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Comparative Analysis of Zingiber Officinalis Lotion in Different Ratio With Quality Control

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2023; 12(1): 230-234

E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234 Comparative analysis of Zingiber officinalis lotion
JPP 2023; 12(1): 230-234
Received: 18-10-2022 in different ratio with quality control
Accepted: 28-12-2022

Anubha Nanda Gogoi Anubha Nanda Gogoi, Dr. Monimala Pramanick, Dr. Suraj Singh
UG Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru Bhadoria and Dr. Poorav Desai
Homoeopathic Medical College
and Hospital, Parul University,
Gujarat, India Abstract
Background: To compare the Zingiber officinalis lotion prepared by Zingiber officinalis mother tincture
Dr. Monimala Pramanick in aqueous base at different drug and vehicle ratio under the quality assessment by various tools.
HOD and Assistant Professor, Methodology: In this process preparing the Lotion from prepared Zingiber officinalis- Q, which was
Department of Homoeopathic prepared as per Old Hahnemannian method of preparation of mother tincture. Samples were prepared by
Pharmacy, Jawaharlal Nehru measuring the quantity first, mixing, filling and finally labelling. Samples were divided into three groups;
Homoeopathic Medical College such as standard group, sample group and control group. All these samples were passed under the UV-
and Hospital, Parul University,
Visible spectrophotometer and FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy.
Gujarat, India
Conclusion: The Formulation of Zingiber officinalis lotion in (1:9) drug and vehicle ratio gives better
Dr. Suraj Singh Bhadoria results in analysis done by UV- visible spectrophotometer and FTIR (Fourier transform infrared
Assistant Professor, Department spectroscopy) as compare to other drug and vehicle ratio i.e. (1:1) and (1:5).
of Homoeopathic Pharmacy,
Jawaharlal Nehru Keywords: Zingiber officinalis, FTIR, lotion, UV
Homoeopathic Medical College
and Hospital, Parul University, Introduction
Gujarat, India
Applying body lotion is one of only a handful of exceptional economical ways that individuals
Dr. Poorav Desai can spoil themselves. Shower body cream seals dampness into the skin to forestall drying,
HOI and Dean, Jawaharlal while body care moisturizer mellow harsh elbows and heels, alongside other dry region of the
Nehru Homoeopathic Medical skin. A quality body skin lotion can make all the difference for textured, dried out skin that
College and Hospital, Parul feels harsh and looks ugly, and hand body moisturizer functions admirably on all fours,
University, Gujarat, India
however can be applied all around the body. As a huge number of clients will concur, body
lotion gives many advantages to individuals who make time to utilize it consistently.

Uses of lotion
Re-hydrate dried skin
Individuals who work in cruel environments frequently apply body cream consistently, maybe
even day to day. Skin that is dried or dried from wind, cold, or intensity can be difficult to treat
with standard beauty care products. Certain individuals have delicate skin. Regardless of
which kind of environment they live in, their skin can become dry and aggravated effectively,
here and there even from indoor intensity. Quality body cream, applied after each shower or
shower, can assist with fixing dampness somewhere down in the skin to keep it hydrated and
graceful. It may not be an ill-conceived notion to keep a packaged of your #1 scented body
salve close by for an after-shower application.

Recharge additional dry or harsh spots on the skin

Regardless of whether your typical skin type is sleek or typical, you could have unpleasant
regions on your body, as around the elbows or knees that could profit from skin cream
applications after a shower or at sleep time. With ordinary use, a recharging salve can ease
harsh skin and make it as smooth and luxurious as the remainder of your body.

Smooth calluses
In the event that you are on your feet a considerable amount, you might have grown harsh
calluses that are difficult and unattractive. A wet body salve can make these regions flexible
and assist you with eliminating the dead skin more straightforward than if you endeavoured it
Corresponding Author: without cream. In the event that your calluses seem stained, enlarged, or have red streaks
Anubha Nanda Gogoi running from them, check with your primary care physician as opposed to attempting to
UG Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru
Homoeopathic Medical College eliminate them yourself.
and Hospital, Parul University,
Gujarat, India
~ 230 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Feel and smell lovely Procedure

