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Gateways Institute of Science and Technology

Fairview Branch

Online Gaming: Impact of the Academic Performances of Grade 12

Students of Gateways Institute of Science and Technology

A Research Study Presented to the Faculty of Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
In partial fulfillment Of the requirements in Practical Research 2

Presented by:

Asid, Rhianee L.

Bernabe, Janielle Anna B.

De mayo, Arnel T. Jr.

Evardo, Mark Anthony

Jarme, Jan Edmar L.

Juvilla, Jireh T.

Libres, Jenny L.

Lingco, Jay-ar J.

Manabat, Jether S.

Medina, Janet C.

Molina, Jefferson

Pineda, Pio Ismael D.

Presented to:

Ms. Donna Remitar


Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch





THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND.......................................................5


BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.........................................................6

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...........................................................7

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY............................................................8

SCOPE AND DELIMITATION................................................................9

DEFINITION OF TERMS...................................................................9-11


REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES.........................................................12

RELATED LITERATURE......................................................................12



RELATED STUDIES............................................................................16





RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................21

RESEARCH DESIGN...........................................................................21


Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

INSTRUMENT OF THE STUDY.........................................................21

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE.....................................................................21

SOURCES OF DATA.............................................................................22

ADMINISTRATION AND RETRIEVAL.................................................22

DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE.......................................................22






SUMMARY OF FINDINGS.................................................................34






CURRICULUM VITAE...................................................................40-51


Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


The researchers would like to show their deepest appreciation to those people who
served as a guide, inspiration and helped them to fulfill this researcher paper and make it

We are so grateful to have a practical research teacher like Ms. Donna Remitar who
teach us through the process and support us that we can do a good research paper. We are also
grateful to our adviser Ms. Jenny Rose Giron for motivating and believing that we can do this.

Moreover, the Almighty God never failed to shower his grace and blessing to the



The researchers wholeheartedly dedicate this paper to the parents and guardians,
friends and classmates who served as an inspiration. Also to the teachers who tried their best to
teach us despite of the challenging situation.

This paper is dedicated to those who helped the researchers finish this paper and the

researchers themselves who tried their best to finish this research paper.


Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch




Even in the past years, online games has been one of the reasons why students fail to
their academic performance. There was a significant positive correlation between students;
computer games addiction and their physical and mental health in dimensions of physical
health, anxiety and sleeplessness. There was a significant negative relationship between
addictions to computer games and impaired social functioning. The most common online games
that students plays are: Mobile Legends, League of Legends, Wildrift, Genshin Impact, Call of
duty, Minecraft, and etc.. There are so many online games that are so addictive but how these
games can affect the academic performance of Grade 12 Students of Gateways Institute of
Science and Technology? In this research paper you’ll determine some of the impact of online
games. This study may answer some questions such as; why do students won’t do their
activities and quizzes? Why do the students won’t attend online classes? What are the
consequences of not doing the academic performance? How does online games affect your
mental and physical health? How can we prevent students from addiction in playing online
games? how does online gaming affect young people especially students in terms of social life?
Why students prefer playing one games rather than focusing on their studies? Does playing
online games have something to do with depression ? And how to control of oneself while
playing games?


Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Background of the Study

In the Phillipines education is very important to every Filipinos. There’s a quote saying
that according to: Nelson Mandela ( The first black president of South Africa), “Education is the
most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” But when Online gaming are
invented most of the Filipino students got so addicted to it. That’s why they can’t focus to their
school acivities bevause, they spent most of their time playing games than doing academic
activities that they need to do.

As stated in Osaka University Knowledge Archive (Alcalde et al., 2012), Gender has a
significant influence in computer gaming. Several studies have found that male students are
more likely to indulge in computer gaming than female students. In addition, males outnumber
females in terms of frequency of participation. Many research has indicated that the number of
siblings is also a factor in computer game performance. Frequent gamers are often members of
a small family with 1-2 children.

According to Drummond and Sauer (2014), video gaming is popular with young people
in developed nations, with incident rates above 75%. It was concluded that more video-gaming
has been linked to higher rates of teacher-reported student concentration issue and sleep issues
such as reduced sleep efficiency, and Sleep deprivation. All of these factors have the potential to
affect academic achievement. Furthermore, increase video-gaming time may also diminish
home study time, and academic performance. The study of Drummond and Alcalde et al.
investigate the impact of video gaming to the academic performance of High School students,
the current study aims to demonstrate that excessive video gaming can also affect the academic
performance of Senior High School students.

The researchers want to know the main impact of online gamig to the academic
performances of grade 12 students. The researchers would also like to find out other factors
that correlates online gaming with academic performance. This includes time spent in playing
online games versus time spent in doing academic tasks and frequency of playing online games.


Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the Impact of Online Gaming to the Academics Performance of
Grade 12 Students of Gateways Institute of Science and Technology. This study seeks to answer
the following:

1. How many hours can students spent on online games and on academic activities?

2. What are the negative effects of playing online games?

3. What are the positive effects of playing online games?

4. What are the impact of online gaming to the academic performances of grade 12 students?


Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


SThis study will help everyone, particularly the student of Gateways Institute of Science
and Technology to have an insight into the effect of online games on their academic
performance. In line with this, this study is beneficial and significant to the following:

Students. This study will help students to know what are the emotional, mental, and
physical effects of playing online games. It will also find out the effect of playing online games on
their academic performance, which can make them realize how to limit or control themselves to
function well in their class.

