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Guideline - Review - of - Supplier - Welding - Docs (18.08)

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Guideline: Alignment of supplier welding documents review.

1.  Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 3 

2.  Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 3 

3.  References ............................................................................................................................... 3 

4.  Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................... 4 

5.  Review of single WPS .............................................................................................................. 4 

5.1.  General ........................................................................................................................................... 4 

5.2.  Approval status codes .................................................................................................................. 6 

5.3.  Checklist ......................................................................................................................................... 6 

5.4.  WPS content and range of approval .......................................................................................... 7 

5.5.  Extent of testing and test results (reports attached to WPQR) .............................................. 7 

5.6.  Parent and filler material certificates, PWHT report ................................................................ 8 

5.7.  WPS review history ...................................................................................................................... 8 

5.7.1. New WPS ............................................................................................................................... 8 

5.7.2. Reuse of WPS ....................................................................................................................... 8 

5.7.3. FMC approval code disagreement ..................................................................................... 8 

6.  Review of Welding Book .......................................................................................................... 9 

6.1.  General ........................................................................................................................................... 9 

6.2.  Checklist ......................................................................................................................................... 9 

6.2.1. Weld Plan (weld map) .......................................................................................................... 9 

6.2.2. WPSs ...................................................................................................................................... 9 

6.3.  DR-4 in SAP .................................................................................................................................. 9 

Appendix A. Example of SMDR .................................................................................................... 10 

Appendix B. Example of DBI ......................................................................................................... 11 

Appendix C. DR4 in SAP............................................................................................................... 13 

Appendix D. Typical code 3 and 2 decisions ................................................................................. 16 

Appendix E. Example of WPS based on ISO 15614-1.................................................................. 19 

Appendix F. Example of WPS based on ASME IX ........................................................................ 20 

Appendix G. Explanation of WPS / WPQR content....................................................................... 21 

Appendix H. Welding processes according to EN ISO 4063 ......................................................... 31 

Appendix I. Welding positions according to EN ISO 6947 and ASME IX ...................................... 32 


1. Purpose
The purpose of this Local Work Instruction is to carry out uniform review of supplier’s welding
documents by Materials Engineers and Welding Engineers. It is developed to secure that supplier
receive the same codes and comments for the same documents if requirements are the same. All
personnel in the material department should have the same interpretation of specs, standards
and regulations. When necessary, interpretation shall be clarified with a Chief Engineer and shall
be registered and distributed.

2. Scope
The document is intended for use by Materials Engineers and Welding Engineers while reviewing
Welding Procedure Specifications and Welding Books. Instruction contains checklists for review
based on international/national standards, FMC specifications, customers’ specifications.

3. References
International/national standards

Document number Title

ASME IX Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications

AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel

DNV OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems

Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials

ISO 15614-1 – Welding procedure test – Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc
welding of nickel and nickel alloys

Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials

ISO 15614-5 – Welding procedure test – Part 5: Arc welding of titanium, zirconium and
their alloys

ISO 15614-7 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials
– Welding procedure test – Part 7: Overlay welding

ISO 15614-11 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials
– Welding procedure test – Part 11: Electron beam welding

Norsok M-101 Structural steel fabrication

Norsok M-601 Welding and inspection of piping

FMC requirements

Document number Title

SPC60XXXXXX Specifications for welding, NDE and other processes that include some/all
requirements, e.g. SPC60083562, SPC60087381, SPC60091356, etc.

WDS-0000014 Welding specification for type UNS NO6625 weld metal overlay

WDS-0000015 Welding data sheet, welding and inspection of small bore tubing and
related components

4. Terms and definitions

 Preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS) – a reference document to be
used by the welder to complete a welding procedure qualification test piece. Along with
the dimensions, joint configuration, consumable type etc it gives the suggested welding
parameters to be used (i.e. current, voltage, welding speed) based on the responsible
welding coordinator knowledge and/or past experience.

 Welding Procedure Qualification Record (Welding Procedure Approval Record) –

(WPQR/WPAR) – a record comprising all necessary data needed for qualification of
preliminary welding procedure specification.

