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Questions 2022

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As the world steadily makes headway

in the battle against the pandemic,
DLSU faculty researchers contribute
their own breakthroughs and new insights
on health, safety, and sustainability.

Through collaboration with global experts
and local communities, they continue to seek
alternative solutions for the improvement
of the quality of life in the country and the
preservation of the planet.

QUESTIONS is a publication of De La Salle University featuring research projects

and creative endeavors by its faculty.

QUESTIONS supports De La Salle University’s vision-mission to be “a leading learner-centered

and research university, attuned to a sustainable Earth, bridging faith and scholarship in the service
of society, especially the poor and marginalized.”

Biotechnology Marketing Research

How can we further understand cancer? What can event organizers learn from virtual
academic conferences?

P10 P30

Tissue Engineering Education for All

How can a damaged kidney be saved? How can schools be inclusive learning spaces?

P14 P34

Marine Conservation Traffic Monitoring

Can Citizen Science save our coral reefs? Can this traffic system fast-track our country’s progress?

P18 P38

Sustainable Cities Language Technologies

What can help sustain the construction industry? Can we keep pace with our evolving languages?


Fair Labor
Is all fair in the gig economy?
How can we further
understand cancer?
Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide,
and its incidence has steadily increased over the years,
causing enormous human and economic cost and putting
immense strain on our society’s healthcare system. In the
Philippines, based on the most recent Globocan data, there
were approximately 154,000 new cancer cases and 93,000
cancer-related deaths in 2020.

6 7
expertise and experience that will be
A novel approach to the development obtained from this project could be
of new treatment protocols extended to gain meaningful mechanistic
insights on other diseases.

Numerous significant breakthroughs in cancer management have been developed over the years “These are all promising opportunities
that have vastly improved patient survival. However, cancer cell resistance to common therapeutics that could place the research team, and
as well as relapse continue to pose challenges, which is why intensive research worldwide is focused the Philippines in general, in a very good
on understanding novel processes critical in cancer that could lead to the development of new position to make significant contributions
treatment protocols. in this rapidly developing field of study
that is undoubtedly still in its infancy,”
shares Espiritu.
The upcoming study of Dr. Rafael Espiritu of the
Department of Chemistry seeks to contribute new Once done, the project will pave the way
knowledge in cancer research, particularly in the for a more robust applicability of regulated
investigation of three processes, namely necroptosis, necrosis in clinical colorectal cancer samples
ferroptosis, and pyroptosis, using metabolomics and in the country. This will also serve as a basis
transcriptomics in the context of colorectal cancer. for or to complement wider population
studies in the future and identify biomarkers
The project, titled “Investigating regulated necrotic that could be developed for general use.
cell death in colorectal cancer using a multi-omics
approach,” has an approved P15.2-million grant Moreover, a potential clinical utility is on its
from the Department of Science and Technology’s possible use in cancer precision/personalized
Philippine Council for Health Research and medicine, e.g. clinicians could request omics
Development and will run for three years starting analysis to get insights on patient treatment
January 2023. response in the context of these novel
pathways and make reasonable prognosis.
Together with Espiritu in this project are Dr. Rodolfo
Sumayao, also from the Department of Chemistry,
Dr. Anna Karen Laserna from the Central APPLYING THE APPROACH
Instrumentation Facility of DLSU’s Laguna Campus, TO OTHER DISEASES
and Dr. Anish Shrestha of the Software Technology
With the future in sight, the researchers envision
Helping the team with the study are Dr. Ma. Luisa that the project’s data will be the basis for
Enriquez from the Department of Biology and undertaking a larger multi-omics study of colorectal
St. Luke’s Medical Center Research & Biotechnology cancer tissue samples from the country’s biobanks.
unit, who will ensure appropriate choice and This could result in the identification of Filipino-
qualityof biobank samples and provide advice/ specific colorectal cancer signature and putative
assistance in handling and processing of the tissue biomarker/s within the framework of exploiting
samples; Dr. Rubi Li from the Human Cancer Biobank these pathways for chemotherapeutic purposes.
of St. Luke’s Medical Center, who will assess clinical
features that can be associated with a particular “We are also looking at extending the multi-omics
metabolomic and transcriptomic profile; and the experimental approach and bioinformatics pipeline
former postdoctoral laboratory of Espiritu, now that will be developed in this work to other suitable
at the University of Cologne, Germany, which will cancer cell line/s and their corresponding clinical
provide the necessary cell lines. samples, particularly breast cancer,” Espiritu explains.

“In addition, there is also a big potential to apply

NOT YET ADEQUATELY EXPLORED this approach to other pathological conditions
or diseases where these pathways could have a role,
as with neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular
The proposed study is a novel approach to investigating regulated necrosis in cancer—an area diseases, and viral and bacterial infections.”
that has not yet been adequately explored, especially in the country. By using multi-omics techniques,
the project seeks to identify previously unknown molecular actors in the context of regulated necrosis
that can be exploited as novel anti-cancer targets.

In addition, considering the possible role/s of these cell death pathways in other diseases, the scientific Contact: Rafael Espiritu |

8 9
How can a damaged
kidney be saved?
The concept of tissue engineering has been steadily gaining
ground over the past 30 years, but in the Philippines, it seems
unfamiliar to many and is still in its infancy. Tissue engineering
involves a multidisciplinary exploration towards health recovery,
with researchers seeking ways to repair or regenerate tissues,
or substitute damaged organs.

10 11
A multi-faceted approach to addressing kidney shortage
At De La Salle University, a faculty team at the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Laboratory
(BiMaTEL) is spearheading research in this field. With initial support from the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) - Discovery-AppliedResearch and Extension for Trans/Interdisciplinary Opportunities
(DARE TO) Research Grant, the group was able to embark on a multifaceted approach to address
the pressing issue of kidney shortage in the country.