Parents. It will serve as the basis to help share with other parents the information about
certain impacts of online games to help each other in parenting. They will become more aware
of online games, and they will know how it affects their children's learning. Also, it will help
parents whether they will provide support and guidance in playing online games of their
children or not, due for the betterment of their child's academic performance.

Teachers. This study aims to inform the teachers about the impact of online games on
their student's academic performance. Also, it will help them provide additional knowledge on
what technique to use to educate students about the well-known effects of online gaming on
their learning. Also, to let them know that not all students receive a positive impact on their play
that affects their performance in school.

School Administration. This study will witness them on what is the impact of online
games on the academic performance of their students. To the future Researchers- This study
will help the future researchers that are interested in this study. It will serve as their guide or
reference and their background for their research. To the Community – This study will give them
a piece of knowledge about the impact of online games on the academic performance of


Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


This study is focuses on Online gaming: Impact to the Academics Performance of Grade
12 Students of Gateways Institute of Science and Technology.

This study is limited only to the 40 respondents, in a simple random sampling of grade
12 students in Gateways Institute of Science and Technology (G.I.S.T). This study does not cover
grade 11 students in G.I.S.T and other grade 12 students in other schools.


Addiction - a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do
something (such as gamble).

Assessor - a person who evaluates the quality of a person or thing.

College - an educational institution or establishment, in particular one providing higher

education or specialized professional or vocational training.

Community - group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in

Computer - an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form,
according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Computer games - a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on
a screen for the sake of entertainment.

Covid-19 - an acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus, capable of producing

severe symptoms and in some cases death, especially in older people and those with underlying
health conditions.

Cyber - relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and

virtual reality.


Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Cyber Psychology - the study of the human mind and behavior and how the culture of
technology, specifically, virtual reality, and social media affect them.

Depression - a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.

Digital media - is any communication media that operate with the use of any of various encoded
machine-readable data formats.

Gamer - a person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games.

Games - a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and
decided by skill, strength, or luck.

Gaming - the action or practice of playing video games.

Grade point average (GPA) - an indication of a student's academic achievement at a college or

university, calculated as the total number of grade points received over a given period divided
by the total number of credits awarded.

Internet - a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication

facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

Media - the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet)
regarded collectively.

Mental health - our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

Mobile - relating to mobile phones, handheld computers, and similar technology.

New normal - a previously unfamiliar or atypical situation that has become standard, usual, or

Online - controlled by or connected to another computer or to a network.

Online class - An online class is a course conducted over the Internet.

Online games - An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played
through the Internet or any other computer network available.

Pandemic - a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Physical health - represents one dimension of total well-being.

Psychology - the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting
behavior in a given context.

Scholastic aptitude test (SAT) - is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the
United States.

School administration - is an educational setting Planning, organizing,directing, and controlling

human or material resources.

Senior high school - a secondary school typically comprising the three highest grades.

Sleep deprivation - means a person is not getting enough sleep.

Social anxiety - is an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others.

Social life - the part of a person's time spent doing enjoyable things with others.

Society - the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.

Technology - the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in


University - an educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of students

in many branches of advanced learning, conferring degrees in various faculties, and often
embodying colleges and similar institutions.

Video games - a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer

program on a television screen or other display screen.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch





Grade 12 students spending too much time on online games every week tend to suffer
from worsened learning ability, concentration problems, poor academic performance, and
decreased interactions with other people. This study’s author conducted a questionnaire-based
survey to examine how many hours college students from central Taiwan spend on online
games per week, in order to find out their average daily involvement in such games. Using
proportionate stratified sampling, the survey respondents were selected to examine the weekly
involvement in online games among college students from central Taiwan, who were divided
into low-, medium- and high-involvement groups in a cluster analysis. Results of the survey were
tested using a self-developed evaluation system based on working memory and response time.
Totally 36 college students, or 12 students from each of the low-, medium- and high-
involvement groups, were randomly selected from the population to test how involvement in
online games, game-playing time and display duration affected their working memory. Findings
from this study include: I. The low, medium and high levels of online game involvements are
defined as an average 1.34 hours, 4.84 hours and 10.27 hours spent on online games every day.
30.9% of the survey respondents said they spent more than 4 hours on online games, which
suggests that online games may be the reason why college students stay up all night so often. II.
This testing discovers that the levels of involvement in video gaming (p<0.05), display duration

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

(p<0.05), and the interaction of the two factors will all have an impact on visual working
memory (p<0.05).

Playing video games is often associated in our society with pooracademic performance.
This anecdotal idea is supported by someresearch. A 2000 study found a negative correlation
between GPA andtime spent playing video games (Anderson & Dill, 2000). The correlationwas
relatively small. Time alone accounted for a 4% variance in GPA,yet the findings are significant.
However, several older studies contendthat the results of research have been mixed. A 1997
study suggests that “there is no clear causal relationship between video game playing
andacademic performance” It goes on to say that the research is “sparseand contradictory”
(Emes, 1997, p. 4 13).The effect that interactive digital media has on the learning process isnot
completely negative. It is not that the medium itself is inherentlyflawed, but much of the
information that gets transmitted through itmay be. As was noted in 2008 study on media
attention and cognitive abilities, “content appears to be crucial” (Schmidt & Vander water, 2008,
p. 63. if the content being consumed is positive, then positiveresults can be expected. if the
content is negative, then negative resultscan be expected. The study examined research from
many sources inarriving at this conclusion.

