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Identity Theft

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Assessing and Managing the Risks of Online Identity Theft

Jillian Samchao, Odyson Santos, Jireh Sinsano, Mark Christian Suba | BSCE 3-1 | Engineering Utilities 1
College of Engineering, Isabela State University – Campus, Echague, Isabela
ABSTRACT – The increased dependence on the someone, disseminate a message or a belief through
internet creates vulnerabilities and security hazards a large number of accounts, swindle someone's
for individuals engaging in e-commerce, businesses friends for monetary gain, obtain personal
and other transactions over the Web. Users are information in order to obtain credit or loans
much more vulnerable to hackers and social illegally, or use someone's identification to create a
engineering attacks because the majority of people false identity for someone else.
now sign up for accounts with personal information Victims are frequently unaware that they are
for online transactions. This usually includes credit being victimized. Collection agency calls and loan
card/debit card numbers, phone numbers, home denials are frequently the first signs of trouble.
addresses, and even birth dates on company Victims of identity theft must deal with the
websites. All of these security flaws increase the frustration of having their privacy invaded, their
risk of identity theft. The objective of this paper is financial well-being jeopardized, and an astonishing
to provide risk assessment for internet users in order lack of resources to turn to for help (Federal Trade
to protect personal information and be aware of the Commission, 2013).
different online frauds in order to prevent identity
theft. Thieves can create believable social media
accounts in someone name using a variety of
I. INTRODUCTION methods.   Some thieves may take the easy method
Identity theft has been described as the and grab someone photo from the internet, then add
newest form of theft. Using only a name and whatever personal photos or information they
personal information of the victim, an identity thief found. Scammers can make a fake social media
can steal money, acquire credit, obtain employment, account look realistic enough to fool even someone
or even attain a criminal record (Lutkevich, 2021). closest friends and family members by adding these
Almost everyone has a social media account, but features.
sharing too much personal information can
endanger a user. People will use a person's personal The more personal information these
information or photos from their social media scammers can gather about someone online, the
accounts to harm them. When someone uses more realistic the fake social media accounts they
personal information and photographs on social make would be. Scammers, for example, may
media to create fake profiles that can be used to simply discover where someone attended high
deceive others, this is referred to as "social media school and when you graduated. Others may use
identity theft." Social media identity theft can gain malicious email to deceive people into providing
access to people's lives by using public profiles on their personal information. These cybercriminals
sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and may send user an email posing as one of their
other social media platforms. (Ben-Joseph, 2018) friends. Scammers can then use this data to create a
believable social media profile in one’s name.
Online identity thieves imitate someone for
a variety of reasons using the information accessible From 2013 to 2015, over 1,200 cybercrimes
to them. They may wish to harass or slander were reported to the Philippine National Police
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Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP ACG). Of these, 127 III. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
(or around 10%) were complaints about cyber The internet has opened up a world of
identity theft. Cyber identity theft happens when a instant access to information, entertainment, and
victim’s personal information is collected and used other services. However, everyone is at risk of
for malicious purposes online, such as fraud. having their personal information stolen by online
Culprits acquire details about a potential victim to identity thieves because of this online portal.
gain access to their online accounts by posing as Despite the increase in identity theft crimes, users
them. Online identities are compromised once must be cautious about what they share on their
cybercriminals get their full names, addresses, personal accounts to prevent being victimized.
birthdates, and so on, as these can be sold on the
Dark Web. Fraud is one of the most frequently IV. METHODOLOGY
committed crimes using stolen identities. Scammers The data in this academic paper is obtained
and fraudsters may take pieces of an actual person through conducting analysis of informative
and pose as them, or create a different identity resources such as various research and statistical
altogether. data from available and previous reliable sources
from 10 years ago. This discussion will, therefore,
This paper investigates risk assessment for encompass the theoretical concepts that further