Overview of the patented protocol

for kidney bioengineering.

Kidney bioengineering protocol developed by the team.

BiMaTEL also explores other additive
manufacturing technologies such as 3D
bioprinting (left) and electrospinning
to develop potential tissue replacements.
“We envision robust research and development trade. With our research, we hope we can
on bioengineered kidneys to help improve help our people, especially the vulnerable ones
the lives of thousands of Filipinos suffering who are prey to organ trafficking,” he adds. A MULTITUDE OF APPLICATIONS application of their work in renal therapy.
from kidney-related diseases,” BiMaTEL head Dugos shares that BiMaTEL also aims to
and Department of Chemical Engineering Early this year, the group celebrated their develop biomaterials intended for the repair
(ChE) Full Professor Dr. Nathaniel Dugos says. first patent: a whole kidney bioengineering Together with his team, Dugos expresses hope and reconstruction of other tissues such as
A report from the American Journal of Kidney approach titled, ”Method and system of that the system they invented (“one of the skin, blood vessels, heart, and lungs. “Through
Diseases notes the prevalence of the problem organ decellularization using ultrasonic bath.” most noteworthy outputs of BiMaTEL because our work, we hope to establish a positive
in the Philippines: over the past decade, dialysis It allows the quick generation of whole kidney through this, we have shown that we are capable recognition, trust, and support from the public
increased by an estimated 400%; chronic ECM (extracellular matrix) scaffolds from an of producing world-class research”) would towards tissue engineering. That is something
kidney disease is now the 10th leading cause animal organ such as porcine kidney, thereby jumpstart further research patents. that we can work and excel on.”
of mortality in the country. minimizing chemical usage and retaining its
structural integrity. Aside from focusing on transplantation, they are
He points out that while dialysis and kidney looking at the development and characterization
transplantation are recognized as the best The setup, which utilizes the synergy of of biomaterials that can be used in various ABOUT THE TEAM

available treatments for kidney failure, getting chemical perfusion and sonication to improve applications such as 3D bioprinting, 3D cell culture,
The team behind the BiMaTEL patent
such remains a major challenge. “Dialysis the decellularization of whole kidneys for easier and a drug delivery system. These biomaterials will is composed of Prof. Nathaniel Dugos
cannot replace the homeostatic and endocrine removal, is a breakthrough in their ongoing be designed depending on the type of treatment (lead inventor) and co-inventors Say
functions of the kidney while for transplantation, efforts to develop potential kidney replacements. for a particular patient. Sreypich (Chemical Engineering or ChE),
Dr. Custer Deocaris (Biology), Dr. Susan
patients must tolerate the immunosuppressive Dugos reveals that BiMaTEL was able to generate Roces (ChE), Dr. Lawrence Belo (ChE),
medications for life to prevent organ rejection.” “an acellular kidney tissue with preserved ECM In partnership with the National Kidney and Dr. Cynthia Madrazo (ChE), Joseph Rey
components only within two hours”—quite short Transplant Institute (NKTI), they are moving Sta. Agueda (Manufacturing Engineering
and Management), Tosha Mae Manalastas
“Another major problem is the shortage of compared to the long processing period that goes towards clinical trials and ultimately, the actual
(ChE), and John Martin Mondragon
compatible donor organs, which has spawned on from days to weeks under existing protocols. (Biology).
desperate measures such as the illegal kidney

Contact: Nathaniel Dugos |

12 13
Can Citizen Science
save our coral reefs?
To the unfamiliar, “Citizen Science” may sound like
a superhero in an animated movie. It is actually a technical
concept in research referring to the practice of involving
the public (non-scientists) in data gathering as part
of a collaborative project with professional scientists.

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Coastal community engagement in coral reef monitoring
One of the scientists interviewed by Warne was Licuanan.
Citizen Science is part of the latest efforts of the marine scientists at the DLSU Br. Alfred Shields FSC But while the latter agrees that the effects of climate
Ocean Research Center in their fight to save the country’s coral reefs. Led by their director, University change to oceans and coral reefs are inevitable, he thinks
Fellow Dr. Wilfredo Licuanan, and working around pandemic restrictions, the team used the best that they can be slowed down. He believes that efficient
of their WFH tools, such as meeting apps, social media, and digital manuals, to equip locals in coastal reef cover monitoring will enable scientists to focus and
communities with data gathering skills critical to coral reef monitoring. intervene where and when needed.

In his recent article in ASEANFocus “Citizen Science

CORAL COVERS UNDER THREAT few decades, soon may happen every year, for Monitoring Coral Reefs,” Licuanan argues that current
as the concentration of atmospheric carbon efforts by the scientific community in reef monitoring
The Philippines, along with Australia and dioxide continues to increase. What rising may not be enough: “Traditionally, status reports from
Indonesia, makes up the Coral Triangle, which sea temperatures don’t kill, acidification scientists are limited to information about changes in the
waters possess the concentration of the world’s will. Reefs will reach a tipping point where health of coral reefs only after such changes have occurred.
coral reefs. Communities naturally developed the carbonate coral structure starts to dissolve Management requires real-time information on the state
near these bountiful waters and have remained faster than it can be formed. When that happens, of reefs, which could only be derived from detailed
dependent on marine life supported by the they will begin to disintegrate. The most diverse monitoring of the same reefs over time.”
coral reefs. Apart from food and livelihood, ecosystem in the ocean—a planetary feature
communities also benefit from coral reefs for 240 million years—will start to disappear.” He believes that Citizen Science can provide the multiplier
as self-regenerating breakwaters, providing effect needed to maximize the impact of the reef monitoring
protection from storm surges, tsunamis, and work of a small number of marine scientists.
sea-level rise.