According to foreign article entitled Negative Effects of Online Games to students,

Research has shown that online video games have negative effects, and impact on some
students. Directly on their performance. Parents and educators have been affected
appropriately. Addiction to video and online games is believed to have effects and contribute to
the mental health and social anxiety that students face today, There seems to be a connection
between depression, self-esteem, and the time a person spends playing video games. Studies
show that 94% of video game addicts are men and only 6% are women. Many of the men
interviewed were dissatisfied with their social life and had low self-esteem. It is understandable
that these two characteristics can affect a student’s performance in school. A study was
conducted in the USA with 3,034 participants. 9% of the adolescents interviewed showed signs
of addiction. About 4% played video games at least 50 hours a week. On average, the study

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

participants played about 20 hours a week. Students who were addicted to video games tended
to perform lower than their counterparts at school who are not addicted to video games.


Garnada (2020) concludes that there is no strong correlation between online gaming
addiction and students' attitudes toward completing objectives. This suggests that online
gaming addiction has no effect on the respondents' motivation to achieve their goals. Students,
according to Wentzel (2000), should understand which goals are more vital to attain and how
achieving one's chosen aim may lead to higher marks. Furthermore, no significant association
was found between online gaming addiction and students' views toward academic
responsibility. This suggests that the extent of online game addiction has no effect on
responders' academic responsibilities. According to the conclusions of an Ip (2008) research,
students who are dedicated in their academics get higher scores than those who finish their
assignments for the sake of completion.

Students who play online games for some reason admit that their academic
performance was affected by their playing online games. Some research supports this anecdotal
idea. According to Garcia, Jarabe, and Paragas (2018), Online games players had an average
academic performance while non-players had a high academic performance. Their primary
motivation in playing was for entertainment. There was a moderate negative effect of playing
online games on their academic performance in assignments, quizzes, class recitation, paper
works, and examinations. However, they will inevitably play even for just a few hours, especially
if they are accustomed to it. As a result, it is simply a matter of discipline. When a significant
percentage of a child's time is spent on online games, the goal is not just to overcome the
computer, but also to defeat real human individuals who have mastered the games. Online
gaming can negatively influence school performance by displacing time that would have been
spent in other educational activities such as reading and homework (Gentile, Lynch, Linder &
Walsh, 2004). The question of whether online games are beneficial or detrimental has been
researched fairly well.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Maria Daisy S Cortes, Jhoana V Alcalde, Jose V Camacho Jr 16 (2), 75-88, 2012. Effects of
computer gaming on High School students' performance in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. This
study examined the effects of computer games on school performance of high school students
in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. Allowance, gender, peer group and year level positively affect
student's decision to play while time spent on studying, year level, previous grade, number of
books and time spent playing computer games are found to be significant in affecting student's
performance. Results showed that the probability of a computer gamer to fail is 39%, given the
student has more than four siblings, a previous grade of at most 84, lesser teachers, lesser hours
on studying, living near a computer shop, and spends more hours playing computer games.
Moreover, 60% of the students' daily allowance is spent on playing computer games. Online
gaming addiction among BSIT students of Leyte Normal University Philippines its implication
towards academic performance. Rommel L Verecio Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11,
47, 2018 Objectives: Games online is one of the technologies that caught attention over the last
decade. Despite the positive effects, parents frowned because of the potential on the overuse of
this technology which leads to addiction by students. The dark side of playing online games
becomes an issue of debate in society. Thus, this study is conducted to determine the
associations of playing online games towards academic performance. Methods: The descriptive
survey method which involved a questionnaire, interviews, and observations weree mployed.
One hundred thirty-nine (139) students currently enrolled during the first semester of the
school year 2017-2018 served as respondents. Findings: It showed that the majority of the
students expressed that playing online games has adverse effects in their academic performance
such as “I cannot focus on my studies” having (49.61%; n= 69). Applications/Improvements:
Results of the study would serve as inputs to the Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City in
crafting policy measures that would benefit its stakeholders.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch



Despite many international studies and a smaller number in Australia, 12 several

systematic limitations remain in the existing literature, particularly regarding the association of
academic performance with the use of Internet and electronic games in children and
adolescents 13,16,19 . First, the majority of the earlier studies have either relied on school
grades or children's self assessments-which contain an innate subjectivity by the assessor; and
have not considered the standardized tests of academic performance. In Australia, it is reported
that about 98% of children aged 15-17 years are among Internet users and 98% of adolescents
play electronic games, which is significantly higher than the USA and Europe 9-12 . In recent
times, the Internet and electronic games have been regarded as important, not just for better
results at school, but also for self-expression, sociability, creativity and entertainment for
children and adolescents 13,14 . For instance, 88% of 12-17 year-olds in the USA considered the
Internet as a useful mechanism for making progress in school, and similarly electronic gaming in
children and adolescents may assist in developing skills such as decision-making, smart-thinking
and coordination.