 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) – a document that has been qualified. It

provides the required variables of the welding procedure to ensure repeatability during
production welding.

 Weld Plan – a document or drawing also known as "weld map" that is indentifying WPS
and inspection/NDE requirements for each individual weld.

 Welding Book – a document that contains all related WPSs and WPQRs for the given
part. It may contain weld plan.

 Supplier Master Document Register (SMDR) – an agreement between the supplier and
FMC Technologies on what documents the supplier shall submit for review.

 Database Information (DBI) – product description / technical requirements overview.

 Material Selection and Corrosion Protection Philosophy – a document that presents

the overall strategy for the material selection, fabrication, corrosion protection and thermal
insulation related to the deliveries for the given project based on customer and FMC
requirements and agreed clarifications.

Welding documentation flow at supplier

5. Review of single WPS

5.1. General
Supplier includes procedures like WPS / WPQR, Coating Procedures, Heat treatment Procedures
and NDE Procedures in SMDR (see appendix A) and send to FMC for review and approval. The
same procedures can be submitted for different projects. As a general rule, all procedures should
be reviewed in a DR4 form for each Project. In some cases (on standard products) a general

approval for all projects can be given if the requirements are the same regardless of project
specific requirements.

Short overview of supplier’s documents related to welding to be found in Table 1.

Table 1. Overview of supplier’s documents related to welding

Document type: SMDR pWPS WPQR WPS

Content: List of Suggested Qualification test Variables of the

documents from welding record (welding welding
supplier per PO parameters to be parameters used procedure
used + test reports +
material Qualified range
certificates) of welding

Review Are the Informal review, Review to Code Does WPQR

requirements: documents NO DR4 requirements and cover qualify the
relevant for the project specific WPS?
PO / PN? requirements.
WPS to be
NO separate checked to the
DR4. specific weld by
looking into the
DR4 for WPS part report (DBI).
shall cover
comments to the

Linking: N/A NO Linking to be Linking to be

done on DR4 done on DR4
not in SAP or E-
plan unless
specific project

The submitted, specified WPS shall be reviewed to the following:

1. Product and relevant requirements in DBI (see Appendix B)

Can the WPS be used on the specific weld? - Drawing on the DBI or weld plan (weld
map) listed in the SMDR to be checked. - Ambitious! (Finn)

2. Project requirements (specified in Material Selection and Corrosion Protection


It is the WPS that will be reviewed; WPQRs are supporting documents and will not get a separate
approval code, but will be referred to in the DR4 form. Technical requirements in standards,
specs and regulations should be fulfilled as far as possible. If this is not possible engineering
judgment shall be used. The criticality of the Product must be considered in such cases. ON
HOLD: Typical welds with high criticality are pressure containing welds, fatigue sensitive welds,
cladding, welds of high load structural components. Other structural welds (e.g. ROV basket)
have lower criticality. This is also reflected in the design class and steel quality level.

Review of WPS is documented in DR4 form for material department, each WPS and Project.
Example of DR4 is to be found in Appendix C.

5.2. Approval status codes

Review codes to be used on DR4:

"1" - Accepted with no comments

"2" - Accepted with comments - ON HOLD: to be deleted?
"2x" - Document returned before the customer's final approval / comments. Please hold next
revision of the document until receipt of FMC final comments, or until document is given approval
status code 1.
"3" - Rejected, with comments
"4" - For information only

Comments to use of codes:

Production can start when WPS is in code "1" or "2".

ON HOLD: code 2 to be deleted? Code "2" means minor comments in terms of clarifications
according to spec requirements. Code “2” comments shall always refer to specific requirements
(code or project)!

Code "2x" is an information to supplier that FMC have no comments, but client will also review
the document. Start of production is at supplier’s risk. Some projects do not approve the use of
code "2x". To be checked with project prior to review.