Over the years, human activities and climate ALWAN METHODS

change have taken a destructive toll on coral
reefs. Coral covers, the area occupied by live
Using Zoom, YouTube, and a taught online, in compliance For Licuanan, the primary
coral reefs, remain under threat from rising
set of video training materials, with pandemic restrictions. goal of Citizen Science may
sea temperatures, illegal fishing practices,
his team embarked on a series Trainees are taught what be the efficient and timely
overfishing, and pollution in coastal waters.
of online training sessions to to look for when monitoring data gathering in aid of reef
The Philippines and Indonesia are among the
teach coastal residents how coral reefs; how to spot monitoring efforts. In the
top sources of plastic pollutants in the area.
to gather information for a indications of decline or training sessions, however,
more time-sensitive approach improvement. For example, marine scientists would also
The most palpable effects on humans have
to marine conservation. observing the presence touch on the significance
been devastating. Sharp declines in fish
of Butterflyfish is a good of the community aspect
populations and marine biodiversity shut down
The training sessions, delivered indicator of coral reef health, involved. It is not lost on them
livelihoods, while frequent storm surges cost
in the vernacular, refer to Alwan while the increased presence that Citizen Science can have
lives and property. These effects demonstrate
(Filipino for “to comfort”) of a kind of starfish can mean a more impactful and lasting
how even the world’s richest resource can
Methods for an outline of the a decline. Alwan Methods also effect beyond the research
be finite and its destruction catastrophic to
basic approaches to data provide more rote technical skills it imparts. It involves
human life.
gathering. With these, marine training such as how to mark stakeholders in a way that they
scientists and their trainees are areas that were surveyed are able to understand their
In a recent article by National Geographic
expected to deliver “critically and how to properly logged roles in the delicate ecosystem
journalist Kennedy Warne, scientists projected
required actionable information” of gathered data. of coral reefs and can be part
that by 2050 more than 90 percent of the Coral
for the alleviation of endangered of a lasting solution.
Triangle’s reefs will be critically threatened by
corals. The training sessions also cover
climate impacts.
the medicinal applications of
Data gathering requires sea resources, such as venom
They predict that “mass bleaching events, a
actual diving in seas, although from cone snails used in treating
phenomenon that signals critical endangerment
the surveying techniques are epilepsy.
of coral reefs, which used to happen once every

Contact: Wilfredo Licuanan |

16 17
What can help sustain
the construction industry?
In early 2022, a team from De La Salle University’s Geopolymers & Advanced
Materials Engineering Research for Sustainability (GAMERS Lab) was granted
a patent by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines. Their project,
which focuses on a method for chemically treating plant cellulose fibers, marks
a milestone in their continuing efforts to develop geopolymers.

18 19
REUSING, RECYCLING, it to the next stage of commercialization.
Eco-friendly substitute to conventional cement AND UPCYCLING MATERIALS
As they stress the importance of sustainability,
their objective is to make their geopolymer
Compositionally inorganic and considered stable materials, geopolymers are an eco-friendly and cost- product more popular and more acceptable
GMATriCS Product Development Lead Ithan than the ordinary Portland cement that is
effective substitute to conventional cement. Various studies have shown that these have approximately Dollente underscores the importance of pushing
80% lower greenhouse gas emissions than that of ordinary cement. currently dominating the market. Their complex
for the development of geopolymer technology work involves designing and testing to ensure
as he notes how greenhouse gas emissions the product’s desirability, feasibility, and viability
For the GAMERS Lab, geopolymers offer contribute to global warming and climate in the local construction industry.
a sustainable solution to the challenge change. Citing TheWorldCounts, an international
of building the local construction industry. project created to raise awareness on important For Prof. Promentilla, the GAMERS Lab is a
Their first patent helps set on solid ground global challenges, he shares that “as of 2022, haven for innovative ideas, an enabling green
their vision of tapping natural and abundant we need 1.8 planet Earths to provide resources technology for social enterprise. With more
materials that can be used for construction; and absorb the waste that we are producing.” patent applications in the pipeline, they are
for the country, it contributes to the bigger The report further notes that the environmental working their way to addressing the gap in the
pursuit of creating sustainable cities and footprint, or the measure of human demand on development of a circular economy, particularly
communities. the Earth’s ecosystem, shows that humanity has in the building and construction industry as well
used up a third of nature’s resources. as other allied sectors such as coal-fired power
Lead inventor and Department of Chemical and mining. By creating products that will not
Engineering Full Professor Dr. Michael “Our overuse of resources means that we are further burden the planet, they pay their share
Angelo Promentilla, who is also the prime borrowing from future generations,” he says. to climate change action and bring hope for
mover behind the GAMERS Lab, shares For the GMATriCS project team, a crucial the future generation.
that the team’s current project is called response to this global challenge is to pursue
GMATriCS (Geopolymer and Alkali-Activated research and projects that underscore a circular
Material Technology as Eco-innovative economy framework.
Composite ProductS). The study on potential
commercial translation of a previous research “This is the core of the GMATriCS project.
project funded by the Philippine Council for Rather than the traditional linear economy
Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology where building materials are made with a
Research and Development (PCIEERD) of product line mindset, we aim to shift the process
the Department of Science and Technology to a circle production framework by reusing,
(DOST), GMATriCS aims to develop a recycling, and upcycling materials to the furthest
marketable product based on geopolymer extent possible,” Dollente explains.
technology. It also seeks to identify the
appropriate market segments for their Funded by DOST-PCIEERD, the GMATriCs project
prototype and assess its growth potential. envisions a system that is both restorative and
regenerative to the Earth. The team’s work entails
The team previously worked on materials tapping locally available waste as raw materials
like coal fly ash, mine waste, and biomass and processing these to create eco-friendly
ash—all abundant and locally available. composite boards.
Under the DLSU Innovation Grant that
they received in 2019, they designed and The team acknowledges that the commercial
developed a geopolymer-based composite adoption of geopolymer technology is still
board, which is being tested for both indoor low. With a market that is just beginning to be
and outdoor applications, such as insulated environmentally aware, its acceptance remains
walls, external and internal walls, and short-term. To gain ground in the construction
insulation for ceilings, floors, and doors. industry, the DLSU researchers look at producing
niche products as their commercial entry