Individuals love the vibe of velvety lotion on their drained a. For preparation of Zingiber officinalis mother
appendages or middle. Partake in the loosening up vibe of tincture following steps should be taken; such as
moisturizer applied to your feet, legs, or arms. Specialty Old Hahnemannian method used
stores, retail chains, and gift shops convey various fragrances
of body salve to browse. There are as numerous cream types Class- III
as you have saturating needs, so exploit the abundance of Drug vehicle ratio- 1:2
fragrances and surfaces to track down one that suits your Drug Vehicle strength- 1/6
character and needs [1]. After preparation filtration done by filter paper of 125 mm in
Zingiber officinalis Linn
This plant is ordinarily known as humdinger (Family:
Zingeberaceae). The rhizome contains around 2-3% b. For Preparation of lotion following steps should be
rejuvenating oils, including the mono-and sesquiterpenes taken; such as
zingibers, zingiberol, and β-eudemol. Different constituents 1. Measurement
incorporate lipophilic impactful constituents, for example, 2. Mixing
gingerol and furthermore starch (half), adhesive, fats, sugar, 3. Filling
crude fiber (3-8%), minerals (approx. 5%), nutrients (niacin, 4. Labelling
vitamin A), proteins and amino acids, diterpenes,
gingesulfonic corrosive, and cinnamic corrosive (Blaschek et Measurement
al. 1998). Ginger is fundamentally utilized as a piece, in  Preparation of Zingiber officinalis Q
candy-coated structure as sweet shop and for making ginger Prepared As per old Hahnemannian method (1:2)
tea. The new rhizome is utilized in customary Chinese
medication for colds, migraine also, regurgitating (Chang and  Preparation of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:9)
in any case, 1986). In conventional Islamic medication, the As per Pharmacopoeia
new rhizome is utilized for heaving, hack, also, fart and the Prepared Zingiber officinalis Q (1 ml)
dried rhizome for stomach hurt, lumbago, the runs, and Distilled water 9ml
assimilation issues.
 Preparation of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:5)
Active ingredient of Zingiber officinalis Linn
Prepared Zingiber officinalis Q (2ml)
Various dynamic fixings are available in ginger including
terpenes and oleoresin which called ginger oil. Ginger Distilled water 10 ml
additionally comprises unpredictable oils roughly 1% to 3%
and non-unstable impactful parts oleoresin [5]. The major  Preparation of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:1)
recognized parts from terpene are sesquiterpene hydrocarbons Prepared Zingiber officinalis Q (5ml)
and phenolic intensifies which are gingerol and shogaol [6] Distilled water 5ml
and lipophilic rhizome extricates, yielded possibly dynamic
gingerols, which can be changed over completely to shogaols, Mixing
zingerone, and paradol [7]. After preparation mixing done by the glass rod.
The main embodiment of the present invention is prepared
and compare the Zingiber officinalis lotion prepared by Filling
Zingiber officinalis mother tincture (as per old Hahnemannian Sample should be filled in the hard glass bottles, which is
method of drug preparation) in aqueous base at different drug clean and sterile first.
and vehicle ratio. Thereafter, the quality assessment by
various tools i.e., UV- Visible Spectrophotometer, FTIR Labelling
(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy). Paste label on the body of hard glass bottle, which contains
Drug name, manufacturer date, Indications, quantity of drug
Materials and Methodology and vehicle, overall drug and vehicle ratio.
There are following steps given as
Formulation prepared by
1. Zingiber officinalis-Q Samples should be away from the heat, sunlight, dust, strong
2. Distilled water smelling bottles, kept in a cool and dark place.

Site of study Results

Centre of Research and Development of Parul University While sample passing under UV- visible spectrophotometer,
CR4D maximum absorption of Zingiber officinalis- Q is 0.988 at 457
nm, Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:9) is 0.995 at 387 nm and
Investigational tool Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:5) is 0.993 at 437.00 nm,
UV- Visible spectrophotometer (Double beam) Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:1) is 1.00 at 700 nm, ethanol is
FTIR (Fourier transform Infrared spectroscopy) 0.954 at 206 nm. On other hand, In FTIR the Maximum
transmission of Zingiber officinalis-Q at the wavelength of
Drug and Vehicle Ratio 3319.54 nm, Maximum transmission of Zingiber officinalis
Drug and vehicle ratio is (1:1) lotion (1:9) at the wavelength of 3416.78 nm, whereas the
Drug and vehicle ratio is (1:5) Maximum transmission of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:5) at
Drug and vehicle ratio is (1:9) the wavelength of 3275.65 nm, Maximum transmission of
Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:1) at the wavelength of 3365.51
nm, Maximum transmission of ethanol at the wavelength of
3326.19 nm.
~ 231 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

UV visible spectrophotometer





200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00

Fig 1: Absorbance of Zingiber officinalis-Q





200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00

Fig 2: Absorbance of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:9)





200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00

Fig 3: Absorbance of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:5)





200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00

Fig 4: Absorbance of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:1)

~ 232 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry





200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00

Fig 5: Ethanol (Control)





238.05 300.00 400.00 497.07

Fig 6: Compare absorbance of Zingiber officinalis-Q, Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:9), Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:5), Zingiber officinalis lotion
(1:1), Ethanol

FTIR Analysis (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy)

Fig 7: Maximum Transmission of Zingiber officinalis-Q

Fig 8: Maximum Transmission of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:9)

~ 233 ~
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Fig 9: Maximum Transmission of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:5)

Fig 10: Maximum Transmission of Zingiber officinalis lotion (1:1)

Fig 11: Maximum Transmission of ethanol

Conclusion 3. Chang HM, But PPH. Pharmacology and applications of

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