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Power Chap I

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Fundamentals of power system

By: Alemante Abeje


12/22/2018 1
• Introduction
• Generation
• Transmission
• Distribution
• Utilization
Advantage of Electric Energy over
other form of energy
Electric Energy is:
• Flexible: Easily converted to light, heat,
mechanical energy…
• Cost: it is cheaper
• Transportation: easy & simple to transport,
• Clean: has no smoke
What is power system?
• Power system: is a science which deals
- Generation
- Transmission
- Distribution and
- Utilization of electric power system.
Goal of Power System
The goal of power system is:
 To generate & supply reliable electric power

 To generate & supply electric power with low cost.

 To generate electric power from Non-

convectional source.
Structure of power system
Source of

Transmission &

• Generators can be classified as AC/ DC
• Synchronous generator are the most common
used AC Generators.
• The max. capacity of a single generator
ranges up to 1GW , 34KV, due to insulation
• Electric Power can be generated from both
- Conventional and
- Non conventional (Renewable) Energy
A. Conventional Energy sources
• Convectional energy sources are stocks of
energy sources which deplete (cannot
continuously re emerged) using natural process.
• Some of convectional Energy sources are:
- Fossil fuels (Coal, Oil, & Natural Gas) and
- Nuclear fuels
Nuclear Power Plant
B. Non-Conventional Energy
 Non-conventional energy sources also called
Renewable energy.

 They are sources that are continuously replenished

by natural processes.

 Some sources of renewable energy are:

- sunlight (solar Energy) - wind
- falling-water - sea-waves (tidal)
- geothermal heat - biomass
Solar Energy
Solar energy can be utilized trough two different routs

 Solar thermal rout (indirect rout)

Solar thermal route uses the sun's heat to produce hot water
or air, cook food, drying materials etc.

 Solar electric rout(Photovoltaic) rout

Solar photovoltaic uses sun’s heat to produce electricity for

lighting home and building, running motors, pumps, electric
appliances, and lighting.
Solar Thermal Energy Application
- In solar thermal route, solar energy can be converted
into thermal energy with the help of solar collectors &
convert to electricity (using thermal plant) or useful

- The Solar-Thermal collectors can be classified into

three categories:
o Low-Grade Heating Devices - heats up to 100°C.

o Medium-Grade Heating Devices – heats 100°C -

Solar Heaters

Solar flat plat collector Solar heat collector

(water heater) (Sun basket)
Solar Electricity Generation
Solar Photovoltaic (PV):
- They are usually made of silicon (an element that naturally
releases electrons when exposed to light)
- Amount of electrons released from silicon cells depend
upon solar radiation (intensity of light incident on it).
- The silicon cell is covered with a grid of metal that directs
the electrons to flow in a path to create an electric current.
- This current is guided into a wire that is connected to a
battery or DC appliance.
Solar Photovoltaic (PV):

Solar Photovoltaic Array

Wind Energy
Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a
useful form of energy, such as:
wind turbines to make electricity,
Windmills for mechanical power
wind pumps for water pumping or drainage, or
sails to propel ships.
Wind Energy Technology

1. Vertical-axis wind turbines,

in which the axis of rotation
is vertical with respect to
the ground (and roughly
perpendicular to the wind

2. Horizontal-axis turbines, in
which the axis of rotation is
horizontal with respect to
the ground (and roughly
parallel to the wind stream.)

Figure 1.5Wind Turbine Configuration

Bio Energy
-Biomass is a renewable energy resource derived
from the carbonaceous waste of various human
and natural activities.
- It is derived from numerous sources, including:
- By-products of animals (cow dugs , human waste...)
- By-products from wood & wood industry,
agricultural crops, raw material from the forest.
- household wastes etc.
Biogas Plants
- Biogas is a clean and efficient fuel, generated
through anaerobic fermentation process.

- Biogas is a safe fuel for cooking and lighting. By-

product is usable as high-grade manure.

