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Three Phase Traction Motor

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Three Phase Traction Motor

Made Simple
Historical background
• The electrical power got developed with DC

• The First railway used DC motors

• Three phase power was developed in 1890

• The AC became popular and soon AC motors

came to railways
Historical background cont’d
• The first proper use of three phase traction motor
was made in 1896

• The three phase motor was light, eliminated the

commutator, needed less maintenance and
regeneration was possible.

• We talk of advantages of three phase traction

motors till this day.
• But the use of three phase needed two /three
contact wires
• And also speed control was difficult
• This system was soon replaced with HV DC
and thereafter single phase AC
• The solid state electronics got developed in
• And the three phase traction motor again
made its appearance.
D C Series Motor
• The field winding has fairly large section copper , it
provides great resistance to shock and vibration;

• Flux varies with the armature current,

• Variation in torque will always be greater than the
variation in current

• The torque will be independent of variations in line

• The direct current motor is not subjected to the
limitations of transformer.

• In series motor speed automatically decreases as the

torque increases

• Parallel running possible

• DC series motor suits the railway application.

• The only major drawback being the presence of

commutator and the brushes.
Induction Motor
Equivalent Circuit Diagram


Torque Speed characteristics
Induction Motor
• The motor is a transformer with secondary
• The speed of the motor is Ns =
• Torque is T =𝑠𝐸2𝑟2 ÷ ( r2)2 +(sx2)2
• The motor draws 6 to 7 times the rated
current at start
• The starting torque is about half the
maximum torque
• Parallel operation of two motors is not
possible unless current difference can be
• Wheel diameters are needed to be almost
Comparison of Torques

Type Torque Startin Speed load Range

g characteristic of speed
current Control
D.C. shunt 2T 2I Constant 4:1
D.C. series 3T 2I Inverse 3:1
Squirrel T 6I normal normal

cage induction motor

v/f Motor T I v/f v/f

Slip ring induction 2.5 T 2I Normal Comparable

to dc shunt
motor motor
Single phase A.C. 3T 2I Inverse Several fixed
series motor speeds
Repulsion 3T 2I Inverse 4:1
Basics of V/F drive
Components of 3 ph drive
• .Transformer/Generator
• Line converter
• DC link
• Capacitor
• Inverter
D C Link
• The DC links for electric loco Diesel loco and
EMU are same with minor variation.
• The DC link of EMU and electric loco get
power from transformer and Diesel loco gets it
from generator
• The capacitor of Diesel loco is of higher size
• During dynamic braking the magnetising
current is provided by the capacitor in diesel
Three Phase Inverter
• The out put of this motor appears more
• In case of DC EMU,
DC motor was of 183 KW
The AC motor is 220 KW
The WAG 9 motor is 850KW
The WAG7 motor is 670 KW one hour
But the hauling capacity of WAG7 is more
This is because the output is 1.5 VA and not
1.732VI. The motor has to be further de rated due
to heat generated by harmonic current
Four Quadrant Operation
Torque Speed characteristics
T-S Curves
v v v f control
Scalar Control
• The ac rms quantities can be considered as dc
quantities as far as the magnitudes are
considered. For the change of speed of
induction motor, voltage can be changed
disregard of the angle between voltage and
current. The angle between the voltage and
current is irrelevant here, only the magnitudes
of the quantities are important for the speed
Scalar control
Vector Control
• For railway torque is more important than the
speed. The method of control where torque is
more importance than the speed is called
vector control or field orientation control.
• The field and the current is at right angles to
each other in DC machines.
• Such flux control is achieved by use of the
processor in vector control method of
induction motor.
Vector control
Mathematics Of Vector control
• A current for the three phases can be denoted as,

• I1cos(θ) , I2cos(θ-2π/3) and I3cos(θ+2π/3)