Students spending too much time on online games every week tend to suffer from
worsened learning ability, concentration problems, poor academic performance, and decreased

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

interactions with other people. This study’s author conducted a questionnaire-based survey to
examine how many hours college students from central Taiwan spend on online games per
week, in order to find out their average daily involvement in such games. Using proportionate
stratified sampling, the survey respondents were selected to examine the weekly involvement in
online games among college students from central Taiwan, who were divided into low-,
medium- and high-involvement groups in a cluster analysis. Results of the survey were tested
using a self-developed evaluation system based on working memory and response time. Totally
36 college students, or 12 students from each of the low-, medium- and high-involvement
groups, were randomly selected from the population to test how involvement in online games,
game-playing time and display duration affected their working memory.

This study used to assess the impact of online games on the academic skills of the
children.This study was specially de-signed for the youngster who served most of their time on
online games, so this step towards then to increase knowledge through online games instead of
using online games just for entertainment. Especially for this situation when COVID-19 is
pandemic and spreading everywhere. During this period, children need Indore entertainment
with learning. The purpose of this study is to highlight the issue of the contents of online games
and use it for learning purposes too because many re-searchers proved that the most engaging
activity of young generation now a day is online gaming. This research conducted through the
quantitative method. In this research, we had involved a total of 574 participants as a sample
size. The study used data from local public and private schools in Pakistan, and the population
for this research was teachers and students. These both are the main source to find information,
Total 224 were teachers, out of which 150 are female, and 74 are male teachers their age range
from 25 to 40, the rest of the 350 participants are local students include 190 girls and 160 boys.
Their ages range 8 to 18 years. To examine this study, two questionnaires designed to collect
data from the target popula-tion, the data analysis will be in SPSS, and the result showed that
the content of online games needs consideration to im-prove student’s academic skills with
entertainment, with reducing culture barrier and lack of focus on national curriculum while
designing online games. The school of Pakistan needs to change the learning ways and they all
are strongly recommended to use online games in formal education and advice to develop or
create online games with educational objectives.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


The correlation between video game usage and academic performance markers Vivek
Anand CyberPsychology & Behavior 10 (4), 552-559, 2007 This study analyzes the correlation
between video game usage and academic performance. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and
grade-point average (GPA) scores were used to gauge academic performance. The amount of
time a student spends playing video games has a negative correlation with students' GPA and
SAT scores. As video game usage increases, GPA and SAT scores decrease. A chi-squared analysis
found a p value for video game usage and GPA was greater than a 95% confidence level (0.005 <
p < 0.01). This finding suggests that dependence exists. SAT score and video game usage also
returned a p value that was significant (0.01 < p < 0.05). Chi-squared results were not significant
when comparing time spent studying and an individual's SAT score. This research suggests that
video games may have a detrimental effect on an individual's GPA and possibly on SAT scores.
Although these results show statistical dependence, proving cause and effect remains difficult,
since SAT scores represent a single test on a given day. The effects of video games maybe be
cumulative; however, drawing a conclusion is difficult because SAT scores represent a measure
of general knowledge. GPA versus video games is more reliable because both involve a
continuous measurement of engaged activity and performance. The connection remains difficult
because of the complex nature of student life and academic performance. Also, video game
usage may simply be a function of specific personality types and characteristics.

According to, Online gaming: Impact on the academic performance

and social behavior of the students in Polytechnic University of the Philippines Laboratory High
School Dennis O Dumrique, Jennifer G Castillo KnE Social Sciences, 1205–1210-1205–1210, 2018
This study was conducted to assess and find out the impact of on-line gaming on the academic
performance and social behavior of the students in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines-
Laboratory High School. Furthermore, this study sought answers on the significant relationship
between playing on-line games and academic performance and to social behavior of the
students. The study revealed that boys are more of a player compared to girls who often play
games that require three or more players like League of Legends, Clash of Clans, Crossfire and

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

many more to mention. It is also stated that those who play online games are around 14-15
years old who are believed to be in the Grade 8 level. These students who often play games
have an average weekly allowance of 101 pesos to 500 pesos. Playing online games do not affect
their grades badly for they know how to limit themselves. They know that they need to control
themselves in order to function well in their class that is why they only play games during
vacation and weekends with a lot of time compared when they have classes. Even though they
play online games; they know how to socialize well and they can perform very well when it
comes to academic performance. However, it is inevitable not to play even for half an hour
especially when they are accustomed to it. Therefore, it is just a matter of discipline.

Online games, as part of developed technology, are becoming more popular especially
these days, which became one of the habits of the students on their daily living. Online games
have given many challenges from student’s behaviors striking their academic behavior to
constantly change positively or negatively their personality, as it brings various types of behavior
that affects players in different ways affecting their academic performance. Objective: This study
aims to know if online gaming has a positive impact or negative impact towards the student’s
behavior and identify how it will affect their academic performance. Methods of Research: The
total number of respondents is fifty (50) Senior high school students to College students who
play online games. Result: Our allocated results in addiction, depression, anxiety and loneliness
shows that majority of students have the ability to control their selves and do not experience
affecting their academic performance. Also, majority of the students enlightened this study as
many of them experienced a lot of enhancement in their abilities and skills, and brought
emotional and social benefits. Conclusion: In today's generation Covid-19 hits the Philippines
tragically, and then online learning emerges as an educational platform among many students.
Online gaming also arise because it is online fast, reliable and safe at home, but once we are
exposed too much our mental health will be affected. Although, online gaming have a lot of
negative impact it also have positive impact that gives a lot of benefits, which is to enhance our
capabilities critically.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch



Random Grade 12 Conduct a survey for A discussion about

Students in Gateway random Grade 12 perception and insight of
Institute of Science students in Gateways the students of Gateways
and Technology to Institute of Science and Institute of Science and
the given survey Technology, analysis and Technology regarding to
about the certain collection of information the Online gaming:
research topic and to and insight to their Impact of the Academics
get more information. response. Performance of Grade 12
students of Gateways
Institute of Science and

The subject was given to a random group of Grade 12 students at Gateways Institute of
Science and Technology. The researchers conducted a questionnaire to a random sample of
students, after the respondents have given information on the specified questionnaire.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch




This research is quantitative research through a semi-structured questionnaire

conducted online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of giving the questionnaire or survey to
the student physically. the study used the descriptive survey method of research with
questionnaire, as data gathering tool. This method is necessary for adequate certainty and
understanding among students and impact to the academics and social media in relation to their
performance in academic and e learning decisions.