Code "3" means "STOP" and should be used only when the technical content is such that it is not
advisable to fabricate - Finn disagree. In these matters direct communication between FMC
Materials Engineer and supplier is needed to clarify and agree upon alternative and acceptable
solutions. Code “3” comments shall always refer to specific requirements (code or project)!

Finn: if deemed necessary by the reviewer code 3 can be used to ensure implementation of
comments before start of welding.

!! NOTE: under no circumstances can the DR4 review be used in lieu of a deviation /
concession request. In cases where a deviation / concession request has been handled in
the QN system it can be referred to in the DR4

For typical code 2 and 3 see Appendix D.

5.3. Checklist
In general the following information is to be checked while reviewing WPS:

I. WPS content and range of approval

II. WPQR front page content (shall be stamped / signed by an examiner (third party)

III. Extent of destructive and NDE testing and test results: reports attached to WPQR (shall
be stamped / signed by an examiner (third party))

IV. Parent and filler material certificates, PWHT report

V. Weld log. ON HOLD: we don’t have requirements for this. If we start asking weld log many
of existing WPSs will be invalid.

5.4. WPS content and range of approval

Review of WPS shall ensure that the WPS essential parameters are covered qualified by the
WPQR. WPS shall provide all the necessary information required to make a weld.

Welding Procedure Specification and WPQRs content shall be prepared in accordance with ISO
15614-1 (-5/ -7/ -11) (see example of WPS in Appendix E) or ASME IX (see example of WPS in
Appendix F).

Requirements for essential variables and acceptance range shall be checked in accordance with
the following standards:

For piping systems: ASME IX / Norsok M-601 and ISO 15614 + customer specs

For structural welds: Norsok M-101 and ISO 15614 or AWS D1.1 + customer specs

ISO 15614, Norsok M-601, Norsok M-101 and AWS D1.1 contain essential and nonessential
variables. ASME IX also defines supplementary essential variables.

Essential variables are conditions in which a change, as described in the specific variables, is
considered to affect the mechanical properties of the joint. Before using a procedure specification
whose essential variables have been revised and fall outside their qualified range, the procedure
specification must be re-qualified.
Supplementary essential variables are conditions in which a change will affect the toughness
properties of the joint, heat-affected zone, or base material. Supplementary essential variables
become additional essential variables in situations where procedure qualifications require
toughness testing. When procedure qualification does not require the addition of toughness
testing, supplementary essential variables are not applicable.
Nonessential variables are conditions in which a change, as described in the specific variables,
is not considered to affect the mechanical properties of the joint. A procedure specification may
be editorially revised to change a nonessential variable to fall outside of its previously listed
range, but does not require requalification of the procedure specification.

Explanation of WPS / WPQR content is given in Appendix G.

Additional requirements are listed in FMC specifications and Customer specifications. References
to these specifications are to be found in Material Selection and Corrosion Protection Philosophy
for the project.

5.5. Extent of testing and test results (reports attached to WPQR)

Extent of testing based on materials, weld type and geometry to be checked. All test reports shall
be attached to WPQR.

Testing includes both non-destructive (NDT) and destructive testing which shall be in accordance
with the requirements of relevant standard and client specs.

Impact test: test temperature shall be in compliance with project minimum design temperature
requirements / spec requirements.

ON HOLD: NDE reports: acceptance criteria (name of reference standard) to be checked.

5.6. Parent and filler material certificates, PWHT report
The WPQR / PQR documentation shall include the material certificates for the base and filler
materials applied in the weld qualification test according to Norsok M-101, Norsok M-601. PWHT
report and legible time vs temperature chart shall be included in the WPQR.

Chemical composition, mechanical properties, microstructure (if applicable), ferrite counting (if
applicable), corrosion test (if applicable) shall be checked according to international standards /
FMC material specs / customer specs. Reference code requirement (NORSOK, ASME IX, etc)
shall be stated.

Only material certificates type 3.1 and 3.2 according to BS EN 10204 are acceptable.

Table 2. Material certificates according to BS EN 10204

Certificate type Definition Examining body

3.1 Inspection certificate. Specific inspection Manufacturer’s authorized


3.2 Inspection certificate. Specific inspection Purchaser’s authorized (or

official designated) inspector.

