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2023 - 21 May - 6th Pascha - The Blind Man Sacred Lessons

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• This Vital Question concerning our Faith is asked and answered

during the Holy Service of the Making of a Catechumen, which

occurs at the beginning of the Holy Mystery of Baptism and
• The former Blind Man’s response: “Who is He… that I may Believe
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa
in Him…” affirmed his ready and eager Spiritual State that had
been Awakened - not only when he received his physical sight,
Archdiocese of Good Hope
but also as his Spiritual Insight had increased while being
interrogated by his fellow citizens and the Pharisees at the

Sacred Lessons
• Our Lord Jesus always identifies Himself when we are profoundly
Blessed to Encounter Him: “…Thou hast both seen Him and He
Who is speaking to Thee, is He…”
• With wonderful clear eyesight and Spiritual Insight, the former
Blind Man was overwhelmed by Love, Peace and Joy that
surpasses all possible description or explanation, which utterly
Transformed his entire Life, as he Confessed: “ O Lord, I
Believe!” 21 May 2023
• From that moment onwards, the former Blind Man and all those
who fully Understand and Acknowledge how Great indeed was 6th Sunday of Pascha – Sunday of the Blind Man
the Divine Miracle and He Who had granted him eyes, “… Feast of St Constantine & St Helena
Worshipped Him…” for when we become Spiritually Awakened
and Illuminated, our heart and soul is naturally compelled to
Worship, Honour and Glorify the Lord our God Who grants us
His infinite, unconditional Love and Great Mercy.
• The Appearance/Coming of God Incarnate into our world brought
Divine Judgement to us – not because He came to Judge us but
because of our accountability to God.
• All those who see Him and who hear Him but who do not believe
or who reject His Divine Truth are Judged and Condemned by
their own faithlessness!

By the Grace of God

Compiled, Adapted, Edited & Printed
By Marguerite Paizis
Archondissa & Teacher by Divine Grace
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa
PO Box 28348 - Sunridge Park - 6008 Resurrection Gospel 8: John 20: 11 – 18
Republic of South Africa or download directly from
Acts 26 : 1 & 12 – 20
Marguerite Paizis on Scribd – John 9 : 1 - 38
Re-edited & Published - 23 May 2023


Resurrection Gospel 8: John 20: 11 – 18  Isaiah 35 : 5 “… the eyes of the blind shalt be opened, and the
R ESURRREC TION G OSPE L 8: JO H N 20:11-18 ears of the deaf shalt hear… the lame shalt leap like deer and
Our Risen Lord Jesus Speaks To St Mary Magdalene the tonue of the dumb shalt speak clearly…”

Τῷ καιρῷ ἐκείνῳ, Μαρία εἱστήκει At that time, Mary stood weeping  Isaiah 42: 6 – 7 “… I, the Lord God, Called Thee in Righteousness,
and shalt hold Thy Hand. I shalt Strengthen Thee, and grant
πρὸς τὸ Μνημεῖον κλαίουσα outside the Tomb.
Thee as the Covenant of a Race, as the Light of the Gentiles, to
ἔξω. open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners who are bound,
Ὡς οὖν ἔκλαιεν παρέκυψεν εἰς τὸ As she wept she stooped down and and those who sit in Darkness… I Am the Lord God. This is My
μνημεῖον͵καὶ θεωρεῖ δύο Name. I shall not give My Glory to another, nor My Praise to
looked into the Tomb, and saw
carved images!”
Ἀγγέλους ἐν λευκοῖς two Angels in white sitting - one
 The Divine Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ is not shared with
καθεζομένους - ἕνα πρὸς τῇ at the head and the other at the anyone created by Him, nor with anything mankind makes
κεφαλῇ καὶ ἕνα πρὸς τοῖς ποσίν feet - where the Body of Jesus from elements also created by Him, whether human beings
- ὅπου ἔκειτο τὸ Σῶμα τοῦ had lain. or their carved images, who try to claim personal credit for
Ἰησοῦ. things that Almighty God Alone does.
And they asked her: “Woman, why  Psalm 145/146: 8 “… the Lord Restores those who are broken
Καὶ λέγουσιν αὐτῇ ἐκεῖνοι· “Γύναι͵ down. The Lord grants Wisdom to the Blind…”
art Thou weeping?”
τί κλαίεις?”  Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who Created us, is our only Divine
Λέγει αὐτοῖς· “Ὅτι ἦραν τὸν She replied: “Because they have Helper, Liberator, Restorer, Wisdom and Keeper/Protector for
Κύριόν μου͵ καὶ οὐκ οἶδα ποῦ taken away my Lord, and I do no earthly creature can provide any of these since all Creation
not know where they have laid is subject to Death and corruption.
ἔθηκαν Αὐτόν.”
Him.”  “…Jesus heard that they had cast him out. And when He had
Ταῦτα εἰποῦσα ἐστράφη εἰς τὰ When she said this, she turned found him, He said to him: “Do you believe in the Son of
God?” He answered and said: “Who is He, O Lord, that I may
ὀπίσω͵ καὶ θεωρεῖ τὸν Ἰησοῦν around and saw Jesus standing believe in Him?” Jesus said to him: “You have both seen Him
ἑστῶτα͵καὶ οὐκ ᾔδει ὅτι Ἰησοῦς there, and did not know that it and He Who is speaking to you it is He.” He said: “O Lord: I
ἐστιν. was Jesus. believe!” And he worshipped Him…”
Λέγει αὐτῇ Ἰησοῦς͵ “Γύναι͵ τί Jesus said to her: “Woman, why art • Our Lord Jesus, knowing that “… they had cast him out…” and
also the Spiritual Awakening of the former Blind Man’s heart
κλαίεις? Τίνα ζητεῖς?” Thou weeping? Whom art and soul, “… found him…” Christ went directly to him and put
Thou seeking?” a most significant question to him: “… Dost thou Believe in the
Son of God…”
Ἐκείνη δοκοῦσα ὅτι ὁ Κηπουρός Supposing Him to be the Gardener,
• “…the Son of God…” refers to the Eternal, Only Begotten Word and
ἐστιν λέγει Αὐτῷ͵ “Κύριε͵ εἰ Σὺ she said to Him: “Sir, if Thou
Son of God our Heavenly Father - the Advent of Whom the
ἐβάστασας Αὐτόν͵ εἰπέ μοι ποῦ hast carried Him away, tell me ancient Holy Prophets had spoken and prophesied as the Great
ἔθηκας Αὐτόν. Κἀγὼ Αὐτὸν where Thou hast laid Him. I shall Divine Messiah.
ἀρῶ.” take Him away.” • The Messianic Title “Son of Man” refers to Christ as being God
Λέγει αὐτῇ Ἰησοῦς· “Μαρία!”. Jesus said to her: “Mary!” Incarnate, for He is God-Man, due to His unmingled Divine and
human Natures Who was anticipated as coming from the Royal
Στραφεῖσα ἐκείνη λέγει αὐτῷ Turning around, she said to Him in Tribe of King David. Having been Incarnated from the Royal
Ἑβραϊστί͵ “Ραββουνὶ!” (ὃ Hebrew: “Rabboni!” (which is to Lineage of our Lady, Theotokos, He fulfilled all the Divinely
λέγεται “Διδάσκαλε!”). say: “Teacher!”). Inspired Prophecies concerning His Sacred Identity.
Therefore His reference to “…the Son of God…” pertained to
Λέγει αὐτῇ ὁἸησοῦς͵ “Μή Μου Jesus said to her: “Do not cling to

Himself as the long awaited Divine Messiah/Saviour Whom the
ἅπτου͵ οὔπω γὰρ ἀναβέβηκα Me, for I have not yet Ascended former Blind Man was beginning to acknowledge since when he
πρὸς τὸν Πατέρα· Πορεύου δὲ to My Father. Go to My had stated: “… If He were not from God, He could do nothing!”
πρὸς τοὺς Ἀδελφούς Μου καὶ Brethren and tell them: ‘I am

faithfully believed that St Moses had received the Divine Law of εἰπὲ αὐτοῖς͵ ‘Ἀναβαίνω πρὸς Ascending to My Father and
the Old Covenant from the Lord our God, but they refused to
τὸν Πατέρα Μου καὶ Πατέρα your Father, and to My God
accept the obvious Evidence that the Divine Healer Who Alone -
by using His Saliva and clay - had created eyes for the Blind ὑμῶν καὶ Θεόν Μου καὶ Θεὸν and your God.’”
Man, and therefore must be the Great Messiah/Saviour – the ὑμῶν.’”
Christ/Anointed One of God. Ἔρχεται Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ Mary Magdalene went and told the
• The New Covenant is a Sacred Covenant of Love that continues ἀπαγγέλλουσα τοῖς Μαθηταῖς Disciples that she had seen the
from the Old Covenant, which prepared God’s People for the ὅτι ἑώρακα τὸν Κύριον͵ καὶ Lord, and that He had spoken
Advent of Christ and His Divine Teachings of Agape/Divine
Love. ταῦτα εἶπεν αὐτῇ. these things to her.