The researchers detail the info used in data gathering in this chapter, which is necessary
to explain the study's difficulties.

Questionnaires were utilized by the researchers to collect data. The questionnaires

include items that categorize the students' frequent problems with managing their time in
Academics and Online games, as well as the impacts of Online gaming on Academic

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

The instrument used in this research is through Likert scale to gather data. Forty (40)
selected respondents in Grade 12 students of GIST will be given Google form survey
questionnaire by the researchers.


The researchers used simple random sampling in choosing who will participate in their
study. In statistics, a simple random sample is a subset of individuals or a sample chosen from a
larger set or a population in which a subset of individuals are chosen randomly, all with the
same probability. simple random sample is an unbiased technique when it comes to choosing
respondents. The main focus of this study is the impact of online games to the academic
performance of grade 12 student, hence the chosen participants were randomly selected from
from grade 12 students of Gateways Institute of Science and Technology using simple random


The primary and secondary sources were drawn in obtaining the essential data needed
in this research study. The primary sources were the random forty Grade-12 students
(respondents), of Gateways Institute of Science and Technology, through online questionnaires
and surveys. It is because the researcher wants to collect a large amount of data in a relatively
short period. The secondary sources of data were government publications, websites, books,
journal articles, research papers, and other reliable sources. It gives a good overview of a topic
to the researcher who can easily have a variety of expert perspectives and insights.


In this study, the following intrusment are utilized by the researchers to gather all data
needed to answer the specific problems in the study. The reseachers made google forms to
measure the Impact of the Online Game on Academics Performance of Grade 12 Students. The
reseachers tabulated and analyzed after completing the needed population of respondents
required for the study.


Forming a questions Consultation of the Distribution of survey 2

for survey to be survey to the subject to the respondents
administered teacher through google forms
Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Computation and Tabulation and tally of Checking the

interpretation of the the gathered data responses of the
data gathered

Result and Discussion


a.Frequency – pertains to the number of respondents have answer in a specific question.

b.Percentage – used to know how many of the respondents gave a particular answer to the

The following statistical components will use are as follows:

Formula: P= x 100


P = percentage (%)

F = frequency

N = total number of respondents

Weighted Mean

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

involves multiplying each data point in a set by a value which is determined by some
characteristic of whatever contributed to the data point.

5 f + 4 f + 3 f +2 f + f
Formula: A . WM= B .WV =F ( N )


WM= weighted mean

WV= weighted value

F= frequency

N= total number of respondents



This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done, and
the interpretation of findings. These are presented and utilized the tabular and textual modes of

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Figure 1

Based on the figure above, the graph shows that 4 hours of the time they spend in
online games with a percentage of 32.5%. 3 hours of time has a rate of 20%. 1 hour of time with
the percentage of 17.5%, and 2 hours of time has a rate of 12.5%. On the other hand, others
stated I don’t play games, none of the above, once a month, less than 1 hour, and the 3 of them
5 hours above they spend in online games.

Figure 2

Based on the figure above, the graph shows that both 2 and 3 hours of time they spend
doing academic activities with a percentage of 30%. 4 hours of time has a rate of 17.5%, and 1
hour of time with a percentage of 7.5%. While, others stated that whole day, depends on their
internet, 7-8 hours of time and 5-6 hours of time.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Table 1

The researchers utilized a scale to indicate the students' responses, with the rate of
each scale being as follows: 1 is comparable to Strongly Agree, 2 is equivalent to Agree, 3 is
equivalent to Neutral, 4 is equivalent to Disagree, and 5 is equivalent to Strongly Disagree.

Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Mean Remarks

Agree (1) (2) (3) (4) Disagree

3 5 12 8 8 7 3 Neutral
4 4 4 5 3 24 3.97 Disagree
5 18 7 8 5 3 2.27 Agree
6 2 5 3 13 17 3.95 Disagree
7 5 3 7 8 17 3.72 Disagree
8 13 8 11 3 5 2.47 Agree
9 8 14 7 7 4 2.37 Agree
10 6 8 15 7 4 2.87 Neutral
11 7 6 20 5 2 2.72 Neutral
Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

12 5 11 10 10 4 2.92 Neutral
13 14 9 8 5 4 2.4 Agree
14 5 7 11 11 6 3.15 Neutral

According to the table above, the majority of responses are Agree and Neutral based on
the mean of the data received. This demonstrated that the students' perceptions of the impacts
of online gaming on their academic achievement were either neutral or agreed dependent on
the given statement at each number on the questionnaire.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Figure 3

Based on the graph shown above, 30% of participants agree that they spend more time
playing online games than studying. Both neutral and disagree got 20% of response regarding to
this matter, while 17.5% strongly disagree and 12.5% strongly agree.