”Third party”

5.7. WPS review history

5.7.1. New WPS

New WPS (first time review) shall be checked by 2 Material Engineers (quality check).
Double check will help to avoid mistakes and next reviewers will not need to review WPS
against Norsok / ASME IX / AWS D1.1 requirements, but only to product and project

5.7.2. Reuse of WPS

WPS may be used for many projects and therefore receive several DR4’s. If the Project
requirements are different, the WPS can get different approval codes.

Content of DR4 of previous reviewers for given WPS is to be checked prior to issue of a
new DR-4.

5.7.3. FMC approval code disagreement

In cases where a previous approval code is not agreed the review responsible Materials
Engineer must contact the previous reviewer in order to clarify the disagreement.

In cases where previous reviews are made incorrect the consequences on previous PO’s
must be evaluated and, based on criticality, QN shall be issued.

6. Review of Welding Book
6.1. General
Welding Book contains all related WPSs and WPQRs for the given part. It may contain weld plan.

6.2. Checklist
- Weld Plan (weld map) – if any

- WPSs

6.2.1. Weld Plan (weld map)

The following information is required listed for each weld, in the Weld Plan (weld map):
 Weld number
 WPS number and revision
 Materials to be welded
 NDE procedure number and revision
Requirements for pressure containing equipment are listed in SPC60067459.

6.2.2. WPSs
See section 5 of this document.

6.3. DR-4 in SAP

Creating DR-4 for Welding Book, put the content of the document in the first line for easy
understanding. See example in Appendix C.
Appendix A. Example of SMDR

a. Name of supplier document.

Supplier’s documents listed in SMDR and SMDR itself are stored in SAP system.
b. Revision of the document
c. PN – Part Number

Appendix B. Example of DBI

a  c 


a. Part Number
b. Short Part description
c. Drawing number (welds and materials to be checked on drawings)
d. Engineering notes related to welding
e. FMC material specifications
Appendix C. DR4 in SAP
Document center for each Project receives the WPS/WPQR from supplier and register into SAP
and E-Plan before forwarding the documents for review to the Materials department. Materials
department review WPS, give a code and link the supplier document to the DR4 form. If WPS is
in code 1 or 4 the supplier document itself shall be released in SAP. Documents in code 2 or 3
shall be updated to VC status.

When code 2 or 3 is given to WPS, reference to standard / spec requirement that WPS is
deviating from shall be made for each comment. Exact date to be stated in “Due” field, not
“ASAP”. Revision of standard / spec to be stated in “requirement specification” field.

Proposal: DR4 revision number + date + reviewer’s initials to be stated under the “subcontractor
documentation” table to keep history of review. Example: DR4 rev. 0, 29.04.11, SB.
Example of DR4 for single WPS:


a. WPS number as stated in SMDR

b. WPS description (type of welding, materials to be welded)
c. PN and short product description (as in DBI): some customers, e.g. Total, require product
description information, including PNs, to be stated in the “description” field.

Example of DR4 for Welding Book:

Appendix D. Typical code 3 and 2 decisions
WPS/WPQR Requirement Code if Req. not met Comment

Code 2 comments on Instruction to supplier

previous review not that code 2 comments
implemente shall not be ignored.

Missing / wrong Supporting WPQR 3 WPQR can be

WPQR shall be submitted reviewed at supplier
or a statement from
3rd party, e.g. DNV
that WPQR meet
requirements can be
accepted (if accepted
by client)

WPQR - scanned 3
docs are unreadable

WPQR - missing docs Test reports missing in 3 Supplier to submit or

WPQR packag 3rd party to verify.

