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Comparison of 5 Immunohistochemical Markers

of Hepatocellular Differentiation for the Diagnosis

of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Thuy Nguyen, MD; Daniel Phillips, MD; Dhanpat Jain, MD; Michael Torbenson, MD; Tsung-Teh Wu, MD, PhD;
Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD; Sanjay Kakar, MD

 Context.—Several immunohistochemical markers are for Hep Par 1 in poorly differentiated hepatocellular
available to establish the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma dropped to 30% and that of glypican-3 in
carcinoma. Judicious selection is essential to achieve a well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma was 15%.
reliable diagnosis in limited tissue provided by liver biopsy. The addition of Hep Par 1 and/or polyclonal CEA to
Objective.—To compare the efficacy of 5 hepatocellular arginase-1 did not lead to an increase in sensitivity for any
markers for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma differentiation. The combined use of arginase-1 and
across various levels of differentiations. glypican-3 yielded 100% sensitivity for poorly differenti-
Design.—Immunohistochemistry for hepatocyte paraffin ated hepatocellular carcinoma.
antigen 1 (Hep Par 1), polyclonal carcinoembryonic Conclusion.—Arginase-1 was the most sensitive marker
antigen (CEA), glypican-3, arginase-1, and bile salt export
in all differentiations of hepatocellular carcinoma. Glypi-
pump transporter was performed in 79 hepatocellular
can-3 had high sensitivity for poorly differentiated cases
carcinomas, yielding 93 observations (13 well-differenti-
ated [14%], 41 moderately differentiated [44%], and 39 and its combined use with arginase-1 enabled identifica-
poorly differentiated [42%] tumors). tion of nearly all cases of poorly differentiated hepatocel-
Results.—Arginase-1 and Hep Par 1 had the highest lular carcinoma. Although bile salt export pump
sensitivity for well-differentiated hepatocellular carcino- transporter has good overall sensitivity, it has a limited
ma, whereas arginase-1 and glypican-3 had the highest role in establishing hepatocellular differentiation when
sensitivity for poorly differentiated hepatocellular carci- added to a panel of arginase-1 with either glypican-3 or
noma. When staining of more than 50% of the tumor was Hep Par 1.
considered a positive result, arginase-1 remained the most (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2015;139:1028–1034; doi:
sensitive marker for all differentiations, whereas sensitivity 10.5858/arpa.2014-0479-OA)

T he diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and its

differentiation from metastatic or nonhepatocellular
tumors has important therapeutic implications. This dis-
antigen 1 (Hep Par 1), which recognizes the urea cycle
enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthetase,1 and polyclonal
antibody directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (p-
tinction can be challenging if the tumor is poorly CEA) are among the most commonly used hepatocellular
differentiated and when limited amounts of tumor are markers, but they have less than 50% sensitivity for poorly
available from needle biopsies. Many immunohistochemical differentiated HCC.2–5 In addition, Hep Par 1 can be positive
markers are available for establishing the diagnosis, each in gastric, lung, and esophageal adenocarcinomas3 and, less
commonly, in a wide variety of tumors.3,4 The canalicular
with its strength and limitations. Hepatocyte paraffin
pattern observed with p-CEA is considered to be specific for
hepatocellular differentiation, but can be difficult to
Accepted for publication November 26, 2014. distinguish from membranous or luminal staining patterns
From the Department of Anatomic Pathology, University of seen in adenocarcinomas.4,6 Other markers, such as CD10
California, San Francisco, (Drs Nguyen, Phillips, and Kakar); the and villin, also yield a canalicular pattern of staining, but
Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, New suffer from the same limitations.6,7 Serum levels of a-
Haven, Connecticut (Dr Jain); the Department of Pathology, Johns
Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland (Dr Torbenson); the Division of
fetoprotein are routinely used in screening for HCC;
Anatomic Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota (Dr Wu); however, immunohistochemical staining for a-fetoprotein
the Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, (Dr has 30% to 50% sensitivity and often shows background
Yeh); and the Department of Anatomic Pathology, Veteran Affairs staining.3,6,7
Medical Center, San Francisco (Dr Kakar). In the past few years, glypican-3 (GPC-3) and arginase-1
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or (Arg-1) have emerged as promising markers of hepatocel-
companies described in this article.
Reprints: Sanjay Kakar, MD, Department of Anatomic Pathology, lular differentiation. The GPC-3 marker is a membrane-
University of California, San Francisco, 4150 Clement St, San anchored, heparin-sulfate proteoglycan normally expressed
Francisco, CA 94121 (e-mail: in fetal liver and placenta. Its advantages include negative
1028 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, August 2015 Comparison of 5 Immunohistochemical Markers—Nguyen et al
Table 1. Antibodies Used for Immunohistochemistry in the Study
Antibody Clone Vendor Dilution
Hep Par 1 OCH1E5 Dako, Carpinteria, California 1:200
Polyclonal CEA Polyclonal Dako, Carpinteria, California 1:20
Glypican-3 1G12 BioMosaics, Burlington, Vermont 1:2
Arginase-1 Rabbit polyclonal Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, Missouri 1:400
BSEP Mouse monoclonal F-6 Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Dallas, Texas 1:200
Abbreviations: BSEP, bile salt export pump; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; Hep Par-1, hepatocyte paraffin antigen 1.