• Both Old and New Covenants concern the Repentance, Spiritual

Welfare and Perfection of mankind.
 “…The man answered them: “Why, this is a marvellous thing! – for
 This is the first of four post-Resurrection Appearances or Epiphanies
of our Lord Jesus Christ as recorded by St John the Divine
you do not know where He is from – and He has opened my Evangelist and Beloved Apostle.
eyes! We know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is Our Lord Jesus also Appeared to ten of the Apostles that same
a Worshipper of God and does His Will, He hears him. Since the evening. Eight days later He Appeared to the Eleven Apostles,
world began it has been unheard of that anyone opened the including St Thomas and then to seven of the Apostles as they
eyes of one who was born blind. If He were not from God, He were fishing in the Sea of Galilee.
could do nothing!” This Encounter between our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ and
• The former Blind Man summarised the entire Reality and Truth “Mary” is reminiscent of the Song of Solomon 3: 1 – 4, which
concerning his Miraculous Healing by our Lord Jesus Christ, teaches us that through His Resurrection, Christ Jesus takes His
which put to shame the arrogant self-righteous Pharisees who New Covenant Holy Church as His Eternal Bride. Thus He is the
continued to reject and deny the Divine Truth that challenged Divine Bridegroom and His Holy Church is His Bride.
them and which exposed their own Spiritual Blindness and
blasphemy.  “Mary stood outside the Sepulchre weeping. As she wept she
• His statement: “…God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is a stooped down and looked into the Tomb…”
Worshipper of God and does His Will, He hears him…” shows • Although this account mentions only the name “…Mary…” which
how much better than the Pharisees he understood the Sacred could have referred to three of the Eight Holy Myrrhbearers,
Teachings of the Old Covenant. including the All Holy, Ever Blessed Mother of our Lord, and
• Furthermore it was completely True that “…it has been unheard of because our Lady Theotokos preferred to remain in the
that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind…” background, it is accepted that St John referred to St Mary of
which was an irrefutable Reality, that was clearly proved by Magdala, as did the other Evangelists.
the very presence of the formerly Blind Man and all those who • St Mary Magdalene was the first of the Faithful Disciples, (together
had known him as a blind beggar. with our Ever Blessed Lady Theotokos) to see the Risen Christ.
• His sincere proclamation “...If this Man were not from God, He • She was a close and constant companion of our Lady, being
could do nothing!” revealed his rapid progression from extremely Pious and Faithful, and thus later became known as
knowing nothing about our Lord Jesus Christ to his realisation, “the Apostle to the Apostles.”
acknowledgement and Confession that that He is indeed the
True Great Messiah: • The Holy Myrrhbearers already knew that Christ’s Tomb was
empty and that He had Resurrected. But St Mary Magdalene
 “…They answered and said to him: “Thou were completely born in (and possibly Theotokos) returned to the Empty Tomb because
sins, and thou are teaching us?!” And they cast him out. she could not fully grasp what they had been told by the Angel
• The self-righteous, hypocritical Pharisees could not contradict his of God.
Inspired Logic and Truth so they resorted to personal insult • She bent down and peered inside the Empty Tomb because she
and injustice. still could not accept the fact that our Lord no longer Reposed
• The Divine Healing of the Blind Man was one of the Great Signs/ there. She had to assure herself of His Resurrection.
Divine Miracles of our Almighty Saviour, which is exclusively a • The Holy Myrrhbearers wept because they thought they would
prerogative (right) of our Triune Lord God. never again see our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

 “… and saw two Angels in white sitting - one at the head and the • This man’s honest and simple response to everyone – even those
other at the feet - where the Body of Jesus had lain…” who were far better educated than him – proclaimed the
• According to St John’s Gospel account, there were two Angels of Absolute Truth, for he honestly and sincerely testified to
God, seated on either side of the burial slab upon which our something that neither he nor anyone else could comprehend
Divine Saviour had been laid to rest. or explain.
• Their radiant white garments lit up the inside of the Tomb to • However, he steadfastly emphasised what he most certainly did
clearly show the absence of our Resurrected Christ. know, which he could positively confirm: “… I was blind. Now
 “…they asked her: “Woman, why art thou weeping?” She said … “… I see!”
they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they • By confirming what we do most definitely know – in utter Truth
have laid Him.” and without any doubt – is foundational to witnessing our True
• The Angels did not address St Mary of Magdala by name but rather Faith to others.
by the common address “Woman.” • Having created perfectly healthy eyes for the man born without
• They questioned her sorrowful weeping, despite the Glorious eyes, our Loving, Compassionate Lord Jesus bestowed upon
Resurrection of our Lord as He had promised and foretold. him both physical and Spiritual Sight – for God alone opens
our heart and soul by His Divine Illumination.
• St Mary confessed that she suspected His enemies had removed
and hidden His Precious Body elsewhere, and she was • All Healings had to be confirmed by the Priests, followed by
determined to find Him. various Ritual Cleansings, Sacrifices, etc. This is the only full
account of a Miraculous, Divine Healing being examined and
 The Song of Songs/Solomon 3: 1-4- “…I sought Him Whom my
questioned by Judean authorities – “… What did He do to thee?
soul Loves. I sought Him, but did not find Him. I called Him, but How did He open thine eyes?”
He did not hear me. I shall rise now and go about the city. In the
marketplaces and in the streets I shalt seek Him whom my soul
 “…He replied: “I have told you already, yet you do not listen. Why
do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become His
Loves. I sought Him but did not find Him. The Watchmen who do
Disciples?” They reviled him, and said: “Thou art His Disciple!
their rounds in the city found me and I said to them: “Hast thou
We art Moses’ Disciples! We know that God spoke to Moses. As
seen Him Whom my soul Loves?” Scarcely had I departed from
for this Fellow – we do not know where He is from.”
them, when I found Him Whom my soul Loves. I held Him and
would not let Him go…” • “… I have told you already, yet you do not listen…” shows the
 “… the Watchmen…” signify the Holy Prophets of God, the increasing frustration and awareness of the former Blind Man.
Apostles of Christ and the Evangelists who proclaim the • The Pharisees refused to accept his simple, straightforward and
Divine Word of God and bear witness to the Incarnate, honest Testimony. They rejected the Truth because they
Eternal Word and Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. wanted to hear an explanation that would fit in with their own
 The Holy Church of Christ highly honours and cherishes their flawed perceptions and beliefs, which is typical of those who
Sacred Writings – the Holy Scriptures, which is our Sacred refuse to accept Reality and Truth that exposes their own lack
Written Tradition, while the Verbal Teachings and of Faith or personal defects.
Commandments of Christ, that are carefully preserved and
• “…Do you want to become His Disciples?…” might not have been
passed down intact to future generations, by His Holy
actual sarcasm but a growing, personal perception.
Apostles and their successors, is our Sacred Verbal/Spoken
Tradition. • The response “… you are His Disciple! We are Moses’ Disciples!...”
 Both Sacred Traditions are inseparable and essential parts of reveals their total lack of Understanding of what our Lord
our priceless, Eternal Spiritual Heritage whereby we Perfect Jesus taught His Faithful Disciples, who were initially Old
our immortal soul in order to become worthy Citizens and Covenant Judeans/Israelites.
Co-Heirs of God’s Heavenly Kingdom of Love. • Christ never rejected any aspect of the Old Covenant Laws, but
 “…the marketplaces and the streets…” symbolise the fallen rather fulfilled all Sacred Requirements and summarised all the
world [and Spiritual Death], which consists of all the wrong Divine Commandments by Teaching us to Love God with all our
places [and wrong means] in which to seek the Lord our God, mind, heart, strength and soul, and to Love one another as
for our Triune, Almighty God and Life in Christ can only be much as God Loves us and as much as we Love ourselves.
found in His One, Holy, Catholic/Universal and Apostolic • Although they knew that “…God spoke to Moses…” they did “… not
Church. know where He [the Miraculous Healer] is from…” They