Material certificates Engineering judgment

missing in WPQR 2/3 (depends on criticality)

WPS details They shall be stated in 2/3 Engineering judgment

(single/multi-run, WPS according to (depends on criticality)
w/wo backing, string, relevant standard
weaving) based on WPQR

Sketch Root face, weld bevel 2/3 Code 3: only for

angle, throat thickness, essential variables
buttering thickness and according to relevant
cladding thickness spec
shall be stated (as

Carbon equivalent / It shall be stated in 2 ISO 15614-1, ISO

material group ISO based WPQR and 15608, Norsok M-101
number WPS

P-number It shall be stated on 2 ASME IX

ASME IX based

Heat Input range Shall be according to 23 Range calculated to

relevant spec min. and max. tested
heat input. Contact
supplier for

PWHT Q & T materials: 3 Contact supplier for

PWHT temp, soaking clarification
time and range or production test to
according to relevant verify Yield strength
spec shall be stated on and hardness
the WPS. “The max
PWHT temperature
shall be min 20 ° C
below the base
material tempering
temp.” If not, there
shall be extra
mechanical test and
fracture mechanics
evaluation (as
production test) based
on FMC/customer
requirements attached
to the WPQR

WPQR Test Results shall 2/ When test results are

meet relevant 3 slightly outside
standard/specs acceptance criteria
use engineering
judgment. Can be
solved by NCR

If accepted by client:
production tests or
requalification to be
performed to meet

Dimensions Range specified in 2/ Can be evaluated

relevant spec together with client.
If it is just small
deviation (use
engineering judgment)
then it can be solved
by NCR.

Materials Range specified in 3 WPQR not covering

relevant spec actual materials to be

Ref Standards / Spec NORSOK M-101, 21/3 If the WPS and

WPQR meet
NORSOK M-601, requirements then
ISO 15614-1, code 2 1, if not – code
WDS-0000014, 3

WDS-0000015 or
another client spec
shall be stated

Shielding gas and Gas composition e.g. 1/2 Code 2: some clients
purging gas need clarification with
composition Ar 99,99%; terms like Ar 4.0
Ar 88% + CO2 12%

Ref to applicable code

in EN-439/ISO14175
can be used

UNS no 25Cr duplex 3/1 Depending of

applicable standard

NORSOK M-601 rev

4: essential variable,
but rev 5 not essential

CTOD testing This is usually not For more info read

required for subsea Norsok M-101 rev. 4
structures unless it is
required by customer
or any technical

Appendix E. Example of WPS based on ISO 15614-1

Appendix F. Example of WPS based on ASME IX


Appendix G. Explanation of WPS / WPQR content

Essential parameter +
supplementary essential *

Norsok M -101
Norsok M-601
Definition WPQR / WPS

AWS D1.1**

ISO 15614

1 Identification Unique document number, revision, date

of WPQR /

2 Identification Supplier / sub-supplier name

of the

3 Project The name of the FMC project document is "All" can be stated
intended to be used for.

4 Location X X X WPQR: location of welding qualification test WPS location shall be the same as in WPQR.
WPS: location of production welding.

5 Client Customer name Not mandatory

6 Reference Reference to international / national standards

specification and/or FMC / customer specs where relevant
requirements are listed

7 Supporting WPQR: pWPS number

WPS: corresponding WPQR(s) number and

8 Reference Standard that defines the conditions for the ISO 15614-1, ISO 15614-5, ISO 15614-7, ISO
standard execution of the welding procedure tests and the 15614-11 or ASME IX to be stated here
range of qualification for welding procedures.

9 Examining The name of institution/ organization examining

body and approving welding procedure test.

10 Welding X X X Welding process(es) used in accordance with Few processes can be used.
process EN ISO 4063 (see Appendix H)

11 Shielding gas X X X X Inert or semi-inert gas intended to protect the Gas content (%) or gas designation with
weld area from atmospheric gases, such as reference to EN 439 / ISO 14175, flow rate to
oxygen, nitrogen, and water vapour. be specified

12 Weaving X A welding technique in which the energy source Maximum width of run to be specified (mm)
is oscillated transversely as it progresses along
the weld path.