Noting how the market warms up to new

technology by seeing and interacting with niche
products, they have started collaborations with
both local and international partners to take

Contact: Michael Angelo Promentilla |

20 21
Is all fair in the gig
In recent years, the world has seen the rise of new forms
of doing and getting work with the emergence of digital
labor platforms where service transactions are facilitated
via platforms or apps. However, numerous studies have
documented that platform workers are at risk because
of a lack of employment laws that would protect them
from unfair labor practices such as receiving basic decent
work protections and benefits.

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The human costs of technologically-organized work
As part of a global effort in better understanding the conditions of digital platform workers, a group
of researchers led by Dr. Cheryll Ruth Soriano, Vice Chair of the Department of Communication of the
College of Liberal Arts, looked into the working conditions of Filipino workers in the country’s growing
gig economy. The study includes gig work platforms catering to local demand for food, transportation,
and general service delivery such as Grab, FoodPanda, and Lalamove that are hiring Filipino workers
at an increasing pace, especially with the work displacements during the pandemic.

Soriano emphasizes that “as the Philippines moves towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution, hailing
‘digital opportunities’ as pathways to national development, entrepreneurship, and employment,
it is crucial that we safeguard important protections for these workers. Without fully assessing the
conditions of gig work against minimum standards of decent work, we may be creating many jobs
for Filipinos but under conditions that are unjust and inhumane.”


Results highlights according to Fairwork’s 5 pillars of fair There is a need for the platforms to institute effective
work standards communication mechanisms for workers to advance appeals
The project is funded and conducted in This unclear labor category makes gig workers or concerns as well as publicly articulate non-discrimination
partnership with the Fairwork global network, unable to receive basic decent work protections FAIR PAY policies.
In the gig economy, workers shoulder the core costs
which developed the fair work principles and benefits as well as collectively bargain of labor from onboarding, to the vehicle and mobile device, FAIR REPRESENTATION
in consultation with the International Labor for better working conditions. to internet connectivity, to gasoline, and maintenance costs. In the Philippine gig economy, there is still much that
The research project reports one concerning insight that many could be done to improve conditions in terms of organization
Organization, workers associations, and gig workers are unable to earn even the basic local minimum and recognition of collective bodies that can for example
research institutions. Soriano shares that their initial findings show wage after factoring the costs that they shoulder facilitate worker concerns or negotiate for more decent work
that while the Philippine gig economy continues to perform work-related tasks. standards.

Guided by Fairwork’s five pillars of fair work to grow and attract workers whose livelihoods FAIR CONDITIONS
standards for the gig economy (Fair Pay, Fair depend on platforms, the absence of clear In the nine platforms examined, some protect workers
from risks that arise on their jobs but many others can
Conditions, Fair Contracts, Fair Management, regulatory standards for the gig economy in do better in providing protection mechanisms. The research Brokering Labor in the Platform Economy, the Fairwork
and Fair Representation), the research project the country translates to less than fair working notes the good practice of the inclusion of safety training Philippines project joins a global network which has
examined in a comparative perspective the conditions for many of them. She notes that and emergency buttons embedded in the app, provision of released fair work scores for South Africa, India, Indonesia,
accident insurance, some form of COVID-19 response, and and Germany, among others. These reports as well as the
working conditions of nine platforms operating the provision of social support and safeguards protection from app miscalculations, scams and fake bookings, research methodology can be viewed at
in the Philippines that included ride hailing is not yet a standard embedded in how gig work and other forms of support to mitigate task specific risks.
However, platforms operating in the Philippines do not provide Collaborations and Partnerships
(car and motorcycle taxi), food and service operates, resulting in unequal conditions. sick pay which is an important safety net to safeguard workers University of Oxford / Fairwork Global Network
delivery, and logistics. in cases of inability to work due to illness or an accident.
Beyond understanding the current situation, Principal Investigator:
FAIR CONTACTS Prof. Cheryll Ruth Soriano - De La Salle University
In a span of one year, the study assessed whether the Fairwork Philippines research also aims There is a need for many platforms operating in the Department of Communication
platforms operating in the Philippines facilitated to exert pressure upon platforms to enact Philippines to improve in exhibiting a basic level of fairness
in their contracts. Some have clear and accessible terms Partner Investigators:
fairer labor arrangements for workers along with pro-worker policy changes, and offers pathways and conditions, while others have difficult-to-understand Prof. Virgel C. Binghay - University of the Philippines
the global and local conditions and labor regimes or effective regulation. Their endeavor will also contracts that were also not communicated well to workers. School of Labor and Industrial Relations
that give rise to them and that surround their move towards creating better awareness towards Some work agreements also allow platforms to implement Dr. Pamela Custodio - University of the Philippines Los Baños
changes that were not necessarily announced clearly
future viability. the human costs of technologically-organized to workers within a reasonable timeframe but can have Research Associates:
work so that this can instigate public commitment implications to pay or working conditions. Many platforms Margreta Medina - De La Salle University
also carried unfair terms that excluded liability on the Chana Garcia - De La Salle University
The gig economy functions on an on-demand and demand for fairer work in the gig economy part of the platform. (from August 2021-April 2022)
service arrangement and categorizes workers not as well provide crucial information to workers
as employees but as partners, service contractors, to help them formulate their demands.
freelancers, or as mere users of platform apps.