- The biogas consists of

60% methane with rest
mainly carbon-dioxide.
Biogas Plants
Hydro Energy
- The potential energy of falling water, captured and
converted to mechanical energy & further to
electrical energy is called Hydro power system.
- Wherever sufficient head, or change in elevation,
could be found, rivers and streams were dammed.
- Water under pressure flows through a turbine
causing it to rotate.
- The Turbine is connected to a generator, which
produces electricity.
Tidal Energy
• Tidal electricity generation
involves the construction of
a barrage (bombardment)
across an estuary to block
the incoming and outgoing
• The head of water is then
used to drive turbines to
generate electricity from
the elevated water in the
basin as in hydroelectric
Geothermal Energy
- Utilizes the Earth’s inner heated rocks to heat water that
reaches these areas through seismic (ርዕደ መሬት) faults.
- This water is turned to steam then captured to operate
steam-powered generators.
Power Transformers
• Can be step-up or step-down transformers.

• Step-ups are usually used at the

generating stations while step-downs are
used at the distribution centers.
12/22/2018 Alemante A. 28
Transmission & Distribution system
• Even though three phase three wire system is the most
commonly used trend of power Txn. System, other
systems can also be used.

i. DC- two wire system ii. DC- two/three wire system

iii. Single phase two wire system iv. Single phase three wire system

v. Three phase three wire system vi. Three phase four wire system
• The usual generation voltages are: 33KV, 11KV,6.6kv…
• The large network between power station and
consumers can be classified in to four parts. These are

i. Primary transmission line : 760kv, 400kv, 230kv, 132KV

ii. Secondary transmission line: 66kv, 33kv
iii. Primary distribution: 11kv, 6.6kv
iv. Secondary distribution: 380V, 220V
Transmission Systems
 The transmission system is composed of
 Step-up and Step-don substations
 Transmission lines can be
 DC or AC transmission system
 DC Transmission
 superior to that by high voltage AC system in many respects
 Advantages.
 It requires only two conductors
 There is no inductance, cap
 reacitance, phase displacement and surge problems
 less voltage drop so it has better voltage regulation.

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DC Transmission
 The potential stress on the insulation is less it requires less insulation.
 Less corona loss and reduced interference with communication circuits.
 There are no stability problems and synchronizing difficulties.
DC Transmission
 Disadvantages
 Electric power cannot be generated at high d.c. voltage due to
commutation problems.
 The d.c. voltage cannot be stepped up for transmission of power at high
 The d.c. switches and circuit breakers have their own limitations.

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AC Transmission
 Now a day, electrical energy is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and
distributed in AC
 Advantages
 The power can be generated at high voltages.
 The maintenance of AC sub-stations is easy and cheaper.
 stepped up or stepped down by transformers with ease and efficiency.

 Disadvantages
 Required more copper
 more complicated construction

 An a.c. line has capacitance. Therefore, there is a continuous loss of power due to
charging current even when the line is open.

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Single phase and three-phase
 Two types of systemtransmission
 Single phase system
 There will be only one phase,
 Minimum amount of power can be transported.
 Generating station and load station single phase

Pulsating power due to single phase supply

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Single phase and three-phase
 Three phase system transmission
 Poly-phase system where three phases are send together from the
generator to the load.
 Each phase are having a phase difference of 120°, i.e. 120° angle
 Each of the three phases can be used as single phase.

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Constant power due to 3-phase

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Why Three Phase is preferred Over Single Phase?

 The three phase power system has been adopted universally for
transmission of AC power because of the ff advantages
 Higher power/weight ratio of alternators smaller, lighter and cheaper.
 3-phase requires less copper or aluminum to transmit the same quantity
of power of a specific distance than a single phase system.
 Three phase motors are self-starting due to the rotating magnetic
 But a single phase motor is not self-starting, it requires a capacitor and
an auxiliary winding.
 In Single phase systems, the instantaneous power is not constant and is
sinusoidal where as in a three phase the instantaneous power is always
the same.
 Three phase supply can be rectified into dc supply with a lesser ripple

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Over View of Existing and Planned Interconnection

Possible Interconnection Lines with Neighboring


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 Ethiopia is already connected to Sudan, Djibouti and the Border towns of

 Ethiopia – Kenya 500 KV D.C. line under construction (up to 2000 MW)

 Exports to Egypt 2000 MW and additional 1200 MW to Sudan are planned

for implementation soon.
 signed to Exports to Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and Yemen

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Two types of three phase circuit connections :
• Star Connection
 There is four wire, three wires are phase wire and fourth is neutral which
is taken from the star point.
 Star connection is preferred for long distance power transmission
because it is having the neutral point.
 Balanced system: equal current will flow through all the three phases,
 When the current will not be equal in any of the phase, then it is
unbalanced current
 The line voltage is √3 times of phase voltage.