Figure 4

Based on the graph above, 60% of the students strongly diagree that they are willing to
stop studying just to play online games. 12.5% is neutral on this matter, agree and strongly
agree both have 10%, while 7.5% disagree, respectively.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Figure 5

According to the graph above, 45% of the responders are strongly agreed that online
games can cause Procrastination. 17.5% were agree and neutral regarding on this matter, 12.5%
disagree and 7.5% of the respondents strongly disagree, respectively.

Figure 6

According to the graph above, 42.5% strongly disagree and 32.5% disagree that the
respondents neglect important activities and classes just to play online games. However 12.5%
of the respondents agreed. 7.5% were neutral and 5 % strongly agreed with the statement.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Figure 7

Based on the graph above, there are 40 respondents. 17 of participants answered

strongly disagree with a percentage of 42.5 %. 8 of them answered disagree has a rate of 20%. 7
answered neutral with a percentage of 17.5%. 5 answered strongly agree with a rate of 12.5%
and 3 of them answered agree with a percentage of 7.5%. Most of them are disagree with the

Figure 8

As shown in the table above, 32.5% of the respondents strongly agree that they play
online games to avoid pressure in school works. Respondents answered neutral got 27.5%.
Those who agree got 20%. While, strongly disagree got 12.5% and 7.5% disagreed.
Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Figure 9

Based on graph above. 35% agree and 20% strongly agree that they can stop playing just
to study. While, neutral and disagree got same 17.5% about this matter. 10% of the respondents
strongly disagree, respectively.

Figure 10

According to the graph above, 37.5% of respondents answered neutral about playing
online games can enhance their self esteem. 20% agree with this and 17.5% disagree. While,
15% strongly agree and 10% strongly disagree with the statement, respectively.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Figure 11

According to the graph above, 50% of the students are neutral about playing online
games can make their brain more active and sharper. 17.5% strongly agree and 15% agree about
this matter. However, 12.5% disagree and 5% of the students strongly disagree with this

Figure 12

Based on the graph above, 27.5% of the respondents are agreed that online games is
beneficial to them. Both neutral and disagree has 25% regarding to this matter. 12.5% are
strongly agree that online games are beneficial to them. While the 10% are strongly disagree for
this matter.
Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Figure 13

Based on the graph above, out of the 40 respondents, 35% said they strongly agree that
they are sleeping late because of playing online games. 22.5% have agreed with this. 20% were
neutral regarding this matter. While, 12.5% disagreed and 10% of the respondents strongly
disagreed, respectively.

Figure 14

Based on the graph above, Both neutral and disagree got the same percentage which is
27.5% votes regarding the matter about video games enhancing your learning experience. 17.5%
of participants agree and believes that video games can enhance learning. While, 15% strongly
disagree and 12.5% strongly agree.
Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

Figure 15

According to the graph above, 52.5% cannot concentrate on their studies. 45% of
respondents improve their multi-tasking skills. 30% have poor academic performance. 27.5%
reduce their interaction with others. 25% improve cognitive function. 22.5% worsen their
learning ability. On the other hand 2.5% said that the other impact of online games to the
academic performance are; have a high cost to online games and reduces interaction with other
people, especially the family.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch



Online games is truly addictive and influential to senior high school students, especially in new
normal where they spend most of their time online. The researchers conducted this study to
determine that the online gaming has an impact to the academic performance of the students,
mainly those in grade 12. The researchers created a statement of the problem that guided them
throughout the study. They gathered data from foreign and local related studies and literature.
Based on the information gathered in related literature and studies both local and foreign that
online games became one of the habits of the students on their daily living, and it has a posivite
and negative effects on the students such as; worsened learning ability, concentration problems,
poor academic performance, decreased interactions with other people, enhance their brain, and
improved their multi-tasking skill. They also used the identified informations to conduct a survey
to the grade 12 students of Gateways Institute of Science and Technology and the questionnaire
is in the form of likert scale, in this type of survey, the opinion of the students is the basis, since
they are asked to pick from strongly agree to strongly disagree if they think the given situations
and effects regarding online games affects their own performance in class. They were also asked
what are the impact of online games to their academic performance. The information they got
from the result of the survey was supported the study.


To summarize, the study aimed to explore wether the online gaming impacted the academic
performances of grade 12 students in Gateways Institute of Science and Technology (GIST).
Analyzing and interpreting the results of the survey handedout by the researchers concluded
that most of the participants of grade 12 students in Gateways Institute of Science and
Technology (GIST) agreed that online games cause procrastination. The participants neglect
important activities and classes just to play online games. There has to be an admission to the
claim that playing online games has benefits to the respondents. But there it is also undeniable
that engagement in these kinds of games also has detrimental effects. Even if the respondents
play online games, their academic performance is unaffected.On the basis results of the study,
it can be concluded that playing online games has no significant difference between the
academic performances of the respondents.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Procrastination is seen as a severe problem among young people, and many factors have been
claimed to be associated with it, playing video and online games being one of them. Some of the
students in Gateways institute of Science and Technology are wasting his time on Online
Games.Some of them are prioritizing the Game that what his played. The solution of this
problem are the following: Begin a new life program/lifestyle, it can help ourself to decrease
playing online games. Use your time in daily exercise and studying your academics. Another
solution of this problem is to give students a low grades, in that way the parents of the student
will force their children to minimize the usage of their phone. The researchers suggest that the
students of Gateways Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) must balance their usage of
online gaming to its minimum. Researchers believe that playing too much can lead to
negligence, so researchers recommend that the students of Gateways Institute of Science and
Technolog (GIST) can play when their school work is done because, researchers believe that
playing online games after school work is like rewarding yourself and doesn't imply too much
negative act on the students itself. To avoid negligence in playing and learning, it is good for
students to balance playing with time to study and play online games.