meaning he was an adult who was responsible for his own  As Faithful Disciples of Christ, we “…put on Christ…” during
words and deeds. the Holy Mystery of Baptism and then “…Live in Christ…”
 “…They called again the man who was formerly blind, and said to while striving to be Saved – striving to acquire Divine Love
him: “Give God the Glory! We know that this Man is a sinner!” and Spiritual Perfection/Theosis/Deification.
 This means we spend the rest of our lifespan Striving to regain
• Many self-righteous Pharisees could not behold the Glory of God
our Divine Likeness and Eternal Life, which we have lost due
due to their wicked personal prejudices against Christ and
to our inclination to sin.
various other good people.
 “…When she said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing
• When Christ was not present, the Pharisees dared to accuse Him
there, and did not know that it was Jesus …”
by declaring “… we know this Man [our Lord Jesus Christ] is a
sinner!” Yet when He had asked them Face to face: “...which of • Once again, our Resurrected Lord was not immediately recognised
you convicts Me of sin?” they had all evaded the vital question. by His Faithful Disciples, possibly due to His Resurrected Form.
• By now, many of the self-righteous Pharisees and Scribes knew • It might also have been due to the fact that women did not usually
that only our Lord Jesus was capable of performing such speak nor look directly at unfamiliar men, especially when
Extraordinary Great, Divine Miracles, but - due to their own there was no protective male relative present.
personal insecurity, fears and nefarious schemes, they were  “…To her Jesus said: “Woman, why art thou weeping? Whom art
unwilling to accept or acknowledge the Truth that He was thou seeking?”
indeed the Great Divine Messiah. • Similar to St Cleopas and St Luke, our Lord wants St Mary to
• Those who rejected the Truth concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, explain her sorrow and incredulity, even though He knows
stubbornly ignored or disputed all the ancient Prophecies and exactly our unexpressed thoughts.
Sacred Scriptural Texts and Teachings that confirmed this • The term “Woman,” which our Lord Jesus used, was a Sacred Title
Reality. in Holy Scripture that conveyed a deep respect and distinction,
• Despite all the glaring, overwhelming Evidence that confronted for Christ treated not only His Beloved Mother, but all
them, those opposed to Christ chose to remain Spiritually women with the greatest respect and honour.
Blind and Dead by rejecting or denying Him. • In those days females were regarded in general as either equal to
• “...Give God the Glory...” was a Sacred Oath Formula, which was or less significant than livestock. They were often bought and
always used before testifying at a hearing or Court of Law, sold for the benefit of families through marriage contracts and
thereby implying that the person’s testimony was most thus were expected not only to cultivate food, fulfil all
certainly Truthful and by no means deceptive or false. household requirements but also to bear as many children as
• The formerly Blind Man most certainly gave God the Glory for the possible – preferably male children – in order to increase and
more he was questioned by the hypocrites and doubters, the sustain the generations.
more fervent his Faith in Christ became, while the self- • According to the New Covenant of Christ, women are to be
righteous Pharisees lapsed deeper and deeper into Spiritual respected, honoured and treated as equals to men, although
Darkness and Death. they fulfil different roles in the family and Church.
 “…He replied: “Whether He is a sinner or not, I do not know. One  “…Supposing Him to be the Gardener, she said to Him: “Sir, if thou
thing I do know is that although I was blind, now I see!” They hast carried Him away, tell me where thou hast laid Him, and I
questioned him again: “”What did He do to thee? How did He shall take Him away.”
open thine eyes?” • The Tomb of Christ was situated in a beautiful, cultivated garden,
• The Healed Blind Man is a model of Christian Witness. which belonged to St Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy,
• He did not judge, criticise nor condemn our Lord Jesus, by saying: influential member of the Sanhedrin who was a secret Disciple
“…Whether He is a sinner or not, I do not know…” of our Lord. It had recently been carved out of rock, as a burial
place for St Joseph and/or his family, which he immediately
• He adamantly emphasised the Truth: “…One thing I do know is donated to Christ. Even the huge, heavy stone to seal the
that although I was blind, now I see!” entrance, showed the significance of the site and tomb.
• Most people do not bear witness to the Reality and Truth of our • St Mary did not know if the Precious Body of Christ has been
Lord Jesus Christ since they fear they shall be asked questions removed and interred elsewhere, which sometimes happened
that they shall not be able to answer or explain. when a tomb was not prepared beforehand, and an unexpected
death occurred.

• St Mary of Magdala was a mature, independently wealthy and The Judeans did not believe him - that he had been blind and
influential woman who had the means of doing as she said. now could see….”
“…To her Jesus said:: “Mary!” She turned and said to Him in • The worse the Spiritual Blindness of the hypocritical Pharisees
Hebrew: “Rabboni!” (which is to say: “Teacher”). became, the more the former Blind Man was drawn to Faith in
• Our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ addressed St Mary by her name, Christ. He began to realise, with clarity of Spiritual Sight, that
and instantly she recognised Him, addressing him respectfully our Lord Jesus was indeed Someone Extraordinary, like “… a
as “Rabboni” or “Teacher.” Prophet…” of God Who could certainly perform Divine Miracles
according to the Will of God.
• “Rabboni” is an affectionate term in Hebrew, meaning “My Dear
Teacher.” • Being unable to accept that such a unique Divine Miracle had
occurred, the Pharisees then questioned the fact that the man
• When we are profoundly Blessed to Encounter our Divine Lord and had been blind from birth, and tried to deny or denigrate the
Saviour, He addresses us by our Baptismal Name, for every Divine Miracle as being fraudulent.
one of us is completely known to Him – all our thoughts, words
and deeds!
 “…They called the parents of him who had received his sight. And
they asked them: “Is this your son who you say was born blind?
• When we ceaselessly strive for a Close, Intimate Relationship with How then does he now see?” His parents answered them, and
our Lord, even His Voice alone, makes us profoundly Joyful said: “We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind.
and filled with overwhelming Love and the deepest Yearning How he now sees, we do not know. Who has opened his eyes, we
to remain with Him forever. do not know. He is of age - ask him. He shall speak for
• During the long periods between Holy Prophets of God, the himself.”
“Rabbi” or “Teacher” of the Faith was highly respected by • The parents of the former Blind Man were summoned in the
the Old Covenant Faithful, for these Holy Fathers continued to nefarious hope that they would testify to the ‘fraudulence’ of
prepare and guide the Chosen People of God towards their the Great Divine Miracle. However, they also made very simple,
ultimate Goal. truthful statements: “this is our son… born blind… now sees…
• Those who were unable to participate in communal Prayers and we do not know… “
Worship at the Great Temple in Jerusalem gathered together, • They then said: “He is of age – ask Him. He shall speak for
especially on Sabbath Days, in Synagogues, where the Sacred himself…” which implied that he was over the age of 13, and
Prayers and Scriptures were taught, studied and read. was certainly the only Witness and material Evidence that
• Together with the New Covenant Israel, the Faithful People of God could Testify to the Reality and Truth of such an Amazing
shall all be Saved according to the Will of God the Father, Divine Miracle.
through the Teachings and Commandments of Christ, by the  “…His parents said these things because they feared the Judeans.
Grace and Power and Energy of God the Holy Spirit. For the Judeans had agreed already that anyone who Confessed
• St John the Baptist was the last and greatest Holy Prophet of God that He is the Christ, would be put out of the Synagogue.
for he was the Forerunner of Christ who taught the People to Therefore, his parents said: “Ask him. He is of age.”
Repent their sins in order to make good Spiritual Progress • Many of the people “… feared the Judeans…” who enforced their
according to the Old Covenant that Christ fulfilled and then own erroneous beliefs on others in order to maintain their
according to the New Covenant of Love that He has taught and influential, social status.
commanded us to fulfil. • Each Synagogue were under the jurisdiction of the Temple Priests,
• St John the Baptised announced the Coming of the Great Messiah some of whom plotted against our Lord Jesus Christ. Thus “…
to those held captive in Hades. So when Christ smashed open anyone who Confessed that He is the Christ, would be put out of
the Gates of Hades, the Righteous were ready to be set free and the Synagogue…” and socially shunned.
led to the reopened Paradise to Repose in Peace until the • Families were supported and sustained by their Communities, so
General Resurrection on the Eighth Day, when the Final
the threat of being ostracised was frightening.
Judgement shall occur.
• According to the Old Covenant Faith, (especially in ancient times)
 “…To her Jesus said: “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet
when boys reached the age of 13, they were regarded as adults
Ascended to My Father; but go to My Brethren and tell them: ‘I
who had to take responsibility for the care and support of
Am Ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God
themselves as well as the welfare of their families. Hence the
and your God.’”
parents of the former Blind Man said: “… he is of age…”