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Star Connection
 Line voltage is the voltage between two phases in three phase circuit
 phase voltage is the voltage between one phase to the neutral line.
 the current is same for both line and phase.

V ab  3V an or V L  3V ph

I ab  I an or I L  I ph

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Delta Connection
 Three wires alone and no neutral terminal is taken.
 Preferred for short distance transmission due to the problem of
unbalanced current in the circuit.

V ab  V an or V L  V ph

I ab  3I a n or I L  3I ph

12/22/2018 43
 In three phase circuit, star and delta connection can be arranged in four
different ways-
 Reading assignment
 Star-Star connection

 Star-Delta connection

 Delta-Star connection

 Delta-Delta connection

12/22/2018 44
Distribution Systems
o The distribution system gives out the energy from the medium voltage
substations to customers’ location.
o It is composed of:
 Medium Voltage (MV) lines (33kV, 15 kV)

 MV/LV transformer substations (33/15/ kV to 400/380/220 V)

 Distribution lines (33/15 kV, 380 V 3-phase and 220 v single


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Load or Energy Sink
 Load is the end equipment of the power system where the transmitted
electrical energy is converted to other forms of useful energy.

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Power, current and potential
 A transformer
 is a static machine
 operates on ac supply and works on the principle of mutual
 Transformers can be categorized in different ways,
depending upon their purpose.
 Power Transformer
 Used in transmission network for stepping up or down the
voltage level.
 It operates mainly during high or peak loads and has
maximum efficiency at or near full load.
 Low voltage level power can be transmitted to the receiving

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 This low voltage power if transmitted results in greater
line current which indeed causes more line losses
 But Increase voltage level- decrease current – reduce
ohmic loss- reduction in cross sectional area of the
conductor- reduce capital cost- improves the voltage
regulation of the system- improve quality of power

 Distribution Transformer- steps down the voltage for

distribution purpose to domestic or commercial users

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Instrument transformers
 To reduce high voltages and current to small values which can be measured by
conventional instruments.
 Are used in AC system for measurement of electrical quantities i.e. voltage,
 current, power, energy, power factor, frequency.
 Basic function of Instrument transformers is to step down the AC System voltage
and current.
 Types of Instrument transformers
o Current Transformer (CT)(series transformer)
 Used to step down the current of power system to a lower level to make it feasible
to be measured by small rating Ammeter (i.e. 5A ammeter)

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o Potential Transformer (P.T.)(parallel transformer)
 Used to step down the voltage of power system to a lower level to make is
feasible to be measured by small rating voltmeter i.e. 110 – 120 V voltmeter

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Difference between C.T. and P.T.
 Sl.
Current transformer (CT) Potential Transformer (P.T.)

1  Connected in series with power circuit.  Connected in Parallel with Power circuit.

2  Secondary is connected to Ammeter.  Secondary is connected to Voltmeter.

 Secondary works almost in open circuited

3  Secondary works almost in short circuited condition.

4  Primary current depends on power circuit current.  Primary current depends on secondary burden.

 Primary current and excitation vary over wide range with  Primary current and excitation variation are
change of power circuit current restricted to a small range.

 One terminal of secondary is earthed to avoid the  One terminal of secondary can be earthed for
insulation break down. Safety.