Contact: Cheryll Ruth Soriano |

24 25
What can event organizers
learn from virtual academic
With or without another pandemic, the local academic community is showing signs
that the shift to online mode for major events, such as virtual academic conferences
(VACs), will be the norm post COVID-19.

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Sustaining interest in virtual academic events
For DLSU Department of Marketing and Advertising Associate Professor and Philippine Academy
of Management President Dr. Reynaldo Bautista, Jr., this shift serves as an interesting topic for the
marketing sector and event organizers, as it raises a lot of opportunities if managed with a strong
sense of engagement and a vision of sustainability.

By partnering with other credible

organizations, aligning the coverage
of topics with the interest of their target
audience, and creating a seamless and
professional delivery of the program,
organizers of virtual academic events
offer an educational and entertaining
experience to participants, Bautista
said. For event organizers, the study
is a boost to their efforts to encourage
members of the academic community
to sustain knowledge generation as they
meet in virtual setups and undertake
collaborative projects.

Bautista recently embarked on a study that aims to find out the factors that influence individuals
to sign up for VACs as well as the key elements that give them satisfaction and encouragement to
participate in future VACs, if these would be staged by the same organizers.

In his research, he surveyed respondents who where it was noted that end-of-conference
have attended at least one VAC to determine peak experiences show the strongest influence
In his study, Bautista concluded that the
the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors on loyalty, positive excitement levels at the
reputation of the organization has a significant
that influence potential participants, as well as beginning of a conference lead to satisfaction,
positive relationship to satisfaction. In terms of
their satisfaction level. He also looked into the and peak of experience determines the highest
quality of lecture, the study also confirmed that
organizers’ reputation as a factor, with previous level of positive excitement.
the applicability, appropriateness, and content
studies noting that a good reputation played
have a direct effect on attendee satisfaction.
a key role in maintaining healthy relationships Bautista likewise looked into the quality of
This satisfaction positively influences both the
and connections with attendees (Jung and experience in an academic setting, which another
intent to attend another VAC by the organizer
Seock, 2016) and that there exists a reciprocal study had viewed as similar to that in a business
and the creation of positive word of mouth.
link between customer satisfaction and loyalty. conference. The positive feedback regarding
the VAC hinges upon the realism feature of
His work was a further exploration of a new the environment, the course design, and how
alternative platform for the invaluable exchange engaging the activities are (Bulu, 2012). Positive
of knowledge and information among scholars word of mouth (Sidavas and Jindal, 2017)
regarding developments in their respective areas and the consumers ranking the brand (Kotler
of discipline. It also made reference to recent and Keller, 2016) also influence the inclination
studies, such as by Godovykh and Hahm (2020), of the target audience.

Contact: Reynaldo Bautista, Jr. |

28 29
How can schools
be inclusive
learning spaces?
Linguistic heterogeneity is a central issue in the Philippine
educational setting. This may be a reflection of the cultural
diversity with the country’s more than 110 Indigenous
groups, with more than 170 languages being spoken as first
languages. However, only two of these–English and Filipino
–are officially recognized.

30 31
backgrounds and needs will have an equal chance
Training for Science teachers to succeed and thrive in an increasingly diverse
society,” states Roleda.
In 2009, the country changed its language policy which obliged schools to use regional languages
as languages of instruction. However, this is true only for the first three years of primary school, She adds that they will explore various approaches
after which the education will be conducted in English and Filipino. Moreover, only 19 languages to enhance teaching science with technological
were selected as languages of instruction. integration. The research project utilizes computers,
VR, iPads, and educational apps to stir students’ interest
in science and keep them active and engaged in science
lessons and activities regardless of their perspectives,
cultures, and backgrounds. “The use of technologies
provides many opportunities for teachers and students
to learn science concepts and make new discoveries
in an inclusive classroom environment.”

The current research benefits basic education science

teachers in the development of their pedagogical
practices in their courses. They will be guided and
informed by various concepts on teaching methodology
in science, cultural diversity, and the use of language
as it is integrated with the subject content.