results in nonneoplastic liver and high sensitivity in poorly temperature (Hep Par 1, 30 minutes; pCEA, 15 minutes). For
differentiated HCC.8–11 Arginase-1 is a binuclear manganese detection, a biotin-free, horseradish peroxidase–labeled, dextrose-
metalloenzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of arginine to based polymer complex bound to a secondary antibody (K4061,
ornithine and urea. Initial studies have shown that Arg-1 is Dako EnVision Plus dual link system-HRP) was used with an
incubation time of 15 minutes. Slides were then developed for 10
a highly sensitive and specific marker for hepatocellular
minutes with 3-3 0 -diaminobenzidine chromogen (DABþ, K3468,
differentiation.12–14 Dako), and counterstained with Gill hematoxylin.
Bile salt export pump (BSEP) is a liver-specific ATP- For GPC-3 and Arg-1 immunohistochemistry, conventional
binding cassette transporter encoded by the ABCB11 gene, tissue sections were subjected to heat-induced, epitope-retrieval
which is expressed exclusively in the liver canalicular pretreatment for 20 minutes at 1008C in epitope retrieval solution 1
membrane and involved with bile acid transport.15 The (pH 6.0; AR9961, Leica Microsystems, Newcastle, United King-
BSEP marker has been shown to be specific and sensitive for dom), and cooled to room temperature. The Leica Bond Polymer
hepatocellular differentiation, but its diagnostic utility in Refine detection kit (DS9800, Leica Microsystems) was used for the
HCC has not been explored in detail.16 blocking and detection steps. The slides were incubated with the
The choice of hepatocellular markers used for diagnosis of primary antibody for 15 minutes, incubated in postprimary reagent
HCC in liver biopsies varies widely. The choice of the (rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin G [IgG]) for 8 minutes,
followed by incubation in polymer reagent (anti-rabbit poly-
markers requires careful evaluation of the clinical setting HRP-IgG) for 8 minutes. For the blocking step, tissue sections were
and pathologic features, generation of an appropriate quenched with peroxide block (3%–4% hydrogen peroxide) for 10
differential diagnosis, and framing specific questions to be minutes. Slides were then developed for 10 minutes with DAB
answered by application of immunohistochemical markers. chromogen, and counterstained with hematoxylin for 1 minute.
Indiscriminate or inappropriate use of markers can Immunohistochemistry for BSEP was performed using a
exhaust the tissue in the block, precluding a definite monoclonal mouse anti-human antibody BSEP clone F-6 (Santa
diagnosis. This study attempted to identify an optimum Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, California) at 1:200 dilution. The
combination of hepatocellular markers by comparing the entire process was performed on a Leica BOND III platform, with
sensitivity of 5 immunohistochemical markers (Hep Par 1, antigen retrieval using heat-induced epitope retrieval 2. The
p-CEA, GPC-3, Arg-1, and BSEP) in well-differentiated, antibody incubation time was 15 minutes. Slides were then
developed for 5 minutes with DAB chromogen.
moderately differentiated, and poorly differentiated HCC.
The staining intensity was recorded as 0 to 3 (negative, mild,
moderate, and strong), and the extent of staining was recorded into
3 groups based on percentage of tumor showing positive staining
The study population comprised 79 cases of HCC from the (,5%, 5%–50%, and .50%). Cytoplasmic staining was considered
surgical pathology files of the University of California, San positive for Hep Par 1 and GPC-3, whereas nuclear and/or
Francisco, Medical Center, the University of Washington Medical cytoplasmic staining was considered positive for Arg-1. For pCEA
Center (Seattle), the Yale-New Haven Hospital (New Haven, and BSEP, a canalicular staining pattern was considered positive
Connecticut), the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota), and the (Figure 1, A and B); membranous or luminal positivity without
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (Baltimore, Maryland). The canalicular staining was considered negative.
slides were reviewed to confirm the diagnosis in all cases, and the For data analysis, cases were considered positive if moderate or
level of differentiation was assessed based on the 2010 World strong staining was seen in 5% or more of the tumor cells. All other
Health Organization criteria.17 Well-differentiated HCC showed situations were considered negative. The positive cases were
obvious hepatocellular differentiation with mild cytologic atypia, divided into focal positive if moderate or strong staining was seen
mildly increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios, thin trabeculae (3 in 5% to 50% of the tumor and diffuse positive if moderate or strong
cells thick) in most of the tumor, and a frequent pseudoglandular staining was seen in more than 50% of the tumor cells. The 50%
pattern. Moderately differentiated HCC also showed morphologic cutoff is not necessarily relevant from a diagnostic standpoint, but
resemblance to hepatocytes with moderate cytologic atypia and/or was chosen to compare the extent of staining with different
thick cell plates (.3 cells thick in most of the tumor). Poorly markers. The sensitivity for each marker as well as combination of