7  Secondary is never be open circuited.  Secondary can be used in open circuit condition.

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o AC Power Review
Review of Phasors: The objective of phasor analysis is to simplify the analysis
of constant frequency ac systems.
o Instantaneous Power
v(t) = Vm cos(ωt + θv) p(t) instantaneous power is the power at any instant of
i(t) = Im cos(ωt + θi) time
P(t)= v(t)i(t) = VmIm cos(ωt + θvcos(ωt + θi)
v(t) instantaneous voltage
apply the trigonometric identity
i(t) instantaneous current
Ѳv and Ѳi are the phase angles of the voltage and
cos A cos B 
cos( A  B )  cos( A  B ) current,
2 The
Vm andfirstIm
constant or time
amplitudes (orindependent
peak values)
p (t ) 
VmI m
cos(  v  i ) 
VmI m
cos( 2 wt  v  i ) Its value depends on the phase difference between the
2 2
voltage and the current.
The second part is a sinusoidal function whose
frequency is 2ω, which is twice the a of the voltage or

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Average power
 The average power is the average of the instantaneous power over one
 The first integrand is constant, and the average of a constant is the same
 The second integrand is a sinusoid.
 We know that the average of a sinusoid over its period is zero
 P (t )
T 0
p ( t ) dt

1 1 1 1
P  2V m
I m
cos(  v   i ) dt  2V m
I m
cos( 2 wt   v   i ) dt
T 0
T 0

1 1 1 1
P  V m I m cos( v   i )  dt  Vm I m  cos( 2 w t   v   i )dt
2 T 0
2 T 0

P  VmI m
cos(  v  i )

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Complex power
 using phasors V and I
S=1/2VI*=VrmsIrms* = 1
VmI ( v   i )

1 1
VmI m
cos(  v  i )  j VmI m
sin(  v  i )
2 2

Apparent power
that the magnitude of the complex power is Active or real power
the apparent power
S V I rms rms
P =V I cos(    )
rms rms v i

Z 

V rms
I rms
( v   i ) Reactive power
V rms
Z 

V rms I rms sin(  v  i )

R  jX
I rms ( R  jX ) P jQ

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 Phasor Analysis

P  V I cos 

S  V I

Q  S si n   V I si n 

px (t ) Q si n 2 ( t  v)
  Q  P P
cos   cos  a r c     
  P  P
Q 2 S

S  V I  co s( V   )  j si n ( V   ) S= is complex number


 P  jQ P= real power (W, kW, MW)

 V I
* Q= Reactive power (var, var,
S= complex power (VA,Kva, MVA)
Power factor (pf) = cosϕ

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 Relationships between real, reactive and complex power

 S co s  ,  I co s 
For a purely capacitive : the current leads the
Q  V I si n  voltage by 90°,
 S si n   1  pf

For a pure resistor: the impedance angle is zero,

pf= 1,S=P

Reactive Power: Oscillating power into

and out of the load because of its
purely inductive :the current lags the voltage by 90°,
reactive element (L or C).
Positive value for inductive load
(lagging pf)

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 Real power supplied by the source is equal to the sum of the real powers
absorbed by the load and the real losses in the system
0   Pg en   Pl oa d s   Pl osses
 Reactive power must also be balanced: The balance is between the sum of
leading and the sum of lagging reactive power producing elements

0   Q l ea di n g   Q ca p s   Q l a g g i n g   Q i n du c
 The total complex power delivered to the loads in parallel is the sum of the
complex powers delivered to each

0   S gen   S l oa ds  S l osses

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I = 20-6.9 amps
S  V I  100  30   20  6.9   2000  36.9  V A
  36.9  pf = 0.8 l aggi n g
SR  VR I  4  20   6.9   20  6.9 
PR  1600W  I R (Q R  0)
SL  VL I  3 j  20   6.9   20  6.9 
Q L  1200 v ar  I X (PL  0 )

12/22/2018 58
 Calculate the average power absorbed by each of the five elements in
the circuit given.

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Find current, voltage and apparent power for the ckt shown below

add additional reactive power load and resolve

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 The apparent power entering a certain load Z is 250 VA at a power factor of 0.8
leading. If the rms phasor voltage of the source is 125 V at 1 MHz:
a) Determine Irms
b) P going into the load
c) Determine S into the load
d) Determine Z
e) The equivalent impedance of the load circuit should be of the form
Z = R + jωL or Z = R - j/ωC. Determine the value of L or C, whichever
is applicable

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Thank You!!!

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