• His astonished ‘neighbours’ debated “.. is this not he who sat and • Our Lord did not rebuke St Mary Magdalene for a lack of Faith
begged … it is.. he is like him…” to which the former Blind as He did with His other Apostles and Disciples. He always
Man replied “I am he!” treated women with kindness, gentleness, honour and respect,
• The only way the Blind Man could contribute to the welfare of his which was vastly different to the attitude of men then and even
family was to beg for money and/or food. So he became a now.
familiar sight to many of his ‘neighbours’ – his fellow citizens. • “…do not cling to Me…” did not mean that our Lord Jesus Christ
• When they enquired: “... how were thine eyes opened?” he simply prohibited St Mary Magdalene or His Beloved Mother to touch
and honestly related exactly what had happened. His Resurrected Flesh, for He even invited St Thomas to touch
Him and inspect His crucifixion Wounds. [although St Thomas
• All he knew was that “… a Man called ‘Jesus’…” had granted him did not actually do so, but Confessed his Faith in Christ
eyes with which to see everything around him. At this stage, instead.]
he had no idea Who our Lord Jesus was.
• During the Holy Mystery of Communion/Eucharist, we actually
• “… They took him… to the Pharisees…” who taught Judaism in the Partake of His Glorified, Life-giving Body and Blood, which
Synagogues and were thus highly respected by the people. Cleanses us and grants us Eternal Life in His Heavenly
 It was a Sabbath when Jesus had made the clay and opened his Kingdom of Love.
eyes. The Pharisees also asked him again how he had received
• In this instance, our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ instructed St
his sight. He said to them: “He put clay on my eyes, and I
Mary Magdalene to understand and accept that His Life is not
washed, and I see.” Some of the Pharisees said: “This Man is not
merely continuing in the same State as before.
from God because He does not keep the Sabbath!” Others said:
“How can anyone who is a sinner do such Signs?” And there • He shall not remain with us as He did in the past in His Incarnate,
was a division among them…” human Nature and Form, physically and visibly Living in our
midst while He taught us about Divine Love.
• The debate continued between the sceptical, Spiritually Blind
Pharisees and those who were more perceptive, concerning the • He was about to Ascend to His Heavenly Father, where in His
Divine Miraculous Healing of the Blind Man, because, instead of Glorified State as the Eternal Word and Son of God and as the
Glorifying God for His Great Mercy, the self-righteous Pharisees Incarnate Son of Man, He is Enthroned at the right hand side
focussed their attention on the fact that it had taken place on of God our Heavenly Father.
the Sabbath Day. • Being the Glorified Second Person of the Holy Trinity – of the One
• The Sabbath Day was more important to them than the Great Godhead – our Lord Jesus Christ is Enthroned in the Most
Divine Miracle of the creation of eyes from Christ’s Saliva and Honourable Position, being seated at the right hand side of our
clay, which granted the Blind Man sight. Heavenly Father.
• Just as the hypocritical Pharisees had ignored the Healing of the • By stating “…My Father and your Father … My God and your
Paralytic and focused only on the ‘violation of the Sabbath’, so God…” our Lord affirms and assures us that we share the
too on this occasion, when they falsely accused our Divine same Almighty God and Heavenly Father through our Sacred
Saviour by declaring: “...This Man is not from God ...” Allegiance to Christ our Divine Saviour and Lord God.
• Not all Pharisees were so blindly judgement, for they correctly • During the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation, we
realised “How can anyone who is a sinner do such Signs?” become the Adopted Children of God and Co-Heirs with
Christ of His Heavenly Kingdom of Love.
• All the Divine Miracles performed by our Lord Jesus Christ were
directly done by His own Divine Authority and Power, whereas • However, as our sinful state is merely in remission and we are still
Miracles performed by His Holy Prophets and Apostles, were inclined to commit sins, our Salvation is an ongoing Sacred
only possible because of the Divine Will, Authority and Power Endeavour until we take our final breath.
of our Lord God, which was bestowed upon them. • Throughout our lifespan we are Blessed with Spiritual Life when
• “…there was a division among …” those who rejected or ignored we Live in Christ and Repent our habitual sins, but we also
Christ and His Divine Miracles and those who were wise continuously fall into Spiritual Death when we surrender to
enough to realise these were of great significance. temptations or grievous passions.
 “…They said to the Blind Man again: “What dost thou say about • The Divine Purpose for our own unique lifespan is to regain our
Him because He opened thine eyes?” He said: “He is a Prophet.” lost Divine Likeness - to become “Christ-like” in thought,
word and deed!

• This is only possible when we ceaselessly Struggle against all connected with the Feast of Tabernacles. [Refer to previous
temptations and reject sin, while Striving to acquire Divine notes ]
Love by seeking and attaining the essential Holy Virtues • The fact that the Pool of Siloam was such a distance from the
through Life in Christ. Temple, and yet the Blind Man made his way there, revealed
• Life in Christ means that we humbly and willingly obey all the the depth of his Faith in God and his desire to be able to see,
Teachings and Commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ. which he had never dared hope for.
• This can only be accomplished when we are Humble and • This proves that only our Almighty and Merciful God makes
Obedient to all the Teachings and Practises of His Holy everything possible for us - even things that are indeed
Church, consisting of both Written and Verbal Sacred impossible to achieve such as granting sight to this man who
Tradition. had no eyes at all!
 “Mary Magdalene … told the Disciples that she had seen the Lord, • “…Siloam…” meaning “Sent” symbolises Christ Who is sent to us
and that He had spoken these things to her...” by God our Heavenly Father to Regenerate, Reunite and Save
• Being a more mature and confident woman, St Mary of Magdala • Just as the Healing of the Blind Man confirms Christ’s Righteous
was not afraid nor wary of proclaiming the Resurrection, the Proclamation of being the (Divine) Light of the World, so too,
Appearance and the Message of our Lord to His Disciples. His use of the Pool of Siloam confirmed Him as being the True
• The other Holy Myrrhbearers knew their Experience at the Empty and Divine Purification of the Holy Temple and all who
Tomb and the Proclamation of the Glorious Resurrection would Worship in it with True Faith in God.
be received with scepticism and outright scorn so they had • The Blind Man immediately “… went and washed and came back,
either kept silent or had only told their closest relatives. seeing…” He did not hesitate for even a second, but trusted
• St Simon Peter and St John the Beloved Disciple of Christ were implicitly in our Lord Jesus Christ, Whom he did know at that
the only two Apostles who immediately believed the Holy time. His absolute Humble Obedience to Christ granted the
Myrrhbearers and rushed to the Empty Tomb to personally Blind Man his uniquely superb Divine Miracle, for he did not
witness the Truth of their words. rush off to the Temple Priests or to his family but immediately
made his way back to where Christ awaited him.
• Whenever a Divine Miracle occurs, it concerns a mutual co-
operation between a person and God. When we co-operate
without any hesitation, trusting implicitly in the Lord our
God, we shall be Greatly Blessed with His Divine Grace.
• Sometimes, despite our Spiritual State at that precise moment,
26 : 1 & 12 – 20
God bestows His Divine Grace upon us, which immediately
Transforms us, and although He never forces His Will upon us,
Ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις ἐκείναις, In those days, King Agrippa said to He does know the very depths of our being and how we shall
react afterwards.
Ἀγρίππας ὁ βασιλεὺς πρὸς τὸν Paul: “Thou hast permission to
Παῦλον ἔφη· “Ἐπιτρέπεταί Σοι speak for Thyself.” “…The neighbours and those who previously had seen that he was
blind said: “Is this not he who sat and begged?” Some said: “It is
ὑπὲρ σεαυτοῦ λέγειν.” he!” Others said: “He is like him!” He said: “I am he!” They said
Τότε ὁ Παῦλος ἀπελογεῖτο, Then Paul made his defence, to him: “How were thine eyes opened?” He answered, and said:
ἐκτείνας τὴν χεῖρα: “Ἐν οἷς καὶ stretching out his hand: “I “A Man called ‘Jesus’ made clay, and anointed my eyes, and said
πορευόμενος εἰς τὴν Δαμασκὸν to me: ‘Go to the Pool of Siloam and wash.’ I went and washed - I
journeyed to Damascus with the
received sight.” They asked him: “Where is He?” He replied: “I
μετʼ ἐξουσίας καὶ ἐπιτροπῆς τῆς authority and commission of the do not know.” They took him who formerly was blind to the
παρὰ τῶν Ἀρχιερέων. Chief Priests. Pharisees…”
Ἡμέρας μέσης κατὰ τὴν ὁδὸν “At midday, along the way, I saw O • St John provides us with a detailed account of the reaction of
εἶδον, Βασιλεῦ, Οὐρανόθεν King, a Light from Heaven, others to such a Great Divine Miracle and the former Blind
ὑπὲρ τὴν λαμπρότητα τοῦ ἡλίου Man’s growing Faith in Christ.
brighter than the sun, shining