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Anand, V. (2007) “A study of time management: The correlation between video game usage and
academic performance markers”, CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol. 10, No. 4.

Bassey, J. (2022) ”Negative Effects of Online Games to students”,

Jumani, S. Z. and Mahar, S. (2019) “ Impact of Online Game on Academic Skills of the Child”,

Eye, A. V. , Fitzgerald, H. , Jackson, L.A., Witt, E. and Zhao, Y. (2011) “A longitudinal study of the
effects of internet use and video game playing on academic performance and the roles of
gender, race and income in these relationships”, computers in Human Behavior 27(1):228-239.

Garnada, V. (2020) “ Online gaming addiction and academic attitudes: The case of college
students in the philippines”,

Dumrique, D.O. and Castillo, J.G. (2018) “ Online gaming: Impact on the academic performance
and social behavior of the students in Polytechnic University of the Philippines Laboratory High

Lin, F. , Hsu, T. , Wu, T. and Chang, C. (2013) “ The effects of user involvement in online games,
game-playing time and display duration on working memory”, LNCS, Vol. 8019

Garcia, K., Jarabe, N. and Paragas, J. (2018) “ Negative effects of online games on academic
performance”, Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 3, pp. 69

Khullen, M. (2018) “ The effects of online games toward the academic performance of selected
information technology students”,

Aviso, A., Maderazo, M. K., Castro, C.J., Quiroga, C.J. and Espineda, J.V. (2021) “ Impact on the
behavior of students due to online technology gaming and its effect on their academic

Verecio, R. (2018) “ Online gaming addiction among BIST students of leyte normal university
Philippines its implication towards academic performance”, Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, google

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


PART I: Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose based on your own, and kindly state the other time you spend that are not
stated on the options.

1. How many hour/s you spend in online games?

o 1 hour
o 2 hours
o 3 hours
o 4 hours

___ others

2. How many hour/s do you spend doing Academic activities?

o 1 hour
o 2 hours
o 3 hours
o 4 hours

___ others

PART II: Interval Scale

Direction: This scale will answer according to your point of view.

Scoring: Strongly agree -1 Agree -2 Neutral -3 Disagree -4 Strongly disagree -5

3. Do you spend more time playing online games than studying?

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
4. Are you willing to stop studying just to play online games?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
5. Does online games can cause procastination?
o Strongly agree
o Agree

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
6. Do you neglect important activities and classes just to play online games?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
7. Do you spend much money on online games?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
8. Do you play online games to forget the pressure you feel in your school works?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
9. Do you want to stop playing just to study?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
10. Does playing online games can enhance your self esteem?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
11. Do you think that playing online games can make your brain more active and sharper?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
12. Are online games beneficial to you?
o Strongly agree
o Agree

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch

o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
13. Most of the students sleep late because of playing online games.
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree
14. Do video games enhance learning?
o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

PART III: Check Boxes

Direction: Choose as many as possible, and kindly state other impacts you experience that are
not stated on the options.

15. What are the impact of online games to your Academic Performance?
 Decrease interaction with others
 Can't concentrate on studies
 Poor academic performance
 Worsened learning ability
 Enhances cognitive functions
 Improve multi-tasking skills
 Other

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Rhianee L. Asid

Address: 096 Diamond St. Brgy. Commonwealth Q.C.
Email Address:
Date of Birth: June 10, 2002 Place of Birth: 096 Diamond St. Brgy.
Commonwealth Q.C.
Age: 19 Gender: Male
Nickname: Yani Civil Status: Single
Mother: Melanie A. Cancino Occupation: I.T. Sales
Father: Marlon A. Cancino Occupation:Online Seller
Religion: Iglesia ni Cristo

Secondary Education School: Commonwealth High School
Address: Ecol St. Brgy. Commonwealth Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: Manuel L. Quezon

Address: MRB 30 Adarna St. Commonwealth Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2015

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Janielle Anna B. Bernabe

Address: 6940 IBP Road Brgy. Commonwealth Q.C.
Email Address:
Date of Birth: October 11, 2004 Place of Birth: Metro Manila
Age: 17 Gender: Female
Nickname: Janielle Civil Status: Single
Mother: Mona Liza B. Bernabe Occupation: Teacher
Father: Ryan T. Bernabe Occupation: Unemployed
Religion: Iglesia ni Cristo

Secondary Education School: Saint Mark International Academy
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: Geronimo Elementary School

Address: Rodriguez, Rizal
Year Graduated: 2016

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Arnel T. Demayo Jr.

