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Water Bill 2021

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City of Brandon Utility Invoice

410 9th Street Retain copy for your records.

Duplicate copies will be subject to a fee.
Brandon, MB R7A 6A2 REPRINT
Account inquiries: 204-729-2262 or Office Hours: 8:30 - 5:00, Monday to Friday
Account Holder Service Address Account No.
DOE, JOHN E 1 123 ANYWHERE AVE. 2 00000.01 3
4 5
Your account number for telephone & Internet banking is 0000001 6
Invoice Date: Nov 30, 2021

Due Date: Dec 1, 2021
8 9 10 11 12 1.28% penalty added per month after due date
Billing Period Days Billed Previous Reading Current Reading Consumption Read Type Meter No. Invoice No.
Oct 1, 2021 to Oct 31, 2022 28 34505 34570 6.5 m3 Actual 12345678 0123456
13 14 15


Cash Receipt Mar 1, 2022 17 0.0 -$34.27


Administra�ve Service Charge 19 0.0 0.00000 $4.66

Water Consump�on 20 6.5 1.66000 $10.79
Chemical Bldg Debt Surcharge 21 6.5 0.08300 $0.5395
Wastewater Charge 22 6.5 1.63000 $10.60

Total due 24 $26.59

Pre-authorized Payment
Pre-authorized payments are processed on the first banking day of each month 26 $26.59

Account Holder Service Address Account No. Invoice No.

Doe, John E. 123 Anywhere Ave. 00000.01 0123456
------ Please return this stub with payment ------ Utility Invoice
Due Date: Dec 1, 2021
1.25% penalty added per month after due date
DOE, JOHN E. Amount Due: $26.59
28 Amount Paid: DO NOT PAY

If mailing, please specify amount paid on this portion of invoice and enclose with payment.
Please make cheques payable to: City of Brandon, 410 9th Street, Brandon MB R7A 6A2.
1. Account Holder - The primary name on the water account. Mul�ple names may be on the water account; however only
the primary name will appear here.
2. Service Address - Where the water service is provided and the water meter is located.
3. Account No. - Your account number is up to 7 digits long, including 2 digits a�er the decimal place. Your account
number will change if you move to a new residence.
4. Messages - Important communica�ons will be displayed here.
5. Telephone & Internet Banking - This is the number that should be used for se�ng up telephone or internet banking
payments for your water invoices. It will be 7 digits long and will not include the decimal found in your account number.
Remember if you move, the number used for telephone & internet banking payments should also be updated to your
new number.
6. Invoice Date - The date the invoice was printed.
7. Due Date - Payment due date, payments must be received on or before this date to avoid late penal�es. Accounts on
pre-authorized payment plans always have their payments withdrawn on the 1st day of month a�er the INVOICE DATE,
regardless of the due date that is printed.
8. Billing Period - The interval of �me from the start to the end of the billing cycle.
9. Days Billed - Number of days within the BILLING PERIOD.
10. Previous Reading - The star�ng meter read from the BILLING PERIOD.
11. Current Reading - The ending meter read from the BILLING PERIOD.
12. Consump�on - The property’s water usage in cubic meters for the BILLING PERIOD. It is calculated by the difference
between the CURRENT READING and PREVIOUS READING factoring the appropriate mul�plier. The most common
mul�plier for water meters is .1 or .001 mul�plier.
13. Read Type - The way in which the meter reading was acquired, either actual or staff es�mated. Actual reads are either
by radio frequency or by visual read. Staff es�mated indicates no meter reading was acquired and the meter reading is
based on es�mated consump�on.
14. Meter No. - An 8 digit iden�fying number unique to each water meter.
15. Invoice No. - A unique number iden�fying the invoicing document.
16. Previous Balance Total - This is the TOTAL DUE from the previous invoice.
17. Transac�ons - Includes cash receipts, penal�es, adjustments (tap open, temporary services, add to tax), & NSF fees.
18. Transac�on History Total - Is equal to the sum of all TRANSACTIONS listed.
19. Administra�ve Service Charge - A charge approved by the Public U�li�es Board to recover various administra�on
expenses of the U�lity.
20. Water Consump�on - Charges levied based on cubic meter consump�on, mul�plied by the water rate, which is
approved by the Public U�li�es Board.
21. Chemical Bldg Debt Surcharge - Charges levied based on cubic meter consump�on, mul�plied by the Debt Surcharge
rate, which is approved by the Public U�lity Board.
22. Wastewater Charge - Charges levied based on cubic meter consump�on, mul�plied by the wastewater rate, which is
approved by the Public U�li�es Board.
CHARGES & any other current charges.
24. Total Due - Amount owing on the account, the sum of the PREVIOUS BALANCE TOTAL, TRANSACTION HISTORY TOTAL
25. Pre-Authorized Payment Message - Reminder for accounts on pre-authorized payment plans only. Accounts on
pre-authorized payment plans always have their payments withdrawn on the 1st day of month a�er the INVOICE DATE,
regardless of the DUE DATE that is printed.
26. Pre-Authorized Payment - The amount that will be withdrawn on the 1st day of the month a�er the INVOICE DATE,
this only applies to accounts on pre-authorized payment plans.
27. Account Holders / Mailing Address - All account holders on the water account and the mailing address where the
invoice will be delivered to. This may be different from the SERVICE ADDRESS.
28. Amount Paid - To be completed by the customer and remi�ed with mailed payments indica�ng the payment amount.
Accounts on pre-authorized payment plans will display “DO NOT PAY”.

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