• The unprecedented Divine Healing of the man born without eyes περιλάμψαν με Φῶς καὶ τοὺς around me and those who
confirms our Lord Jesus Christ’s Truthful Proclamation that He σὺν ἐμοὶ πορευομένους. journeyed with me.
is “…the Light of the world..”.
• As St Irenaeos pointed out, the mixture of clay and the Saliva of
Πάντων δὲ καταπεσόντων ἡμῶν εἰς “All of us having fallen to the
Christ our Almighty Lord and Creator, which He used to create τὴν γῆν, ἤκουσα Φωνὴν ground, I heard a Voice saying to
eyes for the Blind Man, was like His original Creation of λαλοῦσαν πρός με καὶ λέγουσαν me in Hebrew dialect: ‘Saul,
mankind – Adam - from a mound of clay into which He had τῇ Ἑβραΐδι διαλέκτῳ· ‘Σαοὺλ Saul! Why dost Thou persecute
breathed Life. (Genesis 2:7) Σαούλ! Τί με διώκεις? Σκληρόν Me? It hurts Thee to kick
 Genesis 2:7 “… God formed mankind out of a mound of clay from Σοι πρὸς κέντρα λακτίζειν!’ against the goads!’
the ground, and breathed the Breath of Life into his face, and
man became a Living soul…” Ἐγὼ δὲ εἶπον· ‘Τίς εἶ, Κύριε?’ “I said: ‘Who art Thou, O Lord?’
 Our Divine Creator, God the Eternal Son of our God our Ὁ δὲ εἶπεν· ‘Ἐγώ Εἰμι Ἰησοῦς ὃν “He said: ‘I Am Jesus Whom Thou
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, formed Adam’s body by
making a ‘… mound of clay…” and then God the Life-giving
Σὺ διώκεις. art persecuting.
Holy Spirit breathed Life and Divine Grace into him, making ‘Ἀλλὰ ἀνάστηθι καὶ στῆθι ἐπὶ “’But rise and stand upon Thy feet.
him an intellectual human being with an immortal soul. τοὺς πόδας σου·
 At every conception there is a Mysterious, inexplicable flash of
Light, which is the precise moment that God the Holy Spirit Εἰς τοῦτο γὰρ ὤφθην Σοι, “’I have Appeared to Thee for this
breathes Life and Grace into us who are God’s Beloved προχειρίσασθαί Σε ὑπηρέτην Purpose, to appoint Thee to
creatures. καὶ μάρτυρα ὧν τε εἶδες ὧν τε serve and bear witness to the
 That Breath of Life is our immortal soul that yearns to return ὀφθήσομαί Σοι· Ἐξαιρούμενός Things in which Thou hast seen
to God whence it originated.
 Our immortal soul needs to be Perfected, which is only
Σε ἐκ τοῦ λαοῦ καὶ τῶν Ἐθνῶν Me and to those in which I shalt
possible while united to our physical mortal body. After - εἰς οὓς ἐγώ Σε ἀποστέλλω Appear to Thee, Delivering
their separation, the soul seeks Reunion with God, whereas ἀνοῖξαι ὀφθαλμοὺς αὐτῶν, τοῦ Thee from the people and from
the body returns to the Earth, until we are Resurrected into ἐπιστρέψαι ἀπὸ Σκότους εἰς the Gentiles – to whom I send
Eternity, as Christ showed us by His own [Incarnate] Φῶς καὶ τῆς ἐξουσίας τοῦ Thee to open their eyes, that
 After His Resurrection, Christ breathed upon His Apostles,
Σατανᾶ ἐπὶ τὸν Θεόν, τοῦ they may turn from Darkness
thereby enable them to receive God the Holy Spirit and His λαβεῖν αὐτοὺς ἄφεσιν to Light, and from the power of
Essential Divine Gifts, which Enabled and Empowered them ἁμαρτιῶν καὶ κλῆρον ἐν τοῖς Satan to God, that they may
to fulfil His Divine Salvific Mission, even while being Ἡγιασμένοις Πίστει τῇ εἰς receive Forgiveness of sins, and
Spiritually Perfected themselves. [John 20:22] Ἐμέ.’ a place among those who are
 At the beginning of the Holy Mystery of Baptism, at the Sanctified by Faith in Me.’
“Making of a Catechumen,” the Priest breathes upon the
candidate, making the Sign of the Cross, which marks the Ὅθεν, βασιλεῦ Ἀγρίππα, οὐκ “Wherefore, O King Agrippa, I was
beginning of our Life in Christ as His Faithful Disciples. ἐγενόμην ἀπειθὴς τῇ Οὐρανίῳ not disobedient to the Heavenly
 Mankind failed to keep the Divine Grace of God the Holy Spirit ὀπτασίᾳ· ἀλλὰ τοῖς ἐν Vision, but declared first to those
but through His Resurrection, our Lord Jesus abundantly
Δαμασκῷ πρῶτον καὶ at Damascus, then at Jerusalem
granted His Disciples the Life-giving Grace of God the Holy
Spirit. It is our Great Responsibility as Faithful Disciples, to Ἱεροσολύμοις, εἰς πᾶσάν τὴν and throughout all th e country
Strive to think, speak and act according to the Divine Grace χώραν τῆς Ἰουδαίας καὶ τοῖς of Judea, and also to the Gentiles,
of God. ἔθνεσιν ἀπαγγέλλω Μετανοεῖν that they should Repent and turn
• Christ reveals His Divine Nature by restoring a tiny part of καὶ ἐπιστρέφειν ἐπὶ τὸν Θεόν, to God, and perform deeds
Creation by using the same material with which He had created ἄξια τῆς Μετανοίας ἔργα worthy of their Repentance.”
mankind at the beginning of our existence. πράσσοντας.”
• “ … the Pool of Siloam ...” was situated on the outskirts of
Jerusalem, a considerable distance from the Temple, and
provided the water that was essential to the Holy Rites
Righteous Behaviour – and Communion with our Triune
Lord God in His Holy Church – True Spirituality.
 This passage from the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, is read today  Therefore the strongest Spiritual Weapon against the Darkness
because it is the Feast of St Constantine and St Helena, Equals to of unnatural sin, is our own sincere Love for God, which
the Apostles. The usual reading for the 6th Paschal Sunday – consists of our strong, vibrant Relationship with Him, as
well as a good, loving relationship with one another – with
Sunday of the Blind Man – would be Acts 16: 16-34
all mankind.
 St John addressed three false gnostic teaching on Divine Light.
 “In those days, King Agrippa said to Paul: “Thou hast permission to (Their intertwined errors were that Union with God is
speak for Thyself.” indifferent to unnatural sin, that sin did not exist and that
those who were United with God could not commit sin.)
“…King Agrippa…” was Herod Agrippa, who succeeded Herod ‘the
 According to St John Faith must be evidenced by Good Works
Great,’ (who had proclaimed himself as ‘King.’ although merely the
that produced Purity whereby our thoughts, words and
Tetrarch Governor of Judea under the oppressive authority of the
deeds were Truthful, Holy and Righteous.
Roman Empire.
 Our Faith in Christ requires us to constantly Repent and
According to Roman Law, citizens who were accused of any criminal
Confess our sins, thereby being able to worthily receive
offences were allowed to defend themselves by testifying before
Forgiveness and Cleansing through the essential Holy
the court.
Mysteries of Repentance-Confession and Holy
Our Lord God often works through secular leaders, which in the case
Communion/Eucharist – the Precious Life-giving and Life
of St Paul’s arrests and trials, presented him with more
Sustaining Body and Blood of Christ - which Redeems us
opportunities to Testify to the Reality and Truth of the New
and grants us Eternal Life as well.
Covenant of Love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
 Sin, although unnatural to God’s Perfect Creation, does exist
St Paul, previously known as ‘Saul,’ had been an extremely zealous
and the Sacred Practise of Repentance-Confession is for our
Old Covenant Faithful who considered it justifiable to persecute
Salvific Growth and Progress towards Righteousness.
even unto stoning to death, those whom he had been encouraged
 As Disciples of Christ, who are all habitual sinners, we must
to believe were appalling blasphemers.
ceaselessly Struggle against the temptations and Strive
for Spiritual Life and Perfection, because our Eternal
T H E H OLY G OSPEL Salvation is a life-long Sacred Process.
6th Paschal Sunday - the Blind Man  Matthew 5:14 “… you are the Light of the world. A city that is set
T H E H OLY G OSPEL ACCO RD ING TO S T J OH N 9 : 1 – 38 on a hill cannot be hidden…”
 Having been Baptised and Chrismated by God’s Holy Mysteries,
Τῷ καιρῷ ἐκείνῳ παράγων ὁ At that time, as our Lord Jesus
we have become the adopted, Sanctified Children of God
Ἰησοῦς εἶδεν ἄνθρωπον τυφλὸν passed by, He saw a man who our Heavenly Father. We have become Children of the
ἐκ γενετῆς· was blind from birth. Divine Light, who therefore must be bright, Righteous
Καὶ ἠρώτησαν Αὐτὸν οἱ Μαθηταὶ And His Disciples asked Him: Beacons of Holy Light that shall draw and guide many
other people to Worship, Honour and Glorify our Triune
Αὐτοῦ λέγοντες· ‘Ραββί, τίς “Rabbi: who sinned – this man or Lord God.
ἥμαρτεν, οὗτος ἢ οἱ γονεῖς his parents – that he was born  Philippians 2: 14 -15 “… do all things without complaining and
αὐτοῦ, ἵνα τυφλὸς γεννηθῇ?’ blind?” disputing, so that you may become blameless and harmless –
Ἀπεκρίθη Ἰησοῦς· “Οὔτε οὗτος Jesus answered: “Neither this man Children of God, without fault in the midst of a crooked and
ἥμαρτεν οὔτε οἱ γονεῖς αὐτοῦ, perverse generation, among whom you shine as Lights in the
nor his parents sinned, but that
world, holding fast the Word of Life… “
ἀλλʼ ἵνα φανερωθῇ τὰ Ἐργα the Works of God should be
 “…When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made
τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ. revealed in him. clay with the saliva. And He Anointed the eyes of the Blind
Ἐμὲ δεῖ ἐργάζεσθαι τὰ Ἔργα τοῦ “I must work the Works of Him Man with the clay. And He said to him: “Go. Wash in the
πέμψαντός Με ἕως Ἡμέρα Pool of Siloam,” (which translated means ‘Sent.’) He went,
Who sent Me while it is Day.
and washed, and returned, seeing…”
ἐστίν· Ἔρχεται νὺξ ὅτε οὐδεὶς The Night is coming when no
δύναται ἐργάζεσθαι. one can Work.