user security. It will help the user to be careful of provide information about the methods selection
what they share. There are things users can do to and application. It may also help readers to be
help protect themselves from these identity thieves. aware and be alert if they encounter this Identity
Users should be cautious about the personal theft issue.
information they share online, manage their social
media privacy settings, and report any fake social V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
media accounts they come across.
The objective of this study is simply to
provide a risk assessment that will help every
people in making their social media or business
accounts safe and secured, and in this way, they will
not experience Identity theft. The risk assessment
aims to help them evaluate if their personal
information in their accounts is safe, and it will also
provide them tips for them to learn how to be Figure 1.0 Identity Theft Report by Age
careful in sharing their personal information so that The graph above shows the data of those
they can be able to protect themselves from online people whom experienced Identity theft, it is
identity thieves. The goal of the paper is to: classify by their age, where under the age 19 below
there are 23,651 cases, in 20-29 there 190,916
1. Examine the methods that cybercriminals use to cases, 30-39 there are 306,090, 40-49 there are
steal identities online. 302,678, 50-59 there are 244,183, 60-69 there are
123,112 cases, 70-79 there are 39,009 and lastly 80
2. Provide the necessary security measures to and above there are 9915 cases. Whereas the
protect users from online identity theft. highest rate of identity theft reports are in between
ages 30-59 years old. In these ages some of people
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can easily be a victim because they are not aware of retailer, complete with a familiar logo and a similar
it, they are most likely the people whom opening URL. Purchases made on these fraudulent sites are
some unprotected link where their identity can be unlikely to be delivered, and scammers may seed
record. the website with malware that infects the victim's
device and steals personal or financial information.
(Johansen, 2019).
Methods that cybercriminals use to steal
identities online. Impersonation Scams or Confidence
Fraud – Confidence fraud occurs when a criminal
Phishing – Phishing emails are frequently
deceives a victim into believing they have a trusted
used by scammers to trick victims into providing
relationship with the criminal—as a family member,
personal or financial information. Phishing emails
friend, or romantic interest—in order to persuade
can be deceptive because they may appear to come
the victim to send money, provide information,
from a known or trusted company, such as a bank or
make purchases, or even launder money. IRS
an online retailer, and use a variety of tactics to
impersonation scams are one method by which
persuade the victim to click a link or open an
thieves obtain taxpayer information. Scammers call
attachment. (Federal Trade Commission, 2019).
their victims and pretend to be from the IRS, or they
send fraudulent emails that appear to be official
Smishing – Scammers may also target
communications (EquiFax, 2022).
victims via text message, which is known as
smishing. Criminals may impersonate trusted
Data Breaches – A data breach is defined as
organizations or even friends in order to trick
the intentional or unintentional release or theft of
victims into disclosing personal information, similar
information, whether as a result of a cyberattack or
to phishing attacks. Smishing may be on the rise as
simply the improper disposal of physical
people increasingly prefer text messages to phone
documents. If a person receives notification of a
calls and emails. (Kaspersky, 2020).
breach, their financial or personal information may
have been compromised. The theft of usernames
Vishing – Phone calls, also known as voice
and passwords as a result of data breaches may also
phishing or vishing, can be used by fraudsters to
fuel credential stuffing attacks, in which criminals
target potential victims. Phone scammers may use
use stolen username and password combinations to
promises, such as the offer of a prize, or threats,
gain access to other accounts (Seh, et al., 2020).
such as the risk of not receiving a tax refund, to
entice victims to provide personal information. Public Wi-Fi and USB Charging Stations
Spoofing is also used by scammers to send false – Many public Wi-Fi networks are vulnerable to
information to a caller ID. A spoofed call appears to threats from hackers, making it possible for thieves
be coming from a local number or a trusted to eavesdrop on users’ private information.
organization, but it could be coming from anywhere Scammers may also employ a USB charging scam,
in the world. (Panda Security, 2021). called juice jacking, in which malware infects the
user’s device when connected to an airport USB
Fake Websites – Fake websites frequently charging station or hotel USB port (Chugh, 2020).
appear to be legitimate and trustworthy in order to
entice people to provide personal information. Regardless of how a thief obtains the
