saccadic and slow eye movements
reflect the dynamics of transitions (from unbalanced states to equilibrium) of bilat-
eral activity carrying opposing directional tendencies.
Thus, the target foveation consists of dynamically adjusting the balance
(symmetry) between opposing tendencies emitted in the left and right parts of the
brain, as proposed for the control of fixation (Goffart et al., 2012; Guerrasio et al.,
2010), saccade trajectory (Bourrelly et al., 2018a; Goffart et al., 2003, 2004;
van Gisbergen et al., 1981) and pursuit (Bourrelly et al., 2018b; Hafed et al., 2008).
382 CHAPTER 29 Coordinating different levels of complexity

Concerning the question how eye movements reach the target speed, the acceleration
would involve recruitment: increasing the firing and number of motion-related neurons
moves the eyes faster whereas decreasing them reduces their velocity. Then, under-
standing the cerebral control of pursuit eye movement requires characterizing the ad-
justment of the appropriate population size through recruiting neurons and increasing
the occurrence of synchronized action potentials at post-synaptic levels (Goffart et al.,
2017a, 2018).

The author thanks Professors Gabriella Crocco and Igor Ly for epistemological advices.

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cadic eye movements by predicted reward outcome. Exp. Brain Res. 142, 284–291.
Thier, P., 2011. The oculomotor cerebellum. In: Liversedge, S.P., Gilchrist, I., Everling, S.
(Eds.), The Oxford handbook of eye movements. Oxford University Press.
van Gisbergen, J.A.M., Robinson, D.A., Gielen, S.A., 1981. A quantitative analysis of gener-
ation of saccadic eye movements by burst neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 45, 417–442.
Winterson, B.J., Steinman, R.M., 1978. The effect of luminance on human smooth pursuit of
perifoveal and foveal targets. Vision Res. 18, 1165–1172.

Further reading
Pellionisz, A., Llinas, R., 1982. Space-time representation in the brain: the cerebellum as a
predictive space-time metric tensor. Neuroscience 7 (12), 2949–2970.

Deficient head motor

control in functional
dizziness: Experimental
evidence of central
dysfunction in persistent
physical symptoms
Nadine Lehnena,b,c,d,*, Lena Schr€
odera,d, Peter Henningsena, Stefan Glasauerb,c,d,
Cecilia Ramaiolia,b,c
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical
University of Munich, Munich, Germany
German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders, University Hospital Munich,
Munich, Germany
Institute of Medical Technology, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg,
Senftenberg, Germany
Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Planegg,
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +49-89-4140-6448; Fax: +49-89-4140-6773,
e-mail address:

Understanding the mechanisms of symptoms that are insufficiently explained by organic
dysfunction remains challenging. Recently, it has been proposed that such “functional
symptoms” are based on erroneous sensory processing in the central nervous system
(CNS), with internal expectations dominating sensory inputs.
In a pilot study, we used a head motor control set-up to assess the interplay between sensory
input and expectation on the example of patients with functional dizziness. Eight patients and
11 age-matched healthy controls performed large active eye-head gaze shifts towards visual
targets in the natural situation and with the head moment of inertia 3.3-fold increased. The
latter induces head oscillations and the expected sensory outcome of the movement, estimated
in the CNS, does not match the actual sensory input. Head oscillations were assessed in patients
and in healthy subjects and compared to prior results from patients with organic disease (vestib-
ular loss and cerebellar ataxia). Head oscillations in patients with functional dizziness were

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 249, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
386 CHAPTER 30 Deficient head motor control in functional dizziness

different from those of healthy subjects (F(1,17) ¼ 27.26, P < 0.001, partial η2 ¼ 0.62), and sim-
ilar to those of patients with cerebellar ataxia, and with vestibular loss (F(2,19) ¼ 0.56, P¼ 0.58).
Even in the natural, unweighted, condition, head oscillations were higher in functional dizziness
patients than in healthy subjects (P ¼ 0.001). Since an extensive work-up failed to demonstrate
any explanatory peripheral vestibular, motor, or cerebellar organic dysfunction, these motor
control deficits are a first indication of erroneous interplay between expectations and sensory
input in the CNS that could account for persistent physical symptoms.