13 Purging gas Gas intended to protect the weld area from Gas content (%) or gas designation with
atmospheric gases, such as oxygen, nitrogen, reference to EN 439 / ISO 14175 to be
and water vapour (applicable for pipes) specified

14 Welding X X X X Applicable welding positions in accordance with

position EN ISO 6947 (see Appendix I)

15 Joint type X X Butt-weld / fillet weld / cladding / buttering:

Butt joint is a type of joint between two metal
parts that lie in the same plane.
Fillet weld is a type of weld that is triangular in
shape and joins two surfaces at right angles to
each other in a lap joint, T-joint, or corner joint.
Cladding is deposition of one or more layers of
weld metal to the surface of a base material to
achieve the desired dimensions or properties
replacing lost material or providing a wear or
corrosion resistance surface.
Buttering is the addition of material, by welding,
on one or both faces of a joint, prior to the
preparation of the joint for final butt welding, for
the purpose of providing a suitable transition
weld deposit for the subsequent completion of
the joint.

16 Joint X Preparation of the fusion faces, i.e. grinding,

preparation machining

17 Cleaning Where a process generates a slag protecting the

method weld metal this slag shall be removed from each
run of weld metal before a further run is
For welding processes using a shielding gas it
may be necessary to remove adherent oxides
before the deposition of further runs.

18 Backing X X X A strip of metal located on the side opposite of The method and type of backing, backing

the weld that provides a surface for depositing material and dimensions
the first layer of metal to prevent molten metal
from escaping through the joint. Weld backing is
used for full penetration welds.

Backing gas X X A gas, such as argon, helium, nitrogen, or For gas backing, gas in accordance with EN
reactive gas, which is employed to exclude 439
oxygen from the root side (opposite from the
welding side) of weld joints.

19 Single/double X X X Single or double sided welding

20 Single / multi- X X X X

21 Back gouging X The removal of weld metal and base metal from The method to be used, depth and shape
the weld root side of a welded joint to facilitate
complete fusion and complete joint penetration
upon subsequent welding from that side.

22 Flux X X Flux is intended to generate the necessary To be specified if applicable

designation protection from the atmosphere, producing both
gaseous protection and liquid slag protecting the

23 Flux handling Number of specification if applicable

24 Tungsten X X Tungsten electrodes are used when arc welding Electrode size to be specified
electrode with the Tungsten Inert gas (TIG) process or
when plasma welding. In both processes the
electrode, arc and weld pool are protected from
atmospheric contamination by an inert gas. A

tungsten electrode is used because it can

withstand very high temperatures with minimal
melting or erosion

25 Torch angle X An angle between gas torch and metal surface

26 Standoff X Distance between flame electrode and metal

distance surface

27 Nozzle X

28 Tack welding X Tack welds are intended to retain the Number of procedure and its revision shall be
procedure components in alignment during welding specified if applicable

29 Mode of metal X X X The manner in which molten metal travels from

transfer the end of a consumable electrode to the
Globular transfer (arc welding): molten metal is
transferred across the arc in large droplets.
Short-circuiting transfer (gas metal-arc welding):
molten metal from a consumable electrode is
deposited during repeated short circuits.
Spray transfer: molten metal from a consumable
electrode is propelled axially across the arc in
small droplets.
Pulsed power welding: an arc welding process
variation in which the welding power source is
programmed to cycle between low and high
power levels.

30 Weld A sketch of the joint design/configuration and

preparation dimensions (bevel angle, root gap, root face) or
design reference to standards which provide such
(sketch): information.
Joint design X X X X

Welding Weld run sequence given on the sketch if

sequences essential for the properties of the weld

of parent

31 Carbon Content of carbon in chemical composition of To be specified for structural carbon steel (not
content given alloy mandatory)

32 Carbon X X Used to understand how the different alloying CEV = C+Mn/6+(Cr+Mo+V)/5+(Ni+Cu)/15

Equivalent: elements affect hardness of the steel being
CEV/ Pcm welded.  For an CEV above 0.40% there is a
potential for cracking.
Pcm to be specified if C<0,13 % and CEV if

33 Material name X X X X
/ grade

34 Reference International standard material was made in

standard accordance to (chemical composition,
mechanical properties are listed in standard)

35 Material X Metallic materials are grouped according to CR


group/ sub- ISO 15608.