Some online shopping scams employ a phony victim’s Personal information, once cybercriminals
website or mobile app that resembles a well-known have the information, they may use it to commit
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fraud. This could include draining bank submitting change-of-address requests in their
accounts and racking up credit card charges, getting name. (Hampshire, 2021). 
medical treatment using the victim’s health
insurance, stealing their tax refund, or selling the Review credit card and bank statements
information to other criminals. regularly – It's important to examine personal
credit card and bank records on a frequent basis
In some extreme cases, a thief might even because someone with your credit card number or
give the victim’s name during an arrest and prompt bank account information might try to make modest
a false criminal record. Identity theft victims may transactions to see whether they can get away with
be unaware of the crimes until there is already it. These transactions can easily sneak between the
substantial damage to their financial assets, credit, cracks without one's knowledge or the knowledge
and reputation. of one banking institution. Know the statement
cycles, and if users don't receive statements on time,
Security measures to protect users from online contact the credit card companies and banking
identity theft. institutions. Credit card fraud is the most
widespread sort of identity theft. (White, 2021)
Put credit on hold. – In the event of a
suspicion, a victim should contact their respective Create different passwords for each of the
banks immediately to place a hold on their bank accounts – A secure password is one that is long,
accounts. If someone's credit report is on hold, no difficult to guess, and one-of-a-kind. Make a unique
one can look at it or request it. As a result, no one password for each account. Personal identification
can open a new account, apply for a loan, or receive information, such as the last four digits of a Social
a new credit card while their personal credit is Security number, a birthday, initials, or parts of a
frozen. Credit freezes are completely free of charge name, should be used with caution.
and have no impact on the victim's credit score.
Passwords provide the first line of defense
Parents should seriously consider freezing against unauthorized access to your computer and
their children’s credit files. A 2021 study by Javelin personal information. The stronger the password,
Strategy & Research found that child identity fraud the more protected the individual’s computer will
costs U.S. families nearly $1 billion annually. be from hackers and malicious software. Internet
About 1 in 50 U.S. children were victims of ID users should maintain strong passwords for all
fraud, and 1 in 45 had personal information that was accounts on your computer (University of Ottawa,
exposed in a data breach. This can cost the average 2022).
family more than $1,000.
Anti-Spyware and Anti-Hacker
Collect mail on a daily basis – Identity thieves can Protection – Antivirus Software is a data security
steal someone's identity in a variety of ways, some utility which is installed in a computer system with
of which are extremely low-tech. They can easily a purpose of protection from viruses, spyware,
remove bank or credit card statements, utility bills, malware, rootkits, Trojans, phishing attacks, spam
health-care or tax documents, or pre-approved attack, and other online cyber threats. In addition, it
credit card offers from someone's mailbox. Keep detects or recognizes the virus, and then after
track of any mail that is expected but does not detecting the presence of the virus, it works on
arrive, as thieves can redirect one's mail by removing it from the computer system. Antivirus

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software works as a prophylactic so that it not only
eliminates a virus but also prevents any potential
virus from infecting your computer in the future
(Gupta, 2021).


As a rapidly growing social issue, online
identity theft is a major crime that is threatening
individuals and organizations worldwide,
necessitating an understanding of relevant issues
and a focus on information security in order to find
constructive solutions and overcome the problem.
Thieves, fraudsters, and criminals use various
methods to obtain personal information.

Furthermore, the introduction of new

technologies and people's lack of knowledge about
how to protect their personal information are
motivating fraudsters. As a result, increasing
people's awareness of how to protect themselves in
online networks through media education is critical.
As a result, it is critical to have effective
strategies, policies, and actions in place to protect
them from mass identity theft. Strong defensive
strategies should incorporate security knowledge,
training, technical control, and an effective
information-handling strategy.

The researchers also recommend a thorough

study on health, social, legal and economic
outcomes of fraud victimization to better understand
the harms acquired by the victims and provide
necessary assistance.

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