Functional dizziness, Bodily distress, Somatic symptom disorder, Perceptual dysregulation,
Predictive coding, Somatoform

1 Introduction
Patients with persistent physical symptoms that are unexplained by conventional
clinical evaluations and tests present an enduring challenge to their caregivers. Their
bodily complaints, like chest pain, bowel irritation, fatigue or dizziness can emerge
from different body regions (Henningsen et al., 2018b), are very common in
medicine (Carson et al., 2000; Fink et al., 2004, 2005; Haller et al., 2015; Reid
et al., 2001), greatly impair functioning and quality of life (Carson et al., 2011),
and present a huge social and economic burden (Hiller et al., 2003; Konnopka
et al., 2012; Wortman et al., 2018). However, despite the extensive and repetitive
work-ups characteristic for this patient group (Den Boeft et al., 2016; Fink et al.,
1999; Hansen et al., 2002), symptoms are insufficiently explained by organic dys-
function. A recent concept, which is based on the predictive coding model of brain
function (Friston, 2005; Mumford, 1992; Rao and Ballard, 1999; Srinivasan et al.,
1982), understands persistent physical symptoms as a result of erroneous sensory
processing in the central nervous system, with expectations (prior beliefs) dominat-
ing perceptual inference (Edwards et al., 2012; Henningsen et al., 2018a; Van den
Bergh et al., 2017). This hypothesis is neurobiologically consistent, but so far, has
not been experimentally tested. Here, to test this hypothesis, we apply a framework
based on mathematical modeling and analysis of the head motor system (Fig. 1,
experimental litmus test first described in Lehnen et al., 2018a).
Head movements as part of large eye-head gaze shifts to visual targets are a
well characterized example to study the interaction between expectation and sensory
input (Goldberg and Cullen, 2011; Guitton, 1992). Discrepancies between expecta-
tions and sensory input, i.e., prediction errors, are used to update motor commands,
and alter actions, so that the resulting input conforms to the predictions (Wolpert
et al., 1998). This can be experimentally tested by mechanically altering head char-
acteristics (cats: Guitton et al., 1984; monkeys: Tomlinson, 1990; Tomlinson and
Bahra, 1986; healthy humans: Guitton and Volle, 1987; Laurutis and Robinson,
1986). Increasing the head moment of inertia in healthy humans, for example, leads
1 Introduction 387

FIG. 1
Simplified scheme of head motor control underlying the experimental approach. In this
experiment, subjects performed horizontal large combined active eye-head gaze shifts
towards visual targets. After a set of gaze shifts in the natural condition, head mechanics were
perturbed by a helmet with eccentrically attached masses 3.3-fold increasing the head
moment of inertia (weighted condition, drawing, Hww—head with weight—transfer function of
the modified head plant indicated in Laplace notation (Peng et al., 1996; Tangorra et al.,
2003)). The sensory input resulting from the head movement during the gaze shift
(reafference) is measured by vestibular sensors. In the weighted condition, the reafference
does not match the expected sensory outcome of the movement (reafference estimate)
formed in the central nervous system (CNS, gray background). This is because the
reafference estimate is based on a CNS-internal model of the head mechanics (Huw—head
unweighted—transfer function of the head plant in the natural situation) formed before the
head moment of inertia was increased. The difference between expectation and sensory
afference, i.e., the prediction error, can be exploited to update CNS-internal models, motor
commands, and actions, so that the resulting input conforms to the predictions.