This implies that most students still learn science Her team is composed of faculty with different As Lasallian educators, the team also integrates
in a foreign language, mostly in English. Learning areas of specialization: fellow DSE faculty the Principles of Lasallian education as it centers
science content and a foreign language at the Dr. Minie Rose Lapinid, Dr. Abdul Jhariel Osman on the learner and considers the uniqueness
same time is very difficult because the scientific of the Department of Educational Leadership of the individual in the teaching and learning process.
language in science class is a challenge on its own and Management, Dr. Rochelle Irene Lucas of the Since the project highlights the importance of inclusive
since it is very different from everyday language. Department of English and Applied Linguistics, education by recognizing diversity in the classroom,
and Vice President for Lasallian Mission Fritzie the training will develop awareness and deeper
In addition, many teachers are not proficient in Ian De Vera. understanding among teachers teaching any subject.
English, and there is a lack of adequate teaching
materials. This linguistic heterogeneity and the “We conduct teacher training through The capacity building has two phases. The first phase
underlying cultural diversity constitute major webinars/workshops and lectures on inclusivity involves the training of the Brother Andrew Gonzalez
challenges for science teaching in the Philippines. in the science classroom by employing innovative FSC College of Education (BAG CED) graduate students
teaching approaches such as Content and who are science teachers. In the second phase, the
Educating Science Teachers for All (ESTA) offers Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), proponents will train teachers (not limited to science)
to address this issue. ESTA is an Erasmus+ project and the use of technology,” says Roleda who from affiliated institutions such as schools from De La
that aims to improve the level of competencies also coordinates activities between DLSU and Salle Philippines and the Operation Big Brother Program
in HEIs in partner countries by professionalization other partner institutions in the consortium. of BAG CED.
and development of university science teacher
educators regarding diversity in science classes Training materials and modules on teaching At the end of the project, the proponents hope to
(focus on language and culture). science, cultural diversity CLIL are made available effectively train teachers to develop culturally responsive
to science and math teachers. The project also teaching strategies, lessons, and learning materials that
ESTA is an international cooperation of eight provides learning equipment gadgets such as will allow students to learn science and empathize with
universities, namely the Ludwigsburg University tablets and virtual reality (VR) tools and science people from different backgrounds. “It is the goal of
of Education in Germany, University of Limerick activity kits to enrich the learning experience the researchers for teachers to be advocates of inclusive
in Ireland, Ilia State University and Telavi State of their students as lessons are integrated with education thus initiating an inclusive environment in the
University in Georgia; University of Sarajevo and technology. classroom,” ends Roleda.
University of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
and De La Salle University (DLSU) and Philippine The researchers are cognizant of the importance
Normal University. of diversity and technology in teaching science.
“Through this project, we would like to investigate
At DLSU, the ESTA project is led by Department ways to create a classroom that promotes
of Science Education Professor Dr. Lydia Roleda. and values diversity so students with different

Contact: Lydia Roleda |

32 33
Can this traffic system
fast-track our country’s
As the country’s mass transportation sector continues to struggle to keep
pace with the demands of the growing business districts in major cities,
De La Salle University faculty researchers have noted an interesting facet
of the pandemic life: even as labor contracted, money poured into service
deliveries and new vehicles, resulting in an all-time high of almost 5 million
vehicles registered by the end of 2021.

34 35
Smart traffic monitoring solution OF MOBILITY
The data provides a general picture of what the government and private institutions need to manage
In 2019, the team participated in the DOST
in terms of traffic and infrastructure as well as clean air. Yet even prior the pandemic, these faculty
Filipinnovation Entrepreneurship Corps (FEC)
researchers from DLSU’s College of Computer Studies saw the country’s need to address it, and thus
and in 2022, officially launched their product
began to collaborate under the University’s Center for Automation Research of the Advanced Research
TITAN Technology.
Institute for Informatics, Computing, and Networking (AdRIC).
During the launch, they highlighted the As project leader, Ilao completed the Leaders
advantages of camera sensors compared in Innovation Fellowship of the UK Royal Academy
to manual (human) monitoring, in-pavement of Engineering in 2021. The team is currently
sensors, and sensors-installed in vehicles. in the process of establishing a spinoff company
These advantages include ease-of-installation, through a grant from the DOST Funding Assistance
affordability, and performance in terms for Spin-off and Translation of Research in
of coverage and accuracy. Advancing Commercialization (FASTRAC).

They also pointed out that the software system “There’s so much potential in artificial intelligence,
performs well with relatively cheap computing which we can use to further improve the system
hardware and a conveniently accessible and bring the product to LGUs, communities,
intuitive web interface—an affordable solution and businesses. Our concept of mobility hopes
to monitoring and managing traffic. to address not just the need for efficient movement
of people and goods but also the need for
environmental and safety policies,” Ilao says.

For their flagship project, the its target users, mainly the local vehicle flow for addressing
group embarked on creating government units as well problems presented by the The TITAN project has ongoing pilot testing
with various institutions such as:
a top-performing, smart as petroleum and real estate camera perspective. They also
application traffic monitoring companies. introduced the capability of 1. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority 
solution. Their work, which estimating speeds of vehicles 2. Makati Central Estate Association
3. The Makati Parking Authority
they called the TITAN Project, For this complex challenge, using only video feeds from 4. Clean Air Asia
received support from the the researchers looked at regular traffic surveillance 5. Bayan ng Angono Rizal
Department of Science and all possible factors in making cameras. Additionally, they 6. Department of Transportation
7. Eastern Petroleum and J&M Properties 
Technology Philippine Council the system capable of tracking, created a roadside air quality 8. Mobile Integrated Survey (MOBILIS) Research, Inc. 
for Industry, Energy and classifying, and counting estimation system as well as 9. Enrique K. Razon Jr. Logistic Institute
Emerging Technology Research vehicles, profiling speeds, a web-based counter, which
and Development (DOST- and estimating air pollution compared to a human encoder
PCIEERD). level based on vehicular counts. reveals a positive correlation. The TITAN project team is composed of College
of Computer Studies members Neil Patrick Del Gallego
and AdRIC head Dr. Joel Ilao; Executive Dean of the
Dr. Joel Ilao, AdRIC head and They set off a series of research Ilao further says that the TITAN
Dr. Andrew L. Tan Data Science Institute Dr. Macario Cordel
Computer Technology associate that included the development system can identify concentrations II; Decision Sciences and Innovation Department’s Salie
professor, shares that the of multiple-object tracking of vehicular and human activity Ann Siao; Czeritonnie Gail Ya-On (Software Developer),
TITAN product goes beyond algorithms that can identify, over long periods of time. It can Jonathan Paul Cempron (System Administrator), Jackylyn
Beredo (Software Developer), Maria Lourdes De Jesus
the capacity of typical camera for instance, vehicle colors and also process videos of various (Business Analyst); Jeffrey Go (Software Developer);
surveillance networks, as it can occlusion or blockage in vision. traffic road scenes under different Iona Marie Mercadejas (Secretary); and Paulo Luis Lozano
provide valuable insights for They studied multi-directional weather conditions. of the Office of DLSU Innovation and Technology.