differentiated HCC showed one or more of the following: little or no markers for well differentiated, moderately differentiated, and
resemblance to hepatocytes, marked cytologic atypia, a solid poorly differentiated HCC was determined.
growth pattern, or markedly increased nuclear to cytoplasmic
ratios. RESULTS
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue was used to perform
immunohistochemistry for Hep Par 1, p-CEA, GPC-3, Arg-1, and Clinical Data
BSEP (Table 1). The incubation time was 15 minutes for the Seventy-nine cases were examined. The age range was 31
primary antibody. For Hep Par 1 and pCEA, heat-induced, epitope-
to 83 years (62 men [78%], 17 women [22%]). Cirrhosis was
retrieval pretreatment was performed in a Dako (Carpinteria,
California) Pascal pressure cooker for 30 to 45 minutes at 1258C present in 58 (73%) of the cases, whereas 17 HCC cases
until reaching pressure of 22 to 25 psi in 0.01M citrate buffer (pH (22%) arose in noncirrhotic liver (status not known in 4
6.0). The slides were then cooled to room temperature, rinsed, and cases [5%]). Of the 58 cases with cirrhosis, the etiology of
quenched with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes. This was the cirrhosis was known in 50 cases (86%): hepatitis C in 35
followed by incubation with the primary antibody at room cases (60%), hepatitis B in 7 cases (12%), hepatitis B and C
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, August 2015 Comparison of 5 Immunohistochemical Markers—Nguyen et al 1029
3, A and D), whereas sensitivity in poorly differentiated
cases was modest (25 of 39; 64%). Similarly, pCEA showed
canalicular positivity in most well-differentiated cases (12 of
13; 92%) (Figure 2, E) and most moderately differentiated
cases (36 of 41; 88%), but the sensitivity was lower in poorly
differentiated HCC (21 of 39; 54%). For both Hep Par 1 and
pCEA, the numbers were slightly lower for well and
moderately differentiated areas when only diffuse positive
staining was considered, but fell to below one-third of cases
for poorly differentiated areas (Table 3).
The Arg-1 staining was positive in all well-differentiated
cases (13 of 13; 100%), all moderately differentiated cases
(41 of 41; 100%), and most poorly differentiated cases (38 of
39; 97%) (Figures 2, A and B; 3, A and B; and 4, A and B). All
positive cases demonstrated cytoplasmic staining, with
nuclear positivity also seen in most instances (65 of 79;
82%). The results were similar when only diffusely positive
cases were considered (Table 3). The GPC-3 staining had a
modest sensitivity in well-differentiated cases (8 of 13; 62%)
and a high sensitivity for moderately differentiated cases (33
of 41; 80%) and poorly differentiated HCC (33 of 39; 85%)
(Figures 2, E; 3, C; and 4, C). When cases with diffuse
staining were considered positive, the results were similar
for poorly differentiated HCC, but lower for well and
moderately differentiated HCC.
Although BSEP results were not available in every case, it
yielded 83 observations. It showed canalicular positivity in
most well-differentiated cases (12 of 13; 92%) and
moderately differentiated cases (37 of 39; 95%) (Figure 1,
B), whereas sensitivity was low for poorly differentiated
HCC cases (14 of 31; 45%) (Figure 4, D). The numbers were
lower for all 3 categories when only cases with diffuse
staining were considered positive. Membrane staining with
Figure 1. A, Well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. B, Canalic- BSEP was seen in 8 of 83 HCCs (10%), which partially
ular pattern of staining with bile salt export pump (hematoxylin-eosin, obscured the canalicular staining pattern.
original magnification 3200 [A]; original magnification 3200 [B]). When a combination of GPC-3 and Arg-1 was evaluated,
at least one marker was positive in all poorly differentiated
coinfection in 2 cases (3%), alcohol use in 4 cases (7%), HCCs (Figures 3 and 4). Even when only diffusely positive
hepatitis C and alcohol use in 1 case (2%), and steatohep- cases were considered, GPC-3 and/or Arg-1 were positive in
atitis in 1 case (2%). 37 of 39 cases (95%) of poorly differentiated HCC (Table 4).
The Hep Par 1 marker performed better than p-CEA and
Immunohistochemistry BSEP in well-differentiated and moderately differentiated
Of the 79 HCC cases, 14 (18%) showed more than one cases. However, adding Hep Par 1 to Arg-1 did not improve
differentiation pattern; these areas were scored separately the sensitivity because Arg-1 was positive in all cases.
yielding 93 observations (13 well differentiated cases [14%], Hence, with the exception of GPC, addition of other
41 moderately differentiated cases [44%], and 39 poorly markers to Arg-1 did not improve sensitivity at any
differentiated cases [42%]). The results for all antibodies differentiation.
were categorized into focal and diffuse positive cases (Tables
2 and 3, Figures 2, A through E; 3, A through D; and 4, A COMMENT
through D). Many tumors can closely mimic HCC, including poorly
The Hep Par 1 staining was positive in all well- differentiated cholangiocarcinoma; metastatic, poorly differ-
differentiated cases (13 of 13; 100%) and most moderately entiated adenocarcinomas; nonhepatocellular tumors, such
differentiated cases (40 of 41; 98%) (Figures 2, A and C; and as epithelioid angiomyolipoma; and other metastatic tu-