to unwanted head oscillations, which, using the prediction error to adapt the internal
models to the altered head mechanics, can be reduced over trials (Lehnen, 2006;
Lehnen et al., 2008; Sağlam et al., 2011). Both intact sensory afference and the abil-
ity to adapt internal models are essential to reduce unwanted head oscillations when
the head moment of inertia is increased: patients with chronic complete bilateral
vestibular loss (missing vestibular afference) do not reduce head oscillations, and
cerebellar ataxia patients (who have deficits in forming internal models) only reduce
oscillations to some extent (Lehnen et al., 2009a,b; Sağlam et al., 2014; Sağlam and
Lehnen, 2014).
Here, we apply this well characterized set-up to patients who suffer from func-
tional dizziness, a very common persistent physical symptom (Brandt et al., 2015;
Dieterich and Eckhardt-Henn, 2004; Eckhardt-Henn et al., 2009; Feuerecker
et al., 2015). Following the hypothesis that persistent physical symptoms are based
on erroneous sensory processing in CNS, with expectations dominating perception,
these patients would feel dizzy because they put too much trust into pathological
388 CHAPTER 30 Deficient head motor control in functional dizziness

prior beliefs used to interpret sensory input. Translated into head motor control, we
expect these patients to be more reliant on their existing internal models and there-
fore more resistant to sensory driven updating (prediction error). This would be
reflected in deficient head motor control, which should resemble that of patients with
organic disease affecting the interplay between sensory input and expectations like
vestibular loss, or cerebellar ataxia.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Subjects
In a prospective pilot study, 8 patients with functional dizziness (aged 35  13 years,
mean  standard deviation (SD), 5 females) who presented with permanent symp-
toms to a tertiary vertigo/dizziness center, and 11 age- and gender-matched healthy
volunteers (32  6 years, mean  SD, 6 females) participated in the study.
A comprehensive neurological history and exam (including neuro-otological and
neuro-ophthalmological assessments), neuro-otological and neuro-ophthalmological
work-ups (including caloric irrigation, video head impulse testing and subjective
visual vertical), as well as MRI scans of the brain did not reveal any organic dysfunc-
tion that could sufficiently explain the patients’ symptoms. Healthy subjects had no
history of balance disorders and a normal neurological exam.
The experimental procedure was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
Medical Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University and was in accordance with
the Declaration of Helsinki. All subjects gave their informed consent prior to partic-
ipation and were free to withdraw from the experiment at any time.

2.2 Experimental procedure

2.2.1 Video head impulse test and head impulse testing device
function test
In addition to the clinical work-up, vestibular function during passive head
movements was assessed with the video head impulse test (vHIT, in analogy to
Bartl et al., 2009). Also, dynamic vision during passive head motion was measured
with the Head Impulse Testing Device—Functional Test (HITD-FT, also called
functional head impulse test (Ramat et al., 2012; Versino et al., 2014), procedure
described in Ramaioli et al. (2014).

2.2.2 Altering head mechanics during eye-head gaze shifts to visual

The experimental set-up was designed in analogy to Lehnen (2006). Subjects
performed 52 horizontal gaze shifts (combination of eye and head movements) in
complete darkness to visual targets flashed in a frontal plane before them and situated
35 and 40 degrees to the left and right. Subjects were asked to keep gaze position
2 Materials and methods 389

until the next visual target was flashed. In order to prevent visual feedback, targets
were flashed for <100 ms. The interval between two subsequent visual targets
(1–1.8 s) and subsequent target eccentricity (35, 40, 70, 75 or 80 degrees) were
randomly assigned to prevent anticipation. The experiment was repeated twice: once
in the natural, unweighted, condition, and then with the head moment of inertia
3.3-times increased by means of a helmet with eccentrically placed masses (weighted
condition, Lehnen, 2006; drawing in Fig. 1). All subjects and patients were naı̈ve
with respect to this experiment. During the experiment, eye movements were
recorded by video-oculography of the left eye and head movements by inertial
sensors (EyeSeeCam system with a sampling rate of 220 Hz, in analogy to Bartl
et al., 2009).

2.3 Data analysis

Data were analyzed offline using MATLAB® (MathWorks, Natick, MA) and IBM
SPSS Statistics.

2.3.1 Video head impulse test and head impulse testing device
function test
In analogy to Lehnen et al. (2018b), the vHIT gain was computed as the ratio of
median eye and head velocity in a 10 ms-window between 55 and 65 ms after head
impulse start (head velocity exceeding 20 degree/s), and the HITD-FT score was
calculated as the rate of correct answers in all trials.