Contact: Joel Ilao |

36 37
Can we keep pace with
our evolving languages?
Language is constantly evolving. In the online realm, new words emerge
while old words take on new meanings. For a team of DLSU researchers,
capturing this phenomenon is an important endeavor for Philippine
society to better understand itself and to create a more inclusive digital
media environment.

38 39
of a temporal multiplex word co-occurrence network. In this network, connections are drawn
Making language technologies more accessible between words that appear together in the same sentence. This structure enables the computer
to form smaller clusters of words with related usages and distinguish the correct meaning based
“We currently lack the means to detect new and changing word meanings, especially for our local on these word communities.
languages. Like trends that emerge and then fade on social media, how we use words can change
quickly. Old words like “himlay” or “awit” can gain new meanings, most of which are not captured “Think of a concept map, multiplied by several layers. Each layer represents a different source (e.g.
by language resources like dictionaries, much less technologies like translation tools,” says Dr. Briane books, news sites) or platform (e.g. Twitter, YouTube), so that we can see differences in word usage
Paul Samson, Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Software Technology at DLSU’s and may even pick out instances where a meaning first became popular in one platform. ... It lets us
College of Computer Studies (CCS). see how local languages continue to undergo development in relation to everyday interactions and
socio-historical events,” Samson explains.

Excitingly, the team’s algorithms also allow for automatically detecting any kind of semantic
Samson, together with CCS Associate Dean applications like translation tools or automated relationship. Moving beyond synonyms and antonyms, they have identified derivations like “inom”
Dr. Charibeth Cheng and Assistant Professor chatbots. and “inumin” and classifications or hyponymy, such as “aso” as a type of “hayop” and “biyernes”
Unisse Chua, leads the project, “Diachronic and “lunes” both being days in a week.
representation and linguistic study of Filipino
word senses across social and digital media BUILDING RESOURCES The new meanings are then added to the FilWordNet, alongside sample sentences, contextual
contexts” or FilWordNet for short. Conducted FOR PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES information about the source and how usage trends have evolved over time. Samson and the team’s
under DLSU’s Center for Complexity and project is now in its second year of implementation. The outputs—COHFIE, FilWordNet, and the
Emerging Technologies (COMET) and Center Nearly 80 million Filipino and Philippine English temporal network—will continue to be updated, with the possible inclusion of other Philippine
for Language Technologies (CELT), the project texts have been collected from various online languages in the future.
has received funding from the Department of sources, including Twitter, Reddit, news sites,
Science and Technology’s Collaborative Research wikis, online books, and even songs and video
and Development to Leverage Philippine transcripts. All these texts have provided over
Economy (CRADLE) program and is being done 930 million non-unique word tokens and more
in partnership with Philippine-based artificial than 5 million unique ones, which now fill
intelligence (AI) company Senti Techlabs, Inc. up the project’s first major output, the Corpus
of Historical Filipino and Philippine English
The team is currently developing an automated (COHFIE).
pipeline for detecting changing word senses
online, including being able to distinguish the The team then analyzed these texts through
usage of words with multiple meanings. an innovative combination of NLP and network
science methods. For the NLP side, they
For example, the Filipino word “basa” can refer generated sense embeddings or numerical SUPPORTING SOCIETY’S DIGITAL elections. It can likewise be used for sentiment
to reading or being wet. However, automated representations of a word, with more closely analysis, which involves gauging how users feel
TRANSFORMATION about different topics.
translation software might not be able to interpret related meanings bearing similar values. Based
a sentence correctly without understanding the on these embeddings, the language models The team highlights how their project ties in
rest of the text and deriving context clues. can tag words with their part-of-speech and “Our work is more foundational in focus. A lot
with the United Nations Sustainable Development of downstream applications can arise from our
use contextual information to discover synsets, Goal on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure,
“These nuances may seem small, but they are which are groups of essentially synonymous work, and we hope that we can help make local
with its vision to empower various industries as language technologies more accessible and more
actually important for developing language words. they undergo digital transformation.
technologies,” shares Samson. He says that representative of the rich culture and diversity
current resources for Philippine languages often Now on the project’s second year of of our nation,” Samson concludes.
They cite, for instance, how it can improve the
lack contextual information and are too static implementation, the team has discovered industrial applications of NLP like chatbots that
to keep up with the rapid evolution of language several synsets that were not present in the can be used for sales, marketing and customer The project team is composed of project leader
use online. original FilWordNet. For example, they found service, or even for telemedicine, by serving as Dr. Briane Paul V. Samson; co-proponents Dr. Charibeth
slang terms like “mare” and “mars”, and the a mental health support or virtual companion.
Cheng and Unisse Chua; data engineers Daryll Tumambing
and Dennis Diego; research assistants Sharmaine Gaw
To address this, the team is working on language models also newly recognized (IV, CS-ST), Christine Deticio (IV, CS-ST), Robi Jeanne
expanding the FilWordNet and transforming “katotohanan” and “realidad” as synonyms. Another potential application is social listening, Banogon (IV, CS-ST), Danielle Kirsten Sison (IV, CS-ST),
the lexical database into a context-aware and This also includes adding new words to old which includes identifying sudden flares of
Dan John Velasco (IV, CS-ST), Bryce Anthony Ramirez
(IV, CS-ST), Trisha Gail Pelagio (IV, CS-ST), and Axel Alba
continuously updated digital lexicon using a synsets, like introducing “okasyon” to a group social media activity that can provide valuable (IV, CS-ST); Science communication specialist Erinne
combination of Natural Language Processing that originally contained only “pagdiriwang” information on events such as disasters or Ong; and project assistant Maribeth Orolfo.
(NLP) and network science methods. In the and “selebrasyon”.
field of AI, language models are built to
understand spoken or written linguistic data, Meanwhile, the network science approach ties
serving as the backbone of many familiar into another major output, the construction
Contact: Briane Paul Samson |