Table 2. Immunohistochemical Markers in Hepatocellular Carcinoma With 5%a Staining Considered Positive
Differentiation Arginase-1, No. (%) Glypican-3, No. (%) Hep Par-1, No. (%) pCEA, No. (%) BSEP, No. (%)
Well, n ¼ 13 13 (100) 8 (62) 13 (100) 12 (92) 12 (92)
Moderately, n ¼ 41 41 (100) 33 (80) 40 (98) 36 (88) 37 (95)b
Poorly, n ¼ 39 38 (97) 33 (85) 25 (64) 21 (54) 14 (45)c
Abbreviations: BSEP, bile salt export pump; Hep Par-1, hepatocyte paraffin antigen 1; pCEA, polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen.
Staining in 5% or more of the tumor cells was considered positive.
BSEP results were not available in every case; n ¼ 39.
BSEP results were not available in every case; n ¼ 31.
1030 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, August 2015 Comparison of 5 Immunohistochemical Markers—Nguyen et al
Table 3. Immunohistochemical Markers in Hepatocellular Carcinoma With 50%a Staining Considered Positive
Differentiation Arginase-1, No. (%) Glypican-3, No. (%) Hep Par-1, No. (%) pCEA, No. (%) BSEP, No. (%)
Well, n ¼ 13 13 (100) 2 (15) 13 (100) 10 (77) 9 (69)
Moderately, n ¼ 41 40 (98) 24 (58) 34 (83) 26 (63) 28 (72)b
Poorly, n ¼ 35 34 (88) 29 (74) 12 (30) 7 (18) 6 (6)c
Abbreviations: BSEP, bile salt export pump; Hep Par-1, hepatocyte paraffin antigen 1; pCEA, polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen.
Staining in 50% or more of the tumor cells was considered positive.
BSEP results were not available in every case; n ¼ 39.
BSEP results were not available in every case; n ¼ 31.