2.3.2 Altering head mechanics during eye-head gaze shifts to

visual targets
Active head movements as part of the gaze shifts were analyzed in the natural and in
the weighted condition. Head velocity was derived from the inertial sensors and
low-pass filtered with a Gaussian filter with a cut-off frequency of 20 Hz. For each
trial, i.e., a single gaze shift towards the visual target, head movements were consid-
ered in a time window of 1.6 s starting 45 ms before visual target onset. Only move-
ments corresponding to gaze shifts of 75 and 80 degrees were considered in the
analysis. Head start was defined as head velocity reaching 6 degree/s, the head
movement ended when head velocity crossed 6 degree/s again. In analogy to
Sağlam et al. (2014), the head oscillation ratio was assessed as the absolute ratio
of the first negative and positive peaks of head velocity (in percent, see inset in
Fig. 2). Detection errors could be corrected manually. If head oscillations fell outside
2 SD from the mean of all trials of one subject or patient in one condition
(unweighted/weighted), the trial was removed from the analysis. After removing
outliers, 31  4 (mean  SD) and 25  7 trials were considered for each subject in
the unweighted condition and 26  8 and 22  8 trials in the weighted condition
for healthy subjects and for patients with functional dizziness, respectively.
FIG. 2
See legend on opposite page.
2 Materials and methods 391

2.3.3 Comparison to previously acquired data from patients with chronic

vestibular loss and cerebellar ataxia
For comparison, data reported in Sağlam et al. (2014) were reanalyzed in the same
way as the data from the functional dizziness patients and healthy subjects of the
present study. In Sağlam et al. (2014), 10 healthy subjects (aged 40  6 years,
mean  SD, 1 female), 9 patients with cerebellar ataxia (aged 57  13 years, 6 fe-
males) and 5 patients with chronic vestibular loss (aged 45  7 years, 3 females) par-
ticipated. In the reanalysis of this data, after outlier analysis, 35  3 (mean  SD) and
33  5 trials were considered for healthy subjects, 34  2 and 34  2 trials for patients
with cerebellar ataxia and 31  3 and 33  6 trials for patients with chronic vestibular
loss, for the unweighted and weighted condition, respectively. A repeated measures
analysis of variance (rmANOVA, significance level P < 0.05) on head oscillation ra-
tio revealed no difference between the healthy subjects from Sağlam et al. (2014) and
the healthy control group investigated for the current pilot study (F(1,19) ¼ 1.1,
P ¼ 0.33), validating following comparisons between the patient groups from
Sağlam et al. (2014) and the functional dizziness patients.

2.4 Statistical analysis

Normality was assessed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov testing (P < 0.05). Head impulse
gains during vHIT and HITD-FT scores for movements to the left and to the right
were pooled as there was no side difference (dependent samples t-test, P > 0.05).
A one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA, P < 0.05) was conducted
to compare differences in head impulse gains and HITD-FT scores between groups
(healthy subjects and patients with functional dizziness).
Differences in head oscillation ratios within three conditions (unweighted and
weighted—split up into weighted-early (first 10) and weighted-late (last 33) trials)
and between the groups (healthy subjects, patients with functional dizziness) were

FIG. 2
Head velocity traces from a healthy subject and a patient with functional dizziness.
Representative head velocity traces during an active gaze shift following a 75 degrees target
step from a healthy subject (A) and from a patient with functional dizziness (B) in the natural
condition (unweighted, left), for the first 10 trials with increased head moment of inertia
(weighted-early, middle) and for the last 33 trials with weight (weighted-late, right). The
healthy subject performed a smooth head movement without oscillation in the unweighted
condition. In contrast, the patient showed head oscillations (note how head velocity
undershoots the zero-line, arrow). Inset: to quantify head oscillations, the oscillation ratio was
computed as the absolute ratio of the first negative (2) and positive (1) peaks of head velocity.
Increasing the head moment of inertia led to head oscillations, more accentuated in the
patient. Over the course of the experiment with increased head moment of inertia, both the
patient with functional dizziness as well as the healthy participant could reduce head
392 CHAPTER 30 Deficient head motor control in functional dizziness