 The Feast of Succoth – was an eight-day Autumn Harvest
Festival that commemorated the wandering of the Israelite Ὄταν ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ ὦ, Φῶς Εἰμι “As long as I Am in the world, I
in the wilderness of Sinai, while living in temporary tents τοῦ κόσμου.” Am the Light of the world.”
or tabernacles.
 This was one of the three most important Festivals of the Old
Ταῦτα εἰπὼν ἔπτυσεν χαμαὶ καὶ When He had said these things, He
Covenant, which included numerous sacrifices and ἐποίησε πηλὸν ἐκ τοῦ spat on the ground and made
celebrations. πτύσματος. clay with the saliva.
 When the Israelites had finally settled in and around Jerusalem, Καὶ Ἐπέχρισε τὸν πηλὸν ἐπὶ τοὺς And He Anointed the eyes of the
the final day of this Great Feast included drawing water
from the Pool of Siloam, which was mixed with wine and
ὀφθαλμοὺς τοῦ Τυφλοῦ καὶ Blind Man with the clay. And He
poured at the base of the Great Holy Altar, both as a εἶπεν αὐτῷ· “Ὕπαγε νίψαι εἰς said to him: “Go. Wash in the
Purification and in remembrance of the Divine Water that τὴν κολυμβήθραν τοῦ Σιλωάμ,” Pool of Siloam,” (which
flowed from the Rock that Moses struck with his staff. It (ὃ ἑρμηνεύεται translated means ‘Sent.’)
also included the lighting of huge lamps in the outer court ‘Ἀπεσταλμένος.’)
of the Great Temple. [Exodus 17: 1 – 7]
Ἀπῆλθεν οὖν καὶ ἐνίψατο, καὶ ἦλθε He went, and washed, and
 John 1 : 4 – 9 “… In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of
mankind. And the Light shines in the Darkness, and the βλέπων. returned, seeing.
Darkness did not comprehend…” Οἱ οὖν γείτονες καὶ οἱ θεωροῦντες The neighbours and those who
 Only our Lord God has Life in Himself. Thus, the Word/Logos αὐτὸν τὸ πρότερον ὅτι τυφλὸς previously had seen that he was
Who is God, is the Source of Life, together with God our
ἦν, ἔλεγον· ‘Οὐχ οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ blind said: “Is this not he who sat
Heavenly Father and God the Life-giving All Holy Spirit.
 By stating “… the Life was the Light of mankind…” St John καθήμενος καὶ προσαιτῶν?” and begged?”
introduced mankind as being Sanctified Receivers of God’s Ἄλλοι ἔλεγον: “ὅτι οὗτός ἐστιν!” Some said: “It is he!”
Divine Light.
 By fully participating in the Life of our Lord Jesus Christ, Ἄλλοι δὲ: “ὅτι ὅμοιος αὐτῷ ἐστιν!” Others said: “He is like him!” He
Who is the Son of God and the Son of Mankind, we become Ἐκεῖνος ἔλεγεν “ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι!” said: “I am he!”
Sanctified Children of His Divine Light.
 The Divine Uncreated Light of God was beheld by: Ἔλεγον οὖν αὐτῷ· “Πῶς They said to him: “How were thine
1. St Moses when he saw the Burning Bush that remained ἀνεῴχθησάν σου οἱ ὀφθαλμοί?” eyes opened?”
unconsumed by the Flames. [Exodus 3:2]
2. The entire Nation of Israel at the Red Sea when it parted to
Ἀπεκρίθη ἐκεῖνος καὶ εἶπεν· He answered, and said: “A Man

allow them to walk safely to the opposite shore. [Exodus “Ἄνθρωπος λεγόμενος ‘Ἰησοῦς’ called ‘Jesus’ made clay, and
13:21] πηλὸν ἐποίησε καὶ ἐπέχρισέ μου anointed my eyes, and said to
3. St Isaiah the Holy Prophet of God in his Heavenly Vision. τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς καὶ εἶπέ μοι· me: ‘Go to the Pool of Siloam
[Isaiah 6: 1 – 5] ‘Ὕπαγε εἰς τὴν κολυμβήθραν and wash.’
4. St Peter, St John and St James, the Holy Apostles of Christ, τοῦ Σιλωὰμ καὶ νίψαι·’
on Mount Tabor at the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus
Christ [Matthew 17: 1 – 5] “Ἀπελθὼν δὲ καὶ νιψάμενος I went and washed - I received
 1 John 1 : 5 - 7 “… This is the Message that we have heard from ἀνέβλεψα.” sight.”
Him and declare to you, that God is Light and in Him there is Εἶπον οὖν αὐτῷ· “Ποῦ ἐστιν They asked him: “Where is He?” He
no Darkness at all. If we say that we have Fellowship with ἐκεῖνος?” Λέγει· “Οὐκ οἶδα.” replied: “I do not know.”
Him, and walk in Darkness, we lie and do not practise the Truth.
But if we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we have Ἄγουσιν αὐτὸν πρὸς τοὺς They took him who formerly was
Fellowship with one another and the Blood of Jesus Christ, His Φαρισαίους, τὸν ποτε τυφλόν. blind to the Pharisees.
Son, Cleanses us from all sin…”
 According to St John, the Divine Light is the Divine Energy,
Ἦν δὲ Σάββατον ὅτε τὸν πηλὸν It was a Sabbath when Jesus had
which is manifested [revealed] as Divine Truth – True ἐποίησεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς καὶ ἀνέῳξεν made the clay and opened his
Doctrine/Teaching – Holy Virtue, and Holiness – True, αὐτοῦ τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς. eyes.