Figure 2. Well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (A) showing cytoplasmic staining with arginase-1 (B) and hepatocyte paraffin antigen 1 (C).
D, Canalicular pattern of staining with bile salt export pump. E, Staining for glypican-3 is negative (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 3200
[A]; original magnification 3200 [B]; original magnification 3200 [C]; original magnification 3200 [D]; original magnification 3200 [E]).
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, August 2015 Comparison of 5 Immunohistochemical Markers—Nguyen et al 1031
Figure 3. Moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (A) showing cytoplasmic staining with arginase-1 (B) and glypican-3 (C), whereas
hepatocyte paraffin antigen 1 (Hep Par 1) is negative (D). This was the only moderately differentiated case that was negative for Hep Par 1. Staining
for bile salt export pump and polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen was also negative (not shown) (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 3200
[A]; original magnification 3200 [B]; original magnification 3200 [C]; original magnification 3200 [D]).

mors, such as neuroendocrine tumors, renal cell carcinoma, tumors were examined in this study, high specificity (.95%)
adrenocortical carcinoma, and melanoma. A large arma- has been reported.13,18 Rare cases of positive staining in
mentarium of immunohistochemical markers is available to adenocarcinomas of the prostate, pancreas, colon, breast,
help in establishing hepatocellular differentiation in tumors. and biliary tree have been reported.13,19 The only exception
As a limited amount of tissue is available in needle biopsies, is a study by Iida et al,23 which reported Arg-1 positivity in
judicious evidence-based use of these markers is imperative. 78% of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas. However, that
Our results show that Arg-1 is the most sensitive marker result has not been reproduced in other studies and is not
across all differentiations of HCC. Several studies have supported by our anecdotal experience.
shown the utility of Arg-1 in HCC. Similar to our finding of Although GPC-3 emerged as a promising hepatocellular
98% sensitivity, figures ranging from 84% to 96% have been marker a few years ago, further experience has shown that it
reported.13,14,18 The high sensitivity of Arg-1 (81%–84%) has can be expressed in a wide variety of other tumors.10 Even
also been observed in cytology material.19,20 The high though GPC-3 is not a specific hepatocellular marker, it can
sensitivity of Arg-1 was also observed in poorly differenti- be useful because of its high sensitivity in poorly differen-
ated HCC (95% in our study, which is similar to the 90% tiated HCC.9,11 Among the tumors that can resemble HCC,
reported by Yan et al13) as well as in scirrhous HCC.21 In GPC-3 can be rarely positive in cholangiocarcinoma.10,11,21,24
addition, Arg-1 was expressed in all well and moderately In the present study, GPC-3 was positive in 85% (33 of 39)
differentiated cases, making it an excellent hepatocellular of poorly differentiated HCC, which is similar to 85% and
marker for both ends of the differentiation spectrum. In 89% reported in previous studies.9,11 Use of GPC-3 has also
most cases that were Arg-1þ, the staining was diffuse, been advocated for distinguishing well-differentiated HCC
indicating that this marker will yield similarly high from hepatocellular adenoma.25–27 Based on our results, the
sensitivity in biopsies. The high sensitivity of Arg-1 in a utility of GPC-3 in this setting is limited because it is
microarray study also indicates that the staining pattern is positive in only 62% (8 of 13) of well-differentiated HCC.28
diffuse in most cases and will have high utility in liver Even among positive cases, the diffuse staining was seen in
biopsies.22 Arginase-1 is a component of the urea cycle and only 15% (2 of 13) of the cases, further confirming its limited
is found only in the liver. Although no nonhepatocellular utility in biopsies.
1032 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, August 2015 Comparison of 5 Immunohistochemical Markers—Nguyen et al
Figure 4. Poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (A) showing cytoplasmic staining with arginase-1 (B) and glypican-3 (C), whereas bile salt
export pump was negative (D). Staining for hepatocyte paraffin antigen 1 and polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen was also negative (not shown)
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 3200 [A]; original magnification 3200 [B]; original magnification 3200 [C]; original magnification 3200