assessed by rmANOVA (P < 0.05, Greenhouse-Geisser correction for violation

of sphericity). After a significant interaction, a post-hoc independent t-test was
calculated to determine differences between groups in the unweighted condition
as well as a rmANOVA with subsequent post-hoc Bonferroni tests to compare within
factors (unweighted/weighted-early/weighted-late) in functional dizziness patients.
Differences between the patient groups (functional dizziness patients and patients
with cerebellar ataxia and chronic vestibular loss from Sağlam et al. (2014)) for
all three conditions (within factor: unweighted/weighted-early/weighted-late) were
analyzed with a rmANOVA.

3 Results
3.1 Video head impulse test and head impulse testing device
function test
Patients with functional dizziness had intact vestibular function, assessed during
passive head movements. Their head impulse gain (F(1,17) ¼ 0.13, P ¼ 0.73) and
HITD-FT responses (F(1,17) ¼ 1.3, P ¼ 0.27) were not different from those of
healthy subjects. Head impulse gains and HITD-FT scores were 1.00  0.06
(mean  SD) and 97  5% for healthy subjects and 0.99  0.1 and 99  2% for pa-
tients with functional dizziness, respectively.

3.2 Altering head mechanics during eye-head gaze shifts to

visual targets
Fig. 2 shows representative head velocity profiles from a healthy subject (top panels)
and from a patient with functional dizziness (bottom). In the natural, unweighted,
condition, the healthy subject performed smooth active head movements without
oscillations. In contrast, in the patient with functional dizziness, there was marked
head oscillation (note how head velocity undershoots the zero line). Increasing
the head moment of inertia (weighted-early condition) led to head oscillations in
the healthy subject, and increased head oscillations in the patient with functional
dizziness. Head oscillations decreased in both the healthy subject and the functional
dizziness patient after several trials with weight (weighted-late condition). This
response was true for all subjects and patients. Mean head oscillation ratios (reported
as mean  standard error of the mean (SEM) in percent) for healthy subjects were
2.33  0.1 for the unweighted and 8.51  0.97 and 6.27  0.33 for the weighted-
early and -late condition, respectively. Patients with functional dizziness had head
oscillation ratios of 6.02  0.46 (unweighted), 13.17  1.72 (weighted-early) and
11.41  0.58 (weighted-late).
RmANOVA (within-factor unweighted/weighted-early/weighted-late) revealed
significant differences in head oscillations between patients with functional dizzi-
ness and healthy subjects (F(1,17) ¼ 27.26, P < 0.001, partial η2 ¼ 0.62) for the
different conditions (F(1.45,12.36) ¼ 97.42, corrected P < 0.001, partial η2 ¼ 0.85)
4 Discussion 393

with a significant interaction (F(1.45,24.72) ¼ 4.28, corrected P ¼ 0.036, partial

η2 ¼ 0.2). Functional dizziness patients had higher head oscillations than healthy sub-
jects already in the unweighted condition (post-hoc t-test, P < 0.001). Increasing
the head moment of inertia increased head oscillations in the functional patients
(rmANOVA, F(1.18,4.12) ¼ 44.42, corrected P < 0.001, partial η2 ¼ 0.86, post-hoc
Bonferroni P ¼ 0.001). Head oscillations decreased in these patients in the course
of the gaze shifts with weight (see Fig. 3 for a time course of head oscillations
with weight, post-hoc Bonferroni P ¼ 0.001).

