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Clinical 2 Mid Paper

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Chap 8: clinical interview


Validity to the extent that it measures what it claims to mesasure.

Content validity has content appropriate for what what is being measured
Convergent validity coorelate with others techniques that measure the same things.
Discriminant validity does not coorelate with techniques that measures some thing else.
Reliability to the extent that it yields consistent repeatable results.
Test-retest reliability yields similar results across multiple administrations at different times
Interrater reliability yields similar results across different administrators
Internal validity consists of items that are consistent with one another.
Clinical utility improves delivery of services or outcome.
The vast majority of clinical psychologists use interviews for assesment.
Psychological testing has been called the one of the brightest jewels in the crown of clinical psychology.

General skills of clinical psychologist

Self -Quited is the interviewr’s internal thinking pattern.
Being self aware the type of self awareness that should be maximized is the inteviwers ability to know how
he or she tend to affect others interpersonality and how others tend to relate to him or her.
Developing positive working relationship benefit for both parties. Attentive listening, appropriate empathy,
genuine respect, and cultural senstivity.

Specific behaviours
Eye contact, Body language, Vocal qualities, Verbal tracking,Refering to the client by the proper name

Components of the interview

Rapport refers to a positive comfortable relationship between interviewer and client.
Techniques direct versus nondirect styles,
Directive style get exactly the information they need by asking clients specifically for it.
Nondirective style allow the client to determine the course of the interview.
Both approaches directive and nondirective play an important role in interviewing.
Open-ended already prepare by interviewer and close-ended unstructured questions prepare by interviewer.
Clarification question is to make sure the interviewer has an accurate understanding of the clients
Confrontation use when the interviewer notive discrepancies in a clients comments
Confrontation focus on apparently contradictory information provided by client.
Parapharasing ( restate the content of client) is used to simply ensure clients that they are accurately heard.
Reflection of feelings (enchoes the clients emotions) intended to make clients feel that their emotions are
Summarizing usually involves tying together various topics that may have been dicussed in interview.

Paragmatics of the interview

Note taking some write profusely during interviews filling the pages with observation of their clients and
selected snippers of the conservation.
Written notes are more reliable then interviewwers memory.
Audio videos recoeding clinical psychologist may prefer to audio or video recoding.
Interviewer and client in chairs t the angle between 90 to 180.
Confidentiality not disclose the information of client with others.

Types of interview
Intake interview the intake interview determines whether the client needs treatment if so what form of
interview is needed like inpatient, outpatient, specialized provider.
Diagnostic interview name indicates the purpose is to diagnose.
Structured predetermined planned sequence of questions, and unstructured interviews no predetermined or
planned questions.
Structured interview possess a number of advantages over unstructured interviews.
Structured interview more reliable then unstructured interviews.
SCID structured clinical interview for DSM-4 diorders was created by some of the leading authors of recent
editions of DSM.
There are two versions of SCID one for Axis I and two for Axis II disorders.
Semi structured interview contain both structured and unstructured interview questions.

Mental State Examination its primary purpose is to quickly asses how the client is functioning at the
time of evaluation.
Crisis interview is a special type of interview.
They design not only to assess a problem demanding urgent attention but aslo to provide immediate and
effective intervention for that problem.
Crisis interview can conducted inperson but also take place often on the telephone via sucide hostile, crisis
Ch.7 Diagnostic and Classification Issues

1. Much of research and practice conducted by clinical psychologist focus on _______

Abnormality (also known as mental disorder, psychiatric diagnosis or psychopathology)

2. Harmful dysfunction theory gave by __________

Jerome Wake-field in 1990s

3. Discussion of abnormal behavior appears in the writings of which societies ______

1. Ancient Chinese
2. Hebrew
3. Egyption
4. Greek
5. Roman
6. All of the above

4. Who was the one that was offering natural causes of disorder instead supernatural explanations?
Hippocrates (causes are imbalance of bodily fluid)

5. Asylums for the treatment of mentally ill established in ____ and by ________
In 1900s by Europe and US

6. Who labeled specific categories such as manic depressive psychosis and dementia praecox in DSM?
Emil Kraepelin

7. Which disorder is listed in the appendix of DSM-4 and TR as a provisional disorder?

Minor depressive disorder

8. Which model tells that each disorder is an entity defined categorically and features a list of specific
Medical model of psychopathology in DSM