40 41
DLSU researchers among the Top 100 Scientists in the Philippines

Top Performance in Research

Tan Chiu Bernardo Prudente Aviso Ragasa+ Barrion Culaba

The country’s leading higher education institution

Promentilla Soriano Reyes Dadios Madulid Tiongo de Castro Licuanan in research from 2019 to 2022
De La Salle University faculty members are among the Top Prof. Allan BI Bernardo, No. 9. Other DLSU faculty on the
100 researchers in the country, according to the 2022 AD list are Prof. Maricar Prudente, Prof. Kathleen Aviso, Prof.
Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index). The Index Consolacion Ragasa+, Dr. Alberto Barrion, Prof. Alvin Culaba,
ranks institutions based on the scientific performance and Prof. Michael Promentilla, Dr. Allan Soriano, Prof. Jose Alberto
the productivity of individual scientists. Reyes, Prof. Elmer Dadios, Dr. Domingo Madulid, Prof. Marites
Tiongo, Prof. Renato de Castro, and Prof. Wilfredo Licuanan.
Three University Fellows are ranked in the Top 10 Philippine
researchers: NAST Academician and DLSU Vice Chancellor For more information on the ranking, visit:
for Research and Innovation Prof. Raymond Tan, No. 5;
Prof. Anthony SF Chiu, No. 8; and NAST Academician

Faculty members win in 2022 NAST Awards

Beltran Tapia Ebajo Alipio Baldovino Bongo Orbecido

Piocos Vilog Shi Yiu Ricafrente Unite

DLSU faculty members once again Engineering. For the same category, One of these is “Community of Care Amid
took the spotlight at the 2022 National special citations were received by Pandemic Inequality: The Case of Filipino
Academy of Science and Technology Dr. Renann Baldovino of the Department Migrant Domestic Workers in the UK,
(NAST) Awards for their outstanding of Manufacturing Engineering and Italy, and Hong Kong” (Asia-Pacific Social
research and significant contributions Management and Dr. Miriam Bongo Science Review, 21(2), 184-201), authored
to their respective fields. of the Department of Industrial and by Dr. Ron Vilog of the Department of
Systems Engineering. International Studies and Dr. Carlos Piocos
From the Department of Chemical III of the Department of Literature.
Engineering, two received The Outstanding Meanwhile, Prof. Aileen Orbecido
Young Scientist (OYS) Awards, which are of the Department of Chemical The other winning paper is “Women on *Production of Scopus papers by leading universities in the Philippines as of June 2022
given to young Filipino scientists below Engineering bagged a special citation Boards of Philippine Publicly Traded Firms:
the age of 40 years: Dr. Arnel Beltran in for the NAST Environmental Science Does Gender Diversity Affect Corporate
the field of Environmental Engineering Award, which recognizes outstanding Risk-Taking Behavior?” (Asia-Pacific Social
and Dr. John Frederick Tapia in the field scientific and technological research Science Review, 21(2), 11-30), authored by
of Chemical Engineering. work that contributes to environmental the School of Economics’ Aileen Shi, Michelle
protection and conservation. Kris Ong Yiu, Angelo Louie Ricafrente, and
In the National Talent Search for Young Prof. Angelo Unite, and Prof. Michael Sullivan
Scientists, the top prize went to Dr. Virgilio Two research outputs were cited as of University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Ebajo, academic service faculty of the Outstanding Scientific Papers, which
Central Instrumentation Facility at DLSU are given annually for papers published The NAST is the highest recognition and
Laguna Campus, while the 2nd place was in Thomson Reuters or SCOPUS listed scientific advisory body of the Philippines
handed to Dr. Melchizedek Alipio of the journals in the Philippines within five under the Department of Science and
Department of Electronics and Computer years preceding the award. Technology.

42 43
Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education School of Economics QUESTIONS is published by

Dr. Lawrence Dacuycuy
the Strategic Communications Office
of De La Salle University
Lasallian Institute for Development and Educational Angelo King Institute (AKI)
Research (LIDER) Tina:
2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 0922, Philippines
Liz: Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 287; 8524-5333 Issue #10 • July 2022
Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 435
DLSU Dr. Andrew L. Tan Data Science Institute For feedback, comments, or inquiries:
College of Computer Studies Email:
Dr. Macario Cordel II
Dr. Joel Ilao
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Advanced Research Institute for Informatics, De La Salle Food and Water Institute Johannes Leo Badillo
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South East Asian Research Center and Hub Yuchengco Center
Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 461 Dr. Milton B. Amayun
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Jieza Tabian:
Dr. Wilfredo Y. Licuanan Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 165; 8526-1253
Alfred Shields FSC Ocean Research (SHORE)
Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 426 Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation

Dr. Dvina Amalin Dr. Raymond Tan
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Darilyn: External Grants Management Office
Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 404
Ms. Ma. Inores C. Palmes
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Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 164; (632) 8523-4266
Dr. Alvin B. Culaba Research and Grants Management Office
Center for Engineering and Sustainable Development
Research (CESDR) Dr. Feorillo A. Demeterio III
Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 275 Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 164 or loc. 257; (632) 8523-4266

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Research and Development (CBRD)
Tel: (632) 8524-4611 loc. 149
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