36 P-number X Metallic materials are grouped according to


Penetration X Applicable for electron beam welding and laser

beam welding

37 Delivery X Steel condition after heat treatment/ mechanical +AR as rolled

condition treatment
+N normalized
+M thermo-mechanically rolled
+Q quenched
+QT quenched and tempered

38 Material X X X X X WPQR: thickness of test piece, mm.

thickness /
WPS: qualified thickness range for materials to
be welded, mm

39 Material X X X WPQR: outside diameter of test piece, mm.

WPS: qualified diameter range for materials to
be welded, mm.
range (pipes)

of filler

39 Material name X X X X

/ grade

40 Material X X Material classification according to international

standard standard

41 Material group Number(s) of the group(s) as given in CR ISO

/ sub-group 15608

F-number X

A-number X

42 Additional info i.e. filler handling

43 Material size X X X Filler wire diameter


44 Wire feed X X Length of wire consumed per unit time, m/min


45 Arc welding X X Current passing through the electrode, A

current range

46 Arc voltage X X Electrical potential between contact tip or

(U) electrode holder and work piece, V

47 Type of X X X Alternating current (AC), direct current (DC),


current pulsed current

48 Welding speed X X Travel speed of the weld pool, mm/min


49 Gas X X Gas flow rate, l/min

50 Heat input X X X X Energy introduced into the weld region during The heat input value shall be calculated as
range (Q) welding per unit run length. follows (according to EN 1011-1):
The heat input can be a main influencing factor Q=k*I*V/(1000*u), kJ/mm
on the properties of welds.
In case of manual welding:
WPQR: heat input range to be specified.
For lower heat input limit calculations: I –
WPS: qualified heat input range to be specified. mean, V – mean, v – max; for upper limit: I -
mean, V – mean, v – min.
In case of automatic welding:
For lower heat input limit calculations: I - min,
V – min, v – max; for upper limit: I – max, V –
max, v – min.

51 Thermal Ratio of heat energy introduced into the weld to

efficiency the electrical energy consumed by the arc. k
factor k values are given in Appendix H

52 Preheat X X X X The minimum temperature of the work piece in

temperature the weld zone immediately prior to any welding
operation. Depends on material specifications

53 Interpass X X X The highest temperature in a multi-run weld and To be specified if applicable

temperature adjacent parent metal immediately prior to the
application of the next run. Depends on material


54 Heat treatment Number of procedure and its revision


55 Temperature Preheat and interpass temperature

control measurement method

56 Post Weld X X X Heat treatment used to improve the properties of Temperature max, soaking time, heating rate,
a weldment
cooling rate to be specified if applicable

Equipment X

Pressure of X Applicable for electron beam welding


Angle of beam X Applicable for electron beam welding and laser

axis beam welding

Pulsing X Applicable for electron beam welding


57 Remarks Some additional or important information that

shall be known

58 Additional info Date, signature, stamp, welding company

* Supplementary essential parameters are relevant only for ASME IX.

** Essential variables are different for different types of welding. Details to be checked in tables QW-252 – QW-269.1 of ASME IX and table 3.8 of AWS D1.1.
Appendix H. Welding processes according to EN ISO 4063

Process No Process Factor k

121 Submerged arc welding with wire electrode 1,0

111 Metal-arc welding with covered electrode 0,8

131 MIG welding 0,8

135 MAG welding 0,8

114 Flux-cored wire metal-arc welding without gas shield 0,8

136 Flux-cored wire metal-arc welding with active gas shield 0,8

137 Flux-cored wire metal-arc welding with inert gas shield 0,8

138 Metal-cored wire metal-arc welding with active gas shield 0,8

139 Metal-cored wire metal-arc welding with inert gas shield 0,8

141 TIG welding 0,6

15 Plasma arc welding 0,6

Appendix I. Welding positions according to EN ISO 6947 and

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