9. DSM-1 published in 1952 (have disorder 106)

10. DSM-2 published in 1968 (have disorder 182)

11. DSM-3 published in 1980 (265 total disorder, DSM-3 contains 3 times large as compare to DSM-2)

12. DSM-3 R published in 1987

DSM-4 and DSM4-TR are organized into 16 broad classes.
DSM-4 published in 1994 Anxiety disorder category includes (panic d, OCD, and similar d)
Eating disorder category include ( bulimia, anorexia, and like)
DSM-4 TR published in 2000 Infancy disorders category include(autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity d, learning
13. DSM-5 published in 2022 and DSM-5 TR in 2023

14. DSM-I and DSM-II was empirical based or not?


15. Reent DSM works on which system?

Multiaxial system

16. How much axes have Multiaxial system?

17. Axis-I (more episodic)

18. Axis-II (more stable or longer)

19. Axis-III and IV

20. Axis-III and IV are associate with medical condition and psycho-social/environmental problems

21. Axis-V (known as Global Assessment of Functioning scale. GAF)

22. DSM-4 feactured three types of information regarding culture.

23. First type is: comments on cultural variations

24. Second type is: cultural bound syndorome
25. Third type is: outline for cultural formulation

26. A syndorome which is not official diagnostic categories and their listing do not include specific criteria
lists / just present in appendix in DSM-4 is known as
Cultural bound syndorome

27. Which of the following list is a criticism on DSM?

Breadth of coverage,
Arbitrary cutoffs,
Cultural issues,
Gender bise,
Non empirical influence, limitations on objectivity
All of above

28. Premenstural dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is related to ____


29. Which type of approach DSM offers _____

Categorical approach (Yes/No)

30. What is the alternative approach to the categorical method?

Dimensional approach
Chap No: 7

Question:1 Diagnosis and classification of mental disorders: a brief hsiory

Before the DSM
Hippocrates wrote extensively about abnormality
Philippe pinel proposed specific categories such as melancholia, mania, and dementia among others.
Around 1900 more important steps were taken toward the eventual DSM system that we currently use.
Emil kraepelin labeled spesific categries such as manic-depressive psychosis and dementia praecox.
DSM ealier editions
DSM-I was published by the American Psyciatric Association in 1952.
DSM-II in 1968
DSM-III in 1980 was very dissimilar from DSM-I and DSM-II.
DSM-III-R in 1987 by American Psychiatric Association
DSM-IV in 1994 by by American Psychiatric Association
DSM-IV-TR in 2000 by American Psychiatric Association
DSM--recent editions

Question 2: Criticisms of the current DSM

 Breadth of coverage
 Thomas szasz
 Arbitrary cutoffs
 Cultural issues
 Gender biasis
 Non emperical influences
 Limitations on objectivity

Question3: Alternative directions in diagnosis and classification

 Categorical Approach
 Dimentional Approach
 Five factor models of personality
Chap No: 8

Question 4: Interviewer
1) General skills
 Quieting yourself
 Being self awareness
 Developing positive working relationships
2) Specific behaviors
 Eye contact
 Body language
 Vocal qualities
 Verbal tracking
 Refering to the client by the proper name

Question no 5: components of interview

1) Rapport
2) Technique
 Directive versus Nondirective styles
 Specific interview responses
 Open and closed ended questions
 Clarification
 Confrontation
 Parapharasing
 Reflection of feeling
 Summarizing
3) Conclusions

Question 6: Pragmatics of the interview

 Notes taking
 Audio vedio recordings
 The interview room
 Confidentiality
Question 7: Types of interviews
 Intake interview
 Diagnostic interviews
 Structured interview versus unstructured interviews (SCID, semistructured interviews)
 Mental state examination
 Crisis interview

Question 8: Stages of Psychotherapeutic relationship

1) Commitment
 Perception of the therapist
 Motivation
 Technical suitability
2) Process
 Search for patterns
 New information
 Consolidation
3) Change
 Relinquish
 Initiate
 Sustain
4) Termination
 Granting
 Permission
 Autonomy

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