3.3 Comparison to previously acquired data from patients with

chronic vestibular loss and cerebellar ataxia
Whilst different from the healthy subjects, the behavior of the functional dizzi-
ness patients was not different from that of the patients with cerebellar ataxia,
and of the patients with chronic vestibular loss (reanalyzed from Sağlam et al.
(2014); rmANOVA between factor: F(2,19) ¼ 0.56, P ¼ 0.58, no interaction F
(1.45,27.55) ¼ 1.03, P ¼ 0.39). Head oscillation ratios were 2.09  0.09/8.8  0.5/
4.84  0.21 for the healthy subjects from the Sağlam et al. (2014) study,
3.27  0.20/16.61  1.26/11.13  0.45 for the patients with cerebellar ataxia and
5.03  0.26/15.48  1.64/16.64  0.68 for the patients with chronic vestibular loss

4 Discussion
This pilot study reveals a striking deficit in head motor control in patients with
functional dizziness, which bears similarities to that of patients with cerebellar ataxia
and to that of patients with severe peripheral vestibular disease (chronic bilateral ves-
tibular de-afferentation). Knowing that an extensive work-up failed to demonstrate
any explanatory peripheral vestibular, pyramidal or extrapyramidal motor or cere-
bellar organic dysfunction, and following the logic of expectation- and sensory-
input-dependent motor control (Fig. 1), these motor control deficits are a first
indication of erroneous sensory-motor processing in the central nervous system.
Already in the natural, unweighted condition, patients with functional dizziness
display increased head oscillations, strikingly similar to patients without any vestib-
ular input (bilateral vestibular loss). As the problem does not lie in peripheral
sensory-motor functions, this indicates that patients have difficulties optimizing
head motor commands, e.g., to match the commands to the actual mechanical head
characteristics, which change over time (through weight gain or alterations in muscle
stiffness). Increasing the head moment of inertia and experimentally inducing an
incongruence between expected sensory consequences of the head movement and
the actual vestibular input further unravels these difficulties. This leads to pro-
nounced head oscillations in the patients with functional dizziness, similar to patients
with chronic vestibular loss or cerebellar ataxia, reflecting a problem in the CNS
pathway using sensory input to calculate prediction errors and update internal models
394 CHAPTER 30 Deficient head motor control in functional dizziness

FIG. 3
Group results for head oscillations. (A) Time course of head oscillations over gaze shifts (each
dot represents the average of the oscillation ratios over the trials (gaze shifts) indicated on the
x-axis). Head oscillation ratios (means and SEM) for patients with functional dizziness
(FUNCTIONAL, yellow) were different from healthy subjects (HEALTHY, black). They were
not different from cerebellar ataxia (green) and chronic bilateral vestibular loss (red) patients
4 Discussion 395

and motor commands (Fig. 1). From our results, we cannot conclude where in this
pathway the problem arises. The similarities to patients with chronic vestibular loss
and to patients with cerebellar ataxia point towards a pathology related to the inter-
action between expectation due to motor planning and sensory input. Patients with
chronic vestibular loss cannot access essential sensory vestibular input (Sağlam
et al., 2014), whereas cerebellar ataxia patients have difficulties forming internal
models (Bastian, 2006; Wolpert et al., 1998) to predict the sensory consequences
of action (Izawa et al., 2012; Synofzik et al., 2008; Tseng et al., 2007) and are even
discussed to have difficulties more generally in prediction, also regarding purely sen-
sory domains (Baumann et al., 2015; Roth et al., 2013; Therrien and Bastian, 2015).
The fact that, in the weighted condition, patients with functional dizziness can de-
crease unwanted head oscillations to some extent is similar to cerebellar ataxia pa-
tients, and differentiates them from patients with chronic vestibular loss, who fail to
optimize head motor commands and cannot decrease head oscillations (Sağlam
et al., 2014).
Although its exact mechanism remains to be determined, the central sensory-
motor dysfunction we find in functional dizziness patients is compatible with the
recent hypothesis that persistent physical symptoms are based on perceptual dysre-
gulation (Edwards et al., 2012; Henningsen et al., 2018a; Van den Bergh et al., 2017).
In this framework, symptoms in patients with functional dizziness are thought to
arise because patients are overly reliant on priorly formed but inaccurate expecta-
tions that explain the sensory input as dysfunctional. In analogy, head oscillations
in this study’s natural, unweighted and weighted conditions would arise because
functional dizziness patients stuck to priorly formed internal models and insuffi-
ciently incorporated natural or experimental changes to the mechanical head charac-
teristics. It is important, however, to note that patients with functional dizziness
reduce head oscillations in the weighted condition and thus seem to be able to update
motor commands based on sensory input. On the other hand, they display marked
oscillations in the natural condition, where, if they were similarly able to update
motor commands, they would have had the opportunity to do so over the thousands
of eye-head gaze shifts they had performed in natural life. Thus, the ability to use
sensory input might be context-dependent. In a Bayesian decision making or causal