or permanently Transformed by His Divine, Loving Presence,
Πάλιν οὖν ἠρώτων αὐτὸν καὶ οἱ The Pharisees also asked him again despite our own sinful condition.
Φαρισαῖοι πῶς ἀνέβλεψεν. how he had received his sight. • “… The Night is coming…” refers to the Darkness of Spiritual
Ὁ δὲ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· “Πηλὸν He said to them: “He put clay on Death caused by sin, which alienates us from God and His
ἐπέθηκέ μου ἐπὶ τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς, my eyes, and I washed, and I Loving Mercy, and causes the persecution of the Righteous
see.” Faithful “… when no one can Work…”
καὶ ἐνιψάμην, καὶ βλέπω.”
• The “...Night...” to which our Lord referred meant the time after
Ἔλεγον οὖν ἐκ τῶν Φαρισαίων Some of the Pharisees said: “This our death and the Age to come – Eternity – when there is no
τινές· “Οὗτος ὁ ἄνθρωπος οὐκ Man is not from God because He longer any opportunity to express our Faith by Righteous
ἔστι παρὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ὅτι τὸ does not keep the Sabbath!” thoughts, words and deeds.
σάββατον οὐ τηρεῖ.” Our Spiritual Condition of Spiritual Life or Spiritual Death is
irreparable after our Repose, the Consequences of which are
Ἄλλοι ἔλεγον· “Πῶς δύναται Others said: “How can anyone who Eternal!
ἄνθρωπος ἁμαρτωλὸς τοιαῦτα is a sinner do such Signs?” As soon as our mortal body and immortal soul separate at our
σημεῖα ποιεῖν?” Repose or Departure from this world or earthly life, we can no
longer Pray nor Repent or Confess our sins, and all mankind
Καὶ σχίσμα ἦν ἐν αὐτοῖς. And there was a division among has to submit to Death and confront the unavoidable Truth
them. that reveals every thought, word and deed, without
Λέγουσι τῷ τυφλῷ πάλιν· “Σὺ τί They said to the Blind Man again:
exception or excuse!
λέγεις περὶ αὐτοῦ, ὅτι ἤνοιξέ σου • “...Work...” refers to our Spiritual Labours that consists of Faith,
“What dost thou say about Him
Good Deeds and Repentance. In other words, our Life IN
τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς?” because He opened thine eyes?” Christ, whereby we apply His Divine Truth to our own
Ὁ δὲ εἶπεν “Ὄτι Προφήτης ἐστίν.” He said: “He is a Prophet.” thoughts, words and deeds.
Οὐκ ἐπίστευον οὖν οἱ Ἰουδαῖοι The Judeans did not believe him -
• “… As long as I Am in the world, I Am the Light of the world …”
περὶ αὐτοῦ ὅτι τυφλὸς ἦν καὶ because our Lord Jesus Christ truly grants us His Divine Light,
that he had been blind and now Truth and Love that leads us from the Darkness of unnatural
ἀνέβλεψεν. could see. sin and ignorance, to the Reality of His Eternal, Heavenly
Ἔως ὅτου ἐφώνησαν τοὺς γονεῖς They called the parents of him
Kingdom of Love.
αὐτοῦ τοῦ ἀναβλέψαντος. who had received his sight.
• God’s New Covenant of Love and Truth Illuminates the entire
world, wherever there are Faithful, Orthodox Disciples Living
Καὶ ἠρώτησαν αὐτοὺς λέγοντες· And they asked them: “Is this your in Christ whose thoughts, words and deeds shine forth like
“Οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ υἱὸς ὑμῶν, ὃν son who you say was born blind? Bright Beacons of Light in the Spiritual Darkness of
ὑμεῖς λέγετε ὅτι τυφλὸς How then does he now see?” wickedness, hatred and devastation.
ἐγεννήθη? Πῶς οὖν ἄρτι  John 8:12 “… I Am the Light of the world. He who follows me shalt
βλέπει?” not walk in Darkness but have the Light of Life.”
Ἀπεκρίθησαν δὲ αὐτοῖς οἱ γονεῖς His parents answered them, and
 Our Lord Jesus spoke these words in the context of the Great
Temple Lamps being lit at the conclusion of the Feast of
αὐτοῦ καὶ εἶπον· “Οἴδαμεν ὅτι said: “We know that this is our Tabernacles, thereby declaring Himself to be the Fulfilment
οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ υἱὸς ἡμῶν καὶ ὅτι son, and that he was born blind. and Divine Object of all celebrations of Light.
τυφλὸς ἐγεννήθη· Πῶς δὲ νῦν How he now sees, we do not  In Holy Scripture, our Lord God the Father is Divine,
βλέπει οὐκ οἴδαμεν, ἢ τίς know. Who has opened his eyes, Uncreated Light, which is a Sacred Attribute He bestows
ἤνοιξεν αὐτοῦ τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς we do not know. He is of age - upon His Faithful Disciples, to a lesser degree, when we
ἡμεῖς οὐκ οἴδαμεν· Αὐτὸς become His “Children of Light.”
ask him. He shall speak for
ἡλικίαν ἔχει, αὐτὸν ἐρωτήσατε.”  Our Lord Jesus Christ confirmed His Divine Proclamation by
performing the unique Divine Miracle of creating eyes for
Αὐτὸσ περὶ ἑαυτοῦ λαλήσει. ταῦτα His parents said these things the man who what born blind.
εἶπον οἱ γονεῖς αὐτοῦ, ὅτι because they feared the Judeans.  John 7:2 “…The Feast of Tabernacles was at hand…”

His Love for mankind. [The people believed that such an Almighty
ἐφοβοῦντο τοὺς Ἰουδαίους·
God would be a terrifying, vengeful, wrathful God rather than an All
Merciful, Good, Compassionate and Loving God, as revealed to us by Ἤδη γὰρ συνετέθειντο οἱ Ἰουδαῖοι For the Judeans had agreed already
our Lord Jesus Christ.] ἵνα, ἐάν τις ὁμολογήσῃ Χριστόν, that anyone who Confessed that
 Deuteronomy 5:9 “…you shall not bow down to them nor serve ἀποσυνάγωγος γένηται. He is the Christ, would be put
them, for I Am the Lord your God, a jealous God, repaying sins out of the Synagogue.
of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth Διὰ τοῦτο οἱ γονεῖς αὐτοῦ εἶπον Therefore, his parents said: “Ask
generation of those who hate Me, but showing Mercy to
thousands who Love me and keep My Commandments.
“Ὄτι ἡλικίαν ἔχει, αὐτὸν him. He is of age.”
 According to St John Chrysostom, the “… repaying the sins of ἐρωτήσατε.”
the fathers…” was not universal in application but referred to Ἐφώνησαν οὖν ἐκ δευτέρου τὸν They called again the man who was
certain Israelites who came out of Egypt. For even after they ἄνθρωπον ὃς ἦν τυφλός, καὶ formerly blind, and said to him:
had seen the Divine Signs and Wonders of Almighty God in “Give God the Glory! We know
Egypt, they committed far worse sins than their Forefathers εἶπον αὐτῷ· “Δὸς Δόξαν τῷ
Θεῷ! Ἡμεῖς οἴδαμεν ὅτι ὁ that this Man is a sinner!”
who had seen none of those Divine Things.
 Ezekiel 18:19-21 “…you say: ‘Why does a son not bear the ἄνθρωπος οὗτος ἁμαρτωλός
wrongdoing of his father? For the son practised Righteous, ἐστιν.”
showed Mercy, kept all My Commandments and did them. Thus
he shall surely Live. But the soul who sins shall die. The son
Ἀπεκρίθη οὖν ἐκεῖνος καὶ εἶπεν· He replied: “Whether He is a sinner