Address: 9 Iris St. West Fairview Quezon City
Email Address:
Date of Birth: December 7, 2002 Place of Birth: Quezon City
Age: 19 Gender: Male
Nickname: Jay Civil Status: Single
Mother: Catalina T. Demayo Occupation: House Wife
Father: Arnel T. Demayo Sr. Occupation: Construction Worker
Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education School: West Fairview High School
Address: Austin St. Fairview Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: West Fairview Elementary School

Address: Austin St. Fairview Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2016

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Mark Anthony Evardo

Address: Namasape Hoa Pechayan Kanan, North Fairview Q.C.
Email Address:
Date of Birth: February 5, 2004 Place of Birth: Bicol Province
Age: 17 Gender: Male
Nickname: Mark Civil Status: Single
Mother: Editha E. Sanuele Occupation: House Wife
Father: Reginald G. Sanuele Occupation: Jeepney Driver
Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education School: North Fairview High School
Address: Auburn St. North Fairview Subdivision Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: North Fairview Elementary School

Address: Avon St. North Fairview Subdivision Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2016

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Jan Edmar L. Jarme

Address: 99 Area 4-C Nawasaline Republic Avenue Brgy. Holy Spirit Q.C.
Email Address:
Date of Birth: June 4, 2004 Place of Birth: Hospital
Age: 17 Gender: Male
Nickname: Jan Jan Civil Status: Single
Mother: Marjie L. Jarme Occupation: Sreet Sweeper
Father: Eduardo B. Jarme Occupation: Welder
Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education School: Holy Spirit National High School
Address: Michael St. Holy Spirit Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: Manuel Luis Quezon Elementary School

Address: MRB 30 Adarna St. Commonwealth Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2015

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Jireh T. Juvilla

Address: Q.C. Commonwealth Brgy. Riverside St. 764
Email Address:
Date of Birth: May 17, 2002 Place of Birth: Hospital
Age: 19 Gender: Male
Nickname: JaJa Civil Status: Single
Mother: Sheila Juvilla Occupation: House Wife
Father: Joebelan Juvilla Occupation: Tiles Siter
Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education School: Holy Spirit National High School
Address: Kalapati St. Brgy. Holy Spirit Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: Dona Juana Elementary School

Address: Brgy. Holy Spirit Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2016

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Jenny L. Libres

Address: Road 1 Brgy. Bagong Silangan Q.C.
Email Address:
Date of Birth: September 27, 2003 Place of Birth: Quezon City
Age: 18 Gender: Female
Nickname: Jenny Civil Status: Single
Mother: Jasmin L. Libres Occupation: OFW
Father: Silvano O. Libres Occupation: Vendor
Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education School: Bagong Silangan High School
Address: J.P. Rizal St. Brgy. Bagong Silangan Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: Bagong Silangan Elementary School

Address: J.P. Rizal St. Brgy. Bagong Silangan Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2016

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Jay-ar J. Lingco

Address: Sanfernando Pampanga
Email Address:
Date of Birth: November 21, 2002 Place of Birth: Manila Q.C.
Age: 19 Gender: Male
Nickname: Jay Civil Status: Single
Mother: Vilma J. Lingco Occupation: House Wife
Father: Mario N. Lingco Occupation: Driver
Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education School: Ragandang Lebak Sultan Kudarat
Address: Lebak Sultan Kudarat
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: Ragandang Lebak Sultan Kudarat

Address: Lebak Sultan Kudarat
Year Graduated: 2016

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Jether S. Manabat

Email Address:
Date of Birth: Place of Birth:
Age: Gender:
Nickname: Civil Status:
Mother: Occupation:
Father: Occupation:

Secondary Education School:
Year Graduated:

Elementary School:
Year Graduated:

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Janet C. Medina

Address: Purok 6 Unit 7 Lower Nawasa Brgy. Commonwealth Q.C.
Email Address:
Date of Birth: February 24, 2004 Place of Birth: Quezon City
Age: 17 Gender: Female
Nickname: Jen Civil Status: Single
Mother: Teresita C. Medina Occupation: House Wife
Father: Jimmy B. Medina Occupation: Construction Worker
Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education School: West Fairview High School
Address: Austin St. Fairview Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: North Fairview Elementary School

Address: Avon Corner St. North Fairview Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2016

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Jefferson Molina

Address: 072 Riverside St. Brgy. Commonwealth Q.C.
Email Address:
Date of Birth: August 30, 2003 Place of Birth: 072 Riverside St. Brgy.
Commonwealth Q.C.
Age: 18 Gender: Male
Nickname: Jef Civil Status: Single
Mother: Winnie Molina Occupation: House Wife
Father: Jerry Molina Occupation:
Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education School: Commonwealth High School
Address: Ecol St. Brgy. Commonwealth Q.C.
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: Commonwealth Elementary School

Address: Commonwealth Avenue
Year Graduated: 2015

Gateways Institute of Science and Technology
Fairview Branch


Name: Pio Ismael D. Pineda

Address: 97 Macabagdal St. Corber 9th St. Brgy. 96 Caloocan City
Email Address:
Date of Birth: April 20, 2003 Place of Birth: Manila, Philippines
Age: 18 Gender: Male
Nickname: Pio Civil Status: Single
Mother: Elizabeth D. Pineda Occupation: Unemployed
Father: Maximiano P. Pineda Jr. Occupation: Unemployed
Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education School: St. Mary’s Academy Of Caloocan City
Address: Madre Ignacia Building, 12th Ave, East Grace Park, Caloocan Metro Manila
Year Graduated: 2020

Elementary School: St. Mary’s Academy Of Caloocan City

Address: Madre Ignacia Building, 12th Ave, East Grace Park, Caloocan Metro Manila
Year Graduated: 2016


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