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17, 22/11/2022] syra: - Orientasi

Hari Jumat ini, Fariz berangkat sekolah dengan perasaan yang senang. Karena akhir pekan ini kedua
orang tuanya, mengajak pergi berlibur ke pantai. Saat di sekolah Fariz sudah tidak sabar ingin cepat
pulang dan prepare untuk berlibur besok.

- Rangkaian Peristiwa

Setelah pulang sekolah, dengan semangat fariz menyiapkan barang dan baju yang akan dibawa besok.
Dia membawa beberapa baju untuk berlibur karena harus menginap dua hari. Setelah semua siap, Fariz
dan keluarga pergi sore harinya. Fariz dan keluarga sampai di hotel sekitar jam 9. Perjalanan yang jauh
membuat semua orang capek, sehingga sesampainya di hotel mereka semua tidur.

Saat pagi tiba, Fariz bergegas ganti pakaian dan bermain di pantai. Fariz sangat senang akhir pekan ini
dia bisa berlibur ke pantai bersama dengan keluarganya. Tujuan utama dia senang ke pantai, karena
ingin naik kuda.

- Komplikasi

Setibanya di pantai, Fariz mencari kuda hingga bertanya ke penjaga pantainya. Namun ternyata pantai
tersebut sudah tidak memfasilitasi kuda. Fariz sedih karena dirinya tidak jadi naik kuda.

- Resolusi

Namun sedihnya hilang saat Ibu dan Ayahnya tiba-tiba memesan banyak makanan seafood kesukaan
Fariz. Fariz dengan lahap makan semua makanannya dan sedihnya pun ikut menghilang. Setelah makan,
Fariz dan ayah lanjut bermain di pantai.

[06.21, 22/112022] syra: - Orientation

This Friday, Raisya went to school with a happy feeling. Because this weekend his parents invited him to
go on vacation to the beach. While at school, Raisya couldn't wait to go home and get ready for
tomorrow's vacation.

- Series of Events

After coming home from school, Raisya prepared things and clothes with enthusiasm that she would
bring tomorrow. He brought some clothes for a vacation because he had to stay two days. After
everything was ready, Raisya and family left in the afternoon. Raisya and family arrived at the hotel
around 9 o'clock. The long journey made everyone tired, so when they arrived at the hotel they all slept.

When morning came, Raisya finished changing clothes and playing on the beach. Raisya is very happy
that this weekend she can go on vacation to the beach with her family. His main goal is to go to the
beach, because he wants to ride a horse.

- Complications = Arriving at the beach, Raisya looked for a horse and asked the lifeguard. However, it
turns out that the beach no longer facilitates horses. Raisya is sad because she can't ride a horse.
- Resolution

But unfortunately it disappeared when her mother and father suddenly ordered a lot of Raisya's favorite
seafood. Raisya devoured all the food and sadly disappeared too. After eating, Raisya and dad continued
to play on the beach.

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