(the healthy subjects from this prior study are denoted in blue). In the unweighted condition
(last 10 trials are displayed, labeled with negative numbers on the x-axis), functional
dizziness patients displayed increased head oscillations, similar to patients with chronic
bilateral vestibular loss. Healthy subjects, functional dizziness patients, and cerebellar ataxia
patients (to some extent) could reduce head oscillations in the course of several gaze
shift with weight. (B) Mean and SEM of head oscillation ratios for all trials in the unweighted
(left bar) and weighted condition, split up into weighted-early (first ten trials, middle bar)
and weighted-late (last 33 trials, right bar) summarizing the effects for group and condition.
Data reanalyzed from Sağlam, M., Glasauer, S., Lehnen, N., 2014. Vestibular and cerebellar contribution to gaze
optimality. Brain 137, 1080–1094.
396 CHAPTER 30 Deficient head motor control in functional dizziness

inference sense, an interpretation of these results might also be that patients—though

able to use sensory information to update internal models and motor commands
and reduce head oscillations—have a higher tolerance for error, i.e., the threshold
for activating adaptation is higher. In our experiment, when the head moment of
inertia is increased, the resulting prediction error seems to be deemed relevant
enough to be used for updating to some extent, the one in the natural condition not.
Changes in neuro-physiologically measurable head movement parameters like
head oscillation ratio might bridge the gap between the symptoms patients suffer
from and the absence of any measurable organic dysfunction. The measurable insta-
bility in the natural situation nicely reflects patient reports of feeling—not unlike pa-
tients with vestibular loss, or with cerebellar ataxia—instable and “wobbly,” in
particular when walking, and lends neuro-physiological legitimation to the patients’
reports. Experimental similarities to patients with severe organic disease, such as cer-
ebellar ataxia and vestibular loss, reflect similarities in symptom severity reporting
(where functional dizziness patients sometimes exceed patients with organic vestib-
ular deficits, (Best et al., 2006)), disability, as well as in participation and quality of
life impairments (Eckhardt-Henn et al., 2003; Lahmann et al., 2015; Tschan
et al., 2010).
With the limitations inherent to a pilot approach, this study thus provides a first
glimpse into the mechanism underlying functional dizziness as an important example
of persistent physical symptom. Its results support the notion that dysfunctions in the
CNS interaction between sensory input and expectations about the sensory conse-
quences of one’s own actions play a role in the emergence and manifestation of these
symptoms. This first answer to the “how question” of the underlying mechanism
does, of course, not include an answer to the etiology question, i.e., why these infer-
ence failures manifest. Similarly, it remains to bee seen how specific the changes in
head motor control are to persistent physical symptoms, as supposed to anxiety or
mood disorders, for example. Nevertheless, the measurable alterations in head motor
control have the potential for improving positive diagnosis, patient education, and
further treatment in this patient group where diagnosis is difficult and often con-
tested, and prognosis is rather poor (van Leeuwen and van der Zaag-Loonen, 2012).

Conflict of interest
N.L. is a shareholder and was a paid consultant to EyeSeeTec GmbH. S.G. is a shareholder of
EyeSeeTec GmbH. C.R. was an employee of EyeSeeTec GmbH. L.S. and P.H. declare that the
research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Author contribution
N.L. did study conception; C.R. collected the data; N.L., L.S., S.G., and C.R. analyzed and
interpreted the data; N.L., L.S., and C.R. drafted the initial manuscript; N.L., L.S., P.H.,
S.G., and C.R. revised the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final
References 397

This study was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG Research Training Group
2175 “Perception in Context and its Neural Basis” and DFG MA 6233/1-1) and the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Grant 01 EO 0914).

Data availability statement

The datasets generated for this study are available on request to the corresponding author.

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