As previously reported,2–7 Hep Par 1 and pCEA are widely had 100% specificity and 90% sensitivity for HCC, and its
used in the diagnosis of HCC, and high sensitivity and use was advocated for the diagnosis of HCC. However, that
specificity has been reported. However, both these markers was a small series, and it is not clear whether any poorly
have poor sensitivity for poorly differentiated and scirrhous differentiated HCCs were included. In our study, BSEP had
HCC.5,9,13,21 Our study also shows similar findings, with high sensitivity for well-differentiated and moderately
sensitivity of Hep Par 1 and pCEA for poorly differentiated differentiated HCC, but fell to less than one-half for poorly
HCC being 64% (25 of 39) and 54% (21 of 39), respectively.
differentiated cases. If only diffusely positive cases were
Even among the positive cases, the staining was focal in
considered, the sensitivity in poorly differentiated HCC fell
nearly one-half of the cases, further reducing their utility in
biopsies. In addition, Hep Par 1 staining is common in even further to 6% (2 of 31). In view of the availability of
esophageal, gastric, and lung adenocarcinomas2,3 and rare in better markers, such as Arg-1 and GPC-3, for poorly
neuroendocrine, biliary, and other tumors.7,29 differentiated HCC, and better or equally good markers,
Because BSEP is localized to the canalicular membrane, it such as Hep Par 1 and Arg-1, for moderately differentiated
is an attractive option for establishing hepatocellular and well-differentiated HCC, our results suggest that the
differentiation. A preliminary study16 showed that BSEP addition of BSEP is not useful for diagnosis.

Table 4. Sensitivity of Different Combinations of Immunohistochemical Markers in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Hep Par-1þ and/or Glypican-3þ, Hep Par-1þ and/or Arginase-1þ, Glypican-3þ and/or Arginase-1þ,
Differentiation No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Tumor cells staining, % 5 50 5 50 5 50
Well, n ¼ 13 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100) 13 (100)
Moderately, n ¼ 41 41 (100) 40 (98) 41 (100) 40 (98) 41 (100) 41 (100)
Poorly, n ¼ 39 36 (97) 34 (87) 37 (97) 34 (88) 39 (100) 37 (95)
Abbreviation: Hep Par-1, hepatocyte paraffin antigen 1.
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, August 2015 Comparison of 5 Immunohistochemical Markers—Nguyen et al 1033
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1034 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 139, August 2015 Comparison of 5 Immunohistochemical Markers—Nguyen et al

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