shall not bear the wrongdoing of his father, nor shall the father “Εἰ ἁμαρτωλός ἐστιν οὐκ οἶδα· or not, I do not know. One thing
bear the wrongdoing of his son. The Rightoeusness of a Ἔν οἶδα, ὅτι τυφλὸς ὢν ἄρτι I do know is that although I was
Righteous man shall be upon himself, and the lawless deeds he βλέπω!” blind, now I see!”
commits, shall be upon himself. But if the lawless man turns
from all the lawless deeds he commits and keeps all My
Εἶπον δὲ αὐτῷ πάλιν· “Τί ἐποίησέ They questioned him again:
Commandments, does Righteousness and shows Mercy, he shall σοι? Πῶς ἤνοιξέ σου τοὺς “”What did He do to thee? How
surely Live and not die. ὀφθαλμούς? did He open thine eyes?”
• Although suffering can be the direct result of personal sin, this is Ἀπεκρίθη αὐτοῖς· “Εἶπον ὑμῖν He replied: “I have told you already,
certainly not always the case. ἤδη, καὶ οὐκ ἠκούσατε· Τί yet you do not listen. Why do you
• The man was born without eyes provided the most amazing πάλιν θέλετε ἀκούειν? Μὴ καὶ want to hear it again? Do you
opportunity for the Divine Works of Almighty God to be ὑμεῖς θέλετε αὐτοῦ Μαθηταὶ want to become His Disciples?”
revealed to everyone concerned – so the man was not blind due
to anyone’s personal sin at all. γενέσθαι?”
 “…I must work the Works of Him Who sent Me while it is Day. The Ἐλοιδόρησαν αὐτὸν καὶ εἶπον· “Σὺ They reviled him, and said: “Thou
Night is coming when no one can Work. As long as I Am in the εἶ Μαθητὴσ ἐκείνου! Ἡμεῖς δὲ art His Disciple! We are Moses’
world, I Am the Light of the world.” τοῦ Μωϋσέως ἐσμὲν Μαθηταί! Disciples! We know that God
• Our Lord fulfilled all “… the Works of Him Who Sent Me…” by Ἡμεῖς οἴδαμεν ὅτι Μωϋσεῖ spoke to Moses. As for this
fulfilling/accomplishing everything according to God our λελάληκεν ὁ Θεός· Τοῦτον δὲ Fellow – we do not know where
Heavenly Father’s Will. He is from.”
οὐκ οἴδαμεν πόθεν ἐστίν.”
• “… while it is Day…” refers to the time when our God Incarnate
Lived in our midst. He Guided, corrected, Taught, Enlightened Ἀπεκρίθη ὁ ἄνθρωπος καὶ εἶπεν The man answered them: “Why, this
and Saved the “…Lost Sheep of the House of Israel…” – and αὐτοῖς· “Ἐν γὰρ τούτῳ is a marvellous thing! – for you
also many pagan Gentiles - with His Divine Truth and Merciful θαυμαστόν ἐστιν, ὅτι ὑμεῖς οὐκ do not know where He is from –
Deeds so that all mankind are able to follow the Righteous Path οἴδατε πόθεν ἐστί, καὶ ἀνέῳξέ and He has opened my eyes! We
to Eternity.
μου τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς! Οἴδαμεν know that God does not hear
• Although His Public Ministry was a mere three years during which δὲ ὅτι ἁμαρτωλῶν ὁ Θεὸς οὐκ sinners, but if anyone is a
He did innumerable Good, Salvific Deeds, our Incarnate Lord
God must have also greatly affected those who Encountered ἀκούει, ἀλλʼ ἐάν τις θεοσεβὴς ᾖ Worshipper of God and does His
Him throughout His Life as ‘Son of Man,’ for we are fleetingly
καὶ τὸ θέλημα αὐτοῦ ποιῇ, Will, He hears him. Since the • As Pascha (Easter) was the Traditional Day for Catechumens to be
τούτου ἀκούει. ἐκ τοῦ αἰῶνος world began it has been unheard received into the Holy Church of Christ, the Sacred Lessons of
the Holy Pascha period – from the Glorious Resurrection of
οὐκ ἠκούσθη ὅτι ἤνοιξέ τις of that anyone opened the eyes
Christ until Pentecost – all reflect a Baptismal Theology.
ὀφθαλμοὺς τυφλοῦ of one who was born blind. If He
Thus, this Sacred Lesson is read on the Sixth Sunday of Holy
γεγεννημένου· Εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος were not from God, He could do Pascha.
παρὰ Θεοῦ, οὐκ ἠδύνατο ποιεῖν nothing!”  “…His Disciples asked Him: “Rabbi: who sinned – this man or his
οὐδέν!” parents – that he was born blind?”
Ἀπεκρίθησαν καὶ εἶπον αὐτῷ· “Ἐν They answered and said to him: • Mankind is always quick to blame God (or their man-made ‘gods’)
for all misfortune that befalls us. However, most sorrows,
ἁμαρτίαις σὺ ἐγεννήθης ὅλος, καὶ “Thou were completely born in
afflictions and other personal disasters are directly or
σὺ διδάσκεις ἡμᾶς?” sins, and thou art teaching us?!” indirectly caused by our own selfish, greedy and careless
Καὶ ἐξέβαλον αὐτὸν ἔξω. And they cast him out. actions or desires.
• Although most natural catastrophes are beyond our control, many
Ἤκουσεν Ἰησοῦς ὅτι ἐξέβαλον Jesus heard that they had cast him
that we suffer these days are certainly due to mankind’s
αὐτὸν ἔξω, καὶ εὑρὼν αὐτὸν out. And when He had found neglect or insatiable greed that negatively affects all Creation.
εἶπεν αὐτῷ· “Σὺ πιστεύεις εἰς him, He said to him: “Dost thou  Our Lord “…Jesus answered: ‘Neither this man nor his parents
τὸν Υἱὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ?” believe in the Son of God?” sinned, but that the Works of God should be revealed in him…’
Ἀπεκρίθη ἐκεῖνος καὶ εἶπε· “Καὶ He answered and said: “Who is He, • During the 17th day of his gestation [growth/development] in his
τίς ἐστι, Κύριε, ἵνα πιστεύσω εἰς mother’s womb, the eyes of the Blind Man had not been
O Lord, that I may believe in formed.
αὐτόν?” Him?” • “… the Works of God…” were certainly “… revealed…” when our
Εἶπε δὲ αὐτῷ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· “Καὶ Jesus said to him: “Thou hast also Lord Jesus Christ Healed that particular Blind Man’s unique
ἑώρακας αὐτὸν καὶ ὁ λαλῶν seen Him and He Who is type of blindness because it not only brought him to Faith in
μετὰ Σοῦ ἐκεῖνός ἐστιν”. speaking to thee it is He.”
Christ our Divine Saviour, but would continue to draw others
when they realised the profound Magnitude of Christ’s Divine
Ὁ δὲ ἔφη· “Πιστεύω, Κύριε!” He said: “O Lord: I believe!” Miracle that granted him sight.
Καὶ προσεκύνησεν Αὐτῷ. And he worshipped Him. • Our Saviour rejected the popular presumption that all troubles
and maladies were the consequence of personal sin or even the
sins of parents.
 This Divine Healing is the sixth Sign of our Lord’s Divine Nature and  Exodus 20:4 – 5 “…You shalt not make for yourselves an idol or
likeness of anything in Heaven above, or in the Earth beneath…
True Identity according to St John’s Holy Gospel. You shall not bow down to them or serve them for I, the Lord
your God, Am a jealous God, recompensing the sins of the
 “…as our Lord Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of
birth…” those who hate Me…”
 The images Israelites used in their worship foreshadowed the
• Of all the Divine Miracles recorded throughout Holy Scripture, this Incarnation of the Eternal, Only Begotten Word and Son of
is the only one whereby a person who was born without eyes God our Heavenly Father, Whom we Worship as both ‘Son of
was granted newly created eyes by our Divine Creator and God’ and ‘Son of Man.’ Furthermore, the Holy Icons used in
Saviour. Orthodox Worship and Veneration do not depict God’s
• The Blind Man symbolises all Spiritually Blind humanity for we all Divine Nature but draw attention to His Incarnation as the
need the Spiritual Illumination of our Lord Who is the Divine Perfect, New ‘Adam.’ [the Perfect Man Whom we Strive to imitate
Light that shines brightly, Illuminating and Enlightening the with our thoughts, words and deeds.]
fallen, Spiritually Dead and Darkened world.  Our Lord God is the Personification of Unconditional Perfect,
• This Divine Miracle is an illustration of the Holy Mystery of Divine Love/Agape thus He is without any grievous passion
Baptism, which is also referred to as “Holy Illumination.” yet through His Holy Prophets He condescended to be called
a “… jealous God…” to illustrate the intensity and infinity of
P A S C H A L S U N D A Y - T H E B L I N D M A N – S A C R E D L E S S O N S 15.

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