• These are the magnitudes of the currents in three
phases. To make them as vectors an angle is added to
these magnitudes so that these vectors are properly
spaced in the space. This is done by taking I1cos(θ) as
reference and multiplying
• I2cos(θ-2π/3) by ā which equals to
• cos 2π/3+jsin2π/3
• The Euler’s equality is ejθ =cosθ +jsinθ
• We multiply I3cos(θ+2π/3) by ā2 which is complex
conjugate of ā which is cos 2π/3-jsin2π/3
• Therefore total of these three phase currents become
equal to,
• I = I1cos(θ) + I2cos(θ-2π/3)*ā + I3cos(θ+2π/3)*ā2 …….(b)
• Keeping I1cos(θ) aside, the sum of the balance terms can
be found,

• I2cos(θ-2π/3)*ā + I3cos(θ+2π/3)*ā2

• = I2cos(θ-2π/3)*(cos 2π/3+jsin2π/3) + I3cos(θ+2π/3)*(cos

• Knowing,

• cos(θ-2π/3) = -1/2cos θ +√3/2sinθ

• cos(θ+2π/3) = -1/2cos θ -√3/2sinθ
• cos 2π/3+jsin2π/3 = -1/2 +j√3/2
• cos 2π/3 -jsin2π/3 = -1/2 -j√3/2

• Equation A will be simplified as 1/2cosθ +j3/2sinθ ,

adding cosθ , kept aside above, the expression will
become, 3/2cosθ +j3/2sinθ
• The equation (b) above is thus reduced to two vectors
which are at right angles to each other. The three
vectors are thus transformed into two parts, what is
called direct and quadrature axis. This is what is known
as Clarke’s transformation.
• Components of both voltage and the current are
transformed into d-q axis.

The claim of 30 % is not logical

1stator current, 2 stator voltage, 3 efficiency, 4supply frequency , 5 rotor frequency , 6 Torque,
7power factor,8 stator power
‘x’ axis’, represents the speed in rpm.
Advantages of this motor
• The absence of commutator,,
• The motor does not achieve a runaway speed.
• Due to the absence of the commutator, the
three phase motor can be theoretically lighter
• The regeneration is easily possible in this
• High speeds are possible with higher
frequencies .
Problems of this Motor
• The problems can be divided into following major
• Heat generation in rotor & stator.
• Unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP)
• Circulating current in the bearing, Pinion & Shaft,
• Opening of joints in the overhang portion of
stator coils,
• Vibrations,
• Converter problems.
Heat Generation cont’d
Heat Generation
• More Harmonic loss than normal Induction
• Big motors have more loss
For example 30 HP motor with sinusoidal
supply has no load loss as 687.5w and with non
sinusoidal supply it is 765w or 77.5w more
• The heat gives rise to opening of rotor bar
Heat Generation con’d
• Tensile strength of copper drops with
temperature rise
• Eddy current loss is more since it is
Proportional to square of frequency and
frequency is high in v/f drive
• Starting current in v/f drive is small but
duration is more
• Unlike dc series motor, these motors work in
regeneration mode adding to heat generated.
UMP cont’d
• The gap “g” can never be ensured as uniform
• With eccentricity of “x”, the resultant pull on
one side will be,
𝐵𝑔2 𝑔 𝑔
∙ 𝐴𝑝 −
2𝜇0 𝑔−𝑥 𝑔+𝑥
𝐵𝑔 is the flux density, 𝐴𝑝 is area under the pole
• This is a very large force and can bend the
Circulating current
• The stator induces voltage in the shaft
• This current can damage the bearings and gear teeth
Part 2004 – 05 2005 - 06 2006 - 07





No. of

No. of

No. of




Pinion 18 324 5.6 33 336 9.8 64 354 18.1
Bearing 3 324 0.9 10 336 3.0 13 354 3.7

• A single insulated bearing cannot stop the flow

• The two insulating bearings will have voltage built up
Other problems
• Opening of joints in the overhang portion of
stator coils, is due to heat
• Vibrations is caused due to harmonics
• Converter is a part of motor for comparison
with DC motor and has its own problems
• To get high starting torque, the gear ratio of
this motor is high
Three wire system
DC Series motor
Difference in wheel diameter

1 2
I M characteristics
Typical Three Phase system